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Lenzing partners with Red Points to fight counterfeits

  • Collaboration with Red Points addresses consumers’ increasing expectations on transparency and highlights Lenzing’s commitment to trademark protection
  • Protects interest of Lenzing customer and partners who are making real efforts to enhance the transparency of their value chains
  • Builds upon Lenzing’s overall brand protection efforts that verify the authenticity of fibers up to the end products

Lenzing Group, a global producer of wood-based specialty fibers, has announced a partnership with Red Points, a company in online IP infringement detection and removal, to strengthen Lenzing’s existing brand protection efforts globally and enable round-the-clock brand monitoring services. As Lenzing’s textile brands TENCEL™, LENZING™, ECOVERO™, as well as nonwovens brand VEOCEL™ continue to generate widespread demand from industry partners and customers worldwide, it is becoming increasingly important to protect the company’s trademarks and provide full visibility into the brands’ presence online.

  • Collaboration with Red Points addresses consumers’ increasing expectations on transparency and highlights Lenzing’s commitment to trademark protection
  • Protects interest of Lenzing customer and partners who are making real efforts to enhance the transparency of their value chains
  • Builds upon Lenzing’s overall brand protection efforts that verify the authenticity of fibers up to the end products

Lenzing Group, a global producer of wood-based specialty fibers, has announced a partnership with Red Points, a company in online IP infringement detection and removal, to strengthen Lenzing’s existing brand protection efforts globally and enable round-the-clock brand monitoring services. As Lenzing’s textile brands TENCEL™, LENZING™, ECOVERO™, as well as nonwovens brand VEOCEL™ continue to generate widespread demand from industry partners and customers worldwide, it is becoming increasingly important to protect the company’s trademarks and provide full visibility into the brands’ presence online.

Protecting the interest of Lenzing’s partners and consumers
Red Points provides the ideal technology solution to help Lenzing monitor and remove unauthorized use of its trademarks and counterfeits online. The technology works by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automatically detect intellectual property infringements of Lenzing’ trademarks with high accuracy and efficiency.

Brand protection is just one of Lenzing’s ongoing proactive measures aimed at enhancing transparency in the supply chain and protecting the interest of Lenzing’s partners by ensuring they are purchasing genuine Lenzing fibers which meet their high standards.

In 2018, Lenzing launched the Lenzing E-Branding Service which allows Lenzing’s customers, retailers and brand partners to effectively use trademarks in their marketing materials. The platform has been welcomed by partners globally as it continues to deliver value to the fashion, textile and nonwoven sectors by facilitating the traceability of Lenzing’s fibers and enabling customers to promote them effectively.


Lenzing AG


Lenzing AG revises its dividend policy

Minimum dividend of EUR 4.50 per share as of the 2023 financial year

Having concluded its strategy update, the Managing Board of Lenzing AG decided to revise its dividend policy today. This demonstrates Lenzing’s confidence in its ambitious growth plans and its ability to consistently providing attractive dividends to shareholders.

As of the 2023 financial year (with payment scheduled for 2024), Lenzing plans to pay an annual dividend of at least EUR 4.50 per share (adjusted for inflation for the years thereafter). The revised dividend policy is subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board.

The payment of the dividend in any year will be subject to the specific dividend proposals of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board. These proposals may deviate from the new dividend policy if appropriate under the then prevailing circumstances and will be subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting.

Minimum dividend of EUR 4.50 per share as of the 2023 financial year

Having concluded its strategy update, the Managing Board of Lenzing AG decided to revise its dividend policy today. This demonstrates Lenzing’s confidence in its ambitious growth plans and its ability to consistently providing attractive dividends to shareholders.

As of the 2023 financial year (with payment scheduled for 2024), Lenzing plans to pay an annual dividend of at least EUR 4.50 per share (adjusted for inflation for the years thereafter). The revised dividend policy is subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board.

The payment of the dividend in any year will be subject to the specific dividend proposals of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board. These proposals may deviate from the new dividend policy if appropriate under the then prevailing circumstances and will be subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting.

More information:
dividend Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG


Lenzing partners with TfS to build global sustainable supply chains

  • Lenzing continues to focus on partnering for systemic change

  • Clear commitment to improving the environmental footprint of textile and nonwoven industries

  • Global initiative TfS promotes sustainable design of global supply chains

The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers for the global textile and nonwoven industries, has joined the chemical industry’s sustainable supply chain initiative, Together for Sustainability (TfS). Together with Lenzing, numerous internationally active chemical companies have joined the initiative. Their common goal is to make the global supply chains of the chemical industry sustainable.

  • Lenzing continues to focus on partnering for systemic change

  • Clear commitment to improving the environmental footprint of textile and nonwoven industries

  • Global initiative TfS promotes sustainable design of global supply chains

The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers for the global textile and nonwoven industries, has joined the chemical industry’s sustainable supply chain initiative, Together for Sustainability (TfS). Together with Lenzing, numerous internationally active chemical companies have joined the initiative. Their common goal is to make the global supply chains of the chemical industry sustainable.

“Joining the TfS initiative is another clear commitment to improving the environmental footprint of the global textile and nonwoven industries and proves that sustainability is taken very seriously at Lenzing – so much so that sustainability is at the heart of our business strategy. So much so, it sits at the core of the Group’s business strategy. The industry needs innovation in order to transition from linear to circular ways of working, and Lenzing will continue to partner across the supply chain to bring this vision to life,” says Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer Fiber at Lenzing.

Partnering for systemic change
Complex global sustainability challenges require a collaborative approach to developing systemic solutions, involving many stakeholder groups. In order to make the global textile and nonwovens industries more sustainable and bring about systemic change, Lenzing has therefore also been building on partnerships within its sustainability strategy “Naturally Positive” for many years.

“I am very proud to welcome Lenzing to the TfS family, bringing the TfS membership to 37 companies. Together and with our strategic partners we continue to expand our reach and increase our impact on the sustainability performance in chemical supply chains. Given the regulatory landscape, climate challenges and market conditions, the need for sustainable businesses only intensifies. TfS is the crucial enabler to make supply chains and businesses at large more sustainable and contribute to developing a better world”, says TfS President Bertrand Conquéret.

The global TfS initiative follows the principles of the UN Global Compact and Responsible Care.



Lenzing AG


Lenzing rides out significant cost pressure to report solid first quarter

Lenzing – In the first quarter of 2022, the Lenzing Group, like the entire manufacturing industry, was significantly affected by the extreme developments in global energy and commodity markets. A predominantly positive market environment and the strategic focus on specialty fibers such as those of the TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ brands nevertheless ensured a solid revenue and earnings trend, with the effect of higher costs being largely offset.

•    Solid revenue and earnings performance despite extremely tight cost situation
•    Personnel changes on the Managing and Supervisory Boards – Stephan Sielaff appointed as the new CEO
•    Successful production start at world’s largest lyocell plant in Thailand
•    World’s largest pulp mill of its kind successfully started-up in Brazil
•    Premium textile brand TENCEL™ celebrates 30 years of sustainable fiber innovation

The Lenzing Interim Report 01-03/2022 is available on the company website.

Lenzing – In the first quarter of 2022, the Lenzing Group, like the entire manufacturing industry, was significantly affected by the extreme developments in global energy and commodity markets. A predominantly positive market environment and the strategic focus on specialty fibers such as those of the TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ brands nevertheless ensured a solid revenue and earnings trend, with the effect of higher costs being largely offset.

•    Solid revenue and earnings performance despite extremely tight cost situation
•    Personnel changes on the Managing and Supervisory Boards – Stephan Sielaff appointed as the new CEO
•    Successful production start at world’s largest lyocell plant in Thailand
•    World’s largest pulp mill of its kind successfully started-up in Brazil
•    Premium textile brand TENCEL™ celebrates 30 years of sustainable fiber innovation

The Lenzing Interim Report 01-03/2022 is available on the company website.


Lenzing AG


ÖGUT-Umweltpreis: Lenzing als Champion der Kreislaufwirtschaft ausgezeichnet

Die Lenzing Gruppe, führender Anbieter von holzbasierten Spezialfasern, ist am 31. März, mit dem ÖGUT-Umweltpreis 2022 in der Kategorie „World without Waste“ ausgezeichnet worden. Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik (ÖGUT) würdigte insbesondere den Beitrag der Unternehmensgruppe für den Wandel der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie von einem linearen zu einem Modell der Kreislaufwirtschaft.

Die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie zählt mit jährlich 40 Millionen Tonnen Abfall zu den Branchen mit der höchsten Umweltbelastung und braucht daher dringend Veränderung. Lenzing hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, diesen Wandel voranzutreiben, und begrüßt deshalb auch die europäische Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategie, die darauf abzielt, den Ressourcenverbrauch zu verringern, Umweltverschmutzung und Abfälle zu vermeiden, die Wertschöpfung und Ressourceneffizienz zu erhöhen sowie negative soziale Auswirkungen auf die Menschen abzufedern.

Die Lenzing Gruppe, führender Anbieter von holzbasierten Spezialfasern, ist am 31. März, mit dem ÖGUT-Umweltpreis 2022 in der Kategorie „World without Waste“ ausgezeichnet worden. Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik (ÖGUT) würdigte insbesondere den Beitrag der Unternehmensgruppe für den Wandel der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie von einem linearen zu einem Modell der Kreislaufwirtschaft.

Die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie zählt mit jährlich 40 Millionen Tonnen Abfall zu den Branchen mit der höchsten Umweltbelastung und braucht daher dringend Veränderung. Lenzing hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, diesen Wandel voranzutreiben, und begrüßt deshalb auch die europäische Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategie, die darauf abzielt, den Ressourcenverbrauch zu verringern, Umweltverschmutzung und Abfälle zu vermeiden, die Wertschöpfung und Ressourceneffizienz zu erhöhen sowie negative soziale Auswirkungen auf die Menschen abzufedern.

„Effektives Textilrecycling ist eines der komplexesten Kernthemen der Textilwirtschaft in den nächsten Jahren. Durch Bündelung von Know-how und Zusammenarbeit sehen wir von Lenzing eine zielgerichtete Realisierung von Lösungsmöglichkeiten. Daher freuen wir uns sehr über diese Anerkennung“, sagt Sonja Zak, Head of Circularity Initiative der Lenzing Gruppe.

Die Lenzing Gruppe präsentierte im Rahmen ihrer Einreichung ihr auf nachhaltige Innovationen ausgerichtetes Geschäftsmodell der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Exemplarisch dafür stehen die Einführung der ersten kommerziellen Cellulosefaser mit Recyclinganteil nach der REFIBRA™ Technologie und die zukunftsweisende Kooperation mit Södra.

From Linear to Circular
Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem schwedischen Zellstoffproduzenten Södra ist ein weiterer Meilenstein im Bestreben der Lenzing, deren ambitionierte Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitsziele umzusetzen. Beide Unternehmen, die sich seit vielen Jahren proaktiv für die Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Modebranche einsetzen, bündeln ihre Kräfte, um dem Thema einen weiteren Schub zu geben und einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Lösung des globalen Textilabfallproblems zu leisten. Auch eine Erweiterung der Kapazitäten für die Zellstoffgewinnung aus Alttextilien ist vorgesehen. Ziel ist es, bis 2025 in der Lage zu sein, 25.000 Tonnen Alttextilien pro Jahr zu recyceln.

Der ÖGUT-Umweltpreis wurde 2022 in insgesamt sechs Kategorien vergeben. Ausgezeichnet wurden dabei technologische und soziale Innovationen, die den Energie- und Ressourcenverbrauch senken und zur sozialen Nachhaltigkeit beitragen. „Wichtig für die Entscheidung der Jury war, dass die Lenzing AG auf bestehende Prozesstechnologien aufbaut und dabei gleichzeitig innovativ und skalierbar ist. Da die Lenzing AG bereits am Markt etabliert ist, ist auch eine große Sichtbarkeit des Themas gegeben“, so die Jurybegründung. Die ÖGUT ist eine unabhängige Non-Profit-Organisation, die sich seit mehr als 30 Jahren für eine nachhaltige Ausrichtung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft einsetzt.

More information:
Lenzing Gruppe ÖGUT Umweltpreis

Lenzing AG


Suominen launches BIOLACE® Zero, its first carbon neutral nonwoven

Suominen launches a carbon neutral nonwoven, BIOLACE® Zero. BIOLACE® Zero is an excellent product for many kinds of wiping applications like baby, personal care, and household wipes. It has excellent wet and dry strength and it’s very soft. It is made of 100% cellulosic lyocell fibers and the product is 100% biodegradable, compostable and plastic free.

BIOLACE® Zero utilizes VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers from Suominen´s long-term partner Lenzing. BIOLACE® Zero is made of 100% carbon neutral VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers.

“We are very excited to introduce BIOLACE® Zero, which is not just Suominen´s first carbon neutral product, but also one of the first carbon neutral nonwovens on the market. BIOLACE® Zero will be available as part of Suominen's sustainable product portfolio”, says Marika Mäkilä, Senior Manager, Category Management, Europe.

Suominen launches a carbon neutral nonwoven, BIOLACE® Zero. BIOLACE® Zero is an excellent product for many kinds of wiping applications like baby, personal care, and household wipes. It has excellent wet and dry strength and it’s very soft. It is made of 100% cellulosic lyocell fibers and the product is 100% biodegradable, compostable and plastic free.

BIOLACE® Zero utilizes VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers from Suominen´s long-term partner Lenzing. BIOLACE® Zero is made of 100% carbon neutral VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers.

“We are very excited to introduce BIOLACE® Zero, which is not just Suominen´s first carbon neutral product, but also one of the first carbon neutral nonwovens on the market. BIOLACE® Zero will be available as part of Suominen's sustainable product portfolio”, says Marika Mäkilä, Senior Manager, Category Management, Europe.

Suominen’s BIOLACE® Zero and Lenzing’s VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers are certified as carbon neutral products by globally recognized company, ClimatePartner. Carbon neutrality means that the greenhouse gas emissions of nonwoven have been calculated – from the raw material production to the client’s production facility – reduced and are offset through certified carbon offset projects.

Suominen is a pioneer in sustainable nonwovens and we have a wide range of sustainable nonwoven products for different applications. Suominen’s R&D team has excellent know-how on sustainable fibers and we are also continuously collaborating with innovative partners to develop new and innovative solutions with a reduced environmental impact into our product portfolio.

“With this new carbon neutral product BIOLACE® Zero we are able to support our customers in their greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Innovating new products in collaboration with partners such as Lenzing by using carbon neutral VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers is well aligned with our strategy and vision to be the frontrunner in sustainable nonwovens”, says Noora Rantanen, Manager, Sustainability & Marketing.




Suominen launches its first carbon neutral nonwoven

Suominen launches a carbon neutral nonwoven, BIOLACE® Zero. BIOLACE® Zero is suitable for many kinds of wiping applications like baby, personal care, and household wipes. It has wet and dry strength and it’s very soft. It is made of 100% cellulosic lyocell fibers and the product is 100% biodegradable, compostable and plastic free.

BIOLACE® Zero utilizes VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers from Suominen´s long-term partner Lenzing. BIOLACE® Zero is made of 100% carbon neutral VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers.

“We are very excited to introduce BIOLACE® Zero, which is not just Suominen´s first carbon neutral product, but also one of the first carbon neutral nonwovens on the market. BIOLACE® Zero will be available as part of Suominen's sustainable product portfolio”, says Marika Mäkilä, Senior Manager, Category Management, Europe.

Suominen launches a carbon neutral nonwoven, BIOLACE® Zero. BIOLACE® Zero is suitable for many kinds of wiping applications like baby, personal care, and household wipes. It has wet and dry strength and it’s very soft. It is made of 100% cellulosic lyocell fibers and the product is 100% biodegradable, compostable and plastic free.

BIOLACE® Zero utilizes VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers from Suominen´s long-term partner Lenzing. BIOLACE® Zero is made of 100% carbon neutral VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers.

“We are very excited to introduce BIOLACE® Zero, which is not just Suominen´s first carbon neutral product, but also one of the first carbon neutral nonwovens on the market. BIOLACE® Zero will be available as part of Suominen's sustainable product portfolio”, says Marika Mäkilä, Senior Manager, Category Management, Europe.

Suominen’s BIOLACE® Zero and Lenzing’s VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers are certified as carbon neutral products by globally recognized company, ClimatePartner. Carbon neutrality means that the greenhouse gas emissions of nonwoven have been calculated – from the raw material production to the client’s production facility – reduced and are offset through certified carbon offset projects.

“With this new carbon neutral product BIOLACE® Zero we are able to support our customers in their greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Innovating new products in collaboration with partners such as Lenzing by using carbon neutral VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers is well aligned with our strategy and vision to be the frontrunner in sustainable nonwovens”, says Noora Rantanen, Manager, Sustainability & Marketing.

More information:
Suominen nonwovens Lenzing Group


Stephan Sielaff Photo: Lenzing. Stephan Sielaff appointed as new CEO of Lenzing AG

Stephan Sielaff appointed as new CEO of Lenzing AG

  • Stephan Sielaff replaces interim CEO Cord Prinzhorn

  • CFO Thomas Obendrauf will not extend his contract

  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board Peter Edelmann will no longer be available as Chairman at the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

  • Cord Prinzhorn returns to Supervisory Board and will take over as Chairman

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG has appointed Stephan Sielaff, the former CTO/COO of Lenzing AG, as the new CEO effective April 01, 2022. He succeeds Cord Prinzhorn, who took over as interim CEO in the fourth quarter of 2021. Cord Prinzhorn will return to the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG. The Managing Board will thus be reduced again from five to four members.

  • Stephan Sielaff replaces interim CEO Cord Prinzhorn

  • CFO Thomas Obendrauf will not extend his contract

  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board Peter Edelmann will no longer be available as Chairman at the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

  • Cord Prinzhorn returns to Supervisory Board and will take over as Chairman

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG has appointed Stephan Sielaff, the former CTO/COO of Lenzing AG, as the new CEO effective April 01, 2022. He succeeds Cord Prinzhorn, who took over as interim CEO in the fourth quarter of 2021. Cord Prinzhorn will return to the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG. The Managing Board will thus be reduced again from five to four members.

Stephan Sielaff holds a degree in chemical engineering and held various management positions at Unilever and Symrise from 1993 to 2014. Between 2014 and 2020, he was responsible for the strategic development of the company as a Member of the Board of Directors (COO) at the Swiss specialty chemicals company Archroma – an important supplier of the textile and paper industry. He was appointed Chief Technology Officer and COO of Lenzing AG as of March 01, 2020.

CFO Thomas Obendrauf has informed the Supervisory Board that he will not be available for a further extension of his contract, which expires in June 2022. The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG is already working on a timely replacement. Mr. Obendrauf will be available to the company in an advisory capacity until a successor is appointed.

Peter Edelmann will leave the Supervisory Board upon his own request, effective April 26, 2022. Cord Prinzhorn will return to the Supervisory Board and will take over as Chairman.

INDA Announces Six New Board Members and Officers (c) INDA
INDA New BOD Members 2022

INDA Announces Six New Board Members and Officers

  • INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, today announced six new board members and its 2022 slate of officers to guide the success of the nonwovens industry and its members.

Elected by the INDA membership to three-year terms that began on March 1, the new board members bring a high level of diverse expertise and insight to the management of the association as it moves forward with its vibrant growth.

“I am delighted to welcome such a strong group of new board members who bring deep industry knowledge and insights to provide strategic stewardship for our association,” said Dave Rousse, INDA President. “We look forward to working with them to advance INDA’s new value proposition to enhance our industry’s leadership position and deliver greater value to our members.”

The new board members are from global leaders Lenzing Group, Bast Fibre Technologies, Reifenhauser Reicofil, Rockline Industries, Hollingsworth & Vose Company and Principle Business Enterprises.  

  • INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, today announced six new board members and its 2022 slate of officers to guide the success of the nonwovens industry and its members.

Elected by the INDA membership to three-year terms that began on March 1, the new board members bring a high level of diverse expertise and insight to the management of the association as it moves forward with its vibrant growth.

“I am delighted to welcome such a strong group of new board members who bring deep industry knowledge and insights to provide strategic stewardship for our association,” said Dave Rousse, INDA President. “We look forward to working with them to advance INDA’s new value proposition to enhance our industry’s leadership position and deliver greater value to our members.”

The new board members are from global leaders Lenzing Group, Bast Fibre Technologies, Reifenhauser Reicofil, Rockline Industries, Hollingsworth & Vose Company and Principle Business Enterprises.  

INDA also announced Bryan Haynes, Ph.D., R&E Technical Director Kimberly-Clark, has been named Chairman of the Board. Barbara Lawless, Vice President Sales and Marketing, Medical Products, Precision Fabrics Group, Inc. has been elected Vice Chair of Finance, and Richard Altice, President and CEO of NatureWorks, has been appointed to INDA’s Executive Committee.

The new board members are:

  • Jürgen Eizinger, Senior Commercial Director, Nonwovens Business EU/AM/MEA, Lenzing Group

Eizinger has nearly 20 years of fiber industry experience. He has been with the Lenzing Group since 2001 and most recently was Vice President of the Global Nonwoven Business. He has worked at multiple locations around the world and held various commercial, engineering and technical customer services roles.

  • Jim Posa, President and General Manager, Bast Fibre Technologies, Inc.

Posa has 30-plus years of nonwovens experience and has successfully led businesses from startups to some of the largest companies in the nonwovens market. He has developed and implemented strategic business, development, operational and acquisition growth plans. His teams have worked with businesses focused on most of the major end use markets such as hygiene, wipes, filtration, medical and industrial. As a senior executive, Posa has led global businesses at Fiberweb, BP/Amoco, CEO of a Nisseki/Amoco joint venture (ANCI), Lydall, and Nitto America. A long-time INDA supporter, he has previously served on committees and as a Board member.

  • Markus Mueller – Sales Director and Board Member, Reifenhauser Reicofil

Mueller brings to the INDA Board 35 years of experience with Reifenhauser in the nonwovens and film industries. His experience has included roles as PLC Engineer, Commissioning Engineer, Project Manager and Sales Manager. Mueller has extensive knowledge of the global hygiene and medical nonwovens markets. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Cologne.

  • Matt Koele, Director of Global Materials Development, Rockline Industries

Koele is based at Rockline’s headquarters in Sheboygan, WI.  Before joining Rockline in 2012, he has held several business and Research and Development (R&D) leadership positions at SC Johnson and Kimberly-Clark Corporation. An inventor with over 10 patents, Koele is a magna cum laude graduate of Michigan Technological University in Chemical Engineering.

  • Mike Clark, President, Filtration Solutions, Hollingsworth & Vose Company

Clark joined H&V in 2003 and has held numerous leadership positions in the U.S. and Germany. He previously served as the President of the High Efficiency and Specialty Filtration Division from 2009 to 2020.  Before joining H&V, Clark was a strategy consultant for eight years working with Fortune 100 manufacturing companies. He holds a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

  • Andrew Stocking, Ph.D., President and CEO, Principle Business Enterprises, Inc. (PBE)

Stocking joined PBE in 2017 after a career in engineering, technology, nonprofits and government. He was named President and COO in 2018, then President and CEO in 2020, becoming the third-generation leader of the family-owned organization. He previously held roles in the private sector and within federal government offices, including the Department of Energy and Congressional Budget Office. He earned a BS in Chemical Engineering and an MS in Civil Engineering from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Resource Economics from the University of Maryland.

The 21-member board is comprised of elected Board Officers. One-third of the entire Board is elected each year for a three-year term by a majority vote of INDA’s general membership. INDA’s Executive Committee, empowered to act on behalf of the Board between meetings, consists of the Board Officers plus four appointees.


INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


Lenzing opens lyocell plant in Thailand

  • Project delivered on schedule and at budget after two and a half years of construction despite challenges arising from a global pandemic
  • New state-of-the-art lyocell plant with a capacity of 100,000 tons will help serve the growing demand for sustainably produced fibers
  • Important milestone towards a carbon-free future has been set

The Lenzing Group is pleased to announce the completion of its key lyocell expansion project in Thailand. The new plant, one of the largest of its kind in the world with a nameplate capacity of 100,000 tons per year, started production on schedule and will help to even better meet the increasing customer demand for TENCEL™ branded lyocell fibers. For Lenzing, the project also represents an important step towards strengthening its leadership position in the specialty fiber market and into a carbon-free future.

  • Project delivered on schedule and at budget after two and a half years of construction despite challenges arising from a global pandemic
  • New state-of-the-art lyocell plant with a capacity of 100,000 tons will help serve the growing demand for sustainably produced fibers
  • Important milestone towards a carbon-free future has been set

The Lenzing Group is pleased to announce the completion of its key lyocell expansion project in Thailand. The new plant, one of the largest of its kind in the world with a nameplate capacity of 100,000 tons per year, started production on schedule and will help to even better meet the increasing customer demand for TENCEL™ branded lyocell fibers. For Lenzing, the project also represents an important step towards strengthening its leadership position in the specialty fiber market and into a carbon-free future.

The construction of the plant located at Industrial Park 304 in Prachinburi, around 150 kilometers northeast of Bangkok, started in the second half of 2019 and proceeded largely according to plan, despite the challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The recruiting and onboarding of new employees has been successful. Investments (CAPEX) amounted to approx. EUR 400 mn.

“The demand for our wood-based, biodegradable specialty fibers under the TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ brands is growing very well. In Asia in particular, we see huge growth potential for our brands based on sustainable innovation. With the production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand, Lenzing reached an important milestone in its growth journey, supporting our ambitious goal to make the textile and nonwoven industries more sustainable”, said Robert van de Kerkhof, Member of the Managing Board.

In 2019, Lenzing made a strategic commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions per ton of product by 50 percent by 2030. The target is to be climate-neutral by 2050. Due to the established infrastructure, the site in Thailand can be supplied with sustainable biogenic energy and contribute significantly to climate protection.

Together with the key project in Brazil and the substantial investments at the existing sites in Asia, Lenzing is currently implementing the largest investment program in its corporate history (with more than approx. EUR 1.5 bn). Lenzing will continue to drive the execution of its strategic projects, which are to make a significant contri-bution to earnings from 2022.


Lenzing AG


Lenzing’s new prize for research projects on ethical and sustainable fashion

The Lenzing Group will present the Young Scientist Award for outstanding research in the field of fibers and textiles for the first time in 2022. The Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress (GFC Dornbirn) is an ideal platform for the recently launched research competition. Bachelor’s and master’s degree students will have the opportunity to submit their scientific work in the categories of fashion and the circular economy, textile recycling and the innovative use of biobased fibers to a jury of well-known industry experts.

The jury consists of Karla Magruder (Founder of Acceleration Circularity), Friedericke von Wedel-Parlow (Beneficial Design Institute Berlin) and Dieter Eichinger (Head of Standardization and Innovation, Secretary-General of BISFA). The winning project will receive a prize of EUR 5,000. The aim is to promote the students’ work and create a platform for networking with the textile and fiber industry.

The Lenzing Group will present the Young Scientist Award for outstanding research in the field of fibers and textiles for the first time in 2022. The Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress (GFC Dornbirn) is an ideal platform for the recently launched research competition. Bachelor’s and master’s degree students will have the opportunity to submit their scientific work in the categories of fashion and the circular economy, textile recycling and the innovative use of biobased fibers to a jury of well-known industry experts.

The jury consists of Karla Magruder (Founder of Acceleration Circularity), Friedericke von Wedel-Parlow (Beneficial Design Institute Berlin) and Dieter Eichinger (Head of Standardization and Innovation, Secretary-General of BISFA). The winning project will receive a prize of EUR 5,000. The aim is to promote the students’ work and create a platform for networking with the textile and fiber industry.

The Austrian Fibers Institute is the organizer of the 61st Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress on a not-for-profit basis. The event, due to take place from September 14 to 16, 2022, will offer an ideal setting for the presentation of the Young Scientist Award prize.

You can read more about the Young Scientist Award and the submission in the attached document.


Lenzing recognized as one of the most sustainable companies worldwide

The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers, has been recognized for leadership in corporate sustainability by global environmental non-profit organization CDP, securing a place on its prestigious “A List” for tackling climate change as well as acting to protect water security and forests. Lenzing is one of 14 companies worldwide that were recognized with an outstanding triple “A” for environmental leadership in climate change, water security and forests. Through significant demonstrable action on climate, water security risks and deforestation, Lenzing is leading on corporate environmental ambition, action and transparency worldwide.

The world’s economy looks to CDP as the gold standard of environmental reporting with the richest and most comprehensive dataset on corporate and city action. In 2021, over 590 investors with over USD 110 trillion in assets and 200 major purchasers with USD 5.5 trillion in procurement spend requested companies to disclose data on environmental impacts, risks and opportunities through CDP’s platform. 13,000 companies responded.

The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers, has been recognized for leadership in corporate sustainability by global environmental non-profit organization CDP, securing a place on its prestigious “A List” for tackling climate change as well as acting to protect water security and forests. Lenzing is one of 14 companies worldwide that were recognized with an outstanding triple “A” for environmental leadership in climate change, water security and forests. Through significant demonstrable action on climate, water security risks and deforestation, Lenzing is leading on corporate environmental ambition, action and transparency worldwide.

The world’s economy looks to CDP as the gold standard of environmental reporting with the richest and most comprehensive dataset on corporate and city action. In 2021, over 590 investors with over USD 110 trillion in assets and 200 major purchasers with USD 5.5 trillion in procurement spend requested companies to disclose data on environmental impacts, risks and opportunities through CDP’s platform. 13,000 companies responded.


Lenzing AG


Lenzing Managing Board proposes dividend of EUR 4.35

The Managing Board of Lenzing AG, a leading manufacturer of specialty fibers made from the renewable raw material wood, has resolved to propose to the Annual General Meeting a dividend of EUR 4.35 for the 2021 financial year. This dividend proposal reflects the suspended dividends from 2019 and 2020.

The total dividend payout to shareholders will amount to about EUR 115,492,500, subject to the acceptance of the proposal by the Supervisory Board at its meeting scheduled for March 09, 2022 for the purpose of approving the consolidated financial statements as well as the approval granted by Lenzing AG shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on April 26, 2022.

The Annual Report of the Lenzing AG for the 2021 financial year will be published on March 10, 2022.

The Managing Board of Lenzing AG, a leading manufacturer of specialty fibers made from the renewable raw material wood, has resolved to propose to the Annual General Meeting a dividend of EUR 4.35 for the 2021 financial year. This dividend proposal reflects the suspended dividends from 2019 and 2020.

The total dividend payout to shareholders will amount to about EUR 115,492,500, subject to the acceptance of the proposal by the Supervisory Board at its meeting scheduled for March 09, 2022 for the purpose of approving the consolidated financial statements as well as the approval granted by Lenzing AG shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on April 26, 2022.

The Annual Report of the Lenzing AG for the 2021 financial year will be published on March 10, 2022.

More information:
Lenzing AG dividend

Lenzing AG


Lenzing: Earnings more than doubled in first nine months of 2021

The Lenzing Group reported a significant year-on-year improvement in revenue and earnings in the first nine months of 2021 thanks to the largely positive market environment. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry and the recovery in retail led to a substantial increase in demand and prices on the global fiber market, particularly at the start of the current financial year.

Revenue rose by 32.9 percent to EUR 1.59 bn in the first nine months of 2021. This increase is attributable to a higher sales volume as well as higher viscose prices, which stood at more than RMB 15,000 in May thanks to significantly higher demand for fibers, especially in Asia. The focus on wood-based specialty fibers such as the TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded fibers also had a positive impact on the revenue trend; the share of specialty fibers in fiber revenue amounted to 72.4 percent in the reporting period. This more than offset the negative impact of less favorable currency effects.

The Lenzing Group reported a significant year-on-year improvement in revenue and earnings in the first nine months of 2021 thanks to the largely positive market environment. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry and the recovery in retail led to a substantial increase in demand and prices on the global fiber market, particularly at the start of the current financial year.

Revenue rose by 32.9 percent to EUR 1.59 bn in the first nine months of 2021. This increase is attributable to a higher sales volume as well as higher viscose prices, which stood at more than RMB 15,000 in May thanks to significantly higher demand for fibers, especially in Asia. The focus on wood-based specialty fibers such as the TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded fibers also had a positive impact on the revenue trend; the share of specialty fibers in fiber revenue amounted to 72.4 percent in the reporting period. This more than offset the negative impact of less favorable currency effects.

The earnings performance essentially reflects the positive market trend and was additionally reinforced by efficiency-enhancement measures. Energy, raw material and logistics costs increased significantly during the entire reporting period. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) more than doubled to EUR 297.6 mn in the first nine months of 2021 (compared to EUR 138.5 mn in the first nine months of 2020). The EBITDA margin rose from 11.6 percent to 18.7 percent. Net profit for the period amounted to EUR 113.4 mn (compared to a net loss of EUR minus 23.3 mn in the first nine months of 2020) and earnings per share to EUR 3.77 (compared to EUR minus 0.1 in the first three months of 2020).

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG

World-renowned marine research institute confirms biodegradability of LENZING™ fibers (c) New York Times/Alexander C. Welsh
Scripps Research Institute

World-renowned marine research institute confirms biodegradability of LENZING™ fibers

  • Results of experiments conducted by the University of California’s prestigious Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego provide further scientific proof that LENZING™ fibers offer an effective substitute to synthetic fibers that are part of the pressing problem of plastic pollution in our oceans.

Lenzing/San Diego – The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers, has received further scientific proof of the biodegradability of its fibers. In a study published in October 2021 , scientists from the prestigious academic research institute Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at the University of California, San Diego confirmed that wood-based cellulosic fibers biodegrade in the ocean within a short period of time at the end of their life cycle, making them a better alternative to fossil-based fibers. The research was the result of an independent project trying to understand the “end-of-life” scenarios for textiles and nonwovens discarded in the environment.

  • Results of experiments conducted by the University of California’s prestigious Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego provide further scientific proof that LENZING™ fibers offer an effective substitute to synthetic fibers that are part of the pressing problem of plastic pollution in our oceans.

Lenzing/San Diego – The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers, has received further scientific proof of the biodegradability of its fibers. In a study published in October 2021 , scientists from the prestigious academic research institute Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at the University of California, San Diego confirmed that wood-based cellulosic fibers biodegrade in the ocean within a short period of time at the end of their life cycle, making them a better alternative to fossil-based fibers. The research was the result of an independent project trying to understand the “end-of-life” scenarios for textiles and nonwovens discarded in the environment.

SIO has a global reputation for being one of the oldest, largest and most important marine research centers worldwide. In this study, SIO compared the degradation processes of nonwovens made from fossil-based synthetic materials such as polyester with those of cellulosic materials such as Lenzing’s wood-based lyocell, modal and viscose fibers in specific scenarios – under various real oceanic conditions and controlled aquaria conditions. The results of these experiments are striking: while wood-based cellulosic fibers fully biodegraded within 30 days, the fossil-based fibers tested were practically unchanged after more than 200 days.

The biodegradability of LENZING™ fibers was also tested in the laboratory of Organic Waste Systems (OWS) in Belgium – one of the world's leading companies in biodegradability and compostability testing – which showed data confirmed by those found with the real-life measurements at Scripps. The OWS assessment was conducted in accordance with applicable international standards and reflects relevant natural and artificial conditions in which biodegradation can occur. Certificates from the certification organization TÜV Austria show that LENZING™ fibers rapidly biodegrade in all test environments (soil, industrial composting, home composting, fresh water and marine water) within the time frames set by the applicable standards.

Lenzing also welcomes the EU’s targeted measures to combat plastic waste in general, such as those relating to the single-use plastic directive (EU) 2019/9043. In its recently adopted guidelines for implementing the directive, the EU Commission stipulates the specific products that fall under this category, which is a well-needed effort to provide clarity to the EU member states for their joint campaign against environmental pollution from plastic waste. Lenzing’s wood-based, biodegradable cellulosic fibers can be part of a sustainable and innovative solution to this man-made problem that will continue to grow. As of July 2021, the single-use plastic directive sets out standardized labelling requirements for certain products, either on packaging or on the products themselves, which include plastic-based feminine hygiene products and wet wipes for body care or household use. This is a start to tackle the problem: educate the consumer and offer alternative materials with better circularity.


Lenzing rated “sustainability champion” by MSCI ESG

The Lenzing Group, leading supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, has received further recognition of its performance in sustainability. The prestigious rating agency MSCI has upgraded its rating for the Lenzing Group from “A” to “AA” as at September 2021. As a result, Lenzing ranks among the top 6 percent of companies rated in its peer group.

The upgrade to the MSCI ESG rating will also lead to a reduction in Lenzing’s interest expense. Lenzing placed a bonded loan worth EUR 500 mn in November 2019, which is linked to its sustainability performance. In accordance with its commitment under the bonded loan placement, the company will donate the full amount of the interest expense saved thanks to the rating revision to a project it supports.

The rating agency MSCI, whose rating determines the interest rate for the bonded loan, cited the company's ambitious climate targets, its approach to promoting a circular economy and exceptionally good governance structure as the main reasons for the upgrade.

The Lenzing Group, leading supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, has received further recognition of its performance in sustainability. The prestigious rating agency MSCI has upgraded its rating for the Lenzing Group from “A” to “AA” as at September 2021. As a result, Lenzing ranks among the top 6 percent of companies rated in its peer group.

The upgrade to the MSCI ESG rating will also lead to a reduction in Lenzing’s interest expense. Lenzing placed a bonded loan worth EUR 500 mn in November 2019, which is linked to its sustainability performance. In accordance with its commitment under the bonded loan placement, the company will donate the full amount of the interest expense saved thanks to the rating revision to a project it supports.

The rating agency MSCI, whose rating determines the interest rate for the bonded loan, cited the company's ambitious climate targets, its approach to promoting a circular economy and exceptionally good governance structure as the main reasons for the upgrade.

More information:
Lenzing Sustainability

Lenzing AG


Lenzing presented its sustainable processes at FILO

Lenzing presented at FILO its sustainable approach and on a selection of key innovations such as TENCEL™-branded specialty fibers.

As part of the space dedicated to Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and Fashion B.E.S.T., the first Italian collective of responsible fashion designers, a selection of TENCEL™’s key technologies were under the spotlight:

Lenzing presented at FILO its sustainable approach and on a selection of key innovations such as TENCEL™-branded specialty fibers.

As part of the space dedicated to Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and Fashion B.E.S.T., the first Italian collective of responsible fashion designers, a selection of TENCEL™’s key technologies were under the spotlight:

  • TENCEL™ x REFIBRA™, using cotton textile waste and wood pulp as the feedstock for cellulosic fibers, creating a circular solution;
  • TENCEL™ x Indigo Color, infusing pigment into fibers directly during the spinning process;
  • TENCEL™ Luxe, providing superior aesthetics, performance and comfort to be the perfect partner of other noble fibers such as silk, cashmere or wool;
  • TENCEL™ Carbon Zero, offering carbon-zero CarbonNeutral®-certified products by Natural Capital Partners;
  • TENCEL™ x Eco Clean, bringing totally chlorine-free-bleached TENCEL™ Modal fibers to the textile industry.

Lenzing's priority has been to produce fibers for many sectors (fashion, beauty care, cleaning, hygiene and home textiles) in a sustainable way. Each Lenzing product is made of cellulose from wood, a renewable natural resource, coming only from certified sustainable sources.
The Lenzing Group operates two commercial-scale biorefineries with 100% wood utilization, which ensure that the totality of wood constituents are used to produce fibers, biobased chemicals, and bioenergy, thus maximizing value creation from an economic and environmental perspective. This concept was illustrated by Carlo Covini, Lenzing Business Development Manager Italy & Switzerland, in his presentation “Lenzing’s biorefinery concept”.


Menabò Group


Lenzing at FILO with TENCEL™ fiber

Lenzing will be at the 56th edition of FILO, taking place on September 29 and 30, in Milan, with its TENCEL™ fiber. Sustainability and ethical values will be the main focus of the event.

Furthermore, to delve deeper in the sustainable approach that drives Lenzing's production processes, on September 30, at 3.00 PM, a presentation with the title "Lenzing's biorefinery concept" will be held by Carlo Covini, Lenzing – Business Development Manager Italy & Switzerland. This will be part of the Dialoghi di Confronto segment set near the Networking Area.

Lenzing will be at the 56th edition of FILO, taking place on September 29 and 30, in Milan, with its TENCEL™ fiber. Sustainability and ethical values will be the main focus of the event.

Furthermore, to delve deeper in the sustainable approach that drives Lenzing's production processes, on September 30, at 3.00 PM, a presentation with the title "Lenzing's biorefinery concept" will be held by Carlo Covini, Lenzing – Business Development Manager Italy & Switzerland. This will be part of the Dialoghi di Confronto segment set near the Networking Area.

More information:
Lenzing FILO Milano Tencel Fibers fibres

Menabò Group


Lenzing AG: Early termination of contract with Stefan Doboczky

  • CEO Stefan Doboczky will not extend contract and will step down at end of third quarter 2021

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG, a world’s leading producer of wood-based cellulosic fibers, has come to a mutual agreement with its longstanding Chief Executive Officer Stefan Doboczky to end his contract. Doboczky has informed the Supervisory Board that he will not be available for another extension of his contract. With great regret the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG accepts his resignation and the parties mutually agreed to end the contract effective September 30, 2021.

  • CEO Stefan Doboczky will not extend contract and will step down at end of third quarter 2021

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG, a world’s leading producer of wood-based cellulosic fibers, has come to a mutual agreement with its longstanding Chief Executive Officer Stefan Doboczky to end his contract. Doboczky has informed the Supervisory Board that he will not be available for another extension of his contract. With great regret the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG accepts his resignation and the parties mutually agreed to end the contract effective September 30, 2021.

“My sincere thanks go to Stefan Doboczky for his exceptional achievements at Lenzing. The design and implementation of the transformation of Lenzing AG into a global specialty fiber leader and the positioning of the company as a recognized sustainability champion have been major accomplishments of Stefan Doboczky over the last years”, said Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Peter Edelmann. “Thanks to his leadership, Lenzing AG finds itself today on a stable and profitable growth track with a clear commitment to become climate-neutral by 2050. And all of that in spite of the challenging environment of the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Edelmann.

Stefan Doboczky: “Developing and consistently implementing the Lenzing strategy has been the cornerstone of my work in recent years. After extensive consideration, I have decided that this is the right time for a personal change. The strategy is in place, the company is well on track – now is the ideal moment to pass on the baton. And one thing is certain: Lenzing will always have a very special place in my heart.”

Lenzing AG remains on track with its guidance for the full year 2021 as announced with the half-year results. Cord Prinzhorn has been appointed interim CEO. Prinzhorn is Member of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG and will be available until a successor is found. The Supervisory Board will immediately start the search process.

More information:
Lenzing AG Stefan Doboczky

Lenzing AG


Lenzing: Earnings more than doubled in the first half of 2021

  • Strong operating result: EBITDA at EUR 217.8 mn, cash flow from operating activities at EUR 199.8 mn
  • Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand in the fourth quarter of 2021
  • Start of strategic cooperation agreement for textile recycling with Södra
  • New milestones in the implementation of group-wide carbon neutrality: EUR 200 mn investment in existing locations in Asia
  • Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects EBITDA of at least EUR 360 mn

The Lenzing Group reported a significant improvement in revenue and earnings in the first half of the year. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry and the ongoing recovery in retail caused a substantial increase in demand and prices on the global fiber market, in particular at the beginning of the current financial year.

  • Strong operating result: EBITDA at EUR 217.8 mn, cash flow from operating activities at EUR 199.8 mn
  • Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand in the fourth quarter of 2021
  • Start of strategic cooperation agreement for textile recycling with Södra
  • New milestones in the implementation of group-wide carbon neutrality: EUR 200 mn investment in existing locations in Asia
  • Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects EBITDA of at least EUR 360 mn

The Lenzing Group reported a significant improvement in revenue and earnings in the first half of the year. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry and the ongoing recovery in retail caused a substantial increase in demand and prices on the global fiber market, in particular at the beginning of the current financial year.

Revenue rose by 27.5 percent to EUR 1.03 bn in the first half of 2021. This increase is primarily attributable to higher viscose prices, which stood at more than RMB 15,000 in May thanks to significantly higher demand for fibers, especially in Asia. The focus on wood-based specialty fibers such as TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded fibers also had a positive impact on the revenue development; the share of specialty fibers in fiber revenue rose to 72.8 percent in the reporting period. The negative impact of more unfavorable currency effects was consequently more than offset.

The earnings development essentially reflects the positive market development and was additionally reinforced by measures to improve efficiency. Energy and logistics costs increased significantly throughout the entire reporting period. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) more than doubled and amounted to EUR 217.8 mn in the first half of 2021 (compared to EUR 95.6 mn in the first half of 2020). The EBITDA margin rose from 11.8 percent to 21.1 percent. Net profit for the period amounted to EUR 96.1 mn (compared to a net loss of EUR minus 14.4 mn in the first half of 2020) and earnings per share to EUR 3.06 (compared to EUR 0.06 in the first half of 2020).

“Lenzing had a very strong first half-year. The demand for our sustainably produced specialty fibers once again developed excellently,” says Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group.


Lenzing AG