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Autoneum Holding AG Annual General Meeting

  • Waiver of dividend
  • Expansion of Board of Directors

The shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd approved all proposals of the Board of Directors at today’s Annual General Meeting and agreed to forgo dividend payments. Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli were newly elected to the Board of Directors. Based on Art. 27 of the Covid-19 Ordinance 3, the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd decided to hold the 2021 Annual General Meeting without physical attendance by the shareholders. For this reason, the Company had asked them in advance to exercise their rights exclusively via the Independent Proxy. He represented 63.5% of a total of 4 672 363 shares.

  • Waiver of dividend
  • Expansion of Board of Directors

The shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd approved all proposals of the Board of Directors at today’s Annual General Meeting and agreed to forgo dividend payments. Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli were newly elected to the Board of Directors. Based on Art. 27 of the Covid-19 Ordinance 3, the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd decided to hold the 2021 Annual General Meeting without physical attendance by the shareholders. For this reason, the Company had asked them in advance to exercise their rights exclusively via the Independent Proxy. He represented 63.5% of a total of 4 672 363 shares.

The shareholders approved the Annual Report, the Annual Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements 2020. In view of the net loss in the 2020 financial year, the Board of Directors proposed forgoing dividend payments, which was approved by a large majority of the shareholders. Hans-Peter Schwald, Chairman of the Board of Directors, said: “2020 was extremely challenging for the entire automobile industry and also for Autoneum. The pandemic-related drop in revenue has impacted profitability. Despite the net loss, Autoneum reached important financial improvements in 2020. We expect to return to profitability in 2021 and our aim to distribute at least 30% of the net profit attributable to Autoneum shareholders as dividends remains unchanged. The Board of Directors, the Group Executive Board and the Company as a whole are committed fully to ensuring that Autoneum continues to make significant operational and financial improvements.”

Chairman Hans-Peter Schwald and the other members of the Board of Directors, Rainer Schmückle, Norbert Indlekofer, Michael Pieper, This E. Schneider and Ferdinand Stutz were confirmed in office. Newly elected to the Board of Directors were Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli.

With Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli and the resignation of Peter Spuhler, who did not stand for reelection in order to be able to focus on managing Stadler Rail, the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd has expanded from seven to eight members. Hans-Peter Schwald explained: “The expertise of Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli in the areas of finance and corporate management is of great value to Autoneum. As the Board of Directors, we look forward to this enhancement to the Board and to working with both of them.”

Peter Spuhler has been an important driving force since the Company became independent, he played a major role in shaping Autoneum thanks to his entrepreneurial expertise and showed great commitment to the Company. The Board of Directors thanks him sincerely and wishes him continued success.

This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Ferdinand Stutz were re-elected to the Compensation Committee. Oliver Streuli was elected as a new member of this committee. In addition, the shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd granted discharge to all members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board with a large majority.

The consultative vote on the 2020 remuneration report was approved by 83.4%. Due to the severe impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Group’s business development, the members of the Board of Directors renounced half of their compensation for the 2020 financial year and, in order to  align their remuneration with shareholder interests, decided to receive it entirely in Autoneum shares. In addition, a waiver of salary amounting to 10% of the basic salary for a period of three months was agreed upon with the senior management as part of a reduction of personnel costs.

The proposals for the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board for the 2022 financial year as well as the other proposals were also approved by a large majority.


Autoneum Management AG


SGL Carbon Coronajahr 2020

SGL Carbon reagiert mit konsequenten Gegenmaßnahmen auf die Krise und stößt umfangreiche Transformation an – stabiles EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen und deutlich positiver Free Cashflow im schwierigen Coronajahr 2020

SGL Carbon reagiert mit konsequenten Gegenmaßnahmen auf die Krise und stößt umfangreiche Transformation an – stabiles EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen und deutlich positiver Free Cashflow im schwierigen Coronajahr 2020

  • Konzernumsatz 2020 bei 919,4 Mio. € und damit um 15 % unter dem Vorjahresniveau
  • Nettoergebnis wegen Wertminderung bei CFM und Restrukturierungsaufwendungen bei minus 132,2 Mio. € (Vorjahr: -90,0 Mio. €)
  • EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen mit 50,2 Mio. € leicht über Vorjahr (48,4 Mio. €)
  • Operatives EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen und Einmaleffekten mit 19,5 Mio. € leicht über den Erwartungen
  • Free Cashflow mithilfe von strengen Investitions- und Ausgabenbegrenzungen sowie Einmaleffekten deutlich gesteigert um 91,0 Mio. € auf 73,7 Mio. €
  • Nettofinanzschulden trotz Kaufpreiszahlung für Carbonfaserwerk in Moses Lake geringfügig reduziert auf 286,6 Mio. €
  • Restrukturierungs- und Transformationsprogramm: bis 2023 jährlich wiederkehrende Einsparungen in Höhe von mehr als 100 Mio. € avisiert, davon bereits 40 Mio. € im Geschäftsjahr 2020 erzielt
  • Prognose für 2021: Umsatzerlöse zwischen 920 und 970 Mio. €, bereinigtes EBITDA bei 100 bis 120 Mio. € (2020: 92,8 Mio. €)

Die Corona-Pandemie hatte im Geschäftsjahr 2020 einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Geschäftsentwicklung der SGL Carbon. Auch wenn die Produktion bei der SGL Carbon dank effektiver Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen zu keinem Zeitpunkt heruntergefahren werden musste, war das Unternehmen mit einer deutlich reduzierten Nachfrage konfrontiert. Während für das Berichtssegment Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM) eine Nachfrageerholung zum Jahresende festzustellen war, hat sich die Nachfrage im Berichtssegment Graphite Materials & Systems (GMS) bis zum Jahresende nur wenig belebt. Der Konzernumsatz lag 2020 bei 919,4 Mio. € und damit um 15 % unter dem Vorjahresniveau (2019: 1.086,7 Mio. €). Wegen einer Wertminderung bei CFM sowie durch Restrukturierungsaufwendungen betrug zudem das Nettoergebnis minus 132,2 Mio. € nach minus 90,0 Mio. € im Vorjahr.

Prognose: Entwicklung des Konzerns

Nach dem starken wirtschaftlichen Einbruch im Jahr 2020 gehen wir davon aus, dass das Geschäftsjahr 2021 von einer moderaten Erholung geprägt sein wird. Die Umsatzerlöse sollten über dem Vorjahresniveau (2020: 919,4 Mio. €) in der Spanne zwischen 920 und 970 Mio. € liegen. Für das bereinigte EBITDA erwarten wir eine Verbesserung auf 100 bis 120 Mio. € (2020: 92,8 Mio. €). Hier werden sich insbesondere Einsparungen aus den eingeleiteten Restrukturierungsmaßnahmen positiv widerspiegeln. Nach einem Konzern-Jahresfehlbetrag der fortgeführten Aktivitäten von 132,9 Mio. € im Geschäftsjahr 2020, der primär auf Wertminderungen bei CFM und die Restrukturierungsaufwendungen zurückzuführen ist, dürfte sich das Nettoergebnis (fortgeführte Aktivitäten) im Jahr 2021 deutlich verbessern und im Bereich zwischen minus 20 Mio. € und einem ausgeglichenen Ergebnis liegen.




Rieter Financial Year 2020

Financial Year 2020

As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rieter closed the 2020 financial year with sales of CHF 573.0 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 25% compared to the previous year (2019: CHF 760.0 million). Due to the low sales volume, a loss of CHF 84.4 million was recorded at the EBIT level while at the net profit level the loss was CHF 89.8 million. In view of the loss in the 2020 financial year, the Board of Directors proposes that shareholders waive the payment of a dividend for 2020.

Order intake of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year was 31% down on the previous year (2019: CHF 926.1 million). Following the significant slump in demand in the second quarter of 2020 (CHF 45.7 million), order intake recovered in the third quarter (CHF 174.4 million) and improved further in the fourth quarter (CHF 215.1 million).

At the end of 2020, the company had an order backlog of about CHF 560 million (December 31, 2019: about CHF 500 million).

Financial Year 2020

As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rieter closed the 2020 financial year with sales of CHF 573.0 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 25% compared to the previous year (2019: CHF 760.0 million). Due to the low sales volume, a loss of CHF 84.4 million was recorded at the EBIT level while at the net profit level the loss was CHF 89.8 million. In view of the loss in the 2020 financial year, the Board of Directors proposes that shareholders waive the payment of a dividend for 2020.

Order intake of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year was 31% down on the previous year (2019: CHF 926.1 million). Following the significant slump in demand in the second quarter of 2020 (CHF 45.7 million), order intake recovered in the third quarter (CHF 174.4 million) and improved further in the fourth quarter (CHF 215.1 million).

At the end of 2020, the company had an order backlog of about CHF 560 million (December 31, 2019: about CHF 500 million).

Business Groups
Sales of the Business Group Machines & Systems amounted to CHF 295.8 million in 2020, which corresponds to a decrease of 24% compared to the previous year. Due to the low volume and taking into account the expenditure on the ongoing innovation program, the business group recorded a loss of CHF 72.4 million at the EBIT level. Order intake in the reporting year was CHF 363.9 million (-35% compared to the previous year).

The Business Group Components with sales of CHF 174.3 million (-24% compared to the previous year) achieved a profit of CHF 1.4 million at the EBIT level before restructuring charges. EBIT after restructuring charges was CHF -5.5 million. The order intake with CHF 169.1 million (-24% compared to the previous year) was just below sales.

The Business Group After Sales achieved sales of CHF 102.9 million (-27% compared to the previous year) and a positive EBIT of CHF 1.8 million. Order intake was CHF 107.2 million (-24% compared to the previous year). Over 60% of spinning mills were shut down in the second quarter of 2020, with a corresponding impact on the demand for spare parts.

Due to the loss of CHF 89.8 million at the net profit level in the 2020 financial year, the Board of Directors proposes that shareholders waive the distribution of a dividend.

Rieter expects the market recovery that began in the second half of 2020 to continue in 2021. The company expects an order intake in the first half of 2021 exceeding that of the previous half year (second half of 2020: CHF 389.5 million). Thanks to the improved capacity utilization, Rieter is planning short-time working in only a few areas in the first half of 2021. Nonetheless, as already announced, Rieter still anticipates that sales in the first half of 2021 will be below the break-even point. In connection with the high order backlog at the beginning of 2021, Rieter expects an operating profit for the full year 2021.


Rieter Management AG


2020 financial year: operating profit thanks to profitable second half-year

2020 financial year: operating profit thanks to profitable second half-year Due to the pandemic-related decline in global vehicle production, Autoneum's revenue in local currencies decreased by –18.7% in 2020. Thanks to a global cost reduction program and improvements from the turnaround program in North America, Autoneum achieved an EBIT margin of 1.6%. Furthermore, the significantly increased free cash flow of CHF 112.5 million enabled a substantial reduction in net debt (excluding lease liabilities) of CHF –63.3 million.

2020 financial year: operating profit thanks to profitable second half-year Due to the pandemic-related decline in global vehicle production, Autoneum's revenue in local currencies decreased by –18.7% in 2020. Thanks to a global cost reduction program and improvements from the turnaround program in North America, Autoneum achieved an EBIT margin of 1.6%. Furthermore, the significantly increased free cash flow of CHF 112.5 million enabled a substantial reduction in net debt (excluding lease liabilities) of CHF –63.3 million.

2020 was marked by the coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the global economy. Worldwide lockdowns and production stoppages at vehicle manufacturers had drastic consequences for the entire automobile industry and Autoneum in the first half of the year. Although the market recovered in the second half-year, the number of vehicles produced for the year as a whole remained well below the level of the previous year. Thanks to prompt adjustment of the cost structure to the reduced market volume and improvements achieved during the turnaround in North America, Autoneum nevertheless managed to generate an operating profit in 2020 in an extremely difficult and volatile market environment.

Please find more details in attached PDF file.

More information:
Autoneum Geschäftsjahr 2020

Autoneum Management AG


Rieter: First Information on the Financial Year 2020

Order Intake Continued to Recover in the Fourth Quarter of 2020:

  • Order intake increased to CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 and reached a total of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year
  • As expected, sales of CHF 573.0 million in the 2020 financial year were significantly down on the previous year
  • EBIT margin of around -15% and net profit of around -16% of sales expected
  • First half of 2021 still heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Change to the Group Executive Committee

Rieter posted a globally and broadly supported order intake of CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020. Thus, the recovery that began in the third quarter of 2020 after the slump in demand in the second quarter continued (order intake second quarter: CHF 45.7 million, third quarter: CHF 174.4 million). Overall, Rieter’s annual order intake for the 2020 financial year totaled CHF 640.2 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 31% compared to the previous year.

Order Intake Continued to Recover in the Fourth Quarter of 2020:

  • Order intake increased to CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 and reached a total of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year
  • As expected, sales of CHF 573.0 million in the 2020 financial year were significantly down on the previous year
  • EBIT margin of around -15% and net profit of around -16% of sales expected
  • First half of 2021 still heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Change to the Group Executive Committee

Rieter posted a globally and broadly supported order intake of CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020. Thus, the recovery that began in the third quarter of 2020 after the slump in demand in the second quarter continued (order intake second quarter: CHF 45.7 million, third quarter: CHF 174.4 million). Overall, Rieter’s annual order intake for the 2020 financial year totaled CHF 640.2 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 31% compared to the previous year.

At the end of 2020, the company had an order backlog of about CHF 560 million (December 31, 2019: about CHF 500 million).

As expected, as a consequence of the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rieter Group closed the 2020 financial year with considerably lower sales than in the previous year. According to the first, as yet unaudited figures, total sales of CHF 573.0 million were achieved, which corresponds to a decrease of 25% compared to the previous year (2019: CHF 760.0 million).

Order Intake by Business Group
All three business groups were affected by the slump in demand in the second quarter of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the recovery in order intake in the third and fourth quarters of 2020, the weak second quarter was only partially offset.

The Business Group Machines & Systems was particularly hard hit by the effects of the pandemic, with a year-on-year decline of 35%. The Business Groups Components and After Sales each recorded a 24% reduction in order intake.*

Sales by Business Group
The exceptional market situation in 2020 gave rise to a significant decline in sales in all three business groups. Accordingly, reluctance to invest and deferred deliveries by customers caused sales in the Business Group Machines & Systems to decline by 24% compared to the previous year.

Due to COVID-19, a large number of spinning mills stopped production worldwide. This led to low demand for spare parts and wear parts, especially in the second and third quarters of 2020. Accordingly, compared to the previous year, sales in the Business Groups Components and After Sales fell by 24% and 27% respectively in the 2020 financial year.*

Sales by Region
With the exception of Turkey, all regions were affected by the low demand as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.*

EBIT Margin and Net Profit
In the 2020 financial year, Rieter anticipates an EBIT margin of around -15% (2019: 11.2%) and net profit of around -16% of sales (2019: 6.9%). As of December 31, 2020, Rieter had liquid funds of exceeding CHF 280 million and unused credit lines in the mid three-digit million range.

First Half of 2021 Still Heavily Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thanks to the improved capacity utilization, Rieter is planning short-time working in only a few areas in the first half of 2021. Nevertheless, Rieter expects sales in the first half of 2021 to be below the break-even point.*

Change to the Group Executive Committee
With effect from March 1, 2021, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. has appointed Roger Albrecht as Head of the Business Group Machines & Systems and a member of the Group Executive Committee.*

Annual General Meeting April 15, 2021
The 2021 Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. will take place in Winterthur on April 15, 2021.*

*See attached document for more information.


Rieter Management AG


Autoneum: Current assessment of the 2020 financial year

The global automobile production has been recovering faster than expected since summer. If this positive trend continues through the full second half of the year, Group revenue in local currencies in the second semester is likely to be just around –5% below the level of the prior year period. For the full year 2020 it is anticipated that revenue in local currencies will decline by around –20% compared to 2019.

Based on this development of revenue, the extensive cost reduction measures taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the on-schedule progress of the turnaround in North America, an EBIT margin of 4-5% is expected for the second half of the year and a slightly positive EBIT margin for 2020 as a whole. Supported by the strict management of working capital and investments, the free cash flow is likely to be in the higher double-digit million range, which should enable a slight reduction in debt.

The outlook for 2021 and especially the first half-year remains uncertain and depends strongly on how the pandemic will develop. According to forecasts, global vehicle production in 2021 will still not reach the level of 2019.

The global automobile production has been recovering faster than expected since summer. If this positive trend continues through the full second half of the year, Group revenue in local currencies in the second semester is likely to be just around –5% below the level of the prior year period. For the full year 2020 it is anticipated that revenue in local currencies will decline by around –20% compared to 2019.

Based on this development of revenue, the extensive cost reduction measures taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the on-schedule progress of the turnaround in North America, an EBIT margin of 4-5% is expected for the second half of the year and a slightly positive EBIT margin for 2020 as a whole. Supported by the strict management of working capital and investments, the free cash flow is likely to be in the higher double-digit million range, which should enable a slight reduction in debt.

The outlook for 2021 and especially the first half-year remains uncertain and depends strongly on how the pandemic will develop. According to forecasts, global vehicle production in 2021 will still not reach the level of 2019.


Autoneum Management AG