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Fraunhofer auf der ACHEMA 2022

  • Lösungen für eine erfolgreiche Rohstoff- und Energiewende

Auf der Weltleitmesse der Prozessindustrie ACHEMA in Frankfurt am Main präsentiert die Fraunhofer-Allianz für den Leitmarkt Chemie gebündeltes Know-how für die Branche. Vom 22. bis 26. August 2022 stellen die beteiligten Institute aktuelle, gemeinsame Forschungsaktivitäten zu den Schwerpunkten Digitalisierung chemischer Prozesse, Weiterentwicklung der Grünen Chemie, Erleichterung des Scale-Up, zu Sicherheits- und Regulatorikfragen und zur Effizienz chemischer Prozesse sowie zum Aufbau einer Kreislaufwirtschaft aus.

  • Lösungen für eine erfolgreiche Rohstoff- und Energiewende

Auf der Weltleitmesse der Prozessindustrie ACHEMA in Frankfurt am Main präsentiert die Fraunhofer-Allianz für den Leitmarkt Chemie gebündeltes Know-how für die Branche. Vom 22. bis 26. August 2022 stellen die beteiligten Institute aktuelle, gemeinsame Forschungsaktivitäten zu den Schwerpunkten Digitalisierung chemischer Prozesse, Weiterentwicklung der Grünen Chemie, Erleichterung des Scale-Up, zu Sicherheits- und Regulatorikfragen und zur Effizienz chemischer Prozesse sowie zum Aufbau einer Kreislaufwirtschaft aus.

Defossilisierte und zirkuläre Produktionsprozesse hat sich die chemische Industrie in Deutschland zum Ziel gesetzt. Große Herausforderungen liegen vor den Verantwortlichen auf dem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Grüner Chemie. Aufbauend auf der jahrzehntelangen Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten 15 Fraunhofer-Institute untereinander und mit der chemischen Industrie liegt der Fokus darauf, Ergebnisse der Grundlagenforschung bis zu einer höheren Technologiereife weiterzuentwickeln und Partner bei der großtechnischen Umsetzung zu unterstützen – mit einer modernen Forschungsinfrastruktur vom Labor- bis zum Pilotmaßstab.




CHT: Sustainable jeans finishing with organIQ EMS Jeans

With the organIQ BLEACH system the CHT Group was the first textile chemical supplier, who offered an ecological alternative to potassium permanganate as a bleaching treatment for Denim. Today, CHT's organIQ products reach beyond the limits of the standards and are state of the art in ecological jeans production worldwide.

In recent years, CHT has continued to research and further develop the organIQ system to find enhancements to the organIQ range that further optimise the system from an ecological point of view and at the same time provide even more variable and broader application possibilities.

organIQ EMS Jeans (Ecological Modular System for Jeans treatment) is based on several modules and every module corresponds to a treatment step. These steps can be mixed and matched in various ways and flexible orders to achieve a great deal of looks and effects.

The new EMS Jeans family supports most modern denim finishing processes. By using selected organIQ products together with water saving nebulization technologies, extremely low water consumptions can be achieved.

With the organIQ BLEACH system the CHT Group was the first textile chemical supplier, who offered an ecological alternative to potassium permanganate as a bleaching treatment for Denim. Today, CHT's organIQ products reach beyond the limits of the standards and are state of the art in ecological jeans production worldwide.

In recent years, CHT has continued to research and further develop the organIQ system to find enhancements to the organIQ range that further optimise the system from an ecological point of view and at the same time provide even more variable and broader application possibilities.

organIQ EMS Jeans (Ecological Modular System for Jeans treatment) is based on several modules and every module corresponds to a treatment step. These steps can be mixed and matched in various ways and flexible orders to achieve a great deal of looks and effects.

The new EMS Jeans family supports most modern denim finishing processes. By using selected organIQ products together with water saving nebulization technologies, extremely low water consumptions can be achieved.

Due to this technology, all relevant treatments can be realized at room temperature which is a great energy saving opportunity. Moreover, the pollution of wastewater with toxic substances can be drastically reduced in comparison to common, previously applied denim treatments.


CHT Gruppe

Benoit Moutault, new Leader of Business Field Textile at the CHT Group (c) CHT Gruppe
Benoit Moutault, new Leader of Business Field Textile at the CHT Group

Benoit Moutault, new Leader of Business Field Textile at the CHT Group

  • As of 1st February, 2021, Benoit Moutault has resumed the position as Group Vice President Business Field Textile (Auxiliaries and Dyestuffs) from Ralf Kattanek.

He reports to the CEO of the CHT Group, Dr. Frank Naumann, Chairman of the Board. Benoit is a French citizen, 45 years old, and has been working at CHT since 2014. He is experienced in various leadership positions within the global market of textile chemicals.

Dr. Frank Naumann: "We are very happy to continue our successful cooperation with Benoit. He takes over a highly important and strategic role for the CHT Group."

  • As of 1st February, 2021, Benoit Moutault has resumed the position as Group Vice President Business Field Textile (Auxiliaries and Dyestuffs) from Ralf Kattanek.

He reports to the CEO of the CHT Group, Dr. Frank Naumann, Chairman of the Board. Benoit is a French citizen, 45 years old, and has been working at CHT since 2014. He is experienced in various leadership positions within the global market of textile chemicals.

Dr. Frank Naumann: "We are very happy to continue our successful cooperation with Benoit. He takes over a highly important and strategic role for the CHT Group."


CHT Gruppe