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Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich Photo: DITF
Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich.

Markus Milwich represents "Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg"

Lightweight design is a key enabler for addressing the energy transition and sustainable economy. Following the liquidation of the state agency Leichtbau BW GmbH, a consortium consisting of the Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württtemberg (AFBW), the Leichtbauzentrum Baden-Württemberg (LBZ e.V. -BW) and Composites United Baden-Württemberg (CU BW) now represents the interests of the lightweight construction community in the State.

The Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg is set up for this purpose on behalf of and with the support of the State. The Lightweight Construction Alliance BW is the central point of contact for all players in the field of lightweight construction in the State and acts in their interests at national and international level. Professor Markus Milwich from the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) represents the agency.

Lightweight design is a key enabler for addressing the energy transition and sustainable economy. Following the liquidation of the state agency Leichtbau BW GmbH, a consortium consisting of the Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württtemberg (AFBW), the Leichtbauzentrum Baden-Württemberg (LBZ e.V. -BW) and Composites United Baden-Württemberg (CU BW) now represents the interests of the lightweight construction community in the State.

The Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg is set up for this purpose on behalf of and with the support of the State. The Lightweight Construction Alliance BW is the central point of contact for all players in the field of lightweight construction in the State and acts in their interests at national and international level. Professor Markus Milwich from the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) represents the agency.

The use of lightweight materials in combination with new production technologies will significantly reduce energy consumption in transportation, the manufacturing industry and the construction sector. Resources can be saved through the use of new materials. As a cross-functional technology, lightweight construction covers entire value chain from production and use to recycling and reuse.

The aim of the state government is to establish Baden-Württemberg as a leading provider of innovative lightweight construction technologies in order to strengthen the local economy and secure high-quality jobs.

Among others, the "Lightweight Construction Alliance Baden-Württemberg" will continue the nationally renowned "Lightweight Construction Day", which acts as an important source of inspiration for a wide range of lightweight construction topics among business and scientific community.

Professor Milwich, an expert with many years of experience and an excellent network beyond the State's borders, has been recruited for this task. In his role, Milwich also represents the state of Baden-Württemberg on the Strategy Advisory Board of the Lightweight Construction Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, which supports the cross functional-technology and efficient transfer of knowledge between the various nationwide players in lightweight construction and serves as a central point of contact for entrepreneurs nationwide for all relevant questions.

From 2005 to 2020, Professor Milwich headed the Composite Technology research at the DITF, which was integrated into the Competence Center Polymers and Fiber Composites in 2020. He is also an honorary professor at Reutlingen University, where he teaches hybrid materials and composites. "Lightweight design is an essential aspect for sustainability, environmental and resource conservation. I always showcase this in research and teaching and now also as a representative of the lightweight construction community in Baden-Württemberg," emphasizes Professor Milwich.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung

Thomas Stegmaier appointed Sustainability Officer Photo: DITF
Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Stegmaier

DITF: Thomas Stegmaier appointed Sustainability Officer

The EU directive on the further development of sustainability reporting (CSRD) poses major challenges for companies and the public sector. Until now, the regulations have only applied to large capital market-oriented companies. However, far-reaching changes to sustainability reporting are expected when the CSRD is transposed into national law in 2024. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research (DITF) are facing up to this challenge of external reporting and at the same time the responsibility for sustainable and resource-conserving science. The Textile Research Center has therefore set up a specialist department reporting to the Executive Board.

The DITF are reaffirming their commitment to sustainability with the appointment of the previous Head of the Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy, Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Stegmaier, as Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). In addition to this new role, Stegmaier will continue to provide his expertise to the Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy as Deputy Head.

The EU directive on the further development of sustainability reporting (CSRD) poses major challenges for companies and the public sector. Until now, the regulations have only applied to large capital market-oriented companies. However, far-reaching changes to sustainability reporting are expected when the CSRD is transposed into national law in 2024. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research (DITF) are facing up to this challenge of external reporting and at the same time the responsibility for sustainable and resource-conserving science. The Textile Research Center has therefore set up a specialist department reporting to the Executive Board.

The DITF are reaffirming their commitment to sustainability with the appointment of the previous Head of the Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy, Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Stegmaier, as Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). In addition to this new role, Stegmaier will continue to provide his expertise to the Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy as Deputy Head.

The task of the Chief Sustainability Officer is to develop solutions to reduce the DITF's energy and resource consumption, promote renewable energies and implement efficient energy use. The management team, the operational organizational units and all employees are involved in the process.

The CSO also acts as a driving force for both the Executive Board and the research departments to promote sustainability issues.

DITF verabschieden Professor Michael Doser in den Ruhestand (c) DITF
Prof. Dr. Michael Doser, stellvertretendes Vorstandsmitglied und Prokurist der DITF

DITF verabschieden Professor Michael Doser in den Ruhestand

Professor Dr. Michael Doser, stellvertretendes Vorstandsmitglied und Prokurist der Deutschen Institute für Textil-  und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), ging Ende Mai 2022 in den Ruhestand. Fast 32 Jahre war er an den DITF tätig. Er war für alle Forschungsstellen ein wichtiger Kommunikator und Impulsgeber und engagierte sich als Wissenschaftler insbesondere für den Auf- und Ausbau des Forschungsbereichs Biomedizintechnik an den DITF.

Professor Dr. Michael Doser, stellvertretendes Vorstandsmitglied und Prokurist der Deutschen Institute für Textil-  und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), ging Ende Mai 2022 in den Ruhestand. Fast 32 Jahre war er an den DITF tätig. Er war für alle Forschungsstellen ein wichtiger Kommunikator und Impulsgeber und engagierte sich als Wissenschaftler insbesondere für den Auf- und Ausbau des Forschungsbereichs Biomedizintechnik an den DITF.

Michael Doser begann 1990 seinen Weg an den DITF – zunächst am damaligen Institut für Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik Denkendorf (ITV) unter Professor Heinrich Planck. Als promovierter Biologe der Universität Hohenheim und mit ersten Erfahrungen als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Genetik in Hohenheim brachte er das Rüstzeug mit, um die Textilforschung in Richtung Medizintechnik neu zu denken. Er forschte zu Pankreas und Leber im Bereich Biohybride Organe und führte zahlreiche Projekte in der Regenerationsmedizin durch mit Entwicklungen für die Haut, für Blutgefäße, Nerven, Knorpel und Knochen. Doser baute den Forschungsbereich Biomedizintechnik an den DITF rasch zu einem wichtigen Geschäftsfeld auf und übernahm bereits 1998 dessen Leitung. Mit dieser Expertise wurde die Fördergemeinschaft Körperverträgliche Textilien e.V. (FKT) gegründet, die ein Prüfsiegel für die Bewertung und Kennzeichnung körperverträglicher Textilien entwickelte. Markenhersteller wie Mey, Falke, Mattes und Ammann oder Lenzing nutzen bis heute das Qualitätssiegel.

Für seine wissenschaftliche Arbeit und sein Engagement in der Biomedizintechnik erhielt Michael Doser zahlreiche Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen, zum Beispiel den EU EUREKA Innovation Award in der Kategorie „Erfinder von morgen” für die Entwicklung eines textilbasierten Verschlusses für einen Riss in der Bandscheibe.

Über diese Projekte der Biomedizintechnik engagierte sich Doser gleichzeitig schon früh als interdisziplinärer Ideengeber und kooperativer „Verbindungsmann” für andere Forschungsbereiche in Denkendorf. Seit 2001 nahm Doser diese Aufgaben als stellvertretender Institutsleiter des damaligen ITV und später als stellvertretender Vorstand der DITF wahr und prägte damit ganz wesentlich die Geschicke der DITF.

Erfolgreiche Gremienarbeit
Neben seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit engagierte sich Doser in zahlreichen nationalen und internationalen Gremien sowie Normenausschüssen und nahm über viele Jahre Gutachtertätigkeit wahr, unter anderem für die Forschungsdirektion der Europäischen Union. Besonders am Herzen lag ihm seine Mitgliedschaft in der European Society of Biomaterials, in der er einige Jahre im Vorstand aktiv war und 2018 zum ESB Honorary Member ernannt wurde.

Einige DIN-, ISO- und ASTM-Normen im Bereich biologischer und medizinischer Prüfungen tragen Dosers Handschrift. Von 2006 bis 2018 war er Leiter der ISO Arbeitsgruppe 5 zum Thema Cytotoxicity und brachte in dieser Funktion einen Standard zur Prüfung der Unbedenklichkeit von Medizintextilien auf den Weg, der heute noch für die Testung aller Medizinprodukte weltweit zur Anwendung kommt.

Engagement in der Lehre
Seit 1994 gab Michael Doser sein umfangreiches Wissen an Studierende weiter, zunächst mit Vorlesungen an der Universität Stuttgart, später auch mit Lehraufträgen an den Universitäten Ulm und Tübingen. In Würdigung seines Engagements in der Ausbildung auf dem Gebiet der Medizinischen Verfahrenstechnik und Medizintechnik wurde Doser zum Honorarprofessor der Universität Stuttgart ernannt.


Cellulose Fibres: New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns

  • Session "New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns"

Cellulose fibres are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens,  packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

  • Session "New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns"

Cellulose fibres are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens,  packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

The extensive fifth conference session, “New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns”, includes the participation of eight speakers and promises the reveal of various innovations and new approaches. These address the processing of pulp, fibres and yarn, with the aim of realizing most sustainable and efficient solutions. The broad spectrum of topics ranges from processing cellulose with ionic liquids, material farming and chemical modification of pulp to functionalised fibres for feel-good textiles.

Speakers of the Session "New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns"

  • Antje Ota - Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF) (DE): The Versatility of the HighPerCell® Technology for Cellulose Filament
  • Carlo Centonze - HEIQ (CH): HeiQ AeoniQ – Cellulose Yarn Focussed on Climate and Circularity
  • Manuel Steiner - LIST Technology AG (CH): Cellulose Dissolving Technology Platform
  • Dominik Mayer - Kelheim Fibres (DE): Functionalized Viscose Fibres for Wellbeing Textiles: How Infrared Celliant® Viscose supports a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle
  • Michael Sturm - TITK (DE): Method for the Evaluation of the dissolution Power and dissolution Quality of Cellulosic Raw Materials dissolved in New Ionic Liquids
  • Kaoutar Aghmih - Hassan II University (MA): Rheology and Dissolution of Cellulose in Ionic Liquid Solutions
  • Ofir-Aharon Kuperman - Weizmann Institute of Science (IL): Material Farming and Biological Fabrication of Cellulose Fibers with Tailored Properties
  • Taina Kamppuri - VTT Technical Research Center of Finnland (FI): Chemically Modified Kraft Pulps to Improve the Sustainability of Regenerated Fibres