From the Sector

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4 results

SGL Carbon: Initiated transformation shows effect in sales and earnings 2021

  • Sales increase of 9.5% to €1,007.0 million driven by almost all business units
  • EBITDApre improves by 50.9% to €140.0 million, reaching the upper end of the 2021 guidance raised in July
  • Net financial debt reduced from €286.5 million to €206.3 million
  • Start of business in 2022 overshadowed by uncertainty resulting from the war in Ukraine

Rising demand in almost all market segments led to a 9.5% increase in Group sales to €1,007.0 million in fiscal 2021 compared to the previous year (2020: €919.4 million). Almost all business units contributed to the pleasing sales performance. At 50.9%, EBITDApre improved disproportionately to Group sales and amounted to €140.0 million in fiscal 2021 (2020: €92.8 million). Increased sales and the associated higher capacity utilization contributed to the improvement in earnings, together with the cost savings achieved as a result of the transformation initiated at the end of 2020.*

  • Sales increase of 9.5% to €1,007.0 million driven by almost all business units
  • EBITDApre improves by 50.9% to €140.0 million, reaching the upper end of the 2021 guidance raised in July
  • Net financial debt reduced from €286.5 million to €206.3 million
  • Start of business in 2022 overshadowed by uncertainty resulting from the war in Ukraine

Rising demand in almost all market segments led to a 9.5% increase in Group sales to €1,007.0 million in fiscal 2021 compared to the previous year (2020: €919.4 million). Almost all business units contributed to the pleasing sales performance. At 50.9%, EBITDApre improved disproportionately to Group sales and amounted to €140.0 million in fiscal 2021 (2020: €92.8 million). Increased sales and the associated higher capacity utilization contributed to the improvement in earnings, together with the cost savings achieved as a result of the transformation initiated at the end of 2020.*

Based on the assumptions outlined and including the costs of the energy hedges, the company expects Group sales for the 2022 financial year to be at the previous year's level and EBITDApre to be between €110 million and €130 million.*

* See attachment document for more information,


Premium Group sets a strong example for the fashion industry

The Premium Group events will take place in Frankfurt am Main in the third week of January 2022, taking into account the 2G+ regulation (all participants have to be vaccinated, recovered and additionally daily tested).
On the basis of the current regulations of the federal government and the Hessian state government, which did not announce any further restrictions for vaccinated people last week, the fashion fairs PREMIUM and SEEK, the FASHIONTECH talks and the showcase of the new format THE GROUND will comply with the official health and hygiene regulations from 18th to January 20, 2022 in Frankfurt am Main.
This decision is based on the representative feedback from many protagonists of the industry, expert opinions and a close observation of the situation as well as an assessment of all measures that can be taken in Europe to ensure a safe event.

The Premium Group events will take place in Frankfurt am Main in the third week of January 2022, taking into account the 2G+ regulation (all participants have to be vaccinated, recovered and additionally daily tested).
On the basis of the current regulations of the federal government and the Hessian state government, which did not announce any further restrictions for vaccinated people last week, the fashion fairs PREMIUM and SEEK, the FASHIONTECH talks and the showcase of the new format THE GROUND will comply with the official health and hygiene regulations from 18th to January 20, 2022 in Frankfurt am Main.
This decision is based on the representative feedback from many protagonists of the industry, expert opinions and a close observation of the situation as well as an assessment of all measures that can be taken in Europe to ensure a safe event.

Four formats - one large exhibition hall
The conceptual novelty is that the PREMIUM, SEEK, THE GROUND and FASHIONTECH events will - for the first time and once - take place all together in a spacious hall, which roughly corresponds to the entire area of Station Berlin, on a total area of approx. 20,000 square meters. The resulting simplified admission management serves the safety of everyone. In this way, visitors can quickly and comfortably experience all the inspiration and concentrated brand power at once.

In addition to the security aspect, the merger of the two flagship events PREMIUM and SEEK in one large exhibition hall will bring new features, above all, in terms of content and atmosphere. Apart from an unprecedentedly strong brand portfolio, completely new synergies and energies will arise, which will make the meeting in January a unique momentum in the history of the industry.

Numerous brands have already signed-up and despite some decisions for smaller pop-up presentations, instead of large stands, the willingness to start again together and to want to send positive signals prevails! In addition to established players, many new brands also want to show their collections now.

THE GROUND - new generation, new platform
THE GROUND will give an outlook on what can be expected in summer with an exclusive press and influencer event. The Fashion Festival ‘for a young and purpose driven generation’ is an innovative platform for brands to get in direct contact with Gen Z with interactive installations, campaigns and storytelling.

At the preview event in January, 15 curated brands and key partners will present their value-based projects and products. In keynotes and panel talks, THE GROUND is dedicated to the topics most relevant to GEN Z: diversity, inclusion & sustainability.

FASHIONTECH - innovation, inspiration, content
FASHIONTECH is the content platform for fashion, technology and lifestyle. This is where decision-makers, industry insiders, communication experts and innovative minds meet to exchange experiences, discuss potential and developments, generate new leads and promote exchange between the various industries.

In addition to the core events, the Premium Group will also organize its popular evening events - due to the conditions, of course, to a slightly different extent than usual.


PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH


Kelheim Fibres to Increase Viscose Fibre Prices from 1. October 2021

Kelheim Fibres GmbH is announcing that with effect from 01. October 2021, or as contracts and agreements allow, prices for its range of viscose fibres will be increased by €0,20/kg. In addition, freight cost adjustments will be applied on an individual customer basis. In cases where energy cost adjustments are not included in contracts and agreements, a temporary energy surcharge will be applied.

“The measures we are taking are absolutely necessary to ensure that Kelheim Fibres remains in a position to supply fibres with the levels of quality and service expected by our customers,” says Matthew North, Commercial Director of Kelheim Fibres.

The year 2021 has brought extraordinary challenges for society and for industry. Alongside the Covid-19 pandemic, recovering demand, disruption in the global freight systems and dramatically increased energy costs are driving significant cost increases for raw materials and negatively influencing supply chains. Prices for energy and freight currently lie well outside their historical ranges.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH is announcing that with effect from 01. October 2021, or as contracts and agreements allow, prices for its range of viscose fibres will be increased by €0,20/kg. In addition, freight cost adjustments will be applied on an individual customer basis. In cases where energy cost adjustments are not included in contracts and agreements, a temporary energy surcharge will be applied.

“The measures we are taking are absolutely necessary to ensure that Kelheim Fibres remains in a position to supply fibres with the levels of quality and service expected by our customers,” says Matthew North, Commercial Director of Kelheim Fibres.

The year 2021 has brought extraordinary challenges for society and for industry. Alongside the Covid-19 pandemic, recovering demand, disruption in the global freight systems and dramatically increased energy costs are driving significant cost increases for raw materials and negatively influencing supply chains. Prices for energy and freight currently lie well outside their historical ranges.

Es sei der Kelheim Fibres GmbH gelungen, die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die Faserproduktion zu begrenzen. Aber als Unternehmen mit eigener Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlage und einem hohen Exportanteil in Staaten außerhalb Europas hätten sich diese Kostenfaktoren im zweiten und dritten Quartal 2021 stark negativ auf die Margen ausgewirkt. Da die Energiekosten auf einem beispiellos hohen Niveau verharrten und im vierten Quartal möglicherweise weiter ansteigen werden, keine Entlastung bei den hohen Frachtkosten absehbar sei und auch die Rohstoffkosten auf hohem Niveau blieben, müsse das Unternehmen Maßnahmen ergreifen, um eine weitere Margenerosion zu verhindern.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH had succeeded in limiting the impact of the pandemic on fibre production. However, as a company operating its own cogeneration energy plant and with a high level of export business outside Europe, these cost factors have had a severe negative impact on margins during the second and third quarters of 2021. With energy costs set to remain at unprecedentedly high levels and potentially increase further in the fourth quarter, no relief to the high level of freight costs foreseeable, and raw material costs also remaining at a high level, the company needs to take steps to prevent further margin erosion.

Kelheim Fibres’ Business Managers will be in contact with individual customers during September with further information.

More information:
Kelheim Fibres viscose fibers

Kelheim Fibres

Virtuelle Verleihung des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises 2021 © Shutterstock
UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis 2021

Virtuelle Verleihung des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises 2021

Das letzte Jahr und insbesondere die mediale Aufmerksamkeit rund um die Corona-Pandemie zeigen, wie wichtig eine verständliche und zielgruppenorientierte Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Themen ist und welchen hohen Stellenwert die Wissenschaft einnimmt. Den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu fördern, ist das Ziel des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises, der 2021 zum zwölften Mal vom UMSICHT-Förderverein verliehen wird. Erfahren Sie im Rahmen der Preisverleihung mehr über die spannenden Beiträge der Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger in den Kategorien Wissenschaft und Journalismus.

Die diesjährige Bekanntgabe der Preisträger*innen und Preisverleihung findet am Donnerstag, den 24. Juni 2021 aufgrund der aktuellen Situation virtuell statt. Auf der Veranstaltung kann man sich über aktuelle Themen und Trends in der Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftskommunikation informieren. Nähere Informationen und auch bereits den Link zur Veranstaltung finden sie hier.

Das letzte Jahr und insbesondere die mediale Aufmerksamkeit rund um die Corona-Pandemie zeigen, wie wichtig eine verständliche und zielgruppenorientierte Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Themen ist und welchen hohen Stellenwert die Wissenschaft einnimmt. Den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu fördern, ist das Ziel des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises, der 2021 zum zwölften Mal vom UMSICHT-Förderverein verliehen wird. Erfahren Sie im Rahmen der Preisverleihung mehr über die spannenden Beiträge der Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger in den Kategorien Wissenschaft und Journalismus.

Die diesjährige Bekanntgabe der Preisträger*innen und Preisverleihung findet am Donnerstag, den 24. Juni 2021 aufgrund der aktuellen Situation virtuell statt. Auf der Veranstaltung kann man sich über aktuelle Themen und Trends in der Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftskommunikation informieren. Nähere Informationen und auch bereits den Link zur Veranstaltung finden sie hier.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT