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Adidas: Official Match Balls of 2023/24 UEFA Champions League and UEFA Women’s Champions League adidas

Adidas: Official Match Balls of 2023/24 UEFA Champions League and UEFA Women’s Champions League

adidas revealed the Official Match Balls for the 2023/24 UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Women’s Champions League.

Set on a metallic silver background, the men’s iteration of the Official Match Ball integrates a single letter from the instantly recognisable chorus lyric – ‘THE CHAMPIONS’ - onto each of the 12 stars, in an opulent calligraphy style. Visual representations of the musical tones of the song interject the stars, in striking royal purple, red and blue - colours specifically chosen to represent the footballing royalty competing for the coveted UEFA Champions League trophy.

The introduction of a bespoke anthem for the UEFA Women’s Champions League in the 2021/22 season, marked the start of a new dawn for the tournament. In honour of that moment, the new design incorporates the lyrics of the song in two of the ball’s eye-catching star panels – creating a unique circular text pattern in bright orange. The remaining ten stars feature a wavy purple and pink print, curated using the same words from the anthem, but significantly enlarged to create an abstract and attention-grabbing look.

adidas revealed the Official Match Balls for the 2023/24 UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Women’s Champions League.

Set on a metallic silver background, the men’s iteration of the Official Match Ball integrates a single letter from the instantly recognisable chorus lyric – ‘THE CHAMPIONS’ - onto each of the 12 stars, in an opulent calligraphy style. Visual representations of the musical tones of the song interject the stars, in striking royal purple, red and blue - colours specifically chosen to represent the footballing royalty competing for the coveted UEFA Champions League trophy.

The introduction of a bespoke anthem for the UEFA Women’s Champions League in the 2021/22 season, marked the start of a new dawn for the tournament. In honour of that moment, the new design incorporates the lyrics of the song in two of the ball’s eye-catching star panels – creating a unique circular text pattern in bright orange. The remaining ten stars feature a wavy purple and pink print, curated using the same words from the anthem, but significantly enlarged to create an abstract and attention-grabbing look.

The balls are optimised to cope with the demands of the modern game, incorporating a range of adidas performance technology – including a PRISMA surface texture which offers Europe’s finest players precision on the ball. The outer texture coating, found on all UEFA Champions League and UEFA Women’s Champions League Official Match Balls, offers secure grip and control on the ball while the thermally bonded seamless construction ensures the balls retain optimum shape to deliver ultimate performance on the pitch.

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adidas adidas AG



ROICA™ expands its innovation and partnerships

The ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the foundation of contemporary business. Its team is ready to take ROICA™ to the next level, responding to market demand innovations, whilst sharing its latest responsible production system with a new generation of consumer.

For this reason, the ROICA™ strategy is based on two key elements:
First, a focus on responsible innovation, able to respond to new market needs and desires without harming the environment or society at large. Thanks to the certified and eco-high tech ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, Asahi Kasei is able to meet responsible business needs and contemporary consumers’ desire for a modern wardrobe that represents a new generation of values.

Second, the dawn of ROICA™ has fueled a consolidation of partnerships along the whole supply chain through conversations and collaborations with companies sharing ROICA™’s values, including: Artistic Milliners, CIFRA, Dresdner Spitzen, Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics, Maglificio Ripa, Penn Italia - Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Sitip S.p.A. and Tessitura Colombo.

The ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the foundation of contemporary business. Its team is ready to take ROICA™ to the next level, responding to market demand innovations, whilst sharing its latest responsible production system with a new generation of consumer.

For this reason, the ROICA™ strategy is based on two key elements:
First, a focus on responsible innovation, able to respond to new market needs and desires without harming the environment or society at large. Thanks to the certified and eco-high tech ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, Asahi Kasei is able to meet responsible business needs and contemporary consumers’ desire for a modern wardrobe that represents a new generation of values.

Second, the dawn of ROICA™ has fueled a consolidation of partnerships along the whole supply chain through conversations and collaborations with companies sharing ROICA™’s values, including: Artistic Milliners, CIFRA, Dresdner Spitzen, Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics, Maglificio Ripa, Penn Italia - Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Sitip S.p.A. and Tessitura Colombo.


ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei

CAPAROL ICONS Kollektion: 120 hochwertige, satte Farbtöne von zeitloser Modernität (c)
CAPAROL ICONS Referenz Apartment London NO 65 SKATER

CAPAROL ICONS Kollektion: 120 hochwertige, satte Farbtöne von zeitloser Modernität

  • Entstanden aus 125 Jahren Tradition, Handwerk und Liebe zur Farbe und entwickelt für höchste ästhetische Ansprüche: CAPAROL ICONS

Die eigenen vier Wände als Refugium und Bühne und als wertvoller Ort der Ruhe: Die 120 hochwertigen, satten Farbtöne von CAPAROL ICONS sind ein Füllhorn an Inspiration und Wohlfühlatmosphäre. Aber es ist nicht nur die besondere Wirkung, die Begeisterung schafft, sondern auch der Benefit von Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit made in Germany. Denn die Marke aus dem Odenwald steht auf einer einzigartigen Basis: Das junge Unternehmen mit Start-up-Charakter zehrt von der Erfahrung des Mutterkonzerns DAW, dem größten privat geführten Baufarbenhersteller Europas aus dem hessischen Ober-Ramstadt, der 2020 sein 125-jähriges Bestehen feiert und der für zahlreiche Meilensteine in der Farbenentwicklung weltweit verantwortlich ist.

Inspirierend und luxuriös: Die Farbkollektion von CAPAROL ICONS

  • Entstanden aus 125 Jahren Tradition, Handwerk und Liebe zur Farbe und entwickelt für höchste ästhetische Ansprüche: CAPAROL ICONS

Die eigenen vier Wände als Refugium und Bühne und als wertvoller Ort der Ruhe: Die 120 hochwertigen, satten Farbtöne von CAPAROL ICONS sind ein Füllhorn an Inspiration und Wohlfühlatmosphäre. Aber es ist nicht nur die besondere Wirkung, die Begeisterung schafft, sondern auch der Benefit von Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit made in Germany. Denn die Marke aus dem Odenwald steht auf einer einzigartigen Basis: Das junge Unternehmen mit Start-up-Charakter zehrt von der Erfahrung des Mutterkonzerns DAW, dem größten privat geführten Baufarbenhersteller Europas aus dem hessischen Ober-Ramstadt, der 2020 sein 125-jähriges Bestehen feiert und der für zahlreiche Meilensteine in der Farbenentwicklung weltweit verantwortlich ist.

Inspirierend und luxuriös: Die Farbkollektion von CAPAROL ICONS

„125 Jahre hat unser Familienunternehmen die Geschichte der Farbkultur mitgeschrieben – mit CAPAROL ICONS erzählen wir sie jetzt neu“ Dr. Ralf Murjahn. Wer für ein hochwertiges Interior passende luxuriöse Wandfarben suchte, fand lange keine Qualität made in Germany. Das änderte sich 2016 mit CAPAROL ICONS. Die vom Inhaber der DAW, Dr. Ralf Murjahn zusammen mit seiner Schwester, der Kunsthistorikerin Annika Murjahn initiierte Luxus-Wandfarben- Kollektion CAPAROL ICONS spiegelt die besondere Liebe zum Produkt und das über die letzten 125 Jahre gewachsene Know-How des Unternehmens wider.

Die Geschwister haben die Leidenschaft und Begeisterung für Farbe von klein auf in sich aufgesogen und schließlich auch zu ihrer Berufung gemacht. Dr. Ralf Murjahn promovierte als Chemiker und startete seine Karriere in der Forschungsabteilung des Familienunternehmens. Annika Murjahn folgte ihrer Begeisterung für Kunst, studierte Kunstgeschichte, spezialisierte sich auf alte Meister und arbeitete in London und New York für namenhafte Auktionshäuser. Unter ihrer Leitung führte ein Team aus FarbdesignerInnen, TrendforscherInnen und InnenarchitektInnen eine umfangreiche wissenschaftliche Studie durch, auf deren Grundlage die CAPAROL ICONS Kollektion konzipiert ist. Die Studie befasste sich mit Kunst, Musik, Architektur, Literatur, Design, technischem Fortschritt und Mode von den 1950er- bis 2000er-Jahren und dem daraus resultierenden Einfluss auf die jeweilige Farbkultur der sechs Jahrzehnte. Bei der mehrjährigen Entwicklungsarbeit in der Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Abteilung am Firmensitz in Ober-Ramstadt entstand eine völlig neu formulierte Farb-Formel mit höchsten Ansprüchen an Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit.

Das Ergebnis aus Studie und Produktentwicklung war CAPAROL ICONS, ein eigenständiges Unternehmen mit einem Sortiment aus 120 sorgfältig kuratierten Luxus-Innenfarben für anspruchsvolle KundInnen. Natürliche und pastellige Farben sind ebenso im Angebot wie besonders leuchtende Nuancen sowie Neon und Metallic-Töne. Die damit entstehenden pudrig matten Wände verleihen Räumen ein einzigartiges Flair. Höchste Ansprüche an Umweltfreundlichkeit, Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit verbinden sich bei CAPAROL ICONS mit Leidenschaft für Farbe sowie mit dem Anspruch, eine außergewöhnliche Qualität zu bieten und besonders edle und farbtiefe Oberflächen zu ermöglichen.

Baufarbenhersteller DAW feiert 125-jähriges-Jubiläum und damit 125 Jahre Kompetenz in der Farbenentwicklung.

Die DAW, Deutschlands größter privat geführter Baufarbenhersteller, feiert 2020 das 125. Firmen-Jubiläum. Das in fünfter Generation familiengeführte Unternehmen beschäftigt fast 6.000 Mitarbeiter, davon mehr als 3.200 in Deutschland. Als langjähriger Partner und Lieferant von Großhandel und Malerei-Betrieben führt die DAW mit Marken wie Caparol im Bereich der qualitativ hochwertigen Farben, Lacke, Lasuren, bauchemischen Produkten und Materialien für die Fassaden- und Dämmtechnik den deutschen Markt an. Das Programm der im "Do it yourself"-Bereich ansässigen Marke Alpina umfasst vor allem hochwertige, umweltfreundliche und gesundheitsschonende sowie leicht verarbeitbare Fabrikate für Privatkunden.

sappi (c) Sappi Europe

sappi: Setting trends with sustainable and innovative solutions

At PRINTING United in Dallas (Texas), Sappi presents its high-quality speciality papers to meet the highest demands

To be close to the market and to anticipate customers’ needs: this is what Sappi, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative sublimation, printing and speciality papers, is known for. At this year’s PRINTING United tradeshow in Dallas, Texas (USA), Sappi is going to present its new Transjet Drive dye sublimation paper at booth 5123 from 23 to 25 October as well as different papers for large format inkjet printing. In addition, Sappi’s Ultracast casting and release papers will be shown. These products deliver superior textures with 100% replication for a wide range of aesthetic and functional applications.

“Dawn of a new era” is the promising title of the PRINTING United pre-announcement, as this year all relevant technologies and manufacturers will be present in one place for the first time. For Sappi, this tradeshow is the perfect platform to showcase its ground-breaking portfolio of high-quality speciality papers.

At PRINTING United in Dallas (Texas), Sappi presents its high-quality speciality papers to meet the highest demands

To be close to the market and to anticipate customers’ needs: this is what Sappi, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative sublimation, printing and speciality papers, is known for. At this year’s PRINTING United tradeshow in Dallas, Texas (USA), Sappi is going to present its new Transjet Drive dye sublimation paper at booth 5123 from 23 to 25 October as well as different papers for large format inkjet printing. In addition, Sappi’s Ultracast casting and release papers will be shown. These products deliver superior textures with 100% replication for a wide range of aesthetic and functional applications.

“Dawn of a new era” is the promising title of the PRINTING United pre-announcement, as this year all relevant technologies and manufacturers will be present in one place for the first time. For Sappi, this tradeshow is the perfect platform to showcase its ground-breaking portfolio of high-quality speciality papers.

More information:


Chomarat North America awarded as 9100 certification for the aerospace industry

Chomarat North America awarded as 9100 certification for the aerospace industry

CHOMARAT North America has just been awarded AS 9100 certification. CHOMARAT Group’s US facility that specializes in Advanced Composites reinforcements is located in Williamston, South Carolina. The new certification covers aerospace quality management systems and follows the Group’s development strategy relative to quality and risk management. “Our North American plant’s new AS 9100 certification proves our organisational maturity and provides a vital asset to enable us to become a leading aerospace supplier,” said Michel COGNET, Group Managing Director at CHOMARAT.


CHOMARAT North America has just been awarded AS 9100 certification. CHOMARAT Group’s US facility that specializes in Advanced Composites reinforcements is located in Williamston, South Carolina. The new certification covers aerospace quality management systems and follows the Group’s development strategy relative to quality and risk management. “Our North American plant’s new AS 9100 certification proves our organisational maturity and provides a vital asset to enable us to become a leading aerospace supplier,” said Michel COGNET, Group Managing Director at CHOMARAT.

With this certification, CHOMARAT North America is following in the footsteps of the Group’s French plants that were certified to ES 9100 in 2012. The facility now meets the strict criteria set by the market for high performance composites reinforcements for the aerospace industry. The quality system and risk management standards are recognised by purchasers worldwide and is in line with the Group’s growth strategy for the aerospace market. “We are proud of this AS 9100 certification that clearly demonstrates our commitment to quality management and reliability. This accomplishment now allows us to compete as an international aerospace supplier from multiple continents!” said Brian LAUFENBERG, President of CHOMARAT’s NA business.

CHOMARAT has already made a name for itself in the aerospace market with fabrics, tapes and multiaxial carbon reinforcements, particularly its C-PLY™ range. These materials are designed for primary and secondary structures as well as aircraft interior parts. These highly modular materials offer great angle and ply flexibility and open up new opportunities for designing lighter, more efficient and lower cost composite parts. This is a huge advantage in a market with high productivity demands.
This is why C-PLY™ was recently chosen by VX AEROSPACE for their foldaway drone, which can be stowed inside a cylindrical container and deployed from a tactical aircraft. The carbon multiaxial material is used in the construction of the wing, the horizontal stabilizers, the vertical fin and all of the control surfaces. “There is no better material! The extremely thin multiaxial reinforcement is perfect, because strength and stiffness are tailored according to demand. It offers extremely high performance at a reduced cost.” said VX AEROSPACE Chief Engineer Bob SKILLEN.



An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion (c) Rodin Banica
Textile installation by Cécile Feilchenfeldt

An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

The piece de resistance was a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt that  contained  exquisite  knits  allowing  guests  to  walk  through  the area to  inspire creativity and explore the  limitless possibilities using innovative  smart  materials.  So,  with  responsible  design  in  mind  the guests  were  able  to  touch  and  feel  the  luxurious  smart  textiles supported  by  sustainable  credentials  from  Bacx  by  Centro  Seta, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, Organic Cotton  Colours,  Re.VerSo™,  ROICA™  by  Asahi  Kasei,  TINTEX Textiles, and Zignone. The new generation of beautiful cottons, rich silks, lush wools and opulent cashmeres showcased throughout the C.L.A.S.S. event currently available to the market.

Giusy Bettoni and the C.L.A.S.S. team from Milan and New  York, as well as several of their partner representatives from around the globe  were  on  hand  to  engage  designers  and  educators  and answer   questions   related   to   smart   materials   and   processes. Designers  and  educators  were  pleased  to  learn  about  the  new C.L.A.S.S. e-commerce site dedicated to emerging designers and fashion  startups,  as  well as  new  details  regarding  C.L.A.S.S. Education  as  a  university   learning  resource,  co-founded   with James  Mendolia,  FIT  Professor,  MFA  Fashion  Design  and  FIT Sustainability Council Member.

Attendees included: Julien Labat, president of Edun and Marilyn Balkaransingh Director of  Fabric  R&D of  Edun, J.R.  Campbell  and  Young  Kim  Thanos of Kent State’s School of Design and Merchandising, Lisa Smilor and Stephanie  Soto of  CFDA,  Nomi  Dale  Kleinman of  FIT,  Susan Easton, founder   of   From   the   Road,   Nicole   Fischelis,   Heron Preston, Luciana Scrutchen of Parsons School of Design and Kay Unger, chair of the Board of Governors for Parsons, among others.