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Hohenstein: Artificial intelligence for workwear (c) Sizekick

Hohenstein: Artificial intelligence for workwear

An innovative web application now enables independent, flexible, and digital fitting when selecting workwear. By using Sizekick's AI-based technology, which the start-up developed together with Hohenstein, the textile service provider Elis is offering its customers personalised size recommendations based on individual body measurements for the first time.

The web application implemented by Sizekick in collaboration with Elis uses a two-stage process to determine the right size for the web shop’s customers: First, realistic body shapes are suggested and selected using the BodyFinder. Then, sizing is completed with the BodyScanner, a video-based body scan using a smartphone camera. The data is transmitted anonymously, so only the correct clothing size is sent to Elis, and the entire user-friendly sizing process only takes a few minutes.

An innovative web application now enables independent, flexible, and digital fitting when selecting workwear. By using Sizekick's AI-based technology, which the start-up developed together with Hohenstein, the textile service provider Elis is offering its customers personalised size recommendations based on individual body measurements for the first time.

The web application implemented by Sizekick in collaboration with Elis uses a two-stage process to determine the right size for the web shop’s customers: First, realistic body shapes are suggested and selected using the BodyFinder. Then, sizing is completed with the BodyScanner, a video-based body scan using a smartphone camera. The data is transmitted anonymously, so only the correct clothing size is sent to Elis, and the entire user-friendly sizing process only takes a few minutes.




Hohenstein: Neuer Zertifikatslehrgang „Intensivtraining Digital Fashion Development“

Beim Zertifikatslehrgang „Intensivtraining Digital Fashion Development” können sich Teilnehmende ab September 2024 zu qualifizierten 3D-Produktentwicklern in der Bekleidungsbranche fortbilden. Zielgruppe sind Fachleute, die bereits über Grundkenntnisse der digitalen Produktentwicklung verfügen und ihr Know-how vertiefen wollen.

Unter Anleitung von 3D-Experten lernen sie im Intensivtraining, realistische virtuelle Kleidungsstücke zu entwerfen. Das Themenspektrum reicht vom optimalen Umgang mit Schnitt, Material und Avatar bis zur virtuellen Anprobe und Visualisierung.

Die 3D-Produktentwicklung fördert die nahtlose Zusammenarbeit zwischen Teams von Unternehmen und Zulieferern. Durch die Visualisierung und Bearbeitung virtueller Prototypen können Designer,
Ingenieure und Marketingfachleute in Echtzeit zusammenarbeiten. Dies kann helfen, Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, Innovation zu fördern und Ergebnisse zu optimieren. Zudem können Unternehmen ihren Kunden und Auftraggebern die Produkte ansprechend präsentieren.

Beim Zertifikatslehrgang „Intensivtraining Digital Fashion Development” können sich Teilnehmende ab September 2024 zu qualifizierten 3D-Produktentwicklern in der Bekleidungsbranche fortbilden. Zielgruppe sind Fachleute, die bereits über Grundkenntnisse der digitalen Produktentwicklung verfügen und ihr Know-how vertiefen wollen.

Unter Anleitung von 3D-Experten lernen sie im Intensivtraining, realistische virtuelle Kleidungsstücke zu entwerfen. Das Themenspektrum reicht vom optimalen Umgang mit Schnitt, Material und Avatar bis zur virtuellen Anprobe und Visualisierung.

Die 3D-Produktentwicklung fördert die nahtlose Zusammenarbeit zwischen Teams von Unternehmen und Zulieferern. Durch die Visualisierung und Bearbeitung virtueller Prototypen können Designer,
Ingenieure und Marketingfachleute in Echtzeit zusammenarbeiten. Dies kann helfen, Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, Innovation zu fördern und Ergebnisse zu optimieren. Zudem können Unternehmen ihren Kunden und Auftraggebern die Produkte ansprechend präsentieren.

Das Schulungsprogramm umfasst 85 Stunden, verteilt auf 20 Einheiten. Davon finden zwei Tage in Präsenz in der Hohenstein Academy am Stammsitz Bönnigheim statt. Die übrigen Lehrinhalte werden in 18 Online-Workshops jeweils donnerstags und freitags vermittelt. Start des Lehrgangs ist am 12./13. September 2024. Voraussetzung, um daran teilzunehmen, sind der Zugang zu CLO, Style3D oder VStitcher sowie Erfahrung mit mindestens einem dieser 3D Simulations-Programme.

Der Zertifikatslehrgang kostet 4.750,- Euro. Bei Anmeldung bis zum 31.05. bietet Hohenstein aktuell einen Frühbucher-Rabatt in Höhe von 15 % (4040,00 € Gesamtkosten) an.

Hohenstein Sport-BH © Hohenstein
Je nach Sportart ist ein unterschiedlich hohes Supportlevel notwendig. Eine Handballspielerin braucht beispielsweise einen hohen Support.

Hohenstein: Neue objektive Sport-BH Prüfung

Ein neues Hohenstein Prüfverfahren misst auf wissenschaftlicher Basis das Support-Level von Sport-BHs, was bisher nur subjektiv möglich war. Die neue von den Hohenstein Passform-Expertinnen entwickelte Methode liefert reproduzierbare, unabhängige Ergebnisse, ohne menschlichen Einfluss. Die neutralen Daten helfen BH-Herstellern und Marken künftig, ihre Produkte zu verbessern und belegbare Aussagen zu kommunizieren.

Das neue BH-Prüfverfahren klassifiziert den Grad der Unterstützung, den ein Sport-BH bietet (hoch, mittel und niedrig). Außerdem wird der BH mit anderen Produkten auf dem Markt verglichen. Die Klassifizierungs- und Benchmarking-Daten helfen bei der Produktentwicklung, dem Qualitätsmanagement und der Überprüfung von Marketingaussagen. Unternehmen können die Ergebnisse auch für ein glaubwürdiges Point-of-Sale-Marketing gegenüber den Endverbrauchern einsetzen.

Ein neues Hohenstein Prüfverfahren misst auf wissenschaftlicher Basis das Support-Level von Sport-BHs, was bisher nur subjektiv möglich war. Die neue von den Hohenstein Passform-Expertinnen entwickelte Methode liefert reproduzierbare, unabhängige Ergebnisse, ohne menschlichen Einfluss. Die neutralen Daten helfen BH-Herstellern und Marken künftig, ihre Produkte zu verbessern und belegbare Aussagen zu kommunizieren.

Das neue BH-Prüfverfahren klassifiziert den Grad der Unterstützung, den ein Sport-BH bietet (hoch, mittel und niedrig). Außerdem wird der BH mit anderen Produkten auf dem Markt verglichen. Die Klassifizierungs- und Benchmarking-Daten helfen bei der Produktentwicklung, dem Qualitätsmanagement und der Überprüfung von Marketingaussagen. Unternehmen können die Ergebnisse auch für ein glaubwürdiges Point-of-Sale-Marketing gegenüber den Endverbrauchern einsetzen.

Ein speziell entwickelter 3D-Torso ermöglicht das Testen verschiedener Cups und Größen. Die Brust wird mit geeigneten Materialien nachgebildet und ist individuell formbar. Während der Prüfung wird die Bewegung der Brust in allen drei Bewegungsrichtungen (oben/unten, rechts/links, vorwärts/rückwärts) simuliert und analysiert.

„Unsere Bekleidungsingenieure befassen sich seit Jahrzehnten mit dem Markt und der Verbesserung der Passform. Das Wissen um die Zielgruppe – Verwendungszweck und Körbchengröße – ist einer der wichtigsten Faktoren", sagt Simone Morlock, Leiterin der Hohenstein Bekleidungstechnik. „Yoga und Reiten erfordern einen sehr unterschiedlichen Grad an Support". In Zusammenarbeit mit einer Marke geht das Hohenstein Team die Anforderungen durch und arbeitet daran, das Produkt für die jeweilige Zielgruppe zu optimieren.

Der Fokus liegt zwar auf Sport-BHs, die Prüfung ist aber nicht auf diesen Anwendungsbereich beschränkt. Sie funktioniert nur in Kombination mit einer Passformprüfung, für die auf einen großen Pool an menschlichen Fitting Models zurückgegriffen wird. Durch ein optimiertes Schnittmuster lässt sich die Bewegung der Brust reduzieren.




Hohenstein future part of the AI hotspot IPAI

The testing service provider and research partner Hohenstein is joining the Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn. There are already points of contact with AI applications in some interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, there is the cooperation with the Munich-based start-up Sizekick and its AI-based technology for size recommendations, which aims to reduce size-related returns in online fashion retail.

"We expect the connection to the IPAI AI network to provide us with valuable impulses to remain fit for the future," explains Hohenstein CEO Dr. Timo Hammer, "This unique platform brings together a wide variety of players with their experience and knowledge. New ideas, projects and even products can be generated with great dynamism in the network as an intelligent response to future requirements. Because one thing is clear - artificial intelligence is THE key technology of the future".

The testing service provider and research partner Hohenstein is joining the Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn. There are already points of contact with AI applications in some interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, there is the cooperation with the Munich-based start-up Sizekick and its AI-based technology for size recommendations, which aims to reduce size-related returns in online fashion retail.

"We expect the connection to the IPAI AI network to provide us with valuable impulses to remain fit for the future," explains Hohenstein CEO Dr. Timo Hammer, "This unique platform brings together a wide variety of players with their experience and knowledge. New ideas, projects and even products can be generated with great dynamism in the network as an intelligent response to future requirements. Because one thing is clear - artificial intelligence is THE key technology of the future".

The Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn ( sees itself as an innovation platform for applied AI and a German lighthouse project with international appeal. The center is intended to map the entire AI value chain, from the qualification of specialists to the application of ethically responsible AI. The aim is to use the AI ecosystem to bring together companies, start-ups, research institutions, scientists, and public institutions and to secure Germany's digital independence and competitiveness in a key future technology.


Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG


Hohenstein releases 2023 sustainability report

The report details sustainability efforts at its Boennigheim headquarters and targets for 2024. Hohenstein has replaced previous environmental guidelines with strategic development in accordance with Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and adopted a sustainability roadmap for the future.

Hohenstein has been implementing environmental and social measures for decades. As the first neutral assessment of these measures in 2019, Hohenstein participated in the ECOfit programme in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. A regular external assessment is to be introduced in 2024.

The report details sustainability efforts at its Boennigheim headquarters and targets for 2024. Hohenstein has replaced previous environmental guidelines with strategic development in accordance with Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and adopted a sustainability roadmap for the future.

Hohenstein has been implementing environmental and social measures for decades. As the first neutral assessment of these measures in 2019, Hohenstein participated in the ECOfit programme in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. A regular external assessment is to be introduced in 2024.

  • Environmental: Overall, energy consumption was actively reduced, and renewable energy use promoted. Hohenstein also collected rail and air travel data to be used in CO2 accounting in 2024.
  • Social: Hohenstein actively involved its employees in sustainability activities based on a survey and internal education. In future, Hohenstein will improve the ratio of female managers and implement a training campaign on the company values for employees.
  • Governance: Hohenstein management has prioritized good communication through regular colloquia for employees and access to human resources consultation. They intend to intensify the dialogue with employees through further events.


Test kit for textile microfibre shedding Hohenstein
Test kit for textile microfibre shedding

New test kit for textile microfibre shedding

In cooperation with testing provider Hohenstein, Under Armour is launching a new fiber-shed test kit. It will help textile companies along the supply chain to develop lower shed materials during product development. The companies carry out the test themselves in-house using the test kit or can commission Hohenstein as a testing service provider.

The kit is a one-off purchase, after which users can buy additional materials from project partner James Heal. By using the new kit, Under Armour can reliably assess the quality and shed rate of the materials from suppliers.

For Hohenstein customers, the test kit is a useful addition to their microplastics tests. It is a quick and relatively inexpensive preliminary test that ensures better early-stage results for the end product.

During the production, wear and laundering of synthetic and natural fabrics, fibre shedding occurs in varying degrees. Hohenstein and Under Armour expect that their test method will help the industry better understand and reduce its contribution to the microfibre problem.

In cooperation with testing provider Hohenstein, Under Armour is launching a new fiber-shed test kit. It will help textile companies along the supply chain to develop lower shed materials during product development. The companies carry out the test themselves in-house using the test kit or can commission Hohenstein as a testing service provider.

The kit is a one-off purchase, after which users can buy additional materials from project partner James Heal. By using the new kit, Under Armour can reliably assess the quality and shed rate of the materials from suppliers.

For Hohenstein customers, the test kit is a useful addition to their microplastics tests. It is a quick and relatively inexpensive preliminary test that ensures better early-stage results for the end product.

During the production, wear and laundering of synthetic and natural fabrics, fibre shedding occurs in varying degrees. Hohenstein and Under Armour expect that their test method will help the industry better understand and reduce its contribution to the microfibre problem.

“Until now, integrating fiber-shed testing into industry research and development activities has required a significant time and cost investment,” said Kyle Blakely, Senior Vice President of Innovation for Under Armour. “At Under Armour, we believe intervening early to mitigate shedding is critical, which is why our test method is designed to specifically address these time and cost barriers.”

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 with different zones (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 with different zones

Technological progress often results from close collaboration, and industries that rely on continual improvement stand to benefit from the return to in-person business. Cinte Techtextil China’s first edition since eased pandemic measures is set to reflect a 27.9% increase in exhibitor numbers, with a rejuvenated international contingent further supplemented by the return of the European Zone. Taking place from 19 – 21 September across 40,000 sqm at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the platform is expected to welcome buyers from across Asia, Europe, and beyond. Pre-registrations have doubled compared to the previous edition, and international buyers account for over 20% of the total.

The new zone, Marine Textile Zone, will be comprised of multiple Chinese green marine and nautical rope netting exhibitors, while also hosting the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry. Prominent exhibitors in this zone include Ropenet Group, Hunan Xinhai, and Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope.

Technological progress often results from close collaboration, and industries that rely on continual improvement stand to benefit from the return to in-person business. Cinte Techtextil China’s first edition since eased pandemic measures is set to reflect a 27.9% increase in exhibitor numbers, with a rejuvenated international contingent further supplemented by the return of the European Zone. Taking place from 19 – 21 September across 40,000 sqm at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the platform is expected to welcome buyers from across Asia, Europe, and beyond. Pre-registrations have doubled compared to the previous edition, and international buyers account for over 20% of the total.

The new zone, Marine Textile Zone, will be comprised of multiple Chinese green marine and nautical rope netting exhibitors, while also hosting the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry. Prominent exhibitors in this zone include Ropenet Group, Hunan Xinhai, and Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope.

Other domestic exhibitors, such as Shanghai Shenda Kebao New Materials, SIJIA New Material (Shanghai), Zhejiang Hailide New Material, and Zhejiang Jinda New Materials, will showcase products for applications in outdoor advertising, tents, boats, vehicles, environmental engineering, and much more.

Supplementing the fairground’s wide variety of domestic suppliers will be a much-increased showing of international exhibitors, with many to be found within hall E1’s European Zone. Several global industry leaders are featured in their categories below:

Nonwovens equipment

  • Autefa Solutions, Germany: solutions provider for nonwovens lines and machines for carded-crosslapped needlepunching lines, spunlace lines and thermobonding lines.
  • Dilo, Germany: in addition to offering general services, Dilo supplies opening and blending equipment, carding and airlay machines, and crosslapping and needling machines.
  • Groz-Beckert, Germany: provider of industrial machine needles, precision parts and fine tools, as well as systems and services for the production and joining of textile fabrics.
  • Reifenhäuser Reicofil, Germany: provider of innovative technologies and components for plastics extrusion, producing blown films, cast films, sheets as well as nonwovens.

Weaving equipment

  • Itema, Italy: provider of advanced weaving machines, spare parts, and integrated services, specifically for rapier, air jet and projectile weft insertion technologies.
  • Lindauer DORNIER, Germany: the company manufactures weaving machines, film stretching lines, and composite systems, also offering technical support and spare parts supply.
  • Picanol, Belgium: producer and servicer of high-tech air jet and rapier weaving machines, with around 2,600 weaving mills utilising their systems worldwide.

Coating and lamination

  • BRÜCKNER Textile Technologies, Germany: manufacturer of machines and lines for the coating and finishing of apparel fabric, technical textiles, nonwovens, glass fabrics and floor coverings.
  • ROWA Lack, Germany: developer of high-quality materials and product solutions for the polymer industry, with applications including automotive, electrical engineering, construction, technical textiles, and medical technology.
  • Stahl, the Netherlands: the Dutch company provides high quality coatings, dyes and process chemicals for leather, flexible coated substrates, textiles, films and foils, paper, and related products.


  • Monosuisse, Switzerland: with production sites in Switzerland, Poland, Romania, Mexico, and Germany, Monosuisse manufactures various precise, high-quality polymer monofilaments from 19µm to 3.00 mm in diameter.
  • Perlon, Germany: specialised in the manufacture of synthetic filaments in diverse application areas, including paper machine clothing, dental care, and advanced technical textiles for agriculture, 3D printing, sports and leisure, home, and more.

Meanwhile, first-time exhibitors include Rökona (Germany), showcasing RE:SPACE, their range of recycled technical textiles; Testex AG (Switzerland), the official OEKO-TEX® representative in multiple countries including China; Hohenstein (Germany), the renowned testing laboratory and research institute; and zwissTEX (Germany), the knitted fabrics and lamination specialists. In addition, the returning Taiwan Pavilion is set to feature the debut of Shinih Enterprise Co Ltd (Taiwan China).

Beyond the innovation displayed at the booths, the fair’s programme is set to welcome global experts from various technical textile and nonwoven sub-sectors to offer specific insights and unveil innovations. Highlighted events include:

The 11th China International Nonwovens Conference
14 sessions cover topics such as the quality control of medical supplies; green development in technology and applications in the nonwovens industry; and the development and application of flashspun nonwovens in China.

Marine textiles and rope netting events
Events specific to this zone include the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry; Conference on Textile Applications for Marine Engineering and Fisheries; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA) Rope Net Branch Council Meeting

"Nonwovens, Creating a Better Life” Innovation Showcase
Product display area showcasing around 100 nonwovens products with applications in five areas: medical and health, quality of life, human habitat, sustainable development, and innovative design.

Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum
Includes presentations from multiple key players in the technical textile industry, including Mr Steven Liu, Commercial Manager of Polymer Additives Business of Sanitized (China) Ltd.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

(c) Sizekick

Hohenstein and Sizekick: AI for size recommendations

The Munich-based startup Sizekick launches a new technology and attracts well-known brands and retailers to reduce size-related returns in e-commerce. With the apparel technology know-how of the strategic partner and investor Hohenstein and the AI-based technology of Sizekick, more sustainable shopping in e-commerce with less CO2 emissions will be made possible. The technology company is now celebrating a successful market entry: The newly developed sizing AI is now available for fashion e-commerce stores and is pleased about the first successfully acquired customers. The first customers to join the company include the Swiss multi-brand store for sustainable fashion, Rrrevolve, the premium outdoor brand Black Diamond from the USA, and Marc Cain, a global brand with German roots in the premium sector.

The Munich-based startup Sizekick launches a new technology and attracts well-known brands and retailers to reduce size-related returns in e-commerce. With the apparel technology know-how of the strategic partner and investor Hohenstein and the AI-based technology of Sizekick, more sustainable shopping in e-commerce with less CO2 emissions will be made possible. The technology company is now celebrating a successful market entry: The newly developed sizing AI is now available for fashion e-commerce stores and is pleased about the first successfully acquired customers. The first customers to join the company include the Swiss multi-brand store for sustainable fashion, Rrrevolve, the premium outdoor brand Black Diamond from the USA, and Marc Cain, a global brand with German roots in the premium sector.

The solution promises to add value for both brands and consumers when shopping online by taking individual body measurements into account when recommending the right clothing size. The AI-based technology always offers two options to help arrive at the appropriate size recommendation. With BodyFinder, the AI suggests realistic body shapes to choose from. Alternatively, the video-based BodyScanner option enables a body scan via the smartphone's video function. All it takes to do this is to turn around in front of the phone's camera. Fashion brands and fashion retailers now have easy access to the new technology, as integration in the e-commerce store takes just a few minutes.

Hohenstein's expertise helped the Sizekick team to link accurate body measurements with the right product properties. Hohenstein is considered a leader in the field of size & fit and has been advising companies in the textile industry for over 75 years. The Sizekick fit analysis not only supports the brands' product teams, but is also used as direct input for Sizekick AI.




Hohenstein celebrates 30 years of accreditation

On June 9, Hohenstein celebrates World Accreditation Day (WAD2023) along with 30 years as an accredited testing laboratory. In 1993, Hohenstein’s first lab received official certification to test textile products competently, reliably and impartially according to internationally recognized standards. With the expansion of its testing business, the company, headquartered in Boennigheim, Germany, has since gained numerous other accreditations for its global laboratories.

"The accreditations give our customers confidence that we comply with the required quality control procedures," says Julia Seeberg, who as Head of Quality Management also oversees the regular monitoring of the laboratories by DAkkS, the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle. “Everything possible is done to ensure the integrity of the test results.” In addition to DAkks accreditations of the testing laboratories for textile technological, biological, chemical and physical tests, Hohenstein is accredited as a certification and inspection body. Hohenstein's 75 years of expertise in the testing business complement its accreditation and provide an important basis for its long-standing customer trust.

On June 9, Hohenstein celebrates World Accreditation Day (WAD2023) along with 30 years as an accredited testing laboratory. In 1993, Hohenstein’s first lab received official certification to test textile products competently, reliably and impartially according to internationally recognized standards. With the expansion of its testing business, the company, headquartered in Boennigheim, Germany, has since gained numerous other accreditations for its global laboratories.

"The accreditations give our customers confidence that we comply with the required quality control procedures," says Julia Seeberg, who as Head of Quality Management also oversees the regular monitoring of the laboratories by DAkkS, the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle. “Everything possible is done to ensure the integrity of the test results.” In addition to DAkks accreditations of the testing laboratories for textile technological, biological, chemical and physical tests, Hohenstein is accredited as a certification and inspection body. Hohenstein's 75 years of expertise in the testing business complement its accreditation and provide an important basis for its long-standing customer trust.

Hohenstein laboratories in China, Bangladesh, Hong Kong and India have accreditations from the respective national and international accreditation bodies. The labs celebrate World Accreditation Day by highlighting the importance of accredited laboratories for the product quality and sustainability. "The demands of suppliers and consumers have increased," Julia Seeberg also notes. “For manufacturers to remain credible, it is even more imperative to demonstrate compliance with defined and standardized quality criteria.”

The globally valid quality standard for testing and calibration laboratories is DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. The standard specifies general requirements for the competence, impartiality and uniform working methods of laboratories that operate internationally. Accreditations in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020 and 17065 exist for the inspection and certification bodies. In addition, Hohenstein is an accredited testing laboratory for medical devices, where biological, chemical and physical laboratory tests are carried out. These tests form the basis for conformity with the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR).



(c) Hohenstein
In May 2023, Markus Tiemann, Hohenstein Global Head of Retail, had the pleasure of handing over the first quality certificate of its kind to Bernd Brunssen, pictured here on the right, Head of Quality Assurance at Carstensen Import Export Handelsgesellschaft mbH.

First Hohenstein Quality Label Tested Pet Supplies awarded

To ensure that our four-legged pets are looked after in terms of product safety, quality and durability of their cuddly blankets, cushions or favorite toys, the testing service provider Hohenstein has established its quality label Tested Pet Supplies. In May 2023, Markus Tiemann, Hohenstein Global Head of Retail, had the pleasure of handing over the first quality certificate of its kind to Bernd Brunssen, Head of Quality Assurance at Carstensen Import Export Handelsgesellschaft mbH, located near Hamburg.

The bar for quality products is set high at the globally networked importer and distributor, and the company accordingly commissioned product-testing with Hohenstein testing laboratory from its existing range of dog cushions, toys for dogs and cats, pet transport boxes and food balls for dogs and cats.

To ensure that our four-legged pets are looked after in terms of product safety, quality and durability of their cuddly blankets, cushions or favorite toys, the testing service provider Hohenstein has established its quality label Tested Pet Supplies. In May 2023, Markus Tiemann, Hohenstein Global Head of Retail, had the pleasure of handing over the first quality certificate of its kind to Bernd Brunssen, Head of Quality Assurance at Carstensen Import Export Handelsgesellschaft mbH, located near Hamburg.

The bar for quality products is set high at the globally networked importer and distributor, and the company accordingly commissioned product-testing with Hohenstein testing laboratory from its existing range of dog cushions, toys for dogs and cats, pet transport boxes and food balls for dogs and cats.

The label is designed for the entire range in pet supplies, from chew toys to pet beds, with special attention to the high requirements for textiles. It provides consumers with clear product information on product safety, quality and durability, and also offers pets and their owners security against unwanted residues of chemical substances. Markus Tiemann adds, "To ensure that our four-legged darlings feel completely at ease, we can, depending on the intended use also include additional tests for example chew resistance, scratch resistance, outdoor suitability, water repellency, waterproofness or air permeability and include these in the claim, alongside standard tests."



protective suit (c) Hohenstein

Hohenstein certifies protective clothing and gloves against chemicals and infectious agents

Since April 2023, the testing service provider Hohenstein has been testing and certifying in two new areas in the field of protective clothing: protective suits and gloves against chemicals and infectious agents. These are covered by Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and are therefore personal protective equipment (PPE).

Protective clothing against infectious agents is used in many types of work: for example, work at sewage plants, waste disposal, animal care, disposal of hazardous waste from hospitals, etc. Workers are exposed to unknown infectious agents (microorganisms, parasites). The protective clothing should protect wearers from the mediums in which the microorganisms are contained, such as liquids, aerosols or solid dust particles.

Hohenstein tests and certifies the following types:

  • EN 14605: Protective clothing against liquid chemicals: Liquid-tight (type 3) or spray-tight (type 4) as well as partial protection types PB[3] and PB[4]
  • EN 13982-1: Protective clothing against airborne solid particulates: Type 5
  • EN 13034: Protective clothing against liquid chemicals: Type 6 and PB[6]

Since April 2023, the testing service provider Hohenstein has been testing and certifying in two new areas in the field of protective clothing: protective suits and gloves against chemicals and infectious agents. These are covered by Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and are therefore personal protective equipment (PPE).

Protective clothing against infectious agents is used in many types of work: for example, work at sewage plants, waste disposal, animal care, disposal of hazardous waste from hospitals, etc. Workers are exposed to unknown infectious agents (microorganisms, parasites). The protective clothing should protect wearers from the mediums in which the microorganisms are contained, such as liquids, aerosols or solid dust particles.

Hohenstein tests and certifies the following types:

  • EN 14605: Protective clothing against liquid chemicals: Liquid-tight (type 3) or spray-tight (type 4) as well as partial protection types PB[3] and PB[4]
  • EN 13982-1: Protective clothing against airborne solid particulates: Type 5
  • EN 13034: Protective clothing against liquid chemicals: Type 6 and PB[6]


(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg launches biodegradable fusible cotton shirt interlining range

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches its biodegradable fusible cotton shirt interlinings range 46xx. With this innovation, the world’s leading specialist in woven, knitted, weft and nonwoven interlinings reduces its impact on the environment and supports customers in achieving their own sustainability objectives. In Asia, the series is marketed under the name 42xx series.

Approved biodegradability and non-toxicity by Hohenstein Laboratories
The new Freudenberg fusible interlinings for shirts and blouses have been developed in such a way that they are harmless to people and the environment at the end of their life cycle. Germany’s independent Hohenstein Laboratories performed biodegradation tests on the 46xx series, based on the Hohenstein method which draws on DIN EN ISO 11721-2:2003 and EN ISO 846, and approved it as biodegradable and ecotoxicologically harmless. The tests by Hohenstein showed no negative effects on either the germination of garden cress nor on earthworms in the acute toxicity test.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches its biodegradable fusible cotton shirt interlinings range 46xx. With this innovation, the world’s leading specialist in woven, knitted, weft and nonwoven interlinings reduces its impact on the environment and supports customers in achieving their own sustainability objectives. In Asia, the series is marketed under the name 42xx series.

Approved biodegradability and non-toxicity by Hohenstein Laboratories
The new Freudenberg fusible interlinings for shirts and blouses have been developed in such a way that they are harmless to people and the environment at the end of their life cycle. Germany’s independent Hohenstein Laboratories performed biodegradation tests on the 46xx series, based on the Hohenstein method which draws on DIN EN ISO 11721-2:2003 and EN ISO 846, and approved it as biodegradable and ecotoxicologically harmless. The tests by Hohenstein showed no negative effects on either the germination of garden cress nor on earthworms in the acute toxicity test.

Energy-saving interlining
The new biodegradable shirt interlinings also show great potential for energy saving, as the fusing can be performed at a low temperature. Concretely, this means that the resulting temperature between the upper fabric and the shirt interlining during fusing is only 127°C which is significantly lower than the commonly used temperature of 143°C. Certified to OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class II for successfully testing for no harmful substances, the shirt interlinings are washable at up to 40°C and resistant to dry cleaning. In addition, it has also passed all ecological-toxicological tests and is a perfect end-of-life cycle solution.

Product details and availability
The products in range 46xx are available in Europe in the color white and the following weight classes: 4605 (90g/m2), 4616 (150g/m2) and 4618 (55g/m2). The adhesive of the interlinings consists of a 100% degradable bio-polymer. The shirt interlinings are ideal for reinforcing shirt and blouse collars, cuffs and plackets used in fashion, leisure and business clothing. The biodegradable, non-toxic interlinings are particularly important for labels with an ecologically sustainable claim.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) Hohenstein

Hohenstein zertifiziert Fanartikel des 1. FC Köln

Hohenstein zertifiziert im März 2023 mehrere Fanartikel des 1. FC Köln mit dem OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Label. Das rückverfolgbare Produktlabel für schadstoffgeprüfte Textilien bestätigt dem Verbraucher, dass das Kleidungsstück unter nachhaltigen und sozialverträglichen Bedingungen hergestellt wurde.

Der 1. FC Köln ist der neueste Zugang aus der Fußball-Bundesliga für Hohenstein, der Artikel aus seinem Fanshop in Zusammenarbeit mit der MBA-Solutions GmbH, Spezialist für nachhaltige textile Merchandise-Artikel und Arbeitskleidung, zertifizieren lässt. Dazu gehören T-Shirts mit Frontbedruckung oder -bestickung sowie Hoodies. Im Frühjahr 2023 sollen weitere FC-Fantextilien folgen.

Der Verein setzt sich unter anderem für aktiven Umweltschutz innerhalb und außerhalb des Vereins ein. Alle Merchandising-Artikel des FC entsprechen mindestens den geltenden Rechtsnormen. Das vereinseigene neue Label „Grüner Hennes“ zeigt an, welche Artikel Nachhaltigkeitskriterien erfüllen, die über gesetzliche Anforderungen hinausgehen. So auch die vom neutralen Dienstleister Hohenstein geprüften Artikel mit OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Siegel.


Hohenstein zertifiziert im März 2023 mehrere Fanartikel des 1. FC Köln mit dem OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Label. Das rückverfolgbare Produktlabel für schadstoffgeprüfte Textilien bestätigt dem Verbraucher, dass das Kleidungsstück unter nachhaltigen und sozialverträglichen Bedingungen hergestellt wurde.

Der 1. FC Köln ist der neueste Zugang aus der Fußball-Bundesliga für Hohenstein, der Artikel aus seinem Fanshop in Zusammenarbeit mit der MBA-Solutions GmbH, Spezialist für nachhaltige textile Merchandise-Artikel und Arbeitskleidung, zertifizieren lässt. Dazu gehören T-Shirts mit Frontbedruckung oder -bestickung sowie Hoodies. Im Frühjahr 2023 sollen weitere FC-Fantextilien folgen.

Der Verein setzt sich unter anderem für aktiven Umweltschutz innerhalb und außerhalb des Vereins ein. Alle Merchandising-Artikel des FC entsprechen mindestens den geltenden Rechtsnormen. Das vereinseigene neue Label „Grüner Hennes“ zeigt an, welche Artikel Nachhaltigkeitskriterien erfüllen, die über gesetzliche Anforderungen hinausgehen. So auch die vom neutralen Dienstleister Hohenstein geprüften Artikel mit OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Siegel.




(c) Hohenstein

Hohenstein: First 3D measurement study to improve garment sizing for children

Garment fitting pioneer Hohenstein has conducted the first ever measurement series on babies and toddlers. The data will aid the pattern development and fit assessment that is particularly challenging for children's clothing. The new database will help brands and manufacturers design their children's clothing in an accurate, efficient and more sustainable way using fit testing and pattern optimisation.

Hohenstein has been taking body measurements for all target groups since 1957. Based on regular serial measurements taken with 3D body scans over 20 years, data is continuously updated. With the measurement of toddlers and babies, Hohenstein is now closing a large gap in the German market for the first time. 5626 girls and boys in sizes 56 to 182 were measured. This means that 3D scans of infants are available for the first time. The 3D body data form an indispensable basis for customer-specific measurement tables, child-friendly patterns and gradings, optimal fits as well as 3D children's avatars for the simulation of clothing.

Garment fitting pioneer Hohenstein has conducted the first ever measurement series on babies and toddlers. The data will aid the pattern development and fit assessment that is particularly challenging for children's clothing. The new database will help brands and manufacturers design their children's clothing in an accurate, efficient and more sustainable way using fit testing and pattern optimisation.

Hohenstein has been taking body measurements for all target groups since 1957. Based on regular serial measurements taken with 3D body scans over 20 years, data is continuously updated. With the measurement of toddlers and babies, Hohenstein is now closing a large gap in the German market for the first time. 5626 girls and boys in sizes 56 to 182 were measured. This means that 3D scans of infants are available for the first time. The 3D body data form an indispensable basis for customer-specific measurement tables, child-friendly patterns and gradings, optimal fits as well as 3D children's avatars for the simulation of clothing.

Hohenstein offers a wide range of tests for safe children's clothing from a single source. In addition to fit and pattern, Hohenstein carries out risk assessments and safety tests for children's clothing (e.g. cords according to DIN EN 13682), UV protection according to different standards, tests for harmful substances according to OEKO-TEX®, among others. Toy testing is also part of the portfolio.




Hohenstein expands testing portfolio beyond textiles

  • Acquisition of QAT Services Limited laboratory in Hong Kong

On 01.03.2023 Hohenstein takes over the DAkkS accredited QAT Services Limited laboratory.  With this acquisition, the internationally recognized testing service provider is integrating the hardgoods knowledge of QATS employees into the Hohenstein portfolio.  As a result, Hohenstein will provide full-service capabilities for Greater China and beyond.

"The expansion is a strategically important step for Hohenstein,” emphasizes Prof. Mecheels, owner and CEO of Hohenstein.  "We are expanding our testing spectrum beyond the textile industry, in which we have been an established service provider for decades – and thus ensure both safe products and secure jobs."  From now on, Hohenstein will also be testing food contact material, furniture, toys and much more.  Hohenstein China Managing Director Christopher Au is also convinced: "With this step, Hohenstein is setting an important focus and strengthening its position for international customers."


  • Acquisition of QAT Services Limited laboratory in Hong Kong

On 01.03.2023 Hohenstein takes over the DAkkS accredited QAT Services Limited laboratory.  With this acquisition, the internationally recognized testing service provider is integrating the hardgoods knowledge of QATS employees into the Hohenstein portfolio.  As a result, Hohenstein will provide full-service capabilities for Greater China and beyond.

"The expansion is a strategically important step for Hohenstein,” emphasizes Prof. Mecheels, owner and CEO of Hohenstein.  "We are expanding our testing spectrum beyond the textile industry, in which we have been an established service provider for decades – and thus ensure both safe products and secure jobs."  From now on, Hohenstein will also be testing food contact material, furniture, toys and much more.  Hohenstein China Managing Director Christopher Au is also convinced: "With this step, Hohenstein is setting an important focus and strengthening its position for international customers."


More information:
Textilinstitut Hohenstein

Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG

(c) Hohenstein
fibres residues in wastewater

New test method for textile microplastics

  • Standard assesses fibre release, biodegradation and ecotoxicity for the first time

Testing service provider Hohenstein has worked with the project partners Trigema, Freudenberg, DBL ITEX and Paradies to create a new standardized test method for detecting and classifying the environmental effects of textiles during washing. DIN SPEC 4872 combines analysis of fibre release, biodegradability and ecotoxicity. The test method according to DIN SPEC 4872 shows how many fibres are released during textile laundering, how well these fibres degrade in wastewater and how harmful the fibre residues are to the environment.

  • Standard assesses fibre release, biodegradation and ecotoxicity for the first time

Testing service provider Hohenstein has worked with the project partners Trigema, Freudenberg, DBL ITEX and Paradies to create a new standardized test method for detecting and classifying the environmental effects of textiles during washing. DIN SPEC 4872 combines analysis of fibre release, biodegradability and ecotoxicity. The test method according to DIN SPEC 4872 shows how many fibres are released during textile laundering, how well these fibres degrade in wastewater and how harmful the fibre residues are to the environment.

Studies have shown that washing textiles releases microfibres into the wash water, which cannot be sufficiently retained by wastewater treatment plants. Synthetic fibres pose the greatest risk to the environment because of their longevity and inability to biodegrade. However, Hohenstein project manager Juliane Alberts does not give the all-clear for biodegradable fibres and natural fibres: "Biodegradability alone does not mean that pure natural fibres, for example, are completely harmless to the environment. They, too, remain in ecosystems until they completely degrade and can also have a negative impact. In addition, additives, auxiliaries or finishes used in textile production can further slow the degradation process and leach into the environment."

The new standard enables textile producers and suppliers to test, evaluate and compare products for fibre release during washing and environmental impact. Juliane Alberts sees this systematic evaluation as an opportunity for the textile industry to take the initiative on environmental impact: "Our reliable data can be used as a basis for more targeted product development. This is a way to actively and consciously control further environmental pollution."


Grünen Knopf 2.0 erkennt OEKO-TEX® Zertifizierung an

Seit Ende 2022 sind die OEKO-TEX® Zertifizierungen offiziell anerkannt, um für verschiedene Bereiche des Siegels Grüner Knopf 2.0 verwendet zu werden. Unternehmen, die bereits OEKO-TEX® zertifiziert sind, können sich so leichter für den Grünen Knopf 2.0 auditieren lassen. Hohenstein bietet als zugelassene Zertifizierungsstelle alle OEKO-TEX® Produkte und den Grünen Knopf aus einer Hand an.

Die OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN Zertifizierung kann für folgende Bereiche beim Grünen Knopf 2.0 eingesetzt werden:

  •  Konfektion
  •  Nassprozesse
  •  Zugelassene Fasern / Materialien (Virgin Polyester)

Für den Einsatz von Virgin Polyester kann der OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 genutzt werden. Der Grüne Knopf 2.0. hat spezielle Anforderungen an Produktionsprozesse sowie den Faser-/Materialeinsatz. Um diese zu erfüllen, müssen Unternehmen anerkannte Siegel für alle drei Bereiche (Konfektion, Nassprozess, Faser-/Materialeinsatz) nachweisen. Darüber hinaus müssen die Unternehmen innerhalb eines Audits belegen, dass sie die Anforderungen an die unternehmerischen Sorgfaltsprozesse erfüllen.

Seit Ende 2022 sind die OEKO-TEX® Zertifizierungen offiziell anerkannt, um für verschiedene Bereiche des Siegels Grüner Knopf 2.0 verwendet zu werden. Unternehmen, die bereits OEKO-TEX® zertifiziert sind, können sich so leichter für den Grünen Knopf 2.0 auditieren lassen. Hohenstein bietet als zugelassene Zertifizierungsstelle alle OEKO-TEX® Produkte und den Grünen Knopf aus einer Hand an.

Die OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN Zertifizierung kann für folgende Bereiche beim Grünen Knopf 2.0 eingesetzt werden:

  •  Konfektion
  •  Nassprozesse
  •  Zugelassene Fasern / Materialien (Virgin Polyester)

Für den Einsatz von Virgin Polyester kann der OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 genutzt werden. Der Grüne Knopf 2.0. hat spezielle Anforderungen an Produktionsprozesse sowie den Faser-/Materialeinsatz. Um diese zu erfüllen, müssen Unternehmen anerkannte Siegel für alle drei Bereiche (Konfektion, Nassprozess, Faser-/Materialeinsatz) nachweisen. Darüber hinaus müssen die Unternehmen innerhalb eines Audits belegen, dass sie die Anforderungen an die unternehmerischen Sorgfaltsprozesse erfüllen.

Vor der neuen Anerkennung wurden die jeweiligen Siegel vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung geprüft, ob sie die inhaltlichen Anforderungen des Grünen Knopfs erfüllen und ob sie als glaubwürdig eingestuft werden können.



(c) Hohenstein

OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON - New label for organic cotton

From April 2023, OEKO-TEX® will officially launch its new ORGANIC COTTON label. Two initial pilot customers have already been certified by the testing service provider Hohenstein: the Indian textile supplier Milan Group and the Turkish cotton producer Akasya.

The new organic label ensures that all requirements for labeling as organic cotton are met. In addition to testing in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, it ensures that the cotton contains less than ten percent genetically modified material, complies with pesticide limits and guarantees its organic origin.

Textile companies whose products have been certified with the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 can now have their certificates extended to an ORGANIC COTTON certificate after ensuring ecological production.

"A combination with OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN is ideal," explains Ivonne Schramm, Head of OEKO-TEX® at Hohenstein. "This ensures environmental friendliness, transparency and socially responsible conditions in a single certification."

From April 2023, OEKO-TEX® will officially launch its new ORGANIC COTTON label. Two initial pilot customers have already been certified by the testing service provider Hohenstein: the Indian textile supplier Milan Group and the Turkish cotton producer Akasya.

The new organic label ensures that all requirements for labeling as organic cotton are met. In addition to testing in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, it ensures that the cotton contains less than ten percent genetically modified material, complies with pesticide limits and guarantees its organic origin.

Textile companies whose products have been certified with the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 can now have their certificates extended to an ORGANIC COTTON certificate after ensuring ecological production.

"A combination with OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN is ideal," explains Ivonne Schramm, Head of OEKO-TEX® at Hohenstein. "This ensures environmental friendliness, transparency and socially responsible conditions in a single certification."

The certificate can be used for ready-made articles (e.g. T-shirt, bedspread, etc.) as well as for textile intermediate products (e.g. intermediate products such as raw fibers, yarns, etc.). Mixtures of organic and conventional cultivation are not permitted.



(c) Hohenstein

Hohenstein: New testing lab in Shanghai

With the opening of another laboratory in Shanghai, China, testing service provider Hohenstein is growing its international network. Starting in the first quarter of 2023, the new textile laboratory in the Pudong District industrial park will supplement the Hong Kong laboratory capacity with testing and on-site inspection services in the hot spots of textile production.

The new laboratory will offer suppliers, manufacturers, brands, and retailers a wide range of testing service on textile quality. "Hohenstein stands for innovation and quality. We are very pleased to celebrate another milestone in our international expansion, while following these principles," said Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels, who is the third generation to lead the family-run company. "No matter where the examinations, tests and analyses are carried out, all our laboratories work with state-of-the-art equipment and the same high standards."

The laboratory locations in Germany, Hungary, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, India and now Shanghai, offer shortened turnaround and sample transport times. In some locations, Hohenstein offers sample pick up services from the customer to the lab for testing.

With the opening of another laboratory in Shanghai, China, testing service provider Hohenstein is growing its international network. Starting in the first quarter of 2023, the new textile laboratory in the Pudong District industrial park will supplement the Hong Kong laboratory capacity with testing and on-site inspection services in the hot spots of textile production.

The new laboratory will offer suppliers, manufacturers, brands, and retailers a wide range of testing service on textile quality. "Hohenstein stands for innovation and quality. We are very pleased to celebrate another milestone in our international expansion, while following these principles," said Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels, who is the third generation to lead the family-run company. "No matter where the examinations, tests and analyses are carried out, all our laboratories work with state-of-the-art equipment and the same high standards."

The laboratory locations in Germany, Hungary, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, India and now Shanghai, offer shortened turnaround and sample transport times. In some locations, Hohenstein offers sample pick up services from the customer to the lab for testing.




Erste Zertifizierung von Schuhen nach OEKO-TEX® LEATHER STANDARD

LOWA, einer der führenden Outdoor-Schuh-Spezialisten und der Prüfdienstleister Hohenstein betreten gemeinsam neues Terrain: Das LOWA-Modell LADY LIGHT GTX ist mit dem OEKO-TEX® LEATHER STANDARD Zertifikat ausgezeichnet worden.

Das erfolgreich abgeschlossene Pilotprojekt schafft eine Win-Win-Situation: LOWA plant, im Sinne des Verbraucherschutzes weitere Schuhlinien nach demOEKO-TEX® LEATHER STANDARD bei Hohenstein zertifizieren zu lassen. Hohenstein ist es im Gegenzug gelungen, seine Kompetenz mit der Zertifizierung von Schuhen nach dem OEKO-TEX® LEATHER STANDARD über die rein textilen Belange hinaus deutlich auszuweiten.

LOWA, einer der führenden Outdoor-Schuh-Spezialisten und der Prüfdienstleister Hohenstein betreten gemeinsam neues Terrain: Das LOWA-Modell LADY LIGHT GTX ist mit dem OEKO-TEX® LEATHER STANDARD Zertifikat ausgezeichnet worden.

Das erfolgreich abgeschlossene Pilotprojekt schafft eine Win-Win-Situation: LOWA plant, im Sinne des Verbraucherschutzes weitere Schuhlinien nach demOEKO-TEX® LEATHER STANDARD bei Hohenstein zertifizieren zu lassen. Hohenstein ist es im Gegenzug gelungen, seine Kompetenz mit der Zertifizierung von Schuhen nach dem OEKO-TEX® LEATHER STANDARD über die rein textilen Belange hinaus deutlich auszuweiten.

„Die erfolgreiche Zertifizierung ist ein Meilenstein für uns: Schadstoffprüfungen bei Textilien sind längst gang und gäbe, Schadstoffprüfungen bei Schuhen haben noch viel Luft nach oben.“, so Ivonne Schramm, Bereichsleiterin OEKO-TEX® bei Hohenstein, „Dabei sind sie sehr sinnvoll, denn Lederschuhe werden oft über lange Zeiträume getragen und können trotz ihrer langen Lebensdauer im Gegensatz zu Textilien nicht gewaschen werden.“ Umso wichtiger ist es, dass Schuhe aus Leder keine Schadstoffe enthalten - zumal sie aus vielen unterschiedlichen Bestandteilen bestehen. Jede einzelne Komponente aus unterschiedlichen Produktionsstufen wie dem Gerben oder Färben stellt eine mögliche Eintragsquelle für schädliche Substanzen dar. Grund genug für LOWA, hier einzuhaken: „Wir freuen uns sehr über die Zertifizierung, die für die Kernwerte unserer Marke - höchste Qualität, perfekte Passform und Innovation - steht.“, sagt Alexander Nicolai, Geschäftsführer der LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH, „Unsere Kunden dürfen von uns Produkte auf höchstem Niveau erwarten – da gehört in Zukunft auch die verlässliche Sicherheit einer LEATHER STANDARD Zertifizierung dazu.“

More information:
Schuhe Oeko-Tex Zertifizierung
