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16 results

Drupa: touchpoint textile showcases textile printing solutions

By establishing touchpoint textile, drupa has created a special forum to showcase pioneering applications in digital textile printing. The highlight will be the Digital Textile Micro Factory – a fully connected, integrated process chain starting with the customer enquiry and design through to large-format digital textile printing.

touchpoint textile represents drupa’s growing expansion into new markets comprising such segments as packaging production, large-format or industrial and functional printing next to packaging production. All of these segments are undergoing the same transformation processes and offer enormous growth potential. The special forum revolves around the opportunities and challenges of digital textile printing, brings together renowned exhibitors, industry partners and brand owners and provides scope for cross-industry cooperation, new projects as well as product and manufacturing ideas. The operational content partners of touchpoint textile include the German Institutes for Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf (DITF), as Europe’s largest textile research centre, as well as ESMA, the European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association.

By establishing touchpoint textile, drupa has created a special forum to showcase pioneering applications in digital textile printing. The highlight will be the Digital Textile Micro Factory – a fully connected, integrated process chain starting with the customer enquiry and design through to large-format digital textile printing.

touchpoint textile represents drupa’s growing expansion into new markets comprising such segments as packaging production, large-format or industrial and functional printing next to packaging production. All of these segments are undergoing the same transformation processes and offer enormous growth potential. The special forum revolves around the opportunities and challenges of digital textile printing, brings together renowned exhibitors, industry partners and brand owners and provides scope for cross-industry cooperation, new projects as well as product and manufacturing ideas. The operational content partners of touchpoint textile include the German Institutes for Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf (DITF), as Europe’s largest textile research centre, as well as ESMA, the European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association.

Digital Textile Micro Factory: on-demand and virtual products – on the path towards sustainable production
In cooperation with 12 partners from industry and research the DITF will demonstrate a Digital Textile Micro Factory live at drupa and, hence, a fully connected, integrated process chain from design to finished product. This will present new possibilities for digitalisation and direct customer involvement, for instance in the form of 3D apparel simulations complete with links to design networks for creative input. Digital workflows and virtual products are integrated directly in the manufacturing process. As a special highlight for all trade visitors the technology partners of this Micro Factory will demonstrate an automated on-demand production, textile printing, cutting and sorting – without any manual interaction. Such decentralised and digitally connected design and production chains will enable the textile industry to respond to customers’ requests and trends in a more targeted manner in future. This means, touchpoint textile 2024 technologically points the way to a future without shelf-warmers. In addition, the carbon footprint for the complete process from virtual development to finished product will be modelled and presented at the trade fair.  

2024 will see the design competition “drupa – textile design talents” being held for the first time. This was conceived of by the DITF and will be implemented by the partner Mitwill. This provides up-coming textile designers and newcomers with a unique opportunity to introduce their ideas and visions to a professional audience.

Broad industry support
A project as comprehensive as the Micro Factory requires many strong partners. The companies “on board” here include: Assyst/Germany (3D simulation for digital apparel twins), Mitwill Textiles Europe/France (creative design network), D.G.I. Digital Graphics Incorporation/South Korea, Multi-Plot Europe/Germany (large-format textile printing), LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung/Germany, Zünd/Switzerland (digital cutting), robotfactory/Denmark, Asco/The Netherlands (presenting an innovative buffer solution between digital printing and cutting, automated sorting of cut parts from the cutter by robotfactory) as well as Brother/Japan (for small-format textile printing and bonding technology). Vaude and berger textiles will be sponsoring the touchpoint. Another key partner is the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University that is supporting the project as a conceptual sponsor and which has set itself the clear mission to incorporate these new topics into its curriculum. This means the staff of the future will be geared up to the new challenges ahead.

Another partner of touchpoint textile is the European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association (ESMA), which is responsible for the lecture programme. ESMA represents industrial, functional and specialist printing and acts as an organiser of educational events in the field of textile printing. At drupa speakers from research, development, and industry will address issues related to printing and finishing techniques, workflows, market developments and sustainability, to name but a few. The focus will also be on trends and applications that unlock ever new potential through the interplay of digital printing and textile printing substrates. The lectures are divided into the categories Research, Finishing, Print Systems & Hardware, Substrates, Inks & Chemistry and Software & Electronics. Assyst, for example, will deliver talks on the virtual development of apparel as well as the research project ECOShoring, which is funded by the “Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt” – DBU (German Federal Environmental Foundation) and focuses on personalised and on-demand sustainable manufacturing. Other speakers represent Adobe, Balta Group, Barbieri Electronic, Brother, Centexbel, CST, DITF, Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems, HS Albsig, Kornit Digital, Meteor Inkjet, Mimaki, Mitwill, Multiplot, Print-Rite, RWTH Aachen, Seiko Instruments, Tiger Coatings, Xaar, Zünd and the list is updated on regular basis.

drupa will be held at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre from 28 May to 7 June 2024.


Messe Düsseldorf

Walter Reiners Foundation awards Six Young Engineers (c) VDMA
Anna Markic, Mark Zenzinger, Lena Fink, Peter D. Dornier, Fabio Bußmann, Katharina Maria Ernst, Lennart Hellwig, Dr. Harald Weber

Walter Reiners Foundation awards Six Young Engineers

At the Techtextil trade fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to six successful young engineers. Promotion and sustainability prizes were awarded in the categories bachelor/project theses and diploma/master theses. Academic theses in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

The Walter Reiners Foundation awarded Anna Markic a sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category. The topic of her thesis, written at Reutlingen University, was the recycling of carbon fibres.

Mark Zenzinger, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, received a 3,000 euro promotion award in the Bachelor's category. His topic was the automation of the process chain for the production of welded textile hard goods.
Lena Fink from the TU Dresden received another promotion award worth 3,000 euros. Her construction engineering project work focused on a device to simplify the maintenance of braiding machines.

At the Techtextil trade fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to six successful young engineers. Promotion and sustainability prizes were awarded in the categories bachelor/project theses and diploma/master theses. Academic theses in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

The Walter Reiners Foundation awarded Anna Markic a sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category. The topic of her thesis, written at Reutlingen University, was the recycling of carbon fibres.

Mark Zenzinger, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, received a 3,000 euro promotion award in the Bachelor's category. His topic was the automation of the process chain for the production of welded textile hard goods.
Lena Fink from the TU Dresden received another promotion award worth 3,000 euros. Her construction engineering project work focused on a device to simplify the maintenance of braiding machines.

Fabio Bussmann from RWTH Aachen was awarded a promotion prize in the Master's category, worth 3,500 euros. In his thesis, he analysed the life cycle assessments of alternative semi-finished products for geotextiles.

Katharina Maria Ernst, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize of 3,500 euros in the Master's category. Her work focused on the development of a suitable process for the treatment of chitosan fibres as an alternative starting product in the production of carbon fibres.

Lennart Hellwig, RWTH Aachen University, was awarded a 3,500 euro prize in the Master's category. He focused on the topic of machine learning using the example of a nonwovens plant.



(c) ITA - RWTH Institut für Textiltechnik

ITA: Forschungsprojekte zu biobasierten Textilien

Wissenschaftsteams des Instituts für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA) forschen gemeinsam mit Partnern aus der Industrie und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) an Wegen, die Textilindustrie von fossilen auf biobasierte Rohstoffe, Ausrüstungen sowie neue umweltfreundliche Verfahren umzustellen, um auf diese Weise, die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette zu transformieren.

Die Fäden dafür laufen im Innovationsraum BIOTEXFUTURE mit einer Vielzahl an einzelnen Textilforschungsprojekten zusammen. Die enge Verknüpfung von universitärer mit anwendungsnaher Forschung und marktrelevanter Umsetzung mit Wirtschaftsunternehmen soll dazu führen, dass der Textilindustrie die Wende zu einem zukunftsfähigen biobasierten Wirtschaften zielgerichtet gelingen kann.

Wissenschaftsteams des Instituts für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA) forschen gemeinsam mit Partnern aus der Industrie und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) an Wegen, die Textilindustrie von fossilen auf biobasierte Rohstoffe, Ausrüstungen sowie neue umweltfreundliche Verfahren umzustellen, um auf diese Weise, die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette zu transformieren.

Die Fäden dafür laufen im Innovationsraum BIOTEXFUTURE mit einer Vielzahl an einzelnen Textilforschungsprojekten zusammen. Die enge Verknüpfung von universitärer mit anwendungsnaher Forschung und marktrelevanter Umsetzung mit Wirtschaftsunternehmen soll dazu führen, dass der Textilindustrie die Wende zu einem zukunftsfähigen biobasierten Wirtschaften zielgerichtet gelingen kann.

Erste konkrete Ergebnisse ausgewählter Projekte präsentiert BIOTEXFUTURE auf den Gemeinschaftsstand Bioökonomie des BMBF auf der Hannover Messe (22. bis 26.4.2024) sowie auf der fast zeitgleich stattfindenden Internationalen Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe, Techtextil, in Frankfurt / Main (23. bis 26.4.2024). Folgende Projekte werden vorgestellt:

  • BioTurf: der Kunstrasen der Zukunft ist grün (Hannover Messe / Techtextil)
  • CO2Tex: innovative elastische Garne binden CO2 (Hannover Messe / Techtextil)
  • DegraTex: biologisch abbaubare Geotextilien (Techtextil)
  • BioBase: Textilien für Innenräume, Sport, Auto und Technik werden bio (Hannover Messe / Techtextil)

BioTurf: der Kunstrasen der Zukunft ist grün
Die Forscher*innen des Projekts BioTurf arbeiten an der Lösung eines Problems, mit dem hunderte von Städten und Gemeinden konfrontiert sind. Ziel ist es, eine Kunstrasenstruktur aus Bio-Polyethylen (PE) zu entwickeln, das sich qualitativ nicht von erdölbasiertem PE unterscheidet. Diese Monomaterial-Struktur soll ein hochwertiges Materialrecycling ermöglichen. Eine wichtige Basis für die spätere Kreislaufführung des Produktes. Darüber hinaus wird die neuartige Kunstrasenstruktur ohne die Zugabe von Einstreu-Granulat auskommen und damit das aktuelle Mikroplastik-Problem von Kunstrasenplätzen lösen. Es existiert bereits ein BioTurf-Fußballplatz in Aachen als Demonstrationsspielfeld, auf denen Sportler*innen spielen und trainieren, und dadurch die Forscher*innen regelmäßig Rückmeldung bekommen. Man befindet sich in der Phase der Feinjustierung, um das Ziel zu erreichen den Kunstrasen der Zukunft aus 100% biobasiertem Polyethylen herstellen zu können.

CO2Tex: innovative elastische Garne binden CO2
Die Textilwissenschaftler*innen des BIOTEXFUTURE Projekts CO2Tex entwickeln elastische Filament-Garne, in deren Ausgangsmaterial das für die Erderwärmung mitverantwortliche Treibhausgas CO2 gebunden ist. Gleichzeitig verwenden sie für die Garnherstellung Schmelzspinnprozesse, für die keine giftigen und umweltschädlichen Lösungsmittel notwendig sind. Den Forscher*innen ist es zudem gelungen, die Elastizität der auf thermoplastischen Polyurethanen (TPU) beruhenden Entwicklung für bestimmte Garntypen an das Leistungsvermögen der konventionellen Elastane heranzuschrauben. Das Projekt-Konsortium erwartet, dass für die entwickelten CO2-haltigen elastischen TPU-Filament-Garne eine Hochskalierung der Produktionsprozesse auf eine massentaugliche Fertigung im Industriemaßstab in absehbarer Zeit möglich sein wird. Dabei hält das CO2Tex-Team vergleichbare Herstellungskosten wie bei konventionellen Garnen sowie leichte Vorteile bei der Energiebilanz gegenüber bestehenden Prozessen für möglich.

DegraTex: biologisch abbaubare Geotextilien
Das Ziel von DegraTex ist die Entwicklung biobasierter, abbaubarer Geotextilien für kurzfristige Anwendungen wie die zeitlich begrenzte Sicherung von Erdstrukturen oder für den Vegetationsschutz. Die Materialien erfüllen ihre Funktion, bis sie von natürlichen Komponenten, wie z.B. bodenstabilisierenden oder bodendeckenden Pflanzen, übernommen werden oder simpel einfach nicht mehr benötigt werden. Es geht darum, konventionelle, erdölbasierte Geotextilien in technisch und ökologisch sinnvollem Rahmen durch biobasierte und abbaubare Produktlösungen zu ersetzen. Das Forschungsteam des ITA hat bereits erste Demonstratoren auf Basis von Biopolymeren im Außeneinsatz.

BioBase: Textilien für Innenräume, Sport, Auto und Technik werden bio
Im BioBase-Projekt wird die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette der jeweiligen Produkte abgebildet und in jedem Prozessschritt der technologische Reifegrad für die industrielle Produktion von biobasierten und nachhaltigen Chemiefasern schrittweise erhöht. Zunächst entstehen hierbei in Kooperation zwischen den Forschungseinrichtungen und Industriepartner*innen industriell gefertigte Anschauungsmodelle (Demonstratoren), die das Potenzial der am Markt verfügbaren biobasierten Polymere demonstrieren sollen. Die Herstellung der Polymere, Garne und textilen Flächen, orientiert sich sehr anwendungsbezogen an den existierenden technischen Anforderungen in den unterschiedlichen Industrie-Sektoren.
Das Team in Aachen beschäftigt sich mit der Herstellung von Chemiefasergarnen und betrachtet dabei die Arbeitsschritte Schmelzspinnen und Texturieren der Wertschöpfungskette und teilweise auch die Flächenherstellung. Die Forschungen zeigen, dass biobasierte Polymere existieren, die auf bestehenden Anlagen entlang der textilen Prozesskette bis zum Demonstrator verarbeitbar sind, wobei die Garn- und Textileigenschaften je nach Anforderungsprofil angepasst werden können.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University

Recycled yarn (c) ITA Aachen

ITA at the ITMA: Smart Circular Economy

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

ITA Aachen - Digital ring spinning tester for recycled fibres enables spinning of fine yarns with high recycled fibres content
The Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) will be exhibiting a digital ring spinning tester, which spins recycled fibres directly and conventionally with a particularly high content of 60-70 percent. Up to now, recycled yarns have mainly been rotor-spun in this blend ratio. This results in rather coarse yarns and is not suitable for finer textiles such as outerwear. Ring spinning of recycled yarns now enables the spinning of finer yarns and thus a higher application level for recycled materials.

A unique selling point of the ITA ring spinning tester is the simultaneous spinning in the direct spinning process from the sliver and in the classic ring spinning process. For this purpose, the strength and elongation of the spun yarn are determined online and digitally for the first time. The real-time measurement allows process parameters and yarn properties to be adjusted iteratively and quickly. The ring spinning tester was upgraded from an existing tester to Industry 4.0 standard and is operated via a tablet. Operation via tablet enables the adjustment of process parameters including online quality monitoring remotely from anywhere in the world.
For this purpose, the ring spinning tester is also able to produce fine ring spun yarns. These yarns made from recycled material opens up a multitude of further fields of application for woven and knitted goods. Now, for example, clothing and technical textiles can be made from recycled material, the production of which was not possible before - such as outerwear made from recycled material. The development of new industries and fields of application opens up new market potential for recycled yarns - also and especially for processing in Europe. This creates the opportunity to preserve key technologies and jobs in cost-intensive locations.

ITA Augsburg - Recycling Atelier: Walk4Recycling
The Recycling Atelier of the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg gGmbH on stand H3-A207 presents the textile recycling from used textiles into new products via the various process steps and, together with the industrial partners, opens up solution paths for industrial implementation.

Under the headline "Walk4Recycling", a tour of the fair shows the cycle of used textiles from used knitwear into a new knitted pullover via a ring yarn made from a blend of 65 percent recycled cotton and 35 percent virgin polyester. The key innovation here is the high proportion of recycled fibres from post-consumer textiles for a ring yarn of this fineness. Today, mainly coarse rotor yarns for low-quality textiles are spun from these materials. The industrial partners participating in the Walk4Recycling are partners of the Recycling Atelier and contribute with their technologies to the fact that fibre material from old clothes can be processed in various process stages into a yarn of new value and high-quality ready-made garments.

The Walk4Recycling offers visitors the opportunity to experience a complete recycling cycle with the numerous process stages from tearing the old textiles, preparing and spinning the fibres and knitting a new jumper live during the fair. Get detailed information on the mechanical recycling of clothing via QR code, website and flyer about the participating exhibitors and their machines and technologies. A short movie will give you additional insights into the various processes involved in the production of the jumper.

Winding unit for the continuous production of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic pipe profiles (c) ITA. Winding unit for the continuous production of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic pipe profiles

Composites made by ITA at JEC World 2023

  • Less C02 emissions + sustainable + recyclable

Sustainability first - this is the principle of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University at JEC World 2023. ITA combines various lightweight construction technologies to reduce C02 and to use renewable and/or recyclable raw materials.

ITA presents innovations in the production of reinforcing fibres and in the textile processing of high-modulus fibres. It also shows the impregnation of high-modulus fibres with thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix systems.  

ITA will be exhibiting in hall 6 together with Textechno, Mönchengladbach, Germany, textile testing equipment and Maruhachi Fukui, Japan, Thermoplastic Composite Material Systems. The Interreg AACOMA project will also be presented at the stand. 

  • Less C02 emissions + sustainable + recyclable

Sustainability first - this is the principle of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University at JEC World 2023. ITA combines various lightweight construction technologies to reduce C02 and to use renewable and/or recyclable raw materials.

ITA presents innovations in the production of reinforcing fibres and in the textile processing of high-modulus fibres. It also shows the impregnation of high-modulus fibres with thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix systems.  

ITA will be exhibiting in hall 6 together with Textechno, Mönchengladbach, Germany, textile testing equipment and Maruhachi Fukui, Japan, Thermoplastic Composite Material Systems. The Interreg AACOMA project will also be presented at the stand. 


ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen


Award for best master's thesis of the German Textile Mechanical Engineering 2022 goes to young engineer of ITA Aachen

The 2002 prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association for the best Master's thesis in German textile mechanical engineering was awarded to a young engineer from the ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The prize ceremony took place at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Board of the Walter Reiners Foundation, presented the award at the VDMA Textile Machinery Association’s booth.

Felix Xaver Zerbes, M.Sc., was awarded the "Promotional Prize for the Best Master's Thesis of the German Textile Machinery Industry 2022", endowed with 3,500 EUR, for his master's thesis "Development and Construction of a Separation Unit for Weft Yarns in Air Jet Weaving".

The 2002 prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association for the best Master's thesis in German textile mechanical engineering was awarded to a young engineer from the ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The prize ceremony took place at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Board of the Walter Reiners Foundation, presented the award at the VDMA Textile Machinery Association’s booth.

Felix Xaver Zerbes, M.Sc., was awarded the "Promotional Prize for the Best Master's Thesis of the German Textile Machinery Industry 2022", endowed with 3,500 EUR, for his master's thesis "Development and Construction of a Separation Unit for Weft Yarns in Air Jet Weaving".

The subject of the master's thesis was the development of a mechanism with which faulty sections in the weft yarn can be sorted out before they are woven into the textile. This way, both yarn-related weft defects and material defects can be drastically reduced. The prototype developed by Mr Zerbes shows how this can be done even during the ongoing weaving process without having to stop production. Due to its modular design, the yarn rejection unit can be retrofitted to many different types of air-jet weaving machines, which represents an enormous savings potential not only in Germany but in weaving mills all over the world.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

(c) VDMA
Award winners with foundation chairman and professors

VDMA: Junior engineers with focus on sustainability

On the occasion of the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of VDMA’s Walter Reiners-Stiftung Foundation, Peter D. Dornier, has awarded prizes to seven successful young engineers. For the first time, the Foundation awarded two Sustainability Awards. They are awarded to academic works in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed.

A Sustainability Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 3.000 euros was awarded to Simon Hoebel, TU Dresden, for his thesis on recycled thermoplastic fibres for composite components.
Marina Michel, TU Dresden, received a Sustainability Award in the category Master, worth 3.500 euros. The topic of her master thesis was the functionalisation of yarns for the filtration of micro- and nanoplastics from water.

A Promotion Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 4.000 euros, was awarded to a student group from RWTH Aachen. The teamwork of Luis Gleissner, Leopold Habersbrunner, Frederic Olbrich and Frederik Schicks was the construction of a test rig for tests on oil-adsorbing textiles.

On the occasion of the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of VDMA’s Walter Reiners-Stiftung Foundation, Peter D. Dornier, has awarded prizes to seven successful young engineers. For the first time, the Foundation awarded two Sustainability Awards. They are awarded to academic works in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed.

A Sustainability Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 3.000 euros was awarded to Simon Hoebel, TU Dresden, for his thesis on recycled thermoplastic fibres for composite components.
Marina Michel, TU Dresden, received a Sustainability Award in the category Master, worth 3.500 euros. The topic of her master thesis was the functionalisation of yarns for the filtration of micro- and nanoplastics from water.

A Promotion Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 4.000 euros, was awarded to a student group from RWTH Aachen. The teamwork of Luis Gleissner, Leopold Habersbrunner, Frederic Olbrich and Frederik Schicks was the construction of a test rig for tests on oil-adsorbing textiles.

Felix Zerbes, RWTH Aachen, was awarded a Promotion Prize of 3.500 euros in the category Master. He developed a technical solution for air jet weaving to improve the quality of woven fabric.


VDMA e. V.

JEC World: METYX and ITA officially join forces (c) METYX
METYX and ITA officially join forces

JEC World: METYX and ITA officially join forces

The ITA Group, consisting of the Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) and their research and development service provider ITA Technologietransfer GmbH (ITA GmbH) are proud to announce their new partnership with METYX Composites, Turkey today at JEC World in Paris. METYX is a globally leading manufacturer of high-performance technical textiles for applications in the transportation, wind energy, construction, sports and leisure industries.

Ugur Ustunel, CEO METYX Composites: “The access to ITA´s competences along the entire textile composite value chain and to the impressive machine parks with over 250 machines from lab scale to industrial scale and the exchange with other partners will be very welcome for our future pre-competitive developments.” Dr. Christoph Greb, Scientific Director of ITA: “We are very happy to welcome METYX to our
network and to collaborate in many joint projects and studies on topics like recycling and sustainability, tapes and hybrid yarns or natural fibres just to name a few.”

The ITA Group, consisting of the Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) and their research and development service provider ITA Technologietransfer GmbH (ITA GmbH) are proud to announce their new partnership with METYX Composites, Turkey today at JEC World in Paris. METYX is a globally leading manufacturer of high-performance technical textiles for applications in the transportation, wind energy, construction, sports and leisure industries.

Ugur Ustunel, CEO METYX Composites: “The access to ITA´s competences along the entire textile composite value chain and to the impressive machine parks with over 250 machines from lab scale to industrial scale and the exchange with other partners will be very welcome for our future pre-competitive developments.” Dr. Christoph Greb, Scientific Director of ITA: “We are very happy to welcome METYX to our
network and to collaborate in many joint projects and studies on topics like recycling and sustainability, tapes and hybrid yarns or natural fibres just to name a few.”

Dr. Michael Effing, Managing Director of AMAC GmbH: „I am very happy to support ITA in developing and growing their network. ITA is located in the centre of the RWTH Aachen University Campus in close proximity to numerous other institutes for lightweight developments.”

New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics (c) nova-Institut
Nicolas Hark - nova-Institut (DE)

New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics

  • Second Session of the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022

Cellulose fibers are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibers through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibers and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

  • Second Session of the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022

Cellulose fibers are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibers through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibers and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

The second session of the conference: "New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics", will focus on questions such as: "What is the impact of the ban on plastics on single-use products?" and "What are the latest regulatory issues and policy opportunities for cellulose fibres?".  This section presents new opportunities for replacing fossil-based insulating materials with cellulose-based technologies that can be used for a variety of applications, from aerospace to mobility, as well as in construction. For the program just click here.

Speakers of the Session "New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics":

  • Nicolas Hark - nova-Institut (DE): Opportunities in Policy for Cellulose Fibres
  • Paula Martirez - Stora Enso (SE): Last years Winner Papira® – an Eco-revolution in Foam Packaging
  • Stefanie Schlager - Lenzing (AT): LENZING™ Fibres for Sustainable Single use Products
  • Sascha Schriever - Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (DE): Cellulose Aerogel Non-wovens – Sustainable Insulators of Tomorrow

Tape inserts offer big potential for injection molding parts

Market and technology analysis confirms big potential for tape inserts in the injection molding process. Following the finalization of a major consortial project led by the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) and the Institute for Plastics Processing at RWTH Aachen University (IKV), the result is clear: tape inserts offer enormous potential for injection molding parts. For suitable components, product costs and component properties can be positively influenced.

In cooperation with 20 industrial partners, the two renowned Aachen research institutes AZL and IKV carried out a detailed analysis of tape inserts in injection molded components over a period of eight months. The tapes, which are a few tenths of a millimeter thick, are continuous fibers, typically made of glass or carbon, completely impregnated and embedded in a thermoplastic matrix. The tapes can be precisely aligned to the loads in a component and are used primarily in high-performance applications with the aim of weight reduction. The aim of the conducted analysis was the identification of potential applications and the estimation of a wider range of applications.

Market and technology analysis confirms big potential for tape inserts in the injection molding process. Following the finalization of a major consortial project led by the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) and the Institute for Plastics Processing at RWTH Aachen University (IKV), the result is clear: tape inserts offer enormous potential for injection molding parts. For suitable components, product costs and component properties can be positively influenced.

In cooperation with 20 industrial partners, the two renowned Aachen research institutes AZL and IKV carried out a detailed analysis of tape inserts in injection molded components over a period of eight months. The tapes, which are a few tenths of a millimeter thick, are continuous fibers, typically made of glass or carbon, completely impregnated and embedded in a thermoplastic matrix. The tapes can be precisely aligned to the loads in a component and are used primarily in high-performance applications with the aim of weight reduction. The aim of the conducted analysis was the identification of potential applications and the estimation of a wider range of applications.

The project was divided into several phases: Phase I was used to identify the current status. In 20 interviews with representative companies of the injection molding industry, the researchers gathered why tape inserts have rarely been taken into account so far, when defining the material concepts to be analyzed. The lack of information about the material class, the procedure and tools for the development process and the necessary production technologies were cited as major challenges. This is where the consortium will take action and provide comprehensive information during the “Technology Information Day” on the extensively prepared state of the art and the high degree of maturity of the supply chain. Based on the status quo, they developed a methodology for analyzing the technological and economic potential of tape inserts in injection molding applications.

Both the previous results and the planned follow-up projects are the subject of the “Technology Information Day" at K 2019, to which the companies involved in the study, the AZL and IKV, invite all companies along the value chain, from raw material manufacturers to injection molders to OEMs. (Date: 18th October 2019, 10:00 am to 1:30 pm, Trade Fair Düsseldorf CCD South, Room 002).

The consortium, amongst others consisting of Asahi Kasei Europe GmbH, BASF SE, Borealis AG, BÜFA Thermoplastic Composites GmbH & Co. KG, ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH, Huesker Synthetic GmbH, LG Hausys R&D Center, Mitsui Chemicals, Nippon Electric Glass, Polyscope Polymers BV, POLYTEC GROUP, Simcon kunststofftechnische Software GmbH, SABIC and Toray International Europe GmbH, is inviting to the “Technology Information Day” at K 2019. The goal is to inform about the technology and to identify topics for future collaboration.


AZL Aachen GmbH

(c) AZL Aachen GmbH

AZL demonstrates new Ultra-Fast Consolidator Machine at JEC World in Paris

After many years of successful cooperation on JEC World since 2015, the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) renewed the cooperation with the JEC Group for 2019:

At the dedicated exhibition area called “Composites in Action - JEC Group in partnership with AZL” (Hall 5A, D17), AZL and its 9 Partner Institutes of RWTH Aachen University present their latest research and development results. The innovations covering the whole composite value chain including research results of AZL, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and the Skilled Crafts as well as RWTH Aachen University institutes including the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), the Welding and Joining Institute (ISF), the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (ITA), the Institute for Automotive Engineering (IKA), the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design (SLA). Following companies are sponsoring partners of this booth and will present their latest products and services: Hille Engineering, Maru Hachi, TELENE and Textechno.

After many years of successful cooperation on JEC World since 2015, the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) renewed the cooperation with the JEC Group for 2019:

At the dedicated exhibition area called “Composites in Action - JEC Group in partnership with AZL” (Hall 5A, D17), AZL and its 9 Partner Institutes of RWTH Aachen University present their latest research and development results. The innovations covering the whole composite value chain including research results of AZL, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and the Skilled Crafts as well as RWTH Aachen University institutes including the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), the Welding and Joining Institute (ISF), the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (ITA), the Institute for Automotive Engineering (IKA), the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design (SLA). Following companies are sponsoring partners of this booth and will present their latest products and services: Hille Engineering, Maru Hachi, TELENE and Textechno.

This year, AZL is very proud to present a new machine system development at their booth:
The real machine setup of the “Ultra-Fast Consolidator Machine” will be shown at the AZL booth (Hall 5A, D17) which is one of three finalists for the JEC AWARD 2019 in the category “Industry and Equipment”.

More information:

AZL Aachen GmbH

Bushing heated via induction of the novel glass fibre production line (c) ITA
Bushing heated via induction of the novel glass fibre production line

ITA at JEC World 2019: newly constructed induction heated glass fibre production line among other exhibits

At the joint stand of the Aachen Centre for Integrative Lightweight Construction (AZL) in Hall 5A, booth D17, the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) will demonstrate its expertise in the field of glass fibres, preforms and textile concrete 12-14 March 2019 in Paris.
The exhibits come from various fields of application and address the automotive, aerospace and mechanical engineering sectors.

At the joint stand of the Aachen Centre for Integrative Lightweight Construction (AZL) in Hall 5A, booth D17, the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) will demonstrate its expertise in the field of glass fibres, preforms and textile concrete 12-14 March 2019 in Paris.
The exhibits come from various fields of application and address the automotive, aerospace and mechanical engineering sectors.

  1. Innovative glass fibre research at ITA
    The newly constructed induction heated glass fibre production line enables increased flexibility in research. For the first time, glass fibres will be produced live at the ITA booth at JEC World. One of the innovations of the system is the inductively heated bushing. It features a flexible design and consists of a platinum/rhodium alloy (Pt/Rh20) for use in high-temperature glasses.
    The glass fibre production line was designed in such a way that new concepts and ideas can be tested quickly. The modular design allows a high flexibility, the induction system a significantly faster operability.
    Research and development projects can therefore be carried out faster and more cost-effectively.
  2. DrapeCube - Forming of textile semi-finished products
    The DrapeCube offers a cost-effective design for the production of fibre preforms from textile semi-finished products. It is used in the production of preforms for prototypes and in small series and is suit-able for companies active in the production of fibre-reinforced plas-tics (FRP).
    In the production of FRP components, the preforming process de-fines a large part of the subsequent component costs. In small- and medium-sized enterprises, this process step is often still carried out manually. This results in high quality fluctuations and component prices. Especially in the case of highly stressed structural components, the fluctuation in quality leads to oversizing of the components.
    Thus, the lightweight construction potential of fiber-reinforced plastics is underused. One solution is offered by the stamp forming process adapted from the sheet metal forming industry for shaping rein-forcing textiles. The textile is inserted between two mould halves (male and female) and automatically formed. Due to high plant and tooling costs, this process is used almost exclusively in large-scale production.
    The ITA has developed the DrapeCube forming station which offers a cost-effective alternative and is able to completely reproduce the current state of the art for forming textile half branches. The process steps will be demonstrated in a video at the booth.
  3. Carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) preform
    The CFRP preform consists of carbon multiaxial fabrics formed by expanded polystyrene (EPS) to optimise draping quality. Preforms of increased quality can be produced by gentle, textile-compatible forming with foam expansion. For the first time, foam expansion was used to form preforms in such a way that the draping quality is improved compared to classic stamp forming.
    The advantages of the CFRP preform lie in the savings in plant costs, as the investment is much lower. In addition, the proportion of waste is reduced because near-net-shape production is possible. In addition, rejects are reduced, as fewer faults occur in the textile.
  4. Embroidered preform with integrated metal insert
    The 12k carbon fibre rovings are shaped into a preform using Tai-lored Fibre Placement (TFP) which is a technical embroidery pro-cess. For the further layer build-up, a fastener is not only integrated under the roving layers but also fixed by additional loops. The highly integrative preforming approach offers the possibility of reducing weight and process steps as well as increasing mechanical perfor-mance.
    Until now, inserts were glued or holes had to be drilled in the com-ponent. Bonded fasteners are limited by the adhesive surface. The bonding of fasteners into drilled holes results in high drill abrasion and thus high tool wear.
    The advantages of the embroidered preform with integrated metal fasteners are the reduction of scrap due to TFP preforming and the increase in the specific pull-out force. In addition, it is possible to automatize the production of integrative preforms. This makes the preform with integrated metal fasteners interesting for the automotive and aerospace industries.

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Induktiv beheiztes Bushing der neuartigen Glasfaserspinnanlage (c) ITA
Induktiv beheiztes Bushing der neuartigen Glasfaserspinnanlage,

ITA zeigt auf der JEC World 2019 u.a. neue Glasfaserspinnanlage

Am Gemeinschaftsstand des Aachener Zentrums für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL) in Halle 5A Stand D17 demonstriert das Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA) vom 12.-14. März 2019 in Paris seine Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Glasfasern, Preforms und Carbon Composites.
Die Exponate stammen aus unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfeldern und adressieren die Branchen Automotive, Luft- und Raumfahrt und Maschinenbau.

Am Gemeinschaftsstand des Aachener Zentrums für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL) in Halle 5A Stand D17 demonstriert das Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA) vom 12.-14. März 2019 in Paris seine Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Glasfasern, Preforms und Carbon Composites.
Die Exponate stammen aus unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfeldern und adressieren die Branchen Automotive, Luft- und Raumfahrt und Maschinenbau.

  1. Innovative Glasfaserforschung am ITA
    Der modulare Aufbau der neu entwickelten, induktiv beheizten Glasfaserproduktionsanlage ermöglicht hohe Flexibilität in der Forschung und das Induktionssystem eine deutlich schnellere Bedienbarkeit. Erstmalig werden am Stand des ITA Glasfasern live auf der JEC World hergestellt. Zu den Neuheiten der Anlage gehört das induktiv beheizte Bushing. Es hat ein flexibles Design und besteht aus einer Platin-/Rhodium-Legierung (Pt/Rh20) zum Einsatz für Hochtemperaturgläser. Die Glasfaserproduktionsanlage wurde so konstruiert, dass sich neue Konzepte und Ideen schnell erproben lassen.
  2. DrapeCube – Umformung textiler Halbzeuge
    Der DrapeCube bietet eine kostengünstige Konstruktion zur Herstellung von Faservorformlingen aus textilen Halbzeugen. Er kommt zum Tragen bei der Fertigung von Preforms für Prototypen und in der Kleinserie und eignet sich für Unternehmen, die in der von faserverstärkten Kunststoffen (FVK) tätig sind.
    Bei der Produktion von FVK-Bauteilen wird im Preformingprozess ein Großteil der späteren Bauteilkosten definiert. In kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen wird dieser Prozessschritt oft noch manuell ausgeführt. Daraus resultieren hohe Qualitätsschwankungen und Bauteilpreise. Besonders bei hochbelasteten Strukturbauteilen führt die Qualitätsschwankung dazu, dass die Bauteile überdimensioniert sind. So wird das Leichtbaupotential von faserverstärkten Kunststoffen zu wenig genutzt.
    Eine Lösung bietet das aus der blechumformende Industrie adaptierte Stempelumformverfahren zur Formgebung von Verstärkungstextilien. Dabei wird das Textil zwischen zwei Formhälften (Patrize und Matrize) eingelegt und automatisiert umgeformt. Dieses Verfahren kommt aufgrund hoher Anlagen- und Werkzeugkosten fast ausschließlich in der Großserie zum Einsatz. Das ITA hat die Formgebungsstation DrapeCube entwickelt, die eine kostengünstige Alternative bietet und in der Lage ist, den aktuellen Stand der Technik für die Formgebung textiler Halbzeige vollständig abzubilden. Am Stand werden die Prozessschritte in einem Video demonstriert.
  3. Kohlenstoffaserverstärkter Kunststoff (CFK)-Preform
    Der CFK-Preform besteht aus Carbon-Multiaxial-Gelege, das durch expandiertes Polystyrol (EPS) umgeformt ist, um die Drapierqualität zu optimieren. Durch die schonende, textilgerechte Umformung mittels Schaumexpansion können Preforms in erhöhter Qualität hergestellt werden. Erstmalig wurde die Schaumexpansion genutzt, um Preforms so umzuformen, dass die Drapierqualität im Vergleich zur klassischen Stempelumformung verbessert wird.
    Die Vorteile des so umgeformten CFK-Preforms liegen in der Einsparung von Anlagenkosten, da das Investment viel geringer ist. Dazu wird der Verschnittanteil reduziert, weil eine endkonturnahe Fertigung ermöglicht wird. Darüber hinaus wird der Ausschuß verringert, da weniger Fehler im Textil entstehen.
    Zielgruppe sind die Hersteller von faserverstärkten Bauteilen, insbesondere für die Klein- und Mittelserie, bei denen die klassische Stempelumformung nicht wirtschaftlich ist.
  4. Gestickter Preform mit integriertem Metallinsert
    Die 12k Carbonfaserrovings werden durch das Spezial-Stickverfahren Tailored Fibre Placement (TFP) zu einem Preform abgelegt. Beim weiteren Lagenaufbau wird der Insert nicht nur unter den Rovinglagen integriert, sondern durch zusätzliches Umschlaufen fixiert. Der hochintegrative Preformingansatz bietet die Möglichkeit zur Reduktion von Gewicht und Prozessschritten sowie zur Steigerung der mechanischen Performance.
    Bisher wurden Inserts geklebt oder es waren Bohrungen im Bauteil notwendig. Aufgeklebte Inserts sind durch die Klebefläche limitiert. Das Einkleben von Inserts in Bohrungen zieht hohe Bohrerabrasion und damit hohen Werkzeugverschleiß nach sich.
    Die Vorteile des gestickten Preforms mit integriertem Metallinsert bestehen in der Reduktion von Verschnitt durch TFP-Preforming und der Steigerung der spezifischen Ausreißkraft. Dazu besteht die Möglichkeit, die Herstellung integrativer Preforms zu automatisieren. Damit ist der Preform mit integriertem Metallinsert interessant für die Zielgruppe Automotive und Luft- und Raumfahrt.

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Concrete bar stool with hybrid carbon reinforcement for fast, cost-efficient part production (c) Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

ITA at the Composites Europe 2018 in Stuttgart

At the Composites Europe in Stuttgart /06 - 08 November 2018), the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, will be showing products, components and machines along the fibre composite process chain. The ITA will present itself at the booth of the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Construction (AZL) in hall 9, booth E70. Various demonstrators will be used to present selected innovative processes and products over the individual steps. The exhibits come from different fields of application: From mobility applications to the construction sector. Here is an example from the field of "construction composites":

With the concrete bar stool with hybrid carbon reinforcement, the ITA demonstrates that textiles as reinforcement structures for concrete elements allow a enormous geometrical freedom of Design. So far, manual positioning of the textile reinforcement used to be time-consuming and complex, as permitted tolerances are in the millimetre range. Thus the production mainly contributed to the high costs of textile concrete.

At the Composites Europe in Stuttgart /06 - 08 November 2018), the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, will be showing products, components and machines along the fibre composite process chain. The ITA will present itself at the booth of the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Construction (AZL) in hall 9, booth E70. Various demonstrators will be used to present selected innovative processes and products over the individual steps. The exhibits come from different fields of application: From mobility applications to the construction sector. Here is an example from the field of "construction composites":

With the concrete bar stool with hybrid carbon reinforcement, the ITA demonstrates that textiles as reinforcement structures for concrete elements allow a enormous geometrical freedom of Design. So far, manual positioning of the textile reinforcement used to be time-consuming and complex, as permitted tolerances are in the millimetre range. Thus the production mainly contributed to the high costs of textile concrete.

At the ITA, the two industrial partners Albani Group GmbH & Co. KG and DuraPact 2.0 Kompetenzzentrum Faserbeton GmbH developed a new hybrid reinforcement with integrated spacer. This hybrid reinforcement reduces the time required to position the reinforcement by up to 60 percent and thus makes the material significantly more

The new, cost-effective hybrid reinforcement contains an integrated spacer and thus faciliates the positioning of dry and coated reinforcements. The integrated spacer allows several layers of reinforcement to be stacked quickly, allowing the desired degree of reinforcement to be set. The hybrid reinforcement consists of a carbon or glass fibre grid joined with a permeable polyamide mat and will be available in roll form from industrial partners in the near future.

More information:
Composites AZL

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Barhocker aus Beton mit hybrider Carbon-Bewehrung zur schnellen, kosteneffizienten Positionierung der Textilbewehrung (c) Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

ITA auf der Composites Europe 2018 in Stuttgart

Das Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University, kurz ITA, zeigt auf der Composites Europe in Stuttgart vom 06.-08. November Produkte, Bauteile und Maschinen entlang der Faserverbundprozesskette. Das ITA präsentiert sich auf dem Stand des Aachener Zentrums für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL) in Halle 9, Stand E70. Anhand verschiedener Demonstratoren werden ausgewählte innovative Prozesse und Produkte über die einzelnen Schritte hin dargestellt. Die Exponate stammen aus unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfeldern: Von Mobilitätsanwendungen bis hin zur Baubranche. Anbei ein Beispiel aus dem Baubereich:

Durch den Barhocker aus Beton mit hybrider Carbon-Textilbewehrung beweist das ITA, dass Textilbetonelemente eine enorme geometrische Gestaltungsfreiheit ermöglichen und gleichzeitig einfach herstellbar sind. Bislang war die manuelle Positionierung der Textilbewehrung zeitaufwändig und komplex, da zulässige Toleranzen im Millimeterbereich liegen. So trug die Fertigung hauptsächlich zu den hohen Kosten von Textilbeton bei.

Das Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University, kurz ITA, zeigt auf der Composites Europe in Stuttgart vom 06.-08. November Produkte, Bauteile und Maschinen entlang der Faserverbundprozesskette. Das ITA präsentiert sich auf dem Stand des Aachener Zentrums für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL) in Halle 9, Stand E70. Anhand verschiedener Demonstratoren werden ausgewählte innovative Prozesse und Produkte über die einzelnen Schritte hin dargestellt. Die Exponate stammen aus unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfeldern: Von Mobilitätsanwendungen bis hin zur Baubranche. Anbei ein Beispiel aus dem Baubereich:

Durch den Barhocker aus Beton mit hybrider Carbon-Textilbewehrung beweist das ITA, dass Textilbetonelemente eine enorme geometrische Gestaltungsfreiheit ermöglichen und gleichzeitig einfach herstellbar sind. Bislang war die manuelle Positionierung der Textilbewehrung zeitaufwändig und komplex, da zulässige Toleranzen im Millimeterbereich liegen. So trug die Fertigung hauptsächlich zu den hohen Kosten von Textilbeton bei.

Am ITA wurde gemeinsam mit den beiden Industriepartnern Albani Group GmbH & Co. KG und DuraPact 2.0 Kompetenzzentrum Faserbeton GmbH eine neue Hybridbewehrung mit integriertem Ab-standshalter entwickelt. Diese Hybridbewehrung senkt die erforderliche Zeit zur Positionierung der Bewehrung um bis zu 60 Prozent und macht den Werkstoff damit deutlich wettbewerbsfähiger.

Die kostengünstige, hybride Bewehrung enthält einen integrierten Abstandshalter und ermöglicht damit die einfache Positionierung von trockenen und beschichteten Bewehrungen. Durch den integrierten Abstandhalter lassen sich schnell mehrere Bewehrungslagen stapeln, wodurch der gewünschte Bewehrungsgrad einstellbar ist. Die Hybridbewehrung besteht aus einem Carbon- oder Glasfasergitter, das mit einer durchlässigen Matte aus Polyamid gefügt ist und in naher Zukunft bei den Industriepartnern als Rollenware erhältlich ist.

More information:
Composites AZL

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

ITA auf der Techtextil 2017 Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University
ITA auf der Techtextil 2017

ITA auf der Techtextil 2017

Das ITA zeigt auf dem Elmatex-Stand D05 in Halle 3.0 die Exponate „PolyTube“, „ScaffBag“, „Tailored Non-crimp Fabrics (T-NCF)“ und „Hybridvliesverstärktes Polyamid-Blech“. Diese Exponate demonstrieren, wie textile Gelegestrukturen maßgeschneidert ausgelegt, Stapelfaservliese aus Carbon mit einer 3D-Struktur erstmalig als Verstärkungsstruktur eingesetzt, wie die elektronischen Leitfähigkeit von Carbonfasern genutzt und recycelte Carbonfasern verwendet und wie ein Airbag für eine persönliche Schutzausrüstung im Baugewerbe gegen Absturz sichern kann.

Das ITA zeigt auf dem Elmatex-Stand D05 in Halle 3.0 die Exponate „PolyTube“, „ScaffBag“, „Tailored Non-crimp Fabrics (T-NCF)“ und „Hybridvliesverstärktes Polyamid-Blech“. Diese Exponate demonstrieren, wie textile Gelegestrukturen maßgeschneidert ausgelegt, Stapelfaservliese aus Carbon mit einer 3D-Struktur erstmalig als Verstärkungsstruktur eingesetzt, wie die elektronischen Leitfähigkeit von Carbonfasern genutzt und recycelte Carbonfasern verwendet und wie ein Airbag für eine persönliche Schutzausrüstung im Baugewerbe gegen Absturz sichern kann.

More information:
ITA, Techtextil 2017

 Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University