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26th IFATCC Congress 2023 in Augsburg

Der VDTF e.V. organisiert den diesjährigen Kongress des internationalen Dachverbandes IFATCC (International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists), welcher am 13. und 14. Oktober 2023 in Augsburg stattfindet.

Das Leitthema des Kongresses lautet: „A paradigm shift in the global textile industry: Economy meets Ecology”. Es wird mit 30 Präsentationen aus 11 verschiedenen Nationen ein umfassendes Vortragsprogramm aus Industrie, Hochschulen und Forschung geben, welchem nicht nur vor Ort im Augsburger ‚Kongress am Park‘ beigewohnt werden kann, sondern auch per Online-Stream.

Zu den vortragenden Organisationen gehören Alchemie Technology, Archroma Textile Effects, Brückner, Budapest Metropolitan University, CHT Germany, DTNW, Hochschule Niederrhein, Hohenstein Laboratories, Imogo, InoTex, Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalunya, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textiles, Lefatex Chemie, Lenzing, P.A.C., Pulcra Chemicals, Rudolf, Sandler, Society of the Polish Chemists, Tanatex Chemicals, Thoray Industries, TITV, Tomcsanyi, Universität Insbruck, University of Bergamo, University of Fukui, Weber Ultrasonics, WEKO.

Der VDTF e.V. organisiert den diesjährigen Kongress des internationalen Dachverbandes IFATCC (International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists), welcher am 13. und 14. Oktober 2023 in Augsburg stattfindet.

Das Leitthema des Kongresses lautet: „A paradigm shift in the global textile industry: Economy meets Ecology”. Es wird mit 30 Präsentationen aus 11 verschiedenen Nationen ein umfassendes Vortragsprogramm aus Industrie, Hochschulen und Forschung geben, welchem nicht nur vor Ort im Augsburger ‚Kongress am Park‘ beigewohnt werden kann, sondern auch per Online-Stream.

Zu den vortragenden Organisationen gehören Alchemie Technology, Archroma Textile Effects, Brückner, Budapest Metropolitan University, CHT Germany, DTNW, Hochschule Niederrhein, Hohenstein Laboratories, Imogo, InoTex, Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalunya, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textiles, Lefatex Chemie, Lenzing, P.A.C., Pulcra Chemicals, Rudolf, Sandler, Society of the Polish Chemists, Tanatex Chemicals, Thoray Industries, TITV, Tomcsanyi, Universität Insbruck, University of Bergamo, University of Fukui, Weber Ultrasonics, WEKO.

Neben der Weiterbildung durch aktuelle Themen ist das Networking ein wichtiger Bestandteil bei Veranstaltungen des VDTF e.V und des IFATCC. Hierzu gibt es ausreichend Gelegenheit bei einem ansprechenden Rahmenprogramm mit Get-Together, Stadtführungen durch Augsburg, Museumsbesuch und Festabend im Augsburger Textilmuseum TIM.

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung, das komplette Programm und Anmeldemöglichkeit finden Sie auf der Homepage des VDTF unter der Rubrik „IFATCC CONFERENCE 2023“.


Verband Deutscher Textilfachleute VDTF e.V.

(c) Michael Kretzschmar
Awards Honorary Doctorate to Professor Dr. Paul Kiekens by Professor Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger, Rector of the TU Dresden

TU Dresden awards Honorary Doctorate to Professor Paul Kiekens

In recognition of his extraordinary engineering achievements in the fields of textile mechanical engineering, textile technology as well as textile chemistry and surface modification of textile semi-finished products, Prof. Paul Kiekens was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa (Dr.-Ing. h.c.) on April 5, 2023.
Prof. Kiekens was a university professor at Ghent University, Belgium, for almost 35 years and thus responsible for textile-oriented education and research. Intensive interaction with European business and science was always particularly important to him.

In recognition of his extraordinary engineering achievements in the fields of textile mechanical engineering, textile technology as well as textile chemistry and surface modification of textile semi-finished products, Prof. Paul Kiekens was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa (Dr.-Ing. h.c.) on April 5, 2023.
Prof. Kiekens was a university professor at Ghent University, Belgium, for almost 35 years and thus responsible for textile-oriented education and research. Intensive interaction with European business and science was always particularly important to him.
Immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall, he opened the way for international cooperation in teaching and research in the field of textile mechanical engineering, textile technologies, and textile chemistry for the only Eastern European university research institution with a textile orientation, the ITM (formerly ITB) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TU Dresden, and provided great and uncomplicated support. A close, lasting and intensive relationship developed, which had a trend-setting influence on the scientific career of Professor Paul Kiekens. This was reflected above all in the expert advice given for major projects.
These include, for example, the funded junior research group "Holistic approach to the development and modelling of a new generation of multiaxial fabrics for fibre composites to strengthen Saxon, French and Flemish industry in the high-performance sector" (SAXOMAX) and jointly acquiring the EU project "Large scale manufacturing technology for high performance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites" (3D-LightTrans). Especially in these large-scale projects, intensive cooperation with industrial partners was essential for success.
As early as the 1990s, Professor Paul Kiekens had the vision of creating a European network for universities in textile teaching and research. In 1994, the Association of Universities for Textiles (AUTEX) was founded with the aim of establishing teaching and research in the field of textile technology at an internationally respected level through joint concepts. Due to the prevailing cooperation at that time between Professor Dr. Paul Kiekens and Professor Dr. Peter Offermann, the TU Dresden, represented by the ITM (formerly ITB), has been a full member and decisively integrated in the network since its foundation on July 1, 1994. Thus Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Paul Kiekens has significantly promoted the international cooperation of the TU Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with international university textile research institutions.
Professor Paul Kiekens was executive coordinator of AUTEX until his retirement. The internationally renowned symposium takes place annually as a part of AUTEX.


Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology


Fraunhofer auf der ACHEMA 2022

  • Lösungen für eine erfolgreiche Rohstoff- und Energiewende

Auf der Weltleitmesse der Prozessindustrie ACHEMA in Frankfurt am Main präsentiert die Fraunhofer-Allianz für den Leitmarkt Chemie gebündeltes Know-how für die Branche. Vom 22. bis 26. August 2022 stellen die beteiligten Institute aktuelle, gemeinsame Forschungsaktivitäten zu den Schwerpunkten Digitalisierung chemischer Prozesse, Weiterentwicklung der Grünen Chemie, Erleichterung des Scale-Up, zu Sicherheits- und Regulatorikfragen und zur Effizienz chemischer Prozesse sowie zum Aufbau einer Kreislaufwirtschaft aus.

  • Lösungen für eine erfolgreiche Rohstoff- und Energiewende

Auf der Weltleitmesse der Prozessindustrie ACHEMA in Frankfurt am Main präsentiert die Fraunhofer-Allianz für den Leitmarkt Chemie gebündeltes Know-how für die Branche. Vom 22. bis 26. August 2022 stellen die beteiligten Institute aktuelle, gemeinsame Forschungsaktivitäten zu den Schwerpunkten Digitalisierung chemischer Prozesse, Weiterentwicklung der Grünen Chemie, Erleichterung des Scale-Up, zu Sicherheits- und Regulatorikfragen und zur Effizienz chemischer Prozesse sowie zum Aufbau einer Kreislaufwirtschaft aus.

Defossilisierte und zirkuläre Produktionsprozesse hat sich die chemische Industrie in Deutschland zum Ziel gesetzt. Große Herausforderungen liegen vor den Verantwortlichen auf dem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Grüner Chemie. Aufbauend auf der jahrzehntelangen Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten 15 Fraunhofer-Institute untereinander und mit der chemischen Industrie liegt der Fokus darauf, Ergebnisse der Grundlagenforschung bis zu einer höheren Technologiereife weiterzuentwickeln und Partner bei der großtechnischen Umsetzung zu unterstützen – mit einer modernen Forschungsinfrastruktur vom Labor- bis zum Pilotmaßstab.




CHT: Sustainable jeans finishing with organIQ EMS Jeans

With the organIQ BLEACH system the CHT Group was the first textile chemical supplier, who offered an ecological alternative to potassium permanganate as a bleaching treatment for Denim. Today, CHT's organIQ products reach beyond the limits of the standards and are state of the art in ecological jeans production worldwide.

In recent years, CHT has continued to research and further develop the organIQ system to find enhancements to the organIQ range that further optimise the system from an ecological point of view and at the same time provide even more variable and broader application possibilities.

organIQ EMS Jeans (Ecological Modular System for Jeans treatment) is based on several modules and every module corresponds to a treatment step. These steps can be mixed and matched in various ways and flexible orders to achieve a great deal of looks and effects.

The new EMS Jeans family supports most modern denim finishing processes. By using selected organIQ products together with water saving nebulization technologies, extremely low water consumptions can be achieved.

With the organIQ BLEACH system the CHT Group was the first textile chemical supplier, who offered an ecological alternative to potassium permanganate as a bleaching treatment for Denim. Today, CHT's organIQ products reach beyond the limits of the standards and are state of the art in ecological jeans production worldwide.

In recent years, CHT has continued to research and further develop the organIQ system to find enhancements to the organIQ range that further optimise the system from an ecological point of view and at the same time provide even more variable and broader application possibilities.

organIQ EMS Jeans (Ecological Modular System for Jeans treatment) is based on several modules and every module corresponds to a treatment step. These steps can be mixed and matched in various ways and flexible orders to achieve a great deal of looks and effects.

The new EMS Jeans family supports most modern denim finishing processes. By using selected organIQ products together with water saving nebulization technologies, extremely low water consumptions can be achieved.

Due to this technology, all relevant treatments can be realized at room temperature which is a great energy saving opportunity. Moreover, the pollution of wastewater with toxic substances can be drastically reduced in comparison to common, previously applied denim treatments.


CHT Gruppe

Benoit Moutault, new Leader of Business Field Textile at the CHT Group (c) CHT Gruppe
Benoit Moutault, new Leader of Business Field Textile at the CHT Group

Benoit Moutault, new Leader of Business Field Textile at the CHT Group

  • As of 1st February, 2021, Benoit Moutault has resumed the position as Group Vice President Business Field Textile (Auxiliaries and Dyestuffs) from Ralf Kattanek.

He reports to the CEO of the CHT Group, Dr. Frank Naumann, Chairman of the Board. Benoit is a French citizen, 45 years old, and has been working at CHT since 2014. He is experienced in various leadership positions within the global market of textile chemicals.

Dr. Frank Naumann: "We are very happy to continue our successful cooperation with Benoit. He takes over a highly important and strategic role for the CHT Group."

  • As of 1st February, 2021, Benoit Moutault has resumed the position as Group Vice President Business Field Textile (Auxiliaries and Dyestuffs) from Ralf Kattanek.

He reports to the CEO of the CHT Group, Dr. Frank Naumann, Chairman of the Board. Benoit is a French citizen, 45 years old, and has been working at CHT since 2014. He is experienced in various leadership positions within the global market of textile chemicals.

Dr. Frank Naumann: "We are very happy to continue our successful cooperation with Benoit. He takes over a highly important and strategic role for the CHT Group."


CHT Gruppe