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Photo CHIC Shanghai

CHIC Shanghai postponed by three weeks to March 28-30, 2023

CHIC - China International Fashion Fair starts the new year with a new date and fresh ideas. The unrestricted entry to China is possible again and CHIC March will be postponed by three weeks to facilitate visa applications.

From March 28 to 30, 2023 around 1,600 exhibitors will meet on 117,200 sqm at CHIC at the National Exhibition & Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai.

In 5 halls the fair presents itself in clearly structured segments with the big players and young, up-and-coming designers as well as exciting niche brands in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, bags and accessories, young fashion, sportswear, designer brands and overseas brands.

CHIC - China International Fashion Fair starts the new year with a new date and fresh ideas. The unrestricted entry to China is possible again and CHIC March will be postponed by three weeks to facilitate visa applications.

From March 28 to 30, 2023 around 1,600 exhibitors will meet on 117,200 sqm at CHIC at the National Exhibition & Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai.

In 5 halls the fair presents itself in clearly structured segments with the big players and young, up-and-coming designers as well as exciting niche brands in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, bags and accessories, young fashion, sportswear, designer brands and overseas brands.

Around 120,000 trade visitors are expected at the upcoming CHIC, serving all major distribution channels in China such as large shopping malls and department stores, agents, distributors, buyers from multi-brand and concept stores, live stream providers, etc. The CHIC organizers invest in intensive visitor marketing measures. CHIC Matching, the successful networking system of CHIC, brings exhibitors and visitors together efficiently and individually. New contacts can be made and cooperation opportunities explored. Comprehensive marketing activities via all relevant channels such as the CHIC WeChat Public Account (> 200,000 subscriptions), the CNGA WeChat mini program (> 100,000 subscriptions) and TikTok ensure visibility.

New: CHIC Showroom, the innovative young showroom concept in Beijing, which is to be expanded and will enable international brands to enter the Chinese market in the medium term.

More information:
CHIC Shanghai


Das Kundenerlebnis im Fokus: Wie kann der stationäre Einzelhandel in der Pandemie Kunden binden? (c) Checkpoint Systems
Schaufenster Shopping

Das Kundenerlebnis im Fokus

  • Wie kann der stationäre Einzelhandel in der Pandemie Kunden binden?

Die Vorweihnachtszeit als traditionell umsatzstarke Zeit für den Einzelhandel ist auch in diesem Jahr von Corona überschattet. Viele Kunden sind verunsichert und scheuen den Weg in die Innenstädte. Durch funktionierende Omnichannel-Lösungen, eine attraktive Warenpräsentation und eine optimierte Auslage können Einzelhändler Kunden dennoch begeistern. Tipps dafür gibt Checkpoint Systems als One-Stop-Shop für technologisch fortschrittliche Einzelhandelslösungen.

  • Wie kann der stationäre Einzelhandel in der Pandemie Kunden binden?

Die Vorweihnachtszeit als traditionell umsatzstarke Zeit für den Einzelhandel ist auch in diesem Jahr von Corona überschattet. Viele Kunden sind verunsichert und scheuen den Weg in die Innenstädte. Durch funktionierende Omnichannel-Lösungen, eine attraktive Warenpräsentation und eine optimierte Auslage können Einzelhändler Kunden dennoch begeistern. Tipps dafür gibt Checkpoint Systems als One-Stop-Shop für technologisch fortschrittliche Einzelhandelslösungen.

Moderne Technologien helfen Einzelhändlern, die aktuellen Unwägbarkeiten der Pandemie ein Stück weit zu mildern und ihren Kunden trotz allem ein ansprechendes Einkaufserlebnis zu bieten. Die Umstellung auf Online und Omnichannel ist einer dieser Schritte, der schon im letzten Weihnachtsgeschäft einen Teil des potenziellen Verlustes gemildert hat. Corona hat die digitale Transformation beschleunigt. BOPIS, also „buy online pick up in store“, hat sich als Omnichannel-Ansatz während des letzten Pandemiewinters besonders bewährt. Auch McKinsey sagte vorher, dass Einzelhändler, welche einen flexiblen Omnichannel-Ansatz nutzen, sich am schnellsten von der Pandemie erholen werden. Inzwischen haben sich die meisten Unternehmen an die neue Realität angepasst und setzen moderne Technologien ein.

Hybride Ansätze sind überlebenswichtig
Die Voraussetzung für einen funktionierenden Omnichannel-Ansatz ist eine genaue Bestandsübersicht. Nur so können Einzelhändler das richtige Produkt zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort anbieten. Möglich ist das durch Technologien wie die Radiofrequenz-Identifikation (RFID). Checkpoint Systems hat dafür die HALO-Plattform entwickelt, eine RFID-Lösung, die Nachbestellung einfacher, schneller und effizienter macht. So ist es beispielsweise möglich, die Bestände von der Fabrik bis zum Laden zu verfolgen, so dass Händler genau wissen, wo sich ihre Bestände befinden und wann sie eintreffen werden. Dies spart Einzelhändlern Zeit, verbessert das Einkaufserlebnis der Kunden und steigert den Umsatz. Sorgfältig ausgearbeitete Omnichannel-Strategien können dafür sorgen, dass Einzelhändler die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden besser kennen, ihnen die passenden Produkte anbieten können und so langfristig eine höhere Kundenbindung schaffen. Ein konsistentes Markenerlebnis – online wie offline – ist hier entscheidend.

Offene Warenpräsentation für mehr Umsatz
Kunden, die lieber vor Ort als online einkaufen, möchten gerade in der aktuellen Zeit so schnell wie möglich die benötigten Produkte in den Einkaufswagen legen und zur Kasse gehen. Eine offene Warenpräsentation ist hier hilfreich. Statt erst auf einen Mitarbeiter warten zu müssen, der gesicherte Ware aus einem Schrank entnehmen kann, können Kunden direkt das Gewünschte in den Wagen legen. Das ist nicht nur praktischer, sondern fördert nachweislich durch Impulskäufe den Umsatz. Gleichzeitig entlastet die offene Warenpräsentation das Ladenpersonal, welches dadurch mehr Zeit für Beratung hat – gerade jetzt ein wichtiger Punkt, um verunsicherte Kunden wilkommen zu heißen und persönlich anzusprechen.

Moderne Warensicherungslösungen ermöglichen eine solche offene Warenpräsentation. Die Alpha High-Theft Solutions von Checkpoint Systems können beispielsweise zum Schutz von Kleidung, Elektronik, Schmuck oder Alkohol eingesetzt werden, ohne dass zusätzliches Sicherheitspersonal benötigt wird. Die Alpha High-Theft Solutions fungieren auch als visuelle Abschreckung für potenzielle Diebe. Einzelhändler schützen somit ihre Margen und ehrliche Kunden profitieren durch die erhöhte Warenverfügbarkeit – denn alles, was laut Inventur im Laden sein sollte, ist durch die reduzierte Diebstahlchance auch noch vorhanden. Gerade in Krisenzeiten sind klare Strategien zur Verlustprävention wichtig, da hier erfahrungsgemäß die Ladendiebstähle ansteigen. Untersuchungen zur weltweiten Rezession von 2008 / 2009 zeigen, dass bei steigender Arbeitslosigkeit und knapper werdenden Mitteln der Ladendiebstahl zunimmt. Auch die Maskenpflicht, die zu einer gesteigerten Anonymität beim Einkaufen führt, ermutigt potenzielle Diebe.

Richtig positionierte Auslagen und gut bestückte Regale
Auch die Gestaltung und der Aufbau eines stationären Geschäfts sind für das Kundenerlebnis maßgebend. Alle vorhandenen Auslagen sollten richtig positioniert und alle Regale gut gefüllt sein. Denn ein Produkt kann nur verkauft werden, wenn es im Laden sichtbar ist. Kunden, welche Produkte entnehmen und an anderer Stelle wieder in das Regal stellen, können dafür sorgen, dass die Auslage im Geschäft nicht mehr ansprechend auf potenzielle Käufer wirkt. „Display Compliance“ ist eine einfache RFID-Anwendung von Checkpoint Systems, mit der die Auslage eingescannt und mit dem ursprünglichen Regalplan verglichen werden kann. Das spart Zeit, da schnell festgestellt werden kann, ob die Auslage korrekt positioniert und die Regale entsprechend gefüllt sind. Und durch die RFID-Technologie kann das Verkaufspersonal außerdem jeden vorrätigen Artikel leicht auffinden. Die gesparte Zeit kann für Beratungsgespräche mit Kunden genutzt werden. Konsumten profitieren so von einer ansprechenden Auslage und von Personal, das bei Fragen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen kann.

Antiviral and antibacterial zwissCLEAN masks® of zwissTEX (c) zwissTex

Antiviral and antibacterial zwissCLEAN masks® of zwissTEX

With zwissCLEAN® masks, zwissTEX is a pioneer among manufacturers of antiviral and antibacterial oronasal masks. Unlike conventional models they actively and highly effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria thanks to the latest textile technologies. This is made possible by an environmentally friendly finishing that foregoes the use of silver and zinc. "The formula physically interrupts the cell membrane of the viruses and bacteria - so no development of resistance is possible. In this way 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria are eliminated within a very short time," says Maximilian Schönfließ - Business Development Manager of zwissTEX.

The zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is particularly suitable when a mask is to be worn over a longer period of time - whether for school, concerts, trade fair visits or air travel. "The special feature of our zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is that it can be worn for up to 12 hours without any problems due to the breathable material", says Schönfließ. "With it even sleeping is possible. And unlike disposable masks it can be washed up to 10 times at 30 degrees. Disposal by type is also possible".

With zwissCLEAN® masks, zwissTEX is a pioneer among manufacturers of antiviral and antibacterial oronasal masks. Unlike conventional models they actively and highly effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria thanks to the latest textile technologies. This is made possible by an environmentally friendly finishing that foregoes the use of silver and zinc. "The formula physically interrupts the cell membrane of the viruses and bacteria - so no development of resistance is possible. In this way 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria are eliminated within a very short time," says Maximilian Schönfließ - Business Development Manager of zwissTEX.

The zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is particularly suitable when a mask is to be worn over a longer period of time - whether for school, concerts, trade fair visits or air travel. "The special feature of our zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is that it can be worn for up to 12 hours without any problems due to the breathable material", says Schönfließ. "With it even sleeping is possible. And unlike disposable masks it can be washed up to 10 times at 30 degrees. Disposal by type is also possible".

The zwissCLEAN MASK COMFORT is recommended for daily protection at shopping, on public transport, at business appointments or similar events. It consists of a three-layer structure and combines efficient antiviral protection with long-term wearing comfort. The outer material and the integrated fleece promote protection against viruses and bacteria. The lower material made of organic cotton guarantees a lasting pleasant feeling on the skin. The mask can be washed up to 30 times, thus replacing up to 210 disposable masks and saving resources sustainably.



zwissTEX adds zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC to the zwissCLEAN® antiviral and antibacterial range (c) zwissTEX GmbH

zwissCLEAN® range is being expanded

  • zwissTEX adds zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC to the zwissCLEAN® antiviral and antibacterial range

zwissTEX is adding a BASIC mask to the zwissCLEAN® range which is particularly suitable when a mask is to be worn over a longer period of time - whether for school, concerts, trade fair visits or air travel. "The special feature of our zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is that it can be worn for up to 12 hours without any problems due to the breathable material", says Maximilian Schönfließ - Business Development Manager of zwissTEX. "With it even sleeping is possible. And unlike disposable masks it can be washed up to 10 times at 30 degrees. Disposal by type is also possible".

  • zwissTEX adds zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC to the zwissCLEAN® antiviral and antibacterial range

zwissTEX is adding a BASIC mask to the zwissCLEAN® range which is particularly suitable when a mask is to be worn over a longer period of time - whether for school, concerts, trade fair visits or air travel. "The special feature of our zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is that it can be worn for up to 12 hours without any problems due to the breathable material", says Maximilian Schönfließ - Business Development Manager of zwissTEX. "With it even sleeping is possible. And unlike disposable masks it can be washed up to 10 times at 30 degrees. Disposal by type is also possible".

With zwissCLEAN® masks, zwissTEX is a pioneer among manufacturers of antiviral and antibacterial oronasal masks. Unlike conventional models they actively and highly effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria thanks to the latest textile technologies. This is made possible by an environmentally friendly finishing that foregoes the use of silver and zinc. "The formula physically interrupts the cell membrane of the viruses and bacteria - so no development of resistance is possible. In this way 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria are eliminated within a very short time," says Schönfließ.

The zwissCLEAN MASK COMFORT is recommended for daily protection at shopping, on public transport, at business appointments or similar events. It consists of a three-layer structure and combines efficient antiviral protection with long-term wearing comfort. The outer material and the integrated fleece promote protection against viruses and bacteria. The lower material made of organic cotton guarantees a lasting pleasant feeling on the skin. The mask can be washed up to 30 times, thus replacing up to 210 disposable masks and saving resources sustainably.

The zwissCLEAN® range is being continuously expanded. "In addition to mask production we plan to manufacture antiviral and antibacterial gloves," says Schönfließ. "The test phase is already underway and we will start production of the gloves in the coming weeks.

More information:
zwissTex GmbH Mund-Nase-Maske

zwissTEX GmbH

Archroma starts production of hand sanitizers to help fight COVID-19. © 2020 Archroma
Archroma starts production of hand sanitizers to help fight COVID-19.

ARCHROMA Starts Production of Hand Sanitizers to Help Fight COVID-19

As part of its active engagement in the fight against COVID-19, Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, started bulk production of a new range of hand sanitizers at its Landhi site in Pakistan in May 2020. The new Kieralon® HS range was developed by the R&D team at the Archroma Center of Excellence in Karachi, in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.

Sanitizers are currently in high demand in Pakistan in hospitals, isolation centers, medical institutes and other health care environments, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The use of sanitizers has also been made mandatory in all factories, offices and public places, driving the demand even higher.

The Kieralon® HS range is being produced in different grades and concentrations to eliminate a broad range of germs, bacteria and viruses, to cater for various healthcare and hygiene requirements. They also include emollients and display non-stick and quick drying effect, for skin comfort.

As part of its active engagement in the fight against COVID-19, Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, started bulk production of a new range of hand sanitizers at its Landhi site in Pakistan in May 2020. The new Kieralon® HS range was developed by the R&D team at the Archroma Center of Excellence in Karachi, in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.

Sanitizers are currently in high demand in Pakistan in hospitals, isolation centers, medical institutes and other health care environments, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The use of sanitizers has also been made mandatory in all factories, offices and public places, driving the demand even higher.

The Kieralon® HS range is being produced in different grades and concentrations to eliminate a broad range of germs, bacteria and viruses, to cater for various healthcare and hygiene requirements. They also include emollients and display non-stick and quick drying effect, for skin comfort.

In April 2020, Archroma announced the introduction in Brazil of Mowiplus® HPC 9600, a new thickener for sanitizing gels, developed to address the global shortage in the thickener traditionally used for sanitizing gels.

Archroma is also actively supporting manufacturers in the production of face masks and medical protective equipment. Its antimicrobial and barrier products in particular are in high demand, and Archroma is making every effort to assist existing and new customers entering this sector by providing technical know-how and support.

The company is supporting producers of packaging & paper who are facing high demand for food packaging as many restaurants have switched to delivery or take-away, as well as for parcels and boxes supporting online shopping.

Mujtaba Rahim, CEO of Archroma Pakistan comments, “Within Archroma we are cognizant of the acute community need for high quality hygiene products that are also comfortable for users, as hand sanitizers tend to be harsh on the skin, so we took on the challenge to develop and start production in record time. The Archroma team in Pakistan won’t rest in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, and hopes this new product will help to stop the spread of the virus and the suffering that it causes.”


EMG for Archroma

The Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology (c) Oerlikon
The Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology

Oerlikon Nonwoven deliveringmeltblown technology to FleeceforEurope

Protective masks for Europe
With FleeceforEurope and Lindenpartner, Düsseldorf-based Kloepfel Group purchasing consultancy and Berlin-based industrial consultancy Bechinger & Heymann Holding plan to manufacture and distribute up to 50 million protection class FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks a month exclusively for the European market from the beginning of fall. And the primary focus will be on quality.
With protective masks – including those used in operating rooms – this quality is provided above all by  virus-absorbing nonwovens. And these will be manufactured by ‘FleeceforEurope’ using an Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown system.
But masks effectively protecting against infections can only be guaranteed with the right quality. A crucial factor in this is the inside of the mask. Because the nonwoven used in protection class FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks plays a decisive role.

Protective masks for Europe
With FleeceforEurope and Lindenpartner, Düsseldorf-based Kloepfel Group purchasing consultancy and Berlin-based industrial consultancy Bechinger & Heymann Holding plan to manufacture and distribute up to 50 million protection class FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks a month exclusively for the European market from the beginning of fall. And the primary focus will be on quality.
With protective masks – including those used in operating rooms – this quality is provided above all by  virus-absorbing nonwovens. And these will be manufactured by ‘FleeceforEurope’ using an Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown system.
But masks effectively protecting against infections can only be guaranteed with the right quality. A crucial factor in this is the inside of the mask. Because the nonwoven used in protection class FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks plays a decisive role.
Here, the meltblown technology from Oerlikon Nonwoven will be deployed. In a special, patented process, the fibers laid into a nonwoven fabric during manufacture are subsequently electrostatically-charged, before the material is further processed downstream.

European market for protective masks with a promising future
Those responsible at Oerlikon Nonwoven and FleeceforEurope, which will primarily focus on producing high-end nonwovens, and Lindenpartner, which will manufacture and distribute the protective masks, are certain of one thing: the market for protective masks has a very promising long-term future in Europe.
What has been commonplace in Asia for many years now will also become normal in Europe. People will be increasingly wearing face masks when venturing out, in order to better protect themselves against health risks such as the current pandemic and also against increasing environmental pollution in the form of  fine particles and exhaust fumes in the future. A

Medical face masks from a vending machine
Mask producer Lindenpartner has already secured supplies of nonwovens and will be producing face masks for the European healthcare sector over the coming weeks. To fight the coronavirus pandemic, Lindenpartner is planning to install 100 self-service face mask vending machines in Germany over the next four weeks, positioning them in publicly-accessible places such as shopping centers and airports, for example.


Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs