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11 results

Baldwin Launches New PrintEnomic$ Online Resource

Baldwin Technology Co. Inc. has launched PrintEnomic$, a new online resource of specialized eBooks and resources for corrugated, narrow web and sheet-fed and web offset printers at

The collection of Baldwin videos, podcasts and instructional guides are available for free and without firewalls to help maximize printer profitability. The eBooks analyze trends, issues, and technology options specific to printers in all three categories.

More than 5,000 print industry professionals have already downloaded or viewed earlier, limited-release eBooks “Untangling the Web” for narrow web and “From Beast to Beauty” for corrugated. The addition of “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” for sheet-fed and web offset printers completes the comprehensive PrintEnomic$ portfolio.
Through interviews with customers, industry insiders, in-house engineers – and reviews of the latest reporting – the eBooks explore pressing topics including sustainability, labor challenges, counterfeiting, and brand protection.

Baldwin Technology Co. Inc. has launched PrintEnomic$, a new online resource of specialized eBooks and resources for corrugated, narrow web and sheet-fed and web offset printers at

The collection of Baldwin videos, podcasts and instructional guides are available for free and without firewalls to help maximize printer profitability. The eBooks analyze trends, issues, and technology options specific to printers in all three categories.

More than 5,000 print industry professionals have already downloaded or viewed earlier, limited-release eBooks “Untangling the Web” for narrow web and “From Beast to Beauty” for corrugated. The addition of “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” for sheet-fed and web offset printers completes the comprehensive PrintEnomic$ portfolio.
Through interviews with customers, industry insiders, in-house engineers – and reviews of the latest reporting – the eBooks explore pressing topics including sustainability, labor challenges, counterfeiting, and brand protection.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin releases latest PrintEnomic$ eBook

Baldwin Technology Co. Inc. has launched a new set of resources for sheet-fed and web offset printers at with the release of the “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” eBook.

Its PrintEnomic$ website offers curated resources that analyze trends and issues impacting not only sheet-fed and web offset printers but also narrow web and corrugated printers. Separate eBooks, videos, podcasts and instructional guides are available to help maximize printer profitability in all three specialized areas.

Baldwin is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of innovative process-automation equipment, parts, service and consumables for the printing, packaging, textile, plastic film extrusion and corrugated industries.

More than 5,000 print industry professionals have already downloaded or viewed earlier-released eBooks centered on narrow web (“Untangling the Web”) and corrugated (“From Beast to Beauty”).

Baldwin Technology Co. Inc. has launched a new set of resources for sheet-fed and web offset printers at with the release of the “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” eBook.

Its PrintEnomic$ website offers curated resources that analyze trends and issues impacting not only sheet-fed and web offset printers but also narrow web and corrugated printers. Separate eBooks, videos, podcasts and instructional guides are available to help maximize printer profitability in all three specialized areas.

Baldwin is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of innovative process-automation equipment, parts, service and consumables for the printing, packaging, textile, plastic film extrusion and corrugated industries.

More than 5,000 print industry professionals have already downloaded or viewed earlier-released eBooks centered on narrow web (“Untangling the Web”) and corrugated (“From Beast to Beauty”).

Through interviews with customers, industry insiders, in-house engineers – and reviews of the latest reporting – Baldwin explores four trends in the “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” eBook:

  • The resurgence in book publishing
  • Labor challenges
  • Direct mail marketing as a cure for screen fatigue
  • Sustainability

Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

(c) STF

STF: Neue Podcast-Folge mit Muntagnard

Die STF hat ihren Podcast „Creative Cocktail“ gestartet und in der dritten Folge sind Dario und Dario, die CEOs von Muntagnard, zu Gast. Die Podcast-Folge bietet Insights über die Unternehmensgründung, die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie von Muntagnard und was die beiden damit bewegen möchten. Zudem geben sie Tipps für den Aufbau eines eigenen Labels mit und wie man sich von anderen Marken abhebt.

Die STF hat ihren Podcast „Creative Cocktail“ gestartet und in der dritten Folge sind Dario und Dario, die CEOs von Muntagnard, zu Gast. Die Podcast-Folge bietet Insights über die Unternehmensgründung, die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie von Muntagnard und was die beiden damit bewegen möchten. Zudem geben sie Tipps für den Aufbau eines eigenen Labels mit und wie man sich von anderen Marken abhebt.


C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub launches sustainable Training

C.L.A.S.S. has taken another strategic step with Training, an educational offer made of three moments aimed at sharing valuable and practical information concerning three main areas of sustainable development. Training will be adding value to the Smart Academy offer by C.L.A.S.S., a program of events and conferences, lectures or customized training services, united by an important goal: to educate, raise awareness and inspire professionals, students and even consumers with an eye to the values of responsibility.

There are three trainings offered:

C.L.A.S.S. has taken another strategic step with Training, an educational offer made of three moments aimed at sharing valuable and practical information concerning three main areas of sustainable development. Training will be adding value to the Smart Academy offer by C.L.A.S.S., a program of events and conferences, lectures or customized training services, united by an important goal: to educate, raise awareness and inspire professionals, students and even consumers with an eye to the values of responsibility.

There are three trainings offered:

  1. Introduction to a new generation of fashion
    C.L.A.S.S. team will introduce and explain the new generation of value-driven fashion where the fusion of design, innovation, communication and responsibility shapes an informed and competitive business, able to play both at an economic and social level. Since 2007, at the base of our philosophy is a formula: Virtuous Fashion, the one with the capital F, is the product of an integration of design (D), innovation (I), sustainability (S) and communication (C). In brief: F = D x I x S x C.
  2. Introduction to Smart Ingredients
    What is a responsible material? How to source responsibly? Which are the latest smart ingredients that can enrich with new generation fashion collections?
    During the session participant will be guided through materials available in the market, and will have the chance to have an “informed background“ of each one of the materials' journey. Conscious Choices can be made ONLY IF we have all the true full information in our hands. This training informd participant to make the best informed choice for their objectives. A simple but facts driven introduction to the key available innovative and sustainable materials: naturals, transformed and innovative where traceability, transparency, innovation, performance, responsible measurements are leading both the storymaking and the storytelling of each one of them.
  3. Introduction to Sustainability Report
    The preparation of the company's sustainability report is a fundamental moment to define objectives, identify improvement actions, and measure its environmental and social impact. It is a job that involves the entire company team, which can transform the report into an opportunity for growth.
    The package offered by C.L.A.S.S., in collaboration with Silvia Gambi, sustainable fashion journalist and podcaster of Solo Moda Sostenibile, combines training with personalized consulting with a coaching action to guide the company team in the preparation of its sustainability report, offering the necessary support to create a document that tells about the company, its values, its commitment and also its objectives.


textile network geht neue Wege und startet mit einem Podcast für die Textilbranche. Gast der ersten Folge ist Jane Ehlers von der Nachhaltigkeitsberatung akzente © Jane Ehlers
Jane Ehlers, Leiterin des Berliner Büros der Nachhaltigkeitsberatung akzente, ist zu Gast in der ersten Folge des textile network-Podcasts.

Jane Ehlers im textile network Podcast

  • textile network geht neue Wege und startet mit einem Podcast für die Textilbranche. Gast der ersten Folge ist Jane Ehlers von der Nachhaltigkeitsberatung akzente.

Im neuen Podcast von textile network aus dem Meisenbach Verlag setzen wir uns mit aktuellen Themen und Entwicklungen aus der Branche auseinander, die wir gemeinsam mit Experten und Expertinnen aus der Textil- und Modeindustrie kompetent und kompakt beleuchten und diskutieren. In regelmäßiger Abständen erscheinen neue Folgen, die sowohl auf der Website als auch bei gängigen Anbietern wie Spotify zu finden sein werden.

  • textile network geht neue Wege und startet mit einem Podcast für die Textilbranche. Gast der ersten Folge ist Jane Ehlers von der Nachhaltigkeitsberatung akzente.

Im neuen Podcast von textile network aus dem Meisenbach Verlag setzen wir uns mit aktuellen Themen und Entwicklungen aus der Branche auseinander, die wir gemeinsam mit Experten und Expertinnen aus der Textil- und Modeindustrie kompetent und kompakt beleuchten und diskutieren. In regelmäßiger Abständen erscheinen neue Folgen, die sowohl auf der Website als auch bei gängigen Anbietern wie Spotify zu finden sein werden.

  • Folge 1 mit Jane Ehlers

textile network-Objektleiterin Sibylle Michel begrüßt in der ersten Episode Jane Ehlers, die Leiterin des Berliner Büros der Nachhaltigkeitsberatung akzente. Die Agentur hilft Unternehmen, Organisationen und Marken auf ihrem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Verantwortungsbewusstsein. Im Gespräch mit Jane Ehlers geht es vor allem um folgende Fragen rund um das Thema Greenwashing: Woran erkennen Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher Greenwashing? Was sollten insbesondere Textilunternehmen beim Marketing beachten? Und inwieweit ändert das neue Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz etwas an der Problematik Greenwashing?

STF News: Podcast mit Karen Fleischmann & der Countdown läuft!

Der neue STF Podcast ist live!

  • STF News: Podcast mit Karen Fleischmann & der Countdown läuft!

In der neuen Podcast-Folge des Creative Cocktail ist Karen Fleischmann, Influencerin und Nachhaltigkeits-Ambassadorin, zu Gast. Sie erzählt über Slow Fashion, den umweltbewussten Konsum und darüber, wie sie den Sprung von der Modelwelt zum Role Model für Nachhaltigkeit geschafft hat.


  • STF News: Podcast mit Karen Fleischmann & der Countdown läuft!

In der neuen Podcast-Folge des Creative Cocktail ist Karen Fleischmann, Influencerin und Nachhaltigkeits-Ambassadorin, zu Gast. Sie erzählt über Slow Fashion, den umweltbewussten Konsum und darüber, wie sie den Sprung von der Modelwelt zum Role Model für Nachhaltigkeit geschafft hat.



STF Schweizerische Textilfachschule

Grafik: Epson

"Grün sein will jeder"

  • Podcastfolge über Epsons Nachhaltigkeitskonzept bis 2050

In der aktuellen Folge des Epson Podcasts „druckbar“ spricht Henning Ohlsson, Geschäftsführer der Epson Deutschland GmbH und Direktor Nachhaltigkeit von Epson Europa über grüne Versprechen von Unternehmen und wie Verbraucher sie hinterfragen können, darüber wie faire Arbeitsbedingungen mit Qualität zusammenhängen und wie Technologie dabei helfen kann, Zukunft verantwortungsvoll zu gestalten. Der Podcast ist auf den gängigen Plattformen (Spotify, Apple, Deezer) verfügbar.

  • Podcastfolge über Epsons Nachhaltigkeitskonzept bis 2050

In der aktuellen Folge des Epson Podcasts „druckbar“ spricht Henning Ohlsson, Geschäftsführer der Epson Deutschland GmbH und Direktor Nachhaltigkeit von Epson Europa über grüne Versprechen von Unternehmen und wie Verbraucher sie hinterfragen können, darüber wie faire Arbeitsbedingungen mit Qualität zusammenhängen und wie Technologie dabei helfen kann, Zukunft verantwortungsvoll zu gestalten. Der Podcast ist auf den gängigen Plattformen (Spotify, Apple, Deezer) verfügbar.

More information:
Epson podcast

Epson Deutschland GmbH


efi: Neuer Podcast "Imaging of Things" zu Trends, Workflow und Chancen der Druckindustrie

Die neue Podcast-Reihe "Imaging of Things" von Electronics For Imaging, Inc. wird von Nick Benkovich, Vice President of Portfolio Management für EFI™ Productivity Software, moderiert. Sie liefert informative Interviews und Schulungsinhalte für Unternehmen in den Branchen Druck, Verpackung und Marketing und deckt ein breites Themenspektrum ab.
Ab dem 27. Juli wird der englischsprachige Podcast alle zwei Wochen unter erscheinen. Jede Folge wird nach der Ausstrahlung archiviert und steht auf Abruf zum Streaming zur Verfügung.
Zu den geplanten Podcast-Themen zählen:

  • Herausforderungen des Marktes meistern und Erkenntnisse daraus ziehen
  • Nachwuchsförderung
  • Unternehmen zukunftssicher machen
  • Einsatz von Technologie
  • Sind Mailings noch zeitgemäß?

Zusammen mit Nick Benkovich werden die am Podcast teilnehmenden Gäste, darunter eine große Auswahl an Branchenexperten und EFI Kunden, ihr Fachwissen und ihre Erfahrung einbringen, um anderen bei der Entwicklung ihrer eigenen Unternehmen zu helfen.

Die neue Podcast-Reihe "Imaging of Things" von Electronics For Imaging, Inc. wird von Nick Benkovich, Vice President of Portfolio Management für EFI™ Productivity Software, moderiert. Sie liefert informative Interviews und Schulungsinhalte für Unternehmen in den Branchen Druck, Verpackung und Marketing und deckt ein breites Themenspektrum ab.
Ab dem 27. Juli wird der englischsprachige Podcast alle zwei Wochen unter erscheinen. Jede Folge wird nach der Ausstrahlung archiviert und steht auf Abruf zum Streaming zur Verfügung.
Zu den geplanten Podcast-Themen zählen:

  • Herausforderungen des Marktes meistern und Erkenntnisse daraus ziehen
  • Nachwuchsförderung
  • Unternehmen zukunftssicher machen
  • Einsatz von Technologie
  • Sind Mailings noch zeitgemäß?

Zusammen mit Nick Benkovich werden die am Podcast teilnehmenden Gäste, darunter eine große Auswahl an Branchenexperten und EFI Kunden, ihr Fachwissen und ihre Erfahrung einbringen, um anderen bei der Entwicklung ihrer eigenen Unternehmen zu helfen.

More information:
EFI podcast


Baldwin’s podcast explores printing and industrial process automation trends (c) Baldwin

Baldwin’s podcast explores printing and industrial process automation trends

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has launched Unlocking Potential, a new podcast series that covers the latest trends, innovations and technologies in key industries—from packaging and converting, to security printing, textile production, film extrusion and more.

The first episode debuted February 1, and it shares the history and evolution of Baldwin, which recently marked 100 years of innovation. Episode 2 features a conversation with Baldwin experts about security printing advancements.

“We are excited to introduce this opportunity to share ideas, insights and educational content with customers, partners and associates around the world,” said Baldwin’s Chief Marketing and IoT Officer Steve Metcalf, who joined Chief Commercial Officer and longtime Baldwin team member Peter Hultberg on the inaugural episode. “In a time when traditional trade shows and conferences are being reimagined, podcasting provides a familiar platform for us to be conversational again.”

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has launched Unlocking Potential, a new podcast series that covers the latest trends, innovations and technologies in key industries—from packaging and converting, to security printing, textile production, film extrusion and more.

The first episode debuted February 1, and it shares the history and evolution of Baldwin, which recently marked 100 years of innovation. Episode 2 features a conversation with Baldwin experts about security printing advancements.

“We are excited to introduce this opportunity to share ideas, insights and educational content with customers, partners and associates around the world,” said Baldwin’s Chief Marketing and IoT Officer Steve Metcalf, who joined Chief Commercial Officer and longtime Baldwin team member Peter Hultberg on the inaugural episode. “In a time when traditional trade shows and conferences are being reimagined, podcasting provides a familiar platform for us to be conversational again.”

Future episodes will delve into the latest in curing technology for specialized manufacturing applications, the transformation of cleaning processes and consumables for printing, and other topics, as markets and industries continue to evolve.



Better sleep with MEY nightwear and energear™-technology from schoeller® (c) Mey Handels GmbH
„Zzzleepwear" series with energearTM technology: the fabric reflects the body's own released energy.

Better sleep with MEY nightwear and energear™-technology from schoeller®

Underwear and loungewear specialist MEY announces the launch of its product series "Zzzleepwear,” developed to improve the quality of sleep for men and women. Setting new standards in the sleepwear category, functionality and technical innovation are the focus of the product styles that also offer stylish looks and wearer comfort.

People who sleep well recharge their batteries and can start the next day full of energy. However, many people suffer from sleep problems that can have a long-term negative impact on health and well-being. MEY’s Zzzleepwear was built to address that.

Underwear and loungewear specialist MEY announces the launch of its product series "Zzzleepwear,” developed to improve the quality of sleep for men and women. Setting new standards in the sleepwear category, functionality and technical innovation are the focus of the product styles that also offer stylish looks and wearer comfort.

People who sleep well recharge their batteries and can start the next day full of energy. However, many people suffer from sleep problems that can have a long-term negative impact on health and well-being. MEY’s Zzzleepwear was built to address that.

„Zzzleepwear“ reflects far-infrared rays
Fabrics of the "Zzzleepwear" series are equipped with energear™ technology from schoeller®. They reflect the body's own energy, which is emitted in the form of far-infrared rays. The textile finish is based on a titanium-mineral matrix, which reflects far-infrared rays back to the body. This effect can have a positive impact on the body and its energy balance. The understanding of far infrared rays and their positive properties has its origin in Asian healing medicine. Far Eastern medicine has incorporated life energy, "Qi" in Chinese, for centuries. More and more people are discovering that their performance increases when energy balance and energy flow are in harmony. schoeller® is transferring this function to textiles, and MEY is using the finish for the first time in nightwear.

Further fabric properties and design features
For the new "Zzzleepwear" series, the energear™ coating is applied to the inside of the fabric in a honeycomb-like form. It thus represents the core of the series. In addition, the fabric with melange structure is made of natural cotton and thermoregulating fibers that provide high breathability. The large proportion of natural cotton fibers increases the wearing comfort of this special nightwear. The "Zzzleepwear" series offers different color variations, as well as outstanding design features like flat seams and an interior print in the neck area.

Podcast with soporific effect
MEY wants to lull its customers to sleep in a particularly original way: A Spotify code is printed on every item in the series. By scanning this code, customers can listen to a sleep podcast created especially for the selected pair of pyjamas. In the eleven-part good night story, the products tell their own manufacturing story, from the cotton field to the fabric production in Albstadt to the store – so boring, it will have customers nodding off in no time.

 TOPIC OF THE SEASON: Responsible Future (c) Premium Exhibitions GmbH
Alina Hahn, Marie Sandmann, Maren Wiebus, Damien Winpenny, Marie-Luise Patzelt

TOPIC OF THE SEASON: Responsible Future

Sustainability is part of SEEK’s internal make-up and has always been part of the team and community experience. Over 80 sustainable brands make up the brand portfolio, including players like Veja, Dedicated and Kings of Indigo. Experts will be sharing their experiences on this market-defining topic as well, with a host of live podcasts, talks and panel discussions, and will be shaping SEEK’s programme of content.
BIG PLAYER: the new SEEK Culture

SEEK is Europe’s most successful trade show for pop, street and sneaker culture. This is where the key players meet, where the looks of tomorrow are showcased, modelled and retold, where classics are celebrated, authenticity rules the roost and where icons take their positions alongside shooting stars. SEEK is essential participation for anyone looking to curate a modern, youthful and relevant range.

The shift from a niche event to a large trade show is now complete with a new logo and campaign design. SEEK has emerged from its transformation to reveal that its content and visual look are as relevant as ever!  

Sustainability is part of SEEK’s internal make-up and has always been part of the team and community experience. Over 80 sustainable brands make up the brand portfolio, including players like Veja, Dedicated and Kings of Indigo. Experts will be sharing their experiences on this market-defining topic as well, with a host of live podcasts, talks and panel discussions, and will be shaping SEEK’s programme of content.
BIG PLAYER: the new SEEK Culture

SEEK is Europe’s most successful trade show for pop, street and sneaker culture. This is where the key players meet, where the looks of tomorrow are showcased, modelled and retold, where classics are celebrated, authenticity rules the roost and where icons take their positions alongside shooting stars. SEEK is essential participation for anyone looking to curate a modern, youthful and relevant range.

The shift from a niche event to a large trade show is now complete with a new logo and campaign design. SEEK has emerged from its transformation to reveal that its content and visual look are as relevant as ever!  

Together with creative agencies Karl Anders and Haebmau, the SEEK team has been working for weeks on the brand’s new branding. The result: a visual concept with a strong message.

“The handshake is the right imagery and commitment to our stance and that of the SEEK community.”

“SEEK stands for strength and business just as much as for communality and good vibes! ‘Get Along’ articulates a feeling of agreement, of moving forward and getting to grips with things. We all want to shape a positive future for our industry – as partners and by joining forces.”, explains Fashion Director Maren Wiebus.

CREATIVE CONNECTION: Karl Anders and Haebmau
The Hamburg-based agency Karl Anders, which was established by Claudia Fischer-Appelt and Lars Kreyenhagen, was commissioned to come up with the creative concept and design language for the logo and campaign.

“With the new look we are entering a new era for SEEK as a brand. Lots of brands have chosen a design using Helvetica in recent years,” says Claudia Fischer-Appelt, Creative Director at Karl Anders. “We are now signalling a clear shift in another direction. Confident, bold and independent. With the logo we are inviting the viewer to play with the linear layout in their head; we are breaking viewing habits, making a statement and revving things up a gear. SEEK, there it is.”
The artwork is the result of a process of in-depth debate with the SEEK brand that took place over several weeks both within the team and also with the support of lifestyle agency Haebmau. Workshops, research and analyses ultimately led to a new, strong brand identity. SEEK is focussed on both established and new players and stands for the WE.

“I have known SEEK since it was in its infancy, so to me it was always like a little brother of the large, successful PREMIUM. Quirky and different, always interesting but somehow not quite so imposing,” says Markus Bublitz, Executive Creative Director at Haebmau. “SEEK today is more grown-up, confident and sharper. Thanks to its position in the market, which it has conquered over the years, it no longer needs to please everyone but can afford to be controversial. This can offer space for new, creative ideas.”

SEEK is edgy, clean-cut and unpolished.

We are all about statement design, new classics, denim and sportswear. SEEK is the trade show event for the fashion community. SEEK knows who calls the shots; it boosts sales and is the place for the next generation of decision-makers to get together. Unlike all the others, SEEK is unconventional and the antidote to boring.


Premium Exhibitions GmbH