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(c) Fraunhofer CCPE

Fraunhofer CCPE on the way to an international circular plastics economy

More than 350 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year, and vast amounts of plastic waste simply end up in the environment. The circular economy offers enormous potential for keeping plastics in the loop and thus conserving resources and the environment. Since 2018, six Fraunhofer institutes in the Fraunhofer CCPE cluster have been researching how to make the plastics value chain circular, and Prof. Manfred Renner has been the new head of the cluster since August 2022. Research results, implementation projects and strategies to accelerate the transformation to a circular plastics economy will be presented by Fraunhofer CCPE at the first international Fraunhofer CCPE Summit on February 8 and 9, 2023 in Munich.

More than 350 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year, and vast amounts of plastic waste simply end up in the environment. The circular economy offers enormous potential for keeping plastics in the loop and thus conserving resources and the environment. Since 2018, six Fraunhofer institutes in the Fraunhofer CCPE cluster have been researching how to make the plastics value chain circular, and Prof. Manfred Renner has been the new head of the cluster since August 2022. Research results, implementation projects and strategies to accelerate the transformation to a circular plastics economy will be presented by Fraunhofer CCPE at the first international Fraunhofer CCPE Summit on February 8 and 9, 2023 in Munich.

In a circular plastics economy, resources can be saved, products can be intelligently designed for long service life, and end-of-life losses can be reduced. Systemic, technical and social innovations are needed to make the transition from a linear to a circular economy a success. This is what the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE is researching in the three divisions “Materials”, “Systems” and “Business”. The cooperation of the six Fraunhofer institutes IAP, ICT, IML, IVV, LBF and UMSICHT enables a multi-stakeholder approach in which the appropriate R&D competencies are bundled.

Fraunhofer CCPE would like to present and discuss successful projects and research approaches on an international scale at the Fraunhofer CCPE Summit on February 8 and 9, 2023 in Munich. The summit is to become an international forum for exchanging ideas for solutions and innovations for a circular plastics economy.

Cross-industry collaboration - local, regional and international
Since August 2022, Prof. Manfred Renner, Institute Director of Fraunhofer UMSICHT, is the new head of Fraunhofer CCPE. He succeeds Prof. Eckhard Weidner, who has retired. “Cross-industry cooperation - very local, but also regional and international - is the elementary prerequisite for a functioning circular plastics economy. At the summit, players from all points of the compass will meet and network in order to rethink the plastics value chain together," explains Prof. Manfred Renner, adding, “We want to provide answers to the following questions:  How can we make all Circular Economy principles, i.e. the ten R-strategies, known? How can industry, science and society best cooperate in a transformation to a circular plastics economy for the greatest possible impact?”

Results of the Fraunhofer CCPE cluster so far are innovative approaches for circular business models, intelligent collection, sorting, and recycling technologies, but also new formulations for circular polymers and compounds to enable multiple recycling cycles. With the newly developed assessment tool CRL® , companies can, for example, self-assess the maturity of products or product systems with regard to the circular economy. The tool checks the extent to which a product already takes into account circular economy principles in the areas of product design, product service system, end-of-life management and circular economy, and where there is still potential for improvement.


Fraunhofer UMSICHT

© Fraunhofer UMSICHT/Sandra Riedel

Neue Wege für die urbane Agrarproduktion

  • Einweihung SUSKULT-Demonstrationsanlage auf der Kläranlage Emscher-Mündung

Die Versorgung der wachsenden Bevölkerung mit nachhaltigen, lokalen und qualitativ hochwertigen landwirtschaftlichen Produkten ist eine enorme Herausforderung. Um den Bedarf gerade in urbanen Regionen zu decken, müssen neuartige Agrarsysteme etabliert werden. Ein Vorreiter auf dem Gebiet ist das Verbundprojekt SUSKULT, in dessen Rahmen jetzt eine Demonstrationsanlage feierlich eingeweiht wurde. Die Anlage steht auf dem Gelände einer Kläranlage des Wasserwirtschaftsverbandes Emschergenossenschaft in Dinslaken. In der SUSKULT-Vision sind dort alle wesentlichen Ressourcen für den Anbau von Gemüse und Co. – Nährstoffe, CO2, Wasser, Wärme – in großen Mengen verfügbar.

  • Einweihung SUSKULT-Demonstrationsanlage auf der Kläranlage Emscher-Mündung

Die Versorgung der wachsenden Bevölkerung mit nachhaltigen, lokalen und qualitativ hochwertigen landwirtschaftlichen Produkten ist eine enorme Herausforderung. Um den Bedarf gerade in urbanen Regionen zu decken, müssen neuartige Agrarsysteme etabliert werden. Ein Vorreiter auf dem Gebiet ist das Verbundprojekt SUSKULT, in dessen Rahmen jetzt eine Demonstrationsanlage feierlich eingeweiht wurde. Die Anlage steht auf dem Gelände einer Kläranlage des Wasserwirtschaftsverbandes Emschergenossenschaft in Dinslaken. In der SUSKULT-Vision sind dort alle wesentlichen Ressourcen für den Anbau von Gemüse und Co. – Nährstoffe, CO2, Wasser, Wärme – in großen Mengen verfügbar.

Endliche Phosphatressourcen, hoher Energieaufwand bei der Düngemittelproduktion, Verschmutzung von Gewässern und Böden durch Phosphor und Stickstoff – hinzu kommen Probleme in den Lieferketten durch Ereignisse wie Corona sowie massive Preissteigerungen aufgrund globaler Krisen. Das sind sicher keine guten Voraussetzungen, um die Erträge frischer und hochwertiger Agrarprodukte nachhaltig zu steigern. Expertinnen und Experten sind sich jedoch einig: Genau das muss geschehen, um eine größere Unabhängigkeit der deutschen Agrarwirtschaft sicherzustellen, zukünftigen Krisen gestärkt begegnen zu können und gleichzeitig besser auf Folgen des Klimawandels vorbereitet zu sein. Für den erforderlichen Transformationsprozess war bis dato der Zeitraum von 2040 bis 2050 vorgesehen – aktuelle Entwicklungen erfordern eine frühere Umsetzung.

Zu den zentralen Lösungsansätzen zählen mehr Regionalität und eine Kreislaufführung der eingesetzten Ressourcen. »Damit beschäftigen wir uns bei SUSKULT, indem wir ein Agrarsystem an Kläranlagen integrieren. Hier finden wir zum einen die für einen gartenbaulichen Anbau von Produkten notwendigen Ressourcen – Nährstoffe, CO2, Wasser und Wärme. Zum anderen sind Kläranlagen häufig zentrumsnah verortet, was die Transportwege zu den Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten minimiert«, erklärt Volkmar Keuter vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT, der das Verbundprojekt koordiniert. »Mit der Einweihung der Demonstrationsanlage auf der Kläranlage Emscher-Mündung der Emschergenossenschaft (EG) beschreiten wir nun konsequent den nächsten Schritt auf dem Weg hin zu einem zukunftsfähigen Agrarsystem.«

In den vergangenen drei Jahren seit Projektstart haben die insgesamt 15 Partner – darunter Universitäten, Forschungseinrichtungen sowie Institutionen aus Industrie und Wirtschaft – die wissenschaftliche Grundlage für das Vorhaben gelegt und die einzelnen Bausteine entwickelt. Diese werden jetzt erstmals auf einer der größten Kläranlagen Europas zu einer Prozesskette zusammengeführt und in der Praxis getestet. »Die Modernisierung der Wasserwirtschaft ist seit Jahren getrieben durch Themen wie Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz. Phosphorrecycling aus Klärschlamm haben wir z. B. auf der Kläranlage Emscher-Mündung bereits erfolgreich halbtechnisch pilotiert. Die SUSKULT-Vision, dass Kläranlagen künftig sämtliche Nährstoffe liefern, die für die Agrarproduktion eingesetzt werden, stellt daher einen logischen nächsten Schritt dar«, so Dr. Emanuel Grün, Technischer Vorstand der Emschergenossenschaft.

Von außen betrachtet wirkt die Demonstrationsanlage, untergebracht in zwei Seecontainern und in einem Teil des sogenannten Technikums der Emschergenossenschaft, relativ unscheinbar. Anders sieht es im Inneren aus: Hier befinden sich die insgesamt fünf SUSKULT-Bausteine. Drei von ihnen wandeln die Ressource Abwasser in NPK-haltigen Flüssigdünger (NPK: Stickstoff, Phosphor und Kalium) um, in den anderen beiden wird dieser Dünger zur Kultivierung von z. B. Gemüse und Salat sowie gesundheitsfördernden Lebensmitteln wie Süßkartoffeln und Moringa verwendet. Der Anbau erfolgt vertikal, das ist platzsparend und saisonunabhängig. Des Weiteren werden Wasserlinsen produziert, die über einen hohen Vitaminanteil verfügen und als regionaler Sojaersatz dienen können.

Mit der Demonstrationsanlage betritt der SUSKULT-Verbund Neuland. Entsprechend wichtig ist die technische und wissenschaftliche Begleitung: Während einzelne Bausteine wie etwa das Vertical Farming fernüberwacht werden, bedarf der gesamte Versuchsbetrieb einer intensiven Betreuung. Hier arbeitet ein Team aus Studierenden, Forschenden und Technik Hand in Hand.
Fraunhofer UMSICHT (Koordination), Blue Foot Membranes GmbH, Emschergenossenschaft, Metro AG, Pacelum GmbH, Rewe Markt GmbH, Ruhrverband, YARA GmbH & Co. KG, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz GmbH DFKI, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH-UFZ, Hochschule Osnabrück, ILS-Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung gGmbH, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Montanuniversität Leoben (A), Technische Universität Kaiserslautern.

Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) leistet mit der Förderlinie »Agrarsysteme der Zukunft« einen elementaren Beitrag für die Erforschung und Entwicklung zukunftsweisender Ansätze für die nachhaltige Transformation der Agrarwirtschaft in Deutschland. Das Verbundprojekt »SUSKULT – Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Kultivierungssystems für Nahrungsmittel resilienter Metropolregionen« wird im Rahmen der Fördermaßnahme »Agrarsysteme der Zukunft« im Rahmen der »Nationalen Forschungsstrategie BioÖkonomie 2030« der Bundesregierung durch das BMBF gefördert.


Kelheim Fibres at the Global Fiber Congress 2022 in Dornbirn

Shorter product life cycles and rapid technological progress are changing the product landscape at an ever-faster pace. The ability to anticipate future changes and to proactively shape the change is therefore an increasingly decisive competitive factor for modern companies. Trends are considered to be important indicators of impending

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, stands out in the industry not least for its innovative strength, as evidenced by numerous awards such as the Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in the “New Concept” category. At this year’s Global Fiber Congress Dornbirn, Innovation Manager Ilka Kaczmarek will give an insight into the innovation management of the Bavarian fibre experts in her presentation “Trend Management meets Open Innovation: Best Practice Examples from Kelheim”. Ilka Kaczmarek will show how successful product solutions were developed in a short time by focusing on customer needs and working closely with partners along the value chain.

Shorter product life cycles and rapid technological progress are changing the product landscape at an ever-faster pace. The ability to anticipate future changes and to proactively shape the change is therefore an increasingly decisive competitive factor for modern companies. Trends are considered to be important indicators of impending

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, stands out in the industry not least for its innovative strength, as evidenced by numerous awards such as the Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in the “New Concept” category. At this year’s Global Fiber Congress Dornbirn, Innovation Manager Ilka Kaczmarek will give an insight into the innovation management of the Bavarian fibre experts in her presentation “Trend Management meets Open Innovation: Best Practice Examples from Kelheim”. Ilka Kaczmarek will show how successful product solutions were developed in a short time by focusing on customer needs and working closely with partners along the value chain.

Natalie Wunder, Project Manager at Kelheim Fibres, will explain one of these examples in detail in her presentation “Development of Menstruation Pants using Speciality Viscose Fibres”. Based on the current trend and the desire of end customers for reusable products, Kelheim Fibres was able to develop a washable and thus reusable, yet bio-based solution for feminine hygiene products.


Kelheim Fibres


CHT Group publishes Sustainability Report 2021

The focus is on personnel development, energy and water consumption as well as company-wide emissions and waste behavior. CHT highlights in this report the group-wide projects for climate protection as well as the sustainable products and solutions. The report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) based on the core option.

With the "Green Deal", the EU Commission is pursuing ambitious climate targets, in the implementation of which the CHT Group is actively involved as part of the VCI initiative "chemistry4climate".
The Group's goal is to become climate-neutral by 2045. To underpin this ambitious target, at the end of 2021 the CHT Group signed up to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and committed to the 1.5°C target.
For 2021, the first carbon footprint (Scope 1+2) was prepared for the CHT Group, which now serves as the basis for greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

The focus is on personnel development, energy and water consumption as well as company-wide emissions and waste behavior. CHT highlights in this report the group-wide projects for climate protection as well as the sustainable products and solutions. The report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) based on the core option.

With the "Green Deal", the EU Commission is pursuing ambitious climate targets, in the implementation of which the CHT Group is actively involved as part of the VCI initiative "chemistry4climate".
The Group's goal is to become climate-neutral by 2045. To underpin this ambitious target, at the end of 2021 the CHT Group signed up to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and committed to the 1.5°C target.
For 2021, the first carbon footprint (Scope 1+2) was prepared for the CHT Group, which now serves as the basis for greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

65% of the CHT Group's sales in 2021 were generated with sustainable products. For this, over 88% of the strategic raw material volume was sourced from suppliers classified as sustainable.

Moreover, interesting are the concepts and optimally matched auxiliaries with which energy and resource savings can be implemented for various textile application fields. They vividly and exemplarily demonstrate the efforts to achieve the company's own sustainable and strategic goals, which are derived from the United Nations Development Goals (SDGs).


CHT Group

(c) Fraunhofer UMSICHT/Mike Henning
Prof. Christian Doetsch (l.) and Prof. Manfred Renner (r.)

Fraunhofer UMSICHT: New institute directors

Prof. Manfred Renner and Prof. Christian Doetsch will take joint leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT from August 2022. As renowned scientists, they have most recently shaped the direction of the institute as heads of the Products division and Energy division respectively, and will now follow in the footsteps of Prof. Eckhard Weidner, who has entered retirement.

This is the first time in its history that Fraunhofer UMSICHT is led by two directors. Both institute directors began their professional careers at the institute and from August they will have a joint hand in its future.

Prof. Manfred Renner and Prof. Christian Doetsch will take joint leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT from August 2022. As renowned scientists, they have most recently shaped the direction of the institute as heads of the Products division and Energy division respectively, and will now follow in the footsteps of Prof. Eckhard Weidner, who has entered retirement.

This is the first time in its history that Fraunhofer UMSICHT is led by two directors. Both institute directors began their professional careers at the institute and from August they will have a joint hand in its future.

Prof. Manfred Renner holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering, specializing in process engineering and business development. Since 2006, he has held various roles at Fraunhofer UMSICHT, most recently heading up the Products division and overseeing its 126 employees and its budget of 14.8 million euros. He has set international standards through his award-winning research into a free of water tanning leather tanning process that uses compressed carbon dioxide. With the development of innovative aerogel-based insulation materials for building facades, he has made a significant contribution to environmentally friendly, circular applications in the construction industry and initiated a number of industrial projects. One of the notable technological breakthroughs made by his team was the development of a new type of fire-resistant glass, which can withstand even the most extreme heat. This won his development team the Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize in October 2020.

Alongside becoming institute director, Prof. Renner will also take over the leadership of the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE in August 2022. In this role, he will represent the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft on a national and international level with regard to the transformation of industry and society to a circular economy. In addition, he will start his professorship in Responsible Process Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Over the course of his professorship, he will shape the systemic development of the circular economy at a corporate, regional and European level.

Prof. Christian Doetsch has worked in energy research for more than 25 years, spending most of this time at Fraunhofer UMSICHT. As head of the Energy division, he managed a team of around 145 employees and was responsible for a budget of approximately 10.4 million euros. His technological focal points are energy storage, Power-to-X technologies including hydrogen electrolysis and chemical conversion, catalysts, and energy system modeling and optimization. His overarching aim is the integration of renewable energies into a cross-sectoral, resilient energy system.

In 2015, Doetsch co-founded the award-winning start-up Volterion GmbH & Co. KG, which develops redox flow batteries. He attained high visibility on a global scale by redesigning stacks, one of the main components of redox flow batteries, an achievement for which he, his team and Volterion representatives were awarded the Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize in May 2021. The energy expert also acts as deputy spokesperson for the Fraunhofer Energy Alliance and task manager for the energy storage group at the International Energy Agency (IEA). He also co-founded the “Open District Hub e. V.,” an association that promotes the energy transition in the sector by means of energy systems integration.

Since January 2020, he has been Professor of Cross Energy Systems at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. In this role, he conducts research into ecological evaluation and resilience of cross-sectoral energy systems.


Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Photo: FET

FET at Techtextil 2022: Principle theme was Sustainability

The company’s principle theme at Techtextil was Sustainability, since FET extrusion systems are ideally suited for both process and end-product development of sustainable materials. These systems are designed to be material efficient, can be bespoke designed and offer both flexibility and a high level of processing capability. They are supplied as self-contained units for ease of installation in a laboratory or small scale process evaluation environment.

FET’s enhanced Fibre Development Centre enables clients to develop and trial their own sustainable fibres and FET has now successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats

The innovative stand at Techtextil was specifically designed to highlight FET’s total commitment to all aspects of sustainability. It utilised as many sustainable components as possible and met with much comment and approval from visitors.

The company’s principle theme at Techtextil was Sustainability, since FET extrusion systems are ideally suited for both process and end-product development of sustainable materials. These systems are designed to be material efficient, can be bespoke designed and offer both flexibility and a high level of processing capability. They are supplied as self-contained units for ease of installation in a laboratory or small scale process evaluation environment.

FET’s enhanced Fibre Development Centre enables clients to develop and trial their own sustainable fibres and FET has now successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats

The innovative stand at Techtextil was specifically designed to highlight FET’s total commitment to all aspects of sustainability. It utilised as many sustainable components as possible and met with much comment and approval from visitors.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England enjoyed another successful Techtextil in Frankfurt, with high quality enquiries from technical companies and organisations worldwide, but in particular from customers based in Europe.



(c) Fraunhofer IAP
Faserverstärktes Monomaterialkomposit aus PLA

Fraunhofer CCPE: Technische Produktinnovationen für eine zirkuläre Kunststoffwirtschaft

Ziel des Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE ist es, die Wertschöpfungskette Kunststoff zirkulär zu gestalten. Sechs Fraunhofer-Institute erforschen am Beispiel Kunststoff, wie der Wandel von einer linearen zur einer zirkulären Kunststoffwirtschaft gelingen kann. Auf der ACHEMA in Frankfurt, der internationalen Messe für die Prozessindustrie, stellt das Fraunhofer CCPE vom 22. bis zum 26. August zwei technische Produktinnovationen und ein Bewertungstool für Unternehmen der Circular Economy vor.

Seit 2018 erforschen die sechs Fraunhofer-Institute — IAP, ICT, IML, LBF, IVV und UMSICHT – wie eine nachhaltige Transformation einer gesamten Wertschöpfungskette unter Prinzipien der Circular Economy erfolgen kann. Durch einen Multi-Stakeholder-Ansatz können FuE-Kompetenzen gebündelt werden, um Produkte zirkulär zu gestalten, passende Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln und End-of-Life Verluste bei Kunststoffabfällen zu reduzieren. Auf der ACHEMA werden die folgenden Projekte ausgestellt:

Ziel des Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE ist es, die Wertschöpfungskette Kunststoff zirkulär zu gestalten. Sechs Fraunhofer-Institute erforschen am Beispiel Kunststoff, wie der Wandel von einer linearen zur einer zirkulären Kunststoffwirtschaft gelingen kann. Auf der ACHEMA in Frankfurt, der internationalen Messe für die Prozessindustrie, stellt das Fraunhofer CCPE vom 22. bis zum 26. August zwei technische Produktinnovationen und ein Bewertungstool für Unternehmen der Circular Economy vor.

Seit 2018 erforschen die sechs Fraunhofer-Institute — IAP, ICT, IML, LBF, IVV und UMSICHT – wie eine nachhaltige Transformation einer gesamten Wertschöpfungskette unter Prinzipien der Circular Economy erfolgen kann. Durch einen Multi-Stakeholder-Ansatz können FuE-Kompetenzen gebündelt werden, um Produkte zirkulär zu gestalten, passende Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln und End-of-Life Verluste bei Kunststoffabfällen zu reduzieren. Auf der ACHEMA werden die folgenden Projekte ausgestellt:

  • Faserverstärktes Monomaterialkomposit aus PLA
    Biobasierte Kunststoffe werden zunehmend für technisch anspruchsvolle Einsatzbereiche z.B. in der Automobil- und Textilindustrie nachgefragt. Zwei zentrale Anforderungen sind dabei ihre Stabilität und ihre Recyclingfähigkeit. Forschende der Fraunhofer-Institute IAP und ICT entwickelten innovative PLA-basierte Monomaterial-Komposite (Organobleche), die technische Applikationen adressieren und insbesondere mit Hinblick auf die Rezyklisierbarkeit einen Beitrag zur Umsetzung der Sustainable Development Goals der UN leisten können.
  • Optisch und mechanisch verbesserte Folienrezyklate
    Bei der Herstellung von Folien zählt neben den mechanischen Eigenschaften besonders der visuelle Eindruck. Es dürfen keine Fehlstellen in Form von Stippen, Fischaugen oder Abrissen auftreten, die insbesondere bei Verwendung von Rezyklaten zu Problemen führen können. Die direkte Verwendung eines Folienregranulats führt jedoch häufig zu vielen Abrissen während der Folienherstellung, die zudem fatale Auswirkungen auf die mechanischen Materialeigenschaften haben. Durch die Zugabe einer geeigneten Additivformulierung konnte die Folienqualität nun signifikant verbessert werden.

Ist ein Produkt reif für die Circular Economy?
Weiterhin präsentieren die Forschenden nun auf der ACHEMA das webbasierte Tool CRL®, mit dem Unternehmen den Reifegrad von Produkten oder Produktsystemen im Hinblick auf die Circular Economy selbst bewerten können. Es prüft, inwieweit ein Produkt die Strategien der Kreislaufwirtschaft in den Bereichen Produktdesign, Produktdienstleistungssystem, End-of-Life-Management und Kreislaufwirtschaft bereits berücksichtigt und wo noch Verbesserungspotenzial besteht.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT


VUB: Hybrid threads based on ultrafine metallic micro-wires

After three years, VUB a.s again got the chance to actively participate in the European trade fair Techtextil 2022m being present at a joint stand of Czech companies active in production and application of technical textiles, organized by Clutex - Cluster Technical Textiles.

In cooperation with partners from academic and production sphere many products were developed over the past years, sold by VUB under the brand Clevertex. For the presentation at the fair, a wide range of ESD protective clothing for the electrotechnical industry and for each worker dealing with electrostatic discharge sensitive components was on display. As well as another product line of the Clevertex brand representing wearable skincare textile products with antiseptic effects based on purely natural textile materials.

After three years, VUB a.s again got the chance to actively participate in the European trade fair Techtextil 2022m being present at a joint stand of Czech companies active in production and application of technical textiles, organized by Clutex - Cluster Technical Textiles.

In cooperation with partners from academic and production sphere many products were developed over the past years, sold by VUB under the brand Clevertex. For the presentation at the fair, a wide range of ESD protective clothing for the electrotechnical industry and for each worker dealing with electrostatic discharge sensitive components was on display. As well as another product line of the Clevertex brand representing wearable skincare textile products with antiseptic effects based on purely natural textile materials.

Attention was paid to the advanced solutions for smart textiles and e-textiles products esp. electrically conductive hybrid threads based on ultrafine metallic micro-wires. A significant advantage of these threads lies in their full compatibility with standard textile manufacturing processes, and possibility of customization in terms of fineness, electrical conductivity and temperature resistance of individual thread. As an example of one of the applications of conductive threads, different types of woven elastic conductive ribbons were demonstrated, which could be used as bus bars or as textile conductors wherever a variable length of conductive element is required without the negative influence on their electrical resistance during the change the length.

More information:
VUB micro-wires

VÚB a.s.

(c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Monforts: New orders for machines at Techtextil 2022

The recent Techtextil show in Frankfurt emphasised the diversity of applications for nonwovens and technical textiles, according to finishing technology specialist Monforts.

“We fielded enquiries at top management level from an extremely wide range of companies, all with very different ideas for new product applications during the show,” said Alexander Fitz, who joined the company a year ago as engineer for textile technologies and co-ordinator of the Monforts Advanced Technology Centre (ATC). Fitz brings a background in both technical textile technology and processes to the role, having previously worked for a nonwovens machinery builder and a roll-goods manufacturer.

The recent Techtextil show in Frankfurt emphasised the diversity of applications for nonwovens and technical textiles, according to finishing technology specialist Monforts.

“We fielded enquiries at top management level from an extremely wide range of companies, all with very different ideas for new product applications during the show,” said Alexander Fitz, who joined the company a year ago as engineer for textile technologies and co-ordinator of the Monforts Advanced Technology Centre (ATC). Fitz brings a background in both technical textile technology and processes to the role, having previously worked for a nonwovens machinery builder and a roll-goods manufacturer.

“We are now looking forward to interesting new trials and pilot production runs, as well as the commissioning of new orders for machines resulting from the extremely busy exhibition,” he says. “Obviously, everyone at the moment is looking to make energy savings, and we have developed a range of options for helping companies increase their resource efficiency, both on new lines and as retrofitted systems, but this is not stifling innovation at the new material level.

“There was a lot of interest in what is possible with the Montex®Coat coating system and the range of different techniques it enables, and at our ATC in Mönchengladbach, a Montex®Coat unit is integrated into the full technical textiles pilot line, on which it is possible to run new fabrics in widths of up to 1.8 metres.”

Explosion proof
The technical textiles line at the ATC incorporates a Montex four-chamber stenter and is fitted with an explosion-proof coating application chamber in order to allow treatment to be carried out with organic solvents and other volatile materials.

Every single component within the chamber has to meet the standards of the European Union’s ATEX directives for working in a potentially explosive atmosphere. A range of sensors linked to alarms operate at various levels within the chamber to ensure the specified lower explosion limit (LOL) is never exceeded and the ventilation adapts accordingly.

Advanced functions
Special features on the finishing line relate to further advanced functions such as the ability to treat materials not only at temperatures of up to 320°C, but also to be able to treat the top and bottom faces of certain materials at different temperatures within a single pass through the machine.

To achieve this, the first two chambers of the stenter are fitted with special, heavy duty TwinAir ventilation motors and separate burners for individual top/bottom temperature. A temperature differential of up to 60°C can be achieved between the upper and lower nozzles within the chamber, depending on the treatment paramenters.

Another key feature of the technical textiles line at the ATC is the special stretching device which is capable of pulling ten tons in length and ten tons in width – a huge amount per square metre of fabric and necessary in the production of materials such as woven or 3D knits for high temperature filter media.


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG / AWOL Media

(c) Enapter

Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Start for Life Cycle Impact Zero Project

The electrolyser producer Enapter has set itself the goal of developing its entire production process to run without negative impacts on the environment. As an important step on this journey, it is building the Enapter Campus production facility, which will be powered entirely from renewable energy produced on-site and in the neighbouring Bioenergiepark. The site in in Saerbeck, North Rhine-Westphalia combines electrolyser production, an R&D building, administration and office space, as well as a cantine over 82,000 square metres. Now the company wants to investigate what other measures can be implemented to achieve its “Life Cycle Impact Zero” aspirations – together with researchers from Fraunhofer UMSICHT, the Wuppertal Institute and the Institute of Sustainable Nutrition (iSuN) of FH Münster.

The electrolyser producer Enapter has set itself the goal of developing its entire production process to run without negative impacts on the environment. As an important step on this journey, it is building the Enapter Campus production facility, which will be powered entirely from renewable energy produced on-site and in the neighbouring Bioenergiepark. The site in in Saerbeck, North Rhine-Westphalia combines electrolyser production, an R&D building, administration and office space, as well as a cantine over 82,000 square metres. Now the company wants to investigate what other measures can be implemented to achieve its “Life Cycle Impact Zero” aspirations – together with researchers from Fraunhofer UMSICHT, the Wuppertal Institute and the Institute of Sustainable Nutrition (iSuN) of FH Münster.

With the Life Cycle Impact Zero project, started on April 15, 2022, the parties want to develop and apply an especially comprehensive and holistic approach to environmental assessment. This includes chemical manufacturing and electrolyser production, as well as matters like the use of energy and water resources, the generation of waste or the human factor in general. This is intended to cover all interactions between business and people. That includes, in particular, Enapter’s employees, but also people in upstream and downstream value chains, users of the technology or residents close to the production site. A concept for sustainable employee catering is also being developed.

The basis for all environmental assessment that will be carried out is ISO 14040. The recognised international standard divides the research into four phases: Aim and scope of the study, inventory analaysis, impact assessment, as well as interpretation. Sensitivity analyses and scenario techniques are also used as further methods.

On the basis of these analyses, the 18-month project should derive concrete measures to avoid negative environmental impacts completely, if possible, for example in production, employee mobility or in energy supply. Furthermore, it will examine whether these measures are transferable to Enapter’s other locations – such as in Italy. Following on from the project, the steps defined should be implemented by Enapter in the next phase. In the subsequent Phase 3, a renewed analysis is planned. This will determine if the technological innovations achieved by then in the production and use of Enapter’s electrolysers can enable additional ecological improvements.

The Life Cycle Impact Zero project is supported by the State of NRW.


Fraunhofer UMSICHT


Perapret® AIR, new air purification textile technology

Archroma launched Perapret® AIR liq, a new light-activated air purification technology for all kinds of fabrics. The new innovation was presented at the Techtextil last month.

The mineral-based Perapret® AIR liq eliminates air pollutants and airborne smells by imitating the natural process of photocatalysis under normal day and artificial light sources.

The chemistry usually used in such applications is nano-sized TiO2 (dioxide titanium), which attack every organic matter, including the textile fiber, and not only pollutants.

Perapret® AIR liq is produced using a patented Core Shell technology that partially surrounds the TiO2 molecules, solving the issue of fiber damage, and at the same time still allowing the photocatalytic process to work efficiently.

Therefore, the innovative Core Shell technology behind Perapret® AIR liq makes it possible to use the capabilities of nano-sized TiO2 also on organic based substances such as cotton, polyester, polyamide, viscose and any additional fiber and its blends.

In addition, the treatment is highly durable, as the product doesn’t self-consume and retains its performance over time.

Archroma launched Perapret® AIR liq, a new light-activated air purification technology for all kinds of fabrics. The new innovation was presented at the Techtextil last month.

The mineral-based Perapret® AIR liq eliminates air pollutants and airborne smells by imitating the natural process of photocatalysis under normal day and artificial light sources.

The chemistry usually used in such applications is nano-sized TiO2 (dioxide titanium), which attack every organic matter, including the textile fiber, and not only pollutants.

Perapret® AIR liq is produced using a patented Core Shell technology that partially surrounds the TiO2 molecules, solving the issue of fiber damage, and at the same time still allowing the photocatalytic process to work efficiently.

Therefore, the innovative Core Shell technology behind Perapret® AIR liq makes it possible to use the capabilities of nano-sized TiO2 also on organic based substances such as cotton, polyester, polyamide, viscose and any additional fiber and its blends.

In addition, the treatment is highly durable, as the product doesn’t self-consume and retains its performance over time.

Perapret® AIR liq is ideally suited for indoor applications, such as curtains, textile wall coverings, as well as cars and other automotive interiors, allowing to reduce air pollutants and airborne smells and thus improving overall air quality*.

The technology is at the core of CLEAN AIR, a new system that combines Perapret® AIR liq with other recent innovations such as Smartrepel® Hydro TS liq for PFC-free** durable water repellence, and Sanitized® T27-22 liq antimicrobial agent.

More information:
air purification Archroma


© Natalie Wunder
From left: Patrick Engel (STFI), Caspar Böhme (Sumo), Ilka Kaczmarek (KF), Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic (KF)

Kelheim Fibres wins Techtextil Innovation Award

The viscose specialities manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has won the Techtextil Award in the "New Concept" category for their project "Cellulose-based nonwovens for highly absorbent reusable products".
This award is intended to make cutting-edge developments visible, promote unconventional thinking and intensify the dialogue between researchers, manufacturers.

The starting point for the innovation was the search for a washable and thus reusable absorbent pad made of completely bio-based materials for the cloth diaper of the Berlin-based start-up Sumo.
Two main requirements of the application are obvious: A fast and efficient liquid distribution and high absorbency should minimise rewetting and leakage. Both are ensured by speciality viscose fibres from Kelheim, which have been making this essential contribution to absorbent hygiene products such as tampons for many years. The obvious solution was therefore to optimally utilise the synergies between knitted and woven structures with nonwovens.

The viscose specialities manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has won the Techtextil Award in the "New Concept" category for their project "Cellulose-based nonwovens for highly absorbent reusable products".
This award is intended to make cutting-edge developments visible, promote unconventional thinking and intensify the dialogue between researchers, manufacturers.

The starting point for the innovation was the search for a washable and thus reusable absorbent pad made of completely bio-based materials for the cloth diaper of the Berlin-based start-up Sumo.
Two main requirements of the application are obvious: A fast and efficient liquid distribution and high absorbency should minimise rewetting and leakage. Both are ensured by speciality viscose fibres from Kelheim, which have been making this essential contribution to absorbent hygiene products such as tampons for many years. The obvious solution was therefore to optimally utilise the synergies between knitted and woven structures with nonwovens.

In doing so, the advantages of nonwovens in combination with speciality viscose fibres in terms of absorbency (through e.g. more open-pored structures) have been perfectly transferred from the field of disposable to the world of reusable products. For reusable products, however, there is another challenge to overcome: they must remain stable during washing and over several cycles of use. To ensure this, an innovative nonwoven construction was developed in close cooperation with the STFI. These nonwovens can be used as a stand-alone solution or integrated into a textile structure.


Kelheim Fibres

(c) Indorama Ventures PCL

Indorama Ventures works with Auping and TWE Group to deliver a fully circular mattress

The sustainable collaboration and innovation between Indorama Ventures (IVL), Auping and TWE Group presented a certified cradle to cradle process for mattress components across nonwoven applications, at Techtextil, Frankfurt, 21st to 24th June 2022.

Using circular research and design, the industry partnership between IVL Mullagh (Ireland), Auping and TWE Group has resulted in a perpetual, sustainable economic business model, for manufacturers globally. The inclusion of safe raw materials within mattress manufacturing allows the materials to be easily disassembled at the product’s end of use in order to be further reused as same components or recycled into new raw material at the same quality level, to enable versatile textile applications.

The sustainable collaboration and innovation between Indorama Ventures (IVL), Auping and TWE Group presented a certified cradle to cradle process for mattress components across nonwoven applications, at Techtextil, Frankfurt, 21st to 24th June 2022.

Using circular research and design, the industry partnership between IVL Mullagh (Ireland), Auping and TWE Group has resulted in a perpetual, sustainable economic business model, for manufacturers globally. The inclusion of safe raw materials within mattress manufacturing allows the materials to be easily disassembled at the product’s end of use in order to be further reused as same components or recycled into new raw material at the same quality level, to enable versatile textile applications.

Designed for disassembly to optimize the use of existing resources, reduce carbon footprint and support customer objectives all along their customers’ supply chain. This circular industry collaboration begins with design, where the mattress is constructed using only two different base materials, 100% PET polyester textiles and steel wire pocket springs connected with Niaga®️, a non toxic reversible adhesive, making the mattress easy to disassemble and recover.

IVL, Auping and TWE’s shared vision for a better world is demonstrated through their connected and innovative circularity that helps to close the loop. Auping collects, sorts and separates the collected fabrics, which then go to IVL Mullagh for processing, melting and extrusion to form polyester staple fiber. These staple fibers are then converted by TWE Group into nonwovens for use in Auping’s Evolve mattress, a fully circular mattress. Following the end of mattress use, the material recovery process simply starts again.

Auping estimates that annually more than 40 million mattresses are disposed of in Europe alone, the majority of which are incinerated. Their take back system in the Netherlands ensures that when their new mattress is delivered, the old mattress is retrieved and recycled, irrespective of the brand, ensuring existing materials are continually optimized, diverted from landfill and kept in use to achieve a circular economy.


Indorama Ventures PCL


First comprehensive sustainable chemistry index for the textile industry

  • Bluesign announces partnership with SCTI

Bluesign has teamed up with Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry (SCTITM) to develop a sustainable chemistry index that shall provide a standard communication guide for chemical suppliers, manufacturers, brands, and NGOs.

The first-of-its-kind index is intended to inspire change in the industry by making it easier for stakeholders to assess the sustainability of textile chemical products against the highest standards while safeguarding the intellectual property (IP) of participating chemical companies. IP protection is critical to ensuring ongoing investment in sustainable solutions.

Chemical products, such as dyes and textile auxiliaries, are often characterized with the attribute of “free of a certain substance”. Rather than prioritizing ingredients only, the bluesign® SYSTEM already goes beyond this. The chemicals and the production site where they were created must meet certain criteria regarding environmental performance, occupational health and safety, and product stewardship performance to be bluesign® APPROVED.

  • Bluesign announces partnership with SCTI

Bluesign has teamed up with Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry (SCTITM) to develop a sustainable chemistry index that shall provide a standard communication guide for chemical suppliers, manufacturers, brands, and NGOs.

The first-of-its-kind index is intended to inspire change in the industry by making it easier for stakeholders to assess the sustainability of textile chemical products against the highest standards while safeguarding the intellectual property (IP) of participating chemical companies. IP protection is critical to ensuring ongoing investment in sustainable solutions.

Chemical products, such as dyes and textile auxiliaries, are often characterized with the attribute of “free of a certain substance”. Rather than prioritizing ingredients only, the bluesign® SYSTEM already goes beyond this. The chemicals and the production site where they were created must meet certain criteria regarding environmental performance, occupational health and safety, and product stewardship performance to be bluesign® APPROVED.

The sustainable chemistry index will be reserved for substances that offer transparency on a number of additional indicators including the chemical’s circularity viability, greenhouse gas emissions during production, and the source of the raw materials. The sustainable chemistry index will also require that the downstream use of the chemical is optimized, meaning, for example, that it promotes resource saving in textile finishing. Additionally, excellent corporate governance paired with well-defined environmental and social (ESG) goals will be a pre-condition.

SCTITM is an alliance of leading chemical companies that strives to empower the textile and leather industries to apply sustainable, state-of-the-art chemistry solutions that protect factory workers, local communities, consumers and the environment.

Bluesign will implement and manage the sustainable chemistry index as an independent authority with a holistic approach to helping companies throughout the textile supply chain improve their sustainability performance.


RUDOLF celebrates its 100th birthday at TECHTEXTIL

  • New product initiatives and a system solution.

In the year of its 100th birthday RUDOLF will be at TECHTEXTIL to present its latest innovations and process solutions. Since 1922, RUDOLF offers a wide portfolio of specialty chemicals aiming to increase innovation and sustainability along the entire value chain, from fiber to finish.

At TECHTEXTIL, RUDOLF will present four new product initiatives and one system solution. The Company will hold “Conscious Performance” short seminars at its booth to present them.

New product initiatives
BIO-LOGIC® - Performance products with bio-carbon at core. Textile functionality is ensured through natural, renewable raw materials that are neither chemically nor genetically modified and that are not competing as food, feed or fuel.

CYCLE-LOGIC® - A new path: the upcycling of post-consumer, disposable and non-returnable plastics into valuable textile chemistry. Recycled PET bottles are now raw material for the manufacturing of some of our textile auxiliaries without attacking new, virgin resources.

  • New product initiatives and a system solution.

In the year of its 100th birthday RUDOLF will be at TECHTEXTIL to present its latest innovations and process solutions. Since 1922, RUDOLF offers a wide portfolio of specialty chemicals aiming to increase innovation and sustainability along the entire value chain, from fiber to finish.

At TECHTEXTIL, RUDOLF will present four new product initiatives and one system solution. The Company will hold “Conscious Performance” short seminars at its booth to present them.

New product initiatives
BIO-LOGIC® - Performance products with bio-carbon at core. Textile functionality is ensured through natural, renewable raw materials that are neither chemically nor genetically modified and that are not competing as food, feed or fuel.

CYCLE-LOGIC® - A new path: the upcycling of post-consumer, disposable and non-returnable plastics into valuable textile chemistry. Recycled PET bottles are now raw material for the manufacturing of some of our textile auxiliaries without attacking new, virgin resources.

PRISTINE® - Hygiene and freshness from continuous R&D advances. RUDOLF’s new ingredient brand that groups all high-performing technologies for textile hygiene, protection and freshness.

BIONIC FINISH® ECO - An idea borrowed from Mother Nature. Based on proprietary dendrimer technology, RUDOLF presents an extended family of unique fluorine-free DWR formulations suited for different materials and designed for different applications and needs.

New system solution
ECO-LOGIC® - Two-steps process designed and managed by RUDOLF’s specialists in textile process chemistry. It simulates, analyses and measures the environmental impact of a given industrial textile process to then provide insights into the optimization of resources, costs and CO2 emissions..



Graphic: RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup at Techtextil with innovative textile solutions

  • Target markets: automotive, furnishings, sports and technical apparel
  • New product entry: radipeople® line of personal protective equipment

RadiciGroup is at Techtextil 2022, the leading European trade fair for technical textiles, taking place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from 21 to 24 June. On display in the RadiciGroup exhibition area are the Group’s latest products for the automotive, furnishings and apparel markets: from nylon and polyester yarn, including biosource and recycled lines, to nonwovens and the new radipeople® line of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Indeed, at Techtextil, RadiciGroup is showcasing RENYCLE®, a yarn obtained from recycled nylon; REPETABLE®, a polyester yarn from post-consumer recycled plastic bottles; RESPUNSIBLE®, a nonwoven fabric from recycled polypropylene; and BIOFEEL®, a brand identifying a yarn line obtained from renewable sources of both nylon and polyester.

  • Target markets: automotive, furnishings, sports and technical apparel
  • New product entry: radipeople® line of personal protective equipment

RadiciGroup is at Techtextil 2022, the leading European trade fair for technical textiles, taking place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from 21 to 24 June. On display in the RadiciGroup exhibition area are the Group’s latest products for the automotive, furnishings and apparel markets: from nylon and polyester yarn, including biosource and recycled lines, to nonwovens and the new radipeople® line of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Indeed, at Techtextil, RadiciGroup is showcasing RENYCLE®, a yarn obtained from recycled nylon; REPETABLE®, a polyester yarn from post-consumer recycled plastic bottles; RESPUNSIBLE®, a nonwoven fabric from recycled polypropylene; and BIOFEEL®, a brand identifying a yarn line obtained from renewable sources of both nylon and polyester.

Moreover, RadiciGroup is participating in a forum organized by the Technical Textiles Section of Sistema Moda Italia in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency (ICE) (Hall 12.1 – Stand C58), with the goal of introducing product innovations not only coming from a single manufacturer, but also from an innovative synergistic approach all along the supply chain, from raw materials to finished products. An example of this synergistic collaboration is the “Mars Spacesuit”, recently tested in the USA by analogue astronauts as part of a space medicine project designed to measure the vital signs of future astronauts and develop technologies to support the simulation of life in space and planetary environments. RadiciGroup teamed up with major Italian textile companies and supplied the materials to make the suits for the six analogue astronauts participating in the mission and coordinated the development of the technologies needed to create the technicalwear for use in extreme environmental conditions.





Beaulieu Fibres International at Techtextil 22

  • Bio circular Fibre - Shaping Sustainable Living

The European staple fibre producer Beaulieu Fibres International turns the spotlight on future-focused solutions for nonwovens & engineered fabrics at Techtextil 22. A key priority is innovation in polyolefin fibres and bicomponent polyester/polyolefin fibres, to advance sustainable design, end-of-life recyclability, and resource and carbon footprint reduction for industrial and hygiene applications.

The new sustainability roadmap - Route 2030 outlines how the company is targeting the reduction of our environmental footprint to zero, taking care of people and doing business in a transparent, ethical way. Sustainability is key to Beaulieu Fibre International’s long-term strategy, and the company is heavily focused on defining its green portfolio to support evolution in diverse market applications and to work towards a circular economy with the whole supply chain.

  • Bio circular Fibre - Shaping Sustainable Living

The European staple fibre producer Beaulieu Fibres International turns the spotlight on future-focused solutions for nonwovens & engineered fabrics at Techtextil 22. A key priority is innovation in polyolefin fibres and bicomponent polyester/polyolefin fibres, to advance sustainable design, end-of-life recyclability, and resource and carbon footprint reduction for industrial and hygiene applications.

The new sustainability roadmap - Route 2030 outlines how the company is targeting the reduction of our environmental footprint to zero, taking care of people and doing business in a transparent, ethical way. Sustainability is key to Beaulieu Fibre International’s long-term strategy, and the company is heavily focused on defining its green portfolio to support evolution in diverse market applications and to work towards a circular economy with the whole supply chain.

Beaulieu Fibres International will offer ISCC Plus (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification Plus) certified bio circular MONO-PP and BICO PP/PE fibres in 1,3-8,9 dtex, available with all the main available finish classes. These drop-in solutions, with no loss in quality, will support customers reduce reliance on virgin fossil carbon in their nonwoven and engineered fibre applications, contributing to the transition towards a circular economy.


Beaulieu Fibres International

Baldwin’s non-contact spray technology Texcoat G4. (Photo: Baldwin)

Archroma and Baldwin to collaborate for optimized performance and resource saving in textile finishing

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Baldwin, a leading global manufacturer and supplier of precision spray systems and technology for sustainable textile manufacturing, announce a new collaboration to optimize performance and resource saving in the finishing department.

The two companies aim to support textile manufacturers in their development projects, targeting to improve their product safety, performance and functionality, while at the same time maximizing the productivity and resource utilization of the finishing application process.

Archroma and Baldwin are collaborating in multiple projects that combine Archroma’s most sustainable product innovations with Baldwin’s Texcoat G4.

TexCoat G4 is a non-contact spray technology for textile finishing and remoistening, designed to allow a controlled and optimal coverage of the exact amount of finish chemistry for reaching specific characteristics of the fabric. The system can be used to reduce water consumption by as much as 50% compared to traditional padding application processes.

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Baldwin, a leading global manufacturer and supplier of precision spray systems and technology for sustainable textile manufacturing, announce a new collaboration to optimize performance and resource saving in the finishing department.

The two companies aim to support textile manufacturers in their development projects, targeting to improve their product safety, performance and functionality, while at the same time maximizing the productivity and resource utilization of the finishing application process.

Archroma and Baldwin are collaborating in multiple projects that combine Archroma’s most sustainable product innovations with Baldwin’s Texcoat G4.

TexCoat G4 is a non-contact spray technology for textile finishing and remoistening, designed to allow a controlled and optimal coverage of the exact amount of finish chemistry for reaching specific characteristics of the fabric. The system can be used to reduce water consumption by as much as 50% compared to traditional padding application processes.

Archroma and Baldwin are currently testing Archroma’s finishing products and systems, such as the soon-to-be-launched PFC-free* Smartrepel® Hydro SR for water-based soil repellence, as well as metal and inorganic particle-free antimicrobial technologies like Sanitized T 20-19 and TH 15-14, which will be launched at the upcoming Techtextil 2022.

The first test results will be available for discussions with both partners at Techtextil at their respective booths.


Members of TMAS at Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil in Frankfurt

ACG Nyström, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, will demonstrate the automated Talon 75 multi-ply cutter at the forthcoming Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21-24.

The Talon 75 is capable of cutting up to 7.5cm of compressed materials common to the sewn products and technical textiles industries. The machine is engineered to automatically pull stacked material plies from the spreading table to a modular, bristle-block conveyor bed for reciprocating knife cutting of patterns. Precise system operations with state-of-the-art motion control communications offer an industrial-strength solution.

Industry 4.0 ready
Eastman’s Talon multi-ply cutting systems are Industry 4.0 ready and equipped with the latest in condition based predictive maintenance technology. Their robust design utilises motors and amplifiers that automatically detect changes in critical components to notify operators well in advance of maintenance prompts. Also on display in Frankfurt will be Eastman’s ES-960, a material spreader capable of fast and easy spreading heights up to 20cm.

ACG Nyström, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, will demonstrate the automated Talon 75 multi-ply cutter at the forthcoming Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21-24.

The Talon 75 is capable of cutting up to 7.5cm of compressed materials common to the sewn products and technical textiles industries. The machine is engineered to automatically pull stacked material plies from the spreading table to a modular, bristle-block conveyor bed for reciprocating knife cutting of patterns. Precise system operations with state-of-the-art motion control communications offer an industrial-strength solution.

Industry 4.0 ready
Eastman’s Talon multi-ply cutting systems are Industry 4.0 ready and equipped with the latest in condition based predictive maintenance technology. Their robust design utilises motors and amplifiers that automatically detect changes in critical components to notify operators well in advance of maintenance prompts. Also on display in Frankfurt will be Eastman’s ES-960, a material spreader capable of fast and easy spreading heights up to 20cm.

Members of TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing at the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows which are all taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24.




SHIMA SEIKI to exhibit at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, along with its Italian subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., will be participating in the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from the 21st till the 24th of June 2022.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, along with its Italian subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., will be participating in the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from the 21st till the 24th of June 2022.

On display will be SHIMA SEIKI’s latest innovation in flat knitting technology as applied to the field of technical textiles—a prototype weft knitting machine capable of multi-axial yarn insertion. Fabrics produced on this machine use inlay technique for the production of hybrid textiles that combine the stretch characteristics of knitted fabrics with the stability of woven textiles, suited to various technical applications. To this, warp yarn is inserted to further expand its capability to produce 3D-shaped carbon fiber and composite preforms directly on the machine. This is made possible by taking advantage of the fact that flat knitting as a textile production method is capable of producing end products that are shaped-to-form and with added thickness. Compared to current methods of preform production, savings in post-processing time, material, labor and associated costs are immense, realizing efficient and sustainable production. SHIMA SEIKI’s own yarn unwinding technology is also used for optimum yarn feed and tension for use with technical yarns that are otherwise difficult to knit. Industrial textile samples knit on the multi-axial machine will also be available for examination on-site.

SHIMA SEIKI's SDS®-ONE APEX4 3D design system will be available for demonstrations as well. Of particular interest should be its ultra-realistic simulation capability that realizes Virtual Sampling. When countless variations must be evaluated before arriving at a final design, virtual product samples can be used to streamline the decision-making process by minimizing the enormous amount of time, cost and material normally associated with producing actual samples for each variation. When approved, the same data can be converted to machine data for immediate knitting, significantly reducing lead times.