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Nyon traceability Grafik RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup: a Physical and digital nylon traceability

RadiciGroup announced the launch of the first physical and digital nylon traceability project at Techtextil 2024. A gilet made from the yarn manufactured in one of the Group’s European industrial sites, which, thanks to a QR code on the garment, can reveal its origin and display information about its production process.

Product traceability is a key element in guaranteeing transparency along the entire supply chain, as it means each stage of production – from spinning to weaving and from packaging through to retail – can be monitored and recorded. The project, made possible by a partnership with FibreTrace, allows manufactured nylon yarns to be traced both physically and digitally. In fact, RadiciGroup inserts a tracer (an inorganic additive) that is uniquely associated with the yarn and remains identifiable throughout all stages of processing – on both the fabric and the finished garment. Naturally, the tracer does not alter the esthetical, functional and technical performance of the yarns in any way.

RadiciGroup announced the launch of the first physical and digital nylon traceability project at Techtextil 2024. A gilet made from the yarn manufactured in one of the Group’s European industrial sites, which, thanks to a QR code on the garment, can reveal its origin and display information about its production process.

Product traceability is a key element in guaranteeing transparency along the entire supply chain, as it means each stage of production – from spinning to weaving and from packaging through to retail – can be monitored and recorded. The project, made possible by a partnership with FibreTrace, allows manufactured nylon yarns to be traced both physically and digitally. In fact, RadiciGroup inserts a tracer (an inorganic additive) that is uniquely associated with the yarn and remains identifiable throughout all stages of processing – on both the fabric and the finished garment. Naturally, the tracer does not alter the esthetical, functional and technical performance of the yarns in any way.

In terms of digital traceability, during the production stages a scanner detects the presence of the tracer and can transmit the data relating to provenance onto a dedicated digital platform. Finally, the consumer, via a QR code, can access the digital platform that provides all information concerning the provenance of the product and its journey through the supply chain.
“This project is the result of almost two years’ work by our Research & Development team. We’re very proud to bring to the market the first physical and digital nylon traceability solution and we plan to extend this initiative to other fibres produced by the Group,” emphasised Filippo Bona, R&D Manager of RadiciGroup Advanced Textile Solutions.

More information:
Radici RadiciGroup nylon


Beaulieu Fibres International

Beaulieu Fibres International launches Sustainable Fibres Program

As the 2024 edition of Techtextil, the leading international trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens, gets underway in Frankfurt, Beaulieu Fibres International is introducing its Sustainable Fibres Program to help reshape fibres for sustainable solutions.

Through the initiative the company is looking to gain deeper insights into the challenges encountered by customers across the value chain to identify opportunities to leverage its expertise to deliver impactful products and services.

Beaulieu has identified several conversation triggers for Techtextil 2024, including recyclable, high performance, renewable, bio-circular, co-developed and made in Europe fibres, to find out what matters most to customers in terms of targets, green initiatives and sustainability expectations.
The Sustainable Fibres Program serves as a charter to help Beaulieu Fibres International accelerate its ‘fibres that build futures’ campaign, by educating on existing solutions, reshaping products and creating partnerships to facilitate market cooperation on shared challenges.

As the 2024 edition of Techtextil, the leading international trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens, gets underway in Frankfurt, Beaulieu Fibres International is introducing its Sustainable Fibres Program to help reshape fibres for sustainable solutions.

Through the initiative the company is looking to gain deeper insights into the challenges encountered by customers across the value chain to identify opportunities to leverage its expertise to deliver impactful products and services.

Beaulieu has identified several conversation triggers for Techtextil 2024, including recyclable, high performance, renewable, bio-circular, co-developed and made in Europe fibres, to find out what matters most to customers in terms of targets, green initiatives and sustainability expectations.
The Sustainable Fibres Program serves as a charter to help Beaulieu Fibres International accelerate its ‘fibres that build futures’ campaign, by educating on existing solutions, reshaping products and creating partnerships to facilitate market cooperation on shared challenges.

In addition to leading the market within the framework of the European Green Deal, and alignment with the objectives of the proposed Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, Beaulieu Fibres International is committed to achieving its own sustainability targets outlined in its roadmap known as ROUTE 2030.

More information:
Beaulieu Fibres International

Beaulieu Fibres International

Foto: Messe Frankfurt

Techtextil Innovation Awards 2024

Die Gewinner der diesjährigen Innovation Awards der internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess stehen fest. 15 Preisträger in acht Kategorien erhalten die Auszeichnung für wegweisende Forschung, neue Produkte, Verfahren oder Technologien. Die prämierten Innovationen zeigen textile Lösungen als essenzielle Treiber für Weiterentwicklungen in zahlreichen Branchen wie Luftfahrt, Automobil, Medizin oder Bau.

Die Gewinner der diesjährigen Innovation Awards der internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess stehen fest. 15 Preisträger in acht Kategorien erhalten die Auszeichnung für wegweisende Forschung, neue Produkte, Verfahren oder Technologien. Die prämierten Innovationen zeigen textile Lösungen als essenzielle Treiber für Weiterentwicklungen in zahlreichen Branchen wie Luftfahrt, Automobil, Medizin oder Bau.

Gewinner Techtextil Innovation Award

Flugzeuge besser recyceln
Leichter als viele Metalle und flexibel im Design: Faserverbundwerkstoffe sind aus der modernen Luft- und Raumfahrt nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die textilverstärkten Leichtbaumaterialien, meist eine Mischung aus Glas- oder Kohlenstofffasern und Kunstharz, reduzieren das Gewicht von Flugzeugen – und damit deren Treibstoffverbrauch – so stark, dass manche modernen Flieger inzwischen zu mehr als 50 Prozent aus ihnen bestehen. Damit stellt sich auch immer dringlicher die Frage nach dem Recycling dieser Verbundmaterialien. Für ein neues Verfahren, mit dem Flugzeugteile aus thermoplastischem Faserverbund künftig besser recycelt werden können sollen, erhält das belgische Textilforschungsinstitut Centexbel den Techtextil Innovation Award in der Kategorie „New Approaches on Sustainability & Circular Economy“. Das prämierte Verfahren, dessen Entwicklung nach Angaben von Centexbel eng von Airbus begleitet wurde, nutzt Induktionswärme. Mit ihrer Hilfe kann man verschweißte thermoplastische, textilverstärkte Verbundwerkstoffe erhitzen und anschließend voneinander lösen. Stringer, Teile von Tragflächen und andere textilbasierte Flugzeugteile sollen sich so künftig besser trennen und wiederverwenden lassen.

Smartes Dach
Der Techtextil Innovation Award in der Kategorie „New Product“ geht an das portugiesische Technologiezentrum für Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie CITEVE für ein intelligentes, textilverstärktes Abdichtungssystem für Flachdächer. Das „Smart Roofs System“ (SRS) besteht aus einer thermisch reflektierenden, flüssigen Abdichtungsmembran auf Wasserbasis und einer intelligenten textilen Verstärkungsstruktur aus einem Jacquard-Gewebe aus recyceltem Polyester. Diese enthält elektronische Garne, die auf Wärme, Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit reagieren. Das innovative System bietet laut CITEVE eine bessere technische Leistung und ist nachhaltiger als bisherige Lösungen für Flüssigmembranen.

Drei Preisträger in der Kategorie „New Technology“:

Selbstkühlende Textilien gegen Klimawandel-Folgen
Eine neuartige Beschichtung für selbstkühlende Textilien der Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) erhält einen Techtextil Innovation Award in der Kategorie „New Technology“. Anders als Sonnenschirme oder Markisen, die die Sonneneinstrahlung nur indirekt abhalten, ermöglicht die Beschichtung es Textilien, selbst aktiv zu kühlen. Dazu reflektiert sie nicht nur das Sonnenlicht, sondern strahlt auch Wärmeenergie wieder ab. Die Entwicklung der Beschichtung erfolgt auch vor dem Hintergrund steigender Temperaturen durch den Klimawandel. Der Kühlenergiebedarf in Städten sei zwischen 1970 und 2010 um 23 Prozent gestiegen. Bisher sorgen vor allem Ventilatoren und Klimaanlagen für Abkühlung. Doch die verbrauchen viel Strom: Bereits 2018 schätzte die Internationale Energieagentur (IEA), dass rund zehn Prozent des weltweiten Strombedarfs auf Klimaanlagen und Ventilatoren entfallen; 2050 könnten Klimaanlagen laut IEA nach der Industrie der zweitgrößte Treiber des globalen Energiebedarfs sein.

Besserer Schutz vor Sepsiserregern
Sepsis, auch bekannt als Blutvergiftung, ist weltweit für jeden fünften Todesfall verantwortlich. Ursache der Infektion sind häufig Mikroorganismen wie Bakterien, Pilze oder Viren, die auch in Krankenhauswäsche vorkommen und von dort über Wunden in den Körper gelangen können. Das hessische Unternehmen Heraeus Precious Metals erhält einen Techtextil Innovation Award in der Kategorie „New Technology“ für eine neue antimikrobielle Technologie, die Krankenhauspatient*innen künftig besser vor Sepsiserregern schützen soll. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Additiv auf Edelmetallbasis mit dem Namen AGXX. Kleidung und Bettwäsche in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeeinrichtungen sollen so künftig besser antimikrobiell ausgestattet werden können als mit derzeitigen Lösungen. Und so funktioniert es: In Textilien eingearbeitet, löst AGXX durch das Zusammenwirken der Edelmetalle Silber und Ruthenium eine katalytische Reaktion aus, die reaktiven Sauerstoff erzeugt, der Mikroorganismen wirksam abtöten soll. Die antimikrobielle Wirksamkeit der prämierten Neuentwicklung konnte Heraeus nach eigenen Angaben bisher bei 130 verschiedenen Mikroorganismen nachweisen und zudem zeigen, dass diese auch nach 100 Wäschen im Textil erhalten bleibt.

Smarte Textilpumpe hält Kleidung trocken
Bei Kleidung ist Komfort einer der wichtigsten Aspekte. Er leidet schnell, wenn ein Kleidungsstück nass wird, zum Beispiel durch Schweiß. Um diesen künftig schon während des Tragens aus Hemd oder Jacke zu entfernen, hat das schwedische Unternehmen LunaMicro eine intelligente Feuchtigkeitsmanagement-Technologie entwickelt. Dabei handelt es sich um ein mehrlagiges, poröses Textil, das mit einer kleinen Batterie verbunden ist. Eingearbeitet in ein Kleidungsstück, soll diese smarte Textilpumpe Flüssigkeiten wie Schweiß aktiv aus dem Inneren der Kleidung nach außen befördern und die Träger*innen trocken halten. Für die in Schweden und den USA patentierte elektroosmotische Textilpumpe erhält das Unternehmen einen Techtextil Innovation Award in der Kategorie „New Technology“. Die Innovation soll schon bald in Outdoor- und Arbeitsschutzkleidung sowie in persönlicher Schutzausrüstung (PSA) zum Einsatz kommen.

Zwei Preisträger in der Kategorie “New Concept”:

Nachhaltiges Bauen: Bis zu 30 Prozent Beton einsparen
Rund 40 Prozent der globalen CO2-Emissionen entfallen derzeit auf den Bau- und Gebäudebereich. Vor allem bei der Herstellung von Beton, einem der wichtigsten Baustoffe, werden große Mengen CO2 freigesetzt. Das Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) und das Institut für Massivbau (IMB) an der TU Dresden erhalten einen von zwei Techtextil Innovation Awards in der Kategorie „New Concept“ für ein neues Fertigungsverfahren von Betonfertigteilen unter Verwendung von Carbon, mit dem sich bis zu einem Drittel Beton einsparen lassen soll. Darum geht es: Um Material zu sparen, kommen im Neubau vorzugsweise sogenannte Hohlkörperdecken zum Einsatz. Das sind Betonfertigteile, die im Gegensatz zu massiven Stahlbetondecken Hohlräume enthalten und daher weniger Beton benötigen. Mit dem neuen Fertigungsverfahren, das die Institute mit Unternehmen der Textil- und Baubranche entwickelt haben, lassen sich Hohlkörperdecken-Betonfertigteile mit Carbon herstellen, die künftig noch weitaus mehr Beton und damit CO2 einsparen sollen. Mit dem prämierten Verfahren sollen sich Privat- und Industriegebäude schon bald nachhaltiger und ressourcenschonender bauen lassen als bisher.

Veganes Leder aus Hanfabfällen
Ebenfalls in der Kategorie „New Concept“ wird das Biotech-Start-up Revoltech mit einem Techtextil Innovation Award ausgezeichnet. Das junge Unternehmen aus Darmstadt erhält den Preis für seinen veganen, vollständig recycelbaren Lederersatz aus Hanffasern namens „LOVR“ (ein Akronym für „lederähnlich, ohne Plastik, vegan, reststoffbasiert“). Laut Revoltech ist es der „weltweit erste wirklich zirkuläre Lederersatz“. Vegane Lederalternativen hätten bisher oft zwei Probleme: Entweder seien sie nicht rein pflanzlich, weil sie erdölbasierte Bestandteile enthielten, oder sie würden im Labor gezüchtet und seien daher schwer skalierbar. LOVR dagegen vereint laut Fuhrmann Skalierbarkeit und 100-prozentige Kompostierbarkeit. Die für LOVR verwendeten Hanfabfälle stammen aus dem industriellen Hanfanbau. Der prämierte Lederersatz ist Revoltech zufolge bereits in Schuhen und in einem Konzeptfahrzeug des Autoherstellers KIA im Einsatz. Bald soll er auch bei Polstermöbeln, in Autoinnenräumen und Bekleidung für mehr Nachhaltigkeit sorgen.

Zwei Preisträger in der Kategorie “New Technologies on Sustainability & Recycling”:

Fasern nachhaltiger zu 3D-Formen verbinden
In der Kategorie „New Technologies on Sustainability & Recycling“ geht ein Techtextil Innovation Award an Norafin Industries aus dem sächsischen Mildenau. Der Preis würdigt das neue Verfahren „Hydro-Shape“, mit dem sich Fasern mit Hochdruckwasserstrahlen zu einer 3D-Form verbinden lassen. „Statt nur textile Flächen zu erzeugen, können mit dem neuen Verfahren dreidimensionale Strukturen von der Faser bis zum Endprodukt in einem Schritt hergestellt werden. Im Ergebnis entstehe ein textiles 3D-Produkt, das in Sachen Abfallreduzierung neue Wege gehe und zudem aus biologisch abbaubaren Naturfasern hergestellt werden könne. Die Entwicklung der Technologie erfolgte laut Jolly auch vor dem Hintergrund der Single-Use-Plastics Directive, einer EU-Richtlinie zur Bekämpfung von Einwegplastik, die 2021 in Kraft trat. Auf der Techtextil will Norafin das nun ausgezeichnete Fügeverfahren erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorstellen.

Biobasierte Isolationstextilien statt synthetischer Dämmstoffe
Eine gute Wärmedämmung von Gebäuden ist wichtig für den Klimaschutz, denn sie reduziert den Energieverbrauch und damit die benötigte Heizenergie. Dämmstoffe wie Polyurethan oder Styropor dämmen zwar gut, enthalten aber auch fossile Rohstoffe. Um solche synthetischen Materialien in Zukunft zu ersetzen und nachhaltiger zu dämmen, hat das Aachener Start-up SA-Dynamics gemeinsam mit Industriepartnern recycelbare Dämmtextilien aus biobasierten Aerogelfasern entwickelt. Dafür erhält das Unternehmen den zweiten Techtextil Innovation Award in der Kategorie „New Technologies on Sustainability & Recycling“. Die EU und Regierungen vieler Staaten setzen auch bei der Gebäudedämmung verstärkt auf regulatorische Maßnahmen für mehr Klima- und Umweltschutz. Die neuen Isolationstextilien aus Aerogelfasern, die zu über 90 Prozent aus Luft bestehen und sich auf Textilmaschinen verarbeiten lassen, sollen synthetische Dämmstoffe in ihrer Schutzwirkung sogar übertreffen


Messe Frankfurt

Messestand Foto: Messe Frankfurt / Jean-Luc Valentin

Neues Techtextil Areal Nature Performance

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

Ob biobasierte, recycelte oder abbaubare Materialien, Kreislaufwirtschaft oder regeneratives Design: Die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lösungen in der Textilindustrie schreitet zügig voran. Nachhaltige Produkte und Verfahren stehen heute in der Performance ihren herkömmlichen Konkurrenten in nichts nach und rechnen sich zunehmend auch ökonomisch. Mehr als 15 Prozent der Aussteller auf der Techtextil haben bereits natürliche Fasern und Materialien in ihrem Sortiment.
Auf dem Areal „Nature Performance“ in der Halle 9.1, Produktsegment Fibres & Yarns, präsentieren die teilnehmenden Aussteller alternative, recyclingfähige und nachhaltige Materialien, die über zukunftsfähige funktionale Eigenschaften verfügen. Das Spektrum reicht von Naturfasern und -Materialien bis zu biobasierten Fasern und Materialien. Im Zentrum der Ausstellerpräsentationen steht deren Performance für die verschiedensten Anwendungsbereiche von der Architektur, Bau, Mobilität und Medizin bis zur Bekleidungsindustrie.

Das Areal Nature Performance ist Teil des Econogy Angebots, das die Messe Frankfurt für ihre weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen eingeführt hat. Das neue Label fasst die zahlreichen Netzwerk- und Informationsformate zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit zusammen und schafft Transparenz durch einheitliche Bewertungskriterien. Der Begriff Econogy steht für die untrennbare Verbindung zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie und gibt damit die Ausrichtung des zukunftsweisenden Leitthemas an.


Messe Frankfurt

Junge Fachkräfte (c) Messe Frankfurt / Pietro Sutera

Techtextil und Texprocess für junge Fachkräfte und Studierende

Eine Chance für Young Professionals und angehende Fachkräfte, sich mit innovativen Unternehmen entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu vernetzen, bieten die Techtextil und Texprocess. Die international führenden Innovationsmessen, die vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main parallel zueinander stattfinden, halten für Studierende und Berufsanfänger*innen zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten und Wissensformate bereit.

Die Techtextil gibt einen gebündelten Überblick über die globale Innovationskraft technischer Textilien und Vliesstoffe und macht deren vielfältige Anwendungsbereiche sichtbar - von Automobil bis Bau, Fashion und Medizin. Gleichzeitig agiert die Texprocess als internationale Plattform neuester Maschinen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung und textilen Materialien und präsentiert Lösungen von Nähtechnik bis hin zu Cutting-Technologien.

Eine Chance für Young Professionals und angehende Fachkräfte, sich mit innovativen Unternehmen entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu vernetzen, bieten die Techtextil und Texprocess. Die international führenden Innovationsmessen, die vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main parallel zueinander stattfinden, halten für Studierende und Berufsanfänger*innen zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten und Wissensformate bereit.

Die Techtextil gibt einen gebündelten Überblick über die globale Innovationskraft technischer Textilien und Vliesstoffe und macht deren vielfältige Anwendungsbereiche sichtbar - von Automobil bis Bau, Fashion und Medizin. Gleichzeitig agiert die Texprocess als internationale Plattform neuester Maschinen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung und textilen Materialien und präsentiert Lösungen von Nähtechnik bis hin zu Cutting-Technologien.

Für Young Professionals bedeutet dies zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten. Techtextil und Texprocess halten eine Vielzahl an Wissens- und Networking-Formaten bereit – darunter zahlreiche Präsentationen von Universitäten, Forschungsinstituten und Start-ups, die gezielt Berufseinsteiger*innen und interessierte Fachkräfte ansprechen. Darüber hinaus stehen am Messefreitag die Vortragsformate Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum im Zeichen der nächsten Generation.

„Nachwuchsförderung nimmt einen starken Fokus auf der Techtextil und Texprocess ein. Wir arbeiten sehr eng mit Hochschulen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Newcomern der Branche zusammen. Die aktuelle Dringlichkeit der Textilbranche, neue Fachkräfte zu gewinnen, verleiht unserem Ansatz noch mal mehr Relevanz“, sagt Sabine Scharrer, Director Brand Management Technical Textiles & Textile Processing. „Als Teil des Konzeptes werden ausgewählte Hochschulen zu den Veranstaltungen eingeladen. Schon jetzt haben viele renommierte Institute zugesagt, die Messen mit Studierenden entsprechender Fachrichtungen zu besuchen und die Innovationskraft der Branche gebündelt live zu erleben“, berichtet Sabine Scharrer.

Campus & Research: neueste Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft
Auf den Arealen Campus & Research in den Hallen 12.1 sowie 8.0 präsentieren internationale Hochschulen, Institute und Forschungseinrichtungen sowohl ihre Forschungskompetenz als auch ihr vielfältiges Angebot an Studien- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Die Schwerpunkte liegen auf Textil und Technologien zur Herstellung und zur Be- und Verarbeitung von Textilien.
Techtextil und Texprocess finden vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 auf dem Frankfurter Messegelände statt.


Messe Frankfurt

Award winners with foundation chairman, foundation MD and professors (c) VDMA e.V. Textile Machinery
Award winners with foundation chairman, foundation MD and professors

Walter Reiners Foundation honours young engineers

As part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference in Dresden, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to four successful young engineers. Two promotion prizes and two sustainability prizes were awarded in the Bachelor and Diploma/Master categories. Academic works in which solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

A sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category was awarded to Franziska Jauch, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, for her Bachelor's thesis on pigment digital printing in denim production.

The promotion prize in the Bachelor's category, also worth 3,000 euros, went to Annika Datko, RWTH Aachen, for her work on determining the polyester content in used textiles.

Dave Kersevan, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with 3,500 euros. The subject of his thesis was the development of a laboratory system for the production of needled carbon preforms.

As part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference in Dresden, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to four successful young engineers. Two promotion prizes and two sustainability prizes were awarded in the Bachelor and Diploma/Master categories. Academic works in which solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

A sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category was awarded to Franziska Jauch, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, for her Bachelor's thesis on pigment digital printing in denim production.

The promotion prize in the Bachelor's category, also worth 3,000 euros, went to Annika Datko, RWTH Aachen, for her work on determining the polyester content in used textiles.

Dave Kersevan, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with 3,500 euros. The subject of his thesis was the development of a laboratory system for the production of needled carbon preforms.

This year's promotion award in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with prize money of 3,500 euros, went to Flávio Diniz from RWTH Aachen. The subject of his Master's thesis was the feasibility of manufacturing ultra-thin carbon fibres.

The award ceremony 2024 will take place in April at the VDMA stand at the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt.


Cinte Techtextil China 2024 taking place in September 2024

Cinte Techtextil China 2024, one of Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens trade fair, will take place from 19 – 21 September 2024 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. In its capacity as a well-established platform for the latest textiles, nonwovens, and equipment, the 18th edition of the fair will offer business opportunities across the industry supply chain. With the previous edition attracting 467 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions across 40,000 sqm, the organisers are looking to build on that success at next year’s show.

With next year’s fair expected to again see strong domestic and international participation, the previous edition featured the return of the Taiwan Pavilion, the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone, and seven Chinese regional pavilions. At every edition, multiple fringe events enhance business connections and provide insights to fairgoers. In 2023, key highlights included the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various marine textile and rope netting events, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” University Students’ Showcase.

Cinte Techtextil China 2024, one of Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens trade fair, will take place from 19 – 21 September 2024 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. In its capacity as a well-established platform for the latest textiles, nonwovens, and equipment, the 18th edition of the fair will offer business opportunities across the industry supply chain. With the previous edition attracting 467 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions across 40,000 sqm, the organisers are looking to build on that success at next year’s show.

With next year’s fair expected to again see strong domestic and international participation, the previous edition featured the return of the Taiwan Pavilion, the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone, and seven Chinese regional pavilions. At every edition, multiple fringe events enhance business connections and provide insights to fairgoers. In 2023, key highlights included the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various marine textile and rope netting events, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” University Students’ Showcase.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

The fair is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA).


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 with different zones (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 with different zones

Technological progress often results from close collaboration, and industries that rely on continual improvement stand to benefit from the return to in-person business. Cinte Techtextil China’s first edition since eased pandemic measures is set to reflect a 27.9% increase in exhibitor numbers, with a rejuvenated international contingent further supplemented by the return of the European Zone. Taking place from 19 – 21 September across 40,000 sqm at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the platform is expected to welcome buyers from across Asia, Europe, and beyond. Pre-registrations have doubled compared to the previous edition, and international buyers account for over 20% of the total.

The new zone, Marine Textile Zone, will be comprised of multiple Chinese green marine and nautical rope netting exhibitors, while also hosting the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry. Prominent exhibitors in this zone include Ropenet Group, Hunan Xinhai, and Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope.

Technological progress often results from close collaboration, and industries that rely on continual improvement stand to benefit from the return to in-person business. Cinte Techtextil China’s first edition since eased pandemic measures is set to reflect a 27.9% increase in exhibitor numbers, with a rejuvenated international contingent further supplemented by the return of the European Zone. Taking place from 19 – 21 September across 40,000 sqm at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the platform is expected to welcome buyers from across Asia, Europe, and beyond. Pre-registrations have doubled compared to the previous edition, and international buyers account for over 20% of the total.

The new zone, Marine Textile Zone, will be comprised of multiple Chinese green marine and nautical rope netting exhibitors, while also hosting the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry. Prominent exhibitors in this zone include Ropenet Group, Hunan Xinhai, and Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope.

Other domestic exhibitors, such as Shanghai Shenda Kebao New Materials, SIJIA New Material (Shanghai), Zhejiang Hailide New Material, and Zhejiang Jinda New Materials, will showcase products for applications in outdoor advertising, tents, boats, vehicles, environmental engineering, and much more.

Supplementing the fairground’s wide variety of domestic suppliers will be a much-increased showing of international exhibitors, with many to be found within hall E1’s European Zone. Several global industry leaders are featured in their categories below:

Nonwovens equipment

  • Autefa Solutions, Germany: solutions provider for nonwovens lines and machines for carded-crosslapped needlepunching lines, spunlace lines and thermobonding lines.
  • Dilo, Germany: in addition to offering general services, Dilo supplies opening and blending equipment, carding and airlay machines, and crosslapping and needling machines.
  • Groz-Beckert, Germany: provider of industrial machine needles, precision parts and fine tools, as well as systems and services for the production and joining of textile fabrics.
  • Reifenhäuser Reicofil, Germany: provider of innovative technologies and components for plastics extrusion, producing blown films, cast films, sheets as well as nonwovens.

Weaving equipment

  • Itema, Italy: provider of advanced weaving machines, spare parts, and integrated services, specifically for rapier, air jet and projectile weft insertion technologies.
  • Lindauer DORNIER, Germany: the company manufactures weaving machines, film stretching lines, and composite systems, also offering technical support and spare parts supply.
  • Picanol, Belgium: producer and servicer of high-tech air jet and rapier weaving machines, with around 2,600 weaving mills utilising their systems worldwide.

Coating and lamination

  • BRÜCKNER Textile Technologies, Germany: manufacturer of machines and lines for the coating and finishing of apparel fabric, technical textiles, nonwovens, glass fabrics and floor coverings.
  • ROWA Lack, Germany: developer of high-quality materials and product solutions for the polymer industry, with applications including automotive, electrical engineering, construction, technical textiles, and medical technology.
  • Stahl, the Netherlands: the Dutch company provides high quality coatings, dyes and process chemicals for leather, flexible coated substrates, textiles, films and foils, paper, and related products.


  • Monosuisse, Switzerland: with production sites in Switzerland, Poland, Romania, Mexico, and Germany, Monosuisse manufactures various precise, high-quality polymer monofilaments from 19µm to 3.00 mm in diameter.
  • Perlon, Germany: specialised in the manufacture of synthetic filaments in diverse application areas, including paper machine clothing, dental care, and advanced technical textiles for agriculture, 3D printing, sports and leisure, home, and more.

Meanwhile, first-time exhibitors include Rökona (Germany), showcasing RE:SPACE, their range of recycled technical textiles; Testex AG (Switzerland), the official OEKO-TEX® representative in multiple countries including China; Hohenstein (Germany), the renowned testing laboratory and research institute; and zwissTEX (Germany), the knitted fabrics and lamination specialists. In addition, the returning Taiwan Pavilion is set to feature the debut of Shinih Enterprise Co Ltd (Taiwan China).

Beyond the innovation displayed at the booths, the fair’s programme is set to welcome global experts from various technical textile and nonwoven sub-sectors to offer specific insights and unveil innovations. Highlighted events include:

The 11th China International Nonwovens Conference
14 sessions cover topics such as the quality control of medical supplies; green development in technology and applications in the nonwovens industry; and the development and application of flashspun nonwovens in China.

Marine textiles and rope netting events
Events specific to this zone include the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry; Conference on Textile Applications for Marine Engineering and Fisheries; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA) Rope Net Branch Council Meeting

"Nonwovens, Creating a Better Life” Innovation Showcase
Product display area showcasing around 100 nonwovens products with applications in five areas: medical and health, quality of life, human habitat, sustainable development, and innovative design.

Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum
Includes presentations from multiple key players in the technical textile industry, including Mr Steven Liu, Commercial Manager of Polymer Additives Business of Sanitized (China) Ltd.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Kelheim Fibres und SUMO: Absorbent pads for washable diapers

Kelheim Fibres and SUMO are presenting their high-performance absorbent pads for the reusable Sumo diaper at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference. The Sumo diaper is a sustainable and washable cloth diaper made entirely from biobased materials, offering high performance and innovative design.

The Sumo diaper offers a reusable alternative, consisting of a waterproof shell and absorbent pads. To enhance the performance of the pads, Sumo collaborated with Kelheim Fibres, a leading viscose specialty fibre manufacturer with decades of experience in the hygiene sector.

Together with the Saxon Textile Research Institute STFI, Sumo and Kelheim Fibres have developed a high-performance absorbent pad that is free of fossil-based materials and has already been awarded the Techtextil Innovation Award. The basis for the innovative construction are Kelheim's functionalized specialty viscose fibres with modified cross-sections, which ensure particularly high absorbency and extremely low rewet values.

Kelheim Fibres and SUMO are presenting their high-performance absorbent pads for the reusable Sumo diaper at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference. The Sumo diaper is a sustainable and washable cloth diaper made entirely from biobased materials, offering high performance and innovative design.

The Sumo diaper offers a reusable alternative, consisting of a waterproof shell and absorbent pads. To enhance the performance of the pads, Sumo collaborated with Kelheim Fibres, a leading viscose specialty fibre manufacturer with decades of experience in the hygiene sector.

Together with the Saxon Textile Research Institute STFI, Sumo and Kelheim Fibres have developed a high-performance absorbent pad that is free of fossil-based materials and has already been awarded the Techtextil Innovation Award. The basis for the innovative construction are Kelheim's functionalized specialty viscose fibres with modified cross-sections, which ensure particularly high absorbency and extremely low rewet values.

To ensure the washability of the product, needle-punched/thermally bonded nonwovens were chosen, consisting of a mixture of specialty viscose and PLA bicomponent fibres. By combining nonwovens, typically used in single-use applications, with reusable products, the partners have chosen a new approach.

Natalie Wunder, project manager at Kelheim Fibres, and Luisa Kahlfeldt, founder and designer of SUMO, explain in their joint presentation at the Cellulose Fibre Conference how open innovation has led to successful development collaboration, how this response to current consumer needs has emerged, and what steps are planned for the future.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH


Ministry of Textiles again supports Techtextil India

Techtextil India is scheduled to take place between 12 – 14 September, 2023 in Mumbai. The continued support from the Ministry of Textiles demonstrates the huge emphasis laid for this key sector in boosting the economy of the country given the enormous scope to grow rapidly apart from the remarkable opportunities present to do business in India.
Techtextil India is the country’s leading trade fair on technical textiles, non-wovens, fibres, yarns and machinery. With almost eight months to go, the three-day business event has received an overwhelming response from various companies who will be seen showcasing their latest solutions and products for key application areas.

Techtextil India is scheduled to take place between 12 – 14 September, 2023 in Mumbai. The continued support from the Ministry of Textiles demonstrates the huge emphasis laid for this key sector in boosting the economy of the country given the enormous scope to grow rapidly apart from the remarkable opportunities present to do business in India.
Techtextil India is the country’s leading trade fair on technical textiles, non-wovens, fibres, yarns and machinery. With almost eight months to go, the three-day business event has received an overwhelming response from various companies who will be seen showcasing their latest solutions and products for key application areas.
Commenting on the developments, Mr Raj Manek, Executive Director and Board Member, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd, shared: “We are elated to have received the support from the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India and believe that it will bring in strong value to the technical textiles segment of our trade fair while opening doors to lucrative business engagements for the industry. We are optimistic that it will gain for us a wider reach and increase our credibility among the industry.”
The last edition of Techtextil India in November 2021 emerged as a crucial meeting place for the technical textile players. Even though the show happened to be the first post lockdown edition it garnered an attendance of 4,087 visitors due to live demonstration of latest products and technologies from over 150 technical textile brands.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited


Kelheim Fibres at the Global Fiber Congress 2022 in Dornbirn

Shorter product life cycles and rapid technological progress are changing the product landscape at an ever-faster pace. The ability to anticipate future changes and to proactively shape the change is therefore an increasingly decisive competitive factor for modern companies. Trends are considered to be important indicators of impending

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, stands out in the industry not least for its innovative strength, as evidenced by numerous awards such as the Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in the “New Concept” category. At this year’s Global Fiber Congress Dornbirn, Innovation Manager Ilka Kaczmarek will give an insight into the innovation management of the Bavarian fibre experts in her presentation “Trend Management meets Open Innovation: Best Practice Examples from Kelheim”. Ilka Kaczmarek will show how successful product solutions were developed in a short time by focusing on customer needs and working closely with partners along the value chain.

Shorter product life cycles and rapid technological progress are changing the product landscape at an ever-faster pace. The ability to anticipate future changes and to proactively shape the change is therefore an increasingly decisive competitive factor for modern companies. Trends are considered to be important indicators of impending

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, stands out in the industry not least for its innovative strength, as evidenced by numerous awards such as the Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in the “New Concept” category. At this year’s Global Fiber Congress Dornbirn, Innovation Manager Ilka Kaczmarek will give an insight into the innovation management of the Bavarian fibre experts in her presentation “Trend Management meets Open Innovation: Best Practice Examples from Kelheim”. Ilka Kaczmarek will show how successful product solutions were developed in a short time by focusing on customer needs and working closely with partners along the value chain.

Natalie Wunder, Project Manager at Kelheim Fibres, will explain one of these examples in detail in her presentation “Development of Menstruation Pants using Speciality Viscose Fibres”. Based on the current trend and the desire of end customers for reusable products, Kelheim Fibres was able to develop a washable and thus reusable, yet bio-based solution for feminine hygiene products.


Kelheim Fibres

Photo: FET

FET at Techtextil 2022: Principle theme was Sustainability

The company’s principle theme at Techtextil was Sustainability, since FET extrusion systems are ideally suited for both process and end-product development of sustainable materials. These systems are designed to be material efficient, can be bespoke designed and offer both flexibility and a high level of processing capability. They are supplied as self-contained units for ease of installation in a laboratory or small scale process evaluation environment.

FET’s enhanced Fibre Development Centre enables clients to develop and trial their own sustainable fibres and FET has now successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats

The innovative stand at Techtextil was specifically designed to highlight FET’s total commitment to all aspects of sustainability. It utilised as many sustainable components as possible and met with much comment and approval from visitors.

The company’s principle theme at Techtextil was Sustainability, since FET extrusion systems are ideally suited for both process and end-product development of sustainable materials. These systems are designed to be material efficient, can be bespoke designed and offer both flexibility and a high level of processing capability. They are supplied as self-contained units for ease of installation in a laboratory or small scale process evaluation environment.

FET’s enhanced Fibre Development Centre enables clients to develop and trial their own sustainable fibres and FET has now successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats

The innovative stand at Techtextil was specifically designed to highlight FET’s total commitment to all aspects of sustainability. It utilised as many sustainable components as possible and met with much comment and approval from visitors.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England enjoyed another successful Techtextil in Frankfurt, with high quality enquiries from technical companies and organisations worldwide, but in particular from customers based in Europe.




VUB: Hybrid threads based on ultrafine metallic micro-wires

After three years, VUB a.s again got the chance to actively participate in the European trade fair Techtextil 2022m being present at a joint stand of Czech companies active in production and application of technical textiles, organized by Clutex - Cluster Technical Textiles.

In cooperation with partners from academic and production sphere many products were developed over the past years, sold by VUB under the brand Clevertex. For the presentation at the fair, a wide range of ESD protective clothing for the electrotechnical industry and for each worker dealing with electrostatic discharge sensitive components was on display. As well as another product line of the Clevertex brand representing wearable skincare textile products with antiseptic effects based on purely natural textile materials.

After three years, VUB a.s again got the chance to actively participate in the European trade fair Techtextil 2022m being present at a joint stand of Czech companies active in production and application of technical textiles, organized by Clutex - Cluster Technical Textiles.

In cooperation with partners from academic and production sphere many products were developed over the past years, sold by VUB under the brand Clevertex. For the presentation at the fair, a wide range of ESD protective clothing for the electrotechnical industry and for each worker dealing with electrostatic discharge sensitive components was on display. As well as another product line of the Clevertex brand representing wearable skincare textile products with antiseptic effects based on purely natural textile materials.

Attention was paid to the advanced solutions for smart textiles and e-textiles products esp. electrically conductive hybrid threads based on ultrafine metallic micro-wires. A significant advantage of these threads lies in their full compatibility with standard textile manufacturing processes, and possibility of customization in terms of fineness, electrical conductivity and temperature resistance of individual thread. As an example of one of the applications of conductive threads, different types of woven elastic conductive ribbons were demonstrated, which could be used as bus bars or as textile conductors wherever a variable length of conductive element is required without the negative influence on their electrical resistance during the change the length.

More information:
VUB micro-wires

VÚB a.s.

© Natalie Wunder
From left: Patrick Engel (STFI), Caspar Böhme (Sumo), Ilka Kaczmarek (KF), Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic (KF)

Kelheim Fibres wins Techtextil Innovation Award

The viscose specialities manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has won the Techtextil Award in the "New Concept" category for their project "Cellulose-based nonwovens for highly absorbent reusable products".
This award is intended to make cutting-edge developments visible, promote unconventional thinking and intensify the dialogue between researchers, manufacturers.

The starting point for the innovation was the search for a washable and thus reusable absorbent pad made of completely bio-based materials for the cloth diaper of the Berlin-based start-up Sumo.
Two main requirements of the application are obvious: A fast and efficient liquid distribution and high absorbency should minimise rewetting and leakage. Both are ensured by speciality viscose fibres from Kelheim, which have been making this essential contribution to absorbent hygiene products such as tampons for many years. The obvious solution was therefore to optimally utilise the synergies between knitted and woven structures with nonwovens.

The viscose specialities manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has won the Techtextil Award in the "New Concept" category for their project "Cellulose-based nonwovens for highly absorbent reusable products".
This award is intended to make cutting-edge developments visible, promote unconventional thinking and intensify the dialogue between researchers, manufacturers.

The starting point for the innovation was the search for a washable and thus reusable absorbent pad made of completely bio-based materials for the cloth diaper of the Berlin-based start-up Sumo.
Two main requirements of the application are obvious: A fast and efficient liquid distribution and high absorbency should minimise rewetting and leakage. Both are ensured by speciality viscose fibres from Kelheim, which have been making this essential contribution to absorbent hygiene products such as tampons for many years. The obvious solution was therefore to optimally utilise the synergies between knitted and woven structures with nonwovens.

In doing so, the advantages of nonwovens in combination with speciality viscose fibres in terms of absorbency (through e.g. more open-pored structures) have been perfectly transferred from the field of disposable to the world of reusable products. For reusable products, however, there is another challenge to overcome: they must remain stable during washing and over several cycles of use. To ensure this, an innovative nonwoven construction was developed in close cooperation with the STFI. These nonwovens can be used as a stand-alone solution or integrated into a textile structure.


Kelheim Fibres

Graphic: RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup at Techtextil with innovative textile solutions

  • Target markets: automotive, furnishings, sports and technical apparel
  • New product entry: radipeople® line of personal protective equipment

RadiciGroup is at Techtextil 2022, the leading European trade fair for technical textiles, taking place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from 21 to 24 June. On display in the RadiciGroup exhibition area are the Group’s latest products for the automotive, furnishings and apparel markets: from nylon and polyester yarn, including biosource and recycled lines, to nonwovens and the new radipeople® line of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Indeed, at Techtextil, RadiciGroup is showcasing RENYCLE®, a yarn obtained from recycled nylon; REPETABLE®, a polyester yarn from post-consumer recycled plastic bottles; RESPUNSIBLE®, a nonwoven fabric from recycled polypropylene; and BIOFEEL®, a brand identifying a yarn line obtained from renewable sources of both nylon and polyester.

  • Target markets: automotive, furnishings, sports and technical apparel
  • New product entry: radipeople® line of personal protective equipment

RadiciGroup is at Techtextil 2022, the leading European trade fair for technical textiles, taking place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from 21 to 24 June. On display in the RadiciGroup exhibition area are the Group’s latest products for the automotive, furnishings and apparel markets: from nylon and polyester yarn, including biosource and recycled lines, to nonwovens and the new radipeople® line of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Indeed, at Techtextil, RadiciGroup is showcasing RENYCLE®, a yarn obtained from recycled nylon; REPETABLE®, a polyester yarn from post-consumer recycled plastic bottles; RESPUNSIBLE®, a nonwoven fabric from recycled polypropylene; and BIOFEEL®, a brand identifying a yarn line obtained from renewable sources of both nylon and polyester.

Moreover, RadiciGroup is participating in a forum organized by the Technical Textiles Section of Sistema Moda Italia in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency (ICE) (Hall 12.1 – Stand C58), with the goal of introducing product innovations not only coming from a single manufacturer, but also from an innovative synergistic approach all along the supply chain, from raw materials to finished products. An example of this synergistic collaboration is the “Mars Spacesuit”, recently tested in the USA by analogue astronauts as part of a space medicine project designed to measure the vital signs of future astronauts and develop technologies to support the simulation of life in space and planetary environments. RadiciGroup teamed up with major Italian textile companies and supplied the materials to make the suits for the six analogue astronauts participating in the mission and coordinated the development of the technologies needed to create the technicalwear for use in extreme environmental conditions.





Beaulieu Fibres International at Techtextil 22

  • Bio circular Fibre - Shaping Sustainable Living

The European staple fibre producer Beaulieu Fibres International turns the spotlight on future-focused solutions for nonwovens & engineered fabrics at Techtextil 22. A key priority is innovation in polyolefin fibres and bicomponent polyester/polyolefin fibres, to advance sustainable design, end-of-life recyclability, and resource and carbon footprint reduction for industrial and hygiene applications.

The new sustainability roadmap - Route 2030 outlines how the company is targeting the reduction of our environmental footprint to zero, taking care of people and doing business in a transparent, ethical way. Sustainability is key to Beaulieu Fibre International’s long-term strategy, and the company is heavily focused on defining its green portfolio to support evolution in diverse market applications and to work towards a circular economy with the whole supply chain.

  • Bio circular Fibre - Shaping Sustainable Living

The European staple fibre producer Beaulieu Fibres International turns the spotlight on future-focused solutions for nonwovens & engineered fabrics at Techtextil 22. A key priority is innovation in polyolefin fibres and bicomponent polyester/polyolefin fibres, to advance sustainable design, end-of-life recyclability, and resource and carbon footprint reduction for industrial and hygiene applications.

The new sustainability roadmap - Route 2030 outlines how the company is targeting the reduction of our environmental footprint to zero, taking care of people and doing business in a transparent, ethical way. Sustainability is key to Beaulieu Fibre International’s long-term strategy, and the company is heavily focused on defining its green portfolio to support evolution in diverse market applications and to work towards a circular economy with the whole supply chain.

Beaulieu Fibres International will offer ISCC Plus (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification Plus) certified bio circular MONO-PP and BICO PP/PE fibres in 1,3-8,9 dtex, available with all the main available finish classes. These drop-in solutions, with no loss in quality, will support customers reduce reliance on virgin fossil carbon in their nonwoven and engineered fibre applications, contributing to the transition towards a circular economy.


Beaulieu Fibres International


Indorama Venures: Faserinnovationen auf der Techtextil

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), einer der weltweit führenden Petrochemieproduzenten mit globaler Präsenz in Europa, Afrika, Nord- und Südamerika sowie im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, wird auf der Techtextil die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen seiner drei Faser-Sparten MOBILITY, HYGIENE und LIFESTYLE vorstellen. Diese drei Geschäftsbereiche vereinen Schlüsselkompetenzen in den Bereichen Fasern, Vliesstoffe und Gewebe für die Märkte Automobil, Hygiene, Funktionsmaterialien und Verbundwerkstoffe.

Unter dem Motto "Reimaging Chemistry together for a better World" wird ein breites Portfolio an nachhaltigen Produkten, fortschrittlichen Technologien und verbraucherorientierten Lösungen vorgestellt.

Ein Schwerpunkt wird die Marke Deja® sein — die Plattform für nachhaltige Produkte von Indorama Ventures. Sie umfasst u.a. Materialien wie Fasern aus recyceltem PET (rPET). Ziel ist es, Produkte im Umlauf zu halten und die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu etablieren.  Außerdem werden Materialien mit einem neutralen Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck, darunter Breathair® und bio-basierte Produkte, präsentiert.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), einer der weltweit führenden Petrochemieproduzenten mit globaler Präsenz in Europa, Afrika, Nord- und Südamerika sowie im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, wird auf der Techtextil die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen seiner drei Faser-Sparten MOBILITY, HYGIENE und LIFESTYLE vorstellen. Diese drei Geschäftsbereiche vereinen Schlüsselkompetenzen in den Bereichen Fasern, Vliesstoffe und Gewebe für die Märkte Automobil, Hygiene, Funktionsmaterialien und Verbundwerkstoffe.

Unter dem Motto "Reimaging Chemistry together for a better World" wird ein breites Portfolio an nachhaltigen Produkten, fortschrittlichen Technologien und verbraucherorientierten Lösungen vorgestellt.

Ein Schwerpunkt wird die Marke Deja® sein — die Plattform für nachhaltige Produkte von Indorama Ventures. Sie umfasst u.a. Materialien wie Fasern aus recyceltem PET (rPET). Ziel ist es, Produkte im Umlauf zu halten und die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu etablieren.  Außerdem werden Materialien mit einem neutralen Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck, darunter Breathair® und bio-basierte Produkte, präsentiert.

Auch andere neue Technologien werden vor Ort zu sehen sein. Um die Verschmutzung der Umwelt durch Kunststoffe zu verringern, führt Indorama Ventures Polyolefinfasern und Vliesstoffe ein, die durch die kürzlich eingeführte Biotransformationstechnologie biologisch abbaubar sind. Biotransformation ist ein Prozess, bei dem sich der physikalische Zustand einer Faser von einem kristallinen Feststoff in ein bioverfügbares Wachs ändert.

Tearing Line Foto: Andritz


International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at Techtextil in Frankfurt from June 21 to 24. The ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies, such as air-through bonding, airlay, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, recycling, and natural fiber processing. For Techtextil, special focus lies on technologies for textile recycling, needlepunch, airlay, wetlaid glass fibers and textile calendering.

International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at Techtextil in Frankfurt from June 21 to 24. The ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies, such as air-through bonding, airlay, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, recycling, and natural fiber processing. For Techtextil, special focus lies on technologies for textile recycling, needlepunch, airlay, wetlaid glass fibers and textile calendering.

With the acquisition of ANDRITZ Laroche SAS, ANDRITZ has expanded its product portfolio to include airlay and recycling technology as well as bast fiber processing technologies. Complete recycling lines for post-consumer and industrial textile waste to produce fibers for re-spinning and/or nonwoven end-uses are one focus of this product range. Customer awareness and regulations are forcing clothing brands to recycle their textile waste in their own products. Recycled fibers can also be used in the nonwovens industry for various applications, for example in the automotive industry, for insulation, mattresses, and furniture felts.

ANDRITZ Laroche offers a complete process range of tearing lines from 50 up to 3,000 kg/h, which can be used for almost all types of pre/post-consumer textile waste. The aim is to preserve the character of the original fibers, for example cotton, by maximizing fiber length, strength and feel.


Andritz AG

(c) Oerlikon
The new Staple Fiber Technology Center in Neumünster

Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions at Techtextil 2022

  • Sustainable infrastructure solutions, road safety and health protection

At this year’s Techtextil, Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions will be presenting the trade audience with new applications, special processes and sustainable solutions focusing on the production of industrial textiles. Among other things, the company will be showcasing new technology for charging nonwovens that sets new standards with regards to quality and efficiency. Between June 21 and 24, the discussions will be concentrating on airbags, seat belts, tire cord, geotextiles, filter nonwovens and their diverse applications.

  • Sustainable infrastructure solutions, road safety and health protection

At this year’s Techtextil, Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions will be presenting the trade audience with new applications, special processes and sustainable solutions focusing on the production of industrial textiles. Among other things, the company will be showcasing new technology for charging nonwovens that sets new standards with regards to quality and efficiency. Between June 21 and 24, the discussions will be concentrating on airbags, seat belts, tire cord, geotextiles, filter nonwovens and their diverse applications.

More polyester for airbags
Airbags have become an integral part of our everyday automotive lives. The yarns used in them are made predominantly from polyamide. As a result of increasingly diverse airbag applications and also the increasing size of the systems used, polyester is today used as well, depending on the application requirements and cost-benefit considerations. Against this background, the Oerlikon Barmag technologies make an invaluable contribution. In addition to high productivity and low energy consumption, they particularly excel in terms of their stable production processes. Furthermore, they comply with every high quality standard for airbags, which – as in the case of virtually all other textile products used in vehicle construction – must provide the highest level of safety for vehicle occupants. And all this without any loss of function in any climate and anywhere in the world for the lifetime of the vehicle.

Buckle up!
Seat belts play a decisive role in protecting vehicle occupants. They have to withstand tensile forces in excess of three tons and simultaneously stretch in a controlled manner in emergencies in order to reduce the load in the event of impact. A seat belt comprises approximately 300 filament yarns, whose individual, high-tenacity yarn threads are spun from around 100 individual filaments.

Invisible, but essential – road reinforcement using geotextiles
But it not just inside vehicles, but also under them, that industrial yarns reveal their strengths. Low stretch, ultra-high tenacity, high rigidity – industrial yarns offer outstanding properties for the demanding tasks carried out by geotextiles; for instance, as geogrids in the base course system under asphalt. Normally, geotextiles have extremely high yarn titers of up to 24,000 denier. Oerlikon Barmag system concepts simultaneously manufacture three filament yarns of 6,000 denier each. Due to the high spinning titers, fewer yarns can be plied together to the required geo-yarn titer in a more cost- and energy-efficient manner.

hycuTEC – technological quantum leap for filter media
In the case of its hycuTEC hydro-charging solution, Oerlikon Neumag offers a new technology for charging nonwovens that increases filter efficiency to more than 99.99%. For meltblown producers, this means material savings of 30% with significantly superior filter performance. For end users, the consequence is noticeably improved comfort resulting from significantly reduced breathing resistance. With its considerably lower water and energy consumption, this new development is also a future-proof, sustainable technology.

New high-tech Staple Fiber Technology Center
Extending to around 2,100 m2, Oerlikon Neumag in Neumünster is home to one of the world’s largest staple fiber technology centers. As of now, these state-of-the-art staple fiber technologies are also available for customer-specific trials.

The focus during the planning and the design of the Technology Center was on optimizing components and processes. Here, special attention was paid to ensuring the process and production parameters in the Technology Center system could be simply and reliably transferred to production systems. Here, the fiber tape processing line is modular in design. All components can be combined with each other as required. And comprehensive set-up options supply detailed findings for the respective process for various fiber products.

The Technology Center is also equipped with two spinning positions for mono- and bi-component processes. The same round spin packs are used for both processes, characterized by excellent fiber quality and properties and meanwhile very successfully deployed in all Oerlikon Neumag production systems. Furthermore, the spinning plant is complemented by automation solutions such as spin pack scraper robots, for example.

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag Techtextil


Photo: Ralph Koch für Gebr. Otto

Gebr. Otto with a specialised portfolio at Techtextil 2022

Gebr. Otto is exhibiting at this year’s Techtextil from 21 to 24 June in Frankfurt. The Dietenheim-based textile company manufactures a selected range of functional high-tech yarns made, for example, of conductive, high-strength and flame-retardant fibres. Gebr. Otto’s aim at the trade fair is to make personal contacts and to expand regional technology chains. The textile solution provider is to be found, as in past years, at the BW-I joint stand in Hall 12.1 at Booth No. C80.

Gebr. Otto is exhibiting at this year’s Techtextil from 21 to 24 June in Frankfurt. The Dietenheim-based textile company manufactures a selected range of functional high-tech yarns made, for example, of conductive, high-strength and flame-retardant fibres. Gebr. Otto’s aim at the trade fair is to make personal contacts and to expand regional technology chains. The textile solution provider is to be found, as in past years, at the BW-I joint stand in Hall 12.1 at Booth No. C80.

Growing demand for technical yarns
“In the industry Gebr. Otto is mostly known for its cotton yarns and twines,” says Robin Hefter, who is in charge of technical textiles at Gebr. Otto. Cotton is the fibre that is mainly spun in the company’s spinning mill. It has been Gebr. Otto’s main line of business for over 100 years. The technical yarns that have been in the company’s product range for a good five years are, by contrast, still relative newcomers. They account for around 10 per cent of the company’s output, their share of which is on the increase. “Technical textiles have proved to be a growth sector in recent years,” Hefter explains, “and due to current political events demand for them has increased even further.”

Portfolio with a protective character
That is a reference to personal protective equipment – clothing and gloves. Gebr. Otto’s highperformance functional yarns, many of which are based on high-tech fibres, are specially designed for use in this area. In addition to flame-retardant yarns made of meta-aramid Gebr. Otto processes antistatic or conductive fibres.

As a rule many chemical fibres are easily electrically chargeable without being able to discharge by themselves due to their low moisture absorption. That is why undesired discharges occur,
maybe even the next time you shake hands. In some situations, they can be life-threatening. “Imagine the team at a pit stop in a Formula 1 race,” Robin Hefter says. “refuelling a racing car
under pressure of time. There must not be a single spark, no matter how small.” That is why Gebr. Otto adds antistatic fibres to its technical yarns. They prevent electrostatic charging and
offer safety not only to pit stop teams but also to filling station attendants. If electric conductivity is required, conductive fibres are added. And high-strength fibres are used if high or ultra-high tensile strength is required.

Colour fastness rather than safety is required when it comes to spun-dyed yarns. The fibres take up the pigments more homogeneously than if they are dyed as yarn. They are much more colourfast and fade markedly less in sunlight because the pigment particles are better enclosed in the fibre.


Gebr. Otto Baumwollfeinzwirnerei GmbH + Co. KG