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KARL MAYER erhält Preis für nachhaltiges Indigofärben  (c) Thomas Ecke / DISQ / ntv / DUP UNTERNEHMER
: ntv-Moderator Torsten Knippertz (links im Bild) im Interview mit Arno Gärtner, CEO der KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER erhält Preis für nachhaltiges Indigofärben

KARL MAYER erhält für seine Lösung zum nachhaltigen Indigofärben den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024.

In der Bertelsmann-Repräsentanz in Berlin erhielt das Unternehmen am 11. Juni 2024 den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024 in der Kategorie „Produktion“ und landete hier zudem auf Platz 1 unter den insgesamt vier Preisträgern.

Der Preis wird vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität, dem DUP-Unternehmer-Magazin und dem Nachrichtensender ntv verliehen. Schirmherrin ist die ehemalige Justiz- und Wirtschaftsministerin Brigitte Zypris, die zugleich zum Jury-Team gehört. Das hochkarätig besetzte Entscheidungsgremium sondiert Projekte aus allen Wirtschaftsbereichen, die Nachhaltigkeit vorbildhaft umsetzen – in diesem Jahr 70 Unternehmen aus insgesamt 342 Nominierungen.

KARL MAYER erhält für seine Lösung zum nachhaltigen Indigofärben den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024.

In der Bertelsmann-Repräsentanz in Berlin erhielt das Unternehmen am 11. Juni 2024 den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024 in der Kategorie „Produktion“ und landete hier zudem auf Platz 1 unter den insgesamt vier Preisträgern.

Der Preis wird vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität, dem DUP-Unternehmer-Magazin und dem Nachrichtensender ntv verliehen. Schirmherrin ist die ehemalige Justiz- und Wirtschaftsministerin Brigitte Zypris, die zugleich zum Jury-Team gehört. Das hochkarätig besetzte Entscheidungsgremium sondiert Projekte aus allen Wirtschaftsbereichen, die Nachhaltigkeit vorbildhaft umsetzen – in diesem Jahr 70 Unternehmen aus insgesamt 342 Nominierungen.

Die KARL MAYER GROUP überzeugte durch die Entwicklung von BLUEDYE, einer Lösung zur umweltschonenden Denim-Produktion. Die Jury lobte das Projekt als gute Lösung, die alle Ziele einer Produktionsverbesserung bedienen kann, u. a. Optimierungen bei Qualität und Umweltschutz sowie Reduzierung der Kosten. Dem Projekt wird eine hohe Relevanz für die nachhaltige Produktion von Jeans zugesprochen.

BLUEDYE ist eine Alternative zu den umweltbelastenden Verfahren der heutigen Denim-Produktion. Sie zahlt auf gleich vier Ziele der Sustainable Development Goals für Unternehmen der Vereinten Nationen ein.

Durch die stickstoffbasierte Färbetechnologie minimiert BLUEDYE die erheblichen Mengen an Wasser und Chemikalien, die herkömmlicherweise beim Denim-Färbeprozess verbraucht werden. Der Bedarf an den Hauptschadstoffen Hydrosulfit und Natronlauge kann um mehr als 60 % und die benötigte Wassermenge um mindestens 50 % reduziert werden. Zusätzlich entsteht weniger Garnabfall. Damit trägt BLUEDYE zu einer nachhaltigen Produktion bei (Ziel 12).

Weniger Chemikalieneinsatz bedeutet zugleich weniger Wasserverschmutzung – ein Vorteil, der im Verbund mit der erheblichen Wassereinsparung für sauberes Wasser und damit für die Erfüllung von Ziel 6 sorgt. Zudem führen weniger Schadstoffe im Produktionsprozess zu einem gesünderen, menschenwürdigeren Arbeitsumfeld, wie es beim Ziel 8 gefordert wird.

Gemäß dem Ziel 9 fördert BLUEDYE Innovation durch die Einführung modernster Technologien. 2018 hat KARL MAYER Patente für eine fortschrittliche Denim-Färbetechnologie erworben und auf der Grundlage seines umfassenden Textilmaschinen-Know-hows eine marktfähige Anlage mit höchstem Kundennutzen entwickelt.

Mit BLUEDYE können die Unternehmen der Denim-Branche ihre Produktionsprozesse effizienter und umweltfreundlicher gestalten und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit verbessern: Die positiven Effekte durch BLUEDYE wurden durch Vergleichsmessungen an einer Pilotanlage bei einem Feldtestkunden evaluiert. Referenzwerte bei der Gegenüberstellung waren die Verbrauchsdaten einer bereits seit Längerem im Betrieb befindlichen Produktionsanlage.

Mit BLUEDYE lassen sich die Betriebskosten um bis zu 20 % senken und zugleich die hohen Käuferanforderungen an die Farbqualität der Stoffe und die Farbdurchdringung der Garne von Jeans erfüllen.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG


DyStar launches Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing

DyStar, a specialty chemical company, announces its latest innovation, Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing.

The launch of DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing aims to reduce water usage by up to 90% and energy consumption by up to 30% during the production process. The new DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing is applicable in the Indigo traditional dyeing process, for Sulphur dyes, and colored Denim. The technique of sustainable indigo dyeing has already been proven to reduce substantially the effluent load in Denim production.

DyStar’s eco-friendly indigo dyeing process is recognized for helping customers deliver better consistency in quality while achieving less wastewater treatment in the effluent.

DyStar, a specialty chemical company, announces its latest innovation, Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing.

The launch of DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing aims to reduce water usage by up to 90% and energy consumption by up to 30% during the production process. The new DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing is applicable in the Indigo traditional dyeing process, for Sulphur dyes, and colored Denim. The technique of sustainable indigo dyeing has already been proven to reduce substantially the effluent load in Denim production.

DyStar’s eco-friendly indigo dyeing process is recognized for helping customers deliver better consistency in quality while achieving less wastewater treatment in the effluent.


DyStar Celebrates 125 Years of Indigo Excellence

The story started with a huge market demand for the industrial synthesis of Indigo during the late nineteen century. The first Industrial Synthesis of Indigo, Indigo Pure BASF, was successfully manufactured and introduced into the market by BASF in July 1897. It was a significant achievement for the German Chemical Industry.

Over the years, the product has made revolutionary changes to the supply chain. New technologies enabled the transformation of Synthetic Indigo Powder application to pre-reduced DyStar® Indigo Vat 40% Solution. Being the pioneer in the market, the pre-reduced solution set an important industry milestone when it was first launched in 1998.

DyStar’s innovation remains a core catalyst in our chemistry research and development journey. When the DyStar® Indigo Vat 40% Solution was introduced, the core intelligence lies behind the benefits from Sustainability to Health and Safety. The technology transforms Indigo into its soluble Leuco form, making the Indigo dyeing process more sustainable, efficient, and stable in production. In addition, workers in Denim Mills can be assured of product safety as well.

The story started with a huge market demand for the industrial synthesis of Indigo during the late nineteen century. The first Industrial Synthesis of Indigo, Indigo Pure BASF, was successfully manufactured and introduced into the market by BASF in July 1897. It was a significant achievement for the German Chemical Industry.

Over the years, the product has made revolutionary changes to the supply chain. New technologies enabled the transformation of Synthetic Indigo Powder application to pre-reduced DyStar® Indigo Vat 40% Solution. Being the pioneer in the market, the pre-reduced solution set an important industry milestone when it was first launched in 1998.

DyStar’s innovation remains a core catalyst in our chemistry research and development journey. When the DyStar® Indigo Vat 40% Solution was introduced, the core intelligence lies behind the benefits from Sustainability to Health and Safety. The technology transforms Indigo into its soluble Leuco form, making the Indigo dyeing process more sustainable, efficient, and stable in production. In addition, workers in Denim Mills can be assured of product safety as well.

Similarly, in recent modules under Cadira® Denim, DyStar introduced the first salt-free Indigo dyeing process in history. The applied technology completely eliminates hydrosulphite in the application of Indigo.

More information:
DyStar Indigo indigo dyeing process


Archroma and CleanKore join forces to promote sustainable, cost-effective indigo dyeing process (c) CleanKore
Below limits of detection according to industry standard test methods

Archroma and Cleankore join forces to promote sustainable, cost-effective indigo dyeing process

Reinach, Switzerland, and Westlake, Ohio, 2 February 2021 - Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a strategic partnership with technology innovator CleanKore, aiming to advance sustainable dyeing processes throughout the denim supply chain.

The agreement will allow Archroma and CleanKore to promote the benefits of each other’s technologies. This includes Archroma’s robust catalog of dyes and specialty chemicals along with CleanKore’s patented process of dyeing yarns at the denim mill that completely eliminates the need for potassium permanganate (PP) spray and laser booster to achieve the bright white abrasion effect in the garment finishing process. The result is a large and circular bright white core with a small ring of indigo dye. The technology does not just eliminate the chemicals associated in the PP spray and laser process, which is much safer for denim workers, it also allows to save significant amounts of water and energy throughout the manufacturing process from fabric to garmenting.

Reinach, Switzerland, and Westlake, Ohio, 2 February 2021 - Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a strategic partnership with technology innovator CleanKore, aiming to advance sustainable dyeing processes throughout the denim supply chain.

The agreement will allow Archroma and CleanKore to promote the benefits of each other’s technologies. This includes Archroma’s robust catalog of dyes and specialty chemicals along with CleanKore’s patented process of dyeing yarns at the denim mill that completely eliminates the need for potassium permanganate (PP) spray and laser booster to achieve the bright white abrasion effect in the garment finishing process. The result is a large and circular bright white core with a small ring of indigo dye. The technology does not just eliminate the chemicals associated in the PP spray and laser process, which is much safer for denim workers, it also allows to save significant amounts of water and energy throughout the manufacturing process from fabric to garmenting.

CleanKore initially looked at eliminating potassium permanganate due to its being classified as hazardous if inhaled or ingested, or in case of contact with the skin or the eye. It is also considered very toxic to aquatic life. No new equipment or capital expenses are needed to implement the CleanKore technology, which works on all denim fabric, including dark indigo, sulfur top/bottom and sulfur black.

This is where Archroma comes into the picture. Its global technical team of denim coloration specialists will provide support to denim mills seeking to implement the CleanKore technology and develop the desired looks and effects - with the right colors and chemical systems for their production set-up.

CleanKore estimates that the technology allows to save up to 15 liters of water per garment, or the equivalent to the drinking needs of 5 people per day, and up to 0.51 kWh of energy per garment, or the equivalent of five 100-watt light bulbs on for 1 hour. The CleanKore technology also leads to a 10% to 20% increase in production throughput, as a result of a faster garment wash-down and the elimination of PP spray.

For CleanKore CEO Darryl Costin Jr., the announcement comes at an ideal time for CleanKore: "We have successfully proven the technology with mill partners such as Arvind and other denim mills in Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Thailand and the United States. The response from the industry has been overwhelmingly positive. Having a partner in Archroma, one that is highly respected for their innovation and emphasis on sustainability throughout the industry, will allow us to take CleanKore to the next level.”

Umberto Devita, Global Indigo Manager at the Archroma Global Competence Center for Denim & Casualwear, adds: "CleanKore is perfectly aligned with the 3 pillars of 'The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced'. 'Safe' through the elimination of a potentially harmful substance and the protection of the denim workers, 'Efficient' through the reduction of resource consumption, improved productivity and cost-effective profile. And 'Enhanced' through the gorgeous colors and effects allowed with Archroma's innovations and systems, in particular our aniline-free* Denisol® Pure Indigo and Diresul® sulfur dyes. We look forward to help promoting an innovation that will help with many of the challenges facing our denim customers throughout the world. Because it’s our nature."



Warping Mill (c) Velener Textil

International Cotton Conference Bremen 2018

  • Innovative Textile Processes

Innovations are welcome. Based on innovations, many changes in textile processing are leading to more efficiency in process workflows. At the International Cotton Conference in Bremen on Wednesday, March 21st, Session IV Textile Processing, which takes place from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, is dedicated to this subject area and attractive examples.

Michael Tuschak, Mayer & Cie., Germany, informs about the 3-in-1 concept of Spinitsystems. Spinning, cleaning and knitting are all combined in one machine. This enables the production process of high-quality single jersey knitwear to be shortened significantly, which saves energy costs and reduces CO2 emissions.

An old dye returns to glory. Dr. Dean Etheridge of Texas Tech University, USA, talks about a new, innovative indigo dyeing process for cotton yarns using foam. This saves large amounts of water and is now increasingly being used by major brands in jeans production.

  • Innovative Textile Processes

Innovations are welcome. Based on innovations, many changes in textile processing are leading to more efficiency in process workflows. At the International Cotton Conference in Bremen on Wednesday, March 21st, Session IV Textile Processing, which takes place from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, is dedicated to this subject area and attractive examples.

Michael Tuschak, Mayer & Cie., Germany, informs about the 3-in-1 concept of Spinitsystems. Spinning, cleaning and knitting are all combined in one machine. This enables the production process of high-quality single jersey knitwear to be shortened significantly, which saves energy costs and reduces CO2 emissions.

An old dye returns to glory. Dr. Dean Etheridge of Texas Tech University, USA, talks about a new, innovative indigo dyeing process for cotton yarns using foam. This saves large amounts of water and is now increasingly being used by major brands in jeans production.

Amin Leder, Trützschler GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, presents a technique in which the stretching process for rotor yarn production does not take place in a separate machine, but is integrated into the carding. This makes it possible to efficiently process even cotton with a higher waste content.

Harald Schwippel, from Rieter, Switzerland, summarises all four major spinning technologies for cotton – ring spinning, compact spinning, rotor spinning and air-jet spinning. His talk provides an overview of the possibilities that each of these processes currently offers for the manufacture of different yarns and the most efficient options for different applications.

More to know
In the run-up to the International Cotton Conference, the Fibre Institute Bremen and the Cotton Exchange are organising a specific seminar for spinning mills on Tuesday, dealing with the efficient handling of contaminants in cotton, from elimination in production to removal in winding. On Friday morning, Expert Session IX deals with the exchange of the latest research results, e.g. in the field of ginning in relation to cotton quality, or the important issue of checking the traceability of GMO-free cotton.


Elke Hortmeyer, Rainer Schlatmann, Baumwollbörse