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Levi Strauss & Co. appoints new CCO

Levi Strauss & Co. announced the appointment of Gianluca Flore as executive vice president and chief commercial officer, effective July 29. Reporting to Michelle Gass, president and chief executive officer, Flore will join the company’s executive leadership team and will be responsible for the commercial operations of the Levi’s® brand across all global channels, including stores, e-commerce and wholesale.

Levi Strauss & Co. announced the appointment of Gianluca Flore as executive vice president and chief commercial officer, effective July 29. Reporting to Michelle Gass, president and chief executive officer, Flore will join the company’s executive leadership team and will be responsible for the commercial operations of the Levi’s® brand across all global channels, including stores, e-commerce and wholesale.

Flore brings more than 20 years of international commercial experience in the luxury apparel and lifestyle sector. He joins LS&Co. from Burberry, where he was appointed chief commercial officer in 2021, overseeing five regions and a network of more than 400 stores. Prior to this, he served as the company’s president for the Americas and Global Retail Excellence, spearheading the expansion and productivity of the brand’s retail footprint, and elevating distribution and positioning across wholesale. Flore has also held leadership roles at the luxury group Kering, including CEO of Brioni, where he established a profitable retail business model for the brand, and at Bottega Veneta, where he led double-digit revenue increases across wholesale and retail channels. Flore holds a BBA and post-graduate certificate from LUISS University in Rome, Italy, as well as a post-graduate certificate from the London School of Economics.

More information:
Levi Strauss Clothing industry

Levi Strauss & Co.


Lenzing AG: Elections to the Supervisory Board

On Thursday, April 18, 2024, the 80th Annual General Meeting of Lenzing AG discharged the members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board for the 2023 financial year and set the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2024 financial year in advance.

Dr. Markus Fürst retired from the Supervisory Board at his own request with effect from the end of the General Meeting. Dr. Markus Fürst has been a member of the Supervisory Board and various committees of Lenzing AG since 2021.

The General Meeting elected Dr. Cornelius Baur as a new member of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG until the end of the General Meeting that decides on the discharge for the 2028 financial year. In addition, Melody Harris-Jensbach’s mandate was extended until the Annual General Meeting that decides on the 2028 financial year.

On Thursday, April 18, 2024, the 80th Annual General Meeting of Lenzing AG discharged the members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board for the 2023 financial year and set the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2024 financial year in advance.

Dr. Markus Fürst retired from the Supervisory Board at his own request with effect from the end of the General Meeting. Dr. Markus Fürst has been a member of the Supervisory Board and various committees of Lenzing AG since 2021.

The General Meeting elected Dr. Cornelius Baur as a new member of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG until the end of the General Meeting that decides on the discharge for the 2028 financial year. In addition, Melody Harris-Jensbach’s mandate was extended until the Annual General Meeting that decides on the 2028 financial year.

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG continues to consist of ten members elected by the Annual General Meeting: Dr. Cornelius Baur, Mag. Helmut Bernkopf, Dr. Christian Bruch, Dr. Stefan Fida, Dr. Franz Gasselsberger, Melody Harris-Jensbach, Cord Prinzhorn, MBA, Mag. Gerhard Schwartz, Dr. Astrid Skala-Kuhmann and Nicole van der Elst Desai. DI Stefan Ertl, Stephan Gruber, Bonita Haag, Helmut Kirchmair and Johann Schernberger were delegated to the Supervisory Board by the works council.

In the constitutive meeting of the Supervisory Board following the Annual General Meeting, Cord Prinzhorn, MBA, was elected Chairman and Dr. Stefan Fida was re-elected as Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- u. Steuerberatungsgesellschaft was appointed as the auditor for the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the 2024 financial year.

Geschäftsklimaindex Grafik: © Gesamtmasche
Geschäftsklimaindex zum 1. Q 2024

Gesamtmasche: Geschäftsklimaindex auf Allzeittief gefallen

Textiler Mittelstand ächzt unter Regulierung und Nachfrageschwund: „Das Maß ist voll“, sagt Martina Bandte, Präsidentin von Gesamtmasche. „Ein Großteil des Kostendrucks geht auf das Konto einer realitätsfernen Regulierungspolitik. Das treibt bereits jeden Tag Firmen in die Insolvenz. Wir verwalten uns zu Tode.“

Mit -25,9 Indexpunkten verzeichnet der Geschäftsklimaindex der deutschen Maschenindustrie zum 1. Quartal 2024 ein Allzeittief und spiegelt damit eine noch schlechtere Stimmung wider als im Corona-Lockdown. Die Erwartungen für die nächsten Monate sehen dabei noch düsterer aus als die Beurteilung der aktuellen Lage. Sämtliche Indikatoren – von den Umsätzen über die Erträge, Preise, Auftragseingänge bis hin zur Kapazitätsauslastung und der Personalstärke – befinden sich im negativen Bereich. Über 42 Prozent der Hersteller rechnen mit fallenden Umsätzen im In- und Ausland. Gleichzeitig erwarten drei von fünf Unternehmen weiter fallende Erträge.

Textiler Mittelstand ächzt unter Regulierung und Nachfrageschwund: „Das Maß ist voll“, sagt Martina Bandte, Präsidentin von Gesamtmasche. „Ein Großteil des Kostendrucks geht auf das Konto einer realitätsfernen Regulierungspolitik. Das treibt bereits jeden Tag Firmen in die Insolvenz. Wir verwalten uns zu Tode.“

Mit -25,9 Indexpunkten verzeichnet der Geschäftsklimaindex der deutschen Maschenindustrie zum 1. Quartal 2024 ein Allzeittief und spiegelt damit eine noch schlechtere Stimmung wider als im Corona-Lockdown. Die Erwartungen für die nächsten Monate sehen dabei noch düsterer aus als die Beurteilung der aktuellen Lage. Sämtliche Indikatoren – von den Umsätzen über die Erträge, Preise, Auftragseingänge bis hin zur Kapazitätsauslastung und der Personalstärke – befinden sich im negativen Bereich. Über 42 Prozent der Hersteller rechnen mit fallenden Umsätzen im In- und Ausland. Gleichzeitig erwarten drei von fünf Unternehmen weiter fallende Erträge.

„Die Flut von Auflagen macht das Wirtschaften am Standort unrentabel“, sagt Martina Bandte. „Für das Erfassen von Daten, das Verfolgen von Lieferketten und die Einhaltung von unzähligen Berichtspflichten wenden wir bald mehr Zeit auf als für produktive Tätigkeit. Gleichzeitig kostet uns die Aufblähung des Verwaltungsapparats Milliarden.“ Für größte Verunsicherung sorgen derzeit verschiedene EU-Gesetzesinitiativen zur Kreislaufwirtschaft und zum Öko-Design von Produkten. Dabei steht der textile Mittelstand bereits jetzt vor dem Bürokratie-Kollaps. „Helfen kann nur ein sofortiger Stopp weiterer Auflagen und Verordnungen. Alles andere ist Politikversagen. Was wirtschaftlich nicht machbar ist, ist auch nicht nachhaltig. Unternehmer, die weiterhin in unternehmerischer Eigenverantwortung und Freiheit bestehen wollen, werden das mit Nachdruck über ihre Netzwerke kommunizieren.


OETI PPE customers awarded OEKO-TEX® STeP certification

Recently, OETI awarded the OEKO-TEX® STeP certification to two companies in the sector of personal protective equipment (PPE) and workwear: Ötscher - Berufskleidung Götzl GmbH, Austrian producer and wholesaler and longstanding PPE and OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 customer, and ALSICO MOROCCO (Cindico), a Moroccan PPE and work wear producer and part of the global Alsico Group, which has already introduced the certification for production facilities in Belgium and Laos.

OEKO-TEX® STeP stands for Sustainable Textile and Leather Production and is a certification system for production facilities in the textile and leather industry. The STeP system analyses critical areas of businesses using six modules: Chemical Management, Environmental Performance, Environmental Management, Social Responsibility, Quality Management, and Health protection and Safety at work.

For ALSICO MOROCCO (Cindico), OEKO-TEX® STeP offers the benefit of "a unified certification system and standardised audits to monitor social and ecological responsibility processes at global production locations," says Managing Director Mary Meylaers.

Recently, OETI awarded the OEKO-TEX® STeP certification to two companies in the sector of personal protective equipment (PPE) and workwear: Ötscher - Berufskleidung Götzl GmbH, Austrian producer and wholesaler and longstanding PPE and OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 customer, and ALSICO MOROCCO (Cindico), a Moroccan PPE and work wear producer and part of the global Alsico Group, which has already introduced the certification for production facilities in Belgium and Laos.

OEKO-TEX® STeP stands for Sustainable Textile and Leather Production and is a certification system for production facilities in the textile and leather industry. The STeP system analyses critical areas of businesses using six modules: Chemical Management, Environmental Performance, Environmental Management, Social Responsibility, Quality Management, and Health protection and Safety at work.

For ALSICO MOROCCO (Cindico), OEKO-TEX® STeP offers the benefit of "a unified certification system and standardised audits to monitor social and ecological responsibility processes at global production locations," says Managing Director Mary Meylaers.

For the Austrian company Ötscher – Berufskleidung (workwear), Managing Director Thiemo Götzl emphasises the strengths of the certification in transparent communication with customers and stakeholders and a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the supply chain. "The certification also supports compliance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act requirements through transparency and risk mitigation," says Thiemo Götzl.


OETI - Institut für Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe und Kölner Showroom eröffnet (c) Reinhard Rosendahl

Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe und Kölner Showroom eröffnet

Die Transformation hin zu einer digitalen und klimaneutralen Industrie ist auch für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in vollem Gange und wird deren betrieblichen Alltag nachhaltig beeinflussen. Wie diese Veränderungen konkret aussehen und welche potentiellen Auswirkungen sie haben werden, diskutierten rund 70 Gäste aus Politik, Mittelstand und Start-ups anlässlich der Eröffnung vom Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe.

Dr. Franziska Brantner, Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, betonte in ihrem Grußwort, dass zirkuläre Wertschöpfungsketten in Zukunft wichtiger denn je sein werden. „Mit dem Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe und seinem heute in Köln eröffneten Showroom erhalten KMU eine wichtige Unterstützung bei der nachhaltigen digitalen Transformation. Mit Blick auf die Erreichung der Klimaziele ist eine Erhöhung der Ressourceneffizienz unabdingbar. Hierzu bietet das Zentrum mit seiner Ausrichtung auf zirkulare Wertschöpfungsketten zukunftsweisende Angebote für KMU, Start-ups und Handwerk.“

Die Transformation hin zu einer digitalen und klimaneutralen Industrie ist auch für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in vollem Gange und wird deren betrieblichen Alltag nachhaltig beeinflussen. Wie diese Veränderungen konkret aussehen und welche potentiellen Auswirkungen sie haben werden, diskutierten rund 70 Gäste aus Politik, Mittelstand und Start-ups anlässlich der Eröffnung vom Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe.

Dr. Franziska Brantner, Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, betonte in ihrem Grußwort, dass zirkuläre Wertschöpfungsketten in Zukunft wichtiger denn je sein werden. „Mit dem Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe und seinem heute in Köln eröffneten Showroom erhalten KMU eine wichtige Unterstützung bei der nachhaltigen digitalen Transformation. Mit Blick auf die Erreichung der Klimaziele ist eine Erhöhung der Ressourceneffizienz unabdingbar. Hierzu bietet das Zentrum mit seiner Ausrichtung auf zirkulare Wertschöpfungsketten zukunftsweisende Angebote für KMU, Start-ups und Handwerk.“

Für Anja Merker, Geschäftsführerin des Zentrums, ist klar: „Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz sind die großen Querschnittsthemen unserer Zeit. Unsere Expertinnen und Experten unterstützen kleine und mittlere Unternehmen konkret und kostenfrei, um Digitalisierungspotentiale im Unternehmen zu erfassen und Projekte erfolgreich umzusetzen. Von Informationsveranstaltungen über Labtouren bis hin zu Qualifizierungsworkshops: Wir ermöglichen smarte Kreisläufe für einen smarten Mittelstand."

Transferpartner des Zentrums ist DER MITTELSTANDSVERBUND, dessen Mitglieder ca. 230.000 mittelständische Unternehmen sind, die in rund 310 Verbundgruppen aus rund 45 Branchen organisiert sind. Tim Geier, Geschäftsführer DER MITTELSTANDSVERBUND: “Die Anforderungen an Unternehmen und ihre Mitarbeitenden haben sich aufgrund der verstärkten Digitalisierung vieler Arbeitsprozesse erheblich verändert. Neue Herausforderungen bedürfen neuer Unterstützungsangebote, um Verbundgruppen und ihre Anschlusshäuser bei den aktuellen Themen Künstliche Intelligenz, Big Data, Kreislaufwirtschaft oder New Work zu begleiten.” Nach der neuesten Verbandsumfrage sehen die Mitglieder den Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz mehrheitlich positiv. „Jetzt kommt es darauf an, die Unternehmen beim Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz zu unterstützen und Innovationsideen zu konkreten Anwendungen werden zu lassen.“

Mit welchen Lösungsansätzen neues Arbeiten in der digitalen Welt möglich ist, zeigte Andrea Schmitz von der Berliner Transformationsberatungsagentur St. Oberholz in ihrer Keynote „New Work im Wandel“ auf und betonte, dass neue Formen von Zusammenarbeit vor allem wirksam sein müssten. „New Work ist nichts wert, wenn der Mensch und das Unternehmen in diesem „Neu" nicht wirksam arbeiten können.“

Mit dem neu eröffneten Showroom am Kölner Standort vom MITTELSTANDSVERBUND werden die Angebote des Zentrums und dessen weitere Partner Gesamtverband textil+mode, Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA) und Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut (STFI) für Gäste erlebbar gemacht. Mittelständische Unternehmen erhalten so praxisbezogene Einblicke, welche zukunftsrelevante Technologien sie dabei unterstützen können, sich zukunftssicher aufzustellen.

Das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe gehört zu Mittelstand-Digital. Mit dem Mittelstand-Digital Netzwerk unterstützt das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz die Digitalisierung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen und dem Handwerk.


Gesamtverband textil+mode


Eröffnung von Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe & Showroom

Am Montag, 18. September 2023 findet von 12 - 16 Uhr die Eröffnung des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrums Smarte Kreisläufe und des Showrooms in Köln statt.

Eine zunehmende Digitalisierung vieler Arbeitsprozesse hat die Anforderungen an Unternehmen stark verändert. Gerade für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen wirft die digitale Transformation viele Fragen auf. Nicht zuletzt die Frage nach neuen Modellen der Arbeit, Technologien und der Kooperation, mit denen die Herausforderungen der Zukunft bewältigt werden können.

Welchen Beitrag das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe leisten und Mittelständler auf dem Weg zum Unternehmen der Zukunft unterstützen kann, wird anlässlich der offiziellen Eröffnung des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrums Smarte Kreisläufe und des Showrooms des Transferpartners DER MITTELSTANDSVERBUND – ZGV im FRÜH am Dom in Köln vorgestellt.

Am Montag, 18. September 2023 findet von 12 - 16 Uhr die Eröffnung des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrums Smarte Kreisläufe und des Showrooms in Köln statt.

Eine zunehmende Digitalisierung vieler Arbeitsprozesse hat die Anforderungen an Unternehmen stark verändert. Gerade für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen wirft die digitale Transformation viele Fragen auf. Nicht zuletzt die Frage nach neuen Modellen der Arbeit, Technologien und der Kooperation, mit denen die Herausforderungen der Zukunft bewältigt werden können.

Welchen Beitrag das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe leisten und Mittelständler auf dem Weg zum Unternehmen der Zukunft unterstützen kann, wird anlässlich der offiziellen Eröffnung des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrums Smarte Kreisläufe und des Showrooms des Transferpartners DER MITTELSTANDSVERBUND – ZGV im FRÜH am Dom in Köln vorgestellt.

Keynote-Vortragende ist Andrea Schmitz, die als Managing Partner der Berliner Transformationsberatung St. Oberholz, systemisch ausgebildete Organisations- und Teamentwicklerin, (Agile) Coach und SCRUM-Master eine Expertise für die Themen der ganzheitlichen Transformationsbegleitung und Teamentwicklungen besitzt. In ihrem Vortrag mit dem Titel „Neues Arbeiten für die digitale Welt: Die Bedeutung von New Work im Wandel“ spricht sie über Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze, wie mittelständische Unternehmen in Zeiten ständiger Transformation wirksam agieren können. Sie erklärt, welche Fähigkeiten, Kompetenzen und Einstellungen sowohl Führungskräfte als auch Mitarbeitende benötigen, um in der digitalen Ära nachhaltig erfolgreich zu sein und zukunftsfähig zu bleiben.

Eine anschließende Podiumsdiskussion greift das Thema auf und beleuchtet mit Gästen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft diskutieren, vor welchen Herausforderungen Unternehmen aktuell stehen, wie sie sich den neuen Aufgaben stellen und welchen Beitrag das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe leisten kann.


Gesamtverband der deutschen Textil- und Modeindustrie e. V.


adidas: reports 2nd Q revenues flat versus the prior year

  • Currency-neutral revenues flat versus the prior-year level
  • Top-line development reflects improved sell-out trends and conservative sell-in strategy
  • Gross margin up 0.6pp to 50.9%; strong improvement compared to Q1 reflecting better sell-through and less discounting
  • Operating profit of € 176 million includes extraordinary expenses of around € 160 million related to one-off costs, donations and accruals for future donations
  • Inventory position improves substantially versus Q1 level to € 5.5 billion; now up only 1% year-over-year

In the second quarter of 2023, currency-neutral revenues were flat versus the prior-year level. The top-line development continued to be impacted by the company’s conservative sell-in approach in order to reduce high inventory levels, particularly in North America and Greater China. At the same time, adidas second quarter revenues benefited from the first sale of some of its Yeezy inventory. The initial product drop in June generated revenues of around € 400 million in Q2, which is largely in line with the Yeezy sales generated in the prior year’s quarter.

  • Currency-neutral revenues flat versus the prior-year level
  • Top-line development reflects improved sell-out trends and conservative sell-in strategy
  • Gross margin up 0.6pp to 50.9%; strong improvement compared to Q1 reflecting better sell-through and less discounting
  • Operating profit of € 176 million includes extraordinary expenses of around € 160 million related to one-off costs, donations and accruals for future donations
  • Inventory position improves substantially versus Q1 level to € 5.5 billion; now up only 1% year-over-year

In the second quarter of 2023, currency-neutral revenues were flat versus the prior-year level. The top-line development continued to be impacted by the company’s conservative sell-in approach in order to reduce high inventory levels, particularly in North America and Greater China. At the same time, adidas second quarter revenues benefited from the first sale of some of its Yeezy inventory. The initial product drop in June generated revenues of around € 400 million in Q2, which is largely in line with the Yeezy sales generated in the prior year’s quarter.

Footwear revenues grew 1% during the quarter, reflecting strong growth in football, basketball, tennis and US sports. Apparel sales declined 3% in the second quarter. As the apparel market continues to be particularly overstocked, the company continued its conservative sell-in strategy to improve sell-through and margins in the medium term. Accessories grew 8% during the quarter driven by growth in football.  

Lifestyle revenues were down during the quarter despite extraordinary demand for the company’s Samba, Gazelle and Campus franchises. While adidas slowly started to scale its offering for these product families during the second quarter, the total volume still only represents a small portion of the company’s overall business. Sales in the adidas Performance categories continued to show positive momentum. This reflects strong demand for new product introductions such as the latest iterations of its Predator, X and Copa football boots, as well as jerseys for both the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 and the company’s unique portfolio of football teams ahead of the start of the European club season. In addition, the Adizero product family in running continued to gain a lot of attention around marathon races across the world, translating into higher demand. At the same time, the brand’s Barricade tennis franchise grew strongly, leveraging the excitement around major tournaments.

In euro terms, the company’s revenues declined 5% to € 5.343 billion in the second quarter (2022: € 5.596 billion).

Stronger sell-out trends and conservative sell-in
As a result of the company’s initiatives to reduce high inventory levels, currency-neutral sales in wholesale declined 10% despite double-digit growth in Greater China and Latin America. At the same time, direct-to-consumer (DTC) revenues grew 16% versus the prior year. This development was driven by strong growth in both the company’s e-commerce business (+14%) as well as own retail stores (+19%), reflecting continued strong sell-out trends across most regions. The outperformance of the company’s DTC channel versus the wholesale business was also related to the first sale of the Yeezy inventory, which was done exclusively through adidas’ own e-commerce channel.

Double-digit growth in Greater China and Latin America
Currency-neutral sales in North America declined 16% during the quarter. The region is particularly affected by elevated inventory levels in the market and – in response to this – the company’s significantly reduced sell-in. Revenues in Greater China grew 16% in Q2, reflecting double-digit sell-out growth in both wholesale and own retail. Sales in EMEA were down slightly (-1%) despite double-digit DTC growth. While the company’s initiatives to reduce inventory levels and discounting weighed on the overall top-line development in the region, adidas recorded significantly improving full-price trends during the quarter. Revenues in Asia-Pacific increased 7% during the quarter, driven by strong double-digit growth in DTC. Latin America continued to increase at a double-digit rate (+30%), reflecting strong growth in both wholesale and DTC.

Gross margin improves to 50.9%
The company’s second quarter gross margin increased 0.6 percentage points to 50.9% (2022: 50.3%). This improvement was mainly driven by price increases the company has implemented as well as by an improved channel mix. At the same time, higher supply chain costs and unfavorable currency movements continued to strongly weigh on the gross margin development. While still adversely impacting the company’s gross margin in the quarter, discounting levels significantly improved compared to the first quarter of the year.  

Operating profit of € 176 million, resulting in an operating margin of 3.3%
Other operating expenses were up 3% to € 2.582 billion (2022: € 2.501 billion). As a percentage of sales, other operating expenses increased 3.6 percentage points to 48.3% (2022: 44.7%). Marketing and point-of-sale expenses decreased 7% to € 617 million (2022: € 663 million). As a percentage of sales, marketing and point-of-sale expenses slightly decreased by 0.3 percentage points to 11.5% (2022: 11.8%). Operating overhead expenses were up 7% to € 1.965 billion (2022: € 1.838 billion), reflecting higher logistics expenses. In addition, the company recorded one-off costs of around € 50 million related to the strategic review the company is currently conducting as well as donations and accruals for further donations in an amount of around € 110 million. As a percentage of sales, operating overhead expenses increased 3.9 percentage points to 36.8% (2022: 32.8%). The company’s operating profit amounted to € 176 million (2022: € 392 million) in the quarter. This amount includes the extraordinary expenses of in total around € 160 million reflecting the one-off costs related to the strategic review as well as the donations and accruals for further donations. The sale of the Yeezy product positively impacted adidas’ operating profit by an incremental amount of around € 150 million in Q2. The operating margin reached 3.3% in the quarter (2022: 7.0%).

Net income from continuing operations of € 96 million
After taxes, the company’s net income from continuing operations amounted to € 96 million (2022: € 360 million), while basic EPS from continuing operations decreased to € 0.48 (2022: € 1.88).


adidas expects revenues to decline at a mid-single-digit rate
On July 24, adidas had adjusted its full year financial guidance to reflect the positive impact of the first sale of some of its Yeezy inventory and a slightly better-than-expected development of the adidas business in the first half of the year. At the same time, macroeconomic challenges and geopolitical tensions persist. Elevated recession risks in North America and Europe as well as uncertainty around the recovery in Greater China continue to exist. In addition, the company’s revenue development will continue to be impacted by the initiatives to significantly reduce high inventory levels. As a result, adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to decline at a mid-single-digit rate in 2023 (previously: decline at a high-single-digit rate).

Underlying operating profit anticipated to be around the break-even level
The company’s underlying operating profit – excluding any one-offs related to Yeezy and the ongoing strategic review – is still anticipated to be around the break-even level. Including the positive impact from the first Yeezy drop of around € 150 million, the potential write-off of the remaining Yeezy inventory of now € 400 million (previously: € 500 million) and one-off costs related to the strategic review of up to € 200 million (unchanged), the company now expects to report an operating loss of € 450 million in 2023 (previously: loss of € 700 million).

On August 2, the company launched a second drop of Yeezy inventory. Throughout the month of August, adidas is making a range of existing products available through both its own e-commerce channel as well as the digital platforms of selected wholesale partners. If successful, this second drop would further improve the company’s results. However, as the results of this drop are yet unknown, it is not accounted for in the company’s current top- and bottom-line outlook for 2023.

More information:
adidas business report


Iluna Group AW 24/25 collection inspired by three FOREVER ICONS (c) Iluna Group

Iluna Group AW 24/25 collection inspired by three FOREVER ICONS

Three strong women, each different from the other, but who have managed to leave their mark on the history and evolution of the female role, and despite living in different eras, have left an indelible mark on society: Madame De Pompadour, nicknamed Reinette, the favourite of King Louis XV, Luisa Amman, called Corè by the great poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, and the iconic Vivienne Westwood, Miss Viv.
The three women are the FOREVER ICONS chosen and celebrated Iluna, where each woman becomes the protagonist of a “traveling exhibition” that will accompany Iluna between events and fairs.

The nickname "Reinette" belonged to Madame De Pompadour, the favourite of King Louis XV. She had a significant influence in politics, arts, and fashion, shaping the style of the first half of the 18th century. Beauty and grace are represented in a floral theme, featuring small romantic details that become opulent with the use of lurex and golden cords. The color palette is soft, muted, and powderyry.

Three strong women, each different from the other, but who have managed to leave their mark on the history and evolution of the female role, and despite living in different eras, have left an indelible mark on society: Madame De Pompadour, nicknamed Reinette, the favourite of King Louis XV, Luisa Amman, called Corè by the great poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, and the iconic Vivienne Westwood, Miss Viv.
The three women are the FOREVER ICONS chosen and celebrated Iluna, where each woman becomes the protagonist of a “traveling exhibition” that will accompany Iluna between events and fairs.

The nickname "Reinette" belonged to Madame De Pompadour, the favourite of King Louis XV. She had a significant influence in politics, arts, and fashion, shaping the style of the first half of the 18th century. Beauty and grace are represented in a floral theme, featuring small romantic details that become opulent with the use of lurex and golden cords. The color palette is soft, muted, and powderyry.

Luisa Amman, born in the late 19th century into a wealthy bourgeois family, married at a young age and became Marchesa Casati. "Corè" is the endearing nickname given to her by her lover Gabriele D'Annunzio, inspired by Kore, the Queen of the Underworld. She was a patron of the arts, an eccentric and transgressive collector. This theme celebrates opulence, from peacock feathers to Liberty-style designs in deep colours and warm metallic glimmers. An innovative proposal for the theme is the pleating technique, achieved directly in the weaving process of the Ultralight jacquardtronic laces.

Miss Viv
Vivienne Westwood, an extraordinary protagonist with an intense and irreverent life. Her insights have forever marked fashion and transformed the general standards of dressing. Rock and rebellious, she drew inspiration from street trends, anticipating avant-garde movements. In the 1990s, she brought back Tartan, mixing it with sensual roses in a maximalism that went against the prevailing trends, featuring vibrant colours. At the beginning of the third millennium, she grasped the importance of preserving the planet and left us with a motto that is more urgent and relevant than ever: "Buy Less, Choose Well, Make it Last." Within this theme, there is a new GRS-certified print that saves water, applied to ultra-fine Lurex nets, which are also certified.


Iluna Group

(c) Dibella GmbH
Marvin Groß-Hardt

Dibella strengthens its sales team with Marvin Groß-Hardt

The Dibella sales team is growing. Since May 1st 2023, Marvin Groß-Hardt has been supporting the company's national and international customers.

Dibella welcomes Marvin Groß-Hardt, an experienced sales employee, to the team. The trained wholesale and foreign trade merchant and graduate in business administration brings many years of experience in supporting and advising customers. He is also familiar with the special features of contract textiles due to a previous position in product and sales management for hotel beds and bedding.

At Dibella, the 30-year-old from Bocholt is responsible for looking after existing customers and building up new customer relationships at home and abroad, and will establish new contacts.

The Dibella sales team is growing. Since May 1st 2023, Marvin Groß-Hardt has been supporting the company's national and international customers.

Dibella welcomes Marvin Groß-Hardt, an experienced sales employee, to the team. The trained wholesale and foreign trade merchant and graduate in business administration brings many years of experience in supporting and advising customers. He is also familiar with the special features of contract textiles due to a previous position in product and sales management for hotel beds and bedding.

At Dibella, the 30-year-old from Bocholt is responsible for looking after existing customers and building up new customer relationships at home and abroad, and will establish new contacts.

More information:
Dibella hotels Contract textiles

Dibella GmbH


STFI: Bionanopolis Open Call to support companies

The international association that will manage the Single-Entry-Point (SEP) of the BIONANOPOLYS project has been formally constituted and will be able to support companies across the European Union in the market introduction of bionanomaterials through technical, legal, regulatory, safety, economic and financial support services.

The SEP was established as an AISBL (non-profit entity) on 17 February 2023 in the framework of the European project BIONANOPOLYS, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme. The technical director of ITENE and coordinator of this project, Carmen Sánchez, is the president of this association in which representatives of other project partners also act as directors. Specifically, the CTP (Centre Technique du Papier) from France; CIDAUT (Fundación para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Transporte y Energía), from Spain; CENTI (Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials), from Portugal, and the law firm Gil & Robles - San Bartolome & Associés, from Luxembourg.

The international association that will manage the Single-Entry-Point (SEP) of the BIONANOPOLYS project has been formally constituted and will be able to support companies across the European Union in the market introduction of bionanomaterials through technical, legal, regulatory, safety, economic and financial support services.

The SEP was established as an AISBL (non-profit entity) on 17 February 2023 in the framework of the European project BIONANOPOLYS, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme. The technical director of ITENE and coordinator of this project, Carmen Sánchez, is the president of this association in which representatives of other project partners also act as directors. Specifically, the CTP (Centre Technique du Papier) from France; CIDAUT (Fundación para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Transporte y Energía), from Spain; CENTI (Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials), from Portugal, and the law firm Gil & Robles - San Bartolome & Associés, from Luxembourg.

The BIONANOPOLYS SEP will reduce the risks and barriers to the commercial exploitation of bio-based materials and polymeric bionanocomposites with nanotechnology and accelerate market penetration and innovation processes. SMEs, large companies, and potential customers who are users of the BIONANOPOLYS OITB (Open Innovation Test Bed) will be able to access the services offered by the project partners through this entity, which will act as a one-stop shop, at affordable costs and conditions.

The test bed consists of 14 enhanced pilot plants and complementary services to support technological and commercial breakthroughs. Collaboration between all the partners that make up BIONANOPOLYS and access through the SEP allows joint access to all the services offered by the partners and helps to drive collaborative open innovation.

Call for access to the BIONANOPOLYS OITB
The SEP and the project partners will be in charge of evaluating the projects submitted to the BIONANOPOLYS platform once the open call launched last February to select five projects from different European countries that will be able to access its services free of charge to develop, test or scale-up bionanomaterials in the BIONANOPOLYS OITB closes.

Companies wishing to access the services to develop or test nanomaterials can submit their applications until 30 April.

The BIONANOPOLYS test bed could benefit companies involved in the production of biopolymers, cellulose paper, nonwovens, foams, or coatings, as well as the packaging, agriculture, food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, hygiene, textiles and 3D printing sectors.


Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

(c) Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. acquires Australian B2B flooring wholesaler Signature Floors

B.I.G. has signed an agreement with Australian B2B flooring wholesaler to acquire its complete range of activities. Through this acquisition, both companies will strengthen their growth opportunities in both soft, resilient and hard flooring in Australia and New Zealand.

CEO Pol Deturck comments: “This acquisition will provide great opportunities for all our stakeholders, especially our customers, suppliers and employees. Both B.I.G. and Signature have solid positions as leaders in the flooring industry and a shared commitment to sustainability, product innovation, design and customer service.”

Signature Floors is an Australian B2B flooring wholesaler serving retailers, commercial contractors, architect-designers and end-users in Australia and New Zealand. Founded in 1989, the company has 120 employees and is owned by 2 family shareholders which are both active in the company. Signature has offices, warehouses and showrooms in Melbourne and Auckland spread over 3 locations.

B.I.G. has signed an agreement with Australian B2B flooring wholesaler to acquire its complete range of activities. Through this acquisition, both companies will strengthen their growth opportunities in both soft, resilient and hard flooring in Australia and New Zealand.

CEO Pol Deturck comments: “This acquisition will provide great opportunities for all our stakeholders, especially our customers, suppliers and employees. Both B.I.G. and Signature have solid positions as leaders in the flooring industry and a shared commitment to sustainability, product innovation, design and customer service.”

Signature Floors is an Australian B2B flooring wholesaler serving retailers, commercial contractors, architect-designers and end-users in Australia and New Zealand. Founded in 1989, the company has 120 employees and is owned by 2 family shareholders which are both active in the company. Signature has offices, warehouses and showrooms in Melbourne and Auckland spread over 3 locations.

Together, B.I.G. and Signature will integrate their sales and business activities over the coming months, ensuring business continuity for customers, partners, suppliers and employees.

Both companies expect to close the transaction at the end of April 2023.


Beaulieu International Group

Anja Merker Bild phototek
Anja Merker

Neues Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe zum 01. März gestartet

  • Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt planmäßig beendet
  • Neues Mittelstand-Zentrum soll Unternehmen mit konkreten Ideen bei Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit unterstützen

Das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe gehört zu Mittelstand-Digital. Mit dem Mittelstand-Digital Netzwerk unterstützt das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz die Digitalisierung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen und dem Handwerk.

Das Netzwerk bietet mit den Mittelstand-Digital Zentren, der Initiative IT-Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft und Digital Jetzt umfassende Unterstützung bei der Digitalisierung. Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen profitieren von konkreten Praxisbeispielen und passgenauen, anbieterneutralen Angeboten zur Qualifikation und IT-Sicherheit. Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz ermöglicht die kostenfreie Nutzung und stellt finanzielle Zuschüsse bereit. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

  • Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt planmäßig beendet
  • Neues Mittelstand-Zentrum soll Unternehmen mit konkreten Ideen bei Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit unterstützen

Das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe gehört zu Mittelstand-Digital. Mit dem Mittelstand-Digital Netzwerk unterstützt das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz die Digitalisierung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen und dem Handwerk.

Das Netzwerk bietet mit den Mittelstand-Digital Zentren, der Initiative IT-Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft und Digital Jetzt umfassende Unterstützung bei der Digitalisierung. Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen profitieren von konkreten Praxisbeispielen und passgenauen, anbieterneutralen Angeboten zur Qualifikation und IT-Sicherheit. Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz ermöglicht die kostenfreie Nutzung und stellt finanzielle Zuschüsse bereit. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Unter der Federführung des Gesamtverbandes textil+mode werden gemeinsam mit den Partnern Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA), Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut (STFI) und DER MITTELSTANDSVERBUND – ZGV kleine und mittlere Unternehmen bei der Einführung zukunftsrelevanter digitaler Technologien begleitet. Themen sind u.a. hohe Energie- und Rohstoffkosten, neue gesetzliche Regelungen in den Bereichen Lieferketten und Kreislaufwirtschaft, Arbeiten auf digitalen Plattformen und eine bedarfsgerechte Qualifikation der Belegschaft

Geschäftsführerin Anja Merker sieht das Thema Digitalisierung in den Unternehmen angekommen. „Künstliche Intelligenz, Robotik oder Blockchain sind keine Fremdwörter mehr. Eingeschränkte Ressourcen und fehlendes Personal, das in diesem Bereich entsprechend ausgebildet ist, verzögern aber gerade in kleinen und mittleren Betrieben die konkrete Anwendung. Hier wollen wir Unternehmen in Zukunft unterstützen, betriebsinterne Abläufe effizienter zu gestalten und die Unternehmen fit für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit zu machen.“

Gemeinsam mit unseren Konsortialpartnern und den Partnern im Mittelstand-Digital Netzwerk werde man zusammen mit den Unternehmen passende Lösungen für nachhaltige, kreislauffähige Prozesse und neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle entwickeln, damit die aktuellen Herausforderungen gemeistert werden können. Dazu gehörten Machbarkeitsstudien zu potenziellen Lösungssystemen ebenso wie Prototypen für konkrete Anwendungsmöglichkeiten neuer Technologien oder Qualifizierungsangebote für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter.

Geplant ist darüber hinaus ein standortübergreifender Demonstrator, der beispielhaft einen transparenten Nachweis entlang der Lieferkette von der Faser bis zum Endkunden ermöglicht sowie ein Quick-Check-Tool, mit dem Mittelständler dabei unterstützt werden sollen, ihre Risiken in der Lieferkette schnell einzuschätzen und einen ersten Überblick über ihren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu gewinnen.


Gesamtverband der deutschen Textil- und Modeindustrie e. V.


Source Fashion: New international fashion sourcing platform in UK

The international fashion sourcing platform Source Fashion, taking place from 12th – 14th February at Olympia London, has announced a compelling line-up of country pavilions and over 150 audited, quality manufacturers from around the world including Peru, India, China, Pakistan, Italy, Spain, Greece, North Macedonia,  the UAE, Madagascar, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, the UK and many more who will join the inaugural show, which runs parallel to Pure London.

Bringing a textile pavilion to the UK for the first time, the Peru Pavilion will showcase six manufacturers specialising in high-quality alpaca wool from the raw material right through to garment production, as well as cotton and other natural mixtures.

The international fashion sourcing platform Source Fashion, taking place from 12th – 14th February at Olympia London, has announced a compelling line-up of country pavilions and over 150 audited, quality manufacturers from around the world including Peru, India, China, Pakistan, Italy, Spain, Greece, North Macedonia,  the UAE, Madagascar, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, the UK and many more who will join the inaugural show, which runs parallel to Pure London.

Bringing a textile pavilion to the UK for the first time, the Peru Pavilion will showcase six manufacturers specialising in high-quality alpaca wool from the raw material right through to garment production, as well as cotton and other natural mixtures.

The main Indian Pavilion at this year’s Source Fashion, in collaboration with the Wool and Woollens Export Promotion Council, will showcase 20 established garment and textile exporters specialising in wool, woollen and acrylic fibres. The exhibitors will be showing full garments including men’s, women’s and kidswear as well as a selection of fabrics and raw materials. These exhibitors are regular export partners to the UK retail industry and already work with some big retailers in white label production.

The China Pavilion will present a selection of high-quality Chinese manufacturers ranging from full garment manufacturing through to raw materials, fabrics, cashmere and components.

Other producers and manufacturers attending Source Fashion from across Europe and the UK include:

  • Mivania - an Italian knitwear manufacturer producing garments in 100% cashmere and cashmere blends.
  • SATCoL (Salvation Army Trading Company) - a charity-owned textiles collector in the UK, actively working with retailers to reduce their carbon footprints.
  • Kusilas - a Spanish company monitoring all the stages of the production process.
  • Prime Casual - based in Leicester, UK, they specialise in the design and manufacture of ladies clothing from fast fashion, wholesale to bespoke tailoring.
  • Athos Pallas - a fashion and textile agency located in Thessaloniki, Greece.



Source Fashion by Hyve / Good Results PR

Photo: Bogner

BOGNER and the German Ski Association (DSV) Celebrate an Anniversary

BOGNER has been dressing the German national ski team since 1952. The enthusiasm for alpine skiing and the technical innovations in winter sports fashion unite BOGNER, the global pioneer for athluxury sports fashion, and the top athletes of the DSV. The long-standing partnership contributes to outstanding international success and many iconic sports moments that can be celebrated together.

In 2022, both partners celebrate milestone anniversaries: 90 years of BOGNER and 70 years of DSV.
The anniversaries will be marked with new innovations in the BOGNER-DSV collection: tthe innovative Schoeller® - Energear™ material consists of a titanium-mineral matrix that can return far-infrared rays to the body when used in textiles. The recovered energy is said to have a positive effect on the body and can accelerate muscle regeneration.

BOGNER has been dressing the German national ski team since 1952. The enthusiasm for alpine skiing and the technical innovations in winter sports fashion unite BOGNER, the global pioneer for athluxury sports fashion, and the top athletes of the DSV. The long-standing partnership contributes to outstanding international success and many iconic sports moments that can be celebrated together.

In 2022, both partners celebrate milestone anniversaries: 90 years of BOGNER and 70 years of DSV.
The anniversaries will be marked with new innovations in the BOGNER-DSV collection: tthe innovative Schoeller® - Energear™ material consists of a titanium-mineral matrix that can return far-infrared rays to the body when used in textiles. The recovered energy is said to have a positive effect on the body and can accelerate muscle regeneration.

The styles of the BOGNER-DSV anniversary collection are in a color palette of Lemon, Rock, Off-White and Black, and consist of a double down jacket with rain jacket, thermal jacket, softshell jacket, light down vest, overalls, athlete pants, additionally reinforced technician pants as well as racing shorts, the iconic racing suit, and a rain cape. In addition, the collection is complemented by headwear and a team sweater
This year, BOGNER is dressing a total of 200 athletes, coaches and support staff from the alpine skiing sector. As in every collection, the racing suits of the DSV athletes will be tailor-made to guarantee the perfect fit and performance in the respective disciplines such as downhill, super G, giant slalom and slalom.

90 years of BOGNER and 70 years of DSV represent many iconic moments, common goals, teamwork and Olympic Games. The success story continues with the next joint highlight: the SKI World Championships in Meribel/Courchevel.

For winter sports fans and passionate skiers, a selection of outfits based on the DSV collection is available in BOGNER stores, on and from selected wholesale partners.

More information:
Bogner skiing


Texaid / Texcircle

Swiss Textile Recycling Project TEXCIRLCE

After two years of joint collaboration and research the Swiss Textile Recycling Project “Texcircle” comes to an end. Partners and stakeholders have worked on the vision of a textile cluster where materials flow in circular loops. The goal of the project was to develop high-quality yarns and products incorporating such a large amount of recycled textiles as possible. In the end, several product prototypes from carpets, socks, and curtains to pullovers, padding and accessories have been developed with at least 50 % recycled fiber up to 80 % recycled fibers and yarns.

Europe has a waste problem of 7.5 million waste of which only 30-35 % is collected and less than 1 % of the textile and clothing worldwide is recycled into textiles and clothing again. It is as well found that around 80 % of the impact of a textile product lies in the design.

After two years of joint collaboration and research the Swiss Textile Recycling Project “Texcircle” comes to an end. Partners and stakeholders have worked on the vision of a textile cluster where materials flow in circular loops. The goal of the project was to develop high-quality yarns and products incorporating such a large amount of recycled textiles as possible. In the end, several product prototypes from carpets, socks, and curtains to pullovers, padding and accessories have been developed with at least 50 % recycled fiber up to 80 % recycled fibers and yarns.

Europe has a waste problem of 7.5 million waste of which only 30-35 % is collected and less than 1 % of the textile and clothing worldwide is recycled into textiles and clothing again. It is as well found that around 80 % of the impact of a textile product lies in the design.

Together with the design research expertise of the Lucerne University of Applied sciences and arts, the spinning expertise of Rieter and the sorting and collection expertise of Texaid, systems should be created where products of high quality can be produced of recycled fiber. On board were the expertise of further Cluster partners of Brands, Retailers, and the public sector to see how a joint Cluster and system coukld be established.

The Project Texcircle and cluster is led by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Art  & Design, and in collaboration with Coop, Rieter, Jacob Rohner AG, Ruckstuhl AG, TEXAID as well as ag. Furthermore, Bundesamt für Zivildienst ZIVI, NIKIN AG, and Tiger Liz Textiles are supporting the project. The project is funded by Innosuisse.

Furthermore, collaboration partners from all over Europe contributed to the project to enable these prototypes and systems.

Through joint developments from the design, the collecting, sorting trials, tearing, and spinning trials until the actual production trials and product testing. The partners were able to recycle 2.5 Tons of pre-and post-consumer textile waste into product prototypes with a promising commercial interest. From socks, west, and pullovers to non-woven felts and accessories to carpets and curtains. Through our 2 years of collaboration, the teamcame across several hurdles in the textile recycling value chain which could be tackled. This was a proof of concept that a circular system is possible and the industry now has to enable this at full scale.


Texaid / Texcircle

Photo: Monforts
The new seven chamber Montex TwinAir stenter range with Montex®Coat coating at the plant.

Dolinschek: Compression stockings in a variety of colours

The identification of profitable new niche markets has been central to the success and continuous expansion of Germany’s Dolinschek, a leading knitting, dyeing and finishing specialist, located in Burladingen in Baden-Württemberg.

“There is so much more to textiles than just clothing,” says Theo Dolinschek, who runs the company with his brother Erwin. “We handle many different technical materials such as automotive components, geotextiles and wallcoverings, but also those for more unusual applications such as inlays for extractor hoods, cut protection fabrics and even wool felts which are employed as insulation on wind turbines.

“We have also recently started to produce compression stockings in a variety of colours, because not everyone wants them black, beige or skin coloured. The most important product areas for us now are in sportswear, corsetry and lingerie, as well as orthopedic and medical products, workwear and protective clothing, but in addition, many other technical applications.”

The identification of profitable new niche markets has been central to the success and continuous expansion of Germany’s Dolinschek, a leading knitting, dyeing and finishing specialist, located in Burladingen in Baden-Württemberg.

“There is so much more to textiles than just clothing,” says Theo Dolinschek, who runs the company with his brother Erwin. “We handle many different technical materials such as automotive components, geotextiles and wallcoverings, but also those for more unusual applications such as inlays for extractor hoods, cut protection fabrics and even wool felts which are employed as insulation on wind turbines.

“We have also recently started to produce compression stockings in a variety of colours, because not everyone wants them black, beige or skin coloured. The most important product areas for us now are in sportswear, corsetry and lingerie, as well as orthopedic and medical products, workwear and protective clothing, but in addition, many other technical applications.”

The Dolinschek brothers moved their business to the historic site of the former Ambrosius Heim textile company in Burladingen in 2001 in order to expand. At the time, the company – founded by their father in 1980 as a textile wholesaler before moving into dyeing – employed just 13 people. Within a year, the company had bought additional space at the site.

Now, with Theo in charge of technology and sales, and Erwin responsible for production, the company employs almost 100 people and operates on an integrated site of 35,000 square metres.

In 2005, a laminating department was established by the company and since 2012 investment in knitting machines has been ongoing.

“The further we went into vertical integration, the more of our own products we were able to position on the market and so we were also able to make ourselves more independent,” says Theo. “We have continued to develop and today we can produce high-quality fabrics for many fields, with 42 knitting machines, 36 dyeing machines, three stenter frames and many other production and processing machines.”

Dolinschek has also developed its own proprietary TMG dyeing machines which have subsequently been successfully sold to many other companies all over the world. There are currently 11 of these machines  in operation at the Burladingen site and around 45 installed at other companies.

For finishing technology, however, the company relies on Monforts, and has installed a new seven chamber Montex TwinAir stenter range with a Montex®Coat coating unit in knife execution, enabling the coating of dimensionally stable knitted fabrics with polyurethane or acrylate. Another unique feature is the Teflon-coated (non-stick) transportation belt through the system.

The Montex line is also equipped with integrated heat recovery and exhaust gas purification to ensure the most resource-efficient processing available on the market. The exhaust air goes from the Monforts heat recovery system into an existing air/water heat recovery system and then into an electrostatic precipitator.

Highly-intuitive Monforts Qualitex visualisation software allows all machine functions and process parameters to be assessed and controlled easily.


More information:
Dolinschek Monforts

AWOL Media

Photo: Haelixa AG

Haelixa: Egyptian cotton products traceable thanks to DNA marker

Within the scope of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) initiative “The Sustainability Pledge”, to improve transparency and traceability for sustainable garment and footwear supply chains, the Swiss company Haelixa traces Egyptian cotton from the source up to premium shirts.

The UNECE and United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) has been developing over the period 2019-2022 policy recommendations, implementation guidelines, a call to action, and a traceability toolbox including blockchain and DNA tracing solutions, which has been implemented in few different textile supply chains. Haelixa is part of the group of experts that develops such policy recommendations and conducts projects with key industry players to set traceability benchmarks and later develop them into standards.

Within the scope of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) initiative “The Sustainability Pledge”, to improve transparency and traceability for sustainable garment and footwear supply chains, the Swiss company Haelixa traces Egyptian cotton from the source up to premium shirts.

The UNECE and United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) has been developing over the period 2019-2022 policy recommendations, implementation guidelines, a call to action, and a traceability toolbox including blockchain and DNA tracing solutions, which has been implemented in few different textile supply chains. Haelixa is part of the group of experts that develops such policy recommendations and conducts projects with key industry players to set traceability benchmarks and later develop them into standards.

Fashion brands are often responsible for complex global value chains and traceability is the needed tool to enable trust, transparency and credible sustainability. The magnitude of the supply chain traceability challenge can be overwhelming for brands, but the UNECE initiative framework facilitates the alignment with suppliers, provides the necessary guidance and the needed tools, with Haelixa as physical traceability provider.

To make the premium shirts traceable, Haelixa has developed a DNA marker to label the raw material, premium Egyptian cotton. The DNA marker has been applied as fine spray to GIZA 96 lint cotton in Borg Al Arab, Egypt and used to produce the finest fabric by Swiss manufacturer Weba. Once applied to the fibers, Haelixa’s DNA markers stay safely embedded into the material and withstand the industrial processing, ensuring traceability from the source until the finished garment. Samples of lint cotton, yarn, and fabric at different steps were verified with a test based on PCR, and the correct DNA marker was detected, thereby enabling the identification of the premium product, of its origin and the specific supply chain. The forensic data obtained were recorded on a blockchain system provided by UNECE. The marked fabric was used to make Hugo Boss cotton dress shirts. As one of the leading premium fashion brands and partner to the UNECE project, Hugo Boss is responsible for a complex global value chain and strives for high sustainability standards and is looking at traceability options.

“In cases like this one, where the material is of the highest quality and the product is shipped from one facility to another for premium processing, adding physical traceability is critical to ensure that the origin, quality and processing claims can be backed up" says Gediminas Mikutis, CTO and co-founder at Haelixa.

Maria Teresa Pisani, Economic Affairs Officer and Project Lead at UNECE, emphasized: “Traceability and transparency are crucial elements to protect environmental, social, and human rights along global value chains. At UNECE, we aim to enhance traceability approaches by exploring new and innovative solutions that help identify and address negative impacts in the fashion industry.”


YesAnd & Kornit Digital: Customizable On-Demand Printing Collaboration with Fashinnovation

Sustainable fashion brands YesAnd & Kornit Digital are teaming up with the global platform fostering innovation in the fashion industry, Fashinnovation. This month, the three like-minded companies will be unveiling a direct-to-garment printing collaboration.
YesAnd & Kornit Digital are (e)co-creating digital, on-demand printed certified organic blank merchandise, with graphic designs by artists, celebrities, influencers, musicians, fashion VIPs, NGO’s and more. Sharing core values of fashion & innovation & non-toxic, zero-waste production, and the fusion of technology to accelerate impact, this launch represents a cutting-edge and sustainable solution that’s accessible, traceable, customizable, and scalable. By joining forces, this collaboration will educate, engage, and activate both consumers and industry alike.

Sustainable fashion brands YesAnd & Kornit Digital are teaming up with the global platform fostering innovation in the fashion industry, Fashinnovation. This month, the three like-minded companies will be unveiling a direct-to-garment printing collaboration.
YesAnd & Kornit Digital are (e)co-creating digital, on-demand printed certified organic blank merchandise, with graphic designs by artists, celebrities, influencers, musicians, fashion VIPs, NGO’s and more. Sharing core values of fashion & innovation & non-toxic, zero-waste production, and the fusion of technology to accelerate impact, this launch represents a cutting-edge and sustainable solution that’s accessible, traceable, customizable, and scalable. By joining forces, this collaboration will educate, engage, and activate both consumers and industry alike.
"We at Fashinnovation have a strong belief that the fashion industry must walk side-by-side with innovation, in order to ensure a sustainable future. We are thrilled for this collaboration with YesAnd and Kornit, as we hope to set an example when it comes to the power of unity. In our minds, it's not about a person's wins, but rather it's about our collective progress," said Jordana & Marcelo Guimaraes, Founders of Fashinnovation.
Debuting the first of their brand collaborations with farm-to-print organic merchandise, this collaboration will together minimize waste, water, chemical use, and energy, while celebrating climate action, manufacturing efficiencies, and sustainable innovation—representing a true and timely fashion statement. The brands will be debuting their select blank styles of digitally-printed designs from the initial capsule collection—including the YesAnd Frida Hoodie, Gloria Hoodie Tee, Dominique Tee, and the Samata Dress, with a graphic option aligning the missions of YesAnd, Fashinnovation and Kornit Digital, “Don’t Wear Clothes, Wear Change.”


Kornit Digital

Photo: Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik

Ulrich Reifenhäuser receives the Georg Menges Award

Ulrich Reifenhäuser, CSO of the Reifenhäuser Group, was awarded the prestigious Georg Menges Prize 2022 at the 31st International Colloquium on Plastics Technology in Aachen from September 7-8, 2022. The prize recognizes individuals or groups who have rendered outstanding services to the transfer of research results into industrial practice. The sponsors of the award are the Plastics and Rubber section of Germany's Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), together with PlasticsEurope Deutschland and the Association of Sponsors of the Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and Craft at RWTH University. The award is traditionally presented every two years during the colloquium organized by the IKV. Ulrich Reifenhäuser is the first businessman to receive the Georg Menges Award.

Ulrich Reifenhäuser, CSO of the Reifenhäuser Group, was awarded the prestigious Georg Menges Prize 2022 at the 31st International Colloquium on Plastics Technology in Aachen from September 7-8, 2022. The prize recognizes individuals or groups who have rendered outstanding services to the transfer of research results into industrial practice. The sponsors of the award are the Plastics and Rubber section of Germany's Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), together with PlasticsEurope Deutschland and the Association of Sponsors of the Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and Craft at RWTH University. The award is traditionally presented every two years during the colloquium organized by the IKV. Ulrich Reifenhäuser is the first businessman to receive the Georg Menges Award.

The award was presented by Professor Dr.-Ing. Christian Hopmann, Director of the IKV and Dr.-Ing. Herbert Müller, Chairman of the Board of the IKV Sponsors' Association. In his laudatory speech, Professor Hopmann highlighted Ulrich Reifenhäuser's great and successful commitment to the industry and his tireless search for optimal solutions that are sustainable in the best sense of the word, and praised him as a personality of integrity and integration. "The Georg Menges Prize is awarded for the consistent implementation of research and innovation in industry. The previously described achievements of our prizewinner would certainly have been enough to receive the award but, for the sponsors of the Prize, what was especially important and the key argument for their decision was Ulrich Reifenhäuser’s honorary dedication to the K tradefair," explained Professor Hopmann.

Ulrich Reifenhäuser has been a member of the Reifenhäuser Group management since 1992 and is responsible for international line sales. Together with his brother Bernd Reifenhäuser, he manages the company in the third generation. Ulrich Reifenhäuser has been a board member of the VDMA Plastics and Rubber Machinery Association for more than 25 years and has been its chairman since 2010. In 2020, he was inducted into the Plastics Hall of Fame, as was the award's namesake, and in 2022 he will be co-chairing the world's leading plastics trade fair in Düsseldorf for the seventh time in a row as "President of K show."


Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik

Foto: IFCO


15,493 visitors from 107 countries attended the second Istanbul Fashion Connection. Over 300 companies showed their collections on more than 15,000 square meters of exhibition space and provided information about their creative collections and their production capacities in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, leather and fur, lingerie and sportswear.

There was busy business activity, the ideal near shore capacities combined with the range of fashion collections experienced great demand. Istanbul Fashion Connection was a meeting point with the opportunity for a face-to-face meeting on a common platform. All trade channels were represented at the fair, from large shopping malls and department store groups to wholesalers, international retail chains, multi-brand boutiques and online platforms.

15,493 visitors from 107 countries attended the second Istanbul Fashion Connection. Over 300 companies showed their collections on more than 15,000 square meters of exhibition space and provided information about their creative collections and their production capacities in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, leather and fur, lingerie and sportswear.

There was busy business activity, the ideal near shore capacities combined with the range of fashion collections experienced great demand. Istanbul Fashion Connection was a meeting point with the opportunity for a face-to-face meeting on a common platform. All trade channels were represented at the fair, from large shopping malls and department store groups to wholesalers, international retail chains, multi-brand boutiques and online platforms.

The global turkish exports in the first half of this year amounted to US$ 12.4 billion, which corresponds to an annual growth of 11.6%. In the EU alone, the total for this period is US$7.7 billion, a growth of 14.7%. Mustafa Gültepe, President of the Turkish Exporters Assembly and IHKIB, announced that ready-to-wear exports are to be increased to $40 billion in the medium term.

The organizers are expecting over 600 companies to attend next IFCO. The exhibitors for the sourcing area will take part in a separate hall. Leading companies have already registered with the association for this. Lingerie and bridal/evening wear will also be shown in their own hall, which seasonally only presents itself once a year in Turkey.
The participation of international fashion companies is encouraged, for which IFCO provides the springboard into the Eastern European market.
