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Lectra auf der Munich Fabric Start (c) Lectra
Lectra auf der Munich Fabric Start

Lectra auf der Munich Fabric Start

Fashion on Demand für weniger Ausschussware und mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Lectra stellt auf der Munich Fabric Start vor, wie Modeunternehmen mit einer transparenten Supply Chain und On-Demand Produktion ihre Wertschöpfungskette effizienter und nachhaltiger gestalten können.

Die Munich Fabric Start vom 04. – 06. Februar leitet die Saison Spring.Summer 21 ein und bietet rund 20.000 erwarteten Fachbesuchern ein breites Spektrum an Stoffen, Designs, Produkt- und Produktionsinnovationen sowie wichtige Einblicke zum neuen Ökologiebewusstsein und damit verbunden Lösungsmöglichkeiten.

Fashion on Demand für weniger Ausschussware und mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Lectra stellt auf der Munich Fabric Start vor, wie Modeunternehmen mit einer transparenten Supply Chain und On-Demand Produktion ihre Wertschöpfungskette effizienter und nachhaltiger gestalten können.

Die Munich Fabric Start vom 04. – 06. Februar leitet die Saison Spring.Summer 21 ein und bietet rund 20.000 erwarteten Fachbesuchern ein breites Spektrum an Stoffen, Designs, Produkt- und Produktionsinnovationen sowie wichtige Einblicke zum neuen Ökologiebewusstsein und damit verbunden Lösungsmöglichkeiten.

„Weltweit werden jedes Jahr rund 150 Milliarden Kleidungstücke produziert, wovon 30 Prozent als reduzierte Ware verkauft werden und wiederum weitere 30 Prozent nie verkauft werden. Damit künftig nicht mehr jedes Jahr 12,8 Millionen Tonnen Mode auf der Müllhalde landen, gilt es mit bedarfsgerechter Fertigung Ausschussware zu vermeiden und nachhaltiger zu produzieren“, so Holger Max-Lang, Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland. Unternehmen müssen daher, die Produktion deutlich näher an die Nachfrage bringen. Zalando oder Amazon arbeiten an Lösungen, die Mode innerhalb von sechs Wochen auf die Straße bringen. Und Made-to-Order bzw. Made-to-Measure werden künftig verstärkt Auftrieb durch Augmented Reality-Technologien, etwa für die Anprobe zu Hause, erhalten.

More information:
Lectra, PLM munich fabric start

Lectra Deutschland GmbH

Gemeinsam nachhaltig handeln: Das World Textile Forum 2019 geht zu Ende (c) World Textile Forum 2019 - Schweizerische Textilfachschule STF

Working together for a sustainable textile business: Looking back at World Textile Forum 2019

The 2019 World Textile Forum closes its doors after two successful and exciting days.

On September 9 and 10 renowned speakers and experts from the textile business gathered in Zurich to discuss opportunities in the changing textile world. Exciting talks and keynotes illustrated new possibilities for a more sustainable and digital textile industry. While one part of the versatile program focussed on “Sustainable Sourcing” with speakers such as Robert van de Kerkhof (Lenzing AG), Heinz Zeller (Hugo Boss), Daniel Gemperle (Calida) and Anna Maria Rugarli (VF), the topic of “Digital Production” became the centre of attention later thanks to experts like Torbjörn Netland (ETH), Maximilian Kürig (Karl Mayer), Maria Neidhold (Spoonflower) and Holger Max-Lang (Lectra). They offered new perspectives on the sustainable future of the textile industry, presenting innovative sustainable production and business models. The subsequent panels furthered the knowledge exchange between both attendees and speakers and led to lively discussions.

The 2019 World Textile Forum closes its doors after two successful and exciting days.

On September 9 and 10 renowned speakers and experts from the textile business gathered in Zurich to discuss opportunities in the changing textile world. Exciting talks and keynotes illustrated new possibilities for a more sustainable and digital textile industry. While one part of the versatile program focussed on “Sustainable Sourcing” with speakers such as Robert van de Kerkhof (Lenzing AG), Heinz Zeller (Hugo Boss), Daniel Gemperle (Calida) and Anna Maria Rugarli (VF), the topic of “Digital Production” became the centre of attention later thanks to experts like Torbjörn Netland (ETH), Maximilian Kürig (Karl Mayer), Maria Neidhold (Spoonflower) and Holger Max-Lang (Lectra). They offered new perspectives on the sustainable future of the textile industry, presenting innovative sustainable production and business models. The subsequent panels furthered the knowledge exchange between both attendees and speakers and led to lively discussions.

Swiss Textile Federation, Swiss Textile & Fashion Institute STF and Gherzi Textil Organisation would like to thank all attendees and look forward to the next World Textile Forum!

(c) Lectra

Lectra wins Texprocess Innovation Award 2019

Lectra has been awarded by a jury of experts the Texprocess Innovation Award 2019 in the New Process category for its latest ground-breaking offer, Fashion On Demand by Lectra.

Fashion On Demand by Lectra automates the entire personalization process, from order reception and product development to the final cutting stages. Resulting from a four-year research-and-development process, the digital solution for on-demand production was developed based on Industry 4.0 principles.

"We are very proud to receive this prestigious award at Texprocess, the biggest international event for all fashion players. Fashion On Demand by Lectra allows companies to produce personalized clothing at the same speed as ready-to-wear and avoid overstocking by producing in precise quantities,” states Holger Max-Lang, President, Northern & Eastern Europe, Middle East, Lectra.

Lectra has been awarded by a jury of experts the Texprocess Innovation Award 2019 in the New Process category for its latest ground-breaking offer, Fashion On Demand by Lectra.

Fashion On Demand by Lectra automates the entire personalization process, from order reception and product development to the final cutting stages. Resulting from a four-year research-and-development process, the digital solution for on-demand production was developed based on Industry 4.0 principles.

"We are very proud to receive this prestigious award at Texprocess, the biggest international event for all fashion players. Fashion On Demand by Lectra allows companies to produce personalized clothing at the same speed as ready-to-wear and avoid overstocking by producing in precise quantities,” states Holger Max-Lang, President, Northern & Eastern Europe, Middle East, Lectra.

Fashion On Demand by Lectra is available in the form of two packages, one dedicated to made to measure, with pattern adjustments, and the other to customization, with product characteristic alterations. This turnkey solution automates on-demand production right from order reception to production development stages and the cutting room. Companies can define their desired product personalization criteria for each item depending on the package, and launch production processes right from the get-go, without interfering with their standard workflows.

"This innovative cloud-based platform solution ensures efficient made-to-measure and customization production processes and facilitates nearshoring for companies that offer individualized products. This technology is up and running and can be used by the fashion industry on a plug-and-play basis," say the jury experts. “Since 2011, the Texprocess Innovation Award has been honoring remarkable achievements and new developments in the Texprocess product range under two categories: new technology and new process. The winners are selected based on criteria such as degree of innovation, choice of materials and environmental sustainability."


The Bangladesh Fashionology Summit and the Bangladesh Denim Expo bring to the table new possibilities for apparel industry

Two successful events made in Bangladesh where fashion and innovation have, once more, come together to champion change and foster sustainability.

Bangladesh has a mission: to fetch its share in the global 130 billion dollars market of smart apparel by 2025. To reach this goal, the country aims to foster modern, innovative, technology-driven apparel manufacturing and to constantly engage in supply chain conversations.

A fitting stage for these conversations was the 2nd Bangladesh Fashionology Summit that took place on day 1 of the Bangladesh Denim Expo – held on 02-03 May 2019 at the International Convention City Bashundhara. This was a platform for thinkers, innovators, experts, educators to share innovative ideas on this edition’s main theme: “Digitalization – the Next Destination”. Sessions were provided to learn more on how innovation, specifically digitalization, fits in the world of the fashion industry.

Two successful events made in Bangladesh where fashion and innovation have, once more, come together to champion change and foster sustainability.

Bangladesh has a mission: to fetch its share in the global 130 billion dollars market of smart apparel by 2025. To reach this goal, the country aims to foster modern, innovative, technology-driven apparel manufacturing and to constantly engage in supply chain conversations.

A fitting stage for these conversations was the 2nd Bangladesh Fashionology Summit that took place on day 1 of the Bangladesh Denim Expo – held on 02-03 May 2019 at the International Convention City Bashundhara. This was a platform for thinkers, innovators, experts, educators to share innovative ideas on this edition’s main theme: “Digitalization – the Next Destination”. Sessions were provided to learn more on how innovation, specifically digitalization, fits in the world of the fashion industry.

Further to an increase in cost of production, the industry is even more compelled to focusing on finding added value for products. Here is where the smart clothing market comes in, an opportunity on which a thriving community of thinkers will commit to lead the “current-generation” garment production into the “next-generation” apparel manufacturing by using latest digital technology.

The Summit has also provided a Tech Innovation Zone (Tech Innovators: Trustrace, Shimmy Technologies, Infinited Fiber, Seachange Technologies, Reverse Resource) in collaboration with Fashion For Good, a platform for innovators to meet with the other components of the eco system, and an Exhibition Zone (Exhibitors: Pivot88, Lectra,, Pacific Associates, Earlycavehuman, Foursource Group GmbH, A2i-Access to Information, GoBlu, Rudholm Group, QuizRR, BRAC, SNV, SR Asia, Swiss Contact) for companies to showcase their latest innovations, paying special attention to information sharing.

Fashion Konferenz Lectra
Fashion Konferenz

Lectras Fashion 4.0-Konferenz zeigt Strategien für die digitale Zukunft

Lectra, weltweit führend in integrierten Lösungen, die speziell ausgerichtet sind auf die Stoff-, Leder-, Textil- und Verbundwerkstoffindustrie, veranstaltete in seinem Technologiezentrum in Bordeaux-Cestas, Frankreich, eine Konferenz zu Industrie 4.0 im Fashion-Bereich. Über 100 Vertreter von Herstellern und Markenunternehmen aus der ganzen Welt diskutierten, wie die vierte industrielle Revolution die Mode- und Bekleidungsbranche verändert, welche Herausforderungen der digitale Markt mit sich bringt und welche Chancen eine digitale Wertschöpfungskette bietet.

Lectra, weltweit führend in integrierten Lösungen, die speziell ausgerichtet sind auf die Stoff-, Leder-, Textil- und Verbundwerkstoffindustrie, veranstaltete in seinem Technologiezentrum in Bordeaux-Cestas, Frankreich, eine Konferenz zu Industrie 4.0 im Fashion-Bereich. Über 100 Vertreter von Herstellern und Markenunternehmen aus der ganzen Welt diskutierten, wie die vierte industrielle Revolution die Mode- und Bekleidungsbranche verändert, welche Herausforderungen der digitale Markt mit sich bringt und welche Chancen eine digitale Wertschöpfungskette bietet.

Das zweitägige Programm umfasste Workshops und Präsentationen: Prof. Céline Abecassis-Moedas und Prof. Valérie Moatti, Dozentinnen der ESCP Europe, stellten innovative Modelle für den Einzelhandel vor; Liz Doupnik, Mitherausgeberin von Women’s Wear Daily, zerstreute Mythen und Irrtümer über die Generation der Millennials; Fred Lemoine, Vice President, Weave Services, veranschaulichte die Vorteile einer digitalisierten Lieferkette. Zu den Teilnehmern gehörten bedeutende Modemarken wie H&M und die in Schanghai ansässige Dayang Group, einer der größten Anzughersteller weltweit.
Lectra-Kunden berichteten von ihren Erfahrungen mit der digitalen Transformation. Manuel Castaldo, zuständig für Business Analysis und Sourcing Operations bei dem führenden italienischen Fast-Fashion Einzelhändler OVS, sprach über die Bedeutung von Kooperationen beim Übergang in das digitale Zeitalter: „Wenn ein Unternehmen sich zur Digitalisierung entschließt, braucht es nicht nur das richtige Tool, sondern auch den richtigen Partner, der bei der Umsetzung der entsprechenden Änderungen in der täglichen Arbeit hilft.“ Castaldo erklärte, wie OVS mit der PLM-Lösung von Lectra den Informationsfluss der Produktion verbessert und damit die Produktqualität gesteigert hat.

More information:
Digitale Zukunft, Lectra
