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Traceability New Front Line for Sustainable Retail

Multiple global regulations set to take effect in the coming years have made traceability an imperative for retailers and brands. These include the Digital Product Passport, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act, to name a few.

While companies are aware of the importance of traceability, research indicates that they are not prepared to comply with upcoming legislation. A recent KPMG survey highlighted that 43% of executives at major enterprises had no visibility or were “largely unclear” about the performance of their Tier 1 suppliers. At the same time, only 28% of companies had clear visibility into Tier 2 suppliers.

TradeBeyond’s recently published Supply Chain Traceability Guide, the latest installment of its Retail Sourcing Report series, highlights the myriad challenges that companies face in implementing effective traceability programs. This report is relevant for all industries, and is especially topical for the apparel and footwear sectors, which are under increasing scrutiny to enhance traceability to ensure sustainability.

Multiple global regulations set to take effect in the coming years have made traceability an imperative for retailers and brands. These include the Digital Product Passport, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act, to name a few.

While companies are aware of the importance of traceability, research indicates that they are not prepared to comply with upcoming legislation. A recent KPMG survey highlighted that 43% of executives at major enterprises had no visibility or were “largely unclear” about the performance of their Tier 1 suppliers. At the same time, only 28% of companies had clear visibility into Tier 2 suppliers.

TradeBeyond’s recently published Supply Chain Traceability Guide, the latest installment of its Retail Sourcing Report series, highlights the myriad challenges that companies face in implementing effective traceability programs. This report is relevant for all industries, and is especially topical for the apparel and footwear sectors, which are under increasing scrutiny to enhance traceability to ensure sustainability.

The report highlights retail’s slow progress in achieving transparency, as evidenced by the Fashion Transparency Index, which found that the average transparency score across 250 of the world’s largest brands and retailers was just 23%. That suggests that progress on transparent disclosure of social and environmental data is still lagging.
The report shows that brands fall short on most key measures of sustainability and traceability, including publishing a responsible code of conduct and providing visibility into their Scope 3 carbon footprint. The United Nations Economics Commission found that only a third of the top one hundred global clothing companies track their own supply chains. One of the obstacles is complexity. More than two-thirds (69%) of fashion companies report that complexity of their global business networks is an obstacle to visibility.

In addition to a lack of visibility, false sustainability claims are also rampant. Greenpeace found that in the apparel and footwear sector, 39% of sustainability claims are false or deceptive. Lack of third-party verification of ESG measures is also rampant.

The highest scoring brands in the 2023 Fashion Transparency Index included luxury brands such as Gucci and retailers such Target Australia, Kmart Australia, OVS, and Benetton. These companies back up their commitment with solid action on multiple measures of traceability.

Along with legislative requirements, consumers are a key driving force pushing companies to improve their traceability initiatives. McKinsey research found that 66% of consumers consider transparency to be a key factor when making a purchase decision and 73% of consumers would pay more for products with transparency into production and sourcing.

The report also highlights key challenges to overcome in the journey to traceability, including effective communication between stakeholders, compliance with new regulations, technology barriers, and data complexity.

On the positive side, the industry is responding with sophisticated technology, including software systems that incorporate artificial intelligence and blockchain-enabled traceability, which provide the required visibility and compliance.

Traceable fiber technology, which allows for traceability from the material origin of a product until its end-life, provides the option of a “fiber-forward” rather than a “product backward” approach to achieving traceability.

Aside from the regulatory and consumer drivers, there is a strong business case for implementing traceability, which includes cost savings, operational efficiency, brand protection and reducing supply chain risk. As such, TradeBeyond expects a rapid evolution in traceability programs across industries, especially in those that lag in best-practices.

While there has been considerable progress in recent years toward accurately tracing the complete origins of products, much more needs to be done. Brands and retailers must intensify their efforts to stay compliant with escalating regulations and align with evolving consumer preferences.




New project “Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock”

Textile waste is a problem in Europe. Out of 7-7.5 million tonnes of textiles discarded every year, 30-35 % are collected separately – and of that quantity, 15-20 % are sorted by medium and larger sorting facilities within the EU. After sorting, 60 % still qualify as wearable clothes, however after a second or third collection-loop, all of the textiles become non-wearable sooner or later. Therefore, fibre-to-fibre recycling is becoming increasingly important to preserve the valuable resources.
The textile recycling value chain is not yet mature, but we are on the verge of a turning point, as different fibre-recycling technologies are deployed on a large scale. If successful, the textile recycling industry could reach a recycling rate of 18 to 26 percent of gross textile waste in 2030. This would create economic, social and environmental value that could total 3.5 to 4.5 billion euros in 2030.

Textile waste is a problem in Europe. Out of 7-7.5 million tonnes of textiles discarded every year, 30-35 % are collected separately – and of that quantity, 15-20 % are sorted by medium and larger sorting facilities within the EU. After sorting, 60 % still qualify as wearable clothes, however after a second or third collection-loop, all of the textiles become non-wearable sooner or later. Therefore, fibre-to-fibre recycling is becoming increasingly important to preserve the valuable resources.
The textile recycling value chain is not yet mature, but we are on the verge of a turning point, as different fibre-recycling technologies are deployed on a large scale. If successful, the textile recycling industry could reach a recycling rate of 18 to 26 percent of gross textile waste in 2030. This would create economic, social and environmental value that could total 3.5 to 4.5 billion euros in 2030.

Today, there is a sorting gap to achieve a circular economy for textiles in Europe. To feed this new circular value chain, a significant sorting-capacity increase is needed with 150 to 250 sorting and recycling facilities nearby, as the McKinsey-study “turning waste into value” assessed.

There is also a technology and capacity gap in sorting for reuse and recycling to ensure that high quality raw materials from non-wearable textile waste can be made available on a large scale. This is why the “Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock” project was initiated by TEXAID, within the ReHubs initiative together with well-known stakeholders of the textile value chain.

The major outcome of this project will be a sorting-factory blueprint fulfilling the requirements to the future needs of fibre-to-fibre recycling, enabling the future of more sustainable textiles by using recycled fibres. TEXAID, who is leading the project, is committed to build and operate scalable sorting facilities across Europe, the first with a capacity of 50,000 tonnes by the end of 2024.

Companies like Concordia, CuRe Technology, Decathlon, Inditex, Indorama Ventures, L’Atelier des Matières, Lenzing, Marchi & Fildi, PurFi, Södra, Worn Again and others are taking part in the project to jointly evaluate technologies and the business case for scaled sorting for reuse and recycling. ITA Academy GmbH (in cooperation with RWTH Aachen) together with CETIA has been commissioned for the assessment of technologies. The outcome will be an innovative sorting system 4.0, building on cross-functional technologies with digitalization and automation are at the heart.


Carbios hosts PET Biorecycling Summit

  • Scientific researchers from 10 countries, including North America, UK, Japan and Germany
  • Bertrand Piccard, Solar Impulse Foundation, as Keynote Speaker
  • Speakers from strategic partnerships: L’Oréal, Salomon, and McKinsey

Carbios hosted the first PET Biorecycling Summit from 7 to 8 December 2022 in Paris. The event attracted over 100 international participants from the scientific, academic, and industrial worlds to exchange on the advances in the field of biological recycling, and how to bring these innovations for a circular economy to market.

  • Scientific researchers from 10 countries, including North America, UK, Japan and Germany
  • Bertrand Piccard, Solar Impulse Foundation, as Keynote Speaker
  • Speakers from strategic partnerships: L’Oréal, Salomon, and McKinsey

Carbios hosted the first PET Biorecycling Summit from 7 to 8 December 2022 in Paris. The event attracted over 100 international participants from the scientific, academic, and industrial worlds to exchange on the advances in the field of biological recycling, and how to bring these innovations for a circular economy to market.

The two-day conference gathered scientists from various academic institutions to share their latest research on PET enzymatic depolymerization.  Bertrand Piccard, Initiator and Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation[1], joined as the Keynote Speaker for the last session focused on PET circularity, and praised Carbios’ contribution to reducing plastic pollution. The Summit concluded with a visit of Carbios’ demonstration plant in Clermont-Ferrand. The demonstration plant was inaugurated in September 2021 and brings Carbios’ technology one step closer to industrialization. Following the demonstration plant’s success, Carbios is on track to build and operate the world’s first industrial-scale enzymatic PET recycling plant (with a processing capacity of 50.000 tons of PET waste per year) in France (Longlaville) by 2025[2], and to start licensing its technology throughout the world.

[1] To address sustainability challenges while enabling economic growth, Bertrand Piccard and the Solar Impulse Foundation have identified 1000+ clean and profitable solutions. More details available on the official website.

[2] Cf. Press release dated 23 February 2022.




McKinsey Studie: Aus 20% des Textilabfalls könnte neue Kleidung werden

  • Weniger als 1% Textilmüll wird derzeit zu neuer Kleidung recycelt
  • 7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilmüll fallen jährlich in Europa an
  • Nur 30-35% des Textilmülls werden getrennt gesammelt
  • Kreislaufwirtschaft für Textilien könnte 2030 15.000 neue Jobs in Europa schaffen und 6-8 Milliarden Euro Marktgröße erreichen
  • 6-7 Milliarden Euro an Anstoß-Investitionen bis 2030 nötig

Mehr als 15 Kilogramm Textilmüll produziert jeder Mensch in Europa im Durchschnitt pro Jahr, 2030 könnten es bereits über 20 Kilogramm pro Kopf sein. Der größte Anteil (85%) des Abfalls wird durch die privaten Haushalte verursacht: aus ihrer Kleidung und Heimtextilien. Weniger als 1% dieses Mülls wird derzeit in der EU-27 und der Schweiz zu neuen Textilprodukten recycelt. Mehr als 65% landen ohne Umwege direkt in der Müllverbrennung oder auf der Mülldeponie.

  • Weniger als 1% Textilmüll wird derzeit zu neuer Kleidung recycelt
  • 7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilmüll fallen jährlich in Europa an
  • Nur 30-35% des Textilmülls werden getrennt gesammelt
  • Kreislaufwirtschaft für Textilien könnte 2030 15.000 neue Jobs in Europa schaffen und 6-8 Milliarden Euro Marktgröße erreichen
  • 6-7 Milliarden Euro an Anstoß-Investitionen bis 2030 nötig

Mehr als 15 Kilogramm Textilmüll produziert jeder Mensch in Europa im Durchschnitt pro Jahr, 2030 könnten es bereits über 20 Kilogramm pro Kopf sein. Der größte Anteil (85%) des Abfalls wird durch die privaten Haushalte verursacht: aus ihrer Kleidung und Heimtextilien. Weniger als 1% dieses Mülls wird derzeit in der EU-27 und der Schweiz zu neuen Textilprodukten recycelt. Mehr als 65% landen ohne Umwege direkt in der Müllverbrennung oder auf der Mülldeponie.

„Dabei könnten, wenn das volle technische Recyclingpotenzial genutzt und mehr Textilien gesammelt würden, bereits im Jahr 2030 zwischen 18 und 26 Prozent des Textilmülls für die Herstellung von neuen Kleidungsstücken wiederverwertet werden“, sagt Karl-Hendrik Magnus, Senior Partner und Leiter der Modeindustrieberatung bei McKinsey in Deutschland. „Ein skaliertes Textilrecycling würde nicht nur vier Millionen Tonnen CO2 einsparen, sondern auch einen profitablen Wirtschaftszweig mit 15.000 Jobs in Europa schaffen.“ Das sind Ergebnisse der Studie „Scaling textile recycling in Europe – turning waste into value“ von McKinsey & Company, für die Szenarien berechnet wurden, wie sich das Textilmüllvolumen sowie Sammel- und Recyclingraten bis 2030 entwickeln können.

Höhere Sammelrate von Kleidung entscheidend für mehr Recycling
Derzeit wird etwa ein Drittel der benutzten Kleidung gesammelt und wiederverwendet: entweder als Second-Hand-Mode, als grob recyceltes Textilprodukt wie Lappen und weniger als 1% als recycelte Textilfasern für neue Mode. Diese Sammelrate könnte bis 2030 auf 50-80% gesteigert werden. Entsprechend könnte auch die Kreislaufwirtschaft, die aus Textilabfall neue Fasern für Mode produziert, auf 18-26% skaliert werden. Heute ist es weniger als 1%. „Dieses so genannte Fiber-to-fiber-Recycling, bei dem aus Textilfasern neue Fasern für Mode hergestellt werden, stellt die nachhaltigste Möglichkeit dar, um aus Müll etwas Neues mit Wert zu generieren“, erklärt Jonatan Janmark, Co-Autor der Studie und Partner im Stockholmer Büro von McKinsey. Gleichzeitig bietet diese Kreislaufwirtschaft enormes finanzielles Potenzial mit sechs bis acht Milliarden Euro Umsatz als Marktgröße und möglichen jährlichen Renditen von 20-25% für die Recyclingindustrie.

Möglich wird diese Entwicklung hin zur Kreislaufwirtschaft durch neue Technologien, wie mechanisches Recycling von Baumwolle, das bereits recht etabliert ist, die innovative Verarbeitung zu Viskosefasern sowie chemisches Recycling für die Wiederverwertung von Polyester, was aktuell im Teststadium ist. Allerdings steht das Sammeln und die Aufbereitung der Altbekleidung und -textilien durch fragmentierte, kleinteilige Strukturen und noch meist manuelle Arbeitsvorgänge immer noch vor großen Herausforderungen.  Kleidungsabfälle müssen nach Qualitätskriterien sortiert, Knöpfe und Reißverschlüsse entfernt und Faserzusammensetzungen eindeutig identifiziert werden. Viele Produkte aus Mischfasern stellen noch ein ungelöstes Problem für Fiber-to-fiber-Recycling dar.

Investitionen für Skalierung nötig
Um das volle Potenzial des Textilrecyclings nutzen zu können, werden insgesamt etwa 6-7 Milliarden Euro an Investitionen bis 2030 benötigt, die in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette wie beim Sammeln, Sortieren und dem Aufbau von Recyclingfabriken gebraucht werden. „Die Investition ins Fiber-to-fiber-Recycling lohnt sich nicht nur aus Nachhaltigkeitsgründen. Es können beim Recycling neue Rohmaterialien entstehen, die mehr Modeproduktion in Europa ermöglichen würden. Dadurch könnte diese Recyclingindustrie sogar noch mehr Wert generieren“, sagt Jonatan Janmark.

More information:
Textilabfällen McKinsey Studie



Devan launches bio-based softener and quick-dry finish

Devan Chemicals recently added two more products to its range of bio-based textile finishes. One being a softener, the other one a quick-dry finish. Both are derived from vegetable oils and are in line with the company’s latest innovations on bio-based chemistry.

Due to the Covid-pandemic, serving as an accelerator for a worldwide green economy, the textile industry is increasingly seeking more sustainable and products fit-for-circular programs. According to McKinsey & Company, the textile industry will experience innovation surrounding sustainably sourced raw materials and bio-based chemical additives to accommodate increasing consumer demand.

Devan Chemicals recently added two more products to its range of bio-based textile finishes. One being a softener, the other one a quick-dry finish. Both are derived from vegetable oils and are in line with the company’s latest innovations on bio-based chemistry.

Due to the Covid-pandemic, serving as an accelerator for a worldwide green economy, the textile industry is increasingly seeking more sustainable and products fit-for-circular programs. According to McKinsey & Company, the textile industry will experience innovation surrounding sustainably sourced raw materials and bio-based chemical additives to accommodate increasing consumer demand.

Devan launched its first bio-based technology in 2019 and is fully committed to making bio-based versions of their existing textile finishes. ‘We have put ourselves on a mission to be able to extend our Bio-Based range further”, says Sven Ghyselinck, CEO of Devan. “We wanted to make an even bigger impact on circularity than before, therefore we looked into what fabric producers use a lot: softeners and moisture management systems. Only by focusing more on the large volume products, can we support the industry to have a bigger impact on sustainability. After the growing success of our natural antimicrobial BI-OME NTL, we are proud to now introduce our new natural Passerelle line”.

Passerelle Soft NTL is a durable softness technology based on vegetable ingredients. The technology is wash durable and can be used with natural fibres like hemp, cotton, but is also fit for synthetic fibres like rPES, PA. The bio content of the technology is above 85% (ASTM D6866-20).

Passerelle Quick-Dry NTL is a moisture management technology also based on vegetable ingredients. This bio-based finish enables high wicking and evaporation capability which helps to evaporate water/sweat easier and faster. The technology is also > 60% (28 days) biodegradable according to OECD 301B.


CHIC Shanghai takes place on March 17 to 19, 2021

  • CHIC Shanghai, March 17 to 19, 2021 (due to new regulation to control the infection rate)
  • 905 exhibitors are present at CHIC
  • Parallel: CHIC ONLINE as a digital platform with upgrade of the CHIC
  • APP
  • CHIC GARDEN: puts fashion and sustainability in the limelight

The CHIC spring event takes place from March 17th to 19th under strict hygiene guidelines in the National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai parallel to Intertextile Shanghai, Yarn Expo and PH Value.

The Chinese economy has recovered again after the pandemic in China and already reached pre-crisis level with 6.5% growth in the fourth quarter of 2020. McKinsey estimates are a 5 to 10% growth in sales in China in 2021 compared to 2019. Thanks to good sales in China, the fashion luxury brands in particular have been able to improve their sales figures. But also regarding online trade, Chinese ecommerce sales were in first place worldwide for the eighth year in a row. The average per capita income of consumers rose by 3.8% last year.

  • CHIC Shanghai, March 17 to 19, 2021 (due to new regulation to control the infection rate)
  • 905 exhibitors are present at CHIC
  • Parallel: CHIC ONLINE as a digital platform with upgrade of the CHIC
  • APP
  • CHIC GARDEN: puts fashion and sustainability in the limelight

The CHIC spring event takes place from March 17th to 19th under strict hygiene guidelines in the National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai parallel to Intertextile Shanghai, Yarn Expo and PH Value.

The Chinese economy has recovered again after the pandemic in China and already reached pre-crisis level with 6.5% growth in the fourth quarter of 2020. McKinsey estimates are a 5 to 10% growth in sales in China in 2021 compared to 2019. Thanks to good sales in China, the fashion luxury brands in particular have been able to improve their sales figures. But also regarding online trade, Chinese ecommerce sales were in first place worldwide for the eighth year in a row. The average per capita income of consumers rose by 3.8% last year.

905 exhibitors and 932 brands will present themselves on site at CHIC. Around 95,000 trade visitors from all retail areas, including all relevant online sales platforms, are expected. The CHIC's online and live streaming events, which run parallel to the trade fairs, have recorded an average of 150,000 clicks on each show since April last year.

CHIC Garden
China is to become climate neutral by 2060, which of course also affects the fashion sector. Overall, the awareness of Chinese consumers has developed even more towards high-quality, sustainable collections. In their "State of Fashion 2021" report, McKinsey & BoF analyze the awareness development in China that consumers and producers are increasingly recognizing the importance of joint efforts by all participants in the value chain to work together in order to achieve sustainability in the fashion industry.

The CHIC flagship event visualizes this topic with the "CHIC Garden" theme. With the help of garden design experts, the fair is transformed into an inspiring garden paradise that reflects closeness to nature and the appreciation of natural resources.

As an exception, the CHIC autumn event, CHIC Shanghai will take place in August this year (25th to 27th August 2021).
