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EREMA Group recognizes great potential for plastics recycling (c) EREMA Group GmbH
CEO Manfred Hackl (on the right) and CFO Horst Wolfsgruber

EREMA Group recognizes great potential for plastics recycling

The EREMA Group, based in Ansfelden near Linz, Austria, closes the financial year 2023/24 with total revenues of EUR 380 million. A joint venture with the Lindner Group sees the group of companies expand its portfolio to include washing technology. EREMA Group GmbH now has eight subsidiaries: EREMA, PURE LOOP, PLASMAC, KEYCYCLE, Lindner Washtech, UMAC, plasticpreneur and 3S.

"With our machines and components, we have now reached a recycling volume of more than 25 million tonnes per year worldwide, which makes a significant contribution to the development of a circular economy for plastics," says Manfred Hackl, CEO of the EREMA Group. The group of companies manufactured 290 extruders for recycling plastic in the past financial year, supplemented by over 100 add-on components such as filter systems and ReFresher anti-odour technology. These recycling solutions generated total sales of EUR 380 million. Around 8,500 machines and components from the group are in operation in more than 100 countries. The EREMA Group employs 950 people worldwide.

The EREMA Group, based in Ansfelden near Linz, Austria, closes the financial year 2023/24 with total revenues of EUR 380 million. A joint venture with the Lindner Group sees the group of companies expand its portfolio to include washing technology. EREMA Group GmbH now has eight subsidiaries: EREMA, PURE LOOP, PLASMAC, KEYCYCLE, Lindner Washtech, UMAC, plasticpreneur and 3S.

"With our machines and components, we have now reached a recycling volume of more than 25 million tonnes per year worldwide, which makes a significant contribution to the development of a circular economy for plastics," says Manfred Hackl, CEO of the EREMA Group. The group of companies manufactured 290 extruders for recycling plastic in the past financial year, supplemented by over 100 add-on components such as filter systems and ReFresher anti-odour technology. These recycling solutions generated total sales of EUR 380 million. Around 8,500 machines and components from the group are in operation in more than 100 countries. The EREMA Group employs 950 people worldwide.

Strategic investments in all areas of the plastics recycling industry
In recent years, the EREMA Group has invested in developing specific machines, applications and infrastructure. "The opening of the new R&D Centre in Ansfelden last summer and the new machines in the Customer Technology Center at EREMA North America at the beginning of this year, have seen us complete the largest phase of investment in our history to date. We have invested more than EUR 110 million in the expansion and modernization of our international locations over the past five years," emphasizes Horst Wolfsgruber, CFO of the EREMA Group. Another important milestone is the founding in August 2023 of the holding company BLUEONE Solutions together with the Austrian family-owned company Lindner. Incorporating Lindner Washtech means that the EREMA Group's extensive portfolio now also includes washing technology.

Developments in post consumer and PET recycling
The new DuaFil® Compact technology, which EREMA developed specifically for challenging applications with high levels of contamination and moisture, is proving successful. Since the launch at K 2022, around 20 INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact systems have been sold. In the post consumer segment, ReFresher technology for the production of odour-optimised recycled pellets is also gaining ground and is now in use worldwide with a total capacity of one million tonnes per year for film and regrind applications. Another interesting new component is the DischargePro control system for the EREMA laser filter, which has been nominated for this year's Plastics Recycling Awards Europe. The discharge control system responds automatically to fluctuations in flow rate during the recycling process and reduces melt loss by up to 50 percent. With its new Fast-Track scheme, EREMA is responding to the demand for machines available at short notice at an attractive price-performance ratio.

For bottle applications, VACUREMA® systems have been proving their performance for 25 years. Over 400 EREMA PET systems for food grade are in operation worldwide, notching up a total capacity of more than 4.5 million tonnes per year. PET recycling is also becoming increasingly important in the textile industry. FibrePro:IV technology was developed especially for fibre-to-fibre recycling, which is used together with machine combinations from EREMA or PURE LOOP, who specialise in shredder-extruder technology, depending on the geometry and contamination of the PET fibre waste. For these applications, the EREMA Group has set up a fibre technical centre at its headquarters in Ansfelden.

Big potential for plastics recycling
The amount of plastic produced worldwide is currently around 400 million tonnes per year - and the figure is still rising. Around 9 percent of it is recycled globally. This represents big potential for the EREMA Group, as Manfred Hackl emphasizes.

Fraunhofer CCPE Positionspapier »Challenges and requirements in comparative life cycle assessment of plastics recycling« Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE
Fraunhofer CCPE Positionspapier »Challenges and requirements in comparative life cycle assessment of plastics recycling«

Transparente Ökobilanzierung des Kunststoffrecyclings

Ökobilanzierungen dienen oftmals als Entscheidungsgrundlage für die Auswahl von umweltfreundlichen Verfahren, Einsatzstoffen oder Dienstleistungen beim Kunststoffrecycling. Doch wie sieht eine vergleichbare und transparente ökologische Bewertung aus, die unterschiedlichen Ansprüchen gerecht wird? Fraunhofer CCPE Forschende haben zehn Herausforderungen und zehn Anforderungen herausgearbeitet, die Vergleichbarkeit und Transparenz bei der ökologischen Bewertung des Kunststoffrecycling erhöhen.

Ökobilanzierungen dienen oftmals als Entscheidungsgrundlage für die Auswahl von umweltfreundlichen Verfahren, Einsatzstoffen oder Dienstleistungen beim Kunststoffrecycling. Doch wie sieht eine vergleichbare und transparente ökologische Bewertung aus, die unterschiedlichen Ansprüchen gerecht wird? Fraunhofer CCPE Forschende haben zehn Herausforderungen und zehn Anforderungen herausgearbeitet, die Vergleichbarkeit und Transparenz bei der ökologischen Bewertung des Kunststoffrecycling erhöhen.

Mit Ökobilanzstudien lassen sich nicht nur Produkte und Dienstleistungen über ihren gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg bewerten, sondern es können auch verschiedene Recyclingverfahren und recycelter Kunststoff mit Neuware verglichen werden. Die Ergebnisse dienen als Entscheidungsgrundlage bei der Auswahl der Optionen mit den geringsten Umweltwirkungen. Die grundlegende Vergleichsgröße in jeder Ökobilanz ist die funktionelle Einheit. Alle Umweltwirkungen werden auf diese Größe bezogen. Das Recycling von Kunststoffen erfüllt immer mehrere Funktionen wie die ordnungsgemäße Behandlung von Abfällen und die Bereitstellung neuer Ressourcen für weitere Produkte. Der Umgang mit dieser Multifunktionalität in der Ökobilanzierung des Recyclings wird seit langem ohne Konsens diskutiert.

Die Fraunhofer CCPE-Forschenden möchten mit ihrem gerade erschienenen Positionspapier diese Herausforderungen und Anforderungen verdeutlichen, die bei der Bewertung und dem Vergleich von Kunststoffrecyclingaktivitäten bestehen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Unterscheidung zwischen den Funktionalitäten der Abfallbehandlung und Materialbereitstellung. »Wir wollen mit dem Positionspapier Raum für einen offenen und transparenten Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft, Industrie und Politik eröffnen, um Entscheidungen auf Basis des ökologischen Vergleichs verständlich und belastbar zu gestalten«, so Anna Kerps, Initiatorin des Positionspapiers und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin des Fraunhofer CCPE.

Die Autor*innen weisen darauf hin, dass vergleichende Ökobilanzen zudem von verschiedenen Randbedingungen und Annahmen abhängen. Die Prüfung logischer Widersprüche in den Annahmen ist eine Hauptanforderung für aussagekräftige Vergleiche. Inkonsistente Ökobilanzstudien führen oft zu Fehlinterpretationen. Weitere Herausforderungen sehen sie im Umgang mit den verschiedenen Technologierouten und -skalen sowie der Komplexität von Recyclingrouten gemischter Abfälle. Unterschiedliche Abfallherkünfte und mitgesammelte Störstoffe beeinflussen die Qualität der Rezyklate – und müssen in der Bilanzierung berücksichtigt werden.

Weiterhin ist es auf methodischer Ebene wichtig, Modellierungsansätze in Bezug auf Multifunktionalität und Systemgrenzen zu verbessern. Der Vergleich verschiedener Recyclingverfahren und von Neuware mit Rezyklat ist herausfordernd, da sie unterschiedliche Funktionalitäten haben. Insgesamt fehlt es bisher an einem methodischen Konsens, um robuste und vergleichbare Ökobilanz-Ergebnisse zu erhalten.


Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE


bvse: Ab 2025 Energiebeihilfen für Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen

Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen können ab dem 1. Januar 2025 wieder Energiebeihilfen beantragen. Das teilte der bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung in einem Mitgliederrundschreiben mit.

Nach den Erläuterungen fallen unter den förderungsfähigen Wirtschaftszweig 20.16 (Herstellung von Kunststoffen in Primärform) nun auch folgende Tätigkeiten der Kunststoffrecyclingbranche:

Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen können ab dem 1. Januar 2025 wieder Energiebeihilfen beantragen. Das teilte der bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung in einem Mitgliederrundschreiben mit.

Nach den Erläuterungen fallen unter den förderungsfähigen Wirtschaftszweig 20.16 (Herstellung von Kunststoffen in Primärform) nun auch folgende Tätigkeiten der Kunststoffrecyclingbranche:

  • Herstellung von Zellulose und ihren chemischen Derivaten,
  • Herstellung von Kunstpulvern, -granulaten oder -flocken durch Compoundieren oder Umwandeln von Kunststoffharzen sowie aus wiedergewonnen Kunststoffabfällen,
  • Herstellung von recyceltem Kunststoff in Flakes oder Kunststoffgranulaten auf Basis von vorbehandelten Kunststoffabfällen durch stoffliche Verwertungsverfahren.

Wie die bvse-Justiziarin Annette Reber erläuterte, hat die Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige neben statistischen Zwecken auch eine wichtige Bedeutung für die Bewilligung von Energiebeihilfen. Staatliche Energiebeihilfen dürfen, so Reber, nur den Unternehmen bewilligt werden, die zu den in den europäischen Leitlinien für staatliche Klima-, Umweltschutz- und Energiebeihilfen 2022 (KUEBLL) aufgeführten Wirtschaftszweigen gehören. Der Wirtschaftszweig 20.16. (Herstellung von Kunststoffen in Primärform) wird als förderungsfähig angesehen, der Wirtschaftszweig 38.31 (Rückgewinnung sortierter Werkstoffe) hingegen nicht.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V.

Gerhard Lettl (AVK Board Member, C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG), Felix Pohlmeyer (ITA), Prof. Dr Jens Ridzewski (AVK Board Member, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH), Tim Röding (ITA), from left to right © AVK
Gerhard Lettl (AVK Board Member, C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG), Felix Pohlmeyer (ITA), Prof. Dr Jens Ridzewski (AVK Board Member, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH), Tim Röding (ITA), from left to right

CarboScreen: Sensor monitoring for complex carbon fibre production

Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are developing a technology with their start-up CarboScreen GmbH that makes complex carbon fibre production controllable through sensor monitoring. With the help of CarboScreen technology, it should be possible to double the production speed from the current 15 m/min to 30 m/min in the medium term. The doubling of production speed alone could result in an increase in turnover of up to €37.5 million per year and production plant. Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding were awarded third place in the AVK Innovation Award 2023 in the Processes and Procedures category for this ground-breaking development. The award ceremony took place during the JEC Roof Forum in Salzburg, Austria.

Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are developing a technology with their start-up CarboScreen GmbH that makes complex carbon fibre production controllable through sensor monitoring. With the help of CarboScreen technology, it should be possible to double the production speed from the current 15 m/min to 30 m/min in the medium term. The doubling of production speed alone could result in an increase in turnover of up to €37.5 million per year and production plant. Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding were awarded third place in the AVK Innovation Award 2023 in the Processes and Procedures category for this ground-breaking development. The award ceremony took place during the JEC Roof Forum in Salzburg, Austria.

The production of carbon fibres is highly complex. In the current state of the art, however, the manufacturing process is only monitored manually by semi-skilled workers. However, even minimal fibre damage during production leads to a reduction in the quality of the carbon fibre. In extreme cases, it can also lead to plant fires. To ensure production quality, the production speed is currently limited to a maximum of 15 m/min. In fact, the production speed of the systems could be higher. The sensor-based online monitoring of Carbo-Screen makes it possible to increase the production speed to 30 m/min in the medium term. As a result of the increased production volume per system, the specific production costs of the carbon fibre are reduced, which can result in lower prices.

A reduced sales price would make it possible to use carbon fibres and their composite materials even more widely in traditional markets such as aerospace technology and wind energy, as well as for mass production in the automotive industry.

The CarboScreen online monitoring system is currently being developed for industrial use. It is to be validated at an industrial plant in 2024. CarboScreen GmbH was founded as part of EXIST funding and offers AI-supported sensor systems for carbon fibre production. The sensor technology continuously monitors the fibre throughout the entire production process. Deviations are detected automatically.

The winners of the AVK Innovation Award are honoured annually by the AVK Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe. Companies, institutes and their partners are honoured in three categories: products and applications, processes and procedures, and research and science.

Manfred Hackl, CEO EREMA Group and Markus Huber-Lindinger, Managing Director EREMA, open the EREMA Discovery Day 2023

EREMA Discovery Day as meeting place for plastics and recycling industry

On June 1, EREMA hosted the EREMA Discovery Day focusing on the post consumer segment from a European perspective. Live demonstrations showcased the latest machine innovations for PET and polyolefin recycling.

The invitation was accepted by around 400 customers and partners, mainly from Europe, to find out about the wide range of recycling technologies for PO and PET plastic waste. The technology that was presented and explained by EREMA experts and guest speakers during lectures in the morning, could then be seen live in-action in the afternoon when the recycling machines were demonstrated in operation. A total of six innovative recycling technologies were on display: INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact, INTAREMA® TVEplus® RegrindPro® + ReFresher, the COREMA® cascade extrusion system, a VACUREMA® Inline Sheet line equipped with new EcoGentle technology, the new INTAREMA® FibrePro:IV machine, and the PCU-
TwinScrew. These allowed visitors to witness their performance and the high quality of recycled pellets that they produce.

On June 1, EREMA hosted the EREMA Discovery Day focusing on the post consumer segment from a European perspective. Live demonstrations showcased the latest machine innovations for PET and polyolefin recycling.

The invitation was accepted by around 400 customers and partners, mainly from Europe, to find out about the wide range of recycling technologies for PO and PET plastic waste. The technology that was presented and explained by EREMA experts and guest speakers during lectures in the morning, could then be seen live in-action in the afternoon when the recycling machines were demonstrated in operation. A total of six innovative recycling technologies were on display: INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact, INTAREMA® TVEplus® RegrindPro® + ReFresher, the COREMA® cascade extrusion system, a VACUREMA® Inline Sheet line equipped with new EcoGentle technology, the new INTAREMA® FibrePro:IV machine, and the PCU-
TwinScrew. These allowed visitors to witness their performance and the high quality of recycled pellets that they produce.

"This wide range of technologies is necessary because the recycling process each of our customers choose depends on the type of plastic, the level of contamination of the input material, and which product will be made using the recycled pellets. Following the expansion of our Ansfelden site and with the new site nearby in St. Marien, we can now demonstrate all these processes, carry out test runs with customers' material and focus on development work independently of our Customer Centre," says EREMA's Managing Director Markus Huber-Lindinger.

EREMA is driving forward research and development work in the company's new R&D Centre. Two halls with a total area of 1,550 square metres and a new office building offering space for 50 workplaces has been built. Here, the company bundles cross-departmental test machines and laboratory facilities for post consumer and inhouse recycling applications. R&D is decentralised at EREMA. Employees from different departments handle process engineering challenges, innovations in mechanical engineering and automation technology - all with the aim of meeting customer requirements and achieving the highest possible quality of recycled pellets.  

On the evening before Discovery Day, EREMA celebrated its 40th anniversary together with customers and partners. A review covered the company's history - from the first workshop in a garage in 1983, to its position today as a innovation pioneer and one of the market leaders.

More information:
EREMA plastics Recycling



ANDRITZ starts up needleloom at Foss Floors

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new velour loom it delivered to Foss Floors, Rome, United States (GA). The loom produces flooring from recycled plastic for a wide range of applications. Start-up took place in early 2023.

ANDRITZ is one of the global market leaders for supply of nonwoven production technologies, with a full range of needling technologies, including velour equipment, which allows customers to address a variety of applications such as automotive, household, flooring, acoustics, geotextiles, filtration, and synthetic leather.

Foss Floors is a leader in needlepunched felt products in North America. Its facilities are located in Rome and Chatsworth, Georgia, and it distributes a vast array of flooring products worldwide. One of the company’s key strengths is its agility for product diversification to satisfy customer needs. Foss Floors also strongly expresses its unwavering commitment to environmentally sustainable manufacturing.´

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new velour loom it delivered to Foss Floors, Rome, United States (GA). The loom produces flooring from recycled plastic for a wide range of applications. Start-up took place in early 2023.

ANDRITZ is one of the global market leaders for supply of nonwoven production technologies, with a full range of needling technologies, including velour equipment, which allows customers to address a variety of applications such as automotive, household, flooring, acoustics, geotextiles, filtration, and synthetic leather.

Foss Floors is a leader in needlepunched felt products in North America. Its facilities are located in Rome and Chatsworth, Georgia, and it distributes a vast array of flooring products worldwide. One of the company’s key strengths is its agility for product diversification to satisfy customer needs. Foss Floors also strongly expresses its unwavering commitment to environmentally sustainable manufacturing.´



(c) Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Zünd: Heat Sealing Module – HSM receives composites industry award

At the recent CAMX 2022 Composites and Advanced Materials Expo in Anaheim, California, The Heat Sealing Module – HSM from Zünd was recognized with an Unsurpassed Innovation Award. The HSM significantly facilitates the processing and handling of dry fiber materials with thermoplastic content. This new tool is Zünd’s answer to a demand in the composites industry for wider-spread use and easier processing of these types of materials.

The American Composites Manufacturing Association, ACMA, proclaimed the Heat Sealing Module – HSM the winner of the ACE Award for Unsurpassed Innovation in the “Manufacturing: Equipment and Tooling” category. This award is presented annually to equipment, tooling, a production aid, or software designed to improve manufacturing production, environmental sustainability, or product quality and performance in composites manufacturing.

At the recent CAMX 2022 Composites and Advanced Materials Expo in Anaheim, California, The Heat Sealing Module – HSM from Zünd was recognized with an Unsurpassed Innovation Award. The HSM significantly facilitates the processing and handling of dry fiber materials with thermoplastic content. This new tool is Zünd’s answer to a demand in the composites industry for wider-spread use and easier processing of these types of materials.

The American Composites Manufacturing Association, ACMA, proclaimed the Heat Sealing Module – HSM the winner of the ACE Award for Unsurpassed Innovation in the “Manufacturing: Equipment and Tooling” category. This award is presented annually to equipment, tooling, a production aid, or software designed to improve manufacturing production, environmental sustainability, or product quality and performance in composites manufacturing.

During processing, dry fiber materials are prone to fraying along the edges. Using hot air, the HSM seals the fabric along the cut path in advance of the Zünd Power Rotary Tool – PRT cutting it. Because of this sealing process, the cut can then be performed at full speed, in any direction, and produces both higher-quality parts and greater production efficiencies.

The HSM helps create clean, sealed edges when cutting fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites. It benefits not only the cutting process itself, but other production processes downstream. Cutting this way leaves behind no loose or uncut fibers and maintains a clean cutting surface and uncontaminated production environment. At the same time, it ensures that cut parts maintain their shape, and this increased stability makes them much easier to handle, especially in fully automated production workflows.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Photo: EREMA

EREMA: Circular economy for PET fibres

The textile industry is the third largest consumer of plastics. While growth rates in the production of fibres and textiles are high, the circular economy has hardly become established in this segment. The EREMA Group is now intensifying development of recycling solutions for this application with their new fibres and textiles business unit. Currently, the focus is on PET fibre materials from fibre production and subsequent processing steps. Technologies for recycling mixed fibre textiles from textile collection sources are to follow in a follow-up project phase.

The textile industry is the third largest consumer of plastics. While growth rates in the production of fibres and textiles are high, the circular economy has hardly become established in this segment. The EREMA Group is now intensifying development of recycling solutions for this application with their new fibres and textiles business unit. Currently, the focus is on PET fibre materials from fibre production and subsequent processing steps. Technologies for recycling mixed fibre textiles from textile collection sources are to follow in a follow-up project phase.

"With EREMA's VACUREMA® and INTAREMA® technology and PURE LOOP's ISEC evo technology, our company group already has an extensive range of machines for fibre and PET recycling applications. For ecologically and economically sound recycling, however, new technological solutions are needed to use the recycled fibres in higher-value end applications and to achieve a functioning circular economy," explains Wolfgang Hermann, Business Development Manager Application Fibres & Textiles, EREMA Group GmbH. The initial focus will be on PET, regarded as a key material for the production of synthetic fibres. The aim is to find recycling solutions that allow PET fibre materials to be prepared for reuse in PET fibre production processes. This is a significant step for the circular economy because PET fibres in textiles account for about two-thirds of the total volume of PET.

In this development work, the EREMA Group can build on existing know-how. Proven recycling technologies have been combined with a new IV optimiser. "This extends the residence time of the PET melt, which is particularly necessary in fibre recycling to efficiently remove spinning oils. Our recycling process also increases the IV value of the PET melt after extrusion back to the specific level that is essential for production of the fibre," explains Hermann. Waste PET fibre from production processes can therefore be further processed into rPET filament fibre, carpet yarn and staple fibre.

Fibre test centre with plant to test customers' materials
In order to accelerate development work, EREMA opened its own fibre test centre a few months ago, where a cross-company team is working on recycling solutions for fibre-to-fibre applications.


EREMA Gruppe

(c) Fraunhofer CCPE

Fraunhofer CCPE on the way to an international circular plastics economy

More than 350 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year, and vast amounts of plastic waste simply end up in the environment. The circular economy offers enormous potential for keeping plastics in the loop and thus conserving resources and the environment. Since 2018, six Fraunhofer institutes in the Fraunhofer CCPE cluster have been researching how to make the plastics value chain circular, and Prof. Manfred Renner has been the new head of the cluster since August 2022. Research results, implementation projects and strategies to accelerate the transformation to a circular plastics economy will be presented by Fraunhofer CCPE at the first international Fraunhofer CCPE Summit on February 8 and 9, 2023 in Munich.

More than 350 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year, and vast amounts of plastic waste simply end up in the environment. The circular economy offers enormous potential for keeping plastics in the loop and thus conserving resources and the environment. Since 2018, six Fraunhofer institutes in the Fraunhofer CCPE cluster have been researching how to make the plastics value chain circular, and Prof. Manfred Renner has been the new head of the cluster since August 2022. Research results, implementation projects and strategies to accelerate the transformation to a circular plastics economy will be presented by Fraunhofer CCPE at the first international Fraunhofer CCPE Summit on February 8 and 9, 2023 in Munich.

In a circular plastics economy, resources can be saved, products can be intelligently designed for long service life, and end-of-life losses can be reduced. Systemic, technical and social innovations are needed to make the transition from a linear to a circular economy a success. This is what the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE is researching in the three divisions “Materials”, “Systems” and “Business”. The cooperation of the six Fraunhofer institutes IAP, ICT, IML, IVV, LBF and UMSICHT enables a multi-stakeholder approach in which the appropriate R&D competencies are bundled.

Fraunhofer CCPE would like to present and discuss successful projects and research approaches on an international scale at the Fraunhofer CCPE Summit on February 8 and 9, 2023 in Munich. The summit is to become an international forum for exchanging ideas for solutions and innovations for a circular plastics economy.

Cross-industry collaboration - local, regional and international
Since August 2022, Prof. Manfred Renner, Institute Director of Fraunhofer UMSICHT, is the new head of Fraunhofer CCPE. He succeeds Prof. Eckhard Weidner, who has retired. “Cross-industry cooperation - very local, but also regional and international - is the elementary prerequisite for a functioning circular plastics economy. At the summit, players from all points of the compass will meet and network in order to rethink the plastics value chain together," explains Prof. Manfred Renner, adding, “We want to provide answers to the following questions:  How can we make all Circular Economy principles, i.e. the ten R-strategies, known? How can industry, science and society best cooperate in a transformation to a circular plastics economy for the greatest possible impact?”

Results of the Fraunhofer CCPE cluster so far are innovative approaches for circular business models, intelligent collection, sorting, and recycling technologies, but also new formulations for circular polymers and compounds to enable multiple recycling cycles. With the newly developed assessment tool CRL® , companies can, for example, self-assess the maturity of products or product systems with regard to the circular economy. The tool checks the extent to which a product already takes into account circular economy principles in the areas of product design, product service system, end-of-life management and circular economy, and where there is still potential for improvement.


Fraunhofer UMSICHT

(c) Borealis

Borealis and Trexel develop fully recyclable lightweight bottle

  • Monomaterial solution contains renewably-sourced polypropylene from the Bornewables™ portfolio of circular polyolefins
  • Trexel employs its proprietary MuCell® technology to deliver a range of lightweighting benefits
  • EverMinds™ in action: reuse and design for recycling are focus of value chain collaboration

Borealis and Trexel, an expert in foaming injection and blow moulded parts, announce that they have co-developed a new plastic bottle based on a grade from the Bornewables™ portfolio of polyolefins made using renewable feedstocks derived 100% from waste and residue streams. The lightweight bottle – which will be showcased at the Borealis stand at the K 2022 (from 19 to 26 October 2022 in Düsseldorf) – is reusable and fully recyclable. It boasts a significantly lower overall CO2 footprint because it is composed of renewably-sourced feedstock and produced in the foaming process.

  • Monomaterial solution contains renewably-sourced polypropylene from the Bornewables™ portfolio of circular polyolefins
  • Trexel employs its proprietary MuCell® technology to deliver a range of lightweighting benefits
  • EverMinds™ in action: reuse and design for recycling are focus of value chain collaboration

Borealis and Trexel, an expert in foaming injection and blow moulded parts, announce that they have co-developed a new plastic bottle based on a grade from the Bornewables™ portfolio of polyolefins made using renewable feedstocks derived 100% from waste and residue streams. The lightweight bottle – which will be showcased at the Borealis stand at the K 2022 (from 19 to 26 October 2022 in Düsseldorf) – is reusable and fully recyclable. It boasts a significantly lower overall CO2 footprint because it is composed of renewably-sourced feedstock and produced in the foaming process.

The Bornewables™ portfolio of circular polyolefins helps reduce the carbon footprint while offering material performance equal to virgin polymers. Using Bornewables grades allows for design freedom and colour flexibility, and helps retain a premium look and feel. The grades – which are commercially available in Europe – help conserve natural resources because they are derived solely from waste and residue streams, for example from used cooking oil. Reusing waste already in circulation instead of fossil fuel-based feedstocks enhances the sustainability of applications made using the Bornewables grades.

The reusable new bottle developed by Borealis and Trexel retains its value over many life cycles thanks to the use of Trexel’s proprietary technology in tandem with Bornewables grades; as a material solution, the new bottle minimises the use of valuable raw materials. Moreover, converters consume less energy in the production process when using the MuCell® technology. The bottle thus helps close the loop on plastics circularity by way of design for recycling, the use of renewable feedstocks, and excellent material performance across multiple life cycles.




PURE LOOP: High-strength synthetic nonwoven made with a recycled content of 10 percent

Geosynthetics have become an indispensable part of the construction industry. PP nonwovens, for example - mechanically bonded continuous fibres made from specially UV-stabilised polypropylenes - are often used in blanket form as barriers, screens and filters, and their strength extends the service life of construction projects. Whether for road construction, or as barrier on glaciers or against weeds - there are myriad applications.

TenCate Geosynthetics uses the PURE LOOP ISEC evo technology to recycle this type of PP nonwoven. The European company, with locations in Austria, France and the Netherlands, is specialised in the development and production of geotextiles for modern civil engineering applications. The edge trimmings and production rejects generated during manufacturing used to be recycled at the Linz site, but not fed back into the company's own production process.

Geosynthetics have become an indispensable part of the construction industry. PP nonwovens, for example - mechanically bonded continuous fibres made from specially UV-stabilised polypropylenes - are often used in blanket form as barriers, screens and filters, and their strength extends the service life of construction projects. Whether for road construction, or as barrier on glaciers or against weeds - there are myriad applications.

TenCate Geosynthetics uses the PURE LOOP ISEC evo technology to recycle this type of PP nonwoven. The European company, with locations in Austria, France and the Netherlands, is specialised in the development and production of geotextiles for modern civil engineering applications. The edge trimmings and production rejects generated during manufacturing used to be recycled at the Linz site, but not fed back into the company's own production process.

"The demands on us were high," recalls Patrick Wiesinger, project manager at PURE LOOP. "The PP nonwoven is highly tear resistant, which means its a very challenging recycling process. Our ISEC evo machine conserves the quality of the production waste really well during recycling, so we were able to achieve the specified increase in quality for the recyclates."

Another advantage of PURE LOOP technology is the wide range of shapes in which the production scrap can be delivered for processing. "Our ifeed technology with double feed ram system and singleshaft shredder offers the ideal conditions for direct processing of these large rolls - and without the need for prior preparation of the input material by employees before the material is fed into the recycling process", emphasizes Patrick Wiesinger. With the ISEC evo recycling machine TenCate can now manufacture its high-strength PP nonwoven product with a recyclate content of up to 10 percent.




BB Engineering at the K Show 2022

As a sub-exhibitor of Oerlikon, BB Engineering will present its product range in the fields of extrusion, mixing and filtration as well as PET recycling with the VacuFil and VarioFil R+ systems at the K show 2022.

BB Engineering has been focusing its development work increasingly on recycling technologies for several years. In addition to extruders, filters and mixers that are suitable for both recycling processes and the processing of recyclate, BB Engineering offers a complete PET recycling plant called VacuFil.

As a sub-exhibitor of Oerlikon, BB Engineering will present its product range in the fields of extrusion, mixing and filtration as well as PET recycling with the VacuFil and VarioFil R+ systems at the K show 2022.

BB Engineering has been focusing its development work increasingly on recycling technologies for several years. In addition to extruders, filters and mixers that are suitable for both recycling processes and the processing of recyclate, BB Engineering offers a complete PET recycling plant called VacuFil.

With VacuFil, BB Engineering has developed an innovative PET LSP recycling process. The process combines gentle large-scale filtration and targeted IV regulation for consistently outstanding rPET melt quality. Thus, much more than simple "downcycling" is possible with VacuFil. VacuFil processes a wide range of input materials - post-production and post-consumer. The patented key component Visco+ vacuum filter removes volatile impurities quickly and reliably. VacuFil is a modular system that can be designed for different recycling applications. Simple granulation is possible, but also direct feeding into further processing, e.g. in the synthetic fiber spinning mill. BBE offers VacuFil in combination with its own VarioFil compact spinning plant to produce polyester yarn.

At the K show 2022, visitors can experience the VacuFil Visco+ recycling technology in operation with a connected VarioFil spinning plant and see live how recycling yarn is produced from PET waste.


BB Engineering GmbH


DOMO Chemicals und Hynamics: Production of polyamides from low-carbon hydrogen

DOMO Chemicals, a producer of engineered polyamide materials, and Hynamics, a 100% subsidiary of EDF Group specializing in the production of low-carbon hydrogen, have entered into a partnership project with the objective of achieving zero-carbon for 100% of the hydrogen used at the Belle-Étoile industrial site, in Saint-Fons (south of Lyon, France), in the heart of the French Vallée de la Chimie (“Chemistry Valley”).

For the first time in France, the “HyDom” project will enable the installation of an 85-megawatt (MW) hydrogen production plant using the water electrolysis process at the Belle-Étoile site, with a production capacity of 11,000 metric tons of low-carbon hydrogen per year. The plant will be powered by the French low-carbon electric power mix. By 2027, it will supply 100% of the annual production of hexamethylene diamine, a key component used in the production of plastics.

DOMO Chemicals, a producer of engineered polyamide materials, and Hynamics, a 100% subsidiary of EDF Group specializing in the production of low-carbon hydrogen, have entered into a partnership project with the objective of achieving zero-carbon for 100% of the hydrogen used at the Belle-Étoile industrial site, in Saint-Fons (south of Lyon, France), in the heart of the French Vallée de la Chimie (“Chemistry Valley”).

For the first time in France, the “HyDom” project will enable the installation of an 85-megawatt (MW) hydrogen production plant using the water electrolysis process at the Belle-Étoile site, with a production capacity of 11,000 metric tons of low-carbon hydrogen per year. The plant will be powered by the French low-carbon electric power mix. By 2027, it will supply 100% of the annual production of hexamethylene diamine, a key component used in the production of plastics.

The project will eventually prevent the emission of 84 kilotons of carbon dioxide (CO2) each year. Hexamethylene diamine, and ultimately, durable and low-carbon polyamides, will be used in various applications in major industry sectors, such as automotive, electronics, and heating & cooling.
This project is a major step towards the decarbonization of industrial sites that use grey hydrogen (produced from fossil fuels). The location in the Vallée de la Chimie within the vicinity of major transport routes opens up opportunities for the creation of a more complete hydrogen ecosystem.

The first phase of the project will consist of building up and ascertaining technical concepts and integrating the low-carbon hydrogen production plant within the larger production process of hexamethylene diamine.

Considering the high-power scale of the future electrolytic hydrogen production facility, the HyDom project is being developed in close collaboration with RTE (an organization in charge of managing the French power grid), to solve connection issues. As a priority project for the industry's zero-carbon strategy and for the “France 2030” investment plan, HyDom is supported by the French government and has been presented to the European Commission for public funding.


DOMO Chemicals / Marketing Solutions NV

(c) Coperion GmbH

Coperion: New Development for Plastic Fiber and Flake Recycling

With the goal of making recycling of lightweight, high-volume fiber and flake recyclate much more economical and, in some cases even possible, Coperion has developed a new version of its ZS-B side feeder. Using the innovative ZS-B MEGAfeed, plastic recyclate with a bulk density under 200 kg/m³, long considered intake-limited and thus not worth recycling, can be reliably fed in large quantities into Coperion’s ZSK twin screw extruder and be concurrently recycled and compounded.

The ZS-B side feeder’s novel design makes it possible to feed very high rates of fiber and flakes, such as PA, PE, PET, and PP. As a result, the ZSK twin screw extruder’s high capacity can be fully exploited when the ZS-B MEGAfeed is used. Very high throughputs in both mechanical and chemical recycling of post-industrial and post-consumer waste are achieved.

With the goal of making recycling of lightweight, high-volume fiber and flake recyclate much more economical and, in some cases even possible, Coperion has developed a new version of its ZS-B side feeder. Using the innovative ZS-B MEGAfeed, plastic recyclate with a bulk density under 200 kg/m³, long considered intake-limited and thus not worth recycling, can be reliably fed in large quantities into Coperion’s ZSK twin screw extruder and be concurrently recycled and compounded.

The ZS-B side feeder’s novel design makes it possible to feed very high rates of fiber and flakes, such as PA, PE, PET, and PP. As a result, the ZSK twin screw extruder’s high capacity can be fully exploited when the ZS-B MEGAfeed is used. Very high throughputs in both mechanical and chemical recycling of post-industrial and post-consumer waste are achieved.

Increased Throughput in Numbers
With a ZSK 58 Mc18 twin screw extruder, the throughput increase and thus the potential of the new ZS-B MEGAfeed becomes very clear. When recycling PA fibers with a bulk density of ~40-50 kg/m3, throughputs of 70 kg/h were previously achieved using conventional equipment. When the PA fibers were fed into the ZSK extruder using the ZS-B MEGAfeed, throughputs increased about fourteenfold to 1,000 kg/h. Similar results were achieved recycling carbon fibers with a bulk density of ~50-70 kg/m3; in this case, throughputs increased from 50 kg/h to 2,500 kg/h using the ZS-B MEGAfeed. When recycling PCR (Post-Consumer Recycled) flakes, throughputs increased from 50 kg/h to 700 kg/h, and from 80 kg/h to 1,300 kg/h with multilayer film flakes.

Key to Economical Recycling of A Wide Variety of Plastics
Plastics previously considered not recyclable are becoming a valuable raw material using the new Coperion ZS-B MEGAfeed. For example, PCR flakes or recyclate from carbon fiber-reinforced plastics can now be fed into the ZSK extruder at high feed rates and recycled economically.

In the case of mechanical upcycling, upstream processes necessary for compounding, such as compacting, melting and agglomeration, are completely eliminated using the ZS-B MEGAfeed technology. In this recycling process, flakes and fibers can be fed directly into the ZSK extruder, where they are melted, compounded, devolatilized, and filtered in a single step. In so doing, both investment costs and energy consumption drop. The production process becomes significantly more efficient. Moreover, the thermal product stress is reduced and recyclate quality increases.

Even when recycling PET, the feed rate is no longer a limiting factor. With the ZS-B MEGAfeed, PET flakes and fibers can be fed into the ZSK twin screw extruder in large quantities with no pre-drying or crystallizing, where they can be processed with the highest degree of profitability.

The ZS-B MEGAfeed can also feed large quantities of post-consumer waste, adding appreciable value to the chemical recycling process with the ZSKs. ZSK throughput rates are very high with the ZS-B MEGAfeed. Preheating of the recyclate via mechanical energy input of the twin screws thus becomes even more economical for further processing in the reactor.

Existing Coperion extruders can be retrofitted with ZS-B MEGAfeed technology to greatly expand their spectrum of applications and increase their throughput rates.


Coperion GmbH / Konsens Public Relations GmbH & Co. KG


EREMA: POWERFIL presents new laserfilter

POWERFIL, a business unit of recycling machine manufacturer EREMA GmbH, presents its 2/406 laserfilter.

"For applications with a focus on melt quality and filtration fineness, this increase in screen area ensures lower pressure and temperature at the same throughput rate, allowing even finer screens to be used for even better results in quality-intensive plastics applications," explains Robert Obermayr, Head of Business Unit POWERFIL, EREMA GmbH. If the throughput capacity of the recycling plant needs to be increased, a significantly higher rate of plastic melt can be filtered while maintaining the other parameters thanks to the larger surface area of the screen. Up to 9,000 kilogrammes of melt can be filtered per hour with the Quattro version of the new LF 406 laserfilter.

POWERFIL, a business unit of recycling machine manufacturer EREMA GmbH, presents its 2/406 laserfilter.

"For applications with a focus on melt quality and filtration fineness, this increase in screen area ensures lower pressure and temperature at the same throughput rate, allowing even finer screens to be used for even better results in quality-intensive plastics applications," explains Robert Obermayr, Head of Business Unit POWERFIL, EREMA GmbH. If the throughput capacity of the recycling plant needs to be increased, a significantly higher rate of plastic melt can be filtered while maintaining the other parameters thanks to the larger surface area of the screen. Up to 9,000 kilogrammes of melt can be filtered per hour with the Quattro version of the new LF 406 laserfilter.

"Plastic recycling has become a must-have, even for input streams with higher levels of contamination. Efficient filtration systems are therefore indispensable for achieving the specified melt quality using existing extrusion systems," says Obermayr. That is why POWERFIL also offers the proven EREMA melt filters as individual components for existing EREMA machines and third-party extrusion systems. The product range includes the SW RTF partial area backflush system and the laserfilter. The range is aimed at manufacturers as well as recyclers, because the high-performance filters can be used to process post consumer plastics as well as post industrial films with paper labels and clean PET material. Both types of filter are particularly easy to integrate into an existing recycling plant and both are available in numerous sizes and variations. Whether the customer uses the robust backflush filter or the continuous high-performance laserfilter depends on the throughput and level of contamination of the material. The Laserfilter is ideal for heavy contamination. It handles impurity levels up to 5 percent and filtration as fine as 70 μm while continuously cleaning the screen with a scraper.

POWERFIL will also present the new 2/406 laserfilter and the full range of filters at the K 2022 trade fair stand for the EREMA Group.

More information:
EREMA Recycling plastics

EREMA Group GmbH


Reifenhäuser with solutions for films and nonwovens at K 2022

The Reifenhäuser Group will be represented with four booths at the world's leading trade fair for plastics processing, K 2022, from October 19 to 26. Under this year's Reifenhäuser motto "The Time is Now", the extrusion specialists will show producers of films and nonwovens solutions for the three major topics of the industry: sustainability, digitalization and productivity.

The main booth showcases the Reifenhäuser Blown Film, Cast Sheet Coating and Reicofil business units. With the help of machine exhibits, visual presentations and concrete solutions for end products, visitors will learn, among other things, how they can manufacture fully recyclable products economically, process recyclates safely, increase their output and network the entire production without becoming dependent on systems, specialists or manufacturers. To ensure smooth production even after purchase, Reifenhäuser Service shows how customers can get the best out of their Reifenhäuser products and increase their productivity with rework solutions, modifications, training programs and digital services.

The Reifenhäuser Group will be represented with four booths at the world's leading trade fair for plastics processing, K 2022, from October 19 to 26. Under this year's Reifenhäuser motto "The Time is Now", the extrusion specialists will show producers of films and nonwovens solutions for the three major topics of the industry: sustainability, digitalization and productivity.

The main booth showcases the Reifenhäuser Blown Film, Cast Sheet Coating and Reicofil business units. With the help of machine exhibits, visual presentations and concrete solutions for end products, visitors will learn, among other things, how they can manufacture fully recyclable products economically, process recyclates safely, increase their output and network the entire production without becoming dependent on systems, specialists or manufacturers. To ensure smooth production even after purchase, Reifenhäuser Service shows how customers can get the best out of their Reifenhäuser products and increase their productivity with rework solutions, modifications, training programs and digital services.

The component specialists of the Reifenhäuser Extrusion Systems business unit will additionally present their portfolio at two other exhibition booths. Here, everything revolves around screws, barrels and extruders - and why, especially for processing recycled material, high-performance wear protection is essential for reliability and high economic efficiency. Reifenhäuser Extrusion Systems will also showcase its innovations for flat dies and coextrusion blocks and their coordinated interaction for maximum productivity.

In addition to its own booths, Reifenhäuser will also be present as a partner of the R-Cycle initiative as part of a joint pavilion on the open-air site in the so-called Circular Economy Forum. R-Cycle is a cooperation project of various technology companies and organizations along the entire life cycle of plastic packaging.

Aanother highlight for visitors to the Reifenhäuser trade fair booths is the opportunity to additionally participate in the in-house exhibition on October 20, 21 and 24 at the Reifenhäuser Technology Center.


Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik

(c) DOMO Chemicals

DOMO stellt neue Materialdatenbank für Spritzgusssimulationen vor

  • DOMOs neuer Service deckt das globale Produktportfolio von Werkstoffen für den Spritzguss ab.
  • DOMO Engineered Materials ermöglicht den direkten Zugriff auf die stets aktuelle Materialdatenbank für Spritzgusssimulationen, sodass Kunden jederzeit die aktuellsten, umfangreichsten und validierten TECHNYL®-Werkstoffdaten einsehen können.
  • Dieser neue Service für schnellere Projektentwicklungszeiten wird am 12. Mai 2022 freigeschaltet.

Bisher mussten Anwender, die die neuesten Datenbanken für Spritzgussanwendungen von den jeweiligen Anbietern erhalten wollten, auf ein Update der Simulationssoftware warten. Von der Verfügbarkeit neuer Materialien bis zur Aktualisierung der öffentlichen Datenbanken verging beträchtliche Zeit – mitunter mehr als ein Jahr. Darüber hinaus mussten sich Anwender regelmäßig an verschiedene Kontakte wenden, um von Materialanbietern Auskünfte über die neuesten verfügbaren Ressourcen einzuholen.

  • DOMOs neuer Service deckt das globale Produktportfolio von Werkstoffen für den Spritzguss ab.
  • DOMO Engineered Materials ermöglicht den direkten Zugriff auf die stets aktuelle Materialdatenbank für Spritzgusssimulationen, sodass Kunden jederzeit die aktuellsten, umfangreichsten und validierten TECHNYL®-Werkstoffdaten einsehen können.
  • Dieser neue Service für schnellere Projektentwicklungszeiten wird am 12. Mai 2022 freigeschaltet.

Bisher mussten Anwender, die die neuesten Datenbanken für Spritzgussanwendungen von den jeweiligen Anbietern erhalten wollten, auf ein Update der Simulationssoftware warten. Von der Verfügbarkeit neuer Materialien bis zur Aktualisierung der öffentlichen Datenbanken verging beträchtliche Zeit – mitunter mehr als ein Jahr. Darüber hinaus mussten sich Anwender regelmäßig an verschiedene Kontakte wenden, um von Materialanbietern Auskünfte über die neuesten verfügbaren Ressourcen einzuholen.

DOMO ermöglicht es seinen Kunden jetzt mit regelmäßigen Aktualisierungen der Datenbank für Autodesk Moldflow einen wertvollen neuen Service zu erhalten. Auf Anfrage werden auch Spritzgussmaterialdaten für andere Softwarelösungen (Moldex3D, CADmould usw.) von unserem Sales und Technical Manager zur Verfügung gestellt.

Da Kunden so stets die neuesten Materialdaten für Spritzgusssimulationen zur Hand haben, können sie Zeit und Mühe bei der Generierung der notwendigen Daten für ihre Projekte sparen. Diese validierten Messdaten für präzisere Simulationen ermöglicht den Kunden, ihre Entwicklungszeiten zu verkürzen und Produkte schneller auf den Markt zu bringen.

Darüber hinaus umfassen diese direkten Aktualisierungen auch neue Werkstoffe aus DOMOs Entwicklungspipeline sowie neue validierte Daten, die über die gewöhnliche Vorgehensweise von Spritzgussanwendungen hinausgehen und beispielsweise die Optimierung der Vorhersage von Faserausrichtungen erlauben.

More information:
Domo DOMO Chemicals Kunststoffe

DOMO Chemicals / Marketing Solutions NV

(c) EREMA Group GmbH

EREMA: Working together with Recycling Company Anviplas

The Spanish recycling company Anviplas has been involved in plastics recycling for more than 30 years, during which time it has built up extensive know-how that now benefits customers throughout Europe, in Africa and in Asia. Their cooperation with EREMA is almost as long. Since 1991, Anviplas has relied on the technology and service provided by the Austrian recycling machine manufacturer.

The Spanish recycling company Anviplas has been involved in plastics recycling for more than 30 years, during which time it has built up extensive know-how that now benefits customers throughout Europe, in Africa and in Asia. Their cooperation with EREMA is almost as long. Since 1991, Anviplas has relied on the technology and service provided by the Austrian recycling machine manufacturer.

Employing 64 people, Anviplas recycles post-industrial and post-consumer plastic waste, especially HD and LD-PE as well as PP, to make recycled pellets in all colour variations. The production capacity is 1,800 tonnes per month. An EREMA type INTAREMA® 1716 TVEplus® recycling machine with screen changer is in operation at the site in Navarcles (Barcelona) for processing the PP material stream. This patented extruder system was developed for handling difficult-to-process materials, such as heavily printed films as well as very moist waste. This machine is characterised by its optimised 3-stage degassing system; firstly by preheating and predrying the material in the preconditioning unit, secondly because the screw design allows reverse degassing, and thirdly in the degassing zone of the extruder.

Anviplas customers manufacture a huge bandwidth of products made using their recycled pellets. They range from various film products, such as stretch, shrink, mulch and silage films, to irrigation, corrugated and high-pressure pipes, as well as containers such as tubs, bottles, barrels and crates.

In February 2022 the Repeats Group, a pan-European platform for LDPE recycling, and Anviplas announced, that Repeats has made an investment in the Spanish recycling company. For Repeats this investment in Anviplas represents an important step in building a pan-European plastics recycling platform.

More information:
EREMA Recycling plastics Anviplas

EREMA Group GmbH


AVK-Innovationspreis 2022 – Ausschreibung beginnt

Die AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V. bittet um Bewerbungen zum renommierten AVK Innovationspreis 2022 für den Bereich Faserverstärkte Kunststoffe (FVK) / Composites in folgenden Kategorien:

  • Innovative Produkte/Bauteile bzw. Anwendungen
  • Innovative Prozesse bzw. Verfahren
  • Forschung und Wissenschaft

Ein Ziel des Innovationspreises ist die Förderung neuer Produkte/Bauteile bzw. Anwendungen aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen (FVK) sowie die Förderung neuer Verfahren bzw. Prozesse zur Herstellung dieser FVK-Produkte. Ein weiterer Preis geht an Universitäten, Hochschulen und Institute für herausragende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in Forschung und Wissenschaft. In allen Kategorien wird besonderer Wert auf das Thema „Nachhaltigkeit“ gelegt. Ein wichtiges Ziel ist es, die Innovationen sowie die dahinterstehenden Firmen/Institutionen auszuzeichnen und so die Leistungsfähigkeit der gesamten Composites-Industrie öffentlichkeitswirksam darzustellen. Bewertet werden die Einreichungen von einer hochkarätigen Jury von Experten aus dem Composites-Bereich.

Die AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V. bittet um Bewerbungen zum renommierten AVK Innovationspreis 2022 für den Bereich Faserverstärkte Kunststoffe (FVK) / Composites in folgenden Kategorien:

  • Innovative Produkte/Bauteile bzw. Anwendungen
  • Innovative Prozesse bzw. Verfahren
  • Forschung und Wissenschaft

Ein Ziel des Innovationspreises ist die Förderung neuer Produkte/Bauteile bzw. Anwendungen aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen (FVK) sowie die Förderung neuer Verfahren bzw. Prozesse zur Herstellung dieser FVK-Produkte. Ein weiterer Preis geht an Universitäten, Hochschulen und Institute für herausragende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in Forschung und Wissenschaft. In allen Kategorien wird besonderer Wert auf das Thema „Nachhaltigkeit“ gelegt. Ein wichtiges Ziel ist es, die Innovationen sowie die dahinterstehenden Firmen/Institutionen auszuzeichnen und so die Leistungsfähigkeit der gesamten Composites-Industrie öffentlichkeitswirksam darzustellen. Bewertet werden die Einreichungen von einer hochkarätigen Jury von Experten aus dem Composites-Bereich.

Der Einsendeschluss für die Bewerbungsunterlagen ist der 1. April 2022.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.

Die Preisverleihung findet im Herbst 2022 während des JEC Forum DACH in Augsburg (29.-30.11.2022) statt.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.


World Pultrusion Conference - Postponed

  • The 16th World Pultrusion Conference will be postponed to 5-6 May 2022

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association in cooperation with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) will postpone the 16th World Pultrusion Conference to 5-6 May 2022 due to the corona situation and the postponement of the JEC World, with which there is a close partnership.

This conference takes place every two years and is the meeting point of the European and worldwide Pultrusion Industry. More than 25 international speakers from Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey, UK and the USA will present practical presentations about innovative applications, technologies and processes. Equally current market trends and developments are on the agenda.
This World Pultrusion Conference takes now place on 5-6 May 2022 in Paris, France. The presentation language will be English. The program, further details and registration information is available at

  • The 16th World Pultrusion Conference will be postponed to 5-6 May 2022

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association in cooperation with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) will postpone the 16th World Pultrusion Conference to 5-6 May 2022 due to the corona situation and the postponement of the JEC World, with which there is a close partnership.

This conference takes place every two years and is the meeting point of the European and worldwide Pultrusion Industry. More than 25 international speakers from Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey, UK and the USA will present practical presentations about innovative applications, technologies and processes. Equally current market trends and developments are on the agenda.
This World Pultrusion Conference takes now place on 5-6 May 2022 in Paris, France. The presentation language will be English. The program, further details and registration information is available at


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.