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Textiler Mittelstand braucht planbare Energiepreise

Südwesttextil begrüßt den Kabinettsbeschluss der „Preisbremsenverlängerungsverordnung“ in der letzten Woche, sieht aber für die Sicherung der Wertschöpfung kurzfristig und langfristig politisch dringenden Handlungsbedarf.

Mitte Oktober hat die Bundesregierung die Formulierungshilfe zur Änderung des Wachstumschancengesetztes verabschiedet und damit in die Wege geleitet, dass die Ende des Jahres auslaufenden Preisbremsen für Gas, Fernwärme und Strom bis Ende April 2024 verlängert werden können. Gleichzeitig beschloss sie die Sonderregelung zur Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer auf Gas früher als geplant bereits zum Ende des Jahres auslaufen zu lassen.

Südwesttextil begrüßt den Kabinettsbeschluss der „Preisbremsenverlängerungsverordnung“ in der letzten Woche, sieht aber für die Sicherung der Wertschöpfung kurzfristig und langfristig politisch dringenden Handlungsbedarf.

Mitte Oktober hat die Bundesregierung die Formulierungshilfe zur Änderung des Wachstumschancengesetztes verabschiedet und damit in die Wege geleitet, dass die Ende des Jahres auslaufenden Preisbremsen für Gas, Fernwärme und Strom bis Ende April 2024 verlängert werden können. Gleichzeitig beschloss sie die Sonderregelung zur Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer auf Gas früher als geplant bereits zum Ende des Jahres auslaufen zu lassen.

Südwesttextil sieht in der vorzeitigen Beendigung der Entlastung bei der Mehrwertsteuer ein falsches Signal in der anhaltend herausfordernden Lage, begrüßt aber den Kabinettsbeschluss in der letzten Woche zur Verlängerung der Preisbremsen als Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Kritisch sieht der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverband, dass nicht nur die Zustimmung des Bundestags für die Umsetzung aussteht, sondern auch eine Verlängerung der gelockerten Beihilferegelungen auf EU-Ebene. Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner: „Wettbewerbsfähige Energiepreise sind ebenso essentiell für die Sicherung der Wertschöpfung wie Planungssicherheit für die Zukunft. Wir brauchen daher kurz-, mittel- und langfristig Lösungen, mit denen unsere Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer rechnen können.“

Die Bundesregierung müsse daher dringend handeln und sich nicht nur für eine schnelle Klarheit bis April einsetzen, die auch eine Umsetzbarkeit für Versorger über den Jahreswechsel möglich macht, sondern auch eine Einigung zugunsten des Industriestrompreises. „Unsere Mitgliedsunternehmen planen langfristig und brauchen daher nachhaltige Lösungen“, fasst Edina Brenner zusammen.


Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie Südwesttextil e.V.

Photo CHT Gruppe

CHT TEXTILE SOLUTIONS - Smart approaches to energy cost reduction and climate protection

Within its TEXTILE SOLUTIONS, the CHT Group has developed solution approaches for manufacturing companies in the textile value chain that have to use a lot of energy for their production. This is intended to compensate high energy costs and make a positive contribution to climate protection.Application specialists work with customers to develop individual savings potentials that are specifically tailored to the production facilities and requirements. Thus, depending on the process, fabric and machine, energy savings of up to 30% can be achieved with the use of innovative CHT textile auxiliaries, dyes/pigments and the corresponding process optimisations. In addition, the numerous concepts and optimally matched products can minimise water consumption or shorten the process time.

Energy-efficient cold bleaching instead of pad-steam bleaching processes in continuous pretreatment and the 4SUCCESS process for energy-efficient and resource-saving pretreatment and dyeing of cotton help to save energy. Likewise, the use of polymer binders, which do not require energy-intensive fixation, saves energy.

Within its TEXTILE SOLUTIONS, the CHT Group has developed solution approaches for manufacturing companies in the textile value chain that have to use a lot of energy for their production. This is intended to compensate high energy costs and make a positive contribution to climate protection.Application specialists work with customers to develop individual savings potentials that are specifically tailored to the production facilities and requirements. Thus, depending on the process, fabric and machine, energy savings of up to 30% can be achieved with the use of innovative CHT textile auxiliaries, dyes/pigments and the corresponding process optimisations. In addition, the numerous concepts and optimally matched products can minimise water consumption or shorten the process time.

Energy-efficient cold bleaching instead of pad-steam bleaching processes in continuous pretreatment and the 4SUCCESS process for energy-efficient and resource-saving pretreatment and dyeing of cotton help to save energy. Likewise, the use of polymer binders, which do not require energy-intensive fixation, saves energy.

Efficient pretreatment with the new polymer technology CPT (Comb Polymer Technology) achieves good cleaning effects even with low liquor ratios and thus less water to heat up. To save costs for energy-consuming heating, there is also the gentle low-temperature fixation in the easy care finishing. The OrganIQ EMS Jeans system enables jeans finishing with a reduced application temperature compared to standard processes.

With TIME BOOST, a process for fast polyester dyeing processes, not only significant energy but also time savings are achieved by omitting pre-washing and by shortening heating and migration times. SHORT CUT also leads to shorter process times when dyeing polyamide.

To avoid cost-intensive intermediate drying, the CHT Group offers the SCREEN-2-SCREEN with PRINTPERFEKT S2S which facilitates printing in a wet-on-wet technology.

In addition to numerous other products, the CHT Group also offers its customers digital tools to optimally support process optimizations. The "BEZAKTIV Soaping Advisor" calculation program within the CHT Textile Dyes app can be used to evaluate and improve dyeing and soaping processes in a simple and target-oriented way.


CHT Group

(c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing: Ground-mounted photovoltaic system becomes operational

The Lenzing Group and VERBUND, an energy transition company, launched the first development stage of the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic system in Upper Austria. Together with its energy partner VERBUND, Lenzing is also paving the way for the transition to zero-emission mobility. The installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the company’s premises underlines Lenzing’s commitment to the energy transition process.

The Lenzing Group and VERBUND, an energy transition company, launched the first development stage of the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic system in Upper Austria. Together with its energy partner VERBUND, Lenzing is also paving the way for the transition to zero-emission mobility. The installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the company’s premises underlines Lenzing’s commitment to the energy transition process.

Thanks to the ground-mounted photovoltaic system at the “Ofenloch” landfill site, Lenzing, in conjunction with VERBUND, is consistently moving forward on the path to a carbon-free energy supply and has commissioned the first half of the new photovoltaic system with a peak power of 2,780 kWp. Full commissioning of the system with a peak power of 5,560 kWp is envisaged in mid-October. Annual electricity production will amount to 6,000,000 kWh, which is expected to cut CO2 emissions by some 4,400 tonnes per year. The Austrian pioneer in fiber production already commissioned three rooftop photovoltaic systems in spring/summer of 2022, with a peak power of 1,454 kWp and annual electricity production of some 1,508,000 kWh. The electricity flows directly into the company’s on-site production and will also power electric charging stations in future. In the first development stage, 16 wallboxes are set to be installed by the end of the year. A further 32 charging points are planned for 2023. The charging stations will be accessible to staff, visitors and the company’s own vehicle fleet.

“VERBUND’s photovoltaic operator model allows us to make the transition to solar power without incurring investment costs or risks. Thanks to the constant expansion in renewable energy, we remain on course to ecologize the value chain, while optimizing our carbon footprint, cutting costs and reducing the load on the grid, as we are using nearly 100 percent of photovoltaic power in our production,” explains Christian Skilich, Chief Pulp Officer of the Lenzing Group.

More information:
Lenzing energy consumption CO2

Lenzing AG


EKDP-Förderprogramm für energieintensive Industrie gestartet

Die Europäische Kommission hat die vierte Säule des Maßnahmenpakets der Bundesregierung für Unternehmen genehmigt, die besonders von den Folgen des russischen Angriffskriegs auf die Ukraine betroffen sind, und startet damit das Energiekostendämpfungsprogramm für energieintensive Industrien. Laut Anlage A des Merkblatts gehören zu den Wirtschaftszweigen mit einem erheblichen Risiko verschiedene Bereiche der Textilindustrie, wie Spinnerei, Weberei, Veredlung, Herstellung von Vliesstoffen, Technische Textilien und Chemiefasern.

Die Europäische Kommission hat die vierte Säule des Maßnahmenpakets der Bundesregierung für Unternehmen genehmigt, die besonders von den Folgen des russischen Angriffskriegs auf die Ukraine betroffen sind, und startet damit das Energiekostendämpfungsprogramm für energieintensive Industrien. Laut Anlage A des Merkblatts gehören zu den Wirtschaftszweigen mit einem erheblichen Risiko verschiedene Bereiche der Textilindustrie, wie Spinnerei, Weberei, Veredlung, Herstellung von Vliesstoffen, Technische Textilien und Chemiefasern.

Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine hat spürbare Auswirkungen auch auf deutsche Unternehmen. Stark gestiegene Energiepreise stellen für viele Unternehmen eine Belastung dar. Das Bundeswirtschafts- und Klimaschutzministerium und das Bundesfinanzministerium haben daher am 8. April 2022 ein Maßnahmenpaket für die von Kriegsfolgen besonders betroffenen Unternehmen vorgelegt. Dieses Maßnahmenpaket umfasst mehrere Komponenten, die Schritt für Schritt umgesetzt werden. Nachdem Ende April bzw. Anfang Mai bereits das KfW-Kreditprogramm eingeführt und die Bund-Länder- Bürgschaftsprogramme erweitert worden sind und seit dem 17. Juni 2022 auch das Margining-Absicherungsinstrument bereitsteht, startet nun die vierte Säule des Pakets, das Energiekostendämpfungsprogramm für energieintensive Industrien.

Antragsberechtigte energie- und handelsintensive Unternehmen können hiernach einen Zuschuss zu ihren gestiegenen Erdgas- und Stromkosten von bis zu 50 Millionen Euro erhalten, der in drei Stufen im Zeitraum Februar bis September 2022 gezahlt wird. Das Hilfsprogramm hat ein geplantes Volumen von insgesamt bis zu 5 Milliarden Euro.

Das Programm dient der Kostendämpfung des Erdgas- und Strompreisanstiegs für besonders betroffene energie- und handelsintensive Unternehmen.


Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz / Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle

(c) Borealis

Borealis-Strategy 2030: Sustainability in the centre

  • Strategy and purpose affirm Borealis Group vision to be a global leader in advanced and sustainable chemicals and material solutions
  • Sustainability at the centre of all activities, supporting OMV Group’s ambition for a net zero business by 2050
  • Strong foundation supports continued geographic expansion with enhanced focus on Middle East and Asia, North America

Borealis announces the introduction of the Borealis Strategy 2030. At the core of this strategic evolution is sustainability, which is supported by the Borealis foundation of dedication to safety first, its people, innovation and technology, and performance excellence. This foundation powers continued geographic expansion and the ongoing transformation towards the circular economy. The strategy stipulates new and more ambitious sustainability targets with regard to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, energy consumption, and the circular economy. Underlying the Borealis Strategy 2030 is an evolved purpose, “Re-inventing Essentials for Sustainable Living,” whose intent and spirit is shared across the OMV Group.*

  • Strategy and purpose affirm Borealis Group vision to be a global leader in advanced and sustainable chemicals and material solutions
  • Sustainability at the centre of all activities, supporting OMV Group’s ambition for a net zero business by 2050
  • Strong foundation supports continued geographic expansion with enhanced focus on Middle East and Asia, North America

Borealis announces the introduction of the Borealis Strategy 2030. At the core of this strategic evolution is sustainability, which is supported by the Borealis foundation of dedication to safety first, its people, innovation and technology, and performance excellence. This foundation powers continued geographic expansion and the ongoing transformation towards the circular economy. The strategy stipulates new and more ambitious sustainability targets with regard to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, energy consumption, and the circular economy. Underlying the Borealis Strategy 2030 is an evolved purpose, “Re-inventing Essentials for Sustainable Living,” whose intent and spirit is shared across the OMV Group.*

* See attached document for more information.


Borealis / ikp


Sappi invests in Kirkniemi Mill on decarbonisation journey

Sappi has approved an investment in Kirkniemi Mill in Lohja, Finland which enables a switch in its energy sourcing to renewable bioenergy. With this investment the mill’s direct fossil greenhouse gas emissions will reduce by ca. 90 percent, which is equivalent to 230 000 tons of carbon dioxide annually.

The project, set for completion in early 2023, will contribute significantly to Sappi Europe’s decarbonisation roadmap by exiting coal at one of its last facilities partially using this fuel type. Biomass will then be used in Kirkniemi’s multi-fuel boiler, built in 2015. The move advances Sappi towards its 2025 targets which include reducing specific greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 25 percent and increasing renewable energy share to 50 percent in Europe compared to 2019.

The investment will establish the equipment needed to receive, store and handle woody biomass like the bark, sawdust and wood chips used for biofuel production. Such biomass types are by-products from the forest-based industry and utilising them for energy production derives further value from the forest resource.

Sappi has approved an investment in Kirkniemi Mill in Lohja, Finland which enables a switch in its energy sourcing to renewable bioenergy. With this investment the mill’s direct fossil greenhouse gas emissions will reduce by ca. 90 percent, which is equivalent to 230 000 tons of carbon dioxide annually.

The project, set for completion in early 2023, will contribute significantly to Sappi Europe’s decarbonisation roadmap by exiting coal at one of its last facilities partially using this fuel type. Biomass will then be used in Kirkniemi’s multi-fuel boiler, built in 2015. The move advances Sappi towards its 2025 targets which include reducing specific greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 25 percent and increasing renewable energy share to 50 percent in Europe compared to 2019.

The investment will establish the equipment needed to receive, store and handle woody biomass like the bark, sawdust and wood chips used for biofuel production. Such biomass types are by-products from the forest-based industry and utilising them for energy production derives further value from the forest resource.

In addition to increasing share of renewable energy, Sappi’s mills are also focused on reducing energy consumption. Sappi Kirkniemi Mill is party to Finland’s National Energy Efficiency Agreement and consistently reaches their energy saving targets. Kirkniemi’s ISO 50001 certification provides further evidence of the mill’s systematic improvement in energy efficiency.


Sappi Europe

(c) Deutsche Lichtmiete

Deutsche Lichtmiete: Nachhaltige Beleuchtungssanierung für IGEFA WEINBRENNER

Energie effizient nutzen – diese Mission verfolgt die IGEFA WEINBRENNER Energy Solutions GmbH mit einer Vielzahl von Innovationen. Als einer der führenden Hersteller von Wärmetauschern konzentriert sich das Handeln des Unternehmens dabei längst nicht nur auf die Wirksamkeit der angebotenen Systeme, sondern auf den gesamten Herstellungsprozess. Das betrifft auch vermeintliche Nebenschauplätze wie die Beleuchtung der Produktionshallen. Nach einer umfassenden Beleuchtungssanierung nutzt IGEFA WEINBRENNER – ebenso wie andere Unternehmen der ZILONIS Gruppe – nicht nur energie- und kostensparende LED-Technik, sondern auch das innovative Light as a Service Konzept der Deutschen Lichtmiete.

Energie effizient nutzen – diese Mission verfolgt die IGEFA WEINBRENNER Energy Solutions GmbH mit einer Vielzahl von Innovationen. Als einer der führenden Hersteller von Wärmetauschern konzentriert sich das Handeln des Unternehmens dabei längst nicht nur auf die Wirksamkeit der angebotenen Systeme, sondern auf den gesamten Herstellungsprozess. Das betrifft auch vermeintliche Nebenschauplätze wie die Beleuchtung der Produktionshallen. Nach einer umfassenden Beleuchtungssanierung nutzt IGEFA WEINBRENNER – ebenso wie andere Unternehmen der ZILONIS Gruppe – nicht nur energie- und kostensparende LED-Technik, sondern auch das innovative Light as a Service Konzept der Deutschen Lichtmiete.

„Als Hersteller von Produkten der Wärme- und Verfahrenstechnik wissen wir, wie wichtig effiziente und kostensparende Systeme in einer zukunftsorientierten Industrie sind“, sagt Musa Smakaj, Geschäftsführer von IGEFA WEINBRENNER. Nachhaltigkeit mitzudenken bestimmt hier sämtliche interne und externe Prozesse auf dem Weg zu maßgeschneiderten, kundenspezifischen Lösungen. „Unser Ziel ist, die CO2-Emissionen unserer Kunden anhaltend zu reduzieren“, so Smakaj und verweist auf eine Vielzahl von Forschungsprojekten bei ZILONIS, bei denen Themen wie Wasserstoffproduktion, Fernwärmeanbindung und Solarstrom im Mittelpunkt stehen.



Deutsche Lichtmiete / HARTZKOM


CHT Germany GmbH: Sustainable heat for sustainable chemical solutions

  • Efficient heat supply of the future reduces environmentally harmful CO2

The heating sector offers a variety of options for the energy turnaround. One of them is district heating. This is an efficient energy source that makes an important contribution to sustainability and climate protection, especially when used within heat and energy-intensive companies. The CHT Group for speciality chemicals has opted to utilise the district heating supplied by the Tübingen public utilities (swt) at its headquarters in Tübingen - and thus reduce CO2 and the use of fossil fuels. This also resulted in the district heating network of the municipal utilities being extended by an additional half kilometre.

  • Efficient heat supply of the future reduces environmentally harmful CO2

The heating sector offers a variety of options for the energy turnaround. One of them is district heating. This is an efficient energy source that makes an important contribution to sustainability and climate protection, especially when used within heat and energy-intensive companies. The CHT Group for speciality chemicals has opted to utilise the district heating supplied by the Tübingen public utilities (swt) at its headquarters in Tübingen - and thus reduce CO2 and the use of fossil fuels. This also resulted in the district heating network of the municipal utilities being extended by an additional half kilometre.

Until recently, heating, hot water and various process steam applications within the CHT site in Bismarckstrasse, Tubingen were fed from a central steam generation plant fired by heating oil. Now three of four company buildings are connected to the swt district heating network and the process steam applications have been decentralised. The fourth building has already been equipped with a modern CHP system for many years. In the future, this building will be prepared for district heating. The conversion to district heating supply will be made as soon as the CHP plant has reached the end of its operating life. In order to connect the CHT headquarters to the district heating, the municipal utilities have extended their supply network by around 570 metres during a four-month construction period. The heat now flows through newly installed transfer stations where it is measured, regulated, transferred and finally fed into the buildings' heating circuits.

Dr. Bernhard Hettich, Chief Technical Officer of CHT Germany GmbH: "As a company CHT focuses on worldwide sustainability. This not only includes products but also the sustainable use of resources at the individual locations. At our headquarters in Tübingen, our efforts are directed towards reducing energy consumption and optimising it with regard to renewable energies. With this investment we will continue to reduce CO2 emissions and the consumption of fossil fuels for the energy we consume. As a Tübingen company, we are therefore pleased to be connected to the local district heating network and to be able to use its advantages for the benefit of our sustainability strategy".

High heat demand offers great savings potential
CHT's heat requirements are high as the three buildings already connected require around 1.3 million kilowatt hours of heat per year. With the fourth building included, the heat requirement is even 1.6 million kilowatt hours. With the conversion to district heating CHT saves about 152 tons of CO2 per year. An investment in the district heating connection is therefore an investment in the future, both from an ecological and economic point of view. CHT has invested 180,000 Euro in the district heating connection.


Please read the attached document for more information


CHT Germany GmbH

Oerlikon Barmag
Oerlikon Barmag mit neuer Technologie

e-save: new technology helps to save energy

POY process now even more energy-efficient

Following several years of development with partner Siemens, Oerlikon Barmag kicked off serial production of its new drive unit for POY systems at the beginning of the year. The new component makes stands out above all with regards to energy efficiency.

The requirements-specific design of the compact inverter unit ensures functional optimization of the winder’s control functions. And the new component is used in conjunction with a performance-optimized chuck motor. This means that energy savings of up to 3% can be achieved for the take-up.

Further customer benefits include a significant reduction in cables and cable trays. The reduced number of switching cabinets also saves space. Following intensive field tests at two well-known customers last year, the compact inverter unit was finally released for serial manufacture at the beginning of 2020.
There are plans to deliver several thousand positions with the new component this year.

POY process now even more energy-efficient

Following several years of development with partner Siemens, Oerlikon Barmag kicked off serial production of its new drive unit for POY systems at the beginning of the year. The new component makes stands out above all with regards to energy efficiency.

The requirements-specific design of the compact inverter unit ensures functional optimization of the winder’s control functions. And the new component is used in conjunction with a performance-optimized chuck motor. This means that energy savings of up to 3% can be achieved for the take-up.

Further customer benefits include a significant reduction in cables and cable trays. The reduced number of switching cabinets also saves space. Following intensive field tests at two well-known customers last year, the compact inverter unit was finally released for serial manufacture at the beginning of 2020.
There are plans to deliver several thousand positions with the new component this year.


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG