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7 results

SGL Carbon: Initiated transformation shows effect in sales and earnings 2021

  • Sales increase of 9.5% to €1,007.0 million driven by almost all business units
  • EBITDApre improves by 50.9% to €140.0 million, reaching the upper end of the 2021 guidance raised in July
  • Net financial debt reduced from €286.5 million to €206.3 million
  • Start of business in 2022 overshadowed by uncertainty resulting from the war in Ukraine

Rising demand in almost all market segments led to a 9.5% increase in Group sales to €1,007.0 million in fiscal 2021 compared to the previous year (2020: €919.4 million). Almost all business units contributed to the pleasing sales performance. At 50.9%, EBITDApre improved disproportionately to Group sales and amounted to €140.0 million in fiscal 2021 (2020: €92.8 million). Increased sales and the associated higher capacity utilization contributed to the improvement in earnings, together with the cost savings achieved as a result of the transformation initiated at the end of 2020.*

  • Sales increase of 9.5% to €1,007.0 million driven by almost all business units
  • EBITDApre improves by 50.9% to €140.0 million, reaching the upper end of the 2021 guidance raised in July
  • Net financial debt reduced from €286.5 million to €206.3 million
  • Start of business in 2022 overshadowed by uncertainty resulting from the war in Ukraine

Rising demand in almost all market segments led to a 9.5% increase in Group sales to €1,007.0 million in fiscal 2021 compared to the previous year (2020: €919.4 million). Almost all business units contributed to the pleasing sales performance. At 50.9%, EBITDApre improved disproportionately to Group sales and amounted to €140.0 million in fiscal 2021 (2020: €92.8 million). Increased sales and the associated higher capacity utilization contributed to the improvement in earnings, together with the cost savings achieved as a result of the transformation initiated at the end of 2020.*

Based on the assumptions outlined and including the costs of the energy hedges, the company expects Group sales for the 2022 financial year to be at the previous year's level and EBITDApre to be between €110 million and €130 million.*

* See attachment document for more information,


SGL Carbon SE: Preliminary sales and earnings figures for the first half of the year

  • Forecast raised for 2021

Based on the encouraging business performance in the first half of 2021 and the transformation successes, SGL Carbon expects strong Group results for the first six months of 2021 and raises its guidance for fiscal year 2021.

The company expects to exceed the upper end of the stated range of its Group EBITDA pre1 guidance (earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation adjusted by non-recurring items and one-time effects) for fiscal year 2021 of EUR 100 to 120 million and raises the EBITDA pre guidance for 2021 to EUR 130 –140 million.

SGL Carbon's sales forecast is also increased slightly to approximately EUR 1.0 billion for the current fiscal year, up from EUR 920 – 970 million originally. The company expects free cash flow for the full year to be correspondingly above the forecast of EUR 20 million given at the beginning of the year. A slightly positive consolidated net result is also predicted for 2021.

  • Forecast raised for 2021

Based on the encouraging business performance in the first half of 2021 and the transformation successes, SGL Carbon expects strong Group results for the first six months of 2021 and raises its guidance for fiscal year 2021.

The company expects to exceed the upper end of the stated range of its Group EBITDA pre1 guidance (earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation adjusted by non-recurring items and one-time effects) for fiscal year 2021 of EUR 100 to 120 million and raises the EBITDA pre guidance for 2021 to EUR 130 –140 million.

SGL Carbon's sales forecast is also increased slightly to approximately EUR 1.0 billion for the current fiscal year, up from EUR 920 – 970 million originally. The company expects free cash flow for the full year to be correspondingly above the forecast of EUR 20 million given at the beginning of the year. A slightly positive consolidated net result is also predicted for 2021.

Previously, the company had assumed a consolidated net result of between EUR -20 million and EUR 0. According to preliminary figures, SGL Carbon expects Group sales for H1 2021 of around EUR 496 million (H1 2020: EUR 456.5 million). This corresponds to an increase of around 9% compared to the same period of the previous year. Based on the sales increase and the cost effects achieved from the transformation, EBITDA pre (EBITDA before non-recurring items and one-time effects) increased to around EUR 72 million in the first six months of 2021 (H1 2020: EUR 42.0 million).

The updated forecast for fiscal 2021 has been prepared on the basis of the prevailing market environment and assumes no deterioration in conditions due to the corona pandemic. In particular, it is based on the assumption that purchasing prices and logistics chains remain stable and production lines remain in operation. The communicated medium-term targets up to 2025 remain unaffected by the forecast adjustment. SGL Carbon will release its 2021 half-year figures as planned on August 12, 2021.

More information:
SGL Carbon SGL Carbon SE

SGL Carbon SE


SGL Carbon Coronajahr 2020

SGL Carbon reagiert mit konsequenten Gegenmaßnahmen auf die Krise und stößt umfangreiche Transformation an – stabiles EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen und deutlich positiver Free Cashflow im schwierigen Coronajahr 2020

SGL Carbon reagiert mit konsequenten Gegenmaßnahmen auf die Krise und stößt umfangreiche Transformation an – stabiles EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen und deutlich positiver Free Cashflow im schwierigen Coronajahr 2020

  • Konzernumsatz 2020 bei 919,4 Mio. € und damit um 15 % unter dem Vorjahresniveau
  • Nettoergebnis wegen Wertminderung bei CFM und Restrukturierungsaufwendungen bei minus 132,2 Mio. € (Vorjahr: -90,0 Mio. €)
  • EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen mit 50,2 Mio. € leicht über Vorjahr (48,4 Mio. €)
  • Operatives EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen und Einmaleffekten mit 19,5 Mio. € leicht über den Erwartungen
  • Free Cashflow mithilfe von strengen Investitions- und Ausgabenbegrenzungen sowie Einmaleffekten deutlich gesteigert um 91,0 Mio. € auf 73,7 Mio. €
  • Nettofinanzschulden trotz Kaufpreiszahlung für Carbonfaserwerk in Moses Lake geringfügig reduziert auf 286,6 Mio. €
  • Restrukturierungs- und Transformationsprogramm: bis 2023 jährlich wiederkehrende Einsparungen in Höhe von mehr als 100 Mio. € avisiert, davon bereits 40 Mio. € im Geschäftsjahr 2020 erzielt
  • Prognose für 2021: Umsatzerlöse zwischen 920 und 970 Mio. €, bereinigtes EBITDA bei 100 bis 120 Mio. € (2020: 92,8 Mio. €)

Die Corona-Pandemie hatte im Geschäftsjahr 2020 einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Geschäftsentwicklung der SGL Carbon. Auch wenn die Produktion bei der SGL Carbon dank effektiver Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen zu keinem Zeitpunkt heruntergefahren werden musste, war das Unternehmen mit einer deutlich reduzierten Nachfrage konfrontiert. Während für das Berichtssegment Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM) eine Nachfrageerholung zum Jahresende festzustellen war, hat sich die Nachfrage im Berichtssegment Graphite Materials & Systems (GMS) bis zum Jahresende nur wenig belebt. Der Konzernumsatz lag 2020 bei 919,4 Mio. € und damit um 15 % unter dem Vorjahresniveau (2019: 1.086,7 Mio. €). Wegen einer Wertminderung bei CFM sowie durch Restrukturierungsaufwendungen betrug zudem das Nettoergebnis minus 132,2 Mio. € nach minus 90,0 Mio. € im Vorjahr.

Prognose: Entwicklung des Konzerns

Nach dem starken wirtschaftlichen Einbruch im Jahr 2020 gehen wir davon aus, dass das Geschäftsjahr 2021 von einer moderaten Erholung geprägt sein wird. Die Umsatzerlöse sollten über dem Vorjahresniveau (2020: 919,4 Mio. €) in der Spanne zwischen 920 und 970 Mio. € liegen. Für das bereinigte EBITDA erwarten wir eine Verbesserung auf 100 bis 120 Mio. € (2020: 92,8 Mio. €). Hier werden sich insbesondere Einsparungen aus den eingeleiteten Restrukturierungsmaßnahmen positiv widerspiegeln. Nach einem Konzern-Jahresfehlbetrag der fortgeführten Aktivitäten von 132,9 Mio. € im Geschäftsjahr 2020, der primär auf Wertminderungen bei CFM und die Restrukturierungsaufwendungen zurückzuführen ist, dürfte sich das Nettoergebnis (fortgeführte Aktivitäten) im Jahr 2021 deutlich verbessern und im Bereich zwischen minus 20 Mio. € und einem ausgeglichenen Ergebnis liegen.




SGL Carbon SE: Board of Management resolves restructuring program

An impairment charge has become necessary based on the current status of the new 5 year plan.

(Market Abuse Regulation N° 596/2014)
•    Impairment loss amounting to €80-100 million in the fourth quarter 2020 in the business unit CFM
•    Restructuring program resolved with savings target of more than €100 million until 2023
•    Guidance 2020 for Group sales and operating recurring Group EBIT confirmed
•    Guidance 2020 for net result reduced to minus €130-150 million

An impairment charge has become necessary based on the current status of the new 5 year plan.

(Market Abuse Regulation N° 596/2014)
•    Impairment loss amounting to €80-100 million in the fourth quarter 2020 in the business unit CFM
•    Restructuring program resolved with savings target of more than €100 million until 2023
•    Guidance 2020 for Group sales and operating recurring Group EBIT confirmed
•    Guidance 2020 for net result reduced to minus €130-150 million

In the current status of the 5 year plan, which is at present under preparation, significant deviations have already become apparent today, particularly in the market segments Automotive, Aerospace and Wind Energy in the business unit Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM). Partially also due to the pandemic, Automotive and Aerospace is developing slower than anticipated in the last 5 year plan. In contrast, business with Wind Energy is growing much stronger than previously planned. These changes in the product mix lead to lower mid-term earnings at CFM compared to the prior 5 year plan. Following these deviations from the last 5 year plan, an event-driven impairment test was undertaken. This results in a non-cash impairment charge amounting to €80-100 million, which will be recorded in the fourth quarter 2020.

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE today also resolved the implementation of a restructuring program, with which the Company is targeting savings of more than €100 million until 2023 (compared to the base year 2019). These savings consist of a planned socially compatible reduction in personnel of more than 500 employees and substantial reduction in indirect spend, particularly in the areas of travel, consulting and external services. Costs of approximately €40 million are anticipated for the implementation of this restructuring program. A little more than half of this is expected to be recorded as expenses in the fourth quarter 2020, while the associated cash outflows are mainly forecasted for 2021.

This requires a partial adjustment of the guidance for 2020. The solid operational development in the third quarter 2020 with Group sales between €220 and €230 million and operating recurring EBIT1 between €13 and €15 million (plus approximately €9 million positive one-time effects) is within the framework of our expectations for the full year 2020. However, the Group net result is likely to develop below the prior year level of minus €90 million and reach approximately between minus €130 and €150 million due to the restructuring provisions as well as the impairment charge (prior guidance: improvement to a negative low double-digit million € amount).

With liquidity of €167 million as of September 30, 2020 (compared to €137 million at year-end 2019) and further cash inflows in the fourth quarter 2020 from successfully implemented additional funding measures, the Company’s position is solid. This liquidity is more than sufficient for the payment of the purchase price for SGL Composites USA in the amount of USD 62 million at the end of 2020 as well as the restructuring-related cash outflows expected mainly in 2021. The Company continues to have access to the revolving credit facility (RCF) in the amount of €175 million, which remains undrawn.

The quarterly statement as of September 30, 2020 will be published on November 12, 2020 as scheduled. Further details on the new 5 year plan as well as the guidance on the fiscal year 2021 will be presented with the publication of the Annual Report 2020 on March 25, 2021.

*The use of KPIs in this notification is aligned to the annual report 2019 and the interim report for the first half year 2020. There were no changes to the scope of consolidation or to valuation methods compared to the previous guidance.

More information:
SGL Carbon Composites Fibers



As expected, SGL Carbon’s second quarter impacted by Corona pandemic

  • Sales and recurring EBIT significantly decreased in first half of 2020

As expected, the second quarter of SGL Carbon was impacted by the Corona pandemic, but not to the extent predicted in May when the quarterly statement for the period ended March 31, 2020 was published. Sales in the three months as per end of June decreased approximately 23 percent year-on-year, whereas Group recurring EBIT was at around 2 million euros and thus higher than anticipated. In total, SGL Carbon reached Group sales of 457 million euros in the first half year. This corresponds to a decrease of around 19 percent year-on-year. The decline is due to a pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM) due to capacity adjustments. Group recurring EBIT was down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros.

At a glance*:

  • Sales and recurring EBIT significantly decreased in first half of 2020

As expected, the second quarter of SGL Carbon was impacted by the Corona pandemic, but not to the extent predicted in May when the quarterly statement for the period ended March 31, 2020 was published. Sales in the three months as per end of June decreased approximately 23 percent year-on-year, whereas Group recurring EBIT was at around 2 million euros and thus higher than anticipated. In total, SGL Carbon reached Group sales of 457 million euros in the first half year. This corresponds to a decrease of around 19 percent year-on-year. The decline is due to a pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM) due to capacity adjustments. Group recurring EBIT was down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros.

At a glance*:

  • Sales in the second quarter approximately 23 percent below prior-year period; Group recurring EBIT of around 2 million euros was slightly better than anticipated at the presentation of the results of the first quarter 2020
  • Group sales in the first half year 2020 at almost 457 million euros and thus around 19 percent below the prior-year period; decrease in sales due to pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM)
  • Group recurring EBIT down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros
  • As a result of measures taken at an early stage and contrary to the normal seasonal trend, cash and cash equivalents at nearly 154 million euros as of June 30, 2020 developed very positively compared to the end of 2019
  • According to the full year forecast published on July 28, 2020, SGL Carbon expects Group sales to decline by 15 to 20 percent and a slightly positive operating recurring EBIT
  • Dr. Torsten Derr, CEO of SGL Carbon: "My ambition is to achieve lasting success with SGL Carbon. Over the past two months, we have been conducting a comprehensive analysis of our processes, structures and markets. Based on this, we will identify the options that will enable us to sustainably increase our profitability. The Corona pandemic is forcing us to act even faster."

*Please read the attached document for more information

More information:
SGL Carbon Coronakrise Umsatz

SGL CARBON SE Corporate Communications


SGL Carbon SE suspends guidance for the current fiscal year

The previously communicated targets for 2020 are unlikely to be achieved due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE determined today, that the forecasted results for the fiscal year 2020 are unlikely to be achieved due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the substantial uncertainty regarding the duration and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Management is currently unable to provide a reliable sales revenue and earnings forecast for the current year. Consequently, the guidance for 2020 is suspended. 

The previously communicated targets for 2020 are unlikely to be achieved due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE determined today, that the forecasted results for the fiscal year 2020 are unlikely to be achieved due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the substantial uncertainty regarding the duration and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Management is currently unable to provide a reliable sales revenue and earnings forecast for the current year. Consequently, the guidance for 2020 is suspended. 

The previous expectation, which guided for a slightly lower sales revenue und a recurring EBIT1 approximately 10-15% below the prior year (sales revenue 2019: €1,087m; recurring EBIT 2019: €48m), was already made conditional by the Board of Management in the management report published on March 12, 2020, that negative effects from the coronavirus were not included, as the outbreak at that time was mainly restricted to China and Italy. In the meantime, numerous other governments have introduced far-reaching measures with substantial limitations on the public and economic sectors and leading economists now forecast significant reductions in economic output in key economies. 

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon has introduced and partially already implemented comprehensive measures to reduce the cost base and to secure liquidity. These measures include the introduction of short-time work, reduction of material and indirect spend, as well as further reduction resp. postponement of capital expenditures. In addition, we are exploring further financing options independent of the capital markets, some of which are already in preparation. The Company is intensively working on identifying and mitigating potential risks. 

More information:
SGL Carbon Coronavirus

SGL Carbon


SGL Carbon SE postpones Annual General Meeting

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE (ISIN: DE0007235301) has decided not to hold the Annual General Meeting on April 22, 2020, as planned, but to postpone it to a later date.

The cancellation of the Annual General Meeting convened for April 22, 2020, is due to the latest measures taken by the federal government, the federal states and municipalities in connection with the spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as well as the assessment of the Robert Koch Institute and the relevant authorities that in the following weeks infections in Germany will likely increase further. In this situation, the Board of Management decided not to hold the event on April 22, 2020, in the interest of protecting the health of our shareholders, our employees, and our service providers involved in the Annual General Meeting.

The Company will reschedule the Annual General Meeting to a later date in 2020. SGL Carbon SE will monitor the situation closely in the coming weeks and, depending on the further development of the infections, will invite its shareholders to a new date for the Annual General Meeting.

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE (ISIN: DE0007235301) has decided not to hold the Annual General Meeting on April 22, 2020, as planned, but to postpone it to a later date.

The cancellation of the Annual General Meeting convened for April 22, 2020, is due to the latest measures taken by the federal government, the federal states and municipalities in connection with the spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as well as the assessment of the Robert Koch Institute and the relevant authorities that in the following weeks infections in Germany will likely increase further. In this situation, the Board of Management decided not to hold the event on April 22, 2020, in the interest of protecting the health of our shareholders, our employees, and our service providers involved in the Annual General Meeting.

The Company will reschedule the Annual General Meeting to a later date in 2020. SGL Carbon SE will monitor the situation closely in the coming weeks and, depending on the further development of the infections, will invite its shareholders to a new date for the Annual General Meeting.

More information:
SGL Carbon

SGL Carbon