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Dr. Stefan König neuer CEO der Optima Unternehmensgruppe Foto: Optima
Hans Bühler (links) übergibt den CEO-Posten an Dr. Stefan König

Dr. Stefan König neuer CEO der Optima Unternehmensgruppe

Die Optima Unternehmensgruppe hat Dr. Stefan König zum neuen Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ernannt. Er übernimmt die Rolle von Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, der in die Position des Chairman wechselt.

Im April 2024 hat Hans Bühler den Titel des Chief Executive Officer (CEO) an Dr. Stefan König übergeben, der bereits seit 2021 als Geschäftsführer im Unternehmen tätig ist. König bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung aus verschiedenen Bereichen des Maschinenbaus mit. Zuletzt war er als CEO der ehemaligen Bosch Packaging Technology GmbH tätig.

Bühler selbst, der über 35 Jahren Sprecher der Geschäftsführung war, wird sich in der vierköpfigen Geschäftsführung als Chairman auf Zukunftsthemen, strategische Entscheidungen und den Gesellschafterkreis fokussieren.

Die Optima Unternehmensgruppe hat Dr. Stefan König zum neuen Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ernannt. Er übernimmt die Rolle von Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, der in die Position des Chairman wechselt.

Im April 2024 hat Hans Bühler den Titel des Chief Executive Officer (CEO) an Dr. Stefan König übergeben, der bereits seit 2021 als Geschäftsführer im Unternehmen tätig ist. König bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung aus verschiedenen Bereichen des Maschinenbaus mit. Zuletzt war er als CEO der ehemaligen Bosch Packaging Technology GmbH tätig.

Bühler selbst, der über 35 Jahren Sprecher der Geschäftsführung war, wird sich in der vierköpfigen Geschäftsführung als Chairman auf Zukunftsthemen, strategische Entscheidungen und den Gesellschafterkreis fokussieren.

König wird als CEO die Geschäftsführung koordinieren sowie Initia-tiven und Beschlüsse zur Zielerreichung treffen und durchführen. Er teilt sich mit Dr. Johannes-Thomas Grobe die Verantwortung für die vier Geschäftseinheiten Pharma, Consumer, Nonwovens und Life Science inklusive des Bereichs Wasserstoffwirtschaft, sowie die unternehmensübergreifenden Themen Digitalisierung, Nachhaltig-keit und Marketing. Die Zentraleinheiten wie Personal und Finanzen werden von Jan Glass gesteuert. Er wird im Laufe des Jahres sein Amt an seinen designierten Nachfolger Marco Beyl übergeben.

More information:
Optima Verpackung CEO

OPTIMA packaging group GmbH

Optima: Studierende beim Smart Green Island Makeathon (c) Optima
Haller Tüftler auf Gran Canaria (vlnr): Luca Mitrenga (DH-Student Elektrotechnik), Jannick Besler (DH-Student Elektrotechnik), Luisa Mebert (HR-Managerin bei Optima), Jeremy Wolf (DH-Student Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen), Shafira Andhinin Tiyan (Praktikantin Sustainable Solutions)

Optima: Studierende beim Smart Green Island Makeathon

Vier Studierende von Optima haben vom 28. Februar bis 2. März 2024 beim Smart Green Island Makeathon auf Gran Canaria teilgenommen. Gemeinsam haben sie Prototypen für intelligente Landwirtschaft, automatisierte Systeme für die Lagerhaltung sowie einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Batterien entwickelt. Bei dem Makeathon konnten die jungen Talente ihr Wissen ausbauen und neue Kontakte knüpfen. Bei der jährlich stattfindenden Veranstaltung waren in diesem Jahr 587 Teilnehmende aus 47 Nationen dabei.

Die beiden Studenten Jannick Besler und Luca Mitrenga haben sich für die Challenge „Smart Home Farming“ entschieden, also intelligente Landwirtschaft für zu Hause. Ein Teil der Challenge bestand daraus, eine automatische Bewässerungsanlage für Pflanzen mit Hilfe von PET-Flaschen zu installieren. Wer in der Großstadt wohnt und keinen eigenen Garten hat, soll sich mit der automatischen Bewässerung ein Hochbeet in den eigenen vier Wänden schaffen können. Dafür hat das Team ein vertikales System entwickelt, in dem PET-Flaschen mit den Pflanzen befüllt und an der Wand befestigt werden. Die Pflanzen werden durch Leitungen von unten mit Wasser besprüht.

Vier Studierende von Optima haben vom 28. Februar bis 2. März 2024 beim Smart Green Island Makeathon auf Gran Canaria teilgenommen. Gemeinsam haben sie Prototypen für intelligente Landwirtschaft, automatisierte Systeme für die Lagerhaltung sowie einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Batterien entwickelt. Bei dem Makeathon konnten die jungen Talente ihr Wissen ausbauen und neue Kontakte knüpfen. Bei der jährlich stattfindenden Veranstaltung waren in diesem Jahr 587 Teilnehmende aus 47 Nationen dabei.

Die beiden Studenten Jannick Besler und Luca Mitrenga haben sich für die Challenge „Smart Home Farming“ entschieden, also intelligente Landwirtschaft für zu Hause. Ein Teil der Challenge bestand daraus, eine automatische Bewässerungsanlage für Pflanzen mit Hilfe von PET-Flaschen zu installieren. Wer in der Großstadt wohnt und keinen eigenen Garten hat, soll sich mit der automatischen Bewässerung ein Hochbeet in den eigenen vier Wänden schaffen können. Dafür hat das Team ein vertikales System entwickelt, in dem PET-Flaschen mit den Pflanzen befüllt und an der Wand befestigt werden. Die Pflanzen werden durch Leitungen von unten mit Wasser besprüht.

Der zweite Teil ihrer Challenge war die Entwicklung einer automatisierten Zustandsanalyse. Dafür entnimmt ein Roboter die Pflanze aus der PET-Flasche und führt sie auf ein lineares Transportsystem mit Magnetantrieb. Eine installierte Kamera erkennt dann die Art der Pflanze, ob und welche Früchte sie trägt und ob sie von Schädlingen befallen ist. So eignet sich das automatisierte System auch für landwirtschaftliche Prozesse.

Student Jeremy Wolf entwickelte mit seinem Team ein automatisiertes System für intelligente Lagerhaltung mit Hilfe von einem 6-Achs-Roboter. „Im Vergleich zu den anderen Teams haben wir unsere Chancen auf eine herausstechende Lösung eher gering eingeschätzt. Trotzdem haben wir uns nicht unterkriegen lassen“, erzählt er. „Die Sponsoren waren am Ende so stark von unserer Idee und Entwicklung begeistert, dass sie uns empfohlen haben, an einem weiteren Contest ihres Unternehmens teilzunehmen. Sie meinten, unsere Chancen auf den Hauptpreis stehen hoch.“

Shafira Andhinin Tiyan studiert nachhaltige Energiesysteme und absolviert ein Praktikum in der Nachhaltigkeitsabteilung von Optima. Beim Makeathon wählte sie die Challenge zu einem nachhaltigen Thema aus: Recycling von Batterien für die Kreislaufwirtschaft. Shafira und ihr Team entwickelten einen Prototyp, der die Restenergie von verbrauchten Batterien in einer Wasserstoffstation wiederverwendet und daraus Wasserstoffenergie erzeugt.


OPTIMA packaging group GmbH

adidas: Study on effect of pressure in sports (c) adidas AG

adidas: Study on effect of pressure in sports

Under adidas’ ambition to help athletes overcome high pressure moments in sport, it has teamed up with leading sport neuroscientists, neuro11, to understand the impact it has within a game of football, basketball, and golf during penalty shootouts, high-stake putts and must-make free-throws.

Working with Emiliano Martínez, Ludvig Åberg, Nneka Ogwumike, Rose Zhang, and Stina Blackstenius, as well as amateurs in the game, adidas and neuro11 delved into their minds to identify and analyse where pressure peaks, to help athletes across the globe to better understand it.

Understanding from this study that grassroots athletes and their elite counterparts experience similarly intense levels of pressure in the biggest sporting moments - but elite athletes were up to 40% more effective at managing pressure during these moments1 - a toolbox of techniques has been developed, built from the specific findings, to assist next-gen athletes in managing and overcoming the feeling within their game.

Under adidas’ ambition to help athletes overcome high pressure moments in sport, it has teamed up with leading sport neuroscientists, neuro11, to understand the impact it has within a game of football, basketball, and golf during penalty shootouts, high-stake putts and must-make free-throws.

Working with Emiliano Martínez, Ludvig Åberg, Nneka Ogwumike, Rose Zhang, and Stina Blackstenius, as well as amateurs in the game, adidas and neuro11 delved into their minds to identify and analyse where pressure peaks, to help athletes across the globe to better understand it.

Understanding from this study that grassroots athletes and their elite counterparts experience similarly intense levels of pressure in the biggest sporting moments - but elite athletes were up to 40% more effective at managing pressure during these moments1 - a toolbox of techniques has been developed, built from the specific findings, to assist next-gen athletes in managing and overcoming the feeling within their game.

Covering in-depth detail on what pressure looks like within each sport, how it has been proven to impact specific in-game moments, the brain zones that neuro11’s state-of-the-art brain technology measures and the main insights from each athlete’s training session, each report sets out to support all athletes in accessing the optimal zone - the brain state in which they perform at their best.

Rounded off with science-backed tips that reveal the optimal area of a goal to strike a penalty, how to use time to regain focus before netting a free throw, as well as the impact of dwell time on putting in golf – the guides are shaped around enhancing mental focus during some of the most pressured moments across sport.

1 Findings captured during athlete training sessions, as part of adidas SS24 Brand Campaign, in collaboration with neuro11 (November ’23- January ’24). Study carried out with Emiliano Martínez, Ludvig Åberg, Nneka Ogwumike, Rose Zhang, and Stina Blackstenius, in addition to 5 grassroot athletes.


adidas AG


ECHA: Strategic goals for 2024-2028

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published its Strategy Statement 2024-2028. The strategy details the agency’s goals and priorities over the next five years to protect health and the environment through its work for chemical safety.

Main elements of the Strategy – Goals and Priorities

Be a trusted chemicals agency – ECHA aims to achieve this by delivering its legal mandate using independent expertise and robust data. The Agency, to support this, will:

  • Deliver transparent, independent, and high-quality scientific advice, opinions, and decisions;
  • Enhance decision and policy making through optimal use of data, knowledge, and competence; and
  • Facilitate the prioritisation and co-ordination of regulatory actions on substances and groups of substances with the European Commission (EC), EU agencies and Member State Authorities.

Respond to emerging challenges and changes in their legal landscape – ECHA will prepare for new tasks and inform EU chemical and environmental policy. To support this goal, it will focus on the following priorities:

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published its Strategy Statement 2024-2028. The strategy details the agency’s goals and priorities over the next five years to protect health and the environment through its work for chemical safety.

Main elements of the Strategy – Goals and Priorities

Be a trusted chemicals agency – ECHA aims to achieve this by delivering its legal mandate using independent expertise and robust data. The Agency, to support this, will:

  • Deliver transparent, independent, and high-quality scientific advice, opinions, and decisions;
  • Enhance decision and policy making through optimal use of data, knowledge, and competence; and
  • Facilitate the prioritisation and co-ordination of regulatory actions on substances and groups of substances with the European Commission (EC), EU agencies and Member State Authorities.

Respond to emerging challenges and changes in their legal landscape – ECHA will prepare for new tasks and inform EU chemical and environmental policy. To support this goal, it will focus on the following priorities:

  • Implement new legal requirements using existing and new synergies and experience;
  • Work with relevant EU agencies and bodies to deliver Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) actions and objectives; and
  • Provide scientific and technical advice on chemicals to EU policy makers.

Communicate and Engage – by collaborating with stakeholders and partners, ECHA will strengthen public confidence in chemicals regulation. In support of this goal, the Agency will:

  • Deepen their network of engagement with EU institutions and agencies and Member States;
  • Collaborate and provide tools, advice, and support to industry; and
  • Promote awareness and understanding of ECHA's work to stakeholders representing workers, the public and the environment.

Lead on chemical knowledge and expertise – the Agency will advance knowledge and understanding on chemical safety. To achieve this, it will:

  • Contribute proactively to expanding scientific and technical competence and knowledge on chemical safety;
  • Promote the development and use of alternative methods for the assessment of hazards and risks of chemicals; and
  • Support the EC to enhance engagement and synergies at international level.

Invest in people and organisational excellence – ECHA is committed to working together to achieve their vision. In order to achieve this they will:

  • Develop and empower their people for success;
  • Create optimal ways of working for the Agency, its bodies, its people, and the environment; and
  • Adopt an IT delivery model that is cost-effective, streamlined, modular, interoperable, cloud based and centralised.

European Chemicals Agency

Devan high cooling Photo: Devan Chemicals

Devan Chemicals presents latest sustainable textile finishes at Heimtextil 2024

Devan will showcase the newest additions to their R-Vital NTL Range and Thermic High Cooling technology.

R-Vital® NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost their textiles with a range of active, natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the body and mind. Elements such as Chamomile oil and Arnica Montana are absorbed by the skin and have relaxing, moisturizing or hydrating effects. The biobased content of the R-Vital well-being technology is +97%, readily biodegradable (OECD 301B).

R-Vital® NTL Regenight™: Devan and Lucas Meyer Cosmetics join forces to launch a ground-breaking technology, R-Vital NTL Regenight™, a technology which improves sleep quality and also improves nighttime skin recovery. Using an upcycled oil soluble fraction obtained from Australian Tea tree oil distillation process, Regenight™ acts through both inhalation to improve nighttime rest and through topical action to provide skin recovery.

Tested in real-life context using proven biometric technology, the dual action provided individually by Regenight™ proposes a breakthrough approach to reduce the impact of poor-quality sleep on the skin.

Devan will showcase the newest additions to their R-Vital NTL Range and Thermic High Cooling technology.

R-Vital® NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost their textiles with a range of active, natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the body and mind. Elements such as Chamomile oil and Arnica Montana are absorbed by the skin and have relaxing, moisturizing or hydrating effects. The biobased content of the R-Vital well-being technology is +97%, readily biodegradable (OECD 301B).

R-Vital® NTL Regenight™: Devan and Lucas Meyer Cosmetics join forces to launch a ground-breaking technology, R-Vital NTL Regenight™, a technology which improves sleep quality and also improves nighttime skin recovery. Using an upcycled oil soluble fraction obtained from Australian Tea tree oil distillation process, Regenight™ acts through both inhalation to improve nighttime rest and through topical action to provide skin recovery.

Tested in real-life context using proven biometric technology, the dual action provided individually by Regenight™ proposes a breakthrough approach to reduce the impact of poor-quality sleep on the skin.

R-Vital® NTL Chamomile oil: Chamomile oil is known for its moisturizing and soothing properties. Additionally, this oil is believed to have antioxidant and inflammatory properties. Furthermore, chamomile oil is renowned for its calming effects and potential to reduce stress and anxiety, helping improve sleep quality.

R-Vital® NTL Warming: Engineered to deliver a gentle warmth, the R-Vital NTL Warming technology ensures a cozy and comfortable sleeping experience. This blend is a solution that infuses a sense of warmth, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

R-Vital NTL Arnica Montana: Harnessing the natural benefits of Arnica Montana, this ingredient, is celebrated for its potent healing and recovering properties.

At Heimtextil Devan will also present a new high cooling technology that provides an optimal and refreshing sleeping climate, ensuring a cool and restful night's sleep. Thermic High Cooling is based on reactive microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PCMs). The smart heat exchange mechanism keeps the body within its comfort zone. This makes the body suffer less from night sweats, and results in a longer, healthier and more comfortable sleep with fewer awakenings. This new formulation with high cooling level and high solid content, presents around 30% more cooling than standard PCM formulations. One padding allows to achieve high cooling level (no need to run multiple applications). A Bio-based version is also available - Thermic® Bio, where the PCMs are derived from sustainable, natural sources.


Devan Chemicals

VEOCEL™ showcased LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber (c) Lenzing Group

VEOCEL™ showcased LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber

With the growing demand among brands and consumers for plastic-free materials and ingredient transparency, VEOCEL™, the flagship specialty nonwovens brand of Lenzing Group, showcased LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber at Hygienix 2023. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber which is not classified as “plastic” according to EU SUPD, meets the growing interest for plastic-free nonwoven products across the industry and among consumers. Additionally, along with being an environment-friendly solution, the fiber delivers high-performance dryness and comfort which makes it the optimum fiber choice for absorbent hygiene applications.

Comprised of mostly fossil-based materials, absorbent hygiene products are an essential part of many consumers’ daily lives. With heightened concerns towards environmental impact, the product segment has been undergoing a change caused by shifting consumer preferences, increased consciousness and concerns towards plastic waste, and technology advancement. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber has embraced these changes without compromising on quality or performance.

With the growing demand among brands and consumers for plastic-free materials and ingredient transparency, VEOCEL™, the flagship specialty nonwovens brand of Lenzing Group, showcased LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber at Hygienix 2023. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber which is not classified as “plastic” according to EU SUPD, meets the growing interest for plastic-free nonwoven products across the industry and among consumers. Additionally, along with being an environment-friendly solution, the fiber delivers high-performance dryness and comfort which makes it the optimum fiber choice for absorbent hygiene applications.

Comprised of mostly fossil-based materials, absorbent hygiene products are an essential part of many consumers’ daily lives. With heightened concerns towards environmental impact, the product segment has been undergoing a change caused by shifting consumer preferences, increased consciousness and concerns towards plastic waste, and technology advancement. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber has embraced these changes without compromising on quality or performance.

LENZING™ Lyocell Dry is a cellulosic environment-friendly wood-based alternative to fossil-based fibers. Besides offering great performance features such as liquid management, dryness, gentle-on-the-skin comfort, softness, and quality, LENZING™ Lyocell Dry helps to meet the needs of customers who are aiming to produce plastic-free applications or end products that do not harm the planet without compromising on performance or comfort.

Featuring Lenzing’s unique Dry technology, LENZING™ Lyocell Dry’s hydrophobic characteristics and liquid-controlling properties make it the ideal fiber for absorbent hygiene products. Its high-performing hydrophobicity makes it the optimal choice for a wide range of applications, including baby diapers, feminine care and personal hygiene products as well as adult incontinence products.

The fiber has consistently been tested by Lenzing as the softest* fiber among cellulosic fibers in both dry and wet stages. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry will enable brands and manufacturers to deliver quality hygiene products that provide a high level of comfort, softness, and dryness.

*Lenzing AG softness panel test


Lenzing Group

Freudenberg´s comfortemp® FIBERBALL WB Series © Freudenberg Performance Materials
Freudenberg´s comfortemp® FIBERBALL WB Series

Freudenberg launches sustainable, low-level BPA thermal insulation products

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches two advanced thermal insulation products made from low-level Bisphenol A (BPA) recycled PET fibers (rPET) into the global range of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s thermal insulation brand.

The additions of DOWN FEEL WA 150LB and FIBERBALL WB 400LB to the comfortemp® global range serve as high-quality and ecologically-minded alternatives to down, enhancing the comfort and sustainability of your garments. DOWN FEEL WA 150LB is an extremely-lightweight, loose fiber thermal insulation with a super-light loft, while FIBERBALL WB 400LB uses clusters of extra-fine fibers to offer optimal breathability, maximum comfort, and minimal clumping after washing and drying.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches two advanced thermal insulation products made from low-level Bisphenol A (BPA) recycled PET fibers (rPET) into the global range of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s thermal insulation brand.

The additions of DOWN FEEL WA 150LB and FIBERBALL WB 400LB to the comfortemp® global range serve as high-quality and ecologically-minded alternatives to down, enhancing the comfort and sustainability of your garments. DOWN FEEL WA 150LB is an extremely-lightweight, loose fiber thermal insulation with a super-light loft, while FIBERBALL WB 400LB uses clusters of extra-fine fibers to offer optimal breathability, maximum comfort, and minimal clumping after washing and drying.

GRS-certified and OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certifications
Both products utilize 100% GRS-certified rPET fibers, customizable to any desired fill levels. Additionally, these new products not only comply with but significantly surpass the stringent OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certifications. While OEKO-TEX® categorizes low-level BPA as less than 100 parts per million (ppm), these new products contain less than 1 ppm BPA, a testament to Freudenberg’s unyielding standards.

DOWN FEEL WA 150LB and FIBERBALL WB 400LB are available globally and more low-level BPA thermal insulation options are available in Asia.


Freudenberg Performance Materials


Exist research transfer project FoxCore successfully launched

The FoxCore founding team and the ITM at TU Dresden aim to usher in a new era for fastening solutions in lightweight construction with the start of the Exist research transfer project FoxCore. The project started on June 1, 2023, and will run until November 30, 2024, with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the European Social Fund (ESF).

The innovative company is to develop and offer new and customer-oriented fastening solutions for lightweight construction applications. Safety and performance of lightweight solutions in various industries are to be increased. FoxCore's objective is to take a leading role in fastening technology.

Daniel Weise, Philipp Schegner, Michael Vorhof and Cornelia Sennewald form the FoxCore team; they will work closely with the Institute of Textile Machinery and Textile High Performance Materials (ITM) at TU Dresden. Together, they will develop optimal manufacturing technologies and establish a widespread network of customers and suppliers.

The FoxCore founding team and the ITM at TU Dresden aim to usher in a new era for fastening solutions in lightweight construction with the start of the Exist research transfer project FoxCore. The project started on June 1, 2023, and will run until November 30, 2024, with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the European Social Fund (ESF).

The innovative company is to develop and offer new and customer-oriented fastening solutions for lightweight construction applications. Safety and performance of lightweight solutions in various industries are to be increased. FoxCore's objective is to take a leading role in fastening technology.

Daniel Weise, Philipp Schegner, Michael Vorhof and Cornelia Sennewald form the FoxCore team; they will work closely with the Institute of Textile Machinery and Textile High Performance Materials (ITM) at TU Dresden. Together, they will develop optimal manufacturing technologies and establish a widespread network of customers and suppliers.


Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM)
TU Dresden

Photo: Optima 3D

Optima 3D delivers weaving technology to ASCC

UK’s Optima 3D is delivering its weaving technology to the USA, for installation at the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC).

The 3D weaving system consists of an Optima 3D Series 600 shuttle weaving machine with an integrated 2,688-hook Stäubli SX jacquard and harness. It is also complemented by Optima’s compact warp delivery creel and an associated pirn winder for shuttle bobbins and a spool winder for creel spools.

Optima’s looms offer many advanced features over conventional weaving machines, particularly in terms of versatility, as a result of the comprehensive use of digital control systems allowing rapid parameter and sequence changes, coupled with an innovative shuttle system.

UK’s Optima 3D is delivering its weaving technology to the USA, for installation at the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC).

The 3D weaving system consists of an Optima 3D Series 600 shuttle weaving machine with an integrated 2,688-hook Stäubli SX jacquard and harness. It is also complemented by Optima’s compact warp delivery creel and an associated pirn winder for shuttle bobbins and a spool winder for creel spools.

Optima’s looms offer many advanced features over conventional weaving machines, particularly in terms of versatility, as a result of the comprehensive use of digital control systems allowing rapid parameter and sequence changes, coupled with an innovative shuttle system.

The ASCC is certainly no stranger to advanced technology, or indeed ambitious composite projects – in 2019 it received no less than three Guinness World Records, for the world’s largest prototype polymer 3D printer, the largest solid 3D-printed object, and the largest 3D-printed boat. In its latest project it has further introduced BioHome3D – the first 3D-printed house made entirely with bio-based materials developed in a partnership with Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The 182-square-metre prototype features 3D-printed floors, walls and roof which are fully recyclable and highly insulated with 100% wood insulation and customisable R-values. Construction waste was nearly eliminated due to the precision of the printing process.


British Textile Machinery Association (BTMA)

PrimaLoft expands Active Insulation Range (c) PrimaLoft, Inc.

PrimaLoft expands Active Insulation Range

PrimaLoft, Inc., a leader in advanced material technology, is expanding its  Active Insulation Range by adding four new Active Evolve styles, reaffirming its commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Originally launched in 2018, PrimaLoft Active Evolve is a line of insulating fabrics that is designed to evolve performance, design, and sustainability. Combining the lightweight warmth of insulation with the breathability of fabric, this technology is developed to perform in a wide range of activities, regardless of intensity or season. From pushing yourself during a cross country ski tour, to working up a sweat hiking to the next peak, PrimaLoft Active Evolve keeps you in your comfort zone – even when you’re pushing yourself out of it.

PrimaLoft, Inc., a leader in advanced material technology, is expanding its  Active Insulation Range by adding four new Active Evolve styles, reaffirming its commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Originally launched in 2018, PrimaLoft Active Evolve is a line of insulating fabrics that is designed to evolve performance, design, and sustainability. Combining the lightweight warmth of insulation with the breathability of fabric, this technology is developed to perform in a wide range of activities, regardless of intensity or season. From pushing yourself during a cross country ski tour, to working up a sweat hiking to the next peak, PrimaLoft Active Evolve keeps you in your comfort zone – even when you’re pushing yourself out of it.

Several products in the Active Evolve line can be used as a next-to-skin fabric. This enables brands to forego liner fabrics, which means heat and moisture are more efficiently managed, breathability is supported, and user comfort is maintained. In addition to achieving optimal performance during aerobic activity, this yields a wider utility and year-round use, all while allowing brands to use less overall material when designing a garment, reducing footprint and waste.

PrimaLoft Active Evolve offers several advantages to designers. It enables them to utilize the full spectrum of color, incorporate unique patterns, and provides greater flexibility in fabric selection. Additionally, Active Evolve eliminates the need for quilting in the design process. Products within the Active Evolve line are made from up to 100% post-consumer recycled content, including three of the four new styles.

With more than a dozen brand adoptions thus far, PrimaLoft Active Evolve’s adaptability for the user, range of use across activities, and seasonal timing, is quickly making this one of the most versatile products in the PrimaLoft portfolio. For Fall/Winter 2023-2024, key partner brands beside Sitka and Löffler will include CP Company, Eddie Bauer, Endura, Martini Sportswear, OMM, Quiksilver, Ziener and more.


PrimaLoft, Inc.

Freudenberg: Sustainable microfiber solution for artificial leather applications (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH
Evolon® sustainable microfiber coating substrate for artificial leather

Freudenberg: Sustainable microfiber solution for artificial leather applications

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will be presenting new applications for its European environmentally-friendly Evolon® microfiber technology for Fall/Winter 24/25 fashion and leather goods collections at Lineapelle, from September 19-21. These include solutions for artificial leather applications suitable for the shoe, furniture and automotive industries.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will be presenting new applications for its European environmentally-friendly Evolon® microfiber technology for Fall/Winter 24/25 fashion and leather goods collections at Lineapelle, from September 19-21. These include solutions for artificial leather applications suitable for the shoe, furniture and automotive industries.

Evolon® sustainable microfiber coating substrates
Evolon® microfiber fabrics are ideal coating substrates for artificial leather applications in the shoe, furniture and car industries. They are particularly suitable as a carrier material for PU and PVC coatings. Evolon® microfiber materials have non-fraying edges, which makes converting easier and quicker. They contain 80% recycled PET from Freudenberg’s in-house bottle recycling plant. Furthermore, they are manufactured with no solvent and no chemical binder in the company’s Evolon® plant located in Colmar, France. The plant is accredited according to OEKO-TEX STeP sustainability manufacturing certification and the DETOX TO ZERO criteria. European manufacturing offers logistic benefits to European customers through shorter supply chain and transport routes.

Reinforcement material for leather goods
Manufacturers of leather goods also benefit from Evolon® microfiber when they use it as a reinforcement material for original leather. It is drapable and soft and provides optimal shaping support for leather. In addition, Evolon® materials offer important sustainability advantages for the manufacturing of luxury leather bags, such as being 100% made in Europe, eco-friendly and socially-responsible production, and the use of recycled raw materials.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg: New cotton-like interlinings

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) announces the 37xx PES Series – a range of interlinings that offer the classic feel of cotton combined with the modern features of enhanced durability, increased yields, and low-temperature fusing. With a 100% PES base and special finish, these OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certified products open new possibilities for the business and smart casual segments.

Crafted from a 100% PES base with a special finish, these new interlinings boast enhanced durability and better resilience and recovery over traditional cotton interlinings. The 37xx PES Series interlinings offer the added advantages of no visible impurities or foreign fibers, along with low temperature fusing, reducing the risk of yellowing in the finished product. Compared with cotton interlinings, the 37xx PES Series also offers increased yields of up to 150 cm in width and are more cost effective than traditional cotton interlinings, allowing for easier and more efficient manufacturing.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) announces the 37xx PES Series – a range of interlinings that offer the classic feel of cotton combined with the modern features of enhanced durability, increased yields, and low-temperature fusing. With a 100% PES base and special finish, these OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certified products open new possibilities for the business and smart casual segments.

Crafted from a 100% PES base with a special finish, these new interlinings boast enhanced durability and better resilience and recovery over traditional cotton interlinings. The 37xx PES Series interlinings offer the added advantages of no visible impurities or foreign fibers, along with low temperature fusing, reducing the risk of yellowing in the finished product. Compared with cotton interlinings, the 37xx PES Series also offers increased yields of up to 150 cm in width and are more cost effective than traditional cotton interlinings, allowing for easier and more efficient manufacturing.

Apart from the material qualities, the 37xx PES Series offers unmatched consumer safety. Produced at its Nantong, China factory, Freudenberg ensures optimal quality control of the 37xx Series. Furthermore, the interlinings are OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certified, making them safe for even the most sensitive skin types, including for babies.

The 37xx PES Series currently includes the 3738 and 3755 products, offered in 115 g/m2 and 165 g/m2 weights, respectively. These can be fused with other fabrics and interlinings to create the precise hand feel for garments.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) Optima

Brandon Hall ist neuer Director Consumer bei der Optima Machinery Corporation

Brandon Hall ist seit Mitte Juni neuer Director Consumer bei der Optima Tochtergesellschaft Optima Machinery Corporation in Green Bay (Wisconsin, USA). Optima stärkt damit den Vertrieb von Abfüll- und Verpackungsanlagen für den Konsumgüter-Markt in Nordamerika und trägt dem positiven Wachstum im Geschäftsbereich Consumer Rechnung.

Hall bringt mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Fertigung, Technik, Produktdesign und Geschäftsentwicklung mit. Bevor er zu Optima kam, war Hall Strategic Business Unit Manager bei einem der weltweit größten System- und Komponentenlieferanten für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke- und Pharmaindustrie. Er hat mehrere Studienabschlüsse in Betriebswirtschaft und Maschinenbau. „Ich freue mich sehr auf Optima und die Möglichkeit, das Wachstum des Geschäftsbereichs Consumer weiter voranzutreiben”, sagt Hall über seine neue Aufgabe.

Brandon Hall ist seit Mitte Juni neuer Director Consumer bei der Optima Tochtergesellschaft Optima Machinery Corporation in Green Bay (Wisconsin, USA). Optima stärkt damit den Vertrieb von Abfüll- und Verpackungsanlagen für den Konsumgüter-Markt in Nordamerika und trägt dem positiven Wachstum im Geschäftsbereich Consumer Rechnung.

Hall bringt mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Fertigung, Technik, Produktdesign und Geschäftsentwicklung mit. Bevor er zu Optima kam, war Hall Strategic Business Unit Manager bei einem der weltweit größten System- und Komponentenlieferanten für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke- und Pharmaindustrie. Er hat mehrere Studienabschlüsse in Betriebswirtschaft und Maschinenbau. „Ich freue mich sehr auf Optima und die Möglichkeit, das Wachstum des Geschäftsbereichs Consumer weiter voranzutreiben”, sagt Hall über seine neue Aufgabe.


OPTIMA packaging group GmbH

(c) Mayer & Cie.
The Batliboi team at ITME 2022 along with several Mayer & Cie. colleagues

New set-up of Mayer & Cie. representations in Nepal & Bangladesh

Since 1 April 2023 sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in Bangladesh have been under new management. A new dynamic team “Mayer Bangladesh” has been formed. Mayer & Cie.’s longstanding Indian representative Batliboi has joined business activities in Bangladesh since the beginning of the month, supported by the team of Brady Services and by Almani Biz.

In Batliboi, Mayer & Cie. has set up a business partner of many decades standing as its representative in Bangladesh. For around 40 years Mumbai-based Batliboi has overseen sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in India. Abhay Sidham heads Batliboi’s Textile and Machinery Group. He and his team have many years of experience in strategic marketing, and a focus on sustainability and processing recycled raw materials is part of Batliboi’s expertise.

Since 1 April 2023 sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in Bangladesh have been under new management. A new dynamic team “Mayer Bangladesh” has been formed. Mayer & Cie.’s longstanding Indian representative Batliboi has joined business activities in Bangladesh since the beginning of the month, supported by the team of Brady Services and by Almani Biz.

In Batliboi, Mayer & Cie. has set up a business partner of many decades standing as its representative in Bangladesh. For around 40 years Mumbai-based Batliboi has overseen sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in India. Abhay Sidham heads Batliboi’s Textile and Machinery Group. He and his team have many years of experience in strategic marketing, and a focus on sustainability and processing recycled raw materials is part of Batliboi’s expertise.

These competences are of relevance in the Bangladesh market because “we face strong competition from Asian manufacturers here,” as Wolfgang Müller, Mayer & Cie.’s sales director, explains. The premium market was growing smaller, and the trend was toward specialities – value-added fabrics, spacer fabrics and athleisure with a high proportion of elastic. Mayer & Cie. sees in these requirements significant potential for its machines – and in Batliboi a partner able in view of its experience to put them to optimal use.

One building block in the set-up of Mayer & Cie. representatives is unchanged. Brady Services will continue with Batliboi to contribute its close ties with the local market. A significant number of existing companies will continue to be looked after by Brady Services.

The new member in Mayer Bangladesh team is Dhaka-based Almani Biz. A lubricants specialist for circular knitting machines Almani Biz has a wide network with Bangladesh knitting industry.

Mayer & Cie. feels well positioned by this new set-up. “We,” Wolfgang Müller says, “are of the opinion that the market for textile machinery in Bangladesh will continue to grow and we are confident that by strengthening our sales, service and marketing team we will be able to make good use of this opportunity.”

Customers in Bangladesh have placed large orders in the past. The latest, placed in January, was for several dozen machines to be delivered this autumn. Further orders from Apex and BEXIMCO (Bangladesh Export Import Company) are also scheduled for delivery in the second half of 2023.

While reorganising the set-up of its representatives in Bangladesh Batliboi has also taken over as Mayer & Cie.’s representative in Nepal, where the company had previously had no local representative. There is a demand for machines for interlock, 8-lock and single jersey, but sales are still in single figures.

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg showcases Superabsorbers and Coated Foams at EWMA 2023

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is expanding its product portfolio by adding an elastic variant of its flexible superabsorbers for modern wound dressings. These superabsorbers increase the comfort level for patients as well as enabling longer wear time, thus reducing the frequency of dressing changes. Further highlights at EWMA include components for more sustainable wound care, PU foams with directly applied silicone adhesives, antimicrobial systems and an innovative hydrophilic debridement foam. The global manufacturer will be welcoming visitors to Exhibition Stand from May 3 – 5 at EWMA 2023.

Freudenberg uses a new technology to manufacture the elastic superabsorbers. Unlike other methods, this technology does not perforate or slit the material, thus achieving a high degree of consistent elasticity. Furthermore, the technology used by Freudenberg bonds the superabsorbent fibers more uniformly with the material, thus enhancing the integrity of this layer in the wound dressing.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is expanding its product portfolio by adding an elastic variant of its flexible superabsorbers for modern wound dressings. These superabsorbers increase the comfort level for patients as well as enabling longer wear time, thus reducing the frequency of dressing changes. Further highlights at EWMA include components for more sustainable wound care, PU foams with directly applied silicone adhesives, antimicrobial systems and an innovative hydrophilic debridement foam. The global manufacturer will be welcoming visitors to Exhibition Stand from May 3 – 5 at EWMA 2023.

Freudenberg uses a new technology to manufacture the elastic superabsorbers. Unlike other methods, this technology does not perforate or slit the material, thus achieving a high degree of consistent elasticity. Furthermore, the technology used by Freudenberg bonds the superabsorbent fibers more uniformly with the material, thus enhancing the integrity of this layer in the wound dressing.

Further highlights
Freudenberg is also presenting the M 1714 wound pad component, one example of a sustainable solution that simultaneously delivers on performance. The dressing consists of bio-based fibers and exhibits a smooth wound contact layer. M 1714 has been evaluated for industrial compostability and conforms to ISO 13432. This enables certification of product biodegradability. Further highlights to be presented in Milan include material systems for the antimicrobial treatment of chronic wounds, including systems that do not use active substances.

Wound dressing with silicone adhesive border
With Freudenberg’s silicone coated foams, manufacturers can reduce the number of process steps, thereby avoiding waste, saving energy and simplifying the supply chain. Compared with conventional foam dressings, the Freudenberg foam product also offers higher flexibility for optimal wound bed contouring and reduces the risk of infection by preventing exudate pooling. Freudenberg is showcasing the prototype of a bordered dressing with a silicone adhesive border. In addition, the variant with an extra-strong silicone border enables longer wear time while at the same time ensuring minimal adherence to new skin that forms at the wound edges.

More effective cleansing results and greater patient comfort
Freudenberg is also showcasing an innovative hydrophilic debridement foam. It is ideally suited for use in wound cavities, offers better cleansing results and reduced risk as well as greater patient comfort.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) adidas AG

adidas TERREX and National Geographic launch hiking collection

adidas TERREX announces a multi-season collaboration with National Geographic, consisting of high-performance outdoor wear. The inaugural collection is built to celebrate the role of photography in the culture of outdoor sport - as well-equipped hikers turn their ability to explore more places, and spirit of adventure, into stunning content.

To celebrate this relationship, designers at adidas TERREX combed the National Geographic photography archives for stunning stills of some of the most remote yet moving locations on earth, integrated in unique all over prints in a bold new hiking collection. All pieces are unified by National Geographic’s iconic yellow icon.

Places celebrated in the collection include a snow-covered sandstone monocline in Comb Ridge, Utah, a 120-mile-long, north to south stretch that defines the State’s red rock landscape, as well as textured portraits of shale, - captured on the coast of Norway’s northernmost county - highlighting the sedimentary rock’s distinctive formations.

adidas TERREX announces a multi-season collaboration with National Geographic, consisting of high-performance outdoor wear. The inaugural collection is built to celebrate the role of photography in the culture of outdoor sport - as well-equipped hikers turn their ability to explore more places, and spirit of adventure, into stunning content.

To celebrate this relationship, designers at adidas TERREX combed the National Geographic photography archives for stunning stills of some of the most remote yet moving locations on earth, integrated in unique all over prints in a bold new hiking collection. All pieces are unified by National Geographic’s iconic yellow icon.

Places celebrated in the collection include a snow-covered sandstone monocline in Comb Ridge, Utah, a 120-mile-long, north to south stretch that defines the State’s red rock landscape, as well as textured portraits of shale, - captured on the coast of Norway’s northernmost county - highlighting the sedimentary rock’s distinctive formations.

The 51-piece collection includes women’s, men’s, and gender-neutral offerings – all built to equip the wearer in multi-terrain environments:

  • A part of the collection is the RAIN.RDY Jacket; a 2.5L waterproof and seam-sealed outer garment built to facilitate epic adventures. The men’s jacket features a bold print of the shell formations in the Porsanger Peninsula, Norway, while the women’s is inspired by stills of White Sands National Park in New Mexico.
  • A long sleeve shirt is finished with the bold National Geographic yellow icon and reflective details.
  • The TERREX Swift R3 GORE-TEX Hiking shoes offer the peak combination of a lightweight construction and cushioning as seen in trail running shoes with the stability of a hiking boot. Finished in a print inspired by a stunning aerial shot of Earth, the hiking shoes come with a GORE-TEX lining and membrane seal so water is kept out, and a Continental™ Rubber outsole for optimal grip in wet or dry conditions.
  • The WIND.RDY: GET SHELTERED Jacket, with wind-resistant technology and a water repellent ripstop fabric, allows explorers to feel protected and confident in many weather conditions. The men’s and women’s versions come with bold prints inspired by photography including that of sandstone and snow at Comb Ridge, Utah. Smart design features including a bungee-cord enabled adjustable hem, a lightweight fabric and reflective details. Additionally, it features a bold new lenticular logo design that alternates between Terrex and National Geographic from different perspectives – and is made in part with recycled materials.
More information:
adidas Outdoor outdoor apparel

adidas AG

(c) Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Kelheim Fibres to present bio-based hygiene solutions at INDEX™23

Absorbent hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary pads, and incontinence products are an integral part of our daily lives. However, most of these products contain synthetic components and contribute to the global plastic waste problem. The search for alternatives is becoming increasingly urgent. The catch is that only innovations that offer the same performance and reliability as conventional products can be successful in the market. After all, no one wants to compromise in such a sensitive area as personal hygiene.

Kelheim Fibres is currently working on various development projects to design fully biobased AHP (absorbent hygiene product) concepts that do not compromise on performance. In this area, the company continues to focus on its wood-based specialty fibres, which the tampon industry has trusted for decades. However, the requirements for AHP products differ, as each layer must fulfil a specific function.

Absorbent hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary pads, and incontinence products are an integral part of our daily lives. However, most of these products contain synthetic components and contribute to the global plastic waste problem. The search for alternatives is becoming increasingly urgent. The catch is that only innovations that offer the same performance and reliability as conventional products can be successful in the market. After all, no one wants to compromise in such a sensitive area as personal hygiene.

Kelheim Fibres is currently working on various development projects to design fully biobased AHP (absorbent hygiene product) concepts that do not compromise on performance. In this area, the company continues to focus on its wood-based specialty fibres, which the tampon industry has trusted for decades. However, the requirements for AHP products differ, as each layer must fulfil a specific function.

To meet these requirements, Kelheim Fibres has developed a range of functionalized specialty fibres, including hydrophobic Olea, trilobal Galaxy®, and the hollow fibre Bramante. These specialty fibres ensure optimal results in every layer of the AHP product.

All of Kelheim's fibres are manufactured from 100% wood pulp derived from certified and sustainably managed forests. They are fully biodegradable - microorganisms in soil and seawater ensure that no residues remain.

A current example of such a partner project is the development of a completely bio-based panty liner with the nonwovens manufacturer Sandler and the hygiene products manufacturer pelzGROUP, which is due to be launched on the market shortly.

In addition to new projects in the field of biobased disposable and reusable solutions, Kelheim will also present its tried and tested fibres at INDEX™23, for example for tampons or flushable wipes.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

(c) Optima

OPTIMA präsentiert Buch zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum

Unter dem Motto „100 Years of Future“ feierte Optima 2022 das 100-jährige Firmenjubiläum, unter anderem im Rahmen eines offiziellen Festakts mit dem baden-württembergischen Ministerpräsidenten Winfried Kretschmann in Schwäbisch Hall und mit vielen weiteren Aktivitäten. Eine Essenz aus 100 Jahren Unternehmensgeschichte sowie die Rückschau aufs Jubiläumsjahr sind jetzt in Form des Jubiläumsbandes „100 Years of Future“ erhältlich.

Im Jahr 1922 hatte Otto Bühler, Großvater des heutigen Inhabers Hans Bühler, den Grundstein für eine Erfolgsgeschichte gelegt. Mit rund 3.000 Mitarbeitenden sowie 20 nationalen und internationalen Standorten gilt Optima heute zu den Technologieführern im Bereich der Verpackungsmaschinen und Abfüllanlagen.

Das Jubiläumsband „100 Years of Future“ ist „kein Geschichtsbuch, sondern ein Buch voller Geschichten“, wie es im Vorwort heißt, gegliedert in die vier Themenschwerpunkte Expansion, Innovation, Partnerschaft und Verantwortung. Das Buch folgt keiner linear erzählten Chronologie, sondern taucht stattdessen anhand vielfältiger Themen in die Geschichte des Unternehmens ein – mit Bezug auf Gegenwart und Zukunft.

Unter dem Motto „100 Years of Future“ feierte Optima 2022 das 100-jährige Firmenjubiläum, unter anderem im Rahmen eines offiziellen Festakts mit dem baden-württembergischen Ministerpräsidenten Winfried Kretschmann in Schwäbisch Hall und mit vielen weiteren Aktivitäten. Eine Essenz aus 100 Jahren Unternehmensgeschichte sowie die Rückschau aufs Jubiläumsjahr sind jetzt in Form des Jubiläumsbandes „100 Years of Future“ erhältlich.

Im Jahr 1922 hatte Otto Bühler, Großvater des heutigen Inhabers Hans Bühler, den Grundstein für eine Erfolgsgeschichte gelegt. Mit rund 3.000 Mitarbeitenden sowie 20 nationalen und internationalen Standorten gilt Optima heute zu den Technologieführern im Bereich der Verpackungsmaschinen und Abfüllanlagen.

Das Jubiläumsband „100 Years of Future“ ist „kein Geschichtsbuch, sondern ein Buch voller Geschichten“, wie es im Vorwort heißt, gegliedert in die vier Themenschwerpunkte Expansion, Innovation, Partnerschaft und Verantwortung. Das Buch folgt keiner linear erzählten Chronologie, sondern taucht stattdessen anhand vielfältiger Themen in die Geschichte des Unternehmens ein – mit Bezug auf Gegenwart und Zukunft.

Erhältlich ist das Buch für Interessenten kostenlos via Online-Anfrage.



Dr. Stefan König (c) Optima
Dr. Stefan König

Dr. Stefan König verantwortet künftig auch Optima nonwovens GmbH

Zum 1. März 2023 überträgt Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Optima Gruppe, die Verantwortung für den Geschäftsbereich Optima Nonwovens an Dr. Stefan König, Geschäftsführer der OPTIMA packaging group GmbH. Dr. König übernimmt die Verantwortung aller zugehörigen Nonwovens-Einheiten weltweit.

„Mit dieser Entscheidung fördern wir die intensive Zusammenarbeit aller Einheiten, die Maschinen und Services für den Konsumgüter-markt liefern. Dr. Stefan König verfügt über ein sehr großes Fach- und Führungswissen, das ihn als erfahrenen Manager auszeichnet. Die Positionen und Aufgaben der beiden Geschäftsführer von Optima Nonwovens, Dr. Georg Pfeifer und Oliver Rebstock, bleiben dabei unverändert“, erläutert Hans Bühler.

Seit März 2021 ist König in der Geschäftsführung von Optima unter anderem verantwortlich für die Geschäftsbereiche Consumer und Life Science sowie für das Thema zentrale Nachhaltigkeit. Vor seinem Wechsel zu Optima war König über 20 Jahre lang in leitenden Managementpositionen tätig, davon vier Jahre in Asien. Zuletzt war König CEO bei einem weltweit tätigen Konzern.

Zum 1. März 2023 überträgt Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Optima Gruppe, die Verantwortung für den Geschäftsbereich Optima Nonwovens an Dr. Stefan König, Geschäftsführer der OPTIMA packaging group GmbH. Dr. König übernimmt die Verantwortung aller zugehörigen Nonwovens-Einheiten weltweit.

„Mit dieser Entscheidung fördern wir die intensive Zusammenarbeit aller Einheiten, die Maschinen und Services für den Konsumgüter-markt liefern. Dr. Stefan König verfügt über ein sehr großes Fach- und Führungswissen, das ihn als erfahrenen Manager auszeichnet. Die Positionen und Aufgaben der beiden Geschäftsführer von Optima Nonwovens, Dr. Georg Pfeifer und Oliver Rebstock, bleiben dabei unverändert“, erläutert Hans Bühler.

Seit März 2021 ist König in der Geschäftsführung von Optima unter anderem verantwortlich für die Geschäftsbereiche Consumer und Life Science sowie für das Thema zentrale Nachhaltigkeit. Vor seinem Wechsel zu Optima war König über 20 Jahre lang in leitenden Managementpositionen tätig, davon vier Jahre in Asien. Zuletzt war König CEO bei einem weltweit tätigen Konzern.

More information:
Optima nonwovens packaging


(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Majocchi uses Baldwin’s Corona Treatment Technology

Majocchi, an Italian textile manufacturer, reports that it has achieved functional and visual appeal with its key fabrics since installing Baldwin Technology Co. Inc.’s corona surface treatment technology.  

Based in Tavernerio (Como), Majocchi has a history of being a technological innovator in the textile industry. Within a decade of its conception in 1941, Majocchi became a global supplier of waterproof cotton for rainwear manufacturers. In the 1960s, the company began producing nylon and technical fabrics, which paved the way for it to become a leading provider of textiles for urban fashion, technical workwear and the military today.

Majocchi has partnered with U.S -based Baldwin Technology Co. to utilize its unrivaled corona surface-treatment technology to produce superior wettability and adhesion.  

Majocchi, an Italian textile manufacturer, reports that it has achieved functional and visual appeal with its key fabrics since installing Baldwin Technology Co. Inc.’s corona surface treatment technology.  

Based in Tavernerio (Como), Majocchi has a history of being a technological innovator in the textile industry. Within a decade of its conception in 1941, Majocchi became a global supplier of waterproof cotton for rainwear manufacturers. In the 1960s, the company began producing nylon and technical fabrics, which paved the way for it to become a leading provider of textiles for urban fashion, technical workwear and the military today.

Majocchi has partnered with U.S -based Baldwin Technology Co. to utilize its unrivaled corona surface-treatment technology to produce superior wettability and adhesion.  

Corona treatment is a technique that temporarily modifies a substrate’s surface tension  properties. The corona oxidation process improves the penetration and absorption of liquids on cellulosic and synthetic fabrics. Utilizing corona treatment before resin application on fabrics such as lycra and nylon facilitates superior adhesion and resin distribution. As a result, corona-treated fabrics provide exceptional color and tonal quality.  

Majocchi uses Baldwin’s Corona Pure Model to apply polyurethane and acrylic-based coatings to its fabrics. The system allows Majocchi to administer a controllable, uniform coating to achieve the desired functionality and aesthetics.

The system is 2,000 millimeters wide with a discharging station and four ceramic electrodes designed for textile applications with the flexibility of customizing plasma dosage for a given fabric structure, width and process speed. The Corona Pure model allows for fabric treatment up to 300 gr/m² in thickness. The system is customizable, with single-sided and dual-sided treatment capabilities. The “Easy Change” feature allows for a seamless replacing of electrodes and rapid cleaning and removal of fiber and dust residue, maintaining optimal exhaust air flow. The treatment system is built with a swiveling housing mechanism, which provides clearance for changes in textile thickness and protects the ceramic electrodes.

More information:
Baldwin Majocchi Coatings Covid-19

Baldwin Technology Company Inc.