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22 results

Autoneum recognized as a Top Employer 2024 in Switzerland

The Top Employers Institute has recognized Autoneum as a Top Employer 2024 in Switzerland. Being certified as a Top Employer showcases an organization’s dedication to a better world of work and exhibits this through their policies and people practices. This year, the automotive supplier's Human Resources (HR) department at its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, took part in the comprehensive survey of the Top Employers Insti-tute for the first time and achieved an outstanding result.

The institute has been auditing companies worldwide for over 30 years. The certification program, which is based on an international standard, makes HR measures and their impact on employee conditions objectively measurable. To achieve this, the Top Employers Institute certifies organizations based on the participation and the results of their HR Best Practices Survey. This survey covers six HR domains consisting of 20 topics including People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Wellbeing and more.

The program has certified and recognized over 2 300 Top Employers in 121 countries/regions across five continents.

The Top Employers Institute has recognized Autoneum as a Top Employer 2024 in Switzerland. Being certified as a Top Employer showcases an organization’s dedication to a better world of work and exhibits this through their policies and people practices. This year, the automotive supplier's Human Resources (HR) department at its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, took part in the comprehensive survey of the Top Employers Insti-tute for the first time and achieved an outstanding result.

The institute has been auditing companies worldwide for over 30 years. The certification program, which is based on an international standard, makes HR measures and their impact on employee conditions objectively measurable. To achieve this, the Top Employers Institute certifies organizations based on the participation and the results of their HR Best Practices Survey. This survey covers six HR domains consisting of 20 topics including People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Wellbeing and more.

The program has certified and recognized over 2 300 Top Employers in 121 countries/regions across five continents.


Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum: Dividende von 2.50 CHF

Die Aktionäre der Autoneum Holding AG haben heute im Rahmen der ordentlichen Generalversammlung allen Anträgen des Verwaltungsrats zugestimmt. Für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 wurde eine Dividende von 2.50 CHF pro Aktie genehmigt. Neu wurde Martin Klöti in den Verwaltungsrat gewählt. Mit ihm erweitert sich der Verwaltungsrat der Autoneum Holding AG von sechs auf sieben Mitglieder.

Verwaltungsratspräsident Hans-Peter Schwald betonte in seiner Rede: „Die Übernahme von Borgers Automotive war ein strategisch wichtiger Schritt. Dadurch baut Autoneum seine globale Markt- und Technologieführerschaft mit nachhaltigen und leichten Akustik- und Wärmemanagement-Lösungen für Fahrzeuge deutlich aus.“

Die Aktionäre der Autoneum Holding AG haben heute im Rahmen der ordentlichen Generalversammlung allen Anträgen des Verwaltungsrats zugestimmt. Für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 wurde eine Dividende von 2.50 CHF pro Aktie genehmigt. Neu wurde Martin Klöti in den Verwaltungsrat gewählt. Mit ihm erweitert sich der Verwaltungsrat der Autoneum Holding AG von sechs auf sieben Mitglieder.

Verwaltungsratspräsident Hans-Peter Schwald betonte in seiner Rede: „Die Übernahme von Borgers Automotive war ein strategisch wichtiger Schritt. Dadurch baut Autoneum seine globale Markt- und Technologieführerschaft mit nachhaltigen und leichten Akustik- und Wärmemanagement-Lösungen für Fahrzeuge deutlich aus.“

Die Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre genehmigten den Jahresbericht 2023 einschließlich der Konzern-und Jahresrechnung. Der Antrag des Verwaltungsrats, aufgrund des positiven Konzernergebnisses eine Dividende von 2.50 CHF je Namenaktie für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 auszuschütten, wurde von der Generalversammlung ebenfalls angenommen. Die Dividendenzahlung erfolgt ab dem 15. April 2024. Der Corporate Responsibility Report 2023 wurde im Sinne einer Konsultativabstimmung mit 99.48 Prozent genehmigt.

Hans-Peter Schwald wurde als Präsident, Liane Hirner, Norbert Indlekofer, Michael Pieper, Oliver Streuli und Ferdinand Stutz als Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrats für ein weiteres Jahr im Amt bestätigt. Hans-Peter Schwald, Norbert Indlekofer, Ferdinand Stutz und Oliver Streuli wurden in den Vergütungsausschuss wiedergewählt. Die Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre der Autoneum Holding AG haben ferner sämtlichen Mitgliedern der Konzernleitung und des Verwaltungsrats mit deutlicher Stimmenmehrheit Entlastung erteilt.


Autoneum Management AG


New sustainability label Autoneum Blue

With its new sustainability label Autoneum Blue, Autoneum combines the use of recycled materials with protecting the oceans and social responsibility. Autoneum Blue is a continuation of the LABEL blue by Borgers®, which was originally launched by Borgers Automotive. Following the acquisition of the German automotive supplier in April 2023, Autoneum has now fully integrated the label into its sustainable product portfolio.

With its new sustainability label Autoneum Blue, Autoneum combines the use of recycled materials with protecting the oceans and social responsibility. Autoneum Blue is a continuation of the LABEL blue by Borgers®, which was originally launched by Borgers Automotive. Following the acquisition of the German automotive supplier in April 2023, Autoneum has now fully integrated the label into its sustainable product portfolio.

Marine pollution has reached alarming levels in recent decades, with plastic contamination posing one of the most harmful threats to the health of the world’s largest ecosystem. In light of ever-stricter legal requirements for the environmental performance of vehicles, especially regarding the recycled content of components and their end-of-life recyclability, the reduction and recycling of plastics is also one of the key challenges for the automotive industry. Autoneum Pure, the Company’s sustainability label for technologies with an excellent sustainability performance throughout the product life cycle, is already successfully helping customers to tackle these challenges. With Autoneum Blue, Autoneum is now expanding its sustainable product portfolio with a label for components that combine the use of recycled material with protecting the oceans and social responsibility.

In order to qualify for the Autoneum Blue label, components must be based on materials that consist of at least 30% recycled PET that was collected from coastal areas within a 50-kilometer range of the water. These credentials mean the products make an important contribution to preventing plastic pollution in the oceans. In addition, the process of collecting the PET bottles must be socially respon-sible and comply with human rights, and traceable procurement of the bottle flakes must be guaran-teed. Autoneum Blue thus complements the Company’s strategic target to continuously reduce water consumption in all areas of its operations with an additional focus on preventing plastic pollution of the oceans.

Autoneum currently offers selected wheelhouse outer liners, needlepunch carpets and trunk side trim under the Blue label. In principle, however, the label could be extended to any product based on Autoneum technologies that feature recycled polyester fibers. As an addition to Autoneum’s existing fully recyclable monomaterial polyester constructions, which are characterized by waste-free production and have a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to products made from virgin fibers, Autoneum Blue presents another example of the Company’s ongoing efforts and continuous strides towards a sustainable circular economy.


Autoneum Management AG

Propylat-Technologie Photo Autoneum Management AG

Optimized acoustic performance thanks to sustainable technology with high recycled content

Autoneum’s sustainable, textile and lightweight Propylat technology reduces both interior and exterior noise of vehicles. Propylat was originally developed by Borgers Automotive, which was acquired by Autoneum in April 2023. The versatile technology is characterized by a flexible material composition of natural and synthetic fibers with a high recycled content and contributes to significant waste reduction thanks to its complete vertical integration. In addition, the fully recyclable technology variant Propylat PET is now part of the sustainability label Autoneum Pure.

Autoneum’s sustainable, textile and lightweight Propylat technology reduces both interior and exterior noise of vehicles. Propylat was originally developed by Borgers Automotive, which was acquired by Autoneum in April 2023. The versatile technology is characterized by a flexible material composition of natural and synthetic fibers with a high recycled content and contributes to significant waste reduction thanks to its complete vertical integration. In addition, the fully recyclable technology variant Propylat PET is now part of the sustainability label Autoneum Pure.

The ongoing electrification of mobility as well as increasingly strict regulatory requirements for vehicle performance in terms of sustainability and acoustics are presenting new challenges to car manufacturers worldwide. With Propylat, Autoneum now offers another lightweight, fiber-based and versatile technology whose sound-insulating and -absorbing properties as well as high content of recycled materials help customers address these challenges. Propylat-based products not only contribute to reducing pass-by noise and improving driver comfort, but they are also up to 50 percent lighter than equivalent plastic alternatives; this results in a lower vehicle weight and, consequently, less fuel and energy consumption as well as lower CO2 emissions.

Autoneum's innovative Propylat technology consists of a mixture of recycled synthetic and natural fibers – the latter include cotton, jute, flax or hemp, for example – that are consolidated using thermoplastic binding fibers without adding any further chemical binders. Thanks to the flexible fiber composition and the variable density and thickness of the porous material, the properties of the respective Propylat variant, for example with regards to acoustic performance, can be tailored to individual customer requirements. This allows for a versatile application of the technology in a variety of interior and exterior components such as wheelhouse outer liners, trunk trim, underbody systems and carpets. For instance, Propylat-based wheelhouse outer liners significantly reduce rolling noise both inside and outside the vehicle while at the same time offering optimum protection against stone chipping and spray water.

In terms of sustainability, Propylat always contains a high proportion of recycled fibers – up to 100% in some variants – and can be manufactured with zero waste. Thanks to the full vertical integration of Propylat and Autoneum’s extensive expertise in recycling processes, the technology also contributes to a further significant reduction in production waste. Moreover, the Propylat PET technology variant, which consists of 100% PET, of which up to 70% are recycled fibers, is fully recyclable at the end of product life. For this reason, Propylat PET has been selected for Autoneum Pure – the Company’s sustainability label for technologies with excellent environmental performance throughout the product life cycle – where it will replace the current Mono-Liner technology going forward.

Propylat-based components are currently available in Europe, North America and China.


Autoneum Management AG

Photo Autoneum

Autoneum’s Re-Liner nominated as finalist for 2023 PACE Award

Using recovered resin from discarded car bumpers, Autoneum’s sustainable Re-Liner technology transforms a previously unusable waste product into lightweight and durable wheelhouse outer liners. In addition to their high recycled content, the eco-friendly components require significantly less energy to produce than conventional alternatives. The innovation presents another important step towards a more sustainable circular economy and has now been nominated for the 2023 PACE Award.

Autoneum has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2023 Automotive News PACE Awards. Entering its 29th year, this prestigious award honors superior innovation, technological advancement and business performance among automotive suppliers.

Using recovered resin from discarded car bumpers, Autoneum’s sustainable Re-Liner technology transforms a previously unusable waste product into lightweight and durable wheelhouse outer liners. In addition to their high recycled content, the eco-friendly components require significantly less energy to produce than conventional alternatives. The innovation presents another important step towards a more sustainable circular economy and has now been nominated for the 2023 PACE Award.

Autoneum has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2023 Automotive News PACE Awards. Entering its 29th year, this prestigious award honors superior innovation, technological advancement and business performance among automotive suppliers.

Re-Liner is based on a core of polyolefins recovered from post-consumer bumpers and has a textile top layer made of fibers from recycled materials. “Autoneum has recognized the untapped potential of recovered resin from automotive bumper covers as a resource and is giving this former waste product a second life,” explained Dan Moler. “The core resin of Re-Liner is 100% automotive post-consumer recycled material, not just a filler or additive to a virgin material. Lightweight, durable, and sustainable wheelhouse outer liners based on this technology are expected to reduce waste generated by bumper covers by nearly one million kilograms in 2023.”

For more than a quarter century of a century, the PACE Award has honored innovations driven by automotive suppliers. The award is known in the global automotive industry for identifying and recognizing the latest game-changing innovation: from the plant floor to the product to the showroom. In 2000, Autoneum (then Rieter Automotive) already received a PACE Award for its Ultra-Light technology. In addition, two of the Company’s technologies have also been nominated as finalists in the past: Ultra-Silent in 2010 and Theta-Fiber in 2012.

More information:
Autoneum Re-Liner PACE award



Autoneum: Acquisition of Borgers Automotive successfully completed

The acquisition of the automotive business of Borgers, announced in January 2023, has been completed with effect from April 1, 2023, following receipt of all antitrust approvals. As a result, Autoneum now operates 67 production facilities worldwide and employs around 16 100 people in 24 countries. With the acquisition of the long-established German company, Autoneum is further expanding its global market leadership in sustainable acoustic and thermal management of vehicles. For the planned capital increase of around CHF 100 million for the long-term financing of the acquisition, the shareholders approved the creation of a capital band.

The purchase agreement signed on January 6, 2023, to acquire the assets of the insolvent Borgers companies by Autoneum could be completed. As a result, Autoneum will take over the assets of the Borgers companies in Germany and the shares in the subsidiaries in France, Poland, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the USA as well as in the company in Shanghai, China, with effect from April 1, 2023. As already communicated, the enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

The acquisition of the automotive business of Borgers, announced in January 2023, has been completed with effect from April 1, 2023, following receipt of all antitrust approvals. As a result, Autoneum now operates 67 production facilities worldwide and employs around 16 100 people in 24 countries. With the acquisition of the long-established German company, Autoneum is further expanding its global market leadership in sustainable acoustic and thermal management of vehicles. For the planned capital increase of around CHF 100 million for the long-term financing of the acquisition, the shareholders approved the creation of a capital band.

The purchase agreement signed on January 6, 2023, to acquire the assets of the insolvent Borgers companies by Autoneum could be completed. As a result, Autoneum will take over the assets of the Borgers companies in Germany and the shares in the subsidiaries in France, Poland, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the USA as well as in the company in Shanghai, China, with effect from April 1, 2023. As already communicated, the enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

The product and customer range of Borgers Automotive, the specialist for textile acoustics protection, insulation and trim for vehicles, ideally complements Autoneum’s sustainable product portfolio. Particularly with the wheel arch liner and trunk lining product lines as well as the truck business, Autoneum’s global presence offers further potential for profitable growth also outside Europe. In addition, Borgers has more than 150 years of experience in recycling textile materials. In the 2022 financial year, the Borgers Group – excluding the mechanical engineering division which was already sold in the summer of 2022 – generated expected annual revenue of around EUR 700 million and employed around 4 500 employees worldwide. Autoneum has agreed new pricing and delivery terms with Borgers’ customers, which will ensure both sustainable profitability and the further development of technologies and processes.

From April 1, the former Borgers sites in Germany will be part of Autoneum Germany GmbH, which has been in existence for many years. The other subsidiaries worldwide will gradually be renamed Autoneum.

More information:
Autoneum Borgers

Autoneum Management AG

Foto Pixabay

Autoneum veröffentlicht Corporate Responsibility Report 2022

Autoneum erzielte 2022 weitere messbare Fortschritte in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales, Governance und Compliance. Das Unternehmen verpflichtete sich zu wissenschaftlich fundierten Zielen, die im Januar 2023 von der «Science Based Targets»- Initiative (SBTi) validiert wurden. Die Ziele stehen im Einklang mit denen des Pariser Abkommens, die globale Erwärmung auf deutlich unter 2°C zu begrenzen, und unterstützen die bereits in der «Advance Sustainability»-Strategy verankerten Umweltziele von Autoneum. Im Berichtsjahr wurden die Treibhausgasemissionen weiter reduziert und die Recyclingkapazitäten global ausgebaut.

Trotz der zahlreichen Herausforderungen, mit denen die Automobilindustrie auch im vergangenen Jahr konfrontiert war, konnte das Unternehmen, seine gesamten Treibhausgasemissionen im Vergleich zum Basisjahr 2019 relativ um 14.8% und absolut um 33% zu senken. In 37 Autoneum-Werken weltweit wurden 214 Ökoeffizienz-Projekte zur Reduzierung von Abfällen sowie des Energie- und Wasserverbrauchs durchgeführt, womit sich die Anzahl solcher Projekte im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren fast verdreifachte.

Autoneum erzielte 2022 weitere messbare Fortschritte in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales, Governance und Compliance. Das Unternehmen verpflichtete sich zu wissenschaftlich fundierten Zielen, die im Januar 2023 von der «Science Based Targets»- Initiative (SBTi) validiert wurden. Die Ziele stehen im Einklang mit denen des Pariser Abkommens, die globale Erwärmung auf deutlich unter 2°C zu begrenzen, und unterstützen die bereits in der «Advance Sustainability»-Strategy verankerten Umweltziele von Autoneum. Im Berichtsjahr wurden die Treibhausgasemissionen weiter reduziert und die Recyclingkapazitäten global ausgebaut.

Trotz der zahlreichen Herausforderungen, mit denen die Automobilindustrie auch im vergangenen Jahr konfrontiert war, konnte das Unternehmen, seine gesamten Treibhausgasemissionen im Vergleich zum Basisjahr 2019 relativ um 14.8% und absolut um 33% zu senken. In 37 Autoneum-Werken weltweit wurden 214 Ökoeffizienz-Projekte zur Reduzierung von Abfällen sowie des Energie- und Wasserverbrauchs durchgeführt, womit sich die Anzahl solcher Projekte im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren fast verdreifachte.

Das Unternehmen konnte mit der Einführung seiner vollständig rezyklierbaren Teppichsysteme aus 100% Polyester, die auf bestehenden und besonders umweltfreundlichen Pure-Technologien aufbauen, seine Position als Markt- und Technologieführer im nachhaltigen Akustik- und Wärmemanagement für Fahrzeuge weiter ausbauen. Für die innovativen Tuftingteppichsysteme hat Autoneum erste Kundenaufträge erhalten. Auch für E-Motor-Kapselungen auf Basis seiner patentierten, lärmreduzierenden Pure-Technologie Hybrid-Acoustics PET wurden weitere Aufträge gewonnen.

Autoneum hat 2022 das erste unternehmensweite Frauennetzwerk ins Leben gerufen. Ziel des Netzwerks ist es, die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und eine Kultur der Vielfalt und Inklusion bei Autoneum zu fördern und Mitarbeitenden einen regionen- und funktionsübergreifenden Austausch zu Themen wie Karriereentwicklung, Führung und Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus haben Mitarbeitende von Autoneum 2022 weltweit 67 Projekte zur Förderung des gesellschaftlichen Engagements durchgeführt.

Im Berichtsjahr legte Autoneum zudem einen besonderen Fokus auf den Ausbau der Corporate-Responsibility-Organisation im gesamten Unternehmen. Darüber hinaus wurde der Verwaltungsrat stärker in die entsprechenden Prozesse eingebunden. Mit der Aufnahme von Zielkriterien aus den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales und Governance («Environmental, Social, Governance» – ESG) in den Executive Bonus Plan der Gruppe ab dem Geschäftsjahr 2022 wird das Thema Nachhaltigkeit für Autoneum in Zukunft noch mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen.


Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum takes over automotive business of Borgers Group

January, 6 Autoneum signed an agreement to acquire the automotive business of Borgers. The transaction is expected to close in April 2023 following antitrust clearance. The enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

Borgers specializes in textile acoustics protection, insulation and trim for automobiles. The product and customer range of Borgers is to a great extent complementary to the product and customer portfolio of Autoneum. Borgers’ wheel arch liner and trunk liner product lines as well as their truck business optimally complement the product range of Autoneum. Especially in the field of textile wheel arch liners, Borgers is the market leader in Europe. In addition, Borgers’ product range is distinguished by sustainable and fully recyclable products. In fiscal year 2021, the Borgers Automo-tive Group generated revenue of EUR 610 million with around 4 700 employees. Thanks to Autoneum’s global presence, the Borgers product portfolio adds to the sales potential for profitable growth in the medium term outside Europe.

January, 6 Autoneum signed an agreement to acquire the automotive business of Borgers. The transaction is expected to close in April 2023 following antitrust clearance. The enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

Borgers specializes in textile acoustics protection, insulation and trim for automobiles. The product and customer range of Borgers is to a great extent complementary to the product and customer portfolio of Autoneum. Borgers’ wheel arch liner and trunk liner product lines as well as their truck business optimally complement the product range of Autoneum. Especially in the field of textile wheel arch liners, Borgers is the market leader in Europe. In addition, Borgers’ product range is distinguished by sustainable and fully recyclable products. In fiscal year 2021, the Borgers Automo-tive Group generated revenue of EUR 610 million with around 4 700 employees. Thanks to Autoneum’s global presence, the Borgers product portfolio adds to the sales potential for profitable growth in the medium term outside Europe.

Autoneum is acquiring Borgers from insolvency and has agreed new pricing and delivery terms with its customers. These will ensure sustained profitability and the further development of product and process technologies in both the short and long term.

The transaction will initially be financed through a new credit facility which is available in addition to the syndicated loan of CHF 350 million renewed in October 2022. A capital increase in the amount of approximately CHF 100 million is planned for the long-term refinancing of the acquisition. Autoneum’s two largest shareholders, Artemis Beteiligungen I AG and PCS Holding AG, have agreed to participate in the capital increase in proportion to their current shareholdings. Even taking into account the aforementioned capital increase, the transaction will generate a positive earn-ings per share contribution from the outset.


Autoneum Management AG

Photo Autoneum Management AG

Autoneum: Optimized thermal management for electric vehicles thanks to cold chamber

A new cold chamber at its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, enables Autoneum to optimize existing technologies as well as simulation and engineering services in vehicle thermal management and to adapt them to the changing thermal requirements of electric vehicles

The absence of heat from the internal combustion engine in electric vehicles as well as the impact of ambient temperature on the performance and lifetime of lithium-ion batteries are changing the requirements for vehicle thermal management. In addition, the energy from the battery is used not only to power the e-motor but also to thermally manage the battery itself and to warm and cool the car cabin by means of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. To increase the thermal comfort of the occupants and at the same time ensure optimum battery performance, save energy and thus increase the car’s range, manufacturers are placing increasing emphasis on efficient overall thermal management of the vehicle.

A new cold chamber at its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, enables Autoneum to optimize existing technologies as well as simulation and engineering services in vehicle thermal management and to adapt them to the changing thermal requirements of electric vehicles

The absence of heat from the internal combustion engine in electric vehicles as well as the impact of ambient temperature on the performance and lifetime of lithium-ion batteries are changing the requirements for vehicle thermal management. In addition, the energy from the battery is used not only to power the e-motor but also to thermally manage the battery itself and to warm and cool the car cabin by means of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. To increase the thermal comfort of the occupants and at the same time ensure optimum battery performance, save energy and thus increase the car’s range, manufacturers are placing increasing emphasis on efficient overall thermal management of the vehicle.

The chamber enables to test both occupants’ subjective perception of thermal comfort and the performance of components and entire vehicles under controlled temperature conditions of up to minus 20 degrees Celsius. It is thus a valuable addition to the existing testing and bench-marking facilities at the Company’s global research and development centers. The tests conducted in the chamber show how existing insulating components such as under battery shields, carpets and interior trim need to be optimized to further enhance the thermal management of the vehicle battery and cabin. The tests also provide valuable insights regarding the development and optimization of heated surfaces such as floor mats and door trim panels to improve thermal performance and driver comfort of electric vehicles.


Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum: Flexi-Loft with high acoustic performance

The acoustic performance of components for the vehicle interior such as inner dashes or carpets depends on the noise-reducing quality as well as the geometrical adaptability and fill power of their material. With Flexi-Loft, Autoneum offers a new felt-based technology that thanks to a unique blend of recycled cotton and functional fibers reduces product weight and allows for accurate adaptation even to complex shapes. The textile material therefore provides a versatile and more sustainable alternative to foam.

The acoustic performance of components for the vehicle interior such as inner dashes or carpets depends on the noise-reducing quality as well as the geometrical adaptability and fill power of their material. With Flexi-Loft, Autoneum offers a new felt-based technology that thanks to a unique blend of recycled cotton and functional fibers reduces product weight and allows for accurate adaptation even to complex shapes. The textile material therefore provides a versatile and more sustainable alternative to foam.

In order to achieve high acoustic performance at minimum weight and maximum sustainability, Autoneum is continuously advancing its textile product portfolio. When it comes to components for the vehicle interior, for example, standard thermoplastic felts excel through their acoustic absorption, robustness and environmental friendliness. However, since felt-based materials are generally less voluminous and moldable as foam components, they require more weight to thoroughly fill the areas of varying thickness between the surface of the component and the vehicle’s body-in-white. In contrast, Autoneum’s Flexi-Loft technology is significantly lighter, more flexible and more adaptable than standard felts. In addition, the fiber-based material is versatile and clearly outperforms current foam products in terms of sustainability.

Thanks to its blend of recycled cotton and polyester fibers, Flexi-Loft substantially reduces component weight while improving geometrical adaptability and acoustic performance, especially in areas of low thickness. Thanks to the specific properties of the fibers, Flexi-Loft enables a precise adaptation to a wide variety of vehicle bodies, thereby improving the noise-insulating qualities of the respective product. Even at low weight, Flexi-Loft covers a wide range of material thicknesses, thus proving to be an ideal decoupling material for interior components with complex shapes such as inner dashes and automotive carpets. As a lightweight, flexible and sustainable alternative to both standard felts and foam, Flexi-Loft distinguishes itself by its versatile application in combination with existing Autoneum technologies such as Hybrid-Acoustics and Prime-Light. Moreover, the material helps to reduce odor and dust inside the vehicle.

Flexi-Loft consists of at least 50% recycled cotton fibers, and cut-offs generated during the manufacturing process are reclaimed, processed and then reused in the production of new felt blanks.

Autoneum is already using Flexi-Loft worldwide as an insulator for various carpets, inner dashes and other acoustic components based on its Prime-Light technology. The application of the material as an effective decoupler in inner dashes made of Hybrid-Acoustics will be launched on the European market in 2023.

More information:
Autoneum Automotive acoustic

Autoneum Management AG

(c) Autoneum
Claudia Güntert

Autoneum appoints new Head of Corporate Communications

Claudia Güntert has been appointed Head of Corporate Communications at Autoneum as of November 1, 2021. She succeeds the Corporate Communications Head, Dr. Anahid Rickmann, who will be leaving the company per end of August 2021.

Claudia Güntert studied Jurisprudence at the University of Basel, Switzerland, as well as German and Eastern European Literature at the Universities of Basel and Zurich, Switzerland.

From 2008 to 2013, she was Marketing & Product Communications Manager at Von Roll Management AG in Wädenswil, Switzerland. She thereby gained broad experience in marketing and customer communications in the industry and a deep understanding of the industrial relations between suppliers and their customers. From 2013 until 2021, she was Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations at Von Roll Holding AG in Wädenswil and Breitenbach, Switzerland. In this leading position, she expanded her expertise in internal and external communication with a focus on company vision and strategy, branding, global change management, and social media presence. Claudia Güntert will report to Matthias Holzammer, CEO.

Claudia Güntert has been appointed Head of Corporate Communications at Autoneum as of November 1, 2021. She succeeds the Corporate Communications Head, Dr. Anahid Rickmann, who will be leaving the company per end of August 2021.

Claudia Güntert studied Jurisprudence at the University of Basel, Switzerland, as well as German and Eastern European Literature at the Universities of Basel and Zurich, Switzerland.

From 2008 to 2013, she was Marketing & Product Communications Manager at Von Roll Management AG in Wädenswil, Switzerland. She thereby gained broad experience in marketing and customer communications in the industry and a deep understanding of the industrial relations between suppliers and their customers. From 2013 until 2021, she was Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations at Von Roll Holding AG in Wädenswil and Breitenbach, Switzerland. In this leading position, she expanded her expertise in internal and external communication with a focus on company vision and strategy, branding, global change management, and social media presence. Claudia Güntert will report to Matthias Holzammer, CEO.

Dr. Anahid Rickmann leaves Autoneum at the end of August at her own request. After almost nine years of service, she has decided to take on a new professional challenge. Anahid Rickmann strategically realigned the Company's communications after it became independent in 2011 and significantly shaped Autoneum's external perception and reputation. Her particular achievements include the measurable success of external communications, brand positioning and the launch of Autoneum's corporate responsibility strategy. CEO Matthias Holzammer and the Board of Directors would like to thank Anahid Rickmann sincerely for her successful, always dedicated and loyal service to Autoneum and wish her the best for her personal and professional future.

For September and October 2021, Luzia Schoeck, Communications Manager, will act as interim Head of Corporate Communications.

More information:
Autoneum Autoneum Management AG



Autoneum benefited from market dynamics

Solid net profit and further strengthening of the balance sheet thanks to significant revenue and profitability increases

The automobile industry recovered significantly in the first half of 2021 compared to the prior-year period, which had been impacted by the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Autoneum benefited from the market dynamics and managed to increase its revenue in local currencies by 24.3% in the first semester. EBIT rose to CHF 44.7 million thanks to higher revenues and further progress in the turnaround in North America, corresponding to an EBIT margin of 5.0%. The strong free cash flow of CHF 67.2 million has allowed for a further reduction in net debt.

Solid net profit and further strengthening of the balance sheet thanks to significant revenue and profitability increases

The automobile industry recovered significantly in the first half of 2021 compared to the prior-year period, which had been impacted by the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Autoneum benefited from the market dynamics and managed to increase its revenue in local currencies by 24.3% in the first semester. EBIT rose to CHF 44.7 million thanks to higher revenues and further progress in the turnaround in North America, corresponding to an EBIT margin of 5.0%. The strong free cash flow of CHF 67.2 million has allowed for a further reduction in net debt.

In the first half of 2021, 29.2% more light vehicles were produced worldwide than in the coronavirus-hit first half of 2020. The market recovery, though significant, was hampered by the global semiconductor shortage, which led to temporary production stoppages and manufacturers producing lower vehicle volumes. Autoneum increased revenue in local currencies by 24.3% in the first six months. In Swiss francs, revenue climbed by 21.9% to CHF 890.3 million. Business Group SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) grew clearly above market, while the shortage of semiconductors in North America in particular impacted the production of models supplied by Autoneum and the revenue development of Business Group North America.

Autoneum managed to improve its operating result (EBIT) considerably by CHF 76.5 million in the first six months compared to the prior-year period. In addition to higher revenues, this was mainly due to the immediate and sustainable adjustment of the cost structure in all Business Groups to the new market reality in 2020 as well as the improved earnings achieved in the turnaround program in North America. Higher material costs, however, had a negative impact on the operating result. EBIT in the amount of CHF 44.7 million (prior-year period: CHF –31.8 million) corresponds to an EBIT margin of 5.0% (prior-year period: –4.4%).

The development of global light vehicle production in the second half of 2021 remains uncertain due to the semiconductor shortage. Although there is a high demand from end customers in all regions, it can be assumed that the shortage of chips will continue to impact automobile production in the second half of the year, but not as severely as in the second quarter of the first half-year.

Revenue in the second half-year 2021 is expected to be higher than in the first semester. Based on the unfavorable allocation of semiconductors to vehicle models supplied by Autoneum in the first half of 2021, revenue development is likely to be slightly below market for the full year 2021. With an easing of the semiconductor shortage, this will normalize.


Autoneum Management Ltd

(c) Autoneum

Autoneum: Carpets even more eco-friendly

Autoneum carpet systems already meet high standards of sustainable mobility due to their high content of recycled fibers. Thanks to an alternative backcoating (ABC) process, Autoneum carpets are now becoming even more environmentally friendly: By replacing the latex commonly used in standard backcoatings with thermoplastic material, the recyclability of carpets at the end of product life is further  improved. In addition, the innovative manufacturing process greatly reduces water and energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions in production.

Autoneum carpet systems already meet high standards of sustainable mobility due to their high content of recycled fibers. Thanks to an alternative backcoating (ABC) process, Autoneum carpets are now becoming even more environmentally friendly: By replacing the latex commonly used in standard backcoatings with thermoplastic material, the recyclability of carpets at the end of product life is further  improved. In addition, the innovative manufacturing process greatly reduces water and energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions in production.

Lightweight, textile-based carpet technologies such as Di-Light or Relive-1 significantly improve the environmental performance of carpets. For example, Di-Light-based carpets consist of up to 97% recycled PET; aside from that, they are around 20% lighter than conventional needlepunch carpets, thus contributing to lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from vehicles. In addition, Autoneum needlepunch carpets are now even more sustainable thanks to the innovative ABC process, which uses a thermoplastic adhesive instead of latex in the backcoating: Unlike latex, thermoplastic adhesives can be heated and melted down together with the carpet components made of pure PET at the end of the product life cycle, which facilitates recycling considerably. Furthermore, since the fibers of the thermoplastic mono-material are easier to open, carpet cut-outs can be reclaimed more easily, thereby reducing the consumption of natural resources as well as waste volumes and thus CO2 emissions. The environmental  performance of Autoneum’s needlepunch carpets, which already contain a high proportion of recycled PET, is thus further improved.

Moreover, backcoatings without latex improve the sustainability of carpets not only thanks to better recyclability at the end of the product life cycle. Since the application of the thermoplastic adhesive using the innovative ABC process consumes significantly less energy than the production of latexbased backcoatings and does not require any water at all, the environmental impact can already be minimized in the manufacturing process. Additionally, thermoplastic adhesives developed in-house by Autoneum will open up new possibilities in the future for adapting backcoatings to the individual needs of vehicle manufacturers in terms of their acoustic performance, stiffness and abrasion resistance.

Models from various customers in Europe and North America are already equipped with latex-free needlepunch carpets from Autoneum. In the near future, backcoatings with thermoplastic adhesives will also be used for Autoneum’s tufted carpets. Production of the new, even more sustainable generation of tufted carpets is scheduled to start in early 2022.

(c) Autoneum Management AG. CAE simulation of in vehicle sound field.

Autoneum + Free Field Technologies: Partner für Akustikdesign von Fahrzeugen

Angesichts globaler Megatrends wie Elektromobilität und Nachhaltigkeit steigen die Anforderungen an das akustische Design von Fahrzeugen. Simulationssoftware und computergestützte Entwicklung – computer-aided engineering (CAE) – verbessern nicht nur die Akustikleistung, sondern sollen auch den Entwicklungsprozess neuer Modelle beschleunigen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Softwareunternehmen Free Field Technologies (FFT) fließen Autoneums Simulationsmethoden im Bereich Fahrzeugakustik in die Modellierungssoftware Actran von FFT ein, womit neue Standards beim CAE- Design des NVH-Verhaltens (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) und Datenaustausch erreichbar werden.

Angesichts globaler Megatrends wie Elektromobilität und Nachhaltigkeit steigen die Anforderungen an das akustische Design von Fahrzeugen. Simulationssoftware und computergestützte Entwicklung – computer-aided engineering (CAE) – verbessern nicht nur die Akustikleistung, sondern sollen auch den Entwicklungsprozess neuer Modelle beschleunigen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Softwareunternehmen Free Field Technologies (FFT) fließen Autoneums Simulationsmethoden im Bereich Fahrzeugakustik in die Modellierungssoftware Actran von FFT ein, womit neue Standards beim CAE- Design des NVH-Verhaltens (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) und Datenaustausch erreichbar werden.

Autoneum und FFT haben ihre Expertise in der Entwicklung innovativer und nachhaltiger Methoden im Bereich Fahrzeugakustik bereits in zahlreichen gemeinsamen wissenschaftlichen Aufsätzen unter Beweis gestellt. Im Rahmen ihrer Partnerschaft werden die beiden Unternehmen ihre Synergien künftig auch dafür nutzen, bestehende Prozesse und Workflows im Akustikdesign weiter zu optimieren, zu standardisieren und zugleich die Modellierung von NVH-Materialien wie auch den Datenaustausch zwischen Fahrzeugherstellern und Zulieferern zu verbessern. Die präzise Berechnung der akustischen Fahrzeugleistung früh im Entwicklungsprozess erlaubt es, Design- und Vorlaufzeiten deutlich zu reduzieren sowie das Verhältnis zwischen Leistung, Gewicht und Kosten der lärmdämmenden Materialien zu optimieren.

More information:
Autoneum Fahrzeugakustik

Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum: Current assessment of the 2020 financial year

The global automobile production has been recovering faster than expected since summer. If this positive trend continues through the full second half of the year, Group revenue in local currencies in the second semester is likely to be just around –5% below the level of the prior year period. For the full year 2020 it is anticipated that revenue in local currencies will decline by around –20% compared to 2019.

Based on this development of revenue, the extensive cost reduction measures taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the on-schedule progress of the turnaround in North America, an EBIT margin of 4-5% is expected for the second half of the year and a slightly positive EBIT margin for 2020 as a whole. Supported by the strict management of working capital and investments, the free cash flow is likely to be in the higher double-digit million range, which should enable a slight reduction in debt.

The outlook for 2021 and especially the first half-year remains uncertain and depends strongly on how the pandemic will develop. According to forecasts, global vehicle production in 2021 will still not reach the level of 2019.

The global automobile production has been recovering faster than expected since summer. If this positive trend continues through the full second half of the year, Group revenue in local currencies in the second semester is likely to be just around –5% below the level of the prior year period. For the full year 2020 it is anticipated that revenue in local currencies will decline by around –20% compared to 2019.

Based on this development of revenue, the extensive cost reduction measures taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the on-schedule progress of the turnaround in North America, an EBIT margin of 4-5% is expected for the second half of the year and a slightly positive EBIT margin for 2020 as a whole. Supported by the strict management of working capital and investments, the free cash flow is likely to be in the higher double-digit million range, which should enable a slight reduction in debt.

The outlook for 2021 and especially the first half-year remains uncertain and depends strongly on how the pandemic will develop. According to forecasts, global vehicle production in 2021 will still not reach the level of 2019.


Autoneum Management AG

Autoneum: Tuftingteppich (c) Autoneum

Autoneum: Tuftingteppich aus rezykliertem PET

Mit Relive-1 lanciert Autoneum einen innovativen Tuftingteppich, der höchsten Ansprüchen an nachhaltige Mobilität gerecht wird. Die mit dem «Autoneum Pure.»-Label für besondere Umweltfreundlichkeit ausgezeichnete Tuftingtechnologie für die Kompaktbis Premiumklasse ist gegenüber dem in diesen Fahrzeugsegmenten üblichen Teppichstandard zudem langlebiger und überzeugt mit einer exzellenten Reinigungsfähigkeit.

Mit Relive-1 lanciert Autoneum einen innovativen Tuftingteppich, der höchsten Ansprüchen an nachhaltige Mobilität gerecht wird. Die mit dem «Autoneum Pure.»-Label für besondere Umweltfreundlichkeit ausgezeichnete Tuftingtechnologie für die Kompaktbis Premiumklasse ist gegenüber dem in diesen Fahrzeugsegmenten üblichen Teppichstandard zudem langlebiger und überzeugt mit einer exzellenten Reinigungsfähigkeit.

Die globale Nachfrage nach innovativen Fahrzeugen der Zukunft und nachhaltigen Mobilitätsformen steigt. Automobilhersteller und Zulieferer fokussieren sich in der Fahrzeugentwicklung entsprechend verstärkt auf ressourcenschonende Leichtbaukomponenten und Produktionsprozesse. Darüber hinaus sind Optik und Haptik der Passagierkabine ausschlaggebend für die Kaufentscheidung, da das Auto in Zukunft verstärkt für Arbeit und Erholung genutzt wird. Hier beeinflussen Teppichsysteme durch ihre Grösse die Qualitätswahrnehmung entscheidend. Mit Relive-1 bietet Autoneum neu eine Premiumtechnologie für Fahrzeugteppiche an, die nicht nur mit ihrem ästhetischen Erscheinungsbild punktet, sondern auch eine überdurchschnittliche Umweltbilanz aufweist. Unter anderem überzeugen Teppiche aus Relive-1 durch einen besonders nachhaltigen Einsatz von Rohmaterialien: So werden für die Herstellung der Teppichfasern nur rezyklierte PET-Flaschen verwendet. Autoneum verwertet diesen Rohstoff wieder, schont so natürliche Ressourcen und verringert Plastikmüll – und sorgt gleichzeitig dafür, dass aus ausgedienten PET-Flaschen neue, hochwertige Teppichsysteme für kommende Fahrzeuggenerationen kosteneffizient produziert werden können. Darüber hinaus stellt Relive-1 einen bedeutenden Schritt zu Monomaterial-Konstruktionen und somit zu einer abfallfreien Fertigung von Tuftingteppichen dar.

Gleichzeitig steht Relive-1 einmal mehr für die überdurchschnittliche Produktqualität von Autoneum: Im Vergleich zu Standardteppichen der Kompakt- bis Oberklasse sind Relive-1-Teppiche dank signifikant höherer Abriebfestigkeit robuster und durch die vertikale Ausrichtung der Fasern sowie wasserabweisende Wirkung des Polyesters leicht zu reinigen. So können kleine Partikel wie Holzsplitter, Staub oder Steine, aber auch Flüssigkeiten problemlos und ohne Rückstände entfernt werden, was ein entscheidender Vorteil bei häufig in der Freizeit genutzten Fahrzeugen wie SUVs ist. Die Verbindung von herausragender Leistung und Nachhaltigkeit definiert heute bei Fahrzeugen der Premiumklasse den neuen Luxusstandard.


Autoneum Management AG

 ATLAS: cutting-edge technology for sustainable vehicle acoustics (c) Autoneum Management AG
Messsystem ATLAS

ATLAS: cutting-edge technology for sustainable vehicle acoustics

For more than 50 years, vehicle manufacturers have relied within their model development on Autoneum’s measuring systems for vehicle acoustics. With ATLAS, Autoneum has now added another particularly powerful device to the portfolio: Thanks to the efficient and reliable measurement methodology, noise-reducing vehicle components and materials can be analyzed and developed faster and with a significantly lower need for resources in the future.

For more than 50 years, vehicle manufacturers have relied within their model development on Autoneum’s measuring systems for vehicle acoustics. With ATLAS, Autoneum has now added another particularly powerful device to the portfolio: Thanks to the efficient and reliable measurement methodology, noise-reducing vehicle components and materials can be analyzed and developed faster and with a significantly lower need for resources in the future.

With the ongoing electrification of vehicles and trends like autonomous driving, future car generations will no longer be used solely for transport – remote working and recreation will equally play a key role. This requires a vehicle interior that is as noiseless as possible. In order to identify and insulate potential internal and external sound sources already in the pre-development of new models, car manufacturers around the world rely on Autoneum’s highly specialized measurement tools. The newly launched ATLAS – short for “Airborne Transmission Loss Analysis System” – measures the acoustic insulation and transmission loss of components such as carpets, inner dashes and floor insulators. This allows customers to assess noise-reducing parts within minutes and select acoustic components tailored to their needs.

ATLAS sets new testing standards in this regard. While developers previously had to analyze the NVH behavior (noise, vibration, harshness) of interior parts using material samples of around one square meter in size, ATLAS makes this process faster, cheaper and more environmentally-friendly. It enables measurements of small samples with a diameter of no more than ten centimeters, which substantially decreases the amount of material used. Thanks to its four highly sensitive microphones, only two trials are required to collect precise and valid test data, making the system developed at Autoneum’s research center in the Swiss city of Winterthur especially suitable for quality assurance and repeatability of the results obtained. Users also benefit from time savings of up to 50 percent compared to the previous testing standard.

Autoneum’s measurement systems represent the global industry standard and are used successfully by vehicle manufacturers, automotive suppliers and research institutions alike. The Company is therefore not only making a significant contribution to the mobility of the future with its noise-reducing products, but now with ATLAS as well.


Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum: Corona-related slump in revenue – bottom point overcome

The coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the automotive industry led to an un-precedented market slump in the first half of 2020 and a corresponding revenue decline at Autoneum. Revenue in local currencies fell by –32.7% compared to the prior-year period, and in Swiss francs by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million. The turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress in the first six months and is showing the targeted results. However, they were clearly overcompensated by the massive impact of the corona-virus crisis, which led to a negative net result of CHF –54.9 million despite comprehensive cost flexibilization measures.

The coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the automotive industry led to an un-precedented market slump in the first half of 2020 and a corresponding revenue decline at Autoneum. Revenue in local currencies fell by –32.7% compared to the prior-year period, and in Swiss francs by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million. The turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress in the first six months and is showing the targeted results. However, they were clearly overcompensated by the massive impact of the corona-virus crisis, which led to a negative net result of CHF –54.9 million despite comprehensive cost flexibilization measures.

Like the entire automobile industry, Autoneum was massively impacted by the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in the first half of the year. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in every region, especially in the second quarter of the year, not only led to an unprecedented market collapse, but also to a production stop at all 55 Autoneum sites. Starting in February in China and one month later in all other regions, vehicle manufacturers temporarily shut down production completely. The corresponding massive drop in global vehicle production led to a slump in revenue at Autoneum of –32.7% in local currencies. This reflects the development of the market in the first half of 2020, which contracted by –33.2% year-on-year. Revenue in Swiss francs at Autoneum fell by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million (prior-year period: CHF 1 156.1 million). Revenue development in all Business Groups outperformed the respective markets, particularly in Asia and the SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) region.

 Like the entire automobile industry, Autoneum was massively impacted by the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in the first half of the year. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in every region, especially in the second quarter of the year, not only led to an unprecedented market collapse, but also to a production stop at all 55 Autoneum sites. Starting in February in China and one month later in all other regions, vehicle manufacturers temporarily shut down production com-pletely. The corresponding massive drop in global vehicle production led to a slump in revenue at Autoneum of –32.7% in local currencies. This reflects the development of the market in the first half of 2020, which contracted by –33.2% year-on-year. Revenue in Swiss francs at Autoneum fell by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million (prior-year period: CHF 1 156.1 million). Revenue development in all Business Groups outperformed the respective markets, particularly in Asia and the SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) region.

Autoneum promptly responded to the pandemic-related market slump by adopting extensive cost-cutting measures in all regions. These include the reduction of employee costs by, among other things, adjusting time accounts, introducing short-time work at eligible locations and temporary layoffs as well as headcount reduction, mainly among temporary workers. In addition, operating expenditures were limited to the absolutely necessary. The investment volume for 2020, already reduced from previous years, was downsized even further. Autoneum continues to benefit in this regard from the high level of investments undertaken in recent years.

 Although the coronavirus crisis and the measures taken to contain it dominated Autoneum’s course of business in the first half of 2020, the Company achieved necessary operational and financial im-provements during this period. The comprehensive turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress and is on track. Efficiency improvements already achieved there had a posi-tive effect on the figures of the first half-year, but were significantly overcompensated by the substan-tial impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Savings and cost flexibilization measures taken immediately and implemented worldwide in view of the revenue loss could not offset the ongoing, capacity-related fixed costs. This led at the Group level to a negative EBIT of CHF –31.8 million (prior-year period: CHF 16.4 million), which equates to an EBIT margin of –4.4% (prior-year period: 1.4%). The net result decreased because of the severe revenue shortfall to CHF –54.9 million (prior-year period: CHF –6.0 million).

For 2020 Autoneum expects revenue to develop at market level. Although customers’ production volumes should increase again in the second half of 2020 compared with the first semester, latest fore-casts indicate that they will remain clearly below the level of the second half of 2019. Immediately implemented and ongoing cost reduction measures as well as further operational optimizations also within the turnaround program in North America will lead to improvements in the second half of the year. Due to the current uncertainties, a reliable statement on the net result for the full year 2020 thus cannot be made. With regard to the mid-term targets, a recovery of the profitability level is expected, but it will largely depend on the market development.


Autoneum Management AG


“Autoneum Pure.”: new sustainability label for products

Technologies with an excellent environmental performance throughout the entire product life cycle – that is what “Autoneum Pure.” stands for. In future, components that meet the highest standards in terms of sustainability and eco-friendliness can be identified at a glance under this label. This also includes the innovation “Mono-Liner” for wheelhouse outer liners.

As innovation leader in acoustic and thermal management, Autoneum continuously invests in the development and production of resource-saving components that make cars lighter and thus more climate-friendly. In view of an increasing sustainability awareness and the correspondingly greater information needs on environmentally-friendly vehicle components, the Company has now launched Autoneum Pure. The label determines particularly sustainable technologies, thereby guiding car manufacturers in product selection for future models.

Technologies with an excellent environmental performance throughout the entire product life cycle – that is what “Autoneum Pure.” stands for. In future, components that meet the highest standards in terms of sustainability and eco-friendliness can be identified at a glance under this label. This also includes the innovation “Mono-Liner” for wheelhouse outer liners.

As innovation leader in acoustic and thermal management, Autoneum continuously invests in the development and production of resource-saving components that make cars lighter and thus more climate-friendly. In view of an increasing sustainability awareness and the correspondingly greater information needs on environmentally-friendly vehicle components, the Company has now launched Autoneum Pure. The label determines particularly sustainable technologies, thereby guiding car manufacturers in product selection for future models.

Autoneum Pure is based on a comprehensive set of criteria assessing the sustainability performance of a product in all four phases of its life cycle: material procurement, production, use and end of life. For example, components with a high content of recyclable materials or those that achieve significant weight savings compared to comparable standard components qualify for the “Autoneum Pure.” label. Autoneum already offers various multifunctional technologies that meet the high standards for Autoneum Pure products: Ultra-Silent for underbody systems or battery undercovers, Di-Light for carpet systems, Prime-Light and IFP-R2 for inner dashes and floor insulators as well as Hybrid-Acoustics PET for e-motor encapsulations and engine-mounted parts, which was launched in fall 2019.

With Mono-Liner, the latest innovation for wheelhouse outer liners is also included in the Autoneum Pure portfolio. Among other things, the Mono-Liner-based components convince thanks to their lightweight construction, thereby contributing to lower vehicle weight with correspondingly less fuel consumption and emissions. The excellent life cycle assessment is also based on their particularly resource-saving manufacturing: Production cut offs of the components, which consist to a large extent of recycled PET fibers, can be processed into pellets and completely returned to the manufacturing process as fibers. An SUV and a crossover model from a US vehicle manufacturer already benefit from Mono-Liner wheelhouse outer liners.

Anahid Rickmann, Head of Corporate Communications & Responsibility, explains: “With Autoneum Pure we are the first automotive supplier to establish a sustainability label in the field of acoustic and thermal management. Autoneum Pure is part of the Company's Advance Sustainability  Strategy 2025 and sets industry standards in product communication.”


Autoneum Holding AG

(c) Autoneum

Hybrid-Acoustics PET sets new standards for sustainable noise protection

Lighter, quieter and more environmentally-friendly vehicles ‒ this is what Hybrid-Acoustics PET from Autoneum stands for. The product innovation for the engine bay is not only characterized by its lightweight construction and noise protection optimized for electric vehicles, it also convinces through sustainability: Components made of Hybrid-Acoustics PET consist entirely of PET, which is largely obtained from recycled fibers, and thus meet customer demand for environmentally-friendly mobility solutions.

With Hybrid-Acoustics PET, Autoneum has adapted its textile interior technology Hybrid-Acoustics for use in the engine compartment. The patented innovation is based on a unique fiber material that acts as an insulator and absorber at the same time. Among others, Hybrid-Acoustics PET is used to encapsulate electric motors, thereby reducing noise directly at the source and particularly attenuating high-frequency sounds of the electric drive unit. This key technology accordingly ensures optimum noise protection in the passenger cabin and greater driving comfort.

Lighter, quieter and more environmentally-friendly vehicles ‒ this is what Hybrid-Acoustics PET from Autoneum stands for. The product innovation for the engine bay is not only characterized by its lightweight construction and noise protection optimized for electric vehicles, it also convinces through sustainability: Components made of Hybrid-Acoustics PET consist entirely of PET, which is largely obtained from recycled fibers, and thus meet customer demand for environmentally-friendly mobility solutions.

With Hybrid-Acoustics PET, Autoneum has adapted its textile interior technology Hybrid-Acoustics for use in the engine compartment. The patented innovation is based on a unique fiber material that acts as an insulator and absorber at the same time. Among others, Hybrid-Acoustics PET is used to encapsulate electric motors, thereby reducing noise directly at the source and particularly attenuating high-frequency sounds of the electric drive unit. This key technology accordingly ensures optimum noise protection in the passenger cabin and greater driving comfort.

More information:
Hybrid-Acoustics PET Autoneum

Autoneum Management AG