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Orthopac RXVMC Photo Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG
Orthopac RXVMC

Mahlo: New straightening concept

The new Orthopac RXVMC-20 automatic straightening system for forward control of knitwear with strong distortions can remove distortions in textile webs even faster and more precisely.

"With the new straightening concept, special attention was paid to the straightening mechanics and their interaction with the analysis electronics of the scanner system," explains Head of Sales Thomas Höpfl. Two individually controlled and driven straightening modules with a total of four bow and three skew rollers ensure that the correction of bow and skew distortions takes place in small steps. The control concept is also new. A scanner group at the infeed of the straightening machine detects distortions even before they reach the correction rollers. This way, the rollers are brought directly into position and the fabric is corrected from the very first centimetre. A scanner group at the outlet also detects possible residual distortion, which is corrected at the second straightening module. This enables an even more precise and faster response when it comes to reacting to rapidly changing distortions.

The new Orthopac RXVMC-20 automatic straightening system for forward control of knitwear with strong distortions can remove distortions in textile webs even faster and more precisely.

"With the new straightening concept, special attention was paid to the straightening mechanics and their interaction with the analysis electronics of the scanner system," explains Head of Sales Thomas Höpfl. Two individually controlled and driven straightening modules with a total of four bow and three skew rollers ensure that the correction of bow and skew distortions takes place in small steps. The control concept is also new. A scanner group at the infeed of the straightening machine detects distortions even before they reach the correction rollers. This way, the rollers are brought directly into position and the fabric is corrected from the very first centimetre. A scanner group at the outlet also detects possible residual distortion, which is corrected at the second straightening module. This enables an even more precise and faster response when it comes to reacting to rapidly changing distortions.

The Orthopac RXVMC therefore shows its full strength when straightening knitwear and distortion-sensitive fabrics. Knitted fabrics are special in terms of distortion dynamics. It is difficult for operators when changing the fabric rolls to join the relatively short fabric webs with weft and loop-straight seams. Before and after unavoidable insufficient seams, the distortion (e.g. right before to left before) changes abruptly. Conventionally, the distortion change is only detected by scanning at the output of the straightener.
The RXVMC concept enables a shortened reaction time to jumping distortion, (especially in the case of seams) due to the improved scanning concept with scanning at the outlet and inlet. This reduces knitted fabric outside the straightening tolerance up to 50 percent after each seam. Fewer fabric pieces have to be reprocessed. It guarantees higher quality goods and thus less waste.


Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG

(c) Brückner Trockentechnik GmbH & Co. KG

BRÜCKNER successful in Turkey with stenters

The Turkish company ARIKAN Mensucat Industry and Trade Inc. was founded in 1993 and is located in Kahramanmaraş, one of the southernmost cities of the country. Today, the family-owned company employs around 1,500 people and finishes around 55 tons of knitwear every day. In addition to many well-known Turkish fashion manufacturers, ARIKAN also supplies international manufacturers in Europe, Russia, the Gulf States and other leading international markets.

The Turkish company ARIKAN Mensucat Industry and Trade Inc. was founded in 1993 and is located in Kahramanmaraş, one of the southernmost cities of the country. Today, the family-owned company employs around 1,500 people and finishes around 55 tons of knitwear every day. In addition to many well-known Turkish fashion manufacturers, ARIKAN also supplies international manufacturers in Europe, Russia, the Gulf States and other leading international markets.

The German machinery manufacturer BRÜCKNER supported the Turkish company from the very beginning. From the foundation of the dyeing and finishing plant, BRÜCKNER supplied three stenters for the finishing of the high-quality knitted fabric in 2014. Two more lines followed in 2016. For decades, BRÜCKNER has been the market leader for the finishing of knitted fabric. Especially for very fine and elastic fabric, special line configurations and technological know-how are necessary to be able to produce a high-quality end product. During the drying and heat-setting process, for example, extremely accurate and uniform temperature distribution over the entire length and width of the dryer is essential. In the BRÜCKNER stenter this is achieved, among other things, by the alternating arrangement of the thermal zones every 1.5 meters and by the proven split-flow air system.

The machine operators at ARIKAN appreciate the easy control of BRÜCKNER lines. The visualization is intuitively designed and offers many auxiliary systems for an optimized production process. In addition, significant energy savings can be achieved with just a few changes to the machine parameters.

The management at ARIKAN attaches great importance to energy saving, especially in the fabric finishing department. The drying process is one of the most energy-intensive in the entire process chain, therefore the biggest savings can be made here. These have a direct impact on the manufacturing costs of the textiles and thus on competitiveness in the market. In the meantime, talks are already in progress for another BRÜCKNER line which will include a very special feature: a combined heating system for the dryer. For many customers - and so also for ARIKAN in Turkey - e.g. steam energy is available free or very cheap. With the combined heating system developed by BRÜCKNER it is possible to use this steam energy for heating up the dryer and thus to achieve significant savings. If the available steam is not sufficient for a running process, it is automatically switched over to gas heating. This mode of operation does not only have an effect on the energy costs, but also makes a considerable contribution to environmental protection.

Für die nächsten Monate erwartet die Maschenbranche eine fallende Kapazitätsauslastung und knappe Margen. © Gesamtmasche
Für die nächsten Monate erwartet die Maschenbranche eine fallende Kapazitätsauslastung und knappe Margen.

Maschenindustrie geht verunsichert ins 1. Quartal

  • Nachfragerückgang und steigende Produktionskosten belasten die Margen

Die Unternehmen der deutschen Maschen- und Miederindustrie vermelden eine Abschwächung ihres Geschäfts. Das ist das Ergebnis der Geschäftsklima-Umfrage von Gesamtmasche im Januar. „Die Auftragseingänge entwickeln sich zwar trotz Konsumzurückhaltung und außenwirtschaftlichen Turbulenzen noch befriedigend. Die Ertragslage ist angesichts steigender Produktionskosten aber nicht zufriedenstellend“, kommentiert Präsidentin Martina Bandte die Konjunktureinschätzung.

Die gedämpften Erwartungen für die kommenden Monate haben den Geschäftsklima-Index von 13,3 Indexpunkten im Oktober auf nurmehr 12,0 Punkte gedrückt. Fast ein Fünftel der Firmen rechnet im laufenden Quartal mit einer fallenden Kapazitätsauslastung. Noch im Herbst erwarteten das nur 5 Prozent.

  • Nachfragerückgang und steigende Produktionskosten belasten die Margen

Die Unternehmen der deutschen Maschen- und Miederindustrie vermelden eine Abschwächung ihres Geschäfts. Das ist das Ergebnis der Geschäftsklima-Umfrage von Gesamtmasche im Januar. „Die Auftragseingänge entwickeln sich zwar trotz Konsumzurückhaltung und außenwirtschaftlichen Turbulenzen noch befriedigend. Die Ertragslage ist angesichts steigender Produktionskosten aber nicht zufriedenstellend“, kommentiert Präsidentin Martina Bandte die Konjunktureinschätzung.

Die gedämpften Erwartungen für die kommenden Monate haben den Geschäftsklima-Index von 13,3 Indexpunkten im Oktober auf nurmehr 12,0 Punkte gedrückt. Fast ein Fünftel der Firmen rechnet im laufenden Quartal mit einer fallenden Kapazitätsauslastung. Noch im Herbst erwarteten das nur 5 Prozent.

Zwar zeigen sich immerhin neun von zehn Unternehmen mit ihren Inlandsumsätzen zufrieden. Fast 30 Prozent von ihnen melden jedoch fallende Erträge. Fast 95 Prozent der Firmen glauben, dass sich die Preissituation in ihren wichtigsten Absatzbereichen nicht verbessern wird. Gleichzeitig ziehen Rohstoff- und Personalkosten weiter an.

„Weder aus dem Modeeinzelhandel noch aus dem Bereich Automobil gibt es derzeit positive Signale“, fasst Martina Bandte zusammen. Einen Aufwärtstrend sieht sie hingegen beim Absatz in Fernost, in Nordamerika und Teilen Osteuropas. „Das neue Freihandelsabkommen mit Japan ist immens wichtig für uns, sowohl import- als auch exportseitig.“


Gesamtverband der deutschen Maschenindustrie - Gesamtmasche e. V.