From the Sector

14 results
International Textile Industry Statistics (ITIS) on productive capacity and raw materials consumption in the short-staple organized (spinning mill-) sector (c) ITMF International Textile Industry Statistics (ITIS) on productive capacity and raw materials consumption in the short-staple organized (spinning mill-) sector

ITMF: Slight capacity growth and lower fibre consumption in 2023

The International Textile Manufacturer Federation has published its International Textile Industry Statistics (ITIS) on productive capacity and raw materials consumption in the short-staple organized (spinning mill-) sector in virtually all textile-producing countries in the world. ITMF has used a new calculation method and reviewed past time series.

The estimated global number of installed short-staple spindles reached 232 Mio units in 2023 and the number of installed open-end rotors grew to 9.7 Mio (see Fig. 1 and 2). Capacity building is still disproportionally targeting Asia. The number of installed air-jet spindles soared to 637 thousand. Outside Asia, the main capacity increase was registered in Türkiye.

The International Textile Manufacturer Federation has published its International Textile Industry Statistics (ITIS) on productive capacity and raw materials consumption in the short-staple organized (spinning mill-) sector in virtually all textile-producing countries in the world. ITMF has used a new calculation method and reviewed past time series.

The estimated global number of installed short-staple spindles reached 232 Mio units in 2023 and the number of installed open-end rotors grew to 9.7 Mio (see Fig. 1 and 2). Capacity building is still disproportionally targeting Asia. The number of installed air-jet spindles soared to 637 thousand. Outside Asia, the main capacity increase was registered in Türkiye.

Global Installed Capacities and Raw Material Consumption in the Short-Staple Organized (Spinning Mill-) Sector of the Textile Industries (1993-2023) The number of installed shuttle-less looms increased to 1.7 Mio in 2023 (see Fig. 3). Total raw material consumption in the short-staple organized sector slightly decreased to 43 Mio tons (see Fig. 4). Global consumption of raw cotton and cellulosic short-staple fibers decreased by -4.4% and -2.9%, respectively. Consumption of synthetic short-staple fibers increased by 0.5%.


ITMF International Textile Manufacturer Federation

Übergabe des ITMF Awards Foto DITF

ITMF International Cooperation Award 2024 für die DITF und RBX Créations

Die International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) hat auf der „ITMF & IAF Conference 2024 die Gewinner des ITMF Awards 2024 bekannt gegeben. Mit dabei sind in der Kategorie „ITMF International Cooperation Award 2024“ die DITF und ihr Partner, die französische Firma RBX Créations. Sie erhielten die Auszeichnung für die Einführung eines neu entwickelten, hanfbasierten Zellstoffs und dessen Weiterverarbeitung zu filamentgesponnenen Zellulosefasern. Die Konferenz fand vom 8. – 10. September in Samarkand, Usbekistan statt.

Neue Faserstoffe und textile Erzeugnisse aus Hanf – bei der Vorstellung einer neuartigen Produktionslinie steht für die Kooperationspartner DITF und RBX Créations der Nachhaltigkeitsgedanke in der textilen Wertschöpfungskette im Vordergrund. Denn das Ausgangsmaterial Hanf wird aus lokalem Anbau gewonnen und die Weiterverarbeitung zu textilen Fasern, Garnen und Stoffen aus Zellulose erfolgt mittels energie- und ressourcenschonender Verfahren.

Die International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) hat auf der „ITMF & IAF Conference 2024 die Gewinner des ITMF Awards 2024 bekannt gegeben. Mit dabei sind in der Kategorie „ITMF International Cooperation Award 2024“ die DITF und ihr Partner, die französische Firma RBX Créations. Sie erhielten die Auszeichnung für die Einführung eines neu entwickelten, hanfbasierten Zellstoffs und dessen Weiterverarbeitung zu filamentgesponnenen Zellulosefasern. Die Konferenz fand vom 8. – 10. September in Samarkand, Usbekistan statt.

Neue Faserstoffe und textile Erzeugnisse aus Hanf – bei der Vorstellung einer neuartigen Produktionslinie steht für die Kooperationspartner DITF und RBX Créations der Nachhaltigkeitsgedanke in der textilen Wertschöpfungskette im Vordergrund. Denn das Ausgangsmaterial Hanf wird aus lokalem Anbau gewonnen und die Weiterverarbeitung zu textilen Fasern, Garnen und Stoffen aus Zellulose erfolgt mittels energie- und ressourcenschonender Verfahren.

Mit diesem Leitgedanken konnten sich die beiden Partner in Samarkand, Usbekistan, erfolgreich auf der ITMF & IAF Conference 2024 präsentieren. Gemeinsam stellten sie dem Fachpublikum und der Jury eine vollständige textile Herstellungskette vor – vom Rohmaterial über dessen Aufbereitung, der Spinntechnologie und der Verwirklichung textiler Produkte.

Schon die Auswahl des Rohstoffs Hanf ist für die Umwelt in vieler Hinsicht vorteilhaft: Er wird in lokalem Anbau gewonnen und zeichnet sich deshalb durch einen geringen CO2-Footprint aus: Denn üblicherweise wird für die Herstellung von Zellulosefasern Holz als Ausgangsmaterial verwendet, für dessen Verarbeitung große Transportwege in Kauf genommen werden. Den Anbau von Hanf kennzeichnen ein geringer Wasserverbrauch, kaum bis gar kein Chemikalieneinsatz wegen hoher Resistenz gegenüber Pflanzenkrankheiten und vorteilhafte Eigenschaften bei der Regeneration der Böden.

Der Nutzhanf wird in einem vom RBX Créations patentierten Verfahren zu einem feinfaserigen Zellstoff (pulp) aufbereitet. Er dient als Ausgangsmaterial für ein an den DITF entwickeltes und unter dem Namen HighPerCell® geschütztes Nassspinnverfahren. Der Hanf-Pulp wird in einer sogenannten ionischen Flüssigkeit gelöst. Die Lösung wird in einem Fällbad zu Zellulosefasern ausgesponnen. Das Lösungsmittel kann vollständig zurückgewonnen und wiederverwendet werden – ein besonders nachhaltiger und umweltfreundlicher Produktionsprozess. Hanfbasierte Zellulosefasern überzeugen durch ihre mechanischen Eigenschaften, die zum Teil sogar besser sind als diejenigen von etablierten holzbasierten Faserstoffen. Damit bieten sie beste Voraussetzungen für die mechanische Weiterverarbeitung in der Strickerei und Weberei.

Der Projektpartner RBX Création hat nicht nur die Prozesse für die Rohstoffaufbereitung entwickelt, sondern steuert nach der Herstellung der Fasern deren Weiterverarbeitung: Aufgrund ihrer herausragenden Vernetzung in der Textilbranche sorgt RBX Création für die Aufbereitung der Garne und koordiniert die Aufgabenverteilung mit textilen Herstellungsbetrieben. Die Garne und textilen Materialien werden von RBX Créations unter dem Namen Iroony™ gehandelt. Textile Gewirke und Gewebe sind aus diesem Material schon hergestellt worden. Ob Bekleidung oder technische Anwendungen – die Einsatzmöglichkeiten der hanfbasierten Materialien sind breit und haben großes Entwicklungspotential.

Die Preisverleihung in Samarkand würdigt den gesamten Herstellungsprozess: Ein neues und nachhaltiges Verfahren zur Herstellung natürlicher Fasern wird in einer Firmen- und Forschungskooperation vom Anbau des Rohmaterials bis zum Endprodukt gesteuert. Die Kooperation zeigt, wie Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilherstellung zu neuen und marktfähigen Produkten führen kann.




RE&UP wins ITMF Start-up Award 2024

RE&UP Recycling Technologies, an innovator in scalable recycling solutions for Next-Gen fibers, announces its recognition as one of the winners of the ITMF Start-up Award 2024. This accolade highlights RE&UP's commitment to advancing more sustainable practices in the textile industry through recycling technologies.

The ITMF Start-up Award, presented annually by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF), aims to honor start-ups that showcase innovative and transformative ideas poised to make a impact on the textile sector. This year’s award ceremony will be held during the ITMF & IAF Conference 2024 from September 8-10 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, co-hosted by the Uzbek Textile & Apparel Industry Association (UZTS).

RE&UP Recycling Technologies, an innovator in scalable recycling solutions for Next-Gen fibers, announces its recognition as one of the winners of the ITMF Start-up Award 2024. This accolade highlights RE&UP's commitment to advancing more sustainable practices in the textile industry through recycling technologies.

The ITMF Start-up Award, presented annually by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF), aims to honor start-ups that showcase innovative and transformative ideas poised to make a impact on the textile sector. This year’s award ceremony will be held during the ITMF & IAF Conference 2024 from September 8-10 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, co-hosted by the Uzbek Textile & Apparel Industry Association (UZTS).

As one of the four winners of the ITMF Start-up Award 2024, along with Sci-Lume Labs, Sycoretec CAS, Syre Impact, RE&UP will have the opportunity to present its business model and technological advancements at the upcoming conference, where leaders from across the global textile value chain will gather. This platform will enable RE&UP to connect with established companies and explore collaborative opportunities to further integrate sustainable practices in textile manufacturing.

Left: Christian Schindler, Director General at ITMF. Right: Marc Sidler, Chief Marketing Officer at TESTEX.


TESTEX, a provider of textile and leather testing and certification, has joined the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) as a Corporate Member. This membership strengthens their commitment to advancing the global textile industry through collaboration and innovation.

Mr. Christian Schindler, Director General of ITMF: “ITMF is delighted to welcome TESTEX as its latest member. Testing and certifying is an integral part of the textile value chain. It is important for ITMF to have TESTEX actively participate in ITMF. This step does not only strengthen ITMF’s position as a unique international platform for the global textile value chain, it also helps ITMF and its members to discuss topics related to testing and certification in close partnership with the leading testing and certifying organization”.

TESTEX, a provider of textile and leather testing and certification, has joined the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) as a Corporate Member. This membership strengthens their commitment to advancing the global textile industry through collaboration and innovation.

Mr. Christian Schindler, Director General of ITMF: “ITMF is delighted to welcome TESTEX as its latest member. Testing and certifying is an integral part of the textile value chain. It is important for ITMF to have TESTEX actively participate in ITMF. This step does not only strengthen ITMF’s position as a unique international platform for the global textile value chain, it also helps ITMF and its members to discuss topics related to testing and certification in close partnership with the leading testing and certifying organization”.

Mr. Marc Sidler, Group CMO of TESTEX: “By becoming a member of ITMF, TESTEX is joining an organisation that brings together the entire textile value chain from fibre producers to manufacturers of garments and home textiles. Having access to the ITMF’s publications, statistics, and surveys as well as events like workshops, conferences, and webinars enables us to better understand the global dynamics of the textile value chain as well as to strengthen the network with associations and companies around the world.”

KARL MAYER: Inline energy recycling on sizing machines and dyeing systems (c) Karl Mayer Group

KARL MAYER: Inline energy recycling on sizing machines and dyeing systems

KARL MAYER GROUP has developed a sophisticated system for considerable energy savings when operating the cylinder dryers in its PROSIZE® sizing machines and BLUEDYE dyeing plant.

Saving costs with inline energy recycling
The innovation is called CASCADE and focuses on steam as a heating medium in cylinder dryers. And for good reason: according to the IPCC report by ITMF Zurich, one tonne of steam cost between USD 20 and just under USD 27 internationally in 2021. The new solution relies on reuse to reduce the amount of process energy required.
"CASCADE recirculates parts of the process steam in cylinder dryers, enabling genuine, efficient energy recycling within the machine," explains Karl-Heinz Vaassen, Head of Textile Drying at KARL MAYER.
The customer benefits from significantly lower energy costs and CO2 emissions. With a view to the Asian market, a dryer with 14 cylinders and a running time of 7,000 working hours can achieve cost savings of up to USD 17,000 per year.

KARL MAYER GROUP has developed a sophisticated system for considerable energy savings when operating the cylinder dryers in its PROSIZE® sizing machines and BLUEDYE dyeing plant.

Saving costs with inline energy recycling
The innovation is called CASCADE and focuses on steam as a heating medium in cylinder dryers. And for good reason: according to the IPCC report by ITMF Zurich, one tonne of steam cost between USD 20 and just under USD 27 internationally in 2021. The new solution relies on reuse to reduce the amount of process energy required.
"CASCADE recirculates parts of the process steam in cylinder dryers, enabling genuine, efficient energy recycling within the machine," explains Karl-Heinz Vaassen, Head of Textile Drying at KARL MAYER.
The customer benefits from significantly lower energy costs and CO2 emissions. With a view to the Asian market, a dryer with 14 cylinders and a running time of 7,000 working hours can achieve cost savings of up to USD 17,000 per year.

Precise, real savings values are available when looking at the machine dashboard. A sensor provides real-time data on the amount of steam circulating in the circuit, from which the corresponding reduction in CO2 equivalents can be calculated.

Utilizing the pressure drop
CASCADE reuses part of the invested process energy and uses the flash-steam in conjunction with the pressure ratios, which - nomen est omen - decrease in cascades in the different zones of the cylinder dryer.
The highest working pressure prevails in the first cylinder section. The heat transfer medium steam emits large amounts of energy for yarn drying and condenses without temperature loss.

The resulting hot condensate is not immediately discharged from the machine, but is instead fed into a flash tank, where vapor exhaust is formed as a result of the pressure reduction. In conventional systems, the carrier medium for gases is only created in the return line towards the boiler house and is eliminated as undesirable. Instead of being utilised in the process, it escapes into the environment. With the CASCADE system, this "freshly recycled steam" is used for the heat supply in the second cylinder section, but not without prior treatment.

In the system patented by KARL MAYER, the recycled steam is intelligently mixed with live steam and thus raised to the level of the required process conditions for use in the cylinder section at the end of the dryer. Here, the fabric moisture is reduced to the desired residual value at medium pressure and temperature conditions.

Market launch is underway
CASCADE was filed for patent by the KARL MAYER GROUP. It was published in September 2023.
The innovative solution at no extra charge was presented at ITM 2024 in Istanbul and was a visitor highlight at the KARL MAYER GROUP stand.

From January 2024, CASCADE will be part of the PROSIZE® as standard. The first sizing machine with the upgrade for greater energy efficiency will be delivered in the second quarter of this year. It will go to a manufacturer in Europe. In the next step, CASCADE will be integrated into other dryer types and will also be available for the BLUEDYE.



Karl Mayer Group

ITMF: Increase in raw materials consumption (c) ITMF
Global Installed Capacities and Raw Material Consumption in the Short-Staple Organized (Spinning Mill-) Sector of the Textile Industries (1992-2022)

ITMF: Increase in raw materials consumption

ITMF (International Textile Manufacturer Federation) has published its International Textile Industry Statistics (ITIS) on productive capacity and raw materials consumption in the short-staple organized (spinning mill-) sector in virtually all textile-producing countries in the world.

The global number of installed short-staple spindles has grown from 225 million units in 2021 to 227 million units in 2022. The number of installed open-end rotors increased from 8.3 million in 2021 to 9.5 million in 2022. This constitutes the strongest growth ever recorded in this market with investment disproportionally targeting Asia. The number of installed air-jet spindles continued to increase in all regions in 2022.

ITMF (International Textile Manufacturer Federation) has published its International Textile Industry Statistics (ITIS) on productive capacity and raw materials consumption in the short-staple organized (spinning mill-) sector in virtually all textile-producing countries in the world.

The global number of installed short-staple spindles has grown from 225 million units in 2021 to 227 million units in 2022. The number of installed open-end rotors increased from 8.3 million in 2021 to 9.5 million in 2022. This constitutes the strongest growth ever recorded in this market with investment disproportionally targeting Asia. The number of installed air-jet spindles continued to increase in all regions in 2022.

The substitution between shuttle and shuttle-less looms continued in 2022. The number of installed shuttle-less looms increased from 1.72 million in 2021 to 1.85 in 2022 while installed shuttle looms reached 952 thousand. Total raw material consumption in the short-staple organized sector slightly decreased from 45,6 million tons in 2021 to 44,26 million tons in 2022. Consumption of raw cotton and synthetic short-staple fibers decreased by -2.5% and -0.7%, respectively. Consumption of cellulosic short-staple fibers increased by 2.5%.


ITMF - International Textile Manufacturer Federation

Prof. Dr Tae Jin Kang (Seoul National University), Dr Musa Akdere (CarboScreen), Dr Christian P. Schindler (ITMF), from left to right. Source: ITMF
Prof. Dr Tae Jin Kang (Seoul National University), Dr Musa Akdere (CarboScreen), Dr Christian P. Schindler (ITMF), from left to right.

Faster and cheaper carbon fibre production with CarboScreen

Faster and more cost-effective carbon fibre production - the technology of the start-up CarboScreen comes a good deal closer to this dream. The founders Dr. Musa Akdere, Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are using sensor technology to monitor carbon fibre production, thereby doubling the production speed from the current 15 to 30 m/min in the medium term and increasing turnover by up to €37.5 million per year and system. This ground-breaking development also impressed the jury at the ITMF at their Annual Conference in Keqiao, China, and was honoured with the ITMF StartUp Award 2023 on 6 November 2023.

Dr. Musa Akdere accepted the award on behalf of the CarboScreen founding team.

Carbon fibres can only develop their full potential if they are not damaged during production and further processing. Two types of fibre damage occur more frequently during fibre production: Superficial or mechanical damage to the fibres or damage to the chemical structure.

Faster and more cost-effective carbon fibre production - the technology of the start-up CarboScreen comes a good deal closer to this dream. The founders Dr. Musa Akdere, Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are using sensor technology to monitor carbon fibre production, thereby doubling the production speed from the current 15 to 30 m/min in the medium term and increasing turnover by up to €37.5 million per year and system. This ground-breaking development also impressed the jury at the ITMF at their Annual Conference in Keqiao, China, and was honoured with the ITMF StartUp Award 2023 on 6 November 2023.

Dr. Musa Akdere accepted the award on behalf of the CarboScreen founding team.

Carbon fibres can only develop their full potential if they are not damaged during production and further processing. Two types of fibre damage occur more frequently during fibre production: Superficial or mechanical damage to the fibres or damage to the chemical structure.

Both types of damage cannot be optimally detected by current means or only become apparent after production, to name just two examples. This leads to higher production costs. In an emergency, faulty production can even lead to plant fires. For this reason, and to ensure good production quality, the system is run at 15 m/min below its production capacity for safety reasons. However, 30 m/min or more would be possible. With the sensor-based online monitoring of CarboScreen, the production capacity can be doubled to 30 /min. This would lead to higher production, resulting in lower manufacturing costs and wider use of carbon fibres in mass markets such as automotive, aerospace and wind energy.

More information:
carbon fibers sensors Startup

ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Kelheim Fibres and Santoni win ITMF International Cooperation Award 2023 Foto: ITMF
From left to right: Mr. Ruizhi Sun, CNTAC President and former ITMF President; Patrick Silva Szatkowski, Santoni S.p.A., Betty Wu, Kelheim Fibres; Mr. Juan Parés, Textilsantanderina Spain, Jury Member and Vice President ITMF; Dr. Christian Schindler, ITMF Director General

Kelheim Fibres and Santoni win ITMF International Cooperation Award 2023

Kelheim Fibres GmbH and the Italian textile machinery manufacturer, Santoni Spa, were honoured with the ITMF International Cooperation Award 2023 during the ITMF Annual Conference in Keqiao, China. This recognition by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) acknowledges outstanding achievements in international collaboration within the textile industry in alignment with the values of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Together, Kelheim Fibres and Santoni have developed a sustainable period panty, built upon advanced machine technology and high-performance viscose fibres.

Santoni's specialized machinery enables a reduction in fabric waste, or even the potential for entirely waste-free production. Simultaneously, it enhances production efficiency, leading to cost savings. Kelheim Fibres' wood-based specialty fibres, such as the trilobal Galaxy® and the hollow Bramante fibre, replace synthetic materials in the absorbent core of the menstrual underwear. They offer excellent performance and reliable protection for the wearer.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH and the Italian textile machinery manufacturer, Santoni Spa, were honoured with the ITMF International Cooperation Award 2023 during the ITMF Annual Conference in Keqiao, China. This recognition by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) acknowledges outstanding achievements in international collaboration within the textile industry in alignment with the values of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Together, Kelheim Fibres and Santoni have developed a sustainable period panty, built upon advanced machine technology and high-performance viscose fibres.

Santoni's specialized machinery enables a reduction in fabric waste, or even the potential for entirely waste-free production. Simultaneously, it enhances production efficiency, leading to cost savings. Kelheim Fibres' wood-based specialty fibres, such as the trilobal Galaxy® and the hollow Bramante fibre, replace synthetic materials in the absorbent core of the menstrual underwear. They offer excellent performance and reliable protection for the wearer.

Lenzing and Södra win ITMF Award for cooperation in textile recycling (c) Lenzing AG/Leopold
Lenzing x Södra Project team

Lenzing and Södra: ITMF Award for cooperation in textile recycling

  • Lenzing and Södra – a long-standing partnership for systemic change
  • International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) honored the two companies in the "International Cooperation" category
  • EU co-funded recycling project for textiles on an industrial scale

The Lenzing Group, the world’s leading supplier of specialty fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, and the Swedish pulp producer Södra have received the ITMF Award 2023 in the category “International Cooperation” for their joint achievements in textile recycling and circular economy. The award was presented at the ITMF Annual Conference in Keqiao, China, on November 06, 2023.

  • Lenzing and Södra – a long-standing partnership for systemic change
  • International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) honored the two companies in the "International Cooperation" category
  • EU co-funded recycling project for textiles on an industrial scale

The Lenzing Group, the world’s leading supplier of specialty fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, and the Swedish pulp producer Södra have received the ITMF Award 2023 in the category “International Cooperation” for their joint achievements in textile recycling and circular economy. The award was presented at the ITMF Annual Conference in Keqiao, China, on November 06, 2023.

The ITMF Award 2023 is given by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) to recognize outstanding achievements and merits in the textile sector in two categories: ”Sustainability & Innovation“ and ”International Cooperation“. Since 2021, the two pioneers have been joining forces in textile recycling, making a decisive contribution to promoting the circular economy in the fashion industry. As part of the cooperation, the companies intend to share their knowledge with each other and jointly develop processes to enable the wider use of cellulose-based used textiles on a commercial scale.

The OnceMore® pulp from Södra, which was jointly developed further by Södra and Lenzing, is subsequently used, among other things, as a raw material for the production of Lenzing fibers with REFIBRA™ technology. The OnceMore® process makes it possible to process and recycle a blend of cotton and polyester.

ITMF paid particular tribute to the joint LIFE TREATS project (Textile Recycling in Europe AT Scale)1,which was supported by an EU grant of EUR 10m under the LIFE 20222 program and aims to build a large-scale plant at Södra's Mörrum site in Sweden.

For more information on the ITMF Awards 2023, visit the ITMF website.

1 Project 101113614 — LIFE22-ENV-SE-TREATS


Lenzing AG

Source: 22nd ITMF Global Textile Industry Survey (19.-29.09.2023) ITMF
Source: 22nd ITMF Global Textile Industry Survey (19.-29.09.2023)

22nd ITMF Global Textile Industry Survey

  • Business situation remains poor and unchanged
  • Manufacturers show prudence in forecasting future developments

According to ITMF’s Global Textile Industry Survey (GTIS) conducted in the middle of September 2023, survey participants exhibited a cautious sentiment regarding the current business situation. The indicator for the business situation stood at -27 percentage points (pp, see Graph 1) because companies in the entire textile value chain were struggling with rising costs and weak demand. Business expectations have remained unchanged since July at around +20 pp (see Graph 2). They have jumped into positive territory in January 2023 based on the assumption that the Chinese economy would give an additional boost, but this hope did not materialise. The analysis indicates that a hard landing of the global economy is not in sight.

  • Business situation remains poor and unchanged
  • Manufacturers show prudence in forecasting future developments

According to ITMF’s Global Textile Industry Survey (GTIS) conducted in the middle of September 2023, survey participants exhibited a cautious sentiment regarding the current business situation. The indicator for the business situation stood at -27 percentage points (pp, see Graph 1) because companies in the entire textile value chain were struggling with rising costs and weak demand. Business expectations have remained unchanged since July at around +20 pp (see Graph 2). They have jumped into positive territory in January 2023 based on the assumption that the Chinese economy would give an additional boost, but this hope did not materialise. The analysis indicates that a hard landing of the global economy is not in sight.

Order intake recovered in May 2023, but flattened in July and remained very weak in September (-28 pp). The entire textile value chain is running on minimum levels of orders. As long as brands and retailers do not increase orders, the entire value chain will continue struggling. Order backlog slightly increased globally, from 1.9 months in July to 2.2 months in September 2023. This indicator had been on a falling trend since the end of 2021. The average capacity utilisation rate dropped again globally (69%). Textile manufacturers expect this rate to remain low in six months’ time as well.

Weakening demand has been the major concern in the global textile value chain for a year. In September 2023, this concern grew even stronger due to high inflation rates measured in the last few months, a phenomenon fueled by high energy and high raw material prices. Nevertheless, participants seem not to be concerned by order cancelations and inventory levels remain average along the textile value chain. 

More information:
ITMF market survey


Photo: BTMA


The British Textile Machinery Association (BTMA) has joined the Zurich-headquartered International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) – revitalising a historic connection and reflecting an increased push to expand the international reach of UK companies.

The announcement was made at the ITMA 2023 textile machinery exhibition in Milan from June 8-14.

“We are pleased to welcome the BTMA as our latest association member and look forward to a long and fruitful partnership going forward,” said ITMF Director General Dr Christian Schindler. “The ITMF was actually headquartered in Manchester in the UK up until the 1960s, so we share long-standing roots. Today, ITMF members are from across the entire textile supply chain which enables them to gain a better understanding of the full complexity and dynamics of the industry and to fully respond to the opportunities and challenges it faces.”

The British Textile Machinery Association (BTMA) has joined the Zurich-headquartered International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) – revitalising a historic connection and reflecting an increased push to expand the international reach of UK companies.

The announcement was made at the ITMA 2023 textile machinery exhibition in Milan from June 8-14.

“We are pleased to welcome the BTMA as our latest association member and look forward to a long and fruitful partnership going forward,” said ITMF Director General Dr Christian Schindler. “The ITMF was actually headquartered in Manchester in the UK up until the 1960s, so we share long-standing roots. Today, ITMF members are from across the entire textile supply chain which enables them to gain a better understanding of the full complexity and dynamics of the industry and to fully respond to the opportunities and challenges it faces.”


BTMA - British Textile Machinery Association


ITMF-Webinar series on “Digital Workflow" and the “Circular Textile Economy"

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University


(c) International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF)

17th ITMF Global Textile Industry Survey

  • Business situation has worsened markedly but not expectations.

The 17th ITMF Global Textile Industry Survey (GTIS, formerly known as ITMF Corona-Survey) shows that on average the business situation in the global textile industry has deteriorated further in November 2022. At the same time, global business expectations in six months’ time remained in negative territory but did not get gloomier. The indicators for order intake, order backlog, and capacity utilisation rate dropped, globally.

  • Business situation has worsened markedly but not expectations.

The 17th ITMF Global Textile Industry Survey (GTIS, formerly known as ITMF Corona-Survey) shows that on average the business situation in the global textile industry has deteriorated further in November 2022. At the same time, global business expectations in six months’ time remained in negative territory but did not get gloomier. The indicators for order intake, order backlog, and capacity utilisation rate dropped, globally.

According to the survey, the business situation in the three Asian regions and Europe remained especially poor. In North & Central America the business situation has improved again markedly. Except for the textile machinery segment that still benefits on average from a long order backlog, all other segments found themselves in negative business situations, especially fibre producers and spinners. Global business expectations have remained negative but “stabilized” around -10 percentage points (pp) since July 2022. Expectations have improved significantly in South Asia to +10pp, and Europe to -30pp. Business expectations in all segments remain negative territory with four out of seven recording improvements.

Order intake nose-dived in November, in line with weaker business situation and weaker demand, currently the biggest concern for the global textile value chain. Only companies in North & Central America registered on average a good order intake, while all other regions were faced with an unsatisfactory order situation. Except for South-East Asia and North & Central America order backlog fell. The only segments where order backlog increased were the down-stream segments garments and home textiles. Capacity utilization rate dropped in all regions in November 2022. It only increased in the textile machinery segment but fell otherwise.

“Weakening demand” is by far the biggest concern in the global textile industry, followed by the root causes of demand reduction, namely high energy and raw material prices which lead to high inflation rates. Good news is that logistical costs are not much of a concern anymore. Concerns about geopolitics on the other hand have increased again in the past two months.

More information:
ITMF market survey

International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF)

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen (c) BREMER BAUMWOLLBÖRSE
Opening of the Cotton Conference 2018

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

Sustainability and Cotton
This year, the conference developed into a whole week of diverse events around the entire cotton supply chain. With the “SUSTAIN” event, which was organised in cooperation with the Weser-Kurier newspaper, it was possible to build a bridge between the issue of sustainability and the end consumer.
With the focus on Africa, the emerging continent, which also has a special significance for cotton, became the centre of attention.

In his opening speech, Henning Hammer, President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, made it clear that sustainability is also of great importance during the Cotton Conference: "The three pillars of sustainability – the environment, the economy and social issues – were already playing a role in the cotton industry when the word sustainability was far from being on everyone's lips.
Many changes that are being demanded in the sense of responsible agriculture and responsible trade take their time, many are already in the starting blocks and a lot already exists. We have a very alert, active agricultural research worldwide."

The Keynotes
The keynote session, moderated by the journalist Lisa Boekhoff from the newspaper Weser-Kurier, gave participants an overview, with an informative analysis of the current cotton situation. Kai Hughes, executive director of ICAC, emphasised in his keynote address the need to provide credible facts and figures which should be the basis for the entire supply chain. The marketing of cotton and changing consumer habits in a globalised and digitalised world were the subject of lectures by Mark Messura, Cotton Incorporated and Robert Antoshak, Olah Inc. Eugen Weinberg and Michael Alt from Commerzbank took a look at the raw material from a stock market perspective.

Traceability and Digitalisation
Digitalisation is also a cross-cutting issue that runs through the entire supply chain of the cotton industry. In his opening speech, Prof. Axel S. Hermann, Head of the Fibre Institute Bremen, emphasised the importance of digitalisation for the industry. “It enables new approaches in cotton cultivation and textile processing, but also influences consumer behaviour and thus the necessary changes in the textile industry.” The focus is on the status quo of the implementation, as well as the opportunities and risks of digitally controlled, vertically integrated procurement and sales processes and the associated challenges at retail level.

Another current topic is traceability, which is also closely linked to sustainability. More and more buyers want to know whether their suppliers are meeting the promised sustainability criteria for their products, also textile products. Consequently, the conference presented various techniques for testing the authenticity of a cotton provided in the finished textile, such as DNA testing, fingerprint analysis technique, marker methods and block-chain processes.

Cotton Quality
In addition to current subjects such as digitalisation and traceability, questions of cotton quality have traditionally been an essential element of the Cotton Conference, which was further reinforced this year with the "Spinners Seminar". The spinning mill seminar, which was carried out by the Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute in cooperation with the ITMF and IVGT associations, far exceeded expectations.

More than 70 participants discussed the handling of impurities in supplied cotton in the manufacturing process.
In addition, in a high-level expert session, there was an exchange of the latest research results which determine the future of cotton production and the processing of cotton into innovative products.
