From the Sector

46 results

SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH cancelled – moved to January 2022

“The consequences of the ongoing pandemic spread of the coronavirus continue to govern our personal and professional lives. It is with a heavy heart that we must cancel the physical events in July, since these are not allowed to take place given the current legal constraints. Due to the lack of certainty for planning and new monthly evaluation we need to fulfil our obligations as event organiser and avoid unforeseeable risks for partners and clients.” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP

A lack of permissions, adjustments to official measures at short notice, travel restrictions within Europe and overseas, potential quarantine obligations, short-term work in many companies – overall, a volatile situation makes it impossible to press ahead with the necessary planning in a responsible, risk-free way, especially for the exhibitors and partners.

Because of this, the organizers are now forced to cancel SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH events in July 2021 and move them to January 2022 instead. Safeguarding the health and safety of exhibitors, guests, partners and employees always takes top priority.

“The consequences of the ongoing pandemic spread of the coronavirus continue to govern our personal and professional lives. It is with a heavy heart that we must cancel the physical events in July, since these are not allowed to take place given the current legal constraints. Due to the lack of certainty for planning and new monthly evaluation we need to fulfil our obligations as event organiser and avoid unforeseeable risks for partners and clients.” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP

A lack of permissions, adjustments to official measures at short notice, travel restrictions within Europe and overseas, potential quarantine obligations, short-term work in many companies – overall, a volatile situation makes it impossible to press ahead with the necessary planning in a responsible, risk-free way, especially for the exhibitors and partners.

Because of this, the organizers are now forced to cancel SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH events in July 2021 and move them to January 2022 instead. Safeguarding the health and safety of exhibitors, guests, partners and employees always takes top priority.

SEEK and PREMIUM are live events and therefore spaces for engaging with others face-to-face. They are a vital meeting point for the whole industry that can only be augmented by our digital offerings. Under the current unpredictable conditions the usual levels of service cannot be guaranteed for clients and visitors.

July will see the start of Frankfurt Fashion Week (FFW) digital. Frankfurt Fashion Week Studio is the core element of the FFW opening season and encompasses the whole FFW ecosystem – with its key themes of Fashion Business, sustainability and digitisation – in the form of a digital portal.

FFW Studio is a progressively curated and staged platform that brings together all German fashion trade shows, conferences, fashion experiences and events under one roof for the first time. First as a digital venue, then as a hybrid one. For pioneers, brands, experiences, entertainment and networking.

“Over the past year we have felt a great sense of solidarity. The industry has given us enormous encouragement and the assurance that we are not only missed but needed. So we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We can't wait to get together in a few short months’ time to present concepts and projects, meet up face-to-face, and shape the future together. Now more than ever!” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP   

More information:
SEEK, Fashion Week PREMIUM



PERFORMANCE DAYS Fair with Topic: Still Physical – Your Success Story of 2020

Contact restrictions, home office and altered daily lives – our lives in 2020 were radically changed. This was also the case for various sectors of the economy, including the textile and clothing industry. However, with crisis come opportunities and stimuli for change. Under the motto “Still Physical”, manufacturers recount their personal success stories in 2020 – the industry can look forward to a selection of sustainable materials curated exclusively by the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury. Areas of focus: natural fibers that highlight wellbeing aspects, plant-based materials that make us strong and excite on an emotional level, bio-nylons and bio-based finishings that rethink function. “Still Physical – Your Success Story of 2020” will be on display online as the first of its kind within a trade fair week from 17 to 21 May 2020.

Contact restrictions, home office and altered daily lives – our lives in 2020 were radically changed. This was also the case for various sectors of the economy, including the textile and clothing industry. However, with crisis come opportunities and stimuli for change. Under the motto “Still Physical”, manufacturers recount their personal success stories in 2020 – the industry can look forward to a selection of sustainable materials curated exclusively by the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury. Areas of focus: natural fibers that highlight wellbeing aspects, plant-based materials that make us strong and excite on an emotional level, bio-nylons and bio-based finishings that rethink function. “Still Physical – Your Success Story of 2020” will be on display online as the first of its kind within a trade fair week from 17 to 21 May 2020.

Transformation: Technology first?
The pandemic has forced us into new, primarily digital forms of living and working. Our daily lives are characterised by home offices, home schooling and online meetings. The desire for real, physically perceptible experiences has grown incessantly within the last year. In the same context, people nowadays are strongly driven by technological progress – yet how far can we allow technological change to go and how do we wish to live in the future? Long before the pandemic, the trend towards self-monitoring and control of important bodily functions developed. The sports industry developed tools to measure levels of performance and monitor bodily functions with the goal of enhancing performance. Self-optimisation, body shaping and health promotion have become standard nowadays. Staying healthy and keeping fit are now social imperatives in our performance-oriented society. The pandemic has made us rethink, made us pause – with sustainable function still in focus, yet function needs to be rethought for the future, distancing ourselves from mere performance enhancement, and embracing clothing that facilitates people in feeling good.

Touch & Feel
In a visual, digital world, one sense has been forgotten: the sense of touch. Materials trigger completely different reactions, consciously or unconsciously. Moreover, the surface texture is also decisive in the functionality of a fabric, lending it its unique characteristics. In times of contact restrictions and lockdown, there is a need for a space for emotions, for regeneration and physical wellbeing. This is also reflected in the desire for appropriate apparel that leaves a pleasant sensation on the skin. Lightweight, warm and of a softer nature, plant-based fibers fulfil the desire for comfort and promote wellbeing.

We are physical – we are nature
How will we shape and adapt the post-pandemic textile and apparel industry? The Corona crisis once again reminds us of our existential bond with the natural world. While humanity fights against the spread of a deadly virus with social isolation, one thing is doing well: our planet. It is recovering from all the exhaust gases that are released into the air daily by cars and factories. There is a shift in focus towards taking time out in nature, whether in the form of a morning run, a mountain hike or a yoga session on the grass.

Your success story of 2020
What has touched them? Which experiences have shaped their latest innovations? Does the crisis also present opportunities? The chance for something new, for a rethink, on an even more sustainable, more ecological path? Which highlights, which stories are worth communicating and where did the focus lie in 2020? Various material manufacturers already started to focus on sustainability and the cautious use of resources some time ago. Innovations in the areas of materials and in processing methods are the driving forces of the development towards more sustainability. However, we need to realign all processes and structures in our supply and production chains and adapt them to the needs of a resource-conserving, responsible industry. A pioneering example of such alignment was the decision of PERFORMANCE DAYS to only present sustainable materials at the PERFORMANCE FORUM from the November 2019 trade fair event onwards. Additionally, the setting-up of the new digital sourcing platform “THE LOOP” shows how technology can be implemented aside from material and processing innovations in such a way that our procedures and structures can be adapted to difficult conditions.

Informative & up-to-date: the digital trade fair week from 17 to 21 May 2021
As usual, the highlighted fabrics from the Focus Topic “Still Physical”, which the exhibitors have defined as their personal success stories, will be available shortly on the PERFORMANCE DAYS website highlighting all details and facets.

Die Frankfurt Fashion Week wird vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 digital stattfinden (c) Frankfurt Fashion Week

Frankfurt Fashion Week findet vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 digital statt

  • Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert digitales FFW Studio
  • Keine physische Veranstaltung im Sommer 2021

Dafür haben die initiierenden, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW STUDIO entwickelt. Die Tradeshows Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation auf 19. bis 21. Januar 2022 verschoben.

Ausschließlich digital – die andauernd volatile Covid-19 Situation in Deutschland und die bundesweite Beschlusslage seitens der Bundesregierung gebieten den Initiierenden der Frankfurt Fashion Week, sich für die erste Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 auf größtenteils digitale Formate zu konzentrieren. Als zentraler, digitaler Raum dafür wird das FFW STUDIO lanciert. Die Messen Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden für den Sommer 2021 abgesagt und dann erstmals im Januar 2022 in der Mainmetropole ausgerichtet.

  • Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert digitales FFW Studio
  • Keine physische Veranstaltung im Sommer 2021

Dafür haben die initiierenden, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW STUDIO entwickelt. Die Tradeshows Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation auf 19. bis 21. Januar 2022 verschoben.

Ausschließlich digital – die andauernd volatile Covid-19 Situation in Deutschland und die bundesweite Beschlusslage seitens der Bundesregierung gebieten den Initiierenden der Frankfurt Fashion Week, sich für die erste Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 auf größtenteils digitale Formate zu konzentrieren. Als zentraler, digitaler Raum dafür wird das FFW STUDIO lanciert. Die Messen Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden für den Sommer 2021 abgesagt und dann erstmals im Januar 2022 in der Mainmetropole ausgerichtet.

Neben den pandemischen Rahmenbedingungen ist vor allem die partnerschaftliche Verantwortung gegenüber allen Stakeholder*innen ausschlaggebender Punkt für diese Entscheidung – schließlich würde ein unverändertes Festhalten an den bisherigen Planungen das finanzielle Risiko für eine physische Durchführung der Frankfurt Fashion Week auf die Schultern der Austeller*innen, Besucher*innen und Partner*innen verlagern. Die Prognosen hinsichtlich des Impffortschritts stimmen aktuell grundsätzlich positiv. Dennoch müssen Tradeshows und Präsentationen, die auf der physischen Präsenz eines internationalen Besucher*innen- und Aussteller*innenportfolios aufbauen, den zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt maßgeblichen Entscheidungsfaktoren Rechnung tragen. Zu diesen zählen insbesondere sowohl externe Kriterien, wie andauernde Einschränkungen im Reiseverkehr sowie umfangreiche Quarantänebestimmungen als auch unternehmensinterne Aspekte wie Reiserestriktionen oder auch Kurzarbeitsregelungen, die Stakeholder*innen eine Zusage der physischen Teilnahme an der Frankfurt Fashion Week Anfang Juli 2021 momentan unmöglich machen.

Digital Impulse für die Transformation der Fashionbranche setzen
„Jetzt heißt es, nach vorne blicken. Wir sind angetreten, um die Frankfurt Fashion Week mit ihrem Ecosystem zum Taktgeber der Mode- und Textilbranche zu machen und relevante Zukunftsthemen auf der Agenda der Industrie zu setzen. An diesem Anspruch halten wir fest. Beispielsweise der neue Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by der Conscious Fashion Campaign in Zusammenarbeit mit dem United Nations Office for Partnerships und die durch die "New European Bauhaus"-Initiative der Europäischen Union inspirierte Konferenz „The New European Bauhaus – Werkstatt der Zukunft“, organisiert vom Fashion Council Germany in Kooperation mit der Frankfurt Fashion Week, versprechen einen hochkarätigen digitalen Aufschlag. Unserer Intention, in Frankfurt eine Fashion Week gänzlich neu zu interpretieren und einen international Impact entwickelnden Impuls zu setzen, wie die Zukunft der Modeindustrie transformativ zu gestalten ist, werden wir somit auch unter diesen herausfordernden Umständen gerecht!“, sagt Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt.

„Es bricht mir das Herz, zum dritten Mal in Folge unsere Tradeshows, Konferenzen und Events, ebenso die geplanten Kollektionspräsentationen und Showen abzusagen. Machen wir uns nichts vor, für die Fashionbranche ist das dramatisch. Uns bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als den Tatsachen ins Auge zu sehen, die Konsequenzen zu ziehen und die physischen Elemente einer Frankfurt Fashion Week – auf die wir uns alle so sehr freuen – für den Januar 2022 zu planen. Für den Juli werden wir nun alle Kräfte bündeln, um auch ohne persönliches Get-together unserer Verantwortung der Branche gegenüber digital gerecht zu werden: Im FFW STUDIO werden wir Inspiration bieten, vor allem aber die Themen zu Sustainability und Digitisation vorstellen und auf höchstem Niveau in entsprechenden Formaten diskutieren. Es geht darum, eine Art Pre-Season unserer Vision einer neuen Frankfurt Fashion Week, trotz Corona, Realität werden lassen“, sagt Anita Tillmann, Managing Director der Premium Group. "Jetzt erst recht!"

Das FFW STUDIO entsteht auf der Website und wird der zentrale Anlaufpunkt für alle Textil- und Modeprofis, Fashion People und Interessierte. In einem professionell kuratierten Live-Stream wird während der Frankfurt Fashion Week eine ganzheitliche User Experience entstehen, die mit den vier Kanälen Trade Show, Conference, Experience sowie Arts & Entertainment die vier Säulen des Frankfurt Fashion Week Ökosystems abbildet und dabei stets die Leitmotive Sustainability und Digitisation in Szene setzt. Die Inhalte werden im Anschluss an die Liveübertragung in Form einer Video-on-Demand-Serie allen Stakeholdern für die Interimssaison zur Verfügung stehen. So entsteht eine konzentrierte und hochqualitative Essenz der zukunftsorientierten Themenfelder der Frankfurt Fashion Week.
Das Programm ist State-of-the-Art und wird gemeinsam mit Partner*innen aus Politik, Handel, Industrie und Medien entwickelt: In exklusiven Future Talks internationaler Leitmedien werden zukunftsrelevante Fragestellungen mit führenden Entscheidungsträger*innen der Branche diskutiert. Weitere Programmhighlights sind Deep Dives und Einblicke in die beiden Leit-Konferenzen der neuen Frankfurt Fashion Week, der Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit sowie die Konferenz „The New European Bauhaus – Werkstatt der Zukunft“, die beide erstmals im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week ausgerichtet werden. Die Programmdetails werden zeitnah bekanntgegeben.


2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium free of charge for all attendees

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University has changed the format of the 2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium to an online only format. The programme was shortened to suit the new format, with presentations taking place on Monday 10th May and Tuesday 11th May.

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University has changed the format of the 2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium to an online only format. The programme was shortened to suit the new format, with presentations taking place on Monday 10th May and Tuesday 11th May.

The conference program for Monday, 10th May:
The programme will begin with exciting presentations on glass chemistry and fibres. A talk by Dr Anne Berthereau (Owens Corning Composites) on the race for always higher modulus glass fibres will be followed by a talk from Dr Hong Li (Nippon Electric Glass) on the potential of new high-strength and high-modulus glass fibres.
After two further presentations on high modulus and bioactive glass fibres from Muawia Dafir and Julia Eichhorn (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), we will learn about furnace efficiency as well as process monitoring and digitalisation in glass fibre production from René Meulemann (CelSian), Hans Gedon (Gedonsoft) and Julius Golovatchev (Incotelogy) respectively.
A presentation by Felix Quintero Martínez (Universidade de Vigo) will explore a novel method to produce ultra-flexible glass nanofibers.
The afternoon will continue with two presentations by Dr Christina Scheffler (Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)) and Professor James Thomason (University of Strathclyde) in the field of glass fibre sizings and fibre-matrix interfaces. Finally, a closing presentation by Steve Bassetti (Michelman) will conclude the first day of the Symposium.

The entire conference programme is available on the website
To register for the Symposium, use the following link:

Mimaki: 100 Percent Success in a Post Pandemic World (c) Mimaki
Mimaki UJV100-160

Mimaki: 100 Percent Success in a Post Pandemic World

After a turbulent year, it seems strange to be thinking about ‘after the pandemic’, but with millions of vaccinations underway, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. As we turn the corner, choosing technology partners that understand how to proactively respond to changing market needs and support the evolving requirements of print businesses and end customers will be vital. The printers in Mimaki’s ‘100 series’ portfolio, which consists of the high quality, high productivity entry level roll-to-roll inkjet printers the UJV100-160 UV and the JV100-160 solvent, and the high performance textile printer, the TS100-1600, are a perfect reflection of the way technology requirements are adapting in line with the industry as we look to the future. To demonstrate this, we have identified three post-pandemic technology touchpoints that will help print businesses target success amid uncertainty.

After a turbulent year, it seems strange to be thinking about ‘after the pandemic’, but with millions of vaccinations underway, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. As we turn the corner, choosing technology partners that understand how to proactively respond to changing market needs and support the evolving requirements of print businesses and end customers will be vital. The printers in Mimaki’s ‘100 series’ portfolio, which consists of the high quality, high productivity entry level roll-to-roll inkjet printers the UJV100-160 UV and the JV100-160 solvent, and the high performance textile printer, the TS100-1600, are a perfect reflection of the way technology requirements are adapting in line with the industry as we look to the future. To demonstrate this, we have identified three post-pandemic technology touchpoints that will help print businesses target success amid uncertainty.

  • Productivity

The pandemic has served as a major catalyst for existing trends, and our growing appetite for everything on-demand has been given a huge COVID-related boost. For printers, a digital solution that offers premium productivity, quality and efficiency at an entry-level price point is sure to be an invaluable investment to meet evolving ‘on-demand demands’. Adding a digital production element to your business doesn’t need to be daunting, complicated or overpriced – the Mimaki ‘100 series’ truly lives up to the tagline ‘Expert Printing Made Easy’, offering an incredibly intuitive user experience for streamlined, ultra-efficient printing, high-quality output, and cost-effective implementation. The powerful and productive new textile printer in the ‘100 series’, the TS100-1600, is a shining example of equipment developed with the future of the market in mind – the textile industry is fast-paced and constantly innovating, and the printer you invest in needs to keep up with your creativity.

  • Diversity

2021 is set to be a period of transition. While that will mean navigating uncertainty, the ‘glass half full’ approach is to view the year ahead in terms of opportunities such as expanding your business, exploring alternative revenue streams, and taking the plunge into new markets. In the past, it may have felt as if the barriers to entry when it came to looking beyond your core business were too great. However, in a post-pandemic world, we need to break some of those barriers down and demonstrate that success with digital print is within reach if you invest in the right equipment. With the ‘100 series’ portfolio, Mimaki is acknowledging what print service providers need from their technology partners – the UJV100-160 and the JV100-160 are suitable for a wide range of applications that will allow you to easily and affordably diversify your offering, and with the TS100-1600 textile printer, it has never been easier to target growth in the thriving textile sector, even in challenging times.

  • Affordability

Affordability is one of the most significant barriers to entry into new markets. 2020 was a year of unprecedented economic challenges, so it’s more important than ever to be thinking about gaining a competitive edge, and the printers in the ‘100 series’ from Mimaki have been specifically formulated to help you ramp up productivity while keeping running costs low. Whether you want to take your first foray into digital print production, expand the services you offer or simply grow your customer base, cost can be a major sticking point, which is why supporting customers is Mimaki’s number one priority, designing the ‘100 series’ around your needs and continuing to listen to how those needs are developing. Making an investment in the JV100-160 in order to move into outdoor graphics; meeting demand for faster turnaround times by adding the instantly curable UJV100-160 to your production setup; or taking a leap into new revenue streams with the TS100-160 – it’s all ‘100’ percent accessible.


Martial Granet, Branch Manager, Mimaki France

DITF: SMART TEXTILES erstmals digital (c) DITF
Forschung an Handschuhen mit Drucksensoren für Logistik und Produktion.

DITF: SMART TEXTILES erstmals digital

Hightech-Textilien sind ein weltweiter Wachstumsmarkt mit überraschend vielen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Beim Anwenderforum SMART TEXTILES am 24. und 25. März 2021 tauschten sich auch in diesem Jahr Industrie und Wissenschaft über neue Produkte, Trends und Marktchancen aus. Die Veranstaltung fand aufgrund der anhaltenden COVID 19-Pandemie in einem abwechslungsreichen digitalen Format statt.

Textilien mit intelligenten Funktionen sind die Zukunft. Wichtiges Beispiel ist die Automobilindustrie. Die Referenten präsentierten Textilien als Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und High-Tech und als formschönes Interieur kombiniert mit vielen Funktionen. Ergänzt wird die hohe Funktionalität der Fahrzeuge mit interaktiver Kleidung für die Fahrer. Sie wärmt und kühlt je nach Bedarf, leuchtet automatisch beim Verlassen des Fahrzeugs, navigiert und lädt sich wieder auf, sobald sie an den Kleiderhaken gehängt wird. Auch smarte Mützen können in manchen Bereichen Helme ersetzen, indem sie für mechanischen Schutz und Sicherheit des Trägers sorgen und Insekten abwehren.

Hightech-Textilien sind ein weltweiter Wachstumsmarkt mit überraschend vielen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Beim Anwenderforum SMART TEXTILES am 24. und 25. März 2021 tauschten sich auch in diesem Jahr Industrie und Wissenschaft über neue Produkte, Trends und Marktchancen aus. Die Veranstaltung fand aufgrund der anhaltenden COVID 19-Pandemie in einem abwechslungsreichen digitalen Format statt.

Textilien mit intelligenten Funktionen sind die Zukunft. Wichtiges Beispiel ist die Automobilindustrie. Die Referenten präsentierten Textilien als Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und High-Tech und als formschönes Interieur kombiniert mit vielen Funktionen. Ergänzt wird die hohe Funktionalität der Fahrzeuge mit interaktiver Kleidung für die Fahrer. Sie wärmt und kühlt je nach Bedarf, leuchtet automatisch beim Verlassen des Fahrzeugs, navigiert und lädt sich wieder auf, sobald sie an den Kleiderhaken gehängt wird. Auch smarte Mützen können in manchen Bereichen Helme ersetzen, indem sie für mechanischen Schutz und Sicherheit des Trägers sorgen und Insekten abwehren.

Über den Anwendungsbereich Mobilität hinaus gibt es vor allem in Medizin und Pflege Bedarf an intelligenten Textilien. Sensorische Sohlen in den Schuhen analysieren den Gang und helfen damit Ärzten und Physiotherapeuten, die optimale Therapie auszuwählen - zum Beispiel gegen Rückenschmerzen. Taschentücher, Stofftaschen oder Handschuhe aus speziellen Silbertextilien töten Viren und Bakterien. Eine Innovation, die in der Corona-Pandemie besonders gefragt ist.

Neue Textilelektroden überleben inzwischen sogar viele
Waschgänge und machen smarte Textilien alltagstauglich. Das ist besonders wichtig bei Sportbekleidung, mit der auch Hobbysportler gerne ihr Training tracken, auswerten und optimieren. Neu entwickelte Stoffe haften großflächig am Körper und stellen auf diese Weise sicher, dass Vitalparameter zuverlässig erfasst werden.

Waschbar und leitfähig sind auch Druckknöpfe, die im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Kontaktierung per Knopfdruck herstellen. In den robusten Knöpfen steckt Elektronik wie Sensoren, Aktoren, LEDs und Schalter.

Das Anwenderforum zeigte auch in diesem Jahr, dass viele Visionen inzwischen realisierbar und marktfähig sind. Herausforderungen sind in Zukunft, nachhaltige Materialien und Prozesse einzusetzen sowie die E-Textiles zu recyceln. Darüber hinaus stellt die Datenflut, die durch die smarten Textilien erzeugt werden kann, hohe Ansprüche an die Sicherheit und die Verarbeitung der Daten.

Das Anwenderforum SMART TEXTILES wird jährlich von den Deutschen Instituten für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), dem Forschungskuratorium Textil e. V. in Berlin und dem Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV) in Greiz veranstaltet, um den Austausch von Industrie und Wissenschaft in der in der D-A-CH-Region zu fördern.

Das 10. Anwenderforum SMART TEXTILES findet vom 2.-3. März 2022 statt und ist wieder als Präsenzveranstaltung kombiniert mit einer Firmenbesichtigung geplant. Der Veranstaltungsort wird rechtzeitig bekanntgegeben.




JEC WORLD 2021 postponed

  • Next Jec World Will Take Place From March 8 To 10, 2022

The continued impact of the Covid-19 pandemic unfolding throughout 2021 has forced the JEC World team to reexamine the possibility of holding the next edition of JEC World this year. Thus, after thorough consultation of clients and partners, the JEC World team has decided to postpone the next edition of JEC World to March 8 to 10, 2022.

Amidst growing concern among our exhibitors and partners surrounding the critical situation of the Covid 19 restrictive measures and other limitations in place in many countries, the JEC World team has decided to work on a new timeline to hold the next edition of the event in the best conditions in 2022. Thus, JEC World exhibitors were asked to respond to a survey offering two new dates to determine which one would suit them the most. It appeared that 89% of respondents favored holding the next JEC World session from March 8 to 10, 2022.

  • Next Jec World Will Take Place From March 8 To 10, 2022

The continued impact of the Covid-19 pandemic unfolding throughout 2021 has forced the JEC World team to reexamine the possibility of holding the next edition of JEC World this year. Thus, after thorough consultation of clients and partners, the JEC World team has decided to postpone the next edition of JEC World to March 8 to 10, 2022.

Amidst growing concern among our exhibitors and partners surrounding the critical situation of the Covid 19 restrictive measures and other limitations in place in many countries, the JEC World team has decided to work on a new timeline to hold the next edition of the event in the best conditions in 2022. Thus, JEC World exhibitors were asked to respond to a survey offering two new dates to determine which one would suit them the most. It appeared that 89% of respondents favored holding the next JEC World session from March 8 to 10, 2022.

“The coronavirus pandemic situation has taken the central stage, so in light of the current situation, it would not be possible for us to satisfy our customers’ requirements for such an international trade fair as JEC World in June. We truly regret having to make this difficult decision once again. However, we are all committed, starting today, to deliver the best JEC World experience to our clients in 2022.” says Eric Pierrejean, CEO of JEC Group. “While waiting for welcoming the international composites community back to Paris in March 2022, JEC Group team is preparing various online Rendez-Vous in June enabling the entire composites community to discover trends and innovations, and to connect″, he added.

The leading composites event will take place from March 8 to 10, 2022, at Paris Nord Villepinte (same venue) and online for a new augmented experience.

As the leading trade show of the composites industry, JEC World will bring together the whole composites materials value chain and professionals from application sectors, experts from the scientific and academic world, associations, and media from more than 112 countries, introducing in 2022 its audience its new digital platform, JEC World Augmented.

“JEC World 2022 and the augmented platform  will bring the international composites community and specialists together to resume business, network, hold business meetings. They will also have the chance to participate in conferences, workshops, and discover the latest composites innovations,” says Adeline Larroque, Show director and EMEA events.


JEC Group


STOLL Webinar for Fashion Council Germany

  • On 22.03 STOLL will offer a webinar through the online platform of Fashion Council Germany on the topic of digitalisation and sustainability in STOLL flat knitting.

Webinar Description
Digitalisation and sustainability are becoming increasingly essential for the success and existence of fashion companies. The flat knitting industry with its immense flexibility and diversity offers many opportunities for digital solutions and sustainable practices. In this webinar, Karl Mayer Stoll will share how digital design tools enable more sustainable knitwear development.

  • On 22.03 STOLL will offer a webinar through the online platform of Fashion Council Germany on the topic of digitalisation and sustainability in STOLL flat knitting.

Webinar Description
Digitalisation and sustainability are becoming increasingly essential for the success and existence of fashion companies. The flat knitting industry with its immense flexibility and diversity offers many opportunities for digital solutions and sustainable practices. In this webinar, Karl Mayer Stoll will share how digital design tools enable more sustainable knitwear development.

Fashion Council Germany
The FCG is the patron to strengthen the German fashion and design landscape for a visionary, technological & sustainable future in a global market.
The Fashion Council Germany represents the interests of fashion "designed in Germany". Founded in January 2015 in Berlin. On the initiative of national industry experts, the Fashion Council Germany promotes German fashion design as a cultural and economic asset and supports young designers from Germany. In addition to the promotion of young designers, special attention is paid to education, sustainability and fashion technology as well as to the promotion of cross-disciplinary dialogue and networking. Against this background, the Council carries out essential lobbying work in politics, business and culture, strives for visibility and emphasises the global relevance of fashion design and Germany as a fashion location at home and abroad.

Since the beginning of last year, the FCG offers workshops on various business topics in the fashion industry. Until further notice, all FCG seminars will take place online due to the Corona crisis.



KARL MAYER STOLL Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH


DFD Januar/Februar 2021: Verlässliche Anlaufstelle für Einkäufer

Trotz des harten Lockdowns fanden in Düsseldorf in der vergangenen Woche die Kollektionssichtung und Order der Fall/Winter-Kollektion 2021 im Rahmen der Düsseldorf Fashion Days statt. Dank strenger Hygiene-Auflagen und starker Entzerrung des Orderaufkommens durch die Vergabe von Einzelterminen. In über 600 Showrooms platzierten Einkäufer aus ganz Deutschland ihre Order. Die Supreme Women&Men stellte temporäre Showroom-Flächen für ihre Partner zur Verfügung, während die Gallery FASHION & Shoes als rein digitales Format stattfand. Die Bilanz: Die Frequenz war erwartungsgemäß niedriger als vor der Pandemie, dennoch schätzt die Branche die Verlässlichkeit des Orderstandortes Düsseldorf sowie den persönlichen Austausch vor Ort.

Trotz des harten Lockdowns fanden in Düsseldorf in der vergangenen Woche die Kollektionssichtung und Order der Fall/Winter-Kollektion 2021 im Rahmen der Düsseldorf Fashion Days statt. Dank strenger Hygiene-Auflagen und starker Entzerrung des Orderaufkommens durch die Vergabe von Einzelterminen. In über 600 Showrooms platzierten Einkäufer aus ganz Deutschland ihre Order. Die Supreme Women&Men stellte temporäre Showroom-Flächen für ihre Partner zur Verfügung, während die Gallery FASHION & Shoes als rein digitales Format stattfand. Die Bilanz: Die Frequenz war erwartungsgemäß niedriger als vor der Pandemie, dennoch schätzt die Branche die Verlässlichkeit des Orderstandortes Düsseldorf sowie den persönlichen Austausch vor Ort.

„Dass die Düsseldorf Fashion Days stattfinden konnten, ist ein wichtiges Signal für die gesamte Branche und unterstreicht die Relevanz des Modestandortes. Der neue Name DFD kommt zudem beim Fachpublikum sehr gut an. Unter dem Dachbegriff DFD lassen sich das Fashion-Business sowie branchenübergreifende neue Konzepte perfekt vereinen. Diese Entwicklung fokussieren wir von städtischer Seite: Mit einem geplanten Festival-Konzept zur Sommerausgabe wird nicht nur das Orderbusiness gestärkt, sondern die gesamte Stadt inklusive Einzelhandel, Gastronomie, Kultur- und Eventbranche profitiert von der neuen Ausrichtung der Ordertage", erklärt Theresa Winkels, Leiterin der Wirtschaftsförderung Düsseldorf.

„Aufgrund der gegenwärtigen Situation sind wir in dieser Orderrunde ganz anders präsent: Digital und mit erweiterter Laufzeit vom 28. Januar bis 15. Februar 2021. Eine völlig neue Erfahrung, die wir jedoch sehr wertschätzen, weil wir uns damit neue Vertriebskanäle und eine erweiterte Präsenz für die Gallery-Formate geschaffen haben. Somit sind in Zukunft auch Hybridformate denkbar. Unser Wirkungskreis ist dadurch flexibler geworden. Mit ‚Gallery FASHION & Shoes digital‘ haben wir uns vollständig als Teil der DFD gefühlt, freuen uns aber dennoch auf die kommende Präsenzveranstaltung Gallery SHOES & Fashion vom 18. bis 20. April 2021 mit begleitendem Showroom Concept“, sagt Ulrike Kähler, Managing Director Igedo Company.

75 Years Hohenstein - Successful Roots worldwide © Hohenstein
Today, at its headquarters in Bönnigheim, Germany, Hohenstein has expanded as a versatile service provider beyond the castle with modern lab buildings.

75 Years Hohenstein - Successful Roots worldwide

BÖNNIGHEIM - Textile testing and research partner Hohenstein has reason to celebrate: this year marks the company’s 75th anniversary. Now in its third generation of family ownership, the company will spend this landmark year expanding its foundation for the future. Owner Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels is proud: "Our motto, We live textiles, expresses exactly what has made us special for many decades - our collective enthusiasm for textiles and the opportunity to provide solutions that make a difference in the world.”

Successful Roots

BÖNNIGHEIM - Textile testing and research partner Hohenstein has reason to celebrate: this year marks the company’s 75th anniversary. Now in its third generation of family ownership, the company will spend this landmark year expanding its foundation for the future. Owner Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels is proud: "Our motto, We live textiles, expresses exactly what has made us special for many decades - our collective enthusiasm for textiles and the opportunity to provide solutions that make a difference in the world.”

Successful Roots

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Mecheels laid the foundation for an internationally-renowned company in 1946 when he founded the Hohenstein Institutes, a textile school in Hohenstein Castle. His son, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Mecheels modernized the Hohenstein Group’s business structures and expanded into new research and service areas such as textile finishing or professional laundries/dry cleaning. He helped to forever change textile safety with the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certification system that protects consumers from harmful substances. Under Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels’ leadership since 1995, Hohenstein has been at the forefront of microfiber analysis, consistently perfected its created standards for comfort and compression testing and worked to reduce the industry’s ecological impact. Last but not least, the testing laboratory in Hong Kong, which has been in operation since 2011, and the Hohenstein textile testing laboratories in Bangladesh and India, which were opened in 2018, ensure even greater market proximity.

Solutions for the Global Textile Industry

Today, Hohenstein specializes in the testing, certification and research of all kinds of textile-related products. With a total of more than 1,000 employees at its headquarters in Bönnigheim and in more than 40 branches, contact offices and laboratories worldwide, the company faces the current challenges of the global industry.

"Textile sustainability remains a major focus for us and is woven through every decision we make," explains Stefan Mecheels. “Even services that are seemingly focused on innovation contribute somehow to longer lasting products, less waste and more safety. Our Digital Fitting Lab helps brands leap forward with digitized apparel development. Using modern 3D and 4D technologies and our traditional fit and pattern expertise, we help our clients design better fitting clothes with fewer prototypes and less waste.”

When SARS-CoV-2 struck, the company developed a quality label to easily identify non-medical, community masks that meet legal and functional requirements. The Hohenstein Quality Labels are independent proof with a high level of credibility among buyers and consumers.


Among the celebrations, Hohenstein plans to hold a mid-year press conference with regional and industry journalists. "We are celebrating this anniversary because we have succeeded in constantly adapting to the market and use our applied research to anticipate developments. For this I would first like to thank our employees, who, in keeping with the motto We live textiles, put their hearts and souls into their work. A very special thanks also goes to our customers, some of whom have been placing their trust in us for decades," says Stefan Mecheels, adding "I am convinced that we are positioned to continue our contribution in the future.

circl Live Shopping Show am Smartphone (c) GmbH

circl: Mit Live Video Shopping durch die Krise

Das Mainzer Start-up circl startet deutschlandweit das erste “Live Video-Shopping Erlebnis mit Preisvergleich und Bonusprogramm”. Auf werden Kund:innen von Freund:innen und Influencer:innen mit Produktempfehlungen inspiriert. Fachberater:innen können, z.B. aus dem stationären Handel oder von zu Hause aus, im Videochat beraten.

circl bietet eine Social Shopping Plattform mit über 350 Shops (60 Mio. Produkten) und Preisvergleich an. Der Kauf und die Empfehlung wird über circl mit auszahlbaren Punkten belohnt (1 Punkt pro 2€). Unter den Affiliate-Partnerprogrammen befinden sich bekannte Größen wie MediaMarkt, Bonprix und Quelle, aber auch Nischenanbieter und Start-ups.

Das Mainzer Start-up circl startet deutschlandweit das erste “Live Video-Shopping Erlebnis mit Preisvergleich und Bonusprogramm”. Auf werden Kund:innen von Freund:innen und Influencer:innen mit Produktempfehlungen inspiriert. Fachberater:innen können, z.B. aus dem stationären Handel oder von zu Hause aus, im Videochat beraten.

circl bietet eine Social Shopping Plattform mit über 350 Shops (60 Mio. Produkten) und Preisvergleich an. Der Kauf und die Empfehlung wird über circl mit auszahlbaren Punkten belohnt (1 Punkt pro 2€). Unter den Affiliate-Partnerprogrammen befinden sich bekannte Größen wie MediaMarkt, Bonprix und Quelle, aber auch Nischenanbieter und Start-ups.

In Zeiten von Corona und dem Lockdown benötigt insbesondere der stationäre Handel eine schnelle aber auch nachhaltige Lösung, um in Kundenkontakt zu bleiben und neue Einnahmequellen zu erschließen. circl bietet stationären Händler:innen die Möglichkeit, ihre Läden als Showroom einzusetzen und Produkte über die unabhängigen Partnershops zu bewerben. So profitieren Händler:innen vom Online-Shopping ihrer Kund:innen. Als Live-Host können sich alle gewerblichen Personen mit Fachwissen hier bewerben.

Die Live Shopping Funktion ist zum Marktstart am 16.12.2020 in der iOS & Android App verfügbar. Im Livestream haben Berater:innen die Möglichkeit, auf Fragen der Community einzugehen. Kund:innen kaufen direkt über den Preisvergleich im Shop ihrer Wahl und sammeln Punkte.

Source: GmbH

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion © Lottermann and Fuentes
Anita Tillmann and Detlef Braun

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.
Frankfurt am Main, 2 December 2020. Joining forces to improve the fashion industry: Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself as the host of the future of fashion and actively driving forward the transformation towards a future-oriented, more sustainable fashion and textile industry. All decision-makers looking to instigate this change will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021. The initiators of Frankfurt Fashion Week – Messe Frankfurt and the Premium Group – have achieved a real coup: Conscious Fashion Campaign, working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, will be the presenting partner. Messe Frankfurt will build on its collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships and establish Frankfurt Fashion week as the platform on which to advance the Sustainable Development Goals and help guide the fashion industry into the 'Decade of Action'.
“Frankfurt will play host to the whole world. We are seeing a very positive response indeed,” confirmed Peter Feldmann, Senior Mayor of the City of Frankfurt am Main, at today’s digital press conference, before going on to say: “The fact that the initiators are able to rethink the concept of a Fashion Week in such a way is extremely impressive and proves that the fashion industry is correctly interpreting the signs of the present and future. The time has come for value creation and values to be reconciled. Consistent alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals is an important step in this direction.”
“Frankfurt Fashion Week aims to play a crucial role in finding solutions for macrosocial challenges and supporting the goals of international politics such as the European Green Deal. The fashion and textile industries are also expected to be climate-neutral by 2050. If we want to achieve this, we all need to pull together. Frankfurt Fashion Week is inviting all initiators and supporters of sustainable concepts and congresses or shows dedicated to sustainability to meet in Frankfurt, partake in discussions and make tangible decisions for the greater good. We will connect the most relevant players and pave the way for a future-proof fashion and textile industry,” says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt.
“Given its global reach, the fashion industry is uniquely positioned to collaborate and engage on the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular on climate action and responsible production and consumption,” said Annemarie Hou, Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships. “Frankfurt Fashion Week and the Summit will serve as an important platform for education and engagement of the fashion and textile industry in the Decade of Action,” emphasised Ms Hou.
The aim of Frankfurt Fashion Week is for all exhibitors, participants and partners to align with the Sustainable Development Goals by 2023. The SDGs will also be incorporated into all formats of Frankfurt Fashion Week. This will help to make the UN’s sustainability goals visible and tangible for the Fashion Week audience, therefore bringing its claim, goals and specific proposals for implementation to an international opinion-forming fashion and lifestyle community. During a one-day Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by Conscious Fashion Campaign, topics like gender equality, clean water, climate protection, social justice and their significance for a forward-looking fashion industry will be examined in greater depth. Another point on the sustainability agenda: Frankfurt Fashion Week is launching a Sustainability Award for outstanding, innovative, sustainable design, alongside other categories with a global appeal for the fashion and textile industry.
"We are committed to setting the wheels of transformation in motion. Not only does the overall mindset have to fundamentally change; the entire industry also needs to have the courage to be transparent and honest. It’s important to see values and value creation as opportunities rather than contentious. We are doing what we do best: connecting the relevant players at all levels. With its ecosystem, Frankfurt Fashion Week will become the enabler. We are creating a platform that will orchestrate industry-wide change. With this as our inspiration, we are also developing our tradeshow formats from a ‘marketplace of products’ to a ‘marketplace of purpose and ideas’,” explains Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the Premium Group.
A new start in Frankfurt: In summer 2021 the entire fashion industry will be coming to the metropolis on the Main river to inform themselves, be inspired, discuss, negotiate and celebrate. “There’s a huge need to finally meet in person again, to exchange ideas and be inspired. At the same time, digital tools and formats have become an integral part of the fashion industry,” says Markus Frank, Head of the City of Frankfurt’s Department of Economic Affairs and therefore also responsible for its creative industry. “To implement such a future-oriented, all-encompassing overall concept, Frankfurt’s business and creative scenes offer an almost unique concentration of different expertise with its internationally networked agencies, universities and museums. The city’s multifaceted, high-end club, bar and restaurant scene, diverse hotel industry and internationally renowned retail landscape will become the stage for this. This network will be a key factor in the successful implementation of Frankfurt Fashion Week and the way in which it will expand into the public space as a cultural and social happening.”
A number of major publishing houses are also showing their commitment to the new Fashion Week in Frankfurt with conferences, events and awards: Textilwirtschaft, the leading professional fashion journal by the Deutscher Fachverlag publishing house, is moving its traditional meeting of the industry’s top decision-makers – the TW Forum, the presentation of the renowned Forum Award, as well as its subsequent conference – from Heidelberg to Frankfurt’s Palmengarten botanical gardens, and will therefore be kicking off Frankfurt Fashion Week on Sunday evening and Monday morning. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung will be hosting its traditional fashion party for the first time in Frankfurt and publishing a special edition of its FAZ Magazin on Frankfurt Fashion Week. And the ZEIT publishing group is holding its ‘UNLOCK Style by ZEITmagazin’ conference, which was established in 2014, and the ZEITmagazin Fashion Week party in Frankfurt for the first time and will dedicate the whole new issue of ZEITmagazin Frankfurt to Frankfurt Fashion Week. Condé Nast will also be involved in next summer’s Frankfurt Fashion Week with an exclusive event by GQ. And the Burda publishing house will also be represented with various event formats from its lifestyle and fashion brands.There will also be talks with SHINE  Conventions, the organiser of GLOW, about what a mutual collaboration could look like.
Frankfurt Fashion Week is also delighted to have the Fashion Council Germany (FCG) on board.  The FCG is theinstitution when it comes to German fashion design. It promotes designers, is committed to gaining more political relevance and strengthens the international visibility and awareness of German fashion. At Frankfurt Fashion Week, the FCG will contribute selected formats, such as its already established Fireside Chat, and a future-oriented accelerator format to support German designers.
“What really impresses me about Fashion Week is the whole networking aspect: the creative industries will meet the financial world and sustainability is the common denominator. The Green Finance Cluster is another project that we could link with Frankfurt Fashion Week in the future. This will provide new inspiration in the fashion industry, which will certainly extend way beyond its own horizon of Frankfurt and Hesse. After a very difficult year for the trade fair industry, the concept is an encouraging breath of fresh air,” sums up Tarek Al-Wazir, Hesse’s Minister of Economics, Energy, Transport and Regional Development and Deputy Minister-President of the state of Hessen.

_blaenk eröffnet digitalen Erlebnisstore in der Kölner Innenstadt (c) _blaenk / Oliver Güth
Der digitale Erlebnisstore von _blaenk Store in der Schildergasse Köln

_blaenk eröffnet digitalen Erlebnisstore in der Kölner Innenstadt

Das Startup _blaenk eröffnet heute um 15:00 Uhr in der Kölner Innenstadt seinen neuartigen Erlebnisstore auf 450m2 mit rund 40 Marken und raffinierten digitalen Features. Die stationäre Fläche, die einem Apartment nachempfunden ist, will Konsumenten eine Inspiration für den modernen Lifestyle bieten. Besucher des Stores können via QR Code Produktinformationen digital aufrufen sowie eine Self-Checkout-Funktion nutzen – ganz im Sinne der aktuellen COVID-19 Situation. Die Ware kann kontaktlos, ob im Laden oder zuhause auf der Couch, über _blaenk Online-Shop in den Warenkorb gelegt und bezahlt werden. _blaenk Mitarbeiter stellen den Einkauf direkt zur Abholung zusammen oder liefern die Ware dem Kunden nach Hause. _blaenk gilt mit seinem Konzept nicht nur in Deutschland als Vorreiter: das Startup wurde Anfang des Jahres mit dem Europäischen Innovationspreis für Handel ausgezeichnet.

Das Startup _blaenk eröffnet heute um 15:00 Uhr in der Kölner Innenstadt seinen neuartigen Erlebnisstore auf 450m2 mit rund 40 Marken und raffinierten digitalen Features. Die stationäre Fläche, die einem Apartment nachempfunden ist, will Konsumenten eine Inspiration für den modernen Lifestyle bieten. Besucher des Stores können via QR Code Produktinformationen digital aufrufen sowie eine Self-Checkout-Funktion nutzen – ganz im Sinne der aktuellen COVID-19 Situation. Die Ware kann kontaktlos, ob im Laden oder zuhause auf der Couch, über _blaenk Online-Shop in den Warenkorb gelegt und bezahlt werden. _blaenk Mitarbeiter stellen den Einkauf direkt zur Abholung zusammen oder liefern die Ware dem Kunden nach Hause. _blaenk gilt mit seinem Konzept nicht nur in Deutschland als Vorreiter: das Startup wurde Anfang des Jahres mit dem Europäischen Innovationspreis für Handel ausgezeichnet.

Der _blaenk Store eröffnet in Toplage auf der Kölner Schildergasse 31-37 mit ausgewählten Marken aus dem Consumer-Lifestyle-Bereich: von Elektromobilität über Fashion, Möbel, Food-Trends bis hin zu Sport-Accessoires. All das, was einen modernen Lebensstil komplementiert. Die Brands wurden nach Kriterien wie „Innovationscharakter“, „Nachhaltigkeit“ und „Urbanität“ kuratiert. Darunter finden sich etablierte Marken wieder wie Melitta, Congstar, Mercedes-Benz und Zwilling; aber auch begehrte Jungunternehmen wie Blackroll®, Stryve oder Just Spices sind dabei. In der sogenannten „Startup Zone“, die von KölnBusiness gefördert wird, präsentieren drei lokale Gründerteams ihre neuartigen Produkte von Aloe Vera Pflege über Vegane Sneaker bis hin zu Kork-Accessoires.

„Die Shopper von heute sind übersättigt von Produktangeboten- und Informationen. Marken müssen um die Aufmerksamkeit der Kunden regelrecht kämpfen. Nur ein gutes Produkt zu haben, ist dabei heute nicht mehr genug. Es bedarf einer umfassenden Inszenierung mit größtmöglicher Erlebnisqualität und individueller Beratung bzw. Empfehlung. Das rein über das Internet zu vermitteln, ist schwierig. Wir gehen daher einen Schritt weiter und bieten die stationäre Erlebnisfläche mit der entsprechenden Beratung und ergänzen dies durch digitalen Content, Produktempfehlungen und Self-Checkout-Funktion“, so Martin Bressem, Gründer & CEO von _blaenk.

Um den Besuch im _blaenk Store so sicher wie möglich zu gestalten, sind die Besucherzahlen streng reguliert. Dazu hat _blaenk ein smartes Tracking-System installiert, welches das Besucherverhalten im Store anonym analysiert. Kunden sollen in Zukunft auch gezielt Zeitfenster für ihren Besuch und die Beratung buchen können. Auf kann man sich aktuell für Community-Vorteile kostenlos registrieren.

_blaenk bietet den partizipierenden Marken unter dem Angebot „_blaenk Business“ die umfassende Retail as a Service Lösung, indem Marken nur die Produkte liefern müssen und _blaenk dabei den Rest übernimmt: von der Markeninszenierung und dem operativen Store-Betrieb inkl. _blaenk Mitarbeiter über den Verkauf und Versand der Produkte bis hin zur sensor- und kamerabasierten Performance-Analyse. Zuletzt konnte _blaenk für diesen innovativen Ansatz eine siebenstellige Finanzierungsrunde mit internationalen Investoren abschließen.

2021 will _blaenk sein innovatives Storekonzept an weiteren Standorten eröffnen.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester

Lenzing introduces blockchainenabled traceability platform (c) Lenzing

Lenzing introduces blockchainenabled traceability platform

  • New level of transparency in the textile industry
  • Building on several successful pilot projects with TextileGenesis™, the digital platform for the traceability across the textile supply chain has now been introduced.

The Lenzing Group, a leading company in the area of wood-based specialty fibers, celebrates another milestone on the way to making the textile and apparel industry more sustainable and transparent. Since 2019, Lenzing has been using the blockchain technology powered by the Hong Kong start-up TextileGenesis™ to ensure the traceability of textiles from fiber to production and distribution. After several successful pilot projects, the digital platform was launched on 5 November for TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers. The platform provides customers and partners as well as consumers with an overview across the entire textile supply chain.

  • New level of transparency in the textile industry
  • Building on several successful pilot projects with TextileGenesis™, the digital platform for the traceability across the textile supply chain has now been introduced.

The Lenzing Group, a leading company in the area of wood-based specialty fibers, celebrates another milestone on the way to making the textile and apparel industry more sustainable and transparent. Since 2019, Lenzing has been using the blockchain technology powered by the Hong Kong start-up TextileGenesis™ to ensure the traceability of textiles from fiber to production and distribution. After several successful pilot projects, the digital platform was launched on 5 November for TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers. The platform provides customers and partners as well as consumers with an overview across the entire textile supply chain.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, more changes have been brought to the already transforming fashion and textile industries. To date, supply chain traceability has become a top priority for apparel and home brands. With the blockchain-enabled supply chain traceability platform powered by TextileGenesis™, Lenzing supports the entire supply chain in meeting the increasing demand for transparency and sustainability.

Phased onboarding and new digital certificates

A follow-up of a 12-month pilot program and field trials with four leading sustainable brands (H&M, ArmedAngels, Mara Hoffman and Chicks) and supply chain players from 10 countries in three regions, the global roll-out of Lenzing’s blockchain-enabled supply chain traceability platform will be conducted in phases. During the first phase, Lenzing’s supply chain partners based in South Asia (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) will complete the onboarding process within Q4 2020. An estimated 300+ supply chain partners in China and Turkey will also join the program in Q1 2021. It is estimated that by Q2 2021,  most eligible Lenzing supply chain partners will be onboarded into the platform, ensuring full supply chain traceability.

One of the core components of the platform powered by TextileGenesis™ is integration with the Lenzing EBranding fabric certification system, which allows brands and retailers not only to access the full supply chain traceability for TENCELTM and LENZINGTM ECOVEROTM branded fibers but also to view the results of forensic (physical) verification of fabric samples via the digitally signed Lenzing E-Branding fabric certificates. “

Over the past year, during the pilot program and field trials we have been receiving very positive feedback from brands and supply chain partners. Our brand partners have also been encouraging us to accelerate the global roll-out for traceability of Lenzing fibers. With this new system and the integration with Lenzing E-Branding fabric certificates, the entire Lenzing ecosystem will create an unprecedented level of transparency. This will provide consumers with the most sustainable and climate-friendly clothing and home textile products that are made of TENCEL™ or LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers”, says Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer and Member of the Board at Lenzing.

“With increasing compliance and reputational risks, CEOs and Boards of top 100 fashion brands have committed to using 100% sustainable and traceable fibers over the next 5 years, with transparency being a core part of business priorities. Sustainability and traceability are two sides of the same coin, and it’s great to see Lenzing paving the way for the entire fashion industry to follow. Our supply chain traceability platform will create digital accounting for Lenzing’s innovative and sustainable fibers across the entire supply chain using Fibercoins™ traceability technology”, says Amit Gautam, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of TextileGenesis™.

Fibercoin™ technology to ensure traceability across supply chain

Through using the innovative Fibercoin™ technology of the TextileGenesis™ platform, Lenzing and other brand
partners are now able to issue digital tokens (blockchain assets) in direct proportion to the physical shipments of TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers. These digital tokens provide a unique “fingerprint” and authentication mechanism, preventing adulteration, providing a more secure, trustworthy, digital chain-of custody across the entire textile supply chain, and most importantly, ensuring the materials are sustainably produced.


JEC WORLD announces new 2021 Dates

  • New digital platform unveiled
  • Due to the continued impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and after thorough consultation of clients and partners, the JEC World team today announces that the next edition of JEC World is postponed from March 9 to 11 to June 1 to 3, 2021.

With the growing concern among our exhibitors and partners surrounding the critical situation of the Covid  19,  travel  restrictions,  quarantine,  and  lockdown  measures  announced  recently  in  many  countries, the JEC World team has decided to work on a new timeline to hold the next edition of the event in safer conditions in 2021.

  • New digital platform unveiled
  • Due to the continued impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and after thorough consultation of clients and partners, the JEC World team today announces that the next edition of JEC World is postponed from March 9 to 11 to June 1 to 3, 2021.

With the growing concern among our exhibitors and partners surrounding the critical situation of the Covid  19,  travel  restrictions,  quarantine,  and  lockdown  measures  announced  recently  in  many  countries, the JEC World team has decided to work on a new timeline to hold the next edition of the event in safer conditions in 2021.

Thus, JEC World exhibitors answered a survey proposing three dates to determine which one would suit  them  the  most.  It  appeared  that  a  large  majority  of  respondents  favored  holding  the  next  JEC  World session from June 1 to 3, 2021."We truly regret having to make this difficult decision. However, we are all committed, starting todayto deliver the best JEC World experience to our clients.  We look forward to welcoming the international composites community back to Paris in June 2021", says Eric Pierrejean, CEO of JEC Group. As the leading trade show of the composites industry, JEC World brings together the whole composites materials  value  chain  and  professionals  from  application  sectors,  experts  from  the  scientific  and  academic world, associations and media from more than 112 countries.

JEC  World  is  also  proud  to  introduce  its  audience  this  year,  its  new  digital  platform,  JEC  World  Augmented.

This online platform, programmed to take place alongside JEC World,istailored primarily for attendees who cannot be present physically at the show but still want to experience a tremendousdigital event immersion. "JEC  World  and  its  augmented platform  will  bring  the  international  composites  community  and  specialists   together   to   network   with   exhibitors,   hold   digital   business   meetings,   access   online   conferences, workshops, and discover the latest composites innovation,"  says Adeline Larroque, Show director and EMEA events. "Now, more than ever, the international composites sector needs to come together to discuss today's challenges and tomorrow's composites solutions," adds Larroque.


JEC Group

PREMIUM GROUP: Statement about January 2021 Events (c) Premium Group
Anita Tillmann

PREMIUM GROUP: Statement about January 2021 Events

  • Anita Tillmann, managing partner, about Premium Group´s January 2021 Events

“These are challenging times – for all of us. On one hand, because we can't meet up in the same carefree way as usual. And, on the other hand, because decisions have to be made based on factors that are out of everyone’s control. Alongside all this, it’s essential that we look to the future with positivity, that we use the time effectively and continue to advance in the face of adversity. This not only affects the trade show and event organisers, but the whole industry.

  • Anita Tillmann, managing partner, about Premium Group´s January 2021 Events

“These are challenging times – for all of us. On one hand, because we can't meet up in the same carefree way as usual. And, on the other hand, because decisions have to be made based on factors that are out of everyone’s control. Alongside all this, it’s essential that we look to the future with positivity, that we use the time effectively and continue to advance in the face of adversity. This not only affects the trade show and event organisers, but the whole industry.

We have carried out market research and surveyed exhibitors, partners and buyers on the current circumstances. The objective was to obtain a data-based assessment of the current economic situation, a summary of the success of the exclusively digital events, and insights into the requirements of our network with regard to the physical trade shows. Following analysis of the data gathered we have established that there is a personal wish for an event to happen – inclusive of the appropriate hygiene measures – however, this is unfortunately not currently possible from a professional perspective. As long as there are delays to production and constantly changing travel and contact restrictions in place, we cannot put on any trade shows, conferences or events that would meet our demands or the demands of our exhibitors.

We have therefore decided not to hold PREMIUM, SEEK or FASHIONTECH next January. This was an incredibly difficult decision to make. Especially because we didn't want to say goodbye to Berlin without a fitting farewell.

Now, though, it’s about looking forward and concentrating on what is certain: Frankfurt Fashion Week, which we will be staging in July 2021 together with Messe Frankfurt, the City of Frankfurt and the region of Hessen. We have big plans and are working on a new, fresh start – not only for us, but also for all stakeholders in the fashion industry, nationally and internationally.

Another press conference is planned for the end of November, when we shall be introducing new concepts, partners and event formats. Preparations are already in full swing: we are having numerous discussions, sitting in workshops, activating partners, designers, publishers, politics and society so as to get a unique, fully formed event successfully up and running. Expectations are huge – and we intend to satisfy them. We are putting all our energy into this future-focussed project.

With the aim of being able to share our enthusiasm, we are planning a FFW Preview to present the new locations in Frankfurt am Main and the concepts to journalists, brands and retailers at the beginning of next year.

Until then, all we can say is this: stay curious. Stay optimistic. Because even though there won't be any events this coming January, the show does go on. True to form, that means there will be more business opportunities than ever before, along with innovative formats, events and conferences and a fully formed city concept that has never been imagined before.”


PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

MHK (c) dfv Conference Group GmbH

Modehandels-Kongress 2020: Die Branche trifft sich digital

Der Modehandels-Kongress wird dieses Jahr live aus Frankfurt übertragen. Anders als ursprünglich geplant, trifft sich die Branche nicht Ende Oktober in Düsseldorf, sondern diskutiert am 25. und 26. November digital über die aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen der Branche.

Für die Modebranche war 2020 ein Jahr mit nie zuvor dagewesenen Herausforderungen. Nichts ist, wie es war. Monate voller Unwägbarkeiten. Leere Läden. Kaum verlässliche Abverkaufszahlen, volle Läger, rote Preise. Kunden, die nicht wiederzuerkennen sind. Andererseits ist auch so manches in Bewegung gekommen in diesem Jahr, gerade im Digitalen. E-Commerce und Social Selling boomen mehr denn je. Neue Vertriebswege wurden erschlossen. Und langsam kehrt bei den Kunden die Kauflust zurück. Ist das jetzt die „neue Normalität“? Und welche weiteren Herausforderungen bringt 2021?

Der Modehandels-Kongress wird dieses Jahr live aus Frankfurt übertragen. Anders als ursprünglich geplant, trifft sich die Branche nicht Ende Oktober in Düsseldorf, sondern diskutiert am 25. und 26. November digital über die aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen der Branche.

Für die Modebranche war 2020 ein Jahr mit nie zuvor dagewesenen Herausforderungen. Nichts ist, wie es war. Monate voller Unwägbarkeiten. Leere Läden. Kaum verlässliche Abverkaufszahlen, volle Läger, rote Preise. Kunden, die nicht wiederzuerkennen sind. Andererseits ist auch so manches in Bewegung gekommen in diesem Jahr, gerade im Digitalen. E-Commerce und Social Selling boomen mehr denn je. Neue Vertriebswege wurden erschlossen. Und langsam kehrt bei den Kunden die Kauflust zurück. Ist das jetzt die „neue Normalität“? Und welche weiteren Herausforderungen bringt 2021?

Der diesjährige Modehandels-Kongress – vom BTE und der TW erstmals als zweitägige Digital Conference veranstaltet – gibt Antworten. Und blickt weit über das nächste Jahr hinaus. „The New Retail“ lautet das Motto in diesem Jahr. Im Fokus: Strategien, die Modeanbietern langfristig eine Perspektive bieten und die Position am Markt festigen. Die Kunden der Zukunft. Die neuen Wege zu ihnen. Neue Handelskonzepte aus dem In- und Ausland. Ein genauer Blick auf alte und neue Standorte, Vertriebsformate und auf die Innenstädte.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung über diese Website.


BTE Handelsverband Textil

Coating expertise brings sustainable comfort and convenience to the face mask (c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
The masks are based on 100% woven cotton and the active ingredients in the finish are a reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride

Coating expertise brings sustainable comfort and convenience to the face mask

  • Gorilla Protect is a new company formed in May this year to promote the Catus face mask – a major leap forward in the effectiveness of personal protection products that are available to consumers in the fight against Covid-19.
  • Behind Catus and the new company is Nova Textil, the established fabric finishing company based in Grefrath, Germany, and now run by father and son team Rainer and Oliver Hurtz.

Single stenter

Rainer Hurtz founded Nova Textil with a single Monforts Montex stenter and just five employees in 1999 and has steered its constant development and growth over the past twenty years.

“Our initial focus was on the coating of mainly glass fibre fabrics, awnings and sun protection products for outdoor furnishings,” he said. “We had a great customer who was providing us with so many orders that by 2005 we took the decision to order a second Montex stenter, in a special configuration. This also allowed us to enter the market for blackout and digital printing fabrics. We’ve had a great ongoing relationship with Monforts from the beginning.”

  • Gorilla Protect is a new company formed in May this year to promote the Catus face mask – a major leap forward in the effectiveness of personal protection products that are available to consumers in the fight against Covid-19.
  • Behind Catus and the new company is Nova Textil, the established fabric finishing company based in Grefrath, Germany, and now run by father and son team Rainer and Oliver Hurtz.

Single stenter

Rainer Hurtz founded Nova Textil with a single Monforts Montex stenter and just five employees in 1999 and has steered its constant development and growth over the past twenty years.

“Our initial focus was on the coating of mainly glass fibre fabrics, awnings and sun protection products for outdoor furnishings,” he said. “We had a great customer who was providing us with so many orders that by 2005 we took the decision to order a second Montex stenter, in a special configuration. This also allowed us to enter the market for blackout and digital printing fabrics. We’ve had a great ongoing relationship with Monforts from the beginning.”

A third Montex stenter line was installed at the company’s Grefrath plant in 2015, by which time the company had grown to 40 people and a major new market had opened up in the supply of fabrics for promotional materials at exhibitions and trade shows.

“We had a fantastic two years in 2018 and 2019 and everything was going great for the first three months of this year, but in April it all came crashing down,” said Oliver Hurtz. “Coronavirus put an end to trade shows in 2020, which had a very serious impact on our business.”

At the same time, however, the company was exploring the potential of a new biocidal product from one of its chemicals suppliers which has both antiviral and antimicrobial properties.


“We had already been producing coated fabrics for hot gas filtration and realised that in combination with this new microporous coating we had the basis for a very effective single-layer face mask,” Rainer said. “Achieving this with a single layer product rather than the usual three has resulted in a significant advance in comfort for the wearer and because the mask is able to disinfect itself and helps regulate humidity, it can be worn a number of times without needing to be washed, for greater convenience. It only needs to be washed when it gets dirty and can also be washed up to twenty times without losing its properties, which has to be preferable to single-use disposables.”

Catus face masks are based on 100% woven cotton and the active ingredients in the finish are a reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride certified to ISO 20743 for their antibacterial effect, and to ISO 18184 for their antiviral effect.

They are proven to  eliminate over  99.99% of the human coronavirus 229 E, with the multiplication of microorganisms such as germs and bacteria prevented by the biostatic action of silver salts and viruses destroyed by oxygen-releasing substances and a mechanism that attacks their fatty envelope. The virus membrane loses its cholesterol content and the virus is inactivated.


Gorilla Protect next plans to make the masks available in four colours – black, Bordeaux, olive and grey – and is also working on colour branding and printing labels.

“It’s not possible to print on the surface of the mask after it has been coated, but its is possible for volume orders to be printed before the treatment,” Oliver Hurtz said.

“Face masks are going to become an established part of life in the West like they are in Asia and need to be as comfortable and convenient as possible for the wearer,” his father concluded. “With these things in mind, we believe Catus is a significant step forward.”

Reach Group: Composites China Trade Show (c) REACH Group

AMAC/Germany and REACH Group/China: first life business activity since Covid-19 at the Composites China Trade Show in Shanghai

As the first composites trade show worldwide since the Covid-19-crisis, the China Composites in Shanghai (September 2 to 4, 2020) took up its activity. The show counted about 600 exhibitors and over 20 000 visitors, mostly Chinese locals, attended the exhibition.

Chinese Reach Group under the lead of its president Daniel He represented a large portfolio of European companies and their recent developments through their cooperation with Dr. Michael Effing´s AMAC/Germany, among them Airborne (NL), Textechno (D) and Conbility (D).

As the first composites trade show worldwide since the Covid-19-crisis, the China Composites in Shanghai (September 2 to 4, 2020) took up its activity. The show counted about 600 exhibitors and over 20 000 visitors, mostly Chinese locals, attended the exhibition.

Chinese Reach Group under the lead of its president Daniel He represented a large portfolio of European companies and their recent developments through their cooperation with Dr. Michael Effing´s AMAC/Germany, among them Airborne (NL), Textechno (D) and Conbility (D).

Daniel He describes the situation: „The Chinese market is picking up again; a price increase of 7% for glass fibers was announced right before the China Composites Show, on August 25th 2020, which was even leading to a temporary material shortage. Today, the most booming industries in China are wind energy, building and infrastructure and innovation for electric cars. Unlike the rest of the world, where the aircraft industry undergoes a deep decline, in China it takes up by 50 %, which is very promising. Furthermore, we expect half a year for a full recovery of the industry, while the China growth of 2020 is still expected to be between 2 and 4 %.“

Michael Effing replied: “Enabling the composites business between China and Europe is the aim of our cooperation with Reach and with our customers, which are active in digital automatization, testing equipment or cost optimization software. We are very happy to have been present in China through our representant Reach and are looking forward to bridge and overcome the Covid-19-crisis with our upcoming event in Germany, the Composites for Europe in Stuttgart in November and hope to be back to full global business speed at the JEC in Paris in 2021.“



Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 opens next Monday: new digital tools complement in-person meetings   (c) Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 opens next Monday: new digital tools complement in-person meetings

Asia’s leading trade platform for the home and contract textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, is ready to welcome over 600 exhibitors to China’s commercial hub from 24 – 26 August. As China’s economy continues its recovery, the upcoming fair will serve as a key platform for the industry to reconnect and prepare for the seasons ahead. Taking consideration of current international travel restrictions, Intertextile has launched a brand new online business matching platform, enabling participation for those who cannot travel to Shanghai.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented: “2020 has been a difficult and unpredictable year for every business and industry across the world, so we are pleased to be providing a platform for the home textile industry to connect and recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is the first physical trade event for the sector held by Messe Frankfurt since January, so we hope that the fair assists the sector to join forces and overcome this challenging year together.”

Asia’s leading trade platform for the home and contract textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, is ready to welcome over 600 exhibitors to China’s commercial hub from 24 – 26 August. As China’s economy continues its recovery, the upcoming fair will serve as a key platform for the industry to reconnect and prepare for the seasons ahead. Taking consideration of current international travel restrictions, Intertextile has launched a brand new online business matching platform, enabling participation for those who cannot travel to Shanghai.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented: “2020 has been a difficult and unpredictable year for every business and industry across the world, so we are pleased to be providing a platform for the home textile industry to connect and recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is the first physical trade event for the sector held by Messe Frankfurt since January, so we hope that the fair assists the sector to join forces and overcome this challenging year together.”

Ms Wen continued: “Our first priority is to create a clean and hygienic space for all participants to source and network. To achieve this goal, the fair will implement extra health care and hygiene precautions onsite. On the other hand, we are aware that a number of travel restrictions are still in place across the world. With this in mind, Intertextile will offer a series of online services for those who are unable to travel to Shanghai, allowing the fair to reach as wide an audience as possible.”

2020 fair highlights

To provide buyers with greater efficiency, the fair, which covers four halls, will be divided clearly by product categories: Household Hall (hall 3), International Brands / Upholstery Hall (hall 4.1), Brand Fabrics Hall (hall 5.1) and Sofa Fabrics Hall (hall 6.1).

In addition, the Contract Business 360° concept will return this year, with over 40 premier upholstery exhibitors presenting their latest textile products and furnishing solutions for contract use. Exhibitors include Guangzhou Yuanzhicheng Home Textile, Haining Julai Textile, JAB, Morgan Shanghai, Symphony Mills, Suzhou Roufang, Ter Molst International, Zhejiang Hexin and Zhejiang Maya Fabric. Furthermore, top brands such as Agmamito from Poland and Wollsdorf Leather from Austria will be exhibiting for the first time at Intertextile.

Online business matching platform offers new sourcing landscape

Although face-to-face interaction is irreplaceable, a virtual complement has become more important as a result of the worldwide pandemic. To support the industry during these unprecedented times, Intertextile has launched a brand new online business matching platform. With this free service, participants are able to source and network at their fingertips. The virtual platform will offer many new features including:

  • Easy sourcing: exhibitors are categorised by product groups including Sofa / Decorative Fabrics, Curtains and Accessories, Bedding and Finished products, Shading and Accessories, and Editors
  • Live-streamed product presentations of exhibitors
  • Smart recommendations: pre-selected exhibitor lists will be provided to buyers based on their personal preferences and interests
  • Convenience: participants are able to use the service through computers or portable devices without the need to download any software

High quality fringe programme covers comprehensive topics
The fair’s event programme will once again provide the industry with the latest trends and insights in four topics: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textile & Technology and Industry Empowerment. One of the highlights will be the 2021 Intertextile Trend Forum, led by Shen Lei, the Chinese representative of the Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend Committee. The forum will bring together five prominent Chinese designers including Ben Chen, Ben Wu, Meng Ye, Paul Pang and Xie Ke, who will delve into the theme of 2021 Intertextile Trends–“BOUND”, as well as the Chinese market conditions. The event will be held on day 1 of the fair, from 14:00 – 17:00 in hall 5.1 booth C18, and streamed live online.

Another not-to-be-missed event is the Ride the Storm – Home Textile Digital Printing Forum, which will include an array of educating seminars that cover the latest digital textile printing trends and technologies. The forum will be held on day 2 of the fair, from 13:20 – 17:20 in hall 3, booth M12.

Furthermore, joining forces with Tmall Global, the largest cross border B2C online retail platform in China, the fair will host a series of seminars delivering the solutions and strategies for industry digitalisation during the afternoon of day 1. In addition, the well-received Furniture & Home Textile Direct Negotiation Event will return to provide an excellent opportunity for furniture companies and fabric brands to collaborate.

Additional health care and hygiene precautions will be in place

As trade fair co-organisers, Messe Frankfurt’s number one priority always remains the health and safety of fairgoers. To maintain a clean and hygienic environment for visitors and exhibitors to meet in, extra measures will be in practice at the fair. These include: real-name registration, onsite temperature checks, frequent sterilisation of public areas and distancing measures for forum / seminar audiences, amongst others.