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35. Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen: 17. und 18. März 2021 © Tchibo
Nanda Bergstein - Tchibo

35. Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen: 17. und 18. März 2021


  • Klimawandel
  • Transparente Lieferketten mit Tchibo
  • Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung bei der Hugo Boss AG
  • Die Sicht des Finanzsektors: Baumwolle und Risikomanagement

Die Internationale Baumwolltagung startet in wenigen Tagen. Während der am 17. und 18. März stattfindenden Konferenz tragen 80 Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis mit inspirierenden Vorträgen oder Diskussionsrunden zum Gelingen der virtuellen Tagung bei. Bisher haben sich an die 400 Teilnehmer aus über 30 Ländern zum Besuch der Tagung angemeldet. Wir freuen uns auf unsere Keynote Speaker, die jeden Morgen mit spannenden Statements und Vorträgen das Programm eröffnen. Die Keynotes werden von zwei Vertretern der Baumwollbranche moderiert, die langjährige Erfahrung im Handel mitbringen: Bill Ballenden, Gründer und Inhaber von Dragontree, UK, einer Online-Auktionsplattform für den Baumwollhandel und Fritz A. Grobien, Vizepräsident der Bremer Baumwollbörse.


  • Klimawandel
  • Transparente Lieferketten mit Tchibo
  • Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung bei der Hugo Boss AG
  • Die Sicht des Finanzsektors: Baumwolle und Risikomanagement

Die Internationale Baumwolltagung startet in wenigen Tagen. Während der am 17. und 18. März stattfindenden Konferenz tragen 80 Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis mit inspirierenden Vorträgen oder Diskussionsrunden zum Gelingen der virtuellen Tagung bei. Bisher haben sich an die 400 Teilnehmer aus über 30 Ländern zum Besuch der Tagung angemeldet. Wir freuen uns auf unsere Keynote Speaker, die jeden Morgen mit spannenden Statements und Vorträgen das Programm eröffnen. Die Keynotes werden von zwei Vertretern der Baumwollbranche moderiert, die langjährige Erfahrung im Handel mitbringen: Bill Ballenden, Gründer und Inhaber von Dragontree, UK, einer Online-Auktionsplattform für den Baumwollhandel und Fritz A. Grobien, Vizepräsident der Bremer Baumwollbörse.

Was ist mit dem Klimawandel?
„Klimawandel - ein Sturm im Wasserglas?“, fragt Kai Hughes am ersten Tagungstag. Er ist geschäftsführender Direktor des International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington D.C., USA. Ziel seiner Präsentation ist es, die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels für die Landwirtschaft und insbesondere die Baumwollproduktion herauszuarbeiten. Darauf aufbauend sollen konkrete Handlungsansätze und Lösungen innerhalb der Baumwoll-Community diskutiert werden.

Lieferketten - welche Strategie gilt für Nachhaltigkeit?
Nanda Bergstein ist Director Sustainabilty bei der Tchibo GmbH, Hamburg, Deutschland. In ihrer Keynote stellt sie die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie des Hamburger Familienunternehmens vor, das sich über den Kaffeehandel mit einem speziellen Vertriebskonzept zu einem der größten deutschen Konsumgüter- und Einzelhandelsunternehmen entwickelte. Schon 2006 entschied sich Tchibo zu 100 Prozent nachhaltig wirtschaften zu wollen. Das Unternehmen sieht im Aufbau transparenter Lieferketten große Chancen zur Erreichung seines Ziels.

Nachhaltigkeit und Unternehmensführung
Der Startschuss für den zweiten Tagungstag fällt mit einer Keynote von Heinz Zeller, Head of Sustainability & Logistics bei Hugo Boss. Die Hugo Boss AG, Metzingen, Deutschland, ist Produzent und Vertreiber der weltweit bekannten, im Premiumsegment angesiedelten Lifestylemarke Hugo Boss. Heinz Zeller zeigt in seinem Vortrag auf, warum Baumwolle für Hugo Boss weiterhin der wichtigste Rohstoff ist, thematisiert aber auch die spezifischen Herausforderungen. Warum ist Transparenz weiterhin wichtig, welche Erfahrungen machte das Unternehmen im Prozess der Umsetzung und welche Rolle spielt hierbei die Responsible Product Policy des Unternehmens.

Die Sicht des Finanzsektors: Baumwolle und Risikomanagement
Michael Alt, Head of Commodities Advisory & Distribution und Egon Weinberg, Head of Commodity Research bei der Commerzbank, Frankfurt, Deutschland, geben einen Überblick darüber, was Rohstoffmärkte an den Börsen antreibt und bieten einen speziellen Blick auf die Baumwolle. Es soll deutlich werden, mit welchen Auswirkungen Marktteilnehmer rechnen und wie sie im Vorfeld vorausschauendes Risikomanagement betreiben können.

Wir setzen die Baumwollbrille auf: Vielfalt in Wissenschaft und Praxis
Das Programm der internationalen Baumwolltagung überzeugt mit 14 Sessions durch seine Vielfältigkeit. Zu den großen Themenkomplexen gehören im konzeptionellen Kontext Nachhaltigkeit, Transparenz und Verantwortung entlang der Baumwollproduktions- und Lieferketten sowie eine ressourcenschonende Kreislaufwirtschaft. Im technischen Tagungsteil geht es um fortschrittliche und ressourcenschonende Prozesse und unterstützende Methoden, die zu höheren Erträgen für die Farmer und besserer Qualität von Baumwolle in Hinblick auf ihre Weiterverarbeitung zu Textilien führen. Dabei wird auch deutlich, dass die Verwendung von Baumwolle weit über den Bekleidungsbereich hinausgeht und die Naturfaser sowohl für technische Anwendungen aber auch in veränderter Form als Plastikersatz zum Einsatz kommen kann.

Kommunikation und Interaktion gehen auch ‚virtuell‘
Überhaupt: Interaktion und Austausch unter den Teilnehmern haben eine wesentliche Bedeutung während und auch noch nach der Tagung. Durch die Interaktionstools der Tagungsplattform besteht die Möglichkeit, während der Vorträge Fragen an die Referenten zu richten oder an Umfragen teilzunehmen. Teilnehmer und Referenten können sich im Anschluss an die Vorträge zu privaten Video-Meetings verabreden. Weitere Dialogformate, die dazu beitragen, miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen, werden im Rahmen eines digitalen Matchmaking zu ausgewählten Themen oder als Business-Speed-Dating zum gegenseitigen Kennenlernen angeboten. Jeder Teilnehmer ist über die Tagungsplattform erreichbar, wenn man möchte.


Rieter Places Bond for a Total of CHF 75 Million

August, 18 2020 Rieter has placed a bond of CHF 75 million with a term of four years and a coupon of 1.55%. This serves to partially refinance the existing bond of CHF 100 million, which is due on September 29, 2020. The bond was issued by Commerzbank. The bond will be listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.

August, 18 2020 Rieter has placed a bond of CHF 75 million with a term of four years and a coupon of 1.55%. This serves to partially refinance the existing bond of CHF 100 million, which is due on September 29, 2020. The bond was issued by Commerzbank. The bond will be listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.


Rieter Management AG

Bremer Baumwollbörse, Bremer Rathaus (c) Bremen Cotton Exchange
Bremer Baumwollbörse, Bremer Rathaus

International Cotton Conference Bremen 2020: keynotes

Focus on Sustainability and Climate Change

Passion for Cotton: The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen starts on 25 March in the Hanseatic city’s historic Town Hall. But before subject-specific questions are discussed in depth in the individual sessions, the concise and inspiring keynotes by leading business experts from science and industry will draw attention to the current trends and challenges in the industry at the start of the conference. A large part of the presentations is shaped by the current discussion on environmental and sustainability issues and the resulting consequences for the global economy.

Climate Change and Sustainability

“Climate change - a storm in a teacup?” asks Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington D.C., USA, in a provocative speech. The aim of his presentation is to work out the challenges of climate change especially for agriculture and cotton production. This should form the basis for later discussion on concrete approaches and solutions within the cotton community.

Focus on Sustainability and Climate Change

Passion for Cotton: The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen starts on 25 March in the Hanseatic city’s historic Town Hall. But before subject-specific questions are discussed in depth in the individual sessions, the concise and inspiring keynotes by leading business experts from science and industry will draw attention to the current trends and challenges in the industry at the start of the conference. A large part of the presentations is shaped by the current discussion on environmental and sustainability issues and the resulting consequences for the global economy.

Climate Change and Sustainability

“Climate change - a storm in a teacup?” asks Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington D.C., USA, in a provocative speech. The aim of his presentation is to work out the challenges of climate change especially for agriculture and cotton production. This should form the basis for later discussion on concrete approaches and solutions within the cotton community.

With his lecture “The HUGO BOSS sustainability programme ... and what our customer has to do with it” Andreas Streubig, Director of Global Sustainability at Hugo Boss AG, Metzingen, Germany, rolls up the textile value chain from a different angle, starting at the consumer level. As a representative of a premium brand for women's and men's clothing, Streubig discusses sustainability as a strategic element of the corporate strategy and provides information on how elements of the strategy are being implemented at Hugo Boss.

Rüdiger Senft, Head of Sustainability at Commerzbank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, looks at the changing role of banks in financing the cotton market. In addition to a general introduction to the topic of sustainability and banking regulation, Senft's presentation deals with the financing of the cotton trade from a social and ecological point of view.
The opening session on 25 March is hosted by Bill Ballenden, founder and owner of Dragontree, Swindon, UK, an online auction platform for the cotton trade. As a former cotton manager for Louis Dreyfus in Europe and Asia, Bill Ballenden has many years of experience in the industry.

Cross-Cutting Issues: Digitalisation, Gender, Value Chains

The subsequent session in the conference programme with the headline “A Wider View” is devoted to currently defining trends and important cross-cutting issues in the industry. This goes far beyond classic cotton themes.

A lecture by Mark Messura, Senior Vice President, Global Supply Chain Marketing for Cotton Incorporated, Cary, North Carolina, deals with the role of cotton in an increasingly digitally controlled supply chain. Significant keywords here are faster delivery times, vertical integration, transparency and traceability.

The presentation by Roger Gilmartin, Managing Director of Tri-Blend Consulting, Charlotte, USA, entitled “The secret recipe for timely, cost-optimised and high-quality cotton clothing” promises exciting and enlightening insights. Tri-Blend Consulting conducts studies on the performance of different cotton varieties during the entire consumption process to the finished yarn and evaluates them from an economic point of view.

Amy Jackson, from the Better Cotton Initiative, London, UK, presents ICA Liverpool's “Women in Cotton” initiative. With this commitment, the initiative aims to increase the influence of women in the cotton industry and give them a stronger voice, for example by building networks in cooperation.

Navdeep Singh Sodhi, International Strategic Management Consultant at the Gherzi Textile Organisation, Switzerland, gives an insight into the current development of the value chain for cotton, textiles and clothing in Africa. Looking ahead to the coming decades, also in view of population growth, Africa is seen as having a high potential for building economic structures to improve income and prosperity.

Thomas Schneider, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin and active in the field of production planning and control, textile materials and materials testing will host the session. A leading light in his field, Thomas Schneider has more than 30 years of experience in scientific and application-oriented research in the textile and fibre sector, including at the Fibre Institute Bremen e.V.


Bremer Baumwollbörse

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen (c) BREMER BAUMWOLLBÖRSE
Opening of the Cotton Conference 2018

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

Sustainability and Cotton
This year, the conference developed into a whole week of diverse events around the entire cotton supply chain. With the “SUSTAIN” event, which was organised in cooperation with the Weser-Kurier newspaper, it was possible to build a bridge between the issue of sustainability and the end consumer.
With the focus on Africa, the emerging continent, which also has a special significance for cotton, became the centre of attention.

In his opening speech, Henning Hammer, President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, made it clear that sustainability is also of great importance during the Cotton Conference: "The three pillars of sustainability – the environment, the economy and social issues – were already playing a role in the cotton industry when the word sustainability was far from being on everyone's lips.
Many changes that are being demanded in the sense of responsible agriculture and responsible trade take their time, many are already in the starting blocks and a lot already exists. We have a very alert, active agricultural research worldwide."

The Keynotes
The keynote session, moderated by the journalist Lisa Boekhoff from the newspaper Weser-Kurier, gave participants an overview, with an informative analysis of the current cotton situation. Kai Hughes, executive director of ICAC, emphasised in his keynote address the need to provide credible facts and figures which should be the basis for the entire supply chain. The marketing of cotton and changing consumer habits in a globalised and digitalised world were the subject of lectures by Mark Messura, Cotton Incorporated and Robert Antoshak, Olah Inc. Eugen Weinberg and Michael Alt from Commerzbank took a look at the raw material from a stock market perspective.

Traceability and Digitalisation
Digitalisation is also a cross-cutting issue that runs through the entire supply chain of the cotton industry. In his opening speech, Prof. Axel S. Hermann, Head of the Fibre Institute Bremen, emphasised the importance of digitalisation for the industry. “It enables new approaches in cotton cultivation and textile processing, but also influences consumer behaviour and thus the necessary changes in the textile industry.” The focus is on the status quo of the implementation, as well as the opportunities and risks of digitally controlled, vertically integrated procurement and sales processes and the associated challenges at retail level.

Another current topic is traceability, which is also closely linked to sustainability. More and more buyers want to know whether their suppliers are meeting the promised sustainability criteria for their products, also textile products. Consequently, the conference presented various techniques for testing the authenticity of a cotton provided in the finished textile, such as DNA testing, fingerprint analysis technique, marker methods and block-chain processes.

Cotton Quality
In addition to current subjects such as digitalisation and traceability, questions of cotton quality have traditionally been an essential element of the Cotton Conference, which was further reinforced this year with the "Spinners Seminar". The spinning mill seminar, which was carried out by the Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute in cooperation with the ITMF and IVGT associations, far exceeded expectations.

More than 70 participants discussed the handling of impurities in supplied cotton in the manufacturing process.
In addition, in a high-level expert session, there was an exchange of the latest research results which determine the future of cotton production and the processing of cotton into innovative products.
