From the Sector

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(c) Digital Capability Center

ITA Supports SMEs in Digitisation and Sustainability

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

This means finding sustainable solutions and processes for the circular economy together with companies and developing new digital business models. The ITA's solutions cover the areas of awareness-raising, qualification, implementation and networking. These offers are free of charge for SMEs - follow-up projects often lead to the funding programme "Central Innovation Programme for SMEs - ZIM" of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) or to research and development projects.

Questions concerning the funding conditions can be sent to the following e-mail address:


Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University

Foto McKinsey

McKinsey mit „Model Factory in a Box“

  • McKinsey baut seine 2017 gegründete Lernfabrik Digital Capability Center in Aachen mit einem immersiven Shopfloor-Modell der nächsten Generation aus.
  • In der mobilen „Model Factory in a Box“ können Teams interne Barrieren für die digitale Transformation beseitigen und den Umgang mit Sensorik, Robotik oder Advanced Analytics einüben.
  • Unternehmen aller Branchen können so immersive Lernerfahrungen zum Beispiel für Investitionsplanung, Beschaffung, Lieferketten-Management und Produktentwicklung nutzen.

Die Digitalisierung der Produktion und die grüne Transformation gehören zu den zentralen Herausforderungen für Fertigungsunternehmen. Um Prozesse mithilfe innovativer Anwendungen wirtschaftlicher und gleichzeitig nachhaltiger zu machen, hat McKinsey das Digital Capability Center erweitert. Zum fünfjährigen Bestehen 2022 bekommt die Lernfabrik ein zweites Modell einer immersiven Produktionsline. Der CEO und das Management für Produktion, Entwicklung oder Lieferkette können hier ebenso wie Maschinenführer:innen praxisnah und dabei branchen- und funktionsübergreifend die Möglichkeiten einer datengetriebenen Produktion erleben.

  • McKinsey baut seine 2017 gegründete Lernfabrik Digital Capability Center in Aachen mit einem immersiven Shopfloor-Modell der nächsten Generation aus.
  • In der mobilen „Model Factory in a Box“ können Teams interne Barrieren für die digitale Transformation beseitigen und den Umgang mit Sensorik, Robotik oder Advanced Analytics einüben.
  • Unternehmen aller Branchen können so immersive Lernerfahrungen zum Beispiel für Investitionsplanung, Beschaffung, Lieferketten-Management und Produktentwicklung nutzen.

Die Digitalisierung der Produktion und die grüne Transformation gehören zu den zentralen Herausforderungen für Fertigungsunternehmen. Um Prozesse mithilfe innovativer Anwendungen wirtschaftlicher und gleichzeitig nachhaltiger zu machen, hat McKinsey das Digital Capability Center erweitert. Zum fünfjährigen Bestehen 2022 bekommt die Lernfabrik ein zweites Modell einer immersiven Produktionsline. Der CEO und das Management für Produktion, Entwicklung oder Lieferkette können hier ebenso wie Maschinenführer:innen praxisnah und dabei branchen- und funktionsübergreifend die Möglichkeiten einer datengetriebenen Produktion erleben.

In dem einzigen McKinsey Digital Capability Center in Deutschland, das zu einem globalen Netzwerk von Fortbildungszentren zwischen Atlanta und Peking gehört, haben seit 2017 mehr als 150 Unternehmen und über 3.200 Teilnehmende trainiert. „Die Nachfrage im Markt ist groß, wachsende Qualifizierungslücken zu schließen. Es gilt für Fertigungsunternehmen, mit Hilfe der Digitalisierung nicht nur, die Produktivität zu erhöhen, sondern durch verbesserte Prozesse auch den Anforderungen der CO2-Reduzierung zu begegnen“, begründet Fabian Alexander Müller vom Leitungsteam der Digital Capability Center Europe den Ausbau. Er ist überzeugt, dass es Unternehmen mithilfe von immersiven Lernerfahrungen gelingen kann, die Barrieren für die digitale Transformation aufzubrechen. „Teams üben bei uns den Umgang mit modernsten Technologien ein, zum Beispiel für die Investitionsplanung in ihren Unternehmen, die Beschaffung, das Lieferketten-Management oder die Produktentwicklung“, sagt der Experte für Transformations- und Reskilling-Prozesse.

Herzstück der erweiterten Kapazitäten im Digital Capability Center in Aachen bildet die neue „Model Factory in a Box“, ein komplett ausgestattetes zweites immersives Shopfloor-Modell der neuesten Generation. Am Beispiel einer Prozessfertigung von Limonade können Teilnehmende mit modernster Sensorik, Robotik oder Advanced Analytics experimentieren. Sie erarbeiten sich hier in einer freien Lernumgebung außerhalb ihrer gewohnten Produktionsanlage eine frische Perspektive. In den Gruppenräumen lassen sie sich von Expert:innen zunächst zu neuen Werkzeugen und Techniken schulen, die sie anschließend direkt in der Modellfabrik anwenden. Das immersive Trainingskonzept hilft ihnen, unwirtschaftliche Prozesse in der heimischen Fertigung aufzuspüren und umzugestalten. „In unserer Modellfabrik erfahren Teilnehmende die Auswirkungen einer Veränderung im Arbeitsprozess unmittelbar“, erläutert Müller. Weiterer Vorteil der Produktionsanlage im Miniaturformat: Sie kann innerhalb von höchstens einer Woche zusammengepackt und an einen beliebigen Standort verlegt werden. Unternehmen können die Einheit zu Trainingszwecken in der eigenen Werkhalle aufstellen.



© Digital Capability Center

Competence Centre WIRKsam - Shaping Work with AI

  •  14 million for the Rhenish coal region

Shaping economic change in the Rhenish textile and coal region together with artificial intelligence (AI) - this is the goal of the WIRKsam competence centre launched at the beginning of November. The joint project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is researching innovative forms of work to secure employment, create attractive jobs and strengthen regional companies.

With a focus on the strengths of the Rhenish mining area, WIRKsam is to establish itself as a central point of contact and align various scientific institutions and their research specifically to the challenges of the regional working world. Funded by the BMBF with 14 million euros over five years, the project is fundamentally about transferring scientific findings into company practice and into the wider society. After the funding phase, the centre of excellence will continue to work independently.

  •  14 million for the Rhenish coal region

Shaping economic change in the Rhenish textile and coal region together with artificial intelligence (AI) - this is the goal of the WIRKsam competence centre launched at the beginning of November. The joint project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is researching innovative forms of work to secure employment, create attractive jobs and strengthen regional companies.

With a focus on the strengths of the Rhenish mining area, WIRKsam is to establish itself as a central point of contact and align various scientific institutions and their research specifically to the challenges of the regional working world. Funded by the BMBF with 14 million euros over five years, the project is fundamentally about transferring scientific findings into company practice and into the wider society. After the funding phase, the centre of excellence will continue to work independently.

Prospects: Attractive jobs in the lignite mining region
The region on the left bank of the Rhine is not only a lignite mining area, but also a historically grown textile region where technical textiles are produced today, for example for medical technology or plant and vehicle construction. This offers valuable future prospects for the employees affected by the lignite phase-out.

Against this background, the aim of the WIRKsam centre of excellence is to research the extensive possibilities of artificial intelligence for shaping the future world of work and to transfer them to companies. AI applications are used to develop innovative work and process flows to create attractive workplaces and increase the competitiveness of local companies.

Together: business and science
The special feature: research institutions and companies from the Rhenish textile industry and related sectors work together in the centre of excellence. Research partners are the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University and the Institute for Mobile Autonomous Systems and Cognitive Robotics (MASCOR) of FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, headed by ifaa - Institut für angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft e.V. (Institute for Applied Work Science).

Nine regional companies are involved so far; more will join. AI applications are being developed and exemplarily implemented for their respective needs. In this way, the diverse potentials of AI for work design are being tested and qualification requirements derived. These results will not only increase the global competitiveness of the textile industry and other sectors; they will also secure jobs and make an important contribution to overcoming structural change in the Rhenish lignite mining area.

WIRKsam is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the funding measure "Regional Competence Centres for Labour Research" and is supervised by the Karlsruhe Project Management Agency (PTKA) (funding code: 02L19C600). The WIRKsam competence centre will be based in Hürth, Germany, on the edge of the Rhenish mining area as soon as the conversion work on the former TV studios on the Euronova campus is completed.

More information:

ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH (c) digitalHUB Aachen e.V.; photo: Thomas Langens
Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH

ITA Academy GmbH wins Digital Pioneer Award 2021

  • Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH
  • ITA Academy GmbH was honoured to receive the Digital Pioneer Award at the Digital Summit Event in Aachen on June 09, 2021.

The Digital Pioneer Award is given to companies that drive digitalisation with digital business models, processes or digital products. ITA Academy GmbH was honoured with the Digital Capability Center (DCC) Aachen and its support of companies in their digital transformation.

  • Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH
  • ITA Academy GmbH was honoured to receive the Digital Pioneer Award at the Digital Summit Event in Aachen on June 09, 2021.

The Digital Pioneer Award is given to companies that drive digitalisation with digital business models, processes or digital products. ITA Academy GmbH was honoured with the Digital Capability Center (DCC) Aachen and its support of companies in their digital transformation.

Using the latest didactic methods, sophisticated solution concepts and state-of-the-art technologies, the DCC Aachen supports people in keeping up with the digital future and becoming pioneers in digital transformation. In order to make innovative solutions such as AI and digital assistance systems tangible, the ITA Academy founded the Digital Capability Center (DCC) Aachen together with McKinsey & Company in 2017. The DCC is a model factory 4.0 in which digital applications are demonstrated and taught using the example of a realistic factory. The DCC thus offers a learning environment for companies in which participants are supported in building up competencies in the field of digital transformation in the form of practical work-shops.

The digital pioneers are to be publicised as best-practice examples in order to sensitize regional SMEs to the topic of digitisation. Around the award of the digital pioneers, the digitalHUB Aachen e.V. rolls out effective marketing activities. The pioneers achieve high visibility through the various planned campaigns and advertising opportunities.

Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen (c) VDMA. Eric Otto, Susanne Fischer, Dr. Benjamin Weise, Peter D. Dornier (Chairman Walter Reiners-Stiftung), Alon Tal, Jan Merlin Abram (left to right)

Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

In his dissertation "Development of graphene-modified multifilament yarns for the production of textile charge storage devices", laureate Dr Benjamin Weise developed novel fibres made of polyamide and graphene and further processed them into textile surfaces. The newly developed polyamide graphene fibres are featuring a multitude of advantages:

  • Due to their high performance in the charge storage area, they are predestined for use in double-layer capacitors, so-called super capacitors, or supercaps in short. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, supercaps offer significantly higher power density and a longer lifetime as no chemical reactions are taking place. towing to the graphene platelets in the filaments, it is now possible for the first time to integrate a charge storage device directly into a textile without having to sew in a rechargeable battery. This new fibre is therefore suitable for prospective use in smart textiles, for instance in a textile defibrillator.
  • The new graphene-modified polyamide fibres can attenuate inident terahertz radiation up to 25 % of their original intensity. Terahertz radiation, for example, offers transmission rates of 100 Mbit/sec and is therefore of high interest for high-performance wireless communication. However, the radiation could damage sensible electronics as in aircrafts if this technology will be used widespread. Consequently, the shielding of the radiation is of high importance, e.g. in the form of fibre composite components in the aircraft, which protect the on-board electronics.
  • As the fibres are showcasing a dissipative electrical conductivity, personal protective equipment is another prospective field of application.  

The development of a pilot process for graphene-modified fibres and the production of textile demonstrators are novel and disruptive attainments of Dr Weise’s PhD thesis and the reason for the award ceremony to him. Due to its outstanding properties, the European Union is funding research on graphene within the frame of the "Graphene Flagship" with an overall budget of one billion Euro (source:

Modular product design of 4D products is now possible in simplified form

How can three-dimensional products change their shape over time and thus become "four-dimensional"? The students Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal provide answers to this question in their project work "Leitfaden zur Auslegung hybrider morphender Textilien am Beispiel eines Scharniers" (Guidelines for the Design of Hybrid Morphing Textiles Using the Example of a Hinge), for which they were awarded the creativity prize. In their work, the students offer a guideline for the development of a four-dimensional textile from the idea to the demonstrator. Four-dimensional textiles, for example, consist of a hybrid material of elastic textile on which three-dimensional structures are printed. The fourth dimension describes the change in shape and/or a property over a defined period of time (= morphing).  This change is caused by external influences such as light and heat.

Every year, the Foundation of the German Textile Machinery awards prizes for the best dissertation, diploma or master's thesis and the creativity prize for the smartest student research project. Further prizes were awarded to Eric Otto, ITM Dresden, and Susanne Fischer, Reutlingen University.


Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


(c) VDMA. Caption from left to right: Eric Otto, Prof. Thomas Gries, M.Sc. Susanne Fischer, Prof. Klaus Meier, Dr. Benjamin Weise, Prof. Gunnar Seide, Alon Tal, Jan Merlin Abram, Peter D. Dornier

VDMA Textile Machinery c/o Walter Reiners Foundation awards five young engineers with a total of 17,500 EURO

Peter D. Dornier, member of the Executive Board of the VDMA Textile Machinery Federation and Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation for the Promotion of Young Engineers, honours five young talents. Numerous entrepreneurs and managers from the German textile machinery industry took part in the award ceremony at the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, Germany.

The prizewinner in the dissertation category, Dr.- Ing. Benjamin Weise, comes from the Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University (ITA). He has dealt with a complex production process for the manufacture of modified multifilament yarns, which offers new perspectives for the development and manufacture of textile charge carriers.

Peter D. Dornier, member of the Executive Board of the VDMA Textile Machinery Federation and Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation for the Promotion of Young Engineers, honours five young talents. Numerous entrepreneurs and managers from the German textile machinery industry took part in the award ceremony at the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, Germany.

The prizewinner in the dissertation category, Dr.- Ing. Benjamin Weise, comes from the Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University (ITA). He has dealt with a complex production process for the manufacture of modified multifilament yarns, which offers new perspectives for the development and manufacture of textile charge carriers.

M.Sc. Susanne Fischer, winner of the Master's thesis category, has systematically and comprehensively solved the challenging task of integrating motion sensors into a finger glove at Reutlingen University.
The 2018 creativity award winners are team Mr. Jan Merlin Abram and Mr. Alon Tal from ITA Aachen as well as Mr. Eric Otto from the Institute for Textile Machinery and High-Performance Textile Materials Technology (ITM) in Dresden. The students Abram and Tal have developed a guideline for the design of hybrid morphing textiles. In addition to the classic functions in conventional and, in particular, composite applications, locally defined, functionally effective joint, torsion, expansion and compression mechanisms can be integrated into the textile.

The prizewinner Otto is awarded for a concept study for the development of a circular knitting machine with a variable diameter needle cylinder, which can lead to further flexibility in the circular knitting process.

More information:
VDMA Walter-Reiners-Stiftung
