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Foto: Messe Frankfurt / Jean-Luc Valentin

Techtextil und Texprocess mit starkem Wissensprogramm

Wie hilft KI in der Textilindustrie? Was tut sich im Bereich Recycling und Kreislaufwirtschaft? Von Nachhaltigkeit bis Digitalisierung sind es die großen und dringenden Themen, die die Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess mit ihrem Rahmenprogramm angehen: Die Techtextil- und Texprocess Foren stehen auch 2024 wieder für Content, Speaker*innen und Networking und so zu Plattformen für Wissenstransfer, fachlichen Austausch und Business-Anbahnung.

Wie hilft KI in der Textilindustrie? Was tut sich im Bereich Recycling und Kreislaufwirtschaft? Von Nachhaltigkeit bis Digitalisierung sind es die großen und dringenden Themen, die die Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess mit ihrem Rahmenprogramm angehen: Die Techtextil- und Texprocess Foren stehen auch 2024 wieder für Content, Speaker*innen und Networking und so zu Plattformen für Wissenstransfer, fachlichen Austausch und Business-Anbahnung.

Techtextil Forum: Von AI bis Zirkularität
Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit, Lieferketten, alternative Materialien, Prozessoptimierung und Kreislaufwirtschaft: Was sind die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse, Technologien und Innovationen? Welche Trends und Lösungsansätze treiben die globale Textilbranche? Dazu bietet das Techtextil Forum an vier Tagen rund 50 Vorträge und Diskussionsrunden. Das Programm reicht dabei von A wie AI bis Z wie Zirkularität: Ricardo Vega Ayora (ITA Academy, Aachen) zeigt auf, wie künstliche Intelligenz gezielt für die Energie-Optimierung eingesetzt werden kann. Über ihren besonderen Durchbruch bei organischen Farbstoffen berichten Sophia Merve Ince und Dr. Recep Karadağ von Anatolian Colours. Textile Lösungen für die Zukunft liefern Moderator Dr. Jan Laperre (Centexbel) und Lea Zimmermann (DITF). Sie diskutieren, welche lebenswichtige Rolle Textilien im Kontext des Klimawandels übernehmen können und beleuchten ein aktuelles Forschungsprojekt zu energiefrei selbstkühlenden Textilien. Ein starker Schwerpunkt des Techtextil Forums liegt auf dem Feld Recycling. Dazu teilen unter anderem Johannes Leis (Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut) und Robin Oddon (Techtera) ihre Erkenntnisse in der Entwicklung von Kreislaufprozessen für die Bewirtschaftung von Verbundstoffabfällen und Abfällen. Lorenza Gardella (XLANCE) zeigt auf, welche Recyclingmöglichkeiten elastische Fasern auf Polyolefinbasis für neue Textilien eröffnen.

Texprocess Forum und Denim Talks: Zukunftsfähige nachhaltige Lösungen und Technologien stehen im Fokus. Content-Partner ist unter anderem der Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather), der von hier aus auch seine geführten Messerundgänge zu den Themen Digitalisierung und AI startet. Auf der Bühne diskutieren unter anderem im Econogy-Talk, co-hosted by VDMA, Federica Giachetti (Morgan Tecnica), Michael McDonald (SPESA) und Günter Veit (VEIT Group) darüber, wie Nachhaltigkeit mithilfe von technologischen Neuerungen implementiert werden kann.

Bei den Denim Talks laden Branchenexpert*innen dazu ein, die Zukunft der Denim-Industrie neu zu erleben. Besucher*innen erhalten Einblicke in zirkuläre Strategien und neue Verarbeitungstechnologien, treffen innovative Anbieter*innen und Akteure. Das Themenspektrum umfasst nachhaltige Ansätze für die Bereiche Washing, Destroying, Bleaching, Lasering, Dyeing, Re- und Upcycling oder Customizing. Mit dabei ist unter anderem Abdul Jabbar Athar (US Apparel & Textiles) mit seinem Vortrag „Denim Sustainability - A Nexus Approach“ sowie Enrico Cartabbia (MACPI Americas), der über die neuesten Innovationen für die Denim-Veredelung referiert.


Messe Frankfurt

Messestand Foto: Messe Frankfurt / Jean-Luc Valentin

Neues Techtextil Areal Nature Performance

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

Ob biobasierte, recycelte oder abbaubare Materialien, Kreislaufwirtschaft oder regeneratives Design: Die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lösungen in der Textilindustrie schreitet zügig voran. Nachhaltige Produkte und Verfahren stehen heute in der Performance ihren herkömmlichen Konkurrenten in nichts nach und rechnen sich zunehmend auch ökonomisch. Mehr als 15 Prozent der Aussteller auf der Techtextil haben bereits natürliche Fasern und Materialien in ihrem Sortiment.
Auf dem Areal „Nature Performance“ in der Halle 9.1, Produktsegment Fibres & Yarns, präsentieren die teilnehmenden Aussteller alternative, recyclingfähige und nachhaltige Materialien, die über zukunftsfähige funktionale Eigenschaften verfügen. Das Spektrum reicht von Naturfasern und -Materialien bis zu biobasierten Fasern und Materialien. Im Zentrum der Ausstellerpräsentationen steht deren Performance für die verschiedensten Anwendungsbereiche von der Architektur, Bau, Mobilität und Medizin bis zur Bekleidungsindustrie.

Das Areal Nature Performance ist Teil des Econogy Angebots, das die Messe Frankfurt für ihre weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen eingeführt hat. Das neue Label fasst die zahlreichen Netzwerk- und Informationsformate zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit zusammen und schafft Transparenz durch einheitliche Bewertungskriterien. Der Begriff Econogy steht für die untrennbare Verbindung zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie und gibt damit die Ausrichtung des zukunftsweisenden Leitthemas an.


Messe Frankfurt

Junge Fachkräfte (c) Messe Frankfurt / Pietro Sutera

Techtextil und Texprocess für junge Fachkräfte und Studierende

Eine Chance für Young Professionals und angehende Fachkräfte, sich mit innovativen Unternehmen entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu vernetzen, bieten die Techtextil und Texprocess. Die international führenden Innovationsmessen, die vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main parallel zueinander stattfinden, halten für Studierende und Berufsanfänger*innen zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten und Wissensformate bereit.

Die Techtextil gibt einen gebündelten Überblick über die globale Innovationskraft technischer Textilien und Vliesstoffe und macht deren vielfältige Anwendungsbereiche sichtbar - von Automobil bis Bau, Fashion und Medizin. Gleichzeitig agiert die Texprocess als internationale Plattform neuester Maschinen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung und textilen Materialien und präsentiert Lösungen von Nähtechnik bis hin zu Cutting-Technologien.

Eine Chance für Young Professionals und angehende Fachkräfte, sich mit innovativen Unternehmen entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu vernetzen, bieten die Techtextil und Texprocess. Die international führenden Innovationsmessen, die vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main parallel zueinander stattfinden, halten für Studierende und Berufsanfänger*innen zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten und Wissensformate bereit.

Die Techtextil gibt einen gebündelten Überblick über die globale Innovationskraft technischer Textilien und Vliesstoffe und macht deren vielfältige Anwendungsbereiche sichtbar - von Automobil bis Bau, Fashion und Medizin. Gleichzeitig agiert die Texprocess als internationale Plattform neuester Maschinen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung und textilen Materialien und präsentiert Lösungen von Nähtechnik bis hin zu Cutting-Technologien.

Für Young Professionals bedeutet dies zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten. Techtextil und Texprocess halten eine Vielzahl an Wissens- und Networking-Formaten bereit – darunter zahlreiche Präsentationen von Universitäten, Forschungsinstituten und Start-ups, die gezielt Berufseinsteiger*innen und interessierte Fachkräfte ansprechen. Darüber hinaus stehen am Messefreitag die Vortragsformate Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum im Zeichen der nächsten Generation.

„Nachwuchsförderung nimmt einen starken Fokus auf der Techtextil und Texprocess ein. Wir arbeiten sehr eng mit Hochschulen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Newcomern der Branche zusammen. Die aktuelle Dringlichkeit der Textilbranche, neue Fachkräfte zu gewinnen, verleiht unserem Ansatz noch mal mehr Relevanz“, sagt Sabine Scharrer, Director Brand Management Technical Textiles & Textile Processing. „Als Teil des Konzeptes werden ausgewählte Hochschulen zu den Veranstaltungen eingeladen. Schon jetzt haben viele renommierte Institute zugesagt, die Messen mit Studierenden entsprechender Fachrichtungen zu besuchen und die Innovationskraft der Branche gebündelt live zu erleben“, berichtet Sabine Scharrer.

Campus & Research: neueste Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft
Auf den Arealen Campus & Research in den Hallen 12.1 sowie 8.0 präsentieren internationale Hochschulen, Institute und Forschungseinrichtungen sowohl ihre Forschungskompetenz als auch ihr vielfältiges Angebot an Studien- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Die Schwerpunkte liegen auf Textil und Technologien zur Herstellung und zur Be- und Verarbeitung von Textilien.
Techtextil und Texprocess finden vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 auf dem Frankfurter Messegelände statt.


Messe Frankfurt

Texprocess Forum (c) Sutera, Messe Frankfurt
Texprocess Forum

Techtextil und Texprocess 2024: starke Nachfrage, hohe Internationalität und Innovationsgrad

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 sind Techtextil und Texprocess der Hotspot für Innovationen, textile Lösungen und Vernetzung. Mehr als 1.600 Aussteller aus rund 50 Ländern zeigen den außergewöhnlichen Innovationsgrad der Branchen.

Die Zahl von aktuell über 1.600 angemeldeten Ausstellern aus rund 50 Ländern bestätigt die Relevanz der beiden Messen für die Unternehmen. Die kommenden Ausgaben präsentieren neben bekannten Formaten wie dem Techtextil Innovation Award und Texprocess Innovation Award oder dem Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum eine Reihe an neuen Sonderarealen. Besucher*innen dürfen sich auf der Techtextil u.a. auf das Areal Nature Performance oder die Sonderschau Future Materials sowie den Denim Hub oder ein Emerging Markets Areal auf der Texprocess freuen.

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 sind Techtextil und Texprocess der Hotspot für Innovationen, textile Lösungen und Vernetzung. Mehr als 1.600 Aussteller aus rund 50 Ländern zeigen den außergewöhnlichen Innovationsgrad der Branchen.

Die Zahl von aktuell über 1.600 angemeldeten Ausstellern aus rund 50 Ländern bestätigt die Relevanz der beiden Messen für die Unternehmen. Die kommenden Ausgaben präsentieren neben bekannten Formaten wie dem Techtextil Innovation Award und Texprocess Innovation Award oder dem Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum eine Reihe an neuen Sonderarealen. Besucher*innen dürfen sich auf der Techtextil u.a. auf das Areal Nature Performance oder die Sonderschau Future Materials sowie den Denim Hub oder ein Emerging Markets Areal auf der Texprocess freuen.

Auf der Techtextil erleben Besucher*innen in zwölf Anwendungsbereichen eine außerordentliche Bandbreite an Produkten. Diese finden Einsatz in einer Vielzahl von Industrien – von Automobil über Fashion, Medizin bis hin zu Bau. Die neuesten Entwicklungen bei Fasern und Garnen, Vliesstoffen, Composites, beschichteten Textilien, Technologien und vieles mehr stellen die Unternehmen, oft zum ersten Mal öffentlich, auf der Techtextil vor. Angemeldet sind unter anderem Carrington Textiles (Großbritannien), Concordia Textiles (Belgien), Datacolor (Belgien), Everest Textile (Taiwan), Franz Miederhoff (Deutschland), Groz-Beckert (Deutschland), Kuraray (Japan), Kusumgar Corporates (Indien), Outlast Technologies (Deutschland), Sandler (Deutschland), Tanatex Chemicals (Niederlande) und Textilcolor (Schweiz).

Die Texprocess ist die internationale Plattform für Aussteller von Maschinen, Anlagen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung sowie textiler und flexibler Materialien. Die Bandbreite an ausgestellten Produkten reicht von Nähtechnik und -materialien, Stickereitechnik, Fixieren, CAD/CAM und Cutting bis hin zu Recyclingtechnologien und vielem mehr. Für die Texprocess 2024 haben unter anderem Amann & Söhne (Deutschland), Assyst/Style3D (Deutschland), ASTAS (Türkei), Barudan Co., Ltd. (Frankreich), Brother Internationale Industriemaschinen (Deutschland), bullmer (Deutschland), Dürkopp Adler (Deutschland), IMA (Italien), Kai Corporation (Japan), Morgan Tecnica (Italien), natific (Schweiz), Orox Group (Italien) oder Tajima Industries (Japan) ihre Teilnahme angekündigt.

Techtextil Innovation Awards und Texprocess Innovation Awards
Die Innovation Awards sind Highlights beider Veranstaltungen. Zwei Fachjurys prämieren die neuesten herausragendsten Brancheninnovationen. Hier spiegelt sich die Zukunft der Branchen in neuen Ideen und Entwicklungen, die Lösungen für die unterschiedlichsten Bereiche von Digitalisierung und KI, über Nachhaltigkeit, bis hin zu neuen Materialien und Prozessen anbieten. Einreichungsschluss der Bewerbungen ist der 15. Dezember 2023.

(c) Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

5. Edition der TOS+H Expo 2024 in Istanbul

Vom 2.- 4. Mai 2024 öffnet die TOS+H Expo wieder ihre Tore. An allen drei Tagen können interessierte Besucher und Experten zeitgleich zur Messe auch an Symposien, Vorträgen und Workshops rund um das Thema Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit teilnehmen. 

Die TOS+H Expo ist die größte Messe zum Thema Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit in der Türkei und die einzige Veranstaltung, die alle Bereiche des Arbeitsschutzes abdeckt: Von der Medizin über die Industrie bis hin zur IT und dem Umweltschutz sind alle Branchen unter einem Dach vertreten. 

Als Fachmesse für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit bringt die TOS+H Expo Hersteller, Händler, Wissenschaftler, Arbeitsmediziner, Ministerien und Institutionen zusammen. Die Industriekammer Istanbul wird die TOS+H Expo und das parallel stattfindende Occupational Health and Safety Symposium, wieder mit aktuellen und zukunftsweisenden Themen ergänzen. Daraus ergeben sich wichtige Impulse für die Präventionskultur in Unternehmen in der Türkei und ihren Nachbarstaaten.  

Vom 2.- 4. Mai 2024 öffnet die TOS+H Expo wieder ihre Tore. An allen drei Tagen können interessierte Besucher und Experten zeitgleich zur Messe auch an Symposien, Vorträgen und Workshops rund um das Thema Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit teilnehmen. 

Die TOS+H Expo ist die größte Messe zum Thema Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit in der Türkei und die einzige Veranstaltung, die alle Bereiche des Arbeitsschutzes abdeckt: Von der Medizin über die Industrie bis hin zur IT und dem Umweltschutz sind alle Branchen unter einem Dach vertreten. 

Als Fachmesse für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit bringt die TOS+H Expo Hersteller, Händler, Wissenschaftler, Arbeitsmediziner, Ministerien und Institutionen zusammen. Die Industriekammer Istanbul wird die TOS+H Expo und das parallel stattfindende Occupational Health and Safety Symposium, wieder mit aktuellen und zukunftsweisenden Themen ergänzen. Daraus ergeben sich wichtige Impulse für die Präventionskultur in Unternehmen in der Türkei und ihren Nachbarstaaten.  

Veranstaltet wird die TOS+H Expo von der Messe Düsseldorf und dem lokalen Veranstalter Tezulas Fuar. Die Messe Düsseldorf organisiert auch die A+A, eine Messe für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin in Deutschland. Die A+A 2023 fand vom 24.-27. Oktober in Düsseldorf statt und verzeichnete mit 2.200 Ausstellern und einer Ausstellungsfläche von 80.300 Quadratmetern neue Rekordzahlen. 

Die TOS+H Expo, Kongress und Workshops finden wieder im ICC (Istanbul Congress Center) statt. Das Gelände liegt mitten in der Stadt und ist gut mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zu erreichen. Auf der TOS+H Expo 2022 zeigten 111 Unternehmen aus neun Ländern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Die Fachmesse lockte knapp 4.500 Besucher aus 58 Ländern an.


Cinte Techtextil China 2024 taking place in September 2024

Cinte Techtextil China 2024, one of Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens trade fair, will take place from 19 – 21 September 2024 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. In its capacity as a well-established platform for the latest textiles, nonwovens, and equipment, the 18th edition of the fair will offer business opportunities across the industry supply chain. With the previous edition attracting 467 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions across 40,000 sqm, the organisers are looking to build on that success at next year’s show.

With next year’s fair expected to again see strong domestic and international participation, the previous edition featured the return of the Taiwan Pavilion, the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone, and seven Chinese regional pavilions. At every edition, multiple fringe events enhance business connections and provide insights to fairgoers. In 2023, key highlights included the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various marine textile and rope netting events, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” University Students’ Showcase.

Cinte Techtextil China 2024, one of Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens trade fair, will take place from 19 – 21 September 2024 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. In its capacity as a well-established platform for the latest textiles, nonwovens, and equipment, the 18th edition of the fair will offer business opportunities across the industry supply chain. With the previous edition attracting 467 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions across 40,000 sqm, the organisers are looking to build on that success at next year’s show.

With next year’s fair expected to again see strong domestic and international participation, the previous edition featured the return of the Taiwan Pavilion, the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone, and seven Chinese regional pavilions. At every edition, multiple fringe events enhance business connections and provide insights to fairgoers. In 2023, key highlights included the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various marine textile and rope netting events, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” University Students’ Showcase.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

The fair is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA).


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited

A+A 2023 Photo: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

A+A 2023: Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Erfolgsfaktor: Hohe Themenrelevanz, Vollständigkeit des Angebots und Innovationsgehalt
Besonders hervorzuheben sind die Innovationen im Bereich der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, die auf der Messe erstmalig vorgestellt wurden. Smart Wearables und PSA, Bestell-Apps für Gefahrenstoffmanagement, KI-basierte Gesundheitscoaches sowie Virtual Reality Anwendungen und Exoskelette sind Beispiele für Technologien, die die Arbeitswelt in eine digitale und nachhaltige Richtung führen. Diese Entwicklungen unterstützen nicht nur die Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, sondern tragen auch zur Effizienzsteigerung und zur Schaffung gesünderer Arbeitsumgebungen bei.

Hochkarätige, internationale Kongresse auf der A+A 2023
Der 38. Internationale Kongress für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin der Basi mit rund 3.000 Kongressbesucherinnen und -besuchern griff Zukunftsthemen wie Künstliche Intelligenz und die Folgen des Klimawandels auf. Als international führende Fachveranstaltung präsentierte er nationale und globale politische Vorstöße und Präventionsstrategien wie die "Vision Zero" sowie arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse anwendungsorientierter Forschung. Dr. Christian Felten, Geschäftsführer der Basi, zeigt sich zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis des 38. A+A Kongresses: „Wir freuen uns darüber, dass die qualitativ hochwertigen Beiträge unserer mehr als 320 Referierenden in den 46 Sessions so viele interessierte Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer fanden.“

Auf der WearRAcon Europe Konferenz, der europäischen Ausgabe der WearRAcon Konferenz in den USA, die erstmalig auf der A+A 2023 stattfand, präsentierten und diskutierten Experten aus Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Unternehmen über Innovationen und Trends im Bereich der Exoskelett-Technologie.

Vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm
Foren und Events wie die Corporate Fashion Show, die viermal täglich in Halle 15 stattfand, ergänzten das Messeprogramm. Auf dem A+A Catwalk präsentierten sich namhafte Hersteller der PSA Branche mit den aktuellsten, modischen Trends, die für eine jüngere Generation von Mitarbeitenden kreiert worden sind und die neben Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit auch dem Wunsch nach einem persönlichen und ästhetischen Stil Rechnung tragen.

Die Start-up Zone bot jungen und innovativen Unternehmen nicht nur eine Ausstellungsfläche, sondern auch eine außergewöhnliche Networking-Plattform, um mit den Top-Entscheidern für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit in Kontakt zu treten.

Die nächste A+A findet vom 04. bis 07. November 2025 statt.


Messe Düsseldorf

One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023 (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Speaking at the fair’s close, Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, had an optimistic outlook for the future of the sector: “Sustainability and innovation often go hand-in-hand, and walking through the various halls, zones, and pavilions these past few days the evidence for this was widespread. With environmental protection more important than ever, and buyers across application areas increasingly sourcing eco-friendly solutions, our exhibitors were well-placed to meet that demand. This fair is consistently at the leading edge of technological progress, and with the global and domestic markets showing signs of improving further, we are already looking forward to what we can offer at next year’s edition.”  

With many overseas exhibitors making a comeback, this year’s fair was marked by the return of the Taiwan Pavilion and the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone. Beyond the international areas, domestic pavilions were organised by Beijing Guanghua, China Hang Tang Group, Funing, Jiujing, Shenda, Tiantai, Xianto, and Xiqiao, showcasing nonwovens for various sub-sectors, including filtration and medical. Valuable insights were exchanged at multiple fringe events, including the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various events covering marine textiles and rope netting, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” National University Students' Nonwovens Development and Applications Showcase. Visitors, meanwhile, were pleased with the innovation on show across the entire platform.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

Techtextil Innovation Award Bild Messe Frankfurt / Jean-Luc Valentin

Einreichung für Techtextil und Texprocess Innovation Awards 2024 gestartet

Einreichungsschluss aller Bewerbungen für die Techtextil und Texprocess Innovation Awards 2024 ist der 15. Dezember 2023. Anmeldeberechtigt sind alle Unternehmen, Institute, Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und Einzelpersonen – unabhängig davon, ob sie auf der Techtextil oder Texprocess in 2024 ausstellen oder nicht.

Einzureichende Entwicklungen dürfen weniger als zwei Jahre am Markt sein oder kurz vor ihrer Markteinführung stehen. Zwei internationale Expert*innen-Fachjurys befassen sich ab Mitte Dezember 2023 mit allen eingereichten Produkten und bewerten nach Kriterien wie Neuheit, wirtschaftlicher Relevanz, Potenzial und Kreativität. Erstmalig vorgestellt werden alle Gewinnerunternehmen während des ersten Messetags am 23. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

Techtextil Innovation Award 2024

Einreichungsschluss aller Bewerbungen für die Techtextil und Texprocess Innovation Awards 2024 ist der 15. Dezember 2023. Anmeldeberechtigt sind alle Unternehmen, Institute, Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und Einzelpersonen – unabhängig davon, ob sie auf der Techtextil oder Texprocess in 2024 ausstellen oder nicht.

Einzureichende Entwicklungen dürfen weniger als zwei Jahre am Markt sein oder kurz vor ihrer Markteinführung stehen. Zwei internationale Expert*innen-Fachjurys befassen sich ab Mitte Dezember 2023 mit allen eingereichten Produkten und bewerten nach Kriterien wie Neuheit, wirtschaftlicher Relevanz, Potenzial und Kreativität. Erstmalig vorgestellt werden alle Gewinnerunternehmen während des ersten Messetags am 23. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

Techtextil Innovation Award 2024

  • New Concept
  • New Technology
  • New Material
  • New Application
  • New Product
  • New Approaches on Sustainability & Circular Economy
  • New Technologies on Sustainability & Recycling
  • New Technology & Digitalization

Texprocess Innovation Award 2024

  • Ökonomische Qualität
    (Kostenminimierung, Zeit-, Prozessoptimierung, Automatisierung)
  • Ökologische Qualität
    (Klimaschutz, Energieeffizienz, Nachhaltigkeit, Recycling, Circularity)
  • Digitalisierung und KI
  • Innovation zur Qualitätssteigerung


Cinte Techtextil China 2023 with different zones (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 with different zones

Technological progress often results from close collaboration, and industries that rely on continual improvement stand to benefit from the return to in-person business. Cinte Techtextil China’s first edition since eased pandemic measures is set to reflect a 27.9% increase in exhibitor numbers, with a rejuvenated international contingent further supplemented by the return of the European Zone. Taking place from 19 – 21 September across 40,000 sqm at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the platform is expected to welcome buyers from across Asia, Europe, and beyond. Pre-registrations have doubled compared to the previous edition, and international buyers account for over 20% of the total.

The new zone, Marine Textile Zone, will be comprised of multiple Chinese green marine and nautical rope netting exhibitors, while also hosting the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry. Prominent exhibitors in this zone include Ropenet Group, Hunan Xinhai, and Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope.

Technological progress often results from close collaboration, and industries that rely on continual improvement stand to benefit from the return to in-person business. Cinte Techtextil China’s first edition since eased pandemic measures is set to reflect a 27.9% increase in exhibitor numbers, with a rejuvenated international contingent further supplemented by the return of the European Zone. Taking place from 19 – 21 September across 40,000 sqm at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the platform is expected to welcome buyers from across Asia, Europe, and beyond. Pre-registrations have doubled compared to the previous edition, and international buyers account for over 20% of the total.

The new zone, Marine Textile Zone, will be comprised of multiple Chinese green marine and nautical rope netting exhibitors, while also hosting the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry. Prominent exhibitors in this zone include Ropenet Group, Hunan Xinhai, and Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope.

Other domestic exhibitors, such as Shanghai Shenda Kebao New Materials, SIJIA New Material (Shanghai), Zhejiang Hailide New Material, and Zhejiang Jinda New Materials, will showcase products for applications in outdoor advertising, tents, boats, vehicles, environmental engineering, and much more.

Supplementing the fairground’s wide variety of domestic suppliers will be a much-increased showing of international exhibitors, with many to be found within hall E1’s European Zone. Several global industry leaders are featured in their categories below:

Nonwovens equipment

  • Autefa Solutions, Germany: solutions provider for nonwovens lines and machines for carded-crosslapped needlepunching lines, spunlace lines and thermobonding lines.
  • Dilo, Germany: in addition to offering general services, Dilo supplies opening and blending equipment, carding and airlay machines, and crosslapping and needling machines.
  • Groz-Beckert, Germany: provider of industrial machine needles, precision parts and fine tools, as well as systems and services for the production and joining of textile fabrics.
  • Reifenhäuser Reicofil, Germany: provider of innovative technologies and components for plastics extrusion, producing blown films, cast films, sheets as well as nonwovens.

Weaving equipment

  • Itema, Italy: provider of advanced weaving machines, spare parts, and integrated services, specifically for rapier, air jet and projectile weft insertion technologies.
  • Lindauer DORNIER, Germany: the company manufactures weaving machines, film stretching lines, and composite systems, also offering technical support and spare parts supply.
  • Picanol, Belgium: producer and servicer of high-tech air jet and rapier weaving machines, with around 2,600 weaving mills utilising their systems worldwide.

Coating and lamination

  • BRÜCKNER Textile Technologies, Germany: manufacturer of machines and lines for the coating and finishing of apparel fabric, technical textiles, nonwovens, glass fabrics and floor coverings.
  • ROWA Lack, Germany: developer of high-quality materials and product solutions for the polymer industry, with applications including automotive, electrical engineering, construction, technical textiles, and medical technology.
  • Stahl, the Netherlands: the Dutch company provides high quality coatings, dyes and process chemicals for leather, flexible coated substrates, textiles, films and foils, paper, and related products.


  • Monosuisse, Switzerland: with production sites in Switzerland, Poland, Romania, Mexico, and Germany, Monosuisse manufactures various precise, high-quality polymer monofilaments from 19µm to 3.00 mm in diameter.
  • Perlon, Germany: specialised in the manufacture of synthetic filaments in diverse application areas, including paper machine clothing, dental care, and advanced technical textiles for agriculture, 3D printing, sports and leisure, home, and more.

Meanwhile, first-time exhibitors include Rökona (Germany), showcasing RE:SPACE, their range of recycled technical textiles; Testex AG (Switzerland), the official OEKO-TEX® representative in multiple countries including China; Hohenstein (Germany), the renowned testing laboratory and research institute; and zwissTEX (Germany), the knitted fabrics and lamination specialists. In addition, the returning Taiwan Pavilion is set to feature the debut of Shinih Enterprise Co Ltd (Taiwan China).

Beyond the innovation displayed at the booths, the fair’s programme is set to welcome global experts from various technical textile and nonwoven sub-sectors to offer specific insights and unveil innovations. Highlighted events include:

The 11th China International Nonwovens Conference
14 sessions cover topics such as the quality control of medical supplies; green development in technology and applications in the nonwovens industry; and the development and application of flashspun nonwovens in China.

Marine textiles and rope netting events
Events specific to this zone include the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry; Conference on Textile Applications for Marine Engineering and Fisheries; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA) Rope Net Branch Council Meeting

"Nonwovens, Creating a Better Life” Innovation Showcase
Product display area showcasing around 100 nonwovens products with applications in five areas: medical and health, quality of life, human habitat, sustainable development, and innovative design.

Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum
Includes presentations from multiple key players in the technical textile industry, including Mr Steven Liu, Commercial Manager of Polymer Additives Business of Sanitized (China) Ltd.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

ropes Photo Cinte Techtextil

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 to launch new Marine Textile Zone

At the crosswinds of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Marine Economy and its 14th Five-Year Guidance for the Development of the Technical Textiles Industry lies the marine textile sub-sector. Following the government’s directive, the Marine Textile Zone will be unfurled at this year’s fair, taking place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Multiple exhibitors from across China have confirmed their participation within the zone, which will be comprised of three main parts: green marine science and nautical rope netting innovation display area, the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry.
The global rope market is predicted to experience a CAGR of 5.6% and grow by over USD 4 billion between 2022 - 2027[1], and suppliers are eager for the chance to meet buyers face to face. In fact, many will use the new zone at Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens fair to do so.

At the crosswinds of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Marine Economy and its 14th Five-Year Guidance for the Development of the Technical Textiles Industry lies the marine textile sub-sector. Following the government’s directive, the Marine Textile Zone will be unfurled at this year’s fair, taking place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Multiple exhibitors from across China have confirmed their participation within the zone, which will be comprised of three main parts: green marine science and nautical rope netting innovation display area, the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry.
The global rope market is predicted to experience a CAGR of 5.6% and grow by over USD 4 billion between 2022 - 2027[1], and suppliers are eager for the chance to meet buyers face to face. In fact, many will use the new zone at Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens fair to do so.

In the green marine and rope netting category, exhibitors will showcase the latest innovations along the marine textile industry chain, anchored by application areas such as marine engineering, marine economy, marine fencing, marine rescue, deep-sea fishing, deep-sea aquaculture, and many more.

Featured exhibitors include:

  • Ropenet Group: covering 36 application areas, such as aerospace, marine fisheries, safety protection, and emergency rescue, the Shandong-based company has exported to over 110 countries and regions. Products include ropes, nets, threads, and belts, with new materials and high-performance synthetic fibre spinning ropes forming the core of its business.
  • Hunan Xinhai: with its Hunan factory covering 200,000 sqm, its industry-leading rope net production scale ensures it can service multiple sectors such as fisheries, sports, military industry, marine engineering, life-saving protection, and many more. Its extensive network spans Asia, Africa, Europe, and beyond.
  • Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope: located in Zhejiang Toumen Port Economic Development Zone, the special chemical fibre rope manufacturer integrates R&D, manufacturing, sales, and after-sales service. After nearly 60 years of operation, the company now has a yearly production capacity of over 15,000 tons.

Other notable exhibitors in this zone include Xuzhou Henghui Braiding Machine; Shandong Jinguan Netting; Jiuli Rope; and Zhejiang Hailun Rope Net.

Meanwhile, the Technology Exchange Forum will focus on policies and regulations, strategic development opportunities, market analysis, product and process innovation, and the promotion and application of marine textiles. A range of well-known international and domestic experts have been invited to deliver comprehensive industry analysis, and unveil oceanic green textile initiatives onsite.

Designed to expand the influence of the rope net industry, the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry awards will highlight enterprises currently making key contributions. Other fringe events related to this textile sub-sector include the Conference on Textile Applications for Marine Engineering and Fisheries, and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA) Rope Net Branch Council Meeting.

Lastly, the Marine Textile Zone will also encompass a business negotiation area to facilitate negotiations between key players onsite, set against the backdrop of the innovation display area’s award-winning and patented rope net products. As a whole, the zone is expected to encourage independent innovation in marine science and technology, coordinate the protection and development of marine resources, and help build a modern maritime industrial system.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

The fair is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA).


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Over 366 Exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023

With four months until the technical textiles and nonwovens show opens its doors, floor space booked by international suppliers is already more than double the area of the previous edition, which attracted 366 exhibitors from eight countries and regions. Taking place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, this year’s fair will see the European Zone return to the fairground. The high-traffic zone is set to welcome a number of new and returning exhibitors eager to showcase their products to a business-hungry domestic market.

Speaking at the fair’s previous edition in 2021, Mr Roberto Galante, Plant Manager of FMMG Technical Textiles (Suzhou) Co Ltd, said: “The Chinese market is a big opportunity for everybody, because every day the market is demanding more. The potential here is incredible, and there is more demand for overseas brands. These brands are known for their very high quality, and while China’s industry has developed very well in the past few years, it still needs support from overseas brands with high quality products. This fair is good for us, and we exhibit here every year.”

With four months until the technical textiles and nonwovens show opens its doors, floor space booked by international suppliers is already more than double the area of the previous edition, which attracted 366 exhibitors from eight countries and regions. Taking place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, this year’s fair will see the European Zone return to the fairground. The high-traffic zone is set to welcome a number of new and returning exhibitors eager to showcase their products to a business-hungry domestic market.

Speaking at the fair’s previous edition in 2021, Mr Roberto Galante, Plant Manager of FMMG Technical Textiles (Suzhou) Co Ltd, said: “The Chinese market is a big opportunity for everybody, because every day the market is demanding more. The potential here is incredible, and there is more demand for overseas brands. These brands are known for their very high quality, and while China’s industry has developed very well in the past few years, it still needs support from overseas brands with high quality products. This fair is good for us, and we exhibit here every year.”

Multiple domestic and international exhibitors have confirmed their participation at Cinte Techtextil China 2023, with the European Zone playing host to FMMG and other key industry players, such as:

  • Bekaert, Belgium
  • Fil Man Made Group, Italy
  • SANITIZED, Switzerland
  • SCANTECH, France

Outside the European Zone, additional international suppliers will showcase their diverse product applications at the fairground, with categories including Coating & Bondtec (Stahl); Fibre & Yarn (Barnet); Nonwovens Equipment (Dilo); Technology & Machinery (Picanol); and Testing Equipment & Certification (TESTEX). Other European exhibitors in these categories include Autefa Solutions, Reifenhauser Heinsberg, Reifenhauser Reicofil, and SICAM.

Chinese suppliers set to complement international contingent
A comprehensive range of domestic exhibitors are eager to meet new buyers and renew old business connections at this year’s fair, including:

  • Shanghai Shenda Kebao New Materials
  • SIJIA New Material (Shanghai)
  • Zhejiang Jinda New Materials
  • Zhejiang Hailide New Material

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Comeback of CIOSH trade fair in Shanghai

As a trade fair for safety and occupational health in China, the 104th China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH 2023), organized by China Textile Commerce Association (CTCA) and Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MDS), will be grandly held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) Hall E1-E7 from 13-15 April 2023. Following three years of epidemic prevention and control measures, the situation has stabilized in China, allowing the labor protection market to enter a phase of rapid recovery and rebound. CIOSH 2023 will attract over 1,500 exhibitors from 14 countries, showcasing their latest protective equipment and technology in an exhibition area exceeding 80,000 square meters.

As a trade fair for safety and occupational health in China, the 104th China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH 2023), organized by China Textile Commerce Association (CTCA) and Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MDS), will be grandly held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) Hall E1-E7 from 13-15 April 2023. Following three years of epidemic prevention and control measures, the situation has stabilized in China, allowing the labor protection market to enter a phase of rapid recovery and rebound. CIOSH 2023 will attract over 1,500 exhibitors from 14 countries, showcasing their latest protective equipment and technology in an exhibition area exceeding 80,000 square meters.

Integrating Online and Offline Platforms
CIOSH 2023 encompasses four major sectors: Safety at Work, Security at Work, Health at Work, and Emergency Rescue Management. Renowned domestic and international exhibitors, including 3M, Honeywell, Ansell, SATA, JSP, MSA, DELTAPLUS, Lakeland, Cortina, UVEX, CM Chaomei, Xing Yu Gloves, DS, East Asia Glove, Hanvo, SOMO Zhongmai Safety, SAFETY-INXS, and TELPS, will assemble on site. At the same time, CIOSH 2023 has introduced an innovative online platform - CIOSH VIRTUAL. By offering online displays, live streaming, interactive features, and real-time communications, it breaks time and space constraints, facilitating exhibitors and visitors to continue their business exchanges and cooperations beyond the physical exhibition. So far, nearly 1,300 companies have joined the CIOSH VIRTUAL, showcasing more than 3,000 products online and attracting over 70,000 views.

CIOSH Industry Technical Seminar, Sustainable Development Emerges as the Key Focus
The annual Industry Technical Seminar, held concurrently with CIOSH, serves as a platform for professionals to discuss product solutions, share industry insights, and exchange ideas on relevant policies. In 2021, China integrated climate change mitigation measures into its 14th Five-Year Plan, established a 2030 carbon peaking action plan, and proactively pursued the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060. Under the development objectives of "carbon peaking" and "carbon neutrality," the sustainable development of the personal protective equipment (PPE) industry has become the primary theme of this year's seminar. Experts from China Carbon Low-carbon Certification (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., China Certification Centre, Inc., and SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., will examine related policies, the effects of "carbon neutrality" on the PPE industry chain and the industries using PPE from different angles. They will also explore the future direction of PPE and offer professional guidance for the transformation of relevant enterprises.

Fall Protection Zone
Falls from height are one of the most common accidents that cause serious injury or death to workers. Effective fall protection requires not only protective equipment, but also professional instructions and training. Therefore, CIOSH set up a new Fall Protection Zone in 2021, which received unanimous acclaim. CIOSH 2023 has continued to invite SKYLOTEC, rothoblaas, JECH, Mode and NTR Safety, five companies that specialize in protection at height, to conduct on-site demonstrations on fall testing, fall protection solutions and aerial rescue, and provide visitors with the most professional fall protection guidance and training.

Occupational Health
CIOSH has always implemented the strategy of expanding the business scope in a diversified way, which devotes itself to providing innovative opportunities and new driving forces for the sustainability of the occupational safety and health industry. This year, focusing on the "occupational health" sector, the exhibition will launch an Ergonomics Zone and an Exoskeleton Technology Zone for the first time.

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 set for September

With China easing its pandemic restrictions, foreign exhibitors and buyers can look forward to quarantine-free travel when participating at this year’s industry showcase in Shanghai. The technical textile and nonwovens fair is scheduled to take place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, amid positive market forecasts for both sectors. The organisers are anticipating a strong showing and the conclusion of an inconsistent period for in-person textile business.

“The industry has demonstrated incredible patience and resilience over the course of the pandemic,” said Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “With both markets growing and China opening its borders, we are excited at the prospect of providing participants with an international, business-friendly platform and expect to welcome a healthy number of exhibitors later this year.”

With China easing its pandemic restrictions, foreign exhibitors and buyers can look forward to quarantine-free travel when participating at this year’s industry showcase in Shanghai. The technical textile and nonwovens fair is scheduled to take place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, amid positive market forecasts for both sectors. The organisers are anticipating a strong showing and the conclusion of an inconsistent period for in-person textile business.

“The industry has demonstrated incredible patience and resilience over the course of the pandemic,” said Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “With both markets growing and China opening its borders, we are excited at the prospect of providing participants with an international, business-friendly platform and expect to welcome a healthy number of exhibitors later this year.”

The global technical textile and nonwovens markets are both set to perform strongly over the next few years. According to Grand View Research, the technical textile market is forecast to expand at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2022 to 2030[1]. The nonwoven fabrics market is anticipated to display an even stronger CAGR of 5.6% during the same period[2], with Asia-Pacific to maintain its position as the biggest regional market.

As one of Asia’s leading trade fairs for the abovementioned sectors, Cinte Techtextil China is the preferred platform for multiple industry players. Speaking at the previous edition in 2021, Mr Seven Shen, Sales Manager at Libero Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd, China, said: “We have been exhibiting at this fair for years, and know we will meet our target customers at every edition. The buyers here are all highly specialised.”

During his interview at the same edition, Mr Eric Ni, Senior Manager, China Supply Chain Marketing for Cotton Council International, USA, commented: “We hope to use this platform to meet more companies and brands in the nonwovens industry who are interested in US cotton, and to meet up with old friends to discuss the current situation and industry trends. The fair’s buyers are quality, and we have found some new potential clients at this edition.”

Many buyers at the previous edition also gave positive appraisals. “As a professional trade fair for technical textile and nonwoven products, Cinte Techtextil China is not only a platform to gather qualified industry players, but also the best place to showcase new products and innovations,” said Mr Lin Bin, Technical Director at Zhejiang Xinna Medical Device Technology Co Ltd, China. “Specific and high quality products enhance sourcing efficiency for buyers, and exposure to new trends and market developments ensures my company visits here regularly.”

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

[1] “Technical Textile Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report 2022-2030”, 2022, Grand View Research,, (Retrieved: January 2023)
[2] “Nonwoven Fabrics Market Size”, 7 September 2022, GlobeNewswire,, (Retrieved: January 2023)


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


A+A launcht Webinar Reihe „Expert Talks“

Im Vorlauf zur A+A starten die Organisatoren als inhaltliche Vorbereitung der Messe am 8. Februar die Webinar Reihe „A+A Expert Talks“ zu wichtigen Themen des Arbeitsschutzes und der Arbeitssicherheit. Die innovative Webinar-Reihe richtet sich gleichermaßen an Ausstellende sowie Besucherinnen und Besucher der A+A.

Gemeinsam mit ihren strategischen Partnern der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (BASI), Fraunhofer IPA, German Fashion (Modeverband Deutschland e.V.), DGUV (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfall Versicherung), BAuA (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin), BMAS (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales), IVPS (Interessenverbund Persönliche Schutzausrüstung e.V.) sowie IFA (Institut für Arbeitsschutz) bietet die Weltleitmesse für persönlichen Schutz, betriebliche Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit besondere Netzwerk- und Informationsformate.

Im Vorlauf zur A+A starten die Organisatoren als inhaltliche Vorbereitung der Messe am 8. Februar die Webinar Reihe „A+A Expert Talks“ zu wichtigen Themen des Arbeitsschutzes und der Arbeitssicherheit. Die innovative Webinar-Reihe richtet sich gleichermaßen an Ausstellende sowie Besucherinnen und Besucher der A+A.

Gemeinsam mit ihren strategischen Partnern der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (BASI), Fraunhofer IPA, German Fashion (Modeverband Deutschland e.V.), DGUV (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfall Versicherung), BAuA (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin), BMAS (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales), IVPS (Interessenverbund Persönliche Schutzausrüstung e.V.) sowie IFA (Institut für Arbeitsschutz) bietet die Weltleitmesse für persönlichen Schutz, betriebliche Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit besondere Netzwerk- und Informationsformate.

Die Webinare sind in Englisch und richten sich an Entscheiderinnen und Entscheider aus den Bereichen Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsplanung und Produktionsplanung sowie an Versicherer, Sicherheitsingenieurinnen und -Ingenieure, Betriebsmedizinerinnen und -Mediziner aus ganz Europa.

In Kooperation mit dem Fraunhofer IPA gibt die erste Websession am 8.2.2023 einen spannenden Einblick in die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Innovationen der Exoskelett-Technologie. Exoskelette und Wearables sind branchenübergreifend eines der zukunftsweisenden Themen in der Arbeitswelt und werden in Industrie, Logistik, Handwerk und Pflege bereits erfolgreich eingesetzt. Aktiv angetriebene Exoskelette werden den Menschen in Zukunft nicht ersetzen, sondern mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) effektiver unterstützen und zunehmend körperliche Einschränkungen kompensieren − und damit auch dazu beitragen, dass Arbeitskräfte länger leistungsfähig und gesund bleiben. Sie werden zunehmend in der Prävention und Therapie von Muskel- und Skelett-Erkrankungen eingesetzt.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


Ministry of Textiles again supports Techtextil India

Techtextil India is scheduled to take place between 12 – 14 September, 2023 in Mumbai. The continued support from the Ministry of Textiles demonstrates the huge emphasis laid for this key sector in boosting the economy of the country given the enormous scope to grow rapidly apart from the remarkable opportunities present to do business in India.
Techtextil India is the country’s leading trade fair on technical textiles, non-wovens, fibres, yarns and machinery. With almost eight months to go, the three-day business event has received an overwhelming response from various companies who will be seen showcasing their latest solutions and products for key application areas.

Techtextil India is scheduled to take place between 12 – 14 September, 2023 in Mumbai. The continued support from the Ministry of Textiles demonstrates the huge emphasis laid for this key sector in boosting the economy of the country given the enormous scope to grow rapidly apart from the remarkable opportunities present to do business in India.
Techtextil India is the country’s leading trade fair on technical textiles, non-wovens, fibres, yarns and machinery. With almost eight months to go, the three-day business event has received an overwhelming response from various companies who will be seen showcasing their latest solutions and products for key application areas.
Commenting on the developments, Mr Raj Manek, Executive Director and Board Member, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd, shared: “We are elated to have received the support from the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India and believe that it will bring in strong value to the technical textiles segment of our trade fair while opening doors to lucrative business engagements for the industry. We are optimistic that it will gain for us a wider reach and increase our credibility among the industry.”
The last edition of Techtextil India in November 2021 emerged as a crucial meeting place for the technical textile players. Even though the show happened to be the first post lockdown edition it garnered an attendance of 4,087 visitors due to live demonstration of latest products and technologies from over 150 technical textile brands.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited

Photo: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

WearRAcon Europe Conference to be held at A+A 2023

Under the motto “People Matter” A+A 2023, a Trade Fair for Safety, Security and Health at Work, will revolve around the most important trends of our time: sustainability and digitalisation. Here, exoskeletons also play a prominent role as tomorrow’s ergonomic tools. An important conference in this field is WearRAcon Europe which will be held at A+A from 25 – 26 October 2023 for the first time.

The Conference will be organised by the Fraunhofer Institute IPA in cooperation with the Stuttgart University and the Wearable Robotics Association (WearRA). The 38th A+A Congress, which is held by Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health - Basi) will be closely dovetailed thematically and in terms of content with it.

Under the motto “People Matter” A+A 2023, a Trade Fair for Safety, Security and Health at Work, will revolve around the most important trends of our time: sustainability and digitalisation. Here, exoskeletons also play a prominent role as tomorrow’s ergonomic tools. An important conference in this field is WearRAcon Europe which will be held at A+A from 25 – 26 October 2023 for the first time.

The Conference will be organised by the Fraunhofer Institute IPA in cooperation with the Stuttgart University and the Wearable Robotics Association (WearRA). The 38th A+A Congress, which is held by Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health - Basi) will be closely dovetailed thematically and in terms of content with it.

Being able to walk again despite a serious injury, handle heavy parts without outside help or simply do overhead work comfortably and for extended periods of time - the advantages of exoskeletons have already convinced numerous industries. Exoskeletons and wearables are now already being used successfully in industry and commerce, and major machine builders and automakers as well as the medical sector are continuing to experiment with man-machine connections. Currently, the global market volume for exoskeletons is valued by leading analysts at over US$20 billion by 2030.1

The WearRAcon Europe Conference 2023 will provide new insights into the promising world of exoskeleton systems from different perspectives and, in conjunction with the A+A Congress, set future-oriented impulses. Lectures by renowned exoskeleton pioneers combined with testimonials presented by users from a variety of industries and keynotes by experts will round off the programme. And, like at the previous A+A, a Self-Experience Space will again be set up so that the exoskeleton systems of various manufacturers can be tested in realistic work scenarios.

In parallel with the Self-Experience Space, the large live study Exoworkathlon will also take place again. Trainees from various mechatronic training courses have to complete a concourse and perform holding, lifting and assembling tasks, which have been specially developed with the industry. Data is prospectively collected with different measuring sensors to measure the effects of exoskeletons. In the Exoworkathlon, the IPA focuses especially on prevention for young employees in order to raise awareness of the issue and counteract ailments at an early stage.

1 (Interview Trans.INFO mit Armin G. Schmidt, CEO von German Bionic (01/2021).


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Cinte Techtextil China postponed to 2023

Owing to evolving pandemic circumstances in Shanghai, the organisers have announced that Cinte Techtextil China will no longer be taking place from 7 – 9 December 2022 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). A new fair date in 2023 will be announced in due course.
Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained: “While it is unfortunate that Cinte Techtextil China cannot take place as scheduled, after holding talks with stakeholders we decided that deferring the fair was necessary to comply with the government’s pandemic control measures. I would like to thank all participants for their patience and continued support, and to reiterate our resolve to provide a safe platform for the technical textile and nonwovens industry to congregate next year.”

Owing to evolving pandemic circumstances in Shanghai, the organisers have announced that Cinte Techtextil China will no longer be taking place from 7 – 9 December 2022 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). A new fair date in 2023 will be announced in due course.
Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained: “While it is unfortunate that Cinte Techtextil China cannot take place as scheduled, after holding talks with stakeholders we decided that deferring the fair was necessary to comply with the government’s pandemic control measures. I would like to thank all participants for their patience and continued support, and to reiterate our resolve to provide a safe platform for the technical textile and nonwovens industry to congregate next year.”


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Cinte Techtextil China announces exhibitors for December Edition

From 7 – 9 December 2022, Cinte Techtextil China will welcome visitors sourcing solutions for 12 application areas of technical textiles and nonwovens at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.

A number of countries and regions are represented at the fair’s International Zone, with companies from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the US. Standout international exhibitors include:

From 7 – 9 December 2022, Cinte Techtextil China will welcome visitors sourcing solutions for 12 application areas of technical textiles and nonwovens at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.

A number of countries and regions are represented at the fair’s International Zone, with companies from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the US. Standout international exhibitors include:

  • TESTEX, an international, independent Swiss institute which specialises in the testing and certification of textile and leather products. The organisation is a founding member and official representative of the OEKO-TEX® Association, and will present their certification services at the fairground.
  • Cotton Council International (CCI) is a non-profit trade association that promotes US cotton fibre and manufactured cotton products, with their COTTON USA™ Mark. At this year’s fair they will showcase cotton spunlace fabric, wipes, kitchen tissues, facial masks, cosmetic removers, and more, with their products particularly applicable to Agrotech, Clothtech, Medtech, and Sporttech.
  • Graf + Cie AG is a subsidiary of the Rieter Group, and a leading supplier of clothing for carding and combs for combing machines in the short- and long-staple spinning industry. This year, the Swiss company will showcase stationary flats, and metallic card clothing for roller cards.
  • At the returning German Pavilion, buyers can source sought-after technical textiles and nonwovens that are renowned for their quality. The companies and expertise on display at this pavilion are endorsed by the Federal Republic of Germany, with several exhibitors highlighted below:
  • Brückner Textile Technologies GmbH & Co KG has developed machinery for the textile industry since 1949. Today, the company offers complete line systems for the dry finishing of both woven and knitted fabric, as well as for technical textiles, glass fibres, and floor coverings.
  • Perlon (Zhejiang) Co Ltd is part of a global group of companies that specialises in the manufacture of synthetic filaments, with factories in China, Germany, Poland, and the US. Their products have a diverse range of potential uses, largely categorised in the Agrotech and Indutech application areas.
  • IBENA Textilwerke GmbH produces various functional fabrics for Protech. At the fair, the company will be showcasing insulative, flame retardant (FR) textiles for firefighting and search & rescue services. Developed with DuPont™ aramid material, their FR properties will not diminish after washing or repeated use.

This year’s fair also sees the return of the Taiwan Zone. With support from the Taiwan Nonwoven Fabrics Industry Association, the area will showcase a range of industry leading nonwoven products and services, by brands such as KNH Enterprise, Nan Liu Enterprise, Unique Pretty Ind, and Web-Pro Corporation.

As a world’s largest manufacturer of technical textiles, China is home to a vast array of companies responsible for innovative products. Some domestic exhibitors to look out for are:

  • CTA Hi-Textiles Co Ltd, a high-tech enterprise controlled by China Textile Science Research Institute. In recent years, the company has developed several new textile composite materials, and their products are widely used in sectors such as national defence, policing and public security, medical protection, and engineering and manufacturing.
  • Sateri is one of the world’s largest producers of viscose fibre, with an annual capacity of 1.8 million metric tonnes. At their mills, they make yarn and fibre products applicable to sectors such as beauty, hygiene and personal care, medical, wipes, and protective wear.

To help international buyers stay connected with the Chinese market, Match Plus, the fair’s online business matching platform, will support foreign buyers achieve their sourcing goals despite travel limitations. Further information on Match Plus will be available at a later stage.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions.

Photo: Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Cinte Techtextil China returns this December

Following its deferral earlier this year, organisers announced that Cinte Techtextil China 2022 will take place from 7 – 9 December at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai. The coming edition will address the latest trends, technologies and applications that are shaping the industry and market in the region.

“We are excited that Cinte Techtextil China is going ahead this year,” said Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “The technical textiles and nonwovens sectors are constantly innovating, and congregating regularly to share new materials and knowledge is essential for the industry. For this reason, this year’s fair has attracted international and domestic exhibitors from Austria, Belgium, Mainland China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the US to grow their business in the enticing Chinese market.”

Following its deferral earlier this year, organisers announced that Cinte Techtextil China 2022 will take place from 7 – 9 December at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai. The coming edition will address the latest trends, technologies and applications that are shaping the industry and market in the region.

“We are excited that Cinte Techtextil China is going ahead this year,” said Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “The technical textiles and nonwovens sectors are constantly innovating, and congregating regularly to share new materials and knowledge is essential for the industry. For this reason, this year’s fair has attracted international and domestic exhibitors from Austria, Belgium, Mainland China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the US to grow their business in the enticing Chinese market.”

The Chinese market performance has remained strong amidst the pandemic. According to the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA), China’s nonwovens output has an average two-year growth rate of 14.8% despite the decreased demand for anti-pandemic materials. In addition, China strengthened its position as one of the key drivers of the global technical textiles market due to the rapid expansion of the automotive sector in the country which stimulates high demand for technical textiles.
To help international buyers stay connected with the Chinese market, Match Plus, the fair’s online business matching platform, will support foreign buyers achieve their sourcing goals despite travel limitations.

The fair is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA).

More information:
Cinte Techtextil China

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.