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Collaboration Messe Frankfurt Dornbirn Messe Frankfurt India

Dornbirn Global fiber congress at Techtextil India Symposium 2025

As the global demand for technical textiles surges, India is emerging as a key hub for innovation and growth. Recognizing the vast potential of this evolving market, Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India announced a collaboration for ‘Techtextil India - the country’s premier platform for the technical textiles industry with Austrian Fibers Institute. This strategic alliance between the two-leading platforms in technical textiles will bring the Asia edition of the renowned Dornbirn GFC at a part of Techtextil India Symposium in 2025.

The 10th edition of Techtextil India 2025 which is scheduled from 19 – 21 November 2025, at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, will open its doors for the Dornbirn Global fiber congress Asia on 18th November 2025 to be held under Techtextil India Symposium.

The Dornbirn GFC Asia in India 2025 will spotlight on theme titled as ‘Shaping the future: Sustainable Growth in Fiber Solutions and Innovations’. The conference will be led by globally acclaimed subject matter experts, researchers, manufacturers and thought leaders.

As the global demand for technical textiles surges, India is emerging as a key hub for innovation and growth. Recognizing the vast potential of this evolving market, Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India announced a collaboration for ‘Techtextil India - the country’s premier platform for the technical textiles industry with Austrian Fibers Institute. This strategic alliance between the two-leading platforms in technical textiles will bring the Asia edition of the renowned Dornbirn GFC at a part of Techtextil India Symposium in 2025.

The 10th edition of Techtextil India 2025 which is scheduled from 19 – 21 November 2025, at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, will open its doors for the Dornbirn Global fiber congress Asia on 18th November 2025 to be held under Techtextil India Symposium.

The Dornbirn GFC Asia in India 2025 will spotlight on theme titled as ‘Shaping the future: Sustainable Growth in Fiber Solutions and Innovations’. The conference will be led by globally acclaimed subject matter experts, researchers, manufacturers and thought leaders.

The GFC Asia – India Conference will host a diverse line-up of speakers from India and around the world, showcasing cutting-edge innovations and expertise in the fiber and textile industry. The discussions will spotlight ground-breaking advances in spinning technology.

Driven by intensive research and development, the upcoming edition of the Techtextil India will present the innovative strides made by the industry players. From various stages of production of man-made fibre, non-woven and others, to the evolving applications and maintenance methods, the expo will be a source of upgrading knowledge and expanding the network.

Techtextil India 2025 edition is already sold out and has witnessed a strong interest from leading global brands who have signed up to exhibit. Indian government is aiming for the technical textile market to reach USD 40 billion by 2030 and total exports targeted are USD 10 billion by 2030. The Indian government and the industry players are confident that India will soon become the world leader in manufacturing of technical textiles. Schemes like National Technical textiles Mission (NTTM) and Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) are offering the benefits to industry stakeholders. Under NTTM, the government is focusing on 156 R&D projects for driving innovations. The government is also encouraging Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) to boost the segment.

The growing focus on sustainability and circularity in textiles is opening up new avenues encouraging reuse, repairing, refurbishing and recycling of the products. Indian government and technical textile educational programmes are witnessing a growth to impart knowledge and skills across categories like medical textiles, mobile textiles, geotextiles, geosynthetics and etc., which represent an attractive future. Applications ranging from medical textiles to sportswear, automotive to construction and environmental sustainability are driving the demand for high-performance materials.

Amidst this backdrop, the collaboration of Dornbirn GFC and Techtextil India 2025 marks a pivotal step in positioning India as a global hub for technical textile innovation and strengthening cross-border knowledge exchange. With the technical textiles market poised to redefine industries, Techtextil Symposium India will also present Meditex Conference during the event.


Messe Frankfurt India

Frankfurt Skyline Foto Tobias Rehbein, Pixabay

6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie

Am 8. November 2023 findet das 6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie in Frankfurt für Interessierte aus Textilindustrie, Kunststoffverarbeitung, Forschung und Praxis statt. Neue Materialien, innovative Fertigungstechnologien und zukunftsweisende Anwendungen sind Themen der Vorträge aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.

Das Programm umfasst die neuesten Entwicklungen beim thermoplastischen Fused Layer Modeling, dem Druck mittels Dispenser oder Siebdruck sowie Materialien und Technologien für Schutzanwendungen und Architektur. Ergänzt werden die Vorträge durch eine begleitende Fachausstellung, auf der Unternehmen, die bereits mit additiven Fertigungs-verfahren arbeiten, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen präsentieren.

Veranstalter des Symposiums sind KARL MAYER STOLL R&D GmbH, das Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV Greiz) und das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI).

Am 8. November 2023 findet das 6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie in Frankfurt für Interessierte aus Textilindustrie, Kunststoffverarbeitung, Forschung und Praxis statt. Neue Materialien, innovative Fertigungstechnologien und zukunftsweisende Anwendungen sind Themen der Vorträge aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.

Das Programm umfasst die neuesten Entwicklungen beim thermoplastischen Fused Layer Modeling, dem Druck mittels Dispenser oder Siebdruck sowie Materialien und Technologien für Schutzanwendungen und Architektur. Ergänzt werden die Vorträge durch eine begleitende Fachausstellung, auf der Unternehmen, die bereits mit additiven Fertigungs-verfahren arbeiten, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen präsentieren.

Veranstalter des Symposiums sind KARL MAYER STOLL R&D GmbH, das Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV Greiz) und das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI).

Das Symposium ist eingebettet in die internationale Fachmesse für additive Fertigungstechnologien Formnext, der Branchenplattform für Additive Fertigung und industriellen 3D-Druck. Dank einer Vereinbarung der Veranstalter erhalten Teilnehmende des Symposiums den 4-Tage Expo Pass zur Formnext vom 7. - 10. November 2023.

Veranstaltungsort: Messe Frankfurt GmbH, Portalhaus, Ebene VIA, Raum Frequenz 2, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main


Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)


TOS+H Expo 2022 - Istanbul Chamber of Industry strengthens trade fair's position as new partner

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH and its local partner Tezulaş Fuar have signed an agreement with the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) to further strengthen the position of Turkey's leading trade fair for occupational safety and health.

In the future, the Chamber of Industry will not only contribute its expertise and industry contacts, but will also strengthen the offering of TOS+H Expo 2022, which will be held in Istanbul from May 14-17, with its own symposium. "The new partnership shows the relevance attached to the topics of health protection and occupational safety in Turkey. The cooperation with the ICI will further consolidate the leading position of TOS+H Expo in Turkey", Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, is certain.

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH and its local partner Tezulaş Fuar have signed an agreement with the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) to further strengthen the position of Turkey's leading trade fair for occupational safety and health.

In the future, the Chamber of Industry will not only contribute its expertise and industry contacts, but will also strengthen the offering of TOS+H Expo 2022, which will be held in Istanbul from May 14-17, with its own symposium. "The new partnership shows the relevance attached to the topics of health protection and occupational safety in Turkey. The cooperation with the ICI will further consolidate the leading position of TOS+H Expo in Turkey", Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, is certain.

"As a trade fair for occupational safety and health, TOS+H Expo brings together experts from industry and commerce. The Istanbul Chamber of Industry has set itself the goal of covering the TOS+H Expo, 4th Turkish Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition and the Occupational Health and Safety Symposium, which will be held in parallel, with currently relevant as well as forward-looking topics, thus enriching the trade fair", said a spokesperson for the Istanbul Chamber of Industry.

Symposium to be held parallel with TOS+H Expo 2022.
While TOS+H Expo, as a trade fair for occupational safety and health, networks experts from industry and commerce, the “Istanbul Chamber Of Industry Occupational Health and Safety Symposium” addresses current occupational safety and health issues and provides important impulses for establishing a prevention culture in companies in Turkey and its neighboring countries. So far, 87 national and international exhibitors from ten different countries have registered for TOS+H Expo 2022.

More information:
TOSH Messe Düsseldorf

Messe Düsseldorf

STFI lädt ein zum Bautextilien-Symposium mit den Schwerpunkten Ressourcenscho-nung und Nachhaltigkeit (online) (c) STFI

STFI lädt zum Bautextilien-Symposium ein

  • Textiler Dauerlauf oder wie Geokunststoffe durch eine hohe Nutzungsdauer nachhaltig werden
  • STFI lädt ein zum Bautextilien-Symposium mit den Schwerpunkten Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit (online)

Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit – Verzicht oder Wachstumschance? Diese Frage begegnet uns immer häufiger, auch beim Thema Bauen mit Textil. Auswirkungen und Konsequenzen einer Entscheidung für mehr Nachhaltigkeit müssen wir dabei jedoch immer hinterfragen. Denken wir beispielsweise an die zweifelsfrei notwendige Infrastruktur, auf die eine moderne, industriell geprägte Gesellschaft angewiesen ist, müssen hier andere Lösungen als bloßer Verzicht gefunden werden.

Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit durch Geokunststoffe - Unter diesem Leitthema lädt das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. zusammen mit seinen Mitveranstaltern ein zum 15. Symposium „BAUTEX – Bauen mit Textilien“ am 26. und 27. Januar 2022.

  • Textiler Dauerlauf oder wie Geokunststoffe durch eine hohe Nutzungsdauer nachhaltig werden
  • STFI lädt ein zum Bautextilien-Symposium mit den Schwerpunkten Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit (online)

Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit – Verzicht oder Wachstumschance? Diese Frage begegnet uns immer häufiger, auch beim Thema Bauen mit Textil. Auswirkungen und Konsequenzen einer Entscheidung für mehr Nachhaltigkeit müssen wir dabei jedoch immer hinterfragen. Denken wir beispielsweise an die zweifelsfrei notwendige Infrastruktur, auf die eine moderne, industriell geprägte Gesellschaft angewiesen ist, müssen hier andere Lösungen als bloßer Verzicht gefunden werden.

Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit durch Geokunststoffe - Unter diesem Leitthema lädt das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. zusammen mit seinen Mitveranstaltern ein zum 15. Symposium „BAUTEX – Bauen mit Textilien“ am 26. und 27. Januar 2022.

Marian Hierhammer, Leiter der Prüfstelle am STFI, sagt dazu: „Geokunststoffe, die unsichtbaren Arbeiter im Untergrund, haben sich über die letzten Jahrzehnte zu einem bedeutenden Element bei innovativen Bauweisen im Erd- und Grundbau entwickelt. Dies ist nicht nur in den vielen Funktionen wie z. B. Filtern, Bewehren, Trennen, Dichten begründet, die sie bei den unterschiedlichsten Anwendungen übernehmen. Positive Praxiserfahrungen beim Einsatz von Geokunststoffen, ihre stetige Weiterentwicklung und ‚Ausstattung‘ mit neuen Funktionen tragen ebenso dazu bei. Mit dem Nachweis einer hohen Dauerhaftigkeit und damit verbundenen längeren Nutzungsdauer bieten die Geokunststoffe im Grunde ein perfektes Beispiel für Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit.“

Das Symposium richtet sich an Akteure aus Industrie, Forschung und Bildung, aber auch an Vertreter aus Verwaltung und regelsetzenden Bereichen. Die BAUTEX wird – anders als zunächst geplant – als Onlineveranstaltung durchgeführt.

(c) Messe Frankfurt,

Techtextil India: First post-lockdown edition with overwhelming responsive from industry

After three-days of product sourcing and business networking, Techtextil India 2021 in Mumbai concluded in a strong and positive note. The trade fair emerged as a crucial meeting place for the technical textile players to rebuild their supplier links, promote industry integration and engage in lucrative knowledge exchange.

The eighth edition of Techtextil India stood out to be a ground-breaking business platform for the technical textile sector to build a new and strong foundation in the new normal. The aim of the new edition was to promote industry unification and business recovery across the value chain of technical textiles.

The event held at Bombay Exhibition Centre was inaugurated by major dignitaries, including Shri Ajit Chavan, Secretary – Textiles Committee, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. Over the course of its three buzzing days, the show garnered an attendance of 4,087 visitors drawn by live demonstration of latest products, technologies and innovations exhibited by over 150 technical textile brands on the show floor.

After three-days of product sourcing and business networking, Techtextil India 2021 in Mumbai concluded in a strong and positive note. The trade fair emerged as a crucial meeting place for the technical textile players to rebuild their supplier links, promote industry integration and engage in lucrative knowledge exchange.

The eighth edition of Techtextil India stood out to be a ground-breaking business platform for the technical textile sector to build a new and strong foundation in the new normal. The aim of the new edition was to promote industry unification and business recovery across the value chain of technical textiles.

The event held at Bombay Exhibition Centre was inaugurated by major dignitaries, including Shri Ajit Chavan, Secretary – Textiles Committee, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. Over the course of its three buzzing days, the show garnered an attendance of 4,087 visitors drawn by live demonstration of latest products, technologies and innovations exhibited by over 150 technical textile brands on the show floor.

The event received an overwhelming response, reflecting industry’s keen interest to explore new developments and opportunities in technical textiles. In regards to the same, Mr Abhijit Kulkarni, President – Textile Engineering Group, A.T.E. India, stated: “It was the first and best physical show also on hybrid mode filled with enthusiastic buyers and customers who visited our booth and had very fruitful discussions with us. Several leading textile manufacturers visited our stalls, including: Strata Geosystems India, SKAPS Industries, Reliance Composites, Paramount Textiles, and Welspun, to name a few.”

Alok Masterbatches Pvt Ltd, Khosla Profile Pvt Ltd, ATE Group, Lucky International, Meera Industries Limited, Park Non-Woven Pvt Ltd, Sarex Chemicals, SICAM, Suntech Geotextile Pvt Ltd and Weavetech Engineers, were among the leading Indian companies exhibiting at the show.

The significance of the three-day fair was further elevated by the German pavilion. Technical textile manufacturers from Germany, such as Autefa Solution Germany GmbH, DILO Systems GmbH, Emtec Electronic GmbH, Georg Sahm GmbH & Co, Karl Mayer Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Merz Maschinenfabrik GmbH and Oerlikon Barmag Zweigniederlassung der Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co, displayed their latest technologies on the show floor, which garnered significant attention from the Indian buyers.

The first Digital Symposium was another highlight of Techtextil India 2021. The forum delved into a series of crucial topics in technical textiles discussing PLI schemes, FDI opportunities and policies, investment opportunities in Tamil Nadu, & New Investment Opportunities, Sustainable Technical Textiles and Global sustainable approach for Textiles with Antimicrobial Performance.

Concluding on a successful note, Techtextil India 2021 emerged as a platform of new beginnings for the technical textiles sector and for businesses trying to retain their shape and seeking momentum after the tough pandemic phase.


Messe Frankfurt HK