From the Sector

10 results

Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2025: Call for Papers

The Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2025 will take place on November 27 and 28, 2025 at the Eurogress Aachen.

The conference program includes plenary lectures and themed sessions in the areas of

  • Sustainable Textiles and Circular Textile Economy
  • Bio-based Fibers
  • Synthetic High-Performance Fibers
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Textile Sector
  • Textile Production
  • Smart Textiles & Applications
  • Textiles for Medicine & Health Care
  • Technology Transfer & Start-up Pitches
  • Fiber Composites and Lightweight Construction
  • Best-Practices – Examples from Collaboration Projects between Academia and Industry
  • Functionalization & Finishing

Those who want to contribute to the conference program and submit an abstract for a talk or poster presentation, find further information about the conference and the call for abstracts (including the submission form) on the conference website.

The Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2025 will take place on November 27 and 28, 2025 at the Eurogress Aachen.

The conference program includes plenary lectures and themed sessions in the areas of

  • Sustainable Textiles and Circular Textile Economy
  • Bio-based Fibers
  • Synthetic High-Performance Fibers
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Textile Sector
  • Textile Production
  • Smart Textiles & Applications
  • Textiles for Medicine & Health Care
  • Technology Transfer & Start-up Pitches
  • Fiber Composites and Lightweight Construction
  • Best-Practices – Examples from Collaboration Projects between Academia and Industry
  • Functionalization & Finishing

Those who want to contribute to the conference program and submit an abstract for a talk or poster presentation, find further information about the conference and the call for abstracts (including the submission form) on the conference website.

The Call for Abstracts for oral presentations ends on May 5, 2025.
The Call for Abstracts for poster contributions is open until June 31, 2025.


Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference

Hochschule Niederrhein: Verbundprojekt zu Verkapselungen für smarte Textilien (c) HSNR
ENAMEL-Projektleiterin Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer mit einer smarten Jacke. Das eingenähte Garn leuchtet. Wie sich solche textilen Komponenten sicher verkapseln lassen, ist Aufgabe des FTB im Rahmen des Förderprojekts.

Hochschule Niederrhein: Verbundprojekt zu Verkapselungen für smarte Textilien

Das Innovationspotenzial von elektronischen Textilien (E-Textilien) nimmt rasant zu. Die smarten Kleidungsstücke können unter anderem im Dunkeln Leuchten, beim Sport Daten aufzeichnen und damit die eigene Fitness tracken, Daten empfangen und senden oder bei kalten Temperaturen durch Aufheizen für noch mehr Wärme sorgen. Die Herausforderung ist jedoch: Wie lassen sich diese Textilien so herstellen, dass eingearbeitete Sensoren, leitfähige Nähte und andere Komponenten beim Waschen in der Maschine nicht kaputtgehen und äußeren Einflüssen gegenüber robust sind?

Die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und fünf weitere Kooperationspartner wollen daran jetzt zwei Jahre lang intensiv forschen: In dem Verbundprojekt „Verkapselungsmaterialien und Prozesse für E-Textilien (ENAMEL)“ entwickeln sie hochzuverlässige Verkapselungen, mit denen sich elektronische und textile Bestandteile umschließen und damit sicher schützen lassen.

Das Innovationspotenzial von elektronischen Textilien (E-Textilien) nimmt rasant zu. Die smarten Kleidungsstücke können unter anderem im Dunkeln Leuchten, beim Sport Daten aufzeichnen und damit die eigene Fitness tracken, Daten empfangen und senden oder bei kalten Temperaturen durch Aufheizen für noch mehr Wärme sorgen. Die Herausforderung ist jedoch: Wie lassen sich diese Textilien so herstellen, dass eingearbeitete Sensoren, leitfähige Nähte und andere Komponenten beim Waschen in der Maschine nicht kaputtgehen und äußeren Einflüssen gegenüber robust sind?

Die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und fünf weitere Kooperationspartner wollen daran jetzt zwei Jahre lang intensiv forschen: In dem Verbundprojekt „Verkapselungsmaterialien und Prozesse für E-Textilien (ENAMEL)“ entwickeln sie hochzuverlässige Verkapselungen, mit denen sich elektronische und textile Bestandteile umschließen und damit sicher schützen lassen.

Die Herausforderung ist komplex, denn sobald elektronische Komponenten in E-Textilien eingebaut werden, sind die Oberflächen oft nicht homogen. Bei ENAMEL wird daher die gleichzeitige Beschichtung von zweidimensionalen textilen Leiterstrukturen und dreidimensionaler Elektronik mit Hilfe von Laminier- und Beschichtungstechnologien entwickelt, getestet und analysiert.

Während das Fraunhofer-Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration (IZM) die gezielte Isolierung von kleinen elektronischen Komponenten wie LEDs auf Stoffen untersucht, steht die Verkapselung von leitfähigen Fäden für das Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) der HSNR im Mittelpunkt.

Ein Projekt, das mit insgesamt 1,1 Millionen Euro aus europäischen Mitteln gefördert wird. Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) bezuschusst ENAMEL bis Februar 2026 mit fast 538.000 Euro. Rund 245.000 Euro erhält die HSNR, der übrige Anteil geht an das Fraunhofer IZM.


Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR)


Saralon and STFI: Stretchable silver inks for e-textiles

With the next generation of soft and stretchable electronics, reproducible and stretchable conductive inks are playing an increasingly important role in areas such as smart textiles, medical textiles or wearables. Saralon produces a range of stretchable conductive inks including Saral StretchSilver 500 for e-textile applications.

While electronic applications integrated into textiles gain popularity, printed stretchable conductive inks emerge as a transformative alternative for the complicated approach of weaving conductive yarns and fibres.

Just like choosing the right fabric and additives is vital for smart textile development, selecting the right conductive ink matters too. There are challenges to consider, such as conductivity, ink penetration into the fabric, changes in physical properties most importantly stretchability, printing process controllability, and reproducibility. That's why research and analysis are essential when deciding on the best conductive ink for a project.

With the next generation of soft and stretchable electronics, reproducible and stretchable conductive inks are playing an increasingly important role in areas such as smart textiles, medical textiles or wearables. Saralon produces a range of stretchable conductive inks including Saral StretchSilver 500 for e-textile applications.

While electronic applications integrated into textiles gain popularity, printed stretchable conductive inks emerge as a transformative alternative for the complicated approach of weaving conductive yarns and fibres.

Just like choosing the right fabric and additives is vital for smart textile development, selecting the right conductive ink matters too. There are challenges to consider, such as conductivity, ink penetration into the fabric, changes in physical properties most importantly stretchability, printing process controllability, and reproducibility. That's why research and analysis are essential when deciding on the best conductive ink for a project.

Together with the Saxon Textile Research Institute e.V. (STFI) Saralon conducted some performance tests benchmarking our Saral StretchSilver Ink against some competitor product.


Saral StretchSilver 500 consistently demonstrated superior conductivity, regardless of line width.

Fluctuations at lower widths:
Both inks exhibited fluctuations at narrower printed lines, but the Alternative Ink displayed significantly higher variations.

Reproducibility Insights:
Saral StretchSilver 500 maintained stable resistance at 2mm and beyond, while the Alternative Ink noticeably struggled.

Elongation behaviour:
Saral StretchSilver 500 harmoniously coexists with the textile. Its application has minimal impact on the fabric's stretching properties, ensuring stability. The Alternative Ink, on the other hand, leads to significant changes in textile’s elongation properties. With this ink, stretching demands considerably higher forces.

KARL MAYER and Grabher: Competence platform for wearables (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER and Grabher: Competence platform for wearables

KARL MAYER has already produced a wide range of electrically conductive warp-knitted items for a wide variety of applications in the TEXTILE-CIRCUIT division of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE, including a sensor shirt, a gesture control system and a conductive charging station. In order to drive the topic of wearables forward, the textile machine manufacturer has signed a cooperation agreement with the Grabher Group and delivered an MJ 52/1-S to the specialist for high-tech textiles in Lustenau. Managing Director Günter Grabher officially inaugurated the key machine for project work in the smart textiles sector in May 2023.

The machine is involved in various research projects, but is also available for new projects and tasks. The smart textiles competence team at KARL MAYER and Grabher is looking forward to supporting the ideas and work of interested parties also outside the research network with its know-how and the possibilities of the MJ 52/1-S.

KARL MAYER has already produced a wide range of electrically conductive warp-knitted items for a wide variety of applications in the TEXTILE-CIRCUIT division of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE, including a sensor shirt, a gesture control system and a conductive charging station. In order to drive the topic of wearables forward, the textile machine manufacturer has signed a cooperation agreement with the Grabher Group and delivered an MJ 52/1-S to the specialist for high-tech textiles in Lustenau. Managing Director Günter Grabher officially inaugurated the key machine for project work in the smart textiles sector in May 2023.

The machine is involved in various research projects, but is also available for new projects and tasks. The smart textiles competence team at KARL MAYER and Grabher is looking forward to supporting the ideas and work of interested parties also outside the research network with its know-how and the possibilities of the MJ 52/1-S.

The MJ 52/1 S is also an extremely flexible project machine. The 138″ model in gauge E 28 produces a wide range of warp-knitted fabrics and incorporates conductive material directly into the textile surface - exactly where it is needed and with the structure that is required. The basis for the tailor-made fiber placement is KARL MAYER's string bar technology. The system for controlling the pattern guide bars ensures a fast, established textile production process and a high degree of pattern freedom.



Foto: vti

vti: Forum health.textil cross border – Smart Textiles in der Medizin

Zu seiner Dialogveranstaltung "Forum health.textil cross border – Smart Textiles in der Medizin" begrüßte der vti am 4. Mai 2023 Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen, Vertretern der Gesundheitswirtschaft und Textillogistik sowie Forschungsinstituten in Liberec/Tschechien.

Im Netzwerk health.textil cross border unterstützt der Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti) – wie der Name schon sagt – die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit und den Austausch zwischen tschechischen und deutschen Partnern.

Zu seiner Dialogveranstaltung "Forum health.textil cross border – Smart Textiles in der Medizin" begrüßte der vti am 4. Mai 2023 Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen, Vertretern der Gesundheitswirtschaft und Textillogistik sowie Forschungsinstituten in Liberec/Tschechien.

Im Netzwerk health.textil cross border unterstützt der Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti) – wie der Name schon sagt – die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit und den Austausch zwischen tschechischen und deutschen Partnern.

Die Fakultät für Textilingenieurwesen an der TU Liberec ist eine der größten Fakultäten in der EU, die sich mit dem gesamten Bereich der textilen Werkstofftechnik beschäftigt. In der Internationalen Forschungstätigkeit arbeiten die Kollegen der tschechischen und deutschen Universitäten und Institute bereits seit vielen Jahren zusammen. Unterstützung gab es vom SmartTex Netzwerk und von CLUTEX-Cluster für Technische Textilien. CLUTEX unterstützt die Zusammenarbeit von Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsorganisationen, Universitäten und anderen Einrichtungen sowohl in Tschechien als auch auf internationaler Ebene.

Das Nanoprogress Cluster, RESPILON, das Textile Testing Institute Brno, SINTEX und das SmartTex Netzwerk gaben mit ihren Vorträgen Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen. Die Veranstaltung wurde auch genutzt, um die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit den tschechischen Partnern zu forcieren. Großes Anliegen des vti ist es, die Kontakte zu Unternehmen zu vertiefen und Ideen für zukünftige Projekte zu entwickeln.

Die Veranstaltung gehört zu den Aktivitäten des vom Verband geführten Cluster-Projekts „health.textil“, das vom sächsischen Wirtschaftsministerium unterstützt wird. „Unsere Verbandsmitglieder und gerade auch die Partner in Tschechien verfügen über ein weitreichendes Entwicklungs- und Produkt-Know-how. Wir möchten ihnen eine Plattform für den direkten fachlichen Austausch in individuellen Gesprächen geben“, so vti-Hauptgeschäftsführer Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto.


Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti)


C.L.A.S.S. is back with Smart Shop materials at Future Fabrics Expo

The international eco hub C.L.A.S.S. brings its next generation Smart Shop’s offer to the 10th edition of the Future Fabrics Expo from the28th to the 29th of June 2022 in London.

Since 2018, C.L.A.S.S. has been offering the access of the top of its Material hub innovations to small and new generation of designers and brands through its Smart Shop, the online store of smart materials. C.L.A.S.S. intent at FFE is to share the unique values of its design driven, conscious, high-tech materials, in order to start synergies with an audience characterized by the interest in responsible innovations, the main expertise of CEO and founder Giusy Bettoni and her team.

C.L.A.S.S. offers smart solutions – from 1 meter to max 50 meters - for the contemporary wardrobe which include all the different expressions of textile ingredients: natural, transformed, innovative and back in the loop materials, giving everyone the possibility to create design, innovative and yet responsible products in line with their new generation of contemporary values.

The international eco hub C.L.A.S.S. brings its next generation Smart Shop’s offer to the 10th edition of the Future Fabrics Expo from the28th to the 29th of June 2022 in London.

Since 2018, C.L.A.S.S. has been offering the access of the top of its Material hub innovations to small and new generation of designers and brands through its Smart Shop, the online store of smart materials. C.L.A.S.S. intent at FFE is to share the unique values of its design driven, conscious, high-tech materials, in order to start synergies with an audience characterized by the interest in responsible innovations, the main expertise of CEO and founder Giusy Bettoni and her team.

C.L.A.S.S. offers smart solutions – from 1 meter to max 50 meters - for the contemporary wardrobe which include all the different expressions of textile ingredients: natural, transformed, innovative and back in the loop materials, giving everyone the possibility to create design, innovative and yet responsible products in line with their new generation of contemporary values.

Among the conscious, yet technological materials which will be presented at Fabrics for Future there are Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, Albini’s organic and scientifically traceable cotton, Re.VerSo™ recycled wools, NewLife™ recycled polyester and Maeba International’s Back in The Loop fabrics.




ITMC presents date and speakers for its 8th edition

The ITMC 2022 conference, which will take place at the BAnQ from September 19 to 21, 2022, is aimed at attendees from various sectors of the textile industry. Its interdisciplinary approach is the key to maximizing the potential and development of textile materials and tools for various applications. The objective of the conference is to explore new ideas, effective solutions and collaborative partnerships for business growth by creating synergy between designers, manufacturers, suppliers, students and end users from all sectors and fully exploiting this potential.

The main topics are: Composites and textile reinforcement - Sustainable Production & Ecotextiles - Smart and functional textiles - Nanotechnology & Advanced Technical Textiles - Comfort & Protective Textiles - Medical Textiles - Digital Tools & Mass Customization

Keynote speakers :

The ITMC 2022 conference, which will take place at the BAnQ from September 19 to 21, 2022, is aimed at attendees from various sectors of the textile industry. Its interdisciplinary approach is the key to maximizing the potential and development of textile materials and tools for various applications. The objective of the conference is to explore new ideas, effective solutions and collaborative partnerships for business growth by creating synergy between designers, manufacturers, suppliers, students and end users from all sectors and fully exploiting this potential.

The main topics are: Composites and textile reinforcement - Sustainable Production & Ecotextiles - Smart and functional textiles - Nanotechnology & Advanced Technical Textiles - Comfort & Protective Textiles - Medical Textiles - Digital Tools & Mass Customization

Keynote speakers :

  • Omar Cherkaoui, ESITH : how ESITH was able to support the operators of the Moroccan textile sector during the covid-19 crisis
  • Tracy Toulouse, TT : the impact and legacy of our clothing is to identify us as a nation
  • Prof. Raul Fangueiro, University of Minho: fiber-based materials: from nano to macro scale
  • Pierre-Alexandre Fournier, Exoskin: the role of smart textiles in the future of health
  • KyoungOk Kim, Shinshu University: Patternmaking for attractive clothing for mass customization
  • Marie O’Mahony, Consultant, Royal College of Art (RCA): smart materials & systems: has embracing uncertainty become vital to commercialization?
  • Xianyi Zeng, Ensait: intelligent garments for online monitoring of human health and well-being
  • Corinne Farace, Techtera: The collaborative approach: a major stake in meeting the challenges of tomorrow

Physical ClusterXchange - Discovering smart materials in Czech Republic

Under the ClusterXchange pilot scheme, the EXTRATEX partnership organised a 5-day exchange in Czech Republic, hosted by CLUTEX (cluster for technical textile).

15 participants visited strategic and innovative companies in the field of smart materials and advances technologies, as well as research centres and the Liberec University.

During the exchange, 92 B2B meetings were organized between local companies and the exchange participants, with 75% of the contacts established leading to follow-ups after the conclusion of the exchange. This collaboration laid the foundation for potential cross-border and cross-sector business collaboration, and participants of the physical exchange improved their competences in the field of smart materials and advanced technologies.

Under the ClusterXchange pilot scheme, the EXTRATEX partnership organised a 5-day exchange in Czech Republic, hosted by CLUTEX (cluster for technical textile).

15 participants visited strategic and innovative companies in the field of smart materials and advances technologies, as well as research centres and the Liberec University.

During the exchange, 92 B2B meetings were organized between local companies and the exchange participants, with 75% of the contacts established leading to follow-ups after the conclusion of the exchange. This collaboration laid the foundation for potential cross-border and cross-sector business collaboration, and participants of the physical exchange improved their competences in the field of smart materials and advanced technologies.

According to a testimony from the company Bipier Srl, their participation in the exchange allowed the establishment of two important working relationships with Bcb Informatica Y Control and Vyskummy Ustav Chemickych (Research Institute for Man-Made Fibers). This cooperation wil allow Bipier Srl to equip their machines with quality temperature control, and to expand the distribution of their products.

More information:
EXTRATEX Smart textiles



ISKO to work with the MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab

ISKO announces its participation in CSAIL’s Alliances programme, a collaboration with CSAIL researchers, students and industry partners. Through participation in the programme, ISKO will contribute its expertise in textile innovation and collaborate on the research and development of smart textiles and wearable technologies.

The company joins a network of 26 industries – from startups to big organizations – including AI and machine learning, aerospace, healthcare, life sciences and telecommunications, as well as retail, media and entertainment.

With the goal of overall advancement of the textile and denim industry through the development of smart and wearable solutions, ISKO is stepping up to lead the change through these technologies and their many possible end-uses. The work is done in compliance with ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ approach.

ISKO brings its innovative and agile structure, impressive production capacity and textile knowledge to the CSAIL programme which has over 1200 people, 60 research groups, 120+ researchers, 600+ students and over 900+ active projects.

ISKO announces its participation in CSAIL’s Alliances programme, a collaboration with CSAIL researchers, students and industry partners. Through participation in the programme, ISKO will contribute its expertise in textile innovation and collaborate on the research and development of smart textiles and wearable technologies.

The company joins a network of 26 industries – from startups to big organizations – including AI and machine learning, aerospace, healthcare, life sciences and telecommunications, as well as retail, media and entertainment.

With the goal of overall advancement of the textile and denim industry through the development of smart and wearable solutions, ISKO is stepping up to lead the change through these technologies and their many possible end-uses. The work is done in compliance with ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ approach.

ISKO brings its innovative and agile structure, impressive production capacity and textile knowledge to the CSAIL programme which has over 1200 people, 60 research groups, 120+ researchers, 600+ students and over 900+ active projects.


ISKO / Menabò Group srl


EURATEX Statement on the EU-US Summit

The European textile and apparel industry welcomes the organisation of the EU-US Summit in Brussels, and hopes that political leaders will launch a new era of closer cooperation across the Atlantic. Both the Covid19 pandemic and recent geopolitical tensions call for global solutions; the EU and the US should take a leadership role in developing that new global framework.

EU-US trade in textiles and apparel have dropped by nearly 20% in 2020 (just under €6 bln), while imports from other countries, in particular China, have increased spectacularly (+45% into the EU). At the same time, global supply chains came under pressure, and access to certain raw materials for the industry became difficult and costly.

Against this background, EURATEX does not call for protectionism, but a better functioning of global supply chains, with common rules which are applied by all. The EU and US authorities should put their full influence to establish a level playing field for our industry across the globe, promoting environmental and social standards. Sustainable and circular textiles should become the norm, thus contributing to a greener planet and creating high quality jobs.  

The European textile and apparel industry welcomes the organisation of the EU-US Summit in Brussels, and hopes that political leaders will launch a new era of closer cooperation across the Atlantic. Both the Covid19 pandemic and recent geopolitical tensions call for global solutions; the EU and the US should take a leadership role in developing that new global framework.

EU-US trade in textiles and apparel have dropped by nearly 20% in 2020 (just under €6 bln), while imports from other countries, in particular China, have increased spectacularly (+45% into the EU). At the same time, global supply chains came under pressure, and access to certain raw materials for the industry became difficult and costly.

Against this background, EURATEX does not call for protectionism, but a better functioning of global supply chains, with common rules which are applied by all. The EU and US authorities should put their full influence to establish a level playing field for our industry across the globe, promoting environmental and social standards. Sustainable and circular textiles should become the norm, thus contributing to a greener planet and creating high quality jobs.  

At bilateral level, the EU and US should resume their work on mutual recognition of standards and certification procedures, thus saving considerable costs for our companies while maintaining the highest safety standards. Custom procedures can be simplified on both sides, and joint research, e.g. in smart textiles, should be promoted.

EURATEX welcomes the recent progress in provisionally eliminating additional duties on several American and European products due to the Airbus-Boeing trade dispute. It is a very positive sign that EURATEX would like to highlight in a particularly difficult context for the textile and clothing industry at European, American and even global levels. EURATEX calls on both US and EU institutions to eliminate such duties permanently and build on a common positive agenda for the benefit of EU and US companies and consumers.

EURATEX Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented: "Both the EU and US are developing a new business model for their industry. We should make sure these models can complement and reinforce each other. If not, we risk losing global leadership, not just in terms of market share but also in terms of values and standards."