From the Sector

71 results
Contra Denim Jeans. Photo: Archroma
Contra Denim Jeans.

Archroma: New DENIM HALO process for laser-friendly denim

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, will showcase innovations for the denim industry at Sustainability Talks in Istanbul, Turkey and Denim Première Vision in Milan, Italy next month.

Specifically, Archroma will highlight its DENIM HALO pretreatment and dyeing process for laser-friendly, easily washable denim. It will also join its partners Kipaş Denim and Jeanologia to launch a joint hangtag for the upcoming Kipaş Denim Contra Denim collection, which is based on the DENIM HALO concept.

“Denim continues to be an incredibly exciting market segment, with brands and mills pushing the limits in terms of sustainability and aesthetics to give consumers the iconic look and feel of denim in a more environmentally conscious way,” Umberto De Vita, Archroma’s Market Segment Director - Denim, said. “Guided by our PLANET CONSCIOUS+ approach, we develop solutions that not only help our customers navigate the shift to cleaner chemistries and resource-saving processes, but improve their productivity and competitiveness too.”

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, will showcase innovations for the denim industry at Sustainability Talks in Istanbul, Turkey and Denim Première Vision in Milan, Italy next month.

Specifically, Archroma will highlight its DENIM HALO pretreatment and dyeing process for laser-friendly, easily washable denim. It will also join its partners Kipaş Denim and Jeanologia to launch a joint hangtag for the upcoming Kipaş Denim Contra Denim collection, which is based on the DENIM HALO concept.

“Denim continues to be an incredibly exciting market segment, with brands and mills pushing the limits in terms of sustainability and aesthetics to give consumers the iconic look and feel of denim in a more environmentally conscious way,” Umberto De Vita, Archroma’s Market Segment Director - Denim, said. “Guided by our PLANET CONSCIOUS+ approach, we develop solutions that not only help our customers navigate the shift to cleaner chemistries and resource-saving processes, but improve their productivity and competitiveness too.”

Innovative DENIM HALO process
The DENIM HALO process combines Archroma’s new DIRSOL® RD special pretreatment with its DENISOL® indigo dyes, including an aniline-free formulation, or DIRESUL® sulfur black, sulfur blue or sulfur colors dyestuffs to achieve a ring-dyeing effect. This superficial dyeing creates laser-friendly denim for popular worn or distressed washdown effects while reducing yarn shrinkage and improving garment tensile strength.

Crucially, the new process also delivers a substantially reduced environmental footprint compared to industry-standard denim finishing. It avoids processes like manual hand scraping or potassium permanganate spraying and helps reduce caustic soda use in sulfur dyeing, which lowers the effluent load and improves weaving efficiency.

Low-impact Contra Denim collection
Archroma will also join Kipaş Denim, a leader in integrated textile production based in Turkey, and Jeanologia, a sustainable textile solutions company, to launch a hangtag program for the upcoming Kipaş Denim Contra Denim collection.

Based on DENIM HALO, the Contra Denim concept is a dyeing and finishing process that enables brands to create stunning and long-lasting distressed looks and design effects, such as intricate patterns, whiskering and fades, through cleaner processes that save water and energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The hangtag will enable partner brands to communicate these benefits to consumers at the point of sale, nurturing transparency and trust.

The Archroma team at Sustainability Talks 2024
Sustainability Talks is an intensive one-day event that emphasizes networking and collaboration to solve the textile industry’s toughest challenges through sustainable solutions (Archroma in Turkey at Booth 20 at the Hilton Istanbul Bomonti Conference Center for Sustainability Talks on December 3, 2024).

Archroma at Denim Première Vision 2024
Denim Première Vision is bringing the global denim community to Milan, Italy in December to explore denim trends, markets and culture through the lens of eco-responsibility. Meet our experts Umberto De Vita and Julio Perales to learn more about our denim solutions. (Archroma in Milan at Booth C14 at Superstudio Più for Denim Première Vision on December 4-5, 2024).



Sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul (c) Texhibition İstanbul

Sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul

The sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul from 11 to 13 September 2024 will once again bring together all components of the textile industry and offer an overview of all product groups in the textile preliminary stage: from woven goods to knitwear, from yarns and denim to artificial leather and textile accessories.

Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), is following on from this year's March event with the upcoming edition.


The sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul from 11 to 13 September 2024 will once again bring together all components of the textile industry and offer an overview of all product groups in the textile preliminary stage: from woven goods to knitwear, from yarns and denim to artificial leather and textile accessories.

Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), is following on from this year's March event with the upcoming edition.


  • Over 500 exhibitors will be presenting a wide range of products such as woven fabrics, knitwear, denim, accessories, artificial leather and yarns covering 35,000 square metres
  • Over 25,000 trade visitors are expected from more than 100 countries, including the European Union, Great Britain, the USA, North Africa and the Middle East
  • Yarn Hall completes the range of the preliminary stage and has firmly established itself at Texhibition with 41 exhibitors
  • BlueBlackDenim showcases Türkiye's leading 25 denim manufacturers and inspires with creative denim installations
  • Texhibition Trend Areas: The trend areas are created by combination of quality and creative themes of fabrics, yarns, denims and accessory products from the participants
  • Texhibition Art Events: digital art, accessoires and yarn installations
More information:
Texhibition Istanbul



18,000 visitors at 6th edition of IFCO

From 7 to 9 August 2024, the sixth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place with 300 exhibitors in a total of 4 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre.

With this event, Istanbul Fashion Connection underlines its importance as a hub for the international fashion industry. Compared to the previous year's event, the proportion of international visitors increased by 13.9%. Almost 18,000 visitors came to IFCO in Istanbul, 35% of whom came from abroad. The most represented region was Asia with 31.3%, followed by the Middle East (31.3%), Europe (16.4%), North Africa (13.4%), North America, South America and Africa together with 3.1%. High-ranking buyer groups from a total of 121 countries came to IFCO to find out about the latest fashion trends, network and place orders.

Divided into clear product areas on a total of 30,000 square metres of exhibition space in four halls, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 5-8 February 2025.

From 7 to 9 August 2024, the sixth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place with 300 exhibitors in a total of 4 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre.

With this event, Istanbul Fashion Connection underlines its importance as a hub for the international fashion industry. Compared to the previous year's event, the proportion of international visitors increased by 13.9%. Almost 18,000 visitors came to IFCO in Istanbul, 35% of whom came from abroad. The most represented region was Asia with 31.3%, followed by the Middle East (31.3%), Europe (16.4%), North Africa (13.4%), North America, South America and Africa together with 3.1%. High-ranking buyer groups from a total of 121 countries came to IFCO to find out about the latest fashion trends, network and place orders.

Divided into clear product areas on a total of 30,000 square metres of exhibition space in four halls, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 5-8 February 2025.



ISKO at Here|After event (c) Danika Fuentes

ISKO at Here|After event

The Here|After event in Los Angeles, conceived by Denim Dudes' Amy Leverton and writer/prdoucer Erin Barajes, was a sucess. Powered by ISKO, this gathering took place at the Neuehouse Hollywood.

The event featured presentations and a dynamic panel discussion, spotlighting innovations in raw materials. Denim Dudes captivated the audience with their F/W 2025 forecast.

Moderated by Kate Nishimura of Sourcing Journal, the “The New Raw Materials For A Reimagined Supply Chain” panel included industry experts: Keith O’Brien, Senior PR Manager, ISKO, Nava Esmailizadeh, Head of Brand, Ambercycle, Mark Little, Product Creation/Environmental Responsibility, Patagonia and Jane Palmer, CEO of Nature Coatings.

They explored advancements in material science and circular systems, reimagining the future of the supply chain.

Commenting on ISKO’s use of textile-to-textile fibers from RE&UP, Keith says, “The integration of Next-Gen fibers is just one part of it. Turning those materials into beautiful and fashionable products that last is something else, and that’s what ISKO is great at.”


The Here|After event in Los Angeles, conceived by Denim Dudes' Amy Leverton and writer/prdoucer Erin Barajes, was a sucess. Powered by ISKO, this gathering took place at the Neuehouse Hollywood.

The event featured presentations and a dynamic panel discussion, spotlighting innovations in raw materials. Denim Dudes captivated the audience with their F/W 2025 forecast.

Moderated by Kate Nishimura of Sourcing Journal, the “The New Raw Materials For A Reimagined Supply Chain” panel included industry experts: Keith O’Brien, Senior PR Manager, ISKO, Nava Esmailizadeh, Head of Brand, Ambercycle, Mark Little, Product Creation/Environmental Responsibility, Patagonia and Jane Palmer, CEO of Nature Coatings.

They explored advancements in material science and circular systems, reimagining the future of the supply chain.

Commenting on ISKO’s use of textile-to-textile fibers from RE&UP, Keith says, “The integration of Next-Gen fibers is just one part of it. Turning those materials into beautiful and fashionable products that last is something else, and that’s what ISKO is great at.”


More information:
Isko Denim panel discussion




Unter dem Leitthema „Intuition“ lädt die MUNICH FABRIC START am 3. und 4. September 2024 die Modebranche ein, sich auf ihre innere Stimme zu besinnen.

Die kommende MUNICH FABBRIC START wird auf einer Gesamtfläche von 42.500 Quadratmetern erneut zu einem Treffpunkt der europäischen Modeszene. Die Veranstaltung vereint Designer, Produktverantwortliche und Modemacher, um in den circa 1.000 Kollektionen internationaler Premium-Hersteller die neuesten Trends für die Saison Herbst/Winter 2025/26 zu entdecken. Mit einer klaren Struktur und einem fokussierten Angebot in den acht Bereichen – ADDITIONALS, FABRICS, ReSOURCE, BLUEZONE, DESIGN STUDIOS, KEYHOUSE, SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS sowie THE SOURCE – bietet die MUNICH FABRIC START einen Überblick über relevante Entwicklungen der Modeindustrie.

Unter dem Leitthema „Intuition“ lädt die MUNICH FABRIC START am 3. und 4. September 2024 die Modebranche ein, sich auf ihre innere Stimme zu besinnen.

Die kommende MUNICH FABBRIC START wird auf einer Gesamtfläche von 42.500 Quadratmetern erneut zu einem Treffpunkt der europäischen Modeszene. Die Veranstaltung vereint Designer, Produktverantwortliche und Modemacher, um in den circa 1.000 Kollektionen internationaler Premium-Hersteller die neuesten Trends für die Saison Herbst/Winter 2025/26 zu entdecken. Mit einer klaren Struktur und einem fokussierten Angebot in den acht Bereichen – ADDITIONALS, FABRICS, ReSOURCE, BLUEZONE, DESIGN STUDIOS, KEYHOUSE, SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS sowie THE SOURCE – bietet die MUNICH FABRIC START einen Überblick über relevante Entwicklungen der Modeindustrie.

Eines der Highlights der MUNICH FABRIC START wird das Live-Event von Li Edelkoort sein, das als Private Lecture am 4. September 2024 von 11:00 bis 13:00 Uhr im MOC München stattfinden wird. Als anerkannte Trendforscherin wird Edelkoort Einblicke in die kommenden Modetrends geben und ihren Trend Forecast für Fashion, Textiles und Colour der Saison Autumn.Winter 2025-26 vorstellen. Zudem wird die Messe durch die Laufzeitverkürzung von drei auf zwei Tage effizienter gestaltet, was den Bedürfnissen der Branche nach fokussierteren Events mit kürzeren Reisezeiten entgegenkommt. Die Messe richtet sich damit an den aktuellen Markttrends, den Bedürfnissen der Aussteller und Besucher sowie den Veränderungen in den Reise- und Budgetgewohnheiten der Branche aus.

Innovativ gestaltete Trendforen und Präsentationen bieten einen Überblick über die neuesten Entwicklungen. Die MUNICH FABRIC START ist damit erneut eine All-in-One-Sourcing-Lösung, die das gesamte Mode-Ökosystem an einem Ort vereint.

AUSBLICK AUF DIE VIEW: 26. + 27. Juni 2024
Zum Saisonauftakt auf der VIEW Premium Selection werden nächste Woche mehr als 260 Kollektionen für Autumn/Winter 25/26 in den Segmenten FABRICS, ADDITIONALS, DENIM und SPORTSWEAR in der Interim Location am Karlsplatz Stachus gezeigt. Neben zahlreichen weiteren Herstellern sind Achille Pinto, Akin Tekstil, Almodo, Balli Rafanelli Bold, Barth & Könenkamp Seiden, Calik Denim, Cervotessile since 1815, Clerici Tessuto, Davaris Textiles, Dutel Creation, Elyaf Tekstil, Emmetex/Masterloom, Erica + Compagnia Della Seta, Eton Textile, Fitecom, Fortex, Jackytex, Liberty Fabrics, Limonta, Lisa, Lyria, Malhia Kent, Mario Bellucci, Milior, Nova Fides, Özdoku, Riopele, Sharabati Denim, Sidogras, SMI, Takisada, Teijin Frontier, Tessuti di Sondrio, Texapel, Viscotex, Weft, We Nordic Label Studios vor Ort in München.




Archroma at Denim Première Vision Milan and Denimsandjeans Vietnam

Archroma is bringing its new SUPER SYSTEMS+ concept and key denim innovations to Denim Première Vision Milan on June 5 and 6 and Denimsandjeans Vietnam on June 26 and 27.

From classic blue jeans to fashion-forward designs with fresh cuts, colors and finishes, denim remains one of the most popular fabrics worldwide. At the same time, the industry is beginning to question traditional production methods that use considerable water and energy and also have limitations in terms of the selection of chemicals and dyes that are clean and safe.

Archroma will demonstrate its solutions at Denim Première Vision Milan and Denimsandjeans Vietnam, including SUPER SYSTEMS+ for Denim. SUPER SYSTEMS+ are end-to-end systems developed by Archroma to allow brands and mills to make an impact by saving resources, delivering more durable apparel or adopting cleaner chemistries, or by choosing enhanced outcomes in all three areas at once. The suite encompasses wet processing solutions from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value; and cleaner chemistries that go beyond compliance to anticipate future restrictions.

Archroma is bringing its new SUPER SYSTEMS+ concept and key denim innovations to Denim Première Vision Milan on June 5 and 6 and Denimsandjeans Vietnam on June 26 and 27.

From classic blue jeans to fashion-forward designs with fresh cuts, colors and finishes, denim remains one of the most popular fabrics worldwide. At the same time, the industry is beginning to question traditional production methods that use considerable water and energy and also have limitations in terms of the selection of chemicals and dyes that are clean and safe.

Archroma will demonstrate its solutions at Denim Première Vision Milan and Denimsandjeans Vietnam, including SUPER SYSTEMS+ for Denim. SUPER SYSTEMS+ are end-to-end systems developed by Archroma to allow brands and mills to make an impact by saving resources, delivering more durable apparel or adopting cleaner chemistries, or by choosing enhanced outcomes in all three areas at once. The suite encompasses wet processing solutions from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value; and cleaner chemistries that go beyond compliance to anticipate future restrictions.

Trade show visitors will also be able to explore Archroma’s new DENIM HALO, a laser-friendly and easy washable denim, as well as a range of other product innovations, such as DIRESUL® EVOLUTION BLACK, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 and EarthColors®.

DIRESUL® EVOLUTION BLACK is Archroma’s cleanest sulfur black dyestuff. Manufactured using fewer resources, it has an overall impact reduction to 57% during dye synthesis compared to standard Sulfur Black 1 liquid.* Importantly, it also offers mills the opportunity to deliver unique shade and wash-down effects that stand out in the market.

DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 LIQ is an aniline-free** pre-reduced indigo that creates authentic denim look with the same performance and efficiency as conventional indigo dye, but in a way that can reduce the risk of pollution. Furthermore, it is produced in an aniline-free** process to help enable cleaner denim production.

EarthColors® is a patented Archroma technology that creates high-performance biowaste-based dyes from non-edible food and agricultural waste, leaving the edible part available for consumption. EarthColors® dyes are fully traceable and help reduce the industry’s overall impact on the water footprint. Since they upcycle waste from other industries, they also help contribute to a circular economy.

* Ecotarrae lifecycle analysis
** Below limits of detection according to industry standard test methods

Source Fashion targets new sourcing regions (c) Source Fashion by Hyve Group

Source Fashion targets new sourcing regions

Source Fashion, which takes place at Olympia London from 14th - 16th July 2024, continues to grow its presence of international exhibitors from new sourcing regions, including representation from southeast Asia and Africa.

The first Malaysian manufacturer to be represented at the trade fair is Kualesa Apparel. Kualesa started as a small seed of an idea, with a big ambition and an even bigger purpose. The brand has evolved from a simple set of values to a producer of great-looking and comfortable bamboo apparel that’s challenging fast fashion. Kualesa offer flexible MOQ’s ranging from 250 pieces to high production capacity of 50,000 pieces a month.

Fairs and More Inc from the Philippines returns to the show for a third time, bringing a pavilion of Filipino manufacturers and makers.

The show also welcomes its first ever Nigerian manufacturer, Beyond Clothing. Beyond Clothing is a garment factory, that specialises in crafting premium custom clothing, branded uniforms, corporate uniforms, and sublimated t-shirts. The range also includes promotional apparel, workwear, and PPE personal protective apparel for hospitals.

Source Fashion, which takes place at Olympia London from 14th - 16th July 2024, continues to grow its presence of international exhibitors from new sourcing regions, including representation from southeast Asia and Africa.

The first Malaysian manufacturer to be represented at the trade fair is Kualesa Apparel. Kualesa started as a small seed of an idea, with a big ambition and an even bigger purpose. The brand has evolved from a simple set of values to a producer of great-looking and comfortable bamboo apparel that’s challenging fast fashion. Kualesa offer flexible MOQ’s ranging from 250 pieces to high production capacity of 50,000 pieces a month.

Fairs and More Inc from the Philippines returns to the show for a third time, bringing a pavilion of Filipino manufacturers and makers.

The show also welcomes its first ever Nigerian manufacturer, Beyond Clothing. Beyond Clothing is a garment factory, that specialises in crafting premium custom clothing, branded uniforms, corporate uniforms, and sublimated t-shirts. The range also includes promotional apparel, workwear, and PPE personal protective apparel for hospitals.

Returning to Source Fashion, Texpro Corp (a branch of Kassab Group) from Tunisia has grown rapidly to become a fully integrated apparel manufacturer certified with GOTS, BSCI, BCI, and OCS covering the complete production cycle focusing on sustainability through the process from fabrics to manufacturing, washing and dying. The company specialises in denim and flat garment manufacturing and the product portfolio includes casual dresses, shirts, jackets, pants and coats for men, women and kids. Texpro Corp are increasingly partnering with customers to ensure high consistent quality on the products and invest in innovation to help improve the environmental impact by consistently delivering responsibly produced products.

Visitors will also discover International Trade Center (ITC), who is returning with a pavilion that includes a debut area for Ghanian producers. With manufacturing in Ethiopia, Shints Co Ltd. is a global producer of high-performance outdoor clothing and camping equipment.

A strong contingency from Europe includes over 25 UK exhibitors, representation from France, Italy and Spain, and a selection of Portuguese exhibitors including Ttantos Textiles, FLM Textil, SMSenra and Lagofra.

Nearly 30 countries, including Peru, Cambodia, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Italy, and Greece will be represented. Large pavilions from China, India and Turkey have also been confirmed, as well as Tanzania, Madagascar and Nepal.

More information:
Source Fashion Asia Africa

Source Fashion by Hyve Group

Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim promote cleaner denim production Photo: Advance Denim

Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim promote cleaner denim production

With the aim to help the denim industry reduce the environmental impact of its wastewater and move towards circularity, Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim have renewed their joint commitment to the production of aniline-free denim apparel based on Archroma’s DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30.

Their joint aim is to produce high-quality denim in authentic blue shades without the aniline impurity carried through from the synthesis of standard synthetic indigo. In traditional denim production, this aniline remains bound with the indigo pigment on the fabric; the remaining aniline is discharged during the dyeing and washing process. This can be a problem because aniline is toxic to aquatic life and two-thirds of aniline waste currently ends up in wastewater discharge where it could potentially pollute waterways and the ocean.

Archroma developed DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 to answer this key challenge. A 30% pre-reduced indigo solution, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 makes it possible to produce indigo-dyed denim without aniline impurities throughout the process.

With the aim to help the denim industry reduce the environmental impact of its wastewater and move towards circularity, Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim have renewed their joint commitment to the production of aniline-free denim apparel based on Archroma’s DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30.

Their joint aim is to produce high-quality denim in authentic blue shades without the aniline impurity carried through from the synthesis of standard synthetic indigo. In traditional denim production, this aniline remains bound with the indigo pigment on the fabric; the remaining aniline is discharged during the dyeing and washing process. This can be a problem because aniline is toxic to aquatic life and two-thirds of aniline waste currently ends up in wastewater discharge where it could potentially pollute waterways and the ocean.

Archroma developed DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 to answer this key challenge. A 30% pre-reduced indigo solution, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 makes it possible to produce indigo-dyed denim without aniline impurities throughout the process.

Easy to use with automated dosing, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 reduces the water needed for preparation, washing and wastewater treatment compared to indigo grains. It also reduces hazardous chemical consumption while allowing high reproducibility and creating the authentic and iconic deep indigo shades traditionally associated with denim.

G-Star RAW is working towards making 20% of its entire collection from Cradle to Cradle Certified® fabrics by 2025. Its partnership with Archroma and Advance Denim contributes to this goal, since the aniline-free DENISOL® holds a Gold Level Material Health Certificate from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 is also compliant with other eco-standards and the requirements of leading retailers and brands.

Advance Denim, G-Star RAW and Archroma have previously collaborated to launch collections based on Archroma’s EarthColors® technology, which upcycles plant waste from the herbal industry to create sustainable colorways.




Texhibition Istanbul: Fifth edition successfully concluded

The fifth edition of the Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair from 6 to 8 March 2024, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), presented 557 exhibitors showcasing the entire range of the textile supplying section: from woven and knitted fabrics to accessories and artificial leather. A new addition was a separate hall for yarns and denim, the BlueBlackDenim hall. With this trade fair, Texhibition has more than doubled its floor space compared to the last event to 35,000 square metres.

Texhibition Istanbul acts as a central point of contact for the entire international industry, with a clear focus on quality, innovation and the latest trends like the denim companies Bossa, Çalık, İsko, İskur and Kipaş at the BlueBlackDenim Hall.

Yarn companies such as Aksa, Diktaş, Ensar, Karafiber, Kaplanlar, Korteks, Migiteks, Sasa, Tepar showed the production power of the yarn sector, where the product quality, design and workmanship came together.

The fifth edition of the Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair from 6 to 8 March 2024, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), presented 557 exhibitors showcasing the entire range of the textile supplying section: from woven and knitted fabrics to accessories and artificial leather. A new addition was a separate hall for yarns and denim, the BlueBlackDenim hall. With this trade fair, Texhibition has more than doubled its floor space compared to the last event to 35,000 square metres.

Texhibition Istanbul acts as a central point of contact for the entire international industry, with a clear focus on quality, innovation and the latest trends like the denim companies Bossa, Çalık, İsko, İskur and Kipaş at the BlueBlackDenim Hall.

Yarn companies such as Aksa, Diktaş, Ensar, Karafiber, Kaplanlar, Korteks, Migiteks, Sasa, Tepar showed the production power of the yarn sector, where the product quality, design and workmanship came together.

In addition to well-known companies such as Almodo, Bahariye, BTD, Can Textile, Iskur, Kipaş, Menderes, Söktaş, Yünsa, Zorlu, İpeker a large number of other export-oriented companies from the segments of textiles (woven fabrics, knitting) presented their latest designs and products.

25,752 visitors came from over 112 countries, 41.8% from the European Union (including Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Romania etc.) and Great Britain, Ukraine,26.5% from Asia (including Russia etc.), 14.8% from the Middle East (including Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia) 10.7% from North Africa (including Algeria, Tunisia etc.), 3.1% from North America (United States, Canada), 3.1% from South America and other countries.

American buyers from the USA and Canada in particular, but also a large number of Mexican and Colombian buyers took advantage of the numerous match-making opportunities at Texhibition. Many B2B meetings took place and led to numerous orders being placed, including from key accounts such as Alexander Wang, Asos, Forever 21, Sainsbury's, Veronica Beard etc.

More information:
Texhibition Istanbul Yarns Denim



Denim Expert's Goal: 100% wastewater recycling

The announcement of a new effluent treatment plant (ETP) marks a milestone in Denim Expert's journey towards sustainability. This upcoming facility is a testament to the company's dedication to reducing its ecological footprint and safeguarding local ecosystems through advanced water management techniques.

The new Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) being developed by Denim Expert strives for 100% wastewater recycling. As the ETP rises from concept to reality, Denim Expert embarks on a transition towards its next horizon: aligning with the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Wastewater Guidelines Version 2.0.

The announcement of a new effluent treatment plant (ETP) marks a milestone in Denim Expert's journey towards sustainability. This upcoming facility is a testament to the company's dedication to reducing its ecological footprint and safeguarding local ecosystems through advanced water management techniques.

The new Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) being developed by Denim Expert strives for 100% wastewater recycling. As the ETP rises from concept to reality, Denim Expert embarks on a transition towards its next horizon: aligning with the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Wastewater Guidelines Version 2.0.

Denim Expert's proactive approach to sustainability has been recognized on a global scale. The company has been named 'New Champion' by the World Economic Forum and has partnered with organizations such as the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Jeans Redesign program. As one of the first factories to join the Partnership for Cleaner Textile (PaCT) and in the process of implementing the 3E program, Denim Expert is dedicated to achieving 100% water reuse and full reliance on solar energy, further solidifying its commitment to driving positive environmental change.

Archroma launches Super Systems+ Photo: Archroma

Archroma launches Super Systems+

Archroma introduced Super Systems+. These end-to-end systems combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects to help textile and apparel brands, retailers and mills positively impact their economic and environmental sustainability.

Archroma’s Super Systems+ suite encompass wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and technologies that eliminate harmful or regulated substances. It will allow brands and mills to achieve their desired level of sustainability through measurable resource savings and cleaner chemistries.

Archroma introduced Super Systems+. These end-to-end systems combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects to help textile and apparel brands, retailers and mills positively impact their economic and environmental sustainability.

Archroma’s Super Systems+ suite encompass wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and technologies that eliminate harmful or regulated substances. It will allow brands and mills to achieve their desired level of sustainability through measurable resource savings and cleaner chemistries.

Products and technologies that are be used in Super Systems+ solutions include: AVITERA® SE for resource savings, an improved cost-to-performance ratio for cotton and its blends and chlorine fastness; DIRESUL® EVOLUTION BLACK for shade and wash-down effects on black denim and an overall impact reduction of 57%*; aniline-free** DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 LIQ for authentic blue denim; ERIOPON® E3-SAVE all-in-one auxiliary for resource-intensive polyester dyeing that reduces processing time and conserves water and energy; and PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ for bio-based, PFAS-free, formaldehyde-free and crosslinker-free durable water repellence.

*As determined by Ecoterrae, a leading Spain-based sustainability consulting firm, through a Life Cycle Analysis (UNE-EN ISO 14044:2006) at the synthesis stage, using the ReCiPe 2016 Impact calculation methodology.
**Below limits of detection according to industry standard test methods.



Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh Photo: Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

Denim Asia Limited, Knit Asia Limited, Progress Apparels Limited, Ananta BD, Reverse Resources, and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) played pivotal roles in this initiative. Knit Asia Ltd, notably acclaimed for their commitment to sustainable practices, along with Denim Asia, associated with the sustainable brand Noize Jeans, showcased their commitment to sustainable manufacturing processes.
Progress Apparels Limited, a ready-made garment producer and part of PDS Limited demonstrated its advanced sustainable production facilities. Reverse Resources and the BGMEA hosted an intimate “Meet and Greet Networking Session”, to boost awareness about the technologies in the industry.

Mr. Mostafiz Uddin, Founder and CEO of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange, emphasized the significance of this event for the wider Bangladeshi textile industry, " Bangladesh has the biggest manufacturing sector in South Asia and this tour marks a critical step towards a circular fashion ecosystem, also how can the fashion industry become more sustainable in Bangladesh. It's not just an event; it's part of a larger movement to incorporate innovative recycling, Sustainable Fashion technologies and establish global partnerships for a sustainable fashion industry."

Featuring interactive sessions, factory visits, and knowledge sharing, this initiative offered a platform for fostering collaborations between manufacturers and technology innovators.

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good are optimistic about a future where Bangladesh leads in sustainable and circular apparel manufacturing.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Award winners with foundation chairman, foundation MD and professors (c) VDMA e.V. Textile Machinery
Award winners with foundation chairman, foundation MD and professors

Walter Reiners Foundation honours young engineers

As part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference in Dresden, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to four successful young engineers. Two promotion prizes and two sustainability prizes were awarded in the Bachelor and Diploma/Master categories. Academic works in which solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

A sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category was awarded to Franziska Jauch, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, for her Bachelor's thesis on pigment digital printing in denim production.

The promotion prize in the Bachelor's category, also worth 3,000 euros, went to Annika Datko, RWTH Aachen, for her work on determining the polyester content in used textiles.

Dave Kersevan, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with 3,500 euros. The subject of his thesis was the development of a laboratory system for the production of needled carbon preforms.

As part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference in Dresden, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to four successful young engineers. Two promotion prizes and two sustainability prizes were awarded in the Bachelor and Diploma/Master categories. Academic works in which solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

A sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category was awarded to Franziska Jauch, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, for her Bachelor's thesis on pigment digital printing in denim production.

The promotion prize in the Bachelor's category, also worth 3,000 euros, went to Annika Datko, RWTH Aachen, for her work on determining the polyester content in used textiles.

Dave Kersevan, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with 3,500 euros. The subject of his thesis was the development of a laboratory system for the production of needled carbon preforms.

This year's promotion award in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with prize money of 3,500 euros, went to Flávio Diniz from RWTH Aachen. The subject of his Master's thesis was the feasibility of manufacturing ultra-thin carbon fibres.

The award ceremony 2024 will take place in April at the VDMA stand at the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt.

ISKO supports designers at London Fashion Week (c) ISKO
Designs from left to right by: Priya Ahluwalia, Chet Lo, Aaron Esh and Masha Popova

ISKO supports designers at London Fashion Week

ISKO provided their latest innovation in material science to British designers, Priya Ahluwalia, Masha Popova, Chet Lo and Aaron Esh, for the London Fashion Week SS24 season.

Alongside supplying their latest denim fabrics, ISKO opened its doors to its London-based product development centre, Creative Room London, for finishing and washing of their final designs as well providing expertise and knowledge in denim design and construction.

Priya Ahluwalia
For Ahluwalia’s Spring Summer 24 collection, entitled Acknowledgements, Creative Director and founder Priya Ahluwalia’s research led her on a journey of creative rediscovery.
ISKO’s Ctrl+Z fabric, which is made entirely from recycled and regenerated fibres, was used to create the flower motif denim showcase within 3 looks across jeans and jackets. This development contains no virgin cotton and uses a minimum of 60% recycled materials and the remainder is regenerated cellulose fibres while still giving a look and feel identical to traditional denim and speaks to Ahluwalia’s ongoing commitment to sustainable design and business practices.

ISKO provided their latest innovation in material science to British designers, Priya Ahluwalia, Masha Popova, Chet Lo and Aaron Esh, for the London Fashion Week SS24 season.

Alongside supplying their latest denim fabrics, ISKO opened its doors to its London-based product development centre, Creative Room London, for finishing and washing of their final designs as well providing expertise and knowledge in denim design and construction.

Priya Ahluwalia
For Ahluwalia’s Spring Summer 24 collection, entitled Acknowledgements, Creative Director and founder Priya Ahluwalia’s research led her on a journey of creative rediscovery.
ISKO’s Ctrl+Z fabric, which is made entirely from recycled and regenerated fibres, was used to create the flower motif denim showcase within 3 looks across jeans and jackets. This development contains no virgin cotton and uses a minimum of 60% recycled materials and the remainder is regenerated cellulose fibres while still giving a look and feel identical to traditional denim and speaks to Ahluwalia’s ongoing commitment to sustainable design and business practices.

Chet Lo
This season, Chet Lo took an active stand in reclaiming the power lost during his youth, healing the childhood wounds inflicted by a society that sidelined differences instead of celebrating them.
ISKO’s Ctrl+Z fabric and specialist lasering techniques from ISKO’s Creative Room was used across three looks featuring signature Chet Lo erotic laser prints across denim bottoms.

Aaron Esh
The SS24 season marked the brand’s debut at London Fashion Week, a homecoming of sorts for Esh, who was born and raised in the heart of the British capital, studied at Central Saint Martins and became a finalist at the LVMH Prize earlier this year. The early impulses of Aaron Esh remain steadfast: clothes that combine establishment rigour with the rebellious spirit of youth culture, devotedly crafted for a generation who feels somewhere in-between.
Aaron created bootleg denim ripped jeans made entirely from ISKO Denim using R-TWO50 fabric, which comprises a minimum of 50% pre and post-consumer recycled content. The designer noted the addition of denim accompanied by leathers add a new level of depth to their latest collection.

Masha Popova
Masha Popova’s sophomore catwalk outing, MONSTER was a “seasonless” offering that combines Autumn Winter 2023 and Spring Summer 2024.
Masha continued her obsession with denim manipulation, using various finishings including over-dyeing, flocking, patchwork, scratching and fraying in a variety of colours from vibrant green to silver across jeans, tops and jackets, all developed with the help of ISKO’s Creative Room, London.



Istanbul Fashion Connection 2023 again successful Photo: IFCO

Istanbul Fashion Connection 2023 again successful

With over 400 exhibitors, the fourth Istanbul Fashion Connection event from August 9-11, 2023, at the Istanbul Expo Center on 35,000 sqm was again successful.

With over 20,000 visitors from more than 125 countries, IFCO recorded an increase in visitors of over 30% compared to August last year. International visitors more than doubled, with the largest visitor groups coming from Asia and the Middle East at 33% each, Europe at 17%, Africa 11% and the Americas at 6%.

All retail channels were represented at the show, from large shopping mall and department store groups to wholesalers, international retail chains, multi-brand boutiques and online platforms.

In six clearly segmented halls, more than 400 brands presented themselves on 35,000 sqm from womenswear, menswear, kidswear sportswear, denim, leather and fur.

With over 400 exhibitors, the fourth Istanbul Fashion Connection event from August 9-11, 2023, at the Istanbul Expo Center on 35,000 sqm was again successful.

With over 20,000 visitors from more than 125 countries, IFCO recorded an increase in visitors of over 30% compared to August last year. International visitors more than doubled, with the largest visitor groups coming from Asia and the Middle East at 33% each, Europe at 17%, Africa 11% and the Americas at 6%.

All retail channels were represented at the show, from large shopping mall and department store groups to wholesalers, international retail chains, multi-brand boutiques and online platforms.

In six clearly segmented halls, more than 400 brands presented themselves on 35,000 sqm from womenswear, menswear, kidswear sportswear, denim, leather and fur.

The Core Istanbul
For the second time, the exclusive design area The Core Istanbul, originally launched as part of Istanbul Fashion Week, presented itself at IFCO. Among others, Arzu Kaprol, Ceren Ocak, Çiğdem Akın, Essin Barış, Ezgi Karayel, Fulyaİlkmen - F.ILKK, Mehmet Emiroğlu, Meltem Özbek, Mert Erkan, Merve Ulu - Kuela, Murat Aytulum, Nejla Güvenç - Nej, Özlem Erkan, Selin Küçüksöz, Tuba Ergin joined the show. Menswear was also represented with Emre Erdemoğlu, Seydullah Yılmaz - SYHZ Wear and Yakup Biçer - Y Plus.

The Exclusive Area
Leading Turkish retail brands, already internationally active, showed in The Exclusive Area such as B&G Store, Climber BC, Damat, Giovane Gentile, Hatemoğlu, Ipekyol, Kayra, Kiğılı, Lee Cooper, Lufian, Jakamen, Naramaxx and convinced with their high quality, sustainable and fashionable products, which were in great demand among international buyers. Jakamen opened the IFCO Shows on the first day of the fair with its latest spring / summer collection for 2024.

With its own catwalk, the occasion fashion section FashionIst for women and men featured thirty leading brands and showed a cross-section of the latest designs in evening fashion with their innovative colors and dynamic styles. Daily fashion shows informed visitors about the latest trends.

B2B Match Making
The B2B Match Making at IFCO took place in speed dating mode and was well received. Exhibitors were efficiently networked with buyers from all over the world such as Inditex from Spain, Walmart, Quicksilver, Teddy Fresh or Wilbo from the USA, Sainsbury's from the UK, Cihuah from Mexico, the Apparel Group and Safari Group from the United Arab Emirates, Ria Miranda from Indonesia, Hi Style and Zalora from Malaysia, Musinsa from South Korea, Ackermans from South Africa etc.

IFCO February 2024
For the next date of IFCO (7.-10. February, 2024), the organizers expect more than 600 companies. The participation of international fashion companies is to be expanded, for which IFCO provides the ideal springboard into the European and Asian markets.



Abschlussbericht der MUNICH FABRIC START Foto: MUNICHFABRICSTART Exhibitions GmbH

Abschlussbericht der MUNICH FABRIC START

Nach drei Tagen voller Programm, Networking, Inspiration und Fashionbusiness ist die 52. Ausgabe der internationalen Trade Show MUNICH FABRIC START zu Ende gegangen. Die Jubiläumsausgabe der Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE, die diesen Sommer ihren 20. Geburtstag feierte, die One-Stop-Sourcing-Plattform THE SOURCE und der Innovationshub KEYHOUSE haben wie geplant bereits am Mittwochabend ihre Türen für diese Saison geschlossen.

Trends: Das kommt Autumn.Winter 24/25
Aufgrund ihres in diesem Jahr erstmalig wesentlich früheren Sommertermins vergrößerte die MUNICH FABRIC START ihre Relevanz als Ort für frühen Trendresearch noch einmal. Die fünf entwickelten, zentralen ästhetischen Trends für die Herbst-/Wintersaison 2024/2025 unter dem Leitthema „each other“ waren in den Foyers des MOC flächig inszeniert: Highland Hybrids: ein Patchwork aus Natur, Tradition und Performance; Mystic Beings: die Fantasiewelt der Elfen, Helden, Monster und Roboter; System Cringe: eine Bewegung, die zum Handeln aufruft; Kinky Classics: provokativ extrovertiert mit Style und Past forward, ein retrofuturistischer Blickwinkel.

Nach drei Tagen voller Programm, Networking, Inspiration und Fashionbusiness ist die 52. Ausgabe der internationalen Trade Show MUNICH FABRIC START zu Ende gegangen. Die Jubiläumsausgabe der Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE, die diesen Sommer ihren 20. Geburtstag feierte, die One-Stop-Sourcing-Plattform THE SOURCE und der Innovationshub KEYHOUSE haben wie geplant bereits am Mittwochabend ihre Türen für diese Saison geschlossen.

Trends: Das kommt Autumn.Winter 24/25
Aufgrund ihres in diesem Jahr erstmalig wesentlich früheren Sommertermins vergrößerte die MUNICH FABRIC START ihre Relevanz als Ort für frühen Trendresearch noch einmal. Die fünf entwickelten, zentralen ästhetischen Trends für die Herbst-/Wintersaison 2024/2025 unter dem Leitthema „each other“ waren in den Foyers des MOC flächig inszeniert: Highland Hybrids: ein Patchwork aus Natur, Tradition und Performance; Mystic Beings: die Fantasiewelt der Elfen, Helden, Monster und Roboter; System Cringe: eine Bewegung, die zum Handeln aufruft; Kinky Classics: provokativ extrovertiert mit Style und Past forward, ein retrofuturistischer Blickwinkel.

Edutainment – zukunftsweisende und nachhaltige Anwendungsszenarien
Neben den umfangreichen Trendinformationen für Autumn.Winter 2024/25 bot die Messe ein vielfältiges Vortragsprogramm mit Paneldiskussionen, inspirierenden Keynotes und Lectures. Rund 35 Programmpunkte und über 50 Speaker:innen sorgten für ein umfangreiches Edutainment-Erlebnis.

One-Stop-Innovation & One-Stop-Sourcing
Im KEYHOUSE – dem Innovations- und Nachhaltigkeitshub der MUNICH FABRIC START – drehte sich einmal mehr alles um technologischen und ökologischen Fortschritt. Die Sustainable Innovations als Sonderpräsentationsfläche für herausragende Neuentwicklungen an der Grenze zwischen Start-up und Skalierbarkeit waren dabei erneut einer der absoluten Besucher:innenmagneten der Messe. Ebenfalls drehte sich in der Halle 2 des MOC in der Re:Source Area alles um Nachhaltigkeit. Die Metaplattform für zertifiziert ökologisch und sozial produzierte Stoffe und Accessoires zeigt die grünen Lösungen der Messeaussteller seit über zehn Jahren gebündelt an einem Ort und ermöglicht Besucher:innen so ein gezieltes nachhaltiges Sourcing.

Zum zweiten Mal fand am 18. und 19. Juli die Show in Show THE SOURCE als integrierte Area der MUNICH FABRIC START statt und rundete das MFS-Ecosystem in Richtung des Apparel Manufacturings ab. Rund 60 ausgewählte Bekleidungshersteller zeigten in der Halle 8 des Dampfdoms in der Motorworld und damit unmittelbar angrenzend an das MOC und die Zenith-Area ihre Produkt- und Serviceleistungen.

In die nähere Zukunft blickend richtet die MUNICH FABRIC START ihren Fokus nun auf drei wichtige, bereits festgelegte Termine: Zunächst findet die reVIEW Autumn.Winter 24/25 am 13. und 14. September 2023 – und bespielt damit den bisherigen Zeitraum von MFS und BLUEZONE – erstmals in der Motorworld statt und bietet der Branche damit wie gewohnt einen späten Ordertermin in München. Nur zehn Wochen später wird am 28. und 29. November 2023 bereits die preVIEW stattfinden und damit eine erste Ordermöglichkeit für die Spring/Summer Kollektionen für 2025 anbieten. Anschließend versammelt sich die Branche erneut für die MUNICH FABRIC START und BLUEZONE vom 23. bis 25. Januar 2024.



(c) adidas AG

adidas Originals and KSENIASCHNAIDER present Collaborative Collection

This season, adidas Originals and the progressive Ukrainian label KSENIASCHNAIDER have come together to present a collaborative collection featuring a host of unconventional garments, footwear, and accessories.

Founded in 2011 by Ksenia and Anton Schnaider, KSENIASCHNAIDER is a Kyiv-based independent fashion house centered on creating boundary pushing ready-to-wear, denim, and upcycled apparel and accessories. Drawing on Ksenia’s design language and Anton’s engineering logic, the partners’ eponymous label continues to challenge established conventions to boldly project a new vision of the future.

The collection is anchored by a host of garments which blend the Ukrainian house’s signature aesthetic with adidas’ instantly recognizable brand codes. First, an array of denim pieces – including jeans, jackets, and shirt dresses – are elevated with frayed edges, voluminous cuts, and idiosyncratic details. Second, fresh takes on a timeless adidas classic stand out as adiColor tracksuits, corsets, and dresses are reworked in a patchwork finish.

The adidas Originals x KSENIASCHNAIDER collection launches on July 1st.

This season, adidas Originals and the progressive Ukrainian label KSENIASCHNAIDER have come together to present a collaborative collection featuring a host of unconventional garments, footwear, and accessories.

Founded in 2011 by Ksenia and Anton Schnaider, KSENIASCHNAIDER is a Kyiv-based independent fashion house centered on creating boundary pushing ready-to-wear, denim, and upcycled apparel and accessories. Drawing on Ksenia’s design language and Anton’s engineering logic, the partners’ eponymous label continues to challenge established conventions to boldly project a new vision of the future.

The collection is anchored by a host of garments which blend the Ukrainian house’s signature aesthetic with adidas’ instantly recognizable brand codes. First, an array of denim pieces – including jeans, jackets, and shirt dresses – are elevated with frayed edges, voluminous cuts, and idiosyncratic details. Second, fresh takes on a timeless adidas classic stand out as adiColor tracksuits, corsets, and dresses are reworked in a patchwork finish.

The adidas Originals x KSENIASCHNAIDER collection launches on July 1st.


adidas AG


IFCO to be held in Istanbul from 9-11 August 2023

From 9 to 11 August 2023, IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will be held for the fourth time at the Istanbul Expo Center at 6 Halls. The fashion fair is organised by ITKIB Fairs, a subsidiary of Istanbul Apparel Exporter's Association, the umbrella organisation of the Turkish fashion and apparel industry.

IFCO has developed into a hub for fashion enthusiasts, designers, buyers and trendsetters and has established itself as an important international platform for the global fashion industry. IFCO brings together around 400 exhibitors from all product groups of the apparel and fashion industry under one roof in six clearly structured halls: womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, denim, sportswear, evening and occasion wear, bridal wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and fur, shoes and accessories.

From high-end tailoring to streetwear and sustainable fashion, the fair will present a wide range of styles and trends. IFCO Brands present market leaders such as İpekyol, Climber, Damat, Kiğılı, B&G Store, Lufian, Jakamen, NaraMaxx, Giovane Gentile and Lee Cooper using IFCOto further expand their international network.

From 9 to 11 August 2023, IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will be held for the fourth time at the Istanbul Expo Center at 6 Halls. The fashion fair is organised by ITKIB Fairs, a subsidiary of Istanbul Apparel Exporter's Association, the umbrella organisation of the Turkish fashion and apparel industry.

IFCO has developed into a hub for fashion enthusiasts, designers, buyers and trendsetters and has established itself as an important international platform for the global fashion industry. IFCO brings together around 400 exhibitors from all product groups of the apparel and fashion industry under one roof in six clearly structured halls: womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, denim, sportswear, evening and occasion wear, bridal wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and fur, shoes and accessories.

From high-end tailoring to streetwear and sustainable fashion, the fair will present a wide range of styles and trends. IFCO Brands present market leaders such as İpekyol, Climber, Damat, Kiğılı, B&G Store, Lufian, Jakamen, NaraMaxx, Giovane Gentile and Lee Cooper using IFCOto further expand their international network.

THE CORE ISTANBUL, successfully launched at IFCO in February, once again features a fascinating mix of established and emerging important Turkish designerswith their creative and innovative creations.

One focus of the fair will be the topic of sustainability. Companies will show their innovations. Ekoteks, the association's sustainability laboratory, supports the development of sustainable production and will also have a stand at IFCO to present the latest developments in this area.

The extensive supporting program with fashion shows and trend zones inspires visitors with the latest fashion trends and styles, while the seminars and workshops address current topics in the fashion industry such as digital transformation, smart clothing, technical textiles and sustainability.

30,000 visitors from more than 100 countries are expected at the upcoming IFCO, mainly from the EU, UK, Eastern Europe, CIS, North Africa, Middle East and the USA. The show also offers networking events, such as B2B Speed Dating, which brings together fashion designers, brands, manufacturers, buyers and industry experts to exchange ideas and forge potential business relationships. This is an important aspect of the fair that has helped to position Istanbul Fashion Connection as a key meeting place for the fashion industry.





With a current booking level of almost 90% for the international fabric trade show MUNICH FABRIC START, KEYHOUSE, THE SOURCE and BLUEZONE, Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH is starting the new season for Autumn.Winter 24/25 on a strong footing. From the organisers' point of view, the main reason for the high level of acceptance is the rebalancing of the July dates.

The international fabric trade show MUNICH FABRIC START (18 to 20 July), the innovation hub KEYHOUSE, theb one-stop sourcing platform THE SOURCE and the international denim trade show BLUEZONE (18 and 19 July) will move ahead and at the same time increase their relevance in the international trade show scene. For a large part of the visitors, the earlier date is closer to the collection rhythms and offers more time for further developments.

With a current booking level of almost 90% for the international fabric trade show MUNICH FABRIC START, KEYHOUSE, THE SOURCE and BLUEZONE, Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH is starting the new season for Autumn.Winter 24/25 on a strong footing. From the organisers' point of view, the main reason for the high level of acceptance is the rebalancing of the July dates.

The international fabric trade show MUNICH FABRIC START (18 to 20 July), the innovation hub KEYHOUSE, theb one-stop sourcing platform THE SOURCE and the international denim trade show BLUEZONE (18 and 19 July) will move ahead and at the same time increase their relevance in the international trade show scene. For a large part of the visitors, the earlier date is closer to the collection rhythms and offers more time for further developments.

What's new?
Due to the early date of MUNICH FABRIC START and BLUEZONE, the Munich trade show duo with KEYHOUSE and THE SOURCE formats will function even more strongly as an impulse generator and leading international event. The Munich location will also be strengthened by the relocation of the DMI Fashion Day from Düsseldorf to the Bavarian capital. The first DMI FASHION DAY LIVE will take place the day before the next MUNICH FABRIC START at the MOC.

The course will also be set anew in September: The date, which remains important for the industry, will in future be occupied by reVIEW - the new format of the VIEW PREMIUM SELECTION for follow-ups and trends as well as new market developments. On an area of around 2,500 square metres, the first reVIEW Autumn.Winter 24/25 will be held on 13 and 14 September 2023 on the Zenith grounds in Motorworld.



(c) ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei showcases ROICA™ V550 at Kingpins

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei joins from April 12th the Kingpins Show, showcasing its latest innovation, the premium & smart stretch yarn ROICA™ V550.

ROICA™ V550 is a Cradle to Cradle-Certified™ sustainable degradable stretch yarn with a Material Health Gold Level Certificate. It degrades under ISO 14855-1 tested by OWS decomposing to CO2 and water.

The new responsible and innovative solution partners with denim companies, such as Artistic Milliners, Candiani Denim and Prosperity. They all have adopted the eco-high-tech yarn into their collections and showcase them at Kingpins.

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei joins from April 12th the Kingpins Show, showcasing its latest innovation, the premium & smart stretch yarn ROICA™ V550.

ROICA™ V550 is a Cradle to Cradle-Certified™ sustainable degradable stretch yarn with a Material Health Gold Level Certificate. It degrades under ISO 14855-1 tested by OWS decomposing to CO2 and water.

The new responsible and innovative solution partners with denim companies, such as Artistic Milliners, Candiani Denim and Prosperity. They all have adopted the eco-high-tech yarn into their collections and showcase them at Kingpins.


ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei