From the Sector

326 results

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris: Over 1,200 exhibitors from 25 countries

More than 1,200 exhibitors from twenty-five countries are taking part in  Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris from 10 to 12 February at the Paris-Le Bourget Exhibition Centre, showcasing the very best in global sourcing  to help fashion brands build their Spring-Summer 2026 collections.
Over the three days, international buyers will have access to the leading market platform for textiles and clothing, and will be able to discover, in a refurbished space, a first-rate offering with a very wide choice at competitive prices. This concentration of manufacturers and makers constitutes the heart of the international market in the mid-range segments, which now account for the bulk of finished garment consumption.

More than 1,200 exhibitors from twenty-five countries are taking part in  Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris from 10 to 12 February at the Paris-Le Bourget Exhibition Centre, showcasing the very best in global sourcing  to help fashion brands build their Spring-Summer 2026 collections.
Over the three days, international buyers will have access to the leading market platform for textiles and clothing, and will be able to discover, in a refurbished space, a first-rate offering with a very wide choice at competitive prices. This concentration of manufacturers and makers constitutes the heart of the international market in the mid-range segments, which now account for the bulk of finished garment consumption.

Reflecting the diversity of global sourcing
Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris brings together not only the major players in global sourcing, such as China, Turkey, India, Korea, Pakistan and Taiwan, but also suppliers from alternative zones with rich expertise, such as Malaysia, Singapore, the UK, Vietnam, the Netherlands, Africa - a dozen companies from Ethiopia, Rwanda, Egypt and Benin will be in Paris in February - and South America. For the first time this year, Texworld will be welcoming an Argentinian woollen manufacturer - Industrias Textiles Frione - which offers a range of top-quality fabrics while promoting manufacturing processes that are particularly environmentally friendly.

Texpertise Econogy: initiatives to promote sustainable fashion
As part of its commitment to more responsible fashion, Messe Frankfurt is supporting players who respect the ecological and social standards of the textile industry. At the entrance to Hall 4, the new ‘Initiatives’ zone will be showcasing inspiring and sustainable solutions promoted by some exhibitors. This area (where you'll find press and partner stands, events and trend forums) will also host the China Textile Information Centre's trend forum, as well as the Texpertise Econogy Hub, where Messe Frankfurt will be presenting its commitments to sustainability in the textile sector through the Texpertise Econogy concept, which combines ecology and economic development.

As part of this initiative, two Econogy Tours will enable visitors to discover what a selection of certified companies can offer. These guided tours, led by a specialist in the sustainable approach, will be offered on Monday 10 February (12.30pm-1.30pm) and Tuesday 11 February (10am-11am) to buyers who wish to take part. Appointments are scheduled at the Econogy Hub counter.

Conferences, trends and forecasts
To complement the product offering, a series of events and conferences will be taking place. Held in the Agora in Hall 2, they will explore market trends and prospects in detail. Louis Gérin, the shows' artistic director, will be commenting on “Neocene”, the Trendbook for the Spring-Summer 2026 season, focusing on the creative directions that will shape the fashion of tomorrow. Several conferences will provide an insight into the business models of manufacturers such as Wellfabric - Bao Lan Textiles, one of the pioneers of sustainable textiles  in Vietnam, and the African platform Arise IIP, present at Apparel Sourcing.  Finally, there will be round-table discussions on forward-looking issues such as fast fashion and the challenges of sustainability in terms of production and sourcing. They will also look at solutions to support the ecological transition (Econogy Talks), as well as innovation and management challenges. These conferences, which will take place on Monday and Tuesday, are free to attend.


Messe Frankfurt Frankreich



Japanese computerized flat knitting technologist SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Indian sales representative Universal MEP Projects & Engineering Services, Ltd., will participate in the upcoming Garments Machinery Manufacturers & Suppliers Association (GMMSA) Expo India 2025 exhibition to be held in Ludhiana, India next month.

SHIMA SEIKI will be exhibiting its WHOLEGARMENT® knitting technology whereby an item can be produced in one entire piece on the machine without linking or sewing. Its N.SVR®183 WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine produces WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear using every other needle in fine gauge. N.SVR®183 is equipped with the R2CARRIAGE® system and a compact, lightweight carriage for high productivity. Shown in 21G at the GMMSA Expo, N.SVR®183 is an ideal machine for flexible, entry-level WHOLEGARMENT® production, with the versatility to respond to fluctuating market demand.

Japanese computerized flat knitting technologist SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Indian sales representative Universal MEP Projects & Engineering Services, Ltd., will participate in the upcoming Garments Machinery Manufacturers & Suppliers Association (GMMSA) Expo India 2025 exhibition to be held in Ludhiana, India next month.

SHIMA SEIKI will be exhibiting its WHOLEGARMENT® knitting technology whereby an item can be produced in one entire piece on the machine without linking or sewing. Its N.SVR®183 WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine produces WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear using every other needle in fine gauge. N.SVR®183 is equipped with the R2CARRIAGE® system and a compact, lightweight carriage for high productivity. Shown in 21G at the GMMSA Expo, N.SVR®183 is an ideal machine for flexible, entry-level WHOLEGARMENT® production, with the versatility to respond to fluctuating market demand.

Meanwhile the N.SSR®112 is a computerized flat knitting machine that offers leading technology in an economical yet reliable package. Featuring industry-leading innovations such as the R2CARRIAGE® that yields quicker carriage returns for greater efficiency, spring-type moveable sinker, DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System, stitch presser and takedown comb, Made-in-Japan quality, reliability and productivity, as well as user-friendliness and cost-performance combine to satisfy the high expectations of the world’s, and India’s, fashion industry. N.SSR®112 is even capable of WideGauge® knitting whereby a number of different gauges can be knit into a single garment.

SDS®-ONE APEX4 3D design system and APEXFiz® subscription-based design software support the creative side of fashion from planning and design to colorway evaluation, realistic fabric simulation and 3D virtual sampling. Virtual samples are a digitized version of sample making that are accurate enough to be used effectively as prototypes, replacing physical sampling and consequently reducing time, cost and material that otherwise go to waste. When a design is approved for production, knitting data which is automatically generated can be converted easily to machine data, allowing smooth communication for digitally bridging the gap between design studio and factory. SDS®-ONE APEX4 and APEXFiz® help to realize sustainability while digitally transforming the fashion supply chain.


Heimtextil 2026 mit nicht-textilen Bodenbelägen

Zur Veranstaltung in 2026 launcht die Heimtextil einen neuen Produktbereich. Die non-textilen Bodenbeläge „Flooring & Equipment“ ergänzen das bestehende Portfolio mit Carpets & Rugs. Der neue Bereich der non-textilen Bodenbeläge knüpft direkt an das Teppichsegment an – was die Produktgruppen, aber auch die Platzierung auf dem Messegelände betrifft.

Die Messe soll ein ganzheitliches Einkaufserlebnis für Interior Design schaffen. Bei Flooring & Equipment liegt der Fokus auf Böden ohne textile Struktur. Dazu zählen elastische Bodenbeläge, Designbeläge/LVT, Korkböden, Laminatfußböden, Parkett und Holzfußböden sowie Outdoorbeläge.

Zur Veranstaltung in 2026 launcht die Heimtextil einen neuen Produktbereich. Die non-textilen Bodenbeläge „Flooring & Equipment“ ergänzen das bestehende Portfolio mit Carpets & Rugs. Der neue Bereich der non-textilen Bodenbeläge knüpft direkt an das Teppichsegment an – was die Produktgruppen, aber auch die Platzierung auf dem Messegelände betrifft.

Die Messe soll ein ganzheitliches Einkaufserlebnis für Interior Design schaffen. Bei Flooring & Equipment liegt der Fokus auf Böden ohne textile Struktur. Dazu zählen elastische Bodenbeläge, Designbeläge/LVT, Korkböden, Laminatfußböden, Parkett und Holzfußböden sowie Outdoorbeläge.

„Wir entwickeln die Heimtextil gemeinsam mit der Branche stetig weiter – zu einer globalen Bühne mit Inspiration und Lösungen für die gesamte Innenraumgestaltung. Non-textile Bodenbeläge ergänzen das bisherige Angebotsspektrum der Heimtextil ideal und sprechen neue Zielgruppen an, wie den spezialisierten Bodenfachhandel. Dank der direkten Anbindung zu Carpets & Rugs profitiert die Branche außerdem von effizienten Synergien zwischen den Produktbereichen sowie von zahlreichen Neukontakten“, so Margit Herberth, Director Heimtextil. Zudem bediene Flooring & Equipment noch zielgerichteter die Interessen bereits bestehender Besucherzielgruppen – wie Designer*innen und Dekorateur*innen, (Innen-)Architekt*innen, Raum- und Objektausstattung, Bau- und Heimwerkermärkte, Gartencenter, Groß- und Einzelhandel.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


45 Years Trevira CS®

Indorama Ventures exhibited the Trevira CS® brand together with 17 Trevira CS partner companies at the Heimtextil trade fair in Frankfurt, Germany, from January 14-17, 2025.

This year Trevira CS is celebrating its 45th anniversary! In 1980 Trevira CS® was launched on the market, at that time a pioneer for permanently flame retardant textiles whose flame retardant properties neither wash out nor are lost through ageing or use. They are characterized by the fact that they meet all essential fire protection standards without the need for a chemical finish. Fabrics made from specially produced flame-retardant polyester can be labeled as Trevira CS after passing a brand test. Samples, brochures, pictures and short anecdotes from 45 years of Trevira CS will be on display in a special area of the exhibition stand, inviting visitors to browse and smile.

Indorama Ventures exhibited the Trevira CS® brand together with 17 Trevira CS partner companies at the Heimtextil trade fair in Frankfurt, Germany, from January 14-17, 2025.

This year Trevira CS is celebrating its 45th anniversary! In 1980 Trevira CS® was launched on the market, at that time a pioneer for permanently flame retardant textiles whose flame retardant properties neither wash out nor are lost through ageing or use. They are characterized by the fact that they meet all essential fire protection standards without the need for a chemical finish. Fabrics made from specially produced flame-retardant polyester can be labeled as Trevira CS after passing a brand test. Samples, brochures, pictures and short anecdotes from 45 years of Trevira CS will be on display in a special area of the exhibition stand, inviting visitors to browse and smile.

In the anniversary year the focus of the Trevira CS® joint stand will be on permanent flame retardancy and the sustainability approaches of Trevira CS fabrics, which are known for their outstanding properties and versatility in the textile industry. Not only will the latest yarn and fabric developments from the 17 partners be presented, the three sustainability approaches from 1. pre-consumer recycling, 2. the Trevira CS take-back concept in cooperation with the company ALTEX Textil-Recycling GmbH & Co. KG in Gronau, Germany and 3. developments from chemically recycled raw material, but also all submissions to the Trevira CS Fabric Competition 2025. This encouraged Trevira CS participants to explore the interfaces between permanent flame retardancy, textile design, functionality and safety and to submit articles for five different categories.

The BREATHAIR® brand, a 3D upholstery material, was also be presented at the trade fair. This innovative and recyclable product has been specially developed for the upholstery industry and offers new possibilities for sustainable and comfortable furniture designs. Thanks to the nature of BREATHAIR®, it can be recycled at the end of its life cycle . Visitors to the trade fair will have the opportunity to experience the unique comfort of BREATHAIR® up close in a seating lab.

The Deja™ brand is an integral part of Indorama Ventures' commitment to long-term sustainability through recycling and bio-based materials. The product portfolio includes chips, as well as various staple fibers and filament yarns in multiple titer and yarn specifications.

In cooperation with Auping and TWE, Indorama Ventures and Deja™ developed an innovative mattress consisting of two basic components. This new design allows for easier disassembly and therefore more efficient recycling. The partnership aims to promote the circular economy and reduce the environmental impact of mattresses. By using recyclable materials and reducing waste, the companies are actively contributing to a more sustainable future.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Collaboration Messe Frankfurt Dornbirn Messe Frankfurt India

Dornbirn Global fiber congress at Techtextil India Symposium 2025

As the global demand for technical textiles surges, India is emerging as a key hub for innovation and growth. Recognizing the vast potential of this evolving market, Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India announced a collaboration for ‘Techtextil India - the country’s premier platform for the technical textiles industry with Austrian Fibers Institute. This strategic alliance between the two-leading platforms in technical textiles will bring the Asia edition of the renowned Dornbirn GFC at a part of Techtextil India Symposium in 2025.

The 10th edition of Techtextil India 2025 which is scheduled from 19 – 21 November 2025, at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, will open its doors for the Dornbirn Global fiber congress Asia on 18th November 2025 to be held under Techtextil India Symposium.

The Dornbirn GFC Asia in India 2025 will spotlight on theme titled as ‘Shaping the future: Sustainable Growth in Fiber Solutions and Innovations’. The conference will be led by globally acclaimed subject matter experts, researchers, manufacturers and thought leaders.

As the global demand for technical textiles surges, India is emerging as a key hub for innovation and growth. Recognizing the vast potential of this evolving market, Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India announced a collaboration for ‘Techtextil India - the country’s premier platform for the technical textiles industry with Austrian Fibers Institute. This strategic alliance between the two-leading platforms in technical textiles will bring the Asia edition of the renowned Dornbirn GFC at a part of Techtextil India Symposium in 2025.

The 10th edition of Techtextil India 2025 which is scheduled from 19 – 21 November 2025, at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, will open its doors for the Dornbirn Global fiber congress Asia on 18th November 2025 to be held under Techtextil India Symposium.

The Dornbirn GFC Asia in India 2025 will spotlight on theme titled as ‘Shaping the future: Sustainable Growth in Fiber Solutions and Innovations’. The conference will be led by globally acclaimed subject matter experts, researchers, manufacturers and thought leaders.

The GFC Asia – India Conference will host a diverse line-up of speakers from India and around the world, showcasing cutting-edge innovations and expertise in the fiber and textile industry. The discussions will spotlight ground-breaking advances in spinning technology.

Driven by intensive research and development, the upcoming edition of the Techtextil India will present the innovative strides made by the industry players. From various stages of production of man-made fibre, non-woven and others, to the evolving applications and maintenance methods, the expo will be a source of upgrading knowledge and expanding the network.

Techtextil India 2025 edition is already sold out and has witnessed a strong interest from leading global brands who have signed up to exhibit. Indian government is aiming for the technical textile market to reach USD 40 billion by 2030 and total exports targeted are USD 10 billion by 2030. The Indian government and the industry players are confident that India will soon become the world leader in manufacturing of technical textiles. Schemes like National Technical textiles Mission (NTTM) and Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) are offering the benefits to industry stakeholders. Under NTTM, the government is focusing on 156 R&D projects for driving innovations. The government is also encouraging Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) to boost the segment.

The growing focus on sustainability and circularity in textiles is opening up new avenues encouraging reuse, repairing, refurbishing and recycling of the products. Indian government and technical textile educational programmes are witnessing a growth to impart knowledge and skills across categories like medical textiles, mobile textiles, geotextiles, geosynthetics and etc., which represent an attractive future. Applications ranging from medical textiles to sportswear, automotive to construction and environmental sustainability are driving the demand for high-performance materials.

Amidst this backdrop, the collaboration of Dornbirn GFC and Techtextil India 2025 marks a pivotal step in positioning India as a global hub for technical textile innovation and strengthening cross-border knowledge exchange. With the technical textiles market poised to redefine industries, Techtextil Symposium India will also present Meditex Conference during the event.


Messe Frankfurt India

(c) Messe Frankfurt France

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris returns to the Paris-Le-Bourget Exhibition Center

The return of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris to the Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre from 10 to 12 February will see a number of innovations both in terms of the products on offer and the visitor itineraries.

More than 1,200 weavers and garment makers are expected in Halls 2, 3 and 4 of the exhibition centre for this first edition in 2025. This return to a redesigned space marks a new chapter in the visitor experience. This session will also offer a true reflection of the diversity of global sourcing, with creative ranges at competitive prices for the fashion industries.

The return of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris to the Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre from 10 to 12 February will see a number of innovations both in terms of the products on offer and the visitor itineraries.

More than 1,200 weavers and garment makers are expected in Halls 2, 3 and 4 of the exhibition centre for this first edition in 2025. This return to a redesigned space marks a new chapter in the visitor experience. This session will also offer a true reflection of the diversity of global sourcing, with creative ranges at competitive prices for the fashion industries.

New sourcing destinations for Texworld
Alongside the Top 5 weaving nations loyal to Texworld - China, Türkiye with its 70 manufacturers grouped together under the pavilion of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, India, Korea and Taiwan - alternative sourcing zones such as Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, the Netherlands and Egypt are enriching the show's offering. Dutch exhibitors Quality Textile, Nooteboom and Verhees Textiles are also back in the cotton sector, with cutting-edge and particularly creative catalogues. In the knitwear sector, we can also note the participation of the Koreans O.N.K, specialists in circular knitting, W-Tex, whose polyester blends produce remarkable fancy fabrics, or specialists in silky aspects such as JK Tex or TL Corporation. The Denim sector is growing this year, with around thirty exhibitors, including some of the world's leading names such as Winwin Textile from China and Bangladeshi supplier NZ Denim.

Innovations, initiatives and sustainability
The new “Initiatives” zone at the entrance of Hall 4 will be showcasing inspiring and sustainable solutions, such as that of Vietnamese company Bao Lan Textile with its range of silk and fabrics made from pineapple leaf fibre. These products, developed with Ecofa Vietnam, have natural antibacterial properties and offer natural UV protection up to 50+ UPF. This area will also host the China Textile Information Centre's trends forum, as well as the Econogy Hub, which brings together Messe Frankfurt's expertise on sustainability-related initiatives in the textile sector. Also to be discovered in the activewear sector is the range from Japan's Toyoshima, known for its streetwear collections, its ‘non-denim’ fabrics that consume very little water, and its astonishing wagami fabrics, produced from blends of very fine yarns made to order from cotton, linen and wool.

Apparel Sourcing: focus on Africa and near sourcing
Apparel Sourcing also has a great session in store. With more than 500 exhibitors expected - up on February 2024 - the show's rich offering of finished products, clothing and fashion accessories will be on full display over the three days. Especially when it comes to local sourcing. Alongside the major manufacturing nations - led by China and India, and Pakistan and Bangladesh, both of which have grouped their exhibitors under their national pavilions - visitors will have access to products from the Africa zone, with a hub of companies from Ethiopia, Rwanda (Pink Mango) and the Arise Integrated Industrial Platform, which brings together the expertise of garment manufacturers based in Togo, Benin and Gabon. Ukraine, back with 5 companies supported by its national textile association, will be adding to the Euromed offering from Foursource, Messe Frankfurt's near sourcing partner, which will be presenting catalogues from companies in Eastern Europe, Portugal and Morocco.

An optimised sourcing experience
The return to Paris-Le Bourget Exhibition Centre has been accompanied by an overhaul of the organisation of visitor areas. The layout of sectors and services has been reviewed to create new synergies between raw materials and finished products. Women's wear areas (All about her, Embrodery & Lace, Silky aspect...) have been set up in Hall 4 - dedicated to knitwear, silk and lace - and a large area will be devoted to the outdoor - sportswear - casualwear offer in Hall 3. Hall 2 will be a focal point for relaxation, catering and networking, as well as a place for inspiration and exchange, with trend forums, product presentations, services and the Agora for conferences and round tables.

Econogy, Small Quantity & Hand Made: themed itineraries
Three exhibitor itineraries have been designed by the Messe Frankfurt France team to meet visitors' needs. The Econogy Finder trail, for example, enables visitors to find more than 80 suppliers of sustainable textiles, listed in the show app and indicated by the Econogy logos visible on the corresponding booths. The Small Quantity itinerary then highlights the more than 200 suppliers able to offer small quantity production (less than 300 pieces for garments or less than 100 metres for fabrics). A plus for buyers looking for limited editions or small orders for capsule collections. Finally, the Hand Made itinerary identifies the more than 130 exhibitors whose catalogues feature authentic, handmade products or unique skills. These manufacturers can also be found directly on the fair's online directory.


Messe Frankfurt France

(c) Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

FET ends 2024 with COMPAMED success.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK enjoyed a highly successful exhibition at COMPAMED 2024 in Düsseldorf. This was the first time that FET had exhibited at this leading international trade fair for the medical technology supplier sector, a reflection of the company’s growing role in the global medical sector. In 2023-24, over 60% of FET’s turnover was derived from the medical market.

“It is never certain whether a new exhibition will prove to be a successful venture until it is tested in practice” commented FET’s Managing Director Richard Slack, “but we are delighted to report that COMPAMED 2024 exceeded all expectations. In fact, we have already booked a stand for next year’s exhibition in November, albeit in a slightly different location”.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK enjoyed a highly successful exhibition at COMPAMED 2024 in Düsseldorf. This was the first time that FET had exhibited at this leading international trade fair for the medical technology supplier sector, a reflection of the company’s growing role in the global medical sector. In 2023-24, over 60% of FET’s turnover was derived from the medical market.

“It is never certain whether a new exhibition will prove to be a successful venture until it is tested in practice” commented FET’s Managing Director Richard Slack, “but we are delighted to report that COMPAMED 2024 exceeded all expectations. In fact, we have already booked a stand for next year’s exhibition in November, albeit in a slightly different location”.

COMPAMED 2024 attracts suppliers of a comprehensive range of high-quality medical technology components, services and production equipment for the medical industry. FET’s expertise in this sector therefore proved to be a perfect fit. With almost 40 serious customer leads taken at the show from both existing and previously unidentified clients, the initial outlook is for a very successful exhibition which will be followed up by future participation at this annual event.

FET’s established expertise lies in laboratory and pilot melt spinning equipment for a vast range of applications, especially precursor materials used in high value medical devices and specialised novel fibres from exotic and difficult to process polymers. In cases where melt spinning solutions are not suitable, FET provides a viable alternative with pilot and small scale production wet spinning systems.

Central to FET’s success has always been its ability to provide customers with advanced testing facilities and equipment at its Fibre Development Centre in Leeds, complemented by unrivalled knowledge and expertise in research and production techniques.

FET has successfully processed over 100 different polymer types and its systems can melt spin resorbable polymers in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats, collaborating with specialist companies worldwide to promote greater sustainability through innovative manufacturing processes.

Graphic INDA

INDA Opens Registration for IDEA®25: Focus on Advancing Sustainability in Nonwovens

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has opened the registration for the IDEA®25 International Conference and Exhibition on April 29-May 1, 2025, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Florida.

For the first time at IDEA, the two-day conference will be dedicated exclusively to sustainability, recognizing its critical importance to the nonwovens industry. The conference will bring together C-suite leaders, business development professionals, sustainability managers, product developers, regulatory teams, sales, and marketing to advance “Nonwovens for a Healthier Planet.”

The regional market overviews and company presentations that have previously been part of the conference program will be moved to the exhibition portion of IDEA, which will spotlight product innovations and solutions from leading companies across the industry.

Among the topics industry experts will explore in presentations and panel discussions at IDEA25 are:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has opened the registration for the IDEA®25 International Conference and Exhibition on April 29-May 1, 2025, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Florida.

For the first time at IDEA, the two-day conference will be dedicated exclusively to sustainability, recognizing its critical importance to the nonwovens industry. The conference will bring together C-suite leaders, business development professionals, sustainability managers, product developers, regulatory teams, sales, and marketing to advance “Nonwovens for a Healthier Planet.”

The regional market overviews and company presentations that have previously been part of the conference program will be moved to the exhibition portion of IDEA, which will spotlight product innovations and solutions from leading companies across the industry.

Among the topics industry experts will explore in presentations and panel discussions at IDEA25 are:

  • Regulations: Upcoming regulations in the U.S., European Union (EU), and the United Nations impacting sustainability efforts
  • Product and Process Innovations: Sourcing sustainable materials featuring natural fibers, advances in biodegradability and compostability, and fiber-to-nonwoven recycling and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) initiatives
  • Circular Economy and Bio-Materials: Responsible sourcing, innovations in sustainability, and end-of-life solutions that reduce waste and lower energy consumption, leading to significant cost and resource savings

Details regarding the presenters and abstracts for the conference will be announced in the coming weeks.

IDEA25 Highlights
The IDEA® Achievement Awards, in partnership with Nonwovens Industry magazine, will be presented based on the results of online voting in six categories, including sustainability achievement.

The event will kick off on April 28th with training courses covering the essentials of nonwovens and market-focused areas, including a Nonwovens 101 short course on manufacturing nonwovens and advanced sessions on technical design and performance in baby and adult care absorbent systems, wet wipes, period products, and filter media training.

In conjunction with IDEA25, INDA also announced registration has opened for FiltXPO™ 2025, the International Filtration Conference and Exhibition, on April 29-May 1, 2025, at the Miami Beach Convention Center. For updates on both events, visit the INDA website.

More information:



Eurasian textile leaders at VIATT 2025

Despite global challenges, Vietnam's textile industry is poised for robust growth. This year, the country’s textile and garment exports are projected to reach USD 44 billion, reflecting an impressive increase of over 11% compared to the previous year.

Despite global challenges, Vietnam's textile industry is poised for robust growth. This year, the country’s textile and garment exports are projected to reach USD 44 billion, reflecting an impressive increase of over 11% compared to the previous year.

With more than 42% of local firms anticipating improved business performance in the fourth quarter, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) stands out as a crucial event for the industry to continue its momentum. Scheduled for 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), the fair will leverage Vietnam’s position as a leading textile and apparel manufacturing hub and provide opportunities to textile players from across ASEAN, Europe and beyond.
Spanning 15,000 sqm of exhibition space across Halls A and B1, VIATT will showcase a comprehensive range of products and solutions that encompass the full textile spectrum, including apparel fabrics and accessories; yarns and fibres; garments; home and contract textiles; technical textiles, nonwovens and equipment; and various certifiers and solutions providers. This edition will place a strong emphasis on ‘what’s next’ in the industry, by introducing Econogy Hub and the Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone, respectively highlighting the industry’s movement towards sustainability and technological innovation.

The fair will feature robust international exhibitor participation, especially in the dedicated country / region pavilions and zones from India, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Thailand, as well as the inaugural European Zone.
VIATT 2025 will also serve as a vital platform to provide Vietnamese and international buyers with access to innovative textiles and technologies from leading exhibitors across Asia. While Japan remains the second-largest destination for Vietnam’s apparel exports[3], the country is also a steady supplier in many textile categories.
With VIATT 2025 welcoming exhibitors from across Europe and Asia’s diverse textile sectors, the fair is set to enhance its status as a top sourcing destination for the ASEAN region, and buyer delegations from Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and beyond have already confirmed their participation next year.
VIATT will be held from 26 – 28 February 2025.

More information:
VIATT Vietnam

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Textile Chemicals & Dyes Foto Messe Frankfurt

Techtextil 2026: Erstmals eigener Produktbereich für Textile Chemicals & Dyes

Von der Faserherstellung bis zur Beschichtung: Erstmals bündelt die Techtextil vom 21. bis 24. April 2026 in Frankfurt am Main das Ausstellerangebot im Bereich Textilchemikalien und Farbstoffe in einem eigenständigen Produktbereich. Die internationale Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe will eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für Anbieter und Anwender schaffen und unterstreicht damit die steigende Nachfrage nach Textile Chemicals & Dyes.

Mit der zukünftigen Bündelung schafft die Techtextil neue Synergien. Denn Textile Chemicals & Dyes werden in einer Halle mit den Fasern und Garnen und den Performance Apparel Textiles platziert. Vorstufe, Anbieter und Anwender kommen in direkter Nachbarschaft zusammen. So können sie leichter spezifische Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse kommunizieren und schneller Lösungen finden.

Von der Faserherstellung bis zur Beschichtung: Erstmals bündelt die Techtextil vom 21. bis 24. April 2026 in Frankfurt am Main das Ausstellerangebot im Bereich Textilchemikalien und Farbstoffe in einem eigenständigen Produktbereich. Die internationale Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe will eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für Anbieter und Anwender schaffen und unterstreicht damit die steigende Nachfrage nach Textile Chemicals & Dyes.

Mit der zukünftigen Bündelung schafft die Techtextil neue Synergien. Denn Textile Chemicals & Dyes werden in einer Halle mit den Fasern und Garnen und den Performance Apparel Textiles platziert. Vorstufe, Anbieter und Anwender kommen in direkter Nachbarschaft zusammen. So können sie leichter spezifische Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse kommunizieren und schneller Lösungen finden.

„Textile Chemicals & Dyes werden immer wichtiger für die Herstellung technischer Textilien und Performance Textilien. Gleichzeitig steigen die Anforderungen an Anbieter und Anwender, zum Beispiel im Hinblick auf Umweltauflagen oder Lieferketten. Auf der Techtextil bringen wir die Player zukünftig noch enger zusammen. Damit ermöglichen wir Austausch, Vergleichbarkeit und noch mehr Aufmerksamkeit für diesen zukunftsträchtigen Bereich,“ sagt Sabine Scharrer, Director Brand Management Technical Textiles & Textile Processing bei der Messe Frankfurt.

Ihre zunehmende Bedeutung unterstreicht eine Analyse des Marktforschungsunternehmens „MarketsandMarkets“ aus dem Jahr 2021. Der globale Markt für Textilchemikalien soll demnach auf ein Volumen von 33,1 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2026 wachsen. Als Treiber nennt die Studie unter anderem die steigende Nachfrage nach Chemikalien für den stark wachsenden Markt der technischen Textilien.
Textile Chemicals & Dyes sind relevant für alle Anwendungsbranchen wie Outdoor- und Schutzbekleidung, Industrie, Automobil, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Medizintechnik, Filtration und Bau.

Ob bei Vliesstoffen, beschichteten Textilien oder funktionalen Bekleidungstextilien – Chemikalien und Färbemittel sind für die Textilherstellung unverzichtbar. In verschiedenen Vorbehandlungs-, Färbe- und Veredelungsprozessen bestimmen sie das optische Erscheinungsbild von Fasern, Garnen, Vliesstoffen und textilen Flächen. Sie verleihen ihnen wichtige Funktionen. Textilchemikalien versehen Outdoor-Regenjacken mit wasserabweisender Imprägnierung, Arbeitskleidung mit Performance und sorgen für knitterfreie und weiche Bettwäsche trotz häufiger Wäschen. Sie sterilisieren medizinische Textilien für den sicheren Einsatz im OP, schützen Erosionsschutzvliese im Straßenbau vor UV-Strahlung und machen textile Industriefilter öl- und wasserabweisend. Außerdem gewährleisten sie den Flammschutz von Feuerwehranzügen und verbessern die Haltbarkeit von Airbags, damit diese ein Autoleben lang zuverlässig funktionieren.

Die Techtextil 2026 findet vom 21. bis 24. April 2026 statt.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


FILTREX™ 2025: Premier Filtration Conference and Exhibition in Vienna

EDANA, the global association serving the nonwovens and related industries, announced the upcoming FILTREX™ 2025 conference and tabletop exhibition. This premier event for filtration professionals will take place on 25-26 March 2025 at the Hilton Waterfront Hotel in Vienna, Austria.

FILTREX™ Europe serves as a pivotal platform, bringing together experts, technical specialists, and industry leaders from across the filtration supply chain. The two-day conference will focus on technological and sustainability innovations, aiming to enhance media and filter performance and highlight their role in reducing emissions. Attendees can look forward to a comprehensive program featuring presentations on the latest market trends, innovative filter materials, advancements in media design, and developments in air and liquid filtration.

The event will feature two renowned keynote speakers: Dr.-Ing. Frank Möbius, Senior Innovation Advisor at UnternehmerTUM, and Former Head of Technology Management and Forecast at BMW Group, sharing insights on open innovation, and Dr. Pero Mićić, Founder and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG, discussing strategies to future-proof businesses.

EDANA, the global association serving the nonwovens and related industries, announced the upcoming FILTREX™ 2025 conference and tabletop exhibition. This premier event for filtration professionals will take place on 25-26 March 2025 at the Hilton Waterfront Hotel in Vienna, Austria.

FILTREX™ Europe serves as a pivotal platform, bringing together experts, technical specialists, and industry leaders from across the filtration supply chain. The two-day conference will focus on technological and sustainability innovations, aiming to enhance media and filter performance and highlight their role in reducing emissions. Attendees can look forward to a comprehensive program featuring presentations on the latest market trends, innovative filter materials, advancements in media design, and developments in air and liquid filtration.

The event will feature two renowned keynote speakers: Dr.-Ing. Frank Möbius, Senior Innovation Advisor at UnternehmerTUM, and Former Head of Technology Management and Forecast at BMW Group, sharing insights on open innovation, and Dr. Pero Mićić, Founder and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG, discussing strategies to future-proof businesses.

Additionally, key industry leaders in the filtration industry from Ahlstrom, Freudenberg, and Hollingsworth & Vose will introduce pivotal topics during the roundtable discussions. Attendees will benefit from five focused sessions covering Trends and Technologies, Standards and Testing, Media Innovation, Sustainability, and PFAS-free advancements.

In conjunction with the conference, a tabletop exhibition will showcase cutting-edge products and services, providing delegates with valuable networking opportunities. The event will also feature the 4th edition of the FILTREX™ Innovation Award, recognizing outstanding achievements in nonwoven-based filtration products. Last edition, HycuTEC (inline charging technology) by Oerlikon Nonwoven, won after receiving over one third of the votes. Companies interested in participating in the award competition are encouraged to review the eligibility criteria and submit their applications accordingly.

Registration for FILTREX™ Europe 2025 is now open. Delegates are encouraged to secure their tabletop spots promptly, as availability will be limited. For detailed information on registration fees, exhibition opportunities, and sponsorship packages, please visit the official event page.

More information:
Edana Filtrex


Theme 1: QUANTUM Photo credit _ Courtesy Kim Farkas et Tara Downs Gallery, photo par Aurélien Mole., @Kim_Farkas.jpg

Texworld Apparel Sourcing: Trend book for the Spring-Summer 2026 season

Unveiled at the forthcoming Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris trade fair, from 10 to 12 February at the Paris-Le-Bourget Exhibition Centre, the trend book for the Spring-Summer 2026 season opens up new creative worlds where emotion attempts to regain the upper hand over pure materials.

Entitled Néocène, the new forward-looking journey proposed by Louis Gérin and Grégory Lamaud, the artistic directors of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, explores a world undergoing profound change. Conceived against a backdrop of severe economic, social and environmental tensions, this document is the result of cross-referencing and analysing emerging signals detected and interpreted by a panel of stylists, designers, graphic artists, authors and scenographers. In four major themes, it sets out an aesthetic framework to help fashion designers and buyers develop their spring-summer 2026 collections.

Unveiled at the forthcoming Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris trade fair, from 10 to 12 February at the Paris-Le-Bourget Exhibition Centre, the trend book for the Spring-Summer 2026 season opens up new creative worlds where emotion attempts to regain the upper hand over pure materials.

Entitled Néocène, the new forward-looking journey proposed by Louis Gérin and Grégory Lamaud, the artistic directors of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, explores a world undergoing profound change. Conceived against a backdrop of severe economic, social and environmental tensions, this document is the result of cross-referencing and analysing emerging signals detected and interpreted by a panel of stylists, designers, graphic artists, authors and scenographers. In four major themes, it sets out an aesthetic framework to help fashion designers and buyers develop their spring-summer 2026 collections.

1 wardrobe, 4 universes
A new era without humans, the Néocène is a clean slate, an indefinable horizon that obeys only the laws of physics. New shapes, new colours: each theme in this trend book reflects a creative universe organised around specific materials and 3 “star colours” in 6 intermediate shades. Presented in the introduction, these colours provide a glimpse of the palette for the collections to come.

#1 Quantum.
In this universe of atoms, everything is just energy, chance and freedom. This first proposal plunges back into the heart of substance with fluid, heated and incandescent materials, on the edge of solid and liquid. The soft textures and expanded forms are particularly at home here, and express themselves in a radiant, sunny colour system: spicy flavours, tones of tan and caramel are very present.

#2 Gravity.
“The structure of the universe [...] An invisible interdependence.” This theme plays on the multiple meanings of gravity: a heaviness that is both physical and emotional. Mineral and sandy materials, repetitive or sequential geometrical patterns, all find their place here, as do aqueous aspects and biomimetic and animal-inspired forms. The colour palette here is clearly diaphanous and serious, natural and diffuse.

#3 Relativity.
This proposition should be seen as a deepening of the previous theme, until the propositions are reversed: “Ugly has become beautiful [...] Stillness accelerates”. A world of oxymorons in which graphic motifs express a mummified vegetal world, supported by lines shaped like imprints, draped textures, embroideries intended as traces of an anterior world. The colours are those of ash, tattoo ink, animal... The blues and mauves are dark and intense.

#4 Magnetism.
In stark contrast to the other universes, this axis exalts order and renewal, and brings lightness, even fragility, to the creative approach. Transparency is assertive, as are floral motifs and curved, ample and comfortable lines. The colour palette is in tune with the emotion of the theme: marshmallows, sweet flavours, peach and blush pink are at the heart of the theme.

A new layout to maximize synergies
The return of the Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris shows to Halls 2, 3 and 4 of the Paris-Le-Bourget Exhibition Centre is accompanied by an exciting new space organisation to make the buying experience even more efficient and inspiring. At the heart of hall 2, the Trends Forum will captivate visitor with its four dynamic themes, and will also house all key services, including the Agora for engaging conferences and lively round-table discussions, as well as inviting restaurants. In terms of products and services, some Texworld and Apparel Sourcing sectors have been brought together to promote synergies, with coherent areas devoted to women's clothing (Hall 4) and outdoor-sportswear-casualwear (Hall 3). This layout not only makes the Apparel Sourcing offering easier to navigate but also optimises the entire sourcing process, providing a more streamlined and productive experience.




Cellulose Fibres Conference 2025: Preliminary Program released

The upcoming conference on 12-13 March 2025 in Cologne, Germany, will pave pathways to a sustainable textile industry.

Over the past few weeks, the Conference Advisory Board, and the experts from the nova-Institute, have thoroughly reviewed and evaluated over 40 submitted abstracts. The selected external experts bring new insights and perspectives from the pulp, fibre and further developing industries, promising to spark and deepen discussions at the event. Their expertise across the entire fibre value chain will enrich the topics covered and ensure a dynamic and insightful exchange of ideas. The presentations will provide a platform for the discussion at the conference after each session, and the Advisory Board members will foster a lively debate to drive innovation industry-wide.

The upcoming conference on 12-13 March 2025 in Cologne, Germany, will pave pathways to a sustainable textile industry.

Over the past few weeks, the Conference Advisory Board, and the experts from the nova-Institute, have thoroughly reviewed and evaluated over 40 submitted abstracts. The selected external experts bring new insights and perspectives from the pulp, fibre and further developing industries, promising to spark and deepen discussions at the event. Their expertise across the entire fibre value chain will enrich the topics covered and ensure a dynamic and insightful exchange of ideas. The presentations will provide a platform for the discussion at the conference after each session, and the Advisory Board members will foster a lively debate to drive innovation industry-wide.

Biosynthetics on the rise
Besides cellulose fibres, bio-based polymer fibres ("biosynthetics") are an excellent option to reduce fossil fibres in textiles. Biosynthetics offer a powerful alternative to traditional synthetic fibres, bringing both performance and technical properties that make them drop-in replacements. Derived wholly or partially from natural, renewable sources like lactic acids, sugar beet, sugarcane or wood, biosynthetics represent a bio-based option compared to fossil-based counterparts. In a special session “Biosynthetics - Replacing Traditional Synthetic Fibres”, experts will explore the latest advances, challenges and opportunities in the field. Discussing innovative approaches like biosynthetics is essential to drive sustainable transformation within the fashion and textile industries.

Fibre-to-Fibre Recycling: A Path to a Sustainable Textile Industry
The textile industry is at a crucial crossroad. The need for sustainable solutions to meet the EU's ambitious climate change targets is becoming increasingly urgent. Fibre-to-fibre recycling, which transforms discarded textiles into new, virgin fibres, holds great promise for reducing waste and resource consumption and helps to close the loop in textile production. While Europe has made progress in this area, challenges remain – in particular the management of mixed fibre textiles and the scaling up of recycling technologies. As new approaches are needed to tackle climate change, one session of the conference will focus on fibre-to-fibre recycling from textiles, exploring the latest innovations and technological advances, as well as the opportunities and barriers that need to be addressed to move the industry towards a circular, sustainable future.

Fibre Microplastic Formation versus Marine Biodegradability
The environmental impact of textiles extends far beyond landfill, with microplastics from synthetic fibres becoming a growing concern in marine ecosystems. A session at the conference will focus on the complex relationship between microplastic formation and marine biodegradability. While synthetic fibres shed microplastics during washing, these tiny particles, known as microfibres accumulate in the oceans and pose a serious threat to marine life. This session will explore the factors that influence fibre degradation in the marine environment and examine the potential of biodegradable fibres to reduce long-term pollution. Leading research institutes will discuss the challenges of balancing the prevention of microplastics with the development of fibres that can degrade naturally in marine ecosystems, and provide insights into innovative solutions that could help mitigate this pressing environmental issue.

Innovation Award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025”
The nova-Institute, together with GIG Karasek, is looking for the best fibre innovations of the year. Applicants from the area of cellulose fibres as well as biosynthetics are welcome to submit their innovations. Technologie providers, research institutes or producers can apply until 30 November 2024. The innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025” is sponsored by GIG Karasek.

Apply for the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025” award:

Call for Posters
The poster exhibition is a highly anticipated scientific event at the conference, especially for early career scientists. Poster submission is open until 31 January 2025.

More information:
Cellulose Fibres Conference

nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH


Cellulose Fibres Conference 2025: Preliminary Program released

The upcoming conference on 12-13 March 2025 in Cologne, Germany, will pave pathways to a sustainable textile industry.

Over the past few weeks, the Conference Advisory Board, and the experts from the nova-Institute, have thoroughly reviewed and evaluated over 40 submitted abstracts. The selected external experts bring new insights and perspectives from the pulp, fibre and further developing industries, promising to spark and deepen discussions at the event. Their expertise across the entire fibre value chain will enrich the topics covered and ensure a dynamic and insightful exchange of ideas. The presentations will provide a platform for the discussion at the conference after each session, and the Advisory Board members will foster a lively debate to drive innovation industry-wide.

The upcoming conference on 12-13 March 2025 in Cologne, Germany, will pave pathways to a sustainable textile industry.

Over the past few weeks, the Conference Advisory Board, and the experts from the nova-Institute, have thoroughly reviewed and evaluated over 40 submitted abstracts. The selected external experts bring new insights and perspectives from the pulp, fibre and further developing industries, promising to spark and deepen discussions at the event. Their expertise across the entire fibre value chain will enrich the topics covered and ensure a dynamic and insightful exchange of ideas. The presentations will provide a platform for the discussion at the conference after each session, and the Advisory Board members will foster a lively debate to drive innovation industry-wide.

Biosynthetics on the rise
Besides cellulose fibres, bio-based polymer fibres ("biosynthetics") are an excellent option to reduce fossil fibres in textiles. Biosynthetics offer a powerful alternative to traditional synthetic fibres, bringing both performance and technical properties that make them drop-in replacements. Derived wholly or partially from natural, renewable sources like lactic acids, sugar beet, sugarcane or wood, biosynthetics represent a bio-based option compared to fossil-based counterparts. In a special session “Biosynthetics - Replacing Traditional Synthetic Fibres”, experts will explore the latest advances, challenges and opportunities in the field. Discussing innovative approaches like biosynthetics is essential to drive sustainable transformation within the fashion and textile industries.

Fibre-to-Fibre Recycling: A Path to a Sustainable Textile Industry
The textile industry is at a crucial crossroad. The need for sustainable solutions to meet the EU's ambitious climate change targets is becoming increasingly urgent. Fibre-to-fibre recycling, which transforms discarded textiles into new, virgin fibres, holds great promise for reducing waste and resource consumption and helps to close the loop in textile production. While Europe has made progress in this area, challenges remain – in particular the management of mixed fibre textiles and the scaling up of recycling technologies. As new approaches are needed to tackle climate change, one session of the conference will focus on fibre-to-fibre recycling from textiles, exploring the latest innovations and technological advances, as well as the opportunities and barriers that need to be addressed to move the industry towards a circular, sustainable future.

Fibre Microplastic Formation versus Marine Biodegradability
The environmental impact of textiles extends far beyond landfill, with microplastics from synthetic fibres becoming a growing concern in marine ecosystems. A session at the conference will focus on the complex relationship between microplastic formation and marine biodegradability. While synthetic fibres shed microplastics during washing, these tiny particles, known as microfibres accumulate in the oceans and pose a serious threat to marine life. This session will explore the factors that influence fibre degradation in the marine environment and examine the potential of biodegradable fibres to reduce long-term pollution. Leading research institutes will discuss the challenges of balancing the prevention of microplastics with the development of fibres that can degrade naturally in marine ecosystems, and provide insights into innovative solutions that could help mitigate this pressing environmental issue.

Innovation Award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025”
The nova-Institute, together with GIG Karasek, is looking for the best fibre innovations of the year. Applicants from the area of cellulose fibres as well as biosynthetics are welcome to submit their innovations. Technologie providers, research institutes or producers can apply until 30 November 2024. The innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025” is sponsored by GIG Karasek.

Apply for the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025” award:

Call for Posters
The poster exhibition is a highly anticipated scientific event at the conference, especially for early career scientists. Poster submission is open until 31 January 2025.

More information:
Cellulose Fibres Conference

nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH

Texcare 2024 Foto Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Jochen Günther

Texcare 2024 zeigt Innovationskraft der internationalen Textilpflege

Bis zum 9. November bringt die Texcare International die Welt der Textilpflege in Frankfurt am Main zusammen. 305 Unternehmen aus 32 Ländern demonstrieren die Innovationskraft ihrer Branche. Mit dem Fokus auf Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz richtet die Leitmesse den Blick in die Zukunft von Wäschereien, Reinigungen und Textilservicebetrieben.

Technologische Innovationen und neueste Entwicklungen für die Textilpflege stehen im Zentrum. Mit einer hohen Internationalität von 72 Prozent punktet die Messe als globaler Treffpunkt der Branche. Zu den zehn größten Ausstellernationen zählen Deutschland, Italien, die Niederlande, die USA, China, Belgien, die Türkei, Großbritannien, die Schweiz und Spanien. Sie zeigen ein breites Angebot: von Textilreinigungs- und Wäschereitechnik, über Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel, bis hin zu professionellen Textilien, Berufs- und Schutzkleidung, sowie IT- und Logistiklösungen.

Bis zum 9. November bringt die Texcare International die Welt der Textilpflege in Frankfurt am Main zusammen. 305 Unternehmen aus 32 Ländern demonstrieren die Innovationskraft ihrer Branche. Mit dem Fokus auf Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz richtet die Leitmesse den Blick in die Zukunft von Wäschereien, Reinigungen und Textilservicebetrieben.

Technologische Innovationen und neueste Entwicklungen für die Textilpflege stehen im Zentrum. Mit einer hohen Internationalität von 72 Prozent punktet die Messe als globaler Treffpunkt der Branche. Zu den zehn größten Ausstellernationen zählen Deutschland, Italien, die Niederlande, die USA, China, Belgien, die Türkei, Großbritannien, die Schweiz und Spanien. Sie zeigen ein breites Angebot: von Textilreinigungs- und Wäschereitechnik, über Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel, bis hin zu professionellen Textilien, Berufs- und Schutzkleidung, sowie IT- und Logistiklösungen.

Neben den etablierten Marktführern präsentieren sich auch Start-ups und neue Aussteller. Etwa ein Drittel der Anbieter nimmt zum ersten Mal an der Texcare teil. Sie kommen in erster Linie aus Deutschland, China, den Niederlanden, Italien, den USA, Großbritannien und Dänemark.

Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz als zentrale Themen.
Der Innovationsdruck auf die Unternehmen der Textilpflege ist hoch. Die letzte Texcare fand 2016 statt, da sie pandemiebedingt 2020 abgesagt werden musste. In diesen acht Jahren hat sich vieles für die Branche verändert. Fachkräftemangel, Qualitätssicherung und die Rückverfolgbarkeit von Prozessen gehören zu den zentralen Herausforderungen. Automatisierungslösungen helfen dabei, effizientere und intelligente Wäscherei- und Geschäftskonzepte zu entwickeln – ein Schwerpunkt im Angebot der ausstellenden Unternehmen und im Rahmenprogramm. Ein weiteres wichtiges Thema vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels und steigender Energiekosten ist die Energieeffizienz. Zahlreiche Anbieter werden neue Technologien und Lösungen vorstellen, die versprechen den Verbrauch zu mindern, Schadstoffemissionen zu reduzieren, die betriebliche Effizienz zu steigern und gleichzeitig die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu verbessern.

Branche blickt erwartungsvoll auf vier intensive Messetage.
Der VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies ist Partnerverband der Texcare International und vertritt einen großen Teil der ausstellenden deutschen Maschinenbauer. Geschäftsführer Elgar Straub sieht der Leitmesse erwartungsvoll entgegen: „Nach langen acht Jahren Wartezeit sind die Erwartungen an die Texcare International, die Weltleitmesse der Textilpflege, sehr groß. Die Branche profitiert von den weltweit gestiegenen Anforderungen an Hygiene und Nachhaltigkeit. Andererseits ist sie mit Arbeitskräftemangel und steigenden Kosten konfrontiert. Dementsprechend werden große Hoffnungen auf die Lösungen gesetzt, die auf der Texcare präsentiert werden. Die wichtigsten Schlagworte sind hier: Automatisierung, Digitalisierung, Logistik und KI.“

Auf Seiten der Fachbesucher*innen spricht das umfangreiche Angebot der Texcare sowohl gewerbliche Wäschereien, Textildienstleister und Textilreinigungen als auch Hotels, Krankenhäuser, Pflegeheime und weitere Betriebe an, die ihre Wäsche professionell selbst bearbeiten. Andreas Schumacher, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verbands, sieht Investitionsbedarf: „Seien es der Arbeits- und Fachkräftemangel oder auch steigende Energiekosten – der Bedarf der Branche, in die Digitalisierung und Automatisierung sowie in Technologien zur Energieeinsparung zu investieren, ist groß. Zudem sehen wir auch im Bereich der Textilien steigende Anforderungen an die Langlebigkeit sowie Reparatur- und Recyclingfähigkeit. Umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass die Branchenleitmesse nach acht Jahren Pause wieder stattfindet und die Plattform bietet, sich zu Produktinnovationen auszutauschen.“ Auch internationale Verbände der Textilpflegebranche, wie CINET (Comité International De L`Entretien du Textile) und ETSA (European Textile Services Association) nutzen die Texcare als Plattform für ihre Aktivitäten.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Photo: Messe Frankfurt

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition returns in March 2025

March marks the peak textiles sourcing period in China. The period is set to be augmented by the next Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, scheduled for 11 – 13 March 2025 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. The upcoming fair wants to continue the positive momentum achieved by the 2024 show, which featured 339 exhibitors from seven countries and regions, attracting over 23,700 buyers from 56 countries and regions. Eco-friendly materials and innovative technology will once again be at the forefront at next year’s show, building on the high-quality, functional, and sustainable home textiles that have emerged as dominant patterns in today’s market.

Despite a recent slowdown across industries, the global home textile market was valued at USD 133 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 189 billion by 2029. Key trends expected to drive market growth include the rise of eco-friendly home textiles, technological innovations, and a growing interest in multifunctional and smart home textiles, among others, with many such options to be showcased at the upcoming show.

March marks the peak textiles sourcing period in China. The period is set to be augmented by the next Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, scheduled for 11 – 13 March 2025 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. The upcoming fair wants to continue the positive momentum achieved by the 2024 show, which featured 339 exhibitors from seven countries and regions, attracting over 23,700 buyers from 56 countries and regions. Eco-friendly materials and innovative technology will once again be at the forefront at next year’s show, building on the high-quality, functional, and sustainable home textiles that have emerged as dominant patterns in today’s market.

Despite a recent slowdown across industries, the global home textile market was valued at USD 133 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 189 billion by 2029. Key trends expected to drive market growth include the rise of eco-friendly home textiles, technological innovations, and a growing interest in multifunctional and smart home textiles, among others, with many such options to be showcased at the upcoming show.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition 2025 is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).


Garment Tech Istanbul Exhibition 2025

GarmentTech Istanbul, Turkey's comprehensive meeting point in the field of garment technologies, will bring together leading garment machinery manufacturers and representatives of world-famous brands. The exhibition, which will host professional visitors and global buyers in Istanbul for 4 days, will offer important opportunities to change the stagnation experienced in the sector in the recent period, to take strong steps towards the future and to bring dynamism to the sector.  

The Exhibition will be held at Istanbul Expo Centre (IFM) between 25-28 June 2025 and presents all technologies used in garment and ready-to-wear production from sewing to cutting, ironing systems to packaging, embroidery to denim.

GarmentTech Istanbul, Turkey's comprehensive meeting point in the field of garment technologies, will bring together leading garment machinery manufacturers and representatives of world-famous brands. The exhibition, which will host professional visitors and global buyers in Istanbul for 4 days, will offer important opportunities to change the stagnation experienced in the sector in the recent period, to take strong steps towards the future and to bring dynamism to the sector.  

The Exhibition will be held at Istanbul Expo Centre (IFM) between 25-28 June 2025 and presents all technologies used in garment and ready-to-wear production from sewing to cutting, ironing systems to packaging, embroidery to denim.

Ready-to-wear and garment, which is the 3rd most exporting sector in Turkey, is one of the leading sectors with its employment and export revenues. Despite the general stagnation in the Turkish and global economy, the increase in ready-to-wear and garment exports, especially in September, reveals the sector's resilience and competitiveness in international markets. The sector, which exported approximately 1.6 billion dollars in September, reinforces its contribution to the national economy with its success. This is made possible by companies' innovative approaches and their ability to adapt quickly to global market demands. GarmentTech Istanbul Garment, Embroidery Machinery Spare Parts and Sub-Industry Exhibition is organised to ensure the sustainability of this success and to provide a new vision to the companies in the sector.

More information:
Turkey Istanbul Expo Center

Garment Tech Istanbul Exhibition


PERFORMANCE DAYS honors innovations

When PERFORMANCE DAYS opens its doors on October 23 and 24, 2024, in Halls A1 and A2 at the Messe München exhibition grounds, visitors will once again find fabric innovations for Fall/Winter 2026 across the segments of performance wear, footwear, accessories, and, for the first time, bodywear. The jury, composed of renowned industry experts, reviewed the latest fabrics for the 2026 season in the Trend, Footwear, and Bodywear Forum, looking for outstanding innovations. A total of one Performance Award and one Eco Performance Award were presented.

When PERFORMANCE DAYS opens its doors on October 23 and 24, 2024, in Halls A1 and A2 at the Messe München exhibition grounds, visitors will once again find fabric innovations for Fall/Winter 2026 across the segments of performance wear, footwear, accessories, and, for the first time, bodywear. The jury, composed of renowned industry experts, reviewed the latest fabrics for the 2026 season in the Trend, Footwear, and Bodywear Forum, looking for outstanding innovations. A total of one Performance Award and one Eco Performance Award were presented.

PERFORMANCE DAYS continues to deliver plenty of highlights and innovations in technical fibers and materials in the Trend Forum at the winter exhibition. Since Fall 2023, the event has also focused on the footwear segment, summarizing the latest trends and news in the dedicated Footwear Forum. Starting in October 2024, the organizers will introduce a new Bodywear Collective, complete with a corresponding Trend Forum. In close collaboration with the London Contour Experts and designer and industry expert Nichole de Carle, PERFORMANCE DAYS will feature a Trend Forum dedicated to underwear, shapewear, bras & leggings, yoga in motion, and swimwear.

The expert jury, led by Marco Weichert, CEO of PERFORMANCE DAYS, Jury Head Alexa Dehmel, and guest jurors Regina Goller, a textile expert with experience in sustainable functional fabrics at companies like Odlo, Puma, and Jack Wolfskin, as well as Stephan Prinz, Account Manager Germany at Klopman, praised the quality, sustainability approaches, and high level of innovation in the submissions. The jury awarded one Performance Award (Bodywear) and one Eco Performance Award (Apparel).

The winners are: A. Sampaio & Filhos – Têxteis SA & Penn Textile Solutions GmbH/Penn Italia SRL
For the Fall/Winter 2026 season, the jury selected three awards for outstanding fabrics.

Alongside the Eco Performance Award, which went to A. Sampaio & Filhos – Têxteis SA for the article “69222/Colorful chemistry featuring holistic farming,” one Performance Award
was also presented for the first time in the bodywear segment: Penn Textile Solutions GmbH/Penn Italia SRL made their debut in the Bodywear Forum with "13949.

ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD: A. Sampaio & Filhos – Têxteis SA / Article “69222 - Colorful Chemistry Featuring Holistic Farming”
In collaboration with Good Earth Cotton, this project focuses on sustainable farming practices to reduce the environmental impact of cotton while improving soil health, paving the way for a carbon-neutral future. The supplier is also exploring innovations with organic cotton grown using regenerative farming methods, expanding the scope for future eco-friendly concepts. Additionally, the fabric is dyed using biological dyes—an innovative technique where natural bacteria produce pigments that bond efficiently with the fabric a low temperatures without the use of petrochemicals. The fabric is available in pink and

Jury Statement: “This fabric takes this year’s focus topic to the next level! A. Sampaio & Filhos – Têxteis SA’s fabric innovation showcases the future of dyeing with microorganisms. Textile dyeing with living organisms is a sustainable and resource-efficient method that requires no harmful chemicals. Additionally, the fabric, made from 100% organic cotton, excels in performance due to an innovative body-mapping concept that provides optimal support during wear.”

PERFORMANCE AWARD: Penn Textile Solutions GmbH / Penn Italia SRL / Article “13949” This fabric, composed of 68% recycled polyamide and 32% ROICA, with a weight of 290 grams, is perfect for baselayer construction. It can be customized with the brand’s own design, featuring open structures and a 3D effect for added texture. Despite its structure, the fabric has an incredibly soft touch, ensuring maximum comfort during wear. Jury Statement: “Penn Textiles was a popular vote, an award worthy of the jury. The fabric has a combination of high density opaque areas with lighter breathable panels. A superior choice for the Bodywear Category because of its customisable 3D design aesthetic, printable qualities and second skin super soft touch. The fabric blend of Roica yarn and recycled PA has many admirable qualities for next to skin, including anti-odor, quick dry and outstanding stretch and recovery to adapt to the body shape. Fabric, with a perfect fit for body contouring products including leggings, underwear and light support shapewear.”

More information:
Performance Award

Performance Days

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris Photo Messe Frankfurt

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris returns to the Paris-Le Bourget exhibition center

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris will take place at Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre from February 10 to 12, 2025. For three days, buyers will have access to the best in global sourcing to design and build fashion brands' Spring-Summer 2026 collections in Halls 3 and 4. Hall 3 has been completely rebuilt for the recent Olympic Games. Encouraging booking levels already suggest a particularly active session, in line with Messe Frankfurt France's forecasts.

Offering synergies between materials and finished products
The return of Texworld and Apparel Sourcing to the Paris-Le Bourget exhibition center will provide an opportunity to develop the layout of sectors and services. Some of the sectors from the two shows will be brought together to create new synergies and to offer a women's wardrobe in Hall 4, and a large area devoted to outdoor-sportswear-casualwear in Hall 3. All the services, the trends forum, the restaurants and the Agora, where conferences and round tables are held, will all be regrouped in Hall 2. This new organisation will enhance the coherence of the offer and provide new solutions for buyers' sourcing work.

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris will take place at Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre from February 10 to 12, 2025. For three days, buyers will have access to the best in global sourcing to design and build fashion brands' Spring-Summer 2026 collections in Halls 3 and 4. Hall 3 has been completely rebuilt for the recent Olympic Games. Encouraging booking levels already suggest a particularly active session, in line with Messe Frankfurt France's forecasts.

Offering synergies between materials and finished products
The return of Texworld and Apparel Sourcing to the Paris-Le Bourget exhibition center will provide an opportunity to develop the layout of sectors and services. Some of the sectors from the two shows will be brought together to create new synergies and to offer a women's wardrobe in Hall 4, and a large area devoted to outdoor-sportswear-casualwear in Hall 3. All the services, the trends forum, the restaurants and the Agora, where conferences and round tables are held, will all be regrouped in Hall 2. This new organisation will enhance the coherence of the offer and provide new solutions for buyers' sourcing work.

Presence of major suppliers and national pavilions
This dynamism of this edition is a reminder of the central role played by European markets for the fashion sector, from ready-to-wear to luxury. Like every edition, the major sourcing nations for fabrics, materials, accessories and finished garments products will be represented: first and foremost, China, with the largest number of exhibitors, Türkiye - the national pavilion supported by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) will be present - India, Korea, but also Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand and Bangladesh, which should be at Le Bourget despite the difficult political context the country is going through. Texworld is also renewing the experiment launched in July on yarn sourcing with the Yarn Expo pavilion, valorising the upstream sector and the know-how of leading spinning companies.

Texpertise Econogy: spotlight on sustainable fashion
Driven by the Econogy principle, promoted worldwide by the Texpertise Network, Messe Frankfurt's expertise in sustainability-related initiatives in the textile sector will be showcased through the Econogy Finder, which will enable buyers to identify online or on the mobile app all suppliers of sustainably produced textiles. In addition, the Econogy Talks will make it easier to find conferences dealing with these issues among the many round tables scheduled in the Agora in Hall 2. Finally, the Econogy Tours, launched last July, will be renewed on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 February, with a specialist on the subject covering a significant part of this specific offer.


Messe Frankfurt


Rahmenprogramm der Texcare 2024

Mit Automatisierung, Energieeinsparung, Kreislaufmodellen und textiler Hygiene stehen große Aufgaben für die Textilpflege-Branche im Fokus der Texcare International 2024 (6. – 9. November). Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern hat die Messe ein Rahmenprogramm konzipiert, das progressive Anstöße für die Zukunft des Sektors bieten will.
Eingeläutet wird das Programm am Mittwoch, den 6.11. um 12.00 Uhr mit einer Messeeröffnung durch die Veranstalter im „Texcare Forum“ (Galleria Ebene 0, A09), zu der Besucher und Aussteller eingeladen sind. Damit beginnt auch das gleichnamige und kostenfreie Fachprogramm der Texcare rund um die Top-Themen Automatisierung, Energie und Ressourcen, Kreislaufwirtschaft sowie textile Hygiene. Es erstreckt sich über die vier Messetage und wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV), dem VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, der Europäischen Forschungsvereinigung Innovative Textilpflege (EFIT), der European Textile Service Association (ETSA) und den Hohenstein Laboratories entwickelt.

Mit Automatisierung, Energieeinsparung, Kreislaufmodellen und textiler Hygiene stehen große Aufgaben für die Textilpflege-Branche im Fokus der Texcare International 2024 (6. – 9. November). Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern hat die Messe ein Rahmenprogramm konzipiert, das progressive Anstöße für die Zukunft des Sektors bieten will.
Eingeläutet wird das Programm am Mittwoch, den 6.11. um 12.00 Uhr mit einer Messeeröffnung durch die Veranstalter im „Texcare Forum“ (Galleria Ebene 0, A09), zu der Besucher und Aussteller eingeladen sind. Damit beginnt auch das gleichnamige und kostenfreie Fachprogramm der Texcare rund um die Top-Themen Automatisierung, Energie und Ressourcen, Kreislaufwirtschaft sowie textile Hygiene. Es erstreckt sich über die vier Messetage und wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV), dem VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, der Europäischen Forschungsvereinigung Innovative Textilpflege (EFIT), der European Textile Service Association (ETSA) und den Hohenstein Laboratories entwickelt.

Mit dem breiten Thema Automatisierung werden sich VDMA und EFIT in ihren Panels jeweils mit Blick auf die Entwicklungen in Wäschereien und Textilreinigungen befassen. Im Fokus stehen dabei unter anderem die Robotisierung von Wäschereien, digitale Produktpässe, Datensicherheit sowie Automatisierungsansätze für kleinere Unternehmen.
Aktuelle Trends aus dem Bereich der textilen Hygiene in Wäschereien werden von Hohenstein Laboratories thematisiert – darunter die Gegenüberstellung von wiederverwendbaren und Einwegprodukten im Gesundheitswesen, die Unterstützung von Endkunden bei der Textilsortierung sowie Wäschehygiene-Zertifizierungssysteme.
Mit innovativen Lösungen im Dienst der Nachhaltigkeit wird sich das ebenfalls durch den VDMA gehostete Panel „Energie und Ressourcen“ auseinandersetzen. CSR-Reporting, Energiemanagement und CO2-Neutralität stehen hier im Zentrum.   

Im Rahmen des Themenkomplexes „Kreisläufe“ widmet sich die ETSA dem Textilrecycling. Betrachtet werden unter anderem Innovationen im Bereich der Textilsortierung, die Bewältigung logistischer Herausforderungen, die Verwendung recycelter Fasern sowie die Unterstützung durch digitale Plattformen.

Der DTV informiert in seinem Panel über neue Geschäftsmodelle in der Kreislaufwirtschaft, vom Ökodesign über Verleih- und Reparaturservices bis hin zur europäischen Strategie für nachhaltige und kreislauffähige Textilien.   

Die Aussteller-Vorträge: Produktinnovationen im Fokus
Neben eingeladenen Vorträgen bietet das Texcare Forum in diesem Jahr zudem ein Vortragsformat für Aussteller. Diese präsentieren dem Publikum in 20-minütigen Slots besonders innovative Lösungen oder Produkte aus ihren Portfolios. Zu den teilnehmenden Firmen zählen unter anderem Ecolab, Kannegiesser, Christeyns, Electrolux, Veit und Seitz.
Internationale Markttrends und -entwicklungen
In ihren „International Market Updates“, ebenfalls im Texcare Forum, geben Experten der TRSA (Association for Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Industry, USA), des Sveriges Tvätteriförbund (Schwedischer Wäschereiverband) sowie der Texcare France fundierte Einblicke in die Textilservice-Märkte und Brancheninitiativen der jeweiligen Länder.

Im Vortrag „The new Scandinavian Quality Control model“ (Mittwoch, 6.11., 13.30 – 14.00 Uhr) thematisieren der schwedische und der dänische Wäschereiverband gemeinsam progressive Entwicklungen innerhalb des skandinavischen Marktes und informieren über ihr neues Qualitätskontrolle-Modell.

Unter dem Titel „American Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Market: Advocacy, Performance and Sustainability“ beleuchtet der TRSA-Vortrag (Donnerstag, 7.11., 13.00 – 14.00 Uhr) unter anderem aufkommende Markttrends innerhalb der nahezu 50 Milliarden US-Dollar schweren nordamerikanischen Branche. Auch die sich verändernden wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Rahmenbedingungen kommen zur Sprache. Thematisiert werden zudem wiederverwendbare Materialien als verantwortungsvolle Alternative zu Einwegprodukten, textile Dienstleistungen als integraler Bestandteil der Kundennachhaltigkeit, verbesserte Hygiene sowie das umweltfreundliche Ansehen der Branche.  

Der Status Quo sowie aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen innerhalb des auf 3 Milliarden Euro taxierten französischen Marktes stehen im Mittelpunkt des Texcare France-Vortrags (Donnerstag, 7.11., 16.00 – 17.00 Uhr).

Guided Tours: Innovationen entdecken
Erstmals wird es auf der Texcare „Guided Tours“ geben. Auf den von Experten kuratierten und geführten Messerundgängen wird den Teilnehmern eine Auswahl besonders spannender Innovationen vorgestellt. Dabei stehen neben Neuheiten großer Key Player auch fortschrittliche Lösungen kleinerer Unternehmen im Mittelpunkt.   

Die Touren finden an allen vier Messetagen in englischer Sprache statt. Sie sind für Besitzer eines gültigen Texcare-Tickets kostenfrei. Die etwa einstündigen Rundgänge beginnen am 6.11. um 13.00 Uhr, vom 7. bis 9.11. jeweils um 11.00 Uhr. Startpunkt ist am Guided Tours-Stand B 03 in der Galleria Ebene 0. Dort können sich interessierte Besucher direkt vor Ort zur Teilnahme anmelden.
Texcare Happy Hour: Networking in lockerer Atmosphäre
Neben Produktinnovationen und Wissenstransfer steht insbesondere der Austausch innerhalb der Branche im Fokus der Texcare International. Die Veranstalter laden daher täglich (außer am Messe-Samstag) alle Teilnehmer zu einer Happy Hour ein. Diese findet jeweils ab 17.30 Uhr in der Galleria 0, direkt neben Halle 8, statt, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und bestehende zu pflegen.