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Collaboration Messe Frankfurt Dornbirn Messe Frankfurt India

Dornbirn Global fiber congress at Techtextil India Symposium 2025

As the global demand for technical textiles surges, India is emerging as a key hub for innovation and growth. Recognizing the vast potential of this evolving market, Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India announced a collaboration for ‘Techtextil India - the country’s premier platform for the technical textiles industry with Austrian Fibers Institute. This strategic alliance between the two-leading platforms in technical textiles will bring the Asia edition of the renowned Dornbirn GFC at a part of Techtextil India Symposium in 2025.

The 10th edition of Techtextil India 2025 which is scheduled from 19 – 21 November 2025, at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, will open its doors for the Dornbirn Global fiber congress Asia on 18th November 2025 to be held under Techtextil India Symposium.

The Dornbirn GFC Asia in India 2025 will spotlight on theme titled as ‘Shaping the future: Sustainable Growth in Fiber Solutions and Innovations’. The conference will be led by globally acclaimed subject matter experts, researchers, manufacturers and thought leaders.

As the global demand for technical textiles surges, India is emerging as a key hub for innovation and growth. Recognizing the vast potential of this evolving market, Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India announced a collaboration for ‘Techtextil India - the country’s premier platform for the technical textiles industry with Austrian Fibers Institute. This strategic alliance between the two-leading platforms in technical textiles will bring the Asia edition of the renowned Dornbirn GFC at a part of Techtextil India Symposium in 2025.

The 10th edition of Techtextil India 2025 which is scheduled from 19 – 21 November 2025, at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, will open its doors for the Dornbirn Global fiber congress Asia on 18th November 2025 to be held under Techtextil India Symposium.

The Dornbirn GFC Asia in India 2025 will spotlight on theme titled as ‘Shaping the future: Sustainable Growth in Fiber Solutions and Innovations’. The conference will be led by globally acclaimed subject matter experts, researchers, manufacturers and thought leaders.

The GFC Asia – India Conference will host a diverse line-up of speakers from India and around the world, showcasing cutting-edge innovations and expertise in the fiber and textile industry. The discussions will spotlight ground-breaking advances in spinning technology.

Driven by intensive research and development, the upcoming edition of the Techtextil India will present the innovative strides made by the industry players. From various stages of production of man-made fibre, non-woven and others, to the evolving applications and maintenance methods, the expo will be a source of upgrading knowledge and expanding the network.

Techtextil India 2025 edition is already sold out and has witnessed a strong interest from leading global brands who have signed up to exhibit. Indian government is aiming for the technical textile market to reach USD 40 billion by 2030 and total exports targeted are USD 10 billion by 2030. The Indian government and the industry players are confident that India will soon become the world leader in manufacturing of technical textiles. Schemes like National Technical textiles Mission (NTTM) and Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) are offering the benefits to industry stakeholders. Under NTTM, the government is focusing on 156 R&D projects for driving innovations. The government is also encouraging Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) to boost the segment.

The growing focus on sustainability and circularity in textiles is opening up new avenues encouraging reuse, repairing, refurbishing and recycling of the products. Indian government and technical textile educational programmes are witnessing a growth to impart knowledge and skills across categories like medical textiles, mobile textiles, geotextiles, geosynthetics and etc., which represent an attractive future. Applications ranging from medical textiles to sportswear, automotive to construction and environmental sustainability are driving the demand for high-performance materials.

Amidst this backdrop, the collaboration of Dornbirn GFC and Techtextil India 2025 marks a pivotal step in positioning India as a global hub for technical textile innovation and strengthening cross-border knowledge exchange. With the technical textiles market poised to redefine industries, Techtextil Symposium India will also present Meditex Conference during the event.


Messe Frankfurt India


Eurasian textile leaders at VIATT 2025

Despite global challenges, Vietnam's textile industry is poised for robust growth. This year, the country’s textile and garment exports are projected to reach USD 44 billion, reflecting an impressive increase of over 11% compared to the previous year.

Despite global challenges, Vietnam's textile industry is poised for robust growth. This year, the country’s textile and garment exports are projected to reach USD 44 billion, reflecting an impressive increase of over 11% compared to the previous year.

With more than 42% of local firms anticipating improved business performance in the fourth quarter, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) stands out as a crucial event for the industry to continue its momentum. Scheduled for 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), the fair will leverage Vietnam’s position as a leading textile and apparel manufacturing hub and provide opportunities to textile players from across ASEAN, Europe and beyond.
Spanning 15,000 sqm of exhibition space across Halls A and B1, VIATT will showcase a comprehensive range of products and solutions that encompass the full textile spectrum, including apparel fabrics and accessories; yarns and fibres; garments; home and contract textiles; technical textiles, nonwovens and equipment; and various certifiers and solutions providers. This edition will place a strong emphasis on ‘what’s next’ in the industry, by introducing Econogy Hub and the Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone, respectively highlighting the industry’s movement towards sustainability and technological innovation.

The fair will feature robust international exhibitor participation, especially in the dedicated country / region pavilions and zones from India, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Thailand, as well as the inaugural European Zone.
VIATT 2025 will also serve as a vital platform to provide Vietnamese and international buyers with access to innovative textiles and technologies from leading exhibitors across Asia. While Japan remains the second-largest destination for Vietnam’s apparel exports[3], the country is also a steady supplier in many textile categories.
With VIATT 2025 welcoming exhibitors from across Europe and Asia’s diverse textile sectors, the fair is set to enhance its status as a top sourcing destination for the ASEAN region, and buyer delegations from Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and beyond have already confirmed their participation next year.
VIATT will be held from 26 – 28 February 2025.

More information:
VIATT Vietnam

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Texcare 2024 Foto Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Jochen Günther

Texcare 2024 zeigt Innovationskraft der internationalen Textilpflege

Bis zum 9. November bringt die Texcare International die Welt der Textilpflege in Frankfurt am Main zusammen. 305 Unternehmen aus 32 Ländern demonstrieren die Innovationskraft ihrer Branche. Mit dem Fokus auf Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz richtet die Leitmesse den Blick in die Zukunft von Wäschereien, Reinigungen und Textilservicebetrieben.

Technologische Innovationen und neueste Entwicklungen für die Textilpflege stehen im Zentrum. Mit einer hohen Internationalität von 72 Prozent punktet die Messe als globaler Treffpunkt der Branche. Zu den zehn größten Ausstellernationen zählen Deutschland, Italien, die Niederlande, die USA, China, Belgien, die Türkei, Großbritannien, die Schweiz und Spanien. Sie zeigen ein breites Angebot: von Textilreinigungs- und Wäschereitechnik, über Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel, bis hin zu professionellen Textilien, Berufs- und Schutzkleidung, sowie IT- und Logistiklösungen.

Bis zum 9. November bringt die Texcare International die Welt der Textilpflege in Frankfurt am Main zusammen. 305 Unternehmen aus 32 Ländern demonstrieren die Innovationskraft ihrer Branche. Mit dem Fokus auf Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz richtet die Leitmesse den Blick in die Zukunft von Wäschereien, Reinigungen und Textilservicebetrieben.

Technologische Innovationen und neueste Entwicklungen für die Textilpflege stehen im Zentrum. Mit einer hohen Internationalität von 72 Prozent punktet die Messe als globaler Treffpunkt der Branche. Zu den zehn größten Ausstellernationen zählen Deutschland, Italien, die Niederlande, die USA, China, Belgien, die Türkei, Großbritannien, die Schweiz und Spanien. Sie zeigen ein breites Angebot: von Textilreinigungs- und Wäschereitechnik, über Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel, bis hin zu professionellen Textilien, Berufs- und Schutzkleidung, sowie IT- und Logistiklösungen.

Neben den etablierten Marktführern präsentieren sich auch Start-ups und neue Aussteller. Etwa ein Drittel der Anbieter nimmt zum ersten Mal an der Texcare teil. Sie kommen in erster Linie aus Deutschland, China, den Niederlanden, Italien, den USA, Großbritannien und Dänemark.

Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz als zentrale Themen.
Der Innovationsdruck auf die Unternehmen der Textilpflege ist hoch. Die letzte Texcare fand 2016 statt, da sie pandemiebedingt 2020 abgesagt werden musste. In diesen acht Jahren hat sich vieles für die Branche verändert. Fachkräftemangel, Qualitätssicherung und die Rückverfolgbarkeit von Prozessen gehören zu den zentralen Herausforderungen. Automatisierungslösungen helfen dabei, effizientere und intelligente Wäscherei- und Geschäftskonzepte zu entwickeln – ein Schwerpunkt im Angebot der ausstellenden Unternehmen und im Rahmenprogramm. Ein weiteres wichtiges Thema vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels und steigender Energiekosten ist die Energieeffizienz. Zahlreiche Anbieter werden neue Technologien und Lösungen vorstellen, die versprechen den Verbrauch zu mindern, Schadstoffemissionen zu reduzieren, die betriebliche Effizienz zu steigern und gleichzeitig die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu verbessern.

Branche blickt erwartungsvoll auf vier intensive Messetage.
Der VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies ist Partnerverband der Texcare International und vertritt einen großen Teil der ausstellenden deutschen Maschinenbauer. Geschäftsführer Elgar Straub sieht der Leitmesse erwartungsvoll entgegen: „Nach langen acht Jahren Wartezeit sind die Erwartungen an die Texcare International, die Weltleitmesse der Textilpflege, sehr groß. Die Branche profitiert von den weltweit gestiegenen Anforderungen an Hygiene und Nachhaltigkeit. Andererseits ist sie mit Arbeitskräftemangel und steigenden Kosten konfrontiert. Dementsprechend werden große Hoffnungen auf die Lösungen gesetzt, die auf der Texcare präsentiert werden. Die wichtigsten Schlagworte sind hier: Automatisierung, Digitalisierung, Logistik und KI.“

Auf Seiten der Fachbesucher*innen spricht das umfangreiche Angebot der Texcare sowohl gewerbliche Wäschereien, Textildienstleister und Textilreinigungen als auch Hotels, Krankenhäuser, Pflegeheime und weitere Betriebe an, die ihre Wäsche professionell selbst bearbeiten. Andreas Schumacher, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verbands, sieht Investitionsbedarf: „Seien es der Arbeits- und Fachkräftemangel oder auch steigende Energiekosten – der Bedarf der Branche, in die Digitalisierung und Automatisierung sowie in Technologien zur Energieeinsparung zu investieren, ist groß. Zudem sehen wir auch im Bereich der Textilien steigende Anforderungen an die Langlebigkeit sowie Reparatur- und Recyclingfähigkeit. Umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass die Branchenleitmesse nach acht Jahren Pause wieder stattfindet und die Plattform bietet, sich zu Produktinnovationen auszutauschen.“ Auch internationale Verbände der Textilpflegebranche, wie CINET (Comité International De L`Entretien du Textile) und ETSA (European Textile Services Association) nutzen die Texcare als Plattform für ihre Aktivitäten.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Rahmenprogramm der Texcare 2024

Mit Automatisierung, Energieeinsparung, Kreislaufmodellen und textiler Hygiene stehen große Aufgaben für die Textilpflege-Branche im Fokus der Texcare International 2024 (6. – 9. November). Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern hat die Messe ein Rahmenprogramm konzipiert, das progressive Anstöße für die Zukunft des Sektors bieten will.
Eingeläutet wird das Programm am Mittwoch, den 6.11. um 12.00 Uhr mit einer Messeeröffnung durch die Veranstalter im „Texcare Forum“ (Galleria Ebene 0, A09), zu der Besucher und Aussteller eingeladen sind. Damit beginnt auch das gleichnamige und kostenfreie Fachprogramm der Texcare rund um die Top-Themen Automatisierung, Energie und Ressourcen, Kreislaufwirtschaft sowie textile Hygiene. Es erstreckt sich über die vier Messetage und wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV), dem VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, der Europäischen Forschungsvereinigung Innovative Textilpflege (EFIT), der European Textile Service Association (ETSA) und den Hohenstein Laboratories entwickelt.

Mit Automatisierung, Energieeinsparung, Kreislaufmodellen und textiler Hygiene stehen große Aufgaben für die Textilpflege-Branche im Fokus der Texcare International 2024 (6. – 9. November). Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern hat die Messe ein Rahmenprogramm konzipiert, das progressive Anstöße für die Zukunft des Sektors bieten will.
Eingeläutet wird das Programm am Mittwoch, den 6.11. um 12.00 Uhr mit einer Messeeröffnung durch die Veranstalter im „Texcare Forum“ (Galleria Ebene 0, A09), zu der Besucher und Aussteller eingeladen sind. Damit beginnt auch das gleichnamige und kostenfreie Fachprogramm der Texcare rund um die Top-Themen Automatisierung, Energie und Ressourcen, Kreislaufwirtschaft sowie textile Hygiene. Es erstreckt sich über die vier Messetage und wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV), dem VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, der Europäischen Forschungsvereinigung Innovative Textilpflege (EFIT), der European Textile Service Association (ETSA) und den Hohenstein Laboratories entwickelt.

Mit dem breiten Thema Automatisierung werden sich VDMA und EFIT in ihren Panels jeweils mit Blick auf die Entwicklungen in Wäschereien und Textilreinigungen befassen. Im Fokus stehen dabei unter anderem die Robotisierung von Wäschereien, digitale Produktpässe, Datensicherheit sowie Automatisierungsansätze für kleinere Unternehmen.
Aktuelle Trends aus dem Bereich der textilen Hygiene in Wäschereien werden von Hohenstein Laboratories thematisiert – darunter die Gegenüberstellung von wiederverwendbaren und Einwegprodukten im Gesundheitswesen, die Unterstützung von Endkunden bei der Textilsortierung sowie Wäschehygiene-Zertifizierungssysteme.
Mit innovativen Lösungen im Dienst der Nachhaltigkeit wird sich das ebenfalls durch den VDMA gehostete Panel „Energie und Ressourcen“ auseinandersetzen. CSR-Reporting, Energiemanagement und CO2-Neutralität stehen hier im Zentrum.   

Im Rahmen des Themenkomplexes „Kreisläufe“ widmet sich die ETSA dem Textilrecycling. Betrachtet werden unter anderem Innovationen im Bereich der Textilsortierung, die Bewältigung logistischer Herausforderungen, die Verwendung recycelter Fasern sowie die Unterstützung durch digitale Plattformen.

Der DTV informiert in seinem Panel über neue Geschäftsmodelle in der Kreislaufwirtschaft, vom Ökodesign über Verleih- und Reparaturservices bis hin zur europäischen Strategie für nachhaltige und kreislauffähige Textilien.   

Die Aussteller-Vorträge: Produktinnovationen im Fokus
Neben eingeladenen Vorträgen bietet das Texcare Forum in diesem Jahr zudem ein Vortragsformat für Aussteller. Diese präsentieren dem Publikum in 20-minütigen Slots besonders innovative Lösungen oder Produkte aus ihren Portfolios. Zu den teilnehmenden Firmen zählen unter anderem Ecolab, Kannegiesser, Christeyns, Electrolux, Veit und Seitz.
Internationale Markttrends und -entwicklungen
In ihren „International Market Updates“, ebenfalls im Texcare Forum, geben Experten der TRSA (Association for Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Industry, USA), des Sveriges Tvätteriförbund (Schwedischer Wäschereiverband) sowie der Texcare France fundierte Einblicke in die Textilservice-Märkte und Brancheninitiativen der jeweiligen Länder.

Im Vortrag „The new Scandinavian Quality Control model“ (Mittwoch, 6.11., 13.30 – 14.00 Uhr) thematisieren der schwedische und der dänische Wäschereiverband gemeinsam progressive Entwicklungen innerhalb des skandinavischen Marktes und informieren über ihr neues Qualitätskontrolle-Modell.

Unter dem Titel „American Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Market: Advocacy, Performance and Sustainability“ beleuchtet der TRSA-Vortrag (Donnerstag, 7.11., 13.00 – 14.00 Uhr) unter anderem aufkommende Markttrends innerhalb der nahezu 50 Milliarden US-Dollar schweren nordamerikanischen Branche. Auch die sich verändernden wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Rahmenbedingungen kommen zur Sprache. Thematisiert werden zudem wiederverwendbare Materialien als verantwortungsvolle Alternative zu Einwegprodukten, textile Dienstleistungen als integraler Bestandteil der Kundennachhaltigkeit, verbesserte Hygiene sowie das umweltfreundliche Ansehen der Branche.  

Der Status Quo sowie aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen innerhalb des auf 3 Milliarden Euro taxierten französischen Marktes stehen im Mittelpunkt des Texcare France-Vortrags (Donnerstag, 7.11., 16.00 – 17.00 Uhr).

Guided Tours: Innovationen entdecken
Erstmals wird es auf der Texcare „Guided Tours“ geben. Auf den von Experten kuratierten und geführten Messerundgängen wird den Teilnehmern eine Auswahl besonders spannender Innovationen vorgestellt. Dabei stehen neben Neuheiten großer Key Player auch fortschrittliche Lösungen kleinerer Unternehmen im Mittelpunkt.   

Die Touren finden an allen vier Messetagen in englischer Sprache statt. Sie sind für Besitzer eines gültigen Texcare-Tickets kostenfrei. Die etwa einstündigen Rundgänge beginnen am 6.11. um 13.00 Uhr, vom 7. bis 9.11. jeweils um 11.00 Uhr. Startpunkt ist am Guided Tours-Stand B 03 in der Galleria Ebene 0. Dort können sich interessierte Besucher direkt vor Ort zur Teilnahme anmelden.
Texcare Happy Hour: Networking in lockerer Atmosphäre
Neben Produktinnovationen und Wissenstransfer steht insbesondere der Austausch innerhalb der Branche im Fokus der Texcare International. Die Veranstalter laden daher täglich (außer am Messe-Samstag) alle Teilnehmer zu einer Happy Hour ein. Diese findet jeweils ab 17.30 Uhr in der Galleria 0, direkt neben Halle 8, statt, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und bestehende zu pflegen.

Photo Fabtex

Fabtex Georgia: A Promising Textile Fair in the Caucasia Region

Fabtex Georgia 2024 International Textile Industry Fair has concluded with remarkable success, bringing together over 1,050 professional visitors from 11 countries, including Georgia, Russia, Armenia, India, China, Ukraine, Germany, Iran, Turkey, Poland, and Pakistan.

This year’s exhibition featured 52 exhibitors from Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, the UAE, Uzbekistan, and China, underscoring the event's international significance.

The exhibition's exhibitor profile primarily focuses on knitted fabrics, woven fabrics, fabrics for workwear and uniforms, various accessories, garment and sewing machinery, and ready-to-wear items.

Georgia has a long-standing tradition in the textile sector, dating back to Soviet times, and is currently home to production for international brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Zara, Moncler, and Puma.

Fabtex Georgia 2024 International Textile Industry Fair has concluded with remarkable success, bringing together over 1,050 professional visitors from 11 countries, including Georgia, Russia, Armenia, India, China, Ukraine, Germany, Iran, Turkey, Poland, and Pakistan.

This year’s exhibition featured 52 exhibitors from Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, the UAE, Uzbekistan, and China, underscoring the event's international significance.

The exhibition's exhibitor profile primarily focuses on knitted fabrics, woven fabrics, fabrics for workwear and uniforms, various accessories, garment and sewing machinery, and ready-to-wear items.

Georgia has a long-standing tradition in the textile sector, dating back to Soviet times, and is currently home to production for international brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Zara, Moncler, and Puma.

Georgia’s strategic location at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, coupled with its rich textile history, makes it an ideal hub for textile manufacturing and investment. The country boasts several Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Turkey and CIS nations, as well as a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with the EU, providing access to a market of approximately 900 million people without customs duties.


Kuzey Expo

Sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul (c) Texhibition İstanbul

Sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul

The sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul from 11 to 13 September 2024 will once again bring together all components of the textile industry and offer an overview of all product groups in the textile preliminary stage: from woven goods to knitwear, from yarns and denim to artificial leather and textile accessories.

Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), is following on from this year's March event with the upcoming edition.


The sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul from 11 to 13 September 2024 will once again bring together all components of the textile industry and offer an overview of all product groups in the textile preliminary stage: from woven goods to knitwear, from yarns and denim to artificial leather and textile accessories.

Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), is following on from this year's March event with the upcoming edition.


  • Over 500 exhibitors will be presenting a wide range of products such as woven fabrics, knitwear, denim, accessories, artificial leather and yarns covering 35,000 square metres
  • Over 25,000 trade visitors are expected from more than 100 countries, including the European Union, Great Britain, the USA, North Africa and the Middle East
  • Yarn Hall completes the range of the preliminary stage and has firmly established itself at Texhibition with 41 exhibitors
  • BlueBlackDenim showcases Türkiye's leading 25 denim manufacturers and inspires with creative denim installations
  • Texhibition Trend Areas: The trend areas are created by combination of quality and creative themes of fabrics, yarns, denims and accessory products from the participants
  • Texhibition Art Events: digital art, accessoires and yarn installations
More information:
Texhibition Istanbul



18,000 visitors at 6th edition of IFCO

From 7 to 9 August 2024, the sixth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place with 300 exhibitors in a total of 4 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre.

With this event, Istanbul Fashion Connection underlines its importance as a hub for the international fashion industry. Compared to the previous year's event, the proportion of international visitors increased by 13.9%. Almost 18,000 visitors came to IFCO in Istanbul, 35% of whom came from abroad. The most represented region was Asia with 31.3%, followed by the Middle East (31.3%), Europe (16.4%), North Africa (13.4%), North America, South America and Africa together with 3.1%. High-ranking buyer groups from a total of 121 countries came to IFCO to find out about the latest fashion trends, network and place orders.

Divided into clear product areas on a total of 30,000 square metres of exhibition space in four halls, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 5-8 February 2025.

From 7 to 9 August 2024, the sixth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place with 300 exhibitors in a total of 4 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre.

With this event, Istanbul Fashion Connection underlines its importance as a hub for the international fashion industry. Compared to the previous year's event, the proportion of international visitors increased by 13.9%. Almost 18,000 visitors came to IFCO in Istanbul, 35% of whom came from abroad. The most represented region was Asia with 31.3%, followed by the Middle East (31.3%), Europe (16.4%), North Africa (13.4%), North America, South America and Africa together with 3.1%. High-ranking buyer groups from a total of 121 countries came to IFCO to find out about the latest fashion trends, network and place orders.

Divided into clear product areas on a total of 30,000 square metres of exhibition space in four halls, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 5-8 February 2025.



(c) Messe Frankfurt France

Final Report of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris

The summer edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomed nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries. This season event was characterised by a number of new features and the dynamics remained satisfactory. Next event: February 10, 2025, in a partially renovated Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre for a session rich in initiatives.

The latest edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, offered in its full version with the Avantex and Leatherworld sectors, ended on July 3 with attendance levels down on the July 2023 session. Over and above a possible "Olympic Games effect" and its consequences on transport and accommodation costs in the capital, the current economic situation is prompting the show's organizers to explore all alternatives to adapt the offer to market demand. However, these results do not seem to have had any impact on the flow of business between visitors and exhibitors, who reported a fairly positive overall climate.

The summer edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomed nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries. This season event was characterised by a number of new features and the dynamics remained satisfactory. Next event: February 10, 2025, in a partially renovated Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre for a session rich in initiatives.

The latest edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, offered in its full version with the Avantex and Leatherworld sectors, ended on July 3 with attendance levels down on the July 2023 session. Over and above a possible "Olympic Games effect" and its consequences on transport and accommodation costs in the capital, the current economic situation is prompting the show's organizers to explore all alternatives to adapt the offer to market demand. However, these results do not seem to have had any impact on the flow of business between visitors and exhibitors, who reported a fairly positive overall climate.

The dynamic on the booths remained steady and the exchanges satisfactory, as shown by several manufacturers particularly well established on the European market. Indian shirt manufacturer Sheraton Apparel, for example, made around thirty solid contacts over 3 days, and reported several serious approaches to African distributors. The same goes for SMIT, a Turkish company specialising in Made in Turkey sourcing, which was able to see its main European customers and open up new contacts with Canadian and Brazilian buyers.

An expanded offering
At the Near Sourcing Hub, the phygital sourcing space connected by QR Code to the B2B digital platform of Messe Frankfurt France partner FourSource, inquiries to exhibiting companies remained much the same as in 2023. The visitor profile, on the other hand, focused on buyers from networks of small multi-specialist boutiques looking for an original mid-to-top-range offering. It was in response to this market demand for differentiation that the show organizers decided to extend Apparel Sourcing's range to include new categories in the fashion accessories sector, such as jewelry and bags.

High-profile initiatives
Other innovations were also on show this summer. The yarn pavilion - a first conceived in collaboration with Yarn Expo, originally a Shanghai show run by Messe Frankfurt - showcased the expertise of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani and Taiwanese companies, while at the same time highlighting upstream products and services. At Avantex, where some twenty suppliers of solutions for more sustainable fashion were grouped together, the new Designer Hub enabled designers and buyers to discover some original initiatives, such as that of stylist Jean-Luc François' association, supported by Messe Frankfurt's Texpertise network, which trains people who are far from employment, or the 3D design studio Scotomalab.

Materra wins 2024 Avantex Fashion Pitch award
The Avantex Fashion Pitch jury has awarded the 2024 prize to Materra. This British start-up, founded in 2019, designs solutions to support the cotton cultivation adapted to climate change. At the other end of the chain, it offers brands a service designed on a Cotton-As-A-Service model that encourages them to source from the producers it supports. Materra will benefit from a €2,800 stand at Avantex Paris 2025 donated by Messe Frankfurt France, plus €2,000 from Texpertise Network, the textile sector network of the Messe Frankfurt Group, and 1 year's incubation at Foundry donated by IFA Paris, official partner of the competition.

A trendy area at Leatherworld
New for 2024, the Leatherworld sector inaugurated its Leather Trend area, developed in collaboration with publisher Edizioni AF and the Arsutoria School design centre. Designed around the expertise of Italian companies specialising in the manufacture of leather shoes and bags, this inspirational space presented the autumn-winter 25-26 trends through 4 creative axis built around the expression of simplicity, nature, dynamism (sportswear collections) and finally romanticism. Leather Trend was also an opportunity to discover the new leather tanning technology developed by Ecotan, which avoids the use of metals (Chrome) and chemicals in the leather preparation stages thanks to the use of vegetable tannins.


Messe Frankfurt France


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles unveils programme

In sync with the fair’s 30th anniversary, the sourcing platform will host around 12 fringe events for fairgoers to stay ahead of the curve, under the following segments: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies, and Industry Empowerment. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has joined forces with Danish trend agency SPOTT trends & business to present the design theme for 2025 – ‘Healing Home’ – together with eight trend directions set to captivate the home textiles market. Set to be a hotspot for in vogue sourcing and industry exchange, the show will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 14 – 16 August 2024.

In sync with the fair’s 30th anniversary, the sourcing platform will host around 12 fringe events for fairgoers to stay ahead of the curve, under the following segments: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies, and Industry Empowerment. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has joined forces with Danish trend agency SPOTT trends & business to present the design theme for 2025 – ‘Healing Home’ – together with eight trend directions set to captivate the home textiles market. Set to be a hotspot for in vogue sourcing and industry exchange, the show will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 14 – 16 August 2024.

To help home textile industry players set the tone and direction for the upcoming business season, the fair will present Trends 2025 along with leading trend agency SPOTT trends & business, to illustrate the ‘Healing Home– Spaces for Thriving Living’ theme that marks the path ahead for the evolving sector. This concept conveys the idea of a home that promotes a remedial, prosperous lifestyle, improving peoples’ general health and well-being, with several key factors contributing to the overarching theme:

  • Eight key directions: Age-Old Crafts, Nature-Tech Synergies, Regenerative Possibilities, Wellbeing Spaces, Colourful Gatherings, Bio-Engineered Innovations, Transitional Practices, and Circular Systems.
  • Five key colours: deep burgundy, warm terracotta, light creamy shade, saturated nostalgic green, and vaporous blue.

The founder of SPOTT trends & business, Ms Anja Bisgaard Gaede, will be onsite to share insights related to these new design trends. Fairgoers are invited to join her interactive trend tour, and physically experience the concepts steering the industry's future.

With the intention of sparking further design inspiration for industry players, an expert panel discussion of Chinese interior architects and designers, InterDesign Forum, will be held on the afternoon of Day 1. Focusing on design trend topics related to sustainability, Mr Shen Lei, Founder and Design Director of Interior Architects Design and the Chinese representative of the Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend Committee, will lead the discussion. Adding an international perspective, Ms Anja Bisgaard Gaede will join them for the accompanying round table talk.

In addition to serving as a gateway for efficient sourcing, the show will inspire fairgoers through its fringe programme, with various formats and topics unpacking current talking points.

Highlighted sessions include:    

  • Round table discussion: Bridging Borders: A Designer x Producer Talk on Sustainability – a dialogue between designers and manufacturers, exploring how to collaboratively overcome sustainability challenges and reconcile the demands of both sides, from both Eastern and Western perspectives.
  • Econogy Talks: selected exhibitors, including 3M, Advansa and many more, as well as a representative from Indorama will showcase their innovative green products, giving attendees in-person insights into some of the market’s latest sustainable developments in the Sustainable Fibre Forum. Additionally, a Messe Frankfurt representative will explain the Texpertise Econogy concept, the combination of economy and ecology that represents the sustainability activities in the company’s Texpertise Network. The discussion will show how crucial sustainability is for the economic success of a business today, and indicate how fairgoers can benefit from such an approach.

Beyond the subject of a greener textile industry, other topics will be explored at various events. With more to be announced in the coming weeks, the following seminars hosted by international experts will provide the latest trends and market updates:

  • Bridging Worlds: Design Strategies for Success in Middle Eastern Markets: Ms Esra Lemmens (Day 1)
  • How Psychology Impacts the Way We Design Spaces: Ms Pallavi Dean (Day 1)

Moreover, the 10th Home Textiles and Furniture Industry Ecological Integration Forum will bring together home textile and furniture brands to explore cross-industry collaboration and provide one-stop home solutions. The 30th China Home Textiles Design Festival & Designer Recommended Brand Awards will showcase the latest trends and achievements in home design, allowing participating brands to gain recognition from designers. Meanwhile, the 7th China International Fibre Art Exhibition will invite influential artists from home and abroad to present diverse contemporary fibre artworks; and the China Intangible Cultural Heritage of Textile Exhibition will showcase some remarkable displays.  


Messe Frankfurt HK, Ltd

KARL MAYER North America: Successful Textiles Innovation Conference (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER North America: Successful Textiles Innovation Conference

The 2nd Textiles Innovation Conference held by KARL MAYER North America proved to be a complete success. The trade event took place from June 25 to 27, 2024 at the headquarters of the KARL MAYER GROUP subsidiary in Greensboro, North Carolina. The conference boasted a turnout with over 200 attendees, exhibitors, and keynote speakers. While the majority hailed from many states across the USA, the event also attracted a global audience, including participants from Italy, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. The central theme: the importance of textiles made in the USA, their value and influence on global markets.

The 2nd Textiles Innovation Conference held by KARL MAYER North America proved to be a complete success. The trade event took place from June 25 to 27, 2024 at the headquarters of the KARL MAYER GROUP subsidiary in Greensboro, North Carolina. The conference boasted a turnout with over 200 attendees, exhibitors, and keynote speakers. While the majority hailed from many states across the USA, the event also attracted a global audience, including participants from Italy, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. The central theme: the importance of textiles made in the USA, their value and influence on global markets.

The conference brought together leading industry brands and academic institutions to delve into the future of product development and sustainability in textiles. KM.ON, Black Swan, Meta, and Supreme shared a convergence of ideas, challenges, and groundbreaking advancements shaping the textile landscape. NC State and Kent State universities highlighted their efforts in developing local talent and enhancing research capabilities to meet industry demand for regional supply chains. Manufacturing Solutions Center, Southern Textile Association, and AFFOA (Advanced Functional Fabrics of America) explored research capabilities and technology testing to foster funding opportunities and generate ideas for the future.

The recipe for success also included a lecture program. The conference kicked off with a keynote speech from New Balance, a brand that empowers people through sport and craftsmanship. New Balance MADE U.S., their premium collection manufactured domestically, reflects their commitment to quality and community impact. On day two Kenny Wilsey, Sourcing Director at Dillard’s, shared his expertise to ensure adherence to quality standards and social compliance requirements for private label brands. To complete the speaker series, Allison Hicks, Lead Knit Engineer at Under Armour, inspired attendees with her innovative approach to performance footwear, apparel, and accessories.

Important topics at the conference were sustainability and digitalization: Unifi showcased high-performance fibers made from recyclable materials and pre- or post-consumer waste management initiatives. KM.ON, the digital solution company of the KARL MAYER GROUP, displayed artificial intelligence applications for quality control, supply chain optimization, and predictive maintenance for warp knitting and knitwear production.

The Textile Innovation Conference program was rounded out by an exhibition of selected textile supply chain partners. These business partners supplemented the information about innovation presented in the lectures and performance demonstrations of the latest STOLL flat knitting and KARL MAYER warp knitting machines.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG


Successful closing of In-store Asia 2024

The 15th In-store Asia 2024, a trade fair for retail resources and investment in store designs, visual merchandising and in-store marketing on the Indian subcontinent, has drawn to a successful close. From 13 to 15 June numerous exhibitors and retailers got together at the Bombay Exhibition Center in Mumbai to network and experience the latest trends and innovations in the industry.

Registering more than 5,500 trade visitors, In-store Asia 2024 exceeded all expectations and confirmed its position as a leading platform. The three trade fair days played out in a lively atmosphere with many business leads.

The 15th In-store Asia 2024, a trade fair for retail resources and investment in store designs, visual merchandising and in-store marketing on the Indian subcontinent, has drawn to a successful close. From 13 to 15 June numerous exhibitors and retailers got together at the Bombay Exhibition Center in Mumbai to network and experience the latest trends and innovations in the industry.

Registering more than 5,500 trade visitors, In-store Asia 2024 exceeded all expectations and confirmed its position as a leading platform. The three trade fair days played out in a lively atmosphere with many business leads.

Solutions providers presented a comprehensive line-up of innovative products and solutions, which are required for installing modern, connected and targeted Points of Sale. Exhibits included POP and interactive displays, visual merchandising solutions and retail technologies, shopfittings complete with lighting, signage and display mannequins as well as retail designs. The event provided visitors including the decision-makers of retail brands as well as service providers, architects, designers, marketeers and retail specialists with a perfect setting for networking, exchanging ideas and forging strategic partnerships.  

Trade fair highlights included:

  • VM&RD Retail Design Awards: The Awards recognised outstanding examples of retail design and visual merchandising. Over 300 submissions in 24 categories by more than 40 companies were assessed by a jury composed of international design experts.  
  • VM Challenge: 40 visual merchandisers from more than 20 enterprises competed with each other in six teams in a live window-dressing competition to create imaginative decorations on the theme of “Surreal Chic” in 60 minutes.
  • Focal Points: Skechers, Lifestyle, Pepe Jeans and Ace Turtle impressed participants with innovatively dressed shop windows demonstrating the strength of creative design in retail.

The next In-store Asia will be held from 22 to 24 May 2025.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


VIATT 2025: Multifaceted fair poised to aid rejuvenation of Vietnam's textile industry

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

The fair’s inaugural edition attracted 409 exhibitors and 17,262 visits from 17 and 55 countries and regions respectively. Building on this solid foundation, VIATT 2025 will continue to showcase the latest industry trends, and expand its focus on various pertinent areas. This will include the fair’s new Econogy Hub, a dedicated zone to advance the topic of sustainability in the textile industry, and to relate it closely to the demands of economic and social change. Together with the evolving environmental landscape, the fair will also help industry players adapt to the rapid adoption of new technology in the business world with the debut of the Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone. This zone will allow exhibitors to unveil the latest technology and solutions such as AI design, digital manufacturing, big data analytics, and more.

Concurrently, VIATT 2025 will continue to present a diverse range of exhibitors across the apparel, home textile and technical textile sectors, with positive feedback received from many quarters at the fair’s inaugural edition.

Apparel Fabrics & Fashion
In the first four months of 2024, textile and garment exports grew 6.3% year-on-year to over USD 10 billion. The US remains Vietnam’s top export market, followed by the EU, South Korea, China, and Japan. To meet this demand, Vietnam's textile industry continues to import a significant amount of raw materials. At VIATT 2024, yarns, fibres and fabrics for casualwear, sportswear and uniforms, as well as garment accessories, were in high demand.

Home & Contract Textiles
Vietnam’s home textile market is projected to undergo a steady CAGR of 2.4% from 2024 – 2032, driven by the rising need for modern and stylish home textiles, e-commerce expansion, and favourable government initiatives. At the fair’s previous edition, product groups included bedding, loungewear and bathroom textiles, curtains and curtain fabrics, upholstery and sofa fabrics, and home textile accessories.

At VIATT 2025, exhibitors can additionally present their latest offerings in the Home Textiles Display Zone or at dedicated product presentations, to maximise their visibility to potential buyers.

Technical Textiles & Technologies
Across the textile industry, investors are now focusing on optimising production capacity, streamlining supply chains, and enhancing product quality to maintain competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. With the new Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone to supplement the textile technology category, VIATT 2025 is set to play host to providers of textile and nonwoven machinery, CAD/CAM, CMT, and technology for embroidery, knitting, sewing, printing, and more. Exhibitors can draw more attention to their latest solutions by participating in the fair's new innovation showcase area.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), covering the entire textile industry value chain. The second edition will be held from 26 – 28 February 2025.

More information:
VIATT Vietnam

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

China in-store 2024 with Special Areas (c) China in-store

China in-store 2024 with Special Areas

China in-store, which was established under the name C-Star as an official satellite of EuroShop in Shanghai in 2015, will be held in Hall N1 of the Shanghai New International Expo Center from 3 to 5 September 2024. In consumer-friendly and tech-savvy China innovative store design plays a prominent role, which is why the trade fair specifically focuses on instore design and high-end solutions for brands. On display will be solutions for store design, fittings, but also retail technologies that help to selectively shape stores as spaces for interacting with shoppers as well as stage their brand messages.

China in-store, which was established under the name C-Star as an official satellite of EuroShop in Shanghai in 2015, will be held in Hall N1 of the Shanghai New International Expo Center from 3 to 5 September 2024. In consumer-friendly and tech-savvy China innovative store design plays a prominent role, which is why the trade fair specifically focuses on instore design and high-end solutions for brands. On display will be solutions for store design, fittings, but also retail technologies that help to selectively shape stores as spaces for interacting with shoppers as well as stage their brand messages.

After the success of last year’s event attracting over 100 exhibitors and almost 14,000 trade visitors, China in-store 2024 will offer over 200 providers of retail design and retail-relevant solutions the opportunity to showcase their latest instore design, retail technology and retail solutions while inviting industry professionals to explore, learn and network. The exhibited products and solutions for shopfitting and the retail industry will include store design, materials as well as surfaces and furnishings for shops – ranging from displays fixtures and mannequins to visual merchandising services and omnichannel technologies.

Since personalisation in retail is increasing in importance, the Designer Village will present design companies with trail-blazing stand designs and visual merchandising solutions. The special area will inspire visitors with innovative store concepts that improve both the brand image and customer journey. At the Retail Technology Village the latest advances in AI, VR and data analytics will be presented. These technologies enable an omnichannel experience for shoppers and convert physical stores into third places. On the Retail Stage and the Design Stage experts, retailers and brands will present the latest retail trends, shopfitting strategies and innovations that drive the retail market. A themed exhibition is dedicated to changing trends in retail area design.  

Once again proving a highlight of China in-store will be the presentation of the ERDA China (EuroShop RetailDesign Award China) on 4 September 2024; this award recognises store designs and extraordinary store concepts from the Chinese market. This year the categories were extended. 

More information:
China in-store China Shanghai Retail

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Successful closing of drupa 2024 (c) Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Successful closing of drupa 2024

drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf drew to a successful close on 7 June after eleven days. 1,643 exhibitors from 52 nations presented a showcase of innovations in the Düsseldorf exhibition halls and thrilled the trade visitors with performances. The international share of the visitors was 80%, with attendees coming from 174 countries. After Europe, Asia was the most strongly represented region with 22%, followed by America with 12%.  Asia as well as Latin America and the MENA region are markets with great growth potential, which was reflected in the significant increase in exhibitors' presence and order books.

Exhibitors praised the high level of decision-making competence of visitors. They, in turn, gave top marks to the range of products and services on offer in the 18 exhibition halls. Around 96% of all visitors confirmed that they had fully achieved the objectives associated with their visit. At over 50%, most of them came from the printing industry, followed by the packaging industry, whose share has increased significantly and which was the focus of many exhibitors as a growth driver. In total, 170,000 trade visitors attended drupa 2024.

drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf drew to a successful close on 7 June after eleven days. 1,643 exhibitors from 52 nations presented a showcase of innovations in the Düsseldorf exhibition halls and thrilled the trade visitors with performances. The international share of the visitors was 80%, with attendees coming from 174 countries. After Europe, Asia was the most strongly represented region with 22%, followed by America with 12%.  Asia as well as Latin America and the MENA region are markets with great growth potential, which was reflected in the significant increase in exhibitors' presence and order books.

Exhibitors praised the high level of decision-making competence of visitors. They, in turn, gave top marks to the range of products and services on offer in the 18 exhibition halls. Around 96% of all visitors confirmed that they had fully achieved the objectives associated with their visit. At over 50%, most of them came from the printing industry, followed by the packaging industry, whose share has increased significantly and which was the focus of many exhibitors as a growth driver. In total, 170,000 trade visitors attended drupa 2024.

Automation took centre stage at this year’s drupa, with a strong focus on AI and smart workflows, including software solutions. It became clear that digital and analogue technologies ideally complement and benefit from each other. Traditional industry leaders presented a wide range of digital solutions, while digital pioneers integrated conventional components into their offerings. Robotics played an important role in the exhibition halls and illustrated the path towards the smart factory.

Transformation and growth
drupa made it clear that the industry has great potential for the future, even against the backdrop of many challenges, and that the prospects are promising. In the last financial year, the global printing industry achieved a turnover of around EUR 840 billion (source: Smithers) and continues to develop at varying pace worldwide.
Many new strategic alliances concluded at the trade fair reflected the opportunities that are only possible in such a concentrated form at drupa.

Sustainable technologies
Technology is the key to achieving sustainability goals - exhibitors at drupa illustrated this with numerous practice-orientated developments and concrete solutions. Top priority is given to resource efficiency and the path to a functioning circular economy. In addition, Touchpoint Sustainability from the VDMA, the German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, showcased current state of the art innovations, presented best-practice use cases and gave a far-reaching outlook into the future of a sustainable printing industry.

Knowledge transfer
The supporting programme with its five special forums drupa cube, drupa next age (dna) and the Touchpoints Packaging, Textile and Sustainability was well received. In times of constant change and the resulting new business models, they ensured an intensive transfer of knowledge and provided important guidance. Guided tours on various key topics rounded off the trade fair experience.

The next drupa will be held in 2028.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


15-year anniversary of Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen

Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2024 will take place on 22-23 May in the Copenhagen Concert Hall. Presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), a non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, the 2024 edition with mark the Summit’s 15th anniversary and will bring together  leaders to drive urgent social and environmental progress.
Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark will attend the Summit on 22 May and provide Opening Remarks. The Queen first attended the inaugural Summit in 2009 and has since spoken at every edition of the Summit, demonstrating her dedication to a more sustainable future.
Under the central theme ‘Unlocking the Next Level’, over 100 other esteemed speakers will take to the Summit’s historic stages to share action-based insights, including executives from: Kering, Patagonia, Maersk, Brioni, Conservation International, The New York Times, Ralph Lauren Corporation, H&M Group, Ganni, WWF, Re&Up, Fair Labor Association, and more.

Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2024 will take place on 22-23 May in the Copenhagen Concert Hall. Presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), a non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, the 2024 edition with mark the Summit’s 15th anniversary and will bring together  leaders to drive urgent social and environmental progress.
Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark will attend the Summit on 22 May and provide Opening Remarks. The Queen first attended the inaugural Summit in 2009 and has since spoken at every edition of the Summit, demonstrating her dedication to a more sustainable future.
Under the central theme ‘Unlocking the Next Level’, over 100 other esteemed speakers will take to the Summit’s historic stages to share action-based insights, including executives from: Kering, Patagonia, Maersk, Brioni, Conservation International, The New York Times, Ralph Lauren Corporation, H&M Group, Ganni, WWF, Re&Up, Fair Labor Association, and more.
With a 15-year foundation as a leading forum for sustainability in fashion, the event will attract over 1000 stakeholders from the fashion sector, adjacent industries, policymakers, solution providers, and more. The Summit’s programme will be structured around unlocking solutions to fashion’s biggest sustainability barriers, no matter where an organisation is on its sustainability journey. Sessions include: ‘Fragmented Futures: Fashion’s Policy Agenda’, ‘Luxury, Leather, and Land’, ‘Towards a Binding Agreement on Wages, ‘Pathways to Indigenous Partnership’, and ‘Ending Oversupply’.
Building on the impact of previous Summits, the 2024 edition will also host more action-oriented roundtable meetings. The closed-door sessions bring together groups of stakeholders to discuss relevant barriers, share learnings, and build collaborations to support the implementation of solutions. Roundtables will address topics such as: ‘Scaling Circular Textile Systems’, ‘Pay Equity Interventions in European Value Chains’, and ‘Impactful Influence’.
The Summit will also present the Innovation Forum, a curated exhibition of leading sustainable solutions. Summit attendees can meet with exhibitors covering the entire value chain – from innovative materials to end-of-use solutions.


Global Fashion Agenda (GFA)

STOLL: Flat knitted balaclava in Design Museum in New York (c) KARL MAYER Group

STOLL: Flat knitted balaclava in Design Museum in New York

The exhibition “Acquired! Shaping the National Design Collection” at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, which opened on 16 March, features a STOLL work that has been part of the museum’s permanent collection since 2017.

Visitors can expect more than 150 works that have been compiled from the museum’s collection and new acquisitions since 2017. The selection, which includes works by design pioneers of the recent past, also includes a highly functional balaclava from STOLL.

Blend of design and functionality.
The flat knitted balaclava from STOLL is part of an exhibition area that visualises the defining themes of our time. Alongside a hijab, it stands for considering inclusivity in design. The balaclava offers protection from extreme cold, is stylish and is the result of a combination of creativity and technology.

The exhibition “Acquired! Shaping the National Design Collection” at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, which opened on 16 March, features a STOLL work that has been part of the museum’s permanent collection since 2017.

Visitors can expect more than 150 works that have been compiled from the museum’s collection and new acquisitions since 2017. The selection, which includes works by design pioneers of the recent past, also includes a highly functional balaclava from STOLL.

Blend of design and functionality.
The flat knitted balaclava from STOLL is part of an exhibition area that visualises the defining themes of our time. Alongside a hijab, it stands for considering inclusivity in design. The balaclava offers protection from extreme cold, is stylish and is the result of a combination of creativity and technology.

The balaclava integrates an NFC chip for near-field communication, a heater to warm breathable air, a positive and negative power connector and reflective strips for passive visibility, all knitted directly into the fabric. STOLL’s state-of-the-art flat knitting technology is the basis for straightforward integration. Circuits and conductive yarns can also be incorporated in a fully automated process exactly where they are needed.

Other performance features do not require additional components. A knitted-to-shape 3D design – made possible by the goring technique – offers a perfect fit by following anatomy and eliminating the need for complex tailoring.

More information:
Stoll Karl Mayer Group



Texhibition Istanbul: Fifth edition successfully concluded

The fifth edition of the Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair from 6 to 8 March 2024, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), presented 557 exhibitors showcasing the entire range of the textile supplying section: from woven and knitted fabrics to accessories and artificial leather. A new addition was a separate hall for yarns and denim, the BlueBlackDenim hall. With this trade fair, Texhibition has more than doubled its floor space compared to the last event to 35,000 square metres.

Texhibition Istanbul acts as a central point of contact for the entire international industry, with a clear focus on quality, innovation and the latest trends like the denim companies Bossa, Çalık, İsko, İskur and Kipaş at the BlueBlackDenim Hall.

Yarn companies such as Aksa, Diktaş, Ensar, Karafiber, Kaplanlar, Korteks, Migiteks, Sasa, Tepar showed the production power of the yarn sector, where the product quality, design and workmanship came together.

The fifth edition of the Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair from 6 to 8 March 2024, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), presented 557 exhibitors showcasing the entire range of the textile supplying section: from woven and knitted fabrics to accessories and artificial leather. A new addition was a separate hall for yarns and denim, the BlueBlackDenim hall. With this trade fair, Texhibition has more than doubled its floor space compared to the last event to 35,000 square metres.

Texhibition Istanbul acts as a central point of contact for the entire international industry, with a clear focus on quality, innovation and the latest trends like the denim companies Bossa, Çalık, İsko, İskur and Kipaş at the BlueBlackDenim Hall.

Yarn companies such as Aksa, Diktaş, Ensar, Karafiber, Kaplanlar, Korteks, Migiteks, Sasa, Tepar showed the production power of the yarn sector, where the product quality, design and workmanship came together.

In addition to well-known companies such as Almodo, Bahariye, BTD, Can Textile, Iskur, Kipaş, Menderes, Söktaş, Yünsa, Zorlu, İpeker a large number of other export-oriented companies from the segments of textiles (woven fabrics, knitting) presented their latest designs and products.

25,752 visitors came from over 112 countries, 41.8% from the European Union (including Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Romania etc.) and Great Britain, Ukraine,26.5% from Asia (including Russia etc.), 14.8% from the Middle East (including Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia) 10.7% from North Africa (including Algeria, Tunisia etc.), 3.1% from North America (United States, Canada), 3.1% from South America and other countries.

American buyers from the USA and Canada in particular, but also a large number of Mexican and Colombian buyers took advantage of the numerous match-making opportunities at Texhibition. Many B2B meetings took place and led to numerous orders being placed, including from key accounts such as Alexander Wang, Asos, Forever 21, Sainsbury's, Veronica Beard etc.

More information:
Texhibition Istanbul Yarns Denim


RegioGreenTex Annual Consortium Meeting Photo Euratex

RegioGreenTex Annual Consortium Meeting in Portugal

Representatives from all 43 European partners of RegioGreenTex met for the Annual Consortium Meeting, hosted by CITEVE – the Portuguese Centre for textile innovation.

Co-funded by the European Union I3 Instrument Programme, RegioGreenTex is a €13 million project to promote investments in textile circularity. Research centres, regional clusters, regional development agencies and 26 SMEs collaborate to realise unique pilot projects to transform the textile industry business model from linear to circular.
The annual consortium meeting is a pivotal point to assess the project’s progress and impact. Presentations and workshops have been an essential part of the meeting, along with  networking opportunities where partners created synergies and discussed common challenges. Furthermore, all SME partners showcased their results through an exhibition with samples of garments, yarns, fabrics and products: the outcome of the project’s innovation so far. New collaborations and partners are expected to flourish as another outcome and the meeting.

Representatives from all 43 European partners of RegioGreenTex met for the Annual Consortium Meeting, hosted by CITEVE – the Portuguese Centre for textile innovation.

Co-funded by the European Union I3 Instrument Programme, RegioGreenTex is a €13 million project to promote investments in textile circularity. Research centres, regional clusters, regional development agencies and 26 SMEs collaborate to realise unique pilot projects to transform the textile industry business model from linear to circular.
The annual consortium meeting is a pivotal point to assess the project’s progress and impact. Presentations and workshops have been an essential part of the meeting, along with  networking opportunities where partners created synergies and discussed common challenges. Furthermore, all SME partners showcased their results through an exhibition with samples of garments, yarns, fabrics and products: the outcome of the project’s innovation so far. New collaborations and partners are expected to flourish as another outcome and the meeting.

EURATEX, as project coordinator, ensures the successful implementation of this ambitious initiative. Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX Director General, commented: “RegioGreenTex is an essential piece of our wider plan to implement the EU Sustainable Textile Strategy. Offering investment support to our SMEs is critical to make this green transition a success.”



Launch of GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition (c) Teknik Fuarcılık
At the GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition press conference; Teknik Fairs organization team, members of the Garment Machinery Advisory Board, KOMİD President, TEMSAD President and sector representatives.

Launch of GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition

Turkey's leading garment machinery manufacturers and representatives have collaborated with Teknik Fuarcılık for GarmentTech İstanbul Garment, Embroidery Machines Spare Parts and Sub Industry Exhibition to host the first GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition.

The GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition will be held at İstanbul Expo Center (IFM) between June 25-28, 2025 and brings together all the technologies used in garment and ready-to-wear production.

The ready-to-wear and garment sector is among the locomotive sectors of the Turkish economy with both employment and export income. With 22 thousand 640 exporters and 42 thousand 434 manufacturers, the sector is among the priority sectors in the country's employment with approximately 700 thousand people working in production. Together with the retail and ready-to-wear sectors, total employment exceeds 2 million.

On the other hand, ready-to-wear and garment sector is the 3rd largest exporter in Turkey. Turkey is the 5th country in the world that exports the most ready-to-wear and garment. In 2023, the sector reached 19.3 billion dollars in exports and has a share of 7.5% in general exports.

Turkey's leading garment machinery manufacturers and representatives have collaborated with Teknik Fuarcılık for GarmentTech İstanbul Garment, Embroidery Machines Spare Parts and Sub Industry Exhibition to host the first GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition.

The GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition will be held at İstanbul Expo Center (IFM) between June 25-28, 2025 and brings together all the technologies used in garment and ready-to-wear production.

The ready-to-wear and garment sector is among the locomotive sectors of the Turkish economy with both employment and export income. With 22 thousand 640 exporters and 42 thousand 434 manufacturers, the sector is among the priority sectors in the country's employment with approximately 700 thousand people working in production. Together with the retail and ready-to-wear sectors, total employment exceeds 2 million.

On the other hand, ready-to-wear and garment sector is the 3rd largest exporter in Turkey. Turkey is the 5th country in the world that exports the most ready-to-wear and garment. In 2023, the sector reached 19.3 billion dollars in exports and has a share of 7.5% in general exports.

Teknik Fuarcılık, which has more than 30 years of experience in exhibition organization and has made the ITM International Textile Machinery Exhibition a world brand, has taken action to make the success achieved by the garment and ready-to-wear sector sustainable. GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition, which will be organized with the support of the members of the Garment Machinery Advisory Board and in cooperation with the Apparel Automation and Machinery Manufacturers Association (KOMİD), will host professional visitors and global buyers from all over the world.

The press conference of GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition was attended by members of the Garment Machinery Advisory Board, Vice Chairman of Astaş Holding H. Kaya Aşçı, Astaş Juki Board Member and General Manager Turgay Aşçı, Chairman of the Board of Çatma Makine Yavuz Çatma, Chairman of the Board of Alba Makine Cengiz Albayrak, General Manager of Malkan Makine Alparslan Er, General Manager of Uğur Makine Temel Kamiloğlu, Tetaş Sales and Marketing Assistant General Manager Murat Eren, Malkan Makina Factory Manager Metin Kılıç and KOMID President Haluk Akın, TEMSAD President Adil Nalbant, KOMİD Members Serkon Makina Chairman İzzet Savaş, Robotech General Manager Hüseyin Çetin, Chairman of the Board of NewTech Machinery Nezir Yazıcı, LGM Foreign Trade Specialist Yiğit Sağdık Manav, Avtek Manager Oğuz Avcı and many sector representatives.


Teknik Fuarcılık

1000 international exhibitors at DOMOTEX 2024 (c) Deutsche Messe AG

Over 1000 international exhibitors at DOMOTEX 2024

From 11 to 14 January 2024, the global carpet and flooring industry will meet at the Hannover exhibition grounds to discuss new products and current industry trends. With 1,000 international exhibitors, DOMOTEX promises a comprehensive overview of the Flooring und Carpets & Rugs sectors.

In addition to top exhibitors from the Carpets & Rugs sector, numerous global brands from the flooring industry will be exhibiting.
Well-known and long-standing exhibitors such as Area Floors, Amorim, Lamett, Li & Co, Camsan, Design Parquet, CFL Flooring, AGT, Forestry Timber, STP, SWISS KRONO, Decospan, Massive Holding, Floorify and Granorte have confirmed their participation. However, new exhibitors or those who have not participated for several years are also back in 2024 – including Kronospan and Kaindl, mFlor, Onefloor, Republic, Classen, Gerflor and MeisterWerke. From the field of application and installation technology, Neuhofer, SELIT, Välinge, Estillon, Shaper Origin, ADESIV, KLEIBERIT and i4F have also announced their participation.

From 11 to 14 January 2024, the global carpet and flooring industry will meet at the Hannover exhibition grounds to discuss new products and current industry trends. With 1,000 international exhibitors, DOMOTEX promises a comprehensive overview of the Flooring und Carpets & Rugs sectors.

In addition to top exhibitors from the Carpets & Rugs sector, numerous global brands from the flooring industry will be exhibiting.
Well-known and long-standing exhibitors such as Area Floors, Amorim, Lamett, Li & Co, Camsan, Design Parquet, CFL Flooring, AGT, Forestry Timber, STP, SWISS KRONO, Decospan, Massive Holding, Floorify and Granorte have confirmed their participation. However, new exhibitors or those who have not participated for several years are also back in 2024 – including Kronospan and Kaindl, mFlor, Onefloor, Republic, Classen, Gerflor and MeisterWerke. From the field of application and installation technology, Neuhofer, SELIT, Välinge, Estillon, Shaper Origin, ADESIV, KLEIBERIT and i4F have also announced their participation.

In addition to the main exhibition, DOMOTEX will offer a variety of side events designed to provide important impulses for the day-to-day business of all trade visitors

For the second time, THE GREEN COLLECTION in Hall 23 will highlight the latest developments in the fields of sustainability, circular economy and environmental protection in the carpet and flooring industry for visitors to experience first-hand. The special display includes current research projects by TFI Aachen, a haptic material show by raumprobe and product presentations by companies such as Uzin Utz, Classen and Gerflor.

In collaboration with DECOR-UNION and the MEGA Group, DOMOTEX will be expanding its portfolio to include the two product segments "wall" and "ceiling" for the first time. In addition to other flooring suppliers, the RETAILERS' PARK in Hall 19/20 will feature products for holistic interior design, including paints and coatings from Südwest, Meffert and PPG Coatings as well as wallpapers from AS and Erfurt. Participants can also look forward to practical solutions for their day-to-day business, presented in the area's own user forum through hands-on live demonstrations.

DOMOTEX on Stage
The conference program in Hall 23 features experts from the retail sector, associations, architecture, interior design, trade and politics, who will offer a holistic view of the topics of the future for the entire industry. On Friday, 12 January, German politician and member of the European Parliament Reinhard Bütikofer will give a presentation on the European Green Deal. Joachim Stumpp, Managing Director of raumprobe, and Chiara Rodriguez from Materially will report on sustainable materials. In addition to sustainability, topics relating to trends, new work and the shortage of skilled workers will also play a keyrole at DOMOTEX on Stage.


Deutsche Messe AG