From the Sector

84 results

TextileGenesis und Aid by Trade Foundation verbessern Rückverfolgbarkeit von CmiA-Baumwollfasern

TextileGenesis, ein Unternehmen der Lectra-Gruppe, und die Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) setzen ihre Partnerschaft fort. Das gemeinsame Ziel ist weiterhin die Verbesserung der Rückverfolgbarkeit von gemäß Cotton made in Africa® (CmiA) verifizierten Fasern. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Transparenz der Lieferkette zu erhöhen und das Engagement von CmiA für eine nachhaltige und ethische Baumwollproduktion zu fördern.
CmiA, einer der weltweit führenden Standards für nachhaltige Baumwolle, setzt sich dafür ein, die Lebensgrundlage von Kleinbauern in Afrika zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Umwelt zu schützen. Mithilfe der Rückverfolgbarkeitsplattform von TextileGenesis können Marken die Herkunft und Verarbeitung von CmiA-geprüften Rohstoffen auf einfache Weise nachvollziehen und so eine lückenlose Rückverfolgbarkeit gewährleisten.

TextileGenesis, ein Unternehmen der Lectra-Gruppe, und die Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) setzen ihre Partnerschaft fort. Das gemeinsame Ziel ist weiterhin die Verbesserung der Rückverfolgbarkeit von gemäß Cotton made in Africa® (CmiA) verifizierten Fasern. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Transparenz der Lieferkette zu erhöhen und das Engagement von CmiA für eine nachhaltige und ethische Baumwollproduktion zu fördern.
CmiA, einer der weltweit führenden Standards für nachhaltige Baumwolle, setzt sich dafür ein, die Lebensgrundlage von Kleinbauern in Afrika zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Umwelt zu schützen. Mithilfe der Rückverfolgbarkeitsplattform von TextileGenesis können Marken die Herkunft und Verarbeitung von CmiA-geprüften Rohstoffen auf einfache Weise nachvollziehen und so eine lückenlose Rückverfolgbarkeit gewährleisten.
Durch den Einsatz der fortschrittlichen Fibercoins-Technologie ermöglicht TextileGenesis eine vollständige Rückverfolgbarkeit vom Baumwollballen bis zum fertigen Produkt. Mit der Fortsetzung ihrer Zusammenarbeit knüpfen TextileGenesis und AbTF an den Erfolg ihrer bisherigen Partnerschaft für The Good Cashmere Standard® an, der sich auf die Verbesserung der Rückverfolgbarkeit konzentriert und 2024 eingeführt wurde. Die Ausweitung dieser Partnerschaft auf CmiA stärkt die Bemühungen beider Organisationen um skalierbare und wirkungsvolle nachhaltige Praktiken in der Textilindustrie.
Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen TextileGenesis und Cotton made in Africa® ermöglicht es Marken, die Herkunft von CmiA-verifizierter Baumwolle zuverlässig zu überprüfen, um genaue Nachhaltigkeitsangaben zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig die jährliche Berichterstattung zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus haben Marken, die TextileGenesis nutzen, Zugang zum größten Lieferantennetzwerk der Branche, das es ihnen ermöglicht, ihr gesamtes Produktionsökosystem zu erfassen und einen umfassenden Einblick in ihre gesamte Lieferkette zu erhalten – von den Faserherstellern bis hin zu externen Prüfern.
Durch die Erweiterung der Partnerschaft können Einzelhändler und Marken von zwei etablierten Rückverfolgungssystemen profitieren, die Transparenz für CmiA-verifizierte Baumwolle vom Feld bis zum Kleidungsstückbieten und eine große Flexibilität bei der Rückverfolgung ihrer Baumwolle ermöglichen. Unternehmen, die bereits mit TextileGenesis zusammenarbeiten, profitieren von der Nutzung einer einzigen Plattform zur Verwaltung der Rückverfolgbarkeit über mehrere Materialnachhaltigkeitsstandards hinweg, einschließlich Cotton made in Africa®. Dieser rationalisierte Ansatz verbessert die Effizienz und schafft Synergien in der gesamten Lieferkette. Andere Unternehmen können sich weiterhin auf das etablierte SCOT-System von CmiA verlassen, um CmiA-verifizierte Baumwolle in ihrer gesamten Textillieferkette zu erfassen.
90 Prozent der Nachhaltigkeitsstandards für Materialien, einschließlich CmiA, nutzen TextileGenesis als Rückverfolgungssystem. Dies unterstreicht die Bedeutung von TextileGenesis als zentrale, leicht zugängliche Plattform für die Rückverfolgbarkeit einer Vielzahl von zertifizierten Materialien und macht die Lösung zum Industriestandard für die Sicherstellung der Authentizität und Konformität über verschiedene Zertifizierungssysteme hinweg.




Nachhaltigkeit 2025 zentraler Bestandteil des Wirtschaftsmodells

Die Bekleidungsindustrie erfindet sich angesichts großer wirtschaftlicher, regulatorischer und technologischer Herausforderungen neu. Diese fünf Trends werden nach Ansicht von Lectra den Markt in den kommenden Jahren neugestalten:

1. Die Notwendigkeit einer genaueren Analyse der Leistung der Brand
Die finanziellen Ergebnisse in den Segmenten wie Luxus, Mittelklasse und Fast Fashion unterscheiden sich zunehmend voneinander. Während einige Luxusmarken wie Gucci vor Herausforderungen stehen, florieren andere wie Hermès. Diese unterschiedliche Entwicklung unterstreicht die Bedeutung einer detaillierten, internen Analyse von Faktoren, die über die reine Marktpositionierung hinausgehen. Bis 2025 wird die Leistung einer Marke nicht mehr strikt an ihre Kategorie (Luxus, mittleres Marktsegment oder Fast Fashion) gebunden sein, sondern von der effektiven Anpassung ihrer Strategie an die marktspezifischen Gegebenheiten und die sich verändernden Erwartungen der Konsumenten abhängen. Mit anderen Worten: maßgeschneiderte Markenstrategien werden der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sein.

Die Bekleidungsindustrie erfindet sich angesichts großer wirtschaftlicher, regulatorischer und technologischer Herausforderungen neu. Diese fünf Trends werden nach Ansicht von Lectra den Markt in den kommenden Jahren neugestalten:

1. Die Notwendigkeit einer genaueren Analyse der Leistung der Brand
Die finanziellen Ergebnisse in den Segmenten wie Luxus, Mittelklasse und Fast Fashion unterscheiden sich zunehmend voneinander. Während einige Luxusmarken wie Gucci vor Herausforderungen stehen, florieren andere wie Hermès. Diese unterschiedliche Entwicklung unterstreicht die Bedeutung einer detaillierten, internen Analyse von Faktoren, die über die reine Marktpositionierung hinausgehen. Bis 2025 wird die Leistung einer Marke nicht mehr strikt an ihre Kategorie (Luxus, mittleres Marktsegment oder Fast Fashion) gebunden sein, sondern von der effektiven Anpassung ihrer Strategie an die marktspezifischen Gegebenheiten und die sich verändernden Erwartungen der Konsumenten abhängen. Mit anderen Worten: maßgeschneiderte Markenstrategien werden der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sein.

2. Preiserhöhungen vs. wahrgenommener Wert: eine schwierige Gleichung
Inmitten des harten Wettbewerbs mit den Fast-Fashion-Giganten wollen sich viele Marken des mittleren Marktsegments durch Qualität und Style differenzieren und entscheiden sich häufig für Preiserhöhungen, um das Wachstum zu fördern. Die immer anspruchsvolleren Konsumenten erwarten jedoch einen erkennbaren Wert, um diese Preiserhöhungen zu rechtfertigen. Innovation, Style, Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit werden zu wesentlichen Erfolgskriterien. Bis 2025 wird es für die Kundenbindung entscheidend sein, den erkennbaren Wert mit dem Preis in Einklang zu bringen.

3. Strengere Umweltvorschriften
Die Umweltvorschriften werden nicht in allen Regionen einheitlich umgesetzt, weder in Bezug auf die Geschwindigkeit noch auf die Intensität. Dennoch werden alle Modemarken in Europa und darüber hinaus strengere Standards in Bezug auf Rückverfolgbarkeit, CO2-Fußabdruck und Ethik erfüllen müssen. Nachhaltigkeit ist nicht mehr nur ein Ziel: sie wird zur gesetzlichen Verpflichtung. Bis 2025 wird die Einhaltung von Nachhaltigkeitsvorschriften eine unvermeidbare strategische Herausforderung sein, die möglicherweise die Produktionsverfahren in der gesamten Branche neu definieren wird. Dieser Wandel wird erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Lieferketten haben, insbesondere in Asien. Darüber hinaus wird die Umsetzung von CSR-Strategien in die Geschäftsmodelle von Marken und Einzelhändlern eine große Chance zur Differenzierung darstellen. Die Rückverfolgbarkeit von Materialien wird ein wichtiges Thema sein: Wenn Marken wirklich den Anspruch erheben wollen, nachhaltig zu sein, müssen sie zunächst solide Mechanismen zur Rückverfolgbarkeit einführen. Ohne Transparenz und verifizierte Daten werden Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen wirkungslos sein. Der Einsatz fortschrittlicher Technologien wird ein entscheidender Faktor sein, der Marken dabei hilft, die Vorgaben in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit, Verantwortung und Rentabilität miteinander in Einklang zu bringen.

4. KI als Treiber für Effizienz und Innovation
Künstliche Intelligenz revolutioniert die. Algorithmen ermöglichen es, Trends vorherzusagen, Bestände zu optimieren und sogar Designs zu entwerfen. Gleichzeitig personalisiert KI das Kundenerlebnis in einem noch nie dagewesenen Ausmaß und bietet einen Wettbewerbsvorteil auf einem gesättigten Markt. 2025 werden die technologisch agilsten Marken diese Innovationen nutzen, um ihr Wachstum zu beschleunigen und mit der sich schnell entwickelnden Branche Schritt zu halten.

5. Neue geografische Märkte entstehen
Während Europa, die USA und sogar China Anzeichen einer wirtschaftlichen Verlangsamung zeigen, zeichnen sich in Indien und dem Nahen Osten neue große Wachstumschancen ab. Diese Regionen, die von einem robusten Wirtschaftswachstum und einer Nachfrage nach Produkten, die auf lokale Vorlieben zugeschnitten sind, angetrieben werden, werden 2025 eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Marken werden in maßgeschneiderte Angebote und regionale Einzelhandels- und Marketingstrategien investieren, um Verbraucher für sich zu gewinnen.

Nachhaltigkeit ist nicht mehr nur eine Umweltinitiative, sondern ein zentraler Bestandteil des Wirtschaftsmodells und des Entscheidungsprozesses einer Marke. Die Überschneidung von Ökonomie und Ökologie, die sogenannte „Econogy“, veranlasst Unternehmen dazu, soziale Verantwortung mit Rentabilität zu verbinden. Marken müssen sich nicht mehr zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Wirtschaftswachstum entscheiden – beide Konzepte können nebeneinander bestehen und sich gegenseitig bestärken.

2025 werden die Modemarken, denen es gelingt, sich an diese Veränderungen anzupassen, indem sie ihre Strategien optimieren, sich auf Nachhaltigkeit konzentrieren und durch Technologie innovativ sind, in einer sich schnell entwickelnden Branche führend sein. Es gibt viele Herausforderungen, aber auch viele Chancen für diejenigen, die es wagen, ihr Geschäftsmodell neu zu erfinden.

More information:
Digitale Zukunft, Lectra



Lectra: Neue Technologie-Plattform Valia Fashion

Lectra unterstützt die digitale Transformation und den Übergang zur Industrie 4.0 von Bekleidungs-, Automobil- und Möbelunternehmen.

Die neue digitale Plattform Valia Fashion kombiniert die Leistungsfähigkeit Künstlicher Intelligenz mit dem Know-how von Lectra im Bereich Bekleidung.

Valia Fashion soll die Bekleidungsbranche revolutionieren. Die Plattform verbindet, automatisiert und optimiert die verschiedenen Produktionsstufen der Bekleidungsfertigung – von der Auftragsbearbeitung bis zum Stoffschnitt. Durch die verbesserte Materialnutzung will Valia Fashion die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette optimieren und so eine nahtlose Verbindung zwischen Brands, Herstellern und Zulieferern schaffen, um den Anforderungen aller Beteiligten besser gerecht zu werden.

Lectra unterstützt die digitale Transformation und den Übergang zur Industrie 4.0 von Bekleidungs-, Automobil- und Möbelunternehmen.

Die neue digitale Plattform Valia Fashion kombiniert die Leistungsfähigkeit Künstlicher Intelligenz mit dem Know-how von Lectra im Bereich Bekleidung.

Valia Fashion soll die Bekleidungsbranche revolutionieren. Die Plattform verbindet, automatisiert und optimiert die verschiedenen Produktionsstufen der Bekleidungsfertigung – von der Auftragsbearbeitung bis zum Stoffschnitt. Durch die verbesserte Materialnutzung will Valia Fashion die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette optimieren und so eine nahtlose Verbindung zwischen Brands, Herstellern und Zulieferern schaffen, um den Anforderungen aller Beteiligten besser gerecht zu werden.

Angesichts der technologischen Herausforderungen, die durch die Transformation eines Marktes entstehen, der zunehmend Agilität und Kostenkontrolle erfordert, ist der Übergang zu Industrie 4.0 entscheidend für die Leistung, Rentabilität und Nachhaltigkeit von Produktionsprozessen. Mit Valia Fashion könnten sich Brands, Hersteller und Zulieferer in der Bekleidungsbranche leichter und schneller anpassen, unabhängig von der Art ihrer Produktion (kleine, mittlere oder große Serien oder On-Demand-Produktion), so die Einschätzung der Lectra Gruppe.

Mit dem boomenden Onlinehandel, der steigenden Nachfrage nach personalisierten Produkten, der rasanten Entwicklung von Trends, der kostspieligen Lagerverwaltung und dem verstärkten Fokus auf Preisen sowie Umwelt- und Sozialfragen verändern sich die Konsumgewohnheiten von Verbrauchern grundlegend. Das wirkt sich merklich auf Lieferketten und die Bekleidungsproduktion aus, weshalb viele Brands nun neben ihren üblichen Saisonkollektionen bevorzugt Kleinserien produzieren.
Hersteller und Zulieferer stehen außerdem mehr, aber dafür kleineren Aufträgen entgegen, was Skaleneffekte mindert. Deshalb müssen Akteure in der Bekleidungsindustrie agiler werden und ihre Produktionskosten strenger kontrollieren. Gleichzeitig stehen sie in der Pflicht, sich zielführend mit Umweltfragen auseinanderzusetzen. Um diesen Wandel erfolgreich zu meistern, müssen die verschiedenen an der Produktion beteiligten Akteure in Echtzeit kommunizieren und Informationen verarbeiten können. Digitalisierung ist daher unerlässlich, um zukünftig effektiv zusammenzuarbeiten und das Branchenwissen zu bewahren.

„Mit Valia Fashion optimieren und sichern unsere Kunden ihre Produktionsprozesse. Sie profitieren von einem vollständig automatisierten und vernetzten Arbeitsablauf sowohl intern als auch innerhalb ihres Ökosystems. Mit dem Einsatz unserer Zuschnittsysteme optimieren sie außerdem Stoffschneideanlagen und ihren Materialverbrauch. Wir haben unser Know-how aus der Bekleidungsindustrie mit den Möglichkeiten der Künstlichen Intelligenz kombiniert, um unseren Kunden mit Valia Fashion zu ermöglichen, effizienter zusammenzuarbeiten, ihre Gewinnspannen zu erhalten und ihr Wachstum zu steigern – und gleichzeitig die Anforderungen an eine nachhaltige Entwicklung zu erfüllen, die in der Bekleidungsindustrie immer wichtiger werden,” erklärt Maximilien Abadie, Chief Strategy Officer und Chief Product Officer bei Lectra.


Lectra: Study reveals 5 rules to drive sustainable growth

Today more than ever, sustainability in the fashion sector is an imperative that is reshaping the dynamics of the sector. These are important changes driven both by increasing CSR regulations (for example, Business of Fashion revealed that, according to 87% of players, the new regulations will impact their company in 2024), and by consumers’ habits (increasingly sensitive to the topic and consequently more careful in purchasing choices). In this scenario, Lectra analyzed real-time data from Retviews – its artificial intelligence-based solution specialized in competitive intelligence and automatic benchmarking – and unveils how Retviews’ empowers brands to navigate the complexities of sustainable and optimized collection planning.

According to Retviews data, to face sustainability challenges and best orient in the current complex fashion landscape, it will be crucial for brands to keep 5 key indications in mind:

Today more than ever, sustainability in the fashion sector is an imperative that is reshaping the dynamics of the sector. These are important changes driven both by increasing CSR regulations (for example, Business of Fashion revealed that, according to 87% of players, the new regulations will impact their company in 2024), and by consumers’ habits (increasingly sensitive to the topic and consequently more careful in purchasing choices). In this scenario, Lectra analyzed real-time data from Retviews – its artificial intelligence-based solution specialized in competitive intelligence and automatic benchmarking – and unveils how Retviews’ empowers brands to navigate the complexities of sustainable and optimized collection planning.

According to Retviews data, to face sustainability challenges and best orient in the current complex fashion landscape, it will be crucial for brands to keep 5 key indications in mind:

1. Planning sustainable collections
Faced with the new regulations, brands are called to rethink their strategies, without losing sight on performance. For this reason, brands are already moving to optimize and rationalize the creative processes of their collections with a view to sustainability. In particular, Retviews' real-time data analysis reveals a growing trend towards sustainability in the collections of leading brands, where there are important investments in sustainable fabrics for both upper and lower garments. In particular, in the "Top" section, shirts show the most significant growth year over year among the eco-responsible options.

2. Sustainable prices (in every sense)
In this context, the redefinition of prices requires a strategic balance between market dynamics and the consumer's willingness to pay for products redesigned in terms of CSR. Retviews data shows a significant increase in costs in sustainable top collections. However, has this shift affected stock levels?

3. Inventories: optimized management
Tracking stock levels is crucial to season management, as it helps identify best-selling items and trends, as well as identify which items would sell better at full price versus those that should be discounted.
The new premium prices for sustainable collections require optimization of the sales rate, a waste limitation to minimum and a reduction of unsold goods rate.
Analyzing the tops category - In the tops category, where sustainably made products prevail with significantly higher price points than generic tops, Retviews' real-time data reveals that sustainable collections boast a higher sell-out rate compared to non-sustainable products. This superior sell-out rate underscores consumers' willingness to pay a premium for sustainability

4. Traceability and certification of collections
Certification is essential in verifying sustainability claims, fosters trust and ensures compliance. Not only that, it is also important to understand the value of the certifications and which ones appear most frequently in the various markets so as to make targeted decisions and adapt the assortments accordingly. This also let brands to prioritize the right mix of fabrics that can reflect the desires of local consumers. Retviews data highlights a particular focus on “Recycled Claim Standard” (RCS) certification in Europe and on “Fair Trade” and “Good Cashmere Standard” certified garments in the United States.

5. Mix of sustainable fabrics
About environmental impact, fabrics also play a fundamental role. Through data-driven tools, brands are able to find valuable information on sustainable materials that are gaining tractions in collections and thus make informed and strategic decisions in the process of planning their creations.

More information:
Lectra 4.0 Sustainability study



Lectra: TextileGenesis joins forces with Forest Stewardship Council ® (FSC®)

The Lectra Group company announced a new collaboration between TextileGenesis, the textile traceability platform and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®). It will enable the implementation, via the TextileGenesis platform, of new solutions to ensure the traceability of cellulose fibers from responsibly managed forests.

In fashion, many textiles such as viscose, lyocell and modal use man-made cellulose fibers. These fibers are themselves made from wood pulp, the production of which can contribute to deforestation.

Founded in 1994, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an international NGO whose mission is to promote responsible forest management worldwide. In particular, the organization offers certification for products and raw materials which have been obtained from wood grown in responsibly managed forests, and comes from supply chains where social rights of workers, communities and indigenous peoples have been safeguarded.

The Lectra Group company announced a new collaboration between TextileGenesis, the textile traceability platform and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®). It will enable the implementation, via the TextileGenesis platform, of new solutions to ensure the traceability of cellulose fibers from responsibly managed forests.

In fashion, many textiles such as viscose, lyocell and modal use man-made cellulose fibers. These fibers are themselves made from wood pulp, the production of which can contribute to deforestation.

Founded in 1994, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an international NGO whose mission is to promote responsible forest management worldwide. In particular, the organization offers certification for products and raw materials which have been obtained from wood grown in responsibly managed forests, and comes from supply chains where social rights of workers, communities and indigenous peoples have been safeguarded.

Amit Gautam, founder and CEO of TextileGenesis, explains: "We've already been working with Man Made Cellulosic Fiber Producers for several years to facilitate, thanks to our blockchain-inspired technology, the traceability of fibers manufactured by the most virtuous producers, and we've integrated their analysis criteria into our platform. By also becoming an FSC® partner today, we're taking things a step further. This new collaboration will support companies in the traceability of FSC certified fibers and support the administration and data management of FSC Chain of Custody certification. All players in the value chain will benefit from increased transparency and much more reliable upstream data. Fashion brands will be able to demonstrate much more easily that their garments use textiles made from responsibly sourced man-made cellulose fibers."

Fabian Farkas, FSC International Chief Commercial Director, adds: “We are seeing a rapid increase in interest in FSC certification from the textile industry, marking a very positive trend. Through this collaboration with TextileGenesis, we aim to simplify the administrative part of FSC certification for companies within the textile supply chain by automating many required data processes. Our goal is to empower brands to identify opportunities for seamless progress in meeting their FSC procurement policies.”

Following the signature in October 2023 of a memorandum of understanding with the International Cotton Association (ICA) and the launch last January of two consortiums with footwear and leather players, and more recently the announcement of its partnership with the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF), the initiator of The Good Cashmere Standard® (GCS), TextileGenesis confirms, with this new collaboration with the FSC®, its central place in the ecosystem of players mobilizing for more sustainable and responsible fashion.

Jérôme Viala Photo Lectra
Jérôme Viala

Jérôme Viala joins Lectra’s Board of Directors

Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 26 appointed a new Director, Jérôme Viala, for a four-year term. He becomes member of the Audit Committee, the Strategic Committee and the Compensation Committee.

For the 2023-2025 period, Lectra aims to harness its transformation to accelerate its growth, significantly increase the share of SaaS solutions in its sales, and seize opportunities for external expansion. Supported by the commitment of its employees and recognized by its customers, the Group is at the forefront of a more sustainable future.

Jérôme Viala has held various positions within the Lectra Group since 1985. In recent years, and until his retirement on March 31, 2024, he served as Executive Vice President, Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee and Secretary to the Board of Directors of Lectra.

Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 26 appointed a new Director, Jérôme Viala, for a four-year term. He becomes member of the Audit Committee, the Strategic Committee and the Compensation Committee.

For the 2023-2025 period, Lectra aims to harness its transformation to accelerate its growth, significantly increase the share of SaaS solutions in its sales, and seize opportunities for external expansion. Supported by the commitment of its employees and recognized by its customers, the Group is at the forefront of a more sustainable future.

Jérôme Viala has held various positions within the Lectra Group since 1985. In recent years, and until his retirement on March 31, 2024, he served as Executive Vice President, Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee and Secretary to the Board of Directors of Lectra.

Jérôme Viala began his career as a credit analyst at Esso (France) before joining Lectra's financial department in 1985. He held the positions of Financial Controller for Europe and North America (1988-1991) and Finance Director of Lectra France (1992-1993), then of the products division (1993-1994). He was then appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Group in 1994, a position he held until 2016, when he was appointed Executive Vice President.




Lectra: Financial statements for 2023

  • Revenues: 477.6 million euros (-6%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 79.0 million euros (-15%)
  • Net income: 32.6 million euros (-26%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 45.3 million euros
  • Dividend: €0.36 per share

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2023. Audit procedures have been performed by the Statutory Auditors.

Currency changes between 2022 and 2023 mechanically decreased revenues and EBITDA before non-recurring items by 3.9 million euros (-3%) and 1.7 million euros (-8%) respectively in Q4, and by 11.2 million euros (-2%) and 4.8 million euros (-6%) respectively in the year, at actual exchange rates compared to like-for-like figures.

  • Revenues: 477.6 million euros (-6%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 79.0 million euros (-15%)
  • Net income: 32.6 million euros (-26%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 45.3 million euros
  • Dividend: €0.36 per share

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2023. Audit procedures have been performed by the Statutory Auditors.

Currency changes between 2022 and 2023 mechanically decreased revenues and EBITDA before non-recurring items by 3.9 million euros (-3%) and 1.7 million euros (-8%) respectively in Q4, and by 11.2 million euros (-2%) and 4.8 million euros (-6%) respectively in the year, at actual exchange rates compared to like-for-like figures.

While the 2023 full-year results were affected by the adverse environment, they also attest to the substantial improvement in the fundamentals of the Group's business model, which will have a positive impact on 2024 results. Persistent macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainties could nevertheless continue to weigh on investment decisions by the Group's customers.

While the most recent indicators seem to suggest that the situation is unlikely to deteriorate further, the timing and magnitude of a rebound in new system orders remain uncertain.

Outlook for 2024
To facilitate analysis, the accounts of Lectra excluding the Launchmetrics acquisition ("Lectra 2023 Scope") will be analysed separately from the Launchmetrics accounts in 2024.

The Group has based its 2024 objectives on the exchange rates in effect on December 29, 2023, in particular $1.10/€1. When converting 2023 results using the exchange rates retained for 2024, 2023 revenues are mechanically reduced by 4.7 million euros (to 472.9 million euros) and 2023 EBITDA before non-recurring items is reduced by 2.2 million euros (to 76.8 million euros). Thus, for the Lectra 2023 Scope, the comparisons between 2024 and 2023 printed below are based on constant exchange rates.

At this early stage of 2024, continuing low visibility regarding orders and revenues from new systems makes it impossible to predict the actual timing and scale of the future rebound in this area. On the other hand, visibility is high for recurring revenues, which accounted for 68% of total revenues in 2023 and will continue to grow in 2024.

In light of the above, Lectra has set as its objective for 2024, for the Lectra 2023 Scope, to achieve revenues in the range of 480 to 530 million euros (+2% to +12%) and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 85 to 107 million euros (+10% to +40%).

The low end of the revenues range is based on the absence of a rebound in new systems orders, which would remain stable in 2024 relative to 2023, with a 6% decline in revenues from perpetual software licenses, equipment and accompanying software and non-recurring services, as the order backlog was lower on December 31, 2023 than a year before.

The high end of the revenues range reflects a gradual rebound in new systems orders, which at year-end 2024 would be back to year-end 2022 level.
In addition, Launchmetrics revenues (for the consolidation period from January 23 to December 31) are projected to be in the range of 42 to 46 million euros, with an EBITDA margin before non-recurring items of more than 15% (assuming an exchange rate of $1.10/€1).


Lectra insources cutting equipment production in China

Lectra will now directly manage the production of its cutting equipment manufactured in China, primarily dedicated to its Asian customers. The Suzhou site, located to the west of Shanghai, will thus benefit from the standards of operational excellence already implemented by Lectra at its two other plants in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, and Tolland, USA.

Lectra's teams have over 35 years’ experience in the Asia-Pacific region, which in 2022 generated 25% of the Group's revenues.

Since the acquisition of its competitor, Gerber Technology, in 2021, Lectra had been relying on a plant belonging to Dutch group VDL Groep (VDL), to manufacture Gerber-brand multi-ply cutters and spreaders.

For its industrial activities, Lectra aimed to adopt the same standards of operational excellence in China as those currently in effect at its Bordeaux-Cestas and Tolland sites. The Group therefore created a new subsidiary, Suzhou Lectra Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., to take over from subcontractor VDL as of December 1, 2023.

Lectra will now directly manage the production of its cutting equipment manufactured in China, primarily dedicated to its Asian customers. The Suzhou site, located to the west of Shanghai, will thus benefit from the standards of operational excellence already implemented by Lectra at its two other plants in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, and Tolland, USA.

Lectra's teams have over 35 years’ experience in the Asia-Pacific region, which in 2022 generated 25% of the Group's revenues.

Since the acquisition of its competitor, Gerber Technology, in 2021, Lectra had been relying on a plant belonging to Dutch group VDL Groep (VDL), to manufacture Gerber-brand multi-ply cutters and spreaders.

For its industrial activities, Lectra aimed to adopt the same standards of operational excellence in China as those currently in effect at its Bordeaux-Cestas and Tolland sites. The Group therefore created a new subsidiary, Suzhou Lectra Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., to take over from subcontractor VDL as of December 1, 2023.

Following the takeover of in-house production at the Tolland site in October 2022, the creation of the Suzhou Lectra Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. subsidiary marks a new milestone in the deployment of Lectra's industrial excellence strategy on a global scale. The Group intends to give priority to regional industrial production, which is beneficial to the local economy.

More information:
Lectra, PLM China cutting system



Lectra: Financial statements for first nine months of 2023

  • Revenues: 358.3 million euros (-7%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 59.2 million euros (-17%)
  • Net income: 24.9 million euros (-30%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 32.1 million euros
  • 2023 outlook: revised revenues – confirmation of EBITDA before non-recurring items

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2023, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.

Currency changes between 2022 and 2023 mechanically decreased revenues and EBITDA before non-recurring items by 6.4 million euros (-5%) and 2.8 million euros (-10%) respectively in Q3, and by 7.3 million euros (-2%) and 3.0 million euros (-5%) respectively in the first nine months of the year, at actual exchange rates compared to like-for-like figures.

  • Revenues: 358.3 million euros (-7%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 59.2 million euros (-17%)
  • Net income: 24.9 million euros (-30%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 32.1 million euros
  • 2023 outlook: revised revenues – confirmation of EBITDA before non-recurring items

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2023, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.

Currency changes between 2022 and 2023 mechanically decreased revenues and EBITDA before non-recurring items by 6.4 million euros (-5%) and 2.8 million euros (-10%) respectively in Q3, and by 7.3 million euros (-2%) and 3.0 million euros (-5%) respectively in the first nine months of the year, at actual exchange rates compared to like-for-like figures.

Business Trends and Outlook
In its 2022 Financial Report, published February 8, 2023, Lectra presented its new roadmap for 2023-2025. The Group also specified that 2023 remained unpredictable given the degraded macroeconomic and geopolitical environment, which resulted in many uncertainties that could continue to weigh on its customers’ investment decisions.

At the beginning of the year, the Group set itself objectives of achieving, in 2023, revenues in the range of 522 to 576 million euros and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 90 to 113 million euros. It subsequently reported on April 27 that it then anticipated revenues in the range of 485 to 525 million euros and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 78 to 95 million euros.

In what continues to be a highly degraded environment in macroeconomic and geopolitical terms, orders and revenues from new systems in Q3 were lower than anticipated by the Group. Recurring revenues, on the other hand, which should account for over 65% of total revenues in 2023, continued to grow in Q3, and provide good visibility. In addition, the initial measures to reduce overhead costs have begun to bear fruit.

In light of these factors, full-year revenues are now anticipated in the range of 474 to 481 million euros, thus slightly lower than anticipated on April 27, and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 78 to 82 million euros, in the lower part of the range indicated on April 27. These scenarios are based on September 30 exchange rates for Q4, including $1.06 to the euro.

Because the Group's customers operate in a highly competitive environment that demands they continue to improve performance, their investments will pick up as soon as the macroeconomic situation improves. Lectra's roadmap for 2023-2025, which was launched on January 1, 2023, will enable the Group to take full advantage of the upturn and accelerate its growth.


Lectra joined the CAC Mid 60 and SBF 120 indices

Lectra, a leader in technology solutions for the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, will be listed in the CAC Mid 60 and SBF 120 indices of Euronext as of market close on September 15, 2023. This listing will enhance the visibility of the group with potential shareholders and customers in France and internationally.

Founded 50 years ago, the Lectra Group offers software, connected cutting equipment, data analysis solutions and associated services to players in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries to accelerate their digital transformation and transition to Industry 4.0. In 2017, the company initiated its Lectra 4.0 strategy, with the ambition of becoming an indispensable player in Industry 4.0 worldwide by 2030.

Lectra, a leader in technology solutions for the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, will be listed in the CAC Mid 60 and SBF 120 indices of Euronext as of market close on September 15, 2023. This listing will enhance the visibility of the group with potential shareholders and customers in France and internationally.

Founded 50 years ago, the Lectra Group offers software, connected cutting equipment, data analysis solutions and associated services to players in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries to accelerate their digital transformation and transition to Industry 4.0. In 2017, the company initiated its Lectra 4.0 strategy, with the ambition of becoming an indispensable player in Industry 4.0 worldwide by 2030.

For Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lectra: “Lectra's entry into the CAC Mid 60 and SBF 120 indices is an outstanding recognition of the successful actions we have taken over the past few years to ensure the profitable growth of our company and the success of our customers. We have changed dimension, notably with the acquisition of our historical competitor, Gerber Technology in June 2021. We have expanded our customer base, launched new cloud-based offerings which have enabled us to significantly increase the volume of SaaS software in our revenues, and offered new Customer Success Management services to support our customers. We have also made Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) one of the pillars of our strategy.”

More information:
Lectra, PLM stocks



Lectra: New President of the Asia-Pacific region

Lectra, a leader in technology solutions for the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, announces the appointment of Frédéric Morel as President of the Asia-Pacific region and as a member of the Group's Executive Committee, where he replaces Edward Wang, who previously held the same position. This nomination comes as Lectra prepares to present its latest software and connected equipment offers at the CISMA (China International Sewing Machinery and Accessories) trade show in Shanghai, China, to enable Asian industry players to accelerate their transition to Industry 4.0.

Lectra's presence in the Asia-Pacific region began in 1985 with the opening of its first office in Japan. Today, Lectra employs 16% of its workforce in the region, which accounted for 25% of the Group's revenues in 2022. Thanks to its dynamism, economic fabric and position in world trade, China is a key market in this region, generating 9% of Lectra’s revenues in 2022.

Lectra, a leader in technology solutions for the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, announces the appointment of Frédéric Morel as President of the Asia-Pacific region and as a member of the Group's Executive Committee, where he replaces Edward Wang, who previously held the same position. This nomination comes as Lectra prepares to present its latest software and connected equipment offers at the CISMA (China International Sewing Machinery and Accessories) trade show in Shanghai, China, to enable Asian industry players to accelerate their transition to Industry 4.0.

Lectra's presence in the Asia-Pacific region began in 1985 with the opening of its first office in Japan. Today, Lectra employs 16% of its workforce in the region, which accounted for 25% of the Group's revenues in 2022. Thanks to its dynamism, economic fabric and position in world trade, China is a key market in this region, generating 9% of Lectra’s revenues in 2022.

Prior to joining Lectra, Frédéric Morel held the position of South East Asia & Pacific Executive Vice President at Vallourec. He had previously been appointed Sales Director and then Sales Vice President for Vallourec in the Middle East, after holding various sales and general management positions for the company in the Asia region. A graduate of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence and the EMLYON business school, Frédéric Morel began his career in 2000 with Saint-Gobain.

More information:
Lectra, PLM Asia



Lectra: Financial statements for the first half of 2023

  • Revenues: 239.6 million euros (-4%)*
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 35.3 million euros (-21%)*
  • Net income: 13.9 million euros (-31%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 16.6 million euros (+13%)

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2023, which have been subject to a limited review by the Statutory Auditors.

Comparisons between 2023 and 2022 are based on 2022 exchange rates unless otherwise stated (“like-for-like”). As the impact of the acquisition of TextileGenesis (see press release dated December 8, 2022) on the financial statements for 2023 is not material, like-for-like changes exclude only the variations in exchange rates.

  • Revenues: 239.6 million euros (-4%)*
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 35.3 million euros (-21%)*
  • Net income: 13.9 million euros (-31%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 16.6 million euros (+13%)

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2023, which have been subject to a limited review by the Statutory Auditors.

Comparisons between 2023 and 2022 are based on 2022 exchange rates unless otherwise stated (“like-for-like”). As the impact of the acquisition of TextileGenesis (see press release dated December 8, 2022) on the financial statements for 2023 is not material, like-for-like changes exclude only the variations in exchange rates.

Business Trends and Outlook
In its 2022 Annual Financial Report, published February 8, 2023, Lectra presented its new roadmap for 2023-2025. The Group also specified that 2023 remained unpredictable given the degraded macroeconomic and geopolitical environment, which lead to numerous uncertainties that could continue to weigh upon the investment decisions of its customers.

At the beginning of the year, the Group had set itself objectives of achieving, in 2023, revenues in the range of 522 to 576 million euros and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 90 to 113 million euros.

Given the delay in orders for new systems in the first quarter, and poor visibility on new systems orders for subsequent quarters, the Group reported on April 27 that it now anticipated revenues in the range of 485 to 525 million euros (-5% to +3% at constant exchange rates relative to 2022) and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 78 to 95 million euros (-15% to +3% at constant exchange rates relative to 2022). The Group also noted that despite limited visibility regarding new systems orders over the next few quarters, there is strong visibility regarding recurring revenues, which should enjoy substantial growth and account for 65% of total revenues in 2023. These revised scenarios had been prepared on the basis of the closing exchange rates on April 27, 2023, for the remaining nine months of the year, and particularly $1.10/€1.

The results of the second quarter support these revised objectives.

A 1-cent appreciation of the euro against the U.S. dollar in the second half of the year (at an exchange rate of $1.10/€1) would mechanically decrease revenues by approximately 1.0 million euros and EBITDA before non-recurring items by 0.45 million euros. On the contrary, a 1-cent fall in the euro against the dollar would mechanically raise revenues and EBITDA before non-recurring items by the same amounts.

Because the Group's customers operate in a highly competitive environment that demands they continue to improve performance, their investments will pick up as soon as the macroeconomic situation improves. Lectra's roadmap for 2023-2025, which was launched on January 1, 2023, will enable the Group to take full advantage of the upturn and accelerate its growth.


Lectra joins United Nations Global Compact and presents CSR policy

Lectra supports the transformation of fashion, automotive and furniture companies by providing them with technological solutions that accelerate their transition to a more efficient and more sustainable Industry 4.0. In February, as part of the launch of its new roadmap, Lectra confirmed the importance of CSR in its strategy and presented its new priority measures for 2023-2025. By joining the UN Global Compact, Lectra demonstrates its commitment to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Over the last few years, Lectra has stepped up its CSR initiatives. In 2011, the company implemented a CSR purchasing charter that covered 98% of its industrial purchases in 2022, excluding Gerber Technology (which was acquired in June 2021). In 2023, the new version of our CSR purchasing charter will be extended to Gerber suppliers, with the objective of enrolling 90% of all our industrial suppliers by 2025. Lectra also favors local procurement and production, as demonstrated by the recent inauguration of its manufacturing facility in Tolland, United States.

Lectra supports the transformation of fashion, automotive and furniture companies by providing them with technological solutions that accelerate their transition to a more efficient and more sustainable Industry 4.0. In February, as part of the launch of its new roadmap, Lectra confirmed the importance of CSR in its strategy and presented its new priority measures for 2023-2025. By joining the UN Global Compact, Lectra demonstrates its commitment to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Over the last few years, Lectra has stepped up its CSR initiatives. In 2011, the company implemented a CSR purchasing charter that covered 98% of its industrial purchases in 2022, excluding Gerber Technology (which was acquired in June 2021). In 2023, the new version of our CSR purchasing charter will be extended to Gerber suppliers, with the objective of enrolling 90% of all our industrial suppliers by 2025. Lectra also favors local procurement and production, as demonstrated by the recent inauguration of its manufacturing facility in Tolland, United States.

Another example: knowing that textiles generate 90% of the CO2 emissions produced during the total lifecycle of a cutting room, Lectra strives to offer its customers solutions that optimize the use of materials. Lectra's equipment makes it possible to achieve material saving of 5 to 10%. In addition, to better inform consumers about product authenticity and provenant, the company has also expanded its software offer to material traceability, as show by the recent majority acquisition of TextileGenesis’ capital. Lectra is committed to systematically using eco-design principles by 2025 for its new equipment platforms in order to reduce its environmental footprint.

For 2023-2025, Lectra has decided to focus on 5 key areas through 12 measures:

    - Uncompromising business ethics
    - Extension of our CSR purchasing policy
    - Developing eco-designed products and services
    - Supplying products and services that help reduce our customers’ impact on the environment
    - Developing safe, accessible and easy-to-use solutions
    - Zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment and equal opportunities for everyone
    - A working environment conducive to employee engagement
    - Balance between work and private life
    - Sustainable development of talents, team expertise and professional careers
    - Employees’ health and safety
    - Reducing the environmental impact of our company's activities
    - Supporting the development of professional skills and the employability of future generations



Karine Calvet and Pierre-Yves Roussel join Lectra’s Board of Directors

Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 28 appointed two new Directors, Karine Calvet and Pierre-Yves Roussel for a four-year term. They both will become members of the Strategic Committee, replacing Bernard Jourdan, Lead Director, and Anne Binder. Karine Calvet also becomes a member of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee.

With its new strategic roadmap for 2023-2025, the Group aims to use its expansion – mainly due to the acquisition of Gerber in June 2021 – to accelerate its growth, significantly increase the share of SaaS in its sales, and seize opportunities for external growth. Supported by the commitment of its staff and recognized by its customers, Lectra will also be at the forefront of a more sustainable future.

Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 28 appointed two new Directors, Karine Calvet and Pierre-Yves Roussel for a four-year term. They both will become members of the Strategic Committee, replacing Bernard Jourdan, Lead Director, and Anne Binder. Karine Calvet also becomes a member of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee.

With its new strategic roadmap for 2023-2025, the Group aims to use its expansion – mainly due to the acquisition of Gerber in June 2021 – to accelerate its growth, significantly increase the share of SaaS in its sales, and seize opportunities for external growth. Supported by the commitment of its staff and recognized by its customers, Lectra will also be at the forefront of a more sustainable future.

Karine Calvet is Vice-President EMEA responsible for Partners at AVEVA, a subsidiary of Schneider Electric. She began her career at CGI in 1993 and has spent most of it in IT: sixteen years in services companies, seven years in telecommunications, and six years in software. She has had leadership roles in telecommunications environments for leading global companies (CGI, Capgemini, Alcatel-Lucent, Verizon, Microsoft and currently Schneider-Aveva), focusing on digital transformation. Karine Calvet served as Head of Industry at Capgemini, then managed worldwide teams at Alcatel-Lucent as Vice-President, Eastern Europe then at Verizon as Managing Director. Her time at Microsoft strengthened her software expertise, her direct and indirect channels skills, and her experience in IT services. In the last two years, as Vice-President, Southern Europe then Vice-President, Partners and Alliances at Schneider-Aveva, Karine Calvet has worked closely with industrial companies to help them meet the challenges of operational efficiency, safety, cost management, sustainability and decarbonization by taking advantage of digitalization.

Pierre-Yves Roussel has been CEO of leading US fashion label Tory Burch since January 2019. He began his career in investment banking with HSBC in Brussels, then at Morgan Stanley in London. In 1990, he joined management consulting firm McKinsey & Company in France, where he led numerous consultancy assignments in the fashion, luxury, distribution and media sectors in Europe and Asia. In 1998, he was elected Partner then, in 2004, Global Senior Partner (Director). In 2004, he joined the LVMH Group Executive Committee as Executive Vice-President, Strategy and Operations, reporting directly to Bernard Arnault. In 2006, he was appointed Chairman and CEO of LVMH Fashion Group, one of the LVMH Group’s five branches of operational activity. From 2006 to 2018, he was Chairman of the Board of the brands Céline, Givenchy, Loewe, Kenzo, Pucci, Rossimoda, Marc Jacobs, Donna Karan, Berluti, JW Anderson and Nicolas Kirkwood. He has also been a member on several prestigious fashion juries including Andam, CFDA Fashion Incubator, and the LVMH Fashion Prize. He was a member of the management committee of the Chambre Syndicale de la Mode et de la Couture from 2010 to 2018. In 2018, he left the LVMH Group to take up the post of CEO – based in New York – of the company Tory Burch. Founded by his wife in 2004, the private family-run company has more than 350 stores worldwide, 13 retail websites, and nearly 5,000 employees.


Lectra: Financial statements for Q1 2023

  • Revenues: 123.7 million euros (stable)*
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 19.7 million euros (-12%)*
  • Net income: 7.3 million euros (-21%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 9.2 million euros
  • Revised 2023 outlook due to wait-and-see attitude of customers

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the unaudited consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2023. Comparisons between 2023 and 2022 are based on 2022 exchange rates unless otherwise stated (“like-for-like”). As the impact of the acquisition of TextileGenesis on the financial statements for 2023 is not material, like-for-like changes exclude only the variations in exchange rates.

See the attached document for more details about the financial statements.

  • Revenues: 123.7 million euros (stable)*
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 19.7 million euros (-12%)*
  • Net income: 7.3 million euros (-21%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 9.2 million euros
  • Revised 2023 outlook due to wait-and-see attitude of customers

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the unaudited consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2023. Comparisons between 2023 and 2022 are based on 2022 exchange rates unless otherwise stated (“like-for-like”). As the impact of the acquisition of TextileGenesis on the financial statements for 2023 is not material, like-for-like changes exclude only the variations in exchange rates.

See the attached document for more details about the financial statements.


Lectra: Annual financial results of 2022

  • Revenues: 521.9 million euros (+35%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 98.4 million euros (+51%)
  • Net income: 43.8 million euros (+55%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 43.7 million euros
  • Dividend*: €0.48 per share (+33%)

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2022. Audit procedures have been performed by the Statutory Auditors. The certification report will be issued at the end of the Board of Director’s meeting of February 23, 2023.

To facilitate the analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement (“2021 Pro forma”), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

  • Revenues: 521.9 million euros (+35%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 98.4 million euros (+51%)
  • Net income: 43.8 million euros (+55%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 43.7 million euros
  • Dividend*: €0.48 per share (+33%)

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2022. Audit procedures have been performed by the Statutory Auditors. The certification report will be issued at the end of the Board of Director’s meeting of February 23, 2023.

To facilitate the analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement (“2021 Pro forma”), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.




Lectra to acquire 51% of TextileGenesis

  • Lectra extends its software offer to material traceability

Lectra announces the signature of an agreement to acquire 51% of the capital and voting rights of the Dutch company TextileGenesis. As a major player in the fashion, automotive, and furniture markets, Lectra contributes with boldness and passion to the Industry 4.0 revolution by providing software, equipment, data, and services to brands, manufacturers, and retailers.

Founded in 2018, TextileGenesis provides a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform that enables fashion brands and sustainable textile manufacturers to ensure a reliable, secure and fully digital mapping of their textiles, from the fiber to the consumer, and thereby guarantee their authenticity and origins. This solution ensures the traceability of TextileGenesis’ customers' entire sustainable textile supply chain in order to meet the demands for transparency, driven by changes in legislation in a growing number of countries and by growing consumer awareness, thereby encouraging sustainable development.  

  • Lectra extends its software offer to material traceability

Lectra announces the signature of an agreement to acquire 51% of the capital and voting rights of the Dutch company TextileGenesis. As a major player in the fashion, automotive, and furniture markets, Lectra contributes with boldness and passion to the Industry 4.0 revolution by providing software, equipment, data, and services to brands, manufacturers, and retailers.

Founded in 2018, TextileGenesis provides a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform that enables fashion brands and sustainable textile manufacturers to ensure a reliable, secure and fully digital mapping of their textiles, from the fiber to the consumer, and thereby guarantee their authenticity and origins. This solution ensures the traceability of TextileGenesis’ customers' entire sustainable textile supply chain in order to meet the demands for transparency, driven by changes in legislation in a growing number of countries and by growing consumer awareness, thereby encouraging sustainable development.  

Its innovative traceability mechanism, which addresses both ends of the textile value chain, as well as its network of partners for material certification, and its technology platform guarantee the exchange and tracking of reliable and secure data throughout a material's life cycle.

Several of the world's most prestigious fashion brands as well as leading sustainable fiber producers are already convinced of the value of TextileGenesis' innovative offer, which enables the connection of multiple actors of the sustainable fashion ecosystem on this platform.

At the beginning of January, Lectra will acquire 51% of TextileGenesis for 15.2 million euros. The acquisition of the remaining share capital and voting rights is expected to take place in two stages, in 2026 and 2028, for an amount that will be calculated based on a multiple of the 2025 and 2027 recurring revenues.


Lectra published financial report for the first nine months of 2022

  • Revenues: 392.1 million euros (+50%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 74.9 million euros (+73%)
  • Net income: 35.4 million euros (multiplied by 2.1)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 31.6 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2022, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.
To facilitate the analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.

  • Revenues: 392.1 million euros (+50%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 74.9 million euros (+73%)
  • Net income: 35.4 million euros (multiplied by 2.1)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 31.6 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2022, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.
To facilitate the analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.




Lectra: Financial statements for the first half of 2022

  • Revenues: 250.8 million euros (+71%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 45.2 million euros (+95%)
  • Net income: 20.2 million euros (multiplied by 2.3)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 14.7 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2022, which have been subject to a limited review by the Statutory Auditors.

To facilitate analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.

  • Revenues: 250.8 million euros (+71%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 45.2 million euros (+95%)
  • Net income: 20.2 million euros (multiplied by 2.3)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 14.7 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2022, which have been subject to a limited review by the Statutory Auditors.

To facilitate analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.


Deloitte: Lectra is one of the Best Managed Companies in France

Lectra, whose connected industrial equipment and software facilitate the digital transformation and Industry 4.0 transition of fashion, automotive and furniture companies, announces that it has been named one of the 11 French companies selected for the 2022 edition of Deloitte France’s Best Managed Companies program.
Established 30 years ago by Deloitte Canada and launched in France at the end of 2021, this program recognizes excellence in companies that stand out for the quality of their management and their performance, through a rigorous and independent selection process. Companies are assessed on their long-term strategy, talent management, innovation capacity and CSR policy, as well as their governance and financial management. On one hand, these criteria assess the company's distinguishing features and, on the other hand, its capacity to address current and future challenges.

Lectra, whose connected industrial equipment and software facilitate the digital transformation and Industry 4.0 transition of fashion, automotive and furniture companies, announces that it has been named one of the 11 French companies selected for the 2022 edition of Deloitte France’s Best Managed Companies program.
Established 30 years ago by Deloitte Canada and launched in France at the end of 2021, this program recognizes excellence in companies that stand out for the quality of their management and their performance, through a rigorous and independent selection process. Companies are assessed on their long-term strategy, talent management, innovation capacity and CSR policy, as well as their governance and financial management. On one hand, these criteria assess the company's distinguishing features and, on the other hand, its capacity to address current and future challenges.
Lectra is one of 11 French companies recognized as the Best Managed Companies for 2022. “For this first edition, I am delighted to announce that Lectra is one of the companies to have obtained our Best Managed Companies mark of excellence,” says Eric Forest, Deloitte Private Associate and Head of the Best Managed Companies program. “Throughout the selection process, Lectra shone through with its extensive strategic vision, solid financial and innovative culture, and its ability to decrypt trends in order to adapt its solutions to changes and the needs of its different markets. This enables Lectra to be a strategic partner to guide its customers in their digital transformation.” Thanks to its capacity to develop innovations, be that with equipment, software or services, and its mastery of technologies such as IoT, the cloud, artificial intelligence and big data, Lectra plays a key role in helping fashion, automotive and furniture industry players evolve towards Industry 4.0.
“Obtaining the Best Managed Companies mark of excellence is great recognition for all of our teams at Lectra. I would like to thank all Lectra employees for this collective achievement,” says Daniel Harari, Lectra’s Chairman and CEO. “The work we have carried out together has enabled Lectra to become a global technological leader. This recognition inspires us to continue with our commitment to the Industry 4.0 revolution and to the success of our customers.”
