From the Sector

37 results
Cotton Farmers from Tanzania (c) Martin J Kielmann for CmiA

Dibella increases the purchase of CmiA Cotton

Dibella is again increasing the use of Cotton made in Africa cotton according to the mass balance system. In 2025, the company will purchase 825 tons of raw fibres. This corresponds to an increase of 10% compared to the previous year.

Dibella has been implementing Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) cotton in its supply chain in accordance with the mass balance system since 2017, thereby supporting socially and ecologically sustainable cotton production in Africa. With this further increase, Dibella is fulfilling its corporate goal of “increasing the use of sustainable fibers”.

The mass balance system allows the raw cotton to be easily implemented in the production process at Dibella's suppliers, while at the same time having a high impact on African cotton farmers. The license costs incurred are borne by Dibella and are not passed on to customers. In this way, Dibella aims to raise awareness for more sustainable raw fiber production, away from cost discussions.

Dibella is again increasing the use of Cotton made in Africa cotton according to the mass balance system. In 2025, the company will purchase 825 tons of raw fibres. This corresponds to an increase of 10% compared to the previous year.

Dibella has been implementing Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) cotton in its supply chain in accordance with the mass balance system since 2017, thereby supporting socially and ecologically sustainable cotton production in Africa. With this further increase, Dibella is fulfilling its corporate goal of “increasing the use of sustainable fibers”.

The mass balance system allows the raw cotton to be easily implemented in the production process at Dibella's suppliers, while at the same time having a high impact on African cotton farmers. The license costs incurred are borne by Dibella and are not passed on to customers. In this way, Dibella aims to raise awareness for more sustainable raw fiber production, away from cost discussions.

Cotton made in Africa cotton causes up to 13% less greenhouse gas emissions compared to the global average. No artificial irrigation is used during cultivation. This not only saves drinking water, but also protects valuable water resources in regions that are often affected by water shortages. Not using genetically modified seeds protects natural biodiversity. This specific example shows just how much the cotton farmers benefit: In Côte d'Ivoire, the income of farming families from the sale of CmiA cotton increased by almost 18 percent between 2015 and 2020, according to an independent study* commissioned to assess CmiA's activities and their impact.


Dibella GmbH

Sustainability Report Dibella © Dibella b.v.

Dibella publishes latest sustainability report

Dibella‘s latest sustainability report covers the period from January 1st, 2023 to July 31st, 2024 and documents progress and future plans in the areas of environmental, social and corporate governance.

Dibella laid the foundations for corporate social responsibility back in the early 2010s. Since then, the company has been consistently committed to the implementation of socially and environmentally consciously produced textiles and has initiated and completed numerous lighthouse projects in the supply chain. Dibella presented its activities and goals for the first time in 2012 in its sustainability report. Since then, the company has documented its progress at regular intervals.

Dibella‘s latest sustainability report covers the period from January 1st, 2023 to July 31st, 2024 and documents progress and future plans in the areas of environmental, social and corporate governance.

Dibella laid the foundations for corporate social responsibility back in the early 2010s. Since then, the company has been consistently committed to the implementation of socially and environmentally consciously produced textiles and has initiated and completed numerous lighthouse projects in the supply chain. Dibella presented its activities and goals for the first time in 2012 in its sustainability report. Since then, the company has documented its progress at regular intervals.

Particularly noteworthy are the constant proportion of GOTS and Fairtrade-certified products and a significant increase in the implementation of Cotton made in Africa cotton in the supply chain using the mass balance system: from 300 tonnes in 2023 to 750 tonnes in 2024. Another highlight is the reforestation project in Tamil Nadu, India, where over 4,000 trees have already been planted to offset CO₂ emissions. As a founding member of CIBUTEX, Dibella is also committed to the recovery of textile resources and the associated reduction of environmental pollution.

Dibella has initiated and completed various social projects. One example is the improvement of working conditions in the supply chain by providing ergonomic seating for employees of a Pakistani clothing manufacturer. Dibella's own GoodTextiles Foundation also supports educational projects in India and drinking water initiatives in Africa. Measures have been introduced within the company to promote a good working environment.

Corporate Governance
99.5 per cent of textiles are now labelled with the Green Button, which confirms compliance with the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act. In addition, digital transparency tools such as the respect-code, which disclose the origin and production steps of the goods, have been further expanded. Following the coronavirus-related travel restrictions, business trips to India were also resumed in order to familiarise customers and interested parties with the positive ecological and social framework conditions of the supply chain.

Goals for the future
By 2030, company-related CO2 emissions are to be reduced by 45% and the proportion of organic Fairtrade cotton is to be increased to 20%. Overall, the proportion of sustainable cotton is to be increased to 70% of production. The company will continue to focus on sustainable innovation and transparency in the future.


Dibella b.v.

Klaus Baur und Harald Reisinger am Gemeinschaftsstand von Dibella und Green Workwear ©Dibella b.v.
Klaus Baur und Harald Reisinger am Gemeinschaftsstand von Dibella und Green Workwear

Dibella: Nachlese zur Texcare International 2024

Dibella hat vom 06. – 09. November 2024 auf der Texcare International 2024 in Frankfurt erfolgreich ihre Innovationen vorgestellt. Besonderes Interesse rief das „Superdry-Frottier“ hervor, das durch sein hohes Energiesparpotenzial überzeugt. Diese innovative Textillösung ermöglicht es dem Textilservice, den Energieverbrauch und den Zeitaufwand im Trocknungsprozess merklich zu reduzieren.
Darüber hinaus stand Digitalisierung am Textil im Fokus. Mit dem Service, neue Textilien direkt mit Transpondern von Datamars auszustatten, sie einzulesen und zusammen mit einer CSV-Datei auszuliefern, sodass die Textilien umgehend in den Wäschekreislauf gegeben werden können, präsentierte Dibella eine fortschrittliche Lösung zur digitalen Nachverfolgung und Verwaltung von Textilien, um dem Textilservice Arbeit, Zeit und Kosten zu sparen.

Neben der Präsentation ihrer drei Themenwelten „Longlife Textiles“, Good Textiles“ und Circular Textiles“ kooperierte Dibella für den Gemeinschaftsstand mit ihrem Partner Green Workwear, um Synergien zu nutzen und gemeinsam nachhaltige Lösungen zu präsentieren.

Dibella hat vom 06. – 09. November 2024 auf der Texcare International 2024 in Frankfurt erfolgreich ihre Innovationen vorgestellt. Besonderes Interesse rief das „Superdry-Frottier“ hervor, das durch sein hohes Energiesparpotenzial überzeugt. Diese innovative Textillösung ermöglicht es dem Textilservice, den Energieverbrauch und den Zeitaufwand im Trocknungsprozess merklich zu reduzieren.
Darüber hinaus stand Digitalisierung am Textil im Fokus. Mit dem Service, neue Textilien direkt mit Transpondern von Datamars auszustatten, sie einzulesen und zusammen mit einer CSV-Datei auszuliefern, sodass die Textilien umgehend in den Wäschekreislauf gegeben werden können, präsentierte Dibella eine fortschrittliche Lösung zur digitalen Nachverfolgung und Verwaltung von Textilien, um dem Textilservice Arbeit, Zeit und Kosten zu sparen.

Neben der Präsentation ihrer drei Themenwelten „Longlife Textiles“, Good Textiles“ und Circular Textiles“ kooperierte Dibella für den Gemeinschaftsstand mit ihrem Partner Green Workwear, um Synergien zu nutzen und gemeinsam nachhaltige Lösungen zu präsentieren.

Positive Resonanz und intensiver Austausch
„Die Messe war großartig und für uns sehr erfolgreich. Die Texcare International bietet uns die ideale Plattform, um uns mit Branchenpartnern auszutauschen und unsere neuesten Entwicklungen zu präsentieren. Wir konnten viele inspirierende Gespräche führen, die uns wichtige Impulse für zukünftige Projekte geben.“ sagt Klaus Baur, Leitung Vertrieb DACH bei Dibella.



Dibella: Inflationsausgleich für Beschäftige in Pakistan (c) Dibella GmbH

Dibella: Inflationsausgleich für Beschäftige in Pakistan

Dibella hat den Beschäftigen der pakistanischen Konfektion, die die Bettwäsche für das Unternehmen fertigen, einen Inflationsausgleich gezahlt. In Pakistan, wo einer der Hauptlieferanten des Unternehmens ansässig ist, belastet die anhaltend hohe Inflation die Lebenssituation der dort beschäftigten Arbeiter erheblich.

Der Betrag in Höhe von insgesamt 10.000,00€ wurde im Rahmen einer im April anstehenden Geschäftsreise vor Ort durch einen symbolischen Scheck von Dibellas CSR-Verantwortlicher Michaela Gnass und Einkaufsleiter Simon Bartholomes übergeben. Nach der Zeremonie mit festlicher Ansprache, die zeitgleich für Gehörlose in Gebärdensprache übersetzt wurde, nahm Sidra Mahmood, HR-Managerin bei Lucky Textile Mills Limited, den Scheck stellvertretend für die Mitarbeiter entgegen.

Dibella hat den Beschäftigen der pakistanischen Konfektion, die die Bettwäsche für das Unternehmen fertigen, einen Inflationsausgleich gezahlt. In Pakistan, wo einer der Hauptlieferanten des Unternehmens ansässig ist, belastet die anhaltend hohe Inflation die Lebenssituation der dort beschäftigten Arbeiter erheblich.

Der Betrag in Höhe von insgesamt 10.000,00€ wurde im Rahmen einer im April anstehenden Geschäftsreise vor Ort durch einen symbolischen Scheck von Dibellas CSR-Verantwortlicher Michaela Gnass und Einkaufsleiter Simon Bartholomes übergeben. Nach der Zeremonie mit festlicher Ansprache, die zeitgleich für Gehörlose in Gebärdensprache übersetzt wurde, nahm Sidra Mahmood, HR-Managerin bei Lucky Textile Mills Limited, den Scheck stellvertretend für die Mitarbeiter entgegen.

Obwohl Lucky Textile Mills Limited ein Vorreiter der pakistanischen Textilindustrie ist und sich für das Wohlergehen seiner Belegschaft starkmacht, ist es Dibella wichtig, auch einen Beitrag zum Wohlergehen der Mitarbeiter zu leisten. „Im Unternehmen sind insgesamt 174 Beschäftigte ausschließlich für die Herstellung unserer Textilien zuständig. Wir sehen sie als Teil des Dibella-Teams, und erkundigen uns deshalb bei jedem Besuch nach den Bedürfnissen der für uns tätigen Menschen“, erklärt Dibellas Einkaufsleiter Simon Bartholomes. Bei den vergangenen Besuchen dominierte vor allem eine Sorge: Die Auswirkung der Inflation auf die eigene Lebenssituation.

Nach offiziellen Angaben betrug die Inflation Im Jahr 2022 knapp 20%. Im Folgejahr lag sie – unter anderem aufgrund extrem gestiegener Energiepreise - bereits bei 30%, wobei hinter vorgehaltener Hand von einem deutlich höheren Wert gesprochen wird. Die Nationalversammlung hatte zwar den staatlichen Mindestlohn angepasst. Für das Jahr 2023 wurde er um 28% auf 32.000 Pakistanische Rupien (PKR) erhöht (entspricht ca. 107 EUR) und für 2024/2025 noch einmal auf PKR 37.000 angepasst. Die Wirkung verpufft jedoch, kaum dass die neue Untergrenze für das Entlohnen von Arbeitsleistung beschlossen war.

More information:
Dibella Pakistan Textilarbeiter

Dibella GmbH

Dibella: Laundry tracking service for customers (c) Datamars

Dibella: Laundry tracking service for customers

Dibella is making life easier for its textile service customers with a new service: on request, hotel textiles can be ordered with Datamars transponders directly ex works. The chips are permanently available at the Dibella warehouse - the goods are delivered fully equipped.

To relieve its customers, Dibella now offers a new RFID-based laundry tracking service: On request, the company equips textiles ex works with LaundryChips (RFID tags), from Datamars (CH). Dibella is cooperating directly with the Swiss company for this unique service. Customers do not have to worry about ordering or providing the tags - saving them time and effort.

Dibella is making life easier for its textile service customers with a new service: on request, hotel textiles can be ordered with Datamars transponders directly ex works. The chips are permanently available at the Dibella warehouse - the goods are delivered fully equipped.

To relieve its customers, Dibella now offers a new RFID-based laundry tracking service: On request, the company equips textiles ex works with LaundryChips (RFID tags), from Datamars (CH). Dibella is cooperating directly with the Swiss company for this unique service. Customers do not have to worry about ordering or providing the tags - saving them time and effort.

Cost advantage
This new system offers a cost advantage because: It is much more cost effective to send large batches of chips bundled together for production than to make hundreds of shipments per year for each individual order. Handling costs are increasing and shipping costs, especially overseas, have risen immensely. In addition, the customs authorities in some countries are very strict when it comes to importing chips, and this new system also minimizes the risk of customs-related delivery delays.

Transponder data as a future service
Another service is already in the pipeline: Dibella will soon offer the option of directly reading out the LaundryChips in its main warehouse and providing them as a CSV file together with the delivery note. This will eliminate the work step of scanning new goods for the textile service - when the goods arrive, the CSV file is simply entered into the system and can then be fed directly into the laundry cycle.

As there are different chip systems from company to company, this solution cannot be implemented directly for all textile service companies - but Dibella wants to develop further.

Benefits of RFID for laundries and their customers
The RFID technology not only improves efficiency, reduces losses and increases profitability in the laundry industrial process. RFID also improves the quality of service that the textile services can offer to their customers, thanks to a more efficient workflow and instant data exchange between textile services and their customers. No more worries or discussions about lost textiles: the customer knows exactly how many and which pieces have arrived/departed from/to the laundry. In this way, transparency with the customer is improved and invoicing can be based on reliable data. In addition, portable RFID readers allow for automated and quick daily inventory at the customer’s site to request clean textiles from the laundry on time.


Dibella GmbH

Dibella at Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America (c) Dibella b.v.

Dibella at Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America

After a debut in 2023, Dibella exhibited again this year at the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America (CSI Americas) in Miami, a leading trade fair for cruise interiors.

Under the motto “You create the stories for amazing dreams - We provide the restful sleep”, Dibella presented its latest developments in textile flat linen at the Convention Center in Miami/USA from 6 to 7 June 2024: bed linen and terry products that not only offer maximum comfort and durability but are also perfectly tailored to the special requirements of the maritime environment.

"The trade fair in Miami was a great success for us. In particular, our newly developed JAVA hand and shower towels and our VIRGINIA bed linen, both with regenerated cellulose fibers Lyocell, were very well received due to their special soft feel. We have had many rewarding discussions with existing customers and new prospects and are very much looking forward to working with them in the future,” says Marvin Groß-Hardt, Export Sales at Dibella.

After a debut in 2023, Dibella exhibited again this year at the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America (CSI Americas) in Miami, a leading trade fair for cruise interiors.

Under the motto “You create the stories for amazing dreams - We provide the restful sleep”, Dibella presented its latest developments in textile flat linen at the Convention Center in Miami/USA from 6 to 7 June 2024: bed linen and terry products that not only offer maximum comfort and durability but are also perfectly tailored to the special requirements of the maritime environment.

"The trade fair in Miami was a great success for us. In particular, our newly developed JAVA hand and shower towels and our VIRGINIA bed linen, both with regenerated cellulose fibers Lyocell, were very well received due to their special soft feel. We have had many rewarding discussions with existing customers and new prospects and are very much looking forward to working with them in the future,” says Marvin Groß-Hardt, Export Sales at Dibella.

CSI Americas, which has doubled in size since its inception in 2019, had more than 250 exhibitors this year. The show showcases brands in cruise design, attracting representatives from the industry's largest design firms and cruise lines each year.


Dibella b.v.

Dibella strengthens sales team (c) Dibella
Dibella is strengthening its sales team with Thomas Kmoch

Dibella strengthens sales team

The Dibella sales team continues to grow. Since the first of May, Thomas Kmoch has been supporting customers from South Tyrol, Austria and Switzerland.

Dibella welcomes Thomas Kmoch, an experienced member of staff, to the team. Due to his previous twenty years as an authorised signatory and sales director at Damino GmbH, the sales specialist brings with him in-depth knowldge of flat linen for contract business and comprehensive industry expertise.

At Dibella, Thomas Kmoch is primarily responsible for supporting existing customers and building new customer relationships in South Tyrol, Austria and Switzerland. The company is thus further strengthening ist focus on these three regions.

The Dibella sales team continues to grow. Since the first of May, Thomas Kmoch has been supporting customers from South Tyrol, Austria and Switzerland.

Dibella welcomes Thomas Kmoch, an experienced member of staff, to the team. Due to his previous twenty years as an authorised signatory and sales director at Damino GmbH, the sales specialist brings with him in-depth knowldge of flat linen for contract business and comprehensive industry expertise.

At Dibella, Thomas Kmoch is primarily responsible for supporting existing customers and building new customer relationships in South Tyrol, Austria and Switzerland. The company is thus further strengthening ist focus on these three regions.


Dibella GmbH

GoodTextiles Foundation: Improving drinking water supply in Uganda (c) Aid by Trade Foundation

GoodTextiles Foundation: Improving drinking water supply in Uganda

Together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the cotton company MMP Agro, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a project to improve the drinking water supply in Uganda, Africa. Bio-sand-waterfilters are being installed to gently purify the water from existing sources. In addition, the partners are training the community's farmers and craftsmen in how to operate the water filters. They then learn how to build new water filters.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.

As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) (owner of the CmiA standard) and MMP Agro, farmers who grow CmiA cotton in the districts of Abim, Kaplebyong, Dokolo and Kaberamaido in north-east Uganda are now receiving a total of around 1,000 bio-sand-waterfilters. Around 1,000 CmiA farmers, mainly women and the members of their households (an estimated 10,000 community members) benefit from this.

Together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the cotton company MMP Agro, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a project to improve the drinking water supply in Uganda, Africa. Bio-sand-waterfilters are being installed to gently purify the water from existing sources. In addition, the partners are training the community's farmers and craftsmen in how to operate the water filters. They then learn how to build new water filters.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.

As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) (owner of the CmiA standard) and MMP Agro, farmers who grow CmiA cotton in the districts of Abim, Kaplebyong, Dokolo and Kaberamaido in north-east Uganda are now receiving a total of around 1,000 bio-sand-waterfilters. Around 1,000 CmiA farmers, mainly women and the members of their households (an estimated 10,000 community members) benefit from this.


GoodTextiles Foundation

Photo: The GoodTextiles Foundation

GoodTextiles Foundation donates library for Indian primary school

The GoodTextiles Foundation has implemented a school library in the local primary school in Tamil Nadu, India. As a result, the children now have unrestricted access to additional literature.

At the PUPS Naranikuppam primary school in Tamil Nadu, the GoodTextiles Foundation has already provided access to separate sanitary facilities and clean drinking water. Now, with the help of the foundation, a school library has also been set up. The GoodTextiles Foundation is supporting the project with a total of €3,900.00, of which €1,425.00 comes from a donation from Dibella, which was realised with the greenhouse gas premium. The remainder was financed with donations already received.

A large selection of books tailored to the age and interests of the pupils was purchased for the library, as well as a shelf and a seating area. With a new Smart TV, the children can now also be introduced to digital media and how to use it. An air conditioning system provides pleasant temperatures to improve learning conditions. The newly tiled floor, new glass windows and a new glass door also improve the building-specific conditions.

The GoodTextiles Foundation has implemented a school library in the local primary school in Tamil Nadu, India. As a result, the children now have unrestricted access to additional literature.

At the PUPS Naranikuppam primary school in Tamil Nadu, the GoodTextiles Foundation has already provided access to separate sanitary facilities and clean drinking water. Now, with the help of the foundation, a school library has also been set up. The GoodTextiles Foundation is supporting the project with a total of €3,900.00, of which €1,425.00 comes from a donation from Dibella, which was realised with the greenhouse gas premium. The remainder was financed with donations already received.

A large selection of books tailored to the age and interests of the pupils was purchased for the library, as well as a shelf and a seating area. With a new Smart TV, the children can now also be introduced to digital media and how to use it. An air conditioning system provides pleasant temperatures to improve learning conditions. The newly tiled floor, new glass windows and a new glass door also improve the building-specific conditions.

The school is located directly next to a sewing company where the single mothers of the pupils work.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.


The GoodTextiles Foundation

Dibella increases purchase of Cotton made in Africa Cotton (c) Martin Kielmann/Cotton made in Africa

Dibella increases purchase of Cotton made in Africa Cotton

  • Dibella increases the use of Cotton made in Africa cotton according to the mass balance system from 300,000kg in 2023 to 750,000kg in 2024.

With Cotton made in Africa (CmiA), Dibella is making its business model even more sustainable. This enables the company to minimise its environmental impact and support the people in the growing regions. Dibella relies on the CmiA mass balance system in the chain to achieve its corporate goal of "increasing the use of sustainable fibres".

  • Dibella increases the use of Cotton made in Africa cotton according to the mass balance system from 300,000kg in 2023 to 750,000kg in 2024.

With Cotton made in Africa (CmiA), Dibella is making its business model even more sustainable. This enables the company to minimise its environmental impact and support the people in the growing regions. Dibella relies on the CmiA mass balance system in the chain to achieve its corporate goal of "increasing the use of sustainable fibres".

Cotton made in Africa initiative is an internationally recognised standard for sustainable cotton grown by African smallholder farmers. With up to 13% less greenhouse gas emissions, CmiA-verified cotton has a significantly lower impact on the environment than the global average and also supports village communities in Africa beyond sustainable cotton cultivation. CmiA supports smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa in the sustainable cultivation of genetically unmodified cotton and is committed to improving working conditions in ginning factories. Through a licence fee, which is paid by customers like Dibella, the farmers receive training and access to operating resources in order to reduce the use of pesticides and increase the quality of their cotton and yields from their fields at the same time.

Cotton made in Africa takes a pragmatic approach to the processing of its cotton with two different models in order to best meet the demands for transparency and feasibility in the chain: The Hard Identity Preserved System and the Mass Balance System; Dibella has opted for the latter. While CmiA-verified cotton is always traded separately from other cotton right up to the spinning mill and can therefore be traced seamlessly from the growing region to the ginning plant to the spinning mill, the mass balance system allows CmiA cotton to be mixed with cotton of other origins at the spinning mill level as long as a balance between cotton purchases and CmiA-labelled yarns is ensured. This principle ensures the purchase of sustainably grown fibres and helps Dibella to bring a larger quantity of sustainable cotton into its textile cycle, which ultimately benefits smallholder farmers.


Dibella GmbH

Sales manager Frank Neumann © Dibella
Frank Neumann

Dibella without sales manager Frank Neumann in future

The long-time sales manager is leaving the company at the end of this year. Frank Neumann joined Dibella in 1999 as a sales representative in the field service and was most recently responsible as sales manager for the areas of northern Germany and Berlin, as well as for exports, particularly for Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. He played a leading role in developing cruise companies as a new customer base for Dibella.

In addition, he was one of the co-founders of MaxTex, an international association that aims to ensure sustainable trade along the entire value chain, together with the then Dibella Managing Director Ralf Hellmann.

As an authorised signatory and member of the management board, Frank Neumann made a significant contribution to the company's success. "With Frank Neumann, we are saying goodbye to a valued colleague and proven expert. We would like to thank Mr Neumann for his extraordinary commitment to Dibella and wish him all the best for the future," says Stefan Tenbusch, Managing Director at Dibella.

The long-time sales manager is leaving the company at the end of this year. Frank Neumann joined Dibella in 1999 as a sales representative in the field service and was most recently responsible as sales manager for the areas of northern Germany and Berlin, as well as for exports, particularly for Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. He played a leading role in developing cruise companies as a new customer base for Dibella.

In addition, he was one of the co-founders of MaxTex, an international association that aims to ensure sustainable trade along the entire value chain, together with the then Dibella Managing Director Ralf Hellmann.

As an authorised signatory and member of the management board, Frank Neumann made a significant contribution to the company's success. "With Frank Neumann, we are saying goodbye to a valued colleague and proven expert. We would like to thank Mr Neumann for his extraordinary commitment to Dibella and wish him all the best for the future," says Stefan Tenbusch, Managing Director at Dibella.

More information:
Dibella MaxTex

Dibella GmbH

Dibella: Product launch at two London trade fairs (c) Dibella

Dibella: Product launch at two London trade fairs

Dibella will present its circular bed linen “Versailles” at the Sustainable Design Summit and the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo in London. Dibella is thus once again underpinning its reputation as a pioneer in the field of sustainability.

The Bocholt-based company is presenting its new innovation for the first time at the Sustainable Design Summit on 28 November 2023 at the Museum of London Docklands. International visitors from the cruise, hotel and aviation sectors will have the opportunity to find out more about the first circular bed linen "Versailles".

At the subsequent Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo from 29 to 30 November 2023 at ExCeL in London, Dibella will be exhibiting for the second time after a successful start in 2022. Under the motto "Almost too good to get out of bed", Dibella will be presenting its new innovation "Versailles", its multi-certified products, the company and its customised services and benefits.

Dibella will present its circular bed linen “Versailles” at the Sustainable Design Summit and the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo in London. Dibella is thus once again underpinning its reputation as a pioneer in the field of sustainability.

The Bocholt-based company is presenting its new innovation for the first time at the Sustainable Design Summit on 28 November 2023 at the Museum of London Docklands. International visitors from the cruise, hotel and aviation sectors will have the opportunity to find out more about the first circular bed linen "Versailles".

At the subsequent Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo from 29 to 30 November 2023 at ExCeL in London, Dibella will be exhibiting for the second time after a successful start in 2022. Under the motto "Almost too good to get out of bed", Dibella will be presenting its new innovation "Versailles", its multi-certified products, the company and its customised services and benefits.

With "Versailles", Dibella is realising its vision of a closed-loop economy. The specialist for sustainable contract textiles has succeeded in recycling old, no longer usable bed linen into new fibres and weaving them into new bed linen.


Dibella GmbH

Maike Bruns Photo Dibella GmbH
Maike Bruns

Dibella: Sales team in France is growing

As part of the company's international expansion, the growing French market is becoming increasingly important. This is why the textile company is now broadening its organisation: since mid-October 2023 Maike Bruns joined the sales team in France on a permanent basis.

The communications graduate has already lived in Paris and most recently promoted sales and market development in an Amsterdam start-up in the healthtech sector.

At Dibella, her focus will be on representing the company on the French market, supporting the existing team and jointly expanding the French customer base.

As part of the company's international expansion, the growing French market is becoming increasingly important. This is why the textile company is now broadening its organisation: since mid-October 2023 Maike Bruns joined the sales team in France on a permanent basis.

The communications graduate has already lived in Paris and most recently promoted sales and market development in an Amsterdam start-up in the healthtech sector.

At Dibella, her focus will be on representing the company on the French market, supporting the existing team and jointly expanding the French customer base.

More information:
Dibella sales France

Dibella GmbH

Fertiger Brunnen in Namare Foto GoodTextiles Stiftung

GoodTextiles Stiftung und Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) bauen Brunnen

Im Jahr 2016 hat das Textilunternehmen Dibella die GoodTextiles Stiftung mit dem Ziel gegründet, textile Wertschöpfungsketten nachhaltiger zu gestalten. Sie wirbt Spendengelder ein und setzt eigene Förderprojekte um, die Menschen in allen Stufen der Textilwirtschaft zugutekommen sollen. Nun hat die Stiftung erneut ein von Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg) initiiertes Vorhaben in Subsahara-Afrika unterstützt. Gefördert wurden drei Dörfer in Togo, die nach einer Analyse der landeseigenen und in das Projekt involvierte Baumwollgesellschaft Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT) keinen direkten Zugang zu Trinkwasser hatten.
Die Anbaugebiete der dürreresistenten Baumwolle von CmiA liegen unter anderem im Norden und im Landesinneren Togos, wo die Baumwollbauern aufgrund langanhaltender Trockenperioden besonders von den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels betroffen sind. In zahlreichen Dorfgemeinschaften fehlt der Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser, die Menschen schöpfen verunreinigtes Wasser aus weiter entfernten Flüssen oder Wasserlöchern und transportieren die schwere Fracht mühsam zurück.  

Im Jahr 2016 hat das Textilunternehmen Dibella die GoodTextiles Stiftung mit dem Ziel gegründet, textile Wertschöpfungsketten nachhaltiger zu gestalten. Sie wirbt Spendengelder ein und setzt eigene Förderprojekte um, die Menschen in allen Stufen der Textilwirtschaft zugutekommen sollen. Nun hat die Stiftung erneut ein von Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg) initiiertes Vorhaben in Subsahara-Afrika unterstützt. Gefördert wurden drei Dörfer in Togo, die nach einer Analyse der landeseigenen und in das Projekt involvierte Baumwollgesellschaft Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT) keinen direkten Zugang zu Trinkwasser hatten.
Die Anbaugebiete der dürreresistenten Baumwolle von CmiA liegen unter anderem im Norden und im Landesinneren Togos, wo die Baumwollbauern aufgrund langanhaltender Trockenperioden besonders von den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels betroffen sind. In zahlreichen Dorfgemeinschaften fehlt der Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser, die Menschen schöpfen verunreinigtes Wasser aus weiter entfernten Flüssen oder Wasserlöchern und transportieren die schwere Fracht mühsam zurück.  
Im Rahmen des Gemeinschaftsprojekts der GoodTextiles Stiftung, der Aid by Trade Foundation (Inhaberin des CmiA-Standards) und der NSCT haben Namare/Puob-n-kpaad, Tchokoroko und Aloba eine eigene Wasserversorgung erhalten. Mit den Geldern – 10.190 Euro seitens der GoodTextiles Stiftung, 3.831 Euro von der Baumwollgesellschaft– wurde in jedem Dorf ein mit Handpumpen betriebener Brunnen errichtet. Die Bauarbeiten sind mittlerweile abgeschlossen und die 2.300 Bewohner in sogenannten WASH-Schulungen in Grundlagen zum Umgang mit Wasser, zur Vorbeugung von Krankheiten sowie in Hygienemaßnahmen unterrichtet worden.
Dank der neuen Brunnen haben die Bewohner nun unbeschränkten Zugang zu sauberem Wasser, das sie zum Trinken und Kochen verwenden können. Dies verringert die Häufigkeit von Durchfallerkrankungen, insbesondere bei Kindern, erheblich. Darüber hinaus kann das Wasser für die persönliche Hygiene und das Waschen der Kleidung verwendet werden, was das Auftreten von Hautkrankheiten mindert. War die Beschaffung von Wasser bisher mit langen Märschen und damit einhergehender Ermüdung und Schmerzen beim Wassertragen, insbesondere bei Frauen, verbunden, profitieren die Bewohner nun von den kurzen Wegen zu den direkt in ihren Dörfern erbauten Brunnen.


GoodTextiles Stiftung

Baton handover in the management Photo Dibella GmbH
Baton handover in the management

Dibella: Carsten Ridder succeeds Ralf Hellmann

Dibella already announced a year ago that there would be a change of managing director in the middle of this year. As of 01.08.2023, Carsten Ridder will fill the position of additional managing director together with Stefan Tenbusch. At the same time, the previous managing director Ralf Hellmann will take on an advisory role in the company.

Carsten Ridder is no stranger to the company and has many years of experience as a committed member of the management. In 2001, the banker and graduate in business administration first joined the sister company Bimeco, before moving to Dibella in 2017 as an authorised signatory and member of the management. During this time, the active shareholder has contributed significantly to the development and implementation of important strategies in the areas of human resources and finance, among others.

Ralf Hellmann will continue to play an important role in the company after his retirement from the management by supporting Dibella in an advisory capacity. His experience and knowledge will remain a valuable resource to ensure the success of the projects already initiated as well as new ones.

Dibella already announced a year ago that there would be a change of managing director in the middle of this year. As of 01.08.2023, Carsten Ridder will fill the position of additional managing director together with Stefan Tenbusch. At the same time, the previous managing director Ralf Hellmann will take on an advisory role in the company.

Carsten Ridder is no stranger to the company and has many years of experience as a committed member of the management. In 2001, the banker and graduate in business administration first joined the sister company Bimeco, before moving to Dibella in 2017 as an authorised signatory and member of the management. During this time, the active shareholder has contributed significantly to the development and implementation of important strategies in the areas of human resources and finance, among others.

Ralf Hellmann will continue to play an important role in the company after his retirement from the management by supporting Dibella in an advisory capacity. His experience and knowledge will remain a valuable resource to ensure the success of the projects already initiated as well as new ones.

More information:
Dibella Ralf Hellmann Manager

Dibella GmbH

Dibella supports cotton farmers with non-GMO seeds (c) Dibella

Dibella supports cotton farmers with non-GMO seeds

Dibella supports organic Fairtrade cotton farmers in sourcing non-GMO seeds for the next harvest.

Together with the Chetna Organic cooperative, Dibella has long supported Indian smallholder farmers, on whose fields the organic Fairtrade cotton for the company's sustainable contract textiles grows. To secure the livelihoods of the smallholders, Dibella is taking action this year with a special measure: at the beginning of the new growing season, the company pre-finances the procurement of the genetically unmodified (GMO-free) seeds.

The beginning of the monsoon season (June to September) marks the start of the cotton year in India. The small family farms where the organic Fairtrade cotton for the sustainable Dibella range is grown prepare their fields for sowing. The seeds needed this year come directly from their buyer Dibella. The company organised and co-financed the procurement of the seeds together with the Chetna Organic cooperative.

Dibella supports organic Fairtrade cotton farmers in sourcing non-GMO seeds for the next harvest.

Together with the Chetna Organic cooperative, Dibella has long supported Indian smallholder farmers, on whose fields the organic Fairtrade cotton for the company's sustainable contract textiles grows. To secure the livelihoods of the smallholders, Dibella is taking action this year with a special measure: at the beginning of the new growing season, the company pre-finances the procurement of the genetically unmodified (GMO-free) seeds.

The beginning of the monsoon season (June to September) marks the start of the cotton year in India. The small family farms where the organic Fairtrade cotton for the sustainable Dibella range is grown prepare their fields for sowing. The seeds needed this year come directly from their buyer Dibella. The company organised and co-financed the procurement of the seeds together with the Chetna Organic cooperative.

Ending the debt trap
"At the beginning of the cotton season, smallholder farmers are often forced to take out a loan to finance the seeds they need. For this, very high double-digit interest rates are charged in India, which can lead to excessive debt for families, especially when there are crop failures due to pest infestations or unfavourable weather conditions, for example," reports Simon Bartholomes, Purchasing Manager at Dibella. "We decided years ago to break this vicious circle by pre-financing the genetically unmodified seed. It is procured by our partner Chetna Organic and distributed free of charge to the farming families whose organic cotton is processed into our organic Fairtrade textiles after the harvest. This year we have allocated a sum of USD 50,000 for this purpose.

Win-win situation
This measure offers advantages for all parties involved: Through direct access to the seeds, Dibella enables the farmer families to have a more adequate livelihood. At the same time, the farmers benefit from the expertise of Chetna Organic staff, who support them in organic farming. Dibella, in turn, covers its annual demand for organic Fairtrade cotton with a right of first refusal. This gives the company full control over its entire supply chain, which starts at the cotton field.

More information:
Dibella cotton organic cotton India

Dibella GmbH

(c) Dibella GmbH
Marvin Groß-Hardt

Dibella strengthens its sales team with Marvin Groß-Hardt

The Dibella sales team is growing. Since May 1st 2023, Marvin Groß-Hardt has been supporting the company's national and international customers.

Dibella welcomes Marvin Groß-Hardt, an experienced sales employee, to the team. The trained wholesale and foreign trade merchant and graduate in business administration brings many years of experience in supporting and advising customers. He is also familiar with the special features of contract textiles due to a previous position in product and sales management for hotel beds and bedding.

At Dibella, the 30-year-old from Bocholt is responsible for looking after existing customers and building up new customer relationships at home and abroad, and will establish new contacts.

The Dibella sales team is growing. Since May 1st 2023, Marvin Groß-Hardt has been supporting the company's national and international customers.

Dibella welcomes Marvin Groß-Hardt, an experienced sales employee, to the team. The trained wholesale and foreign trade merchant and graduate in business administration brings many years of experience in supporting and advising customers. He is also familiar with the special features of contract textiles due to a previous position in product and sales management for hotel beds and bedding.

At Dibella, the 30-year-old from Bocholt is responsible for looking after existing customers and building up new customer relationships at home and abroad, and will establish new contacts.

More information:
Dibella hotels Contract textiles

Dibella GmbH

(c) Hochschule Niederrhein
Das FTB der Hochschule Niederrhein bewertet die Qualität der Alt-Textilien. Das Foto zeigt beispielhaft, wie die Höchstzugkraft eines Streifens von einem Bettbezug gemessen wird, um dessen Reißfestigkeit zu bewerten.

Hochschule Niederrhein: Automatisches Sortiersystem für abgenutzte Textilien

Können gebrauchte Textilien recycelt werden? In den meisten Fällen enden sie eher als Putztücher oder Dämmmaterial (Downcycling) statt als neue Kleidung oder Bettwäsche (Recycling). Für Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling muss noch viel erforscht werden. Genau dieser Aufgabe stellen sich nun die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und weitere Kooperationspartner im Förder-Projekt „KICKup“ (KI-gestützte, chemische Cellulose-Kreisläufe). Das hochschuleigene Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) setzt sich dabei gezielt mit der Qualität der Alttextilien auseinander.

Im Fokus des Projekts steht die Erfindung einer Anlage, die gebrauchte Textilien je nach Materialzusammensetzung mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) automatisch sortiert. Die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) fördert diese Forschung mit fast 400.000 Euro. Rund 100.000 Euro davon gehen davon an die Hochschule Niederrhein.

Können gebrauchte Textilien recycelt werden? In den meisten Fällen enden sie eher als Putztücher oder Dämmmaterial (Downcycling) statt als neue Kleidung oder Bettwäsche (Recycling). Für Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling muss noch viel erforscht werden. Genau dieser Aufgabe stellen sich nun die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und weitere Kooperationspartner im Förder-Projekt „KICKup“ (KI-gestützte, chemische Cellulose-Kreisläufe). Das hochschuleigene Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) setzt sich dabei gezielt mit der Qualität der Alttextilien auseinander.

Im Fokus des Projekts steht die Erfindung einer Anlage, die gebrauchte Textilien je nach Materialzusammensetzung mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) automatisch sortiert. Die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) fördert diese Forschung mit fast 400.000 Euro. Rund 100.000 Euro davon gehen davon an die Hochschule Niederrhein.

Den Anstoß dafür gab das Textil-Service-Unternehmen Dibella. Hier wird modellhaft untersucht, wie Tisch- und Bettwäsche aus Restaurants, Hotels oder Krankenhäusern am Ende ihres Produktlebens je nach Baumwoll- oder Polyesteranteil einem passenden Faser-Recycling-Prozess zugeordnet werden kann. Hier gilt wie bei der Mülltrennung auch: Je genauer die Gewebe differenziert werden, desto besser lassen sie sich in den Textil-Kreislauf zurückführen und für Neues weiterverwerten.

Bisher wird in den Großwäschereien alles von Hand sortiert. Das kostet viel Zeit und ist wegen der Menge und der mit bloßem Auge nicht erkennbaren Stoffvielfalt eine schwierige Aufgabe. Wie wäre es also, wenn Künstliche Intelligenz und moderne Technik die Alttextilien genau analysieren und ein automatisches Trennsystem die Arbeit übernimmt?

Aufgabe des FTB ist dabei die chemische Qualitätsbewertung: Es analysiert, ob gebrauchte und aus dem Mietservice ausrangierte Textilien aus Baumwolle bzw. deren Regeneratfasern oder aus Baumwoll-Polyester-Mischgewebe noch so gut erhalten sind, dass sie recycelbar sind. Konkret werden für das Projekt zunächst nur weiße Stoffe aus Industriewäschereien untersucht.

Die zu konzipierende Anlage soll im nächsten Schritt mithilfe von Nahinfrarot-Technologie und KI die Struktur und Zusammensetzung der Textilien erfassen, erkennen und sie trennscharf sortieren.
Werden anschließend Baumwoll- und Polyesterfasern voneinander getrennt, kann bei ausreichender Faserqualität der aus dem Baumwollanteil gewonnene Cellulose-Pulp (Zellstoff) für neue Celluloseregeneratfasern verwertet und in neuen Textilien eingesetzt werden.

„Unser Ziel ist es auch, die wiederholte Recyclingfähigkeit von genutzten Textilen mit Anteilen von Baumwollregeneratfasern im Hinblick auf ein vollständig geschlossenes Kreislaufsystem zu untersuchen und zu bewerten“, so Professorin Dr.-Ing. habil. Maike Rabe. Sie ist die Projektleiterin an der HSNR. „Gegebenenfalls werden wir dafür neue verbesserte Design-for-Recycling-Ansätze in Materialzusammensetzung und Gewebekonstruktion für die recycelfähigen Textilartikel entwickeln“.

Im weiteren Verlauf des Projekts soll auch ein logistisches Lagersystem für die sortierten Wäschemengen als Prototyp geschaffen werden.


Hochschule Niederrhein

© Aid by Trade Foundation

The GoodTextiles Foundation and Cotton made in Africa join forces again

  • Precious water for villages that are running on dry land

The GoodTextiles Foundation has worked to improve drinking water supplies in sub-Saharan Africa in another joint project with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In three villages in Togo particularly affected by climate change, the partners built wells and trained people in the use of water. The curriculum included the topics of disease prevention, hygiene and health care.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella (Bocholt) established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry. Now the foundation has once again supported a project in sub-Saharan Africa initiated by Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg). Funding is being provided for three villages in Togo that, according to a needs assessment by CmiA's local partner, the cotton company Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT), have no direct access to drinking water.

  • Precious water for villages that are running on dry land

The GoodTextiles Foundation has worked to improve drinking water supplies in sub-Saharan Africa in another joint project with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In three villages in Togo particularly affected by climate change, the partners built wells and trained people in the use of water. The curriculum included the topics of disease prevention, hygiene and health care.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella (Bocholt) established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry. Now the foundation has once again supported a project in sub-Saharan Africa initiated by Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg). Funding is being provided for three villages in Togo that, according to a needs assessment by CmiA's local partner, the cotton company Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT), have no direct access to drinking water.

Difficult water procurement
The areas where CmiA's drought-resistant cotton is grown include the north and interior of Togo, where cotton farmers are particularly affected by the effects of climate change due to prolonged periods of drought. Many village communities lack access to clean drinking water, and people draw contaminated water from more distant rivers or waterholes and carry the heavy load back with difficulty.

Guide to clean water
As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, Aid by Trade Foundation (holder of the CmiA standard) and NSCT, three drought-affected villages - Namare/Puob-n-kpaad, Tchokoroko and Aloba - will now receive their own water supply.

The funds - 11,756 euros will be provided by the GoodTextiles Foundation, and 4,419 euros will come from the Cotton Society - will be used to construct a well operated by hand pumps in each village. The construction work is to be completed by March 2023 and the 2,300 inhabitants will be taught the basics of water handling, disease prevention and hygiene measures in so-called WASH training courses.

Driving force: UN SDGs
For years, we have aligned our company with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals for Sustainable Development). Through the sponsorship project, we are not only contributing to SDG 6 "Clean water and sanitation", but also to gender equality (SDG 5). In the African countries from which we source CmiA cotton, the physically strenuous task of procuring water is still the responsibility of women. The construction of the wells now leads to a significant improvement of their living situation," reports Ralf Hellmann, managing director of Dibella and chairman of the foundation.

Continued under their own responsibility
Once the wells have been handed over to the village communities, "water committees" will take over their management and maintenance, as well as responsibility for further hygiene training for the residents. The operation of the wells will be financed on the basis of a fund made up of small contributions from the beneficiary communities.


The GoodTextiles Foundation

(c) Dibella GmbH

Dibella: Systematisierung von Alttextil-Sortierung

Dibella engagiert sich seit Jahren in verschiedenen Projekten für das Recycling von Objekttextilien. Beim jüngsten Projekt, das die Möglichkeiten einer Faser-Kreislaufführung auslotete, erwies sich die Identifizierung der Alttextilien als größte Barriere. Das Unternehmen will diese Hürde nun nehmen: Im Rahmen des von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) geförderten Projekts „KICKup“ (KI-gestützte, chemische Cellulose-Kreisläufe) soll die Sortierung von Geweben aus Baumwolle und Polyester automatisiert und damit die Grundlage für ein reibungsloses Faserrecycling geschaffen werden.

In Textilservice-Unternehmen werden große Mengen gleichartiger Bett-, Tisch- und Frottierwäsche eingesetzt, die nach Ablauf der Nutzungsphase als Alttextilien anfallen. Diese bieten aufgrund der hohen Volumina, der einheitlichen Zusammensetzung und einer begrenzten Zahl von Sammelstellen optimale Voraussetzungen für ein zukunftsfähiges Faser-zu-Faser-Recyclingsystem. In der Praxis scheitert ein solches Konzept jedoch an einer mangelnden Unterscheidbarkeit der Materialien. Zu diesem Ergebnis kam ein Pilotprojekt1, an dem Dibella beteiligt war.

Dibella engagiert sich seit Jahren in verschiedenen Projekten für das Recycling von Objekttextilien. Beim jüngsten Projekt, das die Möglichkeiten einer Faser-Kreislaufführung auslotete, erwies sich die Identifizierung der Alttextilien als größte Barriere. Das Unternehmen will diese Hürde nun nehmen: Im Rahmen des von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) geförderten Projekts „KICKup“ (KI-gestützte, chemische Cellulose-Kreisläufe) soll die Sortierung von Geweben aus Baumwolle und Polyester automatisiert und damit die Grundlage für ein reibungsloses Faserrecycling geschaffen werden.

In Textilservice-Unternehmen werden große Mengen gleichartiger Bett-, Tisch- und Frottierwäsche eingesetzt, die nach Ablauf der Nutzungsphase als Alttextilien anfallen. Diese bieten aufgrund der hohen Volumina, der einheitlichen Zusammensetzung und einer begrenzten Zahl von Sammelstellen optimale Voraussetzungen für ein zukunftsfähiges Faser-zu-Faser-Recyclingsystem. In der Praxis scheitert ein solches Konzept jedoch an einer mangelnden Unterscheidbarkeit der Materialien. Zu diesem Ergebnis kam ein Pilotprojekt1, an dem Dibella beteiligt war.

Effektive Sortierung von Alttextilien verbessert die Zirkularität
„Im textilen Mietservice werden Gewebe in unterschiedlichen Baumwoll-Polyester-Mischungen, aus reiner Baumwolle und sogar aus 100% Polyester verwendet. Für jedes dieser Materialien gibt es spezielle Recycling-Technologien. Die Zuordnung zum geeigneten Prozess hängt allerdings wesentlich von der Sortierung der Ware ab: Je besser die Qualitäten unterschieden werden, desto größer sind die Effekte für die Kreislaufführung. Bisher fehlt jedoch ein geeignetes, automatisiertes Sortiersystem für eine qualitative Erfassung gängiger Objekttextilien. Dazu haben wir gemeinsam mit ausgesuchten Partnern das Projekt Aufbau KI-gestützter geschlossener Kreisläufe für B2B-Textilien aus Baumwoll-Polyester-Mischungen auf der Basis chemischen Upcyclings ins Leben gerufen. Dank einer Förderung der DBU können wir dieses in den kommenden zwei Jahren entwickeln“, fasst Ralf Hellmann, Geschäftsführer von Dibella zusammen.

Hohe Transparenz mit moderner Technik
Das Projekt ist Teil einer aktuellen DBU-Förderinitiative für textile Kreisläufe, die zu ressourcenschonenden Produkt-, Material- und Stoffkreisläufen beiträgt. Das Hauptziel des von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt fachlich und finanziell mit 397.266 Euro geförderten Vorhabens ist die Entwicklung eine Anlage, die mittels Infrarot-Technologie und künstlicher Intelligenz eine möglichst sortenreine Sortierung der aus dem Mietservice stammenden Warenströme vornehmen kann. Die Projektpartner fokussieren sich dabei im Wesentlichen auf reine Baumwolltextilien sowie auf Mischgewebe aus Polyester und Baumwolle bzw. Regeneratfasern. Sie sollen zukünftig mit hoher Genauigkeit identifiziert und dem ihnen zugeordneten chemischen oder mechanischen Recycling-Prozess zugeführt werden können.

Zukunftsweisendes Projekt
„Je sortenreiner Materialien zurückgewonnen werden, desto besser lassen sie sich wiederverwerten. Dieser für eine Circular Economy zentrale Faktor spielt auch bei Textilien eine Rolle“, sagt Dr. Volker Berding, Leiter des DBU-Referats Ressourcenmanagement. Das Vorhaben von Dibella hat nach seinen Worten daher Potenzial, den Rohstoffeinsatz zu verringern und eine höherwertige Nutzung der Alttextilien zu verbessern.

1Digitale Technologien als Enabler eine ressourceneffizienten kreislauffähigen B2B Textilwirtschaft (Ditex)


Dibella GmbH