From the Sector

60 results

Südwesttextil: Aufhebung der SARS-CoV-2-Arbeitsschutzverordnung

  • Südwesttextil begrüßt die Veröffentlichung eines Referentenentwurfs zur vorzeitigen Aufhebung der SARS-CoV-2-Arbeitsschutzverordnung.

Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil hat angekündigt, die Corona-Arbeitsschutzverordnung, die bis zum 7. April 2023 laufen sollte, bereits zum 2. Februar 2023 auslaufen zu lassen. Ein entsprechender Referentenentwurf liegt vor.

Die Entscheidung begründet das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) mit der stetigen Abnahme der Häufigkeit und Schwere von Infektionen mit SARS-CoV-2, den allgemein günstigen Prognosen hinsichtlich des mittel- und langfristigen Infektionsgeschehens sowie mit der zunehmenden Immunität in der Bevölkerung und dem Ausbleiben neuer Varianten.

  • Südwesttextil begrüßt die Veröffentlichung eines Referentenentwurfs zur vorzeitigen Aufhebung der SARS-CoV-2-Arbeitsschutzverordnung.

Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil hat angekündigt, die Corona-Arbeitsschutzverordnung, die bis zum 7. April 2023 laufen sollte, bereits zum 2. Februar 2023 auslaufen zu lassen. Ein entsprechender Referentenentwurf liegt vor.

Die Entscheidung begründet das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) mit der stetigen Abnahme der Häufigkeit und Schwere von Infektionen mit SARS-CoV-2, den allgemein günstigen Prognosen hinsichtlich des mittel- und langfristigen Infektionsgeschehens sowie mit der zunehmenden Immunität in der Bevölkerung und dem Ausbleiben neuer Varianten.

Vor dem Hintergrund, dass bereits seit Mitte November Quarantäne und Absonderung in Baden-Württemberg und vielen anderen Bundesländern an den endemischen Charakter des Virus angepasst worden sind, begrüßt der Arbeitgeberverband der südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie das Vorhaben, die Corona-ArbSchV aufzuheben. Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner erklärt: „Wir haben als Wirtschaft das Hochlaufen des pandemischen Schutzes mitgetragen und selbstverständlich Verantwortung übernommen. Mit dem Auslaufen vieler Corona-Beschränkungen muss die Arbeitsschutzverordnung aber analog angepasst werden. Die Ankündigung von Bundesminister Heil ist daher überfällig – der Virus ist leider längst Bestandteil unseres Alltags. Nach der Aufhebung der SARS-CoV-2-Arbeitsschutzverordnung sind die angekündigten unverbindlichen und praxisgerechten Empfehlungen des BMAS für zukünftige Infektionsausbrüche ausreichend und angemessen.“


Südwesttextil – Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V.

(c) Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24 (Köln)

Marketmedia24: Outdoor-Branche erwartet 2022 ein Umsatzminus von 1,2%

2020 und 2021 lief es auch Corona bedingt richtig gut für die Outdoor-Branche. Selbst die Nachfrageberuhigung im laufenden Jahr, die nach aktueller Einschätzung des Forschungsinstituts Marketmedia24 zu einem Minus von 1,2 Prozent führen könnte, stehen nicht für einen Absturz. Denn die Umsätze liegen dann immer noch um 11,4 Prozent über denen des Vor-Corona-Jahres 2019. Nicht allein diese Tatsache lässt aufhorchen: In den ersten zehn Monaten dieses Jahres stieg der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen gegenüber Vorjahr allein auf den Portalen der Platform Group, Wiesbaden, um 24,4 Prozent. Während gleichzeitig die durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhe mit einem Rückgang von 2,1 Prozent in 2022 das sich abschwächende Kaufverhalten spiegeln. Die generelle Kaufzurückhaltung der Deutschen bekommen derzeit alle Outdoor-Händler zu spüren. Selbst der Online-Handel wird das laufende Jahr mit einem leichten Minus bilanzieren, so die aktuelle Vorausschau der Kölner Marktforscher.

2020 und 2021 lief es auch Corona bedingt richtig gut für die Outdoor-Branche. Selbst die Nachfrageberuhigung im laufenden Jahr, die nach aktueller Einschätzung des Forschungsinstituts Marketmedia24 zu einem Minus von 1,2 Prozent führen könnte, stehen nicht für einen Absturz. Denn die Umsätze liegen dann immer noch um 11,4 Prozent über denen des Vor-Corona-Jahres 2019. Nicht allein diese Tatsache lässt aufhorchen: In den ersten zehn Monaten dieses Jahres stieg der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen gegenüber Vorjahr allein auf den Portalen der Platform Group, Wiesbaden, um 24,4 Prozent. Während gleichzeitig die durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhe mit einem Rückgang von 2,1 Prozent in 2022 das sich abschwächende Kaufverhalten spiegeln. Die generelle Kaufzurückhaltung der Deutschen bekommen derzeit alle Outdoor-Händler zu spüren. Selbst der Online-Handel wird das laufende Jahr mit einem leichten Minus bilanzieren, so die aktuelle Vorausschau der Kölner Marktforscher.

Sport unter freiem Himmel wie Trekking, Joggen, Walken und Biken erlebte in den beiden Corona-Jahren 2020 und 2021 großen Zulauf – insbesondere als Freizeit- und Reiseersatz für alles das, was die Pandemie unmöglich machte. Und man deckte sich passend mit Outdoor-Bekleidung, -Schuhen und Ausrüstungen ein und legte dabei immer mehr Wert auf nachhaltige Ware. Ein Trend, der die Industrie zunehmend veranlasst, den Anteil an recycelten Materialien auszubauen.
Carina Dietrich, verantwortlich bei Sympatex für Brand Communication Strategy und Business Development: „Besonders im Textilbereich sehen wir über alle Sportarten ein starkes und immer weiter steigendes Interesse hinsichtlich eines nachhaltigen Konsumverhaltens und das Erreichen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft.“
Gleichzeitig sorgen allerdings die unterschiedlichsten Informationen, der Label Dschungel sowie das tatsächlich existierende Greenwashing für Unsicherheit im Markt. Zudem tragen die aktuellen Krisen zur Verunsicherung der Kunden bei. Jürgen Hanke, Vertriebsleiter bei der Platform-Group, prognostiziert, dass sich unter dem Eindruck steigender Energiepreise erst zeigen muss, welchen Wert Kunden und Kundeninnen auf nachhaltige Produkte legen oder ob sie doch wieder mehr preisbewusstere Alternativen kaufen. Zumindest im Oktober 2022 sank der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen auf den Portalen der Platform Group um 50 Prozent, während hier Outdoor insgesamt gleichzeitig „nur“ um 27,4 Prozent nachgab. Allerdings weist der Umsatztrend in den Monaten Januar, Juni und September klar daraufhin, dass Nachhaltigkeit ein Nachfragefaktor bleibt.

Auch weil die Preisfrage überholt ist (zumal es jetzt auch immer mehr Secondhand-Angebote im Handel gibt), ist Stefan Brunner, Director Sports beim iscm-institute und Experte im Sport-Team von Marketmedia24, überzeugt. Seiner Meinung nach kann es sich kein Stakeholder der Branche – sei es Industrie oder Handel – erlauben, die Nachhaltigkeit zu ignorieren. Vielmehr ist „die Sportartikelbranche gut beraten, ihre Führungsposition rund um dieses Thema auszubauen und damit auf den Trend nach mehr qualitativem Konsum einzuzahlen.“ Denn Nachhaltigkeit wird zweifelsohne zum neuen Statussymbol als Ausdruck einer Haltung. Schützenhilfe kommt da auch von der Anfang 2022 vorgestellten nachhaltigen Textilstrategie der Europäischen Kommission. Danach wird der Textilsektor die erste Branche sein, die vollständig zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft übergeht: Bis 2030 sollen Textilprodukte, die in der EU in Verkehr gebracht werden, langlebiger, wiederverwendbarer, reparierbarer, recycelbar und energieeffizienter sein.



Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24 (Köln)


adidas with robust growth in the third quarter

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, reflecting continued double-digit growth outside Greater China
  • Gross margin down 1.0pp to 49.1% as price increases were more than offset by increased supply chain costs, higher discounting, and an unfavorable market mix
  • Operating profit of € 564 million reflecting an operating margin of 8.8%
  • Net income from continuing operations of € 66 million negatively impacted by several one-off costs totaling almost € 300 million as well as extraordinary tax effects in Q3

“The market environment shifted at the beginning of September as consumer demand in Western markets slowed and traffic trends in Greater China further deteriorated. As a result, we saw a significant inventory buildup across the industry, leading to higher promotional activity during the remainder of the year which will increasingly weigh on our earnings,” said adidas CFO Harm Ohlmeyer. “We are encouraged by the enthusiasm for the upcoming FIFA World Cup which is already noticeable in our Football revenue growth. And in North America we are gearing up for an exciting upcoming basketball launch.”

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, reflecting continued double-digit growth outside Greater China
  • Gross margin down 1.0pp to 49.1% as price increases were more than offset by increased supply chain costs, higher discounting, and an unfavorable market mix
  • Operating profit of € 564 million reflecting an operating margin of 8.8%
  • Net income from continuing operations of € 66 million negatively impacted by several one-off costs totaling almost € 300 million as well as extraordinary tax effects in Q3

“The market environment shifted at the beginning of September as consumer demand in Western markets slowed and traffic trends in Greater China further deteriorated. As a result, we saw a significant inventory buildup across the industry, leading to higher promotional activity during the remainder of the year which will increasingly weigh on our earnings,” said adidas CFO Harm Ohlmeyer. “We are encouraged by the enthusiasm for the upcoming FIFA World Cup which is already noticeable in our Football revenue growth. And in North America we are gearing up for an exciting upcoming basketball launch.”

In the third quarter, adidas’ currency-neutral revenues increased 4%. While the company experienced high-single-digit top-line growth during the first two months of the period, deteriorating traffic trends in Greater China as well as slowing consumer demand in major Western markets weighed on the revenue development in September. In addition, the company’s decision to suspend its own operations in Russia at the end of Q1 significantly reduced revenues by more than € 100 million during the third quarter, particularly impacting the company’s direct-to-consumer (DTC) business. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 11% to € 6.408 billion in the third quarter (2021: € 5.752 billion).

From a category perspective, revenue growth was the highest in adidas’ strategic growth categories Football and Running, both growing at strong double-digit rates. In Football, the jersey launches ahead of the FIFA World Cup 2022 fueled consumer excitement prior to the tournament. Revenues in Running were driven by the latest iterations of adidas’ successful running franchises, including Adizero and Supernova, which both grew more than 50% during the quarter. On the Lifestyle side, the further scaling of the successful Forum and Ozweego franchises led to strong double-digit growth for both product families. At the same time, additional highly limited drops as part of the Gucci and Balenciaga partnerships continued to spark excitement around the adidas brand.   

From a regional perspective, revenue growth was driven by the company’s Western markets and APAC, which combined continued to grow at a double-digit rate (+12%). In EMEA, revenues grew 7% despite the loss of revenue in Russia/CIS of more than € 100 million. Revenues in North America increased 8% during the quarter driven by a double-digit increase in the company’s DTC channel. In APAC and Latin America, revenue growth accelerated compared to Q2, reaching 15% and 51% respectively, year-on-year. In contrast, the company’s top-line development in Greater China continues to be severely impacted by the challenging market environment, mainly related to the ongoing covid-19-related restrictions. While the company’s own retail revenues in Greater China increased 7% in the third quarter reflecting a robust sell-out, the significant product takebacks reduced the company’s sell-in and resulted in a revenue decline of 27% for the market as a whole during the three-month period.  

Strong bottom-line improvement in 2023  
In 2023, the company expects the non-recurrence of the one-off costs of around € 500 million occurred in 2022 to have a positive impact on the net income development in the same magnitude. In addition, in light of the challenging market environment, adidas established a business improvement program to safeguard the company’s profitability in 2023. As part of this program the company has launched several initiatives to mitigate the significant cost increases resulting from the inflationary pressure across the company’s value chain as well as unfavorable currency movements. In total, the program, which will result in one-off costs of around € 50 million in the fourth quarter of 2022, is expected to compensate cost headwinds of up to € 500 million in 2023. In addition, it is expected to deliver a positive profit contribution of around € 200 million next year. 

More information:
adidas outlook

adidas AG


adidas reports preliminary Q3 results and reduces its full year guidance

adidas announces preliminary results for the third quarter and adjusted its full year 2022 guidance. The company’s new outlook takes into account a further deterioration of traffic trends in Greater China as well as a significant inventory build-up as a result of lower consumer demand in major Western markets since the beginning of September, which is expected to lead to higher promotional activity during the remainder of the year. The new outlook also reflects several one-off costs impacting the company’s bottom-line results in both the third and fourth quarter of the year.

adidas announces preliminary results for the third quarter and adjusted its full year 2022 guidance. The company’s new outlook takes into account a further deterioration of traffic trends in Greater China as well as a significant inventory build-up as a result of lower consumer demand in major Western markets since the beginning of September, which is expected to lead to higher promotional activity during the remainder of the year. The new outlook also reflects several one-off costs impacting the company’s bottom-line results in both the third and fourth quarter of the year.

Based on preliminary numbers, adidas’ currency-neutral revenues grew 4% during the third quarter. Currency-neutral sales in Greater China declined at a strong double-digit rate reflecting the continued widespread covid-19-related restrictions as well as significant inventory takebacks. Excluding Greater China, currency-neutral revenues in the company’s other markets combined continued to grow at a double-digit rate during the quarter. In euro terms, the company’s sales increased 11% to € 6.408 billion in Q3. The gross margin declined 1.0 percentage points to a level of 49.1% and operating margin reached 8.8% during the third quarter (2021: 11.7%). Net income from continuing operations was € 179 million in Q3 (2021: € 479 million). The bottom-line development during the quarter reflects several one-off costs totaling almost € 300 million on the net income level. The majority of these expenses reflect the company’s decision to initiate the wind-down of its business operations in Russia. In addition, non-recurring costs related to accelerated cash pooling in high inflationary countries, a recently settled legal dispute as well as higher provisions for customs-related risks also had an adverse effect on the company’s gross profit, operating overheads as well as financial and tax expenses in the quarter.

As a result of the deteriorating traffic trend in Greater China, higher clearance activity to reduce elevated inventory levels (up 63% on a currency-neutral basis at the end of Q3) as well as total one-off costs of around € 500 million on the net income level in 2022, the company reduced its full year guidance. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues for the total company to grow at a mid-single-digit rate in 2022 (previously: mid- to high-single-digit rate), reflecting double-digit revenue growth during the fourth quarter. This growth will be driven by adidas’ strong product pipeline, support from the FIFA World Cup 2022 as well as easier prior year comparables. The company’s gross margin is now expected to be around 47.5% in 2022 (previously: around 49.0%). Consequently, the company’s operating margin is now forecasted to be around 4.0% in 2022 (previously: around 7.0%). Net income from continuing operations is expected to reach a level of around € 500 million (previously: around € 1.3 billion).

In 2023, the company expects the non-recurrence of the one-off costs of around € 500 million occurred in 2022 to have a positive impact on the net income development in the same order of magnitude. In addition, in light of the challenging market environment adidas established a business improvement program to safeguard the company’s profitability in 2023. As part of this program the company has launched several initiatives aimed at mitigating the significant cost increases resulting from the inflationary pressure across the company’s value chain as well as unfavorable currency movements. In total, the program, which will result in one-off costs of around € 50 million in the fourth quarter of 2022, is expected to compensate cost headwinds of up to € 500 million in 2023. In addition, it is expected to deliver a positive profit contribution of around € 200 million next year.

More information:
adidas guidance Covid-19

adidas AG

(c) CHIC

CHIC GBA 2022 postponed to 2023

Due to rising Covid-19 cases in Shenzhen, CHIC GBA (Greater Bay Area), scheduled from November 2-4, 2022, will be postponed to 2023 for pandemic control and integrated into CHIC Shanghai in spring.

CHIC Shanghai will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center from March 8-10, 2023.

Due to rising Covid-19 cases in Shenzhen, CHIC GBA (Greater Bay Area), scheduled from November 2-4, 2022, will be postponed to 2023 for pandemic control and integrated into CHIC Shanghai in spring.

CHIC Shanghai will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center from March 8-10, 2023.




PwC: Inflation und Lieferengpässe trüben die Kauflaune

PwC-Konsumentenbefragung: Jede:r Vierte spürt Lieferengpässe beim Shoppen / Jede:r Zweite weicht vom Einzelhandel ins Internet aus / „Made in Germany“ und Secondhand-Produkte im Aufwind / Umwelt- und soziale Aspekte gewinnen an Bedeutung

In Folge der Corona-Pandemie und des Kriegs in der Ukraine haben viele Unternehmen mit Lieferkettenproblemen zu kämpfen. Daraus resultierende Lieferengpässe für bestimmte Produkte bekommen auch der Handel und die Verbraucher:innen zu spüren: Rund jede:r Vierte berichtet, dass bestimmte Produkte online wie offline nicht verfügbar sind. Lange Lieferzeiten beim Onlinekauf und Warteschlangen im stationären Handel trüben die Kauflaune der Kunden zusätzlich. Das Interesse an Umwelt- und Sozialthemen befeuern das Interesse an Secondhand-Artikeln und in Deutschland produzierten Waren. Zu diesen Ergebnissen kommt der Global Consumer Insights Pulse Survey von PwC, für den die Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft halbjährlich Konsument:innen in 25 Ländern zu ihrem Konsumverhalten befragt, darunter 500 Menschen in Deutschland.

PwC-Konsumentenbefragung: Jede:r Vierte spürt Lieferengpässe beim Shoppen / Jede:r Zweite weicht vom Einzelhandel ins Internet aus / „Made in Germany“ und Secondhand-Produkte im Aufwind / Umwelt- und soziale Aspekte gewinnen an Bedeutung

In Folge der Corona-Pandemie und des Kriegs in der Ukraine haben viele Unternehmen mit Lieferkettenproblemen zu kämpfen. Daraus resultierende Lieferengpässe für bestimmte Produkte bekommen auch der Handel und die Verbraucher:innen zu spüren: Rund jede:r Vierte berichtet, dass bestimmte Produkte online wie offline nicht verfügbar sind. Lange Lieferzeiten beim Onlinekauf und Warteschlangen im stationären Handel trüben die Kauflaune der Kunden zusätzlich. Das Interesse an Umwelt- und Sozialthemen befeuern das Interesse an Secondhand-Artikeln und in Deutschland produzierten Waren. Zu diesen Ergebnissen kommt der Global Consumer Insights Pulse Survey von PwC, für den die Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft halbjährlich Konsument:innen in 25 Ländern zu ihrem Konsumverhalten befragt, darunter 500 Menschen in Deutschland.

Lange Schlangen und Lieferzeiten verderben den Kaufspaß
„Von E-Bikes über Spielkonsolen bis hin zu Smartphones: Insbesondere Artikel aus dem Elektroniksegment sind im Handel aktuell rar. Das bleibt auch den Verbraucher:innen nicht verborgen – und beeinträchtigt ihre Freude am Konsum“, kommentiert Dr. Christian Wulff, Leiter des Geschäftsbereichs Handel und Konsumgüter bei PwC Deutschland und EMEA. Dazu kommt die hohe Inflation:
„Viele Menschen müssen aktuell stärker auf ihre Ausgaben achten. Für Händler und Hersteller bedeutet dies: Es droht der Verlust von Kund:innen, sofern sie nicht aktiv gegensteuern“, so Dr. Christian Wulff, Leiter des Geschäftsbereichs Handel und Konsumgüter bei PwC Deutschland und EMEA.

Den Ernst der Lage illustriert auch der Consumer Index des Marktforschungsunternehmens GfK: Das gemessene Konsumklima in Deutschland ist für Juli auf ein Rekordtief gesunken. Mit 27,4 Punkten (1,2 Punkte weniger als im Juni) ist dies der niedrigste Wert seit Beginn der Messung 1991, die Kauflaune entsprechend gering.

Kund:innen weichen auf alternative Angebote und Anbieter aus
In der aktuellen PwC-Umfrage berichten 27 Prozent der Befragten, dass bestimmte Produkte im stationären Einzelhandel regelmäßig ausverkauft oder nicht verfügbar sind. Knapp jede:r Dritte beobachtet längere Warteschlangen. Das hat Konsequenzen: Jede:r Zweite wandert aufgrund der aktuellen Situation mindestens gelegentlich ins Internet ab – mehr als die Hälfte davon sogar regelmäßig.

Doch auch online stehen die Händler unter Druck. Im E-Commerce beklagt sich ein Fünftel der Konsument:innen über lange Lieferzeiten. Die Verbraucher:innen reagieren auf diese Situation, indem sie sich bei der Konkurrenz umschauen: 63 Prozent nutzen digitale Vergleichsportale, um Produktverfügbarkeiten zu prüfen.

Immerhin 60 Prozent geben an, dass sie bei Nichtverfügbarkeit eines Produkts den Kauf von Alternativen in Betracht ziehen – auch wenn diese teurer sind.

„Unter bestimmten Bedingungen sind die deutschen Verbraucher:innen durchaus bereit, mehr als üblich für ein Produkt zu zahlen. Das gilt insbesondere, wenn dieses maßgeschneidert oder individualisiert ist, regional produziert wurde oder aus nachhaltigen Materialien besteht“, sagt Dr. Christian Wulff.

„Made in Germany“ gewinnt wieder an Bedeutung
In Deutschland hergestellte Produkte liegen im Trend. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig: Jede:r Zweite gibt an, so die eigene Wirtschaft zu unterstützen. 42 Prozent kaufen in Deutschland hergestellte Produkte, weil sie wissen möchten, wo und unter welchen Bedingungen die Produkte hergestellt wurden. Denn: Die Aspekte Umwelt, Soziales und verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung spielen bei der Kaufentscheidung jedenfalls eine gewichtige Rolle. So geben zwei Drittel der Befragten an, dass es sich auf ihre Kaufentscheidung auswirkt, wie ein Unternehmen beim Thema Umwelt aufgestellt ist – also, ob es etwa seinen CO2-Ausstoß reduziert oder auf Plastikverpackungen verzichtet.

Soziale Aspekte – wie die Frage, ob ein Hersteller oder Händler die Menschenrechte in der Wertschöpfungskette einhält – sind sogar 71 Prozent der Befragten wichtig. Für 72 Prozent spielt die Unternehmensführung eine Rolle bei der Kaufentscheidung, also etwa der Umgang des Herstellers mit Datenschutz oder dessen Bekenntnis zu transparenten Geschäftspraktiken. Dabei schätzen Kund:innen es besonders, wenn der Einzelhandel auf Transparenz bei den Geschäftspraktiken setzt und Fehler eingesteht.

Dr. Christian Wulff: „Verbraucher:innen belohnen diejenigen Unternehmen mit einem Vertrauensvorschuss, die glaubhaft vermitteln können, dass sie sich um einen verminderten CO2-Ausstoß, die Einhaltung von Menschenrechten oder hohe Datenschutzstandards bemühen. Neben der Kaufwahrscheinlichkeit steigt dann auch die Weiterempfehlungsrate.“

Besonders die Gen Z öffnet sich für Secondhand
Dass die Herstellung eines neuen Produkts Ressourcen benötigt und damit Umwelt und Klima belastet, ist immer mehr Menschen bewusst. Entsprechend öffnen sie sich dem Secondhand-Markt: Die Mehrheit der Verbraucher:innen hat bereits gebrauchte Artikel gekauft oder könnte sich dies vorstellen. Bei Bekleidung haben 56 Prozent der Befragten schon Stücke aus zweiter Hand geshoppt; bei der Generation Z, also den 18- bis 27-Jährigen, sind es sogar 64 Prozent.

Was der Handel jetzt tun kann
„Für Händler bedeuten diese Entwicklungen, dass sie zum einen ihre ESG-Positionierung stärken müssen. Zudem können sie das Vertrauen der Kund:innen gewinnen, wenn sie für eine gelungene Customer Experience sorgen. Das kann zum Beispiel ein außergewöhnlicher Kundenservice sein. Aber auch attraktive Rabatte oder das Angebot zu vereinfachten Wiederkäufen stärken die Loyalität der Käufer:innen“, so Dr. Christian Wulff.

Und nicht zuletzt können sich Hersteller und Händler profilieren, indem sie auf innovative Technologien setzen und beispielsweise Virtual Reality (VR) als zusätzlichen Shopping-Kanal etablieren. Fast ein Viertel der Deutschen (23 Prozent) nutzt bereits aktiv virtuelle Welten und Produkte: Sie sehen sich etwa Filme mit VR-Headsets an, kaufen digitale Produkte, testen Produkte in einer virtuellen Welt oder nehmen an virtuellen Veranstaltungen teil. „Zielgruppe virtueller Angebote ist in erster Linie die Gen Z, die bereits am aktivsten Erfahrungen in der virtuellen Welt sammelt“, resümiert Dr. Christian Wulff.

More information:
PwC Covid-19 Einzelhandel



adidas with strong growth in Western markets in Q2

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, despite more than € 300 million negative impact from macroeconomic constraints
  • Markets representing more than 85% of the business grow 14% overall
  • Gross margin down 1.5pp to 50.3% reflecting significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating profit reaches € 392 million
  • Net income from continuing operations amounts to € 360 million
  • FY 2022 outlook reflects double-digit growth during the second half of the year

“Our Western markets continued to show strong momentum in the second quarter amid heightened macroeconomic uncertainty. With Asia-Pacific returning to growth, markets combined representing more than 85% of our business grew at a double-digit rate,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. “With sports back at center stage this summer, revenues in our strategic growth categories Football, Running and Outdoor all increased by double digits. However, the macroeconomic environment, particularly in China, remains challenging. The recovery in this market is – due to continued covid-19-related restrictions – slower than expected.

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, despite more than € 300 million negative impact from macroeconomic constraints
  • Markets representing more than 85% of the business grow 14% overall
  • Gross margin down 1.5pp to 50.3% reflecting significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating profit reaches € 392 million
  • Net income from continuing operations amounts to € 360 million
  • FY 2022 outlook reflects double-digit growth during the second half of the year

“Our Western markets continued to show strong momentum in the second quarter amid heightened macroeconomic uncertainty. With Asia-Pacific returning to growth, markets combined representing more than 85% of our business grew at a double-digit rate,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. “With sports back at center stage this summer, revenues in our strategic growth categories Football, Running and Outdoor all increased by double digits. However, the macroeconomic environment, particularly in China, remains challenging. The recovery in this market is – due to continued covid-19-related restrictions – slower than expected. And we have to take into account a potential slowdown in consumer spending in all other markets for the remainder of the year.”

Currency-neutral revenues increase 4% despite macroeconomic constraints
In the second quarter, currency-neutral revenues increased 4% as adidas continued to see strong momentum in Western markets. This growth was achieved despite continued challenges on both supply and demand. Supply chain constraints as a result of last year’s lockdowns in Vietnam reduced top-line growth by around € 200 million in Q2 2022. In addition, the company’s decision to suspend its operations in Russia reduced revenues by more than € 100 million during the quarter. Continued covid-19-related lockdowns in Greater China also weighed on the top-line development in Q2. From a channel perspective, the top-line increase was to a similar extent driven by the company’s own direct-to-consumer (DTC) activities as well as increases in wholesale. Within DTC, e-commerce, which now represents more than 20% of the company’s total business, showed double-digit growth reflecting strong product sell-through. From a category perspective, revenue development was strongest in the company’s strategic growth categories Football, Running and Outdoor, which all grew at strong double-digit rates. In euro terms, revenues grew 10% to € 5.596 billion in the second quarter (2021: € 5.077 billion).

Strong demand in Western markets
Revenue growth in the second quarter was driven by Western markets despite last year’s lockdowns in Vietnam still reducing sales, particularly in EMEA and North America, by
€ 200 million in total. In addition, the top-line development in EMEA was also impacted by the loss of revenue in Russia/CIS of more than € 100 million. Nevertheless, currency-neutral sales grew 7% in the region. Revenues in North America increased 21% during the quarter driven by growth of more than 20% in both DTC and wholesale. Revenues in Latin America increased 37%, while Asia-Pacific returned to growth. Currency-neutral revenues increased 3% in this market despite still being impacted by limited tourism activity in the region. In contrast, the company continued to face a challenging market environment in Greater China, mainly related to the continued broad-based covid-19-related restrictions. As a result, currency-neutral revenues in the market declined 35% during the three-months period, in line with previous expectations. Excluding Greater China, currency-neutral revenues in the company’s other markets combined grew 14% in Q2.

Operating profit of € 392 million reflects operating margin of 7.0%
The company’s gross margin declined 1.5 percentage points to 50.3% (2021: 51.8%). Significantly higher supply chain costs and a less favorable market mix due to the significant sales decline in Greater China weighed on the gross margin development. This could only be partly offset by a higher share of full price sales, first price increases and the benefits from currency fluctuations. Other operating expenses were up 19% to € 2.501 billion (2021: € 2.107 billion). As a percentage of sales, other operating expenses increased 3.2 percentage points to 44.7% (2021: 41.5%). Marketing and point-of-sale expenses grew 8% to € 663 million (2021: € 616 million). The company continued to prioritize investments into the launch of new products such as adidas’ new Sportswear collection, the next iteration of its successful Supernova running franchise and first drops related to the Gucci collaboration as well as campaigns around major events like ‘Run for the Oceans.’ As a percentage of sales, marketing and point-of-sale expenses were down 0.3 percentage points to 11.8% (2021: 12.1%). Operating overhead expenses increased by 23% to a level of € 1.838 billion (2021:
€ 1.492 billion). This increase was driven by adidas’ continuous investments into DTC, its digital capabilities and the company’s logistics infrastructure as well as by unfavorable currency fluctuations. As a percentage of sales, operating overhead expenses increased 3.5 percentage points to 32.8% (2021: 29.4%). The company’s operating profit reached a level of € 392 million (2021: € 543 million), resulting in an operating margin of 7.0% (2021: 10.7%).

Net income from continuing operations reaches € 360 million
The company’s net income from continuing operations slightly declined to € 360 million (2021: € 387 million). This result was supported by a one-time tax benefit of more than € 100 million due to the reversal of a prior year provision. Consequently, basic EPS from continuing operations reached € 1.88 (2021: € 1.93) during the quarter.

Currency-neutral revenues on prior year level in the first half of 2022
In the first half of 2022, currency-neutral revenues were flat versus the prior year period. In euro terms, revenues grew 5% to € 10.897 billion in the first six months of 2022 (2021:
€ 10.345 billion). The company’s gross margin declined 1.7 percentage points to 50.1% (2021: 51.8%) during the first half of the year. While price increases as well as positive exchange rate effects benefited the gross margin, these developments were more than offset by the less favorable market mix and significantly higher supply chain costs. Other operating expenses increased to € 4.759 billion (2021: € 4.154 billion) in the first half of the year and were up 3.5 percentage points to 43.7% (2021: 40.2%) as a percentage of sales. adidas generated an operating profit of € 828 million (2021: € 1.248 billion) during the first six months of the year, resulting in an operating margin of 7.6% (2021: 12.1%). Net income from continuing operations reached € 671 million, reflecting a decline of € 219 million compared to the prior year level (2021: € 890 million). Accordingly, basic earnings per share from continuing operations declined to € 3.47 (2021: € 4.52).

Average operating working capital as a percentage of sales slightly decreases
Inventories increased 35% to € 5.483 billion (2021: € 4.054 billion) at June 30, 2022 in anticipation of strong revenue growth during the second half of the year. Longer lead times as well as the challenging market environment in Greater China also contributed to the increase. On a currency-neutral basis, inventories were up 28%. Operating working capital increased 23% to € 5.191 billion (2021: € 4.213 billion). On a currency-neutral basis, operating working capital was up 14%. Average operating working capital as a percentage of sales decreased 0.4 percentage points to 21.0% (2021: 21.4%), reflecting an overproportional increase in accounts payable due to higher sourcing volumes and product costs.

Adjusted net borrowings at € 5.301 billion
Adjusted net borrowings amounted to € 5.301 billion at June 30, 2022, representing a year-over-year increase of € 2.155 billion (June 30, 2021: € 3.146 billion). This development was mainly due to the significant decrease in cash and cash equivalents.

FY 2022 outlook reflects double-digit growth during the second half of the year
On July 26, adidas adjusted its guidance for FY 2022 due to the slower-than-expected recovery in Greater China since the start of the third quarter resulting from continued widespread covid-19-related restrictions. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues for the total company to grow at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2022 (previously: at the lower end of the 11% to 13% range), reflecting a double-digit decline in Greater China (previously: significant decline). While so far the company did not experience a meaningful slowdown in the sell-through of its products or significant cancellations of wholesale orders in any market other than Greater China, the adjusted guidance also accounts for a potential slowdown of consumer spending in those markets during the second half of the year as a result of the more challenging macroeconomic conditions. Therefore, growth in EMEA is now expected to be in the low teens (previously: mid-teens growth), while revenues in Asia-Pacific are projected to grow at a high-single-digit rate (previously: mid-teens growth). Despite the more conservative view on the development of consumer spending in the second half of the year, adidas has increased its forecasts for North America and Latin America reflecting the strong momentum the brand is enjoying in these markets. In North America, currency-neutral revenues are now expected to increase in the high teens. Sales in Latin America are projected to grow between 30% and 40% (both previously: mid- to high-teens growth).   

Due to the less favorable market mix and the impacts from initiatives to clear excess inventories in Greater China until the end of the year, gross margin is now expected to reach a level of around 49.0% (previously: around 50.7%) in 2022. Consequently, the company’s operating margin is now forecast to be around 7.0% (previously: around 9.4%) and net income from continuing operations is expected to reach a level of around € 1.3 billion (previously: at the lower end of the € 1.8 billion to € 1.9 billion range).

More information:
adidas financial year 2022



adidas adjusts outlook for 2022: Declining revenues in Greater China expected

adidas is adjusting its outlook for the financial year 2022. While second quarter results were somewhat ahead of expectations reflecting continued strong momentum in Western markets and a return to growth in Asia-Pacific, the company has been experiencing a slower-than-expected recovery in its business in Greater China since the start of the third quarter. Previously, the company had assumed that in absence of any major lockdowns as of Q3, currency-neutral revenues in the region would be flat during the second half of the year versus the prior year level. However, given the continued widespread covid-19-related restrictions, adidas now expects revenues in Greater China to decline at a double-digit rate during the remainder of the year.

adidas is adjusting its outlook for the financial year 2022. While second quarter results were somewhat ahead of expectations reflecting continued strong momentum in Western markets and a return to growth in Asia-Pacific, the company has been experiencing a slower-than-expected recovery in its business in Greater China since the start of the third quarter. Previously, the company had assumed that in absence of any major lockdowns as of Q3, currency-neutral revenues in the region would be flat during the second half of the year versus the prior year level. However, given the continued widespread covid-19-related restrictions, adidas now expects revenues in Greater China to decline at a double-digit rate during the remainder of the year.

As a result, adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues for the total company to grow at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2022 (previously: at the lower end of the 11% – 13% range). Because of the less favorable market mix due to lower-than-expected revenues in Greater China as well as the impact from initiatives to clear excess inventories in this market until the end of the year, the company’s gross margin is now expected to be around 49.0% in 2022 (previously: around 50.7%). Consequently, the company’s operating margin is now forecasted to be around 7.0% in 2022 (previously: around 9.4%) and net income from continuing operations is expected to reach a level of around € 1.3 billion (previously: at the lower end of the € 1.8 billion – € 1.9 billion range).

So far, the company did not experience a meaningful slowdown in the sell-through of its products or significant cancellations of wholesale orders in any other market. Nevertheless, the adjusted guidance also accounts for a potential slowdown of consumer spending in these markets during the second half of the year as a result of the more challenging macroeconomic conditions.

Despite these headwinds, adidas continues to expect double-digit revenue growth during the second half of the year for the total company. In addition to easier prior year comparables, the acceleration will be driven by adidas’ strong product pipeline, the restocking opportunity with its wholesale customers given unconstrained supply as well as the support from major sporting events.

Based on preliminary numbers, adidas’ currency-neutral revenues grew 4% during the second quarter. This increase was driven by strong double-digit growth in North America and Latin America, high-single-digit growth in EMEA (also double-digit growth excluding negative Russia/CIS impact) as well as a return to growth in Asia-Pacific. In euro terms, sales increased 10% to € 5.596 billion. The company’s gross margin declined 1.5 percentage points to a level of 50.3% and operating margin reached 7.0% during the second quarter (2021: 10.7%). Net income from continuing operations was € 360 million in Q2 (2021: € 387 million) supported by a one-time tax benefit of more than € 100 million due to the reversal of a prior year provision.

More information:
adidas financial year 2022

adidas AG


adidas grows double-digit in Western markets in Q1 2022

  • Currency-neutral sales down 3% as supply constraints reduce top-line by € 400 million
  • Western markets continue to show strong momentum with combined currency-neutral sales growing 13% across North America (+13%), EMEA (+9%) and Latin America (+38%)  
  • Gross margin down 1.9pp to 49.9% driven by significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating margin of 8.2% reflecting additional investments into brand, DTC, and digital
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 310 million
  • FY 2022 outlook for revenue and net income confirmed at the lower end due to the impact from covid-19-related lockdowns in Greater China

“In the first quarter, consumer demand for our brand and products was strong in all Western markets. Our combined sales in North America, EMEA and Latin America grew at a double-digit rate.

  • Currency-neutral sales down 3% as supply constraints reduce top-line by € 400 million
  • Western markets continue to show strong momentum with combined currency-neutral sales growing 13% across North America (+13%), EMEA (+9%) and Latin America (+38%)  
  • Gross margin down 1.9pp to 49.9% driven by significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating margin of 8.2% reflecting additional investments into brand, DTC, and digital
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 310 million
  • FY 2022 outlook for revenue and net income confirmed at the lower end due to the impact from covid-19-related lockdowns in Greater China

“In the first quarter, consumer demand for our brand and products was strong in all Western markets. Our combined sales in North America, EMEA and Latin America grew at a double-digit rate. Backed by an exceptionally strong wholesale order book and relentless focus on driving growth in our own DTC channels, we expect this positive development to continue for the rest of the year,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. “In the East, we will return to growth in Asia-Pacific in the second quarter, while we expect the challenging market environment in Greater China to continue. With strong double-digit growth in the vast majority of our markets, representing more than 80% of our business, we are well positioned for success in 2022. “

For the full press release, see attached document.


adidas AG


Esprit Announces Annual Results for FY2021

  • Revenue Increases to HK$8,316 Million with Net Profit After Tax Surging Significantly
  • Recording a Turnaround to HK$381 Million
  • Re-Establishes ESPRIT’s Market Leadership

ESPRIT HOLDINGS LIMITED has announced its audited financial annual results for the year ended 31 December 2021, highlighted by a significant increase in both revenue and profit attributable to shareholders of the Company to HK$8,316 million and HK$381 million respectively, in which the profit attributable to shareholders of the Company also recorded a turnaround versus the loss attributable to shareholders of the Company of HK$414 million for the six months ended 31 December 2020. Gross profit margin was 48.6%, 7.0% higher than the Corresponding Period. Please refer to the Company’s results announcement for the Current Year for further details.

  • Revenue Increases to HK$8,316 Million with Net Profit After Tax Surging Significantly
  • Recording a Turnaround to HK$381 Million
  • Re-Establishes ESPRIT’s Market Leadership

ESPRIT HOLDINGS LIMITED has announced its audited financial annual results for the year ended 31 December 2021, highlighted by a significant increase in both revenue and profit attributable to shareholders of the Company to HK$8,316 million and HK$381 million respectively, in which the profit attributable to shareholders of the Company also recorded a turnaround versus the loss attributable to shareholders of the Company of HK$414 million for the six months ended 31 December 2020. Gross profit margin was 48.6%, 7.0% higher than the Corresponding Period. Please refer to the Company’s results announcement for the Current Year for further details.

Such financial improvement was attributable to various reasons, including (i) the new infrastructure and strategies instituted by the current management team; (ii) improvement in sales with higher gross profit margin; (iii) positive results of efficient cost control measures; (iv) improved inventory management; and (v) growth in E-commerce.

Although revenue in the Current Year was affected by lockdowns in the Company’s major European markets during the first quarter of 2021, and due to increased restrictions on entry requirements into stores during the fourth quarter of 2021, the Group generated revenue via three main channels: E-commerce, wholesale, and owned retail stores. As the ESPRIT brand website and third-party E-commerce partners continued to trade during lockdown, a large portion of the Group’s sales were generated online. This business model allowed it to mitigate some of the negative impacts of the Pandemic in the retail segment. Another driver of growth came from selling fewer discounted products from the Company’s retail business compared to 2020.

The Group has not forgotten the ESPRIT mission and long-standing commitment to sustainability. The Company has continued to work tirelessly towards developing cutting-edge materials that set new standards in terms of environmental sustainability. The Company has formulated and further advanced its ESG strategies to establish ESPRIT as an industry pioneer. Such strategies involve the greater use of sustainable fibers, developing new and innovative product options that support a circular economy, and ensuring environmental awareness is a key message that underpins all of the Group’s projects. To achieve these objectives, the Management has identified four key pillars of growth (Sourcing and Procurement; Marketing and Product; IT, Internet, and E-commerce; and The ESPRIT Brand Story) that are paramount in maintaining the loyalty of existing ESPRIT patrons and attracting new customers.

Looking ahead, the global economy is anticipated to be negatively affected by the lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine. The already unstable logistics industry and disrupted supply chain will likely be further impacted, which in turn will result in higher logistic service costs. Despite the unfavorable global economic outlook, the Group believes that under the leadership of its current management and with the support of dedicated staff members, the Company is on track to ongoing profit growth.



LAMICOR-CL Laminator (c) Reifenhäuser

Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating presents new Ultrathin Coating process at ICE Europe

Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating - specialists for cast film, sheet extrusion and extrusion coating lines - will showcase a new production process for cost-effective film/nonwoven composites with an exceptionally low grammage at ICE (International Converting Exhibition) Europe. The leading international trade show for paper, film, and foil conversion and processing will be held at Messe München (Munich trade fair center) from March 15-17, 2022.

Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating - specialists for cast film, sheet extrusion and extrusion coating lines - will showcase a new production process for cost-effective film/nonwoven composites with an exceptionally low grammage at ICE (International Converting Exhibition) Europe. The leading international trade show for paper, film, and foil conversion and processing will be held at Messe München (Munich trade fair center) from March 15-17, 2022.

The Covid-19 pandemic and current supply shortages have exposed the dependence of companies on global supply chains. This situation is both a warning signal and an opportunity to boost and reorganize the local production of semi-finished products from the ground up. Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating has now developed a trend-setting production process termed Ultrathin Coating, in particular for the sector of medical protective clothing. The process will permit customers to produce particularly lightweight film/nonwoven composites with greater cost efficiency and, as a result, more competitively. The patent-pending process has several advantages: It cuts film grammage by 66%; material consumption in the overall composite is reduced by 28%; and it slashes costs by up to 34% compared to conventional semi-finished products. Significant cost savings are achieved in various ways, for example, by replacing hotmelt adhesives, which reduces line maintenance to a great extent at the same time.

Mark Borutta, Sales & Marketing Specialist bei Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating, erklärt: „Wir erleben derzeit einen nachhaltig wachsenden Mehrbedarf für medizinische Schutzbekleidung verbunden mit einer Rückholstrategie für lokale Produktionskapazitäten. Vor diesem Hintergrund erzielen Produzenten mit ‚Ultrathin Coating‘ einen schnellen Return on Invest und hohe Profitabilität – auch bei einer Produktion innerhalb Europas.“ Die Vlies-erfahrene Schwesterfirma Reifenhäuser Reicofil –führender Hersteller von Vliesstoffanlagen – hat die Entwicklung unterstützt.

Mark Borutta, Sales & Marketing specialist at Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating, explains: "We are currently experiencing a sustained increase in demand for medical protective clothing combined with a return strategy for local production capacity. Against this backdrop, producers achieve a fast return on investment and high profitability with Ultrathin Coating - even when production is based in Europe." The sister company, Reifenhäuser Reicofil, an experienced and global leading manufacturer of nonwoven lines, provided their support to the development.

Even if manufacturers already produce medical protective clothing and prefer to handle the coating process internally in the future instead of importing the necessary composites, it is worthwhile to set up an in-house production facility. In either case, the investment in Ultrathin Coating usually pays for itself in less than 12 months. The lower material input also reduces the consumption of fossil raw materials and this in turn responds to the increased demand for more sustainable products.

More information:
Reifenhäuser high-tech coatings



ROICA™ welcomes 2022 with a brand new wardrobe

ROICA™ main objective is to focus on and respond to new generation values in fashion. Values that are key for contemporary consumers, who are the ones leading the change throughout all the supply value chain, and have received even more attention since the beginning of the pandemic. ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the basic foundation of contemporary business. Its teams are ready to go to the next level, answering to the market demand for innovation while sharing its responsibility efforts towards the new generation of consumer.

ROICA™ main objective is to focus on and respond to new generation values in fashion. Values that are key for contemporary consumers, who are the ones leading the change throughout all the supply value chain, and have received even more attention since the beginning of the pandemic. ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the basic foundation of contemporary business. Its teams are ready to go to the next level, answering to the market demand for innovation while sharing its responsibility efforts towards the new generation of consumer.

For this reason, the ROICA™ strategy is based on two key elements. On the one side, a strong focus on responsible innovation, able to respond to new fashion needs and desires while not harming the environment nor the society at large. On the other hand, a consolidation of partnerships along the whole supply chain through conversations and collaborations with companies sharing the ROICA™ values, in order to deliver creativity, solutions and design to all contemporary consumers. For example, in terms of fabric producers ROICA™ has been working alongside industry leaders such as Brugnoli, Candiani Denim, CIFRA, Dresdner Spitzen, Eusebio, Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics, Inter Jersey Milano, Lauma Fabrics, L/E Textile, Maglificio Ripa, M.I.T.I., Penn Italia - Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Piave Maitex, Sitip S.p.A., Sofileta, Taubert Textil, Tessitura Colombo, TINTEX Textiles, TVB Textil-Vertrieb-Beratungs.

See attached document to read more about the current wardrobe stories.


ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei / GB Network

(c) Andreas Endermann
v.l. Theresa Winkels (Amtsleiterin Wirtschaftsförderung Düsseldorf), Dr. Michael Rauterkus (Wirtschaftsdezernent), Angelika Firnrohr (Geschäftsführerin Fashion Net Düsseldorf e.V.)

Düsseldorf Fashion Days findet vom 26. Januar bis zum 02. Februar 2022 statt

In enger Abstimmung mit dem verantwortlichen Ordnungsamt erarbeitet, können die Düsseldorf Fashion Days vom 26. Januar bis zum 02. Februar 2022 unter Einhaltung der 3G-Regeln stattfinden. Die traditionelle Order und Kollektionssichtung der Fall/Winter-Mode 2023 kann durch die Vergabe von Einzelterminen sowie strenger Hygiene-Auflagen und starker Entzerrung umgesetzt werden.

In über 600 Showrooms platzieren Einkäufer:innen aus ganz Deutschland ihre Order. Die erwartete Frequenz ist niedriger als im Sommer, dennoch schätzt die Branche nach wie vor die Verlässlichkeit des Orderstandortes Düsseldorf sowie den persönlichen Austausch vor Ort. Dabei obliegt es jedem Showroom selbst, das Sicherheitskonzept auf 2G bzw. um 2G+ zu erweitern. Alle etablierten Networking-Formate wie die DFD Lounge entfallen.

In enger Abstimmung mit dem verantwortlichen Ordnungsamt erarbeitet, können die Düsseldorf Fashion Days vom 26. Januar bis zum 02. Februar 2022 unter Einhaltung der 3G-Regeln stattfinden. Die traditionelle Order und Kollektionssichtung der Fall/Winter-Mode 2023 kann durch die Vergabe von Einzelterminen sowie strenger Hygiene-Auflagen und starker Entzerrung umgesetzt werden.

In über 600 Showrooms platzieren Einkäufer:innen aus ganz Deutschland ihre Order. Die erwartete Frequenz ist niedriger als im Sommer, dennoch schätzt die Branche nach wie vor die Verlässlichkeit des Orderstandortes Düsseldorf sowie den persönlichen Austausch vor Ort. Dabei obliegt es jedem Showroom selbst, das Sicherheitskonzept auf 2G bzw. um 2G+ zu erweitern. Alle etablierten Networking-Formate wie die DFD Lounge entfallen.

Kontinuität, selbst in turbulenten Zeiten
Dass die Düsseldorf Fashion Days stattfinden können, ist ein wichtiges Signal für das gesamte Ressort Mode und unterstreicht die Relevanz des Standortes, auch unter den Umständen der Pandemie, sagt Theresa Winkels, Amtsleiterin der Wirtschaftsförderung Düsseldorf. „Im vergangenen Sommer ließen sich das Fashion-Business sowie branchenübergreifende neue Formate unter dem Dachbegriff DFD perfekt vereinen. Diese positive Entwicklung fokussieren wir von städtischer Seite auch weiterhin und setzen auf perspektivische Weiterentwicklung der ansässigen Modewirtschaft.“

Fashion, Zeitgeist, Düsseldorf: DFD begeistert mit zweiter Magazin Ausgabe
Zum Auftakt der diesjährigen Düsseldorf Fashion Days erscheint am 14. Januar 2022 das zweite DFD Magazin. Mit der ersten Ausgabe, die im Juli 2021 veröffentlicht wurde, konnte bereits ein absolutes Erfolgsformat etabliert werden, das nun seine Fortsetzung feiert. Neben einem sorgfältig kuratierten Themen-Mix aus Experten-Interviews, Trendreportings sowie Ausgeh- und Insider-Tipps der Düsseldorfer Kreativszene, erhalten Fachpublikum sowie Fashion-Begeisterte auf rund 30 Seiten exklusive Einblicke in ein zukunftsorientiertes Ordergeschehen. Das DFD Magazin präsentiert die Rheinmetropole authentisch, nahbar und informativ und fungiert als strategisch wichtiges Tool für die nationale Wahrnehmung des Modestandorts Düsseldorf.

Polestar als exklusiver DFD Shuttle-Partner
Mit E-Power durch die Düsseldorf Fashion Days: Vom Medienhafen über das Areal Böhler, der Kaiserswerther Straße oder der Derendorfer Allee bis hin zum Karl-Arnold-Platz – die Fashion Net Shuttles fahren von Freitag, 28. bis Montag, 31. Januar 2022, täglich von 9:00 bis 19:00 Uhr, alle relevanten Order-Hotspots an. Bereits zum zweiten Mal – und nun ganz exklusiv – ist Polestar offizieller Partner der DFD und steht für Elektromobilität, Nachhaltigkeit und Eleganz.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester


Neonyt: Die Konferenz Fashionsustain zeigt Wege zur Veränderung

Um aktuelle Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und für zukünftige gewappnet zu sein, ist die Mode- und Textilindustrie bereit, sich grundlegend zu verändern. Unter dem Motto Change the set-up beleuchtet die Fashionsustain, das internationale und multidisziplinäre Konferenzformat der Neonyt, vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week, wie das gelingen kann und setzt Impulse für den laufenden Transformationsprozess der Branche. Neben technologischen Innovationen, neuen Geschäftsmodellen und Ansätzen für den Modehandel stehen dabei Themen wie Konsumverhalten, Gaming und Nudging for Good auf der Agenda, um das Spannungsfeld zwischen Anspruch und Realität zu ergründen.

Um aktuelle Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und für zukünftige gewappnet zu sein, ist die Mode- und Textilindustrie bereit, sich grundlegend zu verändern. Unter dem Motto Change the set-up beleuchtet die Fashionsustain, das internationale und multidisziplinäre Konferenzformat der Neonyt, vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week, wie das gelingen kann und setzt Impulse für den laufenden Transformationsprozess der Branche. Neben technologischen Innovationen, neuen Geschäftsmodellen und Ansätzen für den Modehandel stehen dabei Themen wie Konsumverhalten, Gaming und Nudging for Good auf der Agenda, um das Spannungsfeld zwischen Anspruch und Realität zu ergründen.

Selbst in Zeiten, in denen nichts sicher scheint, gibt es eine Konstante: die Veränderung. Change the set-up – unter diesem Motto lädt die Fashionsustain die Modebranche vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 nach Frankfurt ein. Mit dem Wechsel des Standortes von Berlin nach Frankfurt ändert die Fashionsustain nicht nur ihren Ort, sondern lädt Entscheidungsträger*innen der Branche auch zu einem Perspektivwechsel ein. In Panels, Talks, Keynotes und interaktiven Formaten sprechen internationale Vertreter*innen nachhaltiger und konventioneller Modemarken, Designerbrands, Modeproduzent*innen, Nichtregierungs- und Nonprofit-Organisationen und Handelsvertretungen darüber, wie sie sich weiterhin agil aufstellen und welche Rolle das Thema Nachhaltigkeit hier spielt.

Schon prä-pandemisch hatte sich die Textil- und Modebranche großen Herausforderungen zu stellen: Das Problem der Überproduktion und damit einhergehender Umweltbelastung und sozialer Ungerechtigkeit ist nun eines von vielen geworden. Neue Herausforderungen wie logistische Engpässe, Fertigungsverzögerungen, hohe Versandkosten und Materialknappheit kommen hinzu. Die gute Nachricht: Trotz international verbreiteter Produktionsstörungen und kurzzeitigem Stillstand kann selbst eine globale Pandemie aktuelle Megatrends wie Neo-Ökologie, Konnektivität und Wissenskultur nicht bremsen. Tatsächlich wirken diese Trends weiterhin als Treiber internationaler Branchenveränderungen und mit ihnen die aktuellen Herausforderungen als Beschleuniger dieses Wandels. Große Schritte in der Digitalisierung gehen dabei einher mit zunehmender Transparenz von Lieferketten und einem Fokus auf ökologische und soziale Maßnahmen, was wiederum positive Effekte auf Gerechtigkeit, Vielfalt und Integration mit sich bringt. Wichtig ist nun, dass alle Akteur*innen die vergangenen zwei Jahre reflektieren und sich auf ein sich ständig veränderndes Marktumfeld einstellen, in dem auch die Interessen ihrer Kund*innen, Partner*innen und der Gesellschaft Berücksichtigung finden.

Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet die Fashionsustain die Möglichkeit, sich im Rahmen der Neonyt aktiv mit aktuellen Herausforderungen auseinanderzusetzen und auszutauschen. Erste Einblicke in das Programm im Januar:

  • „Change the set-up“ steht gleich am ersten Tag der Fashionsustain ganz oben auf der Agenda. Wie wir die Lücke zwischen Einstellung und Verhalten von Konsument*innen und damit zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit in Sachen nachhaltigem Konsum schließen können, diskutiert Neurowissenschaftlerin und Professorin für Medienpsychologie Prof. Dr. Maren Urner mit Brancheninsider*innen und NGO-Vertreter*innen. Dass der Wandel des Set-Ups international nachhaltig gestaltet werden muss und wie das gelingen kann, beleuchten das UN Global Compact Network Germany und das Umweltbundesamt gemeinsam mit einem der weltweit führenden Hersteller nachhaltiger Fasern Tencel Lenzing AG und den beiden NPOs Fairwear Foundation und The Sustainable Angle.
  • Um das Thema Digitalisierung dreht sich alles am zweiten Konferenztag. Wie wir diese nutzen können, um nachhaltige Mode zu designen, zeigt beispielsweise Deutschlands Nachbar Dänemark mit seinem Kreativnetzwerk Creative Denmark, dem nachhaltigen Modeunternehmen Son of a tailor und der Circularity App Create2stay. Ein weiteres Thema, das unter diesem Schwerpunkt nicht fehlen darf: digitale Lösungen, um Lieferketten transparent zu machen. Dazu diskutieren unter anderem die nachhaltige Modemarke Greenbomb und die Technologieanbieter Retraced GmbH und Remei AG.
  • Der Handel steht am dritten Tag der Fashionsustain im Fokus. In einem Interview geben die Startups Yook und Keepoala Einblick, wie sie Konsument*innen anhand ihrer Apps mit positiven Anreizen motivieren, nachhaltiger zu konsumieren. Vintagemode-Anbieter Vinokilo, das nachhaltige Mode-Label Jan‘n June und Re-Commerce-Expertin Doris Schoger liefern Brancheninsights darüber, ob und inwiefern Re-Commerce ein erfolgreiches Businessmodell für den Modehandel sein kann.

Das vollständige Programm der Fashionsustain erscheint in Kürze online.


Messe Frankfurt / KERN

(c) Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner GmbH

W&P: Modebranche - Trendometer 2022

Was sind die angesagten Themen in der Modebranche im Jahr 2022?  Auf einer Skala von 1-10: Welche Trends scheuchen die Player aus ihrer Komfortzone, welchen „Impact“ haben sie?
Branchenexperte Philipp Trompeter von Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner (W&P) wagt eine Prognose – im Trendometer 2022.

Was sind die angesagten Themen in der Modebranche im Jahr 2022?  Auf einer Skala von 1-10: Welche Trends scheuchen die Player aus ihrer Komfortzone, welchen „Impact“ haben sie?
Branchenexperte Philipp Trompeter von Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner (W&P) wagt eine Prognose – im Trendometer 2022.

Engpass Lieferkette und Warenversorgung - IMPACT 10
Nach Ifo-Umfragen leiden fast alle Modehändler unter Lieferproblemen und sie rechnen damit, dass diese Versorgungslücken noch weit in das Jahr 2022 andauern. Während es in Lockdown-Zeiten noch darum ging, die Warenversorgung mit Hinblick auf Unsicherheit bzgl. der Öffnungszeiten im Textileinzelhandel möglichst flexibel zu halten, kämpfen die Lieferanten nun überwiegend damit, die Ware zielgenau aus den Produktionsländern in die Absatzmärkte zu schaffen. Die Hersteller müssen mit Herausforderungen wie Rohstoffverknappung, Containerstaus und Hafenschließungen umgehen. Wer seine Supply-Chain also bestmöglich im Griff hat, verfügt über einen Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber Lieferanten, deren Ware nicht zum geplanten Abverkaufszeitpunkt am POS eingetroffen ist. Hierbei gilt es zum einen den Anteil aus Fernost und Nearshore Produktion auszubalancieren. Aber auch operative Spielregeln in der Warenlogistik müssen berücksichtigt werden. Die Digitalisierung spielt auch weiter eine tragende Rolle, wenn es darum geht Prozesse unternehmensweit schlank und fit zu machen, um so den steigenden Einkaufs- und Logistikkosten entgegenzuwirken.

Wirksame Pillen für die Performance – IMPACT 9
Gerade in wirtschaftlich herausfordernden Zeiten mit steigenden Beschaffungskosten kommt es drauf an, die „richtigen Pillen zu schlucken“, die zu einer Verbesserung der Performance beitragen. Pricing ist der eine Hebel. Im hochwertigen Segment wird bereits versucht, durch selektiven Vertrieb die Preise und Margen zu erhöhen. Doch nicht immer sind Preisanpassungen möglich, vor allem wenn Eckpreislagen gehalten werden müssen oder die Macht des Handels zu groß ist. Umso mehr rücken die eigenen Kosten in den Fokus. Viele Einsparpotenziale, die während der Corona-Hochphase eingeführt wurden, können in den „Regelbetrieb“ überführt werden. Dazu gehört z.B. die Senkung der Marketing-/Vertriebskosten durch digitales Ordern und andere Prozessoptimierungen. Doch das allein reicht nicht: Weitere Kostenstellhebel für die operative Exzellenz liegen erfahrungsgemäß im Einkauf, in der Logistik und Supply Chain, im Neuproduktentwicklungsprozess sowie last but noch least in den Gemeinkosten. In allen Segmenten spielt die Digitalisierung eine Schlüsselrolle: Digitale Prozesse und Vernetzung sowie digitale Tools sind erforderlich, um effizienter, robuster und damit renditestärker zu werden.

Konsequente Nachhaltigkeit im gesamten Geschäftsmodell - IMPACT 8
Das Thema „Nachhaltigkeit“ ist durch die Pandemie zunächst in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung etwas in den Hintergrund gerückt. Gleichzeitig haben die meisten Unternehmen den gesellschaftlichen und politischen Druck sowie die zunehmende Wichtigkeit für den Endverbraucher erkannt und zahlreiche Initiativen und konkrete Maßnahmen in diese Richtung gestartet. Für echte Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilbranche reichen einzelne Projekte jedoch nicht. Die Dimensionen „Planet“, „People“ und „Performance“ müssen konsequent angegangen werden. Umweltfaktoren (Planet) sind z.B. nachhaltige Praktiken in der der Rohstoffgewinnung (inkl. Recyclinganteilen), Verringerung des Wasserverbrauchs in der Produktion oder die Reduktion von Verpackungsabfällen. In der Dimension „People“ sind insbesondere die sozialen Standards in der Produktion im Fokus. Wer nachhaltig am Markt vertreten zu sein will,  braucht zudem ein robustes Geschäftsmodell, das nachhaltig gute Ergebnisse liefert, um auch in die Zukunft investieren zu können (Performance). Nur so sind Unternehmen auch krisenresistent.


Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner GmbH


RGE: Second Annual Update on Textile Fibre Innovation and Technology

Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) has released its 2021 progress report on its commitment to invest USD200 million in next-generation textile fibre innovation and technology over a ten-year period which started in 2019.

The annual report provides an update on the activities undertaken by RGE and its business groups (Sateri, APR, APRIL, Bracell) involved in the fashion value chain to advance its ambition towards closed-loop, circular and climate-positive cellulosic fibre.

In 2021, Sateri achieved full compliance with the emission limits set out in the European Union Best Available Techniques Reference Document (EU-BAT BREF) for all of its five viscose mills in China, two years ahead of schedule. Bracell completed construction of the world’s largest and greenest new generation pulp mill in São Paulo which uses cutting-edge technology for fossil fuel-free generation.

Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) has released its 2021 progress report on its commitment to invest USD200 million in next-generation textile fibre innovation and technology over a ten-year period which started in 2019.

The annual report provides an update on the activities undertaken by RGE and its business groups (Sateri, APR, APRIL, Bracell) involved in the fashion value chain to advance its ambition towards closed-loop, circular and climate-positive cellulosic fibre.

In 2021, Sateri achieved full compliance with the emission limits set out in the European Union Best Available Techniques Reference Document (EU-BAT BREF) for all of its five viscose mills in China, two years ahead of schedule. Bracell completed construction of the world’s largest and greenest new generation pulp mill in São Paulo which uses cutting-edge technology for fossil fuel-free generation.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to restrict travel and collaboration, RGE persisted in building upon existing partnerships, while entering into new agreements. Sateri strengthened its strategic collaboration with Infinited Fiber Company, participating in the company’s EUR30 million funding round, which attracted new and existing investors such as H&M Group, Adidas, BESTSELLER and Zalando.

New partnerships formed by RGE included a five-year textile recycling research collaboration with Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and a three-year strategic partnership with the Textile and Fashion Federation Singapore which seeks, among others goals, to advance research and innovation in circular economy approaches to fashion waste in Asia.

RGE’s in-house R&D team has made good progress in advancing its textile-to-textile project, focusing on producing quality viscose using recycled cotton textiles as feedstock. To support plans to build a textile recycling facility in Indonesia, and as part of commercial feasibility analysis, studies examining the availability of textile waste and textile recycling landscapes in China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh were completed.

Sateri remains on track in developing a product with 50 per cent recycled content by 2023, and to reach 100 per cent by 2030. It also aims for 20 per cent of its feedstock to contain alternative or recycled materials by 2025. In this similar vein, APR will source 20 per cent of its feedstock from alternative or recycled materials by 2030.


RGE / Omnicom Public Relations Group


adidas' performance in a challenging environment during Q3 2021

  • Currency-neutral sales up 3%, despite € 600 million drag from external factors*
  • Strong top-line momentum in EMEA, North America and Latin America with double-digit
  • increase across these regions*
  • DTC business growing at double-digit rate in EMEA, North America and Latin America*
  • Gross margin at 50.1% as significantly higher full-price sales partly compensate
  • negative currency impact and higher supply chain costs*
  • Operating margin at 11.7% despite strong double-digit increase in marketing spend*
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 479 million*
  • Inventories down 23% currency-neutral*
  • 2021 top- and bottom-line outlook confirmed*

“adidas performed well in an environment characterized by severe challenges on both the supply and demand side,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted.

  • Currency-neutral sales up 3%, despite € 600 million drag from external factors*
  • Strong top-line momentum in EMEA, North America and Latin America with double-digit
  • increase across these regions*
  • DTC business growing at double-digit rate in EMEA, North America and Latin America*
  • Gross margin at 50.1% as significantly higher full-price sales partly compensate
  • negative currency impact and higher supply chain costs*
  • Operating margin at 11.7% despite strong double-digit increase in marketing spend*
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 479 million*
  • Inventories down 23% currency-neutral*
  • 2021 top- and bottom-line outlook confirmed*

“adidas performed well in an environment characterized by severe challenges on both the supply and demand side,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. “As a consequence of successful product launches we are experiencing strong top-line momentum in all markets that operate without major disruption. Double-digit growth in our direct-to-consumer businesses in EMEA, North America and Latin America is a testament to the strong consumer demand for our products. At the same time, we are navigating through the current world-wide supply chain constraints. Despite all challenges, we are on track to delivering a successful first year within our new strategic cycle.”

*See attached document for more information.

More information:
adidas Covid-19

adidas AG


CHIC fueled fashion business in Shanghai and Shenzhen

  • CHIC Shanghai successfully completed under high safety and hygiene conditions
  • The trend hotspot for the Chinese sales market: Lively interest of more than 20,000 trade visitors in the new collections of the 487 brands at the NECC in Shanghai
  • Sustainability in great demand in all areas
  • CHIC Shenzhen focuses on trading in the strong sales region of South China and the international clusters Hong Kong and Macao: Date postponed from November to December due to current Covid-19 cases in China

The fashion world of China met at the physical event CHIC Shanghai from October 9-11, 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai

487 exhibitors presented themselves in clearly structured segments on 50,000 square meters. Maximum compliance with the security measures determined the course. Against this background the exhibitors welcomed more than 20,000 trade visitors and reported cheerful orders.

The 487 exhibitors were also satisfied with the business activity and reported successful orders.

  • CHIC Shanghai successfully completed under high safety and hygiene conditions
  • The trend hotspot for the Chinese sales market: Lively interest of more than 20,000 trade visitors in the new collections of the 487 brands at the NECC in Shanghai
  • Sustainability in great demand in all areas
  • CHIC Shenzhen focuses on trading in the strong sales region of South China and the international clusters Hong Kong and Macao: Date postponed from November to December due to current Covid-19 cases in China

The fashion world of China met at the physical event CHIC Shanghai from October 9-11, 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai

487 exhibitors presented themselves in clearly structured segments on 50,000 square meters. Maximum compliance with the security measures determined the course. Against this background the exhibitors welcomed more than 20,000 trade visitors and reported cheerful orders.

The 487 exhibitors were also satisfied with the business activity and reported successful orders.

Perfect presentation platform: the CHIC Matching area
The expanded matchmaking events at CHIC were also enthusiastically received.
In total, over 37 matchmaking events took place in the specially set up matching area consisting of several presentation platforms and private negotiation rooms at the fair. From company presentations by industry giants such as Shein, through trade fair tours to selected one-on-one discussions, CHIC brought exhibitors and visitors together in a targeted manner. More than 600 participants have been matched by this CHIC event. Among them visitors such as Shein, Walmart, Wang Yi Yan Xuan, Tiktok, BAILIAN GROUP, LIQUN etc, parts of the organizer's broad network.

Continuing growth: sustainable productions
Sustainability is one of the most important consumer trends in China. CHIC played the theme in all exhibition areas; from womenswear, kidswear and menswear to accessories, sustainable collections were represented in all segments.

Design talent and traditional styles
In the IMPULSES area, innovative designer brands showed inspiring trends, high-quality collections and fashion variety like Kmusso, MIJA or Yu Jian Tian with its new design collection made by natural materials such as mulberry silk and wool, presenting the unique traditional Chinese style.

CHIC Shanghai presented the entire range of the fashion business in a total of 12 exhibition segments. This year's acclaimed visual concept, created by lava beijing, has been awarded the Bronze Award of the Hiiibrand Awards 2021 in the Identity category.

Digital tools and physical events
In addition to the on-site trade fair offer, CHIC is expanding its reach through the consistent use of digital tools. The CHIC app combines all the functions needed for a successful trade fair participation, from the digital trade fair catalog and matchmaking to direct appointments and live chats for all participants who cannot be on site.

The next CHIC in Shanghai will take place in March 2022.



DyStar Releases 2020 – 2021 Integrated Sustainability Report (c)dystar
Sustainability Performance Report 2020-2021

DyStar Releases 2020 – 2021 Integrated Sustainability Report

DyStar is pleased to announce the release of its eleventh annual Sustainability Performance Report. The report is written in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option, while using the Integrated Reporting <IR> framework to communicate how DyStar drives value creation across multiple stakeholder groups in six capital categories, namely financial, manufactured, intellectual, natural, human capital and social capital.

In FY2020, COVID-19 has continued to present its challenges, such as the shortage of raw materials and rising freight costs. Gloomy global demand has also resulted in some raw and product material wastage in production plants worldwide, leading to increased non-hazardous waste output for FY2020. DyStar recognizes these global factors in play and will continue to make active efforts within the organization’s capability to reduce its environmental footprint in the years ahead.

DyStar is pleased to announce the release of its eleventh annual Sustainability Performance Report. The report is written in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option, while using the Integrated Reporting <IR> framework to communicate how DyStar drives value creation across multiple stakeholder groups in six capital categories, namely financial, manufactured, intellectual, natural, human capital and social capital.

In FY2020, COVID-19 has continued to present its challenges, such as the shortage of raw materials and rising freight costs. Gloomy global demand has also resulted in some raw and product material wastage in production plants worldwide, leading to increased non-hazardous waste output for FY2020. DyStar recognizes these global factors in play and will continue to make active efforts within the organization’s capability to reduce its environmental footprint in the years ahead.

The Group has set its sight on achieving the 2025 sustainability target of reducing its production footprint by 30% from 2011 levels for every ton of production. “We will continue to innovate and develop a wide range of products and processes that improve environmental performance and reduce carbon footprint across our value chain”, said Mr Xu Yalin, Executive Board Director of DyStar Group.

Mr Eric Hopmann, CEO of DyStar Group added: “We are also developing various projects in anticipation of future demands from customers as well as adopting more environmentally friendly technologies and improve our workflows and processes. Some of our projects include traceability programs, adopting renewable energy technologies, and digitalizing our business processes.” Understanding the importance of collaborative efforts to drive sustainability across the value chain, DyStar seeks to continually support industrial innovations and develop strategic partnerships to work towards becoming a sustainable and trusted leader in the industry.


DyStar Press Info

Ascend Performance Materials, APMPR063 ©Ascend Performance Materials
SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A inactivated by zinc-embedded nylon fabric.

SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A inactivated by zinc-embedded nylon fabric

  • A paper published in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces details effectiveness, describes protocol for future testing

An international team of scientists and engineers from the University of Cambridge, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, ResInnova Labs and Ascend Performance Materials has found that a nylon fabric embedded with zinc ions successfully inactivated 99% of the viruses that cause COVID-19 and the common flu.

Face masks, protective clothing and filters are used to slow the spread of viruses. But poor-quality masks can harbor active viruses from infected wearers, posing a transmission risk.

“A major challenge is absorption and inactivation,” said Vikram Gopal, Ph.D., co-senior author and chief technology officer at Ascend Performance Materials. “Respiratory viral illnesses, such as COVID-19, and the flu, are transmitted through droplets and aerosols. Polypropylene, the material in commonly used disposable masks, is a hydrophobic plastic and does not absorb moisture. Instead, the viruses can sit on the surface of the mask, posing a transmission risk when the mask is handled.”

  • A paper published in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces details effectiveness, describes protocol for future testing

An international team of scientists and engineers from the University of Cambridge, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, ResInnova Labs and Ascend Performance Materials has found that a nylon fabric embedded with zinc ions successfully inactivated 99% of the viruses that cause COVID-19 and the common flu.

Face masks, protective clothing and filters are used to slow the spread of viruses. But poor-quality masks can harbor active viruses from infected wearers, posing a transmission risk.

“A major challenge is absorption and inactivation,” said Vikram Gopal, Ph.D., co-senior author and chief technology officer at Ascend Performance Materials. “Respiratory viral illnesses, such as COVID-19, and the flu, are transmitted through droplets and aerosols. Polypropylene, the material in commonly used disposable masks, is a hydrophobic plastic and does not absorb moisture. Instead, the viruses can sit on the surface of the mask, posing a transmission risk when the mask is handled.”

Cotton also has problems, Dr. Gopal said. “Cotton effectively absorbs moisture, but it doesn’t inactivate the virus – again, posing a transmission risk,” he said. In the paper published in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, the researchers described how a fabric made of nylon 6,6 embedded with active zinc ions absorbed virus-containing moisture droplets and effectively inactivated the particles. The fabric produced a 2-log, or 99%, reduction of virus particles in one hour.

The research team also was able to demonstrate that nylon with active zinc ions remains stable over time, keeping its virus-inactivating properties after 50 washes. “The study shows how nylon textile fabric with zinc outperforms the widely used cotton and polypropylene materials at virus absorption and inactivation,” Dr. Gopal said. The findings have significant implications for future development of PPE, Dr. Gopal said. “Pathogen-free PPE does more than just cut down the risk of transmitting the virus,” Gopal said. “By making PPE washable and reusable, you reduce the need for single-use products, keeping hundreds of millions of masks out of landfills.”