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Foto: CfP A+A Kongress 2025

Call for Participation zum 39. Internationalen A+A-Kongress 2025

Ab sofort sind frische Ideen für den 39. Internationalen A+A Kongress 2025 gefragt. „Der Arbeitsschutz der Zukunft benötigt den persönlichen Fingerabdruck von Expertinnen und Experten, Akteuren aus Wirtschaft und Politik, Wissenschaft und Verwaltung, Praktiker und Praktikerinnen in Unternehmen und Institutionen sowie ihren Netzwerken.  Gemeinsam gestalten wir Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit und entwickeln tragfähige Konzepte, die national wie auch international Wirkung zeigen“, so Dr. Christian Felten, Geschäftsführer der Basi, Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit. Die Basi organisiert den 39. Internationalen A+A Kongress zeitgleich zur Internationalen A+A Fachmesse vom 4. bis 7. November 2025 in Düsseldorf.

Alle Vorschläge für den 39. Internationalen A+A Kongress 2025 können über ein interaktives Formular online eingereicht werden – mehr Informationen gibt es unter, Unterpunkt A+A Kongress (

Diese Themen stehen im Mittelpunkt des A+A Kongresses 2025:

Ab sofort sind frische Ideen für den 39. Internationalen A+A Kongress 2025 gefragt. „Der Arbeitsschutz der Zukunft benötigt den persönlichen Fingerabdruck von Expertinnen und Experten, Akteuren aus Wirtschaft und Politik, Wissenschaft und Verwaltung, Praktiker und Praktikerinnen in Unternehmen und Institutionen sowie ihren Netzwerken.  Gemeinsam gestalten wir Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit und entwickeln tragfähige Konzepte, die national wie auch international Wirkung zeigen“, so Dr. Christian Felten, Geschäftsführer der Basi, Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit. Die Basi organisiert den 39. Internationalen A+A Kongress zeitgleich zur Internationalen A+A Fachmesse vom 4. bis 7. November 2025 in Düsseldorf.

Alle Vorschläge für den 39. Internationalen A+A Kongress 2025 können über ein interaktives Formular online eingereicht werden – mehr Informationen gibt es unter, Unterpunkt A+A Kongress (

Diese Themen stehen im Mittelpunkt des A+A Kongresses 2025:

  • Strategien für die menschgerechte Gestaltung von Arbeit
  • Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Digitalisierung für den Arbeitsschutz
  • Nachhaltigkeit und Klimawandel: Konsequenzen für die Prävention
  • Arbeitsmedizinische Prävention & sicherheitstechnische Betreuung
  • Strategien für Prävention in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen
  • Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt
  • Prävention von biologischen, chemischen und physikalischen Gefährdungen
  • Weitere Themen: Betriebliche, technische Sicherheit und Arbeitsstätten; Ergonomie und Arbeitsgestaltung; Veranstaltungen für spezielle Branchen; Verkehrssicherheit; Zielgruppen und/oder Netzwerke.
  • Eine Vielzahl von Formaten und Beiträgen sind beim A+A Kongress möglich – von World Café bis Fishbowl. Referentinnen und Referentinnen können auch virtuell dabei sein und vortragen.

Der 31. Oktober 2024 ist die Schlussfrist für das Einreichen von Beiträgen, ab Anfang 2025 wird der Kongress mit einer Übersicht der geplanten Veranstaltungen angekündigt.



Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Future Continuous  Foto: Alcova für Heimtextil

Heimtextil Trends 25/26

Die Heimtextil präsentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit den Gründer*innen von Alcova die Heimtextil Trends 25/26 unter dem Titel „Future Continuous“ – und will damit eine visionäre Perspektive auf die tiefgreifende Bedeutung von Textilien in technologischen, kulturellen und ökologischen Entwicklungen bieten. „Future Continuous“ eröffnet spannende neue Perspektiven auf die Zukunft der Textilindustrie.

Alcova hat dafür sechs Interviews mit internationalen Designer*innen, Textilforschenden sowie Vertreter*innen von Verbänden und Institutionen aus ihrem Netzwerk geführt, um verschiedene Aspekte der Textilbranche zu beleuchten. So werden Tradition und Innovation, Kunsthandwerk und moderne Technologie verwoben – und laden ein, neue Wege für die textile Zukunft zu erkunden.

Die Heimtextil präsentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit den Gründer*innen von Alcova die Heimtextil Trends 25/26 unter dem Titel „Future Continuous“ – und will damit eine visionäre Perspektive auf die tiefgreifende Bedeutung von Textilien in technologischen, kulturellen und ökologischen Entwicklungen bieten. „Future Continuous“ eröffnet spannende neue Perspektiven auf die Zukunft der Textilindustrie.

Alcova hat dafür sechs Interviews mit internationalen Designer*innen, Textilforschenden sowie Vertreter*innen von Verbänden und Institutionen aus ihrem Netzwerk geführt, um verschiedene Aspekte der Textilbranche zu beleuchten. So werden Tradition und Innovation, Kunsthandwerk und moderne Technologie verwoben – und laden ein, neue Wege für die textile Zukunft zu erkunden.

Textilien als verbindendes Element von Vergangenheit und Zukunft
Textilien sind viel mehr als nur Stoffe – sie sind tief in Geschichte und Kultur verankert. Schon das Wort „Text“ stammt vom lateinischen „texere“, was „weben“ bedeutet und zeigt, dass Textilien lange vor der Schrift als Ausdrucks- und Kommunikationsmittel dienten. Sie verknüpfen Erzählungen, verweben Handlungsstränge und sind seit Jahrtausenden ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer Technologie. Janis Jefferies, eine Pionierin der Textilforschung, macht deutlich: Das Spinnen und Verweben von Fasern war die erste Technologie des Menschen und damit die Grundlage für Baukunst und Mathematik. Heute stehen Textilien im Fokus einer neuen, nachhaltigen Denkweise: weg vom „Recyceln, Reduzieren und Wiederverwenden“ hin zu einer regenerativen Landwirtschaft und einem Vokabular, das von „Wiederherstellen, Erneuern und Auffüllen“ spricht. Diese Entwicklung markiert einen tiefgreifenden Wandel im Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs – hin zu einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz, der Textilien als Schlüssel für eine nachhaltige Zukunft sieht.

Renaissance der Naturfasern und handwerklicher Traditionen
Inmitten der schnelllebigen, digitalen Welt wächst eine Bewegung, die zurück zu den greifbaren, materiellen Aspekten des Lebens führt. Textilien spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle: Sie verbinden Menschen mit ihrem kulturellen Erbe und schaffen durch ihre Haptik einen Kontrast zur virtuellen Existenz. In der derzeitigen Wegwerfkultur, die auf kurzlebige, oft unreparierbare Produkte setzt, stehen Textilien und Handwerkskunst für Authentizität, Nachhaltigkeit und echte Werte. Sie schaffen einen Moment der Achtsamkeit in einer von Bildschirmen geprägten Welt – und geben das Gefühl, wieder etwas wirklich berühren zu können. Auch Ilse Crawford, Interior Designerin und Gründerin von StudioIlse, betont: In einer zunehmend digitalen und körperlosen Welt entsteht ein tiefes Bedürfnis nach physischer Verbundenheit. Naturfasern wie Hanf, Jute, Flachs und Nessel erleben ein bemerkenswertes Comeback. Wegen ihrer Langlebigkeit und Behaglichkeit werden sie seit Jahrhunderten geschätzt. Christine Ladstätter, Managerin für Innovation bei Salewa, weist auf einen weiteren wichtigen Aspekt hin: In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich ein Trend zu einer stärkeren Wertschätzung lokaler Materialien und Techniken entwickelt. Ihre Projekte betonen die wachsende Bedeutung des Handwerks. Der Fokus liegt auf der Förderung der lokalen Landwirtschaft und dem Erhalt traditioneller Weidelandschaften.

Zirkularität und Transparenz als Grundlage der Zukunft
Schneller Konsum und Wegwerfkultur dominieren die heutige Welt. Doch die Bedeutung von Sorgfalt und Weitsicht wird immer offensichtlicher – auch in der Textilindustrie. Der Sektor steht vor einem Wandel: hin zu einer nachhaltigen, vernetzten und transparenten Zukunft. Dirk Vantyghem, Generaldirektor von Euratex, hebt hervor, dass der Textilsektor in der EU derzeit mehr denn je im Mittelpunkt stehe – nicht zuletzt dank des Europäischen Green Deals. In einer Zeit globaler Unsicherheit wächst das Bedürfnis nach langlebigen, funktionalen und nachhaltigen Produkten. Viele Hersteller verwenden Begriffe wie ‚nachhaltig‘ oder ‚zirkulär‘ oft willkürlich. Daher setzt sich das Europäische Parlament für mehr Rückverfolgbarkeit in der Lieferkette – und bekämpft dadurch Greenwashing und ermöglicht Verbraucher*innen fundiertere Kaufentscheidungen. Simone van der Burg und Lucas Evers, beide Gruppenleiter im WAAG Future-Lab, betonen die Bedeutung einer offenen und mitgestaltenden Produktion. Ihr Ansatz zielt darauf ab, lokale Ressourcen wie Farben und Fasern aus natürlichen Quellen zu nutzen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Demokratisierung von Herstellungsprozessen: Designer und Kreative erhalten Zugang zu Open-Source-Werkzeugen und Ressourcen, um frei zu experimentieren – ohne hohe Kosten. Die italienische Designerin und Dozentin Eugenia Morpurgo fordert dazu auf, die landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken der Textilproduktion grundlegend zu überdenken und von erdölbasierten Materialien abzurücken. Sie warnt vor ökonomischen Modellen, die Wegwerfprodukte gegenüber langlebigen Alternativen bevorzugen. Ihr Projekt „Syntropic Materials“ untersucht regenerative Landwirtschaft als nachhaltige Lösung für Textilien und Lebensmittel. Das Ziel ist es, die Bodengesundheit und die Biodiversität zu verbessern. Morpurgo betont, dass bei der Bewertung von Nachhaltigkeit die wahren Kosten – von Ressourcenverbrauch bis hin zu langfristiger Bodenfruchtbarkeit – berücksichtigt werden müssen.

Farben, die Geschichten erzählen
Von Naturally Uneven Green bis End of Petrol und Imperfect Pink – die Heimtextil Trends 25/26 präsentieren eine visionäre Farbpalette, die Alcova sowohl visuell als auch sprachlich interpretiert hat. Inspiriert von den sechs Interviews, verweben die Farben die Ideen und Begriffe, die in den Gesprächen aufkamen. So erzählen sie eine lebendige Geschichte. Natürliche, ungebleichte Töne treffen auf dynamische, leuchtende Farben und spiegeln das Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Innovation wider. Dieser Kontrast steht für ein aktives Gleichgewicht, das sich ständig weiterentwickelt – geprägt von Erneuerung, Wachstum und einer zukunftsweisenden Vision, die über bloße Nachhaltigkeit hinausgeht.

More information:
Heimtextil Trend Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition


SHIMA SEIKI at Garfab-TX Surat

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Indian sales representative Universal MEP Projects & Engineering Services, Ltd., will participate in the upcoming Garfab-TX Surat exhibition, an international trade show on embroidery apparel technology, fiber, yarn fabrics and accessories, to be held in Surat, India from 13th to 15th September 2024.

Surat is known as the textile hub of India, especially in terms of man-made fibers, and while it has been mainly an industrial center for wovens, there has been recent interest by manufacturers in the region to expand into new areas, including knitting.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Indian sales representative Universal MEP Projects & Engineering Services, Ltd., will participate in the upcoming Garfab-TX Surat exhibition, an international trade show on embroidery apparel technology, fiber, yarn fabrics and accessories, to be held in Surat, India from 13th to 15th September 2024.

Surat is known as the textile hub of India, especially in terms of man-made fibers, and while it has been mainly an industrial center for wovens, there has been recent interest by manufacturers in the region to expand into new areas, including knitting.

As inventor and pioneer of WHOLEGARMENT®, the company is exhibiting its MACH2®XS WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine. Featuring 4 needle beds and SHIMA SEIKI’s original SlideNeedle™, MACH2®XS is capable of producing high-quality fine gauge WHOLEGARMENT® products in all needles. Representing the cutting edge in conventional shaped knitting is the N.SVR®123SP machine featuring a loop presser bed that permits inlay technique for producing hybrid fabrics with both knit and weave characteristics. N.SVR®123SP furthermore features i-Plating® inverse-plating capability for increased patterning capability, including the production of jacquard-like patterns in light-weight plain jersey stitch. Both machines feature such SHIMA SEIKI innovations as DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System (with “intelligence” on MACH2®XS), spring-type moveable sinker system, stitch presser, yarn gripper and cutter, and takedown comb.

SHIMA SEIKI’s SDS®-ONE APEX4 3D design system will be available for demonstrations on the creative side of fashion, from planning and design to colorway evaluation, realistic fabric simulation and 3D virtual sampling. Virtual sampling is a digitized version of sample making, accurate enough to be  used effectively as prototypes. By replacing physical samples, virtual samples reduce time, cost and material that otherwise go to waste. Digital prototyping using virtual samples on SDS®-ONE APEX4 help to digitally transform the fashion supply chain for realizing sustainable manufacturing. Simulations are available not only for flat knitting, but for weaving, pile weaving, circular knitting and embroidery as well.





Under the motto "Master the Change", the KARL MAYER GROUP presents innovations from its brands KARL MAYER, STOLL and KM.ON at to ITMA ASIA + CITME, from October 14 to 18, 2024. Visitors can expect an exhibition of solutions from the fields of mechanical engineering, digitalization, textile products, applications and customer support.

A range of warp knitting and flat knitting machines from the Group's product portfolio and textile trends will also be on display at an accompanying in-house show at KARL MAYER (CHINA). The event in Changzhou starts the day before the trade fair opens. One highlight will be the opening of the new showroom of the KARL MAYER subsidiary in China with solutions from all areas of technology.


Under the motto "Master the Change", the KARL MAYER GROUP presents innovations from its brands KARL MAYER, STOLL and KM.ON at to ITMA ASIA + CITME, from October 14 to 18, 2024. Visitors can expect an exhibition of solutions from the fields of mechanical engineering, digitalization, textile products, applications and customer support.

A range of warp knitting and flat knitting machines from the Group's product portfolio and textile trends will also be on display at an accompanying in-house show at KARL MAYER (CHINA). The event in Changzhou starts the day before the trade fair opens. One highlight will be the opening of the new showroom of the KARL MAYER subsidiary in China with solutions from all areas of technology.



Karl Mayer Group

Sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul (c) Texhibition İstanbul

Sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul

The sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul from 11 to 13 September 2024 will once again bring together all components of the textile industry and offer an overview of all product groups in the textile preliminary stage: from woven goods to knitwear, from yarns and denim to artificial leather and textile accessories.

Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), is following on from this year's March event with the upcoming edition.


The sixth edition of Texhibition Istanbul from 11 to 13 September 2024 will once again bring together all components of the textile industry and offer an overview of all product groups in the textile preliminary stage: from woven goods to knitwear, from yarns and denim to artificial leather and textile accessories.

Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), is following on from this year's March event with the upcoming edition.


  • Over 500 exhibitors will be presenting a wide range of products such as woven fabrics, knitwear, denim, accessories, artificial leather and yarns covering 35,000 square metres
  • Over 25,000 trade visitors are expected from more than 100 countries, including the European Union, Great Britain, the USA, North Africa and the Middle East
  • Yarn Hall completes the range of the preliminary stage and has firmly established itself at Texhibition with 41 exhibitors
  • BlueBlackDenim showcases Türkiye's leading 25 denim manufacturers and inspires with creative denim installations
  • Texhibition Trend Areas: The trend areas are created by combination of quality and creative themes of fabrics, yarns, denims and accessory products from the participants
  • Texhibition Art Events: digital art, accessoires and yarn installations
More information:
Texhibition Istanbul



17. Symposium TEXTILE FILTER: Call for Papers

Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) veranstaltet das 17. Symposium TEXTILE FILTER am 11. und 12. März 2025 in Chemnitz. Das Symposium betrachtet innovative, hochleistungsfähige textile Filtermedien verschiedener Anwendungen und Anlagen zur Luft, Gas-, Flüssigkeits- und Partikelfiltration vor dem Hintergrund der Technologie im Wandel. Die Tagung bietet die Möglichkeit, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen FuE mit der Industrie zu intensivieren und neue Impulse für die Filtermediengestaltung aufzunehmen.

Unter dem Stichwort Nachhaltigkeit zählen die Minimierung von Luft- und Wasserverschmutzungen, die Reduzierung von Umwelt- und Gesundheitsbelastungen sowie die Ressourcenschonung zu den anhaltenden Trends in der Filtermedienentwicklung. Diese Maßnahmen gehen Hand in Hand mit der Erhöhung der Filterstandzeiten und der Maximierung der Wirtschaftlichkeit.

Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) veranstaltet das 17. Symposium TEXTILE FILTER am 11. und 12. März 2025 in Chemnitz. Das Symposium betrachtet innovative, hochleistungsfähige textile Filtermedien verschiedener Anwendungen und Anlagen zur Luft, Gas-, Flüssigkeits- und Partikelfiltration vor dem Hintergrund der Technologie im Wandel. Die Tagung bietet die Möglichkeit, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen FuE mit der Industrie zu intensivieren und neue Impulse für die Filtermediengestaltung aufzunehmen.

Unter dem Stichwort Nachhaltigkeit zählen die Minimierung von Luft- und Wasserverschmutzungen, die Reduzierung von Umwelt- und Gesundheitsbelastungen sowie die Ressourcenschonung zu den anhaltenden Trends in der Filtermedienentwicklung. Diese Maßnahmen gehen Hand in Hand mit der Erhöhung der Filterstandzeiten und der Maximierung der Wirtschaftlichkeit.

Hochwertige Filtermedien werden zukünftig zusätzliche Aufgaben übernehmen, wie den Schutz elektro-nischer Komponenten vor Flüssigkeiten und Partikeln. Der Wandel der Automobilbranche hin zur E-Mo-bilität erfordert ebenfalls neue, zukunftsweisende Filtrationslösungen. In der modernen Fertigung wird die Produktion zunehmend digitalisiert. Smarte Filter überwachen Betriebsparameter, und der Filter 4.0 unterstützt digitale Wartungs- und Prüfpläne, was echtzeitnahe neue Ansätze in der Organisation und Steuerung der Filtersysteme ermöglicht.

Ein weiterer bedeutender Trend in der Filtermedienentwicklung ist der Einsatz biologisch abbaubarer Materialien, die nach ihrer Nutzungsdauer vollständig umweltfreundlich abgebaut werden können. Die Integration von Nanotechnologie ermöglicht die Herstellung von Filtermedien mit verbesserter Effizienz und einer geringeren Durchlässigkeit für schädliche Partikel. Zudem führen innovative Entwicklungen zu selbstreinigenden Filtermedien, die die Lebensdauer und Effizienz der Filter erheblich erhöhen.

Bis zum 14. Oktober 2024 können Vortragsvorschläge per Mail an als aussagekräftiges Abstract eingereicht werden.


Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.

RISE® Innovation Award: Three Finalists (c) INDA

RISE® Innovation Award: Three Finalists

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has announced the finalists for the 2024 RISE® Innovation Award. On October 1-2, technology scouts, product developers, and business development professionals will gather at the James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, to explore nonwoven research and advancements.

Finalists will present their innovations to RISE participants on Tuesday, October 1st. The Award winner will be revealed on Wednesday afternoon, October 2nd.

The 2024 Award Finalists:
Dual-Layer Filtration Media by Ahlstrom Italia S.p.A. – Ahlstrom’s new dual-layer filter media technology enhances engine air intake filtration performances, offering up to double the dust holding capacity and extending filter lifetime by over 50% compared to single-layer media. It also enables smaller, lighter filter designs, meeting current and future engine specifications, including fuel cells. Dual-layer filter media can be offered with flame-retardant functionality for various transportation and industrial applications, ensuring safety, improved performances and reduced environmental impact.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has announced the finalists for the 2024 RISE® Innovation Award. On October 1-2, technology scouts, product developers, and business development professionals will gather at the James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, to explore nonwoven research and advancements.

Finalists will present their innovations to RISE participants on Tuesday, October 1st. The Award winner will be revealed on Wednesday afternoon, October 2nd.

The 2024 Award Finalists:
Dual-Layer Filtration Media by Ahlstrom Italia S.p.A. – Ahlstrom’s new dual-layer filter media technology enhances engine air intake filtration performances, offering up to double the dust holding capacity and extending filter lifetime by over 50% compared to single-layer media. It also enables smaller, lighter filter designs, meeting current and future engine specifications, including fuel cells. Dual-layer filter media can be offered with flame-retardant functionality for various transportation and industrial applications, ensuring safety, improved performances and reduced environmental impact.

ENDURA™ rPP Spunbond & SMS by Berry Global – A pre-consumer recycled Spunbond and SMS product, recognized by SCS Recycled Content Certification. With Spunbond products containing up to 90% recycled content and SMS products containing up to 40% recycled content, customers/consumers are provided a product with greenhouse gas emissions benefits, validated with life cycle assessment tools assumptions based on the actual production.  ENDURA Spunbond products have the opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions per kilogram of production by 70%, versus previous generation of product.

PlantPanel X by Hempitecture Inc. – PlantPanel X is a rigid continuous insulation material used in exterior above-ground applications. With an R Value of R3.25 per inch, PlantPanel adds to thermal and acoustic comfort and performance. Engineered with a density to resist compression and deflection, PlantPanel is used in split-insulation wall and roof assemblies with either a rain screen cladding or roofing material, depending on the application. With 100% biobased and recycled content, PlantPanel is a sustainable, low carbon continuous insulation solution that’s easy to install and safe to handle.

2023 RISE Innovation Award winner:
TiHive won the 2023 RISE Innovation Award for their SAPMonit technology. TiHive’s innovation, SAPMonit, inspects millions of diapers weekly. SAPMonit delivers lightning-speed inline inspection of superabsorbents’ weight and distribution, optimizes resources, detects flaws, and accelerates R&D.


INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


ROICA™ at Interfilière Paris with three partners

As Interfilière Paris is approaching, ROICA™ introduces its three partners that will exhibit at the fair focusing on intimate wear: Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics and Lauma Elastic.

Iluna Group
Iluna Group is specialized in the production of lingerie and fine fabrics. The company is known for its commitment to sustainability, using eco-high-tech materials and adopting responsible production practices. Its product line includes a wide range of lace, embroidery, and delicate fabrics.

As Interfilière Paris is approaching, ROICA™ introduces its three partners that will exhibit at the fair focusing on intimate wear: Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics and Lauma Elastic.

Iluna Group
Iluna Group is specialized in the production of lingerie and fine fabrics. The company is known for its commitment to sustainability, using eco-high-tech materials and adopting responsible production practices. Its product line includes a wide range of lace, embroidery, and delicate fabrics.

Innova Fabrics
Innova Fabrics produces innovative and high-quality fabrics. It stands out for its ability to combine textile tradition with advanced technologies and offering a range of fabrics for various applications, as fashion, furnishings, and technical textiles.
I LOVE RF: the residual free (RF) line, aimed at reducing the impact of microplastics, is made with 84% Sensil Biocare polyamide and16% ROICA™ V550. PARIS SPECIAL V550: it weighs 180 g/m2, has a height of 160 cm and is composed of 86% TENCEL and 14% ROICA™ V550. RYON RF: part of the “residual free” (RF) line, the Ryon RF fabric is developed using Sensil Biocare polyamide and ROICA™ V550. This combination is designed to minimize the residual persistence of polyamide and elastomer in the environment.

Lauma Elastic
Lauma Elastic is a brand for quality textile and medical materials with a long heritage and constant innovation. Today Lauma is focused on innovation and committed to introducing environmentally friendly, new technologies into the textiles industry. The company presents its fabric 323309 with Tencel™ (84%) and ROICA™ V550 (16%), weight 165cm x 350g, primarily used for sports and yoga leggings for its characteristics of softness and durability.


ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei


Teijin Companies at CAMX 2024

The Teijin Group companies Teijin Carbon America, Renegade Materials and Teijin Aramid will participate in CAMX. the largest, most comprehensive composites and advanced materials event in North America, in San Diego, USA. At the TEIJIN booth, visitors can explore innovative composite solutions and learn about the comprehensive technical support and provided services.

Teijin's diverse network of materials companies excels across various fields, ranging from high-performance carbon and aramid fibers to cutting-edge industrial textiles and revolutionary, cost-effective prepreg composite solutions. The shared commitment to quality, innovation, and environmental responsibility unites Teijin in their mission to deliver eco-friendly solutions across multiple industries and applications, including pressure vessels, aerospace, and both defense and commercial aircraft construction.

The Teijin Group companies Teijin Carbon America, Renegade Materials and Teijin Aramid will participate in CAMX. the largest, most comprehensive composites and advanced materials event in North America, in San Diego, USA. At the TEIJIN booth, visitors can explore innovative composite solutions and learn about the comprehensive technical support and provided services.

Teijin's diverse network of materials companies excels across various fields, ranging from high-performance carbon and aramid fibers to cutting-edge industrial textiles and revolutionary, cost-effective prepreg composite solutions. The shared commitment to quality, innovation, and environmental responsibility unites Teijin in their mission to deliver eco-friendly solutions across multiple industries and applications, including pressure vessels, aerospace, and both defense and commercial aircraft construction.

Teijin’s dedication to acquiring appropriate certifications for sustainable production and product development underscores the high level of commitment to lead in this field. In the past years, Teijin has continuously striven to minimize their carbon footprint and global impact, while also supporting customers on their own sustainability journeys. This year, Teijin Aramid achieved the EcoVadis Gold Medal recognition, placing the company in the top 5% of all companies across all industries globally and in the top 3% of all man-made fiber manufacturers worldwide.

Teijin Carbon has been awarded the ISCC Plus certification for its production in Germany and Japan and is on track to receive the same certification in the U.S. in the coming months. This accreditation allows the Teijin Carbon Group to prove to its customers sustainable products that contribute to a circular economy. Teijin Carbon is diligently working toward establishing new sustainability standards, promoting ecological innovations, and fostering partnerships for a more sustainable world.

Teijin is looking forward to engaging with customers and partners at CAMX 2024 in San Diego to discuss innovative ideas for the circular economy and recycling processes.

Teijin Carbon is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Tenax™ carbon fibers and carbon fiber-based materials, with production sites in the US, Germany, Japan and Vietnam. Teijin Carbon develops solutions for the aerospace, automotive, energy, electronics and sporting goods industries using high-performance technologies in an international environment. They work closely with their partners to create a fully circular value chain. The goal to make Teijin’s products net CO₂-free by 2050 aligns with the commitment to global society to find solutions and take action to combat it.

As a manufacturer of intermediate materials in the US, Renegade Materials is known for its product expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction. Renegade Materials distinguishes itself by merging cutting-edge materials science with advanced prepreg manufacturing and testing equipment, all meticulously controlled by rigorous quality management systems. Renegade is steadfast in their commitment to the development and largescale production of advanced, multi-functional materials that offer engineered solutions to the current composite design, usage and affordability initiatives in the aerospace industry.

Teijin Aramid is a global leader in high-performance aramid fiber, a subsidiary of the global Teijin Group. Specializing in high-performance aramid fibers, their materials are used in automotive and aerospace industries, ballistic protection and more.



Das Team des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik am Messestand in München Foto Hochschule Niederrhein
Das Team des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik am Messestand in München

Hochschule Niederrhein mit textilen Innovationen auf der Munich Fabric Start

Die Munich Fabric Start ist eine der größten Fachmessen für Textilien, Zutaten und textiler Ausrüstung. Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) ist am 3. und 4. September mit einem Stand in der Blue Zone vertreten. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Brother Internationale Textilmaschinen GmbH zeigt der Fachbereich die Möglichkeiten des digitalen Direktdrucks. Im Workspace haben die Besucher:innen der Messe die Möglichkeit, selbst kreativ zu werden und ihre Ergebnisse live und vor Ort zu drucken.

Dabei werden sie von Anna Koch, Fachlehrerin für besondere Aufgaben für Gestaltungslehre und Textildesign, und Christine Steinem, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Textildruck und Mitglied des Forschungsinstituts für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB), unterstützt.

Gleichzeitig werden anhand ausgestellter studentischer Arbeiten die Kompetenzen der textilen Ausbildung an der Hochschule Niederrein demonstriert. Die Vielfalt der Arbeiten zeigt die Diversität des Fachbereichs und der Textil-Industrie und präsentiert neuste technologische Entwicklungen, wie den 3D-Druck auf Textilien.

Die Munich Fabric Start ist eine der größten Fachmessen für Textilien, Zutaten und textiler Ausrüstung. Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) ist am 3. und 4. September mit einem Stand in der Blue Zone vertreten. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Brother Internationale Textilmaschinen GmbH zeigt der Fachbereich die Möglichkeiten des digitalen Direktdrucks. Im Workspace haben die Besucher:innen der Messe die Möglichkeit, selbst kreativ zu werden und ihre Ergebnisse live und vor Ort zu drucken.

Dabei werden sie von Anna Koch, Fachlehrerin für besondere Aufgaben für Gestaltungslehre und Textildesign, und Christine Steinem, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Textildruck und Mitglied des Forschungsinstituts für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB), unterstützt.

Gleichzeitig werden anhand ausgestellter studentischer Arbeiten die Kompetenzen der textilen Ausbildung an der Hochschule Niederrein demonstriert. Die Vielfalt der Arbeiten zeigt die Diversität des Fachbereichs und der Textil-Industrie und präsentiert neuste technologische Entwicklungen, wie den 3D-Druck auf Textilien.

Wer sich die Arbeiten aus der Nähe anschauen möchte oder selbst im Workspace kreativ werden möchte, kann den Messestand des Fachbereichs vor Ort in der Blue Zone besuchen.

Professorin Dr. Maike Rabe nimmt am 4.9. (15 - 16 Uhr) in Halle 7 an einem Paneltalk zu “Closing the Loop: Breaking Down Barriers in Fibre Recycling for Fashion” teil.


MUNICH FABRIC START & BLUEZONE mit acht thematischen Areas

Am 3. und 4. September 2024 startet die MUNICH FABRIC START gemeinsam mit THE SOURCE, BLUEZONE und dem KEYHOUSE und lädt die internationale Modebranche einmal mehr nach München ein. Unter dem Leitthema „INTUITION“ wird der Branche ein umfangreiches Programm geboten, das die neuesten Trends, Materialien und Technologien für AUTUMN/WINTER 25/26 präsentiert. Auf etwa 40.000 Quadratmetern werden rund 1.000 Kollektionen internationaler Anbieter präsentiert, was München erneut zum zentralen Treffpunkt für Designer, Produktmanager und die gesamte Modebranche macht. Die BLUEZONE bietet erstmals zu identischen Messelaufzeiten unter dem Motto „DENIMINED“ auf der unmittelbar angrenzenden Zenith Area das AZ für die Denim-Community.

Am 3. und 4. September 2024 startet die MUNICH FABRIC START gemeinsam mit THE SOURCE, BLUEZONE und dem KEYHOUSE und lädt die internationale Modebranche einmal mehr nach München ein. Unter dem Leitthema „INTUITION“ wird der Branche ein umfangreiches Programm geboten, das die neuesten Trends, Materialien und Technologien für AUTUMN/WINTER 25/26 präsentiert. Auf etwa 40.000 Quadratmetern werden rund 1.000 Kollektionen internationaler Anbieter präsentiert, was München erneut zum zentralen Treffpunkt für Designer, Produktmanager und die gesamte Modebranche macht. Die BLUEZONE bietet erstmals zu identischen Messelaufzeiten unter dem Motto „DENIMINED“ auf der unmittelbar angrenzenden Zenith Area das AZ für die Denim-Community.

Mit der Reduktion der Laufzeit auf zwei Tage, um der Nachfrage nach Effizienz und Kostensenkung gerecht zu werden und einer gleichzeitigen noch stärkeren Konzentration auf Service und Nachhaltigkeit, optimiert die MUNICH FABRIC START ihr Angebot abermals. Die MUNICH FABRIC START zeichnet sich durch ein Show-System aus, das die Bereiche MUNICH FABRIC START, BLUEZONE, KEYHOUSE und THE SOURCE umfasst. In acht thematisch strukturierten Areas werden die neuesten Entwicklungen der Modeindustrie präsentiert:

  • FABRICS: Über 500 internationale Anbieter, darunter ALBINI GROUP, SERIDE, GETZNER, ANTIK DANTEL, BELLANDI, BLOOMATI, LIMONTA, RIOPELE, PONTOGLIUO, ECOPEL PELTEX, EKOTEN, GETZNER, LENZING, LIBERTY, LISA, MANTECO, PAULO DE OLIVEIRA, STYLEM TAKISADAOSAKA, THERMORE, BESTE BTD, und YÜNSA, stellen ihre neuesten Materialinnovationen für alle Bekleidungssegmente vor. Von Wolle und Baumwolle über Seide und Mischungen bis hin zu Funktionsfasern wird hier das gesamte Spektrum an modischen Web- und Strickstoffen abgebildet.
  • ADDITIONALS: Rund 150 Anbieter, unter anderem CADICA GROUP, EU FENILI, FRAMELESS, GRAF & CO, KNOPF SCHÄFER, MAINETTI, MAXIM LABEL AND PACKAGING, NILÖRN, QST EUROPE, RIBBONTEX, SHINDO, STUDIO NINE, TRIMCO GROUP, TEXCART, UNIZIP, WE NORDIC und YKK GERMANY, präsentieren die neuesten Trends bei Knöpfen, Bändern, Verschlüssen und weiteren Accessoires. Dieser Bereich ist ein Eldorado für Designer, die auf der Suche nach dem besonderen Etwas für ihre Kollektionen sind.
  • BLUEZONE: Die BLUEZONE ist ein globales Key Event für die Denim-, Street- und Sportswear-Industrie. Unter dem Motto „DENIMINED“ zeigen in der Halle 6 & 7, der unmittelbar benachbarten ZENITH AREA rund 100 internationale Denim-Mills und Hersteller ihre aktuellsten Innovationen und Trends. Mit dabei sind diesen September auch SHARABATI, ORTA, TEJIDOS, ROYO, BOSSA, CALIK ISKO, NAVEENA, PANTHER DENIM / TAT FUNG, BERTO, VELCOREX, KT TRIMS, DENIM AUTHORITY, ISKO, STROM DENIM, MONSTER, ADVANCE DENIM und KIPAS.
  • DESIGN STUDIOS: Kreativen Input und innovative Designs bietet die DESIGN STUDIOS Area in neuer Location im Atrium 4 / Studio1 in den Räumen E 119 und F 111 aus. Hier präsentieren Textildesigner und Trendbüros aus aller Welt ihre neuesten Entwicklungen für Prints und Patterns, darunter: AMANDA KELLY, BERNINI STUDIO, BLUE STUDIO, BOGGIA DISEGNI, BUNTASTIC, CIRCLELINE, DESIGN STUDIO FLUXUS, FUSION COPENHAGEN, IMAGO STUDIO, LICA DESIGN, LE STUDIO COPENHAGEN, LETI, MUSTICSTYLE oder ZISSER.
  • ReSOURCE: Diese Plattform für umweltfreundlich und verantwortungsvoll produzierte Textilien ist eine Antwort auf die wachsende Nachfrage nach nachhaltigen Materialien und Produktionsprozessen. In 8 Kategorien werden in HALLE 2 im MOC zukunftsweisenden Innovationen im Bereich der nachhaltigen Textilien von beispielsweise BOSSA, CADICA GROUP, C.PAULI, DRESDNER SPITZEN, ELYAF TEKSTIL, FELDE FIBRES, FRAMELESS, GOTTSTEIN, GUNOLD, INCALPACA, KNOPF SCHÄFER, MAGLIFICIO RIPA, NILÖRN, NIL TEXTILE, OLIMPIAS GROUP, REDMARK, SOMELOS TECIDOS, STUDIO 9, TEJIDOS ROYO, TRIMCO GROUP, TROFICOLOR TEXTEIS, VERHEES TEXTILES, VICUNHA, WE NORDIC und YÜNSA präsentiert.
  • THE SOURCE: ist die Plattform für ausgewählte Bekleidungshersteller, die ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen rund um die neuesten Sourcing Services und Bekleidungsherstellung präsentieren. Der Bereich findet sich in Halle 2 des MOC und ist eine One-Stop-Sourcing-Plattform für Marken, Labels und Handel. Mit dabei sind unter anderem: OTS, TOP TRENDS, AGELINA, DMISS TEXTILE GROUP, DISHANG GROUP, EAST, EVOTEKS, JIAXING MIRACLE FASHION, KIKIS, KREATEKS, LAGOON LIMITED, NEW LOOK FASHION und UNION 3 FASHION.
  • KEYHOUSE: das KEYHOUSE inszeniert Smart Textiles, Future Fabrics und neue Technologien in einem interaktiven Think Tank – diesen September aufgrund von Umbaumaßnahmen im Kesselhaus einmalig in der Zenith Halle (Hall 7) integriert. Das KEYHOUSE ist der zentrale Ort der MUNICH FABRIC START, an dem Innovationen und Nachhaltigkeit zusammenkommen. Neben vielen anderen sind diesmal ARCHROMA, BROTHER INDUSTRIAL, CENTRIC SOFTWARE, COLEO, CRADLE TO CRADLE CERTIFIED, DQS, FELDE FIBRES, HAELIXA, HILO, HS NIEDERRHEIN, IMPULS, MOMENTUM, MONTEGA CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS, NIL TEXTILE, OFFICINA +39, SHAPE INNOVATE, SÄNTIS TEXTILES, TEX.TRACER, TORAY INTERNATIONAL EUROPE, WKS oder YOONA vor Ort.
  • SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS: Diese Plattform ist seit 2016 fester Bestandteil des KEYHOUSE und bietet Jungdesignern eine Bühne für außergewöhnliche Materialentwicklungen. Diesen September präsentiert sie – ebenfalls in der Zenithhalle – einige der Textilentwicklungen, die Problemlösungen für die Industrie bieten. Von: BIOTEXFUTURE, TRANSITIONLAB, FABULOUS FUNGI, KNIT IN MOTION, RIETGOED, STUDIO JORIS DE GROOT und STUDIO TJEERD VEENHOVEN.
More information:
munich fabric start BLUEZONE



Oerlikon at ITMA Asia + CITME 2024

This year's ITMA Asia + CITME 2024 trade fair appearance of the Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division between 14 and 18 October 2024 will once again focus on current challenges for the global textile machinery industry: the replacement of old systems with energy-efficient and sustainable technology solutions, the use of digital software and hardware solutions to increase productivity and ensure material quality, and the traceability of all products to enable the recycling of the raw materials used in a future-oriented circular economy.

Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions offers complete solutions ranging from extrusion and polycondensation systems to texturized yarn, accompanied by automation and digital solutions. The supply of all process steps from a single source ensures a coordinated technology that guarantees the high quality of the fibers and yarns produced. The entire product portfolio of the supplier of machines and systems primarily to produce polyester, polypropylene and nylon will therefore take centre stage at this year's trade fair.

This year's ITMA Asia + CITME 2024 trade fair appearance of the Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division between 14 and 18 October 2024 will once again focus on current challenges for the global textile machinery industry: the replacement of old systems with energy-efficient and sustainable technology solutions, the use of digital software and hardware solutions to increase productivity and ensure material quality, and the traceability of all products to enable the recycling of the raw materials used in a future-oriented circular economy.

Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions offers complete solutions ranging from extrusion and polycondensation systems to texturized yarn, accompanied by automation and digital solutions. The supply of all process steps from a single source ensures a coordinated technology that guarantees the high quality of the fibers and yarns produced. The entire product portfolio of the supplier of machines and systems primarily to produce polyester, polypropylene and nylon will therefore take centre stage at this year's trade fair.

“The Chinese market continues to have enormous potential for us, even if it has not been able to match the previous times in terms of large new installations of manmade fiber plants and the associated expansion of production capacity for good two years. However, there is still a great need for renewal, especially in terms of sustainability. Shutting down old plants and replacing them with new, modern and energy-efficient technologies is the path to a better and lower-emission future for us all,” explains André Wissenberg, Head of Marketing, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. “We have been contributing to sustainability with our technology solutions for decades. Be it by increasing energy efficiency with each new generation of machines or by processing new materials,” Wissenberg continues. Oerlikon is proud of the fact that the company has been offering solutions for the textile industry under the e-save sustainability label for 20 years and has saved over 15 million tons of CO2 thanks to the machines and systems developed and installed on the market during this time.


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concludes 30-year edition (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Co Ltd

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concludes 30-year edition

From 14 to 16 August, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles hosted 946 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions, who engaged with more than 35,000 visitors from 108 countries and regions across the four-hall, 100,000 sqm exhibition space. Visitor numbers increased by 10% overall compared to the previous edition, with 13% of the total made up of overseas buyers, further highlighting the show’s internationality. Global industry players across the event, from suppliers and buyers to fringe speakers, noted their satisfaction relating to positive business exchange, the prevalence of sustainable products and design inspiration, and more.

With the support of Messe Frankfurt’s network across the global industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has become a business platform that connects industry players from the East and West. Comprising the Türkiye Pavilion, Uzbekistan Pavilion, Belgium Zone and various individual overseas exhibitors, the stage was set for suppliers seeking business connections in the leading textile production hub.

From 14 to 16 August, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles hosted 946 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions, who engaged with more than 35,000 visitors from 108 countries and regions across the four-hall, 100,000 sqm exhibition space. Visitor numbers increased by 10% overall compared to the previous edition, with 13% of the total made up of overseas buyers, further highlighting the show’s internationality. Global industry players across the event, from suppliers and buyers to fringe speakers, noted their satisfaction relating to positive business exchange, the prevalence of sustainable products and design inspiration, and more.

With the support of Messe Frankfurt’s network across the global industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has become a business platform that connects industry players from the East and West. Comprising the Türkiye Pavilion, Uzbekistan Pavilion, Belgium Zone and various individual overseas exhibitors, the stage was set for suppliers seeking business connections in the leading textile production hub.

International and domestic exhibitors covering sub-sectors such as bedding, editors, curtains, and carpets, presented their latest designs and innovations in Halls 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, and 6.2. Highlighted exhibitors included 3M China Limited, HAINING QIANBAIHUI WEAVING CO LTD, Weavers Tekstil San Ve Tic A S, Zhejiang Maya Fabric Co Ltd, Zhejiang Xiaoxuanchuang Household Co Ltd and more.

17 buyer delegations from 16 countries and regions pre-registered and visited the sourcing platform, including manufacturers, designers, buying houses, distributors, chain stores and retailers from Algeria, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Moldova, Morocco, Myanmar, Philippines, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam and more. Not to mention, VIP buyers from all over the world utilised the platform to meet annual sourcing targets.

Every year, the platform aims to reflect market trends, and has identified green progress as one of its major focuses going forward. As such, this edition’s comprehensive fringe programme highlighted a series of sustainablity events: Bridging Borders: A Designer x Producer Talk on Sustainability; About Healing; Sustainable Fibre Forum in Home Textiles; product presentations from fibre producers such as 3M , Advansa, and Indorama; as well as a special session to explain the Econogy concept that represents sustainability activities in the company’s Texpertise Network. The show welcomed designers and guest speakers from Europe and the Middle East to add overseas perspectives to the discussions.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Source Home & Gift welcomes new Regions

Source Home & Gift, which takes place on the 1st – 4th September 2024 at NEC Birmingham, welcomes exhibitors from new regions including Peru, South Korea and Portugal, as well as returning pavilions from Philippines, Egypt, Nepal, China, and India. Over 180 manufacturers are expected to show at the next edition.

Source Home & Gift, which takes place on the 1st – 4th September 2024 at NEC Birmingham, welcomes exhibitors from new regions including Peru, South Korea and Portugal, as well as returning pavilions from Philippines, Egypt, Nepal, China, and India. Over 180 manufacturers are expected to show at the next edition.

Hailing from Portugal, Bioneurodesign is a company that integrates principles of biology, neuroscience, and design to create products aimed at enhancing emotional and psychological well-being. This approach transcends traditional aesthetics and functionality, addressing the profound interactions between human consciousness and the environment. Bioneurodesign's mission is to revolutionise product design through scientific principles that foster harmony between humans and their surroundings striving to create objects that not only serve practical purposes but also contribute significantly to the mental and spiritual health of their users. Their latest collection of ceramics and iron is a testament to this approach. Inspired by riverbanks, the River collection blends the delicacy of ceramics with the strength of iron, creating unique pieces that are both functional and contemplative. Produced in Portugal, the creations embody the heritage and craftsmanship of the region.

From South Korea, Ecomass is an eco-friendly kitchenware and household goods manufacturer using materials such as sugarcane and recycled plastic. Ecomass specialise in climate solutions by providing technologies, services, products, and raw materials for green management, sustainability, and eco-friendly consumption.

Sumaq Qara’s mission is to support female victims of terrorism and domestic violence in Peru. They offer a wide portfolio of knit, embroidery, crochet and macramé products, working with natural wools and fibres. Sumaq Qara, words in Quechua that mean "Beautiful Leather", was founded in 2006 with the purpose of helping more than 500 women who were victims of physical and psychological abuse during the time of terrorism. With more than 15 years of exporting, they offer a portfolio of products made with ancestral techniques such as embroidery, knitting, crochet and macramé using natural fibres such as alpaca, merino wool, sheep wool, and cotton.


Source Home & Gift by Hyve Group

INDA at 2024 NCSL Legislative Summit (c) INDA
INDA Booth at NCSL 2024 Summit with Sean Grossnickle

INDA at NCSL Legislative Summit

INDA, The Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry recently attended the 2024 NCSL Legislative Summit hosted in Louisville, Kentucky the week of August 5th. Wes Fisher, Director of Government Affairs, and Sean Grossnickle, Government Affairs Specialist, engaged with hundreds of state legislators and their staff, international delegates, and summit attendees in INDA’s booth. Attendees were eager to learn more about flushability, the California Collection Study, the ins and outs of the nonwovens industry, and, among other policies, state legislation on wipes. This year marked the first time in recent years that INDA has exhibited at the event.

The annual NCSL Legislative Summit hosts one of the nation’s largest and most influential gathering of state legislators, staff, corporations, government agencies, and trade associations. State and national media publications cover the event, disseminating news and stories across the country.

INDA, The Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry recently attended the 2024 NCSL Legislative Summit hosted in Louisville, Kentucky the week of August 5th. Wes Fisher, Director of Government Affairs, and Sean Grossnickle, Government Affairs Specialist, engaged with hundreds of state legislators and their staff, international delegates, and summit attendees in INDA’s booth. Attendees were eager to learn more about flushability, the California Collection Study, the ins and outs of the nonwovens industry, and, among other policies, state legislation on wipes. This year marked the first time in recent years that INDA has exhibited at the event.

The annual NCSL Legislative Summit hosts one of the nation’s largest and most influential gathering of state legislators, staff, corporations, government agencies, and trade associations. State and national media publications cover the event, disseminating news and stories across the country.


INDA, The Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

SHIMA SEIKI at Intertextile Shanghai (c) SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD.

SHIMA SEIKI at Intertextile Shanghai

Computerized textile solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Hong Kong and Chinese market subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI (HONG KONG) LTD., will exhibit at the 30th edition of the Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics show in Shanghai, China this month. It will exhibit as part of the newly established Digital Solutions Zone which allows visitors to capture various opportunities available as part of the digital revolution that is currently making waves in the apparel industry.

Computerized textile solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Hong Kong and Chinese market subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI (HONG KONG) LTD., will exhibit at the 30th edition of the Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics show in Shanghai, China this month. It will exhibit as part of the newly established Digital Solutions Zone which allows visitors to capture various opportunities available as part of the digital revolution that is currently making waves in the apparel industry.

SHIMA SEIKI will be showing its APEXFiz® subscription-based design software which supports the creative side of fashion from planning and design to colorway evaluation, realistic fabric simulation and 3D virtual sampling. Virtual samples are a digitized version of sample making that are accurate enough to be used effectively as prototypes, replacing physical sampling and consequently reducing time, cost and material that eventually go to waste. The remarkable realism of textile simulation is achieved by using scanned data of actual yarn to virtually weave or knit, creating an image that resembles real fabric. These fabrics can be utilized in various 3D simulation software including APEXFiz® to create realistic product images. Should the design be approved for production, machine data can be generated to allow smooth communication for digitally bridging the gap between the studio and factory. APEXFiz® thereby helps to realize sustainability and digitally transform the fashion supply chain.

The product planning capability of APEXFiz® is enhanced by several web services featured as part of the SHIMA SEIKI Online Services (SHIMA online) web platform. These include SHIMA Datamall™ digital content web service that allows users to search, browse and purchase a variety of useful data for streamlining the planning and production of fashion items, as well as the yarnbank® digital yarn sourcing web service that offers digitized yarn data by yarn companies from around the world for download and use in virtual sampling.

Knitwear samples produced on the latest lineup of computerized flatbed knitting machines and exclusive to SHIMA SEIKI computerized knitting technology will also be on display, including WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear that can be produced in their entirety without linking or sewing, as well as hybrid knit-weave samples proposed as an alternative to wovens.




18,000 visitors at 6th edition of IFCO

From 7 to 9 August 2024, the sixth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place with 300 exhibitors in a total of 4 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre.

With this event, Istanbul Fashion Connection underlines its importance as a hub for the international fashion industry. Compared to the previous year's event, the proportion of international visitors increased by 13.9%. Almost 18,000 visitors came to IFCO in Istanbul, 35% of whom came from abroad. The most represented region was Asia with 31.3%, followed by the Middle East (31.3%), Europe (16.4%), North Africa (13.4%), North America, South America and Africa together with 3.1%. High-ranking buyer groups from a total of 121 countries came to IFCO to find out about the latest fashion trends, network and place orders.

Divided into clear product areas on a total of 30,000 square metres of exhibition space in four halls, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 5-8 February 2025.

From 7 to 9 August 2024, the sixth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place with 300 exhibitors in a total of 4 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre.

With this event, Istanbul Fashion Connection underlines its importance as a hub for the international fashion industry. Compared to the previous year's event, the proportion of international visitors increased by 13.9%. Almost 18,000 visitors came to IFCO in Istanbul, 35% of whom came from abroad. The most represented region was Asia with 31.3%, followed by the Middle East (31.3%), Europe (16.4%), North Africa (13.4%), North America, South America and Africa together with 3.1%. High-ranking buyer groups from a total of 121 countries came to IFCO to find out about the latest fashion trends, network and place orders.

Divided into clear product areas on a total of 30,000 square metres of exhibition space in four halls, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 5-8 February 2025.




Archroma: “Planet Conscious+” at FEBRATEX 2024

Archroma is bringing its latest “Planet Conscious+” innovations to FEBRATEX 2024 in Brazil with the aim to empower the region’s textile mills and brands to lead the industry shift to sustainability.

SUPER SYSTEMS+ are end-to-end systems that combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects. Drawing on the industry’s broadest product portfolio, the SUPER SYSTEMS+ suite encompasses wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and cleaner chemistries that eliminate harmful or regulated substances.

Archroma is bringing its latest “Planet Conscious+” innovations to FEBRATEX 2024 in Brazil with the aim to empower the region’s textile mills and brands to lead the industry shift to sustainability.

SUPER SYSTEMS+ are end-to-end systems that combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects. Drawing on the industry’s broadest product portfolio, the SUPER SYSTEMS+ suite encompasses wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and cleaner chemistries that eliminate harmful or regulated substances.

Textile industry professionals will be able to explore Archroma’s “PLANET CONSCIOUS+” vision at FEBRATEX 2024 and discover SUPER SYSTEMS+ technologies such as Archroma’s DENIM HALO, a newly launched concept for denim production that is both eco-friendly and simple, aniline-free* DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 LIQ pre-reduced indigo, and the patented EarthColors® technology that creates high-performance bio waste-based dyes from non-edible food and agricultural waste. Archroma is also showcasing ULTRATEX® STS-U, a compatible hydrophilic silicone softener for cotton and cotton blended knits with great running stability, Siligen® EH1, a biomass-based silicone softener that has great moisture management and delivers a smooth soft touch, AVITERA® SE GENERATION NEXT for cellulosic fibers and blends that enables significant resource savings, chlorine fastness and improved cost-to-performance ratio for dark and extra-dark shades, and ERIOPON® E3-SAVE all-in-one auxiliary.



Freudenberg at Fachpack 2024 (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials
Evolon® The Food Bag

Freudenberg at Fachpack 2024

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will present packaging solutions with various sustainability benefits at Fachpack 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany, from September 24-26. The range of exhibited products includes Evolon® microfilament textiles for reusable technical packaging of sensitive industrial parts, bio-based nonwoven materials for desiccant bags, and Evolon® The Food Bag – a solution for food preservation.

Freudenberg’s innovative Evolon® technical packaging product line will emphasize the company’s commitment to sustainability. Evolon® offers enhanced surface protection for various kinds of sensitive industrial parts, including molded plastics and painted components. It is notable for its durability and high recycled PET content. The microfilament fabric serves as an eco-friendly alternative to single-use packaging, particularly in the transportation of sensitive industrial goods such as automotive parts. Evolon®'s protective qualities reduce damage during transport and lower the rejection rate.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will present packaging solutions with various sustainability benefits at Fachpack 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany, from September 24-26. The range of exhibited products includes Evolon® microfilament textiles for reusable technical packaging of sensitive industrial parts, bio-based nonwoven materials for desiccant bags, and Evolon® The Food Bag – a solution for food preservation.

Freudenberg’s innovative Evolon® technical packaging product line will emphasize the company’s commitment to sustainability. Evolon® offers enhanced surface protection for various kinds of sensitive industrial parts, including molded plastics and painted components. It is notable for its durability and high recycled PET content. The microfilament fabric serves as an eco-friendly alternative to single-use packaging, particularly in the transportation of sensitive industrial goods such as automotive parts. Evolon®'s protective qualities reduce damage during transport and lower the rejection rate.

Additionally, Evolon® ESD (electro-static discharge) materials address the need for specialized packaging of sensitive electronic components by providing customizable permanent electro-static discharge protection in additional to surface protection.

Evolon® The Food Bag
Freudenberg will also be exhibiting a packaging product for food preservation in the home. Evolon® The Food Bag extends the shelf life of vegetables, fruits and bread by providing great moisture and climate management. The innovative bag was a finalist in the 2020 Zu gut für die Tonne!  prize (“Too Good For The Bin”), part of the National Strategy for Food Waste Reduction launched by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

Sustainable nonwoven materials for desiccant bags
A further highlight at Fachpack 2024 will be nonwoven materials for manufacturing desiccant bags. In addition to conventional fully synthetic materials, Freudenberg’s product range includes sustainable bio-based wetlaid nonwovens which are binder-free and industrially compostable.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH


VDMA members at CAITME

About 25 VDMA members will participate at CAITME, taking place from 11 to 14 September in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Among the VDMA companies present at the trade fair with their own booth or through agents, 13 companies will be exhibiting in the area of the official German Pavilion, organised by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and initiated by VDMA: Brückner Textile Technologies, Erbatech, Georg Sahm, Groz-Beckert, Heusch, KARL MAYER STOLL Textilmaschinenfabrik, KURIS Spezialmaschinen, Lindauer DORNIER, Oerlikon Textile, Stäubli Bayreuth, STC Spinnzwirn, THIES, Xetma Vollenweider.

About 25 VDMA members will participate at CAITME, taking place from 11 to 14 September in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Among the VDMA companies present at the trade fair with their own booth or through agents, 13 companies will be exhibiting in the area of the official German Pavilion, organised by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and initiated by VDMA: Brückner Textile Technologies, Erbatech, Georg Sahm, Groz-Beckert, Heusch, KARL MAYER STOLL Textilmaschinenfabrik, KURIS Spezialmaschinen, Lindauer DORNIER, Oerlikon Textile, Stäubli Bayreuth, STC Spinnzwirn, THIES, Xetma Vollenweider.

With exports of textile machinery and accessories worth 85 million euros in 2023, Germany was once again the second biggest supplier to the Uzbek textile sector, surpassed only by China. Uzbekistan is one of the largest producers and exporters of cotton. In the cotton sector, Uzbekistan already has a fully integrated production chain. Almost the entire cotton fibre is spun in the country. The Uzbek government has pushed ahead with extensive economic reforms in recent years. The textile industry is one of the top investment sectors in the manufacturing industry. Besides cotton spinning, the textile sector is enlarging its capacities in the downstream production steps of the textile chain, such as fabric making, finishing and dyeing.
