From the Sector

7 results

Finavia: Antibacterial Coating Solution at Airport

Airport company Finavia will start using Finnish technology company Nanoksi Finland Oy’s coating solution at Helsinki Airport. The coating can be used to remove viruses and bacteria from airport surfaces and furniture.

“We are continuously keeping track of new methods and products to ensure a high level of hygiene at the airport. This nanotechnology-based coating, which is sprayed on contact surfaces and furniture, makes it easier to keep surfaces clean. The coating destroys pathogens with the help of light and air,” says Sami Kiiskinen, Finavia’s Vice President, Airport Development for Helsinki Airport.

The coating is sprayed on targets such as check-in counters, machines, departure gates and toilet facilities. The coating lasts for a long time, even though the furniture is wiped several times a day.

Airport company Finavia will start using Finnish technology company Nanoksi Finland Oy’s coating solution at Helsinki Airport. The coating can be used to remove viruses and bacteria from airport surfaces and furniture.

“We are continuously keeping track of new methods and products to ensure a high level of hygiene at the airport. This nanotechnology-based coating, which is sprayed on contact surfaces and furniture, makes it easier to keep surfaces clean. The coating destroys pathogens with the help of light and air,” says Sami Kiiskinen, Finavia’s Vice President, Airport Development for Helsinki Airport.

The coating is sprayed on targets such as check-in counters, machines, departure gates and toilet facilities. The coating lasts for a long time, even though the furniture is wiped several times a day.

The effectiveness of the Fotonit® photocatalytic coating developed by Finnish nanotechnology company Nanoksi Finland Oy has been confirmed by research at the University of Tampere. Photocatalysis can destroy 98% of pathogens such as influenza viruses in two hours. The coating has been awarded the Key Flag Symbol as an indication of its high domestic content.

Mimaki: 100 Percent Success in a Post Pandemic World (c) Mimaki
Mimaki UJV100-160

Mimaki: 100 Percent Success in a Post Pandemic World

After a turbulent year, it seems strange to be thinking about ‘after the pandemic’, but with millions of vaccinations underway, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. As we turn the corner, choosing technology partners that understand how to proactively respond to changing market needs and support the evolving requirements of print businesses and end customers will be vital. The printers in Mimaki’s ‘100 series’ portfolio, which consists of the high quality, high productivity entry level roll-to-roll inkjet printers the UJV100-160 UV and the JV100-160 solvent, and the high performance textile printer, the TS100-1600, are a perfect reflection of the way technology requirements are adapting in line with the industry as we look to the future. To demonstrate this, we have identified three post-pandemic technology touchpoints that will help print businesses target success amid uncertainty.

After a turbulent year, it seems strange to be thinking about ‘after the pandemic’, but with millions of vaccinations underway, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. As we turn the corner, choosing technology partners that understand how to proactively respond to changing market needs and support the evolving requirements of print businesses and end customers will be vital. The printers in Mimaki’s ‘100 series’ portfolio, which consists of the high quality, high productivity entry level roll-to-roll inkjet printers the UJV100-160 UV and the JV100-160 solvent, and the high performance textile printer, the TS100-1600, are a perfect reflection of the way technology requirements are adapting in line with the industry as we look to the future. To demonstrate this, we have identified three post-pandemic technology touchpoints that will help print businesses target success amid uncertainty.

  • Productivity

The pandemic has served as a major catalyst for existing trends, and our growing appetite for everything on-demand has been given a huge COVID-related boost. For printers, a digital solution that offers premium productivity, quality and efficiency at an entry-level price point is sure to be an invaluable investment to meet evolving ‘on-demand demands’. Adding a digital production element to your business doesn’t need to be daunting, complicated or overpriced – the Mimaki ‘100 series’ truly lives up to the tagline ‘Expert Printing Made Easy’, offering an incredibly intuitive user experience for streamlined, ultra-efficient printing, high-quality output, and cost-effective implementation. The powerful and productive new textile printer in the ‘100 series’, the TS100-1600, is a shining example of equipment developed with the future of the market in mind – the textile industry is fast-paced and constantly innovating, and the printer you invest in needs to keep up with your creativity.

  • Diversity

2021 is set to be a period of transition. While that will mean navigating uncertainty, the ‘glass half full’ approach is to view the year ahead in terms of opportunities such as expanding your business, exploring alternative revenue streams, and taking the plunge into new markets. In the past, it may have felt as if the barriers to entry when it came to looking beyond your core business were too great. However, in a post-pandemic world, we need to break some of those barriers down and demonstrate that success with digital print is within reach if you invest in the right equipment. With the ‘100 series’ portfolio, Mimaki is acknowledging what print service providers need from their technology partners – the UJV100-160 and the JV100-160 are suitable for a wide range of applications that will allow you to easily and affordably diversify your offering, and with the TS100-1600 textile printer, it has never been easier to target growth in the thriving textile sector, even in challenging times.

  • Affordability

Affordability is one of the most significant barriers to entry into new markets. 2020 was a year of unprecedented economic challenges, so it’s more important than ever to be thinking about gaining a competitive edge, and the printers in the ‘100 series’ from Mimaki have been specifically formulated to help you ramp up productivity while keeping running costs low. Whether you want to take your first foray into digital print production, expand the services you offer or simply grow your customer base, cost can be a major sticking point, which is why supporting customers is Mimaki’s number one priority, designing the ‘100 series’ around your needs and continuing to listen to how those needs are developing. Making an investment in the JV100-160 in order to move into outdoor graphics; meeting demand for faster turnaround times by adding the instantly curable UJV100-160 to your production setup; or taking a leap into new revenue streams with the TS100-160 – it’s all ‘100’ percent accessible.


Martial Granet, Branch Manager, Mimaki France

Mimaki präsentiert Besuchern neue Produktinnovationen und die leistungsstarke, kostengünstige 100er Serie auf der virtuellen drupa (c) Mimaki
Als Teil der 100er Serie sind höchste Qualität und Produktivität beim UJV100-160, Mimakis neuem UV-Inkjetdrucker von Rolle zu Rolle, vorprogrammiert.

Mimaki auf der virtuellen drupa

  • Mimaki präsentiert Besuchern neue Produktinnovationen und die leistungsstarke, kostengünstige 100er Serie auf der virtuellen drupa 

Mimaki Europe, ein führender Hersteller von Inkjetdruckern und Schneideplottern, gab heute bekannt, dass auf der allerersten virtuellen drupa (20.-23. April 2021) seine innovativen Digitaldrucktechnologien zu sehen sein werden. Im Mittelpunkt des interaktiven Stands von Mimaki wird die brandneue „100er Serie“ stehen – neben Neuheiten in seinem Portfolio von leistungsstarken Produkten, die auf der Messe erstmals präsentiert werden. Außerdem wird Mimaki auf der virtuellen drupa eine Sonderaktion für ausgewählte Produkte starten, um seine Produktpalette noch attraktiver für Unternehmen zu machen, die ihr Angebot in diesen schwierigen Zeiten diversifizieren möchten.

  • Mimaki präsentiert Besuchern neue Produktinnovationen und die leistungsstarke, kostengünstige 100er Serie auf der virtuellen drupa 

Mimaki Europe, ein führender Hersteller von Inkjetdruckern und Schneideplottern, gab heute bekannt, dass auf der allerersten virtuellen drupa (20.-23. April 2021) seine innovativen Digitaldrucktechnologien zu sehen sein werden. Im Mittelpunkt des interaktiven Stands von Mimaki wird die brandneue „100er Serie“ stehen – neben Neuheiten in seinem Portfolio von leistungsstarken Produkten, die auf der Messe erstmals präsentiert werden. Außerdem wird Mimaki auf der virtuellen drupa eine Sonderaktion für ausgewählte Produkte starten, um seine Produktpalette noch attraktiver für Unternehmen zu machen, die ihr Angebot in diesen schwierigen Zeiten diversifizieren möchten.

Im Einklang mit dem Ziel der virtuellen drupa, die Branche bei der Kontaktpflege, Erweiterung ihrer Netzwerke und Generierung von Leads in diesen schwierigen Zeiten zu unterstützen, will Mimaki diese Veranstaltung nutzen, um seine neuesten Digitaldrucklösungen zur Erschließung neuer Geschäftsfelder und zahlreiche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zu präsentieren. „Als Reaktion auf die aktuellen Umstände der COVID-19-Pandemie müssen wir uns alle anpassen und zusammenhalten, um diese schwierige Situation zu meistern“, so Danna Drion, Marketing Manager bei Mimaki EMEA. „In den letzten 12 Monaten hat Mimaki alle erdenklichen Anstrengungen unternommen, um Stammkunden und potenzielle Kunden mit virtuellen informativen Veranstaltungen und Gelegenheiten zum Networking dabei zu unterstützen, die Auswirkungen und Herausforderungen der COVID-19-Pandemie zu bewältigen. Online-Veranstaltungen bleiben auch weiterhin ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer Strategie. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet die virtuelle drupa eine gute Gelegenheit für den Wissens- und Erfahrungsaustausch und die Motivation von Druckdienstleistern, mit uns gemeinsam neue Wege für ihre Expansion zu finden.“

Die Rollendrucker der neuesten „100er Serie“ gehören zu den technischen Highlights auf der virtuellen drupa und sollen den Geschäftserfolg trotz der aktuellen Marktunsicherheit fördern. Sie zeichnen sich durch Produktivität, Zuverlässigkeit und Flexibilität zur Diversifizierung des Anwendungsbereichs aus und bieten ein attraktives Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Die 100er Serie umfasst drei Modelle, die alle mit verschiedenen Kerntechnologien von Mimaki ausgestattet sind, wie NCU (Nozzle Check Unit), NRS (Nozzle Recovery System) und DAS (Dot Adjustment System).

  • Mimaki JV100-160: Dieser Eco-Solvent-Rollendrucker für das Einstiegssegment ermöglicht den hochwertigen Lösemitteldruck bei denkbar niedrigen Betriebskosten. Der JV100-160 nutzt die neu entwickelte, schnell trocknende Eco-Solvent-Tinte „AS5“. Als Tintenkonfigurationen werden 4-Farb-Modus (CMYK) im Doppelmodus sowie 8-Farb-Druck mit zusätzlichem Light Cyan (Lc), Light Magenta (Lm), Orange (Or) und Light Schwarz (Lk) angeboten. Selbst bei starkem Farbauftrag erzeugt die neue AS5-Tinte ein harmonisches, fein durchzeichnetes Druckbild von geringer Körnigkeit. Aufgrund ihrer hohen Kratzfestigkeit und Witterungsbeständigkeit ist sie ideal für vielfältige Innen- und Außenanwendungen.
  • Mimaki UJV100-160: Dieser UV-Rollendrucker vereint hohe Produktivität, extrem hohe Vielseitigkeit und Druckgeschwindigkeit. Er arbeitet mit der kostengünstigen, sofort aushärtenden UV-Tinte „LUS-190“, die für kürzere Produktionszeiten ohne Entgasungsphase nach dem Druck sorgt. Die LUS-190 kann nicht nur PVC, sondern auch unbeschichtete Substrate, wie PET-Folie oder Papier, bedrucken. Dieses System ist die ideale Lösung für den Einstieg in die UV-Drucktechnologie.
  • Mimaki TS100-1600: Der Textildrucker TS100-1600 bietet eine preisgünstige, hochwertige Lösung für Druckdienstleister, die in den digitalen Sublimationsdruck einsteigen und ihre Produktionskapazität erweitern möchten. Er hat eine Druckbreite von 1.600 mm mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 70 m2/h im schnellsten Modus. 1-Liter-Tintenbehälter im TS100-1600 sorgen für geringere Betriebskosten und ermöglichen aufgrund der geringeren Austauschfrequenz einen stabilen, kontinuierlichen Betrieb. Der TS100-1600 ist für den Einsatz in mehreren Bereichen hervorragend geeignet, wie für Mode, Soft Signage, Innendesign, Sportbekleidung und personalisierte Objekte.

Im Rahmen seines langfristigen Engagements zur Förderung der Innovation im Digitaldruck wird Mimaki auch zwei brandneue Drucksysteme auf der virtuellen drupa vorstellen. Ausgestattet mit innovativen Funktionen zum Bedrucken von Sonderformaten und speziellen Substraten sollen diese bahnbrechenden Systeme neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für den Großformatdruck und die Modebranche eröffnen. Selbstverständlich werden Experten von Mimaki zur Verfügung stehen, um interessierten Fachbesuchern einen Einblick in die 3D-Farbdrucktechnologie des Unternehmens und relevante Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zu geben.

„Auf der virtuellen drupa werden wir unser umfassendes Sortiment an bahnbrechenden Technologien präsentieren und so unser klares Bekenntnis zur Bereitstellung hochwertiger Produkte für die Industrie unter Beweis stellen. Aufgrund unserer Flexibilität, Zukunftsorientierung und langjährigen Erfahrung in der Forschung und Entwicklung können wir uns schnell an geänderte Marktbedingungen und Kundenanforderungen anpassen, um unsere Systeme kontinuierlich zu verbessern oder innovative neue Systeme zu entwickeln“, erklärt Drion. „Die 100er Serie zeichnet sich nicht nur durch hohe Effizienz und Qualität aus, sondern bietet auch die notwendige Flexibilität für vielfältige Druckanwendungen – angefangen von farbenfrohen Tapeten bis zu hochwertigen Werbeschildern. Außerdem werden die auf der Messe präsentierten Neuzugänge neue Maßstäbe in ihrem jeweiligen Marktsegment setzen.“

More information:
drupa Mimaki 3D-Druck Digitaldruck

Mimaki Europe B.V.

(c) Finavia

Finavia will start piloting UVC technology to disinfect the security control trays after each use

Finavia will start disinfecting security control trays with UVC light technology that kills bacteria and viruses. During the pilot project, equipment based on different technologies will be tested at a number of security control lines.

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we already upgraded the cleaning process of security control trays during the spring, but the aim of the pilot project is to raise hygiene standards to a new level and find the best UVC disinfection method for the airport environment. Our expectations are high for the performance of the equipment we are piloting,” says Finavia’s Ulla Lettijeff, Helsinki Airport Executive Director.

The disinfection technology tested at the airport is based on UVC light, used for the cleaning of surfaces in, among others, health care and the food industry. UVC effectively destroys bacteria on surfaces.

The aim is to first carry out a pilot to gain experience of the new technology. The pilot involves testing of a variety of different equipment in order to find the product that best suits the airport environment.

Finavia will start disinfecting security control trays with UVC light technology that kills bacteria and viruses. During the pilot project, equipment based on different technologies will be tested at a number of security control lines.

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we already upgraded the cleaning process of security control trays during the spring, but the aim of the pilot project is to raise hygiene standards to a new level and find the best UVC disinfection method for the airport environment. Our expectations are high for the performance of the equipment we are piloting,” says Finavia’s Ulla Lettijeff, Helsinki Airport Executive Director.

The disinfection technology tested at the airport is based on UVC light, used for the cleaning of surfaces in, among others, health care and the food industry. UVC effectively destroys bacteria on surfaces.

The aim is to first carry out a pilot to gain experience of the new technology. The pilot involves testing of a variety of different equipment in order to find the product that best suits the airport environment.

The technology is supplied among others by the Finnish company LedFuture Oy, which delivered a pioneering LED-technology based disinfection solution for testing by Finavia. According to LedFuture, the UVC-LED disinfection technology is energy efficient, environmentally friendly and quick in comparison with traditional cleaning methods, and it is based on research by the University of Helsinki, the University of Eastern Finland and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). 



AFFIX Labs launches world’s first long-lasting surface treatment to kill the coronavirus © 2020 AFFIX Labs
Si-Quat by AFFIX Labs is a versatile anti-viral surface treatment that has been scientifically proven to last for months on any surface or textile while effectively killing the COVID-19 pathogen upon contact. Si-Quat by AFFIX Labs can be implemented onto any surface.

AFFIX Labs launches world’s first long-lasting surface treatment to kill the coronavirus

  • Si-Quat by AFFIX Labs is a versatile anti-viral surface treatment that has been scientifically proven to last for months on any surface or textile while effectively killing the COVID-19 pathogen upon contact.

Helsinki - Leading chemical binding expert AFFIX Labs has harnessed its global experience in disease prevention to create the first long-lasting surface treatment proven to kill COVID-19. Si-Quat combines a safe and well-established disinfectant and a proprietary chemical binding technique, so that the active ingredient can kill viruses, including SARS-COV-2. Testing at Portugal’s Biochemistry Institute at the University of Lisbon proves that Si-Quat effectively kills the COVID-19 pathogens that it comes into contact with.

  • Si-Quat by AFFIX Labs is a versatile anti-viral surface treatment that has been scientifically proven to last for months on any surface or textile while effectively killing the COVID-19 pathogen upon contact.

Helsinki - Leading chemical binding expert AFFIX Labs has harnessed its global experience in disease prevention to create the first long-lasting surface treatment proven to kill COVID-19. Si-Quat combines a safe and well-established disinfectant and a proprietary chemical binding technique, so that the active ingredient can kill viruses, including SARS-COV-2. Testing at Portugal’s Biochemistry Institute at the University of Lisbon proves that Si-Quat effectively kills the COVID-19 pathogens that it comes into contact with.

“Tragedies have unfolded across the globe, affecting different countries at varying degrees. The second waves of COVID-19 are just appearing on the horizon. This long-lasting surface treatment is a viable, accessible solution across cultures. By killing the COVID-19 pathogen on surfaces before it can infect people, the Si-Quat solution is a game changer. It can provide increased security and peace of mind to your communities, as well as your customers,” says Tom Sam, CEO of AFFIX Labs.

Si-Quat has been tested to kill 99.99% of microbes within minutes, while still being fully safe to touch. Proven to be effective for about a month on frequently touched surfaces, it is the longest lasting anti-viral surface treatment available to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus. The product is non-corrosive, free from silver salts and heavy metal nanoparticles, and perfectly safe to touch.

Several major agencies around the globe have already accepted quaternary ammonium, the main ingredient in the surface coating, to be an effective surface treatment against the novel coronavirus, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Environmental Protection Agency, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the European Chemical Agency (ECHA).

Si-Quat was invented in January 2020 by the AFFIX Labs’ Repeltec development team to specifically help combat the COVID-19 outbreak. The product is based on the trusted and safe disinfectant quaternary ammonium, which is chemically bound to align silane quaternary ammonium molecules (silane quats) in a highly effective manner. Positively charged nitrogen particles then actively attract viruses and bacteria, penetrating the membranes and killing them within minutes.

Rigorous testing has shown Si-Quat to adhere to almost any surface, performing as the most durable surface treatment commercially available. Due to its incredibly strong layer, the solution only wears down on surfaces after thousands of touches or multiple cleaning cycles. This means that on heavily used surfaces, such as door handles and counters, Si-Quat will be effective for about a month. On rarely touched surfaces like walls, it has the potential to protect for years. Since the product is incredibly easy to apply, technicians require minimal training and only basic protection. They simply have to brush or spray Si-Quat onto the surface and allow it to dry for 6 hours.

“Other sanitising solutions require reapplication to every surface several times daily, interrupting business operations. This results in additional costs and disruptions at a time when many companies are already struggling,” Sam explains. “By combining proven efficacy, safety and long durability, Si-Quat is emerging as an important weapon in the battle against the spread of COVID-19.”

AFFIX Labs has begun to roll out the distribution of Si-Quat across the globe, with new regions being serviced every week. It is currently looking for distribution partners in local markets.

The project leading to the development of Si-Quat included funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a body of the European Union, under the Horizon 2020 Framework for Research and Innovation.


Virtual event series by Mimaki

  • Live Event Series Launched to Connect with Customers and Drive New Opportunities After COVID-19

Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has announced it will host a three-part virtual event series – Mimaki Live Series – to support customers looking for inspiration and advice on how to maintain or revive business after the COVID-19 crisis.

Building on the success of Mimaki’s Virtual Print Festival in March and April this year, Mimaki has created an exciting and insightful three-day programme for three market-focused virtual events:

  • Event I – Sign Graphics – 30th June 2020
  • Event II – Textiles – 14th July 2020
  • Event III – Industrial Printing - 27th August 2020

Each event will provide a platform for Mimaki representatives, customers, and suppliers to discuss the impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on their business and the wider industry, as well as share their experiences, challenges, and success stories.

  • Live Event Series Launched to Connect with Customers and Drive New Opportunities After COVID-19

Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has announced it will host a three-part virtual event series – Mimaki Live Series – to support customers looking for inspiration and advice on how to maintain or revive business after the COVID-19 crisis.

Building on the success of Mimaki’s Virtual Print Festival in March and April this year, Mimaki has created an exciting and insightful three-day programme for three market-focused virtual events:

  • Event I – Sign Graphics – 30th June 2020
  • Event II – Textiles – 14th July 2020
  • Event III – Industrial Printing - 27th August 2020

Each event will provide a platform for Mimaki representatives, customers, and suppliers to discuss the impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on their business and the wider industry, as well as share their experiences, challenges, and success stories.

The Mimaki Live events will feature a host of engaging panel discussions, opinion polls, live chats and Q&As, all designed to prompt important, topical discussions and share information and advice across the print community.  

To register for the Mimaki Live event series, please visit

More information:


Logo Mimaki
Mimaki starts to produce masks

Energiapura: production of masks

Energiapura – Production of reusable, customised protective masks that are also fashion accessories

Energiapura – Production of reusable, customised protective masks that are also fashion accessories

  • The Italian company, a specialist manufacturer of functional sportswear, conducted research and began producing masks in response to the COVID-19 crisis
  • Using Mimaki sublimation printers, the masks can be customised, getting away from their connotation with hospitals and transforming them into a fashion accessory

From functional sportswear to combatting the spread of the Coronavirus: Energiapura, an Italian company has developed a mask that meets the Class I medical device requirements. The EP PA 2020 (Energiapura Pure Air) facial device, optimised for air filtering and breathability, provides protection while working, and can be reused. But Energiapura has gone even further, branding and customising the masks with sublimation printing.
The EP PA 2020 mask, compliant with 93/42 EEC Medical Devices – Class I washable, meets the essential requirements of UNI EN 14683:2019. Having redirected the manufacturing process, Energiapura is now stepping up production levels to meet the rising demand from hospitals, pharmacies, chemists, companies and consumers.

Pure Air, Energiapura’s mask
The EP PA 2020 is based on a functional concept: protection, breathability and reusability are the main principles. EP PA 2020 is made up of three layers of fabric: the first, the outer layer, is DWR-treated polyester, the second is TNT polyester, providing a filtering function, and the third, which comes into contact with the face, is polyester containing special fibres, such as coolmax and carbon.  Therefore it can be reused via normal washing and steam ironing, which also sterilises it.
The CEO of Enegiapura, Alberto Olivietto explains the idea of the customisation of the mask: “We wanted to disassociate our masks from the hospital image. By decorating them with company branding and designs provided by customers.” This is where the Mimaki JV300 wide-format printer comes in.


More information:
corona virus face masks

(c) Mimaki Europe B.V.