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(c) adidas AG
Roland Auschel, Executive Board member, responsible for Global Sales

adidas Supervisory Board extends appointments of Roland Auschel and Brian Grevy

The Supervisory Board of adidas AG extended the appointment of Executive Board member Roland Auschel, responsible for Global Sales, by two years beyond 2022 until the end of 2024. Roland Auschel has been member of the Executive Board of adidas AG since 2013. At the same time, the Supervisory Board of adidas AG extended the appointment of Executive Board member Brian Grevy, responsible for Global Brands, by five years beyond 2022 until early 2028. Brian Grevy has been member of the Executive Board of adidas AG since 2020.

“On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I am very pleased to announce that we have extended the appointments of both Roland and Brian. Our long-term strategy ‘Own the Game’ has the consumer at its heart. Both Roland and Brian play key roles in bringing this consumer focus to life with their respective functions. We are convinced that they will continue the successful execution of our strategy together with the entire Executive Board”, stated Thomas Rabe, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of adidas AG.

The Supervisory Board of adidas AG extended the appointment of Executive Board member Roland Auschel, responsible for Global Sales, by two years beyond 2022 until the end of 2024. Roland Auschel has been member of the Executive Board of adidas AG since 2013. At the same time, the Supervisory Board of adidas AG extended the appointment of Executive Board member Brian Grevy, responsible for Global Brands, by five years beyond 2022 until early 2028. Brian Grevy has been member of the Executive Board of adidas AG since 2020.

“On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I am very pleased to announce that we have extended the appointments of both Roland and Brian. Our long-term strategy ‘Own the Game’ has the consumer at its heart. Both Roland and Brian play key roles in bringing this consumer focus to life with their respective functions. We are convinced that they will continue the successful execution of our strategy together with the entire Executive Board”, stated Thomas Rabe, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of adidas AG.

AZL schließt gemeinsam mit 46 Industriepartnern Projekt zu Batteriegehäusen erfolgreich ab (c) AZL

AZL: Gemeinsames Projekt zu Batteriegehäusen mit 46 Industriepartnern

Gemeinsam mit insgesamt 46 Industriepartnern konnten mehrere, verschiedene Konzepte für Kunststoff-basierte Multimaterial-Batteriegehäuse erarbeitet werden, mit denen deutliche Einsparpotentiale bei Gewicht und Kosten möglich sind. Im Projektverlauf kristallisierten sich zwei wichtige Kernthemen heraus, die in Folgeprojekten gesondert behandelt werden sollen: Bodenaufprallschutz und Feuerbeständigkeit. Diese zwei Folgeprojekte starten am 26. Januar 2022. Ein Projekt zur Entwicklung und Realisierung von Prototypen für Mitte nächsten Jahres 2022 ist in Planung.

Gemeinsam mit insgesamt 46 Industriepartnern konnten mehrere, verschiedene Konzepte für Kunststoff-basierte Multimaterial-Batteriegehäuse erarbeitet werden, mit denen deutliche Einsparpotentiale bei Gewicht und Kosten möglich sind. Im Projektverlauf kristallisierten sich zwei wichtige Kernthemen heraus, die in Folgeprojekten gesondert behandelt werden sollen: Bodenaufprallschutz und Feuerbeständigkeit. Diese zwei Folgeprojekte starten am 26. Januar 2022. Ein Projekt zur Entwicklung und Realisierung von Prototypen für Mitte nächsten Jahres 2022 ist in Planung.

Batteriegehäuse gehören zu den Schlüsselkomponenten in E-Fahrzeugen und werden derzeit in der Regel aus Aluminium hergestellt. Genau diese Komponente analysierte das AZL in dem jetzt durchgeführten Projekt mit einem großen Konsortium aus Automobilherstellern, Automobilzulieferern, Rohstoffherstellern und Maschinenherstellern. „Der enorme Zuspruch aus der Industrie unterstreicht die Relevanz des Themas“, freut sich der Projektleiter Warden Schijve, der zudem sehr zufrieden mit dem Verlauf und den Ergebnissen ist. Schließlich lassen sich bis zu 36 % des Gewichts und bis zu 20 % der Kosten einsparen, wenn anstelle herkömmlicher Lösungen Multi-Material-Verbunde auf Basis von Kunststoffen zum Einsatz kommen.

Um zu den Ergebnissen zu gelangen, hat das AZL unter Mitwirkung seiner Partnerunternehmen, zu denen unter anderem Audi, Asahi Kasei, Covestro, DSM, EconCore, Faurecia, Formosa, Hengrui, Hutchinson, IPTE, Johns Manville, Magna, Marelli und Teijin, gehörten, zunächst fünf Subkomponenten eines Batteriegehäuses definiert: die Gehäusewanne, die Bodenschutzplatte, den Crash-Rahmen, die Querbalken und den Gehäusedeckel. Außerdem analysierten die Partner insgesamt 44 marktrelevante, existierende Serienkomponenten und Konzepte genauer und erstellten eine umfangreiche Übersicht über die verschiedenen Standards sowie Anforderungen auf nationaler, internationaler und OEM-Ebene. Prämisse dabei war, gleiche oder gar bessere mechanische Kennwerte zu erreichen als bei herkömmlichen Lösungen. So sollten beispielsweise mindestens gleiche Steifigkeiten, Sicherheiten bei seitlichem Aufprall, EMI-Abschirmung sowie Flammschutz vorhanden sein. Um nun die alternativen Lösungen zu ermitteln, entwickelte das AZL 20 Designkonzepte mit unterschiedlichen Materialkombinationen. Zur Analyse und Auslegung der verschiedenen Konzepte wurden mehr als 500 FEM-Modelle erstellt und über 1.500 CAE-Simulationen durchgeführt.

Während sich Folgeprojekt 1 mit einer anwendungsbezogenen Testmethode und der Untersuchung der Sicherheit verschiedener Materialkombinationen für den Bodenaufprallschutz beschäftigt, steht in Folgeprojekt 2 die Flammresistenz verschiedener Materialien und Materialkombinationen im Vordergrund. Ziel ist es Prüfverfahren zu entwickeln, die es erlauben, die Aufprall-/Feuerbeständigkeit auf Materialebene unter Berücksichtigung der spezifischen Anforderungen an ein Batteriegehäuse im Vergleich zu Standardmaterialien zu untersuchen.

Firmen mit Interesse an Herstellung von Batteriegehäusen können sich an Philipp Fröhlig und Alexander Knauff wenden:
Philipp Fröhlig, AZL Aachen GmbH, Senior Project Manager, Tel: +49 241 47573514,
Alexander Knauff, AZL Aachen GmbH, Manager Industrial Services, Tel: +49 241 47573516,



AZL Aachen GmbH


DSM to showcase armor solutions made with Dyneema® at Milipol Paris 2021

DSM, the inventor and manufacturer of Dyneema®, will be exhibiting at one of the leading events for homeland security and safety, Milipol Paris 2021, from October 19-22.

The performance characteristics of Dyneema® make it ideal for a variety of applications, including soft and hard armor ballistics to protect against today’s advanced and emerging threats. In addition, Dyneema® combines next-generation fiber technology and unidirectional engineering to deliver armor solutions with unmatched ballistic stopping power in a lightweight and flexible composite.

By implementing Dyneema®, body armor manufacturers are able to use less material in the development of their ballistic vests, plates and helmets. This leads to weight savings upwards of 30 percent when compared to competitive materials, without impacting ballistic performance. The lightweight construction of armor made with Dyneema® also mitigates injuries associated with the cumulative effects of daily armor use – while improving situational awareness, as well as cognitive and tactical performance.

DSM, the inventor and manufacturer of Dyneema®, will be exhibiting at one of the leading events for homeland security and safety, Milipol Paris 2021, from October 19-22.

The performance characteristics of Dyneema® make it ideal for a variety of applications, including soft and hard armor ballistics to protect against today’s advanced and emerging threats. In addition, Dyneema® combines next-generation fiber technology and unidirectional engineering to deliver armor solutions with unmatched ballistic stopping power in a lightweight and flexible composite.

By implementing Dyneema®, body armor manufacturers are able to use less material in the development of their ballistic vests, plates and helmets. This leads to weight savings upwards of 30 percent when compared to competitive materials, without impacting ballistic performance. The lightweight construction of armor made with Dyneema® also mitigates injuries associated with the cumulative effects of daily armor use – while improving situational awareness, as well as cognitive and tactical performance.

While decreasing the load on the wearer, Dyneema® is simultaneously able to reduce the impact of material manufacturing on our planet. In line with DSM’s commitment to protect people and the environment they live in, we have developed the first-ever bio-based ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber and unidirectional (UD) material. Bio-based Dyneema® boasts the same exact performance as conventional Dyneema® with a carbon footprint that is 90 percent lower than generic HMPE.


DSM Protective Materials / EMG


DSM and SABIC: Creating recycled-based Dyneema®

Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, and SABIC, a global leader in the chemical industry, announced a collaboration to create recycled-based Dyneema®. Through a joint pilot with multiple CirculariTeam® members, the manufacturing and usage of Dyneema® using mixed plastic waste as feedstock (via mass balance approach) will be successfully demonstrated. It is an important step toward the future goal of fully closing the loop by delivering Dyneema® made from ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMwPE) waste. This collaboration underlines DSM’s and SABIC’s efforts to accelerate a circular economy for materials.

Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, and SABIC, a global leader in the chemical industry, announced a collaboration to create recycled-based Dyneema®. Through a joint pilot with multiple CirculariTeam® members, the manufacturing and usage of Dyneema® using mixed plastic waste as feedstock (via mass balance approach) will be successfully demonstrated. It is an important step toward the future goal of fully closing the loop by delivering Dyneema® made from ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMwPE) waste. This collaboration underlines DSM’s and SABIC’s efforts to accelerate a circular economy for materials.

By working together with members of CirculariTeam®, DSM will produce recycled-based Dyneema® made using SABIC’s certified circular ethylene as a pilot project in both a sailing rope and a pelagic trawl net application. The circular ethylene, from SABIC’s TRUCIRCLE™ portfolio, uses mixed plastic waste as feedstock (mass balance approach), which not only contributes to preventing valuable plastic from becoming waste and the avoidance of carbon emissions compared to incineration, but it will also help preserve fossil resources. These pilots are an important early-stage milestone in the journey toward making fully circular Dyneema® from HMPE post-production and post-consumer waste.

Jon Mitchell, Managing Director at Marlow Ropes: “We’re proud to be one of the first manufacturers to integrate recycled-based Dyneema® within our products and demonstrate the material’s feasibility. By collaborating with materials science pioneers such as DSM and SABIC, we are able to create products that not only deliver superlative functional performance but also have a lower environmental impact. Our products are trialed and tested by professional offshore sailing teams including 11th Hour Racing Team, a proud partner of ours at Marlow, with whom we share a progressive approach to seeking sustainable solutions: no more business as usual."

Klaus Walther, Managing Director at Gleistein: “Warm congratulations to DSM and SABIC for pushing the boundaries of science to deliver a truly unique product. We’re proud that our ropes can be produced from what once was typical household plastic waste. This is an important stepping stone towards becoming circular. It will enable our customer Maritiem BV to further develop high-tech fishing gear whilst contributing to the circular economy. Not to forget Cornelis Vrolijk Fishing Company, who again illustrate their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility by introducing this concept in fishery.”

More information:
DSM Dyneema SABIC plastic waste