From the Sector

32 results
(c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Monforts: Launch of coaTTex at Techtextil 2024

At the upcoming Techtextil show for technical textiles, which will take place in Frankfurt from April 23-25, Monforts will launch its new coaTTex coating unit dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating.

For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coaTTex is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts lines, notably the Montex stenter systems.

A wide range of coatings can be applied to fabrics for providing functions such as waterproofing, liquid and gas protection and breathability, in addition to foam lamination and coating, including black-out coating.

The considerable technical textile end-use applications envisaged for the coaTTex range from window blinds to abrasive cloths and from airbags to sails.

With an operational speed of up to 40 metres per minute, coaTTex units are available in nominal widths of between 1800mm to 3600mm and their robust construction is characterised by a rotating beam for the fixation of up to three different knife executions.

At the upcoming Techtextil show for technical textiles, which will take place in Frankfurt from April 23-25, Monforts will launch its new coaTTex coating unit dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating.

For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coaTTex is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts lines, notably the Montex stenter systems.

A wide range of coatings can be applied to fabrics for providing functions such as waterproofing, liquid and gas protection and breathability, in addition to foam lamination and coating, including black-out coating.

The considerable technical textile end-use applications envisaged for the coaTTex range from window blinds to abrasive cloths and from airbags to sails.

With an operational speed of up to 40 metres per minute, coaTTex units are available in nominal widths of between 1800mm to 3600mm and their robust construction is characterised by a rotating beam for the fixation of up to three different knife executions.

Central adjustment of both the horizontal and vertical position of the beam, and also of the knife angle, enables easy adaptation to new projects and automatic tension control guarantees high quality production. In addition, the cleaning blade for the coating roller is pneumatically controlled, as is the lifting of the beam at seams and clamping during fabric standstill.


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Foto: Messe Frankfurt / Jean-Luc Valentin

Techtextil und Texprocess mit starkem Wissensprogramm

Wie hilft KI in der Textilindustrie? Was tut sich im Bereich Recycling und Kreislaufwirtschaft? Von Nachhaltigkeit bis Digitalisierung sind es die großen und dringenden Themen, die die Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess mit ihrem Rahmenprogramm angehen: Die Techtextil- und Texprocess Foren stehen auch 2024 wieder für Content, Speaker*innen und Networking und so zu Plattformen für Wissenstransfer, fachlichen Austausch und Business-Anbahnung.

Wie hilft KI in der Textilindustrie? Was tut sich im Bereich Recycling und Kreislaufwirtschaft? Von Nachhaltigkeit bis Digitalisierung sind es die großen und dringenden Themen, die die Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess mit ihrem Rahmenprogramm angehen: Die Techtextil- und Texprocess Foren stehen auch 2024 wieder für Content, Speaker*innen und Networking und so zu Plattformen für Wissenstransfer, fachlichen Austausch und Business-Anbahnung.

Techtextil Forum: Von AI bis Zirkularität
Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit, Lieferketten, alternative Materialien, Prozessoptimierung und Kreislaufwirtschaft: Was sind die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse, Technologien und Innovationen? Welche Trends und Lösungsansätze treiben die globale Textilbranche? Dazu bietet das Techtextil Forum an vier Tagen rund 50 Vorträge und Diskussionsrunden. Das Programm reicht dabei von A wie AI bis Z wie Zirkularität: Ricardo Vega Ayora (ITA Academy, Aachen) zeigt auf, wie künstliche Intelligenz gezielt für die Energie-Optimierung eingesetzt werden kann. Über ihren besonderen Durchbruch bei organischen Farbstoffen berichten Sophia Merve Ince und Dr. Recep Karadağ von Anatolian Colours. Textile Lösungen für die Zukunft liefern Moderator Dr. Jan Laperre (Centexbel) und Lea Zimmermann (DITF). Sie diskutieren, welche lebenswichtige Rolle Textilien im Kontext des Klimawandels übernehmen können und beleuchten ein aktuelles Forschungsprojekt zu energiefrei selbstkühlenden Textilien. Ein starker Schwerpunkt des Techtextil Forums liegt auf dem Feld Recycling. Dazu teilen unter anderem Johannes Leis (Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut) und Robin Oddon (Techtera) ihre Erkenntnisse in der Entwicklung von Kreislaufprozessen für die Bewirtschaftung von Verbundstoffabfällen und Abfällen. Lorenza Gardella (XLANCE) zeigt auf, welche Recyclingmöglichkeiten elastische Fasern auf Polyolefinbasis für neue Textilien eröffnen.

Texprocess Forum und Denim Talks: Zukunftsfähige nachhaltige Lösungen und Technologien stehen im Fokus. Content-Partner ist unter anderem der Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather), der von hier aus auch seine geführten Messerundgänge zu den Themen Digitalisierung und AI startet. Auf der Bühne diskutieren unter anderem im Econogy-Talk, co-hosted by VDMA, Federica Giachetti (Morgan Tecnica), Michael McDonald (SPESA) und Günter Veit (VEIT Group) darüber, wie Nachhaltigkeit mithilfe von technologischen Neuerungen implementiert werden kann.

Bei den Denim Talks laden Branchenexpert*innen dazu ein, die Zukunft der Denim-Industrie neu zu erleben. Besucher*innen erhalten Einblicke in zirkuläre Strategien und neue Verarbeitungstechnologien, treffen innovative Anbieter*innen und Akteure. Das Themenspektrum umfasst nachhaltige Ansätze für die Bereiche Washing, Destroying, Bleaching, Lasering, Dyeing, Re- und Upcycling oder Customizing. Mit dabei ist unter anderem Abdul Jabbar Athar (US Apparel & Textiles) mit seinem Vortrag „Denim Sustainability - A Nexus Approach“ sowie Enrico Cartabbia (MACPI Americas), der über die neuesten Innovationen für die Denim-Veredelung referiert.


Messe Frankfurt

Cavitec: Technology for breathable laminates at Techtextil 2024 (c) Cavitec, Santex Rimar Group

Cavitec: Technology for breathable laminates at Techtextil 2024

Cavitec, part of Santex Rimar Group, presents the redesigned Caviscreen at Techtextil Frankfurt. Caviscreen features latest technology for breathable laminates.

Caviscreen was developed as a hotmelt coating and laminating unit for breathable sportswear, rainwear and protective clothing – with and without applying a membrane. The redesigned machine shows a brand-new method to supply adhesive more evenly and precisely. Using PUR adhesive (polyurethane reactive adhesive) goes with additional benefits like strong bonding capabilities and versatility.

Caviscreen’s hotmelt screen printing is a special system for high-end application garments. With this Caviscreen system, a PUR adhesive is transferred onto the substrate through a rotary screen, similar to the well-established textile printing method. The adhesives are fed from the drum melter through a heated hose to the traversing adhesive distribution system inside the rotary screen, just behind the doctor blade.

Cavitec, part of Santex Rimar Group, presents the redesigned Caviscreen at Techtextil Frankfurt. Caviscreen features latest technology for breathable laminates.

Caviscreen was developed as a hotmelt coating and laminating unit for breathable sportswear, rainwear and protective clothing – with and without applying a membrane. The redesigned machine shows a brand-new method to supply adhesive more evenly and precisely. Using PUR adhesive (polyurethane reactive adhesive) goes with additional benefits like strong bonding capabilities and versatility.

Caviscreen’s hotmelt screen printing is a special system for high-end application garments. With this Caviscreen system, a PUR adhesive is transferred onto the substrate through a rotary screen, similar to the well-established textile printing method. The adhesives are fed from the drum melter through a heated hose to the traversing adhesive distribution system inside the rotary screen, just behind the doctor blade.

The adhesive is pressed by the doctor blade through the screen holes and transferred to the substrate. Different dot pattern (mesh or irregularly) and different screen thicknesses allow different coating weight and adhesive coverages.

The traversing adhesive dispenser is used to distribute the adhesive automatically over the set working width that – an additional technical benefit – can be set without any mechanical changes.

Cavitec’s screen coating system achieves high bonding strength while using less adhesive than other coating processes, because of applying the coating on the surface of the substrate and like this, the adhesive has less tendency to penetrate the substrate.

Bonding strength, softness of the fabric and the breathability are defined by the coating weight and the coverage. The rotary screen allows users to regulate and adapt the coverage respectively the coating weight. Cavitec offers a large selection of screens that are essential to fulfil the fabric requirements. A further advantage is the ease and efficiency of switching from one screen to another by simply unlocking the bayonet fitting. The IR-heater cover opens pneumatically and the lightweight screen can be easily removed by hand. Unlike with other methods, there's no need to deal with hot oil or any other heated liquid that requires cooling down.

The Caviscreen technology supports manufacturers by reducing costs with screens priced at a mere fraction, just 10%, of common gravure roller prices.



Aepli Communication GmbH

Junge Fachkräfte (c) Messe Frankfurt / Pietro Sutera

Techtextil und Texprocess für junge Fachkräfte und Studierende

Eine Chance für Young Professionals und angehende Fachkräfte, sich mit innovativen Unternehmen entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu vernetzen, bieten die Techtextil und Texprocess. Die international führenden Innovationsmessen, die vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main parallel zueinander stattfinden, halten für Studierende und Berufsanfänger*innen zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten und Wissensformate bereit.

Die Techtextil gibt einen gebündelten Überblick über die globale Innovationskraft technischer Textilien und Vliesstoffe und macht deren vielfältige Anwendungsbereiche sichtbar - von Automobil bis Bau, Fashion und Medizin. Gleichzeitig agiert die Texprocess als internationale Plattform neuester Maschinen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung und textilen Materialien und präsentiert Lösungen von Nähtechnik bis hin zu Cutting-Technologien.

Eine Chance für Young Professionals und angehende Fachkräfte, sich mit innovativen Unternehmen entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu vernetzen, bieten die Techtextil und Texprocess. Die international führenden Innovationsmessen, die vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main parallel zueinander stattfinden, halten für Studierende und Berufsanfänger*innen zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten und Wissensformate bereit.

Die Techtextil gibt einen gebündelten Überblick über die globale Innovationskraft technischer Textilien und Vliesstoffe und macht deren vielfältige Anwendungsbereiche sichtbar - von Automobil bis Bau, Fashion und Medizin. Gleichzeitig agiert die Texprocess als internationale Plattform neuester Maschinen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung und textilen Materialien und präsentiert Lösungen von Nähtechnik bis hin zu Cutting-Technologien.

Für Young Professionals bedeutet dies zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten. Techtextil und Texprocess halten eine Vielzahl an Wissens- und Networking-Formaten bereit – darunter zahlreiche Präsentationen von Universitäten, Forschungsinstituten und Start-ups, die gezielt Berufseinsteiger*innen und interessierte Fachkräfte ansprechen. Darüber hinaus stehen am Messefreitag die Vortragsformate Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum im Zeichen der nächsten Generation.

„Nachwuchsförderung nimmt einen starken Fokus auf der Techtextil und Texprocess ein. Wir arbeiten sehr eng mit Hochschulen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Newcomern der Branche zusammen. Die aktuelle Dringlichkeit der Textilbranche, neue Fachkräfte zu gewinnen, verleiht unserem Ansatz noch mal mehr Relevanz“, sagt Sabine Scharrer, Director Brand Management Technical Textiles & Textile Processing. „Als Teil des Konzeptes werden ausgewählte Hochschulen zu den Veranstaltungen eingeladen. Schon jetzt haben viele renommierte Institute zugesagt, die Messen mit Studierenden entsprechender Fachrichtungen zu besuchen und die Innovationskraft der Branche gebündelt live zu erleben“, berichtet Sabine Scharrer.

Campus & Research: neueste Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft
Auf den Arealen Campus & Research in den Hallen 12.1 sowie 8.0 präsentieren internationale Hochschulen, Institute und Forschungseinrichtungen sowohl ihre Forschungskompetenz als auch ihr vielfältiges Angebot an Studien- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Die Schwerpunkte liegen auf Textil und Technologien zur Herstellung und zur Be- und Verarbeitung von Textilien.
Techtextil und Texprocess finden vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 auf dem Frankfurter Messegelände statt.


Messe Frankfurt

Texprocess Forum (c) Sutera, Messe Frankfurt
Texprocess Forum

Techtextil und Texprocess 2024: starke Nachfrage, hohe Internationalität und Innovationsgrad

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 sind Techtextil und Texprocess der Hotspot für Innovationen, textile Lösungen und Vernetzung. Mehr als 1.600 Aussteller aus rund 50 Ländern zeigen den außergewöhnlichen Innovationsgrad der Branchen.

Die Zahl von aktuell über 1.600 angemeldeten Ausstellern aus rund 50 Ländern bestätigt die Relevanz der beiden Messen für die Unternehmen. Die kommenden Ausgaben präsentieren neben bekannten Formaten wie dem Techtextil Innovation Award und Texprocess Innovation Award oder dem Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum eine Reihe an neuen Sonderarealen. Besucher*innen dürfen sich auf der Techtextil u.a. auf das Areal Nature Performance oder die Sonderschau Future Materials sowie den Denim Hub oder ein Emerging Markets Areal auf der Texprocess freuen.

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 sind Techtextil und Texprocess der Hotspot für Innovationen, textile Lösungen und Vernetzung. Mehr als 1.600 Aussteller aus rund 50 Ländern zeigen den außergewöhnlichen Innovationsgrad der Branchen.

Die Zahl von aktuell über 1.600 angemeldeten Ausstellern aus rund 50 Ländern bestätigt die Relevanz der beiden Messen für die Unternehmen. Die kommenden Ausgaben präsentieren neben bekannten Formaten wie dem Techtextil Innovation Award und Texprocess Innovation Award oder dem Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum eine Reihe an neuen Sonderarealen. Besucher*innen dürfen sich auf der Techtextil u.a. auf das Areal Nature Performance oder die Sonderschau Future Materials sowie den Denim Hub oder ein Emerging Markets Areal auf der Texprocess freuen.

Auf der Techtextil erleben Besucher*innen in zwölf Anwendungsbereichen eine außerordentliche Bandbreite an Produkten. Diese finden Einsatz in einer Vielzahl von Industrien – von Automobil über Fashion, Medizin bis hin zu Bau. Die neuesten Entwicklungen bei Fasern und Garnen, Vliesstoffen, Composites, beschichteten Textilien, Technologien und vieles mehr stellen die Unternehmen, oft zum ersten Mal öffentlich, auf der Techtextil vor. Angemeldet sind unter anderem Carrington Textiles (Großbritannien), Concordia Textiles (Belgien), Datacolor (Belgien), Everest Textile (Taiwan), Franz Miederhoff (Deutschland), Groz-Beckert (Deutschland), Kuraray (Japan), Kusumgar Corporates (Indien), Outlast Technologies (Deutschland), Sandler (Deutschland), Tanatex Chemicals (Niederlande) und Textilcolor (Schweiz).

Die Texprocess ist die internationale Plattform für Aussteller von Maschinen, Anlagen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung sowie textiler und flexibler Materialien. Die Bandbreite an ausgestellten Produkten reicht von Nähtechnik und -materialien, Stickereitechnik, Fixieren, CAD/CAM und Cutting bis hin zu Recyclingtechnologien und vielem mehr. Für die Texprocess 2024 haben unter anderem Amann & Söhne (Deutschland), Assyst/Style3D (Deutschland), ASTAS (Türkei), Barudan Co., Ltd. (Frankreich), Brother Internationale Industriemaschinen (Deutschland), bullmer (Deutschland), Dürkopp Adler (Deutschland), IMA (Italien), Kai Corporation (Japan), Morgan Tecnica (Italien), natific (Schweiz), Orox Group (Italien) oder Tajima Industries (Japan) ihre Teilnahme angekündigt.

Techtextil Innovation Awards und Texprocess Innovation Awards
Die Innovation Awards sind Highlights beider Veranstaltungen. Zwei Fachjurys prämieren die neuesten herausragendsten Brancheninnovationen. Hier spiegelt sich die Zukunft der Branchen in neuen Ideen und Entwicklungen, die Lösungen für die unterschiedlichsten Bereiche von Digitalisierung und KI, über Nachhaltigkeit, bis hin zu neuen Materialien und Prozessen anbieten. Einreichungsschluss der Bewerbungen ist der 15. Dezember 2023.

Techtextil Innovation Award Bild Messe Frankfurt / Jean-Luc Valentin

Einreichung für Techtextil und Texprocess Innovation Awards 2024 gestartet

Einreichungsschluss aller Bewerbungen für die Techtextil und Texprocess Innovation Awards 2024 ist der 15. Dezember 2023. Anmeldeberechtigt sind alle Unternehmen, Institute, Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und Einzelpersonen – unabhängig davon, ob sie auf der Techtextil oder Texprocess in 2024 ausstellen oder nicht.

Einzureichende Entwicklungen dürfen weniger als zwei Jahre am Markt sein oder kurz vor ihrer Markteinführung stehen. Zwei internationale Expert*innen-Fachjurys befassen sich ab Mitte Dezember 2023 mit allen eingereichten Produkten und bewerten nach Kriterien wie Neuheit, wirtschaftlicher Relevanz, Potenzial und Kreativität. Erstmalig vorgestellt werden alle Gewinnerunternehmen während des ersten Messetags am 23. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

Techtextil Innovation Award 2024

Einreichungsschluss aller Bewerbungen für die Techtextil und Texprocess Innovation Awards 2024 ist der 15. Dezember 2023. Anmeldeberechtigt sind alle Unternehmen, Institute, Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und Einzelpersonen – unabhängig davon, ob sie auf der Techtextil oder Texprocess in 2024 ausstellen oder nicht.

Einzureichende Entwicklungen dürfen weniger als zwei Jahre am Markt sein oder kurz vor ihrer Markteinführung stehen. Zwei internationale Expert*innen-Fachjurys befassen sich ab Mitte Dezember 2023 mit allen eingereichten Produkten und bewerten nach Kriterien wie Neuheit, wirtschaftlicher Relevanz, Potenzial und Kreativität. Erstmalig vorgestellt werden alle Gewinnerunternehmen während des ersten Messetags am 23. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

Techtextil Innovation Award 2024

  • New Concept
  • New Technology
  • New Material
  • New Application
  • New Product
  • New Approaches on Sustainability & Circular Economy
  • New Technologies on Sustainability & Recycling
  • New Technology & Digitalization

Texprocess Innovation Award 2024

  • Ökonomische Qualität
    (Kostenminimierung, Zeit-, Prozessoptimierung, Automatisierung)
  • Ökologische Qualität
    (Klimaschutz, Energieeffizienz, Nachhaltigkeit, Recycling, Circularity)
  • Digitalisierung und KI
  • Innovation zur Qualitätssteigerung


Photo: Pexels

VIATT 2024: New textile fair in Vietnam

With combined regional, global, and industry specific expertise, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will make its debut from 28 February – 1 March 2024. Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in late March, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) announced the new international fair for the entire textile value chain. The three-day platform will be staged at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

Commenting on the new event, Ms Wendy Wen, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, said: “With Intertextile Apparel in Shanghai a prime example, our Texpertise Network provides the ideal global framework from which to launch this diverse, comprehensive platform for the integrated textile supply chain. VIATT itself will capture the essence of Texpertise in one platform – a diverse, one-stop sourcing event for buyers across all categories, from garments, fabrics, yarns and fibres, to textile machinery, technical textiles and nonwovens, and everything in between.”

With combined regional, global, and industry specific expertise, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will make its debut from 28 February – 1 March 2024. Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in late March, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) announced the new international fair for the entire textile value chain. The three-day platform will be staged at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

Commenting on the new event, Ms Wendy Wen, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, said: “With Intertextile Apparel in Shanghai a prime example, our Texpertise Network provides the ideal global framework from which to launch this diverse, comprehensive platform for the integrated textile supply chain. VIATT itself will capture the essence of Texpertise in one platform – a diverse, one-stop sourcing event for buyers across all categories, from garments, fabrics, yarns and fibres, to textile machinery, technical textiles and nonwovens, and everything in between.”

Discussing the event’s potential, Mr Le Hoang Tai, Deputy Director General of the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), said: “Vietnam is one of the world’s leading textile producers and exporters, and going from strength to strength as one of Southeast Asia’s manufacturing hubs. Our establishment has many years of experience organising trade fairs throughout Vietnam, and together with Messe Frankfurt we are excited to help international fairgoers unlock the potential of the country’s fast-growing textile market. In addition, Ho Chi Minh City’s accessibility, and Vietnam’s proximity to other leading textile-producing nations such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, China and India, make it the logical venue to host an event of this nature.”

Many international textile manufacturers have been expanding operations into Vietnam, augmenting an already strong domestic industry. According to the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS), the country’s textile and garment industry achieved staggering annual growth of 20 – 26% from 2018 – 2022. Participation in international trade agreements such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the EU–Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)[2], bodes well for future growth.

As one of the world’s biggest importers of textile machinery, and a consistent importer of fabrics, yarns and fibres, garment production is the cornerstone of Vietnam’s industry. The country utilises cotton and functional materials to produce casualwear, childrenswear, swimwear, workwear, and much more, with sportswear an especially fast-growing category, and high-utility garments expected to achieve high exports.

By linking textile players from across Asia, Europe and beyond with this market, VIATT 2024 is willing to play an important part in shaping the future of Vietnam’s industry. Next year’s fair will host an extensive mix of international and domestic exhibitors covering multiple textile sub-sectors, including garments, apparel fabrics and accessories, yarns and fibres, digital printing, home textiles, technical textiles and nonwovens, textile processing, textile machinery, and more.

Exhibitors and buyers can utilise the fair’s global business matchmaking service, where connections are made based on the specific needs of each party. In addition to the fair’s main function as an international trading platform, its fringe programme will facilitate participants’ networking with industry leaders and offer diverse market insights via various seminars, forums, and panel discussions.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE). Covering the entire textile industry value chain, the inaugural edition will be held from 28 February – 1 March 2024 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

More information:

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd,


JIAM 2022 OSAKA concludes successfully

Japan International Apparel Machinery & Textile Industry Trade Show (JIAM) has wrapped up four successful days of business at INTEX OSAKA. From 30 November – 3 December 2022, a total of 10,452 visitors found their way to the fairground. 150 exhibitors from 11 different countries and regions welcomed visitors with an extensive and diverse selection of products. Buyers from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, South Korea, and Pakistan constituted the top five visiting countries (excluding Japan), compensating for a drop in visitors from China this year due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Japan International Apparel Machinery & Textile Industry Trade Show (JIAM) has wrapped up four successful days of business at INTEX OSAKA. From 30 November – 3 December 2022, a total of 10,452 visitors found their way to the fairground. 150 exhibitors from 11 different countries and regions welcomed visitors with an extensive and diverse selection of products. Buyers from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, South Korea, and Pakistan constituted the top five visiting countries (excluding Japan), compensating for a drop in visitors from China this year due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Under the theme of "It all connects at JIAM – the forefront of technology and master craftsmanship", the 2022 edition showcased apparel manufacturing solutions catered to each and every need, combining skillsets and knowledge with modern technology. At the opening ceremony, Mr Shinsuke Uchinashi, Chairman of the Japan Sewing Machinery Manufacturers Association (JASMA), commented, "In the new normal, there is growing demand for new technological advancements, productivity improvements, and greater quality control. In addition to solving these pain points, this edition’s exhibitors are also showcasing various innovations in response to automation, IoT, and networking."

A wide variety of special seminars held in Hall 4 were well received. Highlights included a skills training seminar hosted by an emeritus professor and panel discussions by leading companies in the manufacturing industry. SDGs, examples of IoT in industrial sewing machines, and upcycling initiatives were also on the agenda, with visitors gathered around the presented items taking notes.
The Home Sewing Zone led by three machine manufactures and JASMA held daily workshops where visitors could learn about upcycling using scraps, and take a break at the café with "cup sleeves" of their own making. Ms Kazuko Mizuochi of JASMA said, "We had a great attendance from the very first day. We were able to familiarize participants with sewing machines and also promote upcycling activities."

The next edition will take place from 27 – 30 November 2024 at INTEX OSAKA.


Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd

Photo VDMA

Young Talent Award for AI supported production control of carbon fibres

  • Formula 1 cars will be cheaper in future

Carbon is the stuff Formula 1 cars are made of, at least the bodywork. But until now, carbon has been expensive. It can be produced more cheaply and efficiently if artificial intelligence monitors the production processes. A camera system combined with artificial intelligence automatically detects defects in the production of carbon fibres. This makes expensive manual inspection of the carbon fibres obsolete and the production price of the carbon fibre can be reduced in the long term.

For this idea, the young engineer Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt received the second prize of the "Digitalisation in Mechanical Engineering" Young Talent Award on 6 December.

  • Formula 1 cars will be cheaper in future

Carbon is the stuff Formula 1 cars are made of, at least the bodywork. But until now, carbon has been expensive. It can be produced more cheaply and efficiently if artificial intelligence monitors the production processes. A camera system combined with artificial intelligence automatically detects defects in the production of carbon fibres. This makes expensive manual inspection of the carbon fibres obsolete and the production price of the carbon fibre can be reduced in the long term.

For this idea, the young engineer Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt received the second prize of the "Digitalisation in Mechanical Engineering" Young Talent Award on 6 December.

Carbon fibres are sought after because of their good properties. They are very light - they weigh up to 50 percent less than aluminium. The combination of low weight and good mechanical properties offers many advantages. Especially in times of the energy transition, lightweight materials like carbon are more relevant than ever before. At the same time, carbon fibres are as resistant to external stresses as metals. However, achieving these good properties of carbon fibres is very complex.

Up to 300 individual fibre strands - bundles of individual fibres - have to be monitored simultaneously during production. If carbon fibres tear, it costs time and money to sort out the damaged fibres. This is just one example of various defects that can occur in the fibres during production.

Therefore, Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt attached a camera to the carbon fibre line that takes pictures of various fibre defects during production and collects them in a database. The artificial intelligence in the camera's information technology system evaluates the fibre defects by assigning the images to predefined reference defects. In doing so, it recognises various fibre defects with a classification accuracy of 99 per cent. The process can also be used in other areas that produce chemical fibres.

Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt received the prize from the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He is a Bachelor's graduate at the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University. The full title of his bachelor's thesis is: "Development of a Kl-supported process monitoring using machine learning to detect fibre damage in the stabilisation process". The VDMA awarded the prize to a total of four theses from different universities. The prize is awarded for outstanding theses and was offered in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen Universit

(c) JIAM, Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd

JIAM 2022 OSAKA taking place after a six year break

JIAM 2022 OSAKA, organised by the Japan Sewing Machinery Manufacturers Association (JASMA), will soon be held at INTEX OSAKA from 30 November – 3 December 2022. Under the theme of “It all connects at JIAM – the forefront of technology and master craftsmanship”, the 12th edition brings together leading sewing machine suppliers and apparel manufacturers, making it a must-attend event for textile professionals. In this era of change, an international platform to facilitate business and information exchange is essential. The 2022 edition will showcase apparel manufacturing solutions catered to each and every need, combining high-level skillsets and time-tested knowledge with the latest modern-day technology.

JIAM 2022 OSAKA, organised by the Japan Sewing Machinery Manufacturers Association (JASMA), will soon be held at INTEX OSAKA from 30 November – 3 December 2022. Under the theme of “It all connects at JIAM – the forefront of technology and master craftsmanship”, the 12th edition brings together leading sewing machine suppliers and apparel manufacturers, making it a must-attend event for textile professionals. In this era of change, an international platform to facilitate business and information exchange is essential. The 2022 edition will showcase apparel manufacturing solutions catered to each and every need, combining high-level skillsets and time-tested knowledge with the latest modern-day technology.

As of October, 144 exhibitors from 10 countries and regions (China, Greece, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand) have signed up for JIAM 2022 OSAKA to showcase their latest products and services. Of these, 39 companies (21 domestic, 18 overseas) will be joining the fair for the first time. In addition, two pavilions from Germany (VDMA; Mechanical Engineering Industry Association) and Taiwan (TSMA; Taiwan Sewing Machinery Association) will bring even more product diversity to the show floor. The previous edition of JIAM OSAKA in 2016 welcomed 258 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions as well as 15,257 visitors from 72 countries and regions, mainly from Bangladesh, China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.

A wide variety of special seminars
11 special organiser seminars will not only provide relevant industry knowledge, but also offer practical skills for daily work:

  • Manufacturing industry and digital technology
    Mr Atsushi Yasuda, Manager of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Manufacturing Industries Bureau,Industrial Machinery Division
  • Skills training seminar
    1. Twist Jacket (Lapel) pattern and matching sewing (front and shoulder seams)
    2. Shoulder keeper (prevent shoulder collapse) cherish a piece of clothing
    Mr Susumu Inarida, Emeritus Professor of Bunka Fashion Graduate University (BFGU) / Specially Appointed Committee Member of Japan Modelist Associate / Contemporary Master Craftsman Certified by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
  • "Mottainai!" sustainable initiatives from Osaka!
    Common points between Senshu Towl and OSAKA KABAN and the future
    Mr Eiji Shinoda, President of Shinoda cCorp
    Mr Kenji Fukuroya, Representative Employee of Fukuroya Joint Company etc.
  • About the sustainable fashion community “NewMake”- Upcycling initiatives in collaboration with brands
    Mr Tac Hosokawa, CEO of Story & Co.
  • Win - win strategy on underwear sewing, viewpoint of BISEI SANGYO Co., LTD
    Mr Toru Miyawaki, Managing Executive Officer of BISEI SANGYO Co.,LTD / Chairman of Hikoneseni Cooperative

Home Sewing Machine Zone
Catering to the B2C market, the Home Sewing Machine Zone, will feature major domestic household sewing machine suppliers. To promote the joy of sewing, a special workshop will be organised by Brother Industries Ltd, Janome Corp, JUKI Corp and JASMA covering topics such as the use of upcycled materials. As part of JIAM 2022 OSAKA’s sustainable development goals, visitors will be taught to sew “cup sleeves” using discarded items and materials from the DIY brand WHTATNOT. Attendees will also learn about upcycling, the process of upgrading unwanted items into new products that are useful. Another highlight will be the awards for JASMA’s “42th Home Sewing Competition for Elementary, Middle, and High School Students”.


JIAM, Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd / Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited


Heimtextil, Techtextil und Texprocess mit neuem Führungsteam

Die Textilmessen Heimtextil, Techtextil und Texprocess der Messe Frankfurt starten zukünftig unter neuer Leitung. Bettina Bär verantwortet ab dem 15. September 2022 die Leitung des Segments Heimtextilien der Heimtextil. Meike Kern ist in der Doppelspitze der internationalen Messe für Wohn- und Objekttextilien weiterhin für das Segment Haustextilien zuständig. Bettina Bär folgt auf Sabine Scharrer, die künftig die Position als Show Director der internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess und das Brandmanagement übernimmt. Sie folgt damit auf Michael Jänecke, der nach über 30 Jahren bei der Messe Frankfurt am 1. Januar 2023 in den Ruhestand geht. Seit 1992 leitete er die Techtextil, 2013 übernahm er zusätzlich die Funktion als Show Director der Texprocess.

Die Textilmessen Heimtextil, Techtextil und Texprocess der Messe Frankfurt starten zukünftig unter neuer Leitung. Bettina Bär verantwortet ab dem 15. September 2022 die Leitung des Segments Heimtextilien der Heimtextil. Meike Kern ist in der Doppelspitze der internationalen Messe für Wohn- und Objekttextilien weiterhin für das Segment Haustextilien zuständig. Bettina Bär folgt auf Sabine Scharrer, die künftig die Position als Show Director der internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess und das Brandmanagement übernimmt. Sie folgt damit auf Michael Jänecke, der nach über 30 Jahren bei der Messe Frankfurt am 1. Januar 2023 in den Ruhestand geht. Seit 1992 leitete er die Techtextil, 2013 übernahm er zusätzlich die Funktion als Show Director der Texprocess.

Die Leitmessen für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe sowie für die Verarbeitung von textilen und flexiblen Materialien, Techtextil und Texprocess, stehen ab dem 1. Januar 2023 unter Leitung von Sabine Scharrer. Seit 1996 ist Sabine Scharrer bei der Messe Frankfurt und arbeitete unter anderem für die technischen Auslandsmessen des Unternehmens sowie als Leitung von Konsumgütermessen, darunter die Ambiente. In ihrer neuen Rolle als Leitung der Techtextil und Texprocess möchte sie die Leitmessen in Zusammenarbeit mit den Branchenpartnern weiter international ausbauen und dabei die weltweiten Synergien der Brandveranstaltungen der Messe Frankfurt im Bereich Technical Textiles und Textile Technology heben.

Bettina Bär übernimmt ab dem 15. September die Leitung des Segments Heimtextilien der Heimtextil. Bettina Bär ist seit 2012 bei der Messe Frankfurt. In dieser Zeit fungierte sie unter anderem als Show Director im Segment der Konsumgütermessen sowie zuletzt als Show Director der Neonyt; die Messe für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovationen. Zukünftig möchte sie die Heimtextil mit neuen Ideen voranbringen, relevante Marktsegmente, darunter der Bereich Interior, Architecture und Hospitality, stärken und nachhaltige Lösungen fördern.



Messe Frankfurt

Photo: © 2022, Steiger Participations

Swiss Textile Machinery technology and innovations for technical textiles

New ideas were exchanged, brainstormed, and discussed freely at members’ booths at the Swiss Textile Machinery Pavilion during the recent Techtextil in Frankfurt. “Customers and researchers met Swiss textile machinery companies to explore the possibility of the not-yet-invented. “We regard our Pavilion as the place where future innovations catch a spark,” says Cornelia Buchwalder, Secretary General of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association. Further developments in the field of hybrid yarns were a hot topic. One example of this involves producing a yarn which has all the typical characteristics and advantages of carbon – but which also prioritizes careful use of resources, combining carbon fibres with thermoplastics.

Technical textiles cover a vast range of applications, and it’s still growing thanks to intensive research by specialist institutes and universities. Many members of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association maintain long-standing partnership with such bodies. Innovations are often joint efforts.

New ideas were exchanged, brainstormed, and discussed freely at members’ booths at the Swiss Textile Machinery Pavilion during the recent Techtextil in Frankfurt. “Customers and researchers met Swiss textile machinery companies to explore the possibility of the not-yet-invented. “We regard our Pavilion as the place where future innovations catch a spark,” says Cornelia Buchwalder, Secretary General of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association. Further developments in the field of hybrid yarns were a hot topic. One example of this involves producing a yarn which has all the typical characteristics and advantages of carbon – but which also prioritizes careful use of resources, combining carbon fibres with thermoplastics.

Technical textiles cover a vast range of applications, and it’s still growing thanks to intensive research by specialist institutes and universities. Many members of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association maintain long-standing partnership with such bodies. Innovations are often joint efforts.

Feel-good technical fabrics
Some technical textiles feel like a second skin. A well-known example is activewear from the ‘sport tech’ field. Activewear includes breathable clothing, usually consisting of a three-layer-laminate: an inner lining, a breathable membrane in the center, and an outer fabric. The challenge is to bond the individual layers without losing breathability or softness, while meeting technical requirements such as resistance to a number of wash cycles.

Bonding solutions meeting top quality requirements, as well as ambitious standards for environmental protection and sustainability, were reinvented by the Cavitec brand from the Santex Rimar Group. This company’s hotmelt technology uses one-component polymers applied to textiles in a hot, molten state. Bonding based on hotmelts is both water- and solvent-free. Drying and exhaust air cleaning are not necessary, which is an ecological advantage. Energy consumption is also significantly lower. Cavitec hotmelt technology is also developed for laminated medical protection fabrics which are safe, high-quality and sustainable. These fabrics can be washed, sterilized, and used again.   

A second skin with added value is the result of Jakob Müller Group’s cooperation with an institute for an established outdoor fashion brand. They have devised a heating mat applied as an inner jacket. Outdoor gear with a heated inlay offers the wearer a comfortable feeling even in a cold climate. The heating mat is particularly light, breathable, flexible and adjustable to three temperature levels.

Fabrics with these advantages are now possible thanks to multi direct weaving (MDW) technology from the Jakob Müller Group. A lacquer-insulated heating strand is inserted into the base textile as a ‘meander’ using MDW technology. The technology is offered with both label weaving machines and the latest generation of ribbon weaving machines. The textile pocket calculator is another MDW based future-oriented application developed in cooperation with a textile research institute.

Safety and health
Life-saving reliability is a must for vehicle airbags. They have to fulfil high security aspects, and must remain inflated for several seconds when an accident occurs. Airbags made of flat-woven fabric – cut and seamed – can show weakness at seams during the inflation phase. Latest Jacquard technology by Stäubli enables one-piece-woven (OPW) airbags to be produced, creating shape and structure in a single process. The final product is an airbag consisting of a sealed cushion with woven seams. OPW airbag weaving reduces the number of production steps, and increases the security aspects.
Another big advantage of Stäubli’s new weaving technology is the flexibility in formats required in today’s mid- and upper-range cars, where lateral protection (in the seat or in the roof over the door) has become standard and is designed in line with the car shape. Safe airbags are woven on modern high-speed weaving machines. The warp material, the variety of fabric patterns, and the importance of precisely shaped airbags require the use of a robust and reliable Jacquard machine.

A revolution for orthopaedic patients is a knitting machine from Steiger Participations, which uses compressive yarns developed to meet the needs of the specific health market. This machine model was exclusively designed for production with inlaid elastic yarns and offers optimum performance with guaranteed final product quality.

In the orthopaedic field, many Steiger flat knitting machines have already been operating as automatic, custom-made production systems. For example, the dimensions of an injured limb are taken by the doctor and fed into a web-based application. The doctor selects the compression class in the various sections of the item and a data file created by the software automatically applies a preconfigured program. With no human intervention required, the program is generated and produced on the machine, precisely matching the patient’s dimensions. Each product is different, and generally available within 48 hours.

(c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Monforts: New orders for machines at Techtextil 2022

The recent Techtextil show in Frankfurt emphasised the diversity of applications for nonwovens and technical textiles, according to finishing technology specialist Monforts.

“We fielded enquiries at top management level from an extremely wide range of companies, all with very different ideas for new product applications during the show,” said Alexander Fitz, who joined the company a year ago as engineer for textile technologies and co-ordinator of the Monforts Advanced Technology Centre (ATC). Fitz brings a background in both technical textile technology and processes to the role, having previously worked for a nonwovens machinery builder and a roll-goods manufacturer.

The recent Techtextil show in Frankfurt emphasised the diversity of applications for nonwovens and technical textiles, according to finishing technology specialist Monforts.

“We fielded enquiries at top management level from an extremely wide range of companies, all with very different ideas for new product applications during the show,” said Alexander Fitz, who joined the company a year ago as engineer for textile technologies and co-ordinator of the Monforts Advanced Technology Centre (ATC). Fitz brings a background in both technical textile technology and processes to the role, having previously worked for a nonwovens machinery builder and a roll-goods manufacturer.

“We are now looking forward to interesting new trials and pilot production runs, as well as the commissioning of new orders for machines resulting from the extremely busy exhibition,” he says. “Obviously, everyone at the moment is looking to make energy savings, and we have developed a range of options for helping companies increase their resource efficiency, both on new lines and as retrofitted systems, but this is not stifling innovation at the new material level.

“There was a lot of interest in what is possible with the Montex®Coat coating system and the range of different techniques it enables, and at our ATC in Mönchengladbach, a Montex®Coat unit is integrated into the full technical textiles pilot line, on which it is possible to run new fabrics in widths of up to 1.8 metres.”

Explosion proof
The technical textiles line at the ATC incorporates a Montex four-chamber stenter and is fitted with an explosion-proof coating application chamber in order to allow treatment to be carried out with organic solvents and other volatile materials.

Every single component within the chamber has to meet the standards of the European Union’s ATEX directives for working in a potentially explosive atmosphere. A range of sensors linked to alarms operate at various levels within the chamber to ensure the specified lower explosion limit (LOL) is never exceeded and the ventilation adapts accordingly.

Advanced functions
Special features on the finishing line relate to further advanced functions such as the ability to treat materials not only at temperatures of up to 320°C, but also to be able to treat the top and bottom faces of certain materials at different temperatures within a single pass through the machine.

To achieve this, the first two chambers of the stenter are fitted with special, heavy duty TwinAir ventilation motors and separate burners for individual top/bottom temperature. A temperature differential of up to 60°C can be achieved between the upper and lower nozzles within the chamber, depending on the treatment paramenters.

Another key feature of the technical textiles line at the ATC is the special stretching device which is capable of pulling ten tons in length and ten tons in width – a huge amount per square metre of fabric and necessary in the production of materials such as woven or 3D knits for high temperature filter media.


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG / AWOL Media


Award for best master's thesis of the German Textile Mechanical Engineering 2022 goes to young engineer of ITA Aachen

The 2002 prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association for the best Master's thesis in German textile mechanical engineering was awarded to a young engineer from the ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The prize ceremony took place at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Board of the Walter Reiners Foundation, presented the award at the VDMA Textile Machinery Association’s booth.

Felix Xaver Zerbes, M.Sc., was awarded the "Promotional Prize for the Best Master's Thesis of the German Textile Machinery Industry 2022", endowed with 3,500 EUR, for his master's thesis "Development and Construction of a Separation Unit for Weft Yarns in Air Jet Weaving".

The 2002 prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association for the best Master's thesis in German textile mechanical engineering was awarded to a young engineer from the ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The prize ceremony took place at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Board of the Walter Reiners Foundation, presented the award at the VDMA Textile Machinery Association’s booth.

Felix Xaver Zerbes, M.Sc., was awarded the "Promotional Prize for the Best Master's Thesis of the German Textile Machinery Industry 2022", endowed with 3,500 EUR, for his master's thesis "Development and Construction of a Separation Unit for Weft Yarns in Air Jet Weaving".

The subject of the master's thesis was the development of a mechanism with which faulty sections in the weft yarn can be sorted out before they are woven into the textile. This way, both yarn-related weft defects and material defects can be drastically reduced. The prototype developed by Mr Zerbes shows how this can be done even during the ongoing weaving process without having to stop production. Due to its modular design, the yarn rejection unit can be retrofitted to many different types of air-jet weaving machines, which represents an enormous savings potential not only in Germany but in weaving mills all over the world.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


Ranga Yogeshwar presents third Top 100 award to Mayer & Cie.

Albstadt-based Mayer & Cie. has been named a Top 100 award-winner for the third time as one of Germany’s most innovative small and mid-range businesses. The jury made special mention of the circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer’s innovative processes. At the centre of the family firm’s further digital development is on the aim to boost its customers’ productivity. Last Friday, 25 June, members of the Mayer & Cie. management received the award from the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar at the SMB summit in Frankfurt am Main.

For some time now, the focus of development work at Mayer & Cie. has been on lean management in assembly processes, on optimisation of aftersales service, including setting up an online shop for spare parts, and on product lifecycle management, or PLM, which stands for a concept of seamless integration of all the information that arises during a product’s lifecycle. A clean data structure is the basis for these measures, it’s called the “digital backbone”. It means that all product data is processed in the same database and all information is available only once and can be downloaded immediately.

Albstadt-based Mayer & Cie. has been named a Top 100 award-winner for the third time as one of Germany’s most innovative small and mid-range businesses. The jury made special mention of the circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer’s innovative processes. At the centre of the family firm’s further digital development is on the aim to boost its customers’ productivity. Last Friday, 25 June, members of the Mayer & Cie. management received the award from the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar at the SMB summit in Frankfurt am Main.

For some time now, the focus of development work at Mayer & Cie. has been on lean management in assembly processes, on optimisation of aftersales service, including setting up an online shop for spare parts, and on product lifecycle management, or PLM, which stands for a concept of seamless integration of all the information that arises during a product’s lifecycle. A clean data structure is the basis for these measures, it’s called the “digital backbone”. It means that all product data is processed in the same database and all information is available only once and can be downloaded immediately.

In all, 436 companies, including about ten per cent from machinery and plant engineering, competed for the Top 100 seal of innovation this year. Nearly 300 were successful and were congratulated in person by Ranga Yogeshwar at the SMB summit. He noted that the award winners set a role model example. “Innovators are thought leaders; they are always pioneers too,” said Yogeshwar, who mentors the competition. “They put their products to the test and ask themselves what an ecological society and a climate-oriented world will require of them. And they check the opportunities and challenges that increasing digitisation will bring for forms of cooperation, social relationships and, with them, for employee retention.”

More information:
Mayer & Cie Top 100 digitisation

Mayer & Cie.

(c) VDMA
Award winners with foundation chairman and professors

VDMA: Junior engineers with focus on sustainability

On the occasion of the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of VDMA’s Walter Reiners-Stiftung Foundation, Peter D. Dornier, has awarded prizes to seven successful young engineers. For the first time, the Foundation awarded two Sustainability Awards. They are awarded to academic works in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed.

A Sustainability Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 3.000 euros was awarded to Simon Hoebel, TU Dresden, for his thesis on recycled thermoplastic fibres for composite components.
Marina Michel, TU Dresden, received a Sustainability Award in the category Master, worth 3.500 euros. The topic of her master thesis was the functionalisation of yarns for the filtration of micro- and nanoplastics from water.

A Promotion Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 4.000 euros, was awarded to a student group from RWTH Aachen. The teamwork of Luis Gleissner, Leopold Habersbrunner, Frederic Olbrich and Frederik Schicks was the construction of a test rig for tests on oil-adsorbing textiles.

On the occasion of the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of VDMA’s Walter Reiners-Stiftung Foundation, Peter D. Dornier, has awarded prizes to seven successful young engineers. For the first time, the Foundation awarded two Sustainability Awards. They are awarded to academic works in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed.

A Sustainability Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 3.000 euros was awarded to Simon Hoebel, TU Dresden, for his thesis on recycled thermoplastic fibres for composite components.
Marina Michel, TU Dresden, received a Sustainability Award in the category Master, worth 3.500 euros. The topic of her master thesis was the functionalisation of yarns for the filtration of micro- and nanoplastics from water.

A Promotion Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 4.000 euros, was awarded to a student group from RWTH Aachen. The teamwork of Luis Gleissner, Leopold Habersbrunner, Frederic Olbrich and Frederik Schicks was the construction of a test rig for tests on oil-adsorbing textiles.

Felix Zerbes, RWTH Aachen, was awarded a Promotion Prize of 3.500 euros in the category Master. He developed a technical solution for air jet weaving to improve the quality of woven fabric.


VDMA e. V.


Members of TMAS at Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil in Frankfurt

ACG Nyström, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, will demonstrate the automated Talon 75 multi-ply cutter at the forthcoming Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21-24.

The Talon 75 is capable of cutting up to 7.5cm of compressed materials common to the sewn products and technical textiles industries. The machine is engineered to automatically pull stacked material plies from the spreading table to a modular, bristle-block conveyor bed for reciprocating knife cutting of patterns. Precise system operations with state-of-the-art motion control communications offer an industrial-strength solution.

Industry 4.0 ready
Eastman’s Talon multi-ply cutting systems are Industry 4.0 ready and equipped with the latest in condition based predictive maintenance technology. Their robust design utilises motors and amplifiers that automatically detect changes in critical components to notify operators well in advance of maintenance prompts. Also on display in Frankfurt will be Eastman’s ES-960, a material spreader capable of fast and easy spreading heights up to 20cm.

ACG Nyström, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, will demonstrate the automated Talon 75 multi-ply cutter at the forthcoming Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21-24.

The Talon 75 is capable of cutting up to 7.5cm of compressed materials common to the sewn products and technical textiles industries. The machine is engineered to automatically pull stacked material plies from the spreading table to a modular, bristle-block conveyor bed for reciprocating knife cutting of patterns. Precise system operations with state-of-the-art motion control communications offer an industrial-strength solution.

Industry 4.0 ready
Eastman’s Talon multi-ply cutting systems are Industry 4.0 ready and equipped with the latest in condition based predictive maintenance technology. Their robust design utilises motors and amplifiers that automatically detect changes in critical components to notify operators well in advance of maintenance prompts. Also on display in Frankfurt will be Eastman’s ES-960, a material spreader capable of fast and easy spreading heights up to 20cm.

Members of TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing at the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows which are all taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24.




SHIMA SEIKI to exhibit at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, along with its Italian subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., will be participating in the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from the 21st till the 24th of June 2022.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, along with its Italian subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., will be participating in the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from the 21st till the 24th of June 2022.

On display will be SHIMA SEIKI’s latest innovation in flat knitting technology as applied to the field of technical textiles—a prototype weft knitting machine capable of multi-axial yarn insertion. Fabrics produced on this machine use inlay technique for the production of hybrid textiles that combine the stretch characteristics of knitted fabrics with the stability of woven textiles, suited to various technical applications. To this, warp yarn is inserted to further expand its capability to produce 3D-shaped carbon fiber and composite preforms directly on the machine. This is made possible by taking advantage of the fact that flat knitting as a textile production method is capable of producing end products that are shaped-to-form and with added thickness. Compared to current methods of preform production, savings in post-processing time, material, labor and associated costs are immense, realizing efficient and sustainable production. SHIMA SEIKI’s own yarn unwinding technology is also used for optimum yarn feed and tension for use with technical yarns that are otherwise difficult to knit. Industrial textile samples knit on the multi-axial machine will also be available for examination on-site.

SHIMA SEIKI's SDS®-ONE APEX4 3D design system will be available for demonstrations as well. Of particular interest should be its ultra-realistic simulation capability that realizes Virtual Sampling. When countless variations must be evaluated before arriving at a final design, virtual product samples can be used to streamline the decision-making process by minimizing the enormous amount of time, cost and material normally associated with producing actual samples for each variation. When approved, the same data can be converted to machine data for immediate knitting, significantly reducing lead times.

ECO-COAT minimum application unit (c) Brückner
Minimalauftragsaggregat ECO-COAT

BRÜCKNER: Answering current challenges of the textile industry

The German machinery producer BRÜCKNER used exactly these chances and repositioned itself during the pandemic period. For more than 70 years, the family-run company has been specialized in individual finishing concepts for textiles, technical textiles, nonwovens and floor coverings. The current challenges in the textile industry are serious. The clear increase of the energy costs and the general uncertainty of the energy supply as well as political requirements make a profitable textile production more and more demanding for many companies.

The German machinery producer BRÜCKNER used exactly these chances and repositioned itself during the pandemic period. For more than 70 years, the family-run company has been specialized in individual finishing concepts for textiles, technical textiles, nonwovens and floor coverings. The current challenges in the textile industry are serious. The clear increase of the energy costs and the general uncertainty of the energy supply as well as political requirements make a profitable textile production more and more demanding for many companies.

The company responds to this with a newly developed stenter concept with double heating system. Depending on availability, the lines can be operated with gas or oil, but also other combinations with steam or renewable energies are possible. This means that production delays and machine downtimes can be avoided as far as possible. In addition, developed intelligent assistance systems for its machines have been developed that support the machine operator in using the best possible process to operate the line as energy-efficiently as possible. Further energy savings are possible with new energy-efficient motors or heat-recovery and exhaust air cleaning systems. This also helps to avoid harmful emissions.

But many textile producers are also focusing on reducing chemicals. For this purpose, BRÜCKNER's further developed ECO-COAT minimum application unit can make a decisive contribution. Knitted and woven fabrics, but also nonwovens can be finished on one or both sides via different fabric paths. With the minimum application via an engraved roller, a single-sided application of up to 100 g/m² can be achieved. A double-sided and higher application quantity is achieved, for example, by impregnation in the nip. Irrespective of the selected fabric path, a very small liquor reservoir means that only minimal quantities of waste water are produced when changing batches or liquors, and the use of chemicals can also be significantly reduced. In addition, less water has to be evaporated in the subsequent drying process than, for example, in the case of impregnation in a water bath, so the energy requirement is significantly reduced.

On the two upcoming trade fairs ITM in Istanbul and TECHTEXTIL in Frankfurt in June, interested customers can personally get an idea of BRÜCKNER's new developments.


Brückner Trockentechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Trützschler Man-Made Fibers new TEC-O40 system for industrial yarn (c) Trützschler
Trützschler Man-Made Fibers new TEC-O40 system for industrial yarn

Trützschler at Techtextil 2022

At this year’s Techtextil in Frankfurt/Main (June 21st to June 24th) Trützschler Nonwovens, Trützschler Card Clothing and Trützschler Man-Made Fibers present various new and proven solutions for the nonwoven, card clothing and man-made fiber sectors. Join us at booth D80 in hall 12.0!

Trützschler Nonwovens invites to talk sustainable fibers such as hemp or linen and out-of-the-box fibers such as nettle and pineapple fibers. Our solutions for manufacturing innovative nonwoven products include machinery and complete production lines for paper grade pulp, re-generated cellulose fibers, cotton and various other natural fibers.

What happens when sustainable meets digital? Trützschler Nonwovens and software partner Proptium introduce T-ONE, our new digital working environment for both fiber- and polymer-based nonwoven producers. T-ONE supports routine tasks such as quality control and recipe management but also enables systematic line monitoring and data collection for T-ONE’s line optimizations.

At this year’s Techtextil in Frankfurt/Main (June 21st to June 24th) Trützschler Nonwovens, Trützschler Card Clothing and Trützschler Man-Made Fibers present various new and proven solutions for the nonwoven, card clothing and man-made fiber sectors. Join us at booth D80 in hall 12.0!

Trützschler Nonwovens invites to talk sustainable fibers such as hemp or linen and out-of-the-box fibers such as nettle and pineapple fibers. Our solutions for manufacturing innovative nonwoven products include machinery and complete production lines for paper grade pulp, re-generated cellulose fibers, cotton and various other natural fibers.

What happens when sustainable meets digital? Trützschler Nonwovens and software partner Proptium introduce T-ONE, our new digital working environment for both fiber- and polymer-based nonwoven producers. T-ONE supports routine tasks such as quality control and recipe management but also enables systematic line monitoring and data collection for T-ONE’s line optimizations.

Trützschler Man-Made Fibers introduces the OPTIMA-based, versatile TEC-O40 and TEC-O80 systems for extruding and spinning industrial yarns (IDY). The modular OPTIMA platform is highly flexible and adaptable to manufacturing a broad spectrum of (semi-)industrial yarns from polyamide, polypropylene or polyester.