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Deaktiviert das COVID-19-Virus innerhalb von fünf Minuten: HeiQ bringt High-tech-Maske mit bahnbrechender Kupfertechnologie auf den Markt (c) HeiQ
HeiQ MetalliQ-Operationsmaske vom Typ IIR mit einer antiviralen kupferbeschichteten Oberfläche, die 97,79 % der SARS-CoV-2-Viren innerhalb von 5 Minuten inaktiviert

High-tech-Maske mit Kupferbeschichtung von HeiQ

  • Deaktiviert das COVID-19-Virus innerhalb von fünf Minuten: HeiQ bringt High-tech-Maske mit innovativer Kupfertechnologie auf den Markt

Der führende Anbieter von Textil- und Materialinnovationen HeiQ bringt HeiQ MetalliQ auf den Markt, eine futuristisch anmutende High-tech-OP-Maske, die alle getesteten Viren und Bakterien mit einer Wirksamkeit von bis zu 100 % zerstört.

  • Deaktiviert das COVID-19-Virus innerhalb von fünf Minuten: HeiQ bringt High-tech-Maske mit innovativer Kupfertechnologie auf den Markt

Der führende Anbieter von Textil- und Materialinnovationen HeiQ bringt HeiQ MetalliQ auf den Markt, eine futuristisch anmutende High-tech-OP-Maske, die alle getesteten Viren und Bakterien mit einer Wirksamkeit von bis zu 100 % zerstört.

Die Maske mit patentiertem Design enthält eine ultradünne reine Kupferbeschichtung, die über ein High-tech-Dampfabscheidungsverfahren namens HeiQ MetalliX aufgebracht wird. Dabei wird eine winzige Menge Kupfer in Dampf umgewandelt, sodass es gleichmäßig abgegeben werden kann und jede Faser einschließt. HeiQ MetalliX ist eine zum Patent angemeldete Technologie, die von HeiQs Innovationspartner, dem australischen Technologieunternehmen Xefco, entwickelt wurde. Studien des Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australien (Doherty Institute) haben ergeben, dass mit der HeiQ MetalliX-Technologie behandelte Gewebe das ansteckende SARS-CoV-2-Virus (das Virus, das COVID-19 verursacht) in weniger als 5 Minuten in deutlichem Umfang inaktivieren konnten.

Das Testprotokoll simulierte die reale Wechselwirkung von Aerosoltröpfchen, die Textilprodukte wie Gesichtsmasken kontaminieren. Jede Probe wurde einer hohen Belastung an SARS-CoV-2 ausgesetzt, gefolgt von 5, 15 und 30 Minuten Inkubation bei Raumtemperatur. Dann wurde die Menge der verbleibenden ansteckenden SARS-CoV-2-Viren gemessen. Die mit HeiQ MetalliX behandelten Gewebeproben zeigten eine Reduktion des Virus von über 97,79 % nach fünf Minuten, 99,95 % nach 15 Minuten und über 99,99 % nach 30 Minuten, bezogen auf die Inokulum-Kontrolle.

Kupfer ist ein natürlich vorkommendes Element, das in der Erdkruste, im Boden,  Ozeanen, Seen und Flüssen zu finden ist. Es ist auch ein Spurenelement, das natürlich in allen Menschen, Pflanzen und Tieren vorkommt. Die antiviralen, antibakteriellen und antimykotischen Eigenschaften von Kupfer sind seit Jahrhunderten bekannt und in vielen Laborstudien nachgewiesen worden. Mit HeiQ MetalliX behandelte Materialien setzen Kupferionen frei, die Viren und Bakterien inaktivieren. Die so behandelten Materialien konnten in Tests zudem 100 % von Staphylococcus aureus und Klebsiella pneumoniae abtöten und 99,95 % des H1N1-Virus und 99,9 % des humanen Coronavirus 229E inaktivieren.

HeiQ MetalliQ wird in der EU bei HeiQ Medica (Spanien) hergestellt, wo HeiQ auch Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit für Medizinprodukte betreibt. Für die Entwicklung der HeiQ MetalliX-Technologie hat Xefco als Mitglied des erstklassigen ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres eng mit dem langjährigen Forschungspartner Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) an der Deakin University zusammengearbeitet.



HeiQ Materials AG

HeiQu: Carlo Centonze and his daughter Anna (c) HeiQ
Carlo Centonze and his daughter Anna

HeiQ Viroblock wins Swiss Technology Award 2020

The Swiss Technology Award announced the 2020 prizes, and among all the notable finalist innovations of the year, HeiQ was bestowed the highest honor as First Prize Winner for its breakthrough antiviral textile technology HeiQ Viroblock.

Developed in record time and launched after the Swiss authorities announced the lockdown in March 2020, HeiQ Viroblock has had a major impact on the global textile industry and is being unprecedently adopted by mills around the world.

The Swiss Technology Award announced the 2020 prizes, and among all the notable finalist innovations of the year, HeiQ was bestowed the highest honor as First Prize Winner for its breakthrough antiviral textile technology HeiQ Viroblock.

Developed in record time and launched after the Swiss authorities announced the lockdown in March 2020, HeiQ Viroblock has had a major impact on the global textile industry and is being unprecedently adopted by mills around the world.

The technology that makes HeiQ Viroblock a unique innovation
What exemplifies HeiQ Viroblock is its ability to turn any fabric antiviral. It’s among the first textile technologies in the world to be proven effective against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). HeiQ Viroblock consists of a combination of HeiQ’s patent-pending vesicle and silver technologies. The two mechanisms of attack result in an over 99.9% destruction of viruses in 5 minutes that is unrivaled in the industry. HeiQ Viroblock is a unique patent-pending formulation of 72% bio-based ingredients, made with 100% cosmetic-grade materials from the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients list. HeiQ Viroblock is also a shining example of Swiss cooperation between academics and the industry. The silver technology was developed at ETHZ (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich), the vesicle technology at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), and the production was scaled up at FHNW (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz).

HeiQ Viroblock has demonstrated unparalleled speed from laboratory to consumer
HeiQ launched the new antiviral textile technology HeiQ Viroblock on March 16, 2020 – two hours after Switzerland declared a state of emergency. This was made possible with the indispensable support of Swiss research Partner FHNW and the EPFL which helped accelerate product validation. The fast scale-up of production was enabled by the FHNW School of Life Sciences with their new Process Technology Center (PTC) by special permit. With its agile operations and global footprint, HeiQ also brought HeiQ Viroblock face masks and other PPE (personal protection equipment) to different corners of the world where are needed. Now, Swiss consumers can also acquire HeiQ Viroblock enhanced face masks online.

Reacting to the news of HeiQ Viroblock winning this year’s Swiss Tech Award, Co-founder and CEO Carlo Centonze says: “I am both amazed and honored that HeiQ has won this award a second time in just ten years, and from among some incredible tech innovation finalists. It confirms our resolve to push the boundaries and push innovations to help the world with its most pressing and imminent problems. This award is recognition for our company and team that have spared no efforts to develop and launch HeiQ Viroblock at such speed and make a valuable contribution to the global pandemic efforts. We remain true to our mission: enhancing the everyday lives of people with smart and efficient textile effects.”





CHT is implementing antiviral textile treatment in the textile industry

  • HeiQ Viroblock by CHT provides effective antiviral treatment on different fabrics
  • No infective viruses left after 30 minutes
  • For a wide range of protective textile applications

CHT is cooperating with HeiQ by implementing the HeiQ Viroblock by CHT in the textile industry, globally. HeiQ Viroblock by CHT is among the first textile technologies in the world to be proven effective against SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory.

HeiQ Viroblock by CHT is a textile treatment for industrial use, designed to provide textiles with antiviral and antibacterial properties. The combination of silver antimicrobial technology and vesicle technology rapidly destroy enveloped viruses including coronaviruses. It has previously been tested against coronavirus 229E, another strain of virus in the Coronavirus family.

  • HeiQ Viroblock by CHT provides effective antiviral treatment on different fabrics
  • No infective viruses left after 30 minutes
  • For a wide range of protective textile applications

CHT is cooperating with HeiQ by implementing the HeiQ Viroblock by CHT in the textile industry, globally. HeiQ Viroblock by CHT is among the first textile technologies in the world to be proven effective against SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory.

HeiQ Viroblock by CHT is a textile treatment for industrial use, designed to provide textiles with antiviral and antibacterial properties. The combination of silver antimicrobial technology and vesicle technology rapidly destroy enveloped viruses including coronaviruses. It has previously been tested against coronavirus 229E, another strain of virus in the Coronavirus family.

The latest testing with SARS-CoV-2 virus was conducted by researchers at the Doherty Institute, a joint venture between the University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital, an internationally renowned institution combining research, teaching, public health and reference laboratory services, diagnostic services and clinical care into infectious diseases and immunity. The research project involved a disinfection test protocol that simulated the real-life interaction of small aerosol droplets contaminating clothing. A known concentration of SARS-CoV-2 virus was contacted with the sample fabric for 30 minutes followed by measurement of remaining infectious SARS-CoV-2 viruses. The fabric sample treated with HeiQ Viroblock by CHT had no infective viruses left after 30 minutes. The result indicated a SARS-CoV-2 virus reduction of 99.99% relative to the inoculum control.

More information:
CHT Germany GmbH CHT Germany

CHT Germany GmbH


CHT teams up with HeiQ in fight against COVID-19

The corona pandemic continues to put a strain on health systems around the globe. Many places lack effective textile protective kit among others for their medical personnel. HeiQ, a Swiss specialty chemicals company, has developed antiviral and antibacterial protective kit that is quickly effective against Coronaviruses (229E), as confirmed in wide-ranging studies. In cooperation with HeiQ, the CHT Group is supplying this technology to the market to help decrease the global shortage in protective wear.

A wide number of studies have proven that viruses and bacteria can remain active on textile surfaces for a longer period. The SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, can stay active on a textile for up to two days and therefore be infectious. Shortages in textile protective kit create a high risk for medical personnel who are in contact with COVID-19 patients: often, doctors and nurses cannot change their protective masks and clothing as frequently as would be necessary in order to adhere to hygiene rules and to prevent the spreading of the virus.

The corona pandemic continues to put a strain on health systems around the globe. Many places lack effective textile protective kit among others for their medical personnel. HeiQ, a Swiss specialty chemicals company, has developed antiviral and antibacterial protective kit that is quickly effective against Coronaviruses (229E), as confirmed in wide-ranging studies. In cooperation with HeiQ, the CHT Group is supplying this technology to the market to help decrease the global shortage in protective wear.

A wide number of studies have proven that viruses and bacteria can remain active on textile surfaces for a longer period. The SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, can stay active on a textile for up to two days and therefore be infectious. Shortages in textile protective kit create a high risk for medical personnel who are in contact with COVID-19 patients: often, doctors and nurses cannot change their protective masks and clothing as frequently as would be necessary in order to adhere to hygiene rules and to prevent the spreading of the virus.

The HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 that has been developed by HeiQ is a new technology that is also effective against Coronaviruses (229E) thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Comprehensive studies have demonstrated the kit‘s effectiveness. A combination of silver salts with a vesicle technology deactivates bacteria and viruses on textile surfaces within a few minutes and renders the bacteria and viruses harmless. Textiles equipped in this way reduce the rate of infection by 99.99%, which stops the transmission and the spread of bacteria and viruses through textiles.

Viroblock can be used on all types of fibers – not only for protective kit and masks, but also for work clothing, bed linen, towels and home textiles. The kit is wash-resistant and still highly effective after 30 standard wash processes.

More information:
HeiQ CHT Group corona virus

CHT Gruppe

From left: Carlo Centonze, Dr. Thierry Pelet holding the first prototype of HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 treated face masks (c) HeiQ
From left: Carlo Centonze, Dr. Thierry Pelet holding the first prototype of HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 treated face masks

HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 antiviral textile technology tested effective against Coronavirus

HeiQ, winner of the Swiss Technology Award and Swiss Environmental Award, launches HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03, an antiviral and antimicrobial textile treatment that is tested effective against coronavirus.

Since its inception 15 years ago, HeiQ has forged a solid innovation track record helping brands improve textile products. Catalyzed to action by the global fight against Coronavirus, HeiQ launches HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03, an antiviral and antimicrobial textile treatment which is proven effective against human coronavirus (229E) in face mask testing, significantly enhancing the antiviral log reduction from 2.90 of untreated face masks to 4.48, over 99.99% reduction of virus infectivity. (Remarks: a log reduction of 2 is equivalent to 100 times the effectiveness).

Chinese protective masks producer Suzhou Bolisi is the lead adopter of HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03. Treated masks will be available on the market as early as this April. American legwear manufacturer Kayser-Roth is planning to add the technology to their new product, Ghluv hands protector, while Lufeng from China is evaluating the technology on other types of fabric used for garments.

HeiQ, winner of the Swiss Technology Award and Swiss Environmental Award, launches HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03, an antiviral and antimicrobial textile treatment that is tested effective against coronavirus.

Since its inception 15 years ago, HeiQ has forged a solid innovation track record helping brands improve textile products. Catalyzed to action by the global fight against Coronavirus, HeiQ launches HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03, an antiviral and antimicrobial textile treatment which is proven effective against human coronavirus (229E) in face mask testing, significantly enhancing the antiviral log reduction from 2.90 of untreated face masks to 4.48, over 99.99% reduction of virus infectivity. (Remarks: a log reduction of 2 is equivalent to 100 times the effectiveness).

Chinese protective masks producer Suzhou Bolisi is the lead adopter of HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03. Treated masks will be available on the market as early as this April. American legwear manufacturer Kayser-Roth is planning to add the technology to their new product, Ghluv hands protector, while Lufeng from China is evaluating the technology on other types of fabric used for garments.

HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 is a unique combination of vesicle and silver technologies designed to inhibit the growth and persistence of bacteria and viruses. The HeiQ vesicle technology targets lipid- enveloped viruses, such as coronavirus, providing rapid virus deactivation, while the HeiQ silver technology inhibits the replication of both bacteria and viruses. HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 can be applied to a wide spectrum of textile surfaces including face masks, air filters, medical gowns, curtains, drapes and more. HeiQ also has a range of highly wash-durable antimicrobial and odor control textile technologies, called HeiQ Pure, combining silver-based and bio-based materials for all fabric types.

More information:
HeiQ Coronavirus
