From the Sector

19 results

ENKA GmbH & Co. KG muss Standort Obernburg schließen

Die ENKA GmbH & Co. KG, Hersteller endloser Viskosegarne, verabschiedet sich von der Herstellung von Chemiefasern. Geplant ist, die Produktion am Standort Obernburg nach nahezu einem Jahrhundert erfolgreicher Tätigkeit im Laufe der nächsten Monate zu beenden und, sobald keine bestehenden Aufträge mehr abzuarbeiten sind, den Betrieb stillzulegen. Der gesamte Prozess wird in mehreren Stufen ablaufen und voraussichtlich bis Ende September 2025 abgeschlossen sein.

Stilllegung unvermeidlich
Das Ende der Produktion in Obernburg, so die Enka-Geschäftsführung, sei die unvermeidliche Folge des intensiven Wettbewerbes auf einem Weltmarkt für Viskoseprodukte, der von indischen und insbesondere chinesischen Herstellern dominiert werde. Diese produzierten Viskose zu deutlich geringeren Kosten, aufgrund größerer Fabriken mit Effizienzvorteilen, niedrigeren Löhnen, staatlichen Subventionen und deutlich geringeren Umweltauflagen.

Die ENKA GmbH & Co. KG, Hersteller endloser Viskosegarne, verabschiedet sich von der Herstellung von Chemiefasern. Geplant ist, die Produktion am Standort Obernburg nach nahezu einem Jahrhundert erfolgreicher Tätigkeit im Laufe der nächsten Monate zu beenden und, sobald keine bestehenden Aufträge mehr abzuarbeiten sind, den Betrieb stillzulegen. Der gesamte Prozess wird in mehreren Stufen ablaufen und voraussichtlich bis Ende September 2025 abgeschlossen sein.

Stilllegung unvermeidlich
Das Ende der Produktion in Obernburg, so die Enka-Geschäftsführung, sei die unvermeidliche Folge des intensiven Wettbewerbes auf einem Weltmarkt für Viskoseprodukte, der von indischen und insbesondere chinesischen Herstellern dominiert werde. Diese produzierten Viskose zu deutlich geringeren Kosten, aufgrund größerer Fabriken mit Effizienzvorteilen, niedrigeren Löhnen, staatlichen Subventionen und deutlich geringeren Umweltauflagen.

„Diese ungleichen Wettbewerbsbedingungen führen seit mehreren Jahrzehnten zu einem erheblichen Rückgang der Auftrags- und der Produktionsmengen bei ENKA. In den zurückliegenden 18 Monaten hat sich dieser Trend nochmals dramatisch verstärkt. Insbesondere die in den letzten Jahren deutlich gestiegenen Energiekosten haben zu einer zusätzlichen wirtschaftlichen Belastung geführt und dadurch den Kostendruck auf die Produktion noch einmal erheblich erhöht“, sagt Dr. Till Boldt, Geschäftsführer bei ENKA. „Auch wenn sich ENKA seit Jahrzehnten intensiv mit verschiedenen Maßnahmen zur Senkung der Kosten und zur Steigerung der Effizienz in der Produktion gegen diesen Trend gestemmt hat, machen diese Marktveränderungen eine wirtschaftliche Fortführung der Produktion unmöglich.“

Im Sinne der Kunden und Zulieferer wird die Produktion schrittweise reduziert, um alle bestehenden Lieferverträge zu erfüllen. Dabei wird insbesondere Rücksicht auf die am Standort Obernburg ansässigen Zulieferer und Geschäftspartner genommen, um deren Fortbestand und den Erhalt des Industriestandorts zu unterstützen. „Hierzu führen wir partnerschaftliche Verhandlungen, um faire und nachhaltige Lösungen für alle an der Stilllegung Beteiligten zu finden“, sagt Dr. Boldt. Der gesamte Prozess, der mit der schrittweisen Reduktion beginnt, soll bis September 2025 abgeschlossen werden.

Geordneter Prozess im Interesse von Mitarbeitenden und Geschäftspartner
Die ENKA GmbH & Co. KG legt großen Wert darauf, den Prozess der Stilllegung geordnet und in Abstimmung mit allen Beteiligten transparent und fair zu gestalten. „Die ENKA bleibt bis zuletzt ein verlässlicher Arbeitgeber, ein vertrauenswürdiger Lieferant unserer Kunden sowie ein fairer Geschäftspartner für unsere Lieferanten und Partner am Standort Obernburg“, betont Menrath.

Die 237 Arbeitsverhältnisse sollen gemäß den bestehenden Kündigungsfristen erfüllt werden. Darüber hinaus ist geplant, dass alle Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer Abfindungen im Rahmen eines Sozialplans erhalten. ENKA werde dafür Sorge tragen, dass sämtliche tariflichen Bestimmungen bis zum letzten Tag eingehalten werden. „Unser besonderer Dank gilt den Mitarbeitern, die in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten bereit waren, erhebliche Einschränkungen im Tariflohn und in der tariflichen Arbeitszeit zu akzeptieren, um den Betrieb am Standort Obernburg aufrechtzuerhalten. Diese Solidarität und Loyalität verdienen höchsten Respekt und Anerkennung“, sagt Geschäftsführer Menrath.

„Wir möchten unseren Abschied von Obernburg mit größtem Respekt vor allen Beteiligten gestalten. Die Entscheidung, die Produktion in Obernburg zu beenden, fällt uns außerordentlich schwer. Die Viskoseproduktion war über fast ein Jahrhundert hinweg ein Herzstück des Standorts Obernburg und der Stolz unserer Mitarbeiter. Doch die wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen zwingen uns, diesen Weg zu gehen. Unsere oberste Priorität ist es nun, die Stilllegung geordnet und verantwortungsvoll umzusetzen“, sagt ENKA-Geschäftsführer Wolfgang Menrath.


ENKA GmbH & Co. KG

Aersulate Viskosefaser Bild (c) Outlast Technologies GmbH
Aersulate Viskosefaser

Outlast: Verbesserte Isolierungseigenschaften durch Aerogel in Viskosefasern

Der Kompromiss zwischen leichtem Produkt-Design und effektiver Wärmeisolierung ist eine Herausforderung für die Bekleidungsindustrie. „Das Gewicht spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei Funktionskleidung“, so Volker Schuster, Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung bei Outlast Technologies. „Schwere, voluminöse Jacken können unangenehm zu tragen sein und die Atmungsaktivität einschränken, während leichtere Alternativen oft nicht ausreichend isolieren.“

Um dieses Problem zu lösen, hat die Outlast Technologies GmbH ein Verfahren entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, das extrem leichte und isolierende Material Aerogel direkt in Viskosefasern zu integrieren. Diese Innovation verbessert die Isolierungseigenschaften erheblich, ohne das Gewicht zu erhöhen, und ermöglicht so ultraleichte und zugleich leistungsstarke Kleidung. Ein ISO-zertifiziertes Labor hat die Isolierleistung von Viskose-Watten mit und ohne Aerogel-Anteil vergleichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine 35 Prozent bessere Isolierung der Aerogel-Watten.

Der Kompromiss zwischen leichtem Produkt-Design und effektiver Wärmeisolierung ist eine Herausforderung für die Bekleidungsindustrie. „Das Gewicht spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei Funktionskleidung“, so Volker Schuster, Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung bei Outlast Technologies. „Schwere, voluminöse Jacken können unangenehm zu tragen sein und die Atmungsaktivität einschränken, während leichtere Alternativen oft nicht ausreichend isolieren.“

Um dieses Problem zu lösen, hat die Outlast Technologies GmbH ein Verfahren entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, das extrem leichte und isolierende Material Aerogel direkt in Viskosefasern zu integrieren. Diese Innovation verbessert die Isolierungseigenschaften erheblich, ohne das Gewicht zu erhöhen, und ermöglicht so ultraleichte und zugleich leistungsstarke Kleidung. Ein ISO-zertifiziertes Labor hat die Isolierleistung von Viskose-Watten mit und ohne Aerogel-Anteil vergleichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine 35 Prozent bessere Isolierung der Aerogel-Watten.

„Aerogel ist ein Feststoff auf Silikatbasis, der aus Quarzsand gewonnen wird und eine einzigartige Isolierwirkung besitzt“, erklärt Schuster. Die besondere Isolierleistung von Aerogel ist auf seine extrem poröse Struktur zurückzuführen, die zu 98 Prozent aus Luft besteht – dem idealen Isolationsmaterial. Diese besonderen Eigenschaften haben Aerogel seit vielen Jahren zu einem unverzichtbaren Stoff für NASA-Weltraummissionen gemacht.

Outlast ist dank eines neuen, patentierten Verfahrens gelungen, dieses Material für Bekleidung nutzbar zu machen. Das Unternehmen hat dabei einen besonders hohen Aerogel-Anteil erreicht, der 50 Prozent des Materialvolumens ausmacht. Diese hohe Konzentration ermöglicht es, die Eigenschaften von Aerogel voll auszuschöpfen, und eröffnet vielversprechende Perspektiven für die Entwicklung leichter, nachhaltiger und zugleich hoch isolierender Fasern sowie Textilien.

Outlast hat seine patentierte Aersulate-Technologie bereits erfolgreich eingesetzt, indem das Material auf textile Vliese aufgebracht wurde. Während diese Stoffe hauptsächlich für technische Anwendungen entwickelt wurden, eignen sich die angenehm weichen Aersulate-Fasern als Füllmaterialien für Premium-Sportbekleidung, Jacken, Skihosen und Arbeitskleidung an.

Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Isoliermaterialien wie Schäumen, Watten oder Vliesstoffen, die auf eingeschlossene Luft zur Wärmeisolierung setzen, bindet Aerogel die Luft im Inneren der Faser selbst. Dadurch bleiben die Isoliereigenschaften der Aersulate-Produkte auch unter Druck erhalten, während herkömmliche Materialien dann oft an Effektivität verlieren. So kann auch in stark beanspruchten Bereichen wie unter Rucksackriemen oder an Knie und Ellenbogen konsistente und zuverlässige Isolierung gewährleistet werden.


Outlast Technologies GmbH


Kelheim Fibres Achieves the Highest Level in the ZDHC MMCF Module

The Bavarian specialist for viscose fibres, Kelheim Fibres, is reinforcing its commitment to the "Roadmap to Zero" initiative of the non-profit organization ZDHC, which aims to eliminate hazardous substances throughout the entire textile value chain.

In this context, Kelheim Fibres has recently successfully completed the ZDHC MMCF Guideline module, achieving the highest level, "Aspirational." This module, established in 2024, assesses manufacturers of Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) for their compliance with the guideline through independent third-party audits.

Advanced environmental management is the foundation of this success, with a particular focus on reducing water and air pollution in the MMCF production process and improving chemical recovery.

The Bavarian specialist for viscose fibres, Kelheim Fibres, is reinforcing its commitment to the "Roadmap to Zero" initiative of the non-profit organization ZDHC, which aims to eliminate hazardous substances throughout the entire textile value chain.

In this context, Kelheim Fibres has recently successfully completed the ZDHC MMCF Guideline module, achieving the highest level, "Aspirational." This module, established in 2024, assesses manufacturers of Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) for their compliance with the guideline through independent third-party audits.

Advanced environmental management is the foundation of this success, with a particular focus on reducing water and air pollution in the MMCF production process and improving chemical recovery.

Theresa Schreiner, Environmental Engineer at Kelheim Fibres, said: " Achieving the highest level, 'Aspirational,' in the ZDHC MMCF Module right from the start confirms that we are on the right path toward an even more sustainable, eco-friendly viscose fibre. Our efforts and investments over the past years are bearing fruit and can be substantiated with concrete data. As part of our environmental management system EMAS, we continue our work to continuously improve our environmental performance and to maintain our leading role in eco-friendly fibre production in the future."

More information:
Kelheim Fibres ZDHC viscose fibers

Kelheim Fibres


Kelheim Fibres: Trilobal fibres enable better liquid absorption

Kelheim Fibres is showcasing recent research findings at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference (13rd-14th of March). The development, led by Dr. Ingo Bernt, Project Leader of Fibre & Application Development at Kelheim Fibres, and Dr. Thomas Harter from Graz University of Technology, provides insights into the correlation between the geometry of viscose fibres and the liquid absorption of tampons.

Kelheim Fibres has long been engaged in the functionalization of viscose fibres, including the specific adaptation of fibre cross-sections. The trilobal Galaxy® serves as an example. The current study underscores the properties of the fibre, primarily rooted in its geometry. This involves taking a closer look at the underlying mechanisms. It has been confirmed that, in contrast to the traditionally round viscose fibres and despite similar chemical compositions and mechanical properties, Galaxy® enables significantly better liquid absorption.

Kelheim Fibres is showcasing recent research findings at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference (13rd-14th of March). The development, led by Dr. Ingo Bernt, Project Leader of Fibre & Application Development at Kelheim Fibres, and Dr. Thomas Harter from Graz University of Technology, provides insights into the correlation between the geometry of viscose fibres and the liquid absorption of tampons.

Kelheim Fibres has long been engaged in the functionalization of viscose fibres, including the specific adaptation of fibre cross-sections. The trilobal Galaxy® serves as an example. The current study underscores the properties of the fibre, primarily rooted in its geometry. This involves taking a closer look at the underlying mechanisms. It has been confirmed that, in contrast to the traditionally round viscose fibres and despite similar chemical compositions and mechanical properties, Galaxy® enables significantly better liquid absorption.

While the higher specific surface area of trilobal fibres already promotes improved liquid absorption, this is not the main factor accounting for the difference in absorption. Instead, the geometric shape of the fibres proves to be crucial. Trilobal fibres create and maintain a more voluminous, extensive network within the absorbent body, providing a larger volume for liquid absorption.

Dr. Ingo Bernt emphasizes, "The results of our study are not limited to tampons—any application requiring increased absorbency can benefit from the properties of our Galaxy® fibres."

The lecture "Geometry Matters: Unveiling Tampon Absorption Mechanisms" by Dr. Ingo Bernt und Dr. Thomas Harter takes place on the 14th of March at 2:50pm.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH


Kelheim Fibres: Price increase for viscose fibres from 1 April 2024

Kelheim Fibres GmbH, a leading manufacturer of specialty viscose fibres, has announced to increase its prices by 12% to 15% for specialty viscose fibres starting April 1, 2024.

With the strong rebound in cotton fibre prices, there has been a sharp increase in the demand for viscose, especially in Asia. In the face of the rapid rise in interest rates, wages, chemicals, and environmental costs, accompanied by depressed fibre prices over the past years, Kelheim Fibres sees no other choice than to start improving margins back to sustainable levels by raising the base price.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH, a leading manufacturer of specialty viscose fibres, has announced to increase its prices by 12% to 15% for specialty viscose fibres starting April 1, 2024.

With the strong rebound in cotton fibre prices, there has been a sharp increase in the demand for viscose, especially in Asia. In the face of the rapid rise in interest rates, wages, chemicals, and environmental costs, accompanied by depressed fibre prices over the past years, Kelheim Fibres sees no other choice than to start improving margins back to sustainable levels by raising the base price.


Kelheim Fibres

(c) Sappi Europe

Sappi at ITMA 2023

As a global provider of sustainable woodfibre products, Sappi will be showcasing its solutions for the garment industry under the theme “Fashion meets Forest” at ITMA 2023 – with sublimation papers and its dissolving wood pulp, used for the production of garment fibres under the “Verve” brand name.

How can the woodfibre industry support a more sustainable garments market? Sappi is eager to answer this question at the ITMA and has created a “knowledge trail” for visitors to explore under the motto “Fashion meets Forest”. Visitors to the stand can follow the journey from wood via cellulose and fibre to the finished yarn and the printed garment.

Sublimation papers: Expanded production capacity in Carmignano
Sappi’s Transjet sublimation papers stand for fast, uniform ink transfer and minimal ink consumption. As a premium supplier, Sappi is constantly striving to meet its customers’ needs. So, at this year’s ITMA, various sublimation papers with optimised qualitative properties will be on show.

As a global provider of sustainable woodfibre products, Sappi will be showcasing its solutions for the garment industry under the theme “Fashion meets Forest” at ITMA 2023 – with sublimation papers and its dissolving wood pulp, used for the production of garment fibres under the “Verve” brand name.

How can the woodfibre industry support a more sustainable garments market? Sappi is eager to answer this question at the ITMA and has created a “knowledge trail” for visitors to explore under the motto “Fashion meets Forest”. Visitors to the stand can follow the journey from wood via cellulose and fibre to the finished yarn and the printed garment.

Sublimation papers: Expanded production capacity in Carmignano
Sappi’s Transjet sublimation papers stand for fast, uniform ink transfer and minimal ink consumption. As a premium supplier, Sappi is constantly striving to meet its customers’ needs. So, at this year’s ITMA, various sublimation papers with optimised qualitative properties will be on show.

Sappi maintains the high quality of its coated Transjet and uncoated Basejet sublimation papers by regularly investing in new, state-of-the-art technologies. At the end of April, a new warehouse has been inaugurated at the Carmignano mill in Italy. In the next month’s, Sappi will further invest in two new converting machines with a width of 1.9 meters and 3.2 meters as well as in a fully automated packaging line. All the investments will support the company’s vision of having a complete in-house solution for the sublimation industry, have a positive impact on CO2 emission, satisfy the increased demand of their customers as well as further improve lead times.
“Verve” dissolving wood pulp for high-quality textiles
Sappi will also be showcasing its dissolving pulp (DP) brand “Verve”. DP provides the feedstock raw material toward producing rayon fibres such as Lyocell and viscose and further into yarns and fabrics. Textiles produced from wood based cellulosic fibres are noted for their breathability, colour fastness, softness, drape, absorbency and biodegradability. In addition to the garment industry, dissolving pulp is also used in various household and pharmaceutical products.


Sappi Europe


Kelheim Fibres und SUMO: Absorbent pads for washable diapers

Kelheim Fibres and SUMO are presenting their high-performance absorbent pads for the reusable Sumo diaper at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference. The Sumo diaper is a sustainable and washable cloth diaper made entirely from biobased materials, offering high performance and innovative design.

The Sumo diaper offers a reusable alternative, consisting of a waterproof shell and absorbent pads. To enhance the performance of the pads, Sumo collaborated with Kelheim Fibres, a leading viscose specialty fibre manufacturer with decades of experience in the hygiene sector.

Together with the Saxon Textile Research Institute STFI, Sumo and Kelheim Fibres have developed a high-performance absorbent pad that is free of fossil-based materials and has already been awarded the Techtextil Innovation Award. The basis for the innovative construction are Kelheim's functionalized specialty viscose fibres with modified cross-sections, which ensure particularly high absorbency and extremely low rewet values.

Kelheim Fibres and SUMO are presenting their high-performance absorbent pads for the reusable Sumo diaper at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference. The Sumo diaper is a sustainable and washable cloth diaper made entirely from biobased materials, offering high performance and innovative design.

The Sumo diaper offers a reusable alternative, consisting of a waterproof shell and absorbent pads. To enhance the performance of the pads, Sumo collaborated with Kelheim Fibres, a leading viscose specialty fibre manufacturer with decades of experience in the hygiene sector.

Together with the Saxon Textile Research Institute STFI, Sumo and Kelheim Fibres have developed a high-performance absorbent pad that is free of fossil-based materials and has already been awarded the Techtextil Innovation Award. The basis for the innovative construction are Kelheim's functionalized specialty viscose fibres with modified cross-sections, which ensure particularly high absorbency and extremely low rewet values.

To ensure the washability of the product, needle-punched/thermally bonded nonwovens were chosen, consisting of a mixture of specialty viscose and PLA bicomponent fibres. By combining nonwovens, typically used in single-use applications, with reusable products, the partners have chosen a new approach.

Natalie Wunder, project manager at Kelheim Fibres, and Luisa Kahlfeldt, founder and designer of SUMO, explain in their joint presentation at the Cellulose Fibre Conference how open innovation has led to successful development collaboration, how this response to current consumer needs has emerged, and what steps are planned for the future.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH


EU agreement on deforestation-free supply chains

The viscose fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres - exclusively using FSC® or PEFCTM certified pulps exclusively from sustainably managed sources - welcomes the preliminary political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on an EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains. The new rules, adopted at the end of 2022, are intended to prevent goods that cause forest degradation or deforestation from being placed on the EU market.

As one of the largest economies worldwide, the EU is a major consumer of wood-based raw materials. Therefore, the new law can significantly contribute to reducing global deforestation and forest degradation as well as protecting threatened forest areas.

The viscose fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres - exclusively using FSC® or PEFCTM certified pulps exclusively from sustainably managed sources - welcomes the preliminary political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on an EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains. The new rules, adopted at the end of 2022, are intended to prevent goods that cause forest degradation or deforestation from being placed on the EU market.

As one of the largest economies worldwide, the EU is a major consumer of wood-based raw materials. Therefore, the new law can significantly contribute to reducing global deforestation and forest degradation as well as protecting threatened forest areas.

“Wood is an incredibly versatile and valuable renewable resource and the basis for countless products. Our viscose fibres are just one example – they offer an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic materials in various applications and are thus a promising material for the future. Of course, this only applies if the production of our raw materials does not take place at the expense of our earth's natural forest resources. These forests are a bastion of biodiversity and climate protection for our entire planet and must be protected at all costs. No one can escape this responsibility," says Craig Barker, CEO at Kelheim Fibres.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH


Kelheim Fibres partners with TextileGenesisTM for more transparency

Viscose speciality fibres manufacturer Kelheim Fibres partners with TextileGenesisTM, a traceability platform that creates radical transparency from fibre-to-retail and ensures authenticity d provenance of sustainable textiles against generics.

“Our wood-based fibres are an environmentally friendly basis for sustainable textiles - it's just that consumers often don't know what's behind their garments. But they need to know it’s in their hands to minimise the ecological footprint of the textile industry. Transparency and traceability are the foundation that enables consumers to make informed decisions.”, says Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, Director New Business Development at Kelheim Fibres.

TextileGenesisTM uses blockchain technology to track and verify the use of sustainable fibres all the way from fibre to garment. A digital fibercoin ensures transparency and reliability throughout the entire production line and beyond.

Viscose speciality fibres manufacturer Kelheim Fibres partners with TextileGenesisTM, a traceability platform that creates radical transparency from fibre-to-retail and ensures authenticity d provenance of sustainable textiles against generics.

“Our wood-based fibres are an environmentally friendly basis for sustainable textiles - it's just that consumers often don't know what's behind their garments. But they need to know it’s in their hands to minimise the ecological footprint of the textile industry. Transparency and traceability are the foundation that enables consumers to make informed decisions.”, says Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, Director New Business Development at Kelheim Fibres.

TextileGenesisTM uses blockchain technology to track and verify the use of sustainable fibres all the way from fibre to garment. A digital fibercoin ensures transparency and reliability throughout the entire production line and beyond.

Amit Gautam, Founder & CEO at TexileGenesisTM:"Fashion and textile value chain is undergoing major transformation driven by sustainable materials, shifting consumer demand for sustainable products, and increasingly stringent regulations on transparency. Great to see Kelheim moving the industry forward by actively participating in the traceability journey."


Kelheim Fibres GmbH


SANITIZED AG launches biocide-free product for odor-free textiles

SANITIZED AG, a specialist for hygiene function in textiles, is expanding its Sanitized® Odorex™ portfolio for odorneutralizing technologies. The new OX20 product is usable on cotton, viscose, or synthetic fibers. It does not contain any biocides, it is highly wash-resistant, and it can be combined well with other effects.

Sanitized® Odorex™ is the product of several years of experience with environmentally friendly textile treatments. SANITIZED focuses heavily on the causes of, the production of, and the fighting of unpleasant sweat odor in textiles. The basis for the newly introduced biocide-free OX20 product is a metal-free polymer that neutralizes odors. It meets market requirements regarding wash-resistance with excellent results after up to 50 household washes.

SANITIZED AG, a specialist for hygiene function in textiles, is expanding its Sanitized® Odorex™ portfolio for odorneutralizing technologies. The new OX20 product is usable on cotton, viscose, or synthetic fibers. It does not contain any biocides, it is highly wash-resistant, and it can be combined well with other effects.

Sanitized® Odorex™ is the product of several years of experience with environmentally friendly textile treatments. SANITIZED focuses heavily on the causes of, the production of, and the fighting of unpleasant sweat odor in textiles. The basis for the newly introduced biocide-free OX20 product is a metal-free polymer that neutralizes odors. It meets market requirements regarding wash-resistance with excellent results after up to 50 household washes.

Versatile and highly cost-efficient
The new product can be applied in extraction, pad, and spray. It can be used on all common substrates and is compatible with other textile effects. These properties increase the flexibility and efficiency during product design, and they reduce production costs. As one of the first technologies worldwide, OX20 can be applied to synthetics in the dye bath.

Feel and wearing comfort
Binders and particle systems negatively affect the textile’s feel and moisture management. OX20 is a particle-free product with a long-lasting effect that does not change how the textile feels, nor does it affect the textile’s moisture management.




Sumo & Kelheim Fibres: Sustainable and high-performance absorbent washable diaper pad

Up to the age of three, a baby uses around 5,000 diapers. Despite the convenient handling of common disposable diapers, parents are increasingly looking for a healthy and sustainable alternative to these products to avoid waste. In Germany alone, 10 million diapers are disposed of every day.

Ways to solve this dilemma, would be disposable products that are made from bio-based or biodegradable materials, or reusable products with a longer life span replace disposable products.

Founding team Luisa Kahlfeldt and Caspar Böhme combine both with their "Sumo Diapers." These cloth diapers are made entirely of sustainable materials while offering high performance and innovative design.

The Sumo Diaper is a fitted cloth diaper that consists of a waterproof cover and absorbent inserts. The cover is sewn in such a way that a pocket is formed: this is where the absorbent pad is inserted to prevent slipping.

Up to the age of three, a baby uses around 5,000 diapers. Despite the convenient handling of common disposable diapers, parents are increasingly looking for a healthy and sustainable alternative to these products to avoid waste. In Germany alone, 10 million diapers are disposed of every day.

Ways to solve this dilemma, would be disposable products that are made from bio-based or biodegradable materials, or reusable products with a longer life span replace disposable products.

Founding team Luisa Kahlfeldt and Caspar Böhme combine both with their "Sumo Diapers." These cloth diapers are made entirely of sustainable materials while offering high performance and innovative design.

The Sumo Diaper is a fitted cloth diaper that consists of a waterproof cover and absorbent inserts. The cover is sewn in such a way that a pocket is formed: this is where the absorbent pad is inserted to prevent slipping.

To further enhance the performance of this absorbent pad, the Sumo team partners with the viscose special fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres, who brings decades of experience from the hygiene sector, especially for sensitive applications where high absorbency is required (such as tampons). Together, Sumo and Kelheim Fibres have developed a high-performance absorbent pad that uses no fossil materials.

The basis are functionalised specialty viscose fibres with adapted cross-sections. Needle-punched / thermobonded nonwovens with a blend of specialty viscose and PLA bicomponent fibres were chosen to ensure the product's washability. PLA stands for polylactic acid made from natural and renewable raw materials. By combining nonwovens, usually found mainly in the single-use sector, with reusable products, Sumo and Kelheim Fibres have chosen a completely new approach.

Inside the pad, the speciality fibres from Kelheim score with their special properties: In the distribution layer (ADL), the trilobal cross-section of the Galaxy® fibre forms capillary channels that enable efficient and optimized liquid distribution and thus optimum use of the capacity of the absorbent core, offering the lowest rewet values.

In the absorbent core, the segmented hollow fibre Bramante stores liquid not only between but also inside the fibre. The liquid remains there even when pressure is applied to the construction, providing excellent rewet values. Bramante can absorb up to 260% of its own weight in liquid. Cotton only achieves values of around 50% here.

The innovative nonwoven construction with the speciality fibres from Kelheim performs significantly better in tests in terms of air permeability, liquid absorption and rewetting than commercially available solutions made of synthetic fibres or cotton in knitted structures, and has earned Sumo diapers a place among the finalists for the IDEA® Long-Life Product Achievement Award.

The launch is scheduled for the first of May.


Kelheim Fibres


Kelheim Fibres Innovative Viscose Specialities at INDEX20

Not only since 2021 has sustainability been a topic high on society’s agenda. And yet the importance of sustainability for consumers and companies has once again increased sharply as a result of the Corona pandemic, as numerous studies confirm. Then why is it often so difficult to implement this conviction in everyday life? One of the biggest obstacles to sustainable consumer behaviour is the lack of availability of alternatives.

In addition to changing consumer demands, the EU Commission's recent decision on the single-use plastics directive is also prompting many nonwovens manufacturers to look at alternative solutions. Kelheim Fibres is exhibiting at this year's INDEX in Geneva and online with bio-based fibers that offer an alternative to synthetic materials in a wide range of applications. The Bavarians have decades of experience in the nonwovens and hygiene sectors and work on individual customer-specific innovations.

Not only since 2021 has sustainability been a topic high on society’s agenda. And yet the importance of sustainability for consumers and companies has once again increased sharply as a result of the Corona pandemic, as numerous studies confirm. Then why is it often so difficult to implement this conviction in everyday life? One of the biggest obstacles to sustainable consumer behaviour is the lack of availability of alternatives.

In addition to changing consumer demands, the EU Commission's recent decision on the single-use plastics directive is also prompting many nonwovens manufacturers to look at alternative solutions. Kelheim Fibres is exhibiting at this year's INDEX in Geneva and online with bio-based fibers that offer an alternative to synthetic materials in a wide range of applications. The Bavarians have decades of experience in the nonwovens and hygiene sectors and work on individual customer-specific innovations.

"We want to make it easy for consumers to choose an environmentally friendly option. That’s the case when bio-based solutions offer the same performance as synthetic products," said Matthew North, Commercial Director at Kelheim Fibres." Our fibre technology allows us to create just that: unlike natural fibres, which are available already in fibre form and can only be treated on the surface, we can engineer the properties of our fibres they need for specific applications by specifically intervening in the production process. That way we combine nature - our fibres are made of wood pulp - with performance."

Kelheim's special fibres are made of wood pulp from sustainably managed sources, are produced in Kelheim in an environmentally friendly way and are fully biodegradable at the end of their product life. Kelheim Fibres is the first viscose fibre manufacturer in the world with an EMAS validated Environmental Management System and was awarded a dark green/light green shirt in the most recent Canopy HotButton-Ranking.

More information:
Kelheim Fibres viscose fibers

Kelheim Fibres GmbH


Kelheim Fibres to Increase Viscose Fibre Prices from 1. October 2021

Kelheim Fibres GmbH is announcing that with effect from 01. October 2021, or as contracts and agreements allow, prices for its range of viscose fibres will be increased by €0,20/kg. In addition, freight cost adjustments will be applied on an individual customer basis. In cases where energy cost adjustments are not included in contracts and agreements, a temporary energy surcharge will be applied.

“The measures we are taking are absolutely necessary to ensure that Kelheim Fibres remains in a position to supply fibres with the levels of quality and service expected by our customers,” says Matthew North, Commercial Director of Kelheim Fibres.

The year 2021 has brought extraordinary challenges for society and for industry. Alongside the Covid-19 pandemic, recovering demand, disruption in the global freight systems and dramatically increased energy costs are driving significant cost increases for raw materials and negatively influencing supply chains. Prices for energy and freight currently lie well outside their historical ranges.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH is announcing that with effect from 01. October 2021, or as contracts and agreements allow, prices for its range of viscose fibres will be increased by €0,20/kg. In addition, freight cost adjustments will be applied on an individual customer basis. In cases where energy cost adjustments are not included in contracts and agreements, a temporary energy surcharge will be applied.

“The measures we are taking are absolutely necessary to ensure that Kelheim Fibres remains in a position to supply fibres with the levels of quality and service expected by our customers,” says Matthew North, Commercial Director of Kelheim Fibres.

The year 2021 has brought extraordinary challenges for society and for industry. Alongside the Covid-19 pandemic, recovering demand, disruption in the global freight systems and dramatically increased energy costs are driving significant cost increases for raw materials and negatively influencing supply chains. Prices for energy and freight currently lie well outside their historical ranges.

Es sei der Kelheim Fibres GmbH gelungen, die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die Faserproduktion zu begrenzen. Aber als Unternehmen mit eigener Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlage und einem hohen Exportanteil in Staaten außerhalb Europas hätten sich diese Kostenfaktoren im zweiten und dritten Quartal 2021 stark negativ auf die Margen ausgewirkt. Da die Energiekosten auf einem beispiellos hohen Niveau verharrten und im vierten Quartal möglicherweise weiter ansteigen werden, keine Entlastung bei den hohen Frachtkosten absehbar sei und auch die Rohstoffkosten auf hohem Niveau blieben, müsse das Unternehmen Maßnahmen ergreifen, um eine weitere Margenerosion zu verhindern.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH had succeeded in limiting the impact of the pandemic on fibre production. However, as a company operating its own cogeneration energy plant and with a high level of export business outside Europe, these cost factors have had a severe negative impact on margins during the second and third quarters of 2021. With energy costs set to remain at unprecedentedly high levels and potentially increase further in the fourth quarter, no relief to the high level of freight costs foreseeable, and raw material costs also remaining at a high level, the company needs to take steps to prevent further margin erosion.

Kelheim Fibres’ Business Managers will be in contact with individual customers during September with further information.

More information:
Kelheim Fibres viscose fibers

Kelheim Fibres


Lenzing: Earnings more than doubled in the first half of 2021

  • Strong operating result: EBITDA at EUR 217.8 mn, cash flow from operating activities at EUR 199.8 mn
  • Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand in the fourth quarter of 2021
  • Start of strategic cooperation agreement for textile recycling with Södra
  • New milestones in the implementation of group-wide carbon neutrality: EUR 200 mn investment in existing locations in Asia
  • Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects EBITDA of at least EUR 360 mn

The Lenzing Group reported a significant improvement in revenue and earnings in the first half of the year. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry and the ongoing recovery in retail caused a substantial increase in demand and prices on the global fiber market, in particular at the beginning of the current financial year.

  • Strong operating result: EBITDA at EUR 217.8 mn, cash flow from operating activities at EUR 199.8 mn
  • Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand in the fourth quarter of 2021
  • Start of strategic cooperation agreement for textile recycling with Södra
  • New milestones in the implementation of group-wide carbon neutrality: EUR 200 mn investment in existing locations in Asia
  • Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects EBITDA of at least EUR 360 mn

The Lenzing Group reported a significant improvement in revenue and earnings in the first half of the year. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry and the ongoing recovery in retail caused a substantial increase in demand and prices on the global fiber market, in particular at the beginning of the current financial year.

Revenue rose by 27.5 percent to EUR 1.03 bn in the first half of 2021. This increase is primarily attributable to higher viscose prices, which stood at more than RMB 15,000 in May thanks to significantly higher demand for fibers, especially in Asia. The focus on wood-based specialty fibers such as TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded fibers also had a positive impact on the revenue development; the share of specialty fibers in fiber revenue rose to 72.8 percent in the reporting period. The negative impact of more unfavorable currency effects was consequently more than offset.

The earnings development essentially reflects the positive market development and was additionally reinforced by measures to improve efficiency. Energy and logistics costs increased significantly throughout the entire reporting period. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) more than doubled and amounted to EUR 217.8 mn in the first half of 2021 (compared to EUR 95.6 mn in the first half of 2020). The EBITDA margin rose from 11.8 percent to 21.1 percent. Net profit for the period amounted to EUR 96.1 mn (compared to a net loss of EUR minus 14.4 mn in the first half of 2020) and earnings per share to EUR 3.06 (compared to EUR 0.06 in the first half of 2020).

“Lenzing had a very strong first half-year. The demand for our sustainably produced specialty fibers once again developed excellently,” says Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group.


Lenzing AG


Target climate neutrality: Lenzing invests EUR 200 mn in Asia

  • CO2 emissions will be reduced by 320,000 tons per year
  • First supplier of wood-based cellulosic fibers in China to completely eliminate coal
  • Share in eco-responsible specialty fibers will be significantly increased
  • Lenzing is strategically well on track with these investments

The Lenzing Group, the leading global supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, will invest more than EUR 200 mn in its production sites in Purwakarta (Indonesia) and Nanjing (China) to convert existing standard viscose capacity into environmentally responsible specialty fibers.

In Nanjing (China) Lenzing will establish the first wood-based fiber complex in China that is independent from coal as an energy source. By using natural gas based cogeneration, Lenzing will reduce CO2 emissions at the site by more than 200,000 tons. At the same time a line of standard viscose will be converted to a 35.000 tons TENCEL™ branded modal fibers line making Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co., Ltd a 100 percent wood-based specialty fiber site by the end of 2022.

  • CO2 emissions will be reduced by 320,000 tons per year
  • First supplier of wood-based cellulosic fibers in China to completely eliminate coal
  • Share in eco-responsible specialty fibers will be significantly increased
  • Lenzing is strategically well on track with these investments

The Lenzing Group, the leading global supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, will invest more than EUR 200 mn in its production sites in Purwakarta (Indonesia) and Nanjing (China) to convert existing standard viscose capacity into environmentally responsible specialty fibers.

In Nanjing (China) Lenzing will establish the first wood-based fiber complex in China that is independent from coal as an energy source. By using natural gas based cogeneration, Lenzing will reduce CO2 emissions at the site by more than 200,000 tons. At the same time a line of standard viscose will be converted to a 35.000 tons TENCEL™ branded modal fibers line making Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co., Ltd a 100 percent wood-based specialty fiber site by the end of 2022.

In Purwakarta (Indonesia), Lenzing will reduce its CO2 emissions by increasingly using biogenic fuels. Additional investments to reduce emissions to air and water will make this facility fully compliant with the EU Ecolabel by the end of 2022. That will allow converting standard viscose capacity into LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers for textile applications as well as LENZING™ Viscose Eco fibers for personal care and hygiene applications. As a result, the site in Indonesia will also become a pure specialty viscose supplier as of 2023.

Both investments are fully in line with Lenzing’s target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions per ton of product by 50 percent by 2030. By avoiding or reducing the use of fossil fuels at the two sites, the Lenzing Group will be able to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 320,000 tons in total, or 18 percent, compared to 2017. In addition, this investment allows Lenzing also to reduce its total sulfur emissions by more than 50 percent, compared to 2019.

Together with its major lyocell fiber project in Thailand, Lenzing will also boost its share in specialty fibers as a percentage of fiber revenues to well above the targeted 75 percent already by 2023, which in turn is an important step towards achieving the company’s EBITDA target of EUR 800 mn by 2024.


More information:
climate-neutral viscose fibers

Lenzing AG


Kelheim Fibres joins the ZDHC "Roadmap to Zero" Programme

The viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has joined the ZDHC programme "Roadmap to Zero".

The non-profit organisation with more than 160 contributors worldwide has set itself the goal of completely eliminating harmful substances from the textile value chain. The ZDHC guidelines provide producers of Man-made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) with uniform criteria for measuring indicators such as wastewater, air emissions and other process-related parameters. The measured data is independently monitored and published.

Kelheim Fibres sees its ZDHC contributorship as another building block on the road to even more sustainable fibre production:
"We want to develop our industry with our know-how towards a greener future. Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate philosophy and strategy. We fully support ZDHC's vision of a widespread implementation of sustainably chemistry, driving innovations and best practices in textile, apparel and footwear industries to protect consumers workers and the environment," says Craig Barker, CEO at Kelheim Fibres.

The viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has joined the ZDHC programme "Roadmap to Zero".

The non-profit organisation with more than 160 contributors worldwide has set itself the goal of completely eliminating harmful substances from the textile value chain. The ZDHC guidelines provide producers of Man-made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) with uniform criteria for measuring indicators such as wastewater, air emissions and other process-related parameters. The measured data is independently monitored and published.

Kelheim Fibres sees its ZDHC contributorship as another building block on the road to even more sustainable fibre production:
"We want to develop our industry with our know-how towards a greener future. Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate philosophy and strategy. We fully support ZDHC's vision of a widespread implementation of sustainably chemistry, driving innovations and best practices in textile, apparel and footwear industries to protect consumers workers and the environment," says Craig Barker, CEO at Kelheim Fibres.

"ZDHC provides us with access to a range of best practices in chemical management and gives us the opportunity to network and learn from each other with like-minded industry partners. ZDHC's collaborative approach will accelerate the shift to a more responsible industry and we want to contribute to that."


Kelheim Fibres GmbH


Kelheim Fibres first viscose manufacturer worldwide with environmental management system validated to EMAS

  • The Bavarian Kelheim Fibres GmbH has become the first viscose fibre manufacturer worldwide to receive EMAS certification.

“Our aspiration is that our fibres offer an eco-friendly and high-performance alternative to synthetic materials”, says Craig Barker, CEO at Kelheim Fibres. “So, it’s not enough that our fibres are made from renewable resources and that they are fully biodegradable – our environmental awareness must include the whole production process and all that goes with it if we want to safeguard our credibility.

The EMAS certification proves that we take this responsibility seriously.” EMAS stands for “Eco Management and Audit Scheme” and is a standardised eco management certification system developed by the European Union. EMAS includes the globally applicable ISO 14001 standard and goes beyond its requirements by demanding more transparency and continuous improvement: Certified companies report in their annual EMAS Environmental Statement on their environmental goals and their progress in meeting them.

  • The Bavarian Kelheim Fibres GmbH has become the first viscose fibre manufacturer worldwide to receive EMAS certification.

“Our aspiration is that our fibres offer an eco-friendly and high-performance alternative to synthetic materials”, says Craig Barker, CEO at Kelheim Fibres. “So, it’s not enough that our fibres are made from renewable resources and that they are fully biodegradable – our environmental awareness must include the whole production process and all that goes with it if we want to safeguard our credibility.

The EMAS certification proves that we take this responsibility seriously.” EMAS stands for “Eco Management and Audit Scheme” and is a standardised eco management certification system developed by the European Union. EMAS includes the globally applicable ISO 14001 standard and goes beyond its requirements by demanding more transparency and continuous improvement: Certified companies report in their annual EMAS Environmental Statement on their environmental goals and their progress in meeting them.

During the audit preceding the certification, the independent environmental auditor thoroughly investigated all departments of the company, from the production itself to the company canteen. He found no non-conformances and was impressed by the competence and the high sense of responsibility among Kelheim’s employees. In contrast to the EU Ecolabel and similar certifications, EMAS does not apply to individual products or services, but certifies the complete environmental performance of the company. This benefits not only the protection of the environment and climate, but also the improvement of a company’s ecoefficiency.

Craig Barker: “An efficient environmental management system ensures that economy and ecology go hand in hand – that gives us a decisive competitive edge.”


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Logo (c) Kelheim Fibres

Kelheim Fibres scores a leading position in Canopy’s 2020 Hot Button Report

The Bavarian viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has achieved a leading score in Canopy’s 2020 Hot Button Report. Kelheim Fibres ranks overall among the top 5 producers and was even able to improve their good previous year’s result.

While the company – as in 2019 - is assessed as “low risk" of sourcing from Ancient & Endangered Forests, Kelheim is proud to have invested significantly in “Next Generation Fibre Solutions,” and hopes to reach commercial scale by 2025. Also, highlighted in the report is Kelheim’s increase of the proportion of FSC®-certified fibre.

Kelheim has accepted the recommendation to develop an action plan for continuous improvement of their sustainability: With a certification according to ISO 50001 (energy management), certification according to EMAS (expected at the end of 2020), the application to join ZDHC (Roadmap to Zero) and the newly created position of a sustainability manager, the viscose fibre experts have accomplished a considerable success in a short space of time.

The Bavarian viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has achieved a leading score in Canopy’s 2020 Hot Button Report. Kelheim Fibres ranks overall among the top 5 producers and was even able to improve their good previous year’s result.

While the company – as in 2019 - is assessed as “low risk" of sourcing from Ancient & Endangered Forests, Kelheim is proud to have invested significantly in “Next Generation Fibre Solutions,” and hopes to reach commercial scale by 2025. Also, highlighted in the report is Kelheim’s increase of the proportion of FSC®-certified fibre.

Kelheim has accepted the recommendation to develop an action plan for continuous improvement of their sustainability: With a certification according to ISO 50001 (energy management), certification according to EMAS (expected at the end of 2020), the application to join ZDHC (Roadmap to Zero) and the newly created position of a sustainability manager, the viscose fibre experts have accomplished a considerable success in a short space of time.

Canopy’s Hot Button Report not only stands for ethically correct raw material sourcing – it is an overall sustainability indicator for viscose fibre producers.”, so Matthew North, Commercial Director at Kelheim Fibres. “We are proud of our ranking and will follow this path further: Our fibres offer an ecofriendly alternative to synthetic materials. That includes certified sustainable raw material sourcing, resource saving and low-emission production processes as well as the continuous search for improvements and future-oriented solutions.“


Kelheim Fibres

Kelheim (c) Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Kelheim Fibres für den Sustainability Heroes Award nominiert

Kelheim Fibres ist unter den Finalisten für den Sustainability Heroes Award in der Kategorie Nachhaltige Innovation. Der Preis wird von der DQS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit) und der DGQ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität) an Vorreiter im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit vergeben und soll aktives Engagement weiter anspornen.

Der Viskosespezialfaserhersteller bewirbt sich um den Award mit ihren innovativen Fasern auf Pflanzenbasis, die einen erheblichen Beitrag für eine plastikfreie Zukunft im Bereich der absorbierenden Hygieneprodukte (z.B. Menstruations- oder Inkontinenzprodukte) leisten können.

Durch den Produktionsprozess können Viskosefasern – im Gegensatz zu anderen pflanzenbasierten Fasern – gezielt modifiziert und funktionalisiert werden. So können sie exakt auf das Anforderungsprofil der einzelnen Bestandteile des Hygieneproduktes abgestimmt werden (von besonders saugfähig bis wasserabweisend) und reichen damit an die Leistungswerte von synthetischen Fasern heran, die heute noch mehrheitlich in diesen Produkten für den Einmalgebrauch zu finden sind.

Kelheim Fibres ist unter den Finalisten für den Sustainability Heroes Award in der Kategorie Nachhaltige Innovation. Der Preis wird von der DQS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit) und der DGQ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität) an Vorreiter im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit vergeben und soll aktives Engagement weiter anspornen.

Der Viskosespezialfaserhersteller bewirbt sich um den Award mit ihren innovativen Fasern auf Pflanzenbasis, die einen erheblichen Beitrag für eine plastikfreie Zukunft im Bereich der absorbierenden Hygieneprodukte (z.B. Menstruations- oder Inkontinenzprodukte) leisten können.

Durch den Produktionsprozess können Viskosefasern – im Gegensatz zu anderen pflanzenbasierten Fasern – gezielt modifiziert und funktionalisiert werden. So können sie exakt auf das Anforderungsprofil der einzelnen Bestandteile des Hygieneproduktes abgestimmt werden (von besonders saugfähig bis wasserabweisend) und reichen damit an die Leistungswerte von synthetischen Fasern heran, die heute noch mehrheitlich in diesen Produkten für den Einmalgebrauch zu finden sind.

Während sich umweltbewusste Anwender(innen) heute oft zwischen einem sicheren Gefühl und einem guten Gewissen entscheiden müssen, tragen die Bayerischen Faserexperten perspektivisch dazu bei, dass immer mehr Produkte beidem gerecht werden: Kelheim Fibres verbindet nachhaltig gefertigte und vollständig biologisch abbaubare Fasern mit der technischen Performance von synthetischen Fasern. Ziel ist es, den Einsatz von rohölbasiertem Plastik in Wegwerfprodukten und seinen negativen Einfluss auf die Umwelt zu reduzieren.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH