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(c) IVAM

IVAM und BVMed fordern:„Bessere Vernetzung von MedTech und Mikrotechnik“

Medizinisch-technischer Fortschritt beruht auf einer engen technologischen Partnerschaft zwischen Komponentenherstellern, Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen und Anwendern. „Wir brauchen eine enge Zusammenarbeit und bessere Vernetzung der Technologiepartner und Expert:innen“, sagten der Geschäftsführer des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed), Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll, und der Geschäftsführer des Fachverbands für Mikrotechnik (IVAM), Dr. Thomas Dietrich auf der ersten gemeinsamen Konferenz „MedTech Business Connect – A Matchmaking Event“ in Berlin.

Medizinisch-technischer Fortschritt beruht auf einer engen technologischen Partnerschaft zwischen Komponentenherstellern, Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen und Anwendern. „Wir brauchen eine enge Zusammenarbeit und bessere Vernetzung der Technologiepartner und Expert:innen“, sagten der Geschäftsführer des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed), Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll, und der Geschäftsführer des Fachverbands für Mikrotechnik (IVAM), Dr. Thomas Dietrich auf der ersten gemeinsamen Konferenz „MedTech Business Connect – A Matchmaking Event“ in Berlin.

Der Fokus der Veranstaltung lag auf der Förderung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Komponentenherstellern und Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen sowie auf persönlichem „Matchmaking“ zu Themen wie Supply Chain Management, Fördermöglichkeiten, aber auch zu technologischen Themen wie Robotik in der Gesundheitsversorgung oder medizinische Wearables. Fachvorträge kamen unter anderem vom BVMed-Vorsitzenden Dr. Meinrad Lugan, VDI-Technologieberaterin Dr. Monika Weinhold, Robotik-Experte Prof. Dr. Ralf-Joachim Schulz vom St. Marien-Hospital Köln sowie Wearables-Experte Erik Jung vom Fraunhofer IZM. Im "Matchmaking" hatten die Teilnehmenden der beiden Verbände die Möglichkeit, sich in Einzelgesprächen zu spezifischen Themen auszutauschen.

Der BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Meinrad Lugan betonte in seinem Einführungsvortrag, dass neben einer besseren Vernetzung der Expert:innen und Technologiepartner auch eine bessere Vernetzung der vorhandenen Daten und Versorgungsprozesse ermöglicht werden muss, um die Versorgungssicherheit im Gesundheitssystem zu verbessern: „Für bessere Resilienz und Versorgungssicherheit brauchen wir mehr Transparenz im System – mit Hilfe von Daten auf der Basis internationaler Standards“, so Lugan.

Er berichtete aus einer wertvollen Erkenntnis aus dem Beginn der Corona-Pandemie: Für über 80 Prozent aller versorgungskritischen Medizinprodukte gab es keinen Mangel, sondern ein Verteilungsproblem. Nur für weniger als 20 Prozent relevanter Produkte wäre ein Krisenlager oder eine Krisen-Produktionskapazität erforderlich gewesen. „Den Großteil hätten wir durch smarte digitale Lösungen in den Griff bekommen. Deshalb hat der BVMed als Lösungsangebot an die Politik das Konzept einer Digitalen Bestandsplattform versorgungskritischer Medizinprodukte erarbeitet. Damit hätte die Politik im Krisenfall Transparenz in Echtzeit“, so Lugan. Das Konzept beruhe auf einheitlichen Standards in der elektronischen Kommunikation.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) Messe Frankfurt HK, Ltd.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles confirms August 2023

With many trade fairs restarting their event schedules worldwide, and China notably relaxing border restrictions for travellers entering the country, global industry players are looking forward to the return of the Asian home textile show.

The Autumn Edition, which is more targeted towards international participants, will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 16 – 18 August 2023. Due to easing travel restrictions and the promising home textiles market, the organisers expect to welcome more overseas exhibitors and visitors to the upcoming show.  

With China’s reopened borders the latest step in the global home textiles industry getting back on track, international suppliers have been actively seeking ways to reinvigorate business growth stunted by the pandemic, and participating in reputable trade fairs is a common choice.

With many trade fairs restarting their event schedules worldwide, and China notably relaxing border restrictions for travellers entering the country, global industry players are looking forward to the return of the Asian home textile show.

The Autumn Edition, which is more targeted towards international participants, will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 16 – 18 August 2023. Due to easing travel restrictions and the promising home textiles market, the organisers expect to welcome more overseas exhibitors and visitors to the upcoming show.  

With China’s reopened borders the latest step in the global home textiles industry getting back on track, international suppliers have been actively seeking ways to reinvigorate business growth stunted by the pandemic, and participating in reputable trade fairs is a common choice.

According to TexPro, the global home textiles market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 3.5% between 2020 and 2025, with the market size to reach over USD 151 billion by the end of the forecast period. Regionally, China is expected to remain the world’s largest home textiles market with a share of over 28%.

As an important sector for the home textiles industry and the global economy in general, China has announced several policies to facilitate business and trading activities that involve foreign companies. One of the most important is the ease of the travel regulations when entering the country.

735 exhibitors and over 20,000 buyers joined the previous edition, and participants can expect a comprehensive platform in autumn. The fair will comprise a wide range of home textile products, including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, upholstery & curtain fabrics, editors, home textile technologies and textile design. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).


Messe Frankfurt HK, Ltd.

Grafik BVMed

Bevölkerungsumfrage: Nur 10 Prozent der Deutschen wechseln Masken nach jedem Gebrauch

BVMed: „Masken müssen korrekt angewendet werden“

Nur 10 Prozent der Deutschen wechseln ihre FFP2-Maske nach jedem Gebrauch. 9 Prozent der Bevölkerung wechseln die Maske so selten wie möglich, über 18 Prozent tragen überhaupt keine Maske. Das ergab eine repräsentative Befragung des Meinungsforschungsunternehmens Civey im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed). 2.500 Personen wurden zwischen dem 28. und 29. November 2022 befragt. Die Ergebnisse sind repräsentativ für die Einwohner Deutschlands ab 18 Jahren. Der statistische Fehler der Gesamtergebnisse liegt bei 3,3 Prozent.

„Medizinische Masken schützen bei richtiger Anwendung sehr gut vor Infektionen. Wichtig ist, die Hinweise der Profis zum richtigen Umgang mit Masken und die Hygieneregeln zu beachten“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

BVMed: „Masken müssen korrekt angewendet werden“

Nur 10 Prozent der Deutschen wechseln ihre FFP2-Maske nach jedem Gebrauch. 9 Prozent der Bevölkerung wechseln die Maske so selten wie möglich, über 18 Prozent tragen überhaupt keine Maske. Das ergab eine repräsentative Befragung des Meinungsforschungsunternehmens Civey im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed). 2.500 Personen wurden zwischen dem 28. und 29. November 2022 befragt. Die Ergebnisse sind repräsentativ für die Einwohner Deutschlands ab 18 Jahren. Der statistische Fehler der Gesamtergebnisse liegt bei 3,3 Prozent.

„Medizinische Masken schützen bei richtiger Anwendung sehr gut vor Infektionen. Wichtig ist, die Hinweise der Profis zum richtigen Umgang mit Masken und die Hygieneregeln zu beachten“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

In Teilen des öffentlichen Raumes gilt weiterhin die Pflicht zum Tragen einer medizinischen bzw. einer FFP2-Maske. Nach der BVMed-Umfrage sind die häufigsten Wechselgründe: Wenn die Maske verschmutzt ist (50,8 Prozent), kaputt gegangen ist (41,3 Prozent), schlecht riecht bzw. unhygienisch ist (37,0 Prozent) oder wenn die Maske durchfeuchtet ist (35,6 Prozent).

Unterschieden werden OP-Masken bzw. medizinische Masken (Mund-Nasen-Schutz) und Atemschutzmasken.

  • OP-Masken dienen vor allem dem Schutz der Umgebung vor Keimen, die Träger:innen beispielsweise durch Atmen oder Niesen verteilen könnte.
  • Atemschutzmasken hingegen dienen dem Schutz der Träger:innen vor Viren. Bei den Atemschutzmasken gibt es wiederum verschiedene Gruppen. Zum Schutz vor Viren und Mikroorganismen sind grundsätzlich Masken mit einem Partikelfilter geeignet. Dazu zählen unter anderem sogenannte Partikelfiltrierende Halbmasken, besser bekannt als FFP-Masken.

Genutzt werden von den Menschen aktuell vor allem FFP2-Masken. Sie sind nur dann wirksam, wenn sie korrekt angelegt werden.

  • Vor dem Aufsetzen der Maske sollten die Hände gründlich mit Wasser und Seife oder einem geeigneten Desinfektionsmittel gereinigt werden.
  • Die Maske muss gemäß der ihr beiliegenden Anleitung aufgesetzt werden. Sie muss Mund und Nase vollständig abdecken.
  • Es muss sichergestellt sein, dass keine Lücken zwischen Gesicht und Maske vorhanden sind.
  • FFP2-Masken sollten grundsätzlich nicht mehrfach verwendet werden, da es sich i.d.R. um Einmalprodukte handelt.
More information:
BVMed FFP-2 Masken Einwegmasken

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) BVMed

BVMed: „Kosten-Tsunami“ bei aufsaugenden Inkontinenzprodukten

Die im Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) organisierten Hersteller von aufsaugenden Inkontinenzprodukten schlagen aufgrund explodierender Rohstoff-, Transport- und Energiepreise Alarm. Der steigende Preisdruck wird durch sinkende Monatspauschalen in den Hilfsmittel-Versorgungsverträgen mit Krankenkassen noch verstärkt. „Die Schere zwischen sinkenden Erstattungspreisen und steigenden Produktionskosten nimmt stetig zu. Dieser Kosten-Tsunami gefährdet die medizinische Versorgungsqualität der Betroffenen“, so BVMed-Expertin Juliane Pohl, Leiterin des Referats Ambulante Versorgung. Der BVMed sieht dringenden Handlungsbedarf, um die qualitätsgefährdenden Mechanismen der bestehenden Pauschalsystematik zu überwinden.

Die Bewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie und der Ukraine-Krieg haben die Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen und Energie, die globalen Lieferketten sowie das Transportwesen stark beeinträchtigt. Diese Veränderungen führen zu immensen Preissteigerungen, die sich unmittelbar auf die Herstellung von Medizinprodukten auswirken – darunter die Produktion von Hilfsmitteln zur aufsaugenden Inkontinenzversorgung. Ein paar Beispiele zu den Auswirkungen:

Die im Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) organisierten Hersteller von aufsaugenden Inkontinenzprodukten schlagen aufgrund explodierender Rohstoff-, Transport- und Energiepreise Alarm. Der steigende Preisdruck wird durch sinkende Monatspauschalen in den Hilfsmittel-Versorgungsverträgen mit Krankenkassen noch verstärkt. „Die Schere zwischen sinkenden Erstattungspreisen und steigenden Produktionskosten nimmt stetig zu. Dieser Kosten-Tsunami gefährdet die medizinische Versorgungsqualität der Betroffenen“, so BVMed-Expertin Juliane Pohl, Leiterin des Referats Ambulante Versorgung. Der BVMed sieht dringenden Handlungsbedarf, um die qualitätsgefährdenden Mechanismen der bestehenden Pauschalsystematik zu überwinden.

Die Bewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie und der Ukraine-Krieg haben die Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen und Energie, die globalen Lieferketten sowie das Transportwesen stark beeinträchtigt. Diese Veränderungen führen zu immensen Preissteigerungen, die sich unmittelbar auf die Herstellung von Medizinprodukten auswirken – darunter die Produktion von Hilfsmitteln zur aufsaugenden Inkontinenzversorgung. Ein paar Beispiele zu den Auswirkungen:

  • Die Kosten für Superabsorber haben sich mehr als verdreifacht.
  • Die Kosten für Zellstoff, Polypropylen und Polyethylen haben sich mehr als verdoppelt.
  • Zusätzlich treibt die Verfünffachung der Energiepreise die Herstellkosten in ungeahnte Höhen.
  • Die nationalen und weltweiten Logistikkosten sind zudem aufgrund fehlender Transportkapazitäten und höherer Preise für Kraftstoffe, Verpackungen, Container und Paletten massiv gestiegen.

Zum Hintergrund der Versorgungsproblematik erläutert der BVMed, dass die Versorgung von Patient:innen mit Hilfsmitteln zur aufsaugenden Inkontinenzversorgung durch entsprechend qualifizierte Hilfsmittelleistungserbringer wie Sanitätshäuser oder Homecare-Versorger erfolgt. Diese vereinbaren mit Krankenkassen eine Erstattung für die monatliche Versorgung mit den Produkten sowie den dazu gehörigen Dienstleistungen wie die Auswahl des individuell erforderlichen Produkts, die Einweisung sowie die Unterstützung bei Komplikationen.

Das Problem: Die besondere Systematik bei der Vereinbarung dieser Erstattungsbeträge führt zu Vergütungen im sehr niedrigen zweistelligen Bereich. Die durchschnittliche Monatspauschale liegt aktuell bei unter 17 Euro für Versorgungen in der Häuslichkeit. Diese Pauschale umfasst alle individuell erforderlichen Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie Logistik und sonstige Administration. Alle an der Versorgung Beteiligten seien nun aufgefordert, geeignete Antworten auf diese dramatischen Entwicklungen zu finden und Gegenmaßnahmen einzuleiten.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) BVMed

BVMed: Ergebnisse der Herbstumfrage 2022

Die Umsatzentwicklung der Medizintechnik-Branche zeigt sich nach den Ergebnissen der Herbstumfrage des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) mit einem prognostizierten Plus von 3,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr leicht erholt. Die Gewinne der MedTech-Branche werden 2022 jedoch aufgrund der dramatischen Kostensteigerungen bei den Transport-, Rohstoff- und Energiepreisen sowie den regulatorischen Mehraufwand durch die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) insgesamt zurückgehen. Dennoch schaffen die Unternehmen neue Arbeitsplätze und investieren in Produktionsstandorte, so das Ergebnis der BVMed-Herbstumfrage, die BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auf der Jahrespressekonferenz des MedTech-Verbandes vorstellte.

Die Kostensteigerungen und bürokratischen Hemmnisse durch die MDR führen zudem zu einem Rückgang der Innovationsdynamik der Branche. Der Innovationsklima-Index der MedTech-Branche ist mit 3,6 auf einer Zehnerskala auf einem Tiefstwert. „Das zeigt die Dramatik der Herausforderungen für die KMU-geprägte MedTech-Branche in Deutschland auf“, so Möll. An der Herbstumfrage nahmen 120 Mitgliedsunternehmen des BVMed teil.

Die Umsatzentwicklung der Medizintechnik-Branche zeigt sich nach den Ergebnissen der Herbstumfrage des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) mit einem prognostizierten Plus von 3,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr leicht erholt. Die Gewinne der MedTech-Branche werden 2022 jedoch aufgrund der dramatischen Kostensteigerungen bei den Transport-, Rohstoff- und Energiepreisen sowie den regulatorischen Mehraufwand durch die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) insgesamt zurückgehen. Dennoch schaffen die Unternehmen neue Arbeitsplätze und investieren in Produktionsstandorte, so das Ergebnis der BVMed-Herbstumfrage, die BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auf der Jahrespressekonferenz des MedTech-Verbandes vorstellte.

Die Kostensteigerungen und bürokratischen Hemmnisse durch die MDR führen zudem zu einem Rückgang der Innovationsdynamik der Branche. Der Innovationsklima-Index der MedTech-Branche ist mit 3,6 auf einer Zehnerskala auf einem Tiefstwert. „Das zeigt die Dramatik der Herausforderungen für die KMU-geprägte MedTech-Branche in Deutschland auf“, so Möll. An der Herbstumfrage nahmen 120 Mitgliedsunternehmen des BVMed teil.

Detaillierte Informationen zur Umfrage finden Sie hier.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


Italian textile machinery sector returning to pre-Covid levels

  • Annual assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

  • Digitalization and Sustainability Key to Resiliency for Italian Textile Machinery Sector

The objective critical issues faced by Italy as a whole throughout the course of 2021, primarily dictated by a pandemic that upset any and all pre-existing equilibriums, have not slowed or halted the Italian textile machinery sector.

Indeed, data presented during the annual assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, held on 1 July proved decidedly positive, showing that in 2021 the sector recovered significantly compared to 2020, to the point of returning to pre-Covid levels.

Specifically, Italian textile machinery production amounted to 2.388 billion euros (+35% over 2020 and + 5% over 2019), with total exports amounting to 2.031 billion euros (+37% over 2020 and +9% over 2019).

  • Annual assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

  • Digitalization and Sustainability Key to Resiliency for Italian Textile Machinery Sector

The objective critical issues faced by Italy as a whole throughout the course of 2021, primarily dictated by a pandemic that upset any and all pre-existing equilibriums, have not slowed or halted the Italian textile machinery sector.

Indeed, data presented during the annual assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, held on 1 July proved decidedly positive, showing that in 2021 the sector recovered significantly compared to 2020, to the point of returning to pre-Covid levels.

Specifically, Italian textile machinery production amounted to 2.388 billion euros (+35% over 2020 and + 5% over 2019), with total exports amounting to 2.031 billion euros (+37% over 2020 and +9% over 2019).

However, these results do not cancel the obstacles that companies are still facing. Looking to the near future, expectations are for a rather uncertain outlook, as underscored by ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi: “2022 remains a year replete with unknown factors, starting with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, along with the persistence of the pandemic, which seriously risk delaying expected growth consolidation for businesses in the sector. Difficulties in finding raw materials and components negatively affect the completion and fulfilment of orders processed as far back as 2021. To boot, rising energy costs and inflationary trends affecting numerous commodities are depressing overall business confidence. So the outlook for the sector is not so good.”
As such, the two cornerstones through which ACIMIT aims to support the Italian textile machinery sector are digitilization and sustainability.

4.0: The textile machinery sector looks to the future
The road to digital transformation has already led numerous manufacturers to completely rethink their production processes, rendering them more efficient and l ess expensive. The digital world is moving ahead at a decisive rate in the textile machinery sector, where the buzzwords are increasingly, for instance, the Internet of Things connecting to a company’s ecosystem, machine learning algorithms applied to production, predictive maintenance, and the integrated cloud management of various production departments. It is no coincidence that ACIMIT has focused decisively on its Digital Ready project, through which Italian textile machinery that adopt a common set of data are certified, with the aim of facilitating integration with the operating systems of client companies (ERP, MES, CRM, etc.).

A green soul
Combining production efficiency and respect for the environment: a challenge ACIMIT has made its own and which it promotes among its members through the Sustainable Technologies project. Launched by the association as early as 2011, the project highlights the commitment of Italian textile machinery manufacturers in the area of sustainability. At the heart of the project is the Green Label, a form of certification specifically for Italian textile machinery which highlights its energy and environmental performance. An all-Italian seal of approval developed in collaboration with RINA, an international certification body.
The assembly held on 1 July provided an opportunity to take stock of the Sustainable Technologies project, more specifically, with the presentation of the Rina Consulting survey on the Green Label’s evolution and impact in recent years.

The results have confirmed the initiative’s extreme validity. The technological advances implemented by the association’s machinery producers participating in the project have effectively translated into benefits in terms of environmental impact (reduction of CO2 equivalent emissions for machinery), as well as economic advantages for machinery users.

With reference to the year 2021, a total of 204,598 tons of CO2 emissions avoided on an annual basis have been quantified, thanks to the implementation of improvements on machinery. This is a truly significant reduction which, for the sake of comparison, corresponds to the carbon dioxide emissions generated by 36,864 automobiles travelling an average of 35,000 km a year. In terms of energy savings, the use of green labeled textile machinery has provided excellent performances in allowing for a reduction of up to 84% in consumption.

A round table discussion on the Green Label’s primary purpose
The environmental and economic impact generated in production processes for Italian textile machinery through the use of Green Label technologies was the focus of the round table which concluded the ACIMIT assembly.

Moderated by Aurora Magni (professor of the Industrial Systems Sustainability course at the LIUC School of Engineering), the debate involved Gianluca Brenna (Lipomo Printing House administrator and Vice President of the Italian Fashion System for Welfare), Pietro Pin (Benetton Group consultant and President of UNI for the textile-clothing area), Giorgio Ravasio (Italy Country Manager for Vivienne Westwood), as well as ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi.

Called on to compare common factors in their experiences relating to environmental transition processes for their respective companies, the participants were unanimous: the future of Italian textile machinery can no longer ignore advanced technology developments capable of offering sustainable solutions with a low environmental impact while also reducing production costs. This philosophy has by now been consolidated, and has proven to lead directly to a circular economy outlook.

The upcoming ITMA 2023 exhibition
Lastly, a word on ITMA 2023, the most important international exhibition for textile machinery, to be held in Italy from 8 to 14 June 2023 at Fiera-Milano Rho. Marking the 19th edition of ITMA, this trade fair is an essential event for the entire industry worldwide, providing a global showcase for numerous innovative operational solutions on display. A marketplace that offers participants extraordinary business opportunities. The participation of Italian companies is managed by ACIMIT.

Kornit Rewrites the Rules for Fashion and Textiles (c) Kornit

Kornit Rewrites the Rules for Fashion and Textiles

  • Hundreds of designers, brands, creators, e-com platforms, manufacturers, and virtual fashion pioneers expected to attend VIP events at Kornit’s headquarters, R&D and production centers, and in major venues of Tel Aviv     
  • Kornit will unveil future technologies and solutions, including the revolutionary Kornit Apollo fully-digital mass production direct-to-garment (DTG) platform – considered a future game-changer for the mainstream mass production of fashion and apparel, a multi-billion-dollar market opportunity – constrained today by antiquated, analog, and polluting methods of production
  • Mass production of textile, traditionally off-shored, is going through an accelerated shift to near-shore production, significantly shorter production runs, lean-to-no inventory risk, and unlimited creativity and flexibility for designers and creators – all possible with Kornit’s new solution for mass production
  • Kornit will also unveil its Kornit Atlas MAX Poly – predicted to transform the multi-billion-dollar professional and recreational sports apparel and teamwear markets, suffering today fr
  • Hundreds of designers, brands, creators, e-com platforms, manufacturers, and virtual fashion pioneers expected to attend VIP events at Kornit’s headquarters, R&D and production centers, and in major venues of Tel Aviv     
  • Kornit will unveil future technologies and solutions, including the revolutionary Kornit Apollo fully-digital mass production direct-to-garment (DTG) platform – considered a future game-changer for the mainstream mass production of fashion and apparel, a multi-billion-dollar market opportunity – constrained today by antiquated, analog, and polluting methods of production
  • Mass production of textile, traditionally off-shored, is going through an accelerated shift to near-shore production, significantly shorter production runs, lean-to-no inventory risk, and unlimited creativity and flexibility for designers and creators – all possible with Kornit’s new solution for mass production
  • Kornit will also unveil its Kornit Atlas MAX Poly – predicted to transform the multi-billion-dollar professional and recreational sports apparel and teamwear markets, suffering today from major limitations with mass customization of polyester

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT) (“Kornit”), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production, announced today the Company will present the convergence of design, technology, and sustainable fashion at Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022, April 3rd – 6th. Rewriting the rules for fashion and textiles, the transformative event will unveil vibrant runway collections together with game-changing industry-first product and technology introductions that bring digital production to the mainstream.

The four-day event is attended by some of the top designers, retailers, brands, fulfillers, and ecommerce players, in addition to global investors and press – and will include exclusive VIP experiences demonstrating the confluence of the design, technology, and fashion worlds. Together, these three elements are central to Kornit’s 4.0 strategy, bringing sustainable, on-demand fashion to the mainstream with end-to-end workflow solutions.

Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022

Kornit Fashion Week features an immersive runway showcase produced by worldwide fashion icon, producer, director, and entrepreneur Motty Reif. The week follows successful Kornit events in 2021 across Los Angeles, New York, Milan, and Tel Aviv – displaying the creative freedom associated with sustainable, on-demand fashion fulfillment. Attendees will experience runway events showcasing designer creativity across a broad array of collections. These fascinating collections were created in just a few weeks, unlike typical fashion and textile production processes that take over six months.

Industry-First Introductions

Looking behind the scenes at Kornit Fashion Week, attendees will witness Kornit’s disruptive mass production technology in action. Unveiled for the first time, the Kornit Apollo direct-to-garment (DTG) system addresses accelerated post-pandemic market trends for streamlined supply chains and production nearshoring. Demonstrated at an exclusive VIP event, Kornit Apollo features the Company’s proven MAX technology offering the highest retail quality combined with full automation control and integrated smart curing processes, utilizing functionality from Lichtenau, Germany-based Tesoma (Kornit’s recently announced acquisition). The solution is the most comprehensive digital, single-step end-to-end system for nearshore short-and-medium-runs mass production and offers optimal TCO and highest output per operator. The result far surpasses performance of screen printing and analog techniques. With early customer engagements in the second half of 2022, the system will be available mid-2023.

Physical and Virtual Worlds

Kornit enables customers to exchange supply chain headaches and materials waste for unsurpassed creativity and a frictionless pixel-to-parcel-to-doorstep production experience. Supported by the KornitX workflow solution, customers have access to a scalable and modular ecosystem for on-demand decorated apparel and textiles. Supporting diverse supply chain models, the infrastructure-agnostic system enables on-demand, automated production, end-to-end from initial order to package delivery.

Indorama Ventures completes acquisition of Brazil-based Oxiteno, extending growth profile into attractive surfactant markets (c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited
(from left) Alastair Port, João Parolin

Indorama Ventures now in Brasil

  • Indorama Ventures completes acquisition of Brazil-based Oxiteno, extending growth profile into attractive surfactant markets

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, today completed its acquisition of 100% of Brazil-based Oxiteno S.A. Indústria e Comércio, becoming a leading global supplier in high-value surfactant markets.

The acquisition of Oxiteno, formerly a subsidiary of Ultrapar Participações S.A., was announced in August 2021 and is effective from 1 April 2022 after the transaction was approved by Brazil’s Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE). Through the acquisition, IVL extends its growth profile into highly attractive markets in Latin America and the U.S., becoming the leading surfactants producer in the Americas, with additional potential to expand in Europe and Asia.

  • Indorama Ventures completes acquisition of Brazil-based Oxiteno, extending growth profile into attractive surfactant markets

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, today completed its acquisition of 100% of Brazil-based Oxiteno S.A. Indústria e Comércio, becoming a leading global supplier in high-value surfactant markets.

The acquisition of Oxiteno, formerly a subsidiary of Ultrapar Participações S.A., was announced in August 2021 and is effective from 1 April 2022 after the transaction was approved by Brazil’s Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE). Through the acquisition, IVL extends its growth profile into highly attractive markets in Latin America and the U.S., becoming the leading surfactants producer in the Americas, with additional potential to expand in Europe and Asia.

Oxiteno becomes part of IVL’s Integrated Oxides and Derivatives (IOD) business segment, which IVL formed in 2020 with the purchase of assets from U.S.-based Huntsman (Spindletop transaction). IOD is a high-margin growth driver alongside IVL’s traditional Combined PET (CPET) necessities segment and its Fibers segment. Together, IVL’s three segments create a stronger and more resilient integrated platform along the company’s petrochemicals value chain.

The Oxiteno acquisition includes 11 manufacturing plants in Latin America and the U.S., 5 R&D centers, an experienced management team, a strong environmental governance record, and expertise in green chemistry innovation. Through Oxiteno, IOD assumes a leading position in technologies catering to innovation-led, high-value-add (HVA) surfactant solutions in attractive home & personal care, crop solutions, and coating & resources markets. This diversity increases IOD’s earnings stability and resilience. The surfactants market has seen consistent growth over the last decade, driven by trends in population growth, urbanization and increasing hygiene awareness amid the global pandemic.

(c) Composites Germany
Composites Index: current general business situation

Composites Germany: Results of the 18th Composites Market Survey

  • Assessment of current business situation positive
  • Future expectations subdued
  • Investment climate friendly
  • Varied expectations for application industries
  • GRP is still a growth driver
  • Composites Index is now positive

This is the 18th time that Composites Germany has identified the latest performance indicators for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey is largely qualitative and relates to current and future market developments.

You can read more about it in the attached document.

  • Assessment of current business situation positive
  • Future expectations subdued
  • Investment climate friendly
  • Varied expectations for application industries
  • GRP is still a growth driver
  • Composites Index is now positive

This is the 18th time that Composites Germany has identified the latest performance indicators for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey is largely qualitative and relates to current and future market developments.

You can read more about it in the attached document.


Composites Germany / AVK-TV GmbH


World Pultrusion Conference - Postponed

  • The 16th World Pultrusion Conference will be postponed to 5-6 May 2022

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association in cooperation with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) will postpone the 16th World Pultrusion Conference to 5-6 May 2022 due to the corona situation and the postponement of the JEC World, with which there is a close partnership.

This conference takes place every two years and is the meeting point of the European and worldwide Pultrusion Industry. More than 25 international speakers from Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey, UK and the USA will present practical presentations about innovative applications, technologies and processes. Equally current market trends and developments are on the agenda.
This World Pultrusion Conference takes now place on 5-6 May 2022 in Paris, France. The presentation language will be English. The program, further details and registration information is available at

  • The 16th World Pultrusion Conference will be postponed to 5-6 May 2022

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association in cooperation with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) will postpone the 16th World Pultrusion Conference to 5-6 May 2022 due to the corona situation and the postponement of the JEC World, with which there is a close partnership.

This conference takes place every two years and is the meeting point of the European and worldwide Pultrusion Industry. More than 25 international speakers from Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey, UK and the USA will present practical presentations about innovative applications, technologies and processes. Equally current market trends and developments are on the agenda.
This World Pultrusion Conference takes now place on 5-6 May 2022 in Paris, France. The presentation language will be English. The program, further details and registration information is available at


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Promising conditions for Cinte Techtextil China in September

Promising conditions in the technical textiles and nonwovens market are expected to provide ample opportunities for suppliers at this year’s Cinte Techtextil China. The fair, which last year saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits, will take place from 6 – 8 September 2022 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Flexible exhibiting options will once again be available for overseas companies.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the positive conditions that exhibitors should expect at the fair thusly: “The pandemic has led to a surge in Chinese exports of both technical textiles and nonwovens, the latter in particular. The country remains the largest supplier of nonwovens, comprising one-third of the global total, yet still requires the advanced offerings of overseas machinery suppliers, as well as supplies of raw materials, to support its export production.”

Promising conditions in the technical textiles and nonwovens market are expected to provide ample opportunities for suppliers at this year’s Cinte Techtextil China. The fair, which last year saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits, will take place from 6 – 8 September 2022 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Flexible exhibiting options will once again be available for overseas companies.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the positive conditions that exhibitors should expect at the fair thusly: “The pandemic has led to a surge in Chinese exports of both technical textiles and nonwovens, the latter in particular. The country remains the largest supplier of nonwovens, comprising one-third of the global total, yet still requires the advanced offerings of overseas machinery suppliers, as well as supplies of raw materials, to support its export production.”

Ms Wen continued: “Domestically, China is seeing increasing consumption of functional apparel, sportswear and personal protection items. Heightened health and sanitary regulations and new hygiene habits will also continue to drive demand, especially for nonwovens, well into the future. There has also been a post-pandemic boost in demand for filter, greenhouse covering and high-density fabrics amongst others. All of this adds up to a wealth of opportunities for overseas companies to take advantage of, as was experienced in the 2021 edition of the fair.”

Exhibitor and visitor experiences in 2021
“Our organisation promotes US cotton and we hope to use this platform to meet more companies and brands in the nonwovens industry who are interested in US cotton, and to meet up with old friends to discuss the current situation and industry trends. We also found some new potential clients this time.” Mr Eric Ni, Senior Manager, China Supply Chain Marketing, Fabrics, Garments and Nonwovens, Cotton Council International, USA

“Cinte Techtextil China is a professional exhibition that brings together cutting-edge technologies and products, allowing us to quickly learn about innovative technology trends in the industry. I’ve been particularly impressed by the biodegradable products in the Innovation Showcase. In addition, I am sourcing mask-related products and mops, and I have found some companies that I’m interested in.” Ms Claire Zhang, Senior Scientist, Personal Health, Philips Research China, Philips (China) Investment Co Ltd, China


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

(c) Messe Frankfurt,

Techtextil India: First post-lockdown edition with overwhelming responsive from industry

After three-days of product sourcing and business networking, Techtextil India 2021 in Mumbai concluded in a strong and positive note. The trade fair emerged as a crucial meeting place for the technical textile players to rebuild their supplier links, promote industry integration and engage in lucrative knowledge exchange.

The eighth edition of Techtextil India stood out to be a ground-breaking business platform for the technical textile sector to build a new and strong foundation in the new normal. The aim of the new edition was to promote industry unification and business recovery across the value chain of technical textiles.

The event held at Bombay Exhibition Centre was inaugurated by major dignitaries, including Shri Ajit Chavan, Secretary – Textiles Committee, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. Over the course of its three buzzing days, the show garnered an attendance of 4,087 visitors drawn by live demonstration of latest products, technologies and innovations exhibited by over 150 technical textile brands on the show floor.

After three-days of product sourcing and business networking, Techtextil India 2021 in Mumbai concluded in a strong and positive note. The trade fair emerged as a crucial meeting place for the technical textile players to rebuild their supplier links, promote industry integration and engage in lucrative knowledge exchange.

The eighth edition of Techtextil India stood out to be a ground-breaking business platform for the technical textile sector to build a new and strong foundation in the new normal. The aim of the new edition was to promote industry unification and business recovery across the value chain of technical textiles.

The event held at Bombay Exhibition Centre was inaugurated by major dignitaries, including Shri Ajit Chavan, Secretary – Textiles Committee, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. Over the course of its three buzzing days, the show garnered an attendance of 4,087 visitors drawn by live demonstration of latest products, technologies and innovations exhibited by over 150 technical textile brands on the show floor.

The event received an overwhelming response, reflecting industry’s keen interest to explore new developments and opportunities in technical textiles. In regards to the same, Mr Abhijit Kulkarni, President – Textile Engineering Group, A.T.E. India, stated: “It was the first and best physical show also on hybrid mode filled with enthusiastic buyers and customers who visited our booth and had very fruitful discussions with us. Several leading textile manufacturers visited our stalls, including: Strata Geosystems India, SKAPS Industries, Reliance Composites, Paramount Textiles, and Welspun, to name a few.”

Alok Masterbatches Pvt Ltd, Khosla Profile Pvt Ltd, ATE Group, Lucky International, Meera Industries Limited, Park Non-Woven Pvt Ltd, Sarex Chemicals, SICAM, Suntech Geotextile Pvt Ltd and Weavetech Engineers, were among the leading Indian companies exhibiting at the show.

The significance of the three-day fair was further elevated by the German pavilion. Technical textile manufacturers from Germany, such as Autefa Solution Germany GmbH, DILO Systems GmbH, Emtec Electronic GmbH, Georg Sahm GmbH & Co, Karl Mayer Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Merz Maschinenfabrik GmbH and Oerlikon Barmag Zweigniederlassung der Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co, displayed their latest technologies on the show floor, which garnered significant attention from the Indian buyers.

The first Digital Symposium was another highlight of Techtextil India 2021. The forum delved into a series of crucial topics in technical textiles discussing PLI schemes, FDI opportunities and policies, investment opportunities in Tamil Nadu, & New Investment Opportunities, Sustainable Technical Textiles and Global sustainable approach for Textiles with Antimicrobial Performance.

Concluding on a successful note, Techtextil India 2021 emerged as a platform of new beginnings for the technical textiles sector and for businesses trying to retain their shape and seeking momentum after the tough pandemic phase.


Messe Frankfurt HK

Photo: Messe Frankfurt

Techtextil India: Hybrid exhibition in November

India’s leading trade fair in technical textiles, nonwovens and composites, Techtextil India, is ready to make a comeback through its hybrid edition launch from 25 – 27 November 2021. With a series of live product demonstrations, insightful knowledge sessions and B2B networking opportunities, the multimodal trade fair will provide a strong avenue for technical textile professionals to reimagine their business potential.
After a successful grand edition in 2019, Techtexil India is all set to return for the very first time since the pandemic. The three-day exhibition will be hosted in a hybrid format from 25 – 27 November 2021, Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon which will unite technical textile players from across its varied application areas. Top technical textile brands including JB Ecotex, PARK Nonwoven, Loyal Textiles Lenzing, Mehala, Meera Industries, amongst many others will showcase their latest products at the hybrid fair. Moreover, leading German brands exhibiting at Techtextil India 2021 will be hosted under the German pavilion.

India’s leading trade fair in technical textiles, nonwovens and composites, Techtextil India, is ready to make a comeback through its hybrid edition launch from 25 – 27 November 2021. With a series of live product demonstrations, insightful knowledge sessions and B2B networking opportunities, the multimodal trade fair will provide a strong avenue for technical textile professionals to reimagine their business potential.
After a successful grand edition in 2019, Techtexil India is all set to return for the very first time since the pandemic. The three-day exhibition will be hosted in a hybrid format from 25 – 27 November 2021, Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon which will unite technical textile players from across its varied application areas. Top technical textile brands including JB Ecotex, PARK Nonwoven, Loyal Textiles Lenzing, Mehala, Meera Industries, amongst many others will showcase their latest products at the hybrid fair. Moreover, leading German brands exhibiting at Techtextil India 2021 will be hosted under the German pavilion.

The conjunction between the physical exhibition and the online business matchmaking platform will make way to a wider range of networking. Local and international visitors who are unable to attend the venue will be able to witness the exhibition virtually through the ‘MFI virtual app’ which will host live knowledge sessions and product demonstrations for visitors. The two-day multimodal trade fair allows the visitors to search for specific products like fibers, yarns, nonwovens, machinery, coated textiles with easy-to-use filters further to which they can share their query or connect directly with the respective exhibitors.

At the same time, visitors attending the venue will be welcomed under a well-organised physical exhibition following the government-authorised safety protocols of ‘MFI SafeConnect’. These protocols will enable visitors to engage in secure face-to-face interactions with exhibitors and witness the latest technical textile technologies and innovations in-person.

Alliance with the Government of Tamil Nadu
In a bid to strengthen indigenous production through the state and attract investors, the nodal agency for investment promotion and facilitation for the Government of Tamil Nadu – Guidance has signed up for Techtextil India 2021. Furthermore, technical textile players from Tamil Nadu such as Cyber Textiles India Pvt Ltd, Jayashree Spun Bond, Lenzing Ag India, Liester Technologies, Loyal Textile Mills Ltd, Milltex Engineers Pvt Ltd, Superfil Products Pvt Ltd, Uster Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd have also confirmed their participation for the exhibition.
Announcing a close co-operation with Messe Frankfurt India for the 2021 edition, Ms Pooja Kulkarni, IAS MD & CEO, Guidance Tamil Nadu, stated: “While there are several inherent advantages for the growth of technical textiles in Tamil Nadu specifically, many raw materials used in the production of sanitary products, artificial ligaments, seat belt webbings, airbags are still heavily imported. In this context, the alliance with Techtextil India Forum can help us reduce import dependency and bring investments in R&D, manufacturing, innovation by partnering with global technical textiles companies.”

With 50% of India’s textile mills in Tamil Nadu and complementary clusters of knitting, weaving and medical devices manufacturing in Coimbatore, and Tiruppur, the region provides immense opportunities for Meditech investments. Two petrochemical and refinery units – One in Cuddalore and another in Nagapattinam by CPCL is in the process of being established in Tamil Nadu. These units will enable availability of MMF raw material for the textile industry across the state. Hence, manufacturing in Tamil Nadu can be a win-win arrangement for investors as India provides access to the burgeoning market as well.

International expertise with German pavilion
Techtexil India 2021 edition will feature an exclusive German Pavilion showcasing products and technologies from top German manufacturers, including Autefa Solution Germany GmbH, DILO Systems GmbH, Emtec Electronic GmbH, Georg Sahm GmbH & Co, Karl Mayer Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Merz Maschinenfabrik GmbH and Oerlikon Barmag Zweigniederlassung der Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


JEC Korea 2021 co-located with Carbon Korea via JEC Korea Connect

From November 3-5, 2021, JEC Korea 2021 will be held at the COEX and online, via JEC Korea Connect, simultaneously with the first edition of Carbon Korea. Due to the COVID situation, for its 14th edition and 4th time in Seoul, JEC KOREA will bring together exhibitors and attendees in one single hall for both exhibiting companies and conferences, and in a hybrid format with JEC Korea Connect, including digital booths and conferences in livestreaming, to better network and share knowledge.

More than 50 domestic and foreign industry representatives will exhibit in Seoul and online during three days, among which: Hyosung, Toray Korea, Jeollabuk-do pavilion, Leresche, Pinette, MFtech of France, ZSK of Germany, HOS-TECHNIK of Austria. Through this, the entire value chain of composite materials, including large companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, gather in one place to showcase their latest technologies and innovations.

From November 3-5, 2021, JEC Korea 2021 will be held at the COEX and online, via JEC Korea Connect, simultaneously with the first edition of Carbon Korea. Due to the COVID situation, for its 14th edition and 4th time in Seoul, JEC KOREA will bring together exhibitors and attendees in one single hall for both exhibiting companies and conferences, and in a hybrid format with JEC Korea Connect, including digital booths and conferences in livestreaming, to better network and share knowledge.

More than 50 domestic and foreign industry representatives will exhibit in Seoul and online during three days, among which: Hyosung, Toray Korea, Jeollabuk-do pavilion, Leresche, Pinette, MFtech of France, ZSK of Germany, HOS-TECHNIK of Austria. Through this, the entire value chain of composite materials, including large companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, gather in one place to showcase their latest technologies and innovations.

JEC KOREA Technical Conference + ICF International Carbon Festival will unite 20 global speakers
for 3 days at the core of the event, as well as online through JEC Korea Connect, improving the composites skills of all attendees. It will be an exchange of technical market trends and innovation under the themes of:

  • New Energy / hydrogen and carbon
  • Smart Manufacturing
  • New mobility and aerospace

JEC Group


ITA: New pre-competitive partnership model for industrial companies

The ITA Group, consisting of the Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University (ITA), their research and development service provider ITA Technologietransfer GmbH (ITA GmbH) are proud to announce their new strategic positioning: in order to better respond to actual industrial demands and needs, ITA decided to install a partnership model as of January, 25 2022.

The ITA Group comprises the ITA of RWTH Aachen University, a leading research and qualification research institute with 400 employees in the areas of fibre-based high-performance materials, textile semi-finished products and their manufacturing processes and the ITA Technologietransfer GmbH, the partner of the industry in R&D, providing technology and knowledge transfer, as well as offering comprehensive solutions along the entire textile value chain.

The ITA Group, consisting of the Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University (ITA), their research and development service provider ITA Technologietransfer GmbH (ITA GmbH) are proud to announce their new strategic positioning: in order to better respond to actual industrial demands and needs, ITA decided to install a partnership model as of January, 25 2022.

The ITA Group comprises the ITA of RWTH Aachen University, a leading research and qualification research institute with 400 employees in the areas of fibre-based high-performance materials, textile semi-finished products and their manufacturing processes and the ITA Technologietransfer GmbH, the partner of the industry in R&D, providing technology and knowledge transfer, as well as offering comprehensive solutions along the entire textile value chain.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries, Director of ITA, explains the new partnership model:” The impact of the Covid-19-crisis has shown once more the importance of long-term trustworthy business relationships. Therefore, we are establishing our new partnership model where we will even more closely cooperate with our actual and future industrial partners, providing them with the latest technologies and innovations from R&D side. We will initiate networking and workgroup meetings, offer access to ITA´s large machine parks and labs, carry out joint partner projects and commonly organized publicly-funded projects as well as training for partner´s employees and HR opportunities.”

Dr. Christoph Greb, Scientific Director of ITA: “We are very happy to initiate this new partnership model where science, research and industry are working shoulder to shoulder in pre-competitive projects on our future projects along the entire value-chain from the fibre to the final component in order to close a missing gap and form innovative paths forward in various industrial fields.”

During an initial session of three Innovation days in hybrid format, ITA successfully introduced in September 2021 the first industrial partner projects which will be carried out, among them “Recycling of composite battery cases”, “Recycling of composite pressure vessels”, “Natural Fibre Composites”, “Textile Structures with focus on biaxial Warp-Knitted Structures”, “Factory of the Future”, “Tapes and Hybrid Yarns”.

The next opportunity to meet with ITA is at JEC DACH in Frankfurt (November 23 and 24 2021).



DyStar Releases 2020 – 2021 Integrated Sustainability Report (c)dystar
Sustainability Performance Report 2020-2021

DyStar Releases 2020 – 2021 Integrated Sustainability Report

DyStar is pleased to announce the release of its eleventh annual Sustainability Performance Report. The report is written in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option, while using the Integrated Reporting <IR> framework to communicate how DyStar drives value creation across multiple stakeholder groups in six capital categories, namely financial, manufactured, intellectual, natural, human capital and social capital.

In FY2020, COVID-19 has continued to present its challenges, such as the shortage of raw materials and rising freight costs. Gloomy global demand has also resulted in some raw and product material wastage in production plants worldwide, leading to increased non-hazardous waste output for FY2020. DyStar recognizes these global factors in play and will continue to make active efforts within the organization’s capability to reduce its environmental footprint in the years ahead.

DyStar is pleased to announce the release of its eleventh annual Sustainability Performance Report. The report is written in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option, while using the Integrated Reporting <IR> framework to communicate how DyStar drives value creation across multiple stakeholder groups in six capital categories, namely financial, manufactured, intellectual, natural, human capital and social capital.

In FY2020, COVID-19 has continued to present its challenges, such as the shortage of raw materials and rising freight costs. Gloomy global demand has also resulted in some raw and product material wastage in production plants worldwide, leading to increased non-hazardous waste output for FY2020. DyStar recognizes these global factors in play and will continue to make active efforts within the organization’s capability to reduce its environmental footprint in the years ahead.

The Group has set its sight on achieving the 2025 sustainability target of reducing its production footprint by 30% from 2011 levels for every ton of production. “We will continue to innovate and develop a wide range of products and processes that improve environmental performance and reduce carbon footprint across our value chain”, said Mr Xu Yalin, Executive Board Director of DyStar Group.

Mr Eric Hopmann, CEO of DyStar Group added: “We are also developing various projects in anticipation of future demands from customers as well as adopting more environmentally friendly technologies and improve our workflows and processes. Some of our projects include traceability programs, adopting renewable energy technologies, and digitalizing our business processes.” Understanding the importance of collaborative efforts to drive sustainability across the value chain, DyStar seeks to continually support industrial innovations and develop strategic partnerships to work towards becoming a sustainable and trusted leader in the industry.


DyStar Press Info

(c) INDA

Hygienix™ 2021: Live, in-person conference Nov 2021

  • Post-Pandemic Market Opportunities, New Technologies and Sustainability Highlight Conference This Fall in Arizona

The global absorbent hygiene and personal care markets are enthusiastically anticipating the return of Hygienix™ 2021 as a live, in-person conference Nov. 15-18, in Scottsdale, Arizona, focusing on post-pandemic opportunities, sustainability, new technologies and award-winning products.

The event will offer exciting opportunities for Hygienix participants to engage with new and existing customers in a face-to-face setting, and discover the latest innovations over four days at the Westin Kierland Resort. Highlights include two nonwovens workshops, a welcome reception, opportunities for 60 tabletop displays with receptions, eight intriguing panel discussions and presentations for the Hygienix Innovation Award™ and the INDA Lifetime Service Award.

  • Post-Pandemic Market Opportunities, New Technologies and Sustainability Highlight Conference This Fall in Arizona

The global absorbent hygiene and personal care markets are enthusiastically anticipating the return of Hygienix™ 2021 as a live, in-person conference Nov. 15-18, in Scottsdale, Arizona, focusing on post-pandemic opportunities, sustainability, new technologies and award-winning products.

The event will offer exciting opportunities for Hygienix participants to engage with new and existing customers in a face-to-face setting, and discover the latest innovations over four days at the Westin Kierland Resort. Highlights include two nonwovens workshops, a welcome reception, opportunities for 60 tabletop displays with receptions, eight intriguing panel discussions and presentations for the Hygienix Innovation Award™ and the INDA Lifetime Service Award.

As the market emerges from the pandemic, trends in sustainability such as replacing plastic with natural fibers, recycling and composting will present new opportunities that will be addressed by 30 presenters from industry companies. Conference participants also will discover how new technologies such as smart sensors and haptics — the use of technology that stimulates the senses of touch and motion — are helping to change the consumer experience.

Hygienix sessions featuring moderated discussions with industry-leading experts and Q&A opportunities are focused on the following themes:

  • New Options for Responsible End-of-Life
  • Haptics: Four Approaches to Assessing Feel
  • Products and Process Innovations in Global Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHPS)
  • Absorbent Hygiene Products Market Stats, Trends and Policy Insights
  • E-Hygiene Advancements
  • Feminine Care: Challenges to the Status Quo (presented in two parts)
  • New Approaches and Unmet Needs in Baby and Incontinence AHPS

Hygienix will address the latest research and statistics including:

  • Understanding the State of the Nonwovens Absorbent Hygiene Market, COVID-19 Impact and Baby Boom or Bust
  • Direct-to-Consumer Winners, Losers & Insights
  • Evolution of Sustainable Hygiene: Opportunity, Challenge, and Future Growth
  • Single-Use Plastics Policy Developments in North America
  • Understanding Consumer Needs and Desires When Considering Incontinence Products
More information:
Hygienix nonwovens INDA



Biden Administration Awards $6.5M Contract to US Cotton LLC

  • Ramping Up Production of American-Made Polyester Tipped Swabs

The Biden Administration has awarded a contract for $6.5 million to U.S. Cotton LLC, the largest manufacturer of cotton swabs in the United States, to increase domestic production capability for polyester tipped swabs for home testing kits and mass testing applications to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.  Since the beginning of the pandemic, U.S. Cotton has retooled operations to produce over 400 million COVID testing kit swabs.

The Department of Defense (DOD), in coordination with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announced the award today as part of the administration’s broader effort to increase domestic production capability for essential medical supplies.

U.S. Cotton, based in Cleveland, Ohio, said the company will increase its production capacity from 92 million polyester swab tips per month to approximately 371 million polyester swab tips per month by May 2022 to support domestic COVID-19 testing. The DOD contract award was funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to support the domestic industry base expansion for critical medical resources.

  • Ramping Up Production of American-Made Polyester Tipped Swabs

The Biden Administration has awarded a contract for $6.5 million to U.S. Cotton LLC, the largest manufacturer of cotton swabs in the United States, to increase domestic production capability for polyester tipped swabs for home testing kits and mass testing applications to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.  Since the beginning of the pandemic, U.S. Cotton has retooled operations to produce over 400 million COVID testing kit swabs.

The Department of Defense (DOD), in coordination with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announced the award today as part of the administration’s broader effort to increase domestic production capability for essential medical supplies.

U.S. Cotton, based in Cleveland, Ohio, said the company will increase its production capacity from 92 million polyester swab tips per month to approximately 371 million polyester swab tips per month by May 2022 to support domestic COVID-19 testing. The DOD contract award was funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to support the domestic industry base expansion for critical medical resources.

John Nims, President of U.S. Cotton said, “We are proud to be involved in a national effort to help deploy these testing kit swabs for the American people. These swabs are designed to make it easier for people at home to self-administer coronavirus tests and will also be used for mass testing applications, which is critically important. We greatly appreciate the collaboration with DOD and HHS to ramp up essential capacity of polyester-based synthetic swabs that will help in the fight against the pandemic.

“We continue to step up to meet our nation’s critical need for American-made coronavirus testing kit swabs on a massive scale. It is an honor to work with our government to help fight this pandemic and use our innovative technologies based here in the United States to fill a national and global demand for testing kits. I especially want to thank Senator Brown and Senator Portman for all their incredible support to help us retool and expand our operations in Cleveland. We can’t thank them enough for their tireless work and also want to recognize their hard working staff. As the Delta variant surges across the country, this timely investment will help in the fight against COVID by adding this much-needed, long-term surge capacity.”

Kim Glas, President and CEO of NCTO, said, “We want to sincerely thank President Biden, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Health and Human Services for leading this critical industrial expansion effort. We appreciate the administration’s commitment to expand the U.S. industrial base for these essential products.  We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to onshore these critical supply chains long-term and we look forward to working with the administration and Congress to advance long-term solutions.”

More information:
corona virus NCTO


Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH (c) digitalHUB Aachen e.V.; photo: Thomas Langens
Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH

ITA Academy GmbH wins Digital Pioneer Award 2021

  • Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH
  • ITA Academy GmbH was honoured to receive the Digital Pioneer Award at the Digital Summit Event in Aachen on June 09, 2021.

The Digital Pioneer Award is given to companies that drive digitalisation with digital business models, processes or digital products. ITA Academy GmbH was honoured with the Digital Capability Center (DCC) Aachen and its support of companies in their digital transformation.

  • Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH
  • ITA Academy GmbH was honoured to receive the Digital Pioneer Award at the Digital Summit Event in Aachen on June 09, 2021.

The Digital Pioneer Award is given to companies that drive digitalisation with digital business models, processes or digital products. ITA Academy GmbH was honoured with the Digital Capability Center (DCC) Aachen and its support of companies in their digital transformation.

Using the latest didactic methods, sophisticated solution concepts and state-of-the-art technologies, the DCC Aachen supports people in keeping up with the digital future and becoming pioneers in digital transformation. In order to make innovative solutions such as AI and digital assistance systems tangible, the ITA Academy founded the Digital Capability Center (DCC) Aachen together with McKinsey & Company in 2017. The DCC is a model factory 4.0 in which digital applications are demonstrated and taught using the example of a realistic factory. The DCC thus offers a learning environment for companies in which participants are supported in building up competencies in the field of digital transformation in the form of practical work-shops.

The digital pioneers are to be publicised as best-practice examples in order to sensitize regional SMEs to the topic of digitisation. Around the award of the digital pioneers, the digitalHUB Aachen e.V. rolls out effective marketing activities. The pioneers achieve high visibility through the various planned campaigns and advertising opportunities.

Techtextil and Texprocess 2022: registration now open (c) Messe Frankfurt

Techtextil and Texprocess 2022: registration now open

  • The Techtextil and Texprocess trade fairs have a positive view of the future and invite the sector to take part at Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre from 21 to 24 June 2022.
  • Exhibitors who register well in advance benefit from an early-booking discount.

The dates for the next editions of Techtextil and Texprocess have been set and the leading international trade fairs for technical textiles and nonwovens and for the processing of textile and flexible materials are set to attract exhibitors and trade visitors from all over the world to Frankfurt am Main from 21 to 24 June 2022. Thus, the fairs are shifting the biennial cycle of events from odd to even years, which fits in perfectly with the sector’s international event calendar. Companies that book exhibition space at one of the two trade fairs no later than 31 August 2021 benefit from an early booking discount. “We see the future in a positive light and are confident that we will finally be able to give the sector the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and information in June 2022.

  • The Techtextil and Texprocess trade fairs have a positive view of the future and invite the sector to take part at Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre from 21 to 24 June 2022.
  • Exhibitors who register well in advance benefit from an early-booking discount.

The dates for the next editions of Techtextil and Texprocess have been set and the leading international trade fairs for technical textiles and nonwovens and for the processing of textile and flexible materials are set to attract exhibitors and trade visitors from all over the world to Frankfurt am Main from 21 to 24 June 2022. Thus, the fairs are shifting the biennial cycle of events from odd to even years, which fits in perfectly with the sector’s international event calendar. Companies that book exhibition space at one of the two trade fairs no later than 31 August 2021 benefit from an early booking discount. “We see the future in a positive light and are confident that we will finally be able to give the sector the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and information in June 2022. The desire for personal encounters, direct communication and new impressions is growing from day to day”, says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles and Textile Technologies.

Elgar Straub, Managing Director, VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, emphasises that, “Texprocess and Techtextil are the world’s foremost trade fairs for our innovative sector by a large margin. Both events offer customers an unrivalled overview of state-of-the-art innovations and technological developments – and beyond. Particularly when it comes to the latest trends for sustainability and digitalisation, Texprocess and Techtextil in Frankfurt represent the most important, future-oriented market. This makes it all the more important for both the exhibitor and visitor sides of the sector that we have the opportunity to obtain an overview of the latest market developments, to exchange ideas and information and to initiate new business. We are very relieved about this and hope that, next year, we will once again have the chance to generate new momentum for our sector in the international market.”

For the first time, Techtextil and Texprocess will occupy the western sector of Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre with a total of four exhibition halls and, with a hybrid format, offer the best of both the physical and immaterial worlds: personal communication, virtual networking opportunities and maximum digital coverage. With a comprehensive hygiene and safety concept, Messe Frankfurt will ensure that all visitors and exhibitors can take part safely and with a good feeling.


Messe Frankfurt