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VDMA Press Conference ITMA ASIA 2024 VDMA Textile Machinery
VDMA Press Conference ITMA ASIA 2024

Smart technologies for green textile production at ITMA ASIA + CITME 2024

With 42 exhibiting member companies, ITMA ASIA + CITME 2024 is once again marked by a strong presence of VDMA companies. They cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning and man-made fibers, nonwovens, weaving, braiding, knitting & warp knitting, finishing & dyeing as well as technologies for textile recycling and processing of recycled material.
In total, the German participation at the fair is the largest from outside China.

The VDMA team in Shanghai is staffed again with colleagues from the VDMA headquarters in Germany as well as from VDMA China. With these joined forces, the team is well prepared to support the exhibiting member companies on site.

With 42 exhibiting member companies, ITMA ASIA + CITME 2024 is once again marked by a strong presence of VDMA companies. They cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning and man-made fibers, nonwovens, weaving, braiding, knitting & warp knitting, finishing & dyeing as well as technologies for textile recycling and processing of recycled material.
In total, the German participation at the fair is the largest from outside China.

The VDMA team in Shanghai is staffed again with colleagues from the VDMA headquarters in Germany as well as from VDMA China. With these joined forces, the team is well prepared to support the exhibiting member companies on site.

Dr. Harald Weber, Managing Director VDMA Textile Machinery Association, summarised: “Although facing a difficult market situation, this year’s ITMA ASIA is an essential showcase for the member companies of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association. There is definitely no shortage of chances and opportunities in China and other Asian markets. The exhibiting members will demonstrate their smart technologies that can pave the way to a green textile production and are looking forward to welcoming numerous visitors from various countries to their booths in Shanghai.”

China is aiming at a green and low CO2 development of its textile industry. At a press conference on the first day of ITMA ASIA + CITME, Georg Stausberg, member of the board of VDMA Textile Machinery and CEO of the Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division said: “Topics, such as energy efficiency and the careful use of resources have become increasingly important for Asian customers in recent years, not least due to stricter legal framework conditions. VDMA members and their technologies are the right partners on the road to a greener and low CO2 textile production.”
Export performance
Already in 2023, the global textile machinery exports decreased by 18.6 % compared to 2022. This was a challenge all major textile machinery producing countries had to face. However, the German exports remained relatively strong and only declined by 3.4 % in 2023. 2024 did not see a change in the global textile industry and thus the German exports have now also dropped significantly. Between January and July 2024, German exports of textile machinery and accessories summed up to 1.2 billion € (2023: 1.6 billion €). The shipping to almost all major markets decreased between January and July: China: 242 million € (2023: 384 million €), Turkey: 140 million € (2023: 180 million €), USA: 118 million € (2023: 152 million €), India: 100 million € (2023: 153 million €).

Sales opportunities in Asia
An economic survey of VDMA in September, to which 20 textile machinery companies replied, reflects the global challenging situation. Around 36 % assessed their current business situation as satisfactory, 54 % said it was bad. Only very few companies expect the global situation to improve in the next six months.

However, looking at the sales opportunities by regions/countries in Asia, most of the responding companies expect a better business situation in the Asian markets except China in six months. The business situation is expected to be on a satisfactory level then. With regard to this, a presence at ITMA ASIA in Shanghai and next year in Singapore is important for VDMA members to continuously show their innovations and to keep contact with the customers in Asia.


VDMA Textile Machinery

RISE® Innovation Award: Three Finalists (c) INDA

RISE® Innovation Award: Three Finalists

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has announced the finalists for the 2024 RISE® Innovation Award. On October 1-2, technology scouts, product developers, and business development professionals will gather at the James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, to explore nonwoven research and advancements.

Finalists will present their innovations to RISE participants on Tuesday, October 1st. The Award winner will be revealed on Wednesday afternoon, October 2nd.

The 2024 Award Finalists:
Dual-Layer Filtration Media by Ahlstrom Italia S.p.A. – Ahlstrom’s new dual-layer filter media technology enhances engine air intake filtration performances, offering up to double the dust holding capacity and extending filter lifetime by over 50% compared to single-layer media. It also enables smaller, lighter filter designs, meeting current and future engine specifications, including fuel cells. Dual-layer filter media can be offered with flame-retardant functionality for various transportation and industrial applications, ensuring safety, improved performances and reduced environmental impact.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has announced the finalists for the 2024 RISE® Innovation Award. On October 1-2, technology scouts, product developers, and business development professionals will gather at the James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, to explore nonwoven research and advancements.

Finalists will present their innovations to RISE participants on Tuesday, October 1st. The Award winner will be revealed on Wednesday afternoon, October 2nd.

The 2024 Award Finalists:
Dual-Layer Filtration Media by Ahlstrom Italia S.p.A. – Ahlstrom’s new dual-layer filter media technology enhances engine air intake filtration performances, offering up to double the dust holding capacity and extending filter lifetime by over 50% compared to single-layer media. It also enables smaller, lighter filter designs, meeting current and future engine specifications, including fuel cells. Dual-layer filter media can be offered with flame-retardant functionality for various transportation and industrial applications, ensuring safety, improved performances and reduced environmental impact.

ENDURA™ rPP Spunbond & SMS by Berry Global – A pre-consumer recycled Spunbond and SMS product, recognized by SCS Recycled Content Certification. With Spunbond products containing up to 90% recycled content and SMS products containing up to 40% recycled content, customers/consumers are provided a product with greenhouse gas emissions benefits, validated with life cycle assessment tools assumptions based on the actual production.  ENDURA Spunbond products have the opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions per kilogram of production by 70%, versus previous generation of product.

PlantPanel X by Hempitecture Inc. – PlantPanel X is a rigid continuous insulation material used in exterior above-ground applications. With an R Value of R3.25 per inch, PlantPanel adds to thermal and acoustic comfort and performance. Engineered with a density to resist compression and deflection, PlantPanel is used in split-insulation wall and roof assemblies with either a rain screen cladding or roofing material, depending on the application. With 100% biobased and recycled content, PlantPanel is a sustainable, low carbon continuous insulation solution that’s easy to install and safe to handle.

2023 RISE Innovation Award winner:
TiHive won the 2023 RISE Innovation Award for their SAPMonit technology. TiHive’s innovation, SAPMonit, inspects millions of diapers weekly. SAPMonit delivers lightning-speed inline inspection of superabsorbents’ weight and distribution, optimizes resources, detects flaws, and accelerates R&D.


INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


VDMA Position Statement: Textile machinery for a sustainable textile industry

In a position paper published, the companies organised in the VDMA Textile Machinery Association comment on the ambitious EU regulations and their national implementation for the sustainable and circular transformation of the textile and clothing industry.

The production of textiles requires a large number of resources, such as water, energy and chemicals. “The members of VDMA Textile Machinery support customers with products worldwide to utilise great potential already at the textile production stage to thereby reduce CO2 emissions“, explained Verena Thies, Deputy Chairwoman of VDMA Textile Machinery.

In a position paper published, the companies organised in the VDMA Textile Machinery Association comment on the ambitious EU regulations and their national implementation for the sustainable and circular transformation of the textile and clothing industry.

The production of textiles requires a large number of resources, such as water, energy and chemicals. “The members of VDMA Textile Machinery support customers with products worldwide to utilise great potential already at the textile production stage to thereby reduce CO2 emissions“, explained Verena Thies, Deputy Chairwoman of VDMA Textile Machinery.

The position statement emphasises the importance of efficient processes, circular economy and binding rules for all market participants. Besides, the position paper summarises the status of textile-to-textile recycling processes as well as the framework conditions for reprocessing of recyclates. The companies of VDMA Textile Machinery develop processes and technologies for recycling and provide the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials, whether natural or man-made fibres.
The Executive Board of VDMA Textile Machinery stresses additionally, that the new EU regulations for circular economy and their national implementation must be designed with realistic targets, measurable effects and as little bureaucracy as possible. Furthermore, market surveillance is needed to ensure a level playing field for all market participants.

On behalf of the industry, the VDMA Textile Machinery Association calls for creating better location conditions in Germany and EU as a favourable environment for innovation und competitiveness for textile machinery manufacturing to significantly advance the sustainability of the textile industry: The Textile Machinery Association strongly emphasises the need for a wide range of low-cost green energy, which is essential for the implementation and sustainable use of recycling solutions in the manufacturing industry. The association also sees the positive shaping of location conditions (the potential for skilled labour, a reduction in bureaucracy, shorter approval periods, investment security and predictability as well as a reduction in the tax burden) as a decisive factor for supporting sustainable business in the highly competitive textile and clothing industry.


VDMA e. V.


"Keine falschen Anreize für Müllverbrennung als 'grüne' Fernwärme"

  • Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V. bvse wendet sich mit Umweltverbänden an das Bundeswirtschafts- und das -bauministerium
  • Änderungen am Gebäudeenergiegesetz gefordert

Der bvse hat sich in einer fachlichen Stellungnahme deutlich für Änderungen am Gebäudeenergiegesetz ausgesprochen. Der Gesetzentwurf untergrabe die Zielsetzung der Kreislaufwirtschaft, so der bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock. Man habe sich daher bewusst dazu entschlossen, gemeinsam mit Umweltverbänden in einem offenen Brief an Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck und Bundesbauministerin Geywitz die Forderungen zu vertreten. Die Gleichsetzung von Abwärme aus Müllverbrennungsanlagen und erneuerbare Energien sei willkürlich, falsch und werde dazu führen, dass wieder mehr Abfälle verbrannt würden und damit mehr CO2 freigesetzt werde. Damit werde das Gegenteil von Klimaschutz erreicht.

Der offene Brief im Wortlaut:

  • Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V. bvse wendet sich mit Umweltverbänden an das Bundeswirtschafts- und das -bauministerium
  • Änderungen am Gebäudeenergiegesetz gefordert

Der bvse hat sich in einer fachlichen Stellungnahme deutlich für Änderungen am Gebäudeenergiegesetz ausgesprochen. Der Gesetzentwurf untergrabe die Zielsetzung der Kreislaufwirtschaft, so der bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock. Man habe sich daher bewusst dazu entschlossen, gemeinsam mit Umweltverbänden in einem offenen Brief an Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck und Bundesbauministerin Geywitz die Forderungen zu vertreten. Die Gleichsetzung von Abwärme aus Müllverbrennungsanlagen und erneuerbare Energien sei willkürlich, falsch und werde dazu führen, dass wieder mehr Abfälle verbrannt würden und damit mehr CO2 freigesetzt werde. Damit werde das Gegenteil von Klimaschutz erreicht.

Der offene Brief im Wortlaut:

Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Bundesministerin für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen
Mitglieder des Bundestagsausschusses für Klimaschutz und Energie
Mitglieder des Bundestagsausschusses für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung, Bauwesen und Kommunen
Mitglieder des Bundestagsausschusses für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz


Keine falschen Anreize für Müllverbrennung als „grüne“ Fernwärme

Sehr geehrter Herr Bundesminister Habeck,
Sehr geehrte Frau Bundesministerin Geywitz,
Sehr geehrte Ausschussmitglieder,

im gegenwärtig diskutierten Gebäudeenergiegesetz (GEG) sowie im Entwurf des Wärmeplanungsgesetzes (WPG) birgt die Einstufung von Wärme aus der Abfallverbrennung als unvermeidbare Abwärme die Gefahr, den Zielen des Klima- und Ressourcenschutzes zuwiderzulaufen.

Nach § 3 Absatz 1 Nummer 30a GEG würden künftig Wärmenetze, die mit Energie aus der Verbrennung von Abfällen gespeist werden, in vollem Umfang zur Erfüllung der gesetzlich vorgesehenen Anforderungen an Heizungsanlagen (65-Prozent-Vorgabe gemäß § 71 Absatz 1) beitragen. Wärme aus der Müllverbrennung ist jedoch keineswegs unvermeidbar!

Abwärme aus der Müllverbrennung auf eine Stufe mit Wärme aus erneuerbaren Energien zu stellen, würde die massenhafte Vernichtung wertvoller Ressourcen und die damit einhergehende Klimabelastung für viele weitere Jahrzehnte zementieren. Die vorgenommene Einstufung von Wärme aus der thermischen Abfallbehandlung als unvermeidbare Abwärme sollte deshalb aus dem GEG sowie dem WPG gestrichen werden. Wärme aus thermischer Abfallbehandlung muss reduziert statt gefördert werden.

Die Potenziale einer Verbesserung der getrennten Wertstoffsammlung, der Sortierung von Wertstoffen sowie die Nutzung nicht recycelbarer Abfälle als Ersatzbrennstoffe, die fossile Energieträger in höherwertigen energetischen Prozessen ersetzen, können nur ausgeschöpft werden, wenn die Müllverbrennung nicht attraktiver gemacht wird. Derzeit sind immer noch bis zu zwei Drittel des Inhalts der durchschnittlichen Restmülltonne in Deutschland recycelbare Abfälle. Dies sind insbesondere Bioabfälle, aber auch Altpapier, Verpackungsabfälle oder Elektroaltgeräte.

Allein durch den Vollzug bestehender Gesetze (BioabfallVO, VerpackG, GewerbeabfallVO) würden fünf Millionen Tonnen weniger Abfälle verbrannt werden, dies entspricht einer Reduktion der Abfallverbrennungskapazitäten um ein Fünftel (Öko-Institut (2019): Kapazitäten der energetischen Verwertung von Abfällen in Deutschland und ihre zukünftige Entwicklung in einer Kreislaufwirtschaft).

Statt Anreize für eine bessere Abfallgetrenntsammlung zu setzen, würde das GEG sowie das WPG in seiner jetzigen Form gerade jene Kommunen belohnen, die besonders viel Restmüll und somit Müllwärme produzieren.

Auch steht die Anrechnung der Müllwärme als unvermeidbare Abwärme im Widerspruch zum Brennstoffemissionshandelsgesetz (BEHG). Bei der Abfallverbrennung werden in Deutschland jährlich fast 24 Millionen Tonnen CO2 freigesetzt, deren fossile Anteile ab 2024 CO2-bepreist werden. Wieso die Verbrennung von Abfällen, insbesondere von Wertstoffen wie Metalle, Kunststoffe und Papier, angesichts dieser im BEHG hinterlegten CO2-Emissionen nun im Rahmen des GEG sowie des WPG auf eine klimaneutrale Wärmeversorgung einzahlen soll, ist nicht nachvollziehbar.

Die Wärme aus der Verbrennung insbesondere des biogenen Anteils in Abfallverbrennungsanlagen im geplanten GEG sowie im WPG als erneuerbare Energie einzustufen, ist eine weitere Fehlannahme, die Kreislaufwirtschaftsambitionen konterkariert. Auch im BEHG, das mit der Bepreisung von CO2-Emissionen aus der Müllverbrennung einen richtigen Ansatz zu deren Reduktion verfolgt, werden die Emissionen durch die Verbrennung organischen Kohlenstoffs nicht ausreichend berücksichtigt.

Organische Abfälle gehören aufgrund ihres stofflichen Werts als Düngemittel, der auch energetisch deutlich vorteilhafteren sowie klimaschonenderen Behandlungsoption durch Biogasanlagen und ihres hohen Wassergehalts eindeutig nicht in die thermische Verwertung. Im GEG und WPG sollte daher die Abfallverbrennung nicht oder maximal mit einem gesetzlich definierten unvermeidbaren Abfallverbrennungsanteil zur Erfüllung der Vorgaben an die erneuerbare Wärmeversorgung beitragen dürfen.

Der gesetzlich definierte Anteil sollte sich dabei an der niedrigsten in deutschen Kommunen anfallenden spezifischen Restmüllmenge orientieren und regelmäßig angepasst werden. Ansonsten wird es zu der absurden Situation kommen, dass Kommunen auf dem Papier klimaneutrale Wärmenetze betreiben, in Wirklichkeit aber weiterhin vermeidbares (!) CO2 über ihre Abfallverbrennungsanlagen emittieren. Dies kann nicht im Interesse einer ernst gemeinten Klima- und Ressourcenpolitik sein.


Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V. bvse


IVC und ZVO üben scharfe Kritik an Brüssel und Berlin

Was einst als deutscher Erfindungsgeist und deutsche Ingenieurskunst für Wohlstand und Wirtschaftswachstum sorgte, werde bald Geschichte sein. Grundlegende wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen am Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland seien nicht mehr gegeben: verbieten, abschalten, verlagern heiße die neue Maxime, mit der Brüssel und Berlin nicht nur dem Mittelstand die Luft zum Atmen nehmen.

Was einst als deutscher Erfindungsgeist und deutsche Ingenieurskunst für Wohlstand und Wirtschaftswachstum sorgte, werde bald Geschichte sein. Grundlegende wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen am Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland seien nicht mehr gegeben: verbieten, abschalten, verlagern heiße die neue Maxime, mit der Brüssel und Berlin nicht nur dem Mittelstand die Luft zum Atmen nehmen.

Der Geschäftsführer der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V., Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, und der Ressortleiter Umwelt-& Chemikalienpolitik des Zentralverbandes Oberflächentechnik e.V., Dr. Malte M. Zimmer sind sich einig in der Beurteilung der aktuellen Situation und haben mit der Aussage „Deutschland verabschiedet sich aus der 1. Liga“ einen wirtschaftspolitischen Weckruf gestartet. Deutschland sei im Abstiegskampf – allerdings finde sich anscheinend weder auf der Trainerbank noch im Management irgendjemand, der ein Interesse hätte, das aufzuhalten. Wenn das Durchreichen in die „Vierte Welt-Liga“ nicht generell durch eine sofortige politische Richtungsänderung aufgehalten werde, verliere Deutschland nicht nur weiter im Klima- und Umweltschutz oder bei den Fachkräften, sondern die Gesellschaft als Ganzes die Grundlagen ihrer Existenz und damit auch ihren gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.

Von der – noch – viertgrößten Wirtschaftsnation der Welt werde es künftig ein Hauptexportgut geben: neben dem bereits erfolgten technologischen Aderlass drehten zunehmend Unternehmen, Forschende und Fachkräfte Deutschland den Rücken und wanderten in Länder ab, die die dringend notwendigen Bedingungen für Innovationen und wettbewerbsorientiertes Wirtschaften böten. Während global agierende Konzerne diese Schritte öffentlich meist unbemerkt längst eingeleitet haben, bliebe vor allem inhabergeführten Familienunternehmen nur noch wenig Zeit. In der Chemiefaserindustrie produzieren seit 2021 mehr als ein Drittel der Unternehmen in Deutschland nicht mehr oder haben ihre Produktion für immer geschlossen.

Nach der Energiekrise im vergangenen Jahr und den Erfahrungen aus der Coronazeit, die drastisch die unmittelbare Gefahr von Abhängigkeiten illustriert haben, sollte zu erwarten gewesen sein, dass seitens der Politik entsprechende Vorkehrungen getroffen werden, um das künftig zu verhindern. Weit gefehlt: eine verbotsorientierte Chemikalienpolitik, die die Substitution chemischer Stoffe zum Dogma der europäischen Politik gemacht hat, erreicht mit dem Green Deal und der Revision von REACH neue und immer größere planwirtschaftliche Höhenflüge.

Großtechnische Anlagen zur Produktion erneuerbarer Energien wie grünem Wasserstoff und Biogas oder Windkraftflügel aus Carbonfasern würden zukünftig sicher irgendwo hergestellt - in Europa nicht. Die dafür benötigten Textilmembranen und Carbonfasergewirke stehen bald auf der REACH-Verbotsliste. Der deutsche Weg zur CO2-Neutralität werde ein steiniger sein, wenn die ältesten Kohlekraftwerke wieder angeschaltet würden und alsbald jede noch verbliebene CO2-freie Technologie, von Windkraft, Solar über Wärmepumpen zu Biogas, in der Herstellung und im Betrieb über das EU-Chemikalien- und Stoffrecht in Deutschland verboten sein wird. Alsbald werde Deutschland nicht mehr im Stande sein, die Veredlungssubstanzen für Fasern bzw. textile Abluftfilter für den Umweltschutz herstellen zu dürfen, geschweige denn ein langzeithaltbares Kugellager für eine Windkraftturbine oberflächenzuveredeln.

Was mit der Photovoltaik (PV)-Technologie bereits hervorragend funktioniert habe, so Rauch und Zimmer, klappe jetzt auch bei anderen Technologien: Abhängigkeiten von Dritten. 2010/11 war Deutschland der Innovationstreiber in der PV-Technologie. Schon in den folgenden drei Jahren sank die Zahl der Arbeitsplätze von 150.000 auf rund 30.000. Im Jahr 2023 werden 80 % der Solarzellen und 98 % der weltweit verwendeten Wafer aus dem Weltmarktführer China kommen. Den von der EU geplanten “European Chips-Act“ zur Reduzierung der Abhängigkeit von Asien werde es allein deshalb nicht geben können, weil die dazu notwendigen Prozesse und Rohstoffe in Summe aller avisierten Verbote in der EU nicht mehr erlaubt sind.

Berücksichtigt man zusätzlich, dass China die zweitgrößte Volkswirtschaft der Welt, Exportweltmeister vor den USA und Deutschland sowie einer der wichtigsten Akteure auf den globalen Finanzmärkten ist, verwundert es doch, dass Deutschland an das offiziell weiter als Entwicklungsland eingestufte Land 2020 473,4 Millionen Euro an Entwicklungshilfe zahlte.

Die drei Kernforderungen beider Verbände lauten:

  • Wir brauchen umgehend eine Wirtschaftspolitik für und nicht gegen die in Deutschland und Europa produzierenden Unternehmen, für die darin beschäftigten Menschen und für den Umwelt- und Klimaschutz.
  • Wir brauchen wieder eine intensive technologie- und ergebnisoffene Diskussion zwischen Fachleuten, politisch Verantwortlichen und Behörden zum Erreichen wirtschaftlicher, sicherheitspolitischer und klimatischer Ziele - und damit die Abkehr von einem Ideologie-dominierten planwirtschaftlichen Gesellschaftsentwurf.
  • Innovationsprozesse, die den Einklang zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie mittels technischer Lösungen verbessern können, müssen wieder gangbar gemacht und die Rahmenbedingungen für erfolgreiches internationales Wirtschaften geschaffen werden.

„Es ist Zeit für weniger Ideologie und mehr Wissen in Deutschland und in Europa“, schließen die Verbandsvertreter ihr Statement.


OEKO-TEX® New Regulations 2022

The OEKO-TEX® Association has published its annual update of the applicable test criteria, limit values and guidelines for its certifications. All new regulations will finally come into force on 1 April 2022 after a transition period. In addition, the new Impact Calculator is now available for STeP by OEKO-TEX® customers. The tool, which was developed specifically for textile industry operations, provides data on the CO2 and water footprint necessary to achieve the climate targets.

In mid-2022, the association will introduce RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS by OEKO-TEX®, a new certification for brands and retailers committed to international agreements for human rights and environmental protection. OEKO-TEX® aims to support companies in fulfilling due diligence obligations within their own operations and their global supply chains. RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS by OEKO-TEX® was developed in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the relevant OECD Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct.

The OEKO-TEX® Association has published its annual update of the applicable test criteria, limit values and guidelines for its certifications. All new regulations will finally come into force on 1 April 2022 after a transition period. In addition, the new Impact Calculator is now available for STeP by OEKO-TEX® customers. The tool, which was developed specifically for textile industry operations, provides data on the CO2 and water footprint necessary to achieve the climate targets.

In mid-2022, the association will introduce RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS by OEKO-TEX®, a new certification for brands and retailers committed to international agreements for human rights and environmental protection. OEKO-TEX® aims to support companies in fulfilling due diligence obligations within their own operations and their global supply chains. RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS by OEKO-TEX® was developed in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the relevant OECD Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct.

New and updated limited values
OEKO-TEX® has added bisphenol B (BPB) in the STANDARD 100, LEATHER STANDARD and ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX® certifications and to the STeP by OEKO-TEX® MRSL. The same applies to two additional colourants based on Michler’s ketone/base.

New substances under observation
In 2022, OEKO-TEX® will continue to monitor various substances based on the latest scientific findings and conformity with relevant specifications. This primarily concerns some process preservative agents and the bisphenols F, S and AF. The 2022 new regulations are available in detail for all OEKO-TEX® products on the website

More information:
STeP OekoTex



The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) celebrates its first anniversary

After its launch on 20 September 2020, the RCI is proud to celebrate its first anniversary this fall. The balance sheet of the first year is impressive: starting from 11 founding members, that number increased to 30 member companies within 12 months. Numerous webinars, press releases, background information, a glossary and a comic allowed to convey the “Renewable Carbon” concept to the public. The RCI is actively working on labelling and policy analysis, and more activities will follow in the next year.

After its launch on 20 September 2020, the RCI is proud to celebrate its first anniversary this fall. The balance sheet of the first year is impressive: starting from 11 founding members, that number increased to 30 member companies within 12 months. Numerous webinars, press releases, background information, a glossary and a comic allowed to convey the “Renewable Carbon” concept to the public. The RCI is actively working on labelling and policy analysis, and more activities will follow in the next year.

Key for this success: the topic of renewable carbon in chemicals and materials is increasingly becoming a focus of politics and industry. Larger companies will have to report their GHG emissions and also the footprint of their products as part of legislative changes surrounding the European Green Deal. In this context, indirect emissions and the carbon sources of materials will play a much more crucial role. The RCI is actively working on solutions for companies to shift from fossil to renewable carbon, which consists of the use of bio-based feedstock, CO2-based resources and recycling. In the future, reporting on GHG emissions will also include Scope 3 emissions, which are all indirect emissions that occur along the company’s value and supply chain and where the used raw materials account for a large proportion of the footprint. Here is where the carbon source of chemicals and plastics comes into play as an important contributor to the carbon footprint. Without a shift from fossil to renewable carbon feedstocks (combining bio-based, CO2-based and recycled), a sustainable future and the Paris climate targets will be almost impossible to master.

To discuss, promote and realise the shift, 30 innovative companies have already joined forces to support the transition to renewable carbon, considering both technological and economical approaches – and helping to shape the political framework accordingly.

For the second year, RCI plans to focus on a comprehensive understanding of the expected political framework conditions in Europe and across the globe, since they will determine the future of chemistry and materials more than ever. Building on this knowledge, the topic of renewable carbon could then to be systematically integrated into new political directives, which has so far not been effectively managed.

In reality, the political focus lies on the strategy of decarbonising the energy sector, a very central and Herculean task. However, it cannot be applied to the chemical and material world because carbon is usually the central building block that cannot be dispensed with. On the contrary, the demand for carbon in the chemical and materials sectors is expected to more than double by 2050. In order to meet this demand in a sustainable manner, we must move towards quitting fossil carbon. For the first time in industrial history, it is possible to decouple chemistry and materials from petrochemicals and completely cover the demand through the utilisation of biomass, CO2 and recycling.


Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI)

(c) Euratex
EU-27 Textile & Clothing Turnover

EURATEX: Latest economic data confirm further recovery of the textile and clothing industry

European Textiles and Clothing (T&C) industry coming out of the Covid19-crisis, but facing new challenges ahead. This recovery may however be disrupted by the current supply chain and energy problems. Latest economic data on the European T&C industry confirm further recovery from the corona pandemic. The textile activity has now surpassed its pre-pandemic level from Q4 2019 (+3.6%); the clothing sector still remains 11.5% below, but continues to improve.

European Textiles and Clothing (T&C) industry coming out of the Covid19-crisis, but facing new challenges ahead. This recovery may however be disrupted by the current supply chain and energy problems. Latest economic data on the European T&C industry confirm further recovery from the corona pandemic. The textile activity has now surpassed its pre-pandemic level from Q4 2019 (+3.6%); the clothing sector still remains 11.5% below, but continues to improve.

In quarter-on-quarter terms, the EU turnover showed signs of improvements across the sector. The textile turnover increased by +3.3% in Q2 2021, after slightly contracting in Q1 2021. Similarly, the business activity in the clothing sector expanded by +7% in Q2 2021, after increasing by +1% in the previous quarter.
In the 2nd quarter 2021, the EU-27 trade balance for T&C improved, resulting mostly from an increase of export sales across third markets and a drop of textile imports. T&C Extra-EU exports boomed by +49% as compared with the same quarter of the previous year. T&C Extra-EU imports went down by -26% as compared with the same quarter of the previous year, following a decrease of imports from some main supplier countries. EU imports from China and the UK collapsed due to a combination of Brexit and weaker demand in Europe.
During the second quarter of 2021, job creation was slowly stabilising in the textile industry (-0.2% q-o-q), while employment in the clothing sector continued to be affected by lower levels of production activity in industry during the first part of the year (-1.2%). When compared to its pre-pandemic level in Q4 2019, EU employment in Q2 2021 was still 4.4% down in textiles and 11.8% down in clothing.

However, this fragile recovery is hampered by higher shipping costs and prices’ increase in raw materials and energy. The cost of energy, in particular gas, has increased more than 3 times since the beginning of this year. Since the announcement of the EU’s “Fit for 55” package, we have seen CO2 prices rising above €60. This inevitably has an impact on the industry’s competitiveness, especially in a global context. The future recovery is also threatened by some factors limiting production, such as shortage of labour force and equipment, which are putting additional pressure on T&C industries.

Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented on these latest figures: “Our companies have shown great resilience during the pandemic, and their latest export performance is an encouraging sign of recovery. This recovery may however be disrupted by the current supply chain and energy problems. Once again, recent developments show that this transition towards more sustainable production can only work if organised in a global context, avoiding carbon leakage and with an effective level playing field. This must be considered in the upcoming EU Textiles Strategy.”

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AMAC kooperiert mit ITA (Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen und deren ITA GmbH) für die weitere Geschäftsentwicklung im Bereich Composites  © AMAC
fltr: Markus Beckmann, Prof. Thomas Gries, Dr. Michael Effing, Dr. Christoph Greb

AMAC cooperates with ITA

AMAC cooperates with ITA (Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH) for the business development in composites 

As of April 19th, 2021, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with the Institute for Textile Technology, ITA, of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH. The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen and develop their business activities in composites.

AMAC cooperates with ITA (Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH) for the business development in composites 

As of April 19th, 2021, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with the Institute for Textile Technology, ITA, of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH. The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen and develop their business activities in composites.

ITA, as one of the largest institutes on the campus of the excellence University RWTH Aachen, Germany, develops complete solutions from the manufacturing of the fiber itself over the processing of textile intermediates with thermoplastic and thermoset resins, textile-based part manufacturing, capabilities such as braiding, pultrusion and in-situ impregnation of textile preforms. Top 3 focused industries are transportation and particularly the e-mobility sector, building and construction as well as the wind energy sector. Additionally, ITA GmbH is the partner of the industry in R&D, focusing on 8 business segments, providing technology and knowledge transfer, as well as offering comprehensive solutions along the entire textile value chain.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries, Director of ITA, explains the background of the strategic cooperation with focus on composites: „Our long-term experience and unmatched know-how with all aspects of continuous fibers, non-wovens and web-based reinforcements allows us to deliver to the composite manufacturers a complete technology and service offer around the development of technical textiles, from the development of glass and carbon fibers to the textile-based processing of composite parts. In all process steps of our research and developments, we focus on sustainable and recyclable solutions, an efficient cost-performance ratio, the possible use of bio-based materials and the reduction of the CO2 footprint. We are glad to cooperate with Dr. Michael Effing and AMAC in order to benefit from his door-opening network in the composites industry. “

Dr. Michael Effing, Managing Director of AMAC GmbH: „I am very happy to support the ITA to generate innovation thanks to further industrial networking and pre-competitive joint projects. ITA is indeed a one-stop source for composite solutions from the fiber to the cost-efficient manufacturing of final parts. In the context of the Covid-19 impact to the entire industry, it makes sense to bundle forces. Furthermore, ITA, with its long tradition and satisfied customers offers further valuable networking opportunities to the composites industry as well as access to relevant complementary fiber-based excellence and 250 different technologies in their machine-park with an outstanding infrastructure in Aachen.”

Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung awards ITA graduate and a project at ITA with sponsorship prizes (c) Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung
Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung sponsorship award winner picture 2020 (Ricarda Wissel: row 1, first from right, Simon Kammler, row 4, first from right)

Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung awards ITA graduate and a project at ITA with sponsorship prizes

Carbon dioxide-based fibre for climate protection and interdisciplinary training with novel Smart Textiles test rig

The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, honours a project of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, and awards a sponsorship prize to the ITA graduate Ricarda Wissel on 25 June 2020. She is awarded for her outstanding bachelor thesis " Implementation of elastic yarns made from carbon dioxide based thermoplastic polyurethane in socks " with funding for a subject-specific continuation of her education. The ITA receives the project sponsorship prize for the project "Smart Textiles - an interdisciplinary training course to promote young scientists in future technologies", which was submitted to the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung by ITA´s PhD candidate Simon Kammler.

Carbon dioxide-based fibre from industrial waste contributes to climate protection

Carbon dioxide-based fibre for climate protection and interdisciplinary training with novel Smart Textiles test rig

The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, honours a project of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, and awards a sponsorship prize to the ITA graduate Ricarda Wissel on 25 June 2020. She is awarded for her outstanding bachelor thesis " Implementation of elastic yarns made from carbon dioxide based thermoplastic polyurethane in socks " with funding for a subject-specific continuation of her education. The ITA receives the project sponsorship prize for the project "Smart Textiles - an interdisciplinary training course to promote young scientists in future technologies", which was submitted to the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung by ITA´s PhD candidate Simon Kammler.

Carbon dioxide-based fibre from industrial waste contributes to climate protection

ITA scientist Dr.-Ing. Pavan Manvi has developed a melt spinning process at ITA for the production of elastic yarn from thermoplastic polyurethane, in which carbon dioxide is used as one of the raw materials. In her bachelor thesis, Ricarda Wissel successfully developed a process chain for the CO2-based yarn in a textile end product for the first time. In cooperation with the company FALKE and Dr Manvi, who supervised Ms. Wissel's work, the yarn was used to produce a sock (see figure "FALKE sock with carbon dioxide filaments").

By reusing carbon dioxide from industrial waste as a raw material for textile and clothing products, the carbon dioxide balance can be improved and thus contributes directly to climate protection. The sponsorship prize of the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung is endowed with 6,000 € for the specialist further training of Ms. Wissel.

Interdisciplinary training with development of a new type of measuring stand for the future-oriented research field "Smart Textiles

The development of textiles with additional digital functions, so-called "Smart Textiles", is considered a future-oriented field of research. In his project submission, ITA´s doctoral candidate Simon Kammler presented a concept for a lecture series on Smart Textiles at ITA and develops a new type of measuring stand for measuring the capacity and conductivity of fibres. The project is funded by the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung with a prize money of 10,000 Euro.

Smart Textiles enable the textile to interact with the environment and the human user. Today they are therefore in demand in many areas of everyday life such as sport, health, living, life and mobility and offer completely new practical solutions. In combination with digital networked services, Smart Textiles promise support and innovation in almost all situations of daily life.

With the conception of a new lecture series, Mr. Simon Kammler is supporting ITA in its goal of providing the best possible training for young scientists. The focus is on imparting far-reaching interdisciplinary skills in order to master the challenges of current fields of research.


The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung supports particularly talented young people from all areas of the textile industry. Its purpose is the promotion of subject-specific education and further education as well as the promotion of projects at universities, academic schools and vocational schools, which are characterised by the sustainable communication of innovative learning content in science and research. In total, thirteen sponsorship prizes were awarded in 2020. Due to the Corona crisis, the forum of TextilWirtschaft, which is normally the venue for the awards ceremony, unfortunately had to be cancelled in 2020.