From the Sector

12 results
Dibella at Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America (c) Dibella b.v.

Dibella at Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America

After a debut in 2023, Dibella exhibited again this year at the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America (CSI Americas) in Miami, a leading trade fair for cruise interiors.

Under the motto “You create the stories for amazing dreams - We provide the restful sleep”, Dibella presented its latest developments in textile flat linen at the Convention Center in Miami/USA from 6 to 7 June 2024: bed linen and terry products that not only offer maximum comfort and durability but are also perfectly tailored to the special requirements of the maritime environment.

"The trade fair in Miami was a great success for us. In particular, our newly developed JAVA hand and shower towels and our VIRGINIA bed linen, both with regenerated cellulose fibers Lyocell, were very well received due to their special soft feel. We have had many rewarding discussions with existing customers and new prospects and are very much looking forward to working with them in the future,” says Marvin Groß-Hardt, Export Sales at Dibella.

After a debut in 2023, Dibella exhibited again this year at the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America (CSI Americas) in Miami, a leading trade fair for cruise interiors.

Under the motto “You create the stories for amazing dreams - We provide the restful sleep”, Dibella presented its latest developments in textile flat linen at the Convention Center in Miami/USA from 6 to 7 June 2024: bed linen and terry products that not only offer maximum comfort and durability but are also perfectly tailored to the special requirements of the maritime environment.

"The trade fair in Miami was a great success for us. In particular, our newly developed JAVA hand and shower towels and our VIRGINIA bed linen, both with regenerated cellulose fibers Lyocell, were very well received due to their special soft feel. We have had many rewarding discussions with existing customers and new prospects and are very much looking forward to working with them in the future,” says Marvin Groß-Hardt, Export Sales at Dibella.

CSI Americas, which has doubled in size since its inception in 2019, had more than 250 exhibitors this year. The show showcases brands in cruise design, attracting representatives from the industry's largest design firms and cruise lines each year.


Dibella b.v.


Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023 publishes program

International experts will discuss topics along the entire cellulose fibre value chain at the upcoming Cellulose Fibres Conference, 8–9 March 2023 in Cologne and online.

How can the cellulose fibre industry contribute to the sustainability and circularity of the textile sector? How can fibre markets achieve a circular economy for their materials? What are the most sustainable technologies on the market? And, are there innovative, interesting raw materials and technologies worth exploring to meet the challenges of the coming years?

These and other questions in the field of cellulose fibres will be discussed within the program of the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023. The two-day event will provide insights into the latest developments of the cellulose fibre sector and introduce innovative start-ups, technologies as well as novel fibre applications. A special focus will be set on the textile sector and its awaited paradigm shift towards circular economy in the following years.

Seven sessions will provide in depth views from fibre production to recycling, policy and market trends:

International experts will discuss topics along the entire cellulose fibre value chain at the upcoming Cellulose Fibres Conference, 8–9 March 2023 in Cologne and online.

How can the cellulose fibre industry contribute to the sustainability and circularity of the textile sector? How can fibre markets achieve a circular economy for their materials? What are the most sustainable technologies on the market? And, are there innovative, interesting raw materials and technologies worth exploring to meet the challenges of the coming years?

These and other questions in the field of cellulose fibres will be discussed within the program of the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023. The two-day event will provide insights into the latest developments of the cellulose fibre sector and introduce innovative start-ups, technologies as well as novel fibre applications. A special focus will be set on the textile sector and its awaited paradigm shift towards circular economy in the following years.

Seven sessions will provide in depth views from fibre production to recycling, policy and market trends:

  • Strategies, Policy Framework of Textiles and Market Trends,
  • Circular Economy and Recyclability of Fibres,
  • Alternative Feedstocks and Supply Chains,
  • Innovation Award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2023″,
  • Sustainability and Environmental Impacts,
  • Ionic Liquids and New Technologies for Pulps, Fibres and Yarns,
  • New Technologies and Applications beyond Textiles.

The full conference program is available here.


nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH

Foto: TITK
Dr. Michael Gladitz, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, repräsentierte das TITK und seine Neuheiten auf der iENA 2022 in Nürnberg.

TITK: Cellulosefaser und Schmelzklebstoff ausgezeichnet

  • Gold und Silber auf Internationaler Erfindermesse iENA

Die antibakteriell und antiviral wirkende Cellulose-Faser „Cell Solution® BIOACTIVE“ und der vollständig biobasierte und bioabbaubare Schmelzklebstoff Caremelt® sind auf der Internationalen Erfindermesse iENA in Nürnberg mit einer Gold- und einer Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet worden. Die beiden besonders nachhaltigen Materialien waren zwei von vier Neuheiten, die das TITK – Thüringische Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V. Ende Oktober präsentierte.

Die mit Gold ausgezeichnete natürliche Cellulosefaser „Cell Solution® BIOACTIVE“ überzeugte durch ihre antimikrobiellen Eigenschaften. So wehrt sie zuverlässig schädliche Bakterien und Keime ab. Gefährliche Viren, wie z.B. Influenza oder Covid-19, sind 30 Sekunden nach Kontakt abgetötet. Die patentierte Faser ist waschpermanent, so bleiben diese Eigenschaften über die gesamte Lebensdauer des Textilprodukts erhalten. Als positiver Nebeneffekt werden auch unangenehme Körpergerüche beseitigt.

  • Gold und Silber auf Internationaler Erfindermesse iENA

Die antibakteriell und antiviral wirkende Cellulose-Faser „Cell Solution® BIOACTIVE“ und der vollständig biobasierte und bioabbaubare Schmelzklebstoff Caremelt® sind auf der Internationalen Erfindermesse iENA in Nürnberg mit einer Gold- und einer Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet worden. Die beiden besonders nachhaltigen Materialien waren zwei von vier Neuheiten, die das TITK – Thüringische Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V. Ende Oktober präsentierte.

Die mit Gold ausgezeichnete natürliche Cellulosefaser „Cell Solution® BIOACTIVE“ überzeugte durch ihre antimikrobiellen Eigenschaften. So wehrt sie zuverlässig schädliche Bakterien und Keime ab. Gefährliche Viren, wie z.B. Influenza oder Covid-19, sind 30 Sekunden nach Kontakt abgetötet. Die patentierte Faser ist waschpermanent, so bleiben diese Eigenschaften über die gesamte Lebensdauer des Textilprodukts erhalten. Als positiver Nebeneffekt werden auch unangenehme Körpergerüche beseitigt.

Textilien mit Cell Solution® BIOACTIVE können vor allem in der Medizintechnik eingesetzt werden. Wegen ihrer feuchtigkeits- und temperaturregulierenden Wirkung sind Cell Solution®-Fasern generell sanft zur Haut, was die Listung bei OekoTex® bestätigt. Durch die blockierende Wirkung auf das Bakterienwachstum beschleunigt die bioaktive Version der Faser auch den Heilungsprozess, insbesondere von offenen Wunden und Neurodermitis.

Mit einer Silber-Medaille würdigte die iENA-Jury den vollständig biobasierten und bioabbaubaren Schmelzklebstoff Caremelt®. Er kommt als erster Schmelzklebstoff vollständig ohne fossile Ressourcen aus. Caremelt® bietet der Industrie damit die Möglichkeit, Produkte, die wegen ihren Klebeverbindungen bislang noch nicht komplett bioabbaubar waren, vollständig nachhaltig zu gestalten.

Nachwachsende Rohstoffe wie Pflanzenstärke vom Mais oder der Kartoffel, Baumharze und Pflanzenwachse bilden die Ausgangsmaterialien – hier in Form von kommerziell verfügbaren biobasierten Kunststoffen, wie zum Beispiel Polylactide (PLA) und weiteren Additiven, wie etwa biobasierte und unbedenkliche Zitronensäure. Die Herausforderung dabei war, hierfür die richtige Rezeptur zu entwickeln, damit Caremelt® das Niveau konventioneller Schmelzklebstoffe erreichen kann. Dies ist dem TITK durch die richtige Auswahl der Rohstoffe sowie durch eine zusätzliche Modifizierung der Biopolymere gelungen.

Die potenziellen Anwendungsgebiete von Caremelt® sind vielfältig. Sie reichen von der Verpackungs- und Möbelbranche über die Textilindustrie bis hin zum Automobilsektor. Der Einsatz von Biopolymeren bietet einerseits den Vorteil der CO2-Neutralität und andererseits eine rückstandslose Bioabbaubarkeit des Schmelzklebstoffs. Gerade dort, wo ein Recycling weder technologisch möglich noch wirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist, wird diese Eigenschaft zu einem entscheidenden Faktor, um den Eintrag von Mikroplastik in die Umwelt zu reduzieren.


Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V.

Trützschler Man-Made Fibers new TEC-O40 system for industrial yarn (c) Trützschler
Trützschler Man-Made Fibers new TEC-O40 system for industrial yarn

Trützschler at Techtextil 2022

At this year’s Techtextil in Frankfurt/Main (June 21st to June 24th) Trützschler Nonwovens, Trützschler Card Clothing and Trützschler Man-Made Fibers present various new and proven solutions for the nonwoven, card clothing and man-made fiber sectors. Join us at booth D80 in hall 12.0!

Trützschler Nonwovens invites to talk sustainable fibers such as hemp or linen and out-of-the-box fibers such as nettle and pineapple fibers. Our solutions for manufacturing innovative nonwoven products include machinery and complete production lines for paper grade pulp, re-generated cellulose fibers, cotton and various other natural fibers.

What happens when sustainable meets digital? Trützschler Nonwovens and software partner Proptium introduce T-ONE, our new digital working environment for both fiber- and polymer-based nonwoven producers. T-ONE supports routine tasks such as quality control and recipe management but also enables systematic line monitoring and data collection for T-ONE’s line optimizations.

At this year’s Techtextil in Frankfurt/Main (June 21st to June 24th) Trützschler Nonwovens, Trützschler Card Clothing and Trützschler Man-Made Fibers present various new and proven solutions for the nonwoven, card clothing and man-made fiber sectors. Join us at booth D80 in hall 12.0!

Trützschler Nonwovens invites to talk sustainable fibers such as hemp or linen and out-of-the-box fibers such as nettle and pineapple fibers. Our solutions for manufacturing innovative nonwoven products include machinery and complete production lines for paper grade pulp, re-generated cellulose fibers, cotton and various other natural fibers.

What happens when sustainable meets digital? Trützschler Nonwovens and software partner Proptium introduce T-ONE, our new digital working environment for both fiber- and polymer-based nonwoven producers. T-ONE supports routine tasks such as quality control and recipe management but also enables systematic line monitoring and data collection for T-ONE’s line optimizations.

Trützschler Man-Made Fibers introduces the OPTIMA-based, versatile TEC-O40 and TEC-O80 systems for extruding and spinning industrial yarns (IDY). The modular OPTIMA platform is highly flexible and adaptable to manufacturing a broad spectrum of (semi-)industrial yarns from polyamide, polypropylene or polyester.

(c) nova-Institut GmbH

Winner of the Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year

The annual highlight of the industry is the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres in Cologne, where the latest innovations were showcased: new cellulose fibre technologies for various feedstocks and a wide range of hygiene and textile products as well as alternatives to plastics and carbon fibre for lightweight constructions.

This year, for the first time, there were 230 participants from 27 countries. About 60 were able to attend on site – with strict Corona safety measures – while the others were able to attend online and participate in questions and discussions.

The conference gave deep insights into the promising future of cellulose fibres, which fit perfectly into the current trends of circular economy, recycling and sustainable carbon cycles.

The annual highlight of the industry is the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres in Cologne, where the latest innovations were showcased: new cellulose fibre technologies for various feedstocks and a wide range of hygiene and textile products as well as alternatives to plastics and carbon fibre for lightweight constructions.

This year, for the first time, there were 230 participants from 27 countries. About 60 were able to attend on site – with strict Corona safety measures – while the others were able to attend online and participate in questions and discussions.

The conference gave deep insights into the promising future of cellulose fibres, which fit perfectly into the current trends of circular economy, recycling and sustainable carbon cycles.

An important focus at the conference was alternative sources of cellulose. The increasing demand for cellulose fibres cannot be met in the long run with wood and used textiles alone. At the conference, a variety of agricultural by-products and biogenic waste were presented in presentations and panel discussions, such as orange and banana peels, grain and hemp straw. Much of this is high-volume and has not been put to high-value use so far. Exciting opportunities for the future cellulose fibre industry.

Innovation Award
Live at the conference, host nova-Institute and award sponsor GIG Karasek GmbH granted the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award to one of six highly interesting products.

  • First Winner: Carbon Fibres from Wood – German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (Germany)
  • Second Winner: Fibers365, Truly Carbon-Negative Virgin Fibres from Straw - Fibers365 (Germany)
  • Third Winner: Sustainable Menstruation Panties: Application-driven Fibre Functionalisation – Kelheim Fibres (Germany)

Cellulose Fibres: New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns

  • Session "New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns"

Cellulose fibres are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens,  packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

  • Session "New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns"

Cellulose fibres are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens,  packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

The extensive fifth conference session, “New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns”, includes the participation of eight speakers and promises the reveal of various innovations and new approaches. These address the processing of pulp, fibres and yarn, with the aim of realizing most sustainable and efficient solutions. The broad spectrum of topics ranges from processing cellulose with ionic liquids, material farming and chemical modification of pulp to functionalised fibres for feel-good textiles.

Speakers of the Session "New Technologies for Pulp, Fibres and Yarns"

  • Antje Ota - Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF) (DE): The Versatility of the HighPerCell® Technology for Cellulose Filament
  • Carlo Centonze - HEIQ (CH): HeiQ AeoniQ – Cellulose Yarn Focussed on Climate and Circularity
  • Manuel Steiner - LIST Technology AG (CH): Cellulose Dissolving Technology Platform
  • Dominik Mayer - Kelheim Fibres (DE): Functionalized Viscose Fibres for Wellbeing Textiles: How Infrared Celliant® Viscose supports a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle
  • Michael Sturm - TITK (DE): Method for the Evaluation of the dissolution Power and dissolution Quality of Cellulosic Raw Materials dissolved in New Ionic Liquids
  • Kaoutar Aghmih - Hassan II University (MA): Rheology and Dissolution of Cellulose in Ionic Liquid Solutions
  • Ofir-Aharon Kuperman - Weizmann Institute of Science (IL): Material Farming and Biological Fabrication of Cellulose Fibers with Tailored Properties
  • Taina Kamppuri - VTT Technical Research Center of Finnland (FI): Chemically Modified Kraft Pulps to Improve the Sustainability of Regenerated Fibres
CCF2022 New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics
Session "Recycling and Other Alternative Feedstocks"

New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics

  • Session "Recycling and Other Alternative Feedstocks"

Cellulose fibres are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens,  packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

  • Session "Recycling and Other Alternative Feedstocks"

Cellulose fibres are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens,  packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

The fourth session, "Recycling and other alternative raw materials", will cover topics ranging from textile recycling - both cotton and regenerated cellulose fibres - to the use of hemp shives as raw material. Self-initiated cooperation and waste management pave the way to a fully closed European material loop where textile waste is collected, recycled and reprocessed into new raw materials.

The speakers will demonstrate the importance of cooperation in recycling fabrics already in circulation, perfectly following the topics and discussions of the previous conference day.

  • Heikki Hassi - SciTech-Service (FI):  Textile Recycling and MMCFs; Systemic Challenges, Market Opportunities and Advancing Technologies
  • Valerie Langer - Canopy (CA): The Perfect Storm – A Five Year Feedstock Shift Forecast
  • Helena Claesson - Södra (SE): Two is better than one – Lenzing and Södra together Face the Challenge of Recycling of Textiles
  • Marina Crnoja-Cosic - Kelheim Fibres (DE) and Harald Cavalli-Björkman - re:newcell (SE): Sustainable Cellulosic Fibres from Recycled Raw Materials – A Solution for Europe
  • Frank Meister - Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung (DE): Lyohemp Fibres Made of Dissolving Pulp Based on Hemp Shives
  • Miguel Sanchis-Sebastiá - ShareTex (SE): Expanding Textile Recycling Beyond Cotton: Innovations to Recycle Regenerated Cellulose Fibers
New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics (c) nova-Institut
Nicolas Hark - nova-Institut (DE)

New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics

  • Second Session of the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022

Cellulose fibers are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibers through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibers and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

  • Second Session of the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022

Cellulose fibers are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibers through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibers and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

The second session of the conference: "New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics", will focus on questions such as: "What is the impact of the ban on plastics on single-use products?" and "What are the latest regulatory issues and policy opportunities for cellulose fibres?".  This section presents new opportunities for replacing fossil-based insulating materials with cellulose-based technologies that can be used for a variety of applications, from aerospace to mobility, as well as in construction. For the program just click here.

Speakers of the Session "New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics":

  • Nicolas Hark - nova-Institut (DE): Opportunities in Policy for Cellulose Fibres
  • Paula Martirez - Stora Enso (SE): Last years Winner Papira® – an Eco-revolution in Foam Packaging
  • Stefanie Schlager - Lenzing (AT): LENZING™ Fibres for Sustainable Single use Products
  • Sascha Schriever - Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (DE): Cellulose Aerogel Non-wovens – Sustainable Insulators of Tomorrow
CAALOSS2020collection with Bemberg™lining CAALOSS2020 collection withBemberg™lining
CAALOSS2020 collection with Bemberg™lining

Bemberg™ doubles its presence at Première Vision

Bemberg™ gears up for Première Vision - February 11th-13th, Paris, France; with a great deal of novelties and a key statement on sustainability: Let’s Make it Circular! That’s why the Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers joins the fair with two booths, one in the yarn-focused sector – Hall 6 C52 6D53 – the other one in the Smart Creation area, the curated district showcasing cutting-edge sustainable innovation for the textile and fashion business. Hall3 S14.

“We simply could not miss out on the Smart Creation Area as sustainability is the founding pillar of our company,” says SHUNSUKE SATO, sales manager of Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei. “Indeed, the smart fiber is made from a cotton linter which is pre-consumer material, a natural derived source, that doesn’t deplete forestry resources. The strategy beyond our double presence is to highlight our deep commitment to responsible innovation to a larger target of professionals.”

Bemberg™ gears up for Première Vision - February 11th-13th, Paris, France; with a great deal of novelties and a key statement on sustainability: Let’s Make it Circular! That’s why the Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers joins the fair with two booths, one in the yarn-focused sector – Hall 6 C52 6D53 – the other one in the Smart Creation area, the curated district showcasing cutting-edge sustainable innovation for the textile and fashion business. Hall3 S14.

“We simply could not miss out on the Smart Creation Area as sustainability is the founding pillar of our company,” says SHUNSUKE SATO, sales manager of Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei. “Indeed, the smart fiber is made from a cotton linter which is pre-consumer material, a natural derived source, that doesn’t deplete forestry resources. The strategy beyond our double presence is to highlight our deep commitment to responsible innovation to a larger target of professionals.”

Let’s take it circular! is the motto at the Smart Creation booth. The lifespan of Bemberg™’s regenerated cellulose fiber derived from cotton is fully circular: from the source to manufacturing. The whole sustainable closed-loop process is supported by the LCA study, signed by ICEA and validated by Paolo Masoni. Recyclability is granted by the Global Recycle Standard - GRS certification by the renown Textile Exchange. An influential guarantee that involves the whole production process and supply chain behind the company’s smart yarns. Bemberg™ yarns are entirely biodegradable and ecotoxicity-free – meaning that at the end of their life circle they break down into the environment leaving no trace in terms of toxic substances as attested by the Innovhub-SSI report.

On show at Première Vision some of the most recent collaborations with GRS-certified partners such as FIVEOL, SMI TESSUTI, TESSITURA UBOLDI, INFINITY, SIDONIOS, MATIAS & ARAUJO, TINTEX, IPEKER, EKOTEN, for fashion fabrics as well as PEZZETTI and BRUNELLO & G.CRESPI from lining partners.

The first Bemberg™ partner to present a commercial collection enriched by Velutine™ Evo is the Portuguese Matias & Araújo. With an innovative spirit, dynamism and a determined entrepreneurial spirit, the company is a leading knitwear producer for the textile industry.

In the Hall 6 Bemberg™ displays key commercial items developed by premium brands such as CAALO that is making its mark in the outerwear market with its Sustainably produced Functional-Luxury proposal. For SS20, CAALO utilized Bemberg™ lining because of the sustainability properties and it's unique colour.

CAALO looks to utilize as much eco-friendly and sustainable materials as possible without compromising on design or quality. This Bemberg™ lining was a perfect fit.


(c) GB Network

Bemberg At Pitti Uomo 2020 (c) Bemberg
Bemberg At Pitti Uomo 2020

Bemberg At Pitti Uomo 2020

In Florence, Bemberg™ presents an 8-pieces tailoring collection commissioned to and developed with students of the renowned Scuola Triennale di Alta Sartoria Maschile dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori in Rome as well as with prominent lining manufacturers as Brunello S.p.A., Gianni Crespi Foderami S.p.A., Tessitura Marco Pastorelli S.p.A. and Manifattura Pezzetti Srl.

“We couldn’t have started the new year in a better and most promising way!” Says TAKESHI IITAKA, president of Asahi Kasei fibers Italia. The Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers has tasked students at the Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori excellences. The designers of tomorrow created 8 contemporary clothing teaming up with prominent lining manufacturers that offered premium jacquard, striped and dotted materials in vivid colors that follow the seasonal trends. Yarn dyed options made unique by impactful contemporary designs that create interesting contrasts with the tailoring proposals.

In occasion of the fair Bemberg™ team will present “The Bemberg™ book”, a unique resource able to present the versatility of the precious fiber through partner’s material developments.

In Florence, Bemberg™ presents an 8-pieces tailoring collection commissioned to and developed with students of the renowned Scuola Triennale di Alta Sartoria Maschile dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori in Rome as well as with prominent lining manufacturers as Brunello S.p.A., Gianni Crespi Foderami S.p.A., Tessitura Marco Pastorelli S.p.A. and Manifattura Pezzetti Srl.

“We couldn’t have started the new year in a better and most promising way!” Says TAKESHI IITAKA, president of Asahi Kasei fibers Italia. The Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers has tasked students at the Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori excellences. The designers of tomorrow created 8 contemporary clothing teaming up with prominent lining manufacturers that offered premium jacquard, striped and dotted materials in vivid colors that follow the seasonal trends. Yarn dyed options made unique by impactful contemporary designs that create interesting contrasts with the tailoring proposals.

In occasion of the fair Bemberg™ team will present “The Bemberg™ book”, a unique resource able to present the versatility of the precious fiber through partner’s material developments.

More information:
Bemberg™ Pitti Uomo 2020

GB Network

#Bemberg2020Bemberg (c) Bemberg

#Bemberg2020 – At Pitti Uomo

Bemberg™ supports the new generation of Italian sartorial style

In Florence, Bemberg™ presents an 8-pieces tailoring collection commissioned to and developed with students of the renowned Scuola Triennale di Alta Sartoria Maschile dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori in Rome as well as with prominent lining manufacturers as Brunello S.p.A., Gianni Crespi Foderami S.p.A., Tessitura Marco Pastorelli S.p.A. and Manifattura Pezzetti Srl.

“We couldn’t have started the new year in a better and most promising way!” Says TAKESHI IITAKA, president of Asahi Kasei fibers Italia. The Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers has tasked students at the Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori excellences. The designers of tomorrow created 8 contemporary clothing teaming up with prominent lining manufacturers that offered premium jacquard, striped and dotted materials in vivid colors that follow the seasonal trends. Yarn dyed options made unique by impactful contemporary designs that create interesting contrasts with the tailoring proposals.

Bemberg™ supports the new generation of Italian sartorial style

In Florence, Bemberg™ presents an 8-pieces tailoring collection commissioned to and developed with students of the renowned Scuola Triennale di Alta Sartoria Maschile dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori in Rome as well as with prominent lining manufacturers as Brunello S.p.A., Gianni Crespi Foderami S.p.A., Tessitura Marco Pastorelli S.p.A. and Manifattura Pezzetti Srl.

“We couldn’t have started the new year in a better and most promising way!” Says TAKESHI IITAKA, president of Asahi Kasei fibers Italia. The Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers has tasked students at the Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori excellences. The designers of tomorrow created 8 contemporary clothing teaming up with prominent lining manufacturers that offered premium jacquard, striped and dotted materials in vivid colors that follow the seasonal trends. Yarn dyed options made unique by impactful contemporary designs that create interesting contrasts with the tailoring proposals.

The participation at Pitti is the first of a global tour pointing to some of the most cutting edge design innovations on planet Fashion. The next appointments include ISPO in Munich and Première Vision New York.

At each appointment the company will showcase a different aspect of its multitasking and sustainable imprint.

More information:
Bemberg™ Asahi Kasei

GB Network


Bemberg™’s 2020 kicks off with a world tour focusing on sustainable innovation and premium collaborations

The Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers is set to fly to some of the most cutting-edge global destinations on planet Fashion to present its collaborations with leading partners along with its collections. An intensive roadmap and warm up to Première Vision (Paris, February 17-19) where the company will double its presence debuting new collections and collaborations.

First appointment of the year is Pitti Uomo in Florence, Italy, Jan. 7-10. The company then joins Première Vision NYC, Jan 21-22, and ISPO in Munich, Jan. 26-29.

The Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers is set to fly to some of the most cutting-edge global destinations on planet Fashion to present its collaborations with leading partners along with its collections. An intensive roadmap and warm up to Première Vision (Paris, February 17-19) where the company will double its presence debuting new collections and collaborations.

First appointment of the year is Pitti Uomo in Florence, Italy, Jan. 7-10. The company then joins Première Vision NYC, Jan 21-22, and ISPO in Munich, Jan. 26-29.


GB Network