From the Sector


Autoneum: Again Revenue Growth in the 2024

In the 2024 financial year, the global automotive industry recorded a slight decline in produc-tion of –1.1%* compared to the previous year. In this weakening environment, Autoneum in-creased its consolidated revenue in Swiss francs by CHF 36.4 million to CHF 2 338.7 million. Excluding translational effects from the conversion of local currencies into Swiss francs, revenue rose by CHF 96.1 million or 4.2% to CHF 2 398.5 million, which is in the middle of the guidance of CHF 2.3 billion to CHF 2.5 billion. Based on the preliminary figures, Autoneum expects an EBIT margin of over 5% and free cash flow of just over CHF 100 million for the 2024 financial year, thus fully confirming the guidance.

In the 2024 financial year, the global automotive industry recorded a slight decline in produc-tion of –1.1%* compared to the previous year. In this weakening environment, Autoneum in-creased its consolidated revenue in Swiss francs by CHF 36.4 million to CHF 2 338.7 million. Excluding translational effects from the conversion of local currencies into Swiss francs, revenue rose by CHF 96.1 million or 4.2% to CHF 2 398.5 million, which is in the middle of the guidance of CHF 2.3 billion to CHF 2.5 billion. Based on the preliminary figures, Autoneum expects an EBIT margin of over 5% and free cash flow of just over CHF 100 million for the 2024 financial year, thus fully confirming the guidance.

Business Group Europe achieved revenue of CHF 1 152.4 million in the 2024 financial year, an increase of CHF 78.5 million compared to CHF 1 073.9 million in the previous year. In local curren-cies, revenue grew by 9.8%. The first-time consolidation of four instead of three quarters of Borgers Automotive, which was acquired in 2023, resulted in an inorganic increase of 13.0%. Organically, revenue in local currencies declined by 3.2%, outperforming the market, which recorded a decline of 4.6%*.

Business Group North America outperformed the market in local currencies: while vehicle pro-duction fell by 1.4%* overall, Business Group North America recorded a slight increase of 1.3% in revenue. Borgers Automotive made a positive contribution of 3.0% to inorganic growth, while the organic revenue change was –1.7%. Consolidated revenue in Swiss francs amounted to CHF 884.6 million. (2023: CHF 895.9 million).

Business Group Asia generated revenue of CHF 198.3 million in Swiss francs, which was CHF 44.5 million below the previous year (2023: CHF 242.8 million). In local currencies, revenue shrank by 15.3% overall. The organic decline in revenue amounted to 16.6%, while the additional first quarter of Borgers Automotive, which was acquired in 2023, had a positive impact of 1.3% in the reporting year. The market in Asia remained stable with a growth of 0.1%*. In 2024, local Chinese vehicle manufacturers continued to gain market share in China at the expense of Japanese and European producers, which was clearly reflected in the revenue development of Business Group Asia. This trend underlines the importance of the acquisition of the Chinese Jiangsu Huanyu Group, announced on November 19, 2024, which generates over 90% of its reve-nue with Chinese car manufacturers in China and will significantly strengthen Autoneum's market position.

Business Group SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) achieved revenue growth of 14.4% in local currencies, mainly due to inflation-related price increases. In Swiss francs, revenue amounted to CHF 121.4 million. This corresponds to an increase of CHF 12.4 million or 11.3% compared to the previous year.


Autoneum Management AG

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