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Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft (c) Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft
Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

COVID-19 impacts revenue and earnings of the Lenzing Group in the first half of 2020

  • Fiber prices and demand under pressure
  • Measures to protect employees, customers and suppliers and to keep plants operational implemented successfully
  • Joint venture Hygiene Austria established for industrial production of protective masks in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic – new distribution channel via
  • Strategic investment projects progress according to plan – financing agreements for construction of pulp plant in Brazil concluded as planned
  • Revenue and operating result in the remaining quarters of 2020 expected to exceed that of the second quarter

Lenzing – In the first half of 2020, the Lenzing Group faced a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis. To counteract that, Lenzing intensified its cooperation with partners along the value chains and adjusted its production volumes and sales prices to market reality.

  • Fiber prices and demand under pressure
  • Measures to protect employees, customers and suppliers and to keep plants operational implemented successfully
  • Joint venture Hygiene Austria established for industrial production of protective masks in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic – new distribution channel via
  • Strategic investment projects progress according to plan – financing agreements for construction of pulp plant in Brazil concluded as planned
  • Revenue and operating result in the remaining quarters of 2020 expected to exceed that of the second quarter

Lenzing – In the first half of 2020, the Lenzing Group faced a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis. To counteract that, Lenzing intensified its cooperation with partners along the value chains and adjusted its production volumes and sales prices to market reality. The disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy and the focus on specialty fibers continued to have a positive impact.*

*Please read the attached document for more information

More information:
Lenzing AG Covid-19 Coronakrise

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

(c) Lenzing

Lenzing solid in a historically difficult market environment

  •  Historically difficult market environment – trade tensions put textile value chain under pressure in 2019
  •  Prices for standard viscose at a historic low
  •  Positive development of the specialty fiber business with a revenue share of already 51 . 6 percent
  •  Strategic investment projects are progressing according to plan
  •  sCore TEN targets for 2024 defined – EBITDA of EUR 800 mn

Lenzing – Despite a generally difficult demand environment for textile fibers and a drastic drop in prices for standard viscose, the Lenzing Group recorded a solid business development in 2019. The disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy and the accompanying focus on specialty fibers once again helped to mitigate the effect of unprecedentedly low standard viscose prices.

  •  Historically difficult market environment – trade tensions put textile value chain under pressure in 2019
  •  Prices for standard viscose at a historic low
  •  Positive development of the specialty fiber business with a revenue share of already 51 . 6 percent
  •  Strategic investment projects are progressing according to plan
  •  sCore TEN targets for 2024 defined – EBITDA of EUR 800 mn

Lenzing – Despite a generally difficult demand environment for textile fibers and a drastic drop in prices for standard viscose, the Lenzing Group recorded a solid business development in 2019. The disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy and the accompanying focus on specialty fibers once again helped to mitigate the effect of unprecedentedly low standard viscose prices.

As a result, revenue dropped by 3.3 percent from EUR 2.18 bn to EUR 2.11 bn in 2019, driven by lower selling prices as well as standard fiber volumes. Due to positive mix effects and more resilient specialty fiber prices, the share of specialty fibers increased from 45.5 percent to 51.6 percent of revenue. The earnings development was largely influenced by the decline in revenue, but also by negative currency effects on material and personnel costs. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) fell by 14.4 percent from EUR 382 mn to EUR 326.9 mn. The EBITDA margin declined from 17.6 percent to 15.5 percent. Net profit, at EUR 114.9 mn, was 22.4 percent lower than in the previous year at EUR 148.2 mn. Earnings per share amounted to EUR 4. 63 ( 2018: EUR 5 . 61 ).


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Gemeinsam nachhaltig handeln: Das World Textile Forum 2019 geht zu Ende (c) World Textile Forum 2019 - Schweizerische Textilfachschule STF

Working together for a sustainable textile business: Looking back at World Textile Forum 2019

The 2019 World Textile Forum closes its doors after two successful and exciting days.

On September 9 and 10 renowned speakers and experts from the textile business gathered in Zurich to discuss opportunities in the changing textile world. Exciting talks and keynotes illustrated new possibilities for a more sustainable and digital textile industry. While one part of the versatile program focussed on “Sustainable Sourcing” with speakers such as Robert van de Kerkhof (Lenzing AG), Heinz Zeller (Hugo Boss), Daniel Gemperle (Calida) and Anna Maria Rugarli (VF), the topic of “Digital Production” became the centre of attention later thanks to experts like Torbjörn Netland (ETH), Maximilian Kürig (Karl Mayer), Maria Neidhold (Spoonflower) and Holger Max-Lang (Lectra). They offered new perspectives on the sustainable future of the textile industry, presenting innovative sustainable production and business models. The subsequent panels furthered the knowledge exchange between both attendees and speakers and led to lively discussions.

The 2019 World Textile Forum closes its doors after two successful and exciting days.

On September 9 and 10 renowned speakers and experts from the textile business gathered in Zurich to discuss opportunities in the changing textile world. Exciting talks and keynotes illustrated new possibilities for a more sustainable and digital textile industry. While one part of the versatile program focussed on “Sustainable Sourcing” with speakers such as Robert van de Kerkhof (Lenzing AG), Heinz Zeller (Hugo Boss), Daniel Gemperle (Calida) and Anna Maria Rugarli (VF), the topic of “Digital Production” became the centre of attention later thanks to experts like Torbjörn Netland (ETH), Maximilian Kürig (Karl Mayer), Maria Neidhold (Spoonflower) and Holger Max-Lang (Lectra). They offered new perspectives on the sustainable future of the textile industry, presenting innovative sustainable production and business models. The subsequent panels furthered the knowledge exchange between both attendees and speakers and led to lively discussions.

Swiss Textile Federation, Swiss Textile & Fashion Institute STF and Gherzi Textil Organisation would like to thank all attendees and look forward to the next World Textile Forum!

Lenzing AG: Innovatives Mehrwegnetz für Obst und Gemüse im Lebensmittelhandel (c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG: Innovatives Mehrwegnetz für Obst und Gemüse im Lebensmittelhandel

  • Lenzing und BILLA bieten “grüne” Alternative zu Plastiksackerl für Obst und Gemüse
  • Holzfasern statt Plastik: Material ist vollständig biologisch abbaubar
  • Erhältlich bei BILLA, MERKUR und ADEG in ganz Österreich

Die Lenzing Gruppe, Weltmarktführer bei Spezialfasern aus Holz, und BILLA, der österreichische Nahversorger mit über 1.088 Filialen in Österreich, bieten Konsumenten alternative Lösungen zu Verpackungen aus Plastik. Die neu auf den Markt gebrachten Mehrwegnetze für Obst und Gemüse aus LENZING™ Modalfasern finden großen Anklang: Seit der Einführung der Mehrwegnetze im November 2018 sind bereits über 138.000 Stück bei BILLA, MERKUR und ADEG verkauft worden. Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage ist die umweltfreundliche Verpackung seit Anfang Februar in allen BILLA-Filialen österreichweit erhältlich.

  • Lenzing und BILLA bieten “grüne” Alternative zu Plastiksackerl für Obst und Gemüse
  • Holzfasern statt Plastik: Material ist vollständig biologisch abbaubar
  • Erhältlich bei BILLA, MERKUR und ADEG in ganz Österreich

Die Lenzing Gruppe, Weltmarktführer bei Spezialfasern aus Holz, und BILLA, der österreichische Nahversorger mit über 1.088 Filialen in Österreich, bieten Konsumenten alternative Lösungen zu Verpackungen aus Plastik. Die neu auf den Markt gebrachten Mehrwegnetze für Obst und Gemüse aus LENZING™ Modalfasern finden großen Anklang: Seit der Einführung der Mehrwegnetze im November 2018 sind bereits über 138.000 Stück bei BILLA, MERKUR und ADEG verkauft worden. Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage ist die umweltfreundliche Verpackung seit Anfang Februar in allen BILLA-Filialen österreichweit erhältlich.

Die Mehrwegnetze aus den holzbasierten Fasern der Lenzing Gruppe bieten einen entscheidenden ökologischen Vorteil gegenüber herkömmlichen Plastiksackerln für Obst und Gemüse, denn sie sind natürlichen Ursprungs und daher im Abfall biologisch abbaubar und kompostierbar. Mikropartikel, die beim Waschen der Netze in das Abwasser gelangen, werden zügig Teil des natürlichen Kreislaufes und hinterlassen daher weder in Flüssen noch Meeren schädliche Rückstände.

Die Mehrwegnetze sind optimal für Lebensmittel geeignet, denn wie vom Hersteller VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH bestätigt, halten die atmungsaktiven und feuchtigkeitsregulierenden Eigenschaften Obst und Gemüse bis zu drei Tage länger frisch. Die nachhaltigen Netze wurden bereits mit dem Staatspreis für Smart Packaging ausgezeichnet, der vom Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort in Kooperation mit dem Bundesministerium für Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus verliehen wird.

Die Packnatur® Mehrwegnetze auf Holzbasis werden von VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH in Graz aus LENZING™ Modalfasern hergestellt. Bereits seit 2014 gibt es bei BILLA Cellulosenetze aus LENZING™ Fasern, die bei Bio-Gemüse und Bio-Obst zum Einsatz kommen. Auch die Zitrusfrüchte sind großteils auf das Cellulosenetz umgestellt. Mit dem Mehrwegnetz wurde nun eine zusätzliche nachhaltige Verpackungslösung für den dauerhaften Gebrauch gefunden.

More information:
Lenzing AG Verpackung

Lenzing AG