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SANITIZED TecCenter durch IAC zertifiziert.

  • F&E Support für Geruchsmanagement von Textilien nach internationalen Test-Standards

Transparent, sinnvoll und vergleichbar – müssen Testmethoden und Testergebnisse für antimikrobiell ausgerüstete Produkte sein, um einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Bioziden und internationale Vergleichbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Deshalb hat SANITIZED AG, Spezialist für antimikrobiellen Materialschutz und Hygienefunktion von Textilien und Kunststoffen, das hauseigene Mikrobiologielabor innerhalb des SANITIZED TecCenters durch den IAC, International Antimicrobial Council, akkreditieren lassen. Das non-profit Institut mit Sitz in den USA verfolgt das Ziel, die Sicherheit für antimikrobiell ausgerüstete Produkte und für Konsumenten zu erhöhen.

  • F&E Support für Geruchsmanagement von Textilien nach internationalen Test-Standards

Transparent, sinnvoll und vergleichbar – müssen Testmethoden und Testergebnisse für antimikrobiell ausgerüstete Produkte sein, um einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Bioziden und internationale Vergleichbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Deshalb hat SANITIZED AG, Spezialist für antimikrobiellen Materialschutz und Hygienefunktion von Textilien und Kunststoffen, das hauseigene Mikrobiologielabor innerhalb des SANITIZED TecCenters durch den IAC, International Antimicrobial Council, akkreditieren lassen. Das non-profit Institut mit Sitz in den USA verfolgt das Ziel, die Sicherheit für antimikrobiell ausgerüstete Produkte und für Konsumenten zu erhöhen.

Hersteller von Textil- und Kunststoffprodukten nutzen die Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung und Optimierung ihrer Produkte durch das SANITIZED TecCenter. Die Begleitung bei applikationstechnischen Aspekten, mikrobiologische Tests und Analytik kommen hier aus einer Hand. Insbesondere um ein bestmögliches Geruchsmanagement für Textilien zu entwickelt, bietet SANITIZED konkrete Unterstützung bei der F&E Arbeit der Textilhersteller. Jetzt wurde das TecCenter durch die IAC zertifiziert und trägt die Bezeichnung International Antimicrobial Council Certified Laboratory.

Durch die IAC Zertifizierung bietet SANITIZED AG nun Innovationskompetenz nach internationalen Standards, die auch in den USA und Asien anerkannt und geschätzt werden.

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Sanitized AG SANITIZED TecCenter



SANITIZED TecCenter receives IAC certification

  • R&D support for textile odor-management according to international testing standards

To ensure responsible use of biocides and international comparability, test methods and test results for antimicrobial treated products must be transparent, useful and comparable. This is precisely why  SANITIZED AG, the specialist for antimicrobial material protection and hygiene function in textiles and polymers, had its in-house Microbiology Laboratory in the SANITIZED TecCenter certified by IAC, the International Antimicrobial Council. This non-profit, U.S.-based institute aims to increase safety for antimicrobial treated products and for consumers. Textile and polymer product manufacturers value the assistance that the in-house SANITIZED TecCenter provides them with developing and optimizing their products. It supervises technical application aspects, and conducts microbiological tests and analytics—all from a single source. SANITIZED provides specific assistance with the textile manufacturer's R&D work, particularly for the demanding challenge of developing the best possible odor-management for textiles.

  • R&D support for textile odor-management according to international testing standards

To ensure responsible use of biocides and international comparability, test methods and test results for antimicrobial treated products must be transparent, useful and comparable. This is precisely why  SANITIZED AG, the specialist for antimicrobial material protection and hygiene function in textiles and polymers, had its in-house Microbiology Laboratory in the SANITIZED TecCenter certified by IAC, the International Antimicrobial Council. This non-profit, U.S.-based institute aims to increase safety for antimicrobial treated products and for consumers. Textile and polymer product manufacturers value the assistance that the in-house SANITIZED TecCenter provides them with developing and optimizing their products. It supervises technical application aspects, and conducts microbiological tests and analytics—all from a single source. SANITIZED provides specific assistance with the textile manufacturer's R&D work, particularly for the demanding challenge of developing the best possible odor-management for textiles. Now the TecCenter has been certified by the IAC and is a designated “International Antimicrobial Council Certified Laboratory.”

Thanks to the IAC Certification, SANITIZED AG now offers innovation expertise according to international standards that are also recognized and valued in the U.S. and Asia.

“In addition to assistance with product development and product optimization from our TecCenter, SANITIZED customers receive certification of the antimicrobial treatment of their products from an independent organization, the IAC,” explains Erich Rohrbach, Head of Microbiology at SANITIZED AG. “This is an important building block for production chain transparency in the textile industry, which is demanded by a growing number of manufacturers and brands that are driven by end customer requirements,” adds Erich Rohrbach. Many SANITIZED customers particularly value the TecCenter for their development work in odor-management for textiles. SANITIZED offers an innovative product portfolio to meet this demand also including non-biocide additives.


PR-Büro Heinhöfer