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(c) Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

A+A Expert Talk: Focus on sustainability and the circular economy

  • The A+A Expert Talks head into their third round

On 20 June 2023 between 10.00 am and 11.30 am experts from the fields of sustainability, circular economy, environmental protection as well as corporate fashion and product management will be presenting lectures and discussing the topics of sustainability in supply chains, standardisation and quality seals as well as the associated challenges and solutions in cooperation with German Fashion. They will thereby provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and innovative approaches.

The focus on sustainability and the circular economy reflects the growing relevance of these topics in the world of work. More and more companies recognise the need to make their business practices more sustainable and optimise the use of resources.

This Expert Talk will be presented by Irina Olm, In-House Lawyer & Counsel of GermanFashion Modeverband Deutschland e.V. and Expert for Circular Economy and CSR, who will contribute her know-how on the European level.  

  • The A+A Expert Talks head into their third round

On 20 June 2023 between 10.00 am and 11.30 am experts from the fields of sustainability, circular economy, environmental protection as well as corporate fashion and product management will be presenting lectures and discussing the topics of sustainability in supply chains, standardisation and quality seals as well as the associated challenges and solutions in cooperation with German Fashion. They will thereby provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and innovative approaches.

The focus on sustainability and the circular economy reflects the growing relevance of these topics in the world of work. More and more companies recognise the need to make their business practices more sustainable and optimise the use of resources.

This Expert Talk will be presented by Irina Olm, In-House Lawyer & Counsel of GermanFashion Modeverband Deutschland e.V. and Expert for Circular Economy and CSR, who will contribute her know-how on the European level.  

Benjamin Helfritz, Head of Quality in Digital and Green Transformation, DIN – German Institute for Standardisation, will introduce participants to the new standards for the Green Transition.  
The Digital Product Passport (DPP) is needed for both the green and digital transition. However, it will only achieve its full added value if interoperability is ensured between existing and emerging systems. The use of the DPP promotes more sustainability and digital progress.

Henk Vanhoutte, Secretary General, European Safety Federation (ESF) and Lucia Mendori, Regulatory Affairs Associate / Chair ESF Working Group Sustainability will present practical examples and concrete application factors for sustainable PPE as well as solutions for sustainable jobwear. They will provide an overview of survey results from their members regarding various sustainability aspects – pointing to how the industry is treating this important topic but also flagging up the limits to the sustainability of PPE.

Lena Bay Høyland, Product Director of the Swedish workwear manufacturer Fristads Kansas will share the sustainability strategy of her company which has committed to minimise its environmental impact by targets and effective measures. The progress made by Fristads Kansas was measured using concrete figures and audits. This is a use case highlighting the innovations and challenges associated with sustainable jobwear.

By organising the Expert Talks the leading international trade fair A+A jointly with its strategic partners from the German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health (Basi), Fraunhofer IPA, German Fashion (Modeverband Deutschland e.V.), DGUV (Germany Statutory Accident Insurance), BAuA (Federal Agency for Occupational Safety and Health), BMAS (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), IVPS Interessenverbund Persönliche Schutzausrüstung e.V. (PPE Stakeholder Association) as well as IFA (Institute for Occupational Safety) will provide its community with a networking and information platform.

(c) artventure/artventure app, Avenir Garment/Christopher Blank, BEAWEAR/Claudia Wild, Gratitude Verlag/Christoph Mannhardt, cre[ai]tion/Livia Eichenberger, DIVE/DIVE, Eye-Able/privat, faircado/Mario Heller, Jünglinge Film/Frangipani Beatt, What a View Studios/What a View Studios, klaep/Andreas Schweizer Photography, GURLZ WITH CURLZ/GURLZ WITH CURLZ, FettFressHair/Anne Junka, FindUs/FindUs, FEAT Boddies helpwear/privat, Fashion Africa Now/privat, Re-Shirt/Alexander Fthenakis, Ladies&Ladys Label/Felix Schmale 2021, LOKK/LOKK, mujō/mujō, Off the Beaten Track/privat, macht.sprache/Patricia Escriche/Marcus Wend, &töchter/Studio Seidel, Made by Black Excellence/maxsonmedia, connactz/Johann Angermann & Andi Dobner, The Changency/Nadine Kunath, Vorkoster/privat, Storydive/Larissa Mantel, Kopftuchmädchen/Barbara Dietl, Revoltech/Jan Schölzel, Netzwerk für Schwarze Kinderbuchautorinnen: Fafalag/Nathalie Lieckfeld, rrreefs/Leila Tazi

Projekte mit Fokus Mode und Textilien als Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen 2022 ausgezeichnet

Es sind Projekte mit Wirkung in Zeiten des Wandels – das verbindet die Titelträger*innen der Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen miteinander. Jedes der 32 ausgezeichneten Projekte fokussiert sich darauf, Lösungen zu finden, die eine gesellschaftliche Transformation mit kreativer Kraft gestalten – und dabei unternehmerisch erfolgreich sind. Mit der Auszeichnung würdigt die Bundesregierung bereits zum dreizehnten Mal die innovativsten Unternehmer*innenpersönlichkeiten der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland.

Claudia Roth, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien, betont, dass für die vollständige Entfaltung des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Potenzials die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in ihrer Arbeit unterstützt und ermutigt werden muss: „Die diesjährigen Titelträger*innen zeigen, dass die Branche gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in all ihren Facetten übernimmt und Lösungen für soziale Missstände bietet. Damit diesen zukunftsweisenden Ideen alle Türen offenstehen, müssen wir den kreativen Köpfen in Deutschland Rückenwind geben und sie auf ihrem unternehmerischen Weg begleiten.“

Es sind Projekte mit Wirkung in Zeiten des Wandels – das verbindet die Titelträger*innen der Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen miteinander. Jedes der 32 ausgezeichneten Projekte fokussiert sich darauf, Lösungen zu finden, die eine gesellschaftliche Transformation mit kreativer Kraft gestalten – und dabei unternehmerisch erfolgreich sind. Mit der Auszeichnung würdigt die Bundesregierung bereits zum dreizehnten Mal die innovativsten Unternehmer*innenpersönlichkeiten der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland.

Claudia Roth, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien, betont, dass für die vollständige Entfaltung des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Potenzials die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in ihrer Arbeit unterstützt und ermutigt werden muss: „Die diesjährigen Titelträger*innen zeigen, dass die Branche gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in all ihren Facetten übernimmt und Lösungen für soziale Missstände bietet. Damit diesen zukunftsweisenden Ideen alle Türen offenstehen, müssen wir den kreativen Köpfen in Deutschland Rückenwind geben und sie auf ihrem unternehmerischen Weg begleiten.“

Trendanalyse 2022: Missionsorientierung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft nimmt zu
Die Wirkungsorientierung der 32 Titelträger*innen ist Ausdruck eines Trends in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft. Das zeigt die Auswertung der 700 Bewerbungen in diesem Jahr, die das inotiv-Netzwerk gemeinsam mit den Zukunftsforscher*innen von Third Wave durchgeführt hat. „Jede siebte Projekt-Einreichung formuliert eine präzise Mission, die immer auch eine klare Weltverbesserungsabsicht beinhaltet. Das jeweilig vorgestellte Projekt belegt die Mission faktisch und konkret. Ein solch ansteigender Verbreitungsgrad aktiver Zukunftsgestaltung kann doch nur Hoffnung stiften!“, sagt Zukunftsforscher Jonas Drechsel.

Die diesjährigen Titelträger*innen mit Fokus Mode und Textilien (alphabetische Auflistung)
Avenir Garment

Mit Avenir Garment will der gebürtige Tunesier Aladin Amiri die Zukunft der Mode mit kreativer Streetwear mitgestalten, sie mit sozialer und ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit paaren und Vorreiter einer Modeindustrie sein, die divers, kreativ und verantwortungsbewusst ist. Sein Ziel ist es, Ressourcen, Beratung und Unterstützung zu bieten, um die Visionen junger Kreativer umzusetzen. Ebenso im Fokus stehen die soziale Verantwortung für Produzent*innen in Tunesien, denen faire Löhne und hohe Arbeitsstandards geboten werden sowie die Möglichkeit für tunesische Kreative, ihre Botschaft nach Deutschland zu bringen. Zudem startet Avenir Garment ein Upcycling-Programm, in dem Künstler*innen aus nicht verkauften Textilien neue Produkte schaffen, die kreativ und einzigartig sind.

Fashion Africa Now
Fashion Africa Now ist ein digitaler Informationsraum und ein zukunftsorientiertes interdisziplinäres Netzwerk für Kreative aus Deutschland und Europa, der afrikanischen Diaspora und Afrika, das mit Stereotypen bricht, BIPoC-Perspektiven Raum gibt und neue Narrative erzählt. Das Team von Fashion Africa Now bringt Kreative, Experten*innen und Unternehmen zusammen und kreiert Ausstellungen, Workshops, Podcasts, Mode-Kooperationen, Veranstaltungen und ein Magazin, das sich auch gesellschaftspolitischen Themen widmet – mit der Vision einer aufklärenden, nachhaltigeren und inklusiven Zukunft in der Kreativ- und Modebranche. Fashion Africa Now schafft Sichtbarkeit für marginalisierte Kreativschaffende und repräsentiert die komplexe und vielfältige Welt des afrikanischen Modedesigns.

FEAT Boddies helpwear
„Ich fühl mich wohl in meiner Haut“: FEAT Boddies helpwear möchte funktionale und dabei optisch ansprechenden Textilien für alle Körper entwickeln, die ihre Träger*innen versteht und dabei sanft zu Haut und Körper ist. Das erste Produkt sind LUGGERS, hautfreundliche Oberschenkelbänder, die lästiges Aneinanderreiben vermeiden. Wichtig ist den Gründerinnen dabei, auf Materialien zu setzen, die die Umwelt schonen. Entsprechend verwenden sie nach Möglichkeit recycelte Materialien und lassen Luggers unter fairen Bedingungen in Europa herstellen.

In deutschen Friseursalons fallen jährlich ca. 40.000 Kubikmeter Haarschnitt an – oder anders ausgedrückt: 222.222 Badewannen voller Haare. Ein Rohstoff, der weltweit ständig nachwächst und bisher im Restmüll landet, obwohl er eigentlich Gutes für die Umwelt tun könnte. Denn: Haare sind lipophil, lieben also Fett und fressen es förmlich auf. Somit eignen sie sich bestens, um Verunreinigungen im Wasser aufzunehmen. Das macht sich FettFressHair zunutze und baut aus dem anfallenden Haarschnitt innovative Schadstoffsammler in Form von Schlängeln, Matten und Vliesen. Auf diese Weise können sie Öle und andere Verunreinigungen aus allen Gewässern filtern. Die Erkenntnisse des Kieler Teams halfen beispielsweise schon den Einsatzkräften in Lima dabei, bei der Beseitigung der Ölkatastrophe im Januar 2022 effektiv zu reagieren. Über die Nutzung im Wasser hinaus prüft das Team stetig neue Einsatzgebiete. So wird aus Abfall Umweltschutz.

Was wäre, wenn man Textilien nur kurzfristig bedrucken könnte? Dann würde bei großen Veranstaltungen viel weniger Textilmüll entstehen und sehr viel Wasser gespart werden – 300 Liter für jedes nicht neu produziertem T-Shirt. Deswegen haben Emmy Schumacher und Anna Hadzelek Re-Shirt entwickelt, die erste temporäre Textildrucktechnik. Damit schlagen die beiden Gründerinnen die Brücke zwischen schnelllebigem Gestaltungsbedürfnis und Ressourcen schonendem Mindset.

LOVR – unter diesem Akronym („lederähnlich, ohne Plastik, vegan, reststoffbasiert“) hat Revoltech ein nachhaltiges Textil entwickelt, das aussieht wie Leder und sich auch so anfühlt. Es ist zudem verformbar und abriebfest sowie biologisch abbaubar und recyclingfähig. Das Beste: LOVR hat einen minimalen ökologischen Fußabdruck, da nur 0,3 Prozent der CO2-Emissionen im Vergleich zur Lederherstellung anfallen und auf Chemikalien und Kunststoffe verzichtet wird. Hergestellt wird die Alternative zum tierischen Produkt aus den Nebenprodukten des deutschen Hanfanbaus und pflanzlichen Zusatzstoffen.


u-institut für unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln e.V. │Kultur- und Kreativpiloten Deutschland

STF News: Podcast mit Karen Fleischmann & der Countdown läuft!

Der neue STF Podcast ist live!

  • STF News: Podcast mit Karen Fleischmann & der Countdown läuft!

In der neuen Podcast-Folge des Creative Cocktail ist Karen Fleischmann, Influencerin und Nachhaltigkeits-Ambassadorin, zu Gast. Sie erzählt über Slow Fashion, den umweltbewussten Konsum und darüber, wie sie den Sprung von der Modelwelt zum Role Model für Nachhaltigkeit geschafft hat.


  • STF News: Podcast mit Karen Fleischmann & der Countdown läuft!

In der neuen Podcast-Folge des Creative Cocktail ist Karen Fleischmann, Influencerin und Nachhaltigkeits-Ambassadorin, zu Gast. Sie erzählt über Slow Fashion, den umweltbewussten Konsum und darüber, wie sie den Sprung von der Modelwelt zum Role Model für Nachhaltigkeit geschafft hat.



STF Schweizerische Textilfachschule

C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 Winner DUARTE Returns to ModaLisboa (c) DUARTE
Duarte outfits for FW 22/23 collection - Cream Teddy Coat

C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 Winner DUARTE Returns to ModaLisboa

  • DUARTE  brings on the runway its SEASON 2 “Eco-Street Dance” collection

By mixing C.L.A.S.S. responsible materials, colorful prints, urban feels and artistic inspiration, the Portuguese streetwear brand creates a new style and a clear yet cool message for conscious fashion consumers.  The rewarded 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to presents its Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub at ModaLisboa after a first presentation at Milan Fashion Week. From February 24th until 27th, Duarte’s creations have been featured as a special project at WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano) platform space inside “Unveiling the fashion Backstage”, a docu-event focusing on an immersive journey into the amazing world of premium and smart supply chains that make innovative and responsible fashion wardrobes a reality.

  • DUARTE  brings on the runway its SEASON 2 “Eco-Street Dance” collection

By mixing C.L.A.S.S. responsible materials, colorful prints, urban feels and artistic inspiration, the Portuguese streetwear brand creates a new style and a clear yet cool message for conscious fashion consumers.  The rewarded 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to presents its Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub at ModaLisboa after a first presentation at Milan Fashion Week. From February 24th until 27th, Duarte’s creations have been featured as a special project at WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano) platform space inside “Unveiling the fashion Backstage”, a docu-event focusing on an immersive journey into the amazing world of premium and smart supply chains that make innovative and responsible fashion wardrobes a reality.

For its second collection Duarte still counts on C.L.A.S.S. support in sourcing materials and communication activities as part of the Icon Award yearly program. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte, with the help of the Milanese hub, is back with a renewed collection that counts 40 pieces continuing the concept and the story behind the previous World Keeper: the irresistible superhero Tadao - Ana Duarte’s dog – fighting against the environmental issues created by mankind and personified as Smog Man (air pollution), Fire Man (climate change), Deforestation Man (forests destruction) and Wave Man (water overconsumption). 

This time the inspiration is also Street Dance drawn directly from the city streets, with majorly unisex pieces (apart from some small specific details linked to sizes or ergonomics) and materials that both respect the planet and keep you warm. The prints drawn from ripped posters giving birth to a sort of new style that we can name “Eco-Street Dance”. The color palette explores the dark shades of grey, cream, blue and black, with artistic pops of color of a hopeful urban culture that tears apart posters from the past and turns them into a new brighter story. 

Talking about materials, the collection presents a selection of urban pieces for everyday superheroes, fighting against environmental issues - with a holistic approach to sustainability values thanks to the synergy with C.L.A.S.S. and its Back in the Loop area: a section dedicated to alternative and sustainable sourcing against the massive amount of materials and textiles produced that are not used and discarded by the fashion system. This is mostly powered by MAEBA International - and its ReLiveTex® fabrics - leader in selecting and repurposing premium Italian fabrics with exceptional 60 years of expertise in collecting high quality materials from leading brands and textile manufacturers, and the first company at an international level to be accredited for the UNI EN ISO 14021 certification which grants the traceability of the collected materials.

The linings complete the full sustainable picture, thanks to Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei fabrics by Gianni Crespi Foderami. Bemberg™ is a new generation material made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linter pre-consumer material, converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process. Entirely made in Japan, it comes with Compostability and Ecotoxicity Certifications verified by Innovhub SSI, RCS, OEKOTEX® Standard 100 and the Eco Mark certifications. The factory is ISO 14001 certified, too. 

Kornit Digital and Fashion-Enter Bring Fashion and Textile Production Back to the UK with Sustainable, On-Demand Digital Manufacturing (c) Kornit
Kornit Digital & Fashion Enter Innovation Centre

Kornit Digital and Fashion-Enter Bring Fashion and Textile Production Back to the UK with Sustainable, On-Demand Digital Manufacturing

  • Unveil UK’s first-ever sustainable Fashtech Innovation Centre, displaying mass customization capabilities empowering designers, apparel brands, and other creatives

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies and Fashion-Enter - a social enteprise, which strives to be a centre of excellence for sampling, grading, production, and for learning and development of skills within the fashion and textiles industry – today announced a first-of-its-kind Fashtech Innovation Centre in London. Aimed at bringing on-demand fashion and textile mass customization back to the UK, and unveiled on March 3rd and 4th, 2022 at Fashion-Enter's state-of-the-art training and manufacturing site, the Centre is fully supported by Kornit Digital's revolutionary, direct-to-fabric and direct-to-garment digital production solutions.

  • Unveil UK’s first-ever sustainable Fashtech Innovation Centre, displaying mass customization capabilities empowering designers, apparel brands, and other creatives

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies and Fashion-Enter - a social enteprise, which strives to be a centre of excellence for sampling, grading, production, and for learning and development of skills within the fashion and textiles industry – today announced a first-of-its-kind Fashtech Innovation Centre in London. Aimed at bringing on-demand fashion and textile mass customization back to the UK, and unveiled on March 3rd and 4th, 2022 at Fashion-Enter's state-of-the-art training and manufacturing site, the Centre is fully supported by Kornit Digital's revolutionary, direct-to-fabric and direct-to-garment digital production solutions.

According to Kornit Digital’s Impact and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report, 30 percent of textile production is overproduction, while 95 percent of water waste is created as companies globally look towards more sustainable futures with customized, creative, and real-time offerings. Using proprietary streamlined, eco-friendly digital production technologies, Kornit Digital is transforming the fashion industry with more efficient and sustainable processes. According to the same report, by 2026, the Company’s systems will use up to 95 percent less water, 94 percent less energy and produce 83 percent less greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to highlighting production capabilities that minimize carbon footprint, the Fashtech Innovation Centre serves as a prototype for brands and fulfillers seeking to mitigate logistical complexities, time-to-market, and supply chain risks by bringing production nearer to the end consumer. Eliminating overproduction and producing on demand, this nearshoring model drives profitability even in highly regulated and high-cost markets while contributing to local economies and removing transport-related waste.

Serving as a fulfilment site and academy for training production, the Centre includes both Kornit Presto direct-to-fabric and Kornit Atlas MAX direct-to-garment systems, as well as numerous graphic design and workflow tools and systems to enable cut-and-sew operations for a comprehensive “pixel to parcel to doorstep” cycle. Consolidating the process into a single location helps maintain full visibility and control of operations and products. Taking this one step further for creators and brands, visitors can experience the KornitX Global Fulfilment Network, enabling customers to create both new sales channels and accessibility to enable production on demand. Attendees can see how Kornit’s single-step digital production technology empowers unlimited graphic expression using less floor space, resources, waste, and time—all at higher margins.

“This Innovation Centre makes it possible to capture the full, end-to-end production process in one, single location,” said Jenny Holloway, Chief Executive Officer, Fashion-Enter. “The beauty of having print on demand means there are no minimums, so we can make one garment, or we can make up to 30,000 garments a week from all locations at the same fixed cost. Here, we can also train future generations on the right way of producing garments for today, responsive to demand, with minimal waste—ethical and sustainable. This is the future of fashion and textiles.”

Danzig am Platz Frankfurt | Neonyt Installation (c) Mario Stumpf/Sascha Priesters
Puffer jacket by Timberland, bomber jacket; pants by People Berlin, top by Fade Out Label, bag by AA Gold, glasses by Mykita, rings by Mies Nobis and shoes by Embassy of Bricks and Logs as well as a vest by Embassy of Bricks and Logs

Premiere am Main: voller Erfolg für die Neonyt Installation

Auf ihrer Fashion Installation brachte die Neonyt am Dienstagabend, den 18. Januar 2022, die Modebranche erstmalig während der Frankfurt Fashion Week in der Mainmetropole zusammen. Die Gäste wurden Teil einer exklusiven Präsentation sorgfältig kuratierter Multi-Brand-Looks – immer unter dem Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit.

Auf ihrer Fashion Installation brachte die Neonyt am Dienstagabend, den 18. Januar 2022, die Modebranche erstmalig während der Frankfurt Fashion Week in der Mainmetropole zusammen. Die Gäste wurden Teil einer exklusiven Präsentation sorgfältig kuratierter Multi-Brand-Looks – immer unter dem Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit.

Ein gelungener Auftakt: Am Dienstag, den 18.01.2022, feierte die Neonyt, Community-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, um 17:30 Uhr ihr Debüt in der neuen Homebase Frankfurt am Main nach zwei Jahren coronabedingter Pause. Im Zuge der Frankfurt Fashion Week (FFW) wurde das Atelier Lihotzky im Danzig am Platz im Frankfurter Ostend zur Bühne. Supported wurde das Event von der Naturkosmetik-Brand Dr. Hauschka. Rhein-Main Lokalkolorit: Fashion People und Nachhaltigkeitsprofis, Brancheninsider*innen sowie Stakeholder*innen aus Politik und Medien kamen unter den aktuell geltenden Corona-Regeln zusammen, um sich von den neusten Trends in Sachen nachhaltiger Mode inspirieren zu lassen und sich endlich wieder persönlich zu begegnen, auszutauschen und miteinander zu connecten. Independent- und Newcomer-Label trafen auf etablierte Marken und Designer*innen-Pieces, die an dreizehn Models in stylisch kuratierten Multi-Brand-Looks künstlerisch in Szene gesetzt wurden.

„Endlich wieder zusammenkommen, endlich wieder Sustainable Fashion live und in Farbe erleben – darauf haben wir lange gewartet. Und was soll ich sagen, unsere Erwartungen wurden übertroffen: die erste Neonyt Installation war ein voller Erfolg. Von den teilnehmenden Brands, über das künstlerische Konzept, das Publikum und unsere Location – es hat einfach alles gestimmt. Vor allem freue ich mich, dass wir der Branche nach einer langen Pause wieder einen Treffpunkt zum inspirieren und connecten bieten konnten, wenn auch in einem kleineren Rahmen“, sagt Bettina Bär, Show Director Neonyt. „Nach diesem Auftakt in unserem neuen Zuhause Frankfurt bin ich mir sicher: Das war ein guter Anfang. Im Sommer werden wir mit der Neonyt endlich in vollem Umfang ein wichtiges Zeichen für die Transformation der internationalen Modeindustrie aus unserer Heimatstadt senden – ich kann es kaum erwarten.“

Immer im Blick der Installation: die Fokusthemen Air, Water, Circularity und Social. Schon in den vergangenen Saisons haben Water & Air eine zentrale Bedeutung für die Neonyt gehabt. Darüber hinaus wurde Circularity als eines der Zukunftsthemen der Branche ausgewählt und mit Social ein besonderer Fokus auf die Menschen gelegt, die in den Wertschöpfungsketten arbeiten. Mehr als nur Fashion: Die Inhalte der Fashion Präsentation sind über die visuelle Komponente hinausgegangen, so wurde die künstlerische Inszenierung von Audio- und Soundaufnahmen zu Fakten und Fragen rund um Sustainable Fashion untermalt und mit großformatigen Hintergründen gestützt.

Renewcell and Kelheim Fibres form collaboration to establish a European closed loop for fashion

Renewcell and Kelheim Fibres form collaboration to establish a European closed loop for fashion

Renewcell and Kelheim Fibres Gmbh have signed a Letter of Intent for a long term commercial collaboration to add the crucial missing link for a circular economy for textiles in Europe. Together, the two technology leaders will collaborate on developing com mercial scale production of superior quality viscose fibers from up to 10 000 tonnes of Renewcell’s 100% textile recycled material Circulose® annually. The collaboration paves the way toward a fully European closed loop in which textile waste is collected, recycled and regenerated into new Circulose® fibers for people that want to reduce their fashion footprint significantly.

Renewcell and Kelheim Fibres Gmbh have signed a Letter of Intent for a long term commercial collaboration to add the crucial missing link for a circular economy for textiles in Europe. Together, the two technology leaders will collaborate on developing com mercial scale production of superior quality viscose fibers from up to 10 000 tonnes of Renewcell’s 100% textile recycled material Circulose® annually. The collaboration paves the way toward a fully European closed loop in which textile waste is collected, recycled and regenerated into new Circulose® fibers for people that want to reduce their fashion footprint significantly.

"European fashion consumption has great impact on climate and the environment globally. It also contributes to tremendous amounts of waste going into landfill and incinerators either in Europe or abroad after export. We will now work with Kelheim to prevent waste and reduce the need for virgin resources, while also enabling a fully regional supply of low impact circular fibers for text iles” comments Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell. “We are thrilled for the opportunity to work closely with a partner like Kelheim, who is at the leading edge of innovation and sustainability in this industry” he adds.

Craig Barker, CEO at Kelheim Fibres adds: "We see an excellent fit between our two companies, not only on the technical side with Renewcell we have found a highly professional partner who shares our vision for future forward technologies that enable full circularity in the textile chain. Finding the answers to the challenges of our times is what drives us every day. Our recycled cellulose fibre solution made of Renewcell’s Circulose® and manufactured using environmentally sound processes at our Kelheim plant is an answer to the fashi on industries need for sustainable, resource and waste reducing solutions, and a more regional and reliable supply chain."


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

From C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 to Special Project at WHITE Milan, the streetstyle Portuguese brand shows urban outfits for everyday heroes fighting for the environment, with a holistic approach to sustainability (c) DUARTE
Duarte - SS22 collection

Duarte - SS22 collection

  • From C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 to Special Project at WHITE Milan, the streetstyle Portuguese brand shows urban outfits for everyday heroes fighting for the environment, with a holistic approach to sustainability

After being rewarded with the 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award, the Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to present its Spring/Summer 2022 collection developed with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub support. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte has worked in close contact with the Milanese hub in order to create a 40 pieces collection where the approach to materials, suppliers, new business models and communication could include and support a holistic view of the sustainable values aligned with style, performances, look and touch and Duarte identity.

  • From C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 to Special Project at WHITE Milan, the streetstyle Portuguese brand shows urban outfits for everyday heroes fighting for the environment, with a holistic approach to sustainability

After being rewarded with the 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award, the Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to present its Spring/Summer 2022 collection developed with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub support. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte has worked in close contact with the Milanese hub in order to create a 40 pieces collection where the approach to materials, suppliers, new business models and communication could include and support a holistic view of the sustainable values aligned with style, performances, look and touch and Duarte identity.

The inspiration behind the collection is the superhero Tadao - Ana Duarte’s dog, an English Cocker Spaniel - which is the World Keeper fighting against the environmental issues mankind has generated. Like a protector of sustainability, it battles modern monsters as Smog Man, Fire Man, Deforestation Man and Wave man, who respectively represent the issues of air pollution, climate change, forest destruction and water overconsumption. A very simple, direct and engaging way of talking about hot topics and simple, direct solutions.

The collection is made of 20 outfits, mainly unisex apart from some of them typically feminine as the crop tops. Hints of bright red and mustard yellow are alternated with denim, grey and pale azure tones, blending in with the colorful prints. Accents of black - used in inserts or as piping - seem to emphasize the outline of the garments. The different textures of the materials create a sense of movement, further enhanced by the unique patterns. All the garments’ prints are exclusively designed by the designer, following each collection inspiration: this time, they recall urban landscapes and the appeal of big metropolis, with Tadao as protagonist in prints, patches and ankle socks.

Among the most representative Duarte outfits we find:

  • A matching sweater with trousers made of Newlife™, a yarn 100% made In Italy coming only from post- consumer, traceable plastic bottles.
  • A unisex oversized bomber is crafted from Newlife™, lined with precious 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei fabric by Gianni Crespi Foderami and matched with printed neoprene hoodie and shorts.
  • Long-panelled unisex coat and trousers made with ReLAST® denim by Candiani, a responsible textile featuring a premium recycled stretch yarn, ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei. The coat is lined with a fabric by Gianni Crespi Foderami in 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, a new generation material made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linter.
  • The same sustainable stretch yarn is implied in the responsible tulle by Iluna Group, and featured in a shorts and top women’s ensemble, paired with a neoprene printed bomber. The tulle is skillfully matched with 100% Tencel™ back in the loop fabric by Maeba International underneath it.

Ana Duarte is part of a new generation of designers with a new approach to sourcing and production: her research goes into different kind of business models to fit her responsible innovation and style needs at the same time. That’s why in her collection we can find amazing and unique combination of organic, recycled, Back in The Loop, innovative materials that are the right choice for the look&touch and the performance she’s looking for. The result is cool yet respecting people and the environment in full traceability thanks to certified and sometimes even circular solutions. Working with components from various sources and business models requires a certain expertise and a particular sensibility we find in Ana Duarte’s design solutions and in her responsible interpretation of streetwear.

During the first physical Frankfurt Fashion Week in January 2022, PREMIUM GROUP will show more novelties than ever. (c) PREMIUM GROUP

SAVE THE DATE: Frankfurt, January 2022

  • HIGHER, FASTER, FURTHER ! During the first physical Frankfurt Fashion Week in January 2022, PREMIUM GROUP will show more novelties than ever.

The anticipation is rising! With the actual move to Frankfurt in January 2022, Anita Tillmann, Jörg Arntz and the teams will not only present further developed versions of the PREMIUM and SEEK fashion fairs, but will also celebrate a major B2C festival for the first time with THE GROUND.

More than ever, the Berliners‘ passion for people and fashion, but also for business and trading, is at the heart of all their events. And where better to combine all this than in the power metropolis of Frankfurt am Main.

  • HIGHER, FASTER, FURTHER ! During the first physical Frankfurt Fashion Week in January 2022, PREMIUM GROUP will show more novelties than ever.

The anticipation is rising! With the actual move to Frankfurt in January 2022, Anita Tillmann, Jörg Arntz and the teams will not only present further developed versions of the PREMIUM and SEEK fashion fairs, but will also celebrate a major B2C festival for the first time with THE GROUND.

More than ever, the Berliners‘ passion for people and fashion, but also for business and trading, is at the heart of all their events. And where better to combine all this than in the power metropolis of Frankfurt am Main.

„No city in Germany - no city in Europe - stands for business relevance and trading power as much as Frankfurt am Main,“ explains Tillmann. „We now have a unique opportunity to actively shape the future together. PREMIUM GROUP provides the industry with the platform, the brands with the creative content. In addition, we do what we do best, introduce the right players to each other and connect them. We bring together the movers and shakers who have the same drive as we do. With this new mix of location, entertainment, creative industry and trading focus, we are creating a unique momentum after the pandemic - January is when the big deals are made and the c ourse is set for the future.“

To achieve this goal, the PREMIUM GROUP teams have also given the proven successful formats PREMIUM and SEEK a new coat of paint. More space, new areas and shorter distances provide visitors with a completely new trade event experience. Trends, brands and events can be discovered together with new and well-known partners - for the first time all in one place!

And PREMIUM, which is already entering its 19th year in January, is also showing a new side in Frankfurt. Instead of being spread out like in Station-Berlin, in Frankfurt all brands show their collections in one big hall. „We are so excited to finally unite all exhibitors in one hall. This way we create a universe with many different worlds - colorful and exciting,“ says Wiebus. „We are in close exchange with all the protagonists throughout the year and continue to develop the concepts together. The entire industry is positive about coming together in Frankfurt. Everyone is keen to experience and create something completely new! We offer the framework for this - that is our strength.“

And the Berliners have another surprise in store for the Frankfurt debut: With THE GROUND, they are organizing a large fashion festival for young end consumers for the first time. Responsible for the event concept, in addition to Tillmann, Arntz and the PREMIUM GROUP- team, is B2C expert Kai Zollhöfer, who already made the Bread & Butter by Zalando a crowd puller. “THE GROUND is a B2C festival aimed at a young, purpose-driven generation. This new generation has a strong stance on current social and environmental challenges and expects brands to reflect them. The overriding themes at THE GROUND are therefore sustainability, diversity and equality”, said Zollhöfer.

The 3-day event offers brands the opportunity to interactively exhibit purpose-driven stories and products. In addition to the thematic focus on fashion, brands from the fields of wellbeing, beauty, mobility and technology will also present innovative products and solutions.

Bemberg™ shows up at the 100th edition of Pitti Uomo with Istituto Secoli “LA FORMA” fashion film (c) Bemberg™
Bijay Polotti

Bemberg™ shows up at the 100th edition of Pitti Uomo with Istituto Secoli “LA FORMA” fashion film

“LA FORMA”, a fashion film led by talented students from Istituto Secoli supported by exceptional companies such as Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei who confirms once more its commitment toward education and valuable long-lasting relationship with Istituto Secoli.

From June 30th until July 2nd 2021, Pitti Uomo  returns physical and Bemberg™ shows up with 6 menswear outfits belonging to the cutting-edge collections created by young talents of Istituto Secoli.

100% Bemberg™ fabrics, produced by Tessitura Grisotto, has been used in printed version for the creation of these 6 looks comprising of shirts, padded outerwear, and quilted parts. Bemberg™ is a fiber that comes from the smart and technologically advanced transformation of cotton linter materials and converted through a traceable and transparent process. Its uniqueness comes from its exceptional qualitative characteristics such as the magnificent touch - which is soft and smooth as silk, like a second skin - brilliance and radiance. Bemberg™ also has antistatic and breathable performances and the fiber is biodegradable and compostable too.

“LA FORMA”, a fashion film led by talented students from Istituto Secoli supported by exceptional companies such as Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei who confirms once more its commitment toward education and valuable long-lasting relationship with Istituto Secoli.

From June 30th until July 2nd 2021, Pitti Uomo  returns physical and Bemberg™ shows up with 6 menswear outfits belonging to the cutting-edge collections created by young talents of Istituto Secoli.

100% Bemberg™ fabrics, produced by Tessitura Grisotto, has been used in printed version for the creation of these 6 looks comprising of shirts, padded outerwear, and quilted parts. Bemberg™ is a fiber that comes from the smart and technologically advanced transformation of cotton linter materials and converted through a traceable and transparent process. Its uniqueness comes from its exceptional qualitative characteristics such as the magnificent touch - which is soft and smooth as silk, like a second skin - brilliance and radiance. Bemberg™ also has antistatic and breathable performances and the fiber is biodegradable and compostable too.

Collaboration with fashion institute, such as Istituto Secoli, for Bemberg™ it is very important, especially in the name of the close and interconnected relationship between education and the world of Industry.  A support that is also important and continuous for Asahi Kasei as part of an intense commitment toward new generations.


ISKO contributes to new IFM-Kering fashion course.

The world’s leading denim ingredient brand is proud to announce it has contributed its considerable denim expertise to prestigious fashion school, Institut Français de la Mode’s (IFM) new online course, Fashion Sustainability: Shaping Fashion’s Future.

Developed as part of a partnership with IFM and Kering luxury group and led by Andrée-Anne Lemieux, Sustainability Professor and Head of the IFM-Kering Sustainability Chair, the 10-week course will examine the importance of sustainability in fashion and invites students and experienced fashion professionals to learn how they can play a role in shaping a sustainable future for fashion.

The world’s leading denim ingredient brand is proud to announce it has contributed its considerable denim expertise to prestigious fashion school, Institut Français de la Mode’s (IFM) new online course, Fashion Sustainability: Shaping Fashion’s Future.

Developed as part of a partnership with IFM and Kering luxury group and led by Andrée-Anne Lemieux, Sustainability Professor and Head of the IFM-Kering Sustainability Chair, the 10-week course will examine the importance of sustainability in fashion and invites students and experienced fashion professionals to learn how they can play a role in shaping a sustainable future for fashion.

Launched on 17 May, the course covers the history and values of sustainable development and how this relates to the fashion industry, as well as teaches the practicalities of creating and executing a CSR and sustainability strategy. As part of the course, ISKO has created a video presentation which gives an insight into its Responsible Innovation™ strategy and how it approaches its role as a leader in sustainability for denim production. Led by ISKO’s Global Field Marketing Manager, Elena Faleschini, the presentation explores how innovation along with the cooperation and participation of everyone in the denim industry can help make the production of denim more responsible.

“The Fashion Sustainability course gives students and industry professionals the knowledge and tools to become the change makers we need in the industry. We are honored to contribute to the course and be able to share our vast experience working to build a more sustainability industry for the future,” says Faleschini.


Menabò Group

Digitaler Kick-Off für die Frankfurt Fashion Week – das FFW STUDIO (c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Digitaler Kick-Off für die Frankfurt Fashion Week – das FFW STUDIO

Zukunftsrelevant auf allen Kanälen: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 das digitale Portal FFW STUDIO und kooperiert dafür mit namhaften Partnerinnen und Partnern aus Mode, Politik, Handel und Medien.

Wenn am 5. Juli 2021 die Frankfurt Fashion Week startet, dann heißt es: online gehen. Mit Future Talks, Deep Dives, Brand Experiences, Entertainment und zahlreichen weiteren Elementen wird das FFW STUDIO zur ersten Anlaufstelle für Design Enthusiast*innen und Vordenker*innen der Mode. Das FFW STUDIO ist das digitale Zentrum der Frankfurt Fashion Week und das Kernelement des digitalen Auftakts im kommenden Juli. Auf einzigartige Weise vereint es die führenden deutschen Modemessen auf einer Plattform und lässt diese mit Live-Konferenzen, Brand Experiences und City Events zu einem ganzheitlichen Ecosystem verschmelzen. Zunächst pandemiebedingt ausschließlich online, zukünftig hybrid.

Zukunftsrelevant auf allen Kanälen: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 das digitale Portal FFW STUDIO und kooperiert dafür mit namhaften Partnerinnen und Partnern aus Mode, Politik, Handel und Medien.

Wenn am 5. Juli 2021 die Frankfurt Fashion Week startet, dann heißt es: online gehen. Mit Future Talks, Deep Dives, Brand Experiences, Entertainment und zahlreichen weiteren Elementen wird das FFW STUDIO zur ersten Anlaufstelle für Design Enthusiast*innen und Vordenker*innen der Mode. Das FFW STUDIO ist das digitale Zentrum der Frankfurt Fashion Week und das Kernelement des digitalen Auftakts im kommenden Juli. Auf einzigartige Weise vereint es die führenden deutschen Modemessen auf einer Plattform und lässt diese mit Live-Konferenzen, Brand Experiences und City Events zu einem ganzheitlichen Ecosystem verschmelzen. Zunächst pandemiebedingt ausschließlich online, zukünftig hybrid.

Auf wird man sich auf der Plattform vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 sein individuelles Programm zusammenstellen können. Zukunftsrelevant – so lautet der die Inhalte vereinende Anspruch. Sämtliche Programmpunkte thematisieren die Leitmotive der Frankfurt Fashion Week: Sustainability und Digitisation. Ob für Modeexpert*innen, Designer*innen, Einkäufer*innen, Journalist*innen oder Endkonsument*innen – das FFW STUDIO bietet Informationen, Orientierung, Inspiration, Unterhaltung und kombiniert dies mit einer ganzheitlichen und zeitgemäßen User Experience.

Starke Partnerschafen für eine professionelle und progressive Kuratierung

Für die professionelle und progressive Kuratierung der FFW STUDIO Inhalte haben die Initiierenden der Frankfurt Fashion Week – Messe Frankfurt und Premium Group – CNX, die globale Kreativberatung von Condé Nast, an Bord geholt. Die Frankfurt Fashion Week ist die Plattform für internationale Fashion Player, die die Ästhetik und Werte der Branche neu definiert und dadurch deren kreative Führung beansprucht. Sie verbindet Kultur, Community, Industrie und Handel und schafft Momente der Überraschung. Im Sommer 2021 zunächst durch das zukunftsorientierte Digitalformat FFW STUDIO – für eine nachhaltigere, kreativere, digitalere und wertvollere Fashionbranche. Die Plattform strahlt Präsentationen aus – virtuelle und IRL – Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen und dient als Raum und Ort, an dem sich kreative Köpfe und ökonomische Interessen treffen. Denn nur durch kontinuierlichen Dialog kann sich die Kreativwirtschaft weiterentwickeln. Gemeinsam nähern sie sich den bestimmenden Themen unserer Zeit und der Mode- und Textilbranche im FFW STUDIO – wobei dieses das gesamte Ecosystem der Frankfurt Fashion Week abbilden.

Neonyt Sommer 2021 / Frankfurt Fashion Week on-Demand (c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Neonyt Sommer 2021 / Frankfurt Fashion Week on-Demand

  • Digitale Sommersaison: Neonyt sorgt für Nachhaltigkeit im Streamingprogramm des Frankfurt Fashion Week Studios

Messen, Events und Runways stehen auf hold, digitale Formate halten uns weiter up-to-date – die anhaltend schwierige gesundheitliche Lage sowie die aktuellen Beschlüsse seitens der Bundesregierung hinsichtlich Covid-19 machen den physischen Kick-Off der Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 unmöglich. Damit ist auch klar: Es wird diesen Sommer kein Face-to-face für die Neonyt-Community geben. Das neue FFW Studio wird derweil zum digitalen Meeting-Point für alle Fashion-Professionals.

Eine weitere Saison ohne persönliche Begegnungen, Handshake-Deals und ausgelassene Stimmung nach einem erfolgreichen Messetag: Die Sustainable Fashion-Szene muss auch im Sommer 2021 auf eine physische Neonyt verzichten. Aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation und der bundeseinheitlichen Corona-Notbremse findet die neue Frankfurt Fashion Week ausschließlich digital statt – dafür lancieren die Initiatoren, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW Studio.

  • Digitale Sommersaison: Neonyt sorgt für Nachhaltigkeit im Streamingprogramm des Frankfurt Fashion Week Studios

Messen, Events und Runways stehen auf hold, digitale Formate halten uns weiter up-to-date – die anhaltend schwierige gesundheitliche Lage sowie die aktuellen Beschlüsse seitens der Bundesregierung hinsichtlich Covid-19 machen den physischen Kick-Off der Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 unmöglich. Damit ist auch klar: Es wird diesen Sommer kein Face-to-face für die Neonyt-Community geben. Das neue FFW Studio wird derweil zum digitalen Meeting-Point für alle Fashion-Professionals.

Eine weitere Saison ohne persönliche Begegnungen, Handshake-Deals und ausgelassene Stimmung nach einem erfolgreichen Messetag: Die Sustainable Fashion-Szene muss auch im Sommer 2021 auf eine physische Neonyt verzichten. Aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation und der bundeseinheitlichen Corona-Notbremse findet die neue Frankfurt Fashion Week ausschließlich digital statt – dafür lancieren die Initiatoren, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW Studio.

 „Ein spektakuläres Mega-Event, wie die Frankfurt Fashion Week eines ist, verdient einen ebenso spektakulären Kick-Off“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies, Messe Frankfurt. „Dieser ist uns für Sommer 2021 leider noch nicht vergönnt – davon lässt sich das Team hinter der Frankfurt Fashion Week jedoch nicht unterkriegen. Mit Hochdruck wird an digitalen Komponenten gearbeitet, die das Fashion Week-Feeling überall dorthin bringen, wo sich die Community zu dem Zeitpunkt gerade befindet. Live und on-Demand: Das neue FFW Studio bietet die Möglichkeit, die internationale Fashion-Szene trotz Kontaktbeschränkungen an einem Ort zusammenzubringen und die Textilexpertise unserer Community in die ganze Welt zu streamen.“

 „Stell dir vor, es ist Fashion Week und keiner geht hin – diese Worte habe ich Ende 2020 gehört, als wir bereits zum zweiten Mal eine physische Neonyt absagen mussten“, sagt Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director Neonyt. „Damals waren sie wohl eher zur Aufmunterung über die erneute Absage gedacht, heute messe ich ihnen wesentlich mehr Gewicht bei. Nach gut eineinhalb Jahren Veranstaltungsstopp und Zwangspause waren wir alle – das Team und vor allem unsere Cross Sector-Community – mehr als bereit für den großen Auftakt in Frankfurt am Main. Das hat nicht zuletzt der sehr gute Anmeldestand unserer Brands für Sommer 2021 gezeigt. Letztlich geht jedoch die Gesundheit aller vor und daher freuen wir uns auf die digitale Ausgabe der Frankfurt Fashion Week, das FFW Studio, und darauf, den Sustainability-Content und die Expertise unserer Brands und Speaker*innen im Programm zu platzieren.“

Das FFW Studio geht im Juli auf der Frankfurt Fashion Week-Website live und wird der zentrale Anlaufpunkt für alle Textil- und Modeprofis, Kreativen, Labels und Fashion Week-Neulinge. Per Livestream wird das internationale Publikum vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 über verschiedene Channels das Neueste aus der Fashion-Welt erfahren. Für professionell kuratierten Input und Business-Insights aus der Textil- und Modebranche ist gesorgt. Ganz oben auf der Agenda: die Leitmotive der Frankfurt Fashion Week, Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung. Im Anschluss an den fünftägigen Livestream werden alle Talks, Master Classes, Keynotes und Präsentationen on-Demand zur Verfügung stehen.

 Die digitale Interimssaison lässt die Vision der neuen interdisziplinären Frankfurt Fashion Week Realität werden und verspricht allen Stakeholder*innen Einblicke in zukunftsrelevante Themenbereiche der internationalen Textil- und Modebranche. Das Programm wird gemeinsam mit Partner*innen aus Politik, Handel, Industrie und Medien entwickelt – Future Talks und Deep Dives in die Fashion-Welt werden ergänzt durch die beiden Leit-Konferenzen, der Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit sowie die EU New Bauhaus Konferenz, die beide erstmals im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week ausgerichtet werden. Über drei volle Tage hinweg, vom 6. bis 8. Juli, liefert zudem die internationale Neonyt-Konferenz Fashionsustain Impulse und Know-How aus der nachhaltigen Modeszene.


Partners: AFRY engineering and Renewcell

  • AFRY engineering partner when Renewcell expands operations to lead the fashion industry into a sustainable and circular future

Renewcell has awarded AFRY an engineering assignment for their recycled textile materials production expansion at SCA's Ortviken paper mill in Sundsvall, Sweden. The assignment includes project and construction management services, process, mechanical and piping engineering, electrical, automation and instrumentation engineering, fire and HVAC design, as well as civil design. The project is a continuation of AFRY's previous feasibility studies.

The trend in textiles and design requires sustainable fashion. Customers require fashion companies to reduce their environmental impact through new technologies and innovations for the circular economy. One important element is recycling of textile fibers that is a path towards a more sustainable fashion.

  • AFRY engineering partner when Renewcell expands operations to lead the fashion industry into a sustainable and circular future

Renewcell has awarded AFRY an engineering assignment for their recycled textile materials production expansion at SCA's Ortviken paper mill in Sundsvall, Sweden. The assignment includes project and construction management services, process, mechanical and piping engineering, electrical, automation and instrumentation engineering, fire and HVAC design, as well as civil design. The project is a continuation of AFRY's previous feasibility studies.

The trend in textiles and design requires sustainable fashion. Customers require fashion companies to reduce their environmental impact through new technologies and innovations for the circular economy. One important element is recycling of textile fibers that is a path towards a more sustainable fashion.

Renewcell is a multi-award-winning textile recycling company based in Sweden. The company’s vision is to inspire an Industrial Evolution towards a sustainable world by producing high quality materials from recycled textiles. “There is a way to put fashion first without putting the environment in second place” – Renewcell describes their business concept. With their technology, the company has succeeded in recycling and regenerating textile fiber from old clothes to turn into new clothes. For example, H&M, a partner of Renewcell, has launched a garment that is half made with Renewcell’s fabric.

Today, Renewcell has a demo plant in Kristinehamn, Sweden, with the possibility to recycle over 4,500 tons of textiles each year. The company has now signed a major agreement with one of the world's largest producers of viscose fiber. With that as a basis, together with a well-proven process and technology, they are now building a full-scale production plant in Sundsvall, Sweden. When the new plant is ready for production, it will have the capacity to recycle 60,000 tons of textile waste annually, which is just over half of Sweden's annual textile consumption. The new plant is expected to be commissioned in 2022.

“We are pleased to continue the partnership with AFRY, which began with the feasibility study they delivered in 2020. With AFRY, we feel secure in having a partner with both world-leading expertise and the ability to deliver projects on time and within budget. Together, we lead the fashion industry into a sustainable and circular future,” says Christer Johansson, Project Director at Renewcell.

“We are extremely proud to be part of Renewcell’s investment. We are excited to contribute in this transition towards more sustainable solutions for the future and look forward to continue this journey together with Renewcell,” says Ulf Strenger, Business Unit Manager at AFRY.



„Neonyt on Air“: Gemeinsam die Zukunft der Mode nachhaltig gestalten (c)Neonyt

„Neonyt on Air“: Gemeinsam die Zukunft der Mode nachhaltig gestalten

  • Wie das geht, zeigt die Neonyt-Community

Das staatliche Textilsiegel „Grüner Knopf“ vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, der deutsche Fair Fashion-Pionier Hessnatur und die Oeko-Tex Association, Partner für Zertifizierungssysteme, sind „Presenting Partner“ des digitalen Community-Formats „Neonyt on Air“. Vom 18. bis 22. Januar 2021 diskutieren diese und zahlreiche weitere Speaker der nachhaltigen Modeszene über eine transparente textile Wertschöpfungskette und alles, was dazu gehört: Circularity, Accountability, Green Financing, Sustainable Sourcing und Blockchain Solutions.

  • Wie das geht, zeigt die Neonyt-Community

Das staatliche Textilsiegel „Grüner Knopf“ vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, der deutsche Fair Fashion-Pionier Hessnatur und die Oeko-Tex Association, Partner für Zertifizierungssysteme, sind „Presenting Partner“ des digitalen Community-Formats „Neonyt on Air“. Vom 18. bis 22. Januar 2021 diskutieren diese und zahlreiche weitere Speaker der nachhaltigen Modeszene über eine transparente textile Wertschöpfungskette und alles, was dazu gehört: Circularity, Accountability, Green Financing, Sustainable Sourcing und Blockchain Solutions.

Regelmäßig bringt die Textil- und Modebranche neue, smarte Ansätze und Lösungen in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit hervor – die Corona-Krise hat das Bewusstsein dafür im vergangenen Jahr vielfach gestärkt, aber auch Lücken aufgezeigt, die es noch zu schließen gilt: von transparenten Lieferketten über solidarisches Wirtschaften bis hin zu grünen Investment- und Finanzierungsstrategien. Das alles sind Themen, die die Neonyt-Community stetig weiterentwickelt oder gänzlich neu denkt. „Neue Konzepte und progressive Entwicklungen brauchen einen Raum für Diskussion und Austausch, das richtige Publikum und einen frischen Blick von außen“, sagt Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director Neonyt. „Etwas, das wir immer wieder schaffen, zu vereinen – im Januar nun eben erneut digital: Während der Planungen zu „Neonyt on Air“ war zu spüren, wie wichtig Wissenstransfer für die Zukunft der Mode ist und dass wir gemeinsam dafür verantwortlich sind, diesen zu generieren.“ Allen voran der Grüne Knopf, Hessnatur und Oeko-Tex, die sich im Januar als „Presenting Partner“ der „Neonyt on Air“ neben vielen weiteren Speakern mit Branchenthemen und Industry-Insights in Interviews, Keynotes und Panel-Talks einbringen.

„Die Neonyt ist eine starke Plattform und wir freuen uns sehr, dass unsere Partnerschaft auch in digitalen Zeiten aktiv ist“, sagt Andrea Sibylle Ebinger, CEO von Hessnatur. Nach einem Welcome aus den eigenen Reihen der Neonyt wird sie sich in einer Keynote zum Auftakt der digitalen Woche am Montag, 18. Januar 2021, an die Nachhaltigkeits-Community richten: „Wir haben mit Blick auf unser aller Zukunft keine Zeit zu verlieren. Nur gemeinsam können wir jetzt dafür sorgen, dass ökologischer Umgang mit der Natur und fairer Umgang mit den Menschen nicht die Ausnahme, sondern die Regel werden. Mit der „Neonyt on Air“ bleiben wir im Austausch und treiben unser gemeinsames Anliegen für ein besseres Morgen weiter voran.“

Stichwort gemeinsam: Zusammenhalt untereinander und Solidarität miteinander nehmen einen enormen Stellenwert in der nachhaltigen Modeszene ein und die Corona-Krise hat erneut gezeigt, dass Deglobalisierung der falsche Weg ist. Nach einer ersten Schockwelle und einer Phase der Neuorientierung wurde die Krise für viele Unternehmen und Initiativen zur Chance, wirkliche Veränderungen voranzutreiben, bisheriges Denken und Wirtschaften neu auszurichten, in lokale sowie internationale Partnerschaften zu investieren und globalvernetzte Beziehungen zu intensivieren: „Die langjährige Partnerschaft von Neonyt und Oeko-Tex ist auf einer gemeinsamen Vision aufgebaut: Die Textilbranche auf ihrem Weg in eine nachhaltigere Zukunft zu unterstützen und positive Diskussionen anzustoßen“, sagt Georg Dieners, General Sekretär Oeko-Tex. „Gerade in diesen schwierigen Zeiten möchten wir die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung noch stärker sichtbar machen und in den Fokus der Diskussion rücken. Deshalb freuen wir uns, im Januar 2021 ein Teil der „Neonyt on Air“ zu sein und unsere langjährige Zusammenarbeit fortzusetzen.“ In einem Panel-Talk „presented by“ Oeko-Tex werden sich Annika Sauerhöfer (Produktmanagerin für „Made in Green“ by Oeko- Tex), Mirjam Smend (Greenstyle) und Andreas Bothe (Head of CSR & Sustainable Management von Bay City) über Transparenz in textilen Lieferketten austauschen und eine Brücke zu den Sustainable Development Goals der United Nations schlagen. Transparenz und Accountability sind auch in der Politik wichtige Themen – genauer beim Grünen Knopf, dem Textilsiegel vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ). Anosha Wahidi, Referatsleiterin im BMZ, wird sich am zweiten Tag von „Neonyt on Air“ mit Max Gilgenmann, Content Director Neonyt, über die Zukunft und die Weiterentwicklung des Textilsiegels unterhalten, aber auch erklären, was den Ausschlag gab für das Ministerium, ein eigenes Zertifikat zur Corporate Social Responsibility zu konzipieren und 2019 zu launchen.

Die Neonyt-Community darf außerdem unter anderem gespannt sein auf eine Keynote der Kering Group, ein Live-Interview mit Timberland sowie ein Panel-Talk der Maleki Corporate Group zum Thema „Sustainable Fashion – the long financial thread of Sustainability“ mit Dr. Sabine Schlorke (Global Head Manufacturing der IFC World Bank Group), Christian Heller (CEO von Value Balancing Alliance e.V.) und Hans- Jürgen Walter (Global Leader Sustainable Finance bei Deloitte). Weitere Insights gibt es außerdem zu den Themenclustern Zertifizierung, Sourcing und Digitalisierung mit Speakern von Fairtrade und dem Umweltbundesamt, von Foursource, der größten B2B Sourcing-Plattform und von dem internationalen IT-Konzern IBM.

„Neonyt on Air“ findet vom 18. bis 22. Januar 2021 auf den Social Media-Kanälen der Neonyt statt. Für die Teilnahme an der „Neonyt on Air“ ist keine Registrierung erforderlich. Das vollständige Programm ist in Kürze über die Website einsehbar und auf dem Instagram- Kanal verfügbar.

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion © Lottermann and Fuentes
Anita Tillmann and Detlef Braun

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.
Frankfurt am Main, 2 December 2020. Joining forces to improve the fashion industry: Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself as the host of the future of fashion and actively driving forward the transformation towards a future-oriented, more sustainable fashion and textile industry. All decision-makers looking to instigate this change will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021. The initiators of Frankfurt Fashion Week – Messe Frankfurt and the Premium Group – have achieved a real coup: Conscious Fashion Campaign, working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, will be the presenting partner. Messe Frankfurt will build on its collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships and establish Frankfurt Fashion week as the platform on which to advance the Sustainable Development Goals and help guide the fashion industry into the 'Decade of Action'.
“Frankfurt will play host to the whole world. We are seeing a very positive response indeed,” confirmed Peter Feldmann, Senior Mayor of the City of Frankfurt am Main, at today’s digital press conference, before going on to say: “The fact that the initiators are able to rethink the concept of a Fashion Week in such a way is extremely impressive and proves that the fashion industry is correctly interpreting the signs of the present and future. The time has come for value creation and values to be reconciled. Consistent alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals is an important step in this direction.”
“Frankfurt Fashion Week aims to play a crucial role in finding solutions for macrosocial challenges and supporting the goals of international politics such as the European Green Deal. The fashion and textile industries are also expected to be climate-neutral by 2050. If we want to achieve this, we all need to pull together. Frankfurt Fashion Week is inviting all initiators and supporters of sustainable concepts and congresses or shows dedicated to sustainability to meet in Frankfurt, partake in discussions and make tangible decisions for the greater good. We will connect the most relevant players and pave the way for a future-proof fashion and textile industry,” says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt.
“Given its global reach, the fashion industry is uniquely positioned to collaborate and engage on the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular on climate action and responsible production and consumption,” said Annemarie Hou, Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships. “Frankfurt Fashion Week and the Summit will serve as an important platform for education and engagement of the fashion and textile industry in the Decade of Action,” emphasised Ms Hou.
The aim of Frankfurt Fashion Week is for all exhibitors, participants and partners to align with the Sustainable Development Goals by 2023. The SDGs will also be incorporated into all formats of Frankfurt Fashion Week. This will help to make the UN’s sustainability goals visible and tangible for the Fashion Week audience, therefore bringing its claim, goals and specific proposals for implementation to an international opinion-forming fashion and lifestyle community. During a one-day Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by Conscious Fashion Campaign, topics like gender equality, clean water, climate protection, social justice and their significance for a forward-looking fashion industry will be examined in greater depth. Another point on the sustainability agenda: Frankfurt Fashion Week is launching a Sustainability Award for outstanding, innovative, sustainable design, alongside other categories with a global appeal for the fashion and textile industry.
"We are committed to setting the wheels of transformation in motion. Not only does the overall mindset have to fundamentally change; the entire industry also needs to have the courage to be transparent and honest. It’s important to see values and value creation as opportunities rather than contentious. We are doing what we do best: connecting the relevant players at all levels. With its ecosystem, Frankfurt Fashion Week will become the enabler. We are creating a platform that will orchestrate industry-wide change. With this as our inspiration, we are also developing our tradeshow formats from a ‘marketplace of products’ to a ‘marketplace of purpose and ideas’,” explains Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the Premium Group.
A new start in Frankfurt: In summer 2021 the entire fashion industry will be coming to the metropolis on the Main river to inform themselves, be inspired, discuss, negotiate and celebrate. “There’s a huge need to finally meet in person again, to exchange ideas and be inspired. At the same time, digital tools and formats have become an integral part of the fashion industry,” says Markus Frank, Head of the City of Frankfurt’s Department of Economic Affairs and therefore also responsible for its creative industry. “To implement such a future-oriented, all-encompassing overall concept, Frankfurt’s business and creative scenes offer an almost unique concentration of different expertise with its internationally networked agencies, universities and museums. The city’s multifaceted, high-end club, bar and restaurant scene, diverse hotel industry and internationally renowned retail landscape will become the stage for this. This network will be a key factor in the successful implementation of Frankfurt Fashion Week and the way in which it will expand into the public space as a cultural and social happening.”
A number of major publishing houses are also showing their commitment to the new Fashion Week in Frankfurt with conferences, events and awards: Textilwirtschaft, the leading professional fashion journal by the Deutscher Fachverlag publishing house, is moving its traditional meeting of the industry’s top decision-makers – the TW Forum, the presentation of the renowned Forum Award, as well as its subsequent conference – from Heidelberg to Frankfurt’s Palmengarten botanical gardens, and will therefore be kicking off Frankfurt Fashion Week on Sunday evening and Monday morning. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung will be hosting its traditional fashion party for the first time in Frankfurt and publishing a special edition of its FAZ Magazin on Frankfurt Fashion Week. And the ZEIT publishing group is holding its ‘UNLOCK Style by ZEITmagazin’ conference, which was established in 2014, and the ZEITmagazin Fashion Week party in Frankfurt for the first time and will dedicate the whole new issue of ZEITmagazin Frankfurt to Frankfurt Fashion Week. Condé Nast will also be involved in next summer’s Frankfurt Fashion Week with an exclusive event by GQ. And the Burda publishing house will also be represented with various event formats from its lifestyle and fashion brands.There will also be talks with SHINE  Conventions, the organiser of GLOW, about what a mutual collaboration could look like.
Frankfurt Fashion Week is also delighted to have the Fashion Council Germany (FCG) on board.  The FCG is theinstitution when it comes to German fashion design. It promotes designers, is committed to gaining more political relevance and strengthens the international visibility and awareness of German fashion. At Frankfurt Fashion Week, the FCG will contribute selected formats, such as its already established Fireside Chat, and a future-oriented accelerator format to support German designers.
“What really impresses me about Fashion Week is the whole networking aspect: the creative industries will meet the financial world and sustainability is the common denominator. The Green Finance Cluster is another project that we could link with Frankfurt Fashion Week in the future. This will provide new inspiration in the fashion industry, which will certainly extend way beyond its own horizon of Frankfurt and Hesse. After a very difficult year for the trade fair industry, the concept is an encouraging breath of fresh air,” sums up Tarek Al-Wazir, Hesse’s Minister of Economics, Energy, Transport and Regional Development and Deputy Minister-President of the state of Hessen.

A collection reborn: Light on the Land 2.0 is out! (c) ISKO
Light on the Land 2.0

A collection reborn: Light on the Land 2.0 is out!

  • Miles Johnson and ISKO’s Creative Room present the new responsible collection.

The second edition of this partnership tells the story of a unique combination of creativity and expertise brought to the table by ISKO’s style and design center, Creative Room Italy, and the innovative designer Miles Johnson, resulting in a collection featuring responsible R-TWO™ fabrics and a selection of sustainable accessories and details.

An act of care for the planet and its people, Light on the Land 2.0 is the new capsule designed by Miles Johnson and ISKO. Former Design Director at Levi Strauss & Co. and Senior Creative Director of Product Design and Development at Patagonia, Inc., Miles joined forces with Creative Room and Iskoteca, ISKO’s Italian style and washing research hubs, to develop a collection that brings responsibility in the fashion industry to the next level.

  • Miles Johnson and ISKO’s Creative Room present the new responsible collection.

The second edition of this partnership tells the story of a unique combination of creativity and expertise brought to the table by ISKO’s style and design center, Creative Room Italy, and the innovative designer Miles Johnson, resulting in a collection featuring responsible R-TWO™ fabrics and a selection of sustainable accessories and details.

An act of care for the planet and its people, Light on the Land 2.0 is the new capsule designed by Miles Johnson and ISKO. Former Design Director at Levi Strauss & Co. and Senior Creative Director of Product Design and Development at Patagonia, Inc., Miles joined forces with Creative Room and Iskoteca, ISKO’s Italian style and washing research hubs, to develop a collection that brings responsibility in the fashion industry to the next level.

The project includes 32 unique pieces, each of them realized with seasonless designs and sustainably-minded details. All the fabrics used in the collection were carefully selected from ISKO’s R-TWO™ platform. Using a mixture of reused cotton and recycled fibers, the technique embeds material circularity into the production processes, designing waste out of the system and minimizing impact at scale. Certified to Textile Exchange environmental credentials according to the percentage of materials contained, R-TWO™ ensures better use of raw materials and resource efficiency. ISKO’s Environmental Product Declarations (EPD®s), available for all its +25,000 products, offer a unique opportunity to measure the impact of R-TWO™’s savings in the Lifecycle Assessments (LCAs) framework, where resource savings can be seen in carbon impact, water-use reductions and many other impact KPIs.

Light on the Land 2.0 incorporates responsible design principles such as Cadica’s new and innovative trims, made of vegan apple “leather”, and has been developed using ecoconscious finishing techniques. The collection also features many additional sustainable facets such as efficient low-waste pattern cutting and design, efficient sewing methods, removeable rivets for end-of-life and biodegradable thread which can be removed at high heats.

“When we first started working on this project, we knew it was going to be amazing,” explained Massimo Munari, Manager and Art director Creative Room, ISKO. “To design a collection like this, you need to begin with the right mindset and of course, the right materials. R-TWO was the perfect ingredient, thanks to the re-used and re-cycled content. We then aimed to minimize impact at all stages: incorporating sustainable design ideas, washing processes and trims. We are proud to have created such an inspiring, and sustainable collection, and to bring our collective vision to light.”

Due to the unprecedented challenges of this time, the collection was entirely developed through remote working and creative solutions to ensure the safety and health of all parties involved. To this end, everyone was kept safe thanks to ISKO Vital™+ reusable and eco-friendly face covers, created with organic cotton to cater for comfort and sustainability.

Bemberg™: Nilufer Bracco launches niLuu collection (c) Bemberg™
Women’s Sand kimono, matching sleep mask and pillowcase made of Bemberg™

Bemberg™: Nilufer Bracco launches niLuu collection

  • The stunning niLuu collection by former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco features smart Bemberg™ fabrics by Ipeker
  • Wonderful kimonos for women and men, sleep and face masks are the key pieces of the PETA certified and cruelty-free collection, 100% Bemberg™ and vegan

Former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco recently launched niLuu, a PETA approved cruelty-free loungewear brand using 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei that combines the iconic elegance of traditional silk with a socially and environmentally ethical production process.

  • The stunning niLuu collection by former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco features smart Bemberg™ fabrics by Ipeker
  • Wonderful kimonos for women and men, sleep and face masks are the key pieces of the PETA certified and cruelty-free collection, 100% Bemberg™ and vegan

Former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco recently launched niLuu, a PETA approved cruelty-free loungewear brand using 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei that combines the iconic elegance of traditional silk with a socially and environmentally ethical production process.

Bemberg™ is a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters bio-utility materials that are converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process; the Bemberg™ Ipeker Textile  fabric’s uniqueness comes from the exceptional quality characteristics achieved in design. The end result is a luxurious fabric so soft and smooth that it is almost like a second skin, breathes like cotton, drapes beautifully like silk, and reflects the cultural tradition of luxury textiles from founder Nilufer Bracco’s native country, Turkey. The first collection released by Miami based niLuu features premium quality kimono robes, sleep masks, face masks, and pillowcases that are available in a variety of deep and vibrant colors, and with a soft-brushed finish typical of premium sand-washed silk.

Designed to not only feel and look amazing but the entire niLuu collection is sustainable, biodegradable and 100% vegan.  Ipeker Textile, one of the major Bemberg™ fabric producers in Europe, proudly holds the title as the first vegan fabric producer in the world, receiving Vegan V-Label certificate on around 150 different products that adhere to the guidelines of the European Vegetarian Label, most of them developed with Bemberg™ yarn.

niLuu’s innovative Bemberg™ collection is hypoallergenic, antistatic, easy to care for, and it is also known to have several benefits for the skin. The breathability of the fabric helps to maintain body temperature; excellent moisture control means the fabric doesn’t dry out the skin or hair in the ways that cotton would and minimal friction against the skin means it is also known to have anti-aging benefits.  Speaking of niLuu’s high-quality Bemberg™ fabric, Founder, Nilufer Bracco adds, “Our innovative Bemberg™ vegan silk delivers the best of both worlds. Not only does our luxury fabric feel amazing when you use it, but you can also feel good knowing that it caused minimum harm to the planet when it was produced and that it will leave only the slightest trace when it reaches the end of its lifecycle.”

The luxury textiles brand has also shown its commitment to responsible practices, by partnering with 1% for the Planet pledging to donate 1% of their annual revenue to environmental organizations that work hard to protect our planet.

Meet the new FW 21-22 Riri Group collection (c) Riri Group
Over Shock

Meet the new FW 21-22 Riri Group collection

  • Technology, creativity and sustainability
  • Recycled materials, bright colours, eclectic shapes: excellence is in the details, and the new creations by the Italian-Swiss group have plenty to say.

Mendrisio – Looking at the new Fall-Winter 2021-2022 collection of the Riri Group, it almost seems as if the difficult months to which the pandemic has forced the whole world, have been another new – though unwanted – challenge for the Italian-Swiss company. A testbed that sparked the mind and lit the fire of creativity. Therefore, today, the brand ingredient which for over 80 years has embellished the
garments designed by major fashion system brands with top-quality zips and buttons, also introduces a wide range of heterogeneous creations, intended to cover different aesthetic and functional requirements on the market.

This collection has been divided into three macro-topics; it is a new chapter in the history of the Group.

  • Technology, creativity and sustainability
  • Recycled materials, bright colours, eclectic shapes: excellence is in the details, and the new creations by the Italian-Swiss group have plenty to say.

Mendrisio – Looking at the new Fall-Winter 2021-2022 collection of the Riri Group, it almost seems as if the difficult months to which the pandemic has forced the whole world, have been another new – though unwanted – challenge for the Italian-Swiss company. A testbed that sparked the mind and lit the fire of creativity. Therefore, today, the brand ingredient which for over 80 years has embellished the
garments designed by major fashion system brands with top-quality zips and buttons, also introduces a wide range of heterogeneous creations, intended to cover different aesthetic and functional requirements on the market.

This collection has been divided into three macro-topics; it is a new chapter in the history of the Group.

Keyword: sustainability. Or, more romantically, “Reuse with love”. From the use of materials produced using organic waste and recycled plastics to actual destocking – the re-introduction on the market of unsold items to give them new life through a restyled shape: the topic of “life serving”, for Riri, translates into the meticulous and constant search for materials with a low environmental impact and in the committed attempt to reduce the use of plastic to a minimum. This is why the Group has decided to use recycled polyester tapes, made with new organic cotton, pullers coated with cork, created using 100% recycled plastics or rubber taken from the sole of shoes. Stainless steel – an exceptionally resistant and sturdy material, as well being subject to no galvanic treatments and highly recyclable – characterizes chains and pullers, while the Nylon zip consists of fully recycled tape and chain, and Decor introduces a new 100% polyamide version. On the button side, “life serving” includes buttons with a cork coating, the Zero button with coating made of recycled Meryl polyamide and the F4 with a 100% recycled Nylon head and the heads made of APILON 52 (rubber made of 65% vegetable oils and energy from renewable sources) coated with microfiber from the company Alcantara.

This is definitely the most rigorous yet progressive section in the collection, drawing on technological innovation and on uncertainties related to the current situation, to play with shapes, colours and materials. Between zips and buttons there is a prevalence of squared and minimal shapes, also on the tapes of the zips through sublimation and digital printing techniques. The leading colour is grey in its variation of hues, where the insertion of coloured tones sometimes stands out. The leading material, on the other hand, is metal.

A creative topic where “exaggeration” is the keyword, a trend whose style and character somehow remind us of Gen-Z, apart from being especially suitable for outdoors. “Over state” uses the hip hop mood and settings of the Nineties, taking them to the extreme, enlarging shapes and focusing on bright and fluorescent colours such as purple, yellow, blue, orange or green. An example of this is Storm Evo, a zip which is popular in the outdoor sector for its high levels of water resistance and strength, which features a new electric blue chain and tape with reflecting side strips. Also outstanding in terms of originality is the new purple puller, with its anti-theft shape, fixed onto a fluorescent yellow chain. The perfect expression of this category are zippers such as Decor, Nylon and Aquazip, especially recommended for the outdoor sector in general.

All the macro-categories selected for the FW 21-22 seasons are included in some special product innovations, most notably the even more minimal and thin shapes of some buttons and the introduction of five different colours for the small synthetic ring, a real point of strength in Cobrax pressure buttons. Also the range of magnetic buttons is complemented by the addition of two extra snaps. As regards zips, the Riri Group team has been working on careful restyling of shapes, more specifically in the shapes of Decor zip bodies – ideal for the luggage industry – further improved from both an aesthetic and functional viewpoint.

More information:
Fashion Mode Riri Group

Menabò Group

Collaboration Between DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy® Results in Innovative Fabrics for Fashion and Athleisure (c) Sateri

Innovative Fabrics for Fashion and Athleisure

  • Collaboration Between DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy®

DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy® have together developed a new fabric called StretchCosy™. The fabric uses a blend of Sorona®, a partially plant-based fibre, and Sateri’s ultra-comfortable and near weightless EcoCosy® fibres to achieve a soft material that is highly stretchable, shape-retaining and, most importantly, sustainably sourced.

StretchCosy™ combines the mechanical stretch of Sorona® stretch fibres, which gives it excellent stretch and long-lasting, consistent recovery, with the soft, cotton-like breathability and smooth silk-like texture of EcoCosy® for an unparalleled fabric that is high-performing and well-suited for fashion and sportswear.

  • Collaboration Between DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy®

DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy® have together developed a new fabric called StretchCosy™. The fabric uses a blend of Sorona®, a partially plant-based fibre, and Sateri’s ultra-comfortable and near weightless EcoCosy® fibres to achieve a soft material that is highly stretchable, shape-retaining and, most importantly, sustainably sourced.

StretchCosy™ combines the mechanical stretch of Sorona® stretch fibres, which gives it excellent stretch and long-lasting, consistent recovery, with the soft, cotton-like breathability and smooth silk-like texture of EcoCosy® for an unparalleled fabric that is high-performing and well-suited for fashion and sportswear.

Created in 2019, StretchCosy™ is a fabric breakthrough that made it possible for natural plant-based fibres to be more extensively used in various applications, e.g. t-shirts, shirting, bottoms, jackets, dresses, hoodies and underwear. Previously, cellulosic fibres were rarely found in sportswear, due to concerns such as pilling. The combination of Sorona® and EcoCosy® in StretchCosy™ has eliminated this concern, hinting at the future of activewear where performance combined with sustainability will be the norm.


Omnicom Public Relations Group