Aus der Branche

75 Ergebnisse
Texcare in Zahlen Grafik Messe Frankfurt

Texcare International 2024: Rund 15.500 Besucher aus 122 Ländern

Mit hoher Internationalität und Bestnoten feierte die Texcare International vom 6. bis 9. November ihr Comeback. 305 Unternehmen aus 32 Ländern zeigten ihre Innovationen zu Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz. Rund 15.500 Besucher*innen aus 122 Ländern kamen nach Frankfurt.

An vier Tagen zeigte die Leitmesse für die internationale Textilpflege Innovationen für Wäschereien, Reinigungen und Textilservicebetriebe. 98 Prozent der Fachbesucher*innen waren zufrieden bis außerordentlich zufrieden mit der Erreichung der Messebesuchsziele; 52 Prozent erwarten eine verbesserte Branchenkonjunktur. Nachdem die Texcare coronabedingt acht Jahre nicht stattfinden konnte, war die Sehnsucht nach Austausch und Innovationen in der Branche spürbar groß.

Mit hoher Internationalität und Bestnoten feierte die Texcare International vom 6. bis 9. November ihr Comeback. 305 Unternehmen aus 32 Ländern zeigten ihre Innovationen zu Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz. Rund 15.500 Besucher*innen aus 122 Ländern kamen nach Frankfurt.

An vier Tagen zeigte die Leitmesse für die internationale Textilpflege Innovationen für Wäschereien, Reinigungen und Textilservicebetriebe. 98 Prozent der Fachbesucher*innen waren zufrieden bis außerordentlich zufrieden mit der Erreichung der Messebesuchsziele; 52 Prozent erwarten eine verbesserte Branchenkonjunktur. Nachdem die Texcare coronabedingt acht Jahre nicht stattfinden konnte, war die Sehnsucht nach Austausch und Innovationen in der Branche spürbar groß.

Industrie feiert Zukunftspotenzial
Mit einem deutlichen Innovationsschub begegnet die Branche den Herausforderungen durch Arbeitskräftemangel und steigende Energiepreise. Das zeigen Aussteller mit ihren Maschinen, Technologien und Know-How – die Lösungen sind vorhanden. Der Sprung in Richtung Robotisierung war an den Ständen deutlich sichtbar. Auch die Kreislaufwirtschaft war im Fokus: Viele Innovationen zeigten, wie Maschinenbauer und Textilhersteller zusammenarbeiten, um Nachhaltigkeit voranzutreiben. Die Texcare lieferte den Betrieben der Textilpflegebranche zur richtigen Zeit den richtigen Impuls, um sich mit Investitionen ein erfolgreiches Bestehen am Markt zu sichern.

Die Partnerverbände der Texcare zogen ein positives Resümee. Elgar Straub, Geschäftsführer des VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, betont: „Die Erwartungen an die Texcare International waren nach acht Jahren ohne Messe sehr groß, aber sie wurden sogar übertroffen. Die Stimmung auf den Ständen war so gut, wie ich es in den letzten Jahren auf Messen selten erlebt habe. Zudem war die Texcare International von der Messe Frankfurt hervorragend vorbereitet, aber auch die Aussteller haben sich mit außergewöhnlich schönen und informativen Ständen ihren weltweiten Kunden präsentiert. Die Themen, die die Branche bewegen, waren wie erwartet Hygiene, Automatisierung, Digitalisierung, Logistik und KI. Mein Highlight dieser Messe aber war die wirklich ausgezeichnete Stimmung bei Besuchern und Ausstellern und der positive Ausblick in die Zukunft der Textilpflege. Die Texcare International hat dieses Jahr einfach Freude gemacht.“

Andreas Schumacher, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verbands, fasst zusammen: „Es herrschte eine gelöste Aufbruchstimmung. Man spürt, dass die Aussteller nach acht langen Jahren darauf brennen, sich und ihre Entwicklungen zu zeigen und die Besucher gespannt waren auf Innovationen. Insbesondere die Themen Automation und digitale Lösungen sowie Robotik wurden stark diskutiert, da in vielen Betrieben ein Arbeits- und Fachkräftemangel herrscht. Nach Pandemie und Energiekrise waren die Gespräche nun wieder von Investitionswillen und Aufbruchstimmung geprägt. Prägendes Thema waren auch die Energiekosten und entsprechende Einsparmöglichkeiten von Energie und anderen Ressourcen. Nicht zuletzt arbeiten die Unternehmen der Branche daran, ihr zirkuläres Businessmodell noch zu verbessern und sich auf die kommenden Regulierungen für die Kreislaufführung von Textilien einzustellen.“

Weitere Informationen:
texcare Textilpflege Konjunktur

Messe Frankfurt

Texcare 2024 Foto Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Jochen Günther

Texcare 2024 zeigt Innovationskraft der internationalen Textilpflege

Bis zum 9. November bringt die Texcare International die Welt der Textilpflege in Frankfurt am Main zusammen. 305 Unternehmen aus 32 Ländern demonstrieren die Innovationskraft ihrer Branche. Mit dem Fokus auf Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz richtet die Leitmesse den Blick in die Zukunft von Wäschereien, Reinigungen und Textilservicebetrieben.

Technologische Innovationen und neueste Entwicklungen für die Textilpflege stehen im Zentrum. Mit einer hohen Internationalität von 72 Prozent punktet die Messe als globaler Treffpunkt der Branche. Zu den zehn größten Ausstellernationen zählen Deutschland, Italien, die Niederlande, die USA, China, Belgien, die Türkei, Großbritannien, die Schweiz und Spanien. Sie zeigen ein breites Angebot: von Textilreinigungs- und Wäschereitechnik, über Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel, bis hin zu professionellen Textilien, Berufs- und Schutzkleidung, sowie IT- und Logistiklösungen.

Bis zum 9. November bringt die Texcare International die Welt der Textilpflege in Frankfurt am Main zusammen. 305 Unternehmen aus 32 Ländern demonstrieren die Innovationskraft ihrer Branche. Mit dem Fokus auf Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz richtet die Leitmesse den Blick in die Zukunft von Wäschereien, Reinigungen und Textilservicebetrieben.

Technologische Innovationen und neueste Entwicklungen für die Textilpflege stehen im Zentrum. Mit einer hohen Internationalität von 72 Prozent punktet die Messe als globaler Treffpunkt der Branche. Zu den zehn größten Ausstellernationen zählen Deutschland, Italien, die Niederlande, die USA, China, Belgien, die Türkei, Großbritannien, die Schweiz und Spanien. Sie zeigen ein breites Angebot: von Textilreinigungs- und Wäschereitechnik, über Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel, bis hin zu professionellen Textilien, Berufs- und Schutzkleidung, sowie IT- und Logistiklösungen.

Neben den etablierten Marktführern präsentieren sich auch Start-ups und neue Aussteller. Etwa ein Drittel der Anbieter nimmt zum ersten Mal an der Texcare teil. Sie kommen in erster Linie aus Deutschland, China, den Niederlanden, Italien, den USA, Großbritannien und Dänemark.

Automatisierung und Energieeffizienz als zentrale Themen.
Der Innovationsdruck auf die Unternehmen der Textilpflege ist hoch. Die letzte Texcare fand 2016 statt, da sie pandemiebedingt 2020 abgesagt werden musste. In diesen acht Jahren hat sich vieles für die Branche verändert. Fachkräftemangel, Qualitätssicherung und die Rückverfolgbarkeit von Prozessen gehören zu den zentralen Herausforderungen. Automatisierungslösungen helfen dabei, effizientere und intelligente Wäscherei- und Geschäftskonzepte zu entwickeln – ein Schwerpunkt im Angebot der ausstellenden Unternehmen und im Rahmenprogramm. Ein weiteres wichtiges Thema vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels und steigender Energiekosten ist die Energieeffizienz. Zahlreiche Anbieter werden neue Technologien und Lösungen vorstellen, die versprechen den Verbrauch zu mindern, Schadstoffemissionen zu reduzieren, die betriebliche Effizienz zu steigern und gleichzeitig die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu verbessern.

Branche blickt erwartungsvoll auf vier intensive Messetage.
Der VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies ist Partnerverband der Texcare International und vertritt einen großen Teil der ausstellenden deutschen Maschinenbauer. Geschäftsführer Elgar Straub sieht der Leitmesse erwartungsvoll entgegen: „Nach langen acht Jahren Wartezeit sind die Erwartungen an die Texcare International, die Weltleitmesse der Textilpflege, sehr groß. Die Branche profitiert von den weltweit gestiegenen Anforderungen an Hygiene und Nachhaltigkeit. Andererseits ist sie mit Arbeitskräftemangel und steigenden Kosten konfrontiert. Dementsprechend werden große Hoffnungen auf die Lösungen gesetzt, die auf der Texcare präsentiert werden. Die wichtigsten Schlagworte sind hier: Automatisierung, Digitalisierung, Logistik und KI.“

Auf Seiten der Fachbesucher*innen spricht das umfangreiche Angebot der Texcare sowohl gewerbliche Wäschereien, Textildienstleister und Textilreinigungen als auch Hotels, Krankenhäuser, Pflegeheime und weitere Betriebe an, die ihre Wäsche professionell selbst bearbeiten. Andreas Schumacher, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verbands, sieht Investitionsbedarf: „Seien es der Arbeits- und Fachkräftemangel oder auch steigende Energiekosten – der Bedarf der Branche, in die Digitalisierung und Automatisierung sowie in Technologien zur Energieeinsparung zu investieren, ist groß. Zudem sehen wir auch im Bereich der Textilien steigende Anforderungen an die Langlebigkeit sowie Reparatur- und Recyclingfähigkeit. Umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass die Branchenleitmesse nach acht Jahren Pause wieder stattfindet und die Plattform bietet, sich zu Produktinnovationen auszutauschen.“ Auch internationale Verbände der Textilpflegebranche, wie CINET (Comité International De L`Entretien du Textile) und ETSA (European Textile Services Association) nutzen die Texcare als Plattform für ihre Aktivitäten.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Rahmenprogramm der Texcare 2024

Mit Automatisierung, Energieeinsparung, Kreislaufmodellen und textiler Hygiene stehen große Aufgaben für die Textilpflege-Branche im Fokus der Texcare International 2024 (6. – 9. November). Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern hat die Messe ein Rahmenprogramm konzipiert, das progressive Anstöße für die Zukunft des Sektors bieten will.
Eingeläutet wird das Programm am Mittwoch, den 6.11. um 12.00 Uhr mit einer Messeeröffnung durch die Veranstalter im „Texcare Forum“ (Galleria Ebene 0, A09), zu der Besucher und Aussteller eingeladen sind. Damit beginnt auch das gleichnamige und kostenfreie Fachprogramm der Texcare rund um die Top-Themen Automatisierung, Energie und Ressourcen, Kreislaufwirtschaft sowie textile Hygiene. Es erstreckt sich über die vier Messetage und wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV), dem VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, der Europäischen Forschungsvereinigung Innovative Textilpflege (EFIT), der European Textile Service Association (ETSA) und den Hohenstein Laboratories entwickelt.

Mit Automatisierung, Energieeinsparung, Kreislaufmodellen und textiler Hygiene stehen große Aufgaben für die Textilpflege-Branche im Fokus der Texcare International 2024 (6. – 9. November). Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern hat die Messe ein Rahmenprogramm konzipiert, das progressive Anstöße für die Zukunft des Sektors bieten will.
Eingeläutet wird das Programm am Mittwoch, den 6.11. um 12.00 Uhr mit einer Messeeröffnung durch die Veranstalter im „Texcare Forum“ (Galleria Ebene 0, A09), zu der Besucher und Aussteller eingeladen sind. Damit beginnt auch das gleichnamige und kostenfreie Fachprogramm der Texcare rund um die Top-Themen Automatisierung, Energie und Ressourcen, Kreislaufwirtschaft sowie textile Hygiene. Es erstreckt sich über die vier Messetage und wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV), dem VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, der Europäischen Forschungsvereinigung Innovative Textilpflege (EFIT), der European Textile Service Association (ETSA) und den Hohenstein Laboratories entwickelt.

Mit dem breiten Thema Automatisierung werden sich VDMA und EFIT in ihren Panels jeweils mit Blick auf die Entwicklungen in Wäschereien und Textilreinigungen befassen. Im Fokus stehen dabei unter anderem die Robotisierung von Wäschereien, digitale Produktpässe, Datensicherheit sowie Automatisierungsansätze für kleinere Unternehmen.
Aktuelle Trends aus dem Bereich der textilen Hygiene in Wäschereien werden von Hohenstein Laboratories thematisiert – darunter die Gegenüberstellung von wiederverwendbaren und Einwegprodukten im Gesundheitswesen, die Unterstützung von Endkunden bei der Textilsortierung sowie Wäschehygiene-Zertifizierungssysteme.
Mit innovativen Lösungen im Dienst der Nachhaltigkeit wird sich das ebenfalls durch den VDMA gehostete Panel „Energie und Ressourcen“ auseinandersetzen. CSR-Reporting, Energiemanagement und CO2-Neutralität stehen hier im Zentrum.   

Im Rahmen des Themenkomplexes „Kreisläufe“ widmet sich die ETSA dem Textilrecycling. Betrachtet werden unter anderem Innovationen im Bereich der Textilsortierung, die Bewältigung logistischer Herausforderungen, die Verwendung recycelter Fasern sowie die Unterstützung durch digitale Plattformen.

Der DTV informiert in seinem Panel über neue Geschäftsmodelle in der Kreislaufwirtschaft, vom Ökodesign über Verleih- und Reparaturservices bis hin zur europäischen Strategie für nachhaltige und kreislauffähige Textilien.   

Die Aussteller-Vorträge: Produktinnovationen im Fokus
Neben eingeladenen Vorträgen bietet das Texcare Forum in diesem Jahr zudem ein Vortragsformat für Aussteller. Diese präsentieren dem Publikum in 20-minütigen Slots besonders innovative Lösungen oder Produkte aus ihren Portfolios. Zu den teilnehmenden Firmen zählen unter anderem Ecolab, Kannegiesser, Christeyns, Electrolux, Veit und Seitz.
Internationale Markttrends und -entwicklungen
In ihren „International Market Updates“, ebenfalls im Texcare Forum, geben Experten der TRSA (Association for Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Industry, USA), des Sveriges Tvätteriförbund (Schwedischer Wäschereiverband) sowie der Texcare France fundierte Einblicke in die Textilservice-Märkte und Brancheninitiativen der jeweiligen Länder.

Im Vortrag „The new Scandinavian Quality Control model“ (Mittwoch, 6.11., 13.30 – 14.00 Uhr) thematisieren der schwedische und der dänische Wäschereiverband gemeinsam progressive Entwicklungen innerhalb des skandinavischen Marktes und informieren über ihr neues Qualitätskontrolle-Modell.

Unter dem Titel „American Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Market: Advocacy, Performance and Sustainability“ beleuchtet der TRSA-Vortrag (Donnerstag, 7.11., 13.00 – 14.00 Uhr) unter anderem aufkommende Markttrends innerhalb der nahezu 50 Milliarden US-Dollar schweren nordamerikanischen Branche. Auch die sich verändernden wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Rahmenbedingungen kommen zur Sprache. Thematisiert werden zudem wiederverwendbare Materialien als verantwortungsvolle Alternative zu Einwegprodukten, textile Dienstleistungen als integraler Bestandteil der Kundennachhaltigkeit, verbesserte Hygiene sowie das umweltfreundliche Ansehen der Branche.  

Der Status Quo sowie aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen innerhalb des auf 3 Milliarden Euro taxierten französischen Marktes stehen im Mittelpunkt des Texcare France-Vortrags (Donnerstag, 7.11., 16.00 – 17.00 Uhr).

Guided Tours: Innovationen entdecken
Erstmals wird es auf der Texcare „Guided Tours“ geben. Auf den von Experten kuratierten und geführten Messerundgängen wird den Teilnehmern eine Auswahl besonders spannender Innovationen vorgestellt. Dabei stehen neben Neuheiten großer Key Player auch fortschrittliche Lösungen kleinerer Unternehmen im Mittelpunkt.   

Die Touren finden an allen vier Messetagen in englischer Sprache statt. Sie sind für Besitzer eines gültigen Texcare-Tickets kostenfrei. Die etwa einstündigen Rundgänge beginnen am 6.11. um 13.00 Uhr, vom 7. bis 9.11. jeweils um 11.00 Uhr. Startpunkt ist am Guided Tours-Stand B 03 in der Galleria Ebene 0. Dort können sich interessierte Besucher direkt vor Ort zur Teilnahme anmelden.
Texcare Happy Hour: Networking in lockerer Atmosphäre
Neben Produktinnovationen und Wissenstransfer steht insbesondere der Austausch innerhalb der Branche im Fokus der Texcare International. Die Veranstalter laden daher täglich (außer am Messe-Samstag) alle Teilnehmer zu einer Happy Hour ein. Diese findet jeweils ab 17.30 Uhr in der Galleria 0, direkt neben Halle 8, statt, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und bestehende zu pflegen.

(c) Messe Frankfurt France

Final Report of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris

The summer edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomed nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries. This season event was characterised by a number of new features and the dynamics remained satisfactory. Next event: February 10, 2025, in a partially renovated Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre for a session rich in initiatives.

The latest edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, offered in its full version with the Avantex and Leatherworld sectors, ended on July 3 with attendance levels down on the July 2023 session. Over and above a possible "Olympic Games effect" and its consequences on transport and accommodation costs in the capital, the current economic situation is prompting the show's organizers to explore all alternatives to adapt the offer to market demand. However, these results do not seem to have had any impact on the flow of business between visitors and exhibitors, who reported a fairly positive overall climate.

The summer edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomed nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries. This season event was characterised by a number of new features and the dynamics remained satisfactory. Next event: February 10, 2025, in a partially renovated Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre for a session rich in initiatives.

The latest edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, offered in its full version with the Avantex and Leatherworld sectors, ended on July 3 with attendance levels down on the July 2023 session. Over and above a possible "Olympic Games effect" and its consequences on transport and accommodation costs in the capital, the current economic situation is prompting the show's organizers to explore all alternatives to adapt the offer to market demand. However, these results do not seem to have had any impact on the flow of business between visitors and exhibitors, who reported a fairly positive overall climate.

The dynamic on the booths remained steady and the exchanges satisfactory, as shown by several manufacturers particularly well established on the European market. Indian shirt manufacturer Sheraton Apparel, for example, made around thirty solid contacts over 3 days, and reported several serious approaches to African distributors. The same goes for SMIT, a Turkish company specialising in Made in Turkey sourcing, which was able to see its main European customers and open up new contacts with Canadian and Brazilian buyers.

An expanded offering
At the Near Sourcing Hub, the phygital sourcing space connected by QR Code to the B2B digital platform of Messe Frankfurt France partner FourSource, inquiries to exhibiting companies remained much the same as in 2023. The visitor profile, on the other hand, focused on buyers from networks of small multi-specialist boutiques looking for an original mid-to-top-range offering. It was in response to this market demand for differentiation that the show organizers decided to extend Apparel Sourcing's range to include new categories in the fashion accessories sector, such as jewelry and bags.

High-profile initiatives
Other innovations were also on show this summer. The yarn pavilion - a first conceived in collaboration with Yarn Expo, originally a Shanghai show run by Messe Frankfurt - showcased the expertise of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani and Taiwanese companies, while at the same time highlighting upstream products and services. At Avantex, where some twenty suppliers of solutions for more sustainable fashion were grouped together, the new Designer Hub enabled designers and buyers to discover some original initiatives, such as that of stylist Jean-Luc François' association, supported by Messe Frankfurt's Texpertise network, which trains people who are far from employment, or the 3D design studio Scotomalab.

Materra wins 2024 Avantex Fashion Pitch award
The Avantex Fashion Pitch jury has awarded the 2024 prize to Materra. This British start-up, founded in 2019, designs solutions to support the cotton cultivation adapted to climate change. At the other end of the chain, it offers brands a service designed on a Cotton-As-A-Service model that encourages them to source from the producers it supports. Materra will benefit from a €2,800 stand at Avantex Paris 2025 donated by Messe Frankfurt France, plus €2,000 from Texpertise Network, the textile sector network of the Messe Frankfurt Group, and 1 year's incubation at Foundry donated by IFA Paris, official partner of the competition.

A trendy area at Leatherworld
New for 2024, the Leatherworld sector inaugurated its Leather Trend area, developed in collaboration with publisher Edizioni AF and the Arsutoria School design centre. Designed around the expertise of Italian companies specialising in the manufacture of leather shoes and bags, this inspirational space presented the autumn-winter 25-26 trends through 4 creative axis built around the expression of simplicity, nature, dynamism (sportswear collections) and finally romanticism. Leather Trend was also an opportunity to discover the new leather tanning technology developed by Ecotan, which avoids the use of metals (Chrome) and chemicals in the leather preparation stages thanks to the use of vegetable tannins.


Messe Frankfurt France


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles unveils programme

In sync with the fair’s 30th anniversary, the sourcing platform will host around 12 fringe events for fairgoers to stay ahead of the curve, under the following segments: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies, and Industry Empowerment. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has joined forces with Danish trend agency SPOTT trends & business to present the design theme for 2025 – ‘Healing Home’ – together with eight trend directions set to captivate the home textiles market. Set to be a hotspot for in vogue sourcing and industry exchange, the show will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 14 – 16 August 2024.

In sync with the fair’s 30th anniversary, the sourcing platform will host around 12 fringe events for fairgoers to stay ahead of the curve, under the following segments: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies, and Industry Empowerment. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has joined forces with Danish trend agency SPOTT trends & business to present the design theme for 2025 – ‘Healing Home’ – together with eight trend directions set to captivate the home textiles market. Set to be a hotspot for in vogue sourcing and industry exchange, the show will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 14 – 16 August 2024.

To help home textile industry players set the tone and direction for the upcoming business season, the fair will present Trends 2025 along with leading trend agency SPOTT trends & business, to illustrate the ‘Healing Home– Spaces for Thriving Living’ theme that marks the path ahead for the evolving sector. This concept conveys the idea of a home that promotes a remedial, prosperous lifestyle, improving peoples’ general health and well-being, with several key factors contributing to the overarching theme:

  • Eight key directions: Age-Old Crafts, Nature-Tech Synergies, Regenerative Possibilities, Wellbeing Spaces, Colourful Gatherings, Bio-Engineered Innovations, Transitional Practices, and Circular Systems.
  • Five key colours: deep burgundy, warm terracotta, light creamy shade, saturated nostalgic green, and vaporous blue.

The founder of SPOTT trends & business, Ms Anja Bisgaard Gaede, will be onsite to share insights related to these new design trends. Fairgoers are invited to join her interactive trend tour, and physically experience the concepts steering the industry's future.

With the intention of sparking further design inspiration for industry players, an expert panel discussion of Chinese interior architects and designers, InterDesign Forum, will be held on the afternoon of Day 1. Focusing on design trend topics related to sustainability, Mr Shen Lei, Founder and Design Director of Interior Architects Design and the Chinese representative of the Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend Committee, will lead the discussion. Adding an international perspective, Ms Anja Bisgaard Gaede will join them for the accompanying round table talk.

In addition to serving as a gateway for efficient sourcing, the show will inspire fairgoers through its fringe programme, with various formats and topics unpacking current talking points.

Highlighted sessions include:    

  • Round table discussion: Bridging Borders: A Designer x Producer Talk on Sustainability – a dialogue between designers and manufacturers, exploring how to collaboratively overcome sustainability challenges and reconcile the demands of both sides, from both Eastern and Western perspectives.
  • Econogy Talks: selected exhibitors, including 3M, Advansa and many more, as well as a representative from Indorama will showcase their innovative green products, giving attendees in-person insights into some of the market’s latest sustainable developments in the Sustainable Fibre Forum. Additionally, a Messe Frankfurt representative will explain the Texpertise Econogy concept, the combination of economy and ecology that represents the sustainability activities in the company’s Texpertise Network. The discussion will show how crucial sustainability is for the economic success of a business today, and indicate how fairgoers can benefit from such an approach.

Beyond the subject of a greener textile industry, other topics will be explored at various events. With more to be announced in the coming weeks, the following seminars hosted by international experts will provide the latest trends and market updates:

  • Bridging Worlds: Design Strategies for Success in Middle Eastern Markets: Ms Esra Lemmens (Day 1)
  • How Psychology Impacts the Way We Design Spaces: Ms Pallavi Dean (Day 1)

Moreover, the 10th Home Textiles and Furniture Industry Ecological Integration Forum will bring together home textile and furniture brands to explore cross-industry collaboration and provide one-stop home solutions. The 30th China Home Textiles Design Festival & Designer Recommended Brand Awards will showcase the latest trends and achievements in home design, allowing participating brands to gain recognition from designers. Meanwhile, the 7th China International Fibre Art Exhibition will invite influential artists from home and abroad to present diverse contemporary fibre artworks; and the China Intangible Cultural Heritage of Textile Exhibition will showcase some remarkable displays.  


Messe Frankfurt HK, Ltd


VIATT 2025: Multifaceted fair poised to aid rejuvenation of Vietnam's textile industry

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

The fair’s inaugural edition attracted 409 exhibitors and 17,262 visits from 17 and 55 countries and regions respectively. Building on this solid foundation, VIATT 2025 will continue to showcase the latest industry trends, and expand its focus on various pertinent areas. This will include the fair’s new Econogy Hub, a dedicated zone to advance the topic of sustainability in the textile industry, and to relate it closely to the demands of economic and social change. Together with the evolving environmental landscape, the fair will also help industry players adapt to the rapid adoption of new technology in the business world with the debut of the Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone. This zone will allow exhibitors to unveil the latest technology and solutions such as AI design, digital manufacturing, big data analytics, and more.

Concurrently, VIATT 2025 will continue to present a diverse range of exhibitors across the apparel, home textile and technical textile sectors, with positive feedback received from many quarters at the fair’s inaugural edition.

Apparel Fabrics & Fashion
In the first four months of 2024, textile and garment exports grew 6.3% year-on-year to over USD 10 billion. The US remains Vietnam’s top export market, followed by the EU, South Korea, China, and Japan. To meet this demand, Vietnam's textile industry continues to import a significant amount of raw materials. At VIATT 2024, yarns, fibres and fabrics for casualwear, sportswear and uniforms, as well as garment accessories, were in high demand.

Home & Contract Textiles
Vietnam’s home textile market is projected to undergo a steady CAGR of 2.4% from 2024 – 2032, driven by the rising need for modern and stylish home textiles, e-commerce expansion, and favourable government initiatives. At the fair’s previous edition, product groups included bedding, loungewear and bathroom textiles, curtains and curtain fabrics, upholstery and sofa fabrics, and home textile accessories.

At VIATT 2025, exhibitors can additionally present their latest offerings in the Home Textiles Display Zone or at dedicated product presentations, to maximise their visibility to potential buyers.

Technical Textiles & Technologies
Across the textile industry, investors are now focusing on optimising production capacity, streamlining supply chains, and enhancing product quality to maintain competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. With the new Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone to supplement the textile technology category, VIATT 2025 is set to play host to providers of textile and nonwoven machinery, CAD/CAM, CMT, and technology for embroidery, knitting, sewing, printing, and more. Exhibitors can draw more attention to their latest solutions by participating in the fair's new innovation showcase area.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), covering the entire textile industry value chain. The second edition will be held from 26 – 28 February 2025.

Weitere Informationen:
VIATT Vietnam

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris taking place in July (c) Messe Frankfurt France

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris taking place in July

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris opens its doors from 1 to 3 July at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. More than a thousand exhibitors from the world's major sourcing countries will be offering inspirational sources for building collections for 2025-2026. This season's show will focus on suppliers of innovative products and solutions for high-performance and sustainable fashion.

Yarn in the spotlight
Taking us further upstream in the industry and for the first time at the Parisian trade shows, a pavilion featuring yarn producers will be found at the exhibition. Co-organised with Yarn Expo, a Shanghai show in the Messe Frankfurt galaxy, this dedicated pavilion will feature companies from China, India, Pakistan and Taiwan.

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris opens its doors from 1 to 3 July at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. More than a thousand exhibitors from the world's major sourcing countries will be offering inspirational sources for building collections for 2025-2026. This season's show will focus on suppliers of innovative products and solutions for high-performance and sustainable fashion.

Yarn in the spotlight
Taking us further upstream in the industry and for the first time at the Parisian trade shows, a pavilion featuring yarn producers will be found at the exhibition. Co-organised with Yarn Expo, a Shanghai show in the Messe Frankfurt galaxy, this dedicated pavilion will feature companies from China, India, Pakistan and Taiwan.

A Leather trends area at Leatherworld, partnerships at Avantex
As in previous summers, this season’s show will bring together all the different aspects of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris. Leatherworld, the platform dedicated to leather sourcing, is announcing the return of a South African pavilion. This area will also host a Leather Trends area created and run by Italian publisher Edizioni AF, a specialist in the leather industry. Particular attention will be paid to the design processes and choice of materials used by Italian accessories and footwear manufacturers.

A number of new features are also expected in the Avantex innovations area: Partnerships with the IFA Paris fashion design school, the TCBL association and the TUV Rheinland certification body, which will showcase  solutions in sustainable fashion and textiles, and provide an opportunity to discuss these issues at expert round tables.

Furthermore, the fair will be showcasing Texpertise Econogy, the sustainable economy approach developed by the international Messe Frankfurt group to guide visitors in their sourcing choices. Following its launch in February, the upcoming event will continue to promote sustainability with a number of features and provide a platform for green pioneers.


Messe Frankfurt France


Over 330 exhibitors at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

From 6 – 8 March 2024, over 330 exhibitors from seven countries and regions will convene at of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition to highlight a variety of home textile products. Buyers will be able to source the latest bedding, duvets, pillows, towels, carpets, rugs and many more.

Highlighted exhibitors

From 6 – 8 March 2024, over 330 exhibitors from seven countries and regions will convene at of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition to highlight a variety of home textile products. Buyers will be able to source the latest bedding, duvets, pillows, towels, carpets, rugs and many more.

Highlighted exhibitors

  • Bedding – GSI Creos Corporation, Jjiangyin Hongliu Bedsheet Co Ltd, Zhejiang Eider Warmth New Material Co Ltd
  • Down – Anhui Million Feather Co Ltd, Hangzhou Gaga Home Textiles Co Ltd, Shanghai Donglong Home Textile Products Co Ltd
  • Functional pillow & mattress – Changshu Dafa Warp Knitting Co Ltd, Chuzhou Bray Smart Home Appliances Co Ltd, Zhangjiagang Coolest Life Technology
  • Floor – Amore Textile (Suzhou) Co Ltd, Jingyi Fur Products Co Ltd, Shaoxing Jiaohui Home Textile Co Ltd
  • Quilt fillings – Pujiang Boyue Home Textile Co Ltd, Pujiang Huayu Hometextile Co Ltd
  • Textile design – Tela’s Design Lda
  • Towelling – Nantong Dadong Co Ltd, Sunvim Group Co Ltd
  • Loungewear & bath – Suzhou Huazhong Knitting Co Ltd, Zhejiang Demu Textile Technology Co Ltd
  • Upholstery fabrics – Changshu Xinghan Hometextiles Co Ltd, Jiangsu First Home Textile Co Ltd, Shaoxing Chengchong Imp & Exp Co Ltd
  • Home textile technologies – Nantong Mingxing Science & Technology Development Co Ltd, Sichuan Chnki Sewing Machine Co Ltd

Fringe programme
Complementing the exhibitor lineup, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will feature events to keep attendees up-to-date with emerging developments, trends, and important intuition.
For example, one of the most essential yet often overlooked foundations for sustaining wellness is quality sleep. Throughout day one and two at the Bedding Seminar Area, sleep technology will again be a key topic of discussion, guaranteeing comprehensive insights on sleep quality while tapping into associated business prospects.
Traditional Chinese medicine will also take the spotlight, with talks linking various health issues to remedies. Crossover subjects include topical therapy’s role in a better night’s sleep as well as innovations blending medicinal properties with textile design.
An increasing number of people are choosing to use natural materials and green textiles for their bedrooms and throughout their homes. For this reason, the seminars falling under the "Textiles & Technology" theme will shed light on sustainability and what’s next in the industry.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Messe Frankfurt launches brand events in Central Asia (c) Messe Frankfurt Group

Messe Frankfurt launches brand events in Central Asia

Messe Frankfurt will extend its footprint in the Central Asian market by establishing seven brand events in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The country’s strategic location as a crossroads of Europe and Asia positions it as a promising trade gateway and transportation hub, facilitating the economic development of neighbouring countries and access to the wider region. The company’s stronger presence in the market will promote business opportunities and foster the sustainable development of pillar industries, including cosmetics, textiles and clothing, automotive, logistics and transportation.

Messe Frankfurt will extend its footprint in the Central Asian market by establishing seven brand events in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The country’s strategic location as a crossroads of Europe and Asia positions it as a promising trade gateway and transportation hub, facilitating the economic development of neighbouring countries and access to the wider region. The company’s stronger presence in the market will promote business opportunities and foster the sustainable development of pillar industries, including cosmetics, textiles and clothing, automotive, logistics and transportation.

Uzbekistan has a promising consumer market with significant potential. It is the largest in Central Asia and is expected to increase due to population growth, rising incomes and the modernisation of economic and industry sectors.
The nation has actively sought to diversify its economy in recent years, undertaking reforms for greater entrepreneurial freedom and opening up to more international and regional cooperation. The country already exports precious metals, textiles and agricultural produce. It imports machinery, equipment, means of transportation, and vehicle components from foreign trading partners. Attracting overseas investment is also apparent through incentives such as tax benefits, reduced import duties and simplified procedures for overseas investors.
In addition, shifting global supply chains and trading patterns could also drive opportunities in the region. The nation benefits from its geographical location owing to its position between Asia and Europe, to which the Uzbek Government recognises the prospects of investing in infrastructure, such as transportation and logistics, to create an efficient transit hub. Against this backdrop, China acknowledges the importance of developing routes along the Belt and Road while Europe has expressed a readiness to support Uzbekistan’s efforts to diversify transport corridors.

Line-up of shows include:

  • Automechanika Tashkent; Futuroad Expo Tashkent; and, Scalex Tashkent: 23 – 25 October 2024
  • Heimtextil Uzbekistan; Texworld Tashkent; and, Apparel Sourcing Tashkent: 6 – 8 November 2024
  • Beautyworld Central Asia: 21 – 23 November 2024

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited

Texcare (c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH, Jens Liebchen

Texcare 2024 nahezu ausgebucht

Bereits neun Monate vor Veranstaltung haben sich 247 Unternehmen aus 30 Ländern angemeldet und die Ausstellungsfläche ist nahezu ausgebucht. Die Firmen, darunter alle Marktführer, nutzen die Leitmesse, um ihre Innovationen dem weltweiten Fachpublikum live zu präsentieren. Eine hohe internationale Beteiligung zeichnet sich ab. Die Texcare International wird nach längerer pandemiebedingter Pause wieder stattfinden und vom 6. bis 9. November die Expert*innen der Textilpflege in Frankfurt am Main zusammenbringen.

Auch vor der Textilpflegebranche machen Herausforderungen wie der Arbeitskräftemangel nicht halt. Digitale Technologien helfen zunehmend, diese Situation zu kompensieren und Arbeitsprozesse zu optimieren. Automatisierung ist deshalb eines der Top-Themen der Texcare International 2024. Weitere wichtige Branchenthemen sind Kreislaufwirtschaft und Energieeffizienz – beides Hebel, um die Prozesse in Wäschereien und Reinigungen effizienter und nachhaltiger zu gestalten. Ebenso stehen neue Entwicklungen in der Textilhygiene im Fokus.

Bereits neun Monate vor Veranstaltung haben sich 247 Unternehmen aus 30 Ländern angemeldet und die Ausstellungsfläche ist nahezu ausgebucht. Die Firmen, darunter alle Marktführer, nutzen die Leitmesse, um ihre Innovationen dem weltweiten Fachpublikum live zu präsentieren. Eine hohe internationale Beteiligung zeichnet sich ab. Die Texcare International wird nach längerer pandemiebedingter Pause wieder stattfinden und vom 6. bis 9. November die Expert*innen der Textilpflege in Frankfurt am Main zusammenbringen.

Auch vor der Textilpflegebranche machen Herausforderungen wie der Arbeitskräftemangel nicht halt. Digitale Technologien helfen zunehmend, diese Situation zu kompensieren und Arbeitsprozesse zu optimieren. Automatisierung ist deshalb eines der Top-Themen der Texcare International 2024. Weitere wichtige Branchenthemen sind Kreislaufwirtschaft und Energieeffizienz – beides Hebel, um die Prozesse in Wäschereien und Reinigungen effizienter und nachhaltiger zu gestalten. Ebenso stehen neue Entwicklungen in der Textilhygiene im Fokus.

Durch eine verbesserte Ausnutzung der verfügbaren Hallenfläche wird die Texcare 2024 in der Halle 8 und in der Galleria stattfinden – die Ausstellungsfläche bleibt im Vergleich zur Vorveranstaltung nahezu unverändert. Zu den Ausstellern, die sich angemeldet haben, gehören unter anderem Alliance Laundry, Christeyns, Danube, Domus Laundry, Girbau, Ecolab, Jensen, Kannegiesser, Lavatec, LG Electronics, Metalprogetti, Milnor, Multimatic, Sankosha, Texfinity und Veit.

Andreas Schumacher, Geschäftsführer Deutscher Textilreinigungs-Verband, freut sich auf die Texcare und verweist auf die Chancen für die Textilpflegeunternehmen: „Für unsere Branche ist es wichtig, sich endlich wieder persönlich zu begegnen. Gerade vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Herausforderungen, wie den steigenden Kosten, insbesondere im Energiebereich, sowie dem Fachkräftemangel halte ich es für unerlässlich, die Innovationen der Industrie zu erleben und gemeinsam Ideen für neue Geschäftsfelder zu diskutieren. Schön, dass sich schon so viele Aussteller angemeldet haben – wir freuen uns auf unsere Leitmesse.“

Das Angebot der Texcare richtet sich sowohl an gewerbliche Wäschereien, Textildienstleister und Textilreinigungen, als auch an Hotels, Krankenhäuser, Pflegeheime und sonstige Betriebe, die ihre eigene Wäsche professionell bearbeiten.

Weitere Informationen:
texcare Textilservice Wäscherei
Texprocess Forum (c) Sutera, Messe Frankfurt
Texprocess Forum

Techtextil und Texprocess 2024: starke Nachfrage, hohe Internationalität und Innovationsgrad

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 sind Techtextil und Texprocess der Hotspot für Innovationen, textile Lösungen und Vernetzung. Mehr als 1.600 Aussteller aus rund 50 Ländern zeigen den außergewöhnlichen Innovationsgrad der Branchen.

Die Zahl von aktuell über 1.600 angemeldeten Ausstellern aus rund 50 Ländern bestätigt die Relevanz der beiden Messen für die Unternehmen. Die kommenden Ausgaben präsentieren neben bekannten Formaten wie dem Techtextil Innovation Award und Texprocess Innovation Award oder dem Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum eine Reihe an neuen Sonderarealen. Besucher*innen dürfen sich auf der Techtextil u.a. auf das Areal Nature Performance oder die Sonderschau Future Materials sowie den Denim Hub oder ein Emerging Markets Areal auf der Texprocess freuen.

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 sind Techtextil und Texprocess der Hotspot für Innovationen, textile Lösungen und Vernetzung. Mehr als 1.600 Aussteller aus rund 50 Ländern zeigen den außergewöhnlichen Innovationsgrad der Branchen.

Die Zahl von aktuell über 1.600 angemeldeten Ausstellern aus rund 50 Ländern bestätigt die Relevanz der beiden Messen für die Unternehmen. Die kommenden Ausgaben präsentieren neben bekannten Formaten wie dem Techtextil Innovation Award und Texprocess Innovation Award oder dem Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum eine Reihe an neuen Sonderarealen. Besucher*innen dürfen sich auf der Techtextil u.a. auf das Areal Nature Performance oder die Sonderschau Future Materials sowie den Denim Hub oder ein Emerging Markets Areal auf der Texprocess freuen.

Auf der Techtextil erleben Besucher*innen in zwölf Anwendungsbereichen eine außerordentliche Bandbreite an Produkten. Diese finden Einsatz in einer Vielzahl von Industrien – von Automobil über Fashion, Medizin bis hin zu Bau. Die neuesten Entwicklungen bei Fasern und Garnen, Vliesstoffen, Composites, beschichteten Textilien, Technologien und vieles mehr stellen die Unternehmen, oft zum ersten Mal öffentlich, auf der Techtextil vor. Angemeldet sind unter anderem Carrington Textiles (Großbritannien), Concordia Textiles (Belgien), Datacolor (Belgien), Everest Textile (Taiwan), Franz Miederhoff (Deutschland), Groz-Beckert (Deutschland), Kuraray (Japan), Kusumgar Corporates (Indien), Outlast Technologies (Deutschland), Sandler (Deutschland), Tanatex Chemicals (Niederlande) und Textilcolor (Schweiz).

Die Texprocess ist die internationale Plattform für Aussteller von Maschinen, Anlagen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung sowie textiler und flexibler Materialien. Die Bandbreite an ausgestellten Produkten reicht von Nähtechnik und -materialien, Stickereitechnik, Fixieren, CAD/CAM und Cutting bis hin zu Recyclingtechnologien und vielem mehr. Für die Texprocess 2024 haben unter anderem Amann & Söhne (Deutschland), Assyst/Style3D (Deutschland), ASTAS (Türkei), Barudan Co., Ltd. (Frankreich), Brother Internationale Industriemaschinen (Deutschland), bullmer (Deutschland), Dürkopp Adler (Deutschland), IMA (Italien), Kai Corporation (Japan), Morgan Tecnica (Italien), natific (Schweiz), Orox Group (Italien) oder Tajima Industries (Japan) ihre Teilnahme angekündigt.

Techtextil Innovation Awards und Texprocess Innovation Awards
Die Innovation Awards sind Highlights beider Veranstaltungen. Zwei Fachjurys prämieren die neuesten herausragendsten Brancheninnovationen. Hier spiegelt sich die Zukunft der Branchen in neuen Ideen und Entwicklungen, die Lösungen für die unterschiedlichsten Bereiche von Digitalisierung und KI, über Nachhaltigkeit, bis hin zu neuen Materialien und Prozessen anbieten. Einreichungsschluss der Bewerbungen ist der 15. Dezember 2023.

Frankfurt Skyline Foto Tobias Rehbein, Pixabay

6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie

Am 8. November 2023 findet das 6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie in Frankfurt für Interessierte aus Textilindustrie, Kunststoffverarbeitung, Forschung und Praxis statt. Neue Materialien, innovative Fertigungstechnologien und zukunftsweisende Anwendungen sind Themen der Vorträge aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.

Das Programm umfasst die neuesten Entwicklungen beim thermoplastischen Fused Layer Modeling, dem Druck mittels Dispenser oder Siebdruck sowie Materialien und Technologien für Schutzanwendungen und Architektur. Ergänzt werden die Vorträge durch eine begleitende Fachausstellung, auf der Unternehmen, die bereits mit additiven Fertigungs-verfahren arbeiten, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen präsentieren.

Veranstalter des Symposiums sind KARL MAYER STOLL R&D GmbH, das Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV Greiz) und das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI).

Am 8. November 2023 findet das 6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie in Frankfurt für Interessierte aus Textilindustrie, Kunststoffverarbeitung, Forschung und Praxis statt. Neue Materialien, innovative Fertigungstechnologien und zukunftsweisende Anwendungen sind Themen der Vorträge aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.

Das Programm umfasst die neuesten Entwicklungen beim thermoplastischen Fused Layer Modeling, dem Druck mittels Dispenser oder Siebdruck sowie Materialien und Technologien für Schutzanwendungen und Architektur. Ergänzt werden die Vorträge durch eine begleitende Fachausstellung, auf der Unternehmen, die bereits mit additiven Fertigungs-verfahren arbeiten, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen präsentieren.

Veranstalter des Symposiums sind KARL MAYER STOLL R&D GmbH, das Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV Greiz) und das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI).

Das Symposium ist eingebettet in die internationale Fachmesse für additive Fertigungstechnologien Formnext, der Branchenplattform für Additive Fertigung und industriellen 3D-Druck. Dank einer Vereinbarung der Veranstalter erhalten Teilnehmende des Symposiums den 4-Tage Expo Pass zur Formnext vom 7. - 10. November 2023.

Veranstaltungsort: Messe Frankfurt GmbH, Portalhaus, Ebene VIA, Raum Frequenz 2, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main

Weitere Informationen:
additive Fertigung Symposium Formnext

Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023 (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Speaking at the fair’s close, Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, had an optimistic outlook for the future of the sector: “Sustainability and innovation often go hand-in-hand, and walking through the various halls, zones, and pavilions these past few days the evidence for this was widespread. With environmental protection more important than ever, and buyers across application areas increasingly sourcing eco-friendly solutions, our exhibitors were well-placed to meet that demand. This fair is consistently at the leading edge of technological progress, and with the global and domestic markets showing signs of improving further, we are already looking forward to what we can offer at next year’s edition.”  

With many overseas exhibitors making a comeback, this year’s fair was marked by the return of the Taiwan Pavilion and the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone. Beyond the international areas, domestic pavilions were organised by Beijing Guanghua, China Hang Tang Group, Funing, Jiujing, Shenda, Tiantai, Xianto, and Xiqiao, showcasing nonwovens for various sub-sectors, including filtration and medical. Valuable insights were exchanged at multiple fringe events, including the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various events covering marine textiles and rope netting, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” National University Students' Nonwovens Development and Applications Showcase. Visitors, meanwhile, were pleased with the innovation on show across the entire platform.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2023 taking place 16 – 18 August 2023

From 16 – 18 August 2023, 1,022 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions will occupy four halls and 100,000 sqm gross at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). This Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to its regular format, as a comprehensive platform held separately from Messe Frankfurt’s other autumn textile fairs. Complementing the strong lineup of exhibitors over all three days, a varied selection of fringe events will communicate key insights, offer industry specific inspiration, and facilitate cross-sector exchanges for fairgoers.

Buyers from 66 countries and regions have already pre-registered for the show, while a range of international brands are preparing to showcase their latest innovations. Multiple exhibitors will gather according to origin, with three country and region pavilions a must-see for fairgoers seeking exotic home textiles:

From 16 – 18 August 2023, 1,022 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions will occupy four halls and 100,000 sqm gross at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). This Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to its regular format, as a comprehensive platform held separately from Messe Frankfurt’s other autumn textile fairs. Complementing the strong lineup of exhibitors over all three days, a varied selection of fringe events will communicate key insights, offer industry specific inspiration, and facilitate cross-sector exchanges for fairgoers.

Buyers from 66 countries and regions have already pre-registered for the show, while a range of international brands are preparing to showcase their latest innovations. Multiple exhibitors will gather according to origin, with three country and region pavilions a must-see for fairgoers seeking exotic home textiles:

  • Belgium Pavilion: products on show include bedding fabrics and sets, curtains and curtain fabrics, sofa covers, upholstery, and much more. With the pavilion set to feature a number of Belgian brands, its highlighted exhibitors are Libeco and Love Home Fabrics.
  • Taiwan (China) Pavilion: multiple Taiwanese exhibitors, including JWL Fabrics Co Ltd, Maxland Home Textile Industrial Co Ltd, and Vanttex International Co Ltd, will demonstrate specific examples of the varied applications of their home textiles.
  • Türkiye Pavilion: organised by Uludag Textile Exporters’ Association (UTIB), the pavilion will showcase a range of curtains, upholstery fabrics, and other home textiles, from suppliers such as Aleran Tekstil Inşaat Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Şti, Küçükçalik Tekstil San Ve Tic A Ş and Weavers Tekstil San Ve Tic A Ş.

Beyond the pavilions, buyers can easily locate their desired home and contract textiles via conveniently placed product zones, covering categories such as curtain and curtain fabrics; sun protection and window shades; upholstery and sofa fabrics; furniture leather; bedding and editors; loungewear and bath; and rugs. Wide-ranging suppliers from China and beyond will showcase their various products, featuring international exhibitors such as Elastron – Leather & Fabrics, Morgan and PT Sinar Continental; and well-known domestic manufacturers including Hangzhou Aico Home Textile Co Ltd, Huatex International (Hangzhou) Co Ltd and Zhe Jiang Maya Fabric Co Ltd.

Fringe programme: keeping fairgoers up-to-date with range of industry developments
Business exchange at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will once again be supplemented by multiple concurrent events, for home textile players to learn more about the latest industry innovations, as well as upcoming design trends. These include:

  • International Intertextile Trend Forum 2023–2024: held in the afternoon of day one, the event will be hosted by a prominent member of the ‘2023 – 2024 Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend’ trend committee, Mr Shen Lei, joined on the panel by multiple designers. They will discuss various impacts on designs, such as sustainability’s effect, the influence of emerging technologies, and international integration and localised expression.
  • IKASAS Japanese Home Design Gallery and themed seminar: the leading Japanese furniture brand IKASAS will utilise a display area to illustrate its unique design philosophy, by showcasing innovative furniture products that predominantly align with contemporary trends. The company’s founder, Mr Akiyuki Sasaki, will delve deeper into his design views in a seminar held on the morning of day one.
  • The New Power of Healthy Home Decoration Environment: a first-time collaboration with CRECC Full Decoration Council, the cross-sector conference in Hall 5.1 on day two will welcome keynote speakers from the real estate industry, to discuss topical insights at the intersection of realty and home textiles. The audience will come away with a widened scope of the different applications and demands of home textiles, and an ability to more accurately identify business opportunities within the property market.
Weitere Informationen:
Intertextile Shanghai Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles returns for Autumn Edition 2023

Following a strong start at the Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles early this year, global industry players have turned their sights to the next international event in August. As the first Autumn Edition to be held in the wake of China lifting many of its pandemic-related border restrictions, the three-day fair will gather around 1,000 international and domestic exhibitors. Traders looking to meet market demand will be able to source from an extensive range of trending and specialised home and contract textile products from 16 – 18 August 2023.

According to a recent market report, the global home textile market is expected to show a CAGR of 5.6% from 2023 – 2028 to reach USD 174.1 billion by the end of the forecast period. Asia-Pacific has dominated the global market in recent years, with China one of its most significant contributors.[1]

Following a strong start at the Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles early this year, global industry players have turned their sights to the next international event in August. As the first Autumn Edition to be held in the wake of China lifting many of its pandemic-related border restrictions, the three-day fair will gather around 1,000 international and domestic exhibitors. Traders looking to meet market demand will be able to source from an extensive range of trending and specialised home and contract textile products from 16 – 18 August 2023.

According to a recent market report, the global home textile market is expected to show a CAGR of 5.6% from 2023 – 2028 to reach USD 174.1 billion by the end of the forecast period. Asia-Pacific has dominated the global market in recent years, with China one of its most significant contributors.[1]

As a manufacturing hub for home textiles, China is gradually recovering from social and business disruptions caused by the pandemic. Speaking at the recent Spring Edition, Ms Rosemary Li, Domestic Sales Manager of Zhangjiagang Coolist Life Technology Co Ltd, a long-time exhibitor specialised in bio-based and functional bedding products, said: “Since China relaxed its pandemic-related control and prevention measures, after Chinese New Year we have been flooded with orders. With both domestic and export orders increasing, it has been almost impossible for the production line to fulfil the order demand.”

While the spring show’s promising visitor flow was a positive start to the Chinese home textile industry’s post-pandemic era, a higher participation of overseas exhibitors and buyers is expected at the upcoming Autumn Edition

The return of special zones and international pavilions
Later this year in Shanghai, exhibitors will showcase their most up-to-date home and contract textile products, ranging from bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, upholstery & curtain fabrics, editors, home textile technologies and textile design. With a wealth of choices for buyers, several show highlights are listed below:

  • Editor & Designer Zone: located in hall 5.1, the zone will feature international, high-end editor and designer brands brought by leading exhibitors J&C, Julai, Qianbaihui, Prestigious, Shanghai Lotus, SohoCut, Yada, and more.
  • Country and region pavilions: premium suppliers from Belgium, Türkiye and Taiwan (China) will exhibit quality products in their designated pavilions in hall 6.1.
  • Textile Designs: textile design studios from Japan, Portugal and Taiwan (China), namely Amilia Design Studio, Fine Art Inc and Tela's Design Lda, will also showcase their seasonal designs in hall 6.1.

Adding to buyers’ sourcing options, a multitude of domestic players from different categories will also showcase their respective products. Highlighted exhibitors include top curtain and curtain fabric suppliers Fu-Tex, Hangzhou Aico, Hexin and Xiaoxuanchuang; bedding suppliers Coolist, Huizhou Wah Shing and Yantai North Home; as well as Hightex, Huatex, Maya and Suzhou Roufang from the upholstery and sofa fabric sector.

Fairgoers can also learn more about the upcoming global trends and designs by visiting the ‘2023 – 2024 Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend’ area. In aid of this, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has joined forces with NellyRodi™, the renowned French forecasting agency, to present the design theme for 2023 – 2024: ‘ALIVE’. HUMAN CAPITAL, ROUSING COMMITMENT and UNREAL REALITIES are the theme’s three main trends.

[1] Globe Newswire: Global Home Textile Market Report 2023-2028: Increase in Consumer Spending on Home Renovation and Decoration Bodes Well for the Sector.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Techtextil India hosting SITRA’s Expo on Medical Textiles

On the side-lines of the three-day fair, Techtextil India’s 2023 edition scheduled from 12th –14th September, will be hosting SITRA’s Expo on Medical Textiles called MEDITEXTM2023 - an exclusive pavilion that focuses on medical textiles with live demonstrations and high-growth application areas offering a global platform for business opportunities.

On the side-lines of the three-day fair, Techtextil India’s 2023 edition scheduled from 12th –14th September, will be hosting SITRA’s Expo on Medical Textiles called MEDITEXTM2023 - an exclusive pavilion that focuses on medical textiles with live demonstrations and high-growth application areas offering a global platform for business opportunities.

Medical textiles are fabrics that are used in the healthcare industry for a variety of purposes ranging from maintenance of hygiene, prevention/control of infection to saving the life of critically ill patients. In recent years, the demand for medical textiles has been growing in India due to rise in geriatric population, accidents and life style diseases. Besides, various initiatives of Governments, increased awareness about hygiene, medical tourism and advancements in textile technology are driving the growth of medical textile industry in India. According to a report published by Ministry of Textiles on the Indian Technical Textiles market, the market potential of medical textiles market at 5% is valued approximately at USD 1.125 billion in the year 2021-22.
SITRA is a Textile Research Association, sponsored by the industry and supported by the Ministry of Textiles (MoT), with the contribution to the textile industry for more than 65 years. Its Centre of Excellence for Medical Textiles, established by MoT in 2008, has been organising MEDITEX - an International Medical Textile Expo cum Conference in 2014 and 2018 respectively. This exclusive fair for medical textiles has been offering a global platform for business opportunities in the varied application of medical textiles which has witnessed a good participation from the industry. For 2023, the expo will be held as a part of Messe Frankfurt India’s Techtextil India 2023.

Target topics based seminars, supported by Ministry of Textiles, Government of India would also be held concurrently along with the exhibition wherein the speakers would be discussing about current and evolving technologies in medical textiles. Stakeholders and visitors to the conference as well as the exhibition would get to witness and benefit from world class, state-of-the-art medical textiles products/machineries and technologies.


Messe Frankfurt (HK)

Photo: Pexels

VIATT 2024: New textile fair in Vietnam

With combined regional, global, and industry specific expertise, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will make its debut from 28 February – 1 March 2024. Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in late March, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) announced the new international fair for the entire textile value chain. The three-day platform will be staged at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

Commenting on the new event, Ms Wendy Wen, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, said: “With Intertextile Apparel in Shanghai a prime example, our Texpertise Network provides the ideal global framework from which to launch this diverse, comprehensive platform for the integrated textile supply chain. VIATT itself will capture the essence of Texpertise in one platform – a diverse, one-stop sourcing event for buyers across all categories, from garments, fabrics, yarns and fibres, to textile machinery, technical textiles and nonwovens, and everything in between.”

With combined regional, global, and industry specific expertise, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will make its debut from 28 February – 1 March 2024. Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in late March, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) announced the new international fair for the entire textile value chain. The three-day platform will be staged at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

Commenting on the new event, Ms Wendy Wen, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, said: “With Intertextile Apparel in Shanghai a prime example, our Texpertise Network provides the ideal global framework from which to launch this diverse, comprehensive platform for the integrated textile supply chain. VIATT itself will capture the essence of Texpertise in one platform – a diverse, one-stop sourcing event for buyers across all categories, from garments, fabrics, yarns and fibres, to textile machinery, technical textiles and nonwovens, and everything in between.”

Discussing the event’s potential, Mr Le Hoang Tai, Deputy Director General of the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), said: “Vietnam is one of the world’s leading textile producers and exporters, and going from strength to strength as one of Southeast Asia’s manufacturing hubs. Our establishment has many years of experience organising trade fairs throughout Vietnam, and together with Messe Frankfurt we are excited to help international fairgoers unlock the potential of the country’s fast-growing textile market. In addition, Ho Chi Minh City’s accessibility, and Vietnam’s proximity to other leading textile-producing nations such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, China and India, make it the logical venue to host an event of this nature.”

Many international textile manufacturers have been expanding operations into Vietnam, augmenting an already strong domestic industry. According to the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS), the country’s textile and garment industry achieved staggering annual growth of 20 – 26% from 2018 – 2022. Participation in international trade agreements such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the EU–Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)[2], bodes well for future growth.

As one of the world’s biggest importers of textile machinery, and a consistent importer of fabrics, yarns and fibres, garment production is the cornerstone of Vietnam’s industry. The country utilises cotton and functional materials to produce casualwear, childrenswear, swimwear, workwear, and much more, with sportswear an especially fast-growing category, and high-utility garments expected to achieve high exports.

By linking textile players from across Asia, Europe and beyond with this market, VIATT 2024 is willing to play an important part in shaping the future of Vietnam’s industry. Next year’s fair will host an extensive mix of international and domestic exhibitors covering multiple textile sub-sectors, including garments, apparel fabrics and accessories, yarns and fibres, digital printing, home textiles, technical textiles and nonwovens, textile processing, textile machinery, and more.

Exhibitors and buyers can utilise the fair’s global business matchmaking service, where connections are made based on the specific needs of each party. In addition to the fair’s main function as an international trading platform, its fringe programme will facilitate participants’ networking with industry leaders and offer diverse market insights via various seminars, forums, and panel discussions.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE). Covering the entire textile industry value chain, the inaugural edition will be held from 28 February – 1 March 2024 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

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Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd,

(c) Messe Frankfurt

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles returns from 28 – 30 March 2023

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition is set for a renewal. After last year’s brief pause, 283 exhibitors from 5 countries and regions will showcase their latest innovations at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) during this traditional peak sourcing period. The fair will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value from 28 – 30 March 2023.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition is set for a renewal. After last year’s brief pause, 283 exhibitors from 5 countries and regions will showcase their latest innovations at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) during this traditional peak sourcing period. The fair will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value from 28 – 30 March 2023.

Comprehensive range of products zoned for easy sourcing
The 27,000 sqm gross exhibition space in hall 5.2 will host suppliers in multiple product categories, such as bedding, towelling, table and kitchen linen, home textile technologies, and textile designs. Several product pavilions and zones will be formed to encourage efficient sourcing, with areas designated for quality bedding, towelling, feather and down duvet fillings, quilt fillings, intelligent equipment and upholstery fabric products. Buyers looking for sustainable fibres, yarns and fabrics may be interested in sourcing at the Lenzing Group’s brand new centralised Lenzing Home Textile Satellite Pavilion. With Lenzing joined by eight of its Chinese downstream manufacturers, the pavilion will showcase the various home textile applications for the Austrian company’s wood-based TENCEL™ fibres.

Other well-known international and domestic exhibitors include Cotton Council International (CCI), Zhangjiagang Coolist Life Technology, Guangdong Kulida Down, Wujiang City Yunjie Textiles, Yantai Pacific Home Fashion, Sunvim Group, and Jiangsu Goostars Hometextiles. These suppliers, and many more, will present their up-to-date products to meet the sourcing demands of buyers from different channels.

At every edition, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textile’s fringe events keep fairgoers informed on a variety of topics, allowing exhibitors and visitors alike to stay up to date with the latest market trends and make informed business decisions.

Aligning with the fair’s general direction on promoting sustainability, and to satisfy the industry’s needs, representatives from Lenzing will be holding an exclusive seminar about the e-commerce opportunities surrounding eco-friendly TENCEL™ products’ sleep enhancing qualities. Other presentations and discussions that touch on sustainability will also be available under the fair’s Textile & Technology event theme.

With consumers globally paying more attention to health issues and increasing their spending on health products, the home and contract textile industry is also a party to this rising trend. To this end, seminars discussing traditional Chinese medicine and how it relates to different health issues will be held on day one. Their crossover topics include how aromatherapy can encourage high-quality sleep, as well as an introduction on the innovation of traditional medicinal textiles.

Moreover, the well-known Chinese retailer will co-host an event that promotes home textile products made with Chinese cotton. Several talks will focus on different aspects, such as the products’ quality and the overall potential of this industry aided by government policies.

After China’s relaxation of border restrictions and other pandemic control measures, it is now easier for domestic and overseas buyers to visit their Chinese suppliers at the fairground, for the chance to touch and feel their desired products.


JIAM 2022 OSAKA concludes successfully

Japan International Apparel Machinery & Textile Industry Trade Show (JIAM) has wrapped up four successful days of business at INTEX OSAKA. From 30 November – 3 December 2022, a total of 10,452 visitors found their way to the fairground. 150 exhibitors from 11 different countries and regions welcomed visitors with an extensive and diverse selection of products. Buyers from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, South Korea, and Pakistan constituted the top five visiting countries (excluding Japan), compensating for a drop in visitors from China this year due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Japan International Apparel Machinery & Textile Industry Trade Show (JIAM) has wrapped up four successful days of business at INTEX OSAKA. From 30 November – 3 December 2022, a total of 10,452 visitors found their way to the fairground. 150 exhibitors from 11 different countries and regions welcomed visitors with an extensive and diverse selection of products. Buyers from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, South Korea, and Pakistan constituted the top five visiting countries (excluding Japan), compensating for a drop in visitors from China this year due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Under the theme of "It all connects at JIAM – the forefront of technology and master craftsmanship", the 2022 edition showcased apparel manufacturing solutions catered to each and every need, combining skillsets and knowledge with modern technology. At the opening ceremony, Mr Shinsuke Uchinashi, Chairman of the Japan Sewing Machinery Manufacturers Association (JASMA), commented, "In the new normal, there is growing demand for new technological advancements, productivity improvements, and greater quality control. In addition to solving these pain points, this edition’s exhibitors are also showcasing various innovations in response to automation, IoT, and networking."

A wide variety of special seminars held in Hall 4 were well received. Highlights included a skills training seminar hosted by an emeritus professor and panel discussions by leading companies in the manufacturing industry. SDGs, examples of IoT in industrial sewing machines, and upcycling initiatives were also on the agenda, with visitors gathered around the presented items taking notes.
The Home Sewing Zone led by three machine manufactures and JASMA held daily workshops where visitors could learn about upcycling using scraps, and take a break at the café with "cup sleeves" of their own making. Ms Kazuko Mizuochi of JASMA said, "We had a great attendance from the very first day. We were able to familiarize participants with sewing machines and also promote upcycling activities."

The next edition will take place from 27 – 30 November 2024 at INTEX OSAKA.


Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd

(c) Neonyt | Dita Vollmond

Neonyt wird erstmalig in Paris stattfinden

Die Neonyt wird erstmalig in Paris vom 21. – 23. Januar 2023 stattfinden und von der WSN Développement veranstaltet. Als eine in Europa relevante B2B-Orderplattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation wird sie internationalen Einkäufer*innen professionell verantwortungsvolle Brands mit textilem Weitblick präsentieren und neue Märkte von Frankreich aus, in Ergänzung zum bestehenden Standort Düsseldorf, erschließen und bedienen. Streng-nachhaltig und nach Design kuratierte Fashion trifft auf Zeitgeist-Gespür für Sustainability, Style und Trends. Zweimal im Jahr, im Januar und September, wird die Neonyt künftig parallel zu der Who's Next und IMPACT verwirklicht.

Im August diesen Jahres wurde die erste Neonyt in Lizenz an die Igedo Exhibitions in Düsseldorf vergeben und findet dort erstmalig vom 28. – 30. Januar 2023 auf dem Areal Böhler statt. Die Messe Frankfurt verkündet nun die Partnerschaft mit dem mode-erfahrenen Messe-Veranstalter WSN Développement aus Paris, der die Neonyt Paris operativ planen und auf dem Paris Expo Porte de Versailles durchführen wird.

Die Neonyt wird erstmalig in Paris vom 21. – 23. Januar 2023 stattfinden und von der WSN Développement veranstaltet. Als eine in Europa relevante B2B-Orderplattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation wird sie internationalen Einkäufer*innen professionell verantwortungsvolle Brands mit textilem Weitblick präsentieren und neue Märkte von Frankreich aus, in Ergänzung zum bestehenden Standort Düsseldorf, erschließen und bedienen. Streng-nachhaltig und nach Design kuratierte Fashion trifft auf Zeitgeist-Gespür für Sustainability, Style und Trends. Zweimal im Jahr, im Januar und September, wird die Neonyt künftig parallel zu der Who's Next und IMPACT verwirklicht.

Im August diesen Jahres wurde die erste Neonyt in Lizenz an die Igedo Exhibitions in Düsseldorf vergeben und findet dort erstmalig vom 28. – 30. Januar 2023 auf dem Areal Böhler statt. Die Messe Frankfurt verkündet nun die Partnerschaft mit dem mode-erfahrenen Messe-Veranstalter WSN Développement aus Paris, der die Neonyt Paris operativ planen und auf dem Paris Expo Porte de Versailles durchführen wird.

Von Beginn an war es das Ziel der Messe Frankfurt, die Neonyt mit ihrem ohnehin internationalen Charakter, ihrer Verantwortung und ihrer einmaligen Reputation auch über Deutschland hinaus in relevanten Märkten international zu platzieren und damit konsequent neue Zugänge zu verlässlich kuratierter Mode – hinsichtlich strikter Nachhaltigkeitsvorgaben bei gleichzeitiger Berücksichtigung aktueller, modischer Strömungen – zu ermöglichen. Dies sei in diesen Zeiten wichtiger denn je, um den unbestrittenen ökologischen und sozialen Mehrwert nachhaltiger Textilien zum Ausdruck zu bringen und verantwortungsvoller Mode attraktive Präsentationsplattformen in einem professionell-verlässlichen Orderumfeld zu ermöglichen, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies, Messe Frankfurt.

In Paris wird die Neonyt licensed by Messe Frankfurt zweimal im Jahr Ende Januar sowie Anfang September parallel zur internationalen Who's Next stattfinden. Die Who's Next präsentiert Einkäufer*innen Mode, Accessoires und Lifestyle plus Trends der Saison. In direkter Nachbarschaft zur Neonyt wird sich außerdem die 2019 gestartete IMPACT von WSN befinden. Sie setzt modisch-ökologische Akzente und unterstützt positive Maßnahmen zur Beschleunigung des ökologischen Wandels in der Modebranche. Who's Next und IMPACT ziehen international Einkäufer*innen an – insbesondere aber den Retail aus Frankreich, Italien, Spanien, Portugal, der Schweiz und Belgien. Vor Ort besonders interessant sind für alle Labels auf der Neonyt sowohl Specialty Stores, aber auch Multilable Stores, für die nachhaltige Mode sehr entscheidend ist.

Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies, Messe Frankfurt resümiert: „Zusammen mit der Neonyt in Lizenz in Düsseldorf wird die neue Location Paris eine symbiotische Marktbespielung und -ergänzung unseres Standort-Portfolios darstellen. Wir bieten fortan Einkäufer*innen, den Labels sowie unserer wachsenden und engagierten Community die Möglichkeit, sich Märkte neu zu erschließen und ihre Kund*innenbeziehungen noch stärker zu internationalisieren. Gleichzeitig treiben wir als Messe Frankfurt mit unserem internationalen Texpertise Network – über 50 Events weltweit, ca. 22.000 Aussteller und mehr als eine halbe Million Besucher*innen – intensiv unsere Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen im Textilbereich insgesamt voran.“


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH